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Phys 103 A.Y. 2019-2020

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Course Syllabus
A.Y. 2019-2020

University Vision University Mission

A globally-engaged University excelling in Science, Engineering Caraga State University endeavors to produce globally-competitive and socially
and the Arts. responsible human capital towards the sustainable and inclusive development of Caraga

General Mandate Core Values

Caraga State University shall primarily provide advanced education, Competen

higher technological, professional instruction and training in the
fields of agriculture and environmental studies, fishery, ce
engineering, forestry, industrial technology, education, law, Service; and
medicine and other health related programs, information Uprightness
technology, arts and sciences and other related courses. It shall
undertake research and extension services, and provide progressive
leadership in its areas of specialization.


Course Name Waves and Optics
Course Code Phys 103
No. of Units 4 (3 units lecture, 1 unit laboratory)
Course Description This course is designed specifically for education major students to help them develop deeper understanding of general Physics problems and
concepts, and build problem-solving skills. Moreover, this course covers areas in waves and optics such as oscillation, sound, light, image formation by
plane and curved mirrors, image formation by thin lenses and other related fields. Numerous examples and applications relating waves and optics to
everyday situations will be used to illustrate physical principles. Finally, the unifying aspect of physical laws in waves and optics, and the basic simplicity
Pre-requisite PHYS 101 – Mechanics w/ Fluid Mechanics
Total contact hours 108 hours (54 hours lecture, 54 hours laboratory)

Program Intended Learning Outcomes (PILO)

Common to Mathematics and Science Programs
Demonstrate deep understanding of scientific concepts and principles.
Apply scientific inquiry in teaching and learning.
Utilize effective science teaching and assessment methods.

Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILO) Correspondence to Program Intended Learning Outcomes
After completion of the course, the student must be able to: PILO1 PILO2 PILO3
1. Describe the relationship of oscillation and waves; IPD
2. Apply the learned concepts in waves and optics in peer teaching and learning sessions; PD
3. Use mathematics to solve waves and optics problems; PD
4. Identify the applications involving sound and light; IPD IP
5. Apply the law of reflection and refraction to an actual set-up; PD
6. Appreciate the importance of optical phenomenon to explain rainbows and why the sky is blue; ID ID
7. Familiarize with the basic functions of optical instruments; IP IPD
8. Solve simple harmonic motion applications; IPD
9. Differentiate interference and diffraction; IP IP
I - Introduced concepts/principles; P - Practiced with supervision; D - Demonstrated across different setting with minimal supervision

Course Allocati
Intended Learning Teaching and Assessme
Wee Topic Outco Resources on
Outcome Learning nt Tasks Time
(ILO) Activities (TLA) (AT) (hrs)
a. Discussion on how the course
relates to the university’s
1- 12.0
b. Discussion and giving of
the course syllabus
c. Discussion on the course
requirements and
classroom policies and
Course Allocati
Intended Learning Teaching and Assessme
Wee Topic Outco Resources on
k Outcome Learning nt Tasks Time
(ILO) Activities (TLA) (AT) (hrs)
1. Periodic Motion • Describe oscillation using
a. Describing Oscillation real- life examples • Lecture
b. Simple Harmonic Motion • Solve problems • Simulations/
c. Energy in Simple involving simple Interactive learning
• PowerPoi
Harmonic Motion harmonic motion • Inquiry-based approach nt • Seatwork
d. Applications of • Cite examples of SHM in • Problem-solving Presentati / Board
Simple Harmonic real life • Experiment/ • CILO 1, on
2 work
Motion • Calculate the period Group Activity: • Simulation Program
and/or frequency of a • Laborat
e. The Simple Pendulum 1. Simple Harmonic • Books / E-books
simple and physical ory
f. The Physical Pendulum Motion • Activity Sheets Activity
g. Damped Oscillations pendulum and Hooke’s Law
h. Forced Oscillations • Identify the types of 2. Simple Pendulum
and Resonance damped oscillations 3. Damped
2. Mechanical Waves
a. Types of Mechanical Waves • Differentiate the types
b. Periodic Waves of mechanical waves
• Lecture
c. Mathematical Description • Familiarize with the • Seatwork
• Simulations/
of a Wave properties of periodic / Board
Interactive learning • PowerPoi
waves work
d. Speed of a Transverse Wave • Inquiry-based approach nt
3- • Solve for the energy in • CILO 2,
Presentati • Laborat 15.0
e. Energy in Wave Motion • Problem-solving
5 wave motion 7 ory
f. Wave Interference, • Experiment/ Group on
• Describe a wave Activity
Boundary Conditions, and Activity: Standing • Simulation Program
using mathematics
Superposition Waves on a String • Books / E-books
• Calculate the normal mode
g. Standing Waves on a String • Activity Sheets
frequencies and
h. Normal Modes of a String wavelengths of standing
3. Sound and Hearing • Differentiate sound • Lecture
a. Sound Waves waves from other • PowerPoi
• Simulations/
waves nt
b. Speed of Sound Waves Interactive learning
• Familiarize the trend in Presentati • Seatwork
c. Sound Intensity • Inquiry-based approach
5- the speed of sound in • CILO 4 on / Board 15.0
d. Standing Sound Waves • Problem-solving work
7 different materials • Simulation Program
and Normal Modes • Experiment/ Group
• Calculate the sound • Books / E-books • Laborat
e. Resonance and Sound Activity: Standing ory
intensity and intensity • Activity Sheets
f. Interference of Waves level Sound Waves and Activity
Course Allocati
Intended Learning Teaching and Assessme
Wee Topic Outco Resources on
k Outcome Learning nt Tasks Time
(ILO) Activities (TLA) (AT) (hrs)
g. Beats • Solve problems
h. Doppler Effect involving Doppler
i. Shock Waves* effect
Peer Teaching
for Midterm
8 Topics
Midterm Examination 6.0
4. Nature and Propagation • Lecture
of Light • Explain the laws of • Simulations/
a. The Nature of Light reflection and refraction Interactive learning
• Visualize total • Inquiry-based approach • PowerPoi
b. Reflection and Refraction
internal reflection • Problem-solving nt • Seatwork
9- c. Total Internal Reflection • CILO 4, 15.0
in glass Presentati / Board
11 d. Dispersion • Demonstration: 6
• Appreciate the on work
e. Polarization 1. Refraction
phenomena responsible • Simulation Program
f. Scattering of Light 2. Total Internal
for rainbows and blue Reflection • Books / E-books
g. Huygen’s Principle* skies • Activity Sheets
3. Polarization
5. Geometric Optics • Solve problems involving
and Optical • Describe reflection • Lecture
Instruments and refraction in
• Simulations
a. Reflection and plane and spherical
surfaces • Problem-solving
Refraction at a Plane • Experiment/
• Use ray tracing method for • PowerPoi • Seatwork
Surface Group Activity:
the image formation in nt / Board
11- b. Reflection at a • CILO 2, 18.0
mirrors and lenses 1. Law of Reflection Presentati work
14 Spherical Surface 3,
• Solve problems in mirrors 2. Finding the on • Laborat
c. Refraction at a Index of 7
and lenses using the • Simulation Program ory
Spherical Surface Refraction
object-image relationship • Books / E-books Activity
d. Thin Lenses 3. Image
equations • Activity Sheets
e. Cameras Formation in
• Familiarize with how the
f. The Eye eye, cameras, Spherical
6. Interference • Lecture • PowerPoi
• Identify the differences or nt
a. Interference and • Simulations/ • Seatwork
similarity between Presentati / Board
14- Coherent Sources Interactive learning 12.0
monochromatic and • CILO 2, on work
16 b. Two-Source Interference • Inquiry-based approach
coherent light sources 9
of Light • Problem-solving • Simulation Program • Laborat
• Books / E-books ory
Course Allocati
Intended Learning Teaching and Assessme
Wee Topic Outco Resources on
k Outcome Learning nt Tasks Time
(ILO) Activities (TLA) (AT) (hrs)
c. Intensity in • Familiarize with Young’s • Experiment/
Interference Patterns double-slit experiment Group Activity:
d. Interference in Thin Films* • Visualize interference Double-slit
e. The Michelson patterns produced by two- experiment
Interferometer* slit interference
7. Diffraction • Differentiate Fresnel
a. Fresnel and vs. Fraunhofer • Lecture
diffraction • Simulations/
b. Diffraction from a Single Slit • Identify the similarity or Interactive learning • PowerPoi
• Seatwork
difference between • Inquiry-based approach nt
c. Intensity in the Single / Board
16- interference and • Problem-solving • CILO 2, Presentati 9.0
Slit Pattern work
17 diffraction • Experiment/ 9 on
d. Multiple Slits • Laborat
• Visualize the Group Activity: • Simulation Program
e. The Diffraction Grating ory
diffraction pattern 1. Single-slit • Books / E-books
f. X-Ray Diffraction Activity
for a single slit Diffraction • Activity Sheets
g. Circular Apertures
• Picture out the 2. Diffraction Grating
and Resolving
Power* diffraction pattern of a • Peer Teaching for
Finals topics
18 Final Examination 6.0
TOTAL 108.0

Equipment and Materials Used: Laptop, LCD projector/LED TV, whiteboard and marker, paper, pen, drawing tools, Videos, PhET simulations

Textbook references:
1.Giancoli, D., PHYSICS, 6th edition , Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd., Philippines, 2003
Young, Hugh D. & Freedman, Roger A., UNIVERSITY PHYSICS, 10th edition, Addison Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., USA, 2000
Serway, Raymond A. & Faughn, Jerry S., COLLEGE PHYSICS, 6th edition, Thomson Learning Asia, Singapore, 2003
Urone, Paul Peter, PHYSICS With Health Science Applications, John Wiley and Sons (ASIA), Pte. Ltd. Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., USA, 2000
Tipler P.A. and Mosca G., PHYSICS FOR SCIENTEST AND ENGINEERS, 5th edition, Addison Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., USA, 2012
Other References:


Rubrics as Evaluation Measure:

Criteria Exempla Accepta Developi Beginni No

ry ble ng ng Out
Effective 4
Answers to questions are 3
Answers to questions are 2
Answers to questions are 1
Correct understanding of putand
Failure to explain
Communicatio correct, reasonable, and correct, but some correct, but some the problem, but was justify the chemical theory
n/ Concept relevant to the topic justifications provided are justifications provided are unable to explain the behind the topic being
Understanding being discussed. The weak. irrelevant. theory behind discussed.
justifications provided
Includes: are sound.
-Board work
-Essay writing
-Oral recitation
Examinati Obtaining a general Obtaining a general Obtaining a general Obtaining a general Failure to obtain a general
on average of at least 88% of average of at least 77% up average of at least 61% up average of at least 50% up average of at least 50% of
Results all the major to 87% of all the major to 76% of all the major to 60% of all the major all the major examinations.
(Major exams examinations. examinations. examinations. examinations. Failure to take one two of
– prelim, three major examinations.
Laborator Obtaining a general Obtaining a general Obtaining a general Obtaining a general Failure to obtain at least
y Moving average of at least 88% of average of at least 77% up average of at least 61% up average of at least 50% up 50% of the lab written
Examinati the written exam. to 87% of the written to 76% of the written to 60% of the written exam.
on Failure to take one of the
exam. exam. exam.
Laborator Obtaining a general Obtaining a general Obtaining a general Obtaining a general two moving
Failure exams at least
to obtain
y average of at least 88% of average of at least 77% up average of at least 61% up average of at least 50% up 50% of the lab practical
Practical the practical exam. to 87% of the practical to 76% of the practical to 60% of the practical exam.
Examinati exam. exam. exam. Failure to take one of the
on two lab exams (written and
Laborat Obtaining a general Obtaining a general Obtaining a general Obtaining a general Failure to obtain a general
ory average of at least 88% of average of at least 77% up average of at least 61% up average of at least 50% up average of at least 50% of
Activity all the activity worksheets. to 87% of all the activity to 76% of all the activity to 60% of all the activity all the activity worksheets.
worksheets. worksheets. worksheets.
(75%) 25%
Midterm 25% The instructor has the freedom to change the percentage distribution. In lecture part, the major exam should not be
less than 20% each and in laboratory, the activities should not be less than 10%. The final grades corresponding to the
Exam 25% students’ general percentages are given in the table to the right. A grade of INC (Incomplete) will be given on a case to
Finals Exam case basis.
Other performance tasks 10%
Laboratory (25%) 15%
Total 100%
Passing 50%

a. A student with 3 consecutive absences will be DROPPED from the class.

b. Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Any student proven to have committed academic dishonesty shall be subjected to appropriate sanctions based on prevailing
policies and guidelines provided by the Student Handbook. The State Institute’s Code of Conduct prohibits students from committing the following acts of academic
dishonesty: academic fraud, copying or allowing one’s work to be copied, fabrication/falsification, sabotage of other’s work, substitution (ex. Taking an exam for someone else)
among others.
c. EXAMS. This course requires two major exams which will be scheduled during midterm and final examination weeks. The exams will be departmental in nature in the event
that there are more than one course offerings of this subject in a particular semester. Schedule of the said exams will be announced one-week before the scheduled date. In
addition, there will be an individual tasks assessment such as moving exam, portfolio, demonstration and other related task assessment which will be scheduled a week before
the Midterm and Final exams.
d. ASSIGNMENTS / ATTENDANCE/BOARD WORKS/ORAL RECITATION. Quizzes will be given as one of the assessment tasks of this course. It is the instructor's
discretion if his/her quizzes are announced or unannounced and that would include topics that are recently discussed in class. No make-up exams for missed quizzes /

The final grade corresponding to the student’s general percentage is given in the table below:

90.00 - 100.00 1.00 Excellent 65.00 - 69.99 2.25 Good
85.00 - 89.99 1.25 Excellent 60.00 - 64.99 2.50 Satisfactory
80.00 - 84.99 1.50 Very Good 55.00 – 59.99 2.75 Satisfactory
75.00 - 79.99 1.75 Very Good 50.00 – 54.99 3.00 Passed
70.00 - 74.99 2.00 Good 0.00 - 49.99 5.00 Failed
Prepared by: Revised by: Noted by: Approved by:

Chair, Department of Natural Dean, CAS
Date Created: July 30, 2019 Date Revised: n/a Sciences Date Signed: Date Signed:
Number of Revision: n/a

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