PSAT Model-Based Voltage Stability Analysis For The Kano 330KV Transmission Line
PSAT Model-Based Voltage Stability Analysis For The Kano 330KV Transmission Line
PSAT Model-Based Voltage Stability Analysis For The Kano 330KV Transmission Line
Voltage instability problems increasing This paper demonstrates how singularity in the
day by day because of demand increase. It is very Jacobian can be avoided by slightly reformulating
important to analyze the power system with the power flow equations and applying a
respect to voltage stability. This paper formulation will be implemented in the ATC
investigates the voltage stability analysis of Kano Toolbox with MATLAB and tested on 330kv buses
330KV Transmission line. The test system to determine power flow solution using
network consisting of 11 buses, 4 generating POWERSAT (PSAT) technique [2].
stations, 4 transmission lines and 1 control
centres, Power System Analysis Toolbox (PSAT) II. Continuation Power Flow
software was used to carried out simulation The conventional power flow has a
analysis, using the relevant data as obtained from problem in the Jacobian matrix which becomes
power holding company of Nigeria [PHCN], to singular at the voltage stability limit. This problem
determine bus voltages, real and reactive power can be overcome by using continuation power flow
flows and losses of the transmission lines and [3].Figure 1 shows the predictor – corrector scheme
generators The results obtained showed that the used in the continuation power flow.
Maximum Loading Point is max λ = 3.97 p.u.
Also load active powers are in base and
maximum cases are P base = 7.00 p.u. and P max
= 7.189 p.u. respectively. The weakest bus also is
identified bus8 with voltage 0.948 p.u. Also load
active powers are in base and maximum cases
are P base = 9.67p.u. and P max = 17.67 p.u.
respectively. The weakest bus also is identified
bus8 with voltage 0.948 p.u
I. Introduction
As power systems become more complex
and heavily loaded, voltage stability becomes an Figure1. An illustration of the Continuation power
increasing serious problem. Voltage problems have flow [3]
been a subject of great concern during planning and
operation of power systems due to the significant From the Newton-Raphson, load flow equations can
number of serious failures believed to have been be written as:
caused by this phenomenon. It is therefore
necessary to develop Voltage Stability Analysis
(VSA) tools in today‟s Energy Management (1)
Systems (EMS). [1]
Indeed, numerous authors have proposed
voltage stability indexes based upon some type of
power flow analysis. A particular difficulty being (2)
encountered in such research is that the Jocobian of
a Newton-Raphson power flow becomes singular at The new load flow equations consists of
the steady state voltage stability limit. In fact, this load factor can be expressed as:
stability limit, also called the critical point, is often PLi Pi 0 ( K Li S base cos i )
defined as the point where the power flow Jacobian
is singular. As a consequence, attempts at power
QLi QLi 0 ( K Li S base sin i )
flow solutions near the critical point are prone to
divergence and error.
969 | P a g e
S.M. Lawan / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN:
2248-9622 Vol. 2, Issue 5, September- October 2012, pp.969-973
Where the following definitions are made; Regulating Transformers: Load tap changer
with voltage or reactive power regulators
PLi0, QLi0 – original load at bus i, active and reactive and phase shifting transformers.
respectively. FACTS: Static Var Compensators,
KLi - multiplier to designate the rate of load Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitors,
change at bus i as λ changes. Static Synchronous Source Series
Ψi - power factor angle of load change at bus Compensators, Unified Power Flow
i. Controllers, and High Voltage DC
transmission systems.
III. PSAT METHOD Wind Turbines: Wind models, Constant
PSAT is a Matlab toolbox for electric speed wind turbine with squirrel cage
power system analysis and control. The command induction motor, variable speed wind
line version of PSAT is also GNU Octave turbine with doubly fed induction
compatible. PSAT includes power flow, generator, and variable speed wind turbine
continuation power flow, optimal power flow, and with direct drive synchronous generator.
small signal stability analysis and time domain Other Models: Synchronous machine
simulation. All operations can be assessed by means dynamic shaft, dynamic phasor RLC series
of graphical user interfaces (GUIs) and a Simulink- circuit, sub-synchronous resonance model,
based library provides a user friendly tool for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell, and sub
network design. transmission area equivalents.
PSAT core is the power flow routine,
which also takes care of state variable initialization. Besides mathematical routines and models,
Once the power flow has been solved, further static PSAT includes a variety of utilities, as follows:
and/or dynamic analysis can be performed. These 1. one-line network diagram editor (Simulink
routines are: library);
1. Continuation power flow; 2. GUIs for settings system and routine parameters;
2. Optimal power flow; 3. User defined model construction and installation;
3. Small signal stability analysis; 4. GUI for plotting results;
4. Time domain simulations; 5. Filters for converting data to and from other
5. Phasor measurement unit (PMU) placement. formats;
In order to perform accurate power system analysis, 6. Command logs.
PSAT supports a variety of static and dynamic
component models, as follows: Finally, PSAT includes bridges to GAMS
Power Flow Data: Bus bars, transmission and UWPFLOW programs, which highly extend
lines and transformers, slack buses, PV PSAT ability of performing optimization and
generators, constant power loads, and shunt continuation power flow analysis [4]
CPF and OPF Data: Power supply bids and IV. Under Study Network
limits generator power reserves, generator Our test system is Kano 330KV
ramping data, and power demand bids and Transmission system. Stimulated diagram of System
limits. with the following components and statistics as
Switching Operations: Transmission line shown in table 1and 2 below:
faults and transmission line breakers.
Measurements: Bus frequency and phasor Table 1: Network Statistics
measurement units (PMU). Buses 11
Loads: Voltage dependent loads, frequency Lines 8
dependent loads, ZIP (impedance, constant Transformers 4
current and constant power) loads, Generators 4
exponential recovery loads, Loads 2
thermostatically controlled load, Jimma's
loads, and mixed loads. Table2: Solution Statistics
Machines: Synchronous machines Number of Iterations 4
(dynamic order from 2 to 8) and induction Maximum P mismatch [p.u.] 0
motors (dynamic order from 1 to 5). Maximum Q mismatch [p.u.] 0
Controls: Turbine Governors, Automatic Power rate [MVA]
Voltage Regulators, Power System 100
Stabilizer, Over-excitation limiters and
Secondary Voltage Regulation (Central
Area Controllers and Cluster Controllers).
970 | P a g e
S.M. Lawan / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN:
2248-9622 Vol. 2, Issue 5, September- October 2012, pp.969-973
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S.M. Lawan / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN:
2248-9622 Vol. 2, Issue 5, September- October 2012, pp.969-973
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S.M. Lawan / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN:
2248-9622 Vol. 2, Issue 5, September- October 2012, pp.969-973
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