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3 Other Mechanisms High Temperature Hydrogen Attack (HTHA) Description of Damage

a) High temperature hydrogen attack results from exposure to hydrogen at elevated

temperatures and pressures. The hydrogen reacts with carbides in steel to form methane (CH4)
which cannot diffuse through the steel. The loss of carbide causes an overall loss in strength.

b) Methane pressure builds up, forming bubbles or cavities, microfissures and fissures that may
combine to form cracks.

c) Failure can occur when the cracks reduce the load carrying ability of the pressure containing
part. Affected Materials

In order of increasing resistance: carbon steel, C-0.5Mo, Mn-0.5Mo, 1Cr-0.5Mo, 1.25Cr-0.5Mo,

2.25Cr-1Mo, 2.25Cr-1Mo-V, 3Cr-1Mo, 5Cr-0.5Mo and similar steels with variations in chemistry. Critical Factors

a) For a specific material, HTHA is dependent on temperature, hydrogen partial pressure, time
and stress. Service exposure time is cumulative.

b) HTHA is preceded by a period of time when no noticeable change in properties is detectable

by normal inspection techniques.

c) The incubation period is the time period during which enough damage has occurred to be
measured with available inspection techniques and may vary from hours at very severe
conditions to many years.

d) Figure 5-56 contains curves that show a temperature/hydrogen partial pressure safe operating
envelope for carbon and low alloy steels. Additional information on HTHA can be found in API RP

e) The curves are reasonably conservative for carbon steel up to about 10,000 psi hydrogen
partial pressure.

f) 300 Series SS, as well as 5Cr, 9Cr and 12 Cr alloys, are not susceptible to HTHA at conditions
normally seen in refinery units. Affected Units

a) Hydroprocessing units, such as hydrotreaters (desulfurizers) and hydrocrackers, catalytic

reformers, hydrogen producing units and hydrogen cleanup units, such as pressure swing
absorption units, are all susceptible to HTHA.

b) Boiler tubes in very high pressure steam service. Appearance or Morphology of Damage

a) HTHA can be confirmed through the use of specialized techniques including metallographic
analysis of damaged areas as described below.

b) The hydrogen/carbon reaction can cause surface decarburization of steel. If the diffusion of
carbon to the surface is limiting, the reaction can result in internal decarburization, methane
formation and cracking (Figures 5-57 to 5-59).

c) In the early stages of HTHA, bubbles/cavities can be detected in samples by a scanning

microscope, although it may be difficult to tell the difference between HTHA cavities and creep
cavities. Some refinery services expose low alloy steels to both HTHA and creep conditions. Early
stages of HTHA can only be confirmed through advanced metallographic analysis of damaged

d) In later stages of damage, decarburization and/or fissures can be seen by examining samples
under a microscope and may sometimes be seen by in-situ metallography (Figure 5-60 and 5-61).

e) Cracking and fissuring are intergranular and occur adjacent to pearlite (iron carbide) areas in
carbon steels.

f) Some blistering may be visible to the naked eye, due to either molecular hydrogen or methane
accumulating in laminations in the steel. Prevention/Mitigation

a) Use alloy steels with chromium and molybdenum to increase carbide stability thereby
minimizing methane formation. Other carbide stabilizing elements include tungsten and

b) Normal design practice is to use a 25 F to 50 F (14 C to 28 C) safety factor approach when

using the API RP 941 curves.

c) While the curves have served the industry well, there have been several failures of C-0.5Mo
steels in refinery service under conditions that were previously considered safe. C-0.5Mo carbide
stability under HTHA conditions may be due at least in part to the different carbides formed
during the various heat treatments applied to the fabricated equipment.

d) As a result of the problems with the 0.5 Mo alloy steels, its curve has been removed from the
main set of curves and the material is not recommended for new construction in hot hydrogen
services. For existing equipment, this concern has prompted an economic review of inspection
cost versus replacement with a more suitable alloy. Inspection is very difficult because problems
have occurred in weld heat affected zones as well as base metal away from welds.

e) 300 Series SS overlay and/or roll bond clad material is used in hydrogen service where the
base metal does not have adequate sulfidation resistance. Although it is recognized that properly
metallurgically bonded austenitic overlay/clad will decrease the hydrogen partial pressure seen
by the underlying metal, most refiners make sure the base metal has adequate resistance to
HTHA under service conditions. In some cases, refiners take the decrease in partial pressure into
account when evaluating the need for hydrogen outgassing while shutting down heavy wall
equipment. Inspection and Monitoring

a) Damage may occur randomly in welds or weld heat affected zones as well as the base metal,
making monitoring and detection of HTHA in susceptible materials extremely difficult.

b) Ultrasonic techniques using a combination of velocity ratio and AUBT have been the most
successful in finding fissuring and/or serious cracking. HTHA damage can only be found using
these techniques if damage has progressed to the point where microvoids would be visible at a
magnification of 1500X or lower, if a sample of the metal was removed for examination.

c) HTHA can occur in the base metal at locations remote from welds. In clad vessels, in particular,
HTHA damage can occur in base metal at locations where cladding has become disbonded.
Bulging of the cladding away from the underlying base metal may be a tell tale sign that HTHA
has occurred. Localized damage under cladding might be overlooked if inspection methods focus
only on the weld seams and nozzles (Reference 4).

d) In-situ metallography can only detect microfissuring, fissuring and decarburization near the
surface. However, most equipment has decarburized surfaces due to the various heat treatments
used during fabrication.

e) Visual inspection for blisters on the inside surface may indicate methane formation and
potential HTHA. However, HTHA may frequently occur without the formation of surface blisters.

f) Other conventional forms of inspection, including WFMT and RT, are severely limited in their
ability to detect anything except the advanced stages of damage where cracking has already

g) AET is not a proven method for the detection of damage. Related Mechanisms

A form of HTHA can occur in boiler tubes and is referred to by the fossil utility industry as
hydrogen damage. References
1. API RP 941, Steels for Hydrogen Service at Elevated Temperatures and Pressures in Petroleum
Refineries and Petrochemical Plants, American Petroleum Institute, Washington, D.C.

2. J. Vitovec, F.H., The Growth Rate of Fissures During Hydrogen Attack of Steels, API Division of
Refining, Vol. 44 {III} 1964, pp. 179-188.

3. Materials Property Council Report FS-26, Fitness-for Service Evaluation Procedures for
Operating Pressure Vessels, Tanks, and Piping in Refinery and Chemical Service, Draft 5,
Materials Properties Council, NY, 1995.

4. S. Decker et al., Safe Operation of a High Temperature Hydrogen Attack Affected DHT
Reactor, Paper #09339, NACE International, Houston, TX, 2009.

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