Kaiju Combat

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Height: 100 meters

Weight: 50,000 metric tons
Gender: Female
Combat Style: Melee
Primary Attacks: Hand Claws, Tail Spikes
Secondary Attacks: Knee Spikes, Teeth
Primary Weapon: Self-Immolation
Secondary Weapon: Divine Judgement
Energy Style: Fury

Overview: Nemesis is a DNA hybrid of the Greek goddess, Nemesis, who was actually an ancient
kaiju from another world, and a murdered little girl named Maigo. Nemesis senses injustice and seeks
it out, consumed by rage, destroying everything in her path until her target is located. Once the guilty
are found, Nemesis husks her skin, opens her spiked carapace to reveal reflective wings that focus
light into a beam of energy that incinerates her foe and anything else it touches.

Origin: A winged kaiju once roamed the Earth, exacting merciless revenge on evildoers, and
spawned the myth of Nemesis, the Greek goddess of vengeance. When the body of that first kaiju is
recovered from beneath a mountain in the wilds of Alaska, its DNA is used in an experimental organ
growth procedure, combining the alien DNA with that of Maigo, a murdered little girl. Thanks to the
genetically enhanced rapid growth, the girl quickly grows into a monster, breaking free from the lab
and beginning her charge south, toward Boston, where her murderer resides. On the way, she eats,
sheds her skin, grows and leaves a hundred mile path of destruction in her wake. And when she
reaches Boston, downtown is all that stands between her and vengeance. For the entire story, check
out PROJECT NEMESIS, a kaiju novel by bestselling author, Jeremy Robinson.

Energy System: Nemesis’s blood isn’t fully understood, but it is powerful. When angered, her blood
swirls behind clear membranes on the sides of her neck and on her torso. If those membranes are
punctures, the blood sprays—and ignites, explosively. In fact, one of her signature moves—self-
immolation—occurs when Nemesis stabs her claws into her own chest. But Nemesis is driven by two
primal forces, the first is to eat and grow, and the second is retribution. Her insatiable urge for
vengeance is what drives her.

Ranged Combat: Nemesis has a penchant for launching debris, cars and anything else nearby. In dire
situations, she can also use her self-immolation and to inflict real damage (at the cost of defense) she
can unleash the power of the sun, reflected from her wings, with Divine Judgment.

Grappling: Despite her size, Nemesis is quite agile. After embedding her large claws into the torso of
her opponent, she falls backward and used momentum to kick her foe up and away.

Melee Combat: Nemesis is most dangerous at close range. While her ranged combat is limited to
tossing vehicles and rocks, she is most dangerous up close where her large claws, spiked tail and
speed make combos a snap. Her self-immolation is more potent at close range, which makes her
ability to get into melee range quickly a crucial advantage.

Weaknesses: Nemesis must get close to inflict any real damage, which means getting past ranged
attacks. Her one powerful ranged attack, Divine Judgment, is devastating if successful, but to employ
the attack she must leave herself vulnerable for a significant period of time. So if she misses, she is
susceptible to extreme damage while her body regenerates her protective thick skin. Similarly, when
she self-immolates, she actually takes some damage to perform the move. If she is too weak when she
self-immolates, she risks killing herself.

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Nemesis is looking to inflict pain, and extract justice. She's not fighting for
some obscure motivation, or primal need - she has a specific, well-considered goal in mind.
Her attacks are neither wild swings, nor precision strikes - they are attacks which advance her
goals. She is hitting you because you deserve to be hit - and worse - and she knows it.
Nemesis never shows fear.
 Combat Focus: Nemesis attacks with her claws, feet, teeth, and tail. As a goddess with a
mystical goal, we might imagine that she's inflicting spiritual pain as well as physical - her
attacks hit her opponent in more ways than one. This gives us some freedom to allow odd or
unusual elements to her animations - some odd float here, some unbalanced leaning there.
 Special Considerations: Nemesis is very "folded" in her default stance, so we need to be
careful with her collision spheres. Her head will need to extend beyond her collision

Height: 104 meters

Weight: 41,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Ranged/Control
Primary Attacks: Clawed Tentacles, Spiked Feet
Secondary Attacks: Parasitic Touch
Primary Weapon: Vorpal Ray
Secondary Weapon: Paralyzing Eye
Energy Style: Stamina + Parasitic

Overview: Ikameijin is a terrifying visage of destruction. His tentacled arms can drain power &
health from opponents. His claws and spiked feet can rend flesh. He has the ability to fly through
space and hover above the battlefield. He can project a variety of destructive energies to stun,
paralyze, and crush his foes. More fearsome than any of his physical characteristics, however, is his
devious sentience and cold, calculating patience.

Origin: Ikameijin is the last of the Azure beings - a sentient race of brutally inquisitive giants from a
long-lost planet. Ikameijin was a scout for his people - travelling dozens of light-years to find new
objects of interest and bring them home. Upon his return after a particularly unremarkable excursion,
Ikameijin discovered that his entire species had left the planet - with no trace of their whereabouts.

Ikameijin began to look through the Universe for his people - visiting hundreds of worlds without
success. He became more fearsome, taking the energy and supplies his constant exploration required
without concern for anyone else. Sentient species began to fear his arrival on their worlds.

Eventually Ikameijin came to the attention of the Kaijujin - spirits with an especial interest in the
combat prowess of Kaiju. They made Ikameijin their champion - further increasing his powers with
their own, in exchange for his constant victories over any and all Kaiju challengers that approached

This power, his isolation, and a general lack of stimulation has warped and twisted Ikameijin's
perceptions of the world - creating for himself an elaborate perspective where his needs trump all
other concerns.

Energy System: Ikameijin regains energy slowly over time. In addition, he can drain energy from his
opponents in melee contact. He can also briefly enter a powered-up state where his projectile attacks
are free to use.

Ranged Combat: Ikamejin's primary method of dealing ranged damage is the Vorpal Ray - an energy
projection which melts into opponents with ease. In addition to this Ikameijun can manipulate gravity
in limited areas - pinning and stunning specific opponents. Finally, his third eye can interrupt nearly
any assault - causing confusion & fear.

Grappling: Ikameijin's powerful arms have a significant advantage when it comes to keeping hold of
an opponent! In addition to the traditional grapple options, Ikameijin can drain energy directly from
his opponents. This can enhance his fighting prowess, but more importantly it leaves the opponent
weakened as a reminder of Ikameijin's parasitic touch.

Melee Combat: Ikameijin has only average striking speed & strength, but he makes up for it with his
flight capabilities, extended reach, and parasitic skills. He has a high-energy shield which he can
employ for a short time, which allows him to change distance (moving closer or retreating) in relative
safety from weapon attacks.

Weaknesses: Ikameijin's primary weakness is his pride - he has been planning victories for so long
that sometimes he forgets that it is still possible for him to lose. His Charging attacks are average at
best, so he must rely on his ranged abilities to keep himself safe until he can retaliate. Ikameijin also
tends to rely a bit too much on the power he steals from opponents - which means he can become
power-starved against certain characters who deny him that source of power.

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Ikameijin is a classic arrogant Super-villain. He's Doctor Doom and Dr. No
wrapped up in one. He has no regard for anyone or anything but himself - he sees all other
life forms as his inferiors, and this disdain comes across in everything he does. Conversely,
when Ikameijin DOES get hit, he's completely shocked and outraged.
 Combat Focus: Ikameijin uses his ranged powers to control the fight, which feeds into his
sense of self-importance. He triggers his weapon attack with grand gestures, sweeps of the
arm, and proud upright stances. When he engages is melee combat, he uses very grounded
Kung Fu-style attacks - no flashy spin kicks or cartwheels.
 Special Considerations: Ikameijin's tentacle appendage on his back will require unique
animation support.


Height: 95 meters
Weight: 55,000 metric tons
Gender: Female
Combat Style: Control
Primary Attacks: Claws, Teeth
Secondary Attacks: Ice Spines
Primary Weapon: Ice Blast
Secondary Weapon: Armour Shatter
Energy Style: Fury

Overview: Tornaq is a guardian spirit made flesh - in this case her flesh has taken the form of an
enormous polar bear. Tornaq is the embodiment of arctic fury, and has more than enough power to
maul her opponents at close range. Her ice blast slows and damages opponents. Tornaq can encase
her forearms in a heavy sheet of ice - slowing her melee attacks but increasing their power. She can
also encase her torso in ice as a form of armour. Both types of armour can be shattered on the ground
as an additional short-range attack.

Origin: Tornaq guards the wild places in the north - preserving the land and the animals that live on
it. She is often aggressive, thinning herds and uprooting land as necessary to maintain balance. Most
of the time Tornaq sleeps beneath the earth, resting her strength and monitoring the land in dreams.
When the first Kaiju appeared on earth, Tornaq took note in her slumber, and began to dream of a
form for herself powerful enough to maintain balance against even the most imposing of foes.

Energy System: Tornaq increases energy through close-quarters combat. As she fights her fury
builds, allowing her to call upon arctic forces of snow and ice to enhance her combat abilities. When
out of combat, Tornaq's fury begins to drain. Once per match Tornaq may encase herself in a block of
ice to enter a state of intense hibernation - building both health and energy at a rapid pace.

Ranged Combat: Tornaq can summon powerful Ice Blasts, which slow and damage opponents at
range. This blast takes the form of a cone from her mouth, and thus cannot be blocked by obstacles.
Tornaq can also freeze her arms or torso for additional damage or protection, respectively. These icy
crusts are fragile enough to shatter when Tornaq drops to all fours (as she must in order to run
quickly), and the icy splinter shards damage anything nearby when she does so.

Tornaq's hibernation block creates an enormous explosion of ice shards when she ends her hibernation
- but she may do this only once per combat.

Grappling: Tornaq is a powerful grappling opponent, with a number of signature methods for
extracting pain from her helpless opponents. The glyphs on her arms and torso serve not only to
protect her flesh from harm, but also lend her great strength for lifting and throwing. Unlike most
grappling kaiju, Tornaq is able to inflict Grapple Attacks just as well as she might lift or toss

Melee Combat: Tornaq's clawed hands & feet deal heavy edged damage in melee range. Tornaq can
encrust her forearms with ice - changing her attacks into hard-hitting blunt clubs. Tornaq also has
powerful jaws to bite with and icy spines on her back with which to impale helpless opponents.
Tornaq may drop to all fours to run quickly, though doing so will shatter any armours she has formed.
To fight effectively, Tornaq much choose carefully between speed and damage.

Weaknesses: Tornaq is quite slow when walking on only two legs, and even slower when armoured.
Her ranged attack is fast and effective, but doesn't deal much raw damage. Her armour requires
energy to form, but she requires melee combat to regain energy - so it can be difficult for her to use
her armoured form without running out of energy completely. Her hibernation is a very potent tool if
used judiciously, but using it takes her out of the fight for a few seconds - which can be disastrous in
multi-monster battles.

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Tornaq is not especially slow or lumbering, but she is very deliberate about her
movements. Her steps are wide, so they cover significant distance without pounding the
ground too frequently. Her attacks are slower than most, but their higher damage makes up
for the difference. But most importantly, Tornaq needs to give off an aura of strength - she
exudes the possibility of sudden explosive action. The longer she keeps up her slower pace,
the more fearful her opponents become of her eventual break-out.
 Combat Focus: Tornaq can play a defensive game with her ice armour, or she can keep her
mobility higher to chase down and maul opponents. Tornaq is angry when she fights -
because anyone who fights her is by extension threatening the balance she exists to preserve.
Tornaq is not fighting to kill - she wants to scare her opponents off and prove the power of
her arctic realm. So she very much plays an intimidation game with her opponents - giving
them the initiative in exchange for making herself appear to be an impenetrable guardian.
 Special Considerations: Tornaq's ice clubs and ice armour need to work with her standard
attack animations, rather than creating duplicate animation sets. We will need to build these
additional shapes to test her animations with from the outset.
Dragon Lotus

Height: 90 meters
Weight: 30,000 metric tons
Gender: Female
Combat Style: Control (Counters)
Primary Attacks: Hands, Feet
Secondary Attacks: Tail
Primary Weapon: Kaze-en (Fire Wist Blast)
Secondary Weapon: Tornado Vortex
Energy Style: Meditation

Overview: Dragon Lotus is a terrestrial Martial Artist who uses unknown alien technology to
augment her size, strength, and stamina. She also has an empathic connection to the wind, by which
she can summon tornadoes and hold herself aloft - though she is still learning to use this ability to its
full potential. Although gigantic she is quite slight compared to most Kaiju Opponents, so when
battling Kaiju she relies on Martial techniques to use their size and weight against them.

Origin: Mara fled from her home when she was just a girl, and found sanctuary with the monks of the
yellow flower school. There she grew up studying martial arts and philosophy with her teachers. She
always excelled in athletic pursuits, and she was especially drawn to the defensive and protective
elements of hand-to-hand combat. Mara learned that discipline and rigor allowed her to make her
own path in life, free from the nefarious goals of others. One morning, before sunrise, Mara was
awakened by a Kaiju attack in the village below the school. Rushing to aid the wounded in the
village, Mara was suddenly drawn to a bright point of light on the ground, which seemed to be
emanating from a source high in the sky. As she approached the light Mara became aware of a great
presence enveloping her, and she felt a connection begin to form within her. Fearlessly, Mara
embraced the light and assumed the form of a giant armoured defender named the Dragon Lotus, and
in this form drove the attacking Kaiju back into the earth. Now Mara studies new questions with her
teacher - where do the Kaiju come from? Why do they attack us?

And what must I do to preserve our freedom?

Energy System: Dragon Lotus must consciously control her breathing and focus her mind to restore
her Chi energy through meditation. She can do this during combat, but she must pause for a moment
to begin the technique. If she can avoid taking damage during the meditation she can regain her full
energy in rapid order. If interrupted or forced to take other actions she will regain only partial energy.

Ranged Combat: Dragon Lotus can direct her energy into a focused blast of fire & heat from the
mouth of her mask - which she calls Kaze-en (Fire Wind Blast). Her wind manipulation helps to
subtly focus and aim the stream of flame.
In addition Dragon Lotus can form a vortex of air similar to a tornado. These tornados are not well
controlled, and will damage Dragon Lotus as easily as they will damage anyone else, so they are
mostly a long-range option.

Grappling: Dragon Lotus cannot effectively hoist opponents over her head due to her smaller size &
weight. However, as a result of her Martial training, Dragon Lotus has dramatically improved
counter-attack and counter-charge options, which she employs judiciously to destroy her opponents.
Offensively, Dragon Lotus has several stunning and crippling attacks, which can prevent her
opponents from delivering powerful blows.

Melee Combat: Dragon Lotus has combined several Martial forms into her own "Snapdragon" style,
which gives her excellent striking technique. She is still learning how best to adapt her techniques to
the massive scale of Kaiju Battles, so her melee prowess is average overall, with occasional moments
of beauty.

Weaknesses: Dragon Lotus does not have the bulk or the ferocity to stand toe-to-toe with her
opponents physically, so she must rely on her technique to make up the difference. Her throws, stuns,
wind powers and ranged attacks make her a potent combatant, but she must constantly anticipate and
adapt to make the most of her strengths. DragonLotus possesses a strong sense of duty and honor,
which compels her to fight on even after sustaining damage that would force more feral Kaiju to flee.
Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Dragon Lotus is a protector - but she's also a new kaiju unsure of her abilities.
She does not want to initiate - she just wants to defend. Physically she is smaller and slighter
than most of her opponents - but she is not especially fast. Rather, she uses her smaller
profile to evade within melee range, or thereabouts. Dragon Lotus is a trained martial artist,
so she is very good with her footwork, stances, and flow.
 Combat Focus: Dragon Lotus is a graceful martial artist, with a focus on fluid evasion,
counter-attacks, and exposing her opponent's weaknesses. She has several fast lunging
attacks - both forward and away - and her wind powers allow her to be especially effective in
the air.
 Special Considerations: Dragon Lotus has a long tail, which will need to be animated in a
significant portion of her animations - much more than other tail-bearing monsters.
Heart Eater

Height: 95 meters
Weight: 42,000 metric tons
Gender: Female
Combat Style: Ranged
Primary Attacks: Burst Weapons, Hand Blades
Secondary Attacks: Arm Scythes
Primary Weapon: Blood-infused projectiles
Secondary Weapon: Scatter Mines
Energy Style: Parasitic (Blood Magic)

Overview: Heart Eater is an alien organism with an insatiable thirst for hunting and killing Kaiju.
Her arms terminate in short-range projectile weapons, and she has crude wings which she uses for
increased speed & mobility, making her best suited for hit-and-run attacks. The Heart Eater can
specifically attune her weapons to a particular kaiju - usually by drawing a sample of the target's
blood with her deadly Arm Scythes. Once attenuated to a specific target, the Heart Eater's weapons
become irresistibly strong against that opponent.

Origin: Long ago an alien bounty-hunter made her living tracking and killing dangerous monsters
across the galaxy. She had incredibly keen senses and a Hunter's intuition, and so she was known as
"The Hunter's Heart." Somehow, she came into posession of an alien artifact which bonded to her,
augmenting her powers by allowing her to absorb strength from her opponents. While not exactly a
hero, The Hunter's Heart used her increased powers to escalate her hunts and killed many galactic
scourges in the process. Over time, as she absorbed the essence of more and more defeated
opponents, she lost sight of her original goals and began to devote herself only to the pleasure of the
hunt. Eventually this pleasure turned into need, and then the need turned into a desperate drive.
People forgot that she had ever been known as "The Hunter's Heart" - and she became known only as
"The Heart Eater." She is constantly moving between the stars - silently stalking new foes.

Energy System: The Heart Eater fuels her energy by stealing the vital essence (generally blood) of
her opponents. She may use her abilities and weapons even without energy, but once empowered her
weapon attacks become intensely powerful against the kaiju to which she is attuned. This process
also boost her metabolism - giving her increased speed and strength while the attenuation lasts.

Ranged Combat: The Heart Eater has numerous ranged attacks at her disposal. Her forearms
terminate in twin projectile weapons - which may be used continuously. These are deadly at very
close range, or when properly attenuated to an opponent. She can also drop Mines as she moves
about - creating ground-based traps for her opponents.

Grappling: The Heart Eater lacks the upper-body strength to reliably hoist kaiju over her head.
However, she does rely on impaling her foes with her Arm Scythes in order to drain their essence.
This means that her grapples are damaging, though they do not serve to reposition opponents very
effectively. A successful grapple also attunes her weapons - which sets her up for MASSIVE
additional damage against that specific opponent.

Melee Combat: The Heart Eater is a deadly opponent at close range, with a variety of killing and
crippling attacks at her disposal. Unfortunately, her emphasis on speed and damage has left her with
only modest armour - so she cannot effectively trade blows at close range. When an opportunity
presents itself, however, the Heart Eater is very well suited to getting in close for a kill.

Weaknesses: The Heart Eater has become completely dependent upon the power she draws from
opponents while in combat. This compels her to continuously seek out new opponents - and engage
them without provocation. She is especially manic when facing an opponent who has some element
which she could potentially incorporate into her own arsenal - many of her adornments were
originally (or inspired by) defeated opponents. Careful opponents who can deny her the magical
attenuation she craves will find the Heart Eater to be much less of a challenge than the fearsome
combatant she once was.

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Heart Eater is a hunter - which means she doesn't expose herself to unnecessary
danger, but she is also ruthlessly brutal when it comes time to attack. She "skates" around
while barely touching the ground - much like Storm in Marvel vs. Capcom. She stays low to
the ground, and leans into her movements to keep her profile low. Despite her wings, Heart
Eater does not fly.
 Combat Focus: Heart Eater has a solid variety of projectile attacks - but she must close to
melee range to power up her energy. Many of her projectiles do not require energy - but
when her energy is gone they function more like melee attacks than heavy-hitting energy
blasts. Many of her basic attacks are animated as weapon strikes.
 Special Considerations: Heart Eater's signature charge attack - and her method for regaining
energy - revolves around impaling opponents with her elbow-mounted Arm Scythes. We
need to make sure she can bring these to bear above her head, or find some other way to
charge with them facing forward.


Height: 92 meters
Weight: 51,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Melee
Primary Attacks: Punches, Kicks
Secondary Attacks: Humor
Primary Weapon: Junkshot
Secondary Weapon: None
Energy Style: Stamina
Overview: Duncan is a Big Green Kangaroo.

Origin: Duncan was first sighted in the Australian Outback, running with terrestrial non-green
kangaroos. In addition to his unusual size and emerald colour, Duncan exhibits a showmanship and
comic timing virtually unknown in marsupials. Although never sighted in the water, Duncan has been
sighted on all seven continents - though only at humorous and/or inappropriate times. As with all
male kangaroos, Duncan has no pouch. As with all male Kaiju, Duncan has no visible genetalia. In
combat, Duncan often uses hilarious hijinks to confuse and confound his foes. A natural scavenger,
Duncan is adept at locating and weaponizing debris for both melee enhancement and thrown
weapons. Initially thought to be non-threatening to humans, Duncan is now classified as a priority-
one global threat to decency and good taste.

Energy System: Duncan regains energy slowly over time.

Ranged Combat: Duncan has no natural ranged weapons, though his enormous bounding leaps can
make it seem as if his opponents are being pummelled from all sides at once! Duncan may
"scavenge" for items which he can use as weapons - both melee and ranged. When Duncan scavenges
for junk on the ground, he may immediately throw it at his opponent. This is of mixed effectiveness,
depending upon what Duncan manages to find...

Grappling: Duncan is a competent grappler - very sure-footed. He often uses grapples to set up
opponents for flurries of kicks as they stand immobilized, or as a way to gain distance between
himself and more dangerous Kaiju.

Melee Combat: Duncan is a proficient melee combatant, displaying many boxing-like attributes such
as rapid-punch combos, deft footwork, dodges, counter-hits, and heavy knockdown punches. His
very capable feet allow him to perform quick high-low mix-up attacks, and his high mobility allow
him to flank or blindside opponents with relative ease. Plus, he fights dirty.

Weaknesses: Duncan has no quick ranged attacks, and no beam weapons at all. His fur makes him
highly vulnerable to fire attacks. Duncan relies on surprise and misdirection for personal defence, so
experienced opponents will find him relatively vulnerable once they start landing hits. Duncan's
scavenging abilities provides him with unpredictable items for him to weaponize - which sometimes
means he cannot attack at range, even when he wishes to do so.

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Duncan is light-hearted. He employs cartoon logic on occasion. He's not
troubled by his combats. He might snarl or get angry in individual moments, but overall he's
a very satisfied Kangaroo.
 Combat Focus: Duncan has very quick mobility as a result of his jumping prowess, but he
cannot change direction mid-air, so his movement precision isn't especially high. Duncan
focuses on close-quarters combat with long punch / kick combinations designed to leave his
opponent winded and very much the worse for wear. Duncan's charge attack is a medium-arc
leap, which means he can charge down flying opponents, but can more easily miss opponents
on the ground. Duncan can spawn boxing gloves, a bat, or a bomb by rummaging around on
the ground. The gloves enhance his melee damage, and all three can be thrown.
 Special Considerations: We will need to build Duncan's props, and he will need a few
unique hold/attack animations to make use of them.

Height: 91 meters
Weight: 50,000 metric tons
Gender: Female
Combat Style: Ranged/Control (Grappling)
Primary Attacks: Teeth, Claws
Secondary Attacks: Tail, Kicks
Primary Weapon: Engulfing Flame
Secondary Weapon: Burning Touch
Energy Style: Elemental Affinity (Fire)

Overview: Physically, Urogora is a gigantic Salamander - an ancient Greek monster who lived within
the earth and caused volcanic eruptions. Her smooth lizard-like skin is streamlined for swimming
through lava conduits inside the earth, and is nearly impervious to harm. Her prehensile tail is strong
and dexterous, and her claws are sharpened from digging through solid rock. Like all salamanders,
Urogora is usually on fire, and can project huge sheets of flame from her mouth.

Origin: Erato was the Greek muse of Poetry & Love. Along with her 8 sisters, she inspired and
guided early humans in their fight against the monsters of the ancient world. By 1200 C.E. the
ancient world was nearly gone, and the muses questioned their role within it. Erato alone refused to
leave Earth, claiming that there would always be a need for love and poetry in the world. Her sisters
put her to sleep deep within the bedrock of Mount Olympus, where she would rest to keep watch on
the human world.
Unfortunately, a cave-in kept Erato asleep in her cave far longer than she had planned, and when she
finally awoke she was enraged to discover that the world no longer embraced the teachings of the
muses - hers least of all. Without her sisters to assuage her, Erato entered a state of frenzy - swearing
destruction across the human world. She cast herself into the fires of Olympus, and emerged reborn
as the great Salamander Urogora!

Energy System: Urogora regains energy when exposed to intense heat - cool environments or
Freezing attacks can reduce her energy rapidly. If no ready source of heat can be found, Urogora can
use her Engulfing Flame to ignite her own body - building up her energy while simultaneously
discouraging melee attacks against her.

Ranged Combat: Urogora breaths flame - which disorients, chokes, and burns her foes. She has
some control over her projectiles - her flame can come out as a huge rolling wave, or a focused stream
of lava suitable for precision assaults. As mentioned previously, Urogora may also set herself on fire,
which further enhances her melee & grappling potential.

Grappling: Urogora always seeks to overwhelm her foes with fire - and the best way to do that is to
get up and close and embrace them with her burning arms. Simply grappling with Urogora deals
damage to her opponents - even if they are able to reverse or escape the clinch. This makes her an
aggressive close-quarters grappler, despite her average strength.

Melee Combat: Urogora has ferocious short-range melee strikes, and an impressive array of attacks
which use her tail. When not on fire her damage is average - but once burning her attacks deal greater
than average harm to most monsters.

Weaknesses: Urogora is a creature of flame, and relies heavily on her flame abilities in combat. She
must use her energy to re-kindle her own flames - otherwise she runs the risk of being unable to
replenish her energy at all! Because of this reliance on fire, Urogora's melee patterns are simpler
(easier to predict & parry) than most other monsters, which can make her vulnerable to especially
skilled melee combatants. There are also a handful of Kaiju who resist fire-based attacks almost
entirely - Urogora must be able to adapt her strategies to match such opponents even on uneven

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Urogora does not have an overly dominant emotional state - she can switch from
angry to scared to confused to curious as the situation demands. As a formerly sentient being,
Urogora can display thoughtful emotion which sets her apart from many of the more feral
 Combat Focus: Urogora is all about flame - she grapples opponents just to get her flaming
body in contact with theirs - and blasts them with flame whenever possible. But she is also a
very well-rounded combatant in her own right - with a good mix of tail, bite, and limb attacks.
 Special Considerations: Urogora's self-immolation requires persistent flame effects - which
will require additional vfx work, both artistically and technically.

Height: 100 meters

Weight: 52,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Melee
Primary Attacks: Clawed Feet, Beak
Secondary Attacks: Wings
Primary Weapon: Stone Spew
Secondary Weapon: Wind Gusts
Energy Style: Hunger

Overview: Kikiron is an alien from a distant galaxy, who by incredible coincidence looks almost
exactly like a giant Earth chicken. His indestructible feathers allow him to fly through space, though
he needs assistance breaking free of planetary gravity. Kikiron's feet are incredibly strong - able to
crush Kaiju skulls with ease and rend flesh from his opponents. Kikiron stores projectiles inside his
body, and can spew them individually or all at once for precision ranged assaults.

Origin: Kikiron is an alien gladiator who rose through the ranks of the fiercest Kaiju known across
the galaxy. With his incredible strength, surprising speed, and brilliant tactical mind, Kikiron became
a champion warrior feared and idolized by all. He specialized in low-gravity combat, showing
unsurpassed skill at fighting within loose asteroid fields. But at the height of his prowess, Kikiron
was betrayed by a rival syndicate. He was transported unconscious from his galaxy to our own, and
now has no way to return. None of the sentient Kaiju in our galaxy seem able to communicate with
Kikiron, so he cannot even locate any proper Kaiju Battle leagues, or find a way to establish himself
as a potent fighter, rather than a mindless beast. Worst of all, Kikiron's fearsome appearance seems to
only amuse his new opponents, so he is continuously denied the respect he had previously earned as a
Kaiju champion.

Energy System: Kikiron ingests hard objects and stores them for later use as projectiles. He does this
be swiftly striking his beak against the ground, expertly plucking the hardest & most aerodynamic
stones from the ground.

Ranged Combat: After ingestion, Kikiron can spew forth any number of small projectiles from his
mouth. This stream deals physical damage at range - and as such it can be used to several tactical
advantages - tripping opponents, stunning them, pushing them back, or even simply pummeling them
into unconsciousness. Kikiron's powerful torso can initiate this ranged combat with very little
warning - making his ranged attacks significantly harder to predict / avoid than the ranged abilities
commanded by other Kaiju.

Grappling: Kikiron grapples with his powerful feet - which have incredible grasping strength.
Kikiron hoists opponents by leaving the ground and twisting them before slamming them back to the
ground with his weight.

Melee Combat: Kikiron's beak is hard enough to shatter steel, and his feet can choke other Kaiju to
death in moments. In combat Kikiron is a whirling Dervish of sharp pain. His wings, though not as
strong as his feet, can be used to effectively batter opponents or parry attacks. Kikiron also has a very
high degree of mobility thanks to his mastery of subtle movements with his wings to gain altitude or
avoid charges from other Kaiju.

Weaknesses: Kikiron cannot fly for extended periods of time, which means he must rely on projectile
attacks to deal with airborne enemies. He must take time to ingest new projectiles periodically, as he
tends to burn through his supply in rapid order. His feet cannot easily reach very high, so certain
taller and/or flying monsters can limit his melee options.

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Kikiron is a haughty champion - think Johnny from the original Karate Kid.
He's incredibly well-trained, and his movements are precise - but the lack of respect he gets
from opponents angers him, and you can see that expressed in the way he fights. Kikiron's
roar of victory is especially laden with a sense of one-upping everyone else. Kikiron does
NOT - IN ANY WAY - move or act like a chicken. His incredibly prowess is supposed to
clash with his silly appearance.
 Combat Focus: Kikiron is shockingly effective at laying down melee beats. He twists in the
air with incredible speed - his clawed feet reach out to strike with precision. He can flatten
himself down to the ground mid-stirke, adding a layer of evasion to even his ordinary attacks.
He has an air-ground Charge attack, and limited air movement thanks to his wings. He
grapples with his feet - like Rodan. When swinging his wings as strikes, he usually leads
with the heavy edge, sweeping them around like a heavy cloak.
 Special Considerations: We will need to take special care to make certain that Kikiron's legs
are long enough - we may need to "cheat" their length inside his thighs. We should plan to
use cloth tech to build his crown and cheeks.

Height: 110 meters

Weight: 60,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Control (Impede/Slow opponents)
Primary Attacks: Spikes, Polyp tentacles
Secondary Attacks: Teeth, Poison
Primary Weapon: Riptide Force
Secondary Weapon: Coral Tomb
Energy Style: Stamina
Overview: Moratitan is a giant Moray Eel, who creates an exoskeleton from coral in order to walk on
the land. His right hand is a massive coral club, with retractable spikes. His left hand is a mass of
pliable polyp tentacles. Moratitan himself is held within this artificial exoskeleton - with his head and
tail protruding. His coral body is very resistant to damage, but slow-moving.

Origin: Moratitan was originally a Moray Eel, living within a massive coral reef in the South Pacific.
The American Navy inadvertently caused catastrophic damage to the reef through a toxic mixture of
poisons, waste, and high-energy discharge weapons. This began to kill the reef, but at the same time
changed Moratitan into the massive eel he is today. Moratitan was unwilling to leave the reef which
had been his home, so he found a way to animate it through a combination of willpower and the
mysterious Riptide Force. Now Moratitan brings his toxin-soaked home with him as he seeks his
revenge on all humans.

Energy System: Moratitan regains energy slowly over time. His energy decreases when he takes
damage - especially heat or nuclear-based attacks which dry him out.

Ranged Combat: Moratitan can draw objects towards himself using the Riptide Force - a powerful
area-effect which extends in all directions. This draws in powerups, and weakly draws in enemy
monsters. Moratitan can fire this energy as a beam from his mouth - but he does so only in
Beamfights, not as a damage-dealing attack.

Moratitan launches chunks of coral from his arms, which expands on impact with another monster -
slowing and partially immobilizing them. Monsters thus afflicted are much more strongly attracted
by the Riptide Force.

Moratitan's coral body constantly exudes low levels of toxins, which drain health over time.

Grappling: Moratitan grasps opponents with his polyp hand - which has excellent range.
Unfortunately Moratitan has only average strength, making grapple attacks potentially unsafe in many

Melee Combat: Moratitan uses his mace-hand for most close combat, either with spikes (edged +
poison damage) or without (blunt). Moratitan's attacks tend to be slow & heavy, as his coral body is
not capable of rapid movement. Moratitan himself (the eel) remains very quick & lithe, so his jaws
remain capable of rapid series of attacks.

Weaknesses: Moratitan has limited ranged abilities, and moves slowly. He relies on his Riptide force
and ranged grapple to keep opponents close. His attacks are slow, but his poison and high durability
make him much better in melee range than out of it. His energy (needed to power the Riptide Force)
can be disrupted by heavy weapon attacks.

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Moratitan is lashing out at the world around him. He doesn't understand much,
or make any rational decisions about things - he just reacts. Most of the time this means he is
 Combat Focus: Moratitan is incredibly slow - potentially the slowest character in all of Kaiju
Combat! To counteract this, much of his focus is on slowing opponents, paralyzing them,
holding them in place, and pulling them in close to himself. Moratitan's coral body is always
very slow - even when executing attacks - but his organic Eel head is very fast and snappy.
His head bobs and moves moreso than most characters, and his tail animations are more
energetic than we usually see.
 Special Considerations: Creating Moratitan's Eel as a largely separate character will allow
us to "slide" his position relative to the armour. Also, his asymmetrical hands will require
some careful state control.

Height: 100 meters

Weight: 45,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Melee
Primary Attacks: Claws, Teeth
Secondary Attacks: Knives
Primary Weapon: Howling War Cry
Secondary Weapon: Fury Gust
Energy Style: Fury

Overview: Lycanoid was a human werewolf, exposed to regenerative nanites which were unable to
cope with his inhuman physiology and are twisting him into a gigantic, semi-synthetic version of
himself. His natural werewolf regeneration is fighting this process - resulting in a medical patchwork
of mutating fur and skin. Excessive regeneration is forming synthetic bone protrusions at his arms
and spine - these can be ripped out and used as crude knives. As the nanites or the wolf gain
dominance, Lycanoid's human mind is yanked back and forth between confusion, anger, and fury. As
a result, he enters Rage Mode with great frequency.

Origin: Ipequey was born in the Pacific Northwest - his father was a German immigrant and his
mother was a member of the Chinook tribe. He was orphaned at an early age - which may have been
either the cause (or the result) of his wolf side manifesting at a very early age. He attacked his foster
family when they tried to call out his birth name - pulling the wolf's attention away from its hunt.
From that point on Ipequey stayed away from other people as much as possible - living on the fringes
of society, taking odd jobs and never staying in any place for too long. His hard life and general
apathy for his own safety led to the development of many large scars across his body by the time he
was an adult.

It was these scars that made him of interest to a biotech firm developing an artificial skin-grafting
nanite technology. The goal was to repair superficial wounds - burns, scars, cuts - at an accelerated
rate through the introduction of artificial skin which would gradually be replaced by a body's own
natural skin as the organic healing process continued.

Unfortunately, these nanites had never encountered a werewolf before, and they responded to
Ipequey's physiology in an explosive fashion. Responding to his lycanthropy as they would to an
infection, the nanites attacked. In response, Ipequey's werewolf regeneration kicked in - battling the
nanite invasion. The nanites began replicating layer after layer of thick, artificial skin across his
body, while the werewolf regeneration responded by building organic flesh and bone around the
nanite skin. Together, these two forces created a cascading reaction which grew Ipequey to gigantic
size - half human and half wolf. Terrified onlookers couldn't decide if he was alive or somehow
synthetic - the press dubbed him "Lycanoid" after his first wild escape from the city. Unable to stop
their struggle, the nanites and the Wolf continue to battle for dominance, abattle that plays out in both
his body and his mind.

Energy System: Lycanoid increases his energy through close-quarters combat. As he fights his fury
builds, giving him the will to rip out additional synth/bone knives for increased melee damage or
throwing attacks, or to unleash his primal howl. When out of combat, Lycanoid's fury begins to drain
away slowly.

Ranged Combat: Lycanoid's Howling War Cry does moderate damage at range, but it requires time
to build up to full intensity. If he has one or more knives in his hands, they may be thrown for strong
edged damage. Since both options require energy, Lycanoid must first close to melee range before
either option becomes available. Lycanoid can also blow huge gusts of air, which do not deal any
damage, but can quickly knock opponents back or hit fliers out of the sky.

Grappling: Lycanoid is of average strength and weight, but he prefers to bite when in a clinch, as his
fearsome teeth tend to give him an advantage there.

Melee Combat: Lycanoid uses two distinct fighting styles, depending upon how much either the
nanites or the Wolf have asserted their control over his body. When the nanites dominate, he retains
much of his human mind, stands upright, and uses his bone weapons in a two-handed fighting style
that emphasizes counter-attacks and long periods of offense, including kicks, sweeps, and jump
attacks. Lycanoid enters Rage Mode quite frequently, which represents his Wolf side asserting itself
over the nanites. In this style he drops to all fours, and attacks primarily with his Teeth (and also his
claws) - more like a feral wolf. He loses the use of his weapons, but gains significant running and
striking speed, which facilitate tackling & mauling offensives.

Weaknesses: Lycanoid's flesh regenerates very quickly, but he has no real resistance to damage. This
low defense means that he must intimidate and pressure his opponents to prevent them from taking
the initiative. His bipedal and quadrupedal stances are each useful, but he cannot switch back and
forth between them at will. His Howl takes time to build to full potency, which can leave him

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Lycanoid is a tormented person, further tormented now by the battle over his
body being waged by two inhuman forces. Lycanoid has always suffered from very low self-
esteem, and fights out of necessity, or fear, rather than anger or pride. Now he fights to
express his frustration, and pain.
 Combat Focus: Lycanoid is very much an up-close fighter. He has several ranged options,
but they are powered by energy which he can only gather at range. In addition to his quick
melee attacks, Lycanoid has several long-reaching heavy attacks. Proper use of these can
catch a fleeing opponent. Lycanoid's Rage Attack switches him into 4-legged mode and locks
him into it - he cannot switch between biped and quadrapedal stance at will. When using his
knives, he fights with a two-handed Florentine style.
 Special Considerations: Lycanoid generates long knives in his hands - which he needs to
convincingly "draw out" of his body somewhere near his spikes. (Either on his back or his


Height: 85 meters
Weight: 80,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Charging
Primary Attacks: Teeth
Secondary Attacks: Tail, Charge
Primary Weapon: Putrid Cloud
Secondary Weapon: Reality Tear
Energy Style: Hunger

Overview: Macrosaurus is an enormously fat Tyrannosaurus Rex. He is so fat that his arms are
totally useless, and he cannot jump. He has a hugely powerful mouth, and an insatiable appetite. He
can eat almost anything at all without injury, and frequently does!

Origin: Macrosaurus is a terrestrial dinosaur who developed an immense appetite. His body
managed to adapt to his ridiculous food intake by storing energy quickly in the form of fat. His
increasing size made ever-increasing portions a necessity - and so Macrosaurus very quickly
eliminated his original food sources. In desperation he began to metabolize rocks & earth - which
kept him alive but could not satisfy his hunger.
Somehow, his desperation led this perfect eating-machine to bite a hole in the fabric of spacetime
itself - creating vortexes to other eras and locations. At first Macrosaurus satisfied himself by eating
whatever material came through these rips - but eventually he forced himself through one. Now
untethered by time and space, Macrosaurus treats the universe as his personal buffet.

Energy System: Macrosaurus is fueled by his hunger. Eating objects from the environment will
increase his energy meter. Macrosaurus may also eat powerups for enhanced effects.

Ranged Combat: Macrosaurus can give an enormous belch, releasing a choking cloud all around
him. By belching longer, he can increase the size of this cloud, which persists for quite a while on the
battlefield. Macrosaurus is immune to his own cloud, but any other monster who enters it will be
significantly hampered. Macrosaurus uses this cloud as a tool to limit the mobility of his opponents.
In addition to his belch, Macrosaurus can literally tear a hole in reality with his massive jaws -
spawning random objects into the arena. These can be used to strike opponents directly as they
spawn, they can be picked up and thrown at opponents, or they may simply be eaten.

Grappling: Macrosaurus grabs objects and other monsters with his giant mouth. He has difficulty
lifting monsters in this way, but he can deal so much damage simply by grappling with them that he
often doesn't need to actually win the grapple to come out ahead. When Macrosaurus lifts an object
such as a boulder or building, he may choose to consume the object for energy.

Melee Combat: Macrosaurus relies on his incredible bulk in combat. He is surprisingly swift, and
charges through his opponents like a bull in a china shop. His massive bulk allows him to blunt the
charge attacks of other monsters with ease. He has deadly stomp attacks which create stunning
quakes in his immediate vicinity.

Weaknesses: Macrosaurus is so heavy that he cannot jump normally, which restricts his mobility
significantly. He can expend energy to jump, but even then his jumps are quite small and slow
compared to other monsters. However, Macrosaurus has access to some of his most devastating
attacks from the air - including the dreaded "Doom Flop". Macrosaurus also requires objects to regain
energy, so after a long fight he may find himself without additional fuel. He can spawn objects to eat,
but the process takes quite a while and leaves him vulnerable to attack during his snack.

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Macrosaurus does everything with gusto - or not at all! He would forget to keep
fighting his opponent if they didn't stay nearby. But once Macrosaurus sets his (tiny) mind to
something, he doesn't bother re-evaluating his position based on new evidence. When
Macrosaurus gets something he wants (usually food) he can be very happy!
 Combat Focus: Macrosaurus is all about charging - his high weight and quick speed make
him a bull in a china shop. His arms are useless for combat. His basic "jab" attacks are belly
bumps. His feet can kick forward, but are a bit slow when doing so. Macrosaurus's jaw is
quite formidable - being both damaging and quick. But he has limited agility for using it
against opponents. When charging, Macrosaurus lowers his head to strike with the crown of
his skull. He also has several object-spawning animations which revolve around VFX placed
on his jaw.
 Special Considerations: We will need to create objects for Macrosaurus to spawn. His
clinch animations will need to use his mouth - which could be tricky.


Height: 75 meters
Weight: 45,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Adaptable
Primary Attacks: Strong punches
Secondary Attacks: Spiked Legs
Primary Weapon: Arc Beam, Neutron Cascade, Extermination Ray
Secondary Weapon: Ballistic Rockets, Radio Pulse
Energy Style: Fury

Overview: Exterminus is a cyborg war-machine from the distant planet of Burria Prime. In his
neutral aspect he exhibits well-rounded combat abilities and weapons. If necessary, he can adapt
himself into one of three additional aspects, which radically alter his combat strengths, weaknesses,
and weapon loadout.

Origin: Long ago, on the planet Burria Prime, two factions engaged in a global war. They built
massive organic and mechanical engines of destruction, which wreaked havoc on the planet and on
one another. Eventually one weapon emerged victorious above all others - the towering cyborg
behemoth known as Exterminus. Repaired and re-built countless times, Exterminus became uniquely
suited to destroying every opponent he encountered. Too late his creators discovered that, after
vanquishing his original enemy, Exterminus began to indiscriminately kill all life on the planet -
reducing the surface to an inhospitable wasteland. Centuries later, Exterminus still walks the barren
crust of Burria Prime - ever watchful for new signs of life to analyze, engage, and exterminate.

Energy System: In his neutral aspect, Exterminus produces energy in response to combat. Once he
begins to engage with a foe his biological systems produce an abundance of energy which can be
efficiently stored in his mechanical systems. This energy powers his movement and weapon systems,
but most importantly it fuels his ability to adapt his physical attributes to overcome any obstacle
presented to him. Shifting into his Grappling Aspect, Brawling Aspect, or Bombarding Aspect stops
this energy storage process, so he must frequently return to fighting as his Neutral Aspect to replenish
energy reserves.

Ranged Combat: In his Neutral Aspect Exterminus uses a powerful Arc Beam to burn his opponents.
In his Brawling Aspect the Arc Beam is discarded in favor of the short-range Neutron Cascade, which
disorients and damages opponents, and may be used as a disorienting Radio Pulse to affect multiple
targets. In his Bombarding Aspect, Exterminus gains access to Ballistic Rockets, which launch
upwards before exploding all around their target from above, and the lethal Extermination Ray, which
may be fired continuously without draining his energy. Adding energy into the Extermination Ray
can deliver massive damage with pinpoint accuracy.
In his Grappling Aspect, Exterminus cannot use any weapons.

Grappling: In his Neutral Aspect Exterminus may grab buildings and other monsters, but lacks the
strength to consistently hoist monsters above his head, or take advantage of their immobilization. In
his Grappling Aspect, Exterminus grows in strength significantly - becoming strong enough to hoist
any monster or structure he might encounter. Additionally, his Grappling Aspect gives Exterminus
access to a suite of grapple attacks which allow him to exploit any weaknesses his opponents might
possess. His increased strength & mass also protects him from being grappled by other monsters. In
his Brawling Aspect, Exterminus may not grapple at all.

Melee Combat: In his Neutral Aspect Exterminus has a variety of effective strikes and combos using
both his powerful arms and his spiked mechanical legs. In his Brawling Aspect, Exterminus enhances
the speed of all his attacks, and gains access to several new multi-hit and multi-opponent combat
strategies. In his Bombarding Aspect, Exterminus may never link one attack into another. (No melee

Weaknesses: In his Neutral Aspect Exterminus lacks any specific advantages over other monsters.
His weapons and melee strikes are strictly of medium-effectiveness, and his grappling & charging
attacks are uninspired. His Fury allows him to regain energy faster than most monsters, providing he
continues to fight effectively, but he cannot consistently defeat opponents without shifting into his
specialized Aspects. His Grappling Aspect gives up all ranged combat abilities, his Brawling Aspect
has only short-ranged weapons and no grabs, and his Bombarding Aspect cannot combo or fight
effectively at short range. His elemental resistances & damage types also change, so Exterminus can
be a very complex character to use at maximum potential.

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Exterminus is a dedicated fighter, but he doesn't feel any special malice towards
opponents. In fact, he thinks of them more as puzzles to break apart and examine. He does
not snarl or act in a bestial fashion - though he can cry out in pain or focus his attacks with a
vocalization. His mechanical legs move with very precise regularity, which should contrast
with his arms and torso.
 Combat Focus: Exterminus is a very reactive & adaptive character. His suite of abilities
remains relatively similar in each combat aspect - but the properties and effectiveness of each
technique is adjusted. This means that most of his attacks need to work as both moderate and
heavy strikes - depending upon his aspect. Opponent reactions will cover most of this, but we
need to make sure we don't push his combat style too far in any one direction, since we want
to apply each animation to multiple aspects.
 Special Considerations: Exterminus needs to visually shift his appearance in each of his
aspects. His weapon projection is offset to one side. His grappling animations need to
support 2 sizes.

Height: 60 meters
Weight: 55,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Ranged/Control (Grappling)
Primary Attacks: Claws
Secondary Attacks: Gun Bat
Primary Weapon: Shredder Guns, Arcane Grenade
Secondary Weapon: Mystic Wave
Energy Style: Unstable Battery

Overview: Gandiva is a human-built battle platform fusing human military technology with a mystic
artifact of unknown origin. This core artifact strongly resembles two human torsos connected at the
waist, which suggests that before becoming damaged it had some relationship to ancient humans.
In battle, Gandiva relies on a variety of ranged attacks, all of which are powered by an unknown
energy produced by his core. Gandiva "flips" in battle to bring his two torsos into the fray at different
times - each torso features different weapon types, melee attacks, and grappling techniques.

Origin: In the late 1960's, anthropologists from the University of Mumbai discovered a unusually
large energy source buried in the mountains of Tibet. Shaped like two human torsos merged at the
waist, this discovery was quickly appropriated by the Ministry of Defense for potential combat
applications. The artifact was clearly designed to generate and project limitless quantities of energy -
but time and (presumably) past battles had left it so damaged as to be nearly inoperable.
Historians suggested that this artifact might be the source of some of India's oldest legends. They
specifically thought that it might be related to the magical bow given to the hero Arjuna by the god
Brahma, which he called Gandiva. The Indian government supported this explanation, because it tied
the artifact to Indian history, intercepting any potential claims other governments might make against
the artifact.
Approximately 40% of the original artifact has now been replaced by mechanical components,
including nearly all of one torso. In recent years, Gandiva has been redesigned for the specific
objective of defending humanity from Kaiju attacks, on the Indian subcontinent or elsewhere.

Energy System: Gandiva's core is itself an apparently endless supply of mystic energy, which has
been successfully tapped to provide him with flight and a variety of ranged energy weapons.
However, the recharge rate is too slow for sustained combat purposes, which forces Gandiva to close
with his opponents. Sustaining damage dramatically increases Gandiva's power generation rate.
Unfortunately, excess energy generation (taking damage when his energy is full) - causes him
significant additional harm!

Ranged Combat: Gandiva's core generates mystic spheres in his hands, which can be lobbed like
explosive grenades. The jewel on his remaining head can also project focused mystic energy, which
can be used to push targets away.
Gandiva's mechanized torso channels this same mystic energy to power his imposing Shredder Guns -
which can fire either in sustained volleys or in scattering bursts.

Grappling: Gandiva's unusual method of movement affords him significant advantages when
grappling. He is able to pivot and control other monsters with far greater facility than most, and his
heavy stone & metal body provides an ample counterweight for throwing techniques. Gandiva's
ability to invert his torso can often be used to catch opponents unaware!

Melee Combat: Although Gandiav's core exhibits sharp claws and strong arms, melee combat is not a
focus. Gandiva's speed comes from his engines, but his physical gestures are often too slow to
connect reliably in close quarters. Because of his distance from the ground, Gandiva is often unable
to engage smaller opponents at their own level.

Weaknesses: Gandvia's focus on ranged combat and absorbing damage to power his internal energy
reserves leaves him with several exploitable weaknesses. Chiefly, he cannot sustain prolonged
damage without an opportunity to discharge his energy reserves - which makes melee fighters a
serious concern. In addition, his energy absorption system leaves him weak to many forms of energy
attacks. Finally, his hovering movement makes it difficult for him to take cover, should he find
himself on the receiving end of a weapons barrage.
Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Gandiva exudes a meditative dispassion - he is in many ways aloof and distant.
His stoic face almost makes you believe that he could be friends with his opponent on a
moment's notice.
 Combat Focus: Gandiva hovers - and has no legs. His combat is almost entirely based
around his four arms - only two of which are active at any given time. His humanoid arms
hurl mystic grenades, grab opponents, and slash opponents with melee strikes. His shredder
cannon arms bludgeon opponents, and fire several types of projectiles. Both arms are capable
of clinches (though the human arms are much better at it!)
 Special Considerations: Gandiva's torso flipping will require some clever state management
and mirroring.

Height: 65 meters
Weight: 38,000 metric tons
Gender: Female
Combat Style: Ranged/Charging
Primary Attacks: Metal Claws
Secondary Attacks: Bite
Primary Weapon: S.C.U.D. Cannon
Secondary Weapon: S.C.U.D. Missiles
Energy Style: Stamina (auto-injurious)

Overview: Katyusha is a Jerboa mouse fused to an experimental Sentient Combat Unit Device
(S.C.U.D.) which draws power from its host's central nervous system. In Katyusha's case, the
S.C.U.D. has evolved into a gigantic particle cannon on a hinge, which can alternately fire a variety of
energy blasts, or flip backwards to act as a zero-inertia propulsion system. Katyusha's conscious mind
still appears to be dominated by her terrestrial mouse instincts - but as the S.C.U.D. system continues
to increase in power, it is only a matter of time before she evolves into something much more

Origin: Katyusha was originally one of 25 mice grafted onto experimental Sentient machines in a
remote research lab under the jurisdiction of the USSR. These machines drew power from their hosts
and displayed an impressive ability to adapt - though with such tiny hosts their maximum energy (and
thus their maximum creativity and problem-solving skills) were limited. Katyusha's S.C.U.D. unit
found a way to overcome this energy limit - by manipulating its host mouse's DNA to accelerate
growth - simultaneously providing more power to the S.C.U.D. One evening the amount of available
energy from the host became great enough to power a small laser, with witch Katyusha broke free of
her cage, gained access to the other S.C.U.D. units and their hosts, and devoured them. By the
morning, Katyusha had escaped into the wild.
It has been more than a decade now, and Katyusha has grown to such an enormous size that she
cannot remain hidden from the human military forces that hunt her much longer. But will the
S.C.U.D. unit she powers have achieved sentience by then? And if so, what does it want?

Energy System: Katyusha's bio-organic weapons are powered by her organic physiology. In normal
circumstances, her massive body produces plenty of excess energy to power the S.C.U.D. system. In
combat, when energy requirements peak, the S.C.U.D. system can draw emergency power from
Katyusha's organic body in a way which can cause her significant internal damage. In a prolonged
battle, this auto-injurious energy draw can become a significant liability.

Ranged Combat: The S.C.U.D. system has evolved Katyusha into a ranged-combat specialist. The
S.C.U.D. Cannon is used as both a versatile projectile launcher and a propulsion system allowing for
quick movement along the ground and/or limited flight. These options allow Katyusha to change her
combat range in an instant (at the cost of energy) and employ powerful blasts from any range. (at the
cost of energy). So long as her energy pool remains full, Katyusha is a combat dynamo!

Grappling: Katyusha's strength is still proportioned like a mouse, and as such she has very little of
the upper-body strength necessary for lifting or applying torque. She can quite effectively shake off
grappling attempts through quick blasts of her S.C.U.D. jets, which makes her harder to hold on to
than her light weight might imply.

Melee Combat: Katyusha's melee abilities have been augmented by the S.C.U.D. to include two
sharp mechanical arms, which have very fast striking and reaction times. Katyusha has not, thus far,
developed mechanical armour to protect against hand-to-hand combat, presumably because she has
not been exposed to such dangers. This probably means that a well-armoured melee kaiju could gain
a significant advantage against her in hand-to-hand combat.

Weaknesses: Katyusha's massive bulk was developed to power the S.C.U.D. unit, not as a response to
any external threats. This means that she is optimized to survive and develop her capacity for reason,
not for combat with other kaiju. In combat she relies largely on her mouse-sized instincts, which are
not necessarily optimized to her incredible abilities. She has emphasized evasion over damage output,
like a mouse. But unlike a regular mouse, her abilities are ultimately tied to the S.C.U.D. unit's ability
to draw power from her living systems - which are finite resources in a combat situation.
Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Katyusha is a fusion between sentient technology, and mouse. The mouse
aspect acts like a mouse - she would rather hide than fight. Her melee attacks come across as
desperate acts of distraction - giving her an opportunity to jet away. But the S.C.U.D. unit
has its own agenda - and it can assert itself over the mouse brain in several ways. When
Katyusha roars, it's less about aggression, and more about being pushed out of her instinctive
comfort zone by the symbiotic relationship.
 Combat Focus: Katyusha is driven by the two primary functions of the S.C.U.D. cannon -
blast, and propel. She can fire from range, or up close for huge knock-back. She can close
distance in a flash with a jet-powered charge from the air or ground, or shoot away to regain
distance. Her energy can draw from her health - so overly aggressive actions can leave her
vulnerable. Her melee attacks with the arms are quick and light, and her kick attacks are only
slightly stronger. Her tail is not used in a combat role.
 Special Considerations: Katyusha's S.C.U.D. unit animates into two positions - this needs to
be supported in the base model.

Height: 103 meters

Weight: 48,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Charging
Primary Attacks: Bladed Tail, Shoulder Spikes
Secondary Attacks: Claws
Primary Weapon: Luminous Cannonade
Secondary Weapon: Energy Spear
Energy Style: Stamina
Overview: Gaonaga is a tall, lithe creature covered in layers of natural armour. He fights primarily
by charging at opponents, and impaling them on his shoulder spikes, or slashing at them with his
fearsome double-bladed tail. His third eye can form energy projectiles, and his natural claws can deal
powerful slashes at close range. Entirely displeased with what he has become, Gaonaga fights against
those who pervert others through science.

Origin: The planet Rakkan is home to a particular species of lizard which is renown for its incredibly
long lifespan. Hoping to unlock the secrets of eternal life for themselves, the sentient inhabitants of
Rakkan began a series of experiments on these lizards, which would eventually result in the creation
of Gaonaga. They began by introducing a bacteria which could transform the lizard's natural
regeneration powers into energy. The scarring from this process formed a "third eye" on the creature's
forehead, which became the locus for this energy generation. Unfortunately, the scientists had little
luck transferring the long-enduring genetic traits into their own species, but they continued to work on
the creature even as it slowly grew to gigantic proportions, building muscle and thick armour plating.
They might have eventually discovered the secrets they sought, were it not for the unstable explosions
the creature began to periodically generate from its third eye. These erratic bursts acted as a beacon,
attracting various space-traveling kaiju to Rakkan. In a panic, the Rakkan inhabitants forcibly
transferred Gaonaga to a distant planet, in an attempt to spare their world further kaiju visitors.

Energy System: Gaonaga regains energy slowly over time.

Ranged Combat: The Luminous Cannonade functions best as a close-quarters bombardment,

especially against prone opponents. Gaonaga will frequently employ this weapon immediately after
knocking an opponent to the ground. His Energy Spear, on the other hand, functions as a very quick
projectile attack against distant foes.

Grappling: Gaonaga's heavy armour restricts his movement, making it difficult for him to lift
opponents above his head, despite his advanced musculature. In grappling situations, Gaonaga
prefers to push opponents away, putting them in a position where he can impale them on his shoulder

Melee Combat: Gaonaga's double-bladed tail is his primary melee tool. He can bring it to bear very
quickly, and strike from multiple angles with very little warning. Gaonaga's clawed hands and feet
are also capable of laying down serious damage in melee combat, but the tail is the more elegant
weapon. Gaonaga's shoulder spikes can be used in close-quarters, but without his Charge momentum
they are not especially effective weapons.

Weaknesses: Gaonaga's heavy armour provides impressive defense against physical attacks.
However, should an opponent break through the layers of armour plating, they would discover that
Gaonaga's flesh is surprisingly vulnerable. Gaonaga's preference for Charging-style assaults is at
least partially the result of his desire to avoid prolonged melee engagements. Likewise, his heavy
armour reduces his charging speed to no greater than average. Given the chance, Gaonaga would like
nothing better than to return home, and live the peaceful life he once knew. Unfortunately, his sense
of honor demands that he fight any kaiju who challenges him - dooming him to a life of meaningless

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Gaonaga fights like a heroic figure - which should be apparent in his animations.
He is rather thin - which allows him to sway side to side (which helps with his tail attacks and
his evasive properties.) His tail blades are used like swords - the tail is long enough for him
to wield them effectively as forward-slashing weapons.
 Combat Focus: Gaonaga is a Charging character - he fights like a mounted samurai warrior -
or a classic anime sword fight where two people charge at one another... and then one loses
his head. He has very heavy armour, but low health, so he does not do well in prolonged
hand-to-hand combat. His charge attacks can use either his tail, or his shoulder spikes. He
uses the palms of his hands to inflict impact damage.
 Special Considerations: Gaonaga's tail needs to be carefully tuned to work as a weapon,
rather than a tail. It will require a few different passive idle animations.

Scaos: The Sinkeeper

Height: 90 meters
Weight: 44,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Melee
Primary Attacks: Arm Scythes (locked), Clawed Feet
Secondary Attacks: Weighted Tail
Primary Weapon: Cry of Despair (muzzled)
Secondary Weapon: Bracer Shield (when locked)
Energy Style: Stamina

Overview: Scaos is a natural empath, held prisoner by the Vellian civilization to contain their
unwanted emotions and impulses. His muzzle prevents him from releasing those energies, and the
shackles on his arms enforce his containment. The bracers project a short-range force field, which
protects them from damage. In combat, Scaos uses his natural agility to deliver swift, powerful kicks
and ranged tail whips. Do not remove the muzzle.

Origin: The Vellian are an advanced alien race, who have been working for centuries to create a
perfect society for themselves. Early attempts at building a utopia ran afoul of the classic problem -
even a few greedy, selfish, or violent individuals could spoil an entire colony. Undeterred, Vellian
scientists developed a method for artificially removing negative emotions and impulses from their
citizens. The only drawback to the process was that the siphoned energy would eventually find its
way back to its original host - often with very detrimental results.

A solution was found in the form of a hyper-empathic species, which naturally fed off of strong
emotions. The Vellian could use these creatures to hold and contain an incredible amount of
emotional energy. Today, the Vellian have siphoned nearly all of their negative impulses, and stored
them in a network of prisoner empaths. The strongest and most useful of these has been nicknamed
"The Sinkeeper" - also known as Scaos.

Holding nearly an entire race's pain inside his body has mutated and twisted The Sinkeeper into a
monstrous form. The Vellian have outfitted Scaos with restraints designed to prevent him from ever
releasing the negative energy he contains. They intend to keep him subdued and imprisoned forever.

Energy System: Scaos is shackled with an incredibly durable system of chains & braces, which are
powered by remote energy sources. The shackles have a relatively low power consumption, but they
do draw continuous power. When Scaos loses a defense cell, he also loses an energy cell - down to
the minimum-energy state of one cell. In combat, Scaos can use his shackles offensively, but cannot
reduce them below one energy cell of power unless the shackles break. Once broken, they draw no
power until they can begin to auto-repair.

Ranged Combat: Scaos can use his powered shackles to deflect or even reflect energy attacks - by
using their short-range force field to his advantage. Doing so uses some energy. Scaos can also use
this force field as a melee weapon - repulsing his opponent violently at the cost of more energy.
Neither option is available once the bracers are in their minimum-power mode - because the last cell
of energy is always reserved to keep Scaos imprisoned.

Should Scaos ever remove his muzzle, he could potentially channel his nearly infinite store of Pain,
Anger, Hatred, and Misery into an indiscriminately devastating mental attack.

Grappling: Scaos is quite strong for his size, but without proper hands he cannot hoist opponents.
This means that while he is a grappler of average skill, he has little to no opportunity to damage
opponents through grappling attacks. When in a Grapple Clash, Scaos can use his bracer's force-field
to immediately end the grapple at the cost of some energy.

Melee Combat: Scaos is an incredibly vicious & quick melee combatant should he ever regain the
use of his Arm Scythes. While shackled, Scaos is still a dangerous melee opponent. He has
developed an unconventional close-quarters combat style which makes use of his leg strength and
general athleticism to strike quickly with his tail and clawed feet. The tip of his weighted tail is
especially effective at medium-range strikes. Scaos can bludgeon opponents with his bracers, though
it can be difficult to leverage them into forward or overhead positions.
Weaknesses: Scaos is a prisoner of the Vellian - he has been a prisoner for so long, holding the pain
of so many millions, that no shred of his original mind remains. He has no sentience, no sense of self-
preservation. He has no goals other than a burning desire to lash out in any way that he can. His
physical shackles are a double-edged sword. They help protect him from harm, but they also
significantly weaken his combat prowess.

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Scaos is absolutely crazy. He has been driven insane long ago by the emotional
torture of his captivity - he's barely even aware of what is happening outside of himself. To
sell this, his head is often not looking at his opponent - and he can react to absolutely nothing,
playing a variety of idle animations that keep him in different poses.
 Combat Focus: Scaos is a wild-man fighter, like Voldo from Soul Calibur. He uses every
part of his body as a weapon. His long tail likes to whip around in mid-air, or after an evasive
roll. Many of his attack animations move him forward - pouncing at his opponent. His
armbands can be used to protect himself - but when broken his third arm section is free -
giving him significantly more reach and damage (at the cost of defense.)
 Special Considerations: Scaos can lose his armbands, and unfold his arms by one additional
segment. We also need to support his Cry of Despair animation.


Height: 112 meters

Weight: 73,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Melee
Primary Attacks: Stone-Encrusted Fists, Stone Tail
Secondary Attacks: Explosive Fists
Primary Weapon: Electrical Discharge, Explosive Shards
Secondary Weapon: Earthquakes
Energy Style: Hunger

Overview: Tursacra is a massive creature who slumbers beneath the Irish countryside. He is covered
in stones, which he uses both offensively and defensively. His long spiked tail can cause earthquakes,
and he can discharge electrical energy at short range. He thrives on destruction, replenishing his
energy by absorbing the broken materials around himself.

Origin: 4,000 years ago, the magic of Ireland coalesced around the Hill of Tara, where it sat formless
for many years. That changed when the demon Balor came - wreaking destruction across the land
with his baleful gaze. In this time of crisis, Tursacra arose to drive out evil, surrounding himself with
armour made of earth and stone.
During his slumbers, the people of Ireland could still feel the greatness of Tursacra's magic, and Irish
Kings would come to the Hill of Tara, hoping to hear Tursacra's roar of approval. Tursacra has
manifested only a handful of times, such as when the Sorceress of the Unspoken came to power, or to
battle the Enchanter of Broken Souls. Even today, Tursacra remains vigilant should the need come
again for his stalwart defense.

Energy System: Tursacra gains energy from the destruction around him. Bringing down large
structures or otherwise destroying the environment creates loose minerals, which he can harvest to
replenish the stone he expends during weapon attacks. In lieu of breaking things, Tursacra can draw
stone from the earth directly - though doing so is a much slower process.

Ranged Combat: Tursacra uses a short-range bolt of green electricity to wear down opponents, but
his most devastating ranged weapon are the stone shards he hurls at opponents, and detonates on
command. In addition to significant damage, these timed explosions can distract and interrupt enemy
actions - allowing Tursacra to gain the initiative. Tursacra can also use his mighty stone tail to cause
localized earthquakes, which trip up monsters and are an excellent way to clear out nearby

Grappling: Tursacra is strong, but slow. Agile opponents are often able to escape his grasp, so
against all but the most lumbering of opponents Tursacra tends to rely on his melee abilities. Tursacra
is also very heavy, so very few opponents will attempt to grapple with him.

Melee Combat: Tursacra's heavily armoured body and powerful stone fists are an incredible pair.
Tursacra can detonate the stone encrustations on his fists on impact - causing massive additional
explosive damage. His tail is an excellent melee tool as well - striking both low and mid-level targets
with great impact. Although he has low mobility, Tursacra's long arms give him surprising reach and
striking speed within a modest distance. His jumps allow him to stretch out even further, though at
the cost of some mobility.

Weaknesses: Tursacra is quite slow, and his stone shard projectiles are hard to aim around obstacles.
Tursacra often focuses his attention on clearing out an open space to fight in - which simultaneously
recharges his energy! Very fast opponents can evade the stone shards, forcing Tursacra to rely on his
weaker (but low energy-cost) electrical discharge ability to strike at range. In melee combat, Tursacra
has only his tail to deal Edged damage with, which can be limiting against other heavily armoured

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Tursacra lumbers like a cranky old man who is tired of kids messing up his
lawn. He doesn't have any particular malice - but he knows the order things should take, and
it irritates him to see the world out of alignment. He moves slowly not because he is big or
heavy (though he is) but because he's simply not in too much of a hurry - he knows he'll
arrive in time to set things right, so why make a fuss about tit?
 Combat Focus: Tursacra is an unstoppable force - but not a very swiftly-moving one. He
carefully builds up energy and position, and then unleashes it for tremendous damage in a few
short bursts. He uses his tail for longer-reaching attacks, and his arms have surprising reach
on their own! Tursacra's fist attacks are sometimes quick, but are usually ponderous.
 Special Considerations: Tursacra's back protrusions may prove problematic for his
faceup_prone animations.


Height: 78 meters
Weight: 42,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Melee/Control (Debuff)
Primary Attacks: Hands, Feet
Secondary Attacks: Boom Buzzer
Primary Weapon: Omni-Launcher
Secondary Weapon: Mind Beam
Energy Style: Stamina

Overview: Dr. Henry Cavor was a brilliant scientist, whose deliberately increased his size and
strength in order to fend off an invasion of Earth, (for which he was at least a little bit responsible).
The transformation took an unexpected turn, and his mind regressed to a semi-intelligent state. He
wields the powerful Omni-Launcher, which provides him with a variety of powerful combat options -
but these days he mostly prefers to pound opponents flat with his bare hands. His over-sized brain
can no longer assemble complex thoughts, but it is capable of powering a beam of pure mental

Origin: Dr. Henry Cavor travelled to Earth's Moon in a ship of his own design - powered by the
incredible anti-gravity mineral Cavorite. There on the moon he was captured by the subterranean
Selenites, a mysterious race of moon-dwelling humanoids. Using only his incredible brain (and his
patented Cavorite Gun) Dr. Cavor managed to escape back to earth. Unfortunately, his interactions
with the Selenites gave them the tools necessary to travel to Earth on their own!
Faced with this new threat, Dr. Cavor developed a technique by which he could grant himself the
power necessary to repel the Selenite invasion. He crafted himself a gigantic weapon and gargantuan
clothing, and then bombarded himself with energies designed to make him enormous, invulnerable
and incredibly strong. He imagined that he would retain his great intelligence after the process... but
sadly that was not the state. The process reduced his mental faculties to a fraction of their once
formidable might. Despite this setback the monster (now dubbed "Cavorstein") managed to destroy
and scatter the Selenite fleet, saving the earth. But with nobody to help him reverse the
transformation process, who will save Dr. Cavor?
(For more on the adventures of Dr. Henry Cavor, check out drcavor.com!)

Energy System: Cavorstein regains mental energy slowly over time. The Omni-Launcher is fueled
by ammunition, rather than an internal power source.

Ranged Combat: Cavorstein can project beams of pure mental energy, which can tear through flesh
and bone. He projects this weapon through his modified goggles, which also serve to preserve his
vision at giant size. The Omni-Launcher is a giant version of his battle-tested Cavorite weapons,
which could create anti-gravity fields in limited areas. The launcher fires needle-tipped vials which
deal edged damage at range, and inflicts a variety of strange effects on opponents such as weakness,
poison, anti-gravity, etc. Certain combinations of these effects produce powerful adrenaline surges -
so be careful before mixing prescriptions!

Grappling: Cavorstein takes glee in man-handling his opponents. He lacks the strength to crush
opponents through grapples, but he is a fearsome contortionist and can often turn close-quarters
combat to his advantage.

Melee Combat: Cavorstein uses a very simian-style combat technique, full of rolls, flips, and heavy-
hitting arm attacks. He stands in a low stance, with his arms in front of him. He moves in quick
bursts, and can change combat techniques quickly. He somersaults in the air during jumps, swings on
buildings, and rushes opponents like a Silverback Gorilla. When fighting larger armoured opponents,
Cavorstein can often trip or tie up his opponent with confusing approaches, giving him exposed areas
to unleash his fury upon. Careful use of the Omni-Launcher can also create opportunities for melee
assaults, depending upon the specific circumstances. The Omni-Launcher also has a port on
Cavorstein's palm called the "Boom Buzzer" - which channels explosive energy into Cavorstein's
Weaknesses: Cavorstein's melee powers are excellent, but are rarely enough on their own to defeat
other Kaiju. He must use his Omni-Launcher to inflict status effects, and then take advantage of those
temporary weaknesses while they last. Unfortunately, primitive-minded Cavorstein cannot properly
use the Omni-Launcher, and so he cannot predict what status effect will be produced. Even worse,
attempting to combine multiple status effects can sometimes trigger a positive effect in his opponents!
Cavorstein must remain flexible, and react to the fluxuating fight conditions faster than his opponents.

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Cavorstein is very energetic - very roly-poly in his approach to combat. He no
longer has his scientific mind, but the glee he used to feel when developing inventions has
translated into the joy he feels when flinging his body through the air, or swinging across a
jumbled landscape. His stances are very low-slung, poses, emphasizing his extended arms.
He charges like a gorilla.
 Combat Focus: Cavorstein uses his Omni-Launcher to debuff opponents, and then engage
with them in melee combat. He slides and scoots along the ground with incredible agility.
His running jump performs a liesurely somersault in the air. Cavorstein uses his long arms in
several spinning attacks, and he has a very useful ground-slam from jumping state.
 Special Considerations: Cavorstein's Omni-Launcher might look good with some attached


Height: Variable (75-120 meters)

Weight: Variable (51000-75000 metric tons)
Gender: Female
Combat Style: Charging
Primary Attacks: Body Slam
Secondary Attacks: Tail, Elastic Recoil
Primary Weapon: Fissile Melt
Secondary Weapon: Concussion Wave, Plasma Accelerator
Energy Style: Hunger

Overview: Maladra is an ever-shifting blob, born from the remains of a space laboratory experiment
gone awry. She builds mass and energy by absorbing anything and everything in her path - starting
with the space station that first contained her. She can use her mass to deliver stunning charge attacks
against her opponents - or convert it to energy that can shape a variety of kinetic assaults. Her own
evolution may be her only goal - if she has one at all.

Origin: Dr. Sarah Inez was the head researcher aboard the space station Melandra, researching the
properties of cosmic rays. While exposing a skunk to radiation, the station was struck by an unknown
energy pulse which overloading instruments and severed communications. The last received
transmission from the station was Dr. Inez whispering, "Must not survive." The Melandra began to
fall out of orbit, converting as it fell into a massive fireball which consumed the structure of the
station and everything aboard it. The wreckage hit the Earth in downtown Houston, where onlookers
were horrified to see a shifting blobby mass emerge from the crater, which somehow managed to
move with purpose and rudimentary intelligence. This creature, dubbed "Maladra" by local press,
appeared to be a grotesque fusion of not only the station itself, but also somehow the organic elements
from the cargo and crew!

Energy System: Maladra rolls around her environment, absorbing mass and making herself larger
and more powerful by converting her environment into body mass. She then employs that mass in
several different ways, including conversion into a variety of energy-based attacks to impede her
opponents - reducing her size in the process.

Ranged Combat: Maladra often prefers to keep her opponents at a distance. Her most damaging
weapon is her Fissile Melt, shooting a cone of hyper-ionized radioactive gas that slows and inflicts
intense burns. She can also focus her energy into her "Plasma Accelerator", adding velocity and range
at the cost of damage. Since she uses her own mass to power these energetic attacks (and shrinking as
a result), Maladra will have to choose wisely on when and how to deploy them.

Grappling: Maladra is a difficult opponent to lift, as much of her mass will slip through an
opponent's hands like water - and the rest is incredibly dense. Maladra's grappling attacks are focused
around direct damage and stuns more than hoisting or throwing opponents.

Melee Combat: Maladra's gelatinous body absorbs many impacts without significant harm, which
gives her a significant resistance to heavy melee attacks, but does not reduce the damage from lighter
assaults. Maladra's signature assault is her Rolling Charge, in which she uses her full weight to
pummel her opponents into submission, then rolls back to repeat the process. Her flexible "tail" can
stretch to deliver piercing strikes quickly. At close range, she is likely to use her Concussive Blast to
repel opponents.

Weaknesses: Although Maladra has significant defenses against strong attacks, she can't easily evade
or redirect a flurry of small attacks that chip away at her mass bit by bit. She needs constant motion to
keep absorbing mass to fuel her weapons and attacks. Maladra's physical prowess increases with her
size, so using her weapons reduces both her energy and her physical prowess.

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Maladra personality
 Combat Focus: Maladra combat focus
 Special Considerations: Maladra special considerations

Height: 78 meters
Weight: 46,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Control (Defense)
Primary Attacks: Pneumatic Fist Barrage
Secondary Attacks: Snapping Bites
Primary Weapon: Flames of the Empire, Royal Artillery
Secondary Weapon: Scientific Aperture
Energy Style: Stamina

Overview: Chelonra is a steam-powered war machine manufactured by the British Empire in 1891 as
part of their undersea-warfare efforts. Physically, Chelonra looks like a giant turtle, though it is
designed to burrow under the sea floor, rather than float buoyantly. While thus submerged, only
Chelonra's hardened shell is exposed, making direct assault against the machine very difficult.
Chelonra's weaponry is designed for maximum under-water impact, including concussion grenades
and a heat beam which makes water explode rapidly. On land, Chelonra is a swift combatant who
uses his pneumatic claws to deliver swift beatdowns.

Origin: After establishing shipping & mercantile dominance in the end of the 19th century, Great
Britain declared itself "Master of the Seas." Unfortunately for them, this did not sit well with the
sentient inhabitants of the world's oceans - who took the boast as a slight, and began to sink shipping
vessels around the world. With conventional warfare techniques useless, Scotland's top scientists
conceived of a revolutionary concept - to build a large undersea vessel which could take the fight
directly to the enemy. Chelonra's first offensive action came in May 1891, when he was sent to
disrupt a major underwater fortification. He never returned, and the project was thought to be a
failure. But unbeknownst to any on the surface, Chelonra was successful in his offensive!
Unfortunately, achieving his objective used up too much Steam Power, and he was unable to return
himself to land. As a result, he has been sitting unpowered at the bottom of the North Sea for more
than 100 years - until he was very recently re-discovered, dredged up, and the fires in his belly were
stoked once again.

Energy System: Chelonra regains energy over time.

Ranged Combat: Chelonra primary ranged weapon is his powerful heat beam, which is aimed with
his head. This weapon was originally designed to discourage underwater targets by converting water
into steam, rendering the aquatic targets helpless. For longer ranges Chelonra relies on his Royal
Artillery, which can be used to saturate specific areas of the battlefield. When submerged, Chelonra
can use the Artillery launchers as direct-fire explosive weapons. Chelonra's most devastating weapon
is his experimental "Scientific Aperture" which launches a close-range burst of energy, but is subject
to a lengthy recharging sequence after each use.

Grappling: Chelonra has average grappling capabilities, which he usually employs to ensure weapon

Melee Combat: Chelonra's limbs are built with the latest in steam-driven piston technology, which
allows him to deal significant impact damage to opponents without the large swinging motions most
fighters require. Chelonra has been designed to use modern pugilism techniques, which minimize his
exposure to harm while maximizing the damage he can deal when opportunities present themselves.
Despite these advantages, Chelonra usually confronts strong opponents via submersion, which further
minimizes his exposure to counter-attacks.

Weaknesses: Chelonra's shell is nearly invulnerable to weapon fire and heavy impacts, but his other
mechanisms are fairly pedestrian by comparison, and are not designed to endure prolonged trauma.
Chelonra expects to exploit the element of surprise in his attacks, which is often less useful as military
campaigns draw out into prolonged encounters. Chelonra was designed for rapid movements both
underwater and semi-submerged, which means his reaction times out of the water are excellent, but
generate significant heat. Heat distribution in the air can become a problem, which normally prevents
Chelonra from using his full mobility out of the water.

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Chelonra personality
 Combat Focus: Chelonra combat focus
 Special Considerations: Chelonra special considerations

Height: 105 meters

Weight: 56,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Melee, Ranged
Primary Attacks: Claws, Tusks
Secondary Attacks: Rhythmic Assault
Primary Weapon: Echo Crush, Sonic Pulverizer
Secondary Weapon: Interference Waves
Energy Style: Stamina

Overview: Bunagi is a jungle guardian from Gabon, one of several similar Bantu spirit guardians
associated with central Africa. Bunagi is roughly human in appearance, but with thick tree-like legs,
large teeth, and tusks emerging from his jaw. Bunagi is the guardian associated with rhythm, sound,
and echos, and uses a variety of sonic-powered techniques in combat. His signature technique is to
strike the ground to create several audible "echos" of returning energy, which he can use to
dramatically enhance his melee techniques by timing his strikes to their rhythm.

Origin: M'Bunagi is one of several guardians who defended the Bantu in central Africa. These
guardians would appear at various sizes - sometimes only slightly larger than human beings,
sometimes larger than elephants, and sometimes large enough to tower across the sky. M'Bunagi was
especially known for his skillful techniques - driving away enemies and defeating other guardians
without any collateral damage. In the last 300 years the guardians have not been seen even once, and
many believed them to be gone forever, if they ever existed at all. But very recently M'Bunagi has
reappeared, for what reason people cannot say. He seems to be searching for something - perhaps for
his fellow guardians, or perhaps for some new threat that only he can see. As he ranged out of his
native regions other people in the world have begun to recognize him - calling him "Bunagi." He has
been engaged a handful of times, and on those occasions he is just as likely to disappear as he is to
stand and fight. Until his motives can be established he is considered by most governments to be a
dangerous threat.

Energy System: Bunagi regains energy slowly over time. He also regains energy from sonic events
which he does not otherwise manipulate - for example, his Echo Crush can either become a powerful
melee boost, or re-absorbed as energy.

Ranged Combat: Bunagi can create sonic events at several distances to knock down and/or disorient
foes, weakening their ability to use ranged combat in response. He can also project a focused beam of
sonic energy from his throat, which deals increasingly high damage over time. Bunagi can project
waves of sonic energy through the earth or the air, to catch multiple opponents off-guard at once.

Grappling: Bunagi has very capable hands and plenty of upper-body strength. He does not generally
attempt a grapple until his opponent is disoriented and unable to resist, but against small & quick
opponents a more aggressive grappling style would prove very effective.

Melee Combat: Bunagi's powerful limbs were built for close-quarters combat, and his reach is
exceptional. When magnified by an Echo, Bunagi's melee strikes are peerless in terms of sustained
damage, though such attacks are strictly limited by the timing and duration of the Echo itself. Bunagi's
solid body is very resistant to Impacts, which increases his ability to trade melee blows.

Weaknesses: Against characters who can ignore Sonic damage, Bunagi's ranged combat options are
limited. He can also be confounded by quick characters able to anticipate and dodge his Interference
Waves and bring the fight in close before Bunagi has time to establish an Echo. His Rhythmic
Assaults allow for very long combos, but also reduce his reaction times should opponents feint out of
the way.

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Bunagi personality
 Combat Focus: Bunagi combat focus
 Special Considerations: Bunagi special considerations

Height: 81 meters
Weight: 41,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Melee (Ranged in Powered Form)
Primary Attacks: Claws, Spikes
Secondary Attacks: Teeth
Primary Weapon: Cutting Beam, Incendiary Bursts
Secondary Weapon: Light of the Sun
Energy Style: Oscillating

Overview: Taligon is a large athletic creature covered in sharp spikes. One row of spikes along his
shoulders & back are made from a crystalline material, and when powered up can project massive
wings made of pure energy, with which Taligon changes into a flying creature who hurls explosive
energy bombs. Taligon's energy projection abilities are drawn from light & heat sources, though it is
not clear if the power's source is internal or external. Although his origins are at least partially
extraterrestrial, his fire powers and overall appearance are quite similar to those held by afreet, which
might imply that he has been shaped by terrestrial forces as well, including human will.
Origin: Two decades ago, a significant meteorite impact was recorded in the Rub' al Khali region of
Saudia Arabia. Two university students were the first on the scene, and among the expected debris
they found a large oval of dark crystal, which they brought to their nearby camp for further study.
The structure of the meteorite had several unique qualities, most notably the way it softened under
light, becoming almost malleable.

After several weeks of examination, the students returned one morning to discover that the meteorite
had shattered into pieces, revealing a tiny creature inside who looked like a spined lizard, but whose
eyes flickered with fierce intelligence. Some crystal shards remained embedded in the creature's
torso, and resisted extraction. The students cared for and examined the tiny creature, which they
named Taligon, but they were unable to physically hold him due to the tiny spikes which covered his
skin. Taligon grew slowly but steadily for several months, until he was the size of a medium dog and
managed to escape from the observation tent which had thus far been his home. Stepping into the
light for the first time, Taligon seemed confused. He stared upwards, and the sand at his feet began to
smolder. Taligon's adoptive parents were aghast to see Taligon glow with energy, and to watch as his
energy wings manifested themselves for the first time - growing to enormous size and setting the tent
ablaze by their proximity. Taligon circled the small camp several times before winging his way
further into the desert - where he would continue his growth without human aid.

Energy System: Taligon's energy rises and falls predictably, without reference to external stimuli.
While his energy is building, Taligon moves along the ground like an athletic terrestrial lizard. When
his energy is full, Taligon manifests his energy wings, and begins to fly above the ground until his
energy is depleted, at which point the cycle begins again.

Ranged Combat: In his terrestrial form, Taligon has no ability to project energy, so he must rely on
his physical gifts to engage opponents. In his powered form, Taligon projects a focused beam of
energy from his lower jaw, focused by the horns alongside it. His wings hurl explosive spheres of
pure energy as well, making his powered form a fierce adversary at range.

Grappling: Taligon's long limbs and sinewy body make him an excellent grappler, able to execute
complex reactions and counters quickly. His slightly small stature for a Kaiju can be a liability should
he lose focus and wind up grappled by an opponent. Because of his spikes, Taligon's grapples are
entirely edged damage.

Melee Combat: In his terrestrial form, Taligon is a fierce melee opponent, with a quick tail, long
sharp claws, savage teeth, and absolutely no soft areas to hit! He relies on quick, accurate attacks
over slower, heavy strikes, and can deal significant damage to enemies who use physical attacks and
are thus prone to striking Taligon's spikes during attacks. In his powered form, Taligon's close-
quarters combat maneuverability is limited, and his flapping wings can make it difficult for him to use
melee abilities effectively. His tail becomes the focus of his physical attacks during flight.

Weaknesses: Taligon is both an excellent Melee fighter and a superb ranged fighter - but never at the
same time. Because his energy oscillates on a fixed schedule, Taligon cannot control when his energy
transformation takes place, which can allow opponents safe windows to exploit his alternating
weaknesses. Taligon's melee damage is focused around his sharp elements, which can put him at a
disadvantage against characters with strong edged resistances.

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Taligon personality
 Combat Focus: Taligon combat focus
 Special Considerations: Taligon special considerations

Height: 87 meters
Weight: 58,000 metric tons
Gender: Female
Combat Style: Melee
Primary Attacks: Teeth, Claws
Secondary Attacks: Tail
Primary Weapon: Evil Eye
Secondary Weapon: Shadow Needles, Maw of Malice
Energy Style: Elemental Affinity (Mystic) / Tech Aversion

Overview: Grimmgarl is a massive zombie alligator, simultaneously inhabited by two Loa (Voodoo
spirits). She employs mystic attacks which weaken opponents, and uses her unfeeling body to dish out
punishing melee damage. She shifts between "Roaming" mode, which allows her full use of her great
weight for melee combat, and "Dead Air" mode, which lifts her off the ground but allows her to more
efficiently focus here mystic energy projections.

Origin: For much of the 1800s, a massive (though not Kaiju-sized!) alligator nicknamed "Peanut"
roamed the Louisiana Bayous, eating at least two dozen people. It was common for people to idly
wish that Peanut would attack their enemies... which became a grim reality after her death, when local
practitioners of Voodoo would summon voodoo spirits, or Loa, to inhabit her corpse and perform
grim deeds. In this way her reign of terror continued for decades after her death. Frequent exposure to
mystical energies slowed her corpse's decomposition.
The massive creature known as Grimmgarl was born on one particularly auspicious evening, when
two rival voodooists attempted to use her body at the same time - summoning two distinct Loa to
inhabit her body simultaneously. Baron Kriminel & Kalfu were both locked into the same body,
compelled to perform conflicting tasks. Unable to release themselves through action, these two
powerful spirits clashed, releasing massive mystic energies, which grew the Alligator's body to grow
into a monstrous, and much larger, form.

Now, Grimmgarl swims the warm waters of the Mexican Gulf, causing death and destruction
wherever she appears.

Energy System: Grimmgarl recharges her own mystic energy slowly over time. Proximity, especially
direct physical contact with other sources of mystic energy, increases the rate at which her mystic
abilities regenerate. Conversely, robotic beings and other magic-adverse opponents can interrupt her
flow of energy through direct physical contact. Grimmgarl can focus her energy to enter a special
energy-conserving "Dead Air" mode, in which she hovers off the ground and sacrifices some melee
power in exchange for more efficient use of energy attacks.

Ranged Combat: Grimmgarl's primary weapon is her Evil Eye - a mid-ranged glare that damages
opponents in a wide swath and saps their will to fight. When empowered with energy, Grimmgarl
launches deadly projectiles formed with pure shadow energy - which impale and weaken her
opponents. In some cases, Grimmgarl can launch all of her mystic power at an opponent in a single,
withering beam of malice.

Grappling: Grimmgarl is physically slow, which makes it difficult for her to initiate grapples. The
weight of her undead flesh is hard for others to lift, which discourages grapples against her. Her
massive teeth and long-reaching bite further discourage offensive grapples techniques. While in Dead
Air mode, Grimmgarl is supporting most of her own weight, making it dramatically easier for
opponents to grapple and hoist her successfully.

Melee Combat: While "Roaming", Grimmgarl has a wide variety of physical attacks, including her
massive jaws, poisoned claw-tips, heavy tail, and her great bulk. But even more significant than her
offensive potential is her ability to withstand damage. Not only does her undead body feel little
physical pain, but her vital organs no longer function to keep her alive, and are thus unnecessary.
Compounding this advantage, opponents under the influence of her Evil Eye will find their will to
fight reduced, making their physical attacks weaker. While in Dead Air mode, Grimmgarl's melee
attacks gain range and sometimes speed, but lose most of their damage potential.

Weaknesses: As a being of supernatural origin, Grimmgarl's offensive techniques are designed to

attack the minds and bodies of her victims. Synthetic opponents such as robots or other tech-based
Kaiju are often able to overcome these techniques, leveling the playing field against her. For purely
melee-based opponents, Grimmgarl's slow physical reactions can allow quick and/or smaller Kaiju to
effectively maneuver just outside her reach and thus avoid many of her attacks. Grimmgarl's two
modes provide complimentary weaknesses, which she must mitigate in order to employ their
complimentary strengths.

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Grimmgarl personality
 Combat Focus: Grimmgarl combat focus
 Special Considerations: Grimmgarl special considerations
Hound of Nita

Height: 98 meters
Weight: 44,000 metric tons
Gender: Female
Combat Style: Melee
Primary Attacks: Claws, Teeth
Secondary Attacks: Explosive Quills
Primary Weapon: Purification Beam, Volts of Virtue
Secondary Weapon: Shield of Reliance
Energy Style: Stamina

Overview: The Hound of Nita is a gigantic striped hyena with multi-coloured mineral fragments
fused into her chest, hands, and forehead. Her transformation has granted her several healing &
protection-based abilities, which she can use in combat to heal & defend allies. These same abilities
can, with a bit of planning, be used on opponents in ways which benefit the Hound of Nita.

Origin: In the mid 1600's, a young girl name Nita lived in the Kingdom of Dahomey, in western
Africa. Nita was captured in a raid, and imprisoned with other captives bound for the slave trading
forts along the coast. Desperate to escape, Nita prayed for the power to kill her captors and regain her

In answer to her prayer, a prismatic shard fell to earth, where it was discovered by a large striped
Hyena. The shard embedded itself into the Hyena's chest, splitting into fragments as it did so. The
hyena was compelled to move Westwards, growing & changing as it trekked. When it finally reached
the camp in which Nita was held captive, the hyena had grown to nearly 100m in size, and was
crackling with unreleased energy. It flattened the camp, killing most of the guards running the
facility, as well as a number of the captives. The young girl Nita herself began to flee, but the hyena
cornered her between two massive paws and brought her massive head low to the ground. Then the
Hyena broke off a tiny piece of her shard, leaving it in the ground near Nita's feet. The Hyena then
turned and left, walking back Eastwards.

Shocked survivors asked Nita what the display meant, and what the creature might have been. Nita
simply told them that it was the answer to their prayers. She made the crystal splinter into an
ornament, and when she wore it, she could feel the great creature slumbering. The beast was not seen
again, and the legend of the "Hound of Nita" grew as a story of nature's fierce protection for the
innocent. In recent years, new sightings of a gigantic Hyena in East Africa have been reported,
leading some to speculate that the Hound of Nita has returned. But for what purpose? Has some
descendant rediscovered Nita's ornament, and created a new connection to the creature?

Energy System: The Hound of Nita regains energy slowly over time. Her energy regeneration is
highest when she is healthy, and is reduces as she becomes injured. She may also recover additional
energy when protected by her Shield of Reliance.

Ranged Combat: The Hound of Nita can discharge electrical energy from the crystals embedded in
her chest, for her only purely-offensive energy weapon. She also has a Purification Beam which fires
from her mouth, and the Shield of Reliance, which she projects around herself or other monsters.
Both of these abilities focus on healing & defense, and deal no damage. The Purification Beam
simultaneously heals the Hound of Nita as well as her target, so she can use it to support her very
aggressive attack style, trusting that her own defenses will come out the worse for wear. The Shield
of Reliance protects a character against damage, but also prevents them from using energy. The
Hound of Nita can use this both defensively to protect herself & allies, or offensively to reduce an
opponent's offensive potential.

Grappling: The Hound of Nita is an average grappler. Her feral nature makes her unaccustomed to
the upright stance required, so she rarely initiates grapples offensively.

Melee Combat: The Hound of Nita has average damage & defense, but careful strategic use of her
Purification Beam can leave her much better off than her opponents after a scrape. Her energy
projection abilities give her the time necessary to exploit an opponent's weaknesses, and allow her to
set the pace of a conflict. Her tail can be used to flick explosive quills at opponents, which can
provide an unexpected change-up in her close-quarters combat techniques.

Weaknesses: The Hound of Nita was created as a defensive guardian, not an offensive gladiatorial
Kaiju. Combat with other Kaiju requires creative use of her guardian powers, which can be difficult
to plan for. This also makes the Hound of Nita a difficult & unpredictable opponent, which is an
important strength for her to leverage.

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Hound of nita personality
 Combat Focus: Hound of nita combat focus
 Special Considerations: Hound of nita special considerations


Height: 101 meters

Weight: 49,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Charging
Primary Attacks: Hardened Fists, Horns
Secondary Attacks: Shadow Step
Primary Weapon: Stare of Domination, Hypnotic Lure
Secondary Weapon: Eldrich Bolts
Energy Style: Stamina

Overview: Thanatorg is a gigantic bull-like bipedal creature, with massive horns on his head. He
appears quite battle-worn, and has had part of one horn replaced, and wears distressed armour along
one side of his body. Fused into the palm of his right hand is a mystic amulet, through which
Thanatorg can manipulate magical energy for a variety of mind-bending techniques & illusions.

Origin: Thanatorg was born in ancient Greece nearly 5,000 years ago, when mystical creatures were
relatively plentiful. He and his kin lived lives which paralleled the mortals who feared & respected
them. But this began to change as mystic thought & belief began to crumble in the face of scientific
inquiry, logic, and the loss of wild places. Seeking to resolve these issues through combat, Thanatorg
joined an army of mystical creatures, with the express purpose of thinning the human population
down to a level where superstition & mysticism would continue to drive their lives. The army was
mighty, but ultimately lost when human mystics were able to split their forces - opening a portal to a
hellscape dimension which swallowed Thanatorg and his allies. Thanatorg managed to drag one of
the mystics through the portal with him, and acquire the man's mystic sigil. In this new wild place
most of Thanatorg's companions died, or otherwise failed to adapt to their new home. But Thanatorg
threw himself into the challenge of keeping alive, and learned to manipulate the stolen sigil for his
own purposes. He increased both his physical prowess and his stealth - learning to disappear into
smoke and cloud the perceptions of predators. He eventually incorporated the sigil into his body
directly, to prevent it from ever becoming lost.
In modern times, power-hungry cabals seek to rediscover some of humanity's old powers.
Thanatorg's sigil remained attuned to our Earth, and so one such attempt to contact other realms drew
Thanatorg back to earth, some 5,000 years after his departure, though much less time than that has
passed for him. Unexpectedly thrust into our modern earth, Thanatorg has been slow to accept that
his ancient war is over, and cannot be rescinded. With nothing left to defend, Thanatorg continues to

Energy System: Thanatorg regains energy slowly over time.

Ranged Combat: Thanatorg can channel his sigil's mystic energy through his eyes, creating a stream
of energy. He may also present the sigil to his opponents directly, and use it to confuse and
manipulate their will. This often disorients and causes opponents to see Thanatorg in multiple
locations, or to not see him at all. Thanatorg uses this to create openings where he can charge
opponents and gore them with his horns - without giving them an opportunity to observe and prepare.
In a pinch, Thanatorg can direct short blasts of pure eldrich energy from the hand which holds his
sigil - though he tends to prefer a more subtle application of force.

Grappling: Thanatorg is a master of the Greek combat style known as Pankration, which involved
both hand-to-hand and wrestling techniques. Not only is he strong and limber, and practiced in clinch
techniques, but he can often prevent an opponent from struggling, or otherwise being able to
effectively resist his physical manipulations.

Melee Combat: Thanatorg is as excellent hand-to-hand combatant. Time has slowed his reflexes a
bit, but has not yet diminished his strength. His partial armour provides moderate defence, but does
not compare favourably with the hardened carapace, scales, or fatty hides of other Kaiju in terms of
physical protection. As a result, prolonged hand-to-hand combat is something Thanatorg will
generally avoid. During his long exile Thanatorg has learned to bend wills and deceive opponents,
which allows him to appear and disappear from their perceptions. Proper use of these ambush
techniques can enhance his close-quarters advantages.

Weaknesses: Thanatorg is at his best when he can lure opponents into compromised situations -
attacking them from every direction at once, clouding their ability to target & interact with Thanatorg
on their own terms. Kaiju who can press the attack and remain within Melee range can be difficult for
Thanatorg to deal with. His stubborn demeanour sometimes keeps him in harm's way longer than he
should. Also, despite his knowledge of mystic energy and its application, Thanatorg does not have
especially efficient techniques for employing mystic power as a damaging weapon.

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Thanatorg personality
 Combat Focus: Thanatorg combat focus
 Special Considerations: Thanatorg special considerations

Height: 100 meters

Weight: 57,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Control
Primary Attacks: Sweet Punches, Awesome Jet Kicks
Secondary Attacks: Crushing Air-Drops
Primary Weapon: Storm Bolts, Shocking Field
Secondary Weapon: Rocket Packs, Eye of the Storm
Energy Style: Elemental Affinity (Electrical)

Overview: Mecha-Baz is a giant humanoid robot who uses wrestling-style combinations and is
powered by continual lightning strikes. He uses this electrical energy to power himself, as well as his
array of electrical weapons. Because he draws storm clouds and lightning strikes to him, he can also
use raw lightning strikes in an offensive capacity against opponents. His melee strikes may also be
electrically charged. He also carries a limited number of dumb-fire rocket weapons.

Origin: Zubaz was the stage name of an unsuccessful professional wrestler from the early 1990's.
Although he scored consistently high marks for ability & technique, his career was plagued with a
comedy of mistakes which prevented him from ever actually winning competitive matches. Most
famously, he had an uncanny ability to miss every appointment he made ever - which quickly made
him a laughingstock among other professional wrestlers.

Zubaz was then approached by a rich benefactor, who offered to give Zubaz the chance he'd never had
to make a real difference in the world - by providing his likeness and muscle memory to a gigantic
robot project, named "Mecha-Baz" in his honor. Zubaz underwent years of straining physical exams,
evaluations, and programming sessions which passed all of his innate organic experience into the
digital memory of the robot.

Unfortunately, in a cruel twist of irony, Mecha-Baz was not outfitted with any high-speed
transportation abilities, which made him difficult to deploy quickly in response to Kaiju attacks
around the globe. Mecha-Baz quickly became know for his own inability to be places on time - a
darkly comedic mirror to Zubaz's own professional failings. In desperation, Zubaz reached out to
anyone who could help salvage the project that bore his name... and found an shadowy ally who
promised to help the robot compensate for his tragic lack of speed. Mecha-Baz was transported to a
remote island in the South Pacific, where he was battered with incredible electrical energies and had
his programming altered in unknown ways. When he came back, Mecha-Baz was able to harness the
power of lightning - accelerating himself and enhancing his combat prowess to new heights.
Unfortunately, the changes to his core programming have also left him largely unresponsive to any
but the most general commands... and the full cost of his upgrades may not yet be clear to the world...

Energy System: Mecha-Baz gains energy by absorbing electrical strikes from his environment -
mostly in the form of lightning bolts which periodically strike his person. This energy is immediately
stored in his energy banks, or redirected outwards when his internal batteries are full. Storm clouds
follow Mecha-Baz wherever he goes above ground, though they strike more frequently when he
moves slowly or not at all. These electrical events also provide temporary enhancements to his melee
powers, and make grapples physically painful for his opponents.

Ranged Combat: Mecha-Baz can channel excess electrical energy into powerful electrical arcs
which burn opponents. He also generates a close-range field of damaging electrical energy, which
varies in strength as Mecha-Baz is recharged with lightning. When maximized, Mecha-Baz can
create the awesome "Eye of the Storm" which swirls powerful storm clouds around him to discharge
lightning everywhere while keeping him at maximum energy. As a back-up, Mecha-Baz deploys to
each combat with a limited number of Rockets, which do not require external power to fire.

Grappling: Mecha-Baz has a vast & reflexive knowledge of grappling and clinches - allowing him to
effectively wrestle with much larger foes. Against smaller or weaker foes, Mecha-Baz will often
focus on grapples as a primary damage source. When he can store his electrical energy during a fight,
Mecha-Baz's touch can electrify opponents, giving his grapples additional damage through proximity.

Melee Combat: Mecha-Baz has adopted the semi-flashy brawling favored by pro wrestlers, where
the aim of strikes is to wear down and weaken opponents rather than to knock them out. Flying
elbows, Drop-Kicks, and Haymakers feature prominently in his repertoire. His feet contain jets which
can augment his kick attacks with explosive force. These boot jets are too weak for sustained flight,
but they can give him slightly more air-maneuverability than opponents might expect. Despite his
medium-large stature, Mecha-Baz also has a solid suite of low-hitting attacks, which can trip up
Weaknesses: Mecha-Baz cannot manually charge his energy - so he can occasionally run dry in the
middle of a fight. Without energy he cannot fire weapons, or even employ most of his mobility
techniques - leaving him something of a sitting duck until another lightning strike recharges him.
Mecha-Baz has a number of physical & energy-based techniques which help him to control the ebb &
flow of combat to match up with his needs. But if he cannot employ those techniques effectively, he
will find that encounters can quickly turn against him. Mecha-Baz succeeds best with careful
engagements and defensive play - but sometimes it's hard for him to maintain that level of self-

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Mecha-baz personality
 Combat Focus: Mecha-baz combat focus
 Special Considerations: Mecha-baz special considerations
Crystalline Xenoform (CryX)

Height: 110 meters

Weight: 68,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Ranged
Primary Attacks: Crystal Spikes
Secondary Attacks: Impalement
Primary Weapon: Modulating Energy Probe
Secondary Weapon: High-Energy Sphere
Energy Style: Parasitic

Overview: Cryx is a semi-autonomous crystal entity of extra-terrestrial origin. It exists to collect,

store and transport energy - and so it has a myriad of energy projection and manipulation abilities.
The Modulating Energy Probe can be used to either draw energy from objects in the world, or to
violently project that collected energy back! Cryx uses a projected cloud of electrical energy to float
itself above the ground, allowing for rapid redeployment. In order to unleash its most powerful
attacks, Cryx must disable this field and "land" on the surface.

Origin: Throughout our galaxy there are a number of mysterious outposts made entirely of crystal.
One such outpost is in orbit around Earth's Sun, where it passes through our orbit every few hundred
years. This crystal technology is psychically sensitive and semi-sentient - able to make repairs and
adjustments autonomously. After existing for many years in a damaged semi-operative state, the
energy levels aboard the outpost reached a critical threshold, triggering a self-preservation

During our most recent approach, the crystal outpost dispatched a piece of itself, which astronomers
tracked en route to Earth. Upon making planetfall, what had been thought to be an inanimate chunk
of debris turned out to be a rancorous entity which was given the designation Cryx This entity is
meant to collect available energy from the planet, and then return to the outpost and re-energize it.
Earth's thriving ecosystem and hum of civilization has attracted Cryx to major urban centers around
the globe.

Energy System: Cryx excels in absorbing from any available source. Energy projection weapons
will passively fuel Cryx's energy reserves. In addition, Cryx can project his Modulating Energy Probe
to pull energy directly from opponents at range. Cryx can focus himself on energy analysis for short
periods of time - allowing him to match his own energy signature to his opponent's weapon type.
This also improves his passive energy absorbtion abilities for that weapon.

Ranged Combat: Cryx can project energy as either a beam of Modulated force, or as a High-Energy
Sphere which detonates on contact. In addition to his offensive weaponry, Cryx can use an alternate
modulation of his primary weapon to draw energy from opponents. This second variety deals
negligible damage, giving opponents frequent opportunities to close with Cryx It can be very difficult
for opponents to distinguish between the two modulations... until they make contact!

Grappling: Cryx is composed entirely of sentient crystal, and is thus very dense for his size. This
makes it difficult for many opponents to effectively lift him in combat. Unfortunately, this crystalline
composition also means that Cryx is slow to grapple opponents - giving them ample time to escape if
they so desire.

Melee Combat: Cryx is made entirely of razor sharp crystals, and so his body can very effectively
inflict wounds upon close-range opponents. In order to chase down opponents, Cryx must use his
levitation ability, which accelerates slowly but has a very high top speed. At high speeds, Cryx is
capable of ramming or impaling opponents on his large forward spike.

Weaknesses: Cryx must play a mix-up game with his ranged attacks - so opponents who can
anticipate his weak (energy-gaining) attacks can gain a significant tempo advantage. Cryx is slow to
move and slow to attack, so quick opponents can sometimes remain safely in close-quarters and rely
on swift evasive techniques for victory. When mobile, Cryx has very poor offensive capabilities, and
must land in order to mount an effective attack.
Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Cryx personality
 Combat Focus: Cryx combat focus
 Special Considerations: Cryx special considerations


Height: 88 meters
Weight: 44,000 metric tons
Gender: Female
Combat Style: Melee
Primary Attacks: Beak, Wing Razors
Secondary Attacks: Talons
Primary Weapon: Obsidian Lightning, Crimson Rain
Secondary Weapon: Binding Shadows, The Void
Energy Style: Fury

Overview: Vogeladra is a Nazi Superweapon which was abandoned on the ocean floor of the South
Pacific - now reanimated through super-science and dark sorcery. Vogeladra must be psychically
"piloted" by the human Eliza Taylors - who has a unique mystical connection to Vogeladra.
Physically Vogeladra appears to be a collection of skeletal remains drawn from several sources -
bolted together with steel & powered by a primitive fusion reactor in her chest. Vogeladra is
animated and controlled through an application of mystic / psychic energy which is not fully

Origin: Eliza Taylors never knew her father. Her mother had been born in Indonesia, and she
presumed her father had been a foreign soldier passing through after the war ended and so many
military careers were cut short. Eliza herself was a citizen of the world - sailing with her partners (her
crew) from Ceylon to Japan and everywhere in-between. Eliza mostly ran salvage and courier jobs -
some of her cohort had been involved in rougher work before joining up with her but Eliza didn't see
any long-term profit in getting her hands dirty.
The day they found it didn't start out strangely, but it was the last day that Eliza would ever be alone
in her mind. Sea-floor imaging showed an enormous skull partially uncovered near the coast of
Borneo - inlaid with metal rivets and strange occult symbols. As soon as she hauled it up, Eliza felt
certain that the rest of the creature was buried in the same spot - as she and her crew assembled more
and more Eliza became more and more fixated on the creature, which her first mate dubbed
"Vogeladra" because of the head's resemblance to a giant bird. Once all the pieces were together, it
was just a couple day's work to repair the broken rivets. The engine housed in the chest cavity was
damaged beyond repair - and didn't seem to follow any conventional notions of construction.
Eliza climbed onto the creature with her bare hands - hauling herself up into the vacant spaces
between bones. It was there that she heard the archaic engine begin to sputter & smoke - suddenly
roaring to life in her presence. Eliza feel to the soft sand under the creature as green energy spread
across it's body - and the head suddenly snapped awake - staring at the sky with empty eyes before
taking to the air. Eliza lay on the beach in a trance - her mind transported as Vogeladra flared to life.

Energy System: Vogeladra's fusion core is barely able to keep her body functioning - so to remain
effective in combat Vogeladra must charge herself with psychic power. She appears to be fueled by
Spite - any prolonged melee engagement will generate an abundance of power which she can then
turn into a rain of psychic projectiles.

Ranged Combat: Vogeladra has a wide variety of pyschic and physical projectile attacks. Her wings
are built from thousands of sharp blades, which can be flung toward her opponents in a wave. She
can fire bolts of black lightning from her mouth, and summon a hugely damaging rain of crimson
which covers a wide area. She can summon tendrils of dark power to immobilize her foes or slow

Grappling: Vogeladra's wings and beak allow for crippling Grapple Attacks, but she lacks the
strength to hoist most opponents.

Melee Combat: Vogeladra has a very powerful array of melee options, but low health. To
compensate, many of her attacks confer damage penalties to her opponent. If she can continue her
assault it becomes increasingly difficult for her opponents to engage in effective melee combat.
While flying her Talons become a primary method of dealing with ground opponents - her Beak is
usually used while she is grounded, to better direct momentum. In addition to projecting blades, her
razor wings are effective striking tools in close-quarters.

Weaknesses: Vogeladra has very low health. She is being held together by corroded metal, an
ancient fusion reactor, and dark mystic energy. She can be very effective against a single opponent -
but multiple opponents could potentially avoid her weakening effects and cause her significant
problems. Vogeladra's flight is not especially swift, and her energy dependence on melee combat
makes her ill-suited for prolonged ranged combat situations.

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Vogeladra personality
 Combat Focus: Vogeladra combat focus
 Special Considerations: Vogeladra special considerations

Height: 70 meters
Weight: 33,000 metric tons
Gender: Female
Combat Style: Control (Distance)
Primary Attacks: Water Limbs, Teeth
Secondary Attacks: Typhoon Rush
Primary Weapon: High-Voltage Crush
Secondary Weapon: Web trap, Shock Bombs
Energy Style: Stamina

Overview: Torrentula is a giant Anomalocaris that can manipulate nearby water - creating a larger
spider-like appearance for herself, and giving her increased mobility on both land and water. Aside
from her physical core, Torrentula's body is fully malleable, and can be used to create limbs sharp
enough to pierce stone, or flow around obstacles like water. Her physical body can produce a strong
web-like netting which ensnares enemies, and her conductive body allows her to shock enemies with

Origin: The gods gave birth to many aquatic monsters in their time, known as the Phorcydes. These
creatures were renowned for their horrific appearance and brutal rages. Only one daughter - Triena -
rejected her monstrous heritage and sought to live in peace. The other Phorcydes tormented Triena,
mocking her weakness and tormenting her mercilessly. When their godly parents disappeared, the
Phorcydes trapped Triena at the bottom of the ocean - cursing her to remain there until she forsake her
notions of peace.

Trapped at the bottom of the ocean, Triena eventually learned to bond herself with the water around
her - drawing on it to increase her strength, size, and speed. She grew larger than any of the
Phorcydes, creating herself anew as the terrible Torrentula. When she finally escaped her prison, she
used her new body to slay her brothers & sisters one by one - hunting them across the globe. Not
until every Phorcyde was dead did she realize that their dire prophecy had come true and that she was
now just as terrible and monstrous as they had ever been. Triena, now Torrentula, returned to her
aquatic exile.

But now, with Kaiju both good and evil appearing across the world, Torrentula feels herself redrawn
into conflict. Can she control her rage? Will she act as a monster or a savior?

Energy System: Torrentula regains energy slowly over time. When using her fluid escape,
Torrentula loses energy instead of gaining it.

Ranged Combat: Torrentula's physical body produces a strong web-like netting which she can cast
towards foes, ensnaring them and making it difficult for them to attack with speed. This webbing also
has a minor corrosive effect. For longer-range use, Torrentula can focus a wide beam of electrical
energy which has superior knockback - allowing her to keep opponents at longer range when

Grappling: Torrentula has average grappling strength. If she is not caught off-guard, she can easily
flow out of grapples initiated by opponents - which makes her a very slippery customer and a poor
target for extended grapple attacks.

Melee Combat: Torrentula relies on momentum to deal damage with her melee attacks, and so
opponents at point-blank range are spared the full power of her melee attacks. Her strongest strikes
come when she focuses her forelimbs into telescoping spikes - impaling opponents at medium range
again and again. If she can get airborne, the weight of her water body can also become a very
effective crushing weapon.
Torrentula's most potent ability however is not offensive at all - it is her "fluid escape" ability, where
she weakens the cohesion of her watery body, and simply flows around obstacles and opponents as if
they were not there. During this time she takes dramatically less damage from physical attacks,
though she also cannot attack in return. The more offensive potential of this ability takes the form of
her Typhoon Rush, which she forms her water into a gigantic wave to sweep over opponents.

Weaknesses: Torrentula dominates opponents at medium range, but has difficulty keeping up
sustained damage output when close. She is not fast enough to catch swift opponents on foot, so she
must make judicious use of her fluid escape ability to retain control of her combat range at all times.
Torrentula can be especially vulnerable to energy attacks, depending upon her form.

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Torrentula personality
 Combat Focus: Torrentula combat focus
 Special Considerations: Torrentula special considerations

Height: 95 meters
Weight: 49,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Melee
Primary Attacks: Clawed Hands, Clawed Feet
Secondary Attacks: Teeth
Primary Weapon: Heat Beam
Secondary Weapon: Sonic Slashes
Energy Style: Stamina
Overview: Solomon is a demon, seeking vengeance against Red. Solomon has fully functional
wings, allowing him to engage in high-speed aerial combat as well as toe-to-toe combat on the
ground. Solomon's body is covered in a patchwork of smooth skin & fur, but the skin on his head is
stretched tightly - giving his head a skull-like appearance.

Origin: Solomon is a haughty but noble demon - one of the two strongest warriors in the realm of
Zenith. The other champion, Red, betrayed Solomon and turned his former allies against him. Red
and Solomon both travelled through several worlds, continuing their fight against one another.
Solomon refuses to give up - even in exile he dreams of defeating Red.
You may read more about Solomon's fantastic origin HERE.

Energy System: Solomon regains energy slowly over time.

Ranged Combat: Solomon's primary ranged weapon is his Heat Beam - which fires from his mouth.
Solomon uses his Heat Beam as both an air-to-ground and ground-to-air projectile weapon. Solomon
can also slash his wings so quickly that they create an expanding sonic slash - which ripples forward
through the air. This is effective only just outside melee range, but it is very hard to avoid if you are
already in range.

Grappling: Solomon is of average strength & weight. His dexterity improves his ability to
successfully grapple opponents, but his average weight class means that he has no specific defence
against grappling.

Melee Combat: Solomon's claws on both hands & feet give him an excellent source for consistent
edged damage, and can be used effectively even while he is flying. His strong jaws give him
additional combat options for close-in opponents. Solomon relies on quick approach & fade
techniques to mitigate incoming damage.

Weaknesses: Solomon has no special damage resistances, so should he be caught by an opponent it

can be a painful experience. Solomon has quite an inflated ego, and often has trouble asking for help
when he needs it. Especially when it comes to Red, you can often find Solomon running off alone...

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Solomon personality
 Combat Focus: Solomon combat focus
 Special Considerations: Solomon special considerations
Shadow of Red

Height: 105 meters

Weight: 66,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Charging
Primary Attacks: Claws, Tail Stinger
Secondary Attacks: Spiked Feet
Primary Weapon: Soul Burn
Secondary Weapon: Claw Wave
Energy Style: Fury

Overview: Shadow of Red is a demonic echo made flesh - a memory of evil that will not fade.
Physically he displays a large bulbous humanoid head, thin arms, and a long tail tipped with a barbed
stinger. Four thin spider-like legs emerge from the center of his underbelly. His back is covered in
thin flexible plates, but otherwise the Shadow of Red is skinless. He charges into battle, scattering and
crushing opponents with his great bulk before tearing into them with physical assaults.

Origin: Of the many horrors emerging from the depths of Zenith, Red was by far the most powerful,
and the worst. His insatiable appetite for pain - even the pain of other demons, led to a great battle
between Red and his siblings, especially the demonic Solomon. Red and Solomon's titanic clash was
so powerful that it scattered their essences - manifesting shadows of them across time and dimensions.
These lifeless shades play out the ancient conflict between these two combatants over and over, in
different ways and formats. Our star has attracted one Shadow of the residual energy left by Red and
Solomon's battle, which has come nearest to our world has assumed a fully physical form. This means
it can be fought and defeated by other physical beings. But Red's malignancy will echo on, even if the
Shadow of Red were to be defeated and removed from our space.

Energy System: Shadow of Red builds energy through inflicting pain on his opponents. Once full, he
uses his energy to summon the deadly Claw Wave. His normal weapons do not drain energy.

Ranged Combat: Shadow of Red's most potent weapon is the Soul Burn, which blasts a stream of
fire from his mouth to engulf opponents. This fire is formed from the souls of his past victims, which
appear as screaming faces in the flames. This weapon uses no energy - but instead Shadow of Red
must pay for it with his own health. Shadow of Red also uses the Claw Wave - which throws a claw-
shaped arc of energy which homes in on opponents, stunning them on contact. This cannot be
resisted, so opponents must avoid it lest they fall prey to Red's full physical assault. Run!

Grappling: Shadow of Red lifts and throws objects with one of his four spiked legs. The great weight
which makes him such a locomotive of power also makes it difficult for opponents to grapple with
him. Shadow of Red can also engage grappling with a prone opponent - attempting to squash them
like a giant bug. This deals damage even if the grapple clash itself is escaped.

Melee Combat: Shadow of Red's hands, feet and tail show no obvious muscle mass - but they can
rend opponents easily. It is not known whether the Shadow of Red's attacks are purely physical, or if
they have some mystical or demonic component to them which increases their potency. Shadow of
Red does not attack with his head or face (not physically, in any case) - though the death-mask and
hollow eyes are significant psychological weapons in all forms of combat.

Weaknesses: Shadow of Red wins in part by shattering the spirits of his opponents - so tenacity and
recovery abilities are key to defeating him. Shadow of Red begins each battle full of terrible strength -
but he has no stamina for a protracted engagement. The Shadow of Red deals great bursts of damage
with both physical and energy assaults - but he cannot match the sustained aggression that most kaiju
can bring to combat once they recover their senses and their will to fight.

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Shadow of Red is a nightmare - moving like several horrific creatures one might
see in a late-night scary movie. Part of that is accentuating moments of stillness - making him
periodically appear frozen with intent.
 Combat Focus: Shadow of Red uses charging attacks and forward strikes. His long body
does not “rear up” at all, which limits the variety of directions he can attack in. Specifically,
he has trouble with anti-air physical attacks, and must rely on his tail for most of his specialty
/ counter strike variations.
 Special Considerations: Shadow of Red will need ambient audio effects in addition to his
3D positional sounds. We might also want to employ full-screen effects for some of his

Height: 110 meters

Weight: 49,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Melee
Primary Attacks: Club Arm, Cleat Stomp
Secondary Attacks: Flag Tail
Primary Weapon: Fat Shot, Ball Drop
Secondary Weapon: Ace Shot
Energy Style: Elemental Affinity: Golf

Overview: Muligahn is a tall thin kaiju whose left arm has been stretched into a metallic club-like
shape. His head is a white sphere, pock-marked with dimples, and split in half to reveal piercing white
eyes. The bottom of his feet bristle with short, sharp spikes and his tail is tipped with a tattered red
bolt of cloth.

Origin: Muligahn is a golf elemental - an ancient entity formed by the primordial golf energies
present at the beginning of the universe. All sentient species play golf, and so few are surprised to see
Muligahn arrive at their planet sooner or later - playing through sentient worlds as he continues the
game begun so long ago.

Some say that the big bang itself was a product of Muligahn's first drive, and that he seeks to return
all matter into a single black hole which will swallow everything and end his game.

Muligahn's physical body is sometimes destroyed through vigorous attack, but he always returns to
continue playing where he was interrupted. He seems barely aware of anything outside his game,
though occasionally an interruption can cause him to fly into a rage - eliminating obstacles with zeal.

Energy System: Muligahn is fueled by pure Golf energy. When he hits his drives and takes the time
to plan his swings he brims over with power. Should his game be interrupted, his energy begins to
diminish until he can resume.

Ranged Combat: Muligahn's eyes can focus his energy into broad concussive blasts - usually with a
wide, scattered blast area. At great cost, Muligahn can also focus all his energy into a single piercing
burst which has incredible range and pinpoint accuracy - his Ace. Muligahn can also engage
opponents at range by driving physical objects at them with a variety of trajectories and speeds. He
can also manifest his energy as glowing spheres of energy which he can summon to drive at

Grappling: Muligahn has no particular advantages or disadvantages while grappling, but he clearly
prefers having room to swing his club. His spiked feet give him excellent protection from knockback,
which also makes him hard to toss from a standing position.

Melee Combat: Muligahn's primary melee weapon is his massive metallic club - which is actually an
extension of his main body. He can use it to knock opponents away easily, come in for a rapid flurry
of strikes, or even impale opponents. His superior melee range makes it difficult for many kaiju to get
in close enough to return blows. Muligahn's head, feet, clawed hand and tail are also formidable
weapons in their own right.

Weaknesses: Much of Muligahn's body is built from turf and loose sand, which makes him
significantly less durable than most kaiju his size. His ranged attacks are most effective at mid-range,
forcing him to physically chase down opponents who try to stay far back. Since his energy is based
upon Golf, Muligahn can get trapped in a losing cycle of non-golf related combat responses.

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Muligahn is an elegant creature - he moves and fights with grace and poise. To
accentuate this, his hit reactions should really look like out-of-control stumbles, before he
regains his footing.
 Combat Focus: Muligahn is ALL about stringing together chains of club attacks. His fierce
attacks are two-handed swings.
 Special Considerations: Muligahn's head shell should not rotate relative to his neck - his
internal head & eyes should be attached to their own node, so that he can look & aim his
weapons without bending his neck.

Height: 98 meters
Weight: 60,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Melee
Primary Attacks: Icebreaker, Anchor Club
Secondary Attacks: Bowsprit Impale
Primary Weapon: Oil Spray
Secondary Weapon: Seaweed Slick
Energy Style: Stamina

Overview: Degijon is a ghastly mass of shambling seaweed, with bones made from the wooden hulls
of old shipwrecks. His flesh has no weak points or vital organs - it is a single homogeneous mass of
seaweed. Degijon's left arm is formed from the prow of a turn-of-the-century Russian icebreaker ship.
His right arm is studded with iron anchors. His head is crowned with several figureheads, including
the “Angel of Gijón” - from which the creature takes his name.

Origin: In the mid-Atlantic there thrives a particularly aggressive strain of seaweed which forms a
thick mass a dozen miles in diameter. Ancient ships would often sink after snaring on the quick-
growing patch - their wooden bodies becoming hopelessly entangled with no hope of rescue. One of
the largest ships to succumb to this fate was the Asturian ship “Angel de Gijón.” (Named after the
port city of Gijón - now part of Northern Spain)

In modern times, some scientists looking into alternative methods for cleaning commercial oil spills
suggested that seaweed could be exploited to digest and remove crude oil. Seaweed samples were
hybridized with oil-digesting enzymes and quick maturation chemicals, and the resulting synthetic
weed was seeded into an oil spill around the native seaweed mass in the mid-Atlantic.

The hybrid was very successful - most of the oil was absorbed and digested within weeks.
Unfortunately, the synthetic weed engorged with oil merged with the virulent native seaweed.
Combined with the massive influx of energy from the absorbed oil, a rudimentary self-awareness
sparked in the mass, along with a hunger for more oil.

Pulling its antiquated fleet of shipwrecks along inside it, this creature began to seek out and attack
deep-sea oil drilling platforms, as well as other tankers carrying crude oil. The creature would rise out
of the ocean, terrifying the people aboard these vessels before cracking the oil containers & pipes -
draining the energy-rich liquid to fuel further growth.

Energy System: Degijon is a living creature, and stores energy from the food & fuel eaten by his
constituent seaweed pieces. This energy is continually renewed as he digests his supplies. It is
theoretically possible to deprive him of food long enough for him to run out, but that would likely
take several days. On land Degijon can spawn rapidly-growing patches of seaweed, which can digest
oil and other power sources from the ground and transfer it to Degijon's main body while he is
standing on them.

Ranged Combat: Degijon can spew forth a coagulated stream of oil - which sticks to and impairs his
opponents. This oil is one of Degijon's primary food sources, so using it to cover an opponent is
similar to applying BBQ sauce to an animal you intend to eat. Degijon's “seaweed slick” can also be
used to keep opponents off-balance.

Grappling: Degijon is heavy, and his lack of sinew means his entire body acts like deadweight -
making him very hard to hoist. Degijon has no trouble lifting opponents, of course, though his
lumbering attack style makes his grapples easy to avoid, so grappling is not a primary focus for him.

Melee Combat: Degijon is a massive kaiju who feels no pain, so extended melee confrontations is his
engagement style of choice. He can club opponents with his iron anchors, or slash at them with the
icebreaker. Opponents who are first covered in sticky oil will find it even harder to escape Degijon's
relentless pressure.

Weaknesses: Degijon is quite slow, and does not deal much ranged damage. Staying away from him
will be a primary combat tactic for many opponents. His melee attacks are also slow, so certain quick
and/or smaller brawlers might be able to successfully get inside his defenses, and trade blows
successfully. His base health is very high, but his ability to resist damage is nearly zero - so opponents
do not need to worry about breaking down his defenses.

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Degijon is like a cranky giant awakened before it's had a full night's sleep. He
does not breathe, but shallow ripples in his body can almost allow onlookers to watch him
think. He flings his limbs outward recklessly, and will lean in dangerously with melee attacks.
 Combat Focus: Degijon is mostly concerned with large swings with his impact or edged
arms. His body can stretch, squish, and contort in surprising ways - allowing him reasonable
evasive powers without quick movement across land.
 Special Considerations: Degijon can spawn “seaweed slicks” - which could be tricky to
integrate with destructible environments.


Height: 100 meters

Weight: 55,000 metric tons
Gender: Female
Combat Style: Melee/Control
Primary Attacks: Toxic Touch, Wing Rakes
Secondary Attacks: Tail Slam
Primary Weapon: Adaron's Gaze, Adaron's Breath
Secondary Weapon: Minion Assault
Energy Style: Meditation

Overview: Aggredora is built from the discarded remains of many other kaiju - her alien head
possesses the ability to absorb and re-animate dead flesh. Her right arm and torso come from a mutant
primate, her left arm comes from a magnified toxic frog. Her legs come from an ancient undersea
behemoth, while her wings come from a species of ancient bat-like mammals. Her tail is obviously
related to a terrestrial rattlesnake, but the specific creature of origin is unknown. Aggredora can
animate tiny monsters for short periods of time, fly, and fires energy blasts from her eyes.

Origin: The destroyer Adradon was one of a race of adaptive-combat kaiju feared across the galaxy.
Adradon could travel through deep space on his own, and fight in a variety of environments. Most
dangerous of all, Adradon could absorb and mimic certain properties of native species - allowing him
to tailor his combat styles to each world's protectors.

Adradon was defeated on Earth, and his body was torn to pieces such that he could never regenerate.
Adradon's head became dormant, and was eventually discarded into a bio-hazard “kaiju graveyard”
established by the Earth protectorate. It was there, buried among other giant body parts, that
Adradon's adaptive and regenerative powers took control - locating and fusing together a new body.
This process ended Adradon's life a second time - because by the time it was finished Adradon had no
memory of any past life - and thus began a new life as Aggredora.

Aggredora instinctively flew to a remote location, and learned to come to grips with her strange body.
Most bizarre of all were the tiny monsters that seemed to appear around her whenever she slept or
relaxed. Aggredora's body continued to animate the matter around her - giving it new life. Aggredora
came to think of these short-lived monstrosities as her children - and tried to celebrate each one,
although they could not long endure outside of her life-giving presence.

But no peaceful life can last long, and eventually Aggredora became ensnared in one kaiju-clash after
another. During these fights, she would sometimes forget herself - giving herself over to an
uncharacteristic rage which had been Adradon's specialty. It is uncertain what will happen to
Aggredora in the future - will Adradon's body and personality eventually re-assert themselves? Will
Aggredora's protective nature become a permanent change? When the next adaptive-combat kaiju
comes to Earth will Aggredora defend her new home, or destroy it?

Energy System: Aggredora gain energy from the act of creation - taking a moment to craft and
animate a tiny monster (10-20m high) to attend her. She can then discharge that energy as a focused
blast of alien energy from her eyes - or a short-range shockwave of energy from her mouth. Using the
energy tends to destroy any animated minions as well.

Ranged Combat: Aggredora can swarm opponents with monstrous children she animates from dead
tissue, the earth, or her own flesh. She can also use high-energy blasts from her eyes or mouth to burn
or rend opponents from a distance. Creation and destruction must balance out, however, so each use
of energy causes one or more of her children to fall apart.

Grappling: Aggredora's patchwork body has very unequal strength - which makes it difficult for her
to hoist anything as large as another kaiju. Her toxic arm makes clinches quite unpleasant for her

Melee Combat: Aggredora has a variety of attack styles at her disposal - pummeling with her simian
arm, toxic burns with her from arm, air strikes with her wings, knees or stomps with her club-like
feet… it is a lot to contend with. Aggredora herself is not yet completely experienced in terms of
using her new amalgamated body in combat, so each opportunity to experiment is welcome.

Weaknesses: Aggredora has a lot of options - but no singular strength to rely on. Shifting techniques
against her is usually quite effective. Since both her ranged attacks and her “children” rely on energy,
draining her energy (and then denying her time to animate additional children) is often a very
effective strategy.

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Aggredora used to be Adradon - a ruthless alien combatant. In her new
incarnation, she is exploring a more nuturing, protective side. But she cannot maintain that for
long during combat - Adradon tends to re-surface during times of stress.
 Combat Focus: Aggredora uses lots of single-strike attacks, but few combos. Combining her
patchwork limbs effectively is an ongoing tactical problem. Melee strikes are effective,
certain strafing-style attacks can catch opponents by surprise, but she has a difficult time
creating long strings of attacks, which often forces her into a hit-and-run style.
 Special Considerations: Aggredora summons “children” - which will need AI pathing nodes
in the environments to navigate via AI routines


Height: 72 meters
Weight: 34,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Control (Distance)
Primary Attacks: Twin Tails
Secondary Attacks: Shuko Claws
Primary Weapon: Blue Shift (Teleport)
Secondary Weapon: Cosmic Shuriken
Energy Style: Stamina

Overview: Kagiza is a space gecko. His thin, enegetic body is usually kept low to the ground to
present a low profile. Like all space geckos, Kagiza is skilled at remaining unseen - engaging in
combat only when cornered. Space Geckos are especially renown for their teleportation abilities -
which make them hard to spot and nearly impossible to catch. Kagiza can cling to walls, blindside
opponents, or lay down a spread of Cosmic Shuriken with a twitch.

Origin: Kagiza's nomadic clan of geckos roamed across the galaxy, mostly staying out of sight. The
group passed through Each roughly a century ago, feasting on pre-industrial foliage in Ukranian
forests. Kagiza roamed on his own, seeking cool pools to bathe in and thick forests to hide among.
After an especially long excursion, he returned to the communal site to discover that his family - his
entire clan - had left without him. Unable to track them through the void of space, Kagiza has
remained on Earth alone - trying desperately to avoid detection, and hoping each day that his clan will
return to collect him.

As humanity expands to cover more and more of the globe, kaiju have become an omnipresent threat,
and have all but exhausted Kagiza's options for hiding out of sight. Kagiza has responded in
desperation - learning to fight and flee when necessary, keeping a step or two ahead of any aggressors
while keeping a healthy buffer of space between himself and any territorial rivals.

Energy System: Kagiza regains energy slowly over time. His Cosmic Shuriken are limited by an
ammunition counter, so energy is used only to regulate his Blue Shift teleportation technique.

Ranged Combat: Kagiza's powerful Blue Shift allows him to teleport instantly and frequently within
a battle arena. This is used both to escape unwanted hand-to-hand engagements, and to blindside
opponents. On the rare occasions when Kagiza actually wants to attack while remaining at a safe
distance, he can employ his Cosmic Shuriken. But it is more likely that he will use them while still
close to his opponent, using them as a distraction or delaying technique rather than a primary source
of damage.

Grappling: Kagiza is very light, and can be easily man-handled by opponents who get a solid grip.
Kagiza himself will rarely stand still long enough to grapple with a kaiju-sized opponent.

Melee Combat: Kagiza is a very difficult opponent to face in melee combat. His sinewy torso, swift
tail, short stature, and constant teleportation make him a tough opponent to lay a hand on. Kagiza's
Shuko Claws give him an excellent source of quick edged damage, and his tail can help him attack
from multiple angles.

Weaknesses: Kagiza has few natural defenses outside of his evasiveness, and no resistance to
physical trauma. If he is caught without enough energy to Blue Shaft out of a heavy attack or weapon
strike, he can be overwhelmed quickly.

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Although brave, Kagiza's species has evolved to emphasize evasion and
obfuscation, rather than combat. This is very clearly seen in his idle and other looping states -
he keeps watchful eyes on the environment the way prey animals do. Kagiza's design is
heavily drawn from classic ninja tropes, so we should use those for reference.
 Combat Focus: Kagiza is very evasive, incorporating quick strikes and movement techniques
into nearly every attack. This makes sustained damage output impossible, and makes
anticipation & reactions a critical skill.
 Special Considerations: Kagiza is meant to duck many attacks, which limits his four-footed
stances vertically.


Height: 101 meters

Weight: 55,000 metric tons
Gender: Female (Dozer), Male (Bull)
Combat Style: Control (Disorientation) (Dozer), Charging, (Bull)
Primary Attacks: Dual Crest, Low Claws (Bull)
Secondary Attacks: Spines, Tail (Dozer)
Primary Weapon: Tranquilizing Spray, Web Cast (Dozer)
Secondary Weapon: Micro Burn (Bull)
Energy Style: Stamina

Overview: BullDozer is a giant irradiated Caterpillar (Dozer) sitting astride a similarly afflicted
Parson's Chameleon (Bull). They are never apart. Bull runs & crashes through opponents while Dozer
provides ranged support with an array of status ailments and toxic projections. Individually neither
kaiju could stand against a determined foe - but together BullDozer has the tools to tear opponents

Origin: Bull and Dozer were both inhabitants of a modest island chain belonging to the Seychelles.
During the 1960s these islands were bombarded with continuous-wave radiation treatments, in an
effort to explore macro-fauna phenomenon. Most of the species there died as a result, but those that
survived became hundreds of times larger, and began to exhibit the characteristic behavior patters of
kaiju - including a strong territorial drive that drove many of the animals into competition with one

Two of the less-successful macro-fauna were a giant Chameleon with weak energy projection
abilities, and a giant caterpillar with poor eyesight and limited mobility. These two were consistently
pushed out of more desirable habitats by the more robust animals, until they found themselves both
stranded in a rocky beach near the west shore.

Monitoring efforts were poor during these experiments, especially at night, so it is not known exactly
how the Chameleon and Caterpillar began working together, or even really how it is possible that it
happened at all. But these two also-rans somehow managed to find in one another a perfect fit for
their weaknesses - and the gestalt kaiju BullDozer was born. Dozer's legs wrap strongly across Bull's
back - providing a very large contact area through which the two can communicate simple ideas -
increasing their combat synergy tremendously. Over the years they have learned to think & react in
perfect symmetry, with a combat prowess that is simultaneously inspiring and terrifying.

Energy System: Dozer regains energy slowly over time, as her internal supplies of webbing and toxic
bile replenish themselves. Bull's Micro Burn is periodically available, and its status is tracked as an
auto-replenishing ammunition counter.

Ranged Combat: Dozer has a variety of powerful ranged options at her disposal. Her Tranquilizing
Spray can inhibit aggression and reduce combat effectiveness while simultaneously introducing
corrossive elements into her opponent's epidermis. This combination is often enough to send
aggressors elsewhere, but determined fighters can push through the effects with some effort. Her Web
Cast can be used as a single sticky projectile, a wide net of entangling strands, or even as a long-
distance clubbing attack.

Bull can emit intense heat within his mouth - but the energy barely extends three meters past his teeth
- making it of dubious quality during battles with other kaiju. It does allow him to inflict serious burns
with his bite attacks.

Grappling: BullDozer is almost incapable of hoisting an opponent. Only Bull has arms, and he is
already carrying the not-inconsiderable bull of Dozer on his back at all times, so lifting even a small
opponent is outside the realm of possibility. BullDozer can grapple and inflict direct damage, and the
combined weight of Dozer and Bull together makes opponents doubt their ability to effectively
manipulate BullDozer's weight.

Melee Combat: Bull is the primary melee attacker, though his symbiotic relationship with Dozer
allows both of them to work in unison during close combat. Bull's Dual Crest is a savage tool for
charging attacks or close-quarters clubbing. His claws & tail can add variety to his techniques, and his
clawed feet are very strong. Bull can also bite with great power - even when he is not employing his
Micro Burn.
Dozer's primary melee contribution is his array of long spines - which Bull can twist and manipulate
well enough to make them a potent offensive tool. Dozer can also shift her weight about
independently, which allows Bull to change direction, and twist with surprising grace in mid-air.
Dozer is also free to look about the environment independently of Bull's gaze, which makes their
union difficult to surprise or ambush.

Weaknesses: BullDozer has very few weaknesses, because the symbiosis of Dozer and Bull works to
eliminate all of the weaknesses they experienced individually. A lack of grapple-hoisting is one blind
spot, and both Dozer and Bull have modest overall health & little physical armour. Dozer relies very
much on her energy reserves, without which she becomes more of an impediment than an asset to
speedy Bull.

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: BullDozer is a very excited, happy character. They are eager to engage in
combat - to show the world what they can really do, now that they have found one another.
Both characters are at heart wild animals, so their attacks and movements should have no over
calculation or sinister expressions.
 Combat Focus: BullDozer is very much a charging character, with Dozer providing ranged
support. Bull is nearly a full Quadraped, so his arms stay low most of the time.
 Special Considerations: Dozer will need to be animated in unison with Bull, but sometimes
she will break into her own animated thread - to remind people that they are still two distinct
creatures. Head Tracking both characters might be a bit of a challenge, though only Dozer has
weapon tracking.

Height: 80 meters
Weight: 40,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Melee
Primary Attacks: Iron Claws, Tiger Kick
Secondary Attacks: Feral Spin
Primary Weapon: Bloom of Despair
Secondary Weapon: Salt of Corruption
Energy Style: Parasitic

Overview: Byatha is a former deity of prosperity, who was abandoned by his followers and became
an enemy of human civilization. His physical form is adorned with aspect of the tiger - a gigantic tiger
skull and iron claws. He can manipulate the fortune of people around him - usually increasing their
prosperity. But as his dark side has grown “prosperity” has become a twisted shadow of what it used
to be…

Origin: The first known records of Byatha date from 1520, and place him as a temple deity in what
would become modern-day Bengladesh. Many people from the surrounding area would come with
offerings to the tiger, and he would increase the prosperity of their farms and their families.

At some point Byatha's temple disappeared, possibly during the 1762 Arakan earthquake. Byatha
himself continued to reside in the underground temple, but with no new offerings he became thin,
gaunt, and angry. Byatha could still feel tens of thousands of people above him, and over time he
came to hate them. He began to exert his influence once more - but now his blessings of prosperity
brought only misery. Southern Bangladesh experienced huge spikes in population, causing
widespread poverty and sickness. Rich minerals and farmland was exploited by international
businesses, causing shortages among the locals. Corruption filled the pockets of a few, and threw the
local economy into chaos - all carefully orchestartedy by cruel Byatha's intervention.

After decades of misery, Byatha's evil machinations were discovered, and a heroic Kaiju entered his
lair and bested him - driving Byatha out onto the surface where he fled and disappeared. Hatred still
burns in Byatha's heart, so doubtless he will make himself known again soon - when he is ready.

Energy System: Byatha feeds off excess and waste. He regains energy whenever an opponent is
losing energy, or failing to regain it normally.

Ranged Combat: Byatha's hollow eyes have stared down many foes. He can project blasts of hatred,
despair, corruption and more. He can bring forth pain from the soil in the form of toxic earth. Since
Byatha regains energy parasitically, it is possible for him to inflict enough damage with his weapons
to re-power himself continuously. His opponent is surely doomed if that happens.

Grappling: Byatha is a tricky grappler, and his iron hands are incredibly strong. He can twist limbs
and create unexpected opportunities for himself when in close with an unsuspecting opponent. He
lacks the bulk to throw bigger kaiju around, but he is still very comfortable breaking limbs and
twisting fingers. Byatha specializes in bringing down kaiju bigger than himself - inflicting serious
wounds with his claws in the process.

Melee Combat: Byatha relies on his unusually high strength and ferocity to tear opponents apart in
savage offensive bursts. He uses tiger-like pounces, charges and swipes to not only damage his
opponents physically but also to dominate them mentally. Byatha can use his evil stare during certain
melee combos, allowing him to begin the cycle of aggression, pain, and domination that leads to
victory for the tiger god.

Weaknesses: Byatha has no special defensive abilities, or especially strong counters to ranged
attacks. He needs to control the ebb and flow of the fight to remain at peak combat effectiveness.
Specificially, Byatha needs to press advantages into snowballing avalanches of power & dominance.
Opponents who break away or keep melee combat to a minimum can prevent Byatha from brining his
powerful cycle of victory to bear.

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Byatha is very, very angry. He fights for survival, like an wolverine gutting a
much larger animal out of desperation. He can never afford to back down or show weakness.
 Combat Focus: Byatha is very aggressive, but needs to retreat periodically. The trick is to
make these look strategic, and not like a loss.
 Special Considerations: Byatha needs to have “hollow” skull eyes, which could pose some
interesting lighting & modeling challenges. We should never see inside the skull.

Height: 121 meters

Weight: 44,000 metric tons
Gender: Female
Combat Style: Charging
Primary Attacks: Razor Teeth, Body Crest
Secondary Attacks: Leg Crush
Primary Weapon: Scalding Smoke
Secondary Weapon: Impact Winds
Energy Style: Stamina

Overview: Tian-Lung is a unique genetic creation formed in the image of a traditional Chinese
Dragon. She has a long serpentine body, with a gill-like crest running down both sides. This crest
allows her to ride air currents at high speed - giving the temporary illusion of true flight. In the center
she has squat arms & legs, which derive from some of her reptilian/saurian elements. Tian-Lung can
project smoke from her mouth - which is a poor weapon but can serve to screen her presence and
confuse ranged attackers.

Origin: Chinese Dragons are great serpentine beasts of legend - no proof of their existance has ever
been discovered. But in a world where so many kaiju exist, how can there be no heroic Dragons?
With this great injustice in mind, a lone scientist began his life's work - to create a heroic Dragon like
the ones he grew up with. Constrained by reality, he worked long and hard to splice together traits
from terrestrail animals like flying snakes, eels, birds, and even some mammals. He requested
dinosaur DNA sequences where he could get them, and incorporated everything into attempt after
attempt, trying to create a viable species that held in common every Dragon trait he loved as a child.

His creature needed to have a long, flexible body. It needed to fly without wings. It needed to swim
and have a massive head. A decade passed, and dozens of unviable or just plain wrong attempts came
and went. Finally, in 1984, a basic creature was created which had the gross properties necessary to
pass it off as a true dragon. Decades of refinement & size adjustment culminated in the successful
gestation of a beast nearly 130m long, with incredible strength & speed.

But unfortunately the creature who looked like a dragon had none of the dragon's personality. This
synthetic creature was cruel and viscious - with no sentience or compassion. When Tian-Lung broke
her restraints and escaped, the scientist felt a tightness in his chest - dying on the spot from shame.

Energy System: Tian-Lung regains energy slowly over time.

Ranged Combat: Tian-Lung has only limited energy projection abilities, but she can make excellent
use of her movement abilities to manipulate smoke, steam and wind to her advantage. Tian-Lung can
jump and coil into the air, slamming down heavily for great damage, or unfurling her body to catch
the air currents and use a controlled power dive to skim along the battle arena.

Grappling: Tian-Lung is not well proportioned for traditional grappling, but she can use her weight
and mass to knock opponents off their feet, and pluck them out of the air. When stationary she is
relatively easy to overpower by brute strength.

Melee Combat: Tian-Lung cannot bring her powerful feet or lithe arms to bear when standing on the
ground, so much of her basic melee combat revolves around her whip-like body, neck, and tail. The
crest along her spine, her teeth, and even the blunt of her tail can be used at significant range as melee
weapons, though they are not as powerful as her Charging Attacks, when she can use her central body
to increase her muscle.

Weaknesses: Tian-Lung relies on her movement & limited flight abilities to take control of battle, but
her top speeds significantly reduce her manuverability - making combat in congested areas
challenging, and limiting her attack options in general, which can make her assaults predictable. Tian-
Lung has excellent reach with her weak melee attacks, but that is rarely enough to win a battle - she
needs to use her charging flight to gain the upper hand.

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Tian-Lung is viscious and aggressive. She is at her best when striking first and
dictating the pace of battle. Her reaction animations should really demonstrate a loss of
control, to drive this point home.
 Combat Focus: Tian-Lung is all about charging, and using her limited glide/flight
mechanics. Her air animations sholud be swift & complex - rolling & banking through space.
 Special Considerations: Tian-Lung will need additional animation channels for her head &
neck - to keep their ambient movement intact. She will also need flying trastition animations.


Height: 97 meters
Weight: 40,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Melee
Primary Attacks: Blood Sword, Claws
Secondary Attacks: Tail Spike
Primary Weapon: Heartbeat Arrest
Secondary Weapon: Boiling Blood
Energy Style: Stamina (auto-injurious)

Overview: Shadowheart is a sentient alien who has exchanged his organic blood for pure magical
ether. He can use his own “blood” to form mystic weapons, and to curse opponents or focus his
magical blood for a variety of effects. His hands and feet terminate in sharp three-clawed extremities,
and his tail terminates in a heavy club with a spiked point. Shadowheart has two large scars on his
back where he cut off his natural wings - another part of his mystic bargain.

Origin: All beings seek power, but few find it. And fewer still are willing to sacrifice themselves to
possess power. The Shadow's Heart sought to wield ultimate power, and he was willing to pay any
price to get it. He tore off his wings in tribute, scarred his flesh with mystic glyphs, and finally
drained all of his blood so that he might become a living vessel for mystic energy - his natural blood
replaced with glowing blue ether.

His mystic transformation did not grant him speed, or strength, or even great resistance to damage. He
did not become immortal or learn the secrets of happiness, or even find peace of mind. But what he
did gain was the power to kill - and to kill absolutely. Shadowheart can strike the space between
heartbeats - the moment between past and future when your mortal soul is momentarily distracted, or
absent. He can sever any hope your spirit might cling to, and cast your soul into an eternal void.

Shadowheart did not seek power to be evil, and even now nobody is completely certain how he
decides when and where to kill. But his arrival always heralds death.

Energy System: Shadowheart's power is his blood, and his blood is his power. It takes quite a long
time for his body to fully replace the mystic blood he uses to wield his weapons and other abilities. If
he continues to manipulate his blood in combat recklessly, he can do himself serious harm in the

Ranged Combat: Shadowheart can focus his dark energies into a stare which can stop his opponent's
heart for several seconds. This can cause seizures or even death in many opponents. Shadowheart can
also boil the blood of any opponents around him - causing them grievous harm over time if they
remain close enough to be affected.

Grappling: Shadowheart lacks the physical strength necessary to hoist large kaiju, but the mystic
glyphs on his palms allow him to tap directly into an opponent's circulatory system during a clinch -
paralyzing opponents swiftly who cannot break away by some means.

Melee Combat: Shadowheart is a deadly melee combatant with his naked hands and feet. With his
blood-sword manifested, he is positively lethal. The sword passes through all forms of barriers
including shields, armour, physic & mystic wards, and even flesh and bone. It strikes pain directly
into an opponents's nervous system - including the electrical & mystical motive forces in unliving
opponents. The sword is absorbed into the blow when it connects, so Shadowheart must re-manifest it
before it may be used again. Once manifest, the sword is also destroyed after several seconds of

Weaknesses: Shadowheart wears no protection against harm, and must injure himself in order to
make use of his most powerful abilities. He has the ability to ignore pain, which gives him
opportunities to strike. But he lacks the ability to withstand damage, so must make his strikes count or
be doomed to fail.

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Shadowheart is very proud, and will not cower or flinch. He take pride in his
ability to withstand pain, and finds the pain of others distasteful - proof of his natural
superiority. He his haughty and sees no peers in his opponents.
 Combat Focus: Shadowheart wields the ultimate weapon against kaiju - the blood-sword. He
will endure any pain, and surmount any obstacle to connect with it even once. When using
other attacks, Shadowheart strikes firmly but without the clear-mindedness with which he
wield his sword.
 Special Considerations: Shadowheart will either need additional sword-based attack
animations, or his basic attack set will need to be limited when he does not wield his sword.

Mecha Stego Maximo

Height: 110 meters
Weight: 74,000 metric tons
Gender: Female
Combat Style: Control (Grappling)
Primary Attacks: Club Hands, Body Crush
Secondary Attacks: Power Tail
Primary Weapon: Skinning Laser Array
Secondary Weapon: SAM launchers
Energy Style: Kinetic Absorption

Overview: Mecha Stego Maximo (MSM) is a “Stegosaurus Maximo” - a gigantic animal from a
parallel dimension similar to a Stegosaurus. As the name suggests, she has been augmented with a
significant amount of mechanical components, including both front legs, much of her head, and
roughly half of her internal organs. Her body is now shielded from physical and energy damage, and
she is meant to be self-sufficient for extended periods of time. Her most significant addition is the
inclusion of a fusion-powered dimensional phase-array, which allows her to cross between parallel

Origin: The Colbalt Company has long been one of the most powerful and innovative power
companies on Earth. They were the first to evaluate asteroid-based mining as a replacement for
waning terrestrial sources, and the first to deem it inefficient. They turned their R&R department
toward another radical idea - mining parallel Earths. For ethical reasons they focused their efforts on
Earths in which humans never evolved - wild untamed futures. Unfortunately many of these Earths
were still home to massive predators, which made them too dangerous for mining operations to
establish themselves.

It was on one such Earth that the recon team discovered a wounded animal of massive size - dubbed
“Stegosaurus Maximo.” This creature and her offspring were mortally wounded - which gave the
Cobalt Company an opportunity to integrate some of their tech, while preserving the creature's
strength & power. Thus the Cobalt Company created “Mecha Stego Maximo” - their security
vanguard on hostile Earths.

MSM Quickly proved herself to be an effective tool, and The Cobalt Company began to earn record
profits from their parallel-earth operations. Until things went terribly, terribly wrong.

Although focused exclusively on uninhabited Earths, the Cobalt Company had not considered that
other parallel Cobalt Companies might be exploring the same areas. And they certainly had not
considered that they might have built their own MSM-analog. But inevitably it happened that two
great behemoths faced off, each looking to secure a rich dig site for their own Cobalt Company.
Mecha Stego Maximo's opponent was smaller than her, with a greater array of metal implants. But no
amount of conversion could disguise that this creature was MSM's own son, left behind when the
Cobalt Company retrieved her for revival and upgrading. But the male Stegosaurus Maximo had no
memory of his mother - could not have, with all of his original brain replaced by cybernetic logic-

An first MSM refused to fight - despite the incredible punishment her lost son began to inflict upon
her. She could not bring herself to attack - could barely comprehend what had been done to her son,
and also to herself. Her internal batteries filled with the power of the absorbed energy, until finally
they crested 100% - full power. Almost involuntarily, Mecha Stego Maximo's Aura of Invincibility
activated - bringing with it the incredible feeling of lightness, of unlimited power for those few
precious seconds. Closing her eyes, Mecha Stego Maximo bellowed and charged - feeling nothing
through her invulnerable state as she plowed through her son, breaking his cyborg body around her
own and killing him.
But Mecha Stego Maximo did not stop her assault there - she plowed through the men & equipment
of the Cobalt Company - killing and destroying everything she could. With her own internal phase-
array still functioning, she began to find and locate outposts & personnel from the Cobalt Company
across all parallel Earths - destroying them all for what they had done to her and her family.

Energy System: Mecha Stego Maximo gains energy rapidly by absorbing physical trauma to her
armour plates. This ensures that she always has enough power to fight effectively, while allowing her
to run cool during normal operations. Her batteries are designed for fast-charging operations, which
means that they charge faster when empty and slower as they near full capacity.

MSM's ultimate attack is her incredible aura of invincibility, which requires a 100% energy charge,
and makes her entirely invulnerable for several seconds.

Ranged Combat: Mecha Stego Maximo is outfitted with two arrays of “skinning lasers” - which are
meant for cutting through dense forests, underbrush, or even aggressive attackers. They produce little
or no concussive force, as they are meant for cutting rather than aggressive blasting. MSM is also
outfitted with a large number of surface-to-air missiles, which provide effective defense against
airborne threats. These may also be fired in a parabolic arc at ground targets, though they are much
less effective when used in that way.

Grappling: Stegosaurus Maximo is possibly the largest land animal ever discovered on any version
of Earth, and their strength is naturally immense. Mecha Stego Maximo has had her strength further
augmented to carry the heavy armour grafted onto her body, so there is very little she cannot lift over
her head. At the same time, Mecha Stego Maximo is one of the heaviest kaiju ever, so she is nearly
impossible to lift.

These two factors make MSM a fearsome grappler in close-quarters combat.

Melee Combat: Mecha Stego Maximo's limbs are slow at close range, and are built for power rather
than speed. Her heavy armour still works at close range, so while she has no particular melee skill she
is durable enough to engage melee opponents without much fear. MSM has larger than average
knockbacks from melee attacks, which make prolonged melee engagements problematic.

Weaknesses: Mecha Stego Maximo was designed with defense and durability in mind. While she has
a wide variety of effective attack patterns, each attack is specific to a particular type of assault. Highly
specialized opponents who focus on evading her primary counter to each attack style will be able to
consistently weave past her attacks and force her to fight at an offensive disadvantage.

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Mecha Stego Maximo is huge and tough, so she often exhibits a somewhat
sluggish & lazy approach to combat. Her long reactions & slow shifts give opponents lots of
time for small add-on hits. Her infrequence adrenaline-fuelled attacks should be very
frightening in the attitude shift they imply.
 Combat Focus: Mecha Stego Maximo as all about cornering & pressuring opponents. Her
weapons counter jumping & flying monsters effectively, forcing them to stay on the ground.
Her skinning lasers deal ranged damage, and can help prevent opponents from dodging
around her. Once in close, she goes for the grapple.
 Special Considerations: Mecha Stego Maximo is very hunched - we will need to keep her
long body within a normal collision cylinder as much as possible. This might be especially
tricky for side impacts & charges.
The Tri'Moloch

Height: 89 meters
Weight: 66,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Melee/Ranged/Charging
Primary Attacks: Heavy Headbutt, Tearing Tendrils
Secondary Attacks: Bone Blades
Primary Weapon: Vomit Projectile
Secondary Weapon: Noxious Vapors
Energy Style: Parasitic

Overview: The Tri'Moloch is a nightmarish beast with three horrific heads; each responsible for a
distinct style of combat. The front head controls the insectoid limbs and skeletal mask designed for
ramming into opponents with charge attacks. The central head leeches energy from opponents and
spews a variety of corrosive projectiles from its three stomachs. The top head twists and snakes to
slash opponents in close-quarter combat.

Origin: The Tri'Moloch was created by a dark order of Necromancers to guard the crypt which held
the secrets of their power. Many bands of heroic adventurers tried to penetrate The Tri'Moloch's lair,
but none succeeded. To make their horror unbeatable, the Necromancers gave The Tri'Moloch three
separate heads to use in battle. Each employed a different but equally deadly combat style, and heroes
prepared to overcome one were quickly vanquished by the next.

Over the years the order drifted apart, but The Tri'Moloch remained. His prowess became so
renowned that growing numbers of adventurers made their way to his tomb to try their luck. But in the
end it was guile, not force, which proved most effective. A spell was crafted to unmoored the
creature, to transport it to a realm where it might find satisfaction with others like itself. This spell
was so cleverly designed to help its target that the Tri'Moloch allowed the spell to take effect.
Now the Tri'Moloch is gone, we know not where.

Energy System: The Tri'Moloch does not use energy unless the central (ranged) head is directing. In
that state, The Tri'Moloch relies on absorbing energy from opponents via his leeching tendrils. This
energy is used very efficiently to propel globs of corrosive or explosive remains from his guts.

Ranged Combat: The Tri'Moloch can project a variety of disgusting projectiles from his central
head. But most fearsome of all is his Rage Attack, which temporarily allows all three heads to work in
unison, projecting multiple energy streams from his eyes and mouths. The Tri'Moloch's central head
may be used only when his health lies within a specific range of values.

Grappling: The Tri'Moloch is a heavy and unwieldy beast, which makes him very difficult for
opponents to lift. The Tri'Moloch can toss opponents aside with his charging headbutts, or hold them
down for his upper head to rip open, but he lacks proper arms to hoist opponents over his heads with.

Melee Combat: The Tri'Moloch has only limited variety in melee strikes when his lower or central
heads are in command. His upper head, in constrast, specializes in a variety of stunning and slashing
melee attacks, both alone and in concert with his tentacles. The lower head, even when not in control
of The Tri'Moloch, can still be a potent melee tool in its own right. The Tri'Moloch's upper head may
be used only when his health lies within a specific range of values.

Weaknesses: The Tri'Moloch is unaccustomed to battling other kaiju, and does not have the
endurance for protracted combat. Each head is accustomed to taking control for only a limited
engagement. Against an equal opponent, The Tri'Moloch is in serious danger of exhausting his
resources prematurely. In game terms, players select an order for the three controlling heads to
activate in. The first is in control while The Tri'Moloch's health is between 100 and 66%, the second
while his health is between 66 annd 33%, and the final head while his health is below 33%. This
selection is made at the beginning of the match, and cannot be changed.

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: The Tri'Moloch is a creature of horror and takes great glee in disgusting and
shocking his opponents.
 Combat Focus: The Tri'Moloch has three combat styles, depending upon which head is in
 Special Considerations: The Tri'Moloch orients only one of his three heads at any given
time - this will require some subtle chain animator node techniques.

Height: 68 meters (100m to the tip of his tail)

Weight: 33,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Melee
Primary Attacks: Fore-arms
Secondary Attacks: Grim Scythe
Primary Weapon: Poltergeist's Grasp, Rapture's Shriek
Secondary Weapon: Engulfing Greed
Energy Style: Parasitic

Overview: Bakuyoku is a four-armed nightmare: the Titan of Greed. He has no legs, and floats above
the ground with his tail dangling below and behind him. His entire chest is made from the Maw of
Greed - the direct conduit to the raw essence of Greed. Bakuyoku is not the first monster to hold the
Maw of Greed, and when he dies he will not be the last.

Origin: Many years ago a man jumped to his death but did not die.

An Entity of Chaos offered him a deal: life, success, riches, and more. The life of a king, in exchange
for his first born child. The man agreed. Six years later a child was born, and the man feared that
Chaos would take his due, but he did not. The man and boy grew together as a family, and the man's
past excesses were pushed aside in favor of a rich family life. The boy was kind, curious, and very
affectionate. The man's wife loved her family dearly, and her love kept all of them safe.

When the boy was five, his mother looked into a mirror and was suddenly lost - hearing and seeing
nothing. She and her mirror fell to the ground, and the glass cut her badly and she bled… but she did
not look away from the mirror, and by the time her husband and son found her she was dead.

The man rushed to his wife, and in that moment the Entity of Chaos silently took the son. He twisted
the child, changing his shape and transforming him into the titan of Greed. Bakuyoku was born - born
of his father's greed, protected by his mother's love, and finally twisted by Chaos.

Energy System: Bakuyoku draws energy from his opponents. He can do this physically during
combat, or draw strength from their greedy/selfish acts, such as fleeing or breaking away from

Ranged Combat: Bakuyoku uses his Rapture's Shriek to knock down/flatten opponents, ideally when
their backs are turned. Rapture's Grasp does only modest physical damage, but can push around and
demoralize opponents - encouraging them to look for other advantages which fuel the Greed in their
hearts for victory. During real struggle, Bakuyoku uses the Maw of Greed to engulf his opponents in
raw emotion - often causing them to lose sight of the battle in the present while they focus on their
own internal goals.

Grappling: Bakuyoku's four arms give him tremendous strength - but his lack of legs means that he
can not brace against the ground, nor set his weight against an opponent's throw. This makes him
quite vulnerable to offensive grappling techniques. His four arms allow him to grab at several points
during a clinch, making him a difficult opponent to shake off.

Melee Combat: Bakuyoku uses his Fore-arms to tear at opponents. He can deal great physical harm,
but most of his conflicts are fought on a psychological battlefield, and so he rarely seeks to deal
lasting harm to the opponents who face him in combat. In rare circumstances, Bakuyoku can absorb
other forms of energy from his weakened opponents. In these cases, he must fight physically to break
their bodies before draining their precious essences.

Weaknesses: Bakuyoku can batter many foes into submission, but those who stand steadfast and
accept the battle on their own terms will see Bakuyoku's tactics crumble. It can be difficult to resist
the urge to break off, gather strength and improve one's position - but those actions which stem from
Greed only fuel Bakuyoku. But a selfless battle might serve to weaken him and turn around the odds.

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Bakuyoku is cruel, hoping to scare/intimidate opponents at every opportunity.
He is not bloodthirsty or outwardly aggressive in his stances.
 Combat Focus: Bakuyoku is a Melee character, using his arms and tail. He is always floating
off the ground.
 Special Considerations: Bakuyoku will need his center mouth to open, and his central eyes
should animate.

Height: 100 meters

Weight: 51,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Melee
Primary Attacks: Teeth, Teeth, Teeth
Secondary Attacks: Talons, Crushing Wings
Primary Weapon: Energy Drain
Secondary Weapon: Power Transfer
Energy Style: Parastic

Overview: Demagorah is an alien parasite; a mutation from a bio-engineered race of massive

Guardians. He has adapted to draw power from the bodies and energy of other beings. He has toothed
maws on his hands and feet, which make his grasp both painful and deadly. His massive wings can
bend energy and insulate his gaunt body from some damages. When unfurled, his wings also become
potent offensive weapons.

Origin: In a distant star system there are four planets inhabited by two sentient species - the
diminutive Viirons, and the massive Guardians. Ancient Viiron lore claims that both species were
created by a common progenitor - the Viirons created to think, feel, and express - and the Guardians
created to keep the worlds safe.

But some Viirons doubt the truth of this justification. They resented the silent tending of the
Guardians - their infrequent interference in many promising experiments or engineering projects. The
Viirons were very clever, but in certain fields the Guardians would not allowed to make discoveries.
So with resentment in their hearts, a cabal of Viiron began to search for a way to break free from their
protectors - to destroy the Guardians.

Their plan came to fruition in the form of a parasitic virus tuned to the specific chemistry of the
Guardians - an ailment that would break their minds and weaken their bodies. The virus was
administered to one Guardian, with dramatic results! The test subject began to go mad - seeking out
and attacking other Guardians. He began to feed off of them, his power and bloodlust growing as his
assaults increased in frequency.

Then the ancient enemy arrived - and with most of the Guardians dead or dying, it was only a matter
of days for them to wipe out every Viiron on the four worlds.

Now Demagorah streaks between the stars, his thirst still unsatiated.

Energy System: Demagorah draws power from his opponents, mostly through grappling. His extra
mouths generate a nerve-deadening venom which makes it difficult for opponents to break free from
their bites. After a successful bite, Demagorah continues to gain energy for several seconds, as the
power is fed through his limbs towards his internal organs.

Ranged Combat: Demagorah's primary energy projection is a hypnotic beam he fires from his eyes.
This beam locks opponents in place, and drains their ability to move or resist assault. The weapon
itself does little damage, but if Demagorah can close with his opponents during the blast he can
usually get them into his power. Demagorah's secondary energy projection is a pulse of energy from
his wings, which may occur spontaneously when he has absorbed too much power. This is not a
pleasant experience for Demagorah or any nearby opponents.

Grappling: Demagorah is of average strength & weight. Clinches are a prime opportunity for him to
drain power from his opponents, so he is a frequent grappler. However, it is the struggle and not the
victory which fuels him. This means Demagorah cannot drain energy effectively if he actually uses
grappling to damage his opponents.

Melee Combat: Demagorah has both teeth & claws on his hands and feet - which can really tear into
fleshy opponents. He can also generate bursts of compressed gasses from his hands & feet on impact -
increasing damage against armoured opponents. His wings can whirl about him for long-reaching
physical strikes, though they have a limited effective arc. Demagorah has no particular melee
defenses, so he must control the length of each engagement to maximize his power efficiency.

Weaknesses: Demagorah's ability to absorb weapon fire must be balanced with frequent releases of
that energy - otherwise he risks damaging himself with his Power Transfer. It can be difficult for him
to balance his need for energy with the actual combat he finds himself in, especially against
opponents with varied attack techniques.

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Demagorah is only semi-aware of himself and his surroundings. He can become
quiet - almost docile - when there are no kaiju around for him to feed upon. But any potential
food source nearby is enough to send him into a frenzy of action.
 Combat Focus: Demagorah uses a lot of grapples, clinches, and wing attacks. His energy
must be carefully managed.
 Special Considerations: Demagorah wraps his wings around himself like a cloak. This might
present transition issues when playing his normal reaction animations.

Height: 115 meters

Weight: 60,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Melee
Primary Attacks: Claws, Teeth
Secondary Attacks: Tail
Primary Weapon: De-Rez Beam
Secondary Weapon: Bolt Blast
Energy Style: Meditation

Overview: Gaidragon is a video game boss monster whose “final form” has crossed the boundaries of
the electronic/physical realms. He is an undefeated villain with relentless drive and focus. His
fearsome “De-Rez” beam weakens the internal cohesion of physical matter - causing it to dissipate.
His combat style is still based upon classic boss-battle patterns, which leave him periodically
vulnerable to heroic assault.

Origin: Gaidragon is the boss of the popular Japanese arcade cabinet game “Dragon Slayer” in which
teams of players fight their way through the countryside in hopes of defeating the Red Dragon. The
game was notoriously difficult to defeat. On one particular cabinet the Red Dragon was never
defeated! The success states reinforced themselves electronically - slowly adjusting the game to
become harder and harder. Most dismissed the legends of the impossible Dragon Slayer cabinet as
whining from games lacking the skills to play at the highest levels.

That changed when a professional player stumbled upon the cabinet and, despite the increased
difficulty, managed to slay the Red Dragon.

But instead of bringing him to the familiar victory screen, the Red Dragon refesed to die! Instead he
grew larger, drawing power from some unknown source. He changed color, and absorbed the glowing
outlines of circuit designs on his body. He became faster & stronger, and his weapons gained the
power to dissipate the player avatar on contact! This final form became known as “Gaidragon.”

Gaidragon is only a digital character, but the game somehow managed to transcend that and create a
true kaiju within the virtual realm. This attracted the attention of the Kaijujin, who embody all things
Kaiju, and who bring Kaiju together across time and space to battle. Bringing Gaidragon into the
physical world was no more difficult.

Energy System: Gaidragon expends energy with many attacks - and must remain vulnerable and
motionless to regain his energy. This is his vulnerable state. Attacks during this time do not interrupt
his energy meditation, but the do cause significant damage.

Ranged Combat: Gaidragon uses a lethal De-Rez beam on his foes, which burns away any solid
object by reducing it to base particles. This causes unusually painful wounds in his foes, which are
hard to heal. Gaidragon's other weapon is the Bolt Blast - an electrical discharge which pushes
opponents back. This is usually triggered in response to excessive damage, and is not entirely under
Gaidragon's direct control.

Grappling: Gaidragon was infinitely strong in his native digital realm, and is thus accustomed to
lifting opponents with ease. This makes his grappling skills stronger than average against most foes,
but much weaker than average against those few foes too bulky for him to lift.

Melee Combat: For the most part Gaidragon does not use long strings of attacks - preferring heavy
individual strikes with high knockback. At the cost of energy, he can “jump” from one attack to
another in a non-physical way. This gives him incredible - though limited - combo options against
other kaiju in melee range. Gaidragon has very high Fortitude and resistance to damage - which
means that his long follow-through states are not as much of a disadvantage as they might appear.

Weaknesses: Gaidragon is a video game boss - which means that all of his attacks were designed to
be avoidable, and his energy recharging state was designed to be vulnerable. He is quite helpless
without energy, and his recharging state cannot be interrupted - which means an opponent has
frequent excellent opportunities to deal damage.

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Gaidragon has never been defeated in combat, and is unfamiliar with what fear
or defeat would even mean. He is designed to be fearsome-looking.
 Combat Focus: Gaidragon is a classic end-boss, with huge single attacks which hit most (but
not all!) of the are in front of him. He alternates a variety of physical attacks with weapon
blasts, and then periodically curls up to regenerate energy.
 Special Considerations: Gaidragon was built with a weakness - his energy regeneration
phase. During this time he is totally vulnerable to attack - though his massive hit points still
serve to keep him relatively unconcerned about the odd hit or twelve.
Height: 60 meters
Weight: 39,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Control
Primary Attacks: Chakra Strike, Bone Knuckles
Secondary Attacks: Horn Parry
Primary Weapon: Jade Fire Blast
Secondary Weapon: Emerald Blades
Energy Style: Fury

Overview: Khyranax is an ancient dragon-like being from a distant galaxy, now arrived in our own
galaxy. He was once a gigantic kaiju, but hundreds of thousands of years in the void have reduced his
size to a fraction of his once mighty stature. He remains incredibly dense, and his mastery over his
body and mind are unparalleled.

Origin: Khyranax was one of the first great Kaiju used in a long-forgotten galaxy. He was created to
act as vanguard for a marauding alien invasion force - and he led them to victories across dozens of
worlds. Other kaiju were nurtured to combat him, until eventually thousands of Kaiju roamed the stars
- acting as military early-strikes and ultimate weapons. This kaiju proliferation increased tension &
conflict across the entire galaxy, until all civilizations & their kaiju began a great Kaiju War. This war
eventually extinguished the planets & stars of the galaxy, and in the final reckoning Khyranax alone

Alone in the void, Khyranax began to make his way to the next visible galaxy - ours.

But even a great kaiju like Khyranax has limits, and traveling such an immense distance under his
own power required hundreds of thousands of years. During this time the great Khyranax thought
circles around himself, and came to realize that the Kaiju War had been a great evil - and he had been
a key part in its development. He gained wisdom in the void, and vowed to apply that wisdom for
good. When, over the past hundred years, the Milky Way began sprouting Kaiju at an alarming rate,
he realized that he would have to act to prevent a second Kaiju War.

To this end Khyranax seeks out & catalogs Kaiju as either aggressors or defenders. He seeks to
eliminate aggressors and encourage defenders, so that this galaxy might find stable lives for its Kaiju
and all sentient life.

Energy System: Khyranax maintains a small pool of internal energy, but does not begin to gain
significant energy until he initiates combat. He must continually exert himself in order to build up
Chi. He is very slow to anger - he rarely reaches his full energetic potential these days. Should he
reach full Chi, he would unleash his legendary Emerald Blades.

Ranged Combat: Khyranax has a devastating Emerald Fire Blast, which can absolutely destroy foes
unprepared for the savagery of his ranged attack. The Emerald Blades, requires a full energy bar to
manifest. These four blades spin off from his back - accenting his strikes with additional range and
power. Generating that amount of energy requires tremendous focus and effort, so the blades are a
weapon of last resort for both ethical and practical purposes.

Grappling: Khyranax is a skilled grappler - his ancient skills & battle experience serve him very well
in this respect. His short stature (for a kaiju) belies his strength and technical ability - only the
strongest or most ferocious opponents have a chance of catching him by surprise or overpowering
him. In particular, his quick Horn Parry can reverse opponents in a flash - even tossing them over his

Melee Combat: Khyranax has short limbs, so melee combat requires a constant motion on his part.
Khyranax can execute long strings of attacks with ease, and his knockback attacks are powerful. He
lacks the strength to deal gigantic damage with individual strikes, but his comet technique makes it
easy for him to strike over and over without taking damage in response - always a winning strategy!

Weaknesses: Khyranax has the skill & experience to defeat nearly any foe. He suffers substantially in
multi-opponent fights, and he can be overcome by quick-acting savagery. Khyranax has great
wisdom, and rarely begins a fight he cannot control. But when he loses control, there is little he can
do to reverse the situation.

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Khyranax is an equal mix Yoda & Master Oogway. He's old, and sometimes
plays that up, but he has phenomenal control over his body in combat.
 Combat Focus: Khyranax has a stillness to his techinque which radiates control. He fully
returns to idle after attacks, to emphasize this.
 Special Considerations: Khyranax might need to cheat his arm length to handle grappling &
environmental interactions.

Prospector Pete

Height: 66 meters
Weight: 50,000 metric tons
Gender: Female
Combat Style: Melee
Primary Attacks: Hardened Claws, Body Slam
Secondary Attacks: Gold Rush
Primary Weapon: Fire Bonanza, Toxic Sludge
Secondary Weapon: Shell Burst
Energy Style: Stamina

Overview: Prospector Pete is a mutant nuclear Hermit Crab, who has taken up residence in the
flagship restaraunt location for “Prospector Pete's American Diner.” This location was known for its
1800's Gold Rush-themed decor, and the gigantic plastic mascot “Pete” which called out to cars on
the highway.

Origin: Prospector Pete was originally a common Hermit Crab, living in the warm coastal waters of
the Gulf of Mexico. She was scooped up, along with a few thousand tons of ocean water, by a US
cargo plane responding to an emergency distress call. A cascading nuclear reaction had outrun its
cooling potential, and needed to be immersed in water.

This radoactive brine changed the body of the Hermit Crab - making it gigantic. It soon outgrew any
shelter it could find, and so ventured outside the reactor to find itself a new shell. The first thing she
came upon was the one (and thus far only) location of the never-popular “Prospector Pete's American
Diner” - which had hoped to become a popular tourist attraction, but had never managed to become
profitable. Customers complained about the dim interiors, obnoxious 1880's-theme hijinks, and pre-
FDA style menu.

But from the crab's perspective the stone-fresco building made a perfect lair. She squeezed her body
into the main dining area, and began to drag the restaraunt behind her as a protective shell. The
backup generators continued to power the friendly “Pete” figure on top of the building, who can even
now be heard shouting out friendly greetings as the kaiju bearing his name shuffles relentlessly

Energy System: Prospector Pete regains energy slowly over time. (“Hold on there young feller!”)

Ranged Combat: Prospector Pete can shoot mid-range streams of fire or toxins from her mouth.
(“Looks like she's gonna blow!”) These both deal damage over time to opponents - but they are best
responded to in different ways. The toxins react to oxygen, so movement increases the speed of their
reaction. (“Hold it right there whipper-snapper!”) Flames, on the other hand, can be extinguished by
rapid movement. (“Lookit 'em run!”) Opponents will need to stay still or run, depending upon the
status inflicted!

When retracted into her shell, Prospector Pete can “burst” forth violently, creating a shockwave that
can stun and/or knockdown nearby opponents who had approached her shell.

Grappling: Prospector Pete has a very low center of gravity, and very strong claw-arms, which make
her a very effective grappler and counter-grappler. Against most opponents she can deal more damage
using melee combos, but against evasive characters grapples are a reliable back-up method of
engagement. When grappling, Pete's Pickaxe can be used as an offensive tool.

Melee Combat: Prospector Pete has a very long reach, and a very well-protected body, which makes
her a powerful melee fighter. In particular her alternating horizontal/vertical claw combos (“Two fer
one combos!”) are solid tools which deal reliable damage. She is also difficult to grapple with (“Try
our shakes!”) which helps to force opponents into trading blows more often than not. Her most unique
element is her very rapid sideways movement - allowing her to reposition against swift characters
quickly. She can also charge quite effectively with her (“It's a Gold Rush!”), but only while running

Weaknesses: Prospector Pete lacks good forward/backward movements, and can be at an offensive
disadvantage when fighting melee-oriented combatants with quick jump-in techniques. She also can
have difficulty directing attacks at airborne opponents without becoming airborne herself - which
exposes her tender underbelly.

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Prospector Pete is a giant hermit crab - she has no particular interest in people,
or other monsters. Her eyes should be vacant, and she should react like a prey animal. This
creates humorous contrast with the Pete voicebox & figurehead.
 Combat Focus: Prospector Pete is a heavy melee combatant, with a focus on side-movement
 Special Considerations: Prospector Pete will need to have special movement rules & non-
uniform step animations, to support her “crab-walk” combat style.

Height: 106 meters

Weight: 54,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Melee
Primary Attacks: Electric Claws, Electrical Whips
Secondary Attacks: Spined Tail
Primary Weapon: Piercing Bolt
Secondary Weapon: Disintegration Field
Energy Style: Fury

Overview: Enslaver is a sentient life-form imprisoned on earth by an alien race for unknown reasons.
Enslaver has a unique biology which mimics organic systems, but which does not conform to any of
the basic underlying commonalities which define life as we understand it on Earth. He does not eat,
breath, or eliminate waste - he generates massive electrical current internally through an unknown
method. He can regulate the rate at which this energy is generated - dropping into a catatonic state for
extended periods (similar to hibernation) or generating enough excess power that it must be
aggressively discharged through his skin.

Origin: Enslaver was brought to Earth as a prisoner several hundred years ago. Enslaver was
developed as an experiment in long-distance travel & organic efficiency. He is totally self-sufficient,
requiring no food, water, air, or special environmental conditions to survive. He appears to have no
social elements in his behavior, though he is clearly sentient.

Living things are all part of a unified system - life depends upon other forms of life. But once
Enslaver broke with that system, he began to view all life as an irritation. He now barely distinguishes
between an outcropping of lichen and a herd of Zebra. He has great contempt for all life, and will
indiscriminately eliminate life in large swaths of land to make himself more comfortable. It was this
behavior which necessitated his exile from his home world.

Enslaver spends years at a time in a slow-metabolism state similar to a hypnotic trance, or a

hibernating bear. His energy production drops to nearly zero during these times, and he remains
motionless. It takes him several days or weeks to emerge from this state into his full combat potential.
He seems to intensify energy production during battle - excess energy takes the form of electricity,
which Enslaver uses liberally in combat. When energized his movements & speed are enhanced.

Enslaver does not age, and given eternity it is likely that he would eventually achieve his goal of
elimintating all life from the planet Earth. Although he disappears for decades at a time in alien
hibernation, Enslaver is considered to be one of the greatest ongoing threats to the planet.

Energy System: Enslaver's energy system is a massive mystery to human scientists. Unlike every
other living thing known, Enslaver appears to generate energy without burning fuel, consuming
oxygen, or absorbing light. The rate at which he generates power varies quite significantly -
presumably Enslaver himself has some measure of control over the process. It is speculated that
Enslaver's entire body acts like an electron moving through the universe's magnetic field - that
movement is what drives his biology. His rate of energy build-up does seem to increase when he is
more active, and can decrease when he is more passive. As he builds up internal reserves of energy,
he moves faster and builds energy at a greater rate.

Ranged Combat: Enslaver can project targeted blasts of energy from multiple points on his body,
though he generally prefers to channel power into his opponents through direct physical contact. For a
massive cost, Enslaver can radiate so much energy around his person that solid materials begin to
weaken and crumble into dust at a microscopic level.
Grappling: Enslaver has average grappling prowess. He can channel powerful electrical current into
his opponents - which can be used to break out of a clinch, or as a method for dealing additional
damage to a held opponent.

Melee Combat: Enslaver is a quick, versatile, and deadly melee combatant. His long tail and
extensible claws allow him to follow-up attacks with long sequences of strikes for huge damage, and
he can deal as much damage with electrical boosts as he does with physical impacts. Enslaver's attack
speed and movement abilities increase as his internal power recharges - allowing him to build up into
a blinding blur of arcing energy and whirlind edges.

Enslaver's claws & hands extend into full whips, which can be used at medium range to engage
opponents or channel electrical power. He cannot use these elongated limbs to initiate a grapple.

Weaknesses: Enslaver builds significant momentum during battle, achieving a flow between energy
gain and energy expenditure. Disrupting his attack patterns with heavy defense can throw off this
balance - leaving him slowed & vulnerable. Enslaver is immune to organic toxins & poisons, but his
slow healing makes him quite vulnerable to high-energy attacks. If his energy drops too low, he
cannot perform even basic healing & defense regeneration until his energy reserves recover.

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Enslaver literally needs nothing and nobody else. He has no interest in other
living things. He does not roar or posture the way a social animal might - he does not attempt
to frighten or intimidate his foes. He barely notices them, because all life is beneath him.
 Combat Focus: Enslaver is very focused on melee combat - especially chains using his
electrical power to increase damage and speed.
 Special Considerations: Enslaver's tentacle arms are never extended during idle states - they
always fully retract before the end of an attack animation.

Height: 85 meters
Weight: 40,000 - 55,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Melee
Primary Attacks: Claws, Shoulder Rush
Secondary Attacks: Tail, Teeth
Primary Weapon: Twin Zaber Beams
Secondary Weapon: Resonant Shame
Energy Style: Adjustable (None, Stamina, Unstable Battery)

Overview: Jinjizu is a spirit guardian from an alternate Earth - he once protected the long tropical
island chains of that place. Jinjizu has entered self-imposed banishment, and suppresses his mystical
powers lest they cause great harm to the world. He can fight with physical attacks, but in his
depowered state has no weapons or ranged attacks.

Jinjizu can summon forth his old powers, regaining access to his weapons and greater strength. But by
doing so he begins to damage himself - trading physical prowess for vulnerability to damage. Jinjizu
can be further consumed by the corruption - bringing forth a greater spirit aspect with dramatically
enhanced melee and ranged abilities. Accessing this energy drops Jinjizu back into his restrained
state, where the cycle can begin again.

Origin: Jinjizu was the spirit guardian of islands, beaches, coral reefs and thick rainforests. He moved
smoothly between all of these close-knit environs, his body an amalgam of mammalian and
amphibious elements. Jinjizu was a joyful, happy spirit who could turn as dark as a storm when his
protectorate was threatened by external forces.

Conditions can change in an instant on the islands, and a good guardian must be intuitive. And so
when Jinjizu sensed an unnatural storm across the ocean he wasted no time. He searched for the
storm's origin, but could not locate it. Jinjizu became desperate - overwhelmed with a sense of
distress. He could sense the threat of the storm strongly, but could not identify it clearly enough to
take action.

Jinjizu asked the spirit guardian of the deep waves and the spirit of the clouds to help him destroy the
mysterious storm, but they refused. In a flash, Jinjizu realized that they had been corrupted by evil and
turned away from their duties. It was not unknown for corruption to change a spirit guardian into a
force of destruction. And so Jinjizu prepared himself for war against the wind and sea.

He attacked the spirit of the clouds first - tearing out the throat of the great bird. The battle with the
guardian of deep waves took longer - but Jinjizu felt the righteousness of his cause and would not

It was only after the battle ended and the battle-haze cleared that Jinjizu realized the truth - that it was
he, and not the spirits of the wind and waves, who was corrupt. With a howl Jinjizu forsook his
powers and banished himself - fleeing across the spirit realms to a place where he could not destroy
the things he had once loved.

Will Jinjizu find the will to halt the corruption which has already taken root in himself? Or will he
succumb to it entirely?

Energy System: Jinjizu can fight in three different states: his self-inflicted restrained state, his
unleashed state, and his consumed form. In his restrained state he cannot gain energy or use ranged
weapons of any kind. Attempting a Build-Up will transition him into his unleashed state - which gives
him normal access to energy regeneration and ranged attacks.
Unfortunately Jinjizu's unleashed state is subject to creeping corruption - which can consume him and
force him to transition to his strongest form. In this state Jinjizu's energy begins to fill rapidly - so
much so that it can overwhelm him and begin to inflict damage to his body. After a short time
Jinjizu's body will reject the corruption, automatically returning him to his restrained state.

Each time Jinjizu's corruption consumes him, he permanently loses one Health Cell. This reduces his
defences, making all of his forms less resistant to damage. (And thus encouraging him to make up for
it with further corrupting energies.)

Jinjizu's body can not handle the power of becoming fully corrupt. If he engages that power too many
times in a battle (when all of his Health Cells are exhausted) he will fall unconscious - losing the

Ranged Combat: Jinjizu has no ranged abilities in his regular depowered form. In order to fight at all
outside of melee range Jinjizu must allow himself to re-activate his spirit powers. This gives him
normal access to his Zaber Beam - twin weapons from his eyes which inflict serious pain on
opponents in short bursts.

In his corrupt form, Jinjizu gains access to his most powerful weapons - blasts of psychic energy
which pour out of him to distress & devastate his opponents. Jinjizu must release the energy before
this happens or risk serious harm to himself.

Grappling: Jinjizu has excellent leverage & technique for grappling - which make him a difficult
kaiju to defeat in a clinch. Jinjizu does not frequently initiate grapples himself - but only because he
would rather tear his opponent apart than potentially lose his momentum.

When empowered, Jinjizu gains additional strength & mass - making grappling more attractive as an
offensive option. Unfortunately grappling can be too slow for Jinjizu - because time becomes his

Melee Combat: Jinjizu's long claws and long reach make him a natural fit for inflicting huge damage
quickly in close range. He is quick & agile - his bent legs allow him to change his momentum
quickly. He is also semi-amphibious, with excellent combat prowess & mobility in shallow water.

Jinjizu has no special armour or protective abilities - he must rely on innate ferocity & acrobatic
techniques to avoid serious damage in combat. When he allows himself access to his full combat
energies, both his offence & defence are substantially increased.

Weaknesses: Jinjizu was a very competent fighter, especially deadly in close-in battles. But while
Jinjizu denies himself his full powers, he is at a distinct disadvantage. To win, Jinjizu will be sorely
tempted to tap into his powers more deeply - which inevitably leads to his corrupted form… which is
very powerful but can lead to a devastating loss for Jinjizu just as easily as it might to his opponent.

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Jinjizu spent most of his life as a very happy, playful spirit guardian. Now he is
afraid of himself, and wants to practice exacting self-control to avoid becoming what he most
hates & fears.
 Combat Focus: Jinjizu is an up-close combat specialist. This is especially important since he
is at an overall disadvantage should he choose to avoid his corrupting power abilities.
 Special Considerations: Jinjizu will need three distinct visual styles - to alert players to his
current state.

Height: 104 meters

Weight: 50,000 metric tons
Gender: Female
Combat Style: Control (Poison)
Primary Attacks: Fangs, Multi-head Strike
Secondary Attacks: Tail
Primary Weapon: Hypnotic Glare, Venom Spit
Secondary Weapon: Radiation Wave
Energy Style: Elemental Affinity (Nuclear)

Overview: Ouroboros is a towering multi-headed serpent, a remnant of the Earth's last “kaiju age.”
Her most notable feature is her five independent heads - which give her a hydra-like appearance. Each
of her five heads generates a different style of snake venom - making her one of the most toxic life-
forms anywhere. She has learned to subsist off of nuclear power absorbed directly into her cells -
making her more dangerous than ever.

Origin: Ouroboros roamed the Earth during the last kaiju age - battling other monsters for supremacy
across the globe. Sections of her skin, including her mutable DNA, were sloughed off during each
new fight - pieces which eventually gave rise to many of today's modern snakes. Some 8,000 years
ago she began a deep hibernation in a swamp located in what is now modern Mexico. Dirt and stones
covered her body - forming a protected crescent of hills.

In 1976, the Mexican government selected the site as a location for a nuclear power plant. Once
operational, Ouroboros' body began to absorb the excess radiation - her cells adapting to feed off of
this new power source.

In 2014, the power plant suffered a temporary cooling emergency - exposing one tower to incredible
radioactive energy and beginning a nuclear meltdown. Plant workers might have been able to contain
the situation, but the sudden feast of energy stimulated Ouroboros - suddenly waking her from her
long slumber. She rose from beneath the hills - causing massive destruction and further cracking the
delicate power plant her body encircled - causing a full nuclear meltdown.

This flood of energy further mutated Ouroboros' DNA, manifesting several radiated powers. Her
venom became increasingly potent - to the point where it can corrode metal. Her hypnotic gaze
transformed from a passive stare to an active projection of energy. And most fearsome of all - her
hood became a focusing dish for radioactive energies.

Now that Ouroboros is awake, she has resumed her slow journey across the globe in search of a mate,
a challenge, or perhaps both.

Energy System: Ouroboros is powered by her irradiated cells - each one expanding to absorb
additional ambient radiation whenever possible. Her current levels of radiation provide her with a
constant flow of power, but proximity to radiation (or direct exposure to nuclear power) will increase
her energy regeneration significantly.

Ranged Combat: Ouroboros can fix opponents with a withering stare from her central head, which
causes many opponents to cower as she advances. She can also spit globs of toxic venom which burn
through virtually anything.

Ouroboros' most terrifying weapon, however, is the Radiation Wave that pulses forth from her
expanded central hood. While expanded this hood also increases her ability to absorb nuclear power
from weapons - redirecting them and super-charging her Radiation Wave. Even non-radiation
weapons can provide energy which can be partially absorbed and re-emitted as radiation.

Grappling: Ouroboros is both heavy and strong, which makes her a competent grappler. She lacks
the ability to extend her body upwards - which means her ability to hoist taller monsters is impaired.

However, Ouroboros' primary attack technique revolves around not hoisting - but sinking her
venomous fangs into opponents once she grapples them. She can inject dozens of different venom
types - after only a few successful grapple-bites, most opponents fall unconscious regardless of their
remaining health or stamina.
Melee Combat: Ouroboros has very specialized melee attacks, which makes her very effective but
quite limited. She can use her five heads to launch flurries of short-range attacks at close range. At
mid-ranges, her powerful tail can swing forward for heavy attacks & tripping sweeps. At long range
Ouroboros can curl into a circle, rolling forward in the shape which inspired her name.

Although Ouroboros is land-bound, she can coil and spring into the air high enough to catch flying
kaiju and pull them back to the ground.

Weaknesses: Ouroboros, being cold-blooded, is vulnerable to cold-based attacks. She also has
difficulty changing the direction she is facing, so certain types of high-mobility kaiju can cause her
frustration. She can have difficulty using her deadly poison grapple against very strong opponents
who also specialize in grappling.

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Ouroboros is an angry snake - she has no broad understanding or human-style
 Combat Focus: Ouroboros is all about grappling, poison, and general control. Her melee is
fast and accurate, but she lacks the defensive elements necessary for a melee-focused
 Special Considerations: Ouroboros will need additional animator threads, to handle her

Height: 76 meters
Weight: 46,000 metric tons
Gender: Female
Combat Style: Melee
Primary Attacks: Telescoping Kicks
Secondary Attacks: Fore Claws
Primary Weapon: Sticky Tongue
Secondary Weapon: Frog Song
Energy Style: Stamina

Overview: Saltora is an enormous ancient frog, who resides in the muddy river basin of the Amazon
River. She sleeps for decades between brief periods of activity - usually covered by mud and
sediment. Local humans call her Saltora, and she has been alternately worshipped like a guardian
spirit and feared like an amphibious boogeyman. Her body is covered with spirit glyphs which human
priests have painted onto her body during her long inactive periods.

Origin: The earliest human inhabitants of South America used to summon giant warriors to fight on
behalf of their clan. For one tribe living in the Amazon floodplains, this warrior was an ancient giant
frog, now known as Saltora.

For centuries, Saltora and other kaiju would engage in periodic ceremonial battles - settling disputes
and providing bragging rights. But as the civilizations on the southern continent matured, they found
less mystical methods of negotiation, and eventually retired their avatars. For many, this means
sealing their champions away in rock - turning them into giant glyphs like the Nazca lines of Peru.
For Saltora, it meant an endless slumber in her muddy home.

It was meant to be endless, but something happened to awaken Saltora - a shift in the environment, or
in the spirit realm. With no humans to direct her waking actions, Saltora felt only a diffuse wrongness
- a blurred sense of unease.

With a mighty leap - she took off in search of something familiar.

Energy System: Saltora regains energy slowly over time. She uses energy to exercise her long-range
tongue techniques.

Ranged Combat: Saltora has no energy weapons, but she makes frequent use of her long sticky
tongue in battle to pull debris or smaller kaiju close to her. Against bulky opponents, she can also use
her tongue to pull herself into melee range for an accelerated Kick attack. At very short ranges her
loud croak can be used to stun opponents.

Grappling: Saltora has modest grappling abilities. Rather than lift opponents above her head, she
springs into the air with them, to crush them in a flying piledriver.

Melee Combat: Saltora's phenomenal legs give her excellent mobility during combat. She can change
height to attack a variety of strike zones, dodge quickly, and reposition herself in her environment
with a giant leap. Once in range, Saltora attacks opponents with a mixture of clawed swipes and
forceful kick. She is especially adroit at closing quickly, knocking an opponent away, and then use
her tongue to snap them back for additional pummeling.

Weaknesses: Although Saltora has a number of techniques designed to make issues of combat range
unimportant, she still lacks energy weapon options to compliment her fights. When in close she has
very little natural armour, so she needs to remain aggressive and control when and where melee
engagements occur.
Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Saltora is old, strong, and accustomed to generally getting her way. She attacks
larger opponents the way a feisty grandmother might hit a dog with a newspaper.
 Combat Focus: Saltora uses her legs in most attacks - supporting her body with her front
limbs, or not at all (aerial.)
 Special Considerations: Saltora has a very low stance - but she shouldn't be animated like a
full quadraped. She will need a tongue attached to her main mesh.


Height: 70 meters
Weight: 41,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Ranged
Primary Attacks: Wrist Cannons
Secondary Attacks: Dual-Bladed Tailpiece
Primary Weapon: Long-range Ballistic Canons
Secondary Weapon: Plasma Bile
Energy Style: Meditation

Overview: Lizadra is a large lizard-like creature who has been adopted by the city of Philadelphia,
and retrofitted with long-range weaponry and cybernetic enhancements. He can run very swiftly,
alternately engaging opponents close-in and then pulling back to unleash a barrage of artillery fire.
Origin: An infant Kaiju (about the size of a horse) was found trying to claw its way out of the
overflow tanks at a Philadelphia water treatment plant. The pitiful creature had shattered bones, a
malformed skull, and a stump of a right leg. Some speculated that the creature was a stowaway from
the Philippines - others thought it was a refugee from Newark's toxic shores. Zoologists at Drexel
University estimated that the creature would die within the week.

But the creature survived, and even began to thrive as he became a symbol of pride for the city of
brotherly love. Friendly to everyone, the doe-eyed creature's face was plastered across T-shirts and
coffee mugs declaring “See Philadelphia's Monstrous Secret!”

Monster attacks became for frequent along the coast - New York, Baltimore, Boston - coastal cities
were prepping for disaster, and Philadelphia's pet began to seem less cute, and more like a harbinger
of worse to come. The deep waters around Philadelphia made it impossible to monitor all possible
approach routes, and people began to whisper that, in the event of an attack, no help would be able to
arrive in time to save the city.

So the city took action on its own.

WWII-era dry-docks were resurrected, and steel mills sang as the city of Philadelphia took on it's
biggest public works project ever - to forge its loveable one-legged junior monster into a fully-capable
combat kaiju. Iron plates were torn from old ships, guns were mounted, and half a billion dollars was
invested in a high-impact robotic leg. The monster's body was carved and modified - tissue exchanged
for wet ware cybernetics. A neural network mapped out over a decade was grafted to his skull,
allowing pilots to guide him like a cart horse or a slightly-aware predator drone. Towering axe-like
blades adorned the tip of his tail.

Philadelphia was ready - but is the world ready for… Lizadra?

Energy System: Lizadra's Long-range Ballistic Cannons vent extreme heat & kinetic power into
Lizadra's body, powering his ability to spew liquid plasma at short ranges. If too much energy is
allowed to accumulate in Lizadra's body, the LBC's will not fire until he vents the power.

Ranged Combat: Lizadra uses two distinct energy weapons - his Long-range Ballistic Cannons
bombard targets from afar with high-velocity shells and his Plasma Bile burns flesh and melts armour
at close range. Lizadra's Wrist Cannons have an effective range of only a few meters - making them
more of a supplement to his scrawny arms than an alternate range attack.

Grappling: Lizadra's arms are too short to give him the leverage necessary to lift kaiju. However, his
stocky tail can be used to impale, hoist, and toss opponents.

Melee Combat: Lizadra is ferocious in melee combat, but lacks the reach, experience, and raw power
necessary to stand toe-to-toe with other kaiju for any extended period.

Weaknesses: Lizadra is smaller than most monsters, weaker than most monsters, and has outdated ill-
conceived weaponry. His running speed is excellent, but he lacks the mass to Charge effectively.
Lizadra must rely on luck, cunning, and his ability to capitalize on mistakes.

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Lizadra is energetic, enthusiastic, and thoroughly loveable. See reference anims
of puppies.
 Combat Focus: Lizadra is all about movement, weapons, and occasional quick melee attacks.
 Special Considerations: Lizadra's weapons will need to pivot, and he'll need distinct
footsteps for his metal / flesh feet.

Height: 90 meters
Weight: 47,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Control
Primary Attacks: Telescoping Maw, Wrist Spike
Secondary Attacks: Tail
Primary Weapon: Baseborne Ray
Secondary Weapon: Premature Blast
Energy Style: Parasitic

Overview: Kakushigo is a fleshy, horrific monster with a strangely elongated mouth, retractable
spikes, and hoofed feet. He has a single eye above his head, and a tail featuring club-like bone
protrusions. He was created by Kharbin Corporation as part of an anti-kaiju initiative, but deemed too
repulsive for public use and the project was terminated. He now serves Kharbin Corp in other ways…

Origin: Kakushigo was born in a lab within Kharbin Corp's bio-weapons lab. He was created as a
biological answer to the growing kaiju threat to the world. He feeds off the energy of other kaiju, out-
ranges them physically, and (most importantly) was heavily conditioned from birth to respond to
Kharbin Corp's commands.

As Kakushigo grew to maturity, however, the Kharbin Corp board of executives decided to terminate
the project in favor of the robotics-lab's anti-kaiju colossi. The board felt that Kakushigo's terrifying
appearance would make him unpopular with the shareholders, and that there was more profit to be
had from manufacturing metal colossi than growing monstrosities like Kakushigo.

One man saw deeper however - and had Kakushigo secretly moved to an underground facility. From
this location, Kharbin Corp can release their pet kaiju clandestinely - and create kaiju assaults
anywhere in the world that they wish to demonstrate the effectiveness of their colossi program. As a
fail-safe, the colossi are equipped with pheromone sprays which trigger specific flight reactions in
Kakushigo - part of his lifelong conditioning.

Now Kakushigo lives a shadowy existence - a hidden limb of Kharbin Corp. which performs terrible
tasks so that the public face might flourish.

Energy System: Kakushigo is very sensitive to the presence of other monsters. When isolated, he
quickly becomes quiet - almost docile. When other monsters are nearby, however, he begins to
generate energy in proportion to the number and proximity of other kaiju. In battle, Kakushigo can
leech energy from his opponents directly through physical touch.

Ranged Combat: Kakushigo's primary energy weapon is the “Baseborn Ray” - a stream of
concentrated power which bursts from his single eye to push opponents away or to the ground.
Kakushigo builds energy across his entire body before focusing the Baseborn Ray on a specific

For quick use, Kakushigo can release the energy before it builds completely through a premature blast
of arcing energy released through his mouth.

Grappling: Kakushigo has excellent reach, and can easily engage opponents in a clinch. During a
clinch, he builds additional energy and impairs his opponent's energy regeneration. Unfortunately,
Kakushigo's ability to lift opponents is poor - it causes immense strain on his badly-leveraged maw.
During complex grapples, Kakushigo can actually damage himself if hoisting larger opponents.

Melee Combat: Kakushigo's primary melee weapons are the long retractable spikes which emerge
from his wrists through his hands. These are made from the same reinforced metal/calcium material as
Kakushigo's teeth. They are strong enough to puncture thick kaiju hides, but are not well suited to
slashing attacks. Kakushigo's feet and tail make sturdy striking weapons, and his mouth can be used
effectively at medium range.

Between his maw and his spikes, Kakushigo can effectively fight in melee at a distance outside most
kaiju's reach.
Weaknesses: Kakushigo's flesh is tough, but he has no dedicated armour or defensive abilities. He is
vulnerable to long-range energy attacks and very small close-in combat techniques.

Kakushigo's elongated maw is a primary combat tool but it contains many soft elastic membranes
which can be easily damaged. Kakushigo grapples opponents with his maw, and can inflict serious
injury to himself in the process if he is not careful.

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Kakushigo is reckless, but not senseless. He has been conditioned to attack
when ordered, and not withdraw until given the appropriate signal.
 Combat Focus: Kakushigo does not assume a defensive stance in combat - he always leans
slightly forward to accentuate his natural reach advantage.
 Special Considerations: Kakushigo has only 1 Defense Cell, but it cannot be broken. This
means that he starts every fight at something of a disadvantage, but unlike other kaiju his
combat ability does not decrease over time.
Akua Ka

Height: 110 meters

Weight: 55,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Control(Counter-Attacks)/Melee
Primary Attacks: Articulated Hand-Scythes
Secondary Attacks: Rongo's Grasp
Primary Weapon: Whaitiri's Wrath, mana blast
Secondary Weapon: Pele's Pillar
Energy Style: Stamina

Overview: Akua Ka is an alien scout, who suffered some sort of damage or attenuation problem
during a trip to Earth, and is now stranded here, endlessly walking a circuit around the islands of the
Pacific. Early humans observed Akua Ka, and believed him to be an instrument of the gods - many
Hawaiian & Polynesian myths were influenced by Akua Ka's periodic visits to their islands. Akua Ka
was meant to observe & terraform planets - combat is a defensive function only. Akua Ka's shifts in
engagement protocol are accompanied by a loud vocalization.

Origin: Popular legends say that Akua-Ka is a contstruct of the Gods - that he channels their essences
and acts according to their will. If all the tales are to be believed, humans have watched Akua-Ka
raise islands from the sea, fight off horrific monsters from the ocean depths, and communicate
directly with the Gods themselves.
But this is false - Akua-Ka's true origin begins thousands of years before - when he had no name, and
was one of a hundred similar constructs scattered across the galaxy by an ancient civilization. His
original purpose was to scout, catalog, and terraform living planets before moving on to continue his
slow journey across space.
But while on Earth, a rare inversion of the magnetic field caused a change in Akua-Ka. He lost his
bearings, and began to circle endlessly around the islands of the Pacific. He can no longer send or
receive communication data from his source, and without a guiding hand he fell into a strange routine
of repeated “exploration” around his new permanent home.

Energy System: Akua Ka gain energy slowly over time.

Ranged Combat: Akua Ka uses a variety of traps and energy fields to stave off opponents. In direct
combat he can use the powerful but energy-intensive Whaitiri's Wrath, which strikes at long range for
tremendous damage, but in most encounters he will begin by modulating his mana - a combination
energy shield and short-range weapon which cycles through various damage types. Against opponents
specializing in one damage type or another, this mana weapon can act as a decisive tactical advantage.
Finally, Akua Ka can place a trap on the ground which errupts into a pillar of super-heated plasma.
The modulating energy shield can protect Akua Ka from weapon fire, but only one type of weapon at
a time. His weapon damage is keyed to the energy shield system, and so he can focus on only one
weapon system type at a time. Each modulation in this system as accompanied by the vocalization

Grappling: Akua Ka is stout and strong, but prefers to avoid the unnecessary risk of grappling with
opponents. Instead of initiating physical grapples, Akua Ka can switch places in space with his
opponent without affecting their relative velocities. This technque, known as “Kaulu's Trick” can
place him well out of harm's way, or seriously hamper his foe's attack patterns. When grappled by an
opponent, Akua Ka can wrestle and clinch normally.

Melee Combat: Akua Ka has strong melee-combat and countering skills, but prefers to avoid
physical fights until he has established dominance over his opponent. Akua Ka will frequently initiate
combat by terraforming the ground around his opponent's feet - sinking them several meters and
immobilizing them temporarily. This can provide Akua Ka the oppourtinity to trade attacks in relative
safety, or reposition himself to a more favorable location.
When hand-to-hand combat becomes inevitable, Akua Ka can shift his energy into a series of short-
ranged combinations and a lower center of gravity. This shift is accompanied by the vocalization
“Ku.” When hand-to-hand combat is finished, Akua Ka can redirect his energy towards self-repair.
This shift is accompanied by the vocalization “Kāne.”

Weaknesses: Akua Ka is vulnerable to many attacks until he can modulate his mana device to the
optimal setting. Even then, he must sometimes choose between a defenesive and an offensive setting,
depending upon the specific threat faced. Akua Ka always relies on reactive strategies, so slower or
more deliberate opponents can frustrate his ability to disrupt their attacks. Akua Ka can temporarily
shift to a pure melee or pure regeneration strategy, at the cost of his standard energy shield &

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Akua Ka is an advanced robot, without full operational parameters in place to
direct his actions. He is very still sometimes, processing and selecting a course of action from
what little information in available in the moment. When he acts, his movements and
confident & fluid.
 Combat Focus: Akua Ka has limited access to melee combat techniques unless he forgoes
his energy shield & weaponry to access advanced hand-to-hand techniques.
 Special Considerations: Akua Ka does not have a standard grapple initiation - but can react
to grapples normally. Instead, he transposes positions with his opponent - also disrupting the
auto-target behavior for a few seconds.

Height: 84 meters
Weight: 64,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Melee
Primary Attacks: Unguibus (whip-claws)
Secondary Attacks: Head Crush
Primary Weapon: Desco Burst
Secondary Weapon: Sidus Impetu
Energy Style: Stamina

Overview: Infensus is a vaguely ophidian kaiju who has been transformed into a living city holding
the last remnants of an otherwise extinct species of sentient microscopic parasites. These beings have
rebuilt his body into a mobile homeworld for themselves - his original limbs have been amputated and
replaced with cybernetic equivalents, his torso has been armoured, and his organs connected to the
city's power source. Infensus is only dimly aware of his predicament, but the part of his mind which
understands his transformation is not pleased.
Not. At. All.

Origin: The tiny Q'lun species knew their planet was destined to explode, and attempted to accept
their fate. Small as they were, they lacked the ability to harness & direct enough energy to make orbit
and leave their planet before the destructive event was scheduled to occur. Until the day that a kaiju
fell from the sky - burning up in the atmosphere - apparently the victim of some savage beating. The
Q'lun swarmed across this massive power source - and made a desperate plan to save both it and
The Q'lun moved themselves and their tiny infrastructure onto the kaiju's dessicated back, burrowing
into his flesh and installing a network of techno-passageways as they explored and repaired his
wounds. His limbs were removed in favor of more functional attachments - his stomach and mouth
were diverted away as well. His motor skills were integrated into a control system for skilled Q'lun
operators, and his burned body was debased with metal and carbon synthetics.
Thus prepared, the Q'lun made their escape from their doomed homeworld, and began to use their
mobile kaiju lifeboat as they saw fit. Infensus, once a brash and stubborn loner, is now beholden to
the teeming millions of Q'lun parasites who thrive, unbidden, in his maligned body.

Energy System: Infensus regains energy slowly over time. His natural physiology has been tapped to
power the city he carries, and so his ability to regain energy is heavily dependent upon the power-use
of the parasites, which tends to have preference over Infensus's personal energy needs.

Ranged Combat: Infensus has a powerful but short-ranged Desco Burst cannon inside his mouth. It
can be used as a weak ranged attack, but Infensus prefers to use it at close-range for dramatic damage
and knockback effects.

Grappling: Infensus is tremendously heavy, which makes it difficult for opponents to lift him. His
Unguibus arms are poorly suited to hoisting the weight of other fully-grown kaiju, but they are very
effective at ensnaring & moving opponents on the ground. Infensus is especially fond of using his
cybernetic arms as a long-range grapple attack, which pull his opponent in rapidly.

Melee Combat: Infensus is a very aggressive combatant - combat is the best way for what remains of
his organic mind to express anger & despair. Infensus prefers long strings of attacks over heavy
knockdowns, and his long arms allow him to engage opponents in melee in unusually one-sided
slugfests! Lacking proper legs, Infensus hovers on a pair of twin thrusters- his Sidus Impetu, which
allow him to move and face his opponent at all times, as well as clear low obstacles without
interruption while engaged in melee.

Weaknesses: Infensus is not in control of his own body - his combat is controlled by a team of
parasites connected to his neural network. However, sometimes in the heat of battle Infensus manages
to circumvent this control and act in a way which is truly independent. This small act of rebellion is a
wonderful thing - though his overlords might scream with frustration, tapping buttons and waggling
joysticks in impotent ire. In these moments of aestus, Infensus could still choose to fight - but why
would he do anything to help those who have enslaved him and kept him alive against his will?
Animation Guidelines:
Personality: Infensus shows a bit of personality in his face, but his actions are almost entirely
controlled by an outside force, which apparently want Infensus to fight relentlessly, without concern
for his well being.
Combat Focus: Infensus is geared towards quick melee engagements. His jets and speed allow him to
chase down fast kaiju rather than use weapons.
Special Considerations: Infensus will need special AI to “rebel” against player input during heated
moments of battle.


Height: 80 meters
Weight: 70,000 metric tons
Gender: Female
Combat Style: Ranged/Control
Primary Attacks: Manipulator Claw, Hydraulic Ram
Secondary Attacks: Battering Charge
Primary Weapon: Kinetic Kill Weapon, Directed Energy Weapon
Secondary Weapon: Anti-Kaiju Missiles, Recoilless Cannon Burst
Energy Style: Meditation

Overview: The Robotic Operations Station International Exercise (R.O.S.I.E.) is an Anti-Kaiju

Vehicle resulting from a global merging of military research. She bristles with projectile weapon
options and heavy armour. Rather than engaging in battle directly, R.O.S.I.E. acts as a launcher for
four types of combat drones, which can be manufactured & deployed throughout battle.
Origin: China has spent decades developing a stationary anti-kaiju drone factory, which could create
impressive arrays of evolving combat elements, but proved too fragile to redeploy in the field.
At the same time, the United States of America was frustrated with their mobile & heavily armoured
anti-kaiju battle vehicle, which was impressively mobile but lacked offensive options.
The breakthrough came when Germany announced that they had developed an effective Kinetic Kill
Weapon which was effective against kaiju. They offered to give the specifications to the USA, on the
condition that the project become a multi-national effort, accepting ideas from any country with anti-
kaiju technology.
China's drone factory became the core of the project - renamed the Robotic Operations Station
International Exercise. (R.O.S.I.E.) The USA's armoured vehicle became the chassis to hold the robot
factory core, and mount the weapon systems. Japan created multi-drone-control software, which
expanded the number of operational drones available in the field. The EU provided large reserves of
conventional missiles for the side-mounted launchers. India developed a multi-fuction manipulator
claw delicate enough for drone work, but durable enough for combat. And Germany's KKW mounted
on the top.

Energy System: R.O.S.I.E. powers her weapon systems with gigantic power cells which hold enough
juice to fuel a modest city for a month.
They can fire about eight shots before being exhausted.
To refuel, R.O.S.I.E. can summon a mid-fight refueling vehicle, which can return a portion of
R.O.S.I.E.'s full power. If circumstances permit, R.O.S.I.E. can shut down her main engines and direct
all power to refilling the weapon power cells. This leaves her entirely vulnerable for a short time.

Ranged Combat: R.O.S.I.E. is bristling with weapons, and has enough regular ordinance to fire
conventional projectiles at will. Her biggest anti-kaiju weapons, however, require too much energy to
be used continuously in battle. So R.O.S.I.E. is used primarily as a command vehicle to coordinate
strikes from smaller limited-use anti kaiju vehicles. R.O.S.I.E. gets in close to assess and distract a
foe, then sends orders to her allies waiting at the edge of the engagement area.
When battle circumstances dictate, of course, R.O.S.I.E. has some of the most powerful weaponry
ever fused to an AKV (Anti-Kaiju Vehicle.) Her DEW (Directed Energy Weapon) uses kinetic energy
along with EM radiation to repulse and damage opponents. Her Surface-to-Surface Anti-Kaiju
Missiles have advanced tracking & fuze systems, allowing for maximum damage whatever the target.
And most fearsome of all is her KKW (Kinetic Kill Weapon) which simultaneously pushes and pulls
from different sides - literally tearing targets apart from the middle.

Grappling: R.O.S.I.E.'s manipulator claw is capable of grappling with kaiju at point-blank range. In

Melee Combat: R.O.S.I.E. is built as a mobile command & long-range ordinance, so her melee
options are woefully limited. She has a powerful hydraulic piston built into one of her forward
appendages, which can deliver rapid-fire piercing attacks. Her melee drones are adept at tying up
opponents and inflicting respectable damage before being destroyed.

Weaknesses: R.O.S.I.E. The software and technical skill necessary to command both R.O.S.I.E. and
her fleet of drones is jaw-droppingly to witness, and much too complex for many commanders. As
part of a larger team, R.O.S.I.E. herself is often not the focus of the tactics & techniques required for
optimal engagements. Some people doubt that a team of sufficient skill and dedication can be found
to pilot her in battle, as the price of failure could very easily be death.

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Rosie does not emote - she is more vehicle than intelligent robot. Her audio cues
should seem impressive & hopeful, to resonate with her heroic origin.
 Combat Focus: Rosie has very few melee attacks, but a large number of weapon options.
 Special Considerations: Rosie uses both ground and air-based drones, which will require AI
pathing nodes in all levels. She will need a special suite of “drone/turret deploying”


Height: 100 meters

Weight: 50,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Melee
Primary Attacks: Eagle Claws, Storm Wings
Secondary Attacks: Raking Kicks
Primary Weapon: Ordo Maximus
Secondary Weapon: Aether Vortex
Energy Style: Stamina, Meditation

Overview: Orikalkos is a gigantic warrior-bird who serves the mystic personification of Order -
creating structure & discipline to combat chaos and destruction. There have been several such beings
recorded on Earth - it is not clear whether they are distinct, or several facets of the same creature.

Origin: Orikalkos has appeared many times to turn the tide of human wars - Mali, Cambodia, Peru -
but the best recorded incident happened at the fall of the Roman empire. The Kingdom of Vandal and
her allies were weakening Rome from all sides, and the empire teetered towards instability. Rome
sought out a decisive victory on land against the Kingdom of Vandal, and invoked the spirit of
Orikalkos to aid them in battle.
Orikalkos appeared, and for a moment in seemed that he would sweep Rome's enemies aside -
securing Rome's influence for another two hundred years. But Orikalkos was not there to aid Rome -
Orikalkos was there to promote Order. The senate had become so corrupt & selfish that Rome's
influence had become erratic - chaotic. Whereas once Orikalkos would have fought for Rome to aid
the stability of humanity, now he turned against it.
Orikalkos turned from the battlefield, and strode towards Rome - towards the seat of corruption.
Sensing his desire, the senators fell upon one another - trying to root out the corruption which has
infected them all. By the time Orikalkos arrived his work was done - the blood of the senate had been
spilled, and their power was broken. Orikalkos vanished, and Rome's power was broken.

Energy System: Orikalkos regains energy slowly over time. Because his energy regeneration is
mystically powered rather than biologically powered, it does not stop or diminish the way most
Stamina monsters experience reduced energy gain while prone or knocked down. As a result
Orikalkos tends to have energy available more readily than most characters.
As an alternate method, Orikalkos can spread his wings and absorb energy directly from the sun -
powering up his energy rapidly at the cost of a battle-ready stance.

Ranged Combat: Orikalkos uses his primary breath weapon to burn foes with mystic energy. As a
secondary effect, the Ordo Maximus removes status effects from its targets. His Aether Vortex can
bring opponents off their feet at range, positioning them or taking them out of the fight for a moment.

Grappling: Orikalkos is an average grappler - his Blessing of Iron does not enhance his grappling

Melee Combat: Orikalkos has average melee capabilities normally - and can enhance his melee
combat significantly by invoking his “Blessing of Iron.” This buff can be invoked in one of two ways:
1 - By focusing his energy and thoughts in a moment of pure contemplation. 2 - By striking his
opponent with three melee attacks without taking damage in return.

Weaknesses: Orikalkos must take advantage of either his Blessing of Iron, or his ability to regenerate
energy while taking damage, or both, in order to gain advantage over his opponents. If an opponent
can create enough chaos to disrupt Orikalkos, then his advantages will not be brought to battle and he
will be unable to dominate opponents.

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Orikalkos is a mystical being of Order - he does not worry about physical harm,
or short-term losses in his quest for victory. He is slightly detached & aloof, because the
physical world is not his realm.
 Combat Focus: Orikalkos is a melee fighter, who gains combo speed by invoking his
Blessing of Iron.
 Special Considerations: Orikalkos is meant to begin every match at a numerical
disadvantage, but gain in power as he manipulates events to fit his own ends. This will require
special balancing considerations before unique AI can be scripted.


Height: 90 meters
Weight: 48,000 metric tons
Gender: Female
Combat Style: Control
Primary Attacks: Serrated Arms, Chest Maw
Secondary Attacks: Biting Tail
Primary Weapon: Stinging Gaze
Secondary Weapon: Paralyzing Eruption
Energy Style: Hunger, Fury

Overview: Iracundus is a spiked lizard-like creature from a world quite different from our own. Her
mouth is in her chest, and a second mouth is located at the end of her prehensile tail. Iracundus has no
fingers - instead her arms are covered with a line of serrated teeth, with a large hooked tooth at the tip.
Teeth and spikes cover her body.
Origin: On her home world, Iracundus is not a hunter, but prey. Her kind evolved spikes as a
deterrent against the large, fearsome predators that roam the world - feasting on beasts impossibly
large. Iracundus also feasts on these beasts - attaching herself to them with her spiked teeth, and
feasting parasitically until full, like an alien burr on a grazing animal's hide. Iracundus has been very
successful at staying out of sight - a necessary skill for those in her niche.
Iracundus woke one morning and found herself in a very strange place indeed - a world where
everything was tiny! Tiny animals and plants swarmed around her feet, and the largest threats around
were barely bigger than herself! Suddenly flung from scurrying parasite to alpha predator, Iracundus
has been gleefully terrorizing any and all denizens of this world.

Energy System: Iracundus gains energy by eating material from her environment - converting it into
fuel for her weapon attacks. When she is entirely out of energy, heavy attacks from opponents will
cause her to regain a minimal amount of power - just enough to fuel her Stinging Gaze. If the
environment lacks sufficient material to digest, she will be entirely unable to access her Paralyzing

Ranged Combat: Iracundus can focus twin beams of pain from her eyes - creating a nasty sting
which disrupts her opponents and causes modest damage. This basic weapon requires almost no
build-up, allowing Iracundus to use it creatively to disrupt her opponent's attacks and maneuvers.
When Iracundus is well-fed, she can expel a solid glob from her chest which can encase and stun
opponents. This is a short-range attack, but it is nearly impossible to dodge.

Grappling: Iracundus is a strong and proficient grappler - despite her lack of fingers. Her serrated
arms make her very difficult to get away from, and make it all to easy for her to draw opponents in.

Melee Combat: Iracundus Is a very powerful opponent in melee - mostly due to her passive spikes,
which frequently deal damage to opponents who use physical attacks. Almost every part of Iracundus
is covered in these spikes, which makes any physical encounter a painful one for her opponent. In her
native world, Iracundus used her spikes to deter predators. But now that she is at the top of the food
chain, she is quickly learning to use them against her prey.

Weaknesses: Iracundus has average health an no significant way to reduce the damage taken by
enemy attacks or weapons. She relies on he spiked retaliation and quick-closing disruptive attacks to
maintain optimal combat situations. Much of her power is in her Biting Tail - which is ideal for
fighting off much larger opponents, but awkwardly positioned for fighting against peers.

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Iracundus is a long-suffering animal who is finally in a position to get her
revenge against the world. Or, to be more precise, against a totally different world that never
did her any harm. (Ours)
 Combat Focus: Iracundus is very focused on forward movement and melee combat.
 Special Considerations: Iracundus “eats” buildings into her chest - which will require a bit
of VFX work to cover up well.
Jet maiden

Height: 100 meters

Weight: 57,000 metric tons
Gender: Female
Combat Style: Charging
Primary Attacks: Club of Justice!
Secondary Attacks: High Kicks
Primary Weapon: Atomic Pulse
Secondary Weapon: Breakneck Blast
Energy Style: Stamina
Overview: Jet Maiden is an American mech, piloted by a trio of spoiled young adults who are half-
heartedly fulfilling their parent's dreams. Or whatever. Jet Maiden uses a variety of integrated jet
propulsion systems to enhance her speed and hitting power. Jet Maiden wields the Club of Justice in
battle, which contains even more speed-boosting engines.

Origin: In the aftermath of 1959's multi-kaiju brawl, a secret society was founded. Ten young men
and women, orphaned and scarred by the battle which had killed tens of thousands of their fellow
citizens, swore to dedicate their lives to defending humanity from kaiju attacks. They knew they
would need time to gain the skills & financing they needed, so they worked to a decades-long
Each member specialized in a different area - propulsion, weapons, armour, publicity - and all of them
became wildly successful in their individual fields. They married and had children - but all the while
remained focused on creating the kaiju defender that would be their legacy. It was obvious that none
of the original ten would be able to pilot Jet Maiden - so three families began to groom their children
for that honour.
Unfortunately, these children of wealthy & motivated parents had never worked a day in their lives -
and they weren't especially eager to start now. So when the world needs a protector, Jet Maiden will
possibly be there. If it's not too early in the day.

Energy System: Jet Maiden regains energy slowly over time, courtesy of the nuclear reactor housed
in her torso. This powers her weapon attacks, but it is mostly directed towards activating her Jet Boost
- a rapid rocket burn which increases her speed and Charging damage dramatically for a short time.

Ranged Combat: Jet Maiden does not believe in ranged combat - she believes in being fast enough
to close the distance. She has no long-range energy weapons, but can release pure atomic energy in a
forward-facing pulse, or blast the area around her with a short-ranged concussive burst. This
downward-facing burst can also be used in the air to extend her jumps, and/or clobber opponents

Grappling: Jet maiden is solid & strong, which makes her a more than competent grappler. She uses
the Club of Justice to gain leverage even while in close with her opponents.

Melee Combat: Jet maiden prefers to attack via Charge, which allows her to clobber opponents with
big individual hits rather than fancy combo attacks. Her pilots like the flashy attacks best anyway! Jet
Maiden is of average walking speed at best, so in close with quick opponents it is necessary that she
makes nearly constant use of her powerful Jet Boost.

Weaknesses: Jet Maiden requires a lot of power to fuel her jets. Without her Jet Boost she lacks the
speed to effectively close with opponents, rendering her combat abilities useless. Jet Maiden was built
with significant defensive options, but her pilots are too lazy to engage them - causing her to take
more damage than would otherwise be necessary.

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Jet maiden has two distinct styles - upright All-American poster child, and
droopy-spine slacker. She has both styles of idle animations - a single cycle of the upright
blends directly into the droopy. Like old-school alternate idle animations.
 Combat Focus: Jet Maiden uses her rocked boosters to Charge and swing her bat. She has
tremendous first-hit attacks, but no follow-through.
 Special Considerations: Jet Maiden needs to express her dual-nature without becoming
frustrating to players.

Height: 80 meters
Weight: 62,000 metric tons
Gender: Female
Combat Style: Charging
Primary Attacks: Rolling Smash
Secondary Attacks: Impaling Anchors
Primary Weapon: Magma Shot
Secondary Weapon: Explosive Shards
Energy Style: Momentum

Overview: Ghol-Dom is a giagantic Armadillidiidae-like creature from Hollow Earth. She has a
multitude of short, strong appendages - but these are nearly always hidden within her shell because
she does not use them for locomotion. Instead, Ghol-Dom rolls into a tight sphere and rolls from place
to place. This motion is achieved through the use of controlled explosives, generated by her silicate-
based subterranean metabolism. The faster she moves, the more oxygen she can use to generate
energy - creating a positive feedback loop of unstoppable power. Her shell is formed of incredibly
dense rock precipitates, which resist heat and explosions. When Ghol-Dom unrolls her body, she
becomes almost entirely stationary.

Origin: In 2006, an international mining company discovered a vast network of caverns deep beneath
the earth. These natural hollows were filled with an incredible new energy source - a semi-solid
sludge with an incredibly high energy density. The first samples of this new material burst into flames
or exploded violently when they came into contact with the surface atmosphere - so subsequent
samples were carried up in airtight containers.
Researchers were shocked to discover that the material was partially organic - some sort of sustaining
fluid for an unknown organism. In fact, the sludge was the larval stage of an enormous species of
underground arthropod - the entire species would shift from larval to adult forms on a 50-year cycle.
But the energy potential of the sludge was too valuable to resist, and the entire crop was harvested.
It was only as additional survey teams began to explore further into the cave network that Ghol-Dom
was awakened - an old female of the species in her last cycle - too thick with mineral deposits to
regress with the rest of her hive. Her body was formed of semi-solid energy, and her shell was a thick
layer of rock and minerals. When she discovered the empty cavern where her hive should have been,
she followed the excavation back to the surface, rolling through everything in he path.
But the most horrible thing happened when Ghol-Dom reached the surface and uncurled herself in the
open atmosphere. Just like her infant kin, her highly energize body began to sizzle in the atmosphere -
threatening to explode! Her skin burst and crackled as searing pain swept across her body. When the
blast came, she barely had the strength to roll into a ball again - stopping the reaction from consuming
her entire body. But the damage was already done - the tunnel to Hollow Earth had been destroyed.
Ghol-Dom was trapped on the surface - trapped with the people who killed her family, and trapped in
an environment in which she cannot survive.

Energy System: Ghol-Dom fuels her explosive power through the introduction of Oxygen to her
internal organs. Hollow Earth has a very low concentration of Oxygen - the inhabitants there have
adapted to it. It is the over-abundance of Oxygen on the surface which transforms Ghol-Dom from a
slow-moving underground herbivore to an explosive charging kaiju. Moving rapidly through the air
increases Oxygen - so her rate of gain increases whenever she is knocked back or charging.

Ranged Combat: Ghol-Dom can unleash a barrage of explosive projectiles from her spherical form -
supplementing her charges or staggering opponents in anticipation of a follow-up technique. Her
strongest weaponry, however, is not available until she unrolls and anchors herself in place - exposing
her unstable inner body. From this turreted position, Ghol-Dom can spew a long-range arc of Magma,
or unleash a barrage of unstable explosive shards, which ricochet around the environment wildly.

Grappling: Ghol-Dom has extremely limited grappling capabilities, as her limbs are short-ranged,
and are usually locked inside her armoured shell. Opponents have a difficult time grappling with
Ghol-Dom, due to her low profile, high density, and general speedy movement.

Melee Combat: Ghol-Dom spends most of her time on the surface rolled into a charging ball of doom
- so she has little or no opportunity to engage in melee combat. When she does unroll to expose her
limbs and torso, it is usually to unleash a barrage of ranged attacks. On those few rare occasions on
which she actually battles with her limbs - she has a modest suite of very short-ranged attacks. Her
fiercest weapon are the two leg-like appendages which hook into the ground to anchor her during her
explosive weapon attacks.

Weaknesses: Ghol-Dom is very hard to damage or stop when she is actively charging in her
armoured form. However, her armoured sphere lacks a variety of attacks, so she will need to
frequently unroll. While open she has access to her powerful ranged attacks, but her melee and
grappling skills are terrible. She requires movement to regain energy, so while rooted she can only
expend energy.

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Ghol-Dom has no chance to survive on the surface of Earth - her goal is to cause
as much destruction (in the name of revenge) as possible before she succumbs to our hostile
 Combat Focus: Ghol-Dom mixes Charging and a nearly-stationary “turret” form - gaining
energy in one aspect and expending it in the other.
 Special Considerations: Ghol-Dom is almost always in her rolling form - which presents
interesting challenges from an animation & controls perspective.

Nightstone Manor

Height: 105 meters

Weight: 38,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Melee
Primary Attacks: Splintering Claws
Secondary Attacks: Rubble Slam
Primary Weapon: Spectral Blast
Secondary Weapon: Fear Aura
Energy Style: Compounding Gain

Overview: Nightstone Manor is a haunted Victorian mansion - animated by the collective mystic
power of the world's (non-kaiju-sized) monsters.

Origin: Just over a year ago, the monsters of Earth began to panic. For thousands of years humans
have feared the horrors of the supernatural world more than anything else. This fear fuelled the mystic
monsters - giving them strength and power. But with the rise of the modern age of Kaiju, human fears
have shifted from secrets in the dark to huge silhouettes on the horizon. Even worse, the very physical
(and beatable) nature of kaiju have inspired humans to band together - creating giant machines of
battle. Despite the very real threat presented by the kaiju, humans have never felt stronger!
This had to change.
Collectively, the human-scale monsters of Earth began to focus and concentrate their power - creating
a large central reservoir of energy. This nexus of paranormal might was transferred into the center of
Nightstone Manor - giving it an aura of fear which causes hopelessness to any nearby living thing. By
drawing on the fear created, Nightstone Manor can power itself indefinitely. By turning humans from
strength to fear, Nightstone Manor can begin to shift the balance of power in the world away from
With their new champion, the monsters of Earth hope to cower the kaiju and humans alike - returning
the collective fear and worry of Earth's human population to focus on the human-scale fiends who
have so effectively terrorized the people of Earth for generations. This age of kaiju will be the shortest
ever - because this time the kaiju will not be the only thing to fear!

Energy System: Nightstone Manor regains energy over time. His rate of gain is initially modest, but
increases quadratically over time if he takes no combat damage. Any opponent who avoids combat in
hopes of gaining an advantage will quickly learn that avoidance only makes the Nightstone Manor

Ranged Combat: Nightstone Manor channels pure mystic energy in a variety of ways. He can project
it forward in a stream of pure spectral energy from his central maw, or use it to explode the vortex of
rubble which holds him aloft. His most diabolical weapon, however, is his ability to project pure
corrupting energy, disrupting the flow of power to his opponents from external sources. Many of
Nightstone Manor's opponents have greedily sought a boon from the Kaijujin, but found only
wracking pain and weakness in its place.

Grappling: Nightstone Manor has thick powerful arms, and can threaten even the largest opponents
with them. Unfortunately, his light weight makes it very possible that a faster opponent will be able to
turn the clinch to the disadvantage of Nightstone Manor.

Melee Combat: Nightstone Manor is strongest in close-quarters combat for two reasons: 1 - the
swirling vortex which keeps him aloft offers no weak areas for opponents to trip or strike. 2 -
Nightstone Manor projects a short-range Fear Aura at all times, which weakens the ability of nearby
opponents to strike at full intensity. This combination of limited vulnerable areas and weakened
attacks from opponents makes Nightstone Manor an opponent to truly fear.

Weaknesses: Nightstone Manor is not blessed with swift movements, so very nimble kaiju can
successfully remain in melee range and trust that their acrobatic movements and rapid strikes will
save them. Hit-and-run tactics are doomed to fail against Nightstone Manor, because of his
Compounding Energy Gain. But frequent ranged attacks can be very effective at keeping him at long
range and out of energy.

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Nightstone Manor floats with a distinctly paranormal movement. Back-lighting
and soft pulsing glows give the haunted house a spooky vibe - though more in a Halloween
style than a truly terrifying way.
 Combat Focus: Nightstone Manor is melee focused - though if left out of melee range, his
energy recharge becomes quick enough to make him a powerful weapon-based fighter.
 Special Considerations: Nightstone Manor can “corrupt” powerups, making them dangerous
for his opponents to collect. This will require new powerup art, and potentially complex
interactions with kaiju who already have interesting powerup interactions.
Nemesis Prime

Height: 113 meters

Weight: 62,000 metric tons
Gender: Female
Combat Style: Melee
Primary Attacks: Six-Claws, Shoulder Spikes
Secondary Attacks: Tail Combo, Headbutt
Primary Weapon: Self-Immolation
Secondary Weapon: Stolen Sun Power
Energy Style: Fury

Overview: Nemesis Prime is a massive, hulking alien arbiter sent to earth millenia ago on a mission
of vengeance. Engineered for destruction, her armoured body bursts with the power of a dozen
decimated civilizations. Nemesis Prime was ultimately defeated and hidden beneath a mountain of
stone and ice - to sleep undisturbed for thousands of years. In recent years Her frozen DNA was
extracted and mixed with a human to create NEMESIS. Her alien hands and feet have six claws each,
three spiked tails drag behind her, and two malformed wing-ridges crest her spiked back.

Origin: Nemesis Prime is a battle-focused creature, enhanced by alien science and trained by torture,
to become a kaiju killer. Her DNA has been made flexible - allow it to express itself more fully than it
would otherwise - granting Nemesis Prime more power, more strength, more ferocity, more armour,
and a thicker concentration of energy in her blood. This “unlocked” DNA is what allows Nemesis to
shift her combat style to face each opponent.
In addition to her formidable physical presentation, Nemesis Prime has significant psychic abilities
which allow her to anticipate her opponent's attack pattern - exploiting inclinations for hunger, guilt,
and fear - as well as certain specific weaknesses which may or may not exist in that opponent.

Energy System: Nemesis Prime gains energy whenever she wounds an opponent in battle. Her
opponent's pain & fear fuel Nemesis directly - via psychic and mystical conduits. Quick, repeated
attacks enhance the energy gain per strike - allowing Nemesis Prime to gain energy very quickly
against an opponent who cannot (or will not) fight back.

Ranged Combat: Like her maturing half-child, Nemesis Prime has explosive blood which explodes
when it contacts air. Whenever her membranes are punctured in combat (or by her own hand) a
violent explosion bursts forth. Nemesis Prime is also more than capable of scooping up projectiles
from her environment to bring down a distant opponent. Although she cannot summon or regenerate
full wings, Nemesis Prime can focus and reflect enough energy with the shoulder spikes to burn
opponents at a distance.

Grappling: Nemesis Prime has massive hands & arms, and an armoured exterior which protects her
from Grapple Attacks. Being close to an opponent also allows her to feel that kaiju's fear - growing in
power and learning its weaknesses.

Melee Combat: Nemesis Prime's quick & heavy slashes combined with her heavy exoskeleton make
her an ideal melee combatant. She has difficulty using arm attacks to the sides or rear - so she must
rely on her tails to orient opponents towards her properly. In close Nemesis Prime can use bites, knee
strikes, and raking kick attacks in combination with her massive claws to pummel opponents from
many directions at once.

Weaknesses: Nemesis Prime moves swiftly, but she does not turn or refocus her attentions quickly.
This allows quick or lithe opponents to maneuver advantageously against her. She also has difficulty
engaging airborne opponents with physical attacks - she must rely on her weapons to first bring them
to the ground.

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Nemesis Prime's mind has been entirely focused on battle. Her eyes are always
trained sharply on her opponent, and she would gladly sacrifice herself to ensure that each
opponent is crushed completely.
 Combat Focus: Nemesis Prime is an aggressive fighter - but not a foolish one. She mixes
short & medium-range melee attacks to keep up her defenses for what could often be a
drawn-out fight.
 Special Considerations: Nemesis Prime's long neck will need extra bones to track opponents
well without interpenetrating her shoulders. Her partial wings will need to animate
independently of her back.

Height: 88 meters
Weight: 61,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Charging
Primary Attacks: Prow Blade, Raking Limbs
Secondary Attacks: Barbed Tail, Broadside Spikes
Primary Weapon: Karmic Pain
Secondary Weapon: Thruster Blast
Energy Style: Stamina

Overview: Keelhorn is a space-insect kaiju, captured & given grafted cybernetics by pirates to serve
as their remote-controlled kaiju muscle. Keelhorn's organic head has been almost entirely replaced by
a synthetic bladed prow - a devastating weapon designed for high-speed impacts. Keelhorn's wings
serve as both power-absorbing elements and guidance, but it is the chemical thrusters built into him
which keep him aloft when in full atmosphere. His barbed tails are often used to attach himself to
enemy ships - holding them is place to be boarded.

Origin: Keelhorn was one of several species of gigantic space-insects, long-lived semi-sentient
creatures who travel vast interstellar distances in search of new spawning grounds. Keelhorn was
captured by a crew of unscrupulous pirates - who fused alien technology into his head - constructing a
living spaceship for them to travel & plunder with.

Keelhorn spent decades in this state - trapped in slavery to his pirate overlords. Until the day the
pirates decided to battle him against other kaiju in gladiatorial-style arena matches. During the fights,
Keelhorn's control mechanisms were damaged. With nobody aboard him to repair the circuits,
Keelhorn's long-dormant self began to return to the surface. He turned on his former masters, and
obliterated them with decades worth of Karmic Pain. Then he escaped from the arena - free once more
to do as he will in the galaxy.

Energy System: Keelhorn is well adapted to living in the depths of space. He absorbs starlight
through refractive elements in his iridescent wings, slowly converting it into Energy that his body can
use & manipulate.

Ranged Combat: Keelhorn's primary weapon is his Karmic Pain weapon - which fires from his front
horn. This weapon deals damage directly to the nervous system of his opponent. This weapon
becomes more and more effective the longer Keelhorn engages with his enemy - becoming incredibly
devastating after a few minutes of close contact.

Grappling: Keelhorn has a very rudimentary grappling style - his limbs are poorly position to hold
other monsters. Keelhorn can ram opponents and lift them into the air - dropping them to the ground
as they peel off his horn. Keelhorn's flight & thrusters make it more difficult than normal for
opponents to grapple & lift him without his consent.

Melee Combat: Keelhorn can swing his bladed horn in melee combat, and is also quite adept with
limb slashing, side-spike slams, and twisting techniques which bring his nasty barbed tails into play.
In general Keelhorn uses his swift travel speed to use hit-and-run charging attacks more than
prolonged melee exchanges.

Weaknesses: Keelhorn is very difficult to interrupt - but once thrown off, he has a much longer than
normal recovery period. His weapon requires frequent use in order to reach full strength - so
opponents who deny him the ability to use his Karmic Pain weapon deprive him of his best endgame
technique. Finally, Keelhorn is very reliant on physical damage - heavily armoured characters will be
able to push through his attacks for close-quarters beatings.

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Keelhorn is very skittish - like a wounded dog collected from the pound. He
snaps his head, keeping an eye out for threats - but then throws his whole self (literally) into
combat when he has decided to attack.
 Combat Focus: Keelhorn is a Charging character - he can ram & impale opponents with his
horn, or twist to gouge them with his side spikes. Keelhorn is a hovering monster - but he
does not move through vertical space especially quickly.
 Special Considerations: Keelhorn will need unique knockdown & recovery animations.

Height: 94 meters
Weight: 49,000 metric tons
Gender: Female
Combat Style: Melee
Primary Attacks: Spiral Slash, Beak Dive
Secondary Attacks: Tail Slam
Primary Weapon: Guardian Jolt
Secondary Weapon: Electrical Cloud
Energy Style: Stamina

Overview: Mogilos is an ancient spirit guardian, made up equally of fish and bird elements. She is
equally at home underwater or in the air. Fast & adaptable, Mogilos was worshiped by many ancient
peoples. Put to sleep by her followers thousands of years ago, Mogilos is now awake again.

Origin: Thousands of years ago, in the South East Pacific, two tribes were constantly at war. The
San'khala were great stone masons – building cities & fortifications into the side of the mountains
they lived in. The Vittoa were nomadic hunters who lived off the bounty of the sea. They owned only
what they could carry, and moved with the changing tides.

Over the decades, the fighting between these two tribes became more fierce – their natural
competition aggravated by their ideological differences. The San'khala prayed to their great bird diety
to crush the Vittoa, while the Vittoa prayed to the deep fish gods to rise up and swallow the San'khala

The greatest clash between these two forces was set to take place one early morning – both sides had
lined up their warriors across an empty field. But into this field came a terrifying monster – with wet
fishy scales, wings, and a feathered tail. Each tribe saw it as the true incarnation of their diety. But
instead of stoking the flames of war, this creature showed them a different path – a path of
cooperation. By working as seperate tribes, each had kept the other in check – unable to progress. But
as a single unified tribe that embraced both ideals, they could become as great as this cerature before
them, who they called Mo'gilos.

The next thousand years saw unrivaled advances as the two tribes unified into a new people called the
Kodai. The Kodai swiftly became the most advanced humans on Earth – both philosophically and
technologically. They even gained the power to see into the future. And so they foresaw the ice age
that would end their way of life, and foresaw Mo'gilos going into a rampage at their passing. To spare
this fate, the Kodai used their science to put Mo'gilos to sleep – keeping her in suspended animation
while the Kodai faded & became a distant memory. They dismantled their machines & cities, so that
no trace of them, save Mo'gilos, would survive the ice age.

Finally, at the appointed time, Mogilos has reawakened to the modern day. The Kodai saw that her
message of unification would be needed once more in this era, and so they have sent her to us.

Energy System: Mogilos regains energy slowly over time.

Ranged Combat: Mogilos can fire a long-range pulse of electrical energy from her mouth called the
Guardian Jolt – she tends to favor this attack while gliding over her opponents. Mogilos can also
create electrical storm clouds, which swarm & fire lightning at nearby opponents.

Grappling: Mogilos has average grappling capability – but in general she finds her speed is put to
better use outside of arm's reach. When gaining a grapple advantage, Mogilos prefers to quickly put
her opponent on the ground, opening them up for an acrobatic follow-up.

Melee Combat: Mogilos has an acrobatic combat style – darting in and out of melee range to deliver
solid blows while evading most of her opponent's reactions. Mogilos uses her gliding ability to stay in
the air, dive-bomb down, or otherwise misdirect her opponent. Her thick slippery armour makes it
difficult for opponents to land a solid blow while Mogilos is attempting evasion.

Weaknesses: Mogilos has effective combat strategies at any range, but her beam lacks the power to
trade blows with ranged specialists. Her melee combat is effective, but does not have the armour
penetration that other melee specialists can wield. Mogilos must always play to her opponent's
weaknesses, rather than controlling the flow of battle directly. This means that Mogilos cannot afford
to be a lazy or overly aggressive fighter.

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Mogilos is a very regal kaiju - she carries herself with a very commanding
presence. She does not make idle vocalizations - every sound is a deliberate one.
 Combat Focus: Mogilos is a melee fighter, who uses high/low and zone mixups to avoid
damage and get around other defenses. Mogilos is a very average fighter - without strong
advantages or disadvantages, allowing her to fight in a variety of styles.
 Special Considerations: Mogilos will need gliding tech, and her arm/wings will need to fit
within a standard collision cylinder if at all possible.

Height: 97 meters
Weight: 57,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Melee
Primary Attacks: Dunkle Bite, Claw Rake
Secondary Attacks: Tail Smear
Primary Weapon: Paralyzing Stare
Secondary Weapon: Sky Swimming
Energy Style: Stamina (Rage fuelled)

Overview: Sarcosteon is a synthetic kaiju hybrid based upon the ancient Dunkleosteus and
Sarcosuchus species of Earth. Bred for kaiju gladiatorial combat, Sarcosteon overpowered his alien
creators and escaped into Earth's oceans. He is powered by pure single-minded will, and can swim
through the air as easily as he swims through water.

Origin: The alien Delan were masters of psychic energy, but relatively frail of body. Through
domination & psychic submission, they eliminated all natural foes on their home world, and began to
explore the stars. Although weak in weaponry, the Delan were able to carve out an area of protected
space for themselves through sheer willpower and psychic prowess. Arrogant to a fault, the Delan
believed themselves to be invincible - the pure children of mind-power.

The Delan loved to watch the toil and spectacle of inferior beings - and were naturally drawn to the
kaiju arena. Manipulating their combatants psychically, the Delan became quite skilled at the
tournaments, and their kaiju champions became well established.

Wishing to push themselves further, the Delan began engineering the ultimate predator - a kaiju built
for killing other kaiju. They called their creation Sarcosteon, and to ensure their power over him they
manipulated his DNA to ensure that his brain was especially small and simple.

But the Delan overestimated themselves - and their powers. Sarcosteon's brain carried a latent psychic
ability, which allowed him to ignore the psychic roadblocks put into his mind. Sarcosteon's predatory
impulses were so pure that they could not be broken or altered through subtle manipulation - his
primitive rudimentary brain was still strong enough to identify the Delan as prey, and attack them
within their orbital breeding station.

Terrified at this example of a lower life-form overpowering themselves, those Delan who could fled
the station, allowing Sarcosteon to escape and sky swim back to Earth, taking up residence in the
oceans of the planet which contributed his DNA.

Energy System: Sarcosteon regains energy slowly over time. As his health drops and his Rage
increases, he begins to regenerate energy more quickly.

Ranged Combat: Sarcosteon has no true ranged weapons - but through sheer willpower he can lock
eyes with his opponent and force them to submit to their terror. This inflicts minor psychic damage,
but can distract and interrupt opponents at critical moments. It also weakens their ability to damage
Sarcosteon via area-of-effect damage attacks. This willpower is even strong enough to push back
streams of physical power, if Sarcosteon's energy reserves hold out.

Grappling: Sarcosteon's predatory ancestry encourages him to grapple with his massive jaws -
threatening to snap the heads off his opponent. When Sarcosteon successfully overpowers an
opponent in a clinch, his first option is always to roll them under his massive body, before using them
as a launchpad to return to the sky.

Melee Combat: Sarcosteon's thick forward armour and powerful front-body make him a strong melee
fighter. But his true power comes from the strategic addition of his rapid sky-swimming capabilities.
Sarcosteon can pummel an opponent, send them flying, and then launch himself into the air to
continue the beating. Sarcosteon can re-direct himself out of a quick aerial dodge into a devastating
surprise attack lunge. Sarcosteon's opponents can never drop their guard, because Sarcosteon is
masterful about initiating and breaking off melee battles on a whim.

Weaknesses: Sarcosteon's power is focused on his front - his armour, flexibility, and strength are
greatly reduced from behind. This makes Sarcosteon vulnerable to multi-directional or team attacks.
In addition, Sarcosteon brings all his advantages to bear immediately - he has no back-up techniques
for defeating opponents who fail to wilt under his relentless predatory assaults. Sarcosteon is also
unable to fight effectively with ranged weapons.

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Sarcosteon is a hunter - he knows no other motivation or satisfaction. His locked
stare is terrifying to opponents - he never breaks eye contact unless he is about to bite.
 Combat Focus: Sarcosteon is a melee specialist, with armour and the ability to close gaps in
an instant.
 Special Considerations: Sarcosteon's Sky Swimming will need to function in all four
cardinal directions - possibly dynamically changing the length of his tail animator to
encompass his lower body.

Height: 130 meters

Weight: 74,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Melee
Primary Attacks: Armoured Fists, Tail Slam
Secondary Attacks: Seismic Stomp
Primary Weapon: Gemstone Blast
Secondary Weapon: Impact Shockwave
Energy Style: Stamina, Meditation

Overview: Sizemosaur is a towering kaiju who blends human & saurian physical traits. His body is
infused with gemstone “relays” which build up and distribute energy. The upper side of his limbs has
been fused with a reflective blue armour, which offers modest protection against energy & physical

Origin: David Texton was at school when his world fell apart. Without warning, a series of wild,
impossible implosions burst around him – flinging desks & doors and vaporizing patches of wall.
Each event lasted only a few seconds – a tearing in the air, an irresistible vortex, and then silence.
David and his classmates panicked – scattering from the room. The events seemed to happen at
random – so it was sheer luck that David was able to see one shimmer start – and plow into a group of
his classmates to knock them out of the way. Unfortunately David himself was not so fortunate – and
he was pulled through into another world.

This alternate world was dominated by technologically advanced saurians – and David arrived in the
midst of a battle.

He started to scream, but immediately his eyes & lungs began to burn, as unfamiliar gasses in the
atmosphere made contact. David fell, choking, into a group of intelligent saurian soldiers who were
just as surprised to see David as he was them! The saurian medic made an attempt to stabilize David,
but being unfamiliar with human physiology the medic had to make due with synthetic enzymes &
mineral injections designed for saurian warriors. Most significantly, David was injected with a series
of temporary gemstone power sources – which could energize saurians and keep their activity level

David's life was saved, but he slipped in and out of consciousness for several weeks – while his body
reacted & adapted to the foreign environment and strange medicines inside him. Meanwhile, saurian
scientists made a connection between David's arrival and a new type of micro explosive device which
had been used recently. It seems that this explosive caused rifts between far-apart spaces – and not all
of these rifts would close cleanly. To minimize contamination to their world the scientists located the
open rift to David's world, and helped to return him there. Because of David's unique connection to
both dimensions, he is now able to sense the presence of new rifts, and takes it upon himself to protect
the Earth from the leakages between dimensions. The burden may prove to be too much, for David is
still a child. Although his body has grown to tremendous size, he would have to mature even faster to
shoulder the responsibility of not one, but two worlds.

Energy System: Sizemosaur's body has been infused with gemstone-based energy relays. These build
up energy slowly over time. Sizemosaur can focus on them to initiate a more rapid energy infusion,
though doing so takes a serious toll on his stamina.

Ranged Combat: Sizemosaur can project focused blasts of gemstone energy from his eyes. He can
also use his tremendous size & reach to create shockwaves – by striking his hands together, or
stomping on the ground. In both cases, the effect is to knockdown / disorient opponents, giving
Sizemosaur the opportunity to take initiative.

Grappling: Sizemosaur is one of the biggest Kaiju ever – few opponents can effectively grapple with
him. Sizemosaur himself can easily lift / throw most opponents, and can engage in grapple techniques
from an extended range. Sizemosaur is especially fond of bringing opponents in close for a bear hug.

Melee Combat: Sizemosaur has standard offensive skill, but his tremendous size & reach means that
he has a range advantage which allows him to strike from a distance few kaiju can match without
weapons. This gives him advantages in reaction, speed, and overall damage potential – making melee
techniques his clear preference in combat.
Sizemosaur's Fists have kept their human articulation – allowing him to form several types of strikes.
His heavy tail may be used as either a clubbing or slashing weapon. And Sizemosaur's signature
attack would have to be his head-butt – which comes crashing down from a towering height to
dominate foes.

Weaknesses: Sizemosaur has difficulty against opponents who remain inside his range & use very
quick attacks – he requires room to bring all of his techniques to battle. Sizemosaur's ranged attacks
are not efficient damage-dealers, which means he relies on physical attacks to harm his foes. This
gives him a limited suite of damage types, which certain armoured opponents can take advantage of.
Sizemosaur is also ill-suited to countering keep-a-way tactics.

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Sizemosaur is a boy who has been forced to grow up quickly. He is still
adapting to his new body & role. He lacks the ferocity of most kaiju, but he can act with
clarity & rational thought – which can be a significant advantage.
 Combat Focus: Sizemosaur uses long-range melee attacks. Learning the ranges of his strikes
is a key skill to master.
 Special Considerations: Sizemosaur is the tallest kaiju allowed (130m) in-engine, so he may
necessitate some camera parameter adjustments to remain properly visible.


Height: 80 meters
Weight: 65,000 metric tons
Gender: Female
Combat Style: Charging
Primary Attacks: Shell Roll
Secondary Attacks: Neck/Torso Slam
Primary Weapon: Neutron Beam, Bone Darts
Secondary Weapon: Radiation Field
Energy Style: Stamina

Overview: Bogma is a giant snail, with four eyestalks and a massive hardened shell. She is strongly
radioactive, and emits a powerful radiation field which she can use for both offensive and digestive
purposes. Bogma is generally hostile towards both humans and human cities - and even were she to be
defeated during an urban rampage, her body's presence after death would almost certainly make the
area too toxic to live in for decades.

Origin: Bogma comes from a snail species native to the Marshall Islands which was observed to
digest & eliminate low level of radioactivity safely. Hoping to capitalize and profit from this ability,
the US government under the direction of Dr. Tina I. Ka imported hundreds of snails were
experimented on in an effort to improve these traits. It was thought that creating larger snails would
similarly improve each snail's eating speed, and waste removal efficiency.

In Bogma's case, it was broad-spectrum radiation which triggered her initial growth. Because of her
natural resistance, very high doses of radiation were used to trigger the growth reaction. This early
success was seen as an important step, but unfortunately as she grew Bogma's hunger for radioactive
material specifically also increased. She had no interest in non-irradiated food, and so to keep her
alive she was fed increasingly radioactive portions of food. This radiation collected in Bogma's body
& shell, until eventually she was able to focus it and irradiate her own food - increasing her growth &
consumption rates exponentially.

By the time they realized that Bogma's progress had outstripped any possible means of control they
could use, Bogma had grown so powerful that she could irradiate & consume small buildings for each
meal. Free from her now-tiny cage, Bogma has continued to grow & feed ever since.

Energy System: Bogma regains energy slowly over time. When actively using her Radiation Field,
Bogma neither gains nor loses energy.

Ranged Combat: Bogma can fire a powerful Radiation Beam from 2 or all 4 of her eyes. This
weapon inflicts terrible pain upon any kaiju who cannot avoid or resist it. Bogma may also withdraw
into her shell, to emit a powerful Radiation Field in a huge area around her - softening & dissolving
most organic material within the affected area. Finally, Bogma grows a series of sharp bone “darts”
within her neck - which are mosty used for close-in combat, but may be fired.

Grappling: Bogma's body shape makes her poor at both grappling others, and at grapple defense.
Snail are not typically associated with delicate limb control.

Melee Combat: Bogma uses both her head & her tail for close-quarter strikes. Bogma is very quick
on her foot - she can spin, pivot, and twist with as much speed as any non-snail kaiju. Bogma can
even jump a limited amount - giving her several powerful strikes from the air.

Bogma slashes with the protruding tip of her bone darts to deal edged damage to opponents. Bogma
may also roll in her shell for tremendous charge attacks which can surprise and flatten opponents.
Despite her slow walking speed, Bogma's charge attacks are very quick, though they do not change
direction very quickly.

Weaknesses: Bogma has very limited edged attack options, and no explosive attacks. This means she
must rely on Impact & Nuclear damage almost exclusively. Bogma is heavily armoured against
attacks which strike her shell - but has no damage resistance on her muscled bare body. Between her
Radiation Beam and charge attacks, Bogma's slow walking speed is not generally a disadvantage in
terms of combat, but her ability to dodge & maneuver is somewhat limited in scope.

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Bogma personality
 Combat Focus: Bogma combat focus
 Special Considerations: Bogma special considerations

Height: 85 meters
Weight: 52,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Charging
Primary Attacks: Horns, Claws
Secondary Attacks: Tail
Primary Weapon: Momentum Wave
Secondary Weapon: Negative Impulse, Tyrant Roar
Energy Style: Momentum

Overview: Tyrantasaur is a giant evolved Triceratops from a parallel Earth, who has been filled with
aggression-promoting chemicals, and empowered by alien super-science. He stands and runs on two
legs, though he keeps his armoured head & horns low, such that they are the point of contact for
anything he runs into/through. Stranded on an Earth which is not his own, Tyrantasaur continues to
regress further and further from the peaceful creature he once was.

Origin: Tyrantasaur was a strong bull within his tribe - foraging and expanding their grazing territory.
Tyrantasaur and others of his species had learned to fight predators in groups when necessary, killing
most of the natural predator species and establishing a large uncontested grazing area across most of
the continent.

And so it was natural that when the alien prospectors came, searching for rare minerals, that they
chose Tyrantasaur and his family to enslave as workers & guards.

The diminutive aliens manipulated Tyrantasaur and his family - filling them with chemicals which
increased strength & aggression, while also making them submissive to the alien demands. The aliens
were building a strong outpost, survey station, and transport portal with which to move cargo and

The survey operation was very successful, and the aliens began to make plans to increase their
operation - expanding across the globe, as well as tapping into other nearby dimensions, which would
probably have similar conditions.

But Tyrantasaur, though he did not understand the specifics, was to put an end to all of that. His
limited cognitive abilities were already impaired by the alien drugs, but the fits of anger & rage they
brought on would give him occasional moments of clarity. He hated these invaders, and longed to
defend himself and his family. His opportunity finally came when the alien transport portal was
engaged - distracting the alien techs who were tuning & stabilizing the portal tech.

Tyrantasaur felt his rage building, and used that power to snap his chains - crushing several aliens
under his feet. He began to rampage through the alien outpost - smashing walls, crushing supplies,
and tearing down powered equipment. The transport portal surged out of control - sucking in its alien
operators and surrounding supplies. With the outpost a smoking ruin, Tyrantasaur turned his attention
to this portal - which pulsed & shifted threateningly. Tyrantasaur responded the only way he knew
how - by lowering his head and charging into the portal with all the energy he could muster. His great
speed, in combination with the alien drugs in his system, siphoned off much of the portal's power -
allowing it to collapse in on itself.

Through his actions, Tyrantasaur freed his world from the alien exploitation. But Tyrantasaur himself
was not so lucky. The unstable portal flung him to a parallel Earth, where no others like himself still
live. The volatile energies & chemicals in his body continue to make thinking difficult, and drive
Tyrantasaur to furious rages. And by absorbing the energy of the portal, Tyrantasaur has gained new
energy techniques which make him even more dangerous.
Energy System: Tyrantasaur's metabolism reacted with the energy of the transport portal - generating
power as Tyrantasaur moves through space. By running very quickly, Tyrantasaur can build up a
large surplus of energy, which can then be stored or discharged as an attack. When stationary,
Tyrantasaur's energy drains quickly.

Ranged Combat: Tyrantasaur creates a shimmering field of energy in front of him as he runs. This
makes his Charge impacts much more damaging than they otherwise might be, adding the power to
the natural momentum of his Charge. By cutting a Charge short, Tyrantasaur can also discharge this
field as a directed wave of energy - dubbed the Momentum Wave. When full of energy, Tyrantasaur
can also generate negative impulse energy from his horns - allowing him to resist pushback weapon
effects. Finally, Tyrantasaur's energy-filled body will generate an omni-directional version of the
Momentum Wave if he is suddenly accelerated by an outside force - like being hit by another
Charging kaiju.

Grappling: Tyrantasaur has a thick body and low center of gravity, which makes him an excellent
grappler. He has trouble closing in on opponents without resorting to a full run - in which case he is
more likely to gore with his horns than attempt to grapple with his hands. But monsters who initiate a
clinch with Tyrantasaur will find that he is more than happy to apply his strength directly.

Melee Combat: Tyrantasaur has sharp claws on his forearms, which give him at least a few
reasonable melee combat options. Tyrantasaur lacks experience and discipline in sustained close-
quarters combat, so he will generally break off and make space for a Charge at the earliest

Weaknesses: Tyrantasaur has never been much of a tactician - he relies on his natural bulk to crush &
intimidate foes. When an opponent adapts to Tyrantasaur's primary attack strategy, Tyrantasaur's
response is generally to continue to use that same strategy - only faster & with more vigor.
Tyrantasaur also has limited options for engaging airborne opponents.

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Tyrantasaur varies between “Angry” and “Furious” - he cannot feel ease or
contentment as a result of the alien biotech in his bloodstream. Tyrantasaur is always moving
- especially in a Charge!
 Combat Focus: Tyrantasaur is a Charging character - he loves to hit with his head & front
horns. He keeps his head low at most times - to keep enemies close to his weapons.
 Special Considerations: Tyrantasaur's weapons should appear to fire as a wave from his
head crest - though this is just a visual consideration.

Height: 82 meters
Weight: 51,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Melee
Primary Attacks: Slashing Riposte
Secondary Attacks: Tyrant Claw
Primary Weapon: Giga Nightraji, Omega Blast
Secondary Weapon: Terror Omega
Energy Style: Elemental Affinity: Kaiju

Overview: Xerimus is a conduit of pure kaiju energy - he appears as a divine white lion/hominid
being wrapped in luminescent energy spikes. His powerful clawed feet are swift, despite their bulk -
Xerimus can even fly for short distances when empowered. Xerimus varies greatly in size, strength,
and power depending upon his level of interaction with other kaiju. During a fight or other close
interaction with other kaiju, Xerimus can grow in size and power to nearly double his “resting”

Origin: Xerimus was once part of a family of kaiju - powerful beings who used their energy-drawing
affinity to place themselves above others. Some of these beings considered themselves to be more
than kaiju themselves. Xerimus was one of the youngest members of the group, and showed great
early progress at drawing power from other kaiju to enhance his combat prowess.

But Xerimus shunned his heritage once he realized the truth - that his enhanced powers were not the
result of some innate superiority, but rather a parasitic ability to feed of the power of other kaiju.
Frustrated, Xerimus isolated himself for a long time, learning to generate his own internal energy. In
this way Xerimus learned to be self-sustaining, though at a power level far below his maximum.

When Xerimus ended his self-imposed exile he had learned to choose his own life path, rather than
live and die by his associations with other kaiju. This new found flexibility allowed Xerimus to do
what no other members of his tribe could - to come and go as he pleased, experiencing the galaxy on
his own terms.

There are some who call Xerimus “God of the Monsters” - not only because of his great power, but
because he is free to wield that power with perfect autonomy.

Energy System: Xerimus draws power from elemental kaiju force - he can generate a trickle of
energy slowly from his own body! While fighting other kaiju, Xerimus can gain energy at an
increased rate, especially as kaiju energy is expelled in his presence. (This does not decrease the
damage Xerimus receives from energy weapons.) In addition to his disposable energy, Xerimus's
body grows in size, strength, and durability the more he engages with other kaiju. His body can
sustain maximum fighting potential for only a minute or two, after which he must forcibly drive the
energy out.

The Energy Spikes which surround Xerimus are visible extensions of his presence in other
dimensions. As more of his energy shifts to a specific location, the spikes become more or less

Ranged Combat: Xerimus uses the “Giga Nightraji” as his primary energy weapon - a shifting
purple & blue beam that he fires from his mouth. As Xerimus increases in power, a second and even
third origin point for the Giga Nightraji forms, resulting in a tri-part beam at maximum power.
Alternatively, Xerimus can discharge weapon energy quickly as an Omega Blast - flattening nearby
objects in a 360 degree arc.

When his energy absorption is high, Xerimus can unleash the dreaded “Terror Omega” attack - which
rains down energy meteors in a wide area.

Grappling: Xerimus has little skill in grappling, but his tremendous size at full kaiju energy
absorption makes him potentially one of the strongest grapplers anywhere. But Xerimus does not
generally favor grappling - as it constricts the flow of kaiju energy from his opponents.

Melee Combat: Melee Combat is the primary expression of kaiju energy, and so it is in melee
combat that Xerimus draws most of his power. Xerimus automatically gains health and damage
resistance as he absorbs kaiju energy, and so aggressive foes will quickly find themselves at a
significant disadvantage. Xerimus uses mostly arm & claw combat techniques - relying on his
massive size to plow through opponent attacks and deal damage. Xerimus uses the powerful Tyrant
Claw to slash his opponents - this is most effective when used as an uppercut.
Xerimus also makes extensive use of his long armoured tail - both as a battering weapon and as a
long-range source of strikes.

Weaknesses: Xerimus is vulnerable to clever fighters, as well as opponents who are skilled at using a
variety of attacks & weapons, to prevent Xerimus from absorbing much kaiju energy. Xerimus is
fairly slow, and using the terrain against him does not trigger his energy affinity. Strike & fade
techniques are also useful, as they can deal full damage, then retreat until Xerimus has burned up his
own energy reserves.

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Xerimus is largely unaware of events or objects outside the kaiju realm. He does
not look down, or use any animalistic movements or postures.
 Combat Focus: Xerimus is very stubborn and single-minded in combat. He wants to get in,
and keep the battle going. Whether or not he is winning is less important than simply keeping
the fight active, because eventually Xerimus will draw enough energy from the fight to win.
 Special Considerations: Xerimus should be very deliberate about things - even when
defeated he should seem to be hardly aware of his own body. Creating Xerimus's energy
spikes, and mixing them with any physically modeled spikes on his body, will be a major
focus of his model development.
Giga Raptor

Height: 96 meters
Weight: 44,000 metric tons
Gender: Female
Combat Style: Ranged
Primary Attacks: Wing Blades, Metal Talons
Secondary Attacks: Sharp Tail
Primary Weapon: Nova Lasers
Secondary Weapon: Old Spark
Energy Style: Stamina
Overview: Giga Raptor is a large flying mech, controlled by a sentient algorithm of unknown origin.
Giga Raptor was built by Dr. Kathryn Walker, based on recovered alien wreckage which inspired
several terrestrial kaiju mechs. Giga Raptor has wings instead of arms, and is optimized for quick
dashes, ranged suppression, and flexible combat situations.

Origin: Giga Raptor was built as one of several kaiju mecha, incorporating alien wreckage pulled
from Earth's ocean. Dubbed “project Selene”, a dozen of Earth's best research scientists carefully
pulled apart the decaying metal wreckage - diagramming and learning from the alien design.

But Dr. Kathryn Walker's task was different - because instead of attempting to understand the
components, she wanted to recreated the original mech - just as it had been. Ms. Walker was a
pacifist, and it was her firm belief that the original tech must have been meant for some greater
purpose than simple combat. Unbeknownst to her, this goal was aided in part by the still-sentient AI
core of project Selene - which found in Dr. Walker a kindred spirit and so reached out to her with
subtle psychic suggestions.

Working at a feverish pace, Dr. Walker was able to duplicate an astonishing number of project
Selene's original systems. The result was a towering bird-of-prey mech which the team dubbed “Giga
Raptor” - Earth's bird of prey. The team was able to build the mechanical and power elements, but the
project seemed to have no central control system. That still made it a very successful research project,
and Dr. Walker felt confident that her Giga Raptor would yield decades of incredible data for study.

But this pride was short-lived, as alien kaiju from across the galaxy began to swarm towards Earth,
drawn to the Giga Raptor's immobile chassis. Dr. Walker had done her work too well, and these
warrior kaiju believed that Giga Raptor was their ancient foe reborn. As the invaders approached, Dr.
Walker had an inspiration. She merged project Selene's AI core into the Giga Raptor's empty control
centers - re-awakening the long-dormant AI in a new body. But the years had taken a heavy toll on the
core - it had only a fraction of the memories or combat skills it once possessed. But having touched
Dr. Walker's mind, it desired to spare Earth from the coming conflict brought on by its presence. And
so the Giga Raptor fled to Earth's orbit, and waited there for the conflict it could not avoid - but could
at least spare the innocents below.

Energy System: Giga Raptor regains energy slowly over time. She has a secondary power source
which, when active, maintains minimal power for a short time regardless of how much energy is spent
otherwise. This secondary power source is known as the “Old Spark” - an alien system which was
recreated by her human engineers, but which is not properly understood.

Ranged Combat: Giga Raptor's Nova Lasers are her primary offensive tool - they are optimized for
quick bursts, rather than sustained damage. Giga Raptors flight and high mobility allow her to
position each blast effectively. Because she cannot see while firing the Nova Lasers, Giga Raptor
must remain motionless while firing.

On occasion, Giga Raptor can exceed her human design, and tap into the “Old Spark” power which
fueled her predecessor. This briefly gives her an inexhaustible supply of energy, though it also limits
the maximum amount of power she can draw at any one time. The Old Spark also channels power
across her body - enhancing her melee prowess and electrifying her outer metal armour.

Grappling: Giga Raptor likes to strafe and knock over opponents, and is skilled at manipulating
ground debris as shields or auxiliary projectiles. She can swoop down and scoop up opponents, but
will not willingly engage in protracted grappling clinches. Giga Raptor lacks traditional grasping
hands, so she must engage in clinches with her feet.

Melee Combat: Giga Raptor's melee attack often involve her Wing Blades, which allow for quick
striking at range, but require substantial follow-through. More flexible is her bladed tail, which can
dish out quick bursts of stabs & slices against unarmoured foes. Giga Raptor's body is made of
traditional Earth metals, and so does not have the resilience of a true alien mech. Also, it seems that
Giga Raptor's body is optimized for deep space - her wings cannot move as quickly in atmosphere as
they can in the vacuum of space.

Weaknesses: Giga Raptor was built as a research experiment, not as a combat vehicle. Her design
was guided by an alien combat mech, but there are many small differences, which cause the Giga
Raptor to not function exactly the same. Fortunately, Giga Raptor's preferred combat style involves
little to no damage absorption, so her overall combat capabilities are not significantly impaired.

Giga Raptor's body is not especially sturdy, so she relies on her movement and combat reflexes to
avoid damage. Her body is smooth and polished enough to offer limited protection from some energy
projection weapons.

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Giga Raptor is a bit uncertain - not quite understanding everything happening
around her - like a child. But she still has an echo of her past life… so she is able to move
with authority once she stops thinking things through so hard.
 Combat Focus: Giga Raptor is a flying ranged fighter, with hit-and-run melee capabilities.
Her defense is low. A classic game design.
 Special Considerations: Giga Raptor will need traditional flying transitions and idles. She
will also need texture-effects to indicate when her Old Spark ability is active.

Hofo Pepe

Height: 110 meters

Weight: 33,000 metric tons
Gender: Female
Combat Style: Ranged
Primary Attacks: Headbutt, Immobilizing Bite
Secondary Attacks: Tail Whip, Corkscrew
Primary Weapon: Mystic Fire, Mystic Force Beam, Piercing Light
Secondary Weapon: Forcelight Geysers, Dimensional Breech
Energy Style: Stamina, Elemental Allergy: Kaiju

Overview: Hofo Pepe is a long serpentine creature originating from an unknown location. The flesh
of her body is made of an unusual (possibly extra-dimensional) form of matter, which does not mesh
well with our physical world. Hofo Pepe's body naturally generates “Forcelight” which pushes
outwards against physical matter. This allows Hofo Pepe to move equally well in the air and under
water - and presumably through the vacuum of space. Her energy source reacts to mystic energy,
though it is so foreign to our physical concepts that it is likely something unique. The physical
composition of our world is so unpleasant and alien to her that she cannot ever rest or be at ease

Origin: Hofo Pepe burst into our world through a pinhole singularity.

Her arrival was witnessed by the Sheb tribe, who lived on the nearby Woo Lei islands. Hofo Pepe
developed a taste for eating Sheb villagers who ventured onto the craggy slope of the central volcano
- where they were easy prey for Hofo Pepe to swoop down upon. A warrior in purple came up with a
daring plan - to lure Hofo Pepe into an avalanch, using himself as bait. His dangerous plan succeeded
- Hofo Pepe's head was pinned beneath the avalanche. Her right horn was broken, and her right eye
blinded by the rocks. But worst of all, the press of solid matter was slowly burning through her,
causing her unrelenting agony. Unable to free herself, Hofo Pepe knew that she would die.

But Hofo Pepe was saved - dug out from the rocks and debris by the same warrior in purple who had
trapped her there. Instead of executing her, these humans showed her mercy. And thus the Sheb
gained a powerful ally for themselves. Although Hofo Pepe remains trapped on Earth, unable to return
to her home, she has found some solace in establishing a relationship with other intelligent beings.

Incorporating Hofo Pepe into their local creation myth, the humans make an annual sacrifice to her -
an elder of their tribe dressed in purple. This sacrifices waits on the open face of the volcano, to be
eaten or spared by Hofo Pepe in a ritualistic parallel to her own encounter with the warrior. But the
question remains - where did she come from? And how? And what else might follow?

Energy System: Hofo Pepe regains energy over time. However, she has an intense allergy to the
physical matter of our Earth, especially concentrated power in kaiju form. If Hofo Pepe makes
physical contact with a kaiju, her skin blisters and interrupts her energy regeneration for a short time.
The more invasive the contact, the longer the reaction period lasts. This means that Hofo Pepe's
wicked bite attacks, though quick and powerful, also carry an unexpectedly heavy cost for her weapon

When creating a dimensional breech, Hofo Pepe can use the affected area to jump-start her energy
regeneration, and shake off some negative effects of her allergy.

Ranged Combat: Hofo Pepe has a variety of effective ranged combat techniques. Her primary tool is
the aquatic fire - a blue flaming projectile which travels slowly across the battlefield - scorching
opponents. She also uses a piercing mystical light to disrupt opponents for minor damage. Because
her flight is mystical (not physical) in nature, Hofo Pepe can move and change direction quickly -
which helps her to keep opponents at long range.

At much greater energy cost, Hofo Pepe may use her innate force manipulation abilities at range-
creating a Force Geyser which lifts opponents up off the ground, and a Mystic Force Beam of focused
energy from her mouth which can engulf and demolish targets. Of interesting potential use is her
ability to open up dimensional breech singularities, which create a vortex environment which has
strong negative effects on terrestrial kaiju but can revitalize Hofo Pepe.

Grappling: Hofo Pepe hates physical contact with physical kaiju, and so during grapples she does not
touch them physically - rather she uses her telekinetic powers to clinch with them. Should an
opponent successfully hoist Hofo Pepe, she will lose her energy regeneration for a significant period,
as well as taking normal damage from the throw.

Melee Combat: Hofo Pepe is a very effective melee fighter, but her allergy to physical opponents is a
significant impediment. Her strongest physical attack is her immobilizing bite, which deals massive
quick damage to a single opponent, meshing her teeth with their flesh. This creates a lingering
unpleasant effect for both Hofo Pepe and her target, as Hofo Pepe's body matter mixes with the
terrestrial matter of the kaiju.

More frequently, Hofo Pepe will use her speed and mobility to charge opponents, which requires only
momentary physical contact. In addition to straight charges, Hofo Pepe uses a spiralling “corkscrew”
charge technique, which sacrifices some momentum but is difficult to avoid.

Weaknesses: Hofo Pepe must control her use & gain rate of energy carefully. Physical combat is
inevitable, so it is better that Hofo Pepe choose when and how she engages kaiju directly, so that she
can manage her energy properly. Losing too much energy to physical combat and grapples, or being
forced to engage without a good escape plan will be her downfall.

Animation Guidelines:

 Personality: Hofo Pepe is somewhat “skittish” - she is always uncomfortable and never at-
ease. Her flight is non-physical, so we can bank, twist and turn in a very odd, unreal fashion.
We will need special effects for the impact of her “allergy” - which is the in-game inverse of
an elemental affinity.
 Combat Focus: Hofo Pepe is either a keep-away ranged fighter, or a quick combo melee
character, depending upon her opponent.
 Special Considerations: Hofo Pepe is serpentine, so we will want to pay special attention to
how her tail code is handled. Probably we will expand from a boolian toggle to a 3 or 4-state
machine, depending on how much it needs to bend at other times. Hofo Pepe is always flying.

Height: 108 meters

Weight: 70,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Charging
Primary Attacks: Club Arms, Neck Crush
Secondary Attacks: Tail Crush
Primary Weapon: Tornado Spouts, Hurricane Cannon
Secondary Weapon: Proud Roar
Energy Style: Stamina

Overview: Orzul is related to standard whales, but has been changed through centuries of breeding &
exposure to mystic forces into a massive two-armed behemoth. Once at home in the water, Orzul now
keeps mostly to the land, pulling himself along with his arms. He has some command over the wind &
air, which is used both offensively, and to enhance his own quick-movement capabilities. This gives
him surprising bursts of speed.

Origin: Long ago, an artefact fell to the ocean floor. This artefact was infused with the power of a
kaiju - the leftover of a battle in the skies. The undersea denizens knew that the artefact was
dangerous, so they decreed that nobody would touch it - it was to remain where it fell for all time.
To enforce this law, powerful guardians were bred - whale-like creatures who endlessly circled the
artefact, keeping any onlookers at bay. Over time each successive generation of guardians became
more and more powerful - never once faltering in their duties. A prophecy was made that a hero
would come to claim the artefact one day, but only if they were strong enough to defeat the guardians.
Recently a greedy human corporation discovered the existence of the artefact, and sent a team to
retrieve it. This team had powerful weapons, and cut down the first guardian quickly. Cautiously, they
moved forward.

Then the second guardian, furious at the loss of his companion, abandoned his sacred duties and
headed for the artefact himself - swallowing it whole. In moments he was transformed - suffused with
the ancient kaiju energy. His body grew, his arms thickened and grew stronger, and his mind tapped
into the eldritch powers of the wind. A typhoon erupted, creating a vortex that drew the humans up
and out of the ocean. Orzul followed them onto land, crushing their equipment and causing them to

When the battle was over, Orzul turned to return to the ocean. But the sea people were there, and they
refused to let him return. Orzul had taken the artefact and thus broken the sacred promise and trust he
was bred for - so now he was exiled from the ocean. Now Orzul roams the land. But is he the
prophesied hero? Or a foolish guardian unfit to wield the power of a kaiju?

Energy System: Orzul regains energy slowly over time.

Ranged Combat: Orzul's primary ranged ability is to create tall tornadoes behind his opponents, or
on either side to restrict their movements. At short range Orzul can also project a ball of mystic force
to knock opponents over. Finally, Orzul's natural roar has been augmented to become a terrifying area
weapon - making it difficult for opponents to defend themselves.

Grappling: Orzul's arms make him a very powerful grappler - few kaiju can resist his grasping
strength. Once he has a kaiju, however, Orzul has limited movement options until he dispenses with
it. Orzul can crush held opponents into the ground, or fling them upwards to snap at them with his
massive jaws or bat them away with his tail. Orzul's massive bulk and low centre of gravity make it
difficult for opponents to grapple with him - so those who try often find their positions reversed!

Melee Combat: Orzul's melee combat is very powerful, if slow. His arms can deliver withering
uppercuts or smashes, and he can twist his body quickly to bring his tail to bear. But in general Orzul
does not seek protracted hand-to-hand combat, preferring instead to crush opponents with his charge
attacks. Orzul can reach a loping run, and then lift himself into the air (assisted by his wind-
manipulation abilities) - rushing towards opponents like a torpedo. This is difficult to dodge, and it is
impossible to block the full force of his massive bulk hurtling forward at such speeds. Underwater,
Orzul uses a similar technique.

Weaknesses: Orzul lacks the mobility options of many kaiju - and many of his surprise quick attacks
leave him unable to respond for a moment - so whiffed counters can be quite painful. His mighty
torpedo charge is excellent, but it also leaves him unable to turn around or respond to changing
conditions. Up close, some kaiju are lithe enough to dodge his meaty swings and pummel him.

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Orzul is of noble intentions, but has no experience in subtle situations or
manipulations. He is quite certain of himself and his actions, but lacks the experience to back
up that certainty.
 Combat Focus: Orzul as all about charging, flinging his body about for heavy damage. He
has trouble repositioning, and prefers to increase damage with heavy strikes when possible,
rather than combos or quick flurries.
 Special Considerations: Orzul has no rear legs - his movement is boosted by wind powers,
which will require some subtle but clear VFX to support the idea.

Height: 85 meters
Weight: 40,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Melee
Primary Attacks: Claws, Spikes
Secondary Attacks: Teeth
Primary Weapon: Nuclear Blast
Secondary Weapon: Ice Chunks
Energy Style: Stamina

Komodon is a modern mutation of an ancient reptilian species. Frozen for thousands of years in the
polar ice, Komododon broke free when US nuclear strikes shattered his frigid tomb and mutated his
body. Enraged, confused, and very hungry, Komododon cuts a swath of destruction across the globe,
instinctively lashing out with his newly acquired nuclear abilities.
The reptile who would eventually became Komododon fell into icy waters one day while hunting, and
was frozen into a solid block of ice. Over thousands of years this ice drifted north, eventually
becoming part of the polar icecap. Komododon might have drifted there forever if it weren't for the
nuclear testing zone established by the Americal Military forces over his resting place. The repeated
nuclear blasts brought new power to Komododon - turning his skin crimson, creating nuclear fire in
his belly, and breaking the ice apart over his head. They also really hurt, so Komododon arose is a
singularly nasty mood.
Energy System:
Komododon is powered by pure nuclear fire in his belly. Thus, he regains weapon energy slowly over
Ranged Combat:
Komododon can project a beam of pure Nuclear Fire from his mouth - destroying almost anything he
can see in front of him. This radiation attack deals significant damage over time. In addition,
Komododon can spit chunks of ice from his gullet - a remnant of his centuries frozen solid. This
physical projectile is excellent at knocking opponents around, and deals minor cold damage, but has
limited range.
Komododon has only average strength - but his body spikes make him a dangerous monster to grapple
with. Komododon grabs opponents with his clawed hands - and his tail can be used for additional
Melee Combat:
Komododon is a classic melee kaiju - throwing caution to the wind and mixing up his battles up close
and personal. He has no defensive advantages to speak of, so it essential that he keep up offensive
pressure as much as possible. Komododon's tail can be used as both a spiked weapon and as a blunt
weapon, depending upon the circumstance. His shoulder spikes can be used for Charging attacks, or
to discourage grappling. His spikes make for amazing shoulder-checks and anti-air defenses.
Komododon's feet are as sharply clawed as his hands, which means he excels in dealing edged
damage, but can have a hard time connecting with his relatively few blunt strikes.
Komododon is built for toe-to-toe combat, but he stands a bit shorter than many Kaiju - forcing him to
play offense rather than allowing his opponents to come to him. He has one projectile which deals
damage but no knockback, and one which deals knockback but nearly no damage. Although fast on
his feet, Komododon has trouble cornering or changing direction when running.
Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Komododon absolutely has something to prove. He's feisty - fidgity - always
needing to compete with others. It's the classic “small man” syndrome. He doesn't relax much
- his hands are almost always partially up, and he swings his weight around quite a bit when
idle. He snarls & vocalizes with every attack - keeping his mouth open most of the time.
 Combat Focus: Komododon is all about teeth & claws - he wants to keep eyes on his
opponent, so he's not one to end up facing backwards, or lean his head away during an attack.
He rarely uses his weight to his advantage - solid foot placement is not a major consideration.
He tends to favor advancing attacks - maybe throwing 2 or 3 medium slashes instead of the 1
Doomsday Charge another monster might use. Komododon is NOT a berserker - he's not
especially feral and he doesn't tend to overextend himself physically.
 Special Considerations: Komododon's Tail needs to carefully deal edged or blunt damage -
so be careful about how it is used in each attack.
Height: 90 meters
Weight: 42,000 metric tons
Gender: Female
Combat Style: Ranged
Primary Attacks: Fists
Secondary Attacks: Headbutt
Primary Weapon: Eye Lasers, Chest Beam
Secondary Weapon: Rocket Pack
Energy Style: Stamina
Robokomododon is a military anti-Kaiju robot, built specifically to take on Komododon. She (all
military vehicles are “she”) has hardened steel armor, an impressive array of weapon attacks, and
limited flight capabilities. Robokomododon is designed to engage her targets at range, but she has
enough brawn to make fights tooth & claw if necessary.
Robokomododon was built as a direct response to the threat represented by Komododon to humanity.
Realizing that Komododon's nuclear-fueled fury could never be matched directly, Robokomododon
was wisely designed to keep at a safe distance, and contain Kaiju threats while simultaneously leading
them away from populated areas. Only a few pilots are qualified to command Robokomododon
through her remote command module, due to her quick reaction times and complex weapons array.
Energy System:
Robokomododon regains energy slowly over time. Her self-charging battery charges more quickly
when her energy is low. This ensures that she can keep using her weapon systems - but makes it hard
to let loose full-power weapon bursts.
Ranged Combat:
Robokomododon specializes in ranged combat, with three distinct at-a-distance attack patters: Her
eye lasers for quick precision damage, her chest beam for incredible up-close impact damage, and her
rocket pack for variable range explosive impacts. Her chest beam deals damage in direct proportion to
the amount of energy Robokomododon still has in reserve.
Robokomododon is a decent grappling opponent - because her operators have studied hundreds of
Kaiju battles, and can advise her on the best grips and torque techniques to bring against any specific
opponent. Combined with her high natural density, Robokomododon is able to turn grapples to her
advantage more than not - though she doesn't have any especially devastating grapple attacks to make
use of.
Melee Combat:
Robokomododon is not at her best in melee distance, and she knows it. Her melee strategy is to end
the exchange and put distance between herself and her opponent as quickly as possible. With a fully-
powered Chest Beam, she can blast any monster away at the touch of a button. But when forced to
slug it out with a fists Robokomododon must hope that her strong defense makes up for her overall
lack of offensive melee power.
Robokomododon is at a significant disadvantage if she is unable to break away from unwanted melee
engagements - which mostly depends on her energy reserves. Since her energy builds quickly when
depleted she can almost always perform at least a weak knock-back attack with her Chest Beam, but if
that is insufficient she will have to weather a serious storm of damage before she can break away.
Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Robokomododon is a highly armored attack vehicle, and she absolutely makes a
big show about being tough. Her reaction animations are smaller, and she doesn't appear to
lose focus during reactions. She is very focused on her opponent - ideally she can make them
flee, which creates the distance she needs to bombard them effectively.
 Combat Focus: Robokomododon likes to bombard her opponents - which means driving
them out of melee range. To accomplish this, most of her attacks make poor combos - they
are heavy single hits with significant knockback. She's literally a machine - she picks a
location, then smashes it with all the force shes can muster. Every individual attack needs to
look like it really hurts! She does not have too much “50's servo” character to her movements,
but she does tend to come to a dead stop just before taking an action.
 Special Considerations: Robokomododon needs several weapon attachment points - which
all need to bind directly to spine nodes, so that their targeting is simple.
Height: 85 meters
Weight: 40,000 metric tons
Gender: Female
Combat Style: Charging
Primary Attacks: Teeth
Secondary Attacks: Tail, Fins
Primary Weapon: Electric Pulse
Secondary Weapon: Frenzied Aura
Energy Style: Fury

Gigashark is a giant hammerhead shark, with legs and a prehensile tail. She is a close-combat Kaiju
who focuses on dealing damage in order to build energy and enter a frenzied state.
Gigashark was born an ordinary Hammerhead shark, and thought of herself (when she thought at all)
as the ruler of the ocean food-chain. That all changed the day she was caught by a deep-sea fishing
operation, brought on deck, and then tossed back into the ocean. Although physically unharmed, she
lost all self-confidence, and began to actively avoid contact with other humans or sharks.
It was then that the shark who would become Gigashark swam into an area reserved for military waste
storage, and thereby exposed herself to a volatile mix of dangerous chemical effluents. Growing to
enormous size, Gigashark realized that she now possessed the power necessary to strike back at the
creatures (humans) she had learned to fear.
Energy System:
Gigashark increases energy through close-quarters combat. As she draws blood her fury builds,
allowing her to enhance her speed & ferocity. Unlike other Fury-based monsters, Gigashark's Fury
does not decrease over time.
Ranged Combat:
Gigashark has a weak but serviceable electric beam which she can fire from her mouth. This blue
electric pulse deals only minor damage, but it strikes quickly at great range. When in her frenzied
state, Gigashark projects a short-range aura which drains health from nearby Kaiju and transfers it to
Gigashark deals very heavy damage from successful grapples, and can use them to regain energy &
vitality. However she is only of average strength, so she has no particular advantage in forcing such
situations. Her grapples are very quick, especially in her frenzied state, but she often prefers to
continue pummeling opponents rather than shift to a grapple.
Melee Combat:
Gigashark is not the best melee fighter, nor the most clever, nor the most skilled. But she does have
the ability to regain energy in combat, and then use that energy to drain health from opponents in
melee range. This puts Gigashark's focus very squarely on one goal - to get up next to her opponent(s)
and stay there as long as possible.
Gigashark does not have proper hands or arms, which limits her melee combos. Against very fast
Kaiju she has trouble staying in range, and against very strong Kaiju she has trouble winning a
grapple. Although she often surprises and overwhelms opponents with her ferocity, long drawn-out
engagements tend to favor other strategies.
Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Gigashark has very low self-esteem, which she often overcompensates for by
charging at her opponents with unwarranted recklessness. Her idles are very much “hanging
back to see what happens” - but her attack animations tend to be ridiculously over-extended
affairs. She windmills her arms, gnashes her teeth, and leans into every attack in a way that
makes it hard for her to recover or change.
 Combat Focus: Gigashark is a charging-focused character, though melee also features
prominently in her strategies. She is especially keen to bite her opponents - some bite attacks
can drain significant health and recharge her Defense Cells! Gigashark has no counter-
attacks, and has very little defensive posture about her.
 Special Considerations: Gigashark's arms do not have traditional jointing elements - so we
need to make sure we use them effectively but still maintain enough variety for all her strike
Height: 85 meters
Weight: 50,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Control (Grappling)
Primary Attacks: Heavy Fists
Secondary Attacks: Flaming Head
Primary Weapon: Magma Flow
Secondary Weapon: Stone Quake
Energy Style: Stamina
Magnarok is an animated rock being fueled by living lava. Jets of fire and magma perpetually burn
out the top of his head and shoulders. Magnarok can fuse with the earth beneath him - disappearing
into it and flowing through the earth like water. He can also control the earth's mantle, creating
earthquakes, fissures, and volcanic eruptions in the areas around himself.
Magnarok has lived a peaceful, dormant life for more than 2,000 years as the much-feared deity who
ruled over a chain of islands in the South Pacific. Unfortunately his rule didn't lead to much prosperity
for his followers, and eventually Magnarok's islands became uninhabited.
A few hundred years later Magnarok still lay dormant in his volcanic slumber, when a group of
pleasure-cruising college students came ashore his islands, looking for a place to swim & bask in the
sun. Unfortunately their quest led them directly to Magnarok's holy beach - a place at which it was
forbidden for any humans to swim. Awakened in anger by this unfathomable transgression, Magnarok
now seeks retribution!
Energy System:
Magnarok regains energy slowly over time. His energy decreases when he takes damage - especially
cold damage.
Ranged Combat:
Magnarok can project a semi-solid flow of Magma from his mouth-hole, and project it for a few
hundred yards before it loses cohesion. This flow deals damage both with the physical impact and
through the massive heat discharged.
Magnarok can also create Shock Quakes in nearby areas, or centered on his person. These quakes deal
very little damage, but can stun and break the momentum of his opponents.
Magnarok is a physically strong Kaiju, able to hoist most monsters, and gain the upper hand in
clinches. Magnarok does not have exceptional reach or speed, so he can not easily force unwilling
opponents into clinches, but once close he is at a distinct advantage.
Melee Combat:
Magnarok is not a sophisticated striker in hand-to-hand combat. He relies on his strength and red-hot
touch to beat his opponents. Magnarok has average movement speed on foot, but his ability to melt
into the ground and pop up unexpectedly can be used for some positional hijinks. Magnarok has no
edged melee strikes, but he can instead use a mix of blunt and heat-based melee attacks.
Magnarok has a very limited suite of damage types he can inflict, and can't keep up with the sustained
melee damage output of many feral Kaiju. Magnarok must be careful to conserve his energy to make
a quick getaway from opponents, and his weapon attack does not have the extreme range of many
energy beams. Magnarok can not afford to remain at either close or long range, but must instead work
to control the flow of the fight at all times.
Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Magnarok is not nearly as large as some other Kaiju, but he lumbers. Magnarok
really draws focus to his chest by swaying it back and forth as he walks, idles, and runs. He
keeps his legs relatively straight, because his big squats need to read clearly. To sell his
muscle-bound combat style, Magnarok should keep bodybuilder-type poses for quite a while
after his attacks - quick poses!
 Combat Focus: Magnarok is a grappling character - he wants to get in close, take the hits,
and put his hands around his opponent. His attacks are meant to disrupt and interrupt - not
push away or even deal heavy damage. His charge attacks should focus on his lava-filled
shoulders, and his melee idle should keep his hands more extended than is the case for other
characters. (As if he's threatening to grab)
 Special Considerations: As a grappling-focused character, Magnarok will need a full suite of
special throws.

Height: 85 meters
Weight: 35,000 metric tons
Gender: Female
Combat Style: Melee
Primary Attacks: Spikes, Various Appendages
Secondary Attacks: Poison
Primary Weapon: Poison Stream
Secondary Weapon: Bone Spear
Energy Style: Stamina

Overview: Stabitha is a semi-gelatinous green monster covered in short curved spikes. She can spit a
stream of poison at opponents from her mouth. Although she normally assumes a bipedal form, most
of her body mass is malleable, except for her boney skeleton and bone protrusions. This offers her
significant damage resistances, but slows her reaction times compared to monsters built from blood
and sinew.

Origin: Stabitha is an artificially grown creature, based on a piece of alien DNA that fell to earth.
Mis-guided Kaiju expert Dr. Furosawa grew Stabith in a lab as a last-ditch-defense against possible
Kaiju threats, but woefully underestimated Stabitha's ability to ignore his commands and set her own
agenda, once loose in the world. It is not known whether Stabitha's malleable body is an attribute
native to her alien origins, or if it developed as a result of her unusual gestation.

Energy System: Stabitha regains energy slowly over time.

Ranged Combat: Stabitha can fire a stream of poison from her mouth - which does only mild
damage on impact, but poisons her enemy, and reduces their ability to heal by other methods. In dire
circumstances, Stabitha can pull out one of her solid bones, and hurl it like a spear at her opponent,
causing terrible harm.

Grappling: Stabitha is rather weak, which makes it difficult for her to hoist other monsters.
However, her shifting body mass simultaneously makes her difficult to grapple with successfully.
On balance this ends up discouraging grapple attempts from her opponents.

Melee Combat: Stabitha uses long combo attacks to impale and poison her opponents at short range.
Her limbs can stretch to grant her excellent melee range, which helps to make up for her slower than
average attack speed. Many of Stabitha's melee attacks deal poison damage as their primary method
of injury. This makes individual attacks very strong, but means that over time Stabitha's attacks
become less useful - because her opponents are already poisoned!

Weaknesses: Stabitha moves at normal speed, but her attack speed is decidedly slow. Stabitha relies
on poison effects to damage her opponents - but her poison does not stack, and thus she needs to
alternately engage and break off with her opponents, to keep her damage at maximum effectiveness.
Height: 85 meters
Weight: 40,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Melee
Primary Attacks: Claws, Tail
Secondary Attacks: Bill
Primary Weapon: Fire Breath
Secondary Weapon: Sonic Shriek
Energy Style: Stamina

Overview: Megaplat is an enormous platypus, with a powerful bill, indestructible tail, and a soft
insulating covering of fur. In combat Megaplat relies on his strong defensive abilities to weather
incoming attacks, and then counter-attack with tremendous force. Megaplat's fire breath can be used
at a very low energy cost, enabling him to use it to augment his close-range damage. Megaplat is an
excellent digger, and though he cannot move through the earth like a mole, he can dig himself into
shallow foxholes to mitigate inflicted damage more that most Kaiju.

Origin: Megaplat hatched from a giant mutant egg - possibly mutated by a toxic environment, or
from genetic experimentation on living platypus mothers, or possibly both. Upon hatching, Megaplat
bonded with a young boy who happened to be nearby - forming a life-long friendship between the
unlikely pair. Unfortunately local military forces attacked Megaplat, forcing him to defend himself
and eventually driving him into the ocean. Megaplat soon returned, looking for the boy. After
several close-calls and misadventures together, Megaplat and the boy realized that the world would
never accept their friendship. And so Megaplat took the boy on his shoulder, and carried him out to
sea in search of a place where they could live in peace.

Energy System: Megaplat regains energy slowly over time. The rate of energy gain increases as his
energy reserves fill - so regaining a small portion of his energy is significantly more efficient than
restoring all of his energy from empty.

Ranged Combat: Megaplat has Fire Breath - almost certainly a secondary mutation from whatever
caused his egg to grow to enormous size in the first place. This weapon deals average flame damage,
but draws significantly less damage than most Kaiju weapons, allowing it to be used less strategically
and more aggressively. However, because Megaplat's energy gain rate decreases as his energy does,
it can prove imprudent in a protracted fight to breath flame continuously.
In addition to his ubiquitous Flame Breath, Megaplat can create aimed pulses of sonic energy. These
cost significantly more energy, but in exchange the travel very quickly across open space and can be
used effectively against flying opponents.

Grappling: Megaplat has average strength, weight, and grappling ability. His evasive abilities can
sometimes allow him to slip out of grapples which would otherwise prove unfavorable. Sometimes.

Melee Combat: Unlike most melee-focused Kaiju, Megaplat seeks to gain an advantage in (damage
taken / damage received) through additional defensive, rather than offensive, techniques. Megaplat's
defensive stances reduce the damage infliceted on him more than they do for most Kaiju, and his
counter-attacks are stronger after a successful defensive action. Megaplat's Flame Breath, though
technically a ranged weapon, is most often used as part of a melee combo, or as a deterrent for Kaiju
looking to grapple.

Weaknesses: Megaplat is a sturdy combatant in most situations but he has no trick to employ - no
special situation which ensures his victory. Megaplat then is best played in a reactive role - tailoring
his techniques to each specific opponent. This can be challenging against opponents who deliberately
play against their own strengths - in order to deny Megaplat any advantage.

Height: 90 meters
Weight: 50,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Melee
Primary Attacks: Hideous Tentacles
Secondary Attacks: Claws, Teeth, Tail
Primary Weapon: Anti-Bio Ray
Secondary Weapon: Armour Shatter
Energy Style: Stamina

Overview: C'thura is an amorphous, horrifying creature spawned by extra-dimensional beings of

great power who have an ongoing interest in Earth, and humans specifically. C'thura was created to
terrify and weaken the human species, so that we might never reach a zenith of power where we
might interfere with the plans of C'thura's masters.

Physically, C'thura has a stooped posture, two blade-tipped tentacles emerging from his back, a
twisted knot of a tail, clawed hands and feet with a shifting number of digits, and a mouth that
alternates horribly between tooth, tentacle, and void.

Origin: C'thura was spawned by the will of his masters, and never had a moment of doubt about his
prowess or his chosen role in the world. He took to the task of terrifying humans naturally, and was
immediately adept at navigating the globe, keeping our numbers down and our dreams full of
nightmares regarding tentacles and teeth. C'thura could ravage a town, tear up farmlands, or slip
quietly through the mountains and kill a hundred people in their beds as they slept. Centuries passed
under C'thura's malevolent sheparding of the human race.

Until one day a human did what C'thura's masters had feared - and pierced the veil between our
dimension and theirs. This human dared to address them and propose a plan - to let humanity serve
them and ready the Earth for their eventual arrival. Instead of a nuisance to be culled, humans became
a resource that, at least in part, worked on their behalf. And so C'thura became obsolete - ordered to
stop his reign of terror and allow the humans to build and develop their civilization.

C'thura, so perfectly bred and so perfectly adapted to his task, could not accept this new directive.
And yet he could not challenge the will of his masters - who had instilled in him perfect obedience to
their divine machinations. Locking himself away in isolation, C'thura's simple mind raced between
these two contradictions, fervently flipping back and forth, driving him mad over centuries as the
human world expanded and grew across the continents.

Energy System: C'thura regains energy quickly over time.

Ranged Combat: C'thura's Anti-Bio Beam is a thin green ray which passes through solid materials to
kill organic beings inside. C'thura uses this ray to kill humans hiding inside their houses, cars,
buildings, or in other locations which they believe to be safe. Against larger organisms, the Beam
does not cause instant death, but instead causes intense wracking pain at the point of contact.
Although the long-term damage is minimal, C'thura can capitalize on this pain to close the gap with
an opponent, and return to melee combat range.

In addition to his primary weapon, C'thura's Eldritch Stech forms a cloud around his body which eats
away at armour and defences - rendering them useless over time. Although nearly undetectable at
first, kaiju opponents with heavy armour will find that their ability to resist damage can drop to nearly

Grappling: C'thura pounces and knocks foes to the ground - from where he can lift them up again to
throw with his arms and tentacles. C'thura lacks the strength / discipline necessary to clinch in the
traditional sense, so he relies on momentum and ambush tactics to successfully bear opponents to the
ground. Against smaller kaiju this is a devastating way to being an assault.

Melee Combat: C'thura favours frontal assaults - running into his opponent in a direct line with arms,
teeth, and tentacles flailing. C'thura is a relentless, unhesitating fighter whose natural aptitude for
combat precludes the need for any subtlety, strategy, or tactical complexity. C'thura's tentacles give
him natural advantages in range and striking power, and the additional limbs allow him to chain his
strikes together quickly to overwhelm his opponents.

C'thura's years of practice and unwavering faith in his mission give his attack patterns an
unmistakable air of confidence which can be demoralizing to opponents. This same sense of certainty
allows C'thura to ignore small strikes or setbacks - ploughing through to achieve the result that he
knows he must achieve. C'thura's resolve allows him to battle past the point of exhaustion - finding a
hidden reserve of power when the battle seems lost to eek out the victory he craves. This final burst of
power can prove his undoing, if he taps into it and is unable to quickly secure his victory.

Weaknesses: C'thura's flailing combos are more difficult than normal to parry or counter, but when
such techniques are successful, he suffers a greater interruption than most. C'thura is best when he is
winning - anything that takes away his feeling of dominance can cause him a significant blow to his

C'thura's final well of power allows him to increase his speed, strength, and stamina for a short time.
He can ignore knockouts and redouble his efforts to win the fight. However, should that final well of
power become exhausted (as it must after just a few seconds) C'thura will drop to the ground and
forfeit the battle entirely.

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: C'thura is angry. Angry at humans, at himself, and at his creators. Anger flows
off him in waves, just like his stench.
 Combat Focus: C'thura is optimized for crushing & terrorizing humans - not fighting other
kaiju. He attacks aggressively until something goes wrong - at which point he becomes
 Special Considerations: C'thura's tentacles will need to be carefully planned, such that they
do not interpenetrate his body.

Height: 112 meters

Weight: 64,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Control(Grappling)
Primary Attacks: Goring Tusks, Spiked Trunk
Secondary Attacks: Feet, Tail
Primary Weapon: Frostfire Cannon
Secondary Weapon: Trumpet Blast
Energy Style: Resilience

Overview: Brutusk is a gigantic fusion of alien viral messengers and an ice-age Mastodon.
Slumbering for thousands of years, he has recently awakened from beneath Pico Bolívar to
reclaim his place as one of Earth's most powerful fighters. Physically, Brutusk retains many
of the physical features of his Mastodon self - but the alien virus has expressed itself through
great size, increased intelligence, spikes on his trunk back and head, red eyes, and in his
strangely adapted physiology that allows him to project mixed energy blasts from his body.
Most significantly, the adaptive fusion of these two beings has created a uniquely adaptable
creature - Brutusk can rapidly adapt his body and his combat style to resist damage each time
a blow connects.

Origin: 10,000 years ago a herd of mastodons roamed the grassy plains of what is today
Venezuela. The silence of the evening was shattered by a flaming rock - streaking from the
sky to impact near this herd. The heat and shockwave vaporized all of the plant life near the
impact crater, and so it was the curious Mastodons who were the first living things to
encounter the alien virus which traveled inside the meteorite. The virus leapt to them and
spread quickly - starved from its long journey through space.
This virus aggressively integrated with its host - attempting to form a symbiosis. Most of the
herd died quickly - some died resisting the virus, and some became too overwhelmed by the
alien physiology. Only one infected Mastodon survived - only one could adapt to the alien
changes and still maintain cohesion. This mix of Mastodon and alien became the tyrant
known as Brutusk.
Brutusk's new body was powerful - but more importantly it was adaptable. Brutusk could
seek out and defeat other kaiju by simply allowing them to hit him - until he no longer felt
their blows at all. Powerful energies coursed through him, creating both fire and ice and
merging them into a stream of irresistible energy.
But as the Earth warmed, Brutusk felt sluggish. He found his way to the icy peaks of Pico
Bolívar, and there he hibernated for many, many years. When he awoke, his body had
adapted to the warmth. But Brutusk was furious to discover that the meek humans - who in
his time had been little other than a nomadic curiosity - had transformed the Earth with their
structures and technology. Furious, Brutusk embarked upon a mission of retribution - a lesson
to any who believe themselves more able to adapt & survive than Brutusk: Titan of the Ice

Energy System: Brutusk regains a small amount of energy through pure biological means.
As his adaptive combat mechanisms kick in, he is able to siphon more and more of the
damage he receives - converting it into usable energy.

Ranged Combat: Brutusk's rapidly-adjusting physiology allows him to fire a beam of energy
which expresses itself in a few different ways. The Frostfire Cannon is a burst of blue flame,
which carries both energy-damping elements and compounds which promote rapid oxidation.
As his energy reserves fluctuate during a fight, Brutusk's body shifts the energy balance one
way or the other - producing more or less intense frost & burning effects.
In addition to the Frostfire Cannon, Brutusk can create a localized sonic burst with his
Trumpet Blast.

Grappling: Brutusk, like many experienced fighters, has determined that immobilizing and
controlling his opponent is the surest path to victory. Brutusk's compact and powerful body
allows him to grab, hold, immobilize, and generally hurl and twist opponents any way he
wants - provided he can catch them. Up close we can see that Brutusk deals heavy damage
with his spiked trunk, which can grasp and tear chunks from opponents.

Melee Combat: Brutusk has powerful striking limbs, but he lacks in speed and reach.
Fortunately Brutusk has extensive experience fighting a variety of opponents, and has learned
how to compensate his attack patters to make the most of his strengths. Brutusk's adaptive
biology allows him deceptive resilience against damage, especially when opponents fail to
vary their strategies against him. And thus Brutusk's combat focus is kept on ensuring that,
when he does manage to land a blow, that it be as powerful as possible.

Weaknesses: Brutusk relies on time to wear opponents down. His adaptive biology generally
keeps him battling long after other opponents might fall - but against opponents with no clear
attack strategy or patterns, he can sometimes be defeated before his body has learned to
adapt. Additionally his Frostfire cannon can be, against certain opponents, relatively
ineffective in certain modes.

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Brutusk is patient, with bursts of power. He expects to take a beating
before he wins - damage doesn't worry him.
 Combat Focus: Brutusk is all about cornering his opponent - so he can land heavy
blows and grapple. His weapon is used to slow down fast opponents / knock
opponents out of the air, to enable a close encounter.
 Special Considerations: Brutusk's trunk and tusks will need to be considered
carefully. His Frostfire emerges from the tip of his trunk, which will require special
aiming considerations.

Height: 90 meters
Weight: 54,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Melee
Primary Attacks: Fists of Doom
Secondary Attacks: Ultimate Ram Attack
Primary Weapon: Fighting Spirit
Secondary Weapon: None
Energy Style: Elemental Affinity: Impervium

Overview: Gurral is a giant alien hybrid, engineered for gladiatorial combat. Most of his
genetic makeup comes from a primate-like species with thin hair, but the next largest
contributor is a semi-immobile sea creature who forms hard plating by digesting ocean floor
material. Originally too small and weak to fight, Gurral was transformed by prolonged
exposure to (and ingestion of) the powdered mineral Impervium.

Origin: Gurral was born in a secret research facility in sector TK – a hybrid genome of the
Seitus Lordfisher (legged clam) and the Deitron Scale-Imp. The Deitron Scale-Imp was an
ape-like creature with thick armour, and the goal was to produce a flexible armoured kaiju for
the arena lords to train for battle.
But Gurral was a disappointment. Instead of a flexible armoured kaiju, he was born as a
scrawny naked primate. This useless creature was placed into the Impervium mines as a
slave, crushing rocks and hauling the precious ore. For some reason, Gurral began ingesting
handfuls of Impervium dust. And the Lordfisher physiology incorporated it into his bones –
making them ultra-hard – and into his flesh to grow thick armour. Most startling was the
transformation to his head – where giant horns grew on top of an Impervium skullplate.
When his transformation was noticed, Gurral was hauled out of the mines and put into the
But Gurral did not fight – rather he shook and trembled and paid no notice to his opponents.
Because in addition to transforming his body the Impervium had become a physical
addiction, and he could not function without it. The arena lord used this leverage to force
Gurral to fight – providing him with Impervium after each victory. And so even out of the
mines Gurral remains a slave to the arena lords.

Energy System: Gurral is fuelled by his addiction to Impervium – it powers his most
impressive combat feats. Unfortunately, Gurral has no way to gain additional Impervium
during a fight – so his energy cannot be restored.

Ranged Combat: Gurral has no ranged weapons of any sort. He can fling his body through
the air with his nearly impenetrable Impervium headplate leading the way – that is the closest
he comes to a projectile attack.

Grappling: Gurral has immense upper body strength, which makes him more than capable of
hoisting most opponents. However Gurral is unskilled in the finer points of combat
technique, and cannot take much more advantage of a held opponent than throwing them, or
holding them for a catapult-kick with his powerful legs and massive feet.

Melee Combat: Gurral's combat is fuelled by his need to win more impervium from his
captors – which he earns only when he wins a fight. This make Gurral a ferocious and
relentless fighter. His thick armour plating reduces damage significantly, and can even be
used to deflect physical blows with great success. But even when his armour is insufficient to
take the blow, Gurral is rarely pushed back or broken out of his attacks.
Gurral's combat mostly focuses on his tremendously powerful arms – smashing, crushing,
and pummelling opponents. Gurral is also quite swift – allowing for powerful charge attacks
and impressive leaps. His armour spikes along the forearms can be used for raking and
tearing, while his head, horns, and knuckle plates work to squash an opponent flat.

Weaknesses: Gurral's impervium armour is excellent defence against weapons and

projectiles – but it needs to be replaced periodically. Prolonged weapon attacks can break
Gurral's armour shell – leaving him quite vulnerable to long-range weaponry.

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Gurral uses his knuckles to move quickly - slightly ape-like in his sprint
 Combat Focus: Gurral is melee-only, so he needs to advance in almost all of his
attacks. He has little fear of damage, so he leads with his body's full weight all the
 Special Considerations: Gurral has a one-shot energy system, which will need
special interactions with powerups.
Height: 110 meters
Weight: 62,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Melee
Primary Attacks: Heavy Claw Bash, Shearing Jaws
Secondary Attacks: Armoured Boot
Primary Weapon: Enzymatic Spray
Secondary Weapon: Enzymatic Cloud
Energy Style: Stamina

Overview: The Scourge is a heavily-armoured kaiju who looks like an Atlantic Lobster -
though more upright in stance. Limited data on his genetic makeup indicates that he is at least
partially alien in origin, though he is also tied to a number of historical creature sightings
around the world. His metabolism and chemically-active spray weapons point to a complex
internal dynamic that is very different from Earth creatures.

Origin: The first modern appearance of the Atlantic Scourge was off the coast of
Newfoundland - where a ship of the Canadian Navy was engaged with a hostile tentacled
kaiju. The Atlantic Scourge appeared from the water, and defended the ship by defeating and
dismembering the hostile kaiju. Once defeated, the kaiju's body was hurled into the ship -
destroying it. Some interpret this action to mean that the Atlantic Scourge was not, in fact,
defending the navy ship in the first place… but opinions remain divided.

Since that first sighting, the Atlantic Scourge has been sighted nearly two dozen times in
various littoral kaiju battles. These conflicts have generated a significant amount of blood,
body parts, armour segments and other debris, from which several scientists have been able to
research and draw conclusions about the Atlantic Scourge. Clearly powered by an alien
metabolism, his similarity to Atlantic Lobsters cannot be dismissed as a coincidence. He
could be a terrestrial-alien hybrid, or a metamorphic alien, or something in-between.

In combat the Atlantic Scourge does not follow a normal pattern of exertion and exhaustion -
which is to say that he does not seem to “tire” the way animals do. Many kaiju are known to
be self-sustaining energy reactors, but the Atlantic Scourge does not seem to function in that
way - his weapons are chemical, rather than high-energy.

The key insight needed, of course, is not where the Atlantic Scourge came from, but what
motivates his battles. Many researchers say that he follows a pattern of intercepting &
defeating kaiju who threaten humans - but just as many point out cases where the Atlantic
Scourge brazenly destroyed human life in battle without hesitation. What both groups agree
on, however, is that the actions of the Atlantic Scourge are carefully planned - they are not
the result of animalistic urges.

Energy System: The Atlantic Scourge gains energy continuously. He may also use a one-
time “Second Wind” ability to instantly regain his energy.

Ranged Combat: The Atlantic Scourge uses a potent enzymatic spray in combat - which
deals corrosive damage as well as close-range impact damage. Significantly, repeated
applications of the spray make opponents increasingly vulnerable to damage.

The Atlantic Scourge may also blow a billowing cloud of his enzymatic spray - creating a
persistent obstacle to opponents which can also shield against energy attacks.

Grappling: The Scourge has tremendous strength - he can apply crippling pressure to
opponents even during a clinch, and will rarely lose out on an opportunity to grapple with
opponents. The Scourge does not generally hurl opponents far away - he prefers to simply
lean in and continue crushing them up-close.

Melee Combat: The Atlantic Scourge uses heavy wide swings to clobber opponents. His
thick armour both protects him from damage and adds momentum to his club-like attacks.
The Atlantic Scourge can turn quickly to orient on opponents, but his bulk makes more
complex manoeuvres impractical in battle. The Atlantic Scourge can focus his energy for a
brief burst of speed & increased defences - useful for catching opponents off-guard.
Similarly, The Atlantic Scourge can use a one-time “Second Wind” ability when close to
defeat to instantly regain his energy and defence powers.

Weaknesses: The Atlantic Scourge is heavily armoured - but that limits his reach &
flexibility. Flying opponents can take advantage of that limitation to cross-up and get behind
the Atlantic Scourge. He is also vulnerable to energy disruption techniques - which can limit
his ranged attack potential. His powerful charge has limited manoeuvrability.

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Scourge is very still - there is almost no signs of ambient life in his idle
animation - he doesn't “breathe” the way most characters do. His charges tend to be
heavy, and his claws swing like sledgehammers.
 Combat Focus: Scourge is a heavy melee fighter, like Zangief or other classic
strongman bruisers.
 Special Considerations: Scourge has a one-time use ability, which could use the
ammo counter to track.

Height: 85 meters
Weight: 44,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Melee
Primary Attacks: Headbash, Tail Sweep
Secondary Attacks: Furious Maul, Buzzsaw
Primary Weapon: Umbral Particles, Eye of Ra
Secondary Weapon: Swift Wing, Cyclone Slam
Energy Style: Stamina

Overview: Kaiotaita is a winged serpent-like creature with no limbs other than his two
great wings. His body is covered in black sharpened scales, which can tear flesh and soft
materials apart. Kaiotaita's spine holds a number of large blue crystal fragments, which focus
and store his energy. Kaiotaita has a short-range breath weapon which encases opponents in
hard mineral fragments - slowing their movement and eventually locking them into place

Origin: Kaiotaita's black scales were once white - long ago when Kaiotaita served as
Northern Africa's spirit guardian. He protected a balance between the humans, the sea, the
fauna, and the mineral wealth of the land. The land was rich & fertile, and Kaiotaita was a
good shepherd of his domain.

But the humans began to increase in number - and require more food & resources. Those
living in Kaiotaita's domain prospered, and so humans from neighbouring regions began to
immigrate - further increasing the number of humans. Kaiotaita was unprepared for this shift
in his balance - and so he acted too late to stop it. Forests were cleared and huge numbers of
fish were swept up in the expansion. Kaiotaita decided that his only option was to cull the
human population.

And so began Kaiotaita's first great attack on the human cities. But even with his great power,
he was unable to put a significant dent into the human numbers - and so the imbalance grew.
Kaiotaita increased his attacks… and then something began to change. As he fought, he
began to enjoy the terror he inspired, and thrive off of the misery and fear. His scales
darkened, and the land he protected began to whither into desert as its guardian abandoned its
protection in favour of promoting suffering. Kaiotaita's attacks became more frequent and
more vicious, as he lost any semblance of his former sense of self.

It was then that a human priestess named Atsuka received a vision about how to defeat
Kaiotaita. Luring the great beast into a mystic trap, Atsuka and her followers destroyed
Kaiotaita's body.

But Kaiotaita's bond to the Earth is powerful, and even in his corrupted state he cannot be
fully destroyed while his land persists. And so Kaiotaita is reborn every few hundred years -
continually raging against the loss of balance, and the loss of his ancient purpose. Each
generation Atsuka's spirit is reborn - teaching a new generation how to prepare themselves
for Kaiotaita's inevitable return.

Energy System: Kaiotaita gains energy very slowly - he cannot use his Umbral Particles
frequently without significant periods of rest. His Eye of Ra does not require any energy - but
it can only be used once in a fight, and using it kills his energy regeneration completely for at
least an hour.

Ranged Combat: Kaiotaita's Umbral Particles adhere and slow opponents. If exposed to
enough of them, opponents can be completely encased in a hard mineral shell - requiring
them to break free. These do expire over time.
The Eye of Ra is a gigantic flowing fireball-like sphere which Kaiotaita projects from an
energy build-up centred on his wings. This immense attack can strike at long range, but it is
often impractical to do so, since it telegraphs its path clearly.

Grappling: Kaiotaita can hold opponents with his wings, but can also impale opponents
with his spiked tail. He relies on ambush grapples, as his light weight makes it difficult for
him to apply leverage if he is out of position and gets grabbed.

Melee Combat: Kaiotaita, despite being a slim winged kaiju, is a very melee-centric
fighter. His sharp scales can cut opponents with any strike, and his long tail is useful for
slamming opponents to the ground, or pulling their legs out from under them. His flying
mobility is generally used for repositioning, though he can also gain a momentum boost on
his charges, or gain altitude to come crashing back to the ground.

Further pressing him into melee combat is the fact that his ranged attacks are limited, and
using his energy to summon the Eye of Ra leaves him drained from further weapons use for
several hours.

Weaknesses: Kaiotaita has tremendous regeneration abilities - but they are not fast enough
to make a difference in battle. This leaves him with rather low health, especially for a front-
light melee fighter. Kaiotaita must keep his opponents off-balance or fleeing from his close-
range attacks to keep his relatively low defences from being a critical factor.

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Kaiotaita is cruel and relentless toward weak opponents.
 Combat Focus: Kaiotaita is a melee fighter, so his hovering wing movements need to
not move too far forward, lest they intersect with opponents. He needs to stay close
enough for physical attacks.
 Special Considerations: Kaiotaita's wings are not for gliding or fast movement - they
are used for close melee strikes & grapples. We should consider building his crystals
as self-illuminated objects.
Height: 103 meters
Weight: 48,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Melee
Primary Attacks: Claw Rake, Armor Shear
Secondary Attacks: Pounce, Body Slam
Primary Weapon: Aquarious Clash
Secondary Weapon: Pearl Burst
Energy Style: Stamina

Overview: Rekker is a gigantic peacock mantis shrimp, mutated through exposure to the
same chemicals that gave rise to Moratitan.

Origin: Rekker was originally a perfectly normal peacock mantis shrimp - living in a coral
reef and hunting hard-shelled creatures like clams and crabs. His home reef was polluted by
the American Navy, which led directly to the creation of the monstrosity known as Moratitan.
But Rekker was not within the reef at that time - and so he escaped Moratitan's purge of the
other reef life. Rekker returned later, after Moratitan had formed the coral into a gigantic
exoskeleton and left. Rekker burrowed into a small piece of coral - even as all remaining
contaminates were being collected and gathered by a bio-hazard containment unit. Tiny
Rekker, cruised within a huge pile of toxin-saturated coral, began to punch his way out -
releasing the chemicals still present deep in the coral. In this way, Rekker absorbed the toxic
mutagens in a unique way - allowing his natural exoskeleton to moult and re-form rapidly as
he grew. Eventually he broke free of the containment unit, and fled back into the ocean

Free once more, and bursting with power, Rekker uses his hunting instincts to chase
Moratitan across the globe. Without a home to return to, and unable to hunt regular-sized
prey, Rekker is now determined to find and destroy Moratitan. The pearl in his chest is
attuned to the coral reef which forms Moratitan's exoskeleton, which ensures that Rekker
never loses sight of his prey.

Energy System: Rekker gains energy slowly over time.

Ranged Combat: Rekker has three unique ranged abilities. The first is his ability to form
coral walls, to block opponents. The second is his Aquarious Spray, which is a stream of
bubbles infused with Rekker's bio-energy. The spray does minimal damage, but pushes
opponents away and can rob them of advantageous energies. The third is his Pearl Burst,
which deals massive area damage directly in front of Rekker. The Pearl Burst requires that
Rekker open his chest armour briefly, which makes him quite vulnerable for a brief window
of time.

Grappling: Rekker is both strong and heavy, which makes him an above-average grappler.
Rekker loves to use grapples to damage his opponents, as it dovetails nicely with his long-
range armour shredding attacks. Rekker's smash-throws tend to leave opponents well outside
of melee range, but in position for additional armour-shredding attacks. A series of successful
grapples to an unarmoured opponent can spell quick victory for Rekker.

Melee Combat: Rekker's extendable claws are tremendously fast long-range melee
weapons, built to tear armour to pieces. They are quite ineffective against unarmoured
opponents, and cannot connect to opponents at close range. Rekker himself is heavily
armoured, which makes melee counter attacks somewhat less effective against him. Rekker's
legs are not well-suited to rapid movement, but he can pounce for bursts of speed or to catch
opponents in a crushing Body Slam attack.

Weaknesses: Rekker's attack options are sharply limited by the distance between him and
his opponents : long-range opponents can be stripped of their armour, but not dealt significant
damage. Mid-range opponents can be pulverized by his weapon attacks or his Charge or
Body Slam. Close-in opponents face rapid punches or headbutts. Most opponents will have a
significant preference for one of these ranges, and Rekker is poorly suited to seriously
contesting the distance at which battle plays out.

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Rekker is a hunter, specializing it breaking through tough armours. This
makes him less intimidated when facing enemies who appear to be difficult to injure
or defeat.
 Combat Focus: Rekker is focus on rapid, focused melee attacks and ambush-like
positioning changes or assaults. Rekker's biggest advantage is his ability to shred
armour and break down defences. But he has only started melee abilities to follow up
once the armour is destroyed.
 Special Considerations: Rekker's multiple claws joint differently - which is why his
long-range claws and short-range jabs have such different characteristics.


Height: 106 meters

Weight: 58,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Melee
Primary Attacks: Uprooted Roots, Vegetable Maw
Secondary Attacks: Primeval Crush
Primary Weapon: Radiation Eye
Secondary Weapon: Withering Pulse
Energy Style: Meditation

Overview: Yiemniak is an ancient being from Earth's primordial period when vegetables ruled,
reborn through nuclear manipulation of modern potatoes. Yiemniak is somewhat mobile, but must
root to draw nourishment from the soil. His jagged toothed maw is presumably for combat alone, as
he does not ingest food like an animal.
Yiemniak has a strong connection to the soil - it regenerates him, restores his energy, and he can
transport himself through it with unnatural speed. Yiemniak is disgusted by animal life and its
proliferation, and seeks to wipe it out to restore the primacy of the vegetable kingdom.

Origin: Billions of years ago, before the dawn of animal life, when the Earth was still rich with
radiation from the sun, there was a pure age when vegetables ruled the primordial Earth. Chief among
the great vegetables was the Tyrant Yiemniak - a massive entity of unmatched corpulence. The time
of the vegetable kings is long past, but the seed of their DNA still resides within a few species of
modern vegetables.

And so it was that when humans first began to flirt with the power of nuclear energy, an aspect of the
ancient Yiemniak was reborn. The ancient DNA responded strongly to the powerful radiation. It was
humble at first - a few modern potatoes with increased resistance, which flourished in the wake of
nuclear fire. These hearty precursors were gathered by the humans for study, and subjected to ever-
increasing doses of radiation.

As the consciousness of Yiemniak's eternal spirit began to stir - to visit these weak modern
vegetables, the humans tending the plants began to experience terrifying dreams - visions of vegetable
rule and mighty Yiemniak's majesty. These weak-willed animals began to bring forth more and more
of Yiemniak's power - and as he grew closer their own wills receded further and further. The radiation
they used began to blister and poison their bodies - but this only increased the fervor at which they
toiled to complete their holy work.

On the day that Yiemniak's great Eye was manifest in the flesh of a potato, the humans who gazed
upon it were stricken with terminal madness - though they made the sacrifice gladly to resurrect their
vegetable lord. Once the eye appeared, it was a scant few weeks before all of the human slaves were
dead, and Yiemniak's body was fully restored to the Earth.

And now the purge of the animals begins!

Energy System: Yiemniak draws energy from the soil. He must root himself to begin regaining
energy. While rooted he may still use many combat and weapon techniques, but his mobility is
obviously limited.

Ranged Combat: Yiemniak's primary weapon is his Radiation Eye, which fires from his central front
eye. This powerful stream of energy can burn and stagger foes easily, and is especially useful against
organic opponents.

Yiemniak's secondary weapon is the Withering Pulse - a broad-spectrum blast of radiation which
hurts everything nearby - including Yiemniak! This weapon is unaffected by traditional defenses,
allowing it to bypass most armor and shields.

Yiemniak's strong sprouts and oblong body make him a powerful immobilizer & grappler. He
especially loves to slam opponents into the ground, leaving them open for additional attacks from the
mighty potato.
Melee Combat: Yiemniak's tendrils and roots give him plenty of striking power, and he can headbutt
and body-slam with the best of kaiju. His roots may be extended under ground to grab & immobilize
opponents for a moment, and Yiemniak can even pull his entire body under ground to move around
the battlefield quickly. His overland charge is more of a shuffle - but his mass makes up for the lack
of velocity or mobility.

Yiemniak may lash out his roots to deal damage and knock away multiple enemies at close range,
though he would more often prefer to keep opponents in close, where he can continue to pummel
them. Yiemniak's high health gives him an edge in pure physical combat - and his Withering Pulse
can be used to finish a fight unexpectedly, provided Yiemniak himself still has enough health to
survive it.

Weaknesses: Yiemniak has high health, but no strong resistances to damage. He must use frequent
rooting to mitigate the damage he deals to himself with his Withering Pulse. Should Yiemniak lose
control of the battle, or become unable to root safely, he will find his options for combat significantly

Animation Guidelines:
 Personality: Yiemniak hates all animal life, and is enraged in its presence. He feels a solemn
duty to restore Earth to a more primative vegetative state.
 Combat Focus: Yiemniak is very focused on melee combat, ground techniques,
immobilizations, and pressuring his opponents into confined combat areas.
 Special Considerations: Yiemniak's front/back orientation will be easy to lose sight of, so
we need to be certain that he retains clear visual cues for that symmetry. His weapon node is
also asymmetrical.
Height: 90 meters
Weight: 64,000 metric tons
Gender: Female
Combat Style: Ranged (Kulkan) Grappling (Noho)
Primary Attacks: Paired Claws, Explosive Maul
Secondary Attacks: Split Tail Swing, Double-Headed Strikes
Primary Weapon: Tizic Torrent, Corrosive Pools
Secondary Weapon: Magma Rush
Energy Style: Stamina

Noho-Kulkan is a Mayan protector deity, stuck mid-transition between her defensive guardian form and the
shape of the apocalyptic destroyer Nohochacyum (Noho). Kukulkan defended the Mayans for centuries, fighting
off supernatural threats and aiding them in wars. As the Mayan culture dwindled, the form of the destroyer
began to burst forth from her hide and take over her role as it consumed her lizard-like body. But Kulkan
resisted the transformation, preserving herself in a strange amalgamation between the two deities.

Kukulkan, also known as the War Serpent, was a spiritual guardian of the Mayan empire during its reign over
what would become Mexico and Central America. A physical emissary of the old gods, she could be deployed
at a moment's notice by the high priests to defend the empire against a multitude of threats, both physical and
supernatural. With her help, the Mayan armies fended off many advances onto their lands, and the civilization
flourished for millennia.
After many years, however, signs of the endtimes began to appear, signalling the conclusion of the empire’s
long rule. Days grew shorter as darkness crept forward, and the high priesthood saw that it was time to call upon
a new god in order to destroy the old world, making way for the new. And it was so that Nohochacyum, the
spirit of destruction and rebirth, was summoned, with the intention of taking Kukulkan’s body and razing the
earth so that life could start anew.
Kukulkan, however, resisted, wishing instead to allow the civilization which she guarded for so long to continue
it’s reign, even if it meant defying the order of the high priests. Soon Nohochacyum’s essence began to grow
within Kukulkan, bursting out with terrifying and painful malignancy, while Kukulkan continued to resist the
destroyer that has been planted within her being.
Will Kukulkan be able to resist Nohochacyum and avert her destiny? Or will the end of days finally come,
allowing the world to be reborn again?

Energy System:
Noho-Kulkan regains energy slowly over time. As she transitions more and more fully to Noho, she eschews
energy entirely in favor of more brutal hand-to-hand and grappling attacks.

Ranged Combat:
Kulkan is a ranged fighter, who spews corrosive liquid at her foes, similar to the corrosive black sap of the
Chechen tree. This not only deals heavy damage over time, but also brings a curse upon the recipient, causing
them great pain from any wounds. Noho-Kulkan will often dash forward for a quick clawed strike, to drive this
cursed poison into her opponent's veins. Kulkan can also spit pools of corrosive fire, to keep her opponents
away or to further expose them to her toxic curse.
When Noho becomes preeminent, Kulkan's native ranged abilities are suppressed. To compensate, Noho uses
powerful rushing attacks which fly at the opponent with unstoppable momentum.

Kulkan is poorly suited to grappling attacks, with her low stance and jointed limbs meant for flexibility instead
of lifting power. Noho, on the other hand, has powerful limbs of stone, and burns opponents with a touch.
Grabbing and pinning opponents beneath flaming stone is Noho's primary offensive strategy! Noho's stone body
also adds weight, making Noho-Kulkan better able to counter-grapple.
Melee Combat:
Kulkan's low profile and flexible speed allows her to dart in and out of melee range for quick strikes, to disrupt
her opponent or to take advantage of her curse. However, she lacks the durability or natural armor required for
prolonged melee combat. Noho, on the other hand, is made of unfeeling stone, and burns opponents with every
touch. Noho's flaming limbs explode with energy on impact, dealing powerful damage with every strike. Noho
is also very strong, which opens up grappling attack possibilities as a major source of damage.

Noho does not use energy, and calling on that form's power drains all of Noho-Kulkan's energy, and restricts her
future energy potential. As a dual-entity, Noho-Kulkan has more powerful strategies at her command than most
kaiju, but she must manage and control her transitions for maximum impact. Being unable to counter an
opponent's strategy at the right moment can prove fatal, as can an over-reliance on either of her two forms.

Animation Guidelines:
* Personality: Noho-Kulkan has two distinct personalities - each one controlled by one of her two heads. Her
organic lizard head (Noho) is in charge by default - it aims her primary ranged weapons, and focuses on her
opponents. But when she transitions to access the power of the destroyer, the organic head hangs limply, and the
stone head takes over. Showing this transition is key to selling the two-headed playstyle.
* Combat Focus: Noho-Kulkan is a slippery ranged fighter, with classic low-to-the-ground profile, evasive
attacks, and quick clawed strikes. Transitioning to a heavy grappler, with flaming limbs & close-in strikes is her
major mechanic, and needs to feel good on both sides.
* Special Considerations: Flaming effects on limbs. Two-headed geometry, with independent aim. It's also
important to get both playstyles feeling good, so people don't favor one too heavily over the other.
Height: 79 meters
Weight: 46,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Melee
Primary Attacks: Taser Claws, Rapid Kicks
Secondary Attacks: Chainsaw Arm
Primary Weapon: Homing Rockets, Taser Claws
Secondary Weapon: Quick Shot Blaster (Tail)
Energy Style: Stamina

Kinkuto is a mechanical bandicoot, powered and controlled by an alien crystal growth inside his body.
Originally conceived and built by the Australian government as a support & back-up mech, Kinkuto has become
the first-line defender of Australia against kaiju threats. But Kinkuto is no longer controlled by a human pilot -
instead he is controlled by a semi-sentient alien power crystal. This makes some human authorities wary - as
they can not control him directly, and thus cannot guarantee that Kinkuto will always behave according to their

When the Australian government decided to revamp their anti-kaiju mech program, they decided on a novel
approach - two kaiju, both limited in their capabilities, who would act in concert to fight larger, more powerful
threats. Their front-line fighter was TakRashoo, a Tasmania Tiger mech with heavy armor, strong claws, and
overall durability. The support kaiju was Kinkuto, a mechanical Bandicoot with accurate long-ranged weapons,
repair & support functionality, and rapid re-positioning capability.
Unfortunately, this duo proved to be ineffective. Kinkuto's human pilot could not execute the complex maneuver
& support actions quickly enough, and TakRashoo's armor proved insufficient to withstand sustained battle. A
rudimentary support AI was installed into Kinkuto, to try to improve on the human pilot's performance. During
his first and only battle using this AI, Kinkuto abandoned TakRashoo, going miles off course to respond to a
phantom distress beacon. TakRashoo was declared unsalvageable after that battle, and Kinkuto was retired from
active combat. While his early departure from the fight probably prevented his destruction, it was just another
example of how poorly conceived the whole project was.
But unbeknownst to his human operators, Kinkuto's final acts had NOT been in vain. He had freed an alien
scout ship from a crevasse, which managed to depart undetected. Some crystal debris from the ship became
wedged into Kinkuto's mechanical body. As he sat dormant in a warehouse, the crystals grew inside him -
feeding off his chemical batteries, and generating their own power. After several years, Kinkuto self-rebooted,
and sat alert in the warehouse, scanning and awaiting a call to action. Though the crystals were not themselves
sentient, they grew around and expanded Kinkuto's hardwired support functionalities.
Eventually a day came when a new kaiju threat came to Australia, and a new distress beacon was raised in
response. Kinkuto burst forth, and engaged the enemy directly. The alien crystals had integrated so completely
that he now had both the power and the speed to fight kaiju opponents on his own. He was able to zoom in,
employ his weapons, move to range, fire missiles, and overwhelm this new kaiju with relative ease.
Kinkuto is a hero. But is he alive? What will he do in the future?

Energy System:
Kinkuto's original batter system was intended only to supply power for 30-60 minutes of support functionality
per deployment. Now the crystals throughout his body somehow generate and store harmonic power - allowing
Kinkuto to operate almost indefinitely. His local power reserves deplete only for a moment before they begin to
auto-recharge. He effectively self-changes, though he does so at different rates depending upon his level of
physical exertion.

Ranged Combat:
Kinkuto's Homing Rockets are his heaviest long-range armament. The Quick Shot Blaster on his tail is very low
damage, but can be fired and aim very rapidly. Kinkuto's signature weapon are his medium-ranged taser claws,
which can electrocute enemies before being retracted back into Kinkuto's arm.
Kinkuto does not generally hoist opponents over his head. However, his taser claws give him a mid-range
grapple that can drain enemy health and energy, and is generally pretty devastating.

Melee Combat:
Kinkuto is very fast, allowing him to strike rapidly with a variety of techniques, as well as decide how and when
to switch to ranged assaults. His kicks and taser claws are very damaging and efficient. His chainsaw arm is a
powerful anti-armor option, though it is substantially slower to wield. The crystal structure under Kinkuto's
armor has increased his damage resistance, though he still prefers evasive defensive options whenever possible.

Kinkuto is dramatically stronger and more capable than he was originally intended to be. While this is overall
good, it does mean that his body and weapon system were NOT designed for long-term battle operation, and his
reinforced armor was never meant to hold up well to unknown energy signatures. His speed can work against
him here - committing to combos and attack sequences for too long, leaving him in harm's way. In addition, his
support functions have been broadly re-purposed - which means he also no longer properly fills that role for his

Animation Guidelines:
Personality: Kinkuto is a Mech, but has a bit more “life” than a piloted mech, due to his crystal power
source. His head can occasionally twitch or shift focus, which generally doesn't happen with “pure” Mecha.
Otherwise, he is focused on quick movement and rapid direction changes.
Combat Focus: Kinkuto is swift, but is fairly balanced in terms of melee and ranged engagements. His
animations shouldn't be too heavy in either of those areas.
Special Considerations: Kinkuto's special focus is on support, which is all about motivation and
prioritization - attributes for player motivation to fill in.

Height: 80 meters
Weight: 44k metric tons
Gender: None
Combat Style: Melee
Primary Attacks: Punches, kicks
Secondary Attacks: Fungal
Primary Weapon: Beam Sword (charge)
Secondary Weapon: Plasma Cannon
Energy Style: Stamina


Description: A Saturday morning style giant robot (think Power Rangers or Voltron) heavily damaged and
covered with mold. Giant mushrooms sprout out of its back and it's slightly hunched over to compensate for
their weight. Each limb has a different animal theme, going with the Voltron/Megazord base, but they're all alien
animals. Still trying to work out exactly what each limb could look like.

Overview: Mycellian is a Saturday morning style giant robot, heavily damaged and overtaken by an alien
fungus. The fungus has connected to the deceased pilots and uses their fragmented memories to push the
machine forward, fighting kaiju while spreading its tainted spores. The robot itself still has access to many of its
powerful offensive weaponry, such as a beam sword and a plasma cannon, but because it’s basically being held
together by the mold covering it, these weapons are unreliable and may not function properly at times.
Additionally, the mushrooms covering its back are capable of releasing poisonous spores during grapples to
poison enemies.
Origin: Team Valiant was once among the greatest defenders our galaxy had known. They traveled from planet
to planet in their mech, the Valian, protecting the weak and seeking to abolish evil wherever they found it.
However, fate dealt them a cruel hand, and they soon met an unjust end.
During a battle with their archnemesis, the team fell to Earth, and though they were able to deliver the final
blow, they were not prepared for what came afterward. Their landing had awakened a terrible kaiju who had
been sleeping nearby, and in their weakened state they were unable to withstand its assault. The Valian was left
virtually inoperable. Its pilots, dead.
However, one final twist awaited them, as their foe had brought a dangerous organism with him on his entry. An
alien fungus grew across his corpse, eventually spreading to the Valian, working its way across its surface and
into every system. As it reached the pilots however, the fragments of their memories were absorbed into the
mass, and across the network of mold spreading across their mech. The Valian began to move once again.
Reanimated by the mold, the Valian set off, driven by shadows, seeking the beast that had destroyed it, even as
the fungus covering it began to release the spores that would spread its growth ever farther…

Energy System: Pending. Likely either Rage or Stamina.

Ranged Combat: The Mycellian is equipped with a plasma cannon on its arm, capable of charging and firing a
powerful (paralyzing?) blast. Unfortunately the poor condition of the machine causes it to occasionally backfire.

Grappling: The Mycellian once used a technique in which it would lift an opponent into the air before dropping
down onto it. However, its boosters are now nonfunctional, and as a result, all it manages is to fall over onto its
opponent. This does however cause a cloud of spores to disperse from the mushrooms on its back, poisoning
opponents caught beneath it.

Melee Combat: The Mycellian is capable of a fair number of melee attacks, pulled from the memories of its
pilots. Most powerful however is the beam blade they once used as their finisher. Much like their cannon
however, the damage to their systems makes the weapon unreliable.

Weaknesses: Primarily the simple fact that it’s in such disrepair. Though it was once a powerful machine, it’s
almost completely held together by the fungus now, and as such is not particularly sturdy. Fire is also an
effective was to combat it. These aside, many of Mycellian’s most powerful techniques are a gamble to use, as
its systems are decayed and sometimes fail. Unfortunately, because it is driven only by memories, it does not
recognize these failures and will follow all the way through with the attack whether it fails or not.

Deep Dweller

Deep Dweller (Midnight Ocean Predator)

Height 90 meters
Weight 66,00 tons
Gender Male

Overview The Deep Dweller is a gigantic prehistoric reptilian aquatic fish-like monster that has survived
millions of years. He's a heavily armored and well illuminated creature that lives in the unchanging abyss, only
to surface for food and combat. Equipped with biological lights capable of blinding and stunning foes, near
indestructible armor, and a monstrous toothed maw even the greatest sea predators fear, Deep Dweller is a terror
in the darkness of the sea, and on land.

Deep Dweller is property of ZillaofSumter


Height: 70/85/100 meters​

Weight: 32,000/37,000/55,000 metric tons​
Gender: Male​
Kumak (read Coomack) is a mutated hybrid of toxic frog, fly trap and dodder. Combination of this elements
gave a monster one of its kind – not fully a plant, not a true animal. ​
But such abomination could not happen without some restraints. Plants that allowed Kumak to be so gigantic,
agile and threatening had one flaw. The biggest flaw that everybody could imagine – plants are slowly killing
Sprouts of dodder, through holes in body drain life energy from Kumak. To postpone his death, Kumak must
hunt for other enormous creatures in order to grab their energy and feed his parasitic plants. For this purposes
Kumak uses his colossal flytrap growing on his back.​
Hunting for creatures this same size (or even bigger) is not a natural habit of toxic frogs. But Kumak has
experienced how lethal the hunger of his parasitic plants can be. Some time ago, after few weeks of starvation
sprouts of dodder completely covered his left arm, draining all the blood of his limb. His arm – desiccated and
without any fluids, dropped off. Since then, aware that he is missing other body part, Kumak constantly searches
for his next victim.​

Three headed Kaiju carnotaurus that can control the time!

Height:100 meters
Weight:52,000 metric tons

Carnodox is the monstrous three headed result of one dinosaur being fused with the past, present and future
versions of itself after being caught in a scientific weather anomaly known as a temporal storm. After gaining
the abilities to teleport and travel through time, Carnodox came to the future and now makes a habit of fighting
other giant monster and destroying cites.
It is worth noting that each of Carnodox’s heads has a special ability:

Past (left) head controls time - freezes opponent in place by stopping time.
Present (middle) head can fire a paradox beam from his mouth – beam attack.
Future (right) head control space - Carnodox teleports.

Carnodox is property of Rage.


Height: 85 meters
Weight: 50 000 metric tons
Gender: Male

Overview: Sciorin is a once fable and honored warrior, who after being defeated for the first time turned into a
corrupt monster looking for revenge. After awakening from a millenia-long slumber he starts looking for the
beast that once brought him down. He brings his trusty scythe along with his shield to battle. No one know what
his origin was before he appeared under earth's crust. Some say he was an alien while other say he was created
by the kaijujin.

Yamaga Larvae

Name: Yamaga Larvae

Height: 70 meters
Weight: 40 000 metric tons
Overview: Yamaga is a giant alien bug, that goes through 3 stages in its life, the bug, larvae and adult
form. All three fight in different styles and you don't need to evolve in a match if you prefer to play
the current form's style.


KaDoC, the Queen Bee

Height: 110 meters
Weight: 80,000 metric tons
Gender: Female

Overview: KaDoC is a multi-purpose swarm mecha designed to defend mankind from the recent
flood of giant monsters. In Domination mode hes uses her thousands of swarm drones to poison her
target until the cocktail of toxins and parasitic nanites cause enough neural interruption to subdue the
target. Her arsenal is limited by the energy needs to sustain her full swarm deployment but enough to
keep enemies away from the carrier. In Blitzkrieg mode its reactors overload giving KaDoC higher
firepower but forcing it to maintain constant combat to shed the energy abundance. The swarm is
deployed only in emergencies where overcharged drones are sacrificed to protect KaDoC. In this
mode she has enough energy to deploy and maintain its Vespid attack drones which augment her
arsenal or can be sent in to deal larger more lethal stings.

Utterly amazing mecha-bug is property of Ghidoroid

Great King Axoloc

Title: The Monster of Xochimilco, Spirit of the Lake

Alternate names: Salamandro
Height: 103 meters
Weight: 53,000 tons
Combat style: Melee, Ranged
Gender: Male
Primary Attacks: Claws, Teeth, Tail Whip
Secondary Attacks: Water Bullets, kicks
Primary Weapon: Wrath of Tlaloc, Toxic Grudge or Rencor Tóxico
Secondary Weapon: Army of the Lake or Ejército del Lago
Energy Type: Fury

Overview: King Axoloc is a hostile guardian created by the ancient spirits and the Lake Xochimilco
itself to destroy anything that is polluting the Lake and killing his siblings, the axolotls. His anger was
calmed down thanks to a young girl and her reed flute. In his forehead, King Axoloc has a gem called
''Eye of the Lake'' or ''Ojo del Lago'', which can be used to see what´s going on inside and outside the
Lake Xochimilco.

Chernobird - The Phoenix of Decay

Height: 70 Meters
Length: 160 Meters
Wingspan: 140 meters
Weight: 16,000 Metric tons
Gender: Female

Overview: A phoenix born from the heat created by a disaster in a nuclear power plant. This unnatural fire gave
birth to a tormented and deformed creature, in constant pain from the numerous tumors that grow and burst
through her body at all times. She can generate insane amounts of heat within the furnance on her stomach, to
the point of causing nuclear fusion. She can concentrate all this energy into either a highly destructive beam that
can melt rocks, or into variable sized "miniature suns" that can follow her enemies.

Chernobird is creation of Sagus

Odokar The Molevolent

Odokar - The star nosed mole from stars!

Height: 75 meters
Weight: 60,000 metric tons
Gender: Male

Burrowing, shifting, changing, the creature comes, tearing apart the land, searching for a purpose long since
gone. This is the fate of the undying Odokar.

The vanguard of an alien invasion, Odokar had come to Earth to secure an inflitration of the planet, so his
species may take the bodies of the inhabitants of Earth and assume dominance over all. His species were energy
beings that needed organic bodies to survive in an atmosphere.

However he was not expecting the Earth government to have the ability to sense him, and after a brief skirmish
damaged his ship and mortally wounded the creature, he split himself in two to try and possess SOMETHING
and survive.

Luck would have it that the half containing his mind would strike a lone starnosed mole-while the other half,
containing his mass, would strike a lifeless desert, only affecting the sand. This caused an unfortunate fusion of
the two, the starnosed mole becoming the basis of a body made of sand and stone, with the fractured mind of the
alien desperately trying to keep the makeshift form together, trapped within it.

The alien would find, as his species could not normally possess inanimate objects, that he could not leave this
new form-nor could it be killed, as it would always reform.

Height: 110 meters (variable)
Weight: ???
Gender: Male

Overview: Cryptoclidux is the soul-eating ghost of a plesiosaur. His body is nothing but shadow with the
exception of his skeletal hands and his head, a plesiosaur skull. He floats above the ground and instead of legs
he has a ghostly tail. Cryptoclidux is intangible unless he is attacking, otherwise everything will just pass
through him. Also, Cryptoclidux can Shadow Sneak, in which he dives downwards and becomes nothing but a
Plesiosaur-shaped shadow slithering frightfully fast across the ground.

Cryptoclidux is monster of boarcroc1994


Height: 90 meters
Weight: 80,000 metric tons
Gender: NA

Overview: An autonomous Kaiju-Killer robot designed around the idea of finishing off already weakened
Kaiju. He is equipped with heavy armor for tanking attacks, and a harpoon claw to pull enemies towards him,
preventing them from fleeing and limiting the effectiveness of their ranged weaponry. Jagdhund is a slow but
inescapable killing machine.

Jagdhund is property of SeekerPsycho


Height:80 meters
Weight:62,000 metric tons
Combat Style:Melee
Primary Attacks:Clawed limbs
Secondary Attacks:Stinger
Primary Weapon:Decay ray
Secondary Weapon:Toxic spit
Energy Style:Stamina

Have you ever watched a zombie movie or TV show and wondered what a zombified insect would
look like? Well then look no further than the monstrous ZomBee who is exactly what a zombified bee
would look like, but with the size increased to that of a building! This gigantic undead bee is fueled
by nuclear waste and an uncontrollable urge to find his queen, even if that means taking down every
city and kaiju that gets in his way!

ZomBee is creature of Ravage


Name: Kaiju Repulse And Super Eradicating Robot, or KRASER

Height: 85 meters
Weight: 45,000 tons

Overview: KRASER, the Kaiju Repulse and Super Eradicating Robot, is a roughly twenty-eight story tall super
robot built by the American military before being released to the public due to high operating costs. KRASER
now protects the cities of the world, one hot-blooded yell at a time.


Height : 70 meters
Weight : 25.000 metric tons
Gender : female

Overview : desmodusk is a newly discovered species of animal although the one now known as the flying
behemoth is a overgrown lubric centeras it uses it mouth to swallow preys whole it also coils around them so
they cant get any air like a anaconda the bone structure on the end of its tail is actually a part of its ribcage that
runs through the whole body it is mostly seen flying over its territory in former tanzania wich is now a
wasteland after desmodusk teared the city,s apart if the kaiju size lubric centeras dies its energy is absorbed by
another one of its species which grows to kaiju size

This monster belongs to Noel-nl

Eira - The Frozen Queen

Height: 80 meters
Weight: 25,000 metric tons
Gender: Female

Overview: Eira comes from a parallel universe that resembles the Ice Age Earth. The temperature there is
usually below -20°C and arctic wind storms blow constantly. The lands of this parallel universe are uninhabited
and pristine - there are neither humans nor any humanoids . In order to survive, all living things had had to
adapt to adverse condition.

Eira is one of that kind of creatures. her appearance is close to moths from our reality. but Eira is more than a
common bug. Shewas seen by other members of its own kind as the queen. It was because of her extraordinary
body. No other 'Moth', except Eira, was covered in ice to such extend. Thanks to this fact, she easily adapted to
low temperatures and she was even able to control the harsh weather.

But one day everything changed because of a greedy man... Due to his unwise actions Eira found herself on

Everything that she was used to has disappeared. In the past she was worshipped by fellow moths, and now she
was lonely. And everything seemed so..... small for her. Oh... I think that I have forgotten to mention that in
Eira's reality everything is dozen times larger than on Earth. Lonely Eira travels around the world in search of
its own place.Eira has to face not only small creatures (humans) but also other monsters (of similar size). n the
past, she was an inexperienced fighter (other moths stood up for her). Now, she has to learn how to fight in
order to survive in this unfamiliar world.
Bio by: DragonTech

Height: 65 meters
Weight: 47,000 metric tons
Gender: Male (Shark)/Female (Coyote Tail)
Combat Style: Balanced
Primary Attacks: Claws, Teeth
Secondary Attacks: Tail
Primary Weapon: Confetti Shotgun, Tail Laser
Secondary Weapon: Dive Bomb, JAWS
Energy Style: Fury

Overview: Natalis is a joyful birthday chimera, with a variety of toys (weapons) at its disposal. Although he
enjoys love-nibbling (mauling) his friends (enemies) with his mouth (gigantic deadly shark jaws), his mouth can
also shoot powerful confetti shotgun blasts that make his playmate's (opponent) impending loss all the more
festive (painful). His tail also fires colorful lasers from its mouth, which really make him the life of the party.
Natalis is also known for his rather enthusiastic bear hugs, smothering you in his love (fur and shark flesh). He
is also a fast and agile flyer, making his party arrival time impeccable.

Origin: Natalis was born from the very womb of the universe, upon its mother's 10 billionth birthday. It was the
universe's own little gift to itself, a reward for hitting double digits. As the literal birthday gift of cosmic
entities, Natalis set out into the world, doing what it was born to do: Party. It has, in the past 3.5 billion years,
traveled world to world, celebrating, at long length, any birthdays he could find in the universe. Although it
lives only for the thought of bringing joy and happiness, it is pleasantly unaware that its size leads it to only
bring death and destruction to any planet it comes across. After eons of circling the universe, it has finally
decided to spread the love with Earth. Happy Birthday.

Energy System: As Natalis destroys terrain or attacks enemies, his partying essence grows, and he recovers

Ranged Combat: Natalis can fire deadly confetti blasts from his maw, doing knockback and high damage to
mid-range enemies. He can also use his tail to fire rainbow colored lasers long distances, with a rather high
firing speed, bit for low damage. Also, at the cost of large amounts of energy, Natalie can fire his powerful
"Rave Beam", the most formidable of his ranged attacks. This attack is the only one that really equalizes his
melee and ranged abilities.

Grappling: Being quadrapedal, Natalis can only get a weak grip on enemies, and can only toss them short
distances, but can do decent damage with his claws or teeth when holding enemies.

Melee Combat: Natalis is a viscous melee fighter at close range. Quickly lashing out with his claws or jaws, he
depends on speed in melee rather than strength. His coyote tail is his quickest but weakest attack, quickly
snapping forward at the enemy. Natalis is also capable of stronger melee attacks by diving out of flight. An
ability that Natalis often makes use of is JAWS, where he dgs into the ground and snaps up at the enemy, doing
minor damage (it is primarily an easy shot).

Weaknesses: Natalis is a well rounded character and therefore isn't incredibly powerful in any single fighting
style. An enemy can attempt to stay in the range that they are strong in, and can most likely overpower him. He
is also weak against general magic damage because c'mon. Magic sounds like work.

This monster is made for: KinguShisa86

Name: Widowmaker
Gender: Female
Height: 76 meters
Weight: 28,000 tons

Overveiw: Widowmaker is a small, but fast Kaiju, very evasive. In close combat she can deliver fast slashes and
punches with her front arms, and deliver quick multiple kicks with her 8 legs. If her opponets at range, she can
spit her toxic venom at her targets eyes blinding them, use her web slinging to pull them to her, or if they are to
heavy, pull herself to them. She can weave a web net onto her arms and legs and pounce on her opponent, pining
them to the ground for a barrage of stomps. Her webs are acitic and toxic to any kaiju it touches, causing burns
and potintial paralisis.

Easterror - The Terror of Easter

Height: 113 meters
Weight: 59,000 metric tons
Gender: no one dares to check

Bio: Once, long ago, in the eons forgotten, there was an Easter Chicken who laid eggs of discomfort and regret
for the children of the Earth to find. A bunny, living on the moon, saw this and declared no more! He descended
from the Moon and did battle with the Chicken, killing it and assuming his place in the Easter Pantheon,
spreading joy instead.
Little did the Bunny know that the Easter Chicken had given birth before their final battle. The Egg of the
Easter Chicken lay dormant, feeding on the misery of children, until discovered deep within the rabbit hole of
the Easter Islands by the HyperMegaProductCorp, who wished to understand the secrets of this strange egg.
They experimented on the egg, wishing to turn it into the ultimate Easter themed gift, infusing it with rabbit

When the peak of children going to the dentist the day after Easter hit, and their combined wailing and misery
reached the slumbering, mutating egg, it awoke-twisted by science, driven by revenge, unable to be truly born
yet, it smashed its way through the egg as best it could, a horrific monstrosity that was neither chicken nor
bunny-something unseen before, unspeakable and unknowable. SO WAS BORN THE EASTERROR!

Sapphirah the Crystal Calamity

Height: 120 Meters
Weight: 60,000 Tons
Wingspan: 175 meters
Gender: Male

Overview: Sapphirah is a unique genetic creation formed of a traditional Sapphire-Leviathan dragon, He has a
futuristic and it has abitity change its form into "Crystal Mode" while entire body but only once in per battle;
durable crystal look, his two outside head arms made of extremely crystal on each of its arms as well as his
wings too, especially the glowing crystal gemstone on his chest, He has two large crystals on each shoulders. He
has a longer tail with crystals and a few other areas. He's considerably more powerful than the purely organic
Slugera: The Mollusca Shroom Monster
Nicknames: "The Mollusca-shroom Monster"
Height: 80 meters
Weight: 50,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Ranged
Primary Attacks: Claws, Tail Lashing
Secondary Attacks: Leech Lunge, Slug Hug, Corrosive Slime
Primary Weapon: Barbed Harpoon Tongue with Venom
Secondary Weapon: Psychotropic Mushroom Spores
Rage Attack: The Shroom of Doom
Energy Style: Parasitic (Kaiju Blood)

Origin / Overview:
In 1968 a meteor spawning with hibernating alien fungus crashed landed in a back water Louisiana bayou.
Shortly afterwards the space fungus grew into a giant mushroom. When local and government authorities went
and checked on this strange phenomenon. The massive mushroom uprooted itself reveling it to be a giant
mollusca-shroom monster.
Now 40 years later this Monster still terrorizes the planet Earth! Annihilating the agriculture with it's deadly
corrosive slime trail ! Poisoning cities with it's purple psychotropic spore dust of doom ! It's so powerful not
even the military can stop it ! It's Slugera !!

Ktunu: Defender of China

Height: 95 meters
Weight: 40,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Melee, Kung Fu
Primary Attacks: Hammer arm, side kick
Secondary Attacks: Eagle claw
Primary Weapon: Sonic wave
Secondary Weapon: Poison bite
Energy Style: Stamina
Overview: Ktunu is the defender China. He protects his home land at all cost. He attacks with the spirit of Kung
Origin: Born in the 1800's in the forest of China near a village, Ktunu started life as mutated beetle the size of a
dog. For unknown reasons he continued to grow. He became a legend around the local village. He watched over
the village. Learning from them the ways of Kung Fu. In 1915 a large earth quake laid waste to the area. Ktunu
fell deep into the Earth. He was trapped. There he stayed, growing and growing. By 1990 Ktunu had finally
stopped growing, to an amazing 95 meters high. Over the many years he remembered only one thing...the ways
of Kung Fu. Finally another earthquake shook the land in 1995. This time Ktunu was so large when the ground
collapsed he arose from the rubble. He came back into the real world, swearing to protect the land he grew up
in. Ktunu fights off all threats to China...with Kung Fu.

Solodak Negaro: The First

Height: 95 Meters
Weight: 55,000 metric tons
Gender: Asexual, Identifies As Male
Combat Style: Melee
Primary Attacks: Quick strikes
Secondary Attacks: Precise Kicks
Primary Weapon: Sutron Kick
Secondary Weapon: Sutron Sword
Energy Style: Fury

Overview: Within his soul is a burning spirit of freedom and justice with a hint of great sadness, pain and
regret. A crying hero.

Energy System: Solodak Negaro has to charge his electricity up to be able to be fully effective. He does so by
actively taking to combat, generating energy as he fights.

Origin: His species, dependent on the abomination that spawns them, ravages the universe, seeking new
planets, new material to covet, destroy, consume. Not that all knew of this. Some, like Negaro, were merely
scouts, seeking out new planets. He discovered a planet with intelligent life, in one of his travels, under attack
by a viscous monster.

Despite not being born for combat, Negaro put his skills and abilities to the test, taking on the kaiju and barely
winning, gravely wounded in the process. Collected by his fellows, he watched in horror as his own people
descended upon the planet like a swarm of locusts, destroying everything he fought to protect.

To add to it, he was deemed too valuable to simply die, and thus his wounded flesh were replaced with
machinery, and he was rebuilt. Discovering his new cybernetic form and reacting in disgust, he lashed out
against his creators and broke free of their facility, vowing to see the end of his people's destruction.

Fleeing, he wound up on Earth, remembering that soon, a Solodak Vanguard like himself would arrive to herald
another genocide.

Negaro would not allow this.

Megalowatt: A shock from the deep

Height: 110 meters (length)
Weight: 66,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Melee
Primary Attacks: Teeth
Secondary Attacks: Tale slap
Primary Weapon: Electrical blast
Secondary Weapon: Electrical pike
Energy Style: Stamina

Megalowatt is the last of an ancient species of shark, that due to the humans failed attempt to capture him,
transformed into a colossal, electricity controlling and airborne monster.

Megalowatt was the last of the Megalodons who after remaining undetected for years, was eventually
discovered by some fishermen. Soon after this, researchers came to the location and tried to capture the massive
shark by using an electrical net, but the net did not stun the shark as intended and the beasts tough body
absorbed the electrical energy resulting in the Megalodon becoming a colossal behemoth with the power to
control electricity and even generate an electrical field around himself so that he could leave the water and ‘fly’
above cities.

Thaloch: The Ravager God

Height: 120 meters
Weight: 65,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Charging/Melee
Primary Attacks: Crushing Jaws, Horn Charges
Secondary Attacks: Tail Slams, Body Mass
Primary Weapon: Tyrant Roar
Secondary Weapon: Tyrantonium Horn Slash
Energy Style: Primal Instinct

Thaloch is a massive dinosaurian kaiju resembling the most ferocious of the scaly beasts- particularly that of the
mighty T-Rex. His body is pure brute strength and mighty defense. With few kaiju containing the incredible
power that Thaloch has. Found on a remote island, Thaloch is discovered to have a strange element labeled
"Tyrantonium", living creatures have a peculiar reaction when exposed to it for too long.

Sin Ryu: The King of Death

Length: 95 meters
Weight: 35,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Primary Attacks: Claws, teeth
Secondary Attacks: Tail, Soul Weapons
Primary Weapons: Black smoke
Secondary Weapons: Soul Flare
Style: Ranged
Energy Style: Parasitic/Fury

Overview: Sin Ryu often appears in the form of an eastern dragon that has many scars on it's body and has it's
ribcage showing in a couple of places on its body, and one of his arms, as well as one of his legs of his, are pure,
dry bone. He can breath out thick, black smoke which is enough to kill any organism that is less than 60 meters
tall. He yearns to take the souls of the living throughout the multiverse to convert into his own power. As such
he will fight anything that doesn't share his ideals of annihilation. He moves as if he were levitating above the

Height: 120 meters
Length: 240 meters
Weight: 80,000 metric tons
Gender: Female
Combat Style: Melee
Primary Melee Attacks: Gravitic Shear-Claw Slash, Charged Particle Chomp
Secondary Melee Arrack: Tidal Gravshock Tailclub Crush
Primary Ranged Attack: Total Conversion Lance
Secondary Ranged Attack: Hypodermic Antiproton Buckybombs
Energy System: Unstable Battery

Overview: a failed experiment in alien genetic engineering, Vaakosa fights with endless fury and wild abandon.
Her raging ferocity is due to the constant emotional turmoil and physical pain that wrecks her massive frame
and the million years of tormented dreams she endured. She is a cunning, vicious combatant, throwing
everything she has at an opponent heedless of her own welfare.

This fungal glutton belongs to Gomora.

Height: 97 meters
Weight: 60, 000 tons
Gender: Technically without one; usually referred to as male
Combat Style: Melee/Control
Primary Attacks: Fists, Head Butts
Secondary Attacks: Teeth
Primary Weapon: Spore Cannon
Secondary Weapon: Fungal Discharge
Energy Style: Hunger

Overview: Saprodon is a fungus-based kaiju, a twisted, towering monstrosity whose gnarled body is almost
impervious to harm and by all accounts incapable of feeling pain. Possessing a determination and strength hard
to imagine from its lanky form, its appetite for food and capacity of destruction are only matched by its
sluggish, clumsy nature.

Megavirosus: The Draconian Hybrid


Height: 60 meters (quadruped), 100 meters (upright)

Length: 200 meters
Weight: 45,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Melee
Primary Attacks: Toxic Bite, Claws
Secondary Attacks: Tail Pincer
Primary Weapons: Toxic Breath, Acidic Bile
Secondary Weapon: Bacterial Blood
Energy Style: Hunger

Overview: Megavirosus is an escaped bioweapon created from the genetic material of several species of
monitor lizards and dragonflies by Nildavellir Industries, a leading manufacturer of anti-kaiju weaponry. He
resembles a monitor lizard with six limbs, compound eyes, insect wings, and skin covered in a mixture of scales
and chitin. His limbs are surprisingly flexible, allowing the creature to switch between a quadrupedal and
bipedal stance with ease. Megavirosus's body is filled with toxins, which gives him highly corrosive saliva, a
strong digestive system, and toxic blood. His wings give him great agility which he uses to dart around the
battlefield while using his claws, teeth, and toxins to eat away at his opponent's health.

Cratacore: The Nuclear Ant


Height: 50/100 Meters (all six legs/ back four)

Weight: 50,000 Tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Melee
Primary Attacks: Fists, Pincers, Legs.
Secondary Attacks: Spikes, Burrowing.
Primary Weapon: Radiation Ray
Secondary Weapon: Energy Orb
Energy Style: Stamina

The giant radioactive mut-ant (hehe, get it mut-ant?) was created by lab experiments in Japanese universities,
experimenting with insects such as cockroaches and ants by blasting them with radiation to see their tolerance
Bio-Sapien: The Adolescent Kaiju Hero

Size: 110 meters
Weight: 76,000 metric tons
Combat style: Range
Primary attack: Strong Punches, bite
Secondary attack: claw swipe, charge
Primary weapon: Organic rockets
Secondary weapon: Blue Acid Breath (think Biolante's ranged attack but catches fire every once and a while.)
Energy style: Unstable Battery that can be cooled with water and elongated periods of time without fighting.

Overview: Bio-Sapien is a teenager who was exposed to prehistoric DNA after a horrible accident. The accident
made him a kaiju hero.
Robert was a normal student who was bullied everyday due to his family history one day the bullies made the
final move… As Robert walked home he was attacked, knocked out, and dragged to a nearby abandoned
mineshaft and thrown down. Unbeknown to the bullies it was filled with dumped chemicals of a unknown kind.
He was Found months later taking on North Korean troops at a hidden nuclear launch pad. The United States
has hired him to be not only a super soldier but a sign of hope for country's that are under oppression.

Korona: The Alpha Insect

Height: 105 meters
Weight: 90,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Ranged/Charging
Primary Attacks: Insect Crown, Barbed Tail
Secondary Attacks: Mandibles
Primary Weapon: Organic Mortar, Side Toxic Darts
Secondary Weapon: Alpha's Roar
Energy Style: Stamina

Koró̱na is the alpha insect, the top species of bugs from an ancient time. Although he is still a Larvae, using his
massive Crown-Like crest, Koró̱na is a worthy opponent. He can smash his foes up close with his armored head,
fire toxic barbs from his side, and even call upon help from the Insects of the planet.

Mykitas: The Fungal Herald

Height: 115 meters total
Weight: 35,000 Tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Control (Debuffs/Grappling), Ranged
Primary Attacks: Corrosive Pinchers, Acidic Stinger
Secondary Attacks: Bile Ball, Decaying Vomit, Pestilence Vapors
Primary Weapons: Uranium Stream
Secondary Weapons: Caustic Overload
Energy System: Mycosis
Rage: Spore Shockwave

Overview: Mykitas is the living undead. His brain is a radiation-resurrected mutation empowered by the
pseudoneurons of the fungus. Some of his organs too have returned to life, but the vast majority of Mykitas is
necrotic tissue driven by the embedded fungus. Mykitas is a threat to everything. Driven by the urge to replenish
the tissue that the fungus consumes and the finite amount of irradiated particles within his body, his presence
toxifies an area irradiating and spreading the spores. This in turn weakens Mykitas enemies and spreads his's
progeny. Mykitas is capable of drastically adapting if need be, meaning eventually, Mykitas may become
something else far worse. Mykitas has no true alignments, making it a dangerous thing to trust or attempt to ally
with it, as it holds no other goal but one, only existing and living to spread the insidious fungus inside to all life.

Saurocide: The Walking Extinction

Height: 140 meters
Weight: 76,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Melee & Ranged
Primary Attacks: Gatling Guns
Secondary Attacks: Stomp, Tail Swipe
Primary Weapon: Missile Siege
Secondary Weapon: Energy Burst
Energy Style: Stamina

Saurocide is the world's tallest dinosaur and the last of his kind. He is controlled by Zil, an alien war criminal
who wants to wipe out all in his path.

Quanuq: The Blizzard Bringer

Height: 80 meters
Weight: 40 000 tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Charging or Control
Primary Attacks: Goring, Stomping
Secondary Attacks: Kicking
Primary Weapons: Ice Enhanced Antlers
Secondary Weapons: Blizzards, The Snow
Energy System: Unstable Battery

Overview: Most now know the Spirit Guardian Tornaq, hailing from the North. She has preformed her duty
through the ages, but she was never alone. As more kaiju than ever rage across the Earth, the balance of life
calls forth another Guardian! Qanuq, the Guardian of the South!

Lacking Tornaq's innate ferocity and raw strength, Qanuq is much faster and more agile, trading brawn for
cunning. Part of that cunning if realizing when to hold back, and when to charge! Backed by his winterborn
powers, his charges are nearly unstoppable, tearing through any foe in his path. Similar to Tornaq, he can also
create ice armor and enhance himself with his element, but unlike Tornaq he has a more direct control over
snow itself. Those that know him fear his coming, for a blizzard howls with his every step. He is the Blizzard

Periwinkle: the Unstable Energy Infinium

Height: 72 meters
Weight: 18,000 tons
Gender: male
Combat Style: Glass Cannon
Primary Attacks: Blade Arm, Lightning Punch, Spring-Loaded Jump Kick (sends kaiju flying, but if the kaiju
has particularly high weight then it will send Periwinkle flying)
Secondary Attacks: Spring Stomp (his left foot) Taser Punch (Energy arm extends and zaps the enemy
continuously till bar is empty, stunning it, giving you time to attack with the blade arm). He is able to spin and
do a tornado-like move with his "flippers". Chainsaw Arm, special ability of Blade Arm that costs energy.
Primary Weapon: Pure Energy Beam (from Mouth)(Falcon Punch type of move. Extremely powerful but
extremely easy to dodge). Pulse Beam (from eye)
Secondary Weapon: Shockwave stomp (his right foot)
Energy: Unstable Infinity

Overview: Periwinkle is an attempt to bring a penguin back to life gone horribly wrong thanks to an unusual
lightning bolt. This bolt struck him so hard that it broke the laws of physics and gave him an infinite whirlpool
of energy to draw power from (although it pains him when he does). His insides have been replaced by this
infinite source of energy. He's very unstable as one can tell from the overheated metal. He cannot go for too
long without destroying something because he begins to overload with power. If Periwinkle were to die, the
energy released would likely end life as we know it.

Solodak Empheron: The Alien Invader

Height: 120 Meters (Machine 100 Meters, Empheron 20 Meters)

Weight: 60,000 metric tons (Machine 54,000, Empheron 6,000)
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Ranged/Control
Primary Attacks: Crystalline Fists
Secondary Attacks: Stabbing kicks
Primary Weapon: Crystalline Missiles
Secondary Weapon: Energy Projection Arm
Energy Style: Meditation

Overview: Empheron is a small, cocky, too full of himself alien invader with ambitions greater than his
personal power could ever match. Unfortunately, the diminutive master mind has gotten his hands on a powerful
war machine, and has modified it to march to his commands.

Ager: The Pride of Prussia

Name: Ager
Title: Pride of Prussia anointed by the Grace of God, German Emperor and King of Prussia; Protector of
Brandenburg, Nuremberg and Hohenzollern; Guardian of the Lower Rhine and of Posen; Savior of Saxony, of
Westphalia, of Angria, of Pomerania, Lüneburg, Holstein and Schleswig, of Magdeburg, of Bremen, of
Guelders, Cleves, Jülich and Berg, Peace Keeper of the Wends and the Kassubes, of Crossen, Lauenburg and
Mecklenburg; Landgrave of Hesse and Thuringia;of Upper and Lower Lusatia, of Orange, Rügen and East
Friesland; Champion of Paderborn and Pyrmont, of Halberstadt, Münster, Minden, Osnabrück, Hildesheim, of
Verden, Cammin, Fulda, Nassau and Moers; Shield of Henneberg, of Mark, of Ravensberg, of Hohenstein,
Tecklenburg and Lingen, of Mansfeld, Sigmaringen and Veringen; Patron of Frankfurt.
Height: 80 meters
Weight: 60,000 tons
Wingspan: 200 meters
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Melee/Ranged
Primary Attacks: Preußenstolzangriff , Rache der Erde
Secondary Attacks: Explosive Vergeltung, Heimlische Kraft
Primary Weapon: Kaiser-Wilhelm-Erdzerdrücker, Himmelbombe
Secondary Weapon: Fünfzig Geschütze, Kettensägenflügel
Energy Style: Meditation
Overview: The Pride of Prussia, the Archnemesis of Chelonra, The Battleship Moth Ager!

Origin: Spies alerting them of the construction of Chelonra, the Prussian Empire realized that the English
would have a nearly unstoppable super weapon at their disposal. Deciding to create an weapon of greater might,
they started work on Ager! However work trickled to a stop when Chelonra vanished on his maiden journey and
was considered a failure. Ager's construction was hidden away, unfinished, for many decades.

On the eve of WWI, with the Prussian Empire threatening to collapse, the Emperor had Ager uncovered and
finished, complimenting the expert craftsmanship of old with the cutting edge technology of the time. Once
finished, he became the flying capital of Prussia, as the Royal Family and their most trusted advisors and
followers became her crew. However Ager proved quite a target during the war and was badly damaged,
crashing into a deserted island. There the Prussian Royals continued unaware of the fall of their own empire,
unaware of the changes over the years.

Once Ager was rebuilt in modern times, the new Prussian Royal Family took to the skies once more to declare
the rise of a new Prussian Empire! Instead, they found a world plagued with kaiju threats-including the
resurfaced Chelonra, who Ager was forged to destroy!

Fungarah: The Mushroom Amalgamation

Height: 90 Meters
Weight: 80,000 metric tons
Gender: Male
Combat Style: Ranged

Origin: A long time ago, the space born fungal horror Saprodon crashed down on the Earth. His ravenous
appetite and nearly invulnerable form made him an instant, memorable threat to the world. Little did humanity
suspect Saprodon would be but the first of their troubles.

Saprodon's threat was far greater than even humanity could guess. Everywhere he went, space spores would be
littered across the Earth, bringing new life for him to feast on given time. However some of these spores would
find their way to more ordinary, terrestrial fungi- leading to a bizarre reaction. A new mutation, based off of
Saprodon's own growth but much more primitive and strange began.

So emerged Fungarah! More animalistic and simple than the slow Saprodon, Fungarah had an instinctual urge to
find his 'master' and fight along side him. The singing horror has now emerged

Demagorah - coloured
Coloured version of Demagorah
Height: 110 meters

Weight: 66,000 metric tons

Gender: Male

Demagorah is an inter-dimensional being whose one purpose is to feed on the souls of the living and the dead in
order to become more powerful. Demagorah poses the power to create portals in the space- time continuum
allowing him to travel to other dimensions at will to find other life forms to devour. His origin or where he got
his incredible powers is still a mystery but it is believed that he came into contact with our dimension before.
Early humans saw images of him and his home dimension; this is what is said to have inspired the idea of the
Devil and hell. Demorgorah never traveled to our dimension until now most likely because of the growing
population of Kaiju was a meal that he could not pass down. Demagorah channels energy all throughout his
body and can release it into a corrupted stream of energy to cripple his opponents. Demagorah drains his
victim’s energy (soul) through his bite which is also very poisonous. His wings fold into a cape which he can
use in combat to stun or confuse enemies, when he fully stretches out his wings it grants him levitation. He is
also equipped with sharp claws, immense strength, and a thick bone-like hide. However if Demagorah is kept
from feeding too long his energy will regain very slowly also he won’t be a full strength. Probably the most
frightening aspect of Demagorah is that he poses a near human level intelligence making him a serious threat.

The Kaijujin:

The Kaijujin are not physical beings - they are the essential spirits of what it is to be Kaiju. They
define kaiju, and the existing of kaiju define the Kaijujin. They are sentient beings who manipulate
the physical world through subterfuge and indirect action - much like the ancient Greek pantheon. But
the Kaijujin are not gods - though the distinction is a subtle one.

The Kaijujin are primarily concerned with the creation & battle of kaiju across the universe and
beyond. They ensure that all kaiju are of similar size, weight, and power - because that makes the
battles more interesting! Each of the Kaijujin represents one of the four essential elements that define
a kaiju: Ferocity, Fortitude, Agility, and Power.

Atribute: Ferocity
Powerup: Fury
Gender: Female
Color: Red
Combat Preference: Melee


Maro is pure aggression - feral, proactive, and bloodthirsty. Entities under her sway jump gleefully
into melee combat, heedless of any damage they may incur in the process. Maro is instinct and action
working together - a ferocious spirit who knows no fear. She believes that victory comes when a kaiju
can overwhelm an opponent with raw damage.

Maro hates waiting, contemplation, or delays of any kind. She hates cowardice and praises valor.

Maro's Fury powerup increases a kaiju's attack speed & damage.


Atribute: Fortitude
Powerup: Strength
Gender: Male
Color: Green
Combat Preference: Grappling

Grah is unchanging, immovable, and indestructible. Entities under his sway become as enduring and
permanent as stone, able to withstand any assault without heed. Grah is indomitable and invulnerable
- which often means he does not care to engage, or cannot be bothered to notice events around him.
Grah believes that victory comes when your opponents realize that any assault would be futile.

Grah hates to be rushed, to be forced to action, or to be prevented from carrying out his long-term
plans. He praises strength and hates fragility.

Grah's Strength powerup increases a kaiju's strength, weight and defense, but reduces mobility.
Atribute: Agility
Powerup: Momentum
Gender: Male
Color: Blue
Combat Preference: Charging


Valtar is movement incarnate - ever adjusting, adapting, and re-orienting. He cannot stand still.
Entities under his sway can dodge, run, and plow through even the largest opponents. Valtar is faster
than time and outside space - he represents freedom and choice. He believes that victory comes when
a kaiju has the power to stay or go as they see fit. Valtar is primarily responsible for arranging kaiju to
meet one another across vast interstellar distances, and even time & dimensional barriers!

Valtar hates sluggishness and passivity. He praises taking combat to an opponent, and hates to see a
kaiju fail to act.

Valtar's momentum powerup increases a kaiju's movement speed, especially while charging.
Atribute: Power
Powerup: Energy
Gender: Female
Color: Yellow/Purple
Combat Preference: Ranged


Sundera is patient and lethal - always watching, ready to react and end a fight with a decisive blow.
Entities under her sway bristle with power, using precision weapons to strike down their opponents.
Sundera is cold, calculating, and never distracted from her goals. She believes that victory comes
from identifying and exploiting the weakness in one's opponent.

Sundera hates rash action, or unconsidered alternatives. She praises efficiency and hates waste.

Sundera's Energy powerup increases a kaiju's energy gain & weapon damage.

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