Police Order 2002 Updated Version Amendment

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Islamabad, the 21st March, 2006

No.F.2(1)/2006-Pub.- The following Ordinance promulgated by the President is

hereby published for general information :-

further to amend the Police Order, 2002
WHEREAS in pursuance of deliberations and agreement amongst the
Federal Government and Provincial Governments it is expedient further to
amend the Police Order, 2002 (C.E. Order No. 22 of 2002), for the purposes
hereinafter appearing;

AND WHEREAS the President of Pakistan has accorded sanction to the

aforesaid amendments, in terms of clause (2) of Article 268 of the Constitution;

AND WHEREAS the National Assembly is not in session and the

President is satisfied that the circumstances exist which render it necessary to
take immediate action;

NOW, THEREFORE, in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (1) of

Article 89 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the President is
pleased to make and promulgate the following Ordinance:-

1. Short title and commencement.- (1) This Ordinance may be called

the Police Order (Amendment) Ordinance, 2006.
(2) It shall come into force at once.

2. Amendment of Article 2, CEO 22 of 2002.- In the Police Order,

2002 (Chief Executive’s Order No. 22 of 2002), hereinafter to be called the said
Order, in Article 2, in clause (1),-

(a) after paragraph (i), the following new paragraph shall be inserted,

(i-a) “Capital City District” means the Islamabad City District, the
Federal Capital; City District of Quetta, City District of
Peshawar, City District of Lahore or City District of Karachi
being the metropolis of the Provinces of Baluchistan, North-
West Frontier, Punjab and Sind respectively;”;

(b) after paragraph (iv), the following new paragraph shall be inserted,
“(iv-a) “cognizance” means taking notice by an authority legally
empowered to take action on its decision regarding a matter
relating to neglect, excess or misconduct by, or any
omission or commission deemed illegal, committed by, a
Police Officer for remedial and corrective measures under
the provisions of this Order;”;
(c) for paragraph (v) the following shall be substituted, namely:-
“(v) “Commission” means National Public Safety Commission,
Provincial Public Safety and Police Complaints Commission,
Islamabad District Public Safety Commission and District
Public Safety and Police Complaints Commission
established under this Order;”;
(d) after paragraph (v), the following new paragraph shall be inserted,
“(v-a) “direct” means a written order or instruction to a Police
Officer issued by an authority empowered to direct under this
Order and such directing authority shall be deemed to be an
officer authorized under clause (2) of Article 155;”;

(e) after paragraph (vii), the following new paragraphs shall be

inserted, namely:-
“(vii-a) “ex-officio Secretary” means Provincial Police Officer who
shall exercise administrative and financial powers of the
Secretary to the Provincial Government with total autonomy
in operational, administrative and financial matters subject to
the policy, oversight and guidance given by the Chief
Minister through the Chief Secretary and the Provincial
Home Department;
(vii-b) “exigency of service”, in relation to posting and transfer,
means an urgent or unforeseen situation which, for the
reasons to be recorded in writing, requires premature
transfer of a Police Officer for performance of specific tasks
or duties but not as a replacement for what should be rightly
treated as an efficiency and discipline matter; and

(vii-c) “fact finding inquiry” means an inquiry into the allegations

contained in a complaint against a Police Officer, including
the factual incidents, relating to neglect, excess or omission
or commission of any act constituting an offence and the
outcome of such inquiry shall be admissible in evidence
before a court, tribunal or an authority;”;

(f) after paragraph (xxii), the following new paragraph shall be inserted,

“(xxii-a) “responsible” means a Police Officer who is answerable

and accountable, for effective and efficient performance of
assigned duties and functions, and for implementation of all
lawful orders and instructions issued by an officer or an
authority to whom he is responsible under this Order and
non-compliance of such orders, directions and instructions
which he is bound to observe or obey for action shall be
liable under paragraph (c) of clause (1) of Article 155;”;

(g) in paragraph (xxvi), the word “and”, at the end, shall be omitted;

(h) after paragraph (xxvi), the following new paragraph shall be

inserted, namely:-

“(xxvi-a) “superintendence” means supervision of Police by the

appropriate Government through policy, oversight and
guidance and, in case of a Province, it shall be exercised by
the Chief Minister through the Chief Secretary and the
Provincial Home Department, while ensuring total autonomy
of the Provincial Police Officer in operational, administrative
and financial matters and, in case of Federal Capital, such
supervision shall be exercised by the Ministry of Interior,
Government of Pakistan; and”.

3. Amendment of Article 10, CEO 22 of 2002.- In the said Order, in

Article 10, in clause (4), after the word “Safety”, the words “and Police
Complaints” shall be inserted.

4. Amendment of Article 11, CEO 22 of 2002.- In the said Order, in

Article 11, in clause (1), the words “by the National Public Safety Commission
from a list provided” shall be omitted.

5. Amendment of Article 12, CEO 22 of 2002.- In the said Order, in

Article 12,-

(a) for clauses (2) and (3) the following shall be substituted, namely:-
“(2) The Provincial Government may, with the approval of
the Federal Government, repatriate, or the Federal Government may,
on its own accord, recall, a Provincial Police Officer.

(3) The Provincial Public Safety and Police Complaints

Commission may, for reasons to be recorded in writing,
recommend to the Provincial Government for repatriation of the
Provincial Police Officer before the expiry of his term of office and
the Provincial Government may thereupon move the Federal
Government for his repatriation in accordance with clause (2).”;
(b) in clause (5), for the proviso the following shall be substituted,
“Provided that before initiating such transfer, the
Commission shall give the concerned officer an opportunity
of being heard in person.”; and

(c) clause (6) shall be omitted.

6. Amendment of Article 15, CEO 22 of 2002.- In the said Order, in

Article 15,-

(a) in clause (1), for the words “in consultation with” the words “with the
approval of” shall be substituted; and

(b) for clause (3) the following shall be substituted, namely:-

“(3) Under exceptional circumstances due to exigency of

service or on grounds of misconduct and inefficiency which warrant
major penalty under the relevant rules, the City Police Officer or
District Police Officer may be transferred, with the approval of the
Government, before completion of the term of office.”.

7. Amendment of Article 18, CEO No. 22 of 2002.- In the said Order,

in Article 18,-

(a) in clause (3), for the full stop at the end a colon shall be substituted
and thereafter the following proviso shall be added, namely:-

“Provided that the Investigation Wing shall be located

within the Police Station and shall be responsible to its own
hierarchy in the District under the general control of Officer-
in-charge of the Police Station.”; and

(b) after clause (6), the following explanation shall be added, namely:-
“Explanation.- For the purpose of this Article, “general
control” means the relationship between the authority of the
officer-in-charge of Investigation in a District or a Police Station
and the District Police Officer and officer-in-charge of the
Police Station, as the case may be. This relationship requires
full support to the officer-in-charge of Investigation in the
performance of his duties and officer-in-charge of Investigation
shall coordinate with the District Police Officer or officer-in-
charge of the police station, as the case may be, and provide
information to him on all matters which have a bearing on
watch and ward and public order functions. Any directions in
this regard by the officer vested with general control shall not
explicitly or impliedly interfere in the conduct of investigation or
transfer of investigation and diversion of manpower or
resources of Investigation to other police functions.”.

8. Amendment of Article 21, CEO 22 of 2002.- In the said Order, in

Article 21-

(a) for clause (2) the following shall be substituted, namely:-

“(2) The Provincial Police Officer, Capital City Police Officer or

the City Police Officer may, with the approval of the Government,-

(i) divide districts into police divisions, sub-divisions and police


(ii) sub-divide police stations into police posts; and

(iii) define the limits and extent of such divisions, sub-divisions,

police stations and police posts.”; and

(b) in clause (4), in the proviso, for the full stop at the end a colon shall
be substituted and thereafter the following further proviso shall be
added, namely:-

“Provided further that the term of office of an officer under

whom a police division, sub-division or police station respectively is
placed shall be the same as that of Head of District Police from the
date of posting and any transfer before completion of his term of
office will only take place due to exigency of service or misconduct
warranting major penalty.”.

9. Amendment of Article 32, CEO 22 of 2002.- In the said Order, in

Article 32,-
(a) in clause (1), for the word “consultation” the word “coordination” shall
be substituted;

(b) in clause (3),

(i) for the words “appropriate Public Safety Commission”, the

words “concerned Commission at the District level” shall be
substituted; and

(ii) after the words “Provincial Public Safety”, the words “and
Police Complaints” shall be inserted; and

(c) in clause (4), for the words “District Public Safety Commission”, the
words “concerned Commission at the District level” shall be

10. Amendment of Article 33, CEO 22 of 2002.- In the said Order, in

Article 33,-

(a) in clause (2), the word “Provincial”, occurring twice, shall be omitted;

(b) after clause (2), the following new clause shall be added, namely:-

“(3) In the normal channel of writing the Performance

Evaluation Report of the Head of District Police, the Zila Nazim
shall write the manuscript report of the Head of District Police in the
specified Part of the Form of Performance Evaluation Report
provided in the Fourth Schedule, which shall be taken into
consideration at the time of promotion of the Officer.”.

11. Amendment of Article 34, CEO 22 of 2002.- In the said Order, in

Article 34,-

(a) in clause (1), in the second proviso, for the colon a full stop shall be
substituted and thereafter the third proviso shall be omitted; and
(b) clause (3) shall be omitted.

12. Amendment of Article 35, CEO 22 of 2002.- In the said Order, in

Article 35,-

(a) in clause (1), for the words “appropriate Public Safety Commission”,
the words “concerned Commission at the District level” shall be
substituted; and
(b) in clause (3), for the words “appropriate Public Safety Commission”,
the words “concerned Commission at the District level” shall be

13. Amendment of Article 36, CEO 22 of 2002.- In the said Order, in

Article 36, for the words “Provincial Police Complaints Authority or” the words
and comma “Provincial Public Safety and Police Complaints Commission or,”
shall be substituted.

14. Amendment of Title of Chapter V, CEO 22 of 2002.- In the said

Order, the title of Chapter V, after the word “SAFETY”, the words “AND POLICE
COMPLAINTS” shall be inserted.

15. Substitution of Article 37, CEO 22 of 2002.- In the said Order, for
Article 37 the following shall be substituted, namely:-

“37. Establishment of District Public Safety and Police Complaints

Commission.- (1) The Provincial Government shall establish a District
Public Safety and Police Complaints Commission in every District,
including Capital City District, consisting of nine members one of whom
shall be the Chairperson.

(2) The Commission shall have its independent budget under a

separate budgetary head of account, Drawing and Disbursing Officer and
the Chairperson of the Commission shall be its Principal Accounting
Officer. ”.

16. Substitution of Article 38, CEO 22 of 2002.- In the said Order, for
Article 38, the following shall be substituted, namely:-

“38. Composition.- (1) The composition of the District Public Safety and
Police Complaints Commission shall be as follows:-
(a) one-third members shall be appointed by the Government from
amongst the Members of the Provincial Assembly and National
Assembly of the District concerned as ex-officio members, including
a woman member:
Provided that where in a District, members of the Provincial
Assembly or National Assembly fall short of the required number of
such members, the vacant seat shall be allocated to independent
Provided further that in case of non-availability of a woman
member of the Provincial Assembly or National Assembly in a
District, the seat shall be allocated to a woman independent
(b) one-third members, of whom one shall be a woman, shall be
appointed as independent members by the Government from a list
of names recommended by the Selection Panel; and
(c) the remaining one-third members, out of whom one shall be a
woman, shall be elected by the Zila Council from amongst its
members on the basis of each member casting only one vote in
favour of any contesting candidate through secret ballot.

Explanation.- For the purpose of this Article, the “District concerned” for
women members of the Provincial Assembly and National Assembly shall,
as far as possible, be on the basis of the District where they are registered
as voters.

(2) In place of the members referred to in paragraphs (b) and (c)

of clause (1), the elected or appointed members of the erstwhile District
Public Safety Commission in the respective numbers holding office on the
commencement of the Police Order (Amendment) Ordinance, 2004, shall
continue to hold their offices till completion of their term of office as
member of the District Public Safety and Police Complaints Commission.

(3) The Chairperson of the District Selection Panel shall conduct

the election of the Chairman and members of the District Public Safety and
Police Complaints Commission referred to in clause (1) of Article 39 and
paragraph (c) of clause (1) of this Article.

(4) The names of the members of the Commission shall be

notified in the Official Gazette.”.

17. Substitution of Article 39, CEO 22 of 2002.- In the said Order, for
Article 39 the following shall be substituted, namely:-

“39. Appointment of Chairperson.- (1) The Chairperson of the District

Public Safety and Police Complaints Commission shall be elected by the
members from amongst themselves every three years:

Provided that the Chairperson of the District Public Safety

Commission at the commencement of the Police Order (Amendment)
Ordinance, 2004, shall continue to hold such office till completion of his
term of office as Chairperson of the District Public Safety and Police
Complaints Commission.

(2) The Chairperson of the District Public Safety and Police

Complaints Commission shall be eligible for re-election for the second
(3) The Chairperson of the District Public Safety and Police
Complaints Commission shall not be removed from his office save as
provided for removal of a member of the Commission.

(4) The Chairperson shall be entitled to honoraria and privileges

as may be determined by the Government.”.

18. Amendment of Article 40, CEO 22 of 2002.- In the said Order, in

Article 40, after the word “Safety”, the words “and Police Complaints” shall be

19. Amendment of Article 41, CEO 22 of 2002.- In the said Order, in

Article 41,-

(a) in clause (1), for the words “District Government” the words
“Provincial Public Safety and Police Complaints Commission” shall
be substituted;

(b) in clause (2), for the word “consensus” the words and comma
“majority vote, one of whom shall be the Chairperson of the
Selection Panel” shall be substituted; and

(c) in clause (3), for the words “commencement of the selection

process” the words “occurrence of the vacancy” shall be

20. Substitution of Article 42, CEO 22 of 2002.- In the said Order, for
Article 42 the following shall be substituted, namely :-

“42. Functions of the Selection Panel.- The Selection Panel shall

identify suitable candidates as well as invite applications and after scrutiny
forward to the Government the names of persons twice the number of
appointments to be made.”.

21. Amendment of Article 43, CEO 22 of 2002.- In the said Order, in

Article 43, after the word “Safety”, the words “and Police Complaints” shall be

22. Substitution of Article 44, CEO 22 of 2002.- In the said Order, for
Article 44 the following shall be substituted, namely :-

“44. Powers and Functions of the District Public Safety and Police
Complaints Commission.- (1) The District Public Safety and Police
Complaints Commission shall exercise the powers and perform the
following functions including those relating to complaints against the police
officers serving in the District, except the Head of District Police, namely:-
(a) approve an annual Local Policing Plan prepared by the Head of
District Police in coordination with the Zila Nazim setting out the
arrangements for policing during the year:

Provided that such Policing Plan shall include-

(i) a statement of financial resources expected to be
made available; and
(ii) performance targets for the year and their delivery
(b) the District Public Safety and Police Complaints Commission shall
submit an annual report to the Government through the Provincial
Public Safety and Police Complaints Commission, inter alia,
(i) an abstract relating to performance of the District Public
Safety and Police Complaints Commission during the year;
(ii) a report on the functioning of the District Police;
(iii) a report on matters connected with the law and order in the
District; and
(iv) a report on the implementation of the District Policing Plan;
(c) encourage police-public cooperation;
(d) evaluate the delivery of performance targets contained in the Local
Policing Plan on quarterly basis and send half-yearly reports to the
Provincial Government, Provincial Public Safety and Police
Complaints Commission, Provincial Police Officer, Zila Nazim,
Tehsil (Taulka) Nazim and Town Nazim;
(e) take steps to prevent the Police from engaging in any unlawful
activity arising out of compliance with unlawful or mala fide orders;
(f) refer the matter in writing to the Provincial Government for
appropriate action where the District Public Safety and Police
Complaints Commission is satisfied that a collusive relationship
detrimental to the interest of the people exists between the Zila
Nazim and Head of District Police;
(g) direct the Head of District Police under clause (4) of Article 135 for
disposal of unclaimed property in accordance with law;
(h) direct the Head of District Police in writing, where the District Public
Safety and Police Complaints Commission has reasons to believe
that the in-charge of the police station has unjustifiably refused or
avoided to register the First Information Report, to conduct an
inquiry into the matter and cause the registration of the First
Information Report under section 154 of the Code, if any cognizable
case is made out from the allegations of the complainant and report
to the District Public Safety and Police Complaints Commission
within forty-eight hours the action taken by him;

(i) direct the Head of District Police in writing to enquire into a

complaint of neglect in general or by a functionary of a District
Police in particular, and take appropriate action and report within
the specified period;

(j) require, on a complaint of excess committed by any member of

Federal Law Enforcement Agency or civil armed forces acting in aid
of the district police, the appropriate authority of the concerned
department in writing to take remedial action and report within a
specified period and if no action is taken by the concerned
authority, a reference may be made by the District Public Safety
and Police Complaints Commission to the head of concerned
organization or the Federal Police Complaints Authority for
appropriate action;

(k) receive from an aggrieved person a complaint, in writing supported

by an affidavit, of neglect, excess or misconduct against a Police

(l) take cognizance of such complaints as may fall within its

competence and forward other complaints to the Provincial Public
Safety and Police Complaints Commission; and

(m) in cases falling within the competence of the District Public Safety
and Police Complaints Commission, it may-

(i) direct the Head of District Police in writing to take

appropriate action and submit a report within a specified
period; or

(ii) conduct a fact finding inquiry on its own by two or more of its
members or through an officer serving in the District, not
below the rank of Basic Pay Scale 18 and, in case the
complaint is found correct, send the inquiry report to the
Head of District Police and direct him to take legal action
against the delinquent Police Officer;

(iii) report the matter to the Provincial Government through the

Provincial Public Safety and Police Complaints Commission
for action under the appropriate law, where the Head of
District Police does not submit a report or take action on the
directions given by the District Public Safety and Police
Complaints Commission;

(iv) inform the complainant of the outcome of the inquiry in

writing as soon as possible; and

(v) direct the appropriate authority, in case of any frivolous, or

vexatious complaint, to initiate action under the law against
the complainant.

(2) The District Public Safety and Police Complaints Commission

shall, for the purpose of this Order, have the same powers as are vested in
a civil court under the Code of Civil Procedure (Act V of 1908), in respect of
the following matters, namely:-

(a) summoning and enforcing the attendance of any person and

examining him on oath;

(b) compelling the production of documents;

(c) receiving evidence on affidavits; and

(d) issuing commission for the examination of witnesses.”.

23. Amendment of Article 45, CEO 22 of 2002.- In the said Order, in

Article 45,-

(a) in the marginal note, after the word “Safety”, the words “and Police
Complaints” shall be inserted;
(b) in clause (1), after the words “member of”, the words and commas
“the Provincial Assembly or National Assembly or, as the case may
be,” shall be inserted;
(c) for clause (2) the following shall be substituted, namely:-
“(2) An independent member shall not be eligible for
appointment as such member for a third term.”; and
(d) clause (5) shall be omitted.

24. Amendment of Article 46, CEO 22 of 2002.- In the said Order, in

Article 46,-

(a) for the words “Governor on his” the words “Government on its” shall
be substituted;

(b) after the word “Safety”, the words “and Police Complaints” shall be
inserted; and
(c) in paragraph (h), after the word “Safety”, the words “and Police
Complaints” shall be inserted.

25. Amendment of Article 47, CEO 22 of 2002.- In the said Order, in

Article 47,-

(a) in the marginal note, after the word “Safety”, the words “and Police
Complaints” shall be inserted;

(b) in clause (1), after the word “Safety”, the words “and Police
Complaints” shall be inserted;

(c) in clause (3), after the word “Safety”, the words “and Police
Complaints” shall be inserted;

(d) in clause (6), for the word “District Police Officer or City Police
Officer or in their absence their” the words and comma “Head of
District Police or, in his absence his” shall be substituted; and

(e) for clause (8) the following shall be substituted, namely:-

“(8) The rules of procedure for conduct of business of the

Commission shall be made by the Government.”.

26. Amendment of Article 48, CEO 22 of 2002.- In the said Order, in

Article 48,-

(a) in clause (1), after the word “Safety”, the words “and Police
Complaints” shall be inserted; and

(b) for clauses (2) and (3) the following shall be substituted, namely;-

“(2) The Secretariat shall be headed by an officer not

below Basic Pay Scale 18 who shall be appointed by the Provincial
Government in consultation with the Chairperson of the

(3) The Secretariat shall consist of such number of

officers and members of the staff as the Government may, in
consultation with the Commission, determine from time to time.

(4) The terms and conditions of service of the officers and

members of the staff of the District Public Safety and Police
Complaints Commission shall be notified by the Government.
(5) The Chairperson of the Commission shall, with the
approval of the Government, engage the services of a legal advisor
on full-time basis.”.

27. Omission of Chapter VI, CEO 22 of 2002.- In the said Order,

Chapter VI relating to Capital City District Public Safety Commission, including Articles
49 to 60 shall be omitted.

28. Amendment of Article 65, CEO 22 of 2002.- In the said order, in

Article 65, in clause (1), for the words “Chief Justice of High Court” the words
“District and Sessions Judge” shall be substituted.

29. Amendment of Chapter VIII, CEO 22 of 2002.- In the said Order,

in Chapter VIII, in the title, after the word “SAFETY”, the words “AND POLICE
COMPLAINTS” shall be inserted.

30. Amendment of Article 73, CEO 22 of 2002.- In the said Order, in

Article73,- in clause (1), after the word “Safety”, the words “and Police
Complaints” shall be inserted.

31. Amendment of Article 74, CEO 22 of 2002.- In the said Order, in


(a) in clause (1),-

(i) after the word “Safety”, the words “and Police Complaints” shall
be inserted; and

(ii) for the words “three each from the Treasury and” the words
“four from the Treasury and two from the” shall be
substituted; and

(iii) in the proviso, for the full stop at the end a colon shall be
substituted and thereafter the following further proviso shall
be added, namely:-

“Provided further that such members shall not be

members of the Standing Committee of the Provincial
Assembly on Home Affairs.”;

(b) for clause (2) the following shall be substituted, namely:-

“(2) The other half comprising independent members shall

be appointed by the Government on the recommendation of the
Selection Panel:

Provided that at least two members shall be women.”; and

(c) in clause (3), after the word “Safety”, the words “and Police
Complaints” shall be inserted.

32. Amendment of Article 75, CEO 22 of 2002.- In the said Order, in


(a) in clause (1), after the word “Safety”, the words “and Police
Complaints” shall be inserted; and

(b) in clause (2), after the word “Safety”, the words “and Police
Complaints” shall be inserted.

33. Amendment of Article 76, CEO 22 of 2002.- In the said Order, in

Article 76, after the word “Safety”, the words “and Police Complaints” shall be

34. Amendment of Article 77, CEO 22 of 2002.- In the said Order, in

Article 77,-

(a) for clause (1) the following shall be substituted, namely:-

“(1) There shall be a Selection Panel for independent

members consisting of the Provincial Ombudsman who shall be its
Chairperson and the Chairman of the Provincial Public Service
Commission and a nominee of the Chief Minister as its members:

Provided that, where in a Province, the Provincial

Ombudsman has not been appointed, a retired Judge of the High
Court nominated by the Chief Justice of the High Court shall act as
Chairperson of the Selection Panel:

Provided further that the nominee of the Chief Minister shall

not be an elected representative or a person in the service of
Pakistan.”; and

(b) in clause (3), for the words “commencement of the selection

process” the words “occurrence of a vacancy” shall be substituted.

35. Amendment of Article 78, CEO 22 of 2002.- In the said Order, for
Article 78 the following shall be substituted, namely:-

“78. Functions of the Selection Panel.- The Selection Panel shall

identify suitable candidates as well as invite applications and after scrutiny
forward to the Government the names of persons twice the number of
appointments to be made.”.
36. Amendment of Article 79, CEO 22 of 2002.- In the said Order, in
Article 79, for the words “a member of Provincial Public Safety”, the words “an
independent member of the Provincial Public Safety and Police Complaints” shall
be substituted.

37. Amendment of Article 80, CEO 22 of 2002.- In the said Order, in

Article 80,-

(a) in the marginal note, after the word “Safety”, the words “and Police
Complaints” shall be inserted;

(b) in clause (1),-

(i) after the word “Safety”, the words “and Police Complaints” shall
be inserted;

(ii) for paragraph (a) the following shall be substituted, namely:-

“(a) make recommendations to the Government for
promoting integrity, efficiency and effectiveness of
Police;”; and

(iii) for paragraph (b) the following shall be substituted, namely:-

“(b) take steps to prevent the Police from engaging in any

unlawful activity arising out of compliance with
unlawful or mala fide orders;”; and

(c) in clause (2),-

(i) for the words, brackets and figure “sub-section (1) the
Commission shall perform the following specific
responsibilities” the words, brackets, figure and comma
“clause (1), the Commission shall perform the following
specific functions” shall be substituted;

(ii) in paragraph (a), for the words “Public Safety” the words
“District Public Safety and Police Complaints” shall be

(iii) in paragraph (b),-

(i) for the words “pre-mature transfer” the word

“repatriation” shall be substituted; and

(ii) the colon and proviso shall be omitted;

(iv) in paragraph (d), for the words “and National Public Safety
Commissions” the words “Public Safety and Police
Complaints Commissions and National Public Safety
Commission” shall be substituted;

(v) paragraph (e) shall be omitted;

(vi) in paragraph (k), after the word “Safety”, occurring twice, the
words “and Police Complaints” shall be inserted;

(vii) in paragraph (l), after the word “Safety”, occurring thrice, the
words “and Police Complaints” shall be inserted;

(vii) in paragraph (m), after the word “Safety”, the words “and
Police Complaints” shall be inserted;

(ix) in paragraph (o), the word “and” at the end shall be omitted;

(x) after paragraph (p), the following paragraphs shall be added,


“(q) take cognizance of cases of Police neglect, excess,

abuse of authority and conduct prejudicial to public
interest against Head of District Police and police
officers not serving in a District-
(i) on a complaint from an aggrieved person in
writing supported by an affidavit; or
(ii) on a report from a District Public Safety and
Police Complaints Commission; or
(iii) on a reference from the Government; or
(iv) on its own accord;

(r) inquire into the complaint either by itself or through

any Government officer not below the Basic Pay
Scale 19 and on the basis of findings of the inquiry-

(i) file the complaint, if the charges are not

proved; or refer the matter to the concerned
Head of General Police Area for departmental
action and report back; or order the registration
of a criminal case under the relevant provisions
of Pakistan Penal Code (Act V of 1860), this
Order or any other law for the time being in
(ii) report, to the Chief Minister, where the
Commission is not satisfied with the action
taken by the Head of General Police Area in
cases referred to in sub-paragraph (i) and make
appropriate recommendations in this behalf;

(iii) recommend disciplinary action against an

inquiry officer for wilful neglect or mishandling
of an inquiry;

(iv) inform the complainant of the outcome of the

inquiry in writing as soon as possible; and

(v) direct the appropriate authority, in case of any

frivolous, or vexatious complaint, to initiate action
under the law against the complainant; and

(s) delegate any of its powers to its Chairperson.”.

38. Amendment of Article 81, CEO 22 of 2002.- In the said Order, in

Article 81,-

(a) in the marginal note, after the word “Safety”, the words “and Police
Complaints” shall be inserted;

(b) in clause (1), for the words “the same as that of the Provincial
Assembly” the words “for a period of three years” shall be

(c) for clause (2) the following shall be substituted, namely:-

“(2) A member shall not be eligible for a third term.”; and

(d) clause (5) shall be omitted.

39. Amendment of Article 82, CEO 22 of 2002.- In the said Order, in

Article 82,-

(a) for the words “Governor on its own volition or on the

recommendation of the Provincial Public Safety” the words
“Government may either on its own accord or on the
recommendations of the Provincial Public Safety and Police
Complaints” shall be substituted; and

(b) in paragraph (h), after the word “Safety”, the words “and Police
Complaints” shall be inserted.
40. Amendment of Article 83, CEO 22 of 2002.- In the said Order, in
Article 83,-

(a) in the marginal note, after the word “Safety”, the words “and Police
Complaints” shall be inserted;

(b) in clause (1), after the word “Safety”, the words “and Police
Complaints” shall be inserted; and

(c) in clause (3), for the words “two-third” the words “one-half” shall be

41. Amendment of Article 84, CEO 22 of 2002.- In the said Order, in

Article 84,-

(a) in clause (1), after the word “Safety”, the words “and Police
Complaints” shall be inserted;

(b) for clause (2) the following shall be substituted, namely:-

“(2) The Secretariat shall be headed by an officer not

below the Basic Pay Scale 20 who shall be appointed by the Chief
Minister in consultation with the Chairperson of the Commission.”;

(c) for clause (4), the following shall be substituted, namely:-

“(4) The Chairperson of the Commission shall, with the

approval of the Government, engage the services of a legal advisor
on full-time basis.

(5) The terms and conditions of service of the members

of staff of the Commission shall be determined by the Government
in consultation with the Commission.

(6) The functions of the officers and members of staff

shall be determined by the Commission.

(7) The Secretariat shall be attached to the Services and

General Administration Department for the purpose of budget and
matters pertaining to the Provincial Assembly.”.

42. Amendment of Article 89, CEO 22 of 2002.- In the said Order, in

Article 89, in clause (1), after for the words “Supreme Court of Pakistan”, the
words “or a Judge of the Supreme Court nominated by the Chief Justice” shall be
43. Amendment of Article 92, CEO 22 of 2002.- In the said Order, in
Article 92, in clause (3),-

(a) paragraph (b) shall be omitted; and

(b) in paragraph (i), after the word “Safety”, the words “and Police
Complaints” shall be inserted.

44. Amendment of title of Chapter X, CEO 22 of 2002.- In the said

Order, in Chapter X, in the title, for the word “Authorities” the word “Authority”
shall be substituted.

45. Amendment of Article 100, CEO 22 of 2002.- In the said Order, in

Article 100,-

(a) in paragraph (a), for the words “District Public Safety Commission”,
the words “concerned Commission at the District level” shall be
substituted; and

(b) in paragraph (l), for the words “Provincial Police Complaints

Authority or District Public Safety” the words “Provincial Public
Safety and Police Complaints Commission or District Public Safety
and Police Complaints” shall be substituted.

46. Omission of Articles 103 to 108, CEO 22 of 2002.- In the said

Order, Articles 103 to 108 shall be omitted.

47. Amendment of Article 112, CEO 22 of 2002.- In the said Order, in

Article 112, the word “prior” shall be omitted.

48. Amendment of Article 134, CEO 22 of 2002.- In the said Order, in

Article 134, for the words “District Public Safety Commission” the words
“concerned Commission at the District level” shall be substituted.

49. Amendment of Article 135, CEO 22 of 2002.- In the said Order, in

Article 135, in clause (4), for the words “District Public Safety Commission” the
words “concerned Commission at the District level” shall be substituted.

50. Amendment of Article 152, CEO 22 of 2002.- In the said Order, in

Article 152, after the words “enquiry by the”, the word “Federal” shall be inserted.

51. Amendment of Article 155, CEO 22 of 2002.- In the said Order, in

Article 155, in clause (2), after the word “rules”, the words “to be made by the
Government” shall be added.
52. Amendment of Article 168, CEO 22 of 2002.- In the said Order, in
Article 168,-

(a) after the words “Provincial Public Safety”, the words “and Police
Complaints” shall be inserted;

(b) in paragraph (a), for the words “Public Safety” the words “members
and staff of the” shall be substituted; and

(c) in paragraph (c), for the words and comma “Public Safety
Commissions,” the words and comma “Commissions, Federal” shall
be substituted.

53. Amendment of Article 169, CEO 22 of 2002.- In the said Order, in

Article 169, in clause (6), after the word “Safety”, occurring for the second and
third time, the words “and Police Complaints” shall be inserted.

54. Insertion of new Article, CEO 22 of 2002.- In the said Order, after Article
186, the following new Article shall be inserted namely:-

“186A. Power to amend the Schedules.- The Federal Government

may, by notification in the official Gazette, amend any Schedule.”

55. Addition of Fourth Schedule, CEO 22 of 2002.- In the said Order,

after the Third Schedule, the following new Schedule shall be added, namely:-
[See Article 33 (3)]

Certified that I ____________________________ ___________________________
(Name of Head of District Police) Personal Number (if allotted)

_______________________ ____________ have on _________________________ submitted by

(Service) (BPS) (Date)

Performance Evaluation Report for the period _______________________________________________

to __________________________________________________________________________________
(Name of the Zila Nazim, District)
My countersigning officer is ____________________________________________________________
(Name of the Provincial Police Officer)

Signature ______________________
District __________________

• After initiation of their PER, the officers under report should immediately fill up the detachable
‘certificate’ giving names of the RO/ZN/CO and forward the same to the Officer Incharge of
their respective confidential records. This exercise will ensure proper follow-up of the pending
performance evaluation reports by the concerned Ministry/Division/Provincial Government

• Forms should be filled in duplicate. Parts I and II are to be filled by the officer under report
and should be typed. Part III will be filled by the Reporting Officer while the Zila
Nazim/Countersigning/ Second Countersigning Officers will fill Parts IV, V & VI respectively.

• Each Division, Department, autonomous body and office etc. is required to prepare specific
job descriptions giving main duties of each job to be mentioned in part-II (1). The job
descriptions may be finalized with the approval of the Head of the Organization or any person
authorized by him.

• The officer under report should fill Part II (2) of the form as objectively as possible and short
term and long term targets should be determined / assigned with utmost care. The targets for
each job may be formulated at the beginning of the year wherever possible. In other cases,
the work performed during the year needs to be specifically mentioned.

• Assessment by the Reporting Officers should be job-specific and confined to the work done
by the officer during the period under report. They should avoid giving a biased or evasive
assessment of the officer under report, as the Countersigning Officers would be required to
comment on the quality of the assessment made by them.

• The Reporting Officers should carryout their assessment in Part III through comments against
each characteristic. Their opinions should represent the result of careful consideration and
objective assessment so that, if called upon, they could justify the remarks/comments. They
may maintain a record of the work done by the sub ordinates in this regard.

• The Reporting Officers should be careful in giving the overall and comparative gradings.
Special care should be taken so that no officer is placed at an undue disadvantage.

• The Countersigning Officers should weigh the remarks of the RO against their personal
knowledge of the officer under report, compare him with other officers of the same grade
working under different Reporting Officers, but under the same Countersigning Officer, and
then give their overall assessment of the officer. In case of disagreement with the
assessment done by the Reporting Officer, specific reasons should be recorded by the
Countersigning Officers in Part V (2).

• The Countersigning Officers should make an unbiased evaluation of the quality of

performance evaluation made by the RO by categorizing the reports as exaggerated, fair or
biased. This would evoke a greater sense of responsibility from the reporting officers.

• The Countersigning Officers should underline, in red ink, remarks which in their opinion are
adverse and should be communicated to the officer reported upon. All adverse remarks
whether remediable or irremediable should be communicated to the officer under report, with
a copy of communication placed in the CR dossier. Reporting Officers should ensure that
they properly counsel the officer under report before adverse remarks are recorded.

• The Reporting and Countersigning Officers should be clear, direct, objective and
unambiguous in their remarks. Vague impressions based on inadequate knowledge or
isolated incidents should be avoided.
• Reports should be consistent with the pen picture, overall grading and comparative grading.


• Parts I and II of the PER should be duly filled and dispatched to the Reporting Officer not
later than the 15th of January. The ROs should forward the report to the Zila Nazim. The
Zila Nazim should forward the report to the Countersigning Officer within two weeks of
receipt after filling Part IV. The COs should then finalize their comments in Part V within
two weeks of receipt of PER. The Second Countersigning Officers, if any, should also
complete their assessment within a period of two weeks.

• Name and designation of Reporting Officer/Zila Nazim/Countersigning Officers should be

clearly written. Comments should be legible and in the prescribed format and which can
be easily scanned.

• Personnel Number is to be filled in by the officer under report, if allotted.

• Proforma has been devised in English/Urdu to provide flexibility to RO/ZN/CO in the

choice of language.

• Comparative grading only applies to officers falling in very good, good and average
categories. This grading would not apply to anyone falling in below average category in
Part III (6).



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