Department of Education
Department of Education
Department of Education
Department of Education
Region VIII
Ormoc City Division
Ormoc City District VIII
31 1 2 3
How are earthquakes being How are volcanoes being How are mountain ranges What is the basis of the scientist
distributed? distributed? distributed? in dividing Earth’s lithosphere
How do the location of volcanoes How do the locations of mountain into several plates?
Where are the locations of relate to the location of ranges relate to the locations of Compare the location of
earthquakes in the map? earthquake epicenters? earthquake epicenters and earthquake epicenters,
How are they being Where are the locations of volcanoes? volcanoes, and mountain
distributed? volcanoes in the map? Where are mountain ranges with the map of
Where are the places with How are volcanoes being ranges located? plate boundaries.
no earthquakes? distributed? How are they being
What is the important of Where are the places with distributed?
identifying areas prone to no volcanoes? Compare the distribution of
earthquakes? Compare the location of mountain ranges with the
majority of earthquake distribution of earthquake
epicenters with the location epicenters and volcanoes?
of volcanoes in the world?
Performance Standards (PS): Demonstrate ways to ensure disaster preparedness during earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions
MELC 2: Describe the different types of plate boundaries;
Duration: 1 week (4 hours)
7 8 9 10
What are the different types of What is divergent boundary? What is transform fault How do the three types of plates
Plate Boundary? boundary? differ from each other?
What is convergent boundary? Describe the movement of
Describe the movement of plates that occurs in a Describe the movement of Describe the three types of
plates that occurs in a divergent boundary. plates that occurs in a plates.
convergent boundary. transform fault boundary. Identify the type of
boundaries between
adjacent plates.
MELC 3: Explain the different processes that occur along the plate boundaries;
Duration: 2 week (8 hours)
14 15 16 17
Explain the different processes Explain what geologic Explain what geologic Explain the different processes
that occur along convergent processes or events will processes or events will that occur along divergent
boundary. occur when two oceanic occur when two continental boundary.
Explain what will happen plates collide? plates collide? Explain what will happen
when continental plate when two continental
collides with oceanic plate. plates tend to move from
What other geologic event each other.
could take place as the What are the geologic
plates continue to collide processes/events that
each other? occur in the divergence of
two continental plate?
21 22 23 24
Explain what will happen if Explain the different processes Explain the possibility of geologic Performance Task
the two oceanic plates that occur along transform fault events occur in the middle of a How can you help your family
moves apart from each boundary? plate. prepare for an impending
other? What will happen if two What is a hotspot? emergency?
What are the geologic plate sliding past each Describe how volcanic Prepare a survival kit.
processes/events that other? mountain chains are Decide what items should
occurs in the divergence of What are the geologic produced by a hotspot? be included in your
two oceanic plates? processes/events occur in survival kit.
a transform fault
Master Teacher I
Recommending Approval:
School Head
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