Exalted - WW - The Outcaste (WW8850)
Exalted - WW - The Outcaste (WW8850)
Exalted - WW - The Outcaste (WW8850)
If you asked an average lowborn inhabitant of the trigue. Certainly, the material published so far has
Blessed Isle how many Exalted there were, they would dealt almost exclusively with those scions of privilege,
say that there were ten thousand, for that is what the the members of the Scarlet Dynasty.
Immaculate Texts name as the number of the Dragon- But even excluding the miniscule number of
Blooded, and it is a population that the Dynasty has Celestials, there are many thousands more Exalted
roughly maintained for many centuries, their numbers in Creation than the Dragon-Blooded of the Dy-
governed by the Empress’ careful management of fam- nasty. On the Blessed Isle itself, there are the “lost
ily stipends and the propensity of adult eggs,” Terrestrial Exalted born to mortal families.
Dragon-Blooded to die through misadventure or in- In the heartland of the Realm, the blood of even
entrapment in the finale of the Age of Heroes. For field formations of First Age war machines, the armies
the average outcaste, the road to the world-wracking of Lookshy are a wonder of the fading Age.
strife of the Age of Sorrows is as direct if not more so Chapter Two: Eos and Ossissa describes the
than that of some young Dynast just graduated from aforementioned pirates. Dwellers in the Wyld who
the House of Bells. prey upon the argosies of the Guild and take refuge
among the Western isles of the impossible, these
HOW TO USE THIS BOOK freebooters are slowly falling prey to their passions
Each chapter of Exalted: The Outcaste details and becoming denizens of the Wyld themselves.
a different fate for Terrestrial Exalted outside of the Chapter Three: The Forest Witches describes
Realm. Each group varies wildly from the others — the strange and fragmentary magical haven that pro-
part of this book’s purpose is to illustrate the possi- vides an eclectic band of Exalted brigands with a
bilities available to Storytellers who set their games paradise both subtle and expensive. Vastly wealthy
outside of the Realm. These are not the only outcaste but also subject to the strange conditions of their
groups in existence — Storytellers should feel free powers, the Forest Witches are perhaps the most
to add more. unusual of these outcaste groups and show well the
Each chapter ends with a character creation sum- sort of dangers and dark alliances that those Exalted
mary for Outcastes of that group. Where appropriate, isolated from the Realm can face.
there is a character creation summary and supplemen- Chapter Four: Lost Eggs details the fate of those
tary information on any new or modified Traits, but outcastes who appear closest to the heart of the Realm
this is only required in Chapter One: Lookshy and the — non-Dynastic Exalted born on the Blessed Isle.
Seventh Legion. These Exalted have long been a quiet prop to the
Introduction What you’re reading right now. It Dynasty and are given the choice of the “coin or the
tells you about the book’s contents and suggests how razor” — to serve the Dynasty as officers or monks.
you might want to approach the text. Together, these groups make up much of the Realm’s
Chapter One: Lookshy and the Seventh Legion professional officer corps and many of the monks of
details the largest Dragon-Blooded group outside of the Immaculate Order. This chapter also deals with
the Realm and the possessor of the most lavishly the general fate of those Terrestrial Exalted who Exalt
equipped military in the Second Age. Still able to outside of the Blessed Isle but do not become part of an
already-established outcaste group.
The city of Lookshy rose out of the ashes of Deheleshen, calls its own. This curtain wall stands 30 feet tall and
capital of the River Province of the Dragon-Blooded towers rise up every five miles along its path. Three
Shogunate. Fragments of that city’s grandeur still live in heavily fortified gates pierce it; the blue-gray Sea Gate
Lookshy’s city center and the great Lookshy Manse. But overlooks the fall into the ocean, the blue-green River
the city has expanded far beyond its beginnings as a Gate looks out over the Yanaze, and the forest green
military encampment built around the ruins of a dead city, Center Gate, largest and most heavily traveled, sits
and today, it is one of the most important cities in the midway between them. Previous attacks on the city have
Scavenger Lands. caused the defenders to reveal the existence of at least
four sally gates, but their exact locations remain secret.
THE CITY OF LOOKSHY Behind the wall, the character of the land changes.
The city of Lookshy occupies a promontory jutting Fields are managed and well irrigated, with carefully inter-
into the mouth of the Yanaze, restricting unobstructed spersed low walls to prevent accumulation of drifting snow
access to the River Province. The promontory was raised in the winters — and to provide plenty of cover for archers
up from the surrounding countryside early in the First Age in case of attack. Roads are wide, solidly constructed and
and is one of the most defensible pieces of real estate in frequently pass over small streams or riverlets with well
Creation. Its perfect location and height, its deep wells, built bridges — that can easily be dropped into the river to
natural springs and other water sources and its extensive impede the progress of invaders. Small groupings of low
cavern system in dense granite are the results of far- stone buildings house tool sheds, field kitchens and dining
reaching and powerful magics used by the original Solar halls or other facilities for workers — and provide rallying
Exalted who created Lookshy Manse. points for Lookshy’s forces. Side lanes lead off regularly
The land approach to Lookshy is a trip through from the main road and frequently end in a guard post
rolling hills and fields of wild grains bordered by forests. manned with Lookshy Home Guard regulars, troops who
Several large towns nestle in these lands, but the first real politely but firmly direct wanderers back to the main roads
sign of civilization is the great Lookshy Wall, stretching — further down those roads, out of casual sight, are the
from one promontory edge to the other. The wall demar- training areas of the Legion, where units practice combat
cates the border between the lands that Lookshy patrols maneuvers. Everything about the lands surrounding the
and gathers duties from and the lands the Seventh Legion city is developed with a careful eye toward how it can be
directorates: The seven directorates — Adjutant General, Operations, Intelligence, Stores, Security,
Justice and Liaison — are responsible for overseeing the support operations of the Seventh Legion.
Gens: One of the Great Houses of Lookshy — well respected and great of power, even if overall less
influential or central to Lookshy politics when compared to the imperial Great Houses’ influence in the politics
of the Realm.
Immaculate faith: The primary religion of the Seventh Legion, resulting out of a schism in the Immaculate
Order after the formation of the Second Realm. Among other beliefs, the Immaculate faith of the Legion stresses
personal responsibility, respecting the righteous orders of ones superiors — and correcting, or supplanting, those
superiors if they are unrighteous.
metic: Nonnative resident of, or visitor to, Lookshy. Primarily a legal term, but metic sometimes carries a
slight disparaging or exasperated undertone.
Order of Chaplains: Elite cadre of sorcerer-priests, called sohei, drawn from the ranks of the Immaculate faith.
rangers: Most well known of Lookshy’s various commando units, the masked and hooded rangers are one
of the premier special-operations units of the Second Age.
Seventh Legion: Last legion of the Dragon-Blooded Shogunate. More formally known as the Seventh
Legion (Reinforced) of the Dragon Shogunate at Lookshy.
sohei: A sorcerer-priest of Lookshy, responsible for policing interactions between the Celestial Bureaucracy
and the citizens of Lookshy both at home and abroad. Trained in exorcism, the summoning and binding of spirits
and demonology.
sorcerer-engineer: A senior sorcerer of Lookshy tasked with maintaining the most powerful First Age
weapons and equipment and directing the enchantment of new artifacts.
strategos: Tactical and strategic advisor to a senior officer. The strategoi of the Operations Directorate are
responsible for producing training programs, tactical and strategic analysis and risk assessment.
used in a state of war or siege — and how it might be used known by many visitors) is also the district most patrolled by
against the Legion if taken. the Security and Intelligence Directorates.
Eventually, a visitor comes within sight of the Upper
City. The Upper City is divided by five great walls and a APPEARANCE
number of lesser walls that separate the city into districts At first glance, Lookshy certainly doesn’t give the
of varying sizes. The great walls are numbered in order from appearance of an armed military camp — walls are
the inside out. Defensive towers buttress each wall. There brightly painted, the concrete paved roads are wide and
are 20 towers of battle, built immediately after the Conta- tree-lined, and there seems as much space devoted to
gion and well equipped with First Age weapons and parks, gardens and fountains or ponds as there is buildings
defenses, and a larger number of lesser towers of more and fortifications. When one looks closer, however, it
recent construction. Gatehouses are placed to allow pas- becomes obvious that as much care has gone into the
sage between districts. Each gatehouse is wide enough for planning and layout of Lookshy as any military cam-
three warstriders to walk through abreast and are normally paign. Brightly painted walls make it difficult for dark-clad
open except in times of crisis. On the western shoreline of skulkers to hide against and show up any splatters of
the promontory, hundreds of feet below the Upper City, blood. The city’s trees invariably bear fruit or nuts, and
lies the Lower City of Lookshy, centered around the city’s the various greenery provides emergency pasturage and
military and civilian docks and shipping facilities. additional space for growing foodstuffs during a siege.
Visitors to Lookshy are welcome in the Fourth Ring Every aspect of Lookshy’s layout is designed to turn the
and in the Lower City. Travel deeper into the city is allowed city into a killing field for invaders, to make a would-be
only with a pass, but these are easily acquired with a conqueror pay for every foot of ground captured. All of
legitimate reason or a sponsor willing to vouch for the this is easy to forget, however, because Lookshy was also
visitor. These small plaques of unbreakable First Age mate- designed as a home, a refuge for the Legion where its
rial are nearly impossible to forge (Wits + Larceny, Difficulty soldiers can feel, if not altogether safe, at least more
3, and a character must have Occult 3 and Lore 2 to attempt secure than in any other place in Creation.
the task). Not coincidentally, the “foreign quarter” (as it is
THE LOWER CITY of these tubes either function sporadically or not at all.
What remains is sufficient to handle each day’s cargo —
Located on a great beach at the base of Lookshy
but there is usually a wait unless one has priority or can
promontory, the Lower City is protected from hurricane or
convince the lift guards that one has a good reason to jump
tidal wave by the great Sea Wall, a vast featureless First Age
queue. Command rank is often, but not always, sufficient.
wall that rises 50 feet out of the water even at the highest
Massive stairwells and ramps have also been cut into the
tide. Lookout towers along its length allow the harbormaster
promontory, and there are those who prefer to use them,
to observe any incoming vessel as it comes into view, and a
despite the exertion involved, rather than the sometimes
tower of battle stands silent watch over the sea below.
erratic, and occasionally dangerous, lift tubes. Lastly, one
The Lower City is bustling with activity at all hours —
can scale the promontory cliff face. This is a Dexterity +
even when the harbor pilots cease operations at nightfall,
Athletics task, difficulty 4, in good weather — the rock is
there are always cargos to be unloaded, warehouses to be
sheer, and effort has been taken over the centuries to
filled or emptied and shipments to be moved upcity to the
obliterate the most useful handholds and paths.
Warehouse District 500 feet above. The military docks
The Port Citadel: The Port Citadel sits with its back
closest to the Sea Wall are busy even when the commercial
against the granite walls of the Lookshy Promontory. Nearly
docks close, refitting triremes and First Age warships under
as massive as Lookshy Manse itself, the Port Citadel is the
the light of huge sunstones. The Lower City is dedicated to
last line of defense between an ocean invasion and access to
commerce and trade: There are many short-term apart-
the Upper City — and its defenses reflect this vital role.
ments and hostels but few homes. There are many teahouses
Powerful weapons are mounted in its towers, and its walls are
and taverns, but few fine restaurants. There are many
as unbreakable as any in Creation. The Port Citadel is a level
warehouses and brothels but few craftsmen, save those
3 Water Manse, and its Hearthstone is a freedom stone.
dedicated to the nautical trade.
There are several ways from the Lower City into the THE CAVERNS OF LOOKSHY
Upper. The main path for those seeking entrance to the The Lookshy Promontory is riddled with caves. Sunk
Upper City is via the lift tubes located in the great stone deep into the granite bedrock, some of these caves descend
galleries behind the Port Citadel, huge Essence-driven far below sea level. Most are used for storage — massive
elevators that carry tons of cargo, dozens of passengers and reserves of grain, conventional weapons and other supplies
other goods and equipment between the two cities. Many have been stored in them over the centuries, in preparation
for an eventual siege. Others have been prepared as emer- 200,000 of them are actual Lookshy citizens or helots, and
gency quarters and other facilities — even carefully vented the actual population of Lookshy itself, including metics,
workshops and forges. Caves have been extended out to the ranges from about 150,000 to a little over 200,000, de-
cliff face, where their commanding overlook of the bay pending on the time of year.
affords the weapons placed there excellent coverage of This population would be unable to support the
incoming fleets. Many larger caverns have been turned into massive military structure that Lookshy maintains were it
secret training facilities — some merely out of the public not for the heritage of the First Age. The Legion makes
eye, where rangers can learn their craft in silence, while significant use of artifacts, Charms and sorcery (both
others are exacting replicas of some of the most famous mortal and Terrestrial) in nearly every aspect of Lookshy’s
buildings, Manses and chambers in Creation, painstakingly military and civilian sectors. In addition, the Seventh
duplicated in every detail so that Lookshy operatives and Legion inherited a powerful infrastructure and has built
rangers can prepare for possible missions against them. Deep upon it. Bureaucracy Charms allow small groups of func-
cisterns and wells provide much of the drinking water for tionaries to do the work of entire bureaus. Artifacts and
Lookshy. Finally, the vaunted arsenals of Lookshy are enchantments keep industry moving at a steady pace and
mostly below ground, with the most dangerous (or unfath- enhance the productivity of fields and workers. Terrestrial
omable) artifacts and weapons stored in deep, carefully spells summon up demons, elementals and spirits to help in
warded and secured caverns far from the city — or any manufacture, enchant golems to aid in tasks and enhance
contact with the outside world. materials and finished goods, while mortal sorceries help
smooth everything along in minor ways.
Lookshy’s exact population is quite deliberately diffi- APPEARANCE AND CULTURE
cult to determine. Official census numbers suggest a Although the people of Lookshy are as disparate as
permanent population of around 120,000 or so — only on any in the Scavenger Lands, their blood sees less intermin-
closer examination does it become clear that this number gling with Fair Folk or spirit blood. Lookshy mortals tend
does not include “personnel on detached service.” Those to be tall, strong of build and generally handsome, as befits
records are Secrets of the Shogunate and are not made a culture that rewards physical fitness and martial prowess.
public, as they include personnel on active duty (whether As a rule, the people are fit, and while older Lookshy
in the guards, the field forces, or the navy), the redoubts, natives often carry some extra padding, they cannot be said
military advisors, ambassadors and others. It also does not to be fat, nor can their strength, the result of good diet and
include slaves or persons serving periods of indentured a daily regimen of exercise, be denied. Hair is usually cut
servitude — or the various foreign legion units. When short or worn in elaborate braids that can be quickly
these various groups are taken into account, the popula- pinned up under a helmet — wearing one’s hair down is a
tion swells to closer to 300,000, though only a little over sign of trust and perceived security in Lookshy.
Most have little use for statuary or paintings — they are The elite salons are the most renowned of these
rarely portable, and many natives place great pride in their schools. Salons are more than mere training camps for
ability to have everything they truly value packed and brawlers and archers — they are intended to take the most
ready to move in less than an hour. Murals are seen as a way promising children of Lookshy and mold them into mili-
of decorating walls, not as a specific form of art. tary leaders. They teach not only weapons and tactics, but
diplomacy, history, and literature, mathematics and lin-
ECONOMY AND TRADE guistics. Most children attending these academies are
Although traditionally a society deriving its wealth scions of the Gentes or the lesser houses, but each salon
from mercenary service, Lookshy derives nearly as much sponsors scholarships for helot children each year — these
income from commerce as it does from lending troops. The slots (normally 10 percent of the total student body) are
prevalence of sorcery (mortal and Terrestrial) and com- paid for in part by the Adjutant General. Another 10
mand of First Age magics gives the city-state a strong percent of the student population is set aside for metic
economic base and allows it to produce excellent quality children — normally the offspring of Marukani herdmasters,
weapons and equipment with a fraction of the manpower Great Forks merchants or other of Lookshy’s allies, but
cities such as Nexus utilize. Lookshy merchants span most of daimyos and princesses from all over Creation send their
the East and parts of the South and the North in their travels children to be raised in Lookshy salons. These often
— they avoid the West only because of the hazards involved spirited and headstrong students can be demanding of time
in such long journeys and prefer to trade through middle- and patience, but training them is highly profitable, both
men for most goods they require from those faraway islands. for the salons and for Lookshy, and some salons specialize
Although it is commonly asserted that all Lookshy in teaching the scions of metic royalty, developing a
merchants are spies for the Intelligence Directorate, this is reputation for turning spoiled princes into worthy leaders.
not, in fact, true. They are all requested to keep their eyes Membership in a salon offers more than simply educa-
and ears open and to report anything they may see that is tion — many are also social clubs, where graduates meet to
unusual or noteworthy back to their factors — who do make reminisce, to discuss the day’s events and to relax. There
regular reports to the Intelligence Directorate. There are are (usually friendly) rivalries between various salons as to
several merchant houses and companies that are fronts for which affords the best preparation for a lifetime of service.
the Intelligence Directorate, and so, no denials or assertions Membership in a particular salon can be quite useful for a
to the contrary are made. It’s better to let the world believe military career, and therefore, competition for entry into
all Lookshy merchants are spies and to treat them equally the most desirable salons can be fierce.
(and thus predictably), than to try and conceal which
houses are or aren’t working for the directorate. CITIZENSHIP
Despite these suspicions, Lookshy merchants are wel- Inhabitants of Lookshy are broken down into five
come nearly everywhere they go. Their reputation for hard basic classes or groups, with a handful of subclasses.
but scrupulously honest and fair dealings and for excellent These classes are usually not discriminatory in nature —
quality merchandise that arrives on time barring the most citizens and helots serve and fight together on military
unusual of circumstances more than makes up for what duty. It is not unheard-of for an experienced helot to be
intelligence they may gather along the way. Lookshy mer- placed in command of inexperienced citizens — as in
chants are occasionally hassled by pirates or bandits but rarely most things in Lookshy, merit and skill take precedence
more than twice. Not only do they keep well-trained caravan over family or station. All permanent inhabitants of
guards, and well-armed ships (including a number of privately Lookshy are required to serve a term of not less than five
held First Age ships), Lookshy merchants are usually able to years in the military. Although basic living stipends and
call upon whatever Lookshy forces are available locally to discretionary pay are not taxed, any moneys made on the
help them out. Successful pirates have learned that attacking side (from trade, services or whatever) are taxed at a flat
Lookshy merchant ships can be very profitable — but that it rate above a basic income level set each year by the
is more likely to prove very fatal, either immediately or when Liaison officer. The Legion reserves the right to appropri-
the Lookshy navy catches them. ate goods and property from its citizens if necessary, but
it requires that the Liaison or Stores Directorate make
THE SALONS suitable compensation to those whose property is taken.
Numerous private schools and tutors make their homes Those who have fulfilled their service obligation are
in Lookshy. While teachers of nearly any subject can be required to serve in the reserve, if sound of mind and
found in Lookshy, most are dedicated to the arts of war — body. This reserve status carries with it a requirement to
weapon masters and salons can be found to teach nearly attend daily calisthenics or weapon practice, and one
any martial art or weapons form known in Creation (and weekend a month is spent in military drill — but these
a few unknown in Creation, outside of Lookshy), if the duties are flexible in schedule and seen as easily dis-
price is right. charged — and even fun — by most inhabitants.
VICE AND VIRTUE IN LOOKSHY may or may not do in a given situation, once something
actually comes to their attention.
Though the devout may see it differently, asceticism
The passions of the Dragon-Blooded are well known,
is no virtue to the average soldier. Lookshy regulars are
and allowances are made for them and their sometimes
highly disciplined, but most are as interested in a roll in
erratic behavior under severe stress. Dragon-Blooded are
the hay, a toss of the dice or a quick slug of “the good stuff”
expected to experiment and to discover the limits of their
(whether that be beer, sake or marijuana) as any other
desires while young, and new members of the Legion are
soldier in Creation — the difference is that they are far
carefully watched and managed by their superiors to make
less likely to let these desires rule them. Moderation is
sure their behavior does not cross over the line from
considered a virtue in Lookshy. The soldier who shows up
experimentation into stupidity. Centak, a short hours
for duty inebriated, who lets her night time dalliances
journey by paddlewheel ferry across the Yanaze, is seen as
sow dissension in the ranks, who traffics or partakes in
a pressure valve, a place where the Dragon-Blooded can let
harder drugs (especially heroin, opium or rock cocaine)
off steam without endangering Lookshy — and steps are
or who lets her gambling (or other) habits endanger her
taken to make sure they do not. Those who succumb to one
savings, or the Legion, will face negative reinforcement.
vice or another are, when discovered, unceremoniously
This might be in the form of a stern lecture, extra duties
courts-martialed and either harshly disciplined (if thought
or, possibly, a court-martial or “barracks justice” if the
to be “redeemable”), drummed out of the service or ex-
problem gets too far out of hand.
ecuted, if their behavior has harmed the Legion, or handled
Enforcing the line between the acceptable — if some-
with administrative discipline and drying out, if it hasn’t.
times frowned upon — and the forbidden is the job of the
Legion’s senior enlisted and junior officers. It is the job of the DISCIPLINE
senior enlisted to act as world-wise mentors and advisors to Lookshy is one of the most disciplined cities in Cre-
new recruits and to steer them in the right direction. Junior ation. This is not the magically enforced discipline of
officers must handle any disciplinary problems before they Paragon or the desperate taciturn discipline of various
get out of hand and become the unit commander’s respon- barbarian cultures where the other option is a sudden and
sibility, as senior officers have far less discretion in what they violent death. It is the quiet, steadfast discipline of a
populace that has been raised from birth to know what anew as soon as they are able. Desecration of enemy dead
their responsibilities are, how they are expected to behave or temples, rapine and looting are all but unheard of where
and the repercussions of failing to live up to those expec- Lookshy soldiers are involved — not only are they courts-
tations. The system isn’t perfect — there are always martial offenses, but officers tolerating that kind of action
malingerers, those who will shirk duties if given the chance in non-Lookshy units they are commanding or fighting
and people who are simply rotten or easily tempted — but with can face disciplinary action as well. A senior enlisted
they are the exception, not the rule. might look the other way if a soldier collects a battlefield
In general, people do what they are told, show up on trophy or two, but wholesale looting is off-limits, and the
time, keep their promises and behave in an honorable abuse of prisoners or the local populace is never condoned
fashion. The lazy might look for the easiest way to accom- — and harshly punished when discovered.
plish a task — but they won’t abandon the job until they
know it is done. This doesn’t mean the citizenry are THE IMMACULATE FAITH OF LOOKSHY
mindless automatons or dour-faced disciplinarians (though Most Lookshy natives adhere, to a lesser or greater
both can be found in Lookshy). In the Seventh Legion’s degree, to the Immaculate Philosophy — but the version
ethos, honorable discipline carries with it the responsibil- they follow is significantly different than that promulgated
ity to question orders if one thinks they are unfair, unjust by the Immaculate Order — and those differences date
or illegal and to always think and offer up suggestions if back to the earliest days of Lookshy. While early relations
appropriate. between the Scarlet Empress and Chumyo Nefvarin were
This discipline extends to the battlefield. Lookshy surprisingly cordial — on the surface, at least — the first
soldiers retreat, but they do not rout, unless forced to discourses between the Chaplain-General of the Seventh
magically — and they will regroup and press the attack Legion, Laros Verak, and the Mouth of Peace could
generously be described as “exceedingly acrimonious.” Order. The Seventh Legion interdicts the Realm’s Wyld
There was probably no chance the two would have seen Hunt in the Scavenger Lands, for security reasons — but
common ground. this does not mean the Anathema are well-liked, or even
The reality was the new Chaplain-General saw ex- tolerated, in Lookshy. The Legion dispatches units to
actly what the Mouth of Peace was trying to create in this destroy Anathema when it becomes aware of them but
new Immaculate Order, wanted none of it and had no does not maintain any kind of proactive watch against
compunctions against telling her exactly so, and why, in them — their missions are reactive in nature. These
blistering detail. A schism was inevitable and was con- operations are seen as eliminating dangerous threats to
ducted in a surprisingly quiet and harmonious fashion. peace, rather than a holy quest, and there are openings
Behind the scenes, long centuries passed before imperial through which a careful, honorable Solar could approach
monks were allowed into Lookshy at all, and even today, the Legion without drawing its wrath down on his head.
only the most erudite, calm and open-minded of monks are
stationed in Lookshy — fanatics and fools are kept far THE SHOGUNATE BUREAUCRACY
away, lest they be tempted into doing something rash and When Deheleshen was reclaimed, numbered amongst
getting themselves executed. the survivors were numerous members of the bureaucratic
The modern Immaculate faith of Lookshy is a private engines that kept the Shogunate functioning, particularly
thing. Chaplains of the faith are more than happy to members of the Tax and Revenue Directorates. The de-
explain how the religion works to anyone who asks, but scendents of these bureaucrats and functionaries make up
they must be asked — a pillar of internal law is that the the last vestiges of the official Shogunate government,
devout do not proselytize, that seekers must come to the such as it is. Their role in Lookshy society is mostly
road on their own or not at all. The faith stresses personal ceremonial, but it is by no means unimportant — and
responsibility and duty. Among its other teachings, it there is real power hidden behind the ceremonies and
stresses that while Exaltation can be a reward for excel- rituals. As an example, the Director of Revenue Alloca-
lence and perfection, it is not a sign of inherent worthiness tion must sign off on military budgets. Normally, this is a
or respect. An Exalt must be judged by his deeds, not the perfunctory action — but the Director can withhold his
purity of the blood that runs in his veins or the enlighten- signature (and, on rare occasions, has done so), a sign of
ment of his soul. grave disapproval. These actions may be symbolic — it’s
A fundamental concept in the Immaculate faith of not like the Seventh Legion suddenly shuts down for lack
Lookshy is that of the Righteous Warrior — the perfect of funding — but they carry meaning in the eyes of many
soldier, who can win any battle but knows when not to in Lookshy, and few on the General Staff wish to incur the
fight, but to find another solution. The Righteous Warrior ire of the Shogunate Bureaucracy. On the other hand, the
is the pinnacle followers of the Immaculate faith ascribe to Bureaucracy understands that, without the continued tol-
— they know they will not reach it (even the Five erance of the General Staff, its members could find
Elemental Dragons were not Righteous Warriors), but themselves having to actually work for a living, or worse,
they strive nonetheless, for excellence comes in the striv- and so, the two organizations studiously attempt not to
ing, and excellence is its own reward. incur the other’s wrath.
The Immaculate faith is built on five major pillars or
precepts — behaviors or virtues that further the faithful THE DRAGON-BLOODED
along the path to righteousness. Bodies of ecumenical lore
has evolved over exactly how each pillar should be repre-
sented and how each is tied to one or another Elemental Lookshy is the largest enclave of Dragon-Blooded
Dragon, but the five pillars are generally held to be (in no outside of the Realm — and the sheer numbers of Dragon-
particular order of importance) Honor, Loyalty, Prowess, Blooded in Lookshy would surprise any savant with training
Compassion and Resolve. In addition to these five virtues, in population studies that was able to gain access to
there are perhaps a dozen lesser virtues that are considered Lookshy’s population records and military roles. In most of
nearly as important — Temperance, Conservation, Intro- Creation, the ratio of Dragon-Blooded to mortals ranges
spection, Valor and numerous others. from one Terrestrial for every 5,000 to 10,000 mortals.
The Immaculate faith and the Immaculate Order In Lookshy, the numbers are closer to one in 100.
share many features — many of the same texts (often with Much of this can be laid at immigration and aggressive
differing interpretations) are used, although documents recruitment of newly Exalted Terrestrials in the Scavenger
written post-schism under the auspices of the Realm are Lands (and further abroad, when possible). However, it
given little heed. Both stress the proper role of spirits as cannot be doubted that much of these numbers are based
part of the Celestial Bureaucracy, although Lookshy is not on immigration, but on breeding. Where the Scarlet
often more pragmatic about the gods than the Immaculate Empress has bred for powerful Terrestrial Exalted — and
the more powerful, the better — Seventh Legion officers
have bred for numbers. A mate whose bloodline results in clear back to the city’s founding, when Admiral Teresu
large numbers of weaker Dragon-Bloods is seen as more Mitaki was the only fleet admiral to sign on with Chumyo
desirable (from a breeding point of view) than one whose Nefvarin, bringing much of his small fleet, unbloodied and
children rarely Exalt but are incredibly powerful if they do. undamaged from its patrols in the frozen White Sea, with
him. In the days since, the family has been centrally in-
FAMILIES OF THE SEVENTH LEGION volved in the workings of Lookshy’s merchant holdings and
The Gentes of Lookshy are nowhere near as powerful has turned modest beginnings into a minor but thriving sea
as the Realm’s Great Houses, but they are still an impor- trade that reaches as far as the Western islands.
tant part of life in Lookshy. Each Gens of Lookshy is built
around major Terrestrial bloodlines, a powerful history of
success on the battlefield and substantial reserves of wealth Status: Major House
and First Age artifacts. While overt examples of influence Political Leanings: Staunchly Mercenary.
peddling, nepotism or breaches of conduct over family are Description: Gens Maheka was begun by a well-
rare (especially after the period following the Gunzota placed combat engineer in Realm Year 323. Its wealth is
Incident, fresh in many Dragon-Blooded’s minds), it can- centered mostly around several powerful foundries and
not be said that no Adjutant General has ever slipped a smaller weapons forges that have produced the finest
commander some extra resources because he would rather weapons in Lookshy for over three centuries. Politically, if
not see a favored cousin dead or made sure that a promising Gens Karal is deceptively political and deep for a Fire
young Gens scion got the breaks needed to flourish. The house, Gens Maheka is exactly what it appears to be — a
result is a situation where Gentes’ children have an advan- solid core to the great families of Lookshy, a rock around
tage over others — but it is neither an omnipresent which the politics of the General Staff swirls and eddies
advantage, nor an insurmountable one. without ever truly touching it. House politics are rooted
Although politics can be spoken of in general terms by deep in the essence of the Legion’s mandates and the
Gens, each member of a family has his own opinion on the Immaculate faith. Its members are the first to support the
future of Lookshy, and there can be found supporters of Shogunate Bureaucracy on those rare occasions it evinces
nearly any political camp in each house (with the possible an opinion and the last to support any measure that suggest
exception of Gens Maheka, whose matriarch brooks little the Legion is anything other than an arm of the Shogunate.
dissension). Alignment, therefore, refers to the average GENS AMILAR (AIR)
political beliefs of the majority of family members or of its
Status: Major House
leaders and scions, rather than a hard-and-fast line that
Political Leanings: Moderately Interventionist, with
each member hews to without exception.
increasing Purist leanings.
GENS KARAL (FIRE) Description: Gens Amilar is a young house, barely
Status: Major House four centuries old — the familial line is based upon the
Political Leanings: Basically Mercenary, with Inter- bloodline of Taimyo Vondy Beulen. The Amilar family
ventionist leanings. made its initial fortune in much the same way that Gens
Description: The Karal family traces its primary blood- Karal did — carefully invested bounties for First Age
line from the first Camp Liaison Officer, Karal Shan Zu. The weapons and equipment recovered, although Gens Amilar
Gens Karal has always been a military family in a society of concentrated more on manuscripts and documentation
military families — it has many shozei and kazei but few than on the devices themselves. Despite a generally schol-
merchant princes or sorcerer-engineers. There are families arly bent, Amilar is not particularly known for the number
that are larger or wealthier but none in Lookshy that are of sorcerers it produces, being more famous for its artificers,
more respected. Gens Karal’s fortunes are based on early mechanics and educators than for sorcery.
successes, when bounties were paid for First Age weapons GENS YUSHOTO (WOOD)
recovered and Realm ships captured — these bounties and
salvage fees were invested wisely and, over the years, have Status: Major House
blossomed until Karal is the third wealthiest Gens. Political Leanings: Diverse, with no real emphasis.
Description: Gens Yushoto is built in large part
GENS TERESU (WATER) around the bloodline of Yushoto Baraka, the Seventh
Status: Major House Legion’s chief sorcerer-engineer during the Contagion.
Political Leanings: Split between Isolationist and While not himself a Wood Terrestrial, most of his children
Mercenary. were, and their influence is still felt on the family to this
Description: Perhaps unsurprisingly, Teresu family day. The Yushoto fortune is not tied to any one industry or
members have traditionally run Lookshy’s small blue-water endeavor, rather being well spread out amongst all the
and larger brown-water navy — this state of affairs dates possibilities the Lookshy economy has to offer.
POLITICAL FACTIONS who is clearly losing will normally concede the point
before being driven to take actions that would injure the
In any organization with three or more members, there
Legion. Pulling scarce resources out of a losing battle is a
will be politics, and the Legion is no exception. There are
principal the people of Lookshy understand well.
never enough Dragon-Blooded, First Age tools or conven-
tional resources for every unit or directorate to have IMPERIALISTS
everything they need, and political battles often erupt over Imperialists believe that the Seventh Legion should
resource allocation. These battles are often acrimonious in take advantage of the Realm’s political turmoil to sow
their execution, but they rarely lead to long-term disagree- further dissension and make alliances with the most wor-
ments — they are usually questions not of which is the right thy houses, leading eventually to a takeover by Seventh
or the wrong answer, but which is the best answer. Legion forces. They have little real support, but in many
Questions about the Seventh Legion’s future and its cases, this is more a matter of practicality than fervent
place in River Province politics, while rarely as outright belief — if an Imperialist leader rose up with more to offer
nasty, have the potential to lead to serious long-term rifts than vague allusions and semi-coherent ideas, they would
in the fabric of the Legion. There are currently five major likely get a closer hearing.
political factions or outlooks in the Lookshy political
scene, although few would suggest they are organized or INTERVENTIONISTS
structured enough to be called parties or movements — Interventionists believe Lookshy should take a more
they are, at best, collections of officers with similar views active role in Scavenger Lands politics, possibly including
of how Lookshy should conduct its external affairs, and refounding the Shogunate. Interventionists are supported
there is as much overlap and difference of opinion within by certain elements of the Shogunate Bureaucracy and are
their ranks as there is between each outlook. generally thought of as being slightly radical but not overly
Despite the animosity and outright hatred that can so. After all, the Seventh Legion has a formal doctrine of
arise between members of various factions, little if any intervening in affairs it believes will unduly affect the
blood is spilt over these differences, especially between security of the River Province. It has never hidden the fact
Dragon-Blooded. This is partly due to strictly enforced that its efforts in training various nations’ militaries are as
regulations against dueling and partly because every Ter- much an exercise in social engineering as they are about
restrial knows they are a not-quite irreplaceable resource. revenue gathering or defending the Province.
Lookshy officers may try to discredit, humiliate or maneu-
ver their opponents into untenable positions, but political ISOLATIONISTS
fights rarely escalate to the point where dishonor, violence Isolationists see the continued defense of anything
or utter shame is involved. In the end, the Legion is more other than Lookshy as a fruitless gesture toward a long-
important than settling a personal grudge, and an officer dead political entity and pointless ancestor worship of a
enhance the use of various Linguistics and Lore Charms, feels responsible for stopping every internal conflict in the
for example, or sorceries that allow for conversations with province — there are simply too many governments, city-
faraway allies. Elementals, demons and minor spirits are states and other political interests to even begin to maintain
also commonly used, although with somewhat more cir- peace between them. Instead, the Legion concentrates on
cumspection — elementals can be flighty, demons are keeping conflicts from escalating beyond the point where
untrustworthy, and spirits may have other allegiances. they could destabilize the entire region and on protecting
Non-sensitive communications are normally sent by the Scavenger Lands from outside invasion.
one of two methods — heliograph or the Legion Post. These duties require funding. The Seventh Legion
Lookshy’s heliograph network is not as extensive as that of has experimented with several different methods of accu-
the Realm, but it’s sufficient to allow for rapid communi- mulating the wealth necessary to keep the field forces
cation between the redoubts and certain allies and clients. funded, most dealing with the collection of tithes and
When combined with the sophisticated (and frequently duties, as well as fees for services rendered. Many larger
changed) heliocodes used by the Seventh Legion, the nations pay long-term retainers (normally based on the
heliograph system is secure enough for sensitive messages, previous year’s tax revenues) for services rendered — these
when necessary. The Legion Post is used to link areas not help to cover the costs of naval operations and the upkeep
directly connected by heliograph. The relay system used by of Lookshy and the redoubts. Other retainers are shorter-
the Post, with riders swapping horses at every station term and to set standards — fees paid to the Legion to
(ranging from 50 to 100 miles apart) and changing horses prevent it from operating on a country’s soil without the
riders each day, allows messages and small packages to local government’s permission or providing for guaranteed
quickly cover ground between heliograph stations, but the Legion assistance in case of invasion. These contracts are
Post is considered insecure even for coded messages — priced based on the conditions — an agreement requiring
there is simply too much chance of a package getting lost “Legion assistance” is much cheaper than one requiring
in one fashion or another with the risks of ground travel. “the First Field Force.” These contracts are normally
designed so the Legion can weasel out of them if it needs
REGIONAL DEFENSE ARRANGEMENTS to. This has only rarely been done and only under great
Lookshy holds itself responsible for the defense and duress — the Seventh Legion has no interest in gaining a
well-being of the River Province. This does not mean it reputation for chiseling on contract disputes.
Short-term contracts make up the largest single part invasion of the Scavenger Lands is rejected out of hand,
of Lookshy’s mercenary revenues — these contracts can be and the General Staff will not normally accept missions
automatically triggered by invocation of retainer clause or that involve suppressing internal rebellions or uprisings.
entered into independently. Many contracts are for single The General Staff also normally refuses jobs that face a
operation — drive off that behemoth, dissuade those substantial risk of trapping Legion forces in a rapidly
barbarians from stealing our cattle, or convince our neigh- destabilizing situation, those that are hopeless even by its
bor he would rather not invade our country. Others are for definition of the term (no chumyo wants to simply throw
entire campaigns — drive out the invading forces, put troops away at a problem they cannot solve), or if it feels
down a hostile tribe, or deal with a Wyld infestation or Fair the Legion is being lied to or suffers a substantial risk of
Folk invasion. Contract fees are based on threat, time being cheated out of its fees in one fashion or another.
frame, number of troops needed and desired resolution When a contract’s terms simply cannot be made
(“wiped out to a man, their cities razed so that no stone is acceptable to the Legion and the contractor, the General
left unturned” costs far more than “chase the bastards off Staff will usually try to find the contractor other alterna-
our land, and convince them not to come back”). tives, normally involving allied or friendly mercenary
Training missions are not hugely profitable, but have companies with lower overheads — while the Legion
secondary dividends that make them worthwhile. Lookshy occasionally takes on “pro bono” missions, this is rare. If a
military advisors are hired by many nations to train local contract appears to be dirty laundry, with misrepresented
military forces, and general populations, in weapon han- goals or a reliance on questionable tactics or actions, there
dling, disaster recovery and other skills. In a few cases, they are a number of indirect means of discouraging the con-
have been brought in to wholesale rebuild governments and tractor — inflated fees, strict interpretations of missions
militaries from the ground up. These missions give Seventh and subtle methods of dishonoring or embarrassing the
Legion officers a chance to interact closely with local armies client have all been used.
— they not only learn how the locals operate (and, occa- A prospective contract’s political implications are
sionally, pick up tricks to take back home), they are able to normally not an issue — but the General Staff always
influence, through their training regimens, how those armies considers the repercussions. Lookshy officially prefers not
conduct operations. Officers know that the more training to get involved with strictly local politics, supporting
missions they conduct, the fewer enemy officers they have whichever side is willing to sign a contract first — it is said
to hang for atrocities the next time they work in that area. that the Seventh Legion doesn’t officially take sides, it
Military advisors are also hired on a semi-permanent merely takes contracts. Unofficially, the Legion clearly
basis by some countries — the Marukan Alliance and does take sides, at least on occasion — contract terms are
Great Forks make substantial use of advisors, and Sijan has adjusted, messages are delayed or lost, negotiators are
a (typically rather bored) dragon-sized permanent contin- “unavoidably delayed” while traveling to or from Lookshy.
gent. Military advisors are hired for a variety of missions, This kind of meddling in the negotiation process is not
usually involving political analysis, military intelligence undertaken lightly, or often, but it does happen, and so far,
gathering and analysis and minor training missions — the Legion has managed to avoid being caught. Lookshy
while supposedly under orders to avoid direct confronta- strategoi are sometimes called in as neutral arbiters, and
tion with enemy forces, this does not mean they always the redoubts are often used as secure negotiation sites —
succeed — or even try — to follow those orders. there are fees involved, of course, but these fees are
The Legion Post is not a large revenue generator, but normally far less than Lookshy would charge for its military
like training missions, it generates significant secondary services. Lookshy tends to avoid getting involved in local
effects — and in this case, is a mission that would need politics beyond arbitration and mercenary contracts so
doing anyway. For a nominal fee, Legion Post riders carry long as the problem remains local.
private messages and small packages on their delivery runs, On rare occasions, Lookshy has intervened directly
in addition to the official post. — sometimes with negotiators and peacekeeping forces,
often with demonstrations of force and a strict admonition
POLITICS OF MERCENARIES to knock it off delivered to both sides of a disagreement. In
Lookshy has a potent political weapon at its disposal a handful of extreme situations, Lookshy has invaded and
— refusal to provide troops to causes it does not support. occupied nations, destroying the current political infra-
And it is a weapon used to indirectly support — or oppose structure and replacing it with one of the General Staff’s
— political trends in the Scavenger Lands. While this is own devising. While this has occasionally blown up in
not an obvious Legion policy, a hundred excuses can be Lookshy’s face, the overall results have been positive —
found not to provide troops. Charms and sorcery can make a huge difference in weeding
Although Lookshy will consider nearly any mission, out corruption and setting up fundamentally honorable
there are a number of reasons why it might refuse any governments. The General Staff determines the circum-
particular contract. Primarily, any mission supporting an stances for intervention on a case-by-case basis, but the
overarching guideline is that direct intervention is only and small-time, do little to encourage addicts or to increase
pursued when outside forces are influencing the situation their market and avoid any kind of violence.
or when a developing crisis has the potential to destabilize This sort of careful approach to minor problems has its
a major region of the Scavenger Lands. Otherwise, serious downsides — there have always been accusations of the
compelling reasons are needed for the General Staff to Legion coddling brigands of various sorts, ignoring the
even contemplate invading another member of the Confed- threat of local empire-builders and failing to crack down
eration of Rivers — without getting paid, of course. on local drug trafficking, but these are reasonably ignored.
Additionally, if a situation develops beyond a strictly More disturbingly, it can lead to a “boys will be boys”
local conflict or threatens to involve governments outside attitude regarding these kinds of problems, and the Sev-
of the province, Lookshy quickly steps in to contain or enth Legion’s intelligence assets have, in the past, failed to
eliminate the problem and has interfered when it believed recognize major problems in time to deal with them before
a war could compromise the province’s defense. In general, they became major.
however, Lookshy is content to make sure River Province
governments are free to squabble as they desire. MILITARY ALLIANCES
Lookshy counts relatively few countries as permanent
allies, let alone friends, and it prefers things this way.
NATURE OF RETAINERS There are some exceptions, however. The Marukani are
Though many in the Legion see long-term re- one such exception — Lookshy regulars often refer to the
tainers paid by governments such as Sijan, the Marukani Cavalry as “horselords” in recognition of the
Marukan Alliance, etc. as just due for services ren- long alliance between the inhabitants of the Marukani
dered, there are those who argue that Lookshy is little plains and the Seventh Legion, and while the two coun-
more than a giant protection racket, holding the tries have had their differences — and even fought short,
threat of its military power (either using it or refusing bitter wars — there has always been respect and admira-
to use it, as the case may be) over the Scavenger tion between the two countries.
Lands. These arguments are loudest in Nexus, of The alliance between Great Forks and Lookshy is a
course, but more than a few nations in the Hundred curious one — Lookshy is staunch in its support of the
Kingdoms (many of whom do not actually pay long- Celestial Bureaucracy and those who seek to keep it
term retainers) loudly proclaim that Lookshy is functioning, which causes many spirits to give them wide
nothing more than a band of militant thugs. berth. Nonetheless, the two countries have, largely at
Despite these grumblings, Nexus pays its retain- Great Forks insistence, remained allies for generations.
ers on time and to the last chipped jade coin. While Talespinner and Dreamweaver both insist that “the story-
they may complain, the reality is that most in the dreams of Lookshy and Great Forks are inextricably
Scavenger Lands want the Seventh Legion, and its intertwined,” and while Dayshield is not as poetic, she
troops, exactly where they are — and they certainly notes that Lookshy’s ideas of combat and warfare run
don’t want the Legion to set its sights on the rest of largely in line with her own.
the Scavenger Lands. Metagalapa is a hidden ace card for Lookshy — most
of Metagalapa’s Dragon-Blooded trace their ancestry to
officers of a Seventh Legion talon of scouts. Metagalapan
hawkriders have been seen in Lookshy salons for two
POLITICAL REALITIES generations, and it is not uncommon for a scale of Lookshy
The guiding principal for the Seventh Legion on a scouts to spend time training with the hawkriders on their
geopolitical scale is “better the demon you know.” Lookshy flying mountain, although the latter is far from common
is loath to wipe out certain types of ills altogether not knowledge even in Lookshy.
because it is incapable or because it wouldn’t solve a The remote Haslanti League and Lookshy both desire
problem, but because it would simply create other prob- closer relations — but they are doing a clever saber dance
lems in other areas. Nations that sponsor brigands or around the concept of an alliance, each trying to get as
pirates are rarely targeted — until they get too ambitious much out of the relationship as possible while giving up as
— because it is easier to control known problems than to little as possible. In each case, what the other side wants is
ferret out where new ones are coming from. This philoso- a state secret — Lookshy desires access to air-boat designs
phy permeates how the Legion deals with external pressures and quantities of feathersteel, while the Haslanti want
on Lookshy as well — when spies are found, they are as Shogunate Essence furnaces and propulsion systems. Mean-
likely to be left in place, quietly surrounded by Intelligence while, as politicians and ambassadors dance, engineers and
agents, and fed misinformation as they are to be picked up sorcerer-technicians from both nations have been quietly
and interrogated. Dealers in illicit drugs are allowed to working on ways to integrate Haslanti hot-air technology
remain in business, so long as they keep their trade quiet with Shogunate propulsion and lift systems — and the
English Equivalent Seventh Legion Responsibility
Shogun Shogun Entire Shogunate
Daimyo Daimyo Administrative Province
General Chumyo Legion
Field Force General Taimyo Field Force
Colonel Kazei Dragon
Major Shozei Wing or Dragon
Captain Taizei Talon or Wing
Lieutenant Chuzei Scale or Talon
Subaltern Chozei Training
Warrant Officer Shonai Technical Consultant
Over-sergeant Sochei Platoon Assistant
Sergeant Gunchei Fang (Senior Enlisted)
Specialist Haichei Technician/Specialist
Corporal Gochei Fang
Soldier Nitei Kill other guy for his country
Sorcerer-Engineer Wai Tan-Junai Create and maintain artifacts
Sorcerer-Technician Shugan-Junai Sorcery combat support and weapon and system
enchantment, repair and maintenance
Rank titles in bold are officers. The ranks in italics are senior officers and normally Dragon-Blooded, although
a handful of mortal kazei have served in the past.
THE GENERAL STAFF in size but averages 23. The chumyo is the leader of the
The General Staff is the Seventh Legion’s admin- General Staff, but he serves at its sufferance. A chumyo
istrative and command group. The General Staff is can be removed from his position if an undisputed
actually composed of two groups — the General Staff, majority of the General Staff agrees. While not a
composed of six senior officers and the Chumyo of the democracy in the formal sense of the word, the opinions
Legion, and the Administrative Staff, which fluctuates of Staff members are given careful weight by a wise
know about before. It employs more spirits, elementals often works against it, for the Legion’s restrained
and demons than any other group in Lookshy (ex- fighting brings less blood to her than she would like.
cept perhaps the Stores Directorate during times of Sunipa, Goddess of Soldiers (see sidebar), considers
high production volume), and its agents are ex- herself the Seventh Legion’s patron, though few in
tremely well trained. Intelligence is less concerned Lookshy worship her, and she watches over the Le-
with battlefield operations —it leaves that to the gion, interceding on its behalf in the Celestial
scouts and the rangers — and more with conven- Bureaucracy when she feels it is necessary. Gods of
tional intelligence operations: recruiting agents in innovation, sorcery, learning and commerce are often
foreign countries, gathering what publicly available interested in Lookshy, for a variety of reasons.
information can be had and intercepting (when pos- While Vanileth seemingly has little interest in
sible) foreign communiqués. magical flight in the present day, his satrap Relza (see
Ruins of Rathess, p. 69) still looks with favor upon the
THE GODS OF THE LEGION Sky Guard of Lookshy and has taken steps to protect it
Just as Tien Yu and Tu Yu watch over the city of in the past. Curiously, the skies above Lookshy are
Lookshy, so to do a host of gods watch over — or at often crowded with dematerialized birds of Vanileth,
least have more than a passing interest in — the despite the small number Relza controls. Whether
Seventh Legion. Vanileth himself keeps an eye on the city or some
Most obviously, all of the war gods are interested other of his satraps have taken to observing the city —
in the happenings in Lookshy — though Siakal more and for what reason — remains unknown.
The Maiden of Battles has little to say about the Lookshy’s stores of magical knowledge are limited, but
Seventh Legion, but her actions perhaps speak louder the Seventh Legion takes ruthless advantage of them.
than words — there are at least two proclamations of Nearly one in six Dragon-Blooded has some knowledge of
destiny, sealed by her hand, that are still in action — sorcery, and sorcerer-technicians are integrated into the
one from early in the First Age and another, more recent field forces at the wing level and even lower — most
petition put in place only eight centuries ago. special-operations units have at least a single sorcerer, and
Although Lookshy’s stance on the Celestial Bu- large units have as many as a dozen, though this is rare.
reaucracy does not make it a truly safe harbor for those Mortal sorcerers and wise men are also carefully inte-
who have abandoned their posts (since they face cen- grated into most units — and are nearly as common. Most
sure or even extradition to Yu Shan if the chaplains can soldiers have a passing knowledge of minor charms that will
get anyone there to listen), nonetheless small numbers keep a blade sharp or straighten an arrow’s shaft, but each
of spirits have made their home in the city. Most unit is assigned adepts who have studied further, learning
notably, the Sun Lions, a mercenary company lead by a wards against observation and spells that bring in the fog,
celestial lion, makes its winter home in Lookshy and cause clouds to dim the sun’s fury or cleanse wounds. Larger
maintains a small training and security garrison in the units have access to masters of spells, who can summon up
city year-round. Other spirits, mostly of a martial na- the rains, bind minor demons or curse enemy bowstrings.
ture, have also made Lookshy their home, beyond those The Legion looks on sorcery as a tool, rather than a
who would live in the city because it is their assigned quest into dark secrets. Sorcerers find themselves less iso-
post in the Celestial Bureaucracy. lated from Lookshy society than is common in the Realm.
While they are certainly respected, it is the same sort of
THE LOOKSHY ACADEMY OF SORCERY respect given to a weapon master, a warstrider-wearer or a
Lookshy makes more use of sorcery than most other strategos — the respect due the master of a trade, someone
organizations in Creation — a larger percentage of who has conquered a weapon in service of the Legion.
Abyssals and Sidereals are sorcerers, but Lookshy has Some spells are kept from most sorcerer-techni-
more of them, rivaling the Realm (with more than three cians, in an attempt to reduce the isolation they bring
times Lookshy’s Dragon-Blooded population) in terms of upon themselves. Spells that deal with summoning,
total numbers of sorcerers. binding or dismissing demons or other spirits and similar
In most armies, unit quality is largely based on how much time the units actually spend in combat or preparing
for combat. Reserve and levy units tend to be weak opponents type extras (see Exalted, p. 241), as are units that
are largely for show — they may drill excellently, but they don’t fight well. Seasoned forces that have seen some,
or even extensive, battlefield experience are normally competent opponents type extras — they will react
intelligently, fight bravely and die valiantly, but against Exalted opponents, they will die. Only the most
experienced and competent units should be treated as elite opponents — these are physically and mentally superior
troops training full time for war. Superior opponents are special troops, culled out of best units and given the best
training and additional equipment. They should not be treated as extras, making them substantially tougher in
combat. Units of superior opponents are frequently lead by heroic mortal, Terrestrial Exalted or God-Blooded
commanders. There are handfuls of units composed entirely of heroic mortals, Exalted, God-Blooded and the like,
but they are exceedingly rare.
Lookshy regulars are normally elite opponents, although some should be considered superior. In particular,
ashigaru and gunzosha units are almost always superior. Natives of Lookshy are normally competent extras, but
some will have maintained their fighting skills at the elite level, and there is always the chance of running into
an ex-gunzosha just back from having his amulets removed.
Superior Opponents
Ninjas, rangers, battle-hardened Tiger Warriors
Base initiative 8, 8 dice in any relevant combat dice pools.
Valor 5, Willpower 7
Normal health levels — not treated as extras for purposes of taking damage
Heliographs are complex assemblages of reflectors, RITUAL OF ELEMENTAL EMPOWERMENT
lenses and shutters designed to amplify the light of the sun The Ritual of Elemental Empowerment (see
or a fire (even a torch) and use it to transmit coded The Book of Three Circles, pp. 43 and 44) is
messages. Properly emplaced (the higher the better), he- invaluable to sorcerer-technicians and one of the
liographs can be seen for dozens, even hundreds, of miles, most common spells in their repertoire. Its uses in
dependent on terrain, placement and conditions. Portable creating equipment are nearly endless — Water-
units are sometimes emplaced at semipermanent encamp- imbued weapons shift from javelin to lance in the
ments, but most are mounted at Post way stations on tall blink of an eye, Earth-imbued spyglasses are un-
towers, forming a communications network that stretches breakable and already exceptional armor becomes
along the River Province’s more populated and traveled even tougher, while Air-imbued equipment is lighter
districts. A portable heliograph is a heavy and fragile and easier to carry.
device, weighing 100 pounds and costing Resources ••••. But the spell is more useful than just that. Pots
imbued with Fire are self-heating — no need to
ARTIFACTS, HEARTHSTONES gather firewood. Food containers imbued with Air
stay chilled. Armor can be empowered to shift from
a lightweight buff jacket to a reinforced breastplate in
The Lookshy arsenals are filled with devices from the an instant. Tools shift from form to form — a small
First Age, ranging from simple artifacts that enhance the toolset becomes as useful as a massive workshop.
workings of a single Charm or weapons with a single unique Legion marching cloaks and storm jackets have re-
function to terrible devices that can destroy whole cities. movable liners — the garment itself is Air enchanted
Some of these weapons are singular artifacts, experimental (to keep the wearer cool), and the liner Fire en-
or specialized weapons built for a particular purpose, then chanted (to keep him warm). When on garrison duty,
stored away in one of the great arsenals of the First Age and the Ritual of Elemental Empowerment is probably
unearthed centuries later or built for a particular Exalt. the most commonly cast of all spells.
Others were produced in number, intended as equipment Items imbued with some element are consid-
for the mighty legions of the Dragon-Blooded Shogunate. ered minor artifacts and typically cost Artifact •.
These enchantments can be removed with
RECHARGING ESSENCE STORES countermagic — but sorcerers normally have better
Artifacts that can hold motes of Essence for later use things to do with a counterspell than to attack
are uncommon in most of Creation — the secrets to their personal equipment.
manufacture are all but lost, and only the Sidereals, the
sorcerer-engineers of Lookshy and a handful of others can
still produce them — and only Lookshy in any numbers.
many different sorts of devices for storing Essence in the
These Essence storage devices are inefficient and
First Age, few have survived to the present day. Some of
require maintenance and repair (this is normally beyond
the few known examples are the iron horse (see Caste
the scope of the game — few devices incorporating Es-
Book: Eclipse, p. 81) and the Crucible of Tarim (see The
sence reserves require the same kind of maintenance that
Book of Three Circles, pp. 24-25).
a skyship requires, for example). Anyone who can channel
Essence can recharge an Essence store — this requires
handling the device for one minute and spending 2 motes
of Essence for each mote restored (so restoring 20 motes to Although many artifacts such as daiklaves and other
a device requires 20 minutes and the expenditure of 40 weapons were designed to be basically maintenance-free,
motes of Essence). This Essence can be drawn from any others, especially those built during the Shogunate, re-
source, and devices can be partially recharged — the motes quired substantial upkeep — reagents and fuels that had
spent on recharging a device are not committed unless to be reloaded, parts that needed to be replaced and
specified otherwise and will be regained at the normal rate. enchantments that had to be strengthened or reapplied
Essence stored in a device can normally only be used periodically or as use weakened them. These devices were
to power that artifact — while records suggest there were often powerful but paid for that power in the time spent
to keep them functioning. The Shogunate could dupli- enchantments and so on. Maintenance is assumed to be
cate many First Age weapons in function — it could not automatically successful — if the character has sufficient
generally duplicate their imperishable nature, however. time, research and ability, she can keep the device working.
Equipment that requires substantial maintenance Artifacts normally need maintenance dependent on
and repair has a Repair rating — this rating acts as a usage — a device that is not used may need some mainte-
general guideline for how expensive and difficult the nance to bring it back to full working order but will not
upkeep or reconstruction of such a device is, how much continue to decay. Heavy or combat use typically counts as
time must be invested in keeping the device working and double normal use — count each hour or fraction thereof
how much replacement parts and materials costs. This is as two hours when determining need for maintenance,
broken down into two basic tasks — maintaining the unless otherwise noted in the artifact’s description. There
device to keep it working and repairing it when it inevi- is usually a grace period between when this maintenance
tably breaks down. is needed and when performance is affected — if not
Most devices that have a Repair rating were once mentioned, assume the device will lose 10 percent of its
made in the First Age, using techniques that obviated speed or maneuverability, 4B/2L damage or soak or one
the need for this kind of continuous refurbishing — power for every 10 hours of maintenance the device is in
these are normally one Artifact rating higher in cost (so arrears. These penalties persist until all of the mainte-
First Age suit of dragon armor would be Artifact 5). nance required has been performed — in extreme cases,
These techniques are all but lost in the Age of Sorrows the device may actually be broken from the abuse and will
— even First Age Sidereals or Lunars often do not permanently function at this level unless repaired.
remember the exact methods used or no longer have
access to the materials and tools needed to make use of REPAIRS
the secrets they retain. Broken devices can sometimes be repaired. This is
dependent on many factors — very old, poorly treated
MAINTENANCE weapons may be more difficult or even impossible to repair
Maintenance is work needed to keep a device function- — in contrast, some First Age weapons may need only basic
ing and includes not just tightening belts and replacing maintenance to bring them back to full functionality even
Essence lenses and the like, but ritual tasks — sacrifices to after thousands of years of abuse. Repairs are normally a
appease the artifact’s least god, reapplying or strengthening simple task, Intelligence + the appropriate Craft Ability —
Difficulty Modifier
+1 Each dot under the minimum Ability requirements
+1 Substituting a close Ability (Craft: Metalworking for Craft: First Age Weapons to repair a warstrider)
+2 Rushing the job (cuts time in half)
+1 to +3 Inadequate tools
-1 Discussing repairs with the artifact’s least god (takes one hour, successful prayer roll)
-1 Assistant
-2 Repair team (see below)
-1 Expert tools (additional +1 Resources cost)
-1 Extra time taken (doubles time)
usually Craft (First Age Weapons) — against the difficulty rating x 3 for large artifacts (such as Skywolf) and x 2 for
listed below. However, fixing very large or complex devices smaller artifacts.
may be an extended task, with a total difficulty equal to the
Repair rating squared (so a Repair 5 device requires accumu- TOOLS
lating 25 successes on a difficulty 5 task to fully repair). Even Very few artifacts can be repaired with the contents of
these massive devices can usually be made to function a time a carpenter’s toolbox or a blacksmith’s shop — they
or two with a simple success, however — the Skywolf’s require a mixture of sophisticated tools, measuring devices
sorcerer-engineer could keep her in the air for a short time and calibrated instruments and utensils. These toolkits are
with a difficulty 5 success, but long-term repairs would available at Resource costs of any level, but only suffice to
require an extended task. As with any extended task, each service artifacts with a Resources rating one lower than
roll doubles the interval between rolls. their own (so a Resources 4 kit can service a chariot of the
infinite heavens but not Skywolf).
REPAIR TEAMS These tool kits are often large — even the smallest
Very large artifacts require more than a single sor- barely fits in a carefully packed frame pack, and the largest
cerer-engineer to repair them — there are simply too many fills a good-sized workshop. If multiple engineers are work-
things that need to be done simultaneously. Smaller de- ing on a large project, each requires his own set of tools —
vices can sometimes benefit from additional technicians as there is some overlap, however, so the total cost for
well, but for many projects, a single assistant is sufficient additional sets is one lower.
(or may even be too much help). Controlling a repair team
requires a Charisma + Presence roll to keep the workers HEARTHSTONES OF LOOKSHY
motivated and operating at peak efficiency — difficulty is Lookshy has a number of unique Hearthstones associ-
equal to the size of the team divided by three. A repair team ated with its Manses, creations of ancient power and
must have a number of technicians with Craft (First Age far-reaching ability. These stones are essential parts of the
Weapons), Lore or Occult scores equal to that required of Lookshy local defense grid, and the Manses they belong to
the sorcerer-engineer whose player is making the task roll are carefully managed and watched — only known and
- 2. The remaining members should have at least one trusted officers of at least taizei rank are allowed to attune
Ability (Craft (F.A.W.), Lore or Occult) of at least 2. The to them — and then, only when necessary.
total size of a repair team is typically equal to the Repair
JADE OF PUISSANT SEEING the Celestial Circle or Charms of at least Essence 4 are
required to hide from its gaze.
Level 5 Fire
Trigger: Constant/Concentration WILLSTONE OF THE STRATEGOS
The Jade of Puissant Seeing is a translucent oval of Level 4 Air
shimmering red. If one stares deeply into it, one gets the Trigger: Concentration
impression the stone is in some way staring back. The Willstone of the Strategos is a spindle of fiery red
The Hearthstone gives two benefits. The wielder of spinel, with a center of solid blue amethyst. It is normally
the stone can see expenditures of Essence, perceiving them carried in the pommel socket of a daiklave. When used by a
as flickering firefly-like motes in his field of visions when general coordinating a battle, the stone give her an uncanny
desired. This effect has a maximum range of nearly 100 insight into the way events will likely play out, selecting the
leagues — as far as the Deheleshen Lighthouse’s light can most probable outcomes from among options and giving the
be seen at night. Detecting important expenditures out of general the ability to make sure her forces fight at their best.
the background clutter can be difficult — the wearer’s At the start of each turn, her player can roll the character’s
player must successfully roll the character’s permanent Wits + Lore (Tactics) as a simple action — every two
Essence + Awareness, as a simple action (particularly large successes scored adds 1 to her unit’s initiative, and every four
or blatant uses of Essence may require a reflexive check to successes adds 1 to their Valor and all dice pools.
observe). Detecting an incoming Skywolf-class craft run- If their Valor is raised above 5, soldiers under the
ning at top speed would be difficulty 1, while detecting a bearer’s command become immune to fear and will not fail
Night Caste using a damped Stealth Charm would be Valor checks of any kind until their Valor falls to 5 or
difficulty 5 + the Solar’s permanent Essence. This effect lower. These benefits are dependent on the general being
cannot penetrate perfect Stealth effects. Working from able to communicate with her troops and wear off at the
the Deheleshen Lighthouse’s summit is not required, but rate of 1 initiative/Valor/die every other turn. So, for
it does help — add two dice to the user’s dice pool if he is example, if her player rolled eight successes on the first
standing in the tower’s storm watch. turn of a battle, the initiative would have worn off eight
The second benefit is that, once the wearer has turns later, and the Valor benefits after four turns. Rolls on
detected a target of interest, he can spend 3 motes to successive turns do not stack, but can supplant earlier rolls
observe the site directly — this is a normal Perception + at the wearer’s option. Charms may not be used to improve
Awareness check to notice any given detail, at +2 diffi- the dice pool, but Virtues may be — Valor is always
culty. The observer can only see the location (he gains no appropriate, and Conviction normally is.
clairaudience, etc.), and penalties or benefits for Charms,
obscured vision, etc. are determined normally. ARTIFACTS
Level 5 Air
Repair: 1
Trigger: Constant
The elite ashigaru normally wear specialized armor
The Gem of the Wind’s Secrets is a perfect diamond
whose design dates back to the First Age but can still be
the size of a man’s fist. Unlike most Hearthstones, it is not
produced today. This lightweight armor, equal in protection
intended to be worn constantly. Instead, it is permanently
to a reinforced breastplate, is enchanted to aid the wearer in
emplaced in a stand in the center of a great hemispherical
various ways. The armor sharpens the wearer’s senses, negat-
chamber in the Aviary. When an attuned user touches the
ing penalties for darkness less than “utter blackness” and
stone, it immediately casts forth an image of every thing
adding two dice to all Awareness dice pools. Enchantments
that flies within 100 miles of the Aviary, identifying them
and filters protect the wearer against poison and disease,
by size, airspeed and direction. Each representation ap-
adding two dice to Resistance dice pools and completely
pears in a general relation to the Aviary (“located” where
shielding the wearer from breathed toxins for up to an hour.
the Hearthstone is placed). The user can refine this to
Finally, the armor can camouflage its wearer, blurring her
screen out unwanted detections — this is commonly done
presence and adding two dice to the wearer’s Stealth dice
to filter out low-flying birds — and can magnify any
pool when moving or three dice when stationary.
particular contact to get a closer look for identification
Mortals must spend one temporary Willpower to
purposes. The latter allows a normal Perception + Aware-
activate the armor — this Willpower is treated as commit-
ness check, but the gem cannot bring the point of vision
ted and effectively lowers the character’s maximum
closer than 500 yards from a target, for unknown reasons,
temporary Willpower. Additionally, wearers age one extra
and normal penalties for range should be assessed. Even
week for every season or part of a season the armor is used.
dematerialized spirits are shown by the gem — sorcery of
Exalts must commit 4 motes to use this armor, but other-
wise suffer no effect. Ashigaru armor is built using a along its length. When used in combat, the spear’s super-
mixture of Magical Materials and First Age alloys, and lative balance and strength make it an excellent melee
Exalted wearers gain no Magical Material bonuses. Ashigaru weapon, but its real purpose is as a ranged weapon.
battle armor requires maintenance every 150 hours of At the cost of 2 motes of Essence, the shock pike can
operation. Every 10 hours of missed maintenance disables make an attack at range, exactly as if it had been used in
one power at random. close combat — this attack is normally a stab or a thrust,
but it can be any attack that can be made with a spear
REAPER DAIKLAVE (ARTIFACT ••) (including stunts). This attack uses Melee + Dexterity,
Where the reaver daiklave, with its great chopping follows all the normal rules for melee attacks and is
blade, favors striking power, the reaper daiklave favors compatible with Melee Charms. The attack can be parried,
speed and defense. The reaper daiklave is a great slashing but a parry attempt is at +2 difficulty because of the
sword — a perfectly balanced, four-foot-long, four-inch- problems parrying an invisible attack.
wide, inch-thick, gently curved razor, ground to a fine Shock pikes store motes of Essence to power their use. A
point. Favored by those Exalts who prefer finesse and speed standard shock pike can hold 16 motes, although versions
over raw striking power, the reaper epitomizes the ideal that hold 10 or 20 are known to exist, and a handful hold more
that the warrior who hits first rarely has to worry about how than 20. Those holding more than 20 motes are Artifact •••,
hard his opponent is going to hit him. A reaper daiklave and none are known to hold more than 40 motes.
requires 5 motes to attune. Reaper daiklaves are popular There exists a shock pike version intended for Exalts
amongst the Dragon-Blooded of Lookshy, who prefer the — this version doesn’t store motes, but is a generally more
elegance and speed of the blade over the more common powerful weapon, with a range of ([permanent Essence x
reaver or grand daiklaves. 10] + 50) yards. The Exalted shock pike has a commitment
cost of 5 motes.
Shock pikes date from the Dragon-Blooded Shogunate WARSTRIDER IMPLOSION BOW (ARTIFACT ••)
and are still produced in limited numbers. Designed for Repair: 2
mortal soldiers, they can smash enemy lines long before Warstrider implosion bows are lightweight, semi-por-
contact is made. A shock pike resembles a conventional, table versions of the light implosion bow mounted on First
if somewhat short, spear. The staff is normally made of Age warships and skycraft. The warstrider implosion bow is
ebony or ironwood, and plackets of green jade, often in the built in two parts — a backpack-like device that holds
shape of leaves, are inset into the staff at regular points
Melee Mode
Name Speed Accuracy Damage Defense Minimums
Shock Pike +2 +1 +5L +1 S••, D••
Exalted Shock Pike +3 +2 +7L +1 S••, D••
Ranged Mode
Name Accuracy Damage Rate Range
Shock Pike +2 +7L 2 50*
Exalted Shock Pike +3 +9L 2 Special**
* The shock pike has no extended range.
** The Exalted shock pike has a range equal to ([permanent Essence x 10] + 50) yards. It has no extended range.
Name Acc. Damage Rate Range Motes Commitment Minimum Artifact
Small cannon +1 15B 2 75 5 3 4 ••
Medium cannon +0 20B 1 125 8 5 8 •••
Large cannon -2 30B 1 200 12 7 10 ••••
V. Large cannon -4 45B 1/2 300 15 10 14 •••••
Melee Mode
Name Speed Accuracy Damage Defense Minimums
Fire Lance +3 +1 +3L +1 S••, D••
Charged +3 +1 +6L +1 S••, D••
Ranged Mode
Name Accuracy Damage Rate Range
Streamer +2 +10L 2 150*
Fire Fan +5 +7L 1** 100*
*The fire lance has no extended range. This is the maximum range of the effect.
** The fire fan can be used to attack up to three adjacent targets.
enhances his strength (+2 Strength for purposes of damage a simple action. (The weapon cannot be used in the turn
and lifting). that it is shifting shape.) Shifting back into its normal state
Before first donning this armor, the wearer must is a reflexive action and takes no time.
undergo a complex series of rituals over a period of a An infinite weapon requires a commitment of 6 motes
month, culminating in the implantation of amulets at to function. Each has a portfolio of about 10 distinct
major pulse points — at wrists, shoulders, hips and knees weapons it can shift form into, in addition to the basic
and at the back of the neck. This surgery requires a mace form. Infinite weapons do not come with a supply of
Dexterity + Medicine roll, difficulty 3 — in order to ammunition — arrows must be supplied separately. Infi-
perform the surgery, the surgeon must have both Medicine nite weapons receive the following modifications to
and Occult at ••• or higher. Failure indicates an unsuc- whatever weapon form they take, as well as the Magical
cessful implantation, and the wearer must spend one Material bonus for their composition.
month recovering for every success the surgeon fails to
achieve. A botch doubles recovery time and destroys the ARMORS OF THE IMMACULATE DRAGONS
amulets (Repair 4 to rebuild the amulets), and the (ARTIFACT: ••••)
implantee’s player must make a Stamina + Resistance roll,
Repair: 3
with a difficulty equal to the number of 1s rolled on the
First Age armorers created many wondrous pieces of
botch +1, or the character dies.
armor and protection for the Exalted. Although most suits
The amulets help the user to control the armor and
of Celestial armor were completely unique creations, hand-
drain his Essence into it to power it. This has little
crafted to exacting specifications and requirements, suits
immediate effect in game terms — but the wearer ages at
built for the Dragon-Blooded were normally more generic
twice the normal rate while the amulets are implanted. For
— while hand-forged, Terrestrial suits of armor were
this reason, the Seventh Legion requires that no gunzosha
enchanted and designed with a common purpose and
serve for more than a decade. There is a permanent link
function in mind and are similar enough to be treated as a
between the wearer and his armor that can be traced if the
single type of artifact. These suits of armor were nearly the
two are separated.
pinnacle of Dragon-Blooded armor, and few have survived
Gunzosha armor worn by an Exalt requires the com-
to the present day, most in the hands of the Realm and
mitment of 5 motes. Like ashigaru armor, gunzosha combat
Lookshy. The five elemental designs described below were
armor is forged of several Magical Materials and can be
the most common, but at least five additional designs were
used equally by all Exalts, but it provides no additional
made for particular missions.
bonuses. Gunzosha armor requires maintenance every 100
Each suit resembles a carefully forged and fitted suit of
hours of operation. Every 20 hours of missed maintenance
articulated plate armor, so cunningly built that no seam or
cuts the effects of one power in half.
gap in protection can be found, of plates of jade-alloyed
INFINITE WEAPON (ARTIFACT •••) metal. The helms of these suits of armor feature Essence-
filtering lenses for the eyes and a face plate that filters the
Originally designed for those who wanted to travel
air — these helms are frequently carved with draconic
light, rangers find them invaluable — a single infinite
designs and formats, but this is not universal.
weapon replaces an arsenal, reducing the rangers’ load and
Dragon armor not only protects its wearer, it provides
facilitating their ability to move unobserved.
him with mobility and a number of specialized abilities.
In its normal state, the infinite weapon resembles a
When worn, the wearer gains the following benefits:
mace of some sort, with a perfectly spherical head of one of
• The armor protects its wearer from poisons and
the Five Magical Metals, an arming strap made of woven
diseases — add two dice to all Endurance and Resis-
steel as supple and soft as a silken cord and a counter-
tance rolls to avoid infection or contact with any poison
balance made of some precious stone (often a ruby). With
while worn.
the expenditure of 1 mote of Essence, however, the wielder
can cause the weapon to shift to any of its other forms as
Melee Weapon
Name Speed Accuracy Damage Defense
Infinite Weapon +2 +1 +2L +1
Ranged Weapon
Name Accuracy Damage Rate Range
Infinite Weapon +2 - - +20*
* Extends the base range of the equivalent mortal weapon.
Speed Accuracy Damage Defense Cost
Melee +2 +1 +5L +1 2 motes/turn
Accuracy Rate Damage Range Cost
Ranged +0 1 10L 200 3 motes
decreases the effective permanent Essence of all beings in wearer or users of other suits of dragon armor, which were
the field by 1. If a being’s permanent Essence drops below designed to shield against this ability’s effects. Multiple
0, he suffer a one-die penalty on all actions, and the cost Wood Dragon suits can enhance this field, but the cost in
of all Charms used rises by 1, for every point he falls below motes increases by one for each additional suit in the area
0. Multiple suits acting in concert base range, duration, of effect — so, a fang of Terrestrials all using Wood Dragon
etc. on the highest permanent Essence of any of the users. armor would spend 9 motes each (base 5 motes, +4 for four
This armor has no effect on mortals, even those with additional suits) to raise the Essence damping field — but
Essence higher than 1. the field would encompass an area equal to the highest
Permanent Essence in the group and would increase each
THE MOST PUISSANT ARMOR use of Essence by 5 motes per 3 spent (8 mote cost for a 3
OF THE WOOD DRAGON mote Charm, 16 for a 6 mote Charm, etc.). Calculate the
additional cost of the Charm after the Charm’s total cost
Inlaid with precious woods and formed of plates of
has been determined, in the case of Charms with a variable
green jade-alloyed steel, the Most Puissant Armor of the
cost, such as dice adders.
Wood Dragon was designed to confront Essence manipu-
lating foes. Units equipped with this armor were among HAZE SHIELD (ARTIFACT ••••)
the most feared foes a rogue Exalt could face.
Repair: 3
At a cost of 5 motes per turn, the wearer can dampen
Control of the weather brought with it a host of new
Essence in an area equal to (his permanent Essence x 5)
weapons and defenses in the First Age. The haze shield
yards in radius, making it harder to use Charms and
was one of the more common. Normally used to defend
sorcery. Each use of Essence — Charm, sorcery or activa-
fortifications, haze shields were also occasionally used as
tion of an ability or power — costs 1 extra mote for every
defenses for battlefield units. When activated, a haze
3 motes spent — so, a Charm that normally costs 6 motes
shield throws up a barrier that obscures vision as if one is
would cost 8. This only affects expenditures of Peripheral
looking into an unsettled pond. Those inside the shield
Essence — Personal Essence is unaffected (if a pool is not
seem to shift and flicker in place, making targeting
specifically mentioned as Personal, assume it is Periph-
through the shield difficult.
eral). This field specifically does not affect the armor’s
Activating the haze shield at its first setting requires
a Hearthstone of Air or Fire of at least •• in rating and the
expenditure of 1 mote of Essence for every 50 yards of
shield — protecting a front 300 yards long requires 6
motes. This defensive shield remains for one scene or until
dropped by the controller. The shield can be brought into
effect between 50 and 500 yards from the shield generator.
While the shield is up, all attackers suffer a -2 success
penalty on all ranged attacks against anyone or anything
inside the perimeter of the shield. At this setting, the haze
shield does not effect outgoing attacks — archers inside
the haze shield can attack the enemy without penalty.
The second setting is much more difficult to main-
tain, costing 1 mote per 25 yards of shield perimeter and
lasting a number of minutes equal to the operators perma-
nent Essence + the Hearthstone rating of the stone used,
but it provides much more protection. All incoming ranged
attacks suffer a -4 success penalty on their actions. Unfor-
tunately, the haze shield becomes much more distinct, and
outgoing attacks are penalized by -2 successes as well.
Under no circumstances do haze shields stack with
other haze shields or provide any protection against hand-
to-hand attacks. Other defenses, including Charm effects
and other shields (artifact or mundane) stack normally.
Haze shields are common in the Lookshy arsenal — a large
number were deployed around Deheleshen, and more
have been produced. Each field force has several, and
many Sky Guard vessels have been equipped with them.
Haze shields must be maintained after every 20 hours WARSTRIDER SHOCK RAM (ARTIFACT: ••••)
of combat use. If a haze shield is not maintained, it will lose
The shock ram works in similar fashion to the shock
its effectiveness, decreasing the penalty on ranged attacks
pike (see above). It resembles a massive gauntlet of steel
for every 10 hours the shield is in arrears.
alloyed with green jade. To use it, the wielder simply
MEDIUM IMPLOSION BOW (ARTIFACT ••••) pantomimes a punch at a distant target and spends 2 motes
Repair: 3 of Essence, releasing a powerful “phantom punch” or other
A more powerful version of the light implosion bow, attack at his target (the shock ram can be used to duplicate
only limited numbers survive even in Lookshy — one is any one-handed unarmed attack the pilot could physically
mounted in each tower of battle, Lookshy Manse mounts make). This ability uses Dexterity + Brawl or Martial Arts
half a dozen, and several skyships and naval vessels are for the attack roll, is compatible with Martial Arts and/or
equipped with them. The remaining handful have been Brawl Charms that affect unarmed attacks and follows all
mounted on heavy carriages for field use. Unlike light normal rules for warstriders and hand-to-hand combat,
implosion bows, these weapons require a Hearthstone of at save one. Because of the nature of the attack, the warstrider
least level 2 to function — fortunately, they are no more does not suffer penalties for attacking smaller targets, so
difficult to repair or maintain. Medium implosion bows long as they are at least 10 yards away.
have a blast radius of 20 feet and have a longer range, but CRIMSON ARMOR OF THE UNSEEN ASSASSIN
otherwise, they operate identically to light implosion
bows, doing 15B/12L damage for 2 motes and 25B/20L (ARTIFACT •••••)
damage for 5 motes. The medium implosion bow is fired Prized and rare armor used by the most dangerous
using the Archery Ability but does not benefit from rangers, these artifacts are part armor, part concealment,
Archery Charms. The implosion bow is Repair 3 and and exceedingly dangerous. Never common, they were
suffers normal effects from a lack of maintenance or repair. made in some numbers, and both the Realm and Lookshy
possess several working copies — Lookshy is known to
WARSTRIDER FIRE LANCE (ARTIFACT ••••) have 10 functional suits and may have as many as a scale’s
A warstrider-scaled version of the fire lance, in- worth. The Sidereals have retained the knowledge of how
tended to smash fortifications and troop units. This to produce new copies of this armor, and several members
version carries only 10 motes of Essence. An expenditure of the Gold Faction are known to use them.
of 2 motes is needed to charge the head for melee use, 4 The exact design varied, but all suits share a few
motes to throw a streamer of colorless fire, and 10 motes common traits. All known suits are bright scarlet in color
to throw a fire fan (which affects an entire area, rather and obscure the wearer completely in armor and flowing
than individual targets). Fire lances use Melee or Ar- robes — even at rest, it can be hard to make out the
chery, as appropriate, and are compatible with Melee, but wearer’s form distinctly. Most of the suit is formed of a
not Archery, Charms. The warstrider fire lance requires flowing, tightly woven material similar in feel and quality
4 motes be committed to use. to the finest silk. In most designs, the only visible armor are
Melee Mode
Name Speed Accuracy Damage Defense Minimums
Fire Lance +0 +0 +7L +1 S12
Charged +0 +0 +14L +1 S12
Ranged Mode
Name Accuracy Damage Rate Range
Streamer +1 +18L 2 250*
Fire Fan +3 +12L 1** 175*
* The fire lance has no extended range.
** The fire fan can be used to attack an area up to 20 feet in diameter — this attack cannot be parried, only dodged,
save by perfect defenses. Roll to attack once, and compare the successes rolled against any applicable dodge
Melee Mode
Name Speed Accuracy Damage Defense Minimums
Shock Ram +1 +2 +9L +1 Brawl •••
Ranged Mode
Name Accuracy Damage Rate Range
Shock Ram +2 +11L 2 Special*
* Range is equal to ([permanent Essence x 10] + 100) yards. This is the maximum range — shock rams do not have
an extended range.
Name Soak (L/B) Str Mobility Fatigue Artifact
Penalty Value
Crimson Armor of the Unseen Assassin 8/12 +2 -0 0 •••••
Fair Folk — the wearer cannot be targeted by Sidereal Because of the wide variety of designs used in First Age
astrology, his actions cannot be foreseen, nor may his and the Shogunate, Lookshy’s fleet is far from uniform.
location be determined in the stars. (In a game where Even vehicles that are identical in game terms may show
Sidereal astrology is not used, this ability is lessened, and great differences in styling, original purpose or mission.
crimson armor is Artifact ••••). To the stars, the wearer Others’ designs will be functionally similar but have minor
simply does not exist, and his presence is not accounted differences — sky chariots originally intended for local
for in any predictions. traffic and nonmilitary duties often have fewer health
Crimson armor requires 10 committed motes, and levels (rarely less armor), while other variants might
there are warnings against wearing it for too long at any incorporate additional armor or built-in weapons. Minor
one time, lest one’s soul become permanently detached variations of this type rarely impact a given vehicle’s
from destiny — and even from the cycle of reincarnation. Artifact rating — it takes major changes to make a chariot
While some dismiss these warnings as legend and myth, of the infinite heavens worthy of Artifact •••••. A
the Seventh Legion has strict orders against excessive use, gunship with an extra 5L/10B armor, built in fire lances
and Sidereals are loath to wear crimson armor unless the and a haze shield would qualify, for example.
occasion demands it.
SKYCRAFT All skycraft are governed by a common basic set of
Lookshy deploys more flying craft than any other rules that cover their general behavior — they all have a
Second Age nation or organization and has more intact flight speed, maneuverability, etc.
flying artifacts than any remaining cache or storehouse in Speed: This is the craft’s flight speed. Multiply this
Creation — it is possible that Vanileth has more (he rating by 20 miles per hour to get the craft’s speed in
certainly has larger) or that the remaining flying towers of ordinary flight and by 15 yards per turn to get the
Rathess might contain a larger fleet. craft’s speed in combat. Travel at maximum speed is
often dangerous — Storytellers can require flight han- penalty cannot be lifted until all the required maintenance
dling rolls with a difficulty equal to the Speed rating has been performed.
used, minus the craft’s Maneuver rating, to prevent Flying craft are normally controlled by Dexterity +
mishap when traveling at high speeds in dangerous Ride for small craft such as sky chariots or warbirds, or
terrain — such as combat. Wits + Sail for larger craft such as Skywolf or Manta,
Maneuver: How responsive the craft’s controls are, with the skycraft’s Maneuver rating added to this dice
and how easy it is to move around. Maneuver can be added pool. Rolls are not normally required for level flight —
to the controller’s appropriate dice pool to avoid attacks, combat (especially at high speeds), rough weather and
to bring a craft about on an attack run or to otherwise landings will require a roll, however. Difficulty ranges
control the vehicle. from 1 for a normal landing to half the craft’s Speed for
Endurance: Some craft can only operate for limited combat flying on up to 7+ for flying through the heart
periods of time or have continuing costs to their operation. of a hurricane.
Others are only limited by the endurance of the pilot — in
either case, any costs or limits on short-term operation are COMBAT WITH AERIAL TARGETS AND CRAFT
listed here. Fighting a flying opponent is perhaps one of the most
Armor: Because of these crafts’ First Age construc- dreaded battles of the Second Age, especially when that
tion, attacks must do damage in excess of the listed armor opponent is one of the fast-moving, hard to kill flying
to inflict any damage on most flying vessels — this is artifacts of the First Age, which can swoop and dive faster
usually sufficient to ensure that mortal weapons such as than any mospid or war eagle.
arrows or spears are incapable of inflicting damage on Melee attacks against flying vehicles are nearly impos-
flying vehicles. sible to perform — an opponent making a diving attack can
Armament: If the craft has any built-in armament, be attacked on the initiative count he actually makes the
it will be listed briefly here. Most smaller craft of the First attack in — fly-by attacks move too quickly, although
Age lacked armament, but larger “skyships” were often extremely slow (speed 2 or less) vehicles can be attacked on
armed with lightning ballistae, fire lances or other heavy the initiative count immediately before or after their attack.
weapons. In the Age of Sorrows, what few of these Any ranged attacks made against a flying vehicle
massive craft remain often retain some or all of their First suffer -1 die for each dot of Speed over 4 used in a turn and
Age weapons. an additional -1 die for every dot of Maneuver over 3.
Health Levels: Artifact flying vehicles (or automata)
are not treated as objects for purposes of taking damage —
health levels must be rolled, and Charms or sorceries that (ARTIFACT ••••)
do additional damage against objects are ineffective against Although many in the armies of the First Age could fly,
them. Flying vehicles have four “wound states,” as defined those not so gifted relied on a wide variety of flying craft to
on the table on this page. aid them. The chariot of the infinite heavens was one of the
Repair: Most First Age flying vehicles require regular more common smaller craft used — in form, it resembled the
maintenance and re-enchantment to keep them airwor- wheeled chariots used by some barbarian forces, but it was
thy. Damaged skycraft require a separate Wits + Lore (First sturdier, with four small feet or skids to hold it up when it
Age Mechanisms) repair roll for each health level re- landed. Perhaps 3,000 were built over the centuries of the
paired, with a difficulty equal to the craft’s Repair rating. First Age, in countless different designs, but only a fraction
Craft that are in arrears on their repairs normally lose one — no more than 200 — have survived to the present day.
dot in Maneuver and Speed for each period of time they are The majority of those that remain are in the hands of the
short, and the controls become less responsive. As a result, Seventh Legion, which generally uses them for local patrols,
the pilot suffers a -1 on the appropriate dice pools. This rather than for offensive duties.
Each chariot can carry three, but requires only a single Manta is one of a family of similar-sized and -
charioteer — anyone can fly the craft, provided the chariot’s purposed skyships in the Lookshy fleet. Carved from a
owner “turns over the reins” — this action is a reflexive diamond the size of a building and given the shape of a
one, as is regaining control. The other two passengers can giant faceted crystal with small wings on either side,
take any normal action while the chariot is in flight — part Manta is larger than many skyships in her general class,
of the chariot’s enchantment is to ensure that passengers measuring over 60 feet from stem to stern and with a
are always stable and steady, regardless of the movement of body nearly 12 feet wide. She is capable of carrying two
the chariot. Hitchhikers will quickly find the charioteer warstriders as cargo or a talon of infantry for short
determines who is or isn’t a passenger. distances (less than three days travel). Two doors on
Each chariot requires a level 2 Hearthstone to power its either side allow passengers to embark, and a large ramp
flight and, additionally, must be fed 1 mote of Essence each can be dropped from the back of the craft to load cargo
scene — this is a security mechanism, to prevent mortal or troops. Manta requires a crew of five, including two
charioteers from fleeing with the chariot. Chariots of the Exalted, and is powered by placing two Hearthstones of
infinite heavens require one hour of maintenance for every Air (level 2 or higher) in sockets near the twin Essence
20 hours of flight or for every 20 turns of combat use. furnaces that power the craft. As a security precaution,
Speed: 4 each of the Exalts must commit 3 motes of Essence for
Maneuver: 2 the skyship to fly.
Endurance: Charioteer’s endurance. 1 mote per scene. Two fire lances are mounted on the sides of the craft,
Armor: 12L/18B in mounts that allow them to fire in most directions.
Armament: None normally. Firing slits can be opened on either side, allowing infan-
Health Levels: 20 try or crew to fire out to port or to starboard, but this is the
Repair: 4 extent of Manta’s offensive ability. Manta is a reliable
craft, requiring maintenance every 100 hours of flight
Manta (ARTIFACT •••••) and suffering breakdowns only after becoming 30 hours
Although First Age units made relatively little use of of maintenance in arrears. Because of this, there are more
mortal infantry (even equipped with gunzosha or other craft like Manta still in existence than perhaps any other
artifact weapons and armor), save in static, defensive type of flying craft in Creation save the chariot of the
positions, there was still a need for medium-sized trans- infinite heavens. The majority of Lookshy and the Realm’s
ports to move troops and equipment around Creation. air fleets are made up of these craft, and small numbers of
them can be found in the more civilized parts of Creation, implosion bows (two port and two starboard on mounts
mostly in the East and the South. allowing one on each side to fire either forward or aft)
Speed: 5 and two forward-facing warstrider fire lances (see p. 59)
Maneuver: 1 are mounted on the top deck, allowing for fire against
Endurance: Pilot’s endurance. aerial targets (or while the craft is in the water). Addi-
Armor: 15L/20B tionally, firing ports located throughout the hull allow
Armament: Two fire lances. the ship’s troops or Dragon-Blooded to use personal
Health Levels: 40 weapons against the enemy.
Repair: 3 Skywolf requires a crew of 20, including five Dragon-
Blooded, and normally carries two scales of ship’s troops in
Skywolf (ARTIFACT: N/A) addition to any embarked ground forces. The exact amount
Skywolf is one of a group of similar craft that form the of passengers and cargo carried varies — Skywolf can carry
backbone of the Lookshy Sky Guard. Although Skywolf is a wing for short periods of time, but she normally carries
less than two centuries old, her sister ships were built three talons when traveling more than a week from Lookshy.
during the Shogunate, based on plans for mid-range First Some of her sister ships, partially rebuilt for cargo capacity,
Age skyremes. Nearly 300 feet long, Skywolf was designed can carry a wing comfortably for long periods of time and
to support ground operations and to carry troops and are the primary means of deploying large units to the
supplies to the battlefield. Only six of these great warships redoubts from Lookshy.
are known to have survived the Contagion (or to have Skywolf’s operation is labor intensive, requiring one
been produced since), and all of them belong to Lookshy. hour of maintenance for every three hours of flight or
Rumors persist of sky pirates armed with a Skywolf-class every five turns of combat. Fortunately, most of this work
craft operating in the Western Ocean, and other, less can be done while the craft is in flight, but for every 100
credible tales wander the teahouses and caravansaries of hours of in-flight maintenance, she requires a day of
Creation as well. It is believed that Vanileth has at least refitting in dry dock. In-flight maintenance is fairly
one flying craft similar to Skywolf, and legends persist that simple (Repair 2). The Legion can build aerial warships
there were three similar ships docked in the aeries of resembling Skywolf, but they are massive undertakings
Rathess when the Contagion struck. even for Lookshy — nearly all other production of First
In flight, Skywolf vaguely resembles a steel-and-jade Age or Shogunate-era weapons and armor ceased when
alloy killer whale, but the resemblance is fleeting. A Skywolf was built, and it is expected the impact on
deckhouse rises from its mostly flat dorsal deck, equipped production would be worse today.
with numerous tiedowns for cargo or warstriders. The Speed: 7
ventral hull is curved and comes to a point — skycraft Maneuver: -1
usually land in large pools of water or calm inlets — and a Endurance: Basically unlimited. Requires three level
thick ventral “fin” housing weapons and an observation 3 Air, Fire or Solar Hearthstones to operate, in addition to
deck hangs below it. To port and starboard are four Hearthstones for the various weapons (usually four to six
armored housings carrying potent Essence turbines that level 2 Air or Fire stones, depending on exact armament).
power the massive vessel. When operational, these en- Requires 5 motes of Essence from three different Dragon-
gines can temporarily drain an area of breathable Essence Blooded each day to continue operations.
in mere days, and so, the ships are normally kept powered Armor: 20L/30B
down when not being prepared for a mission or in the air. Armament: Two lightning ballistae, four medium
It takes a full day to bring the engines up to operational implosion bows, two warstrider fire lances and five light
power. Skywolf and her sisters can float and can operate as implosion bows.
ocean-going craft, after a fashion, although they are un- Health Levels: 80
gainly and slow in the water. Repair: 5
Unlike most of her sister ships, Skywolf retains her Notes: Only one of Skywolf’s sister ships retains
original armament. Combat between aerial warships most of her First Age armament, stripping out the
was not unknown in the First Age, but it was uncom- ventral medium implosion bows and fire lances. The
mon enough that it was not a primary consideration — remainder have had most of their armament removed,
as a result, most of Skywolf’s weapons are designed to be replacing the lightning ballistae with medium implo-
able to engage ground targets. A forward weapon mount sion bows, the lower implosion bows with light implosion
holds a pair of lightning ballistae (Hearthstone pow- bows and removing the fire lances and one topside light
ered) facing forward, and the ventral fin mounts four implosion bow altogether. Skywolf is also the last ship in
medium implosion bows (see p. 59), one firing in each pristine condition — her sister ships are all damaged,
direction (port, starboard, fore and aft). Four light though flightworthy.
CHARACTER CREATION The Dragon-Blooded of Lookshy follow the same
The Dragon-Blooded of Lookshy generally follow the rules for character generation as other Dragon-Blooded,
same character generation rules as other Dragon-Blooded, but some of their Backgrounds have been modified to
but there are some differences, and many of the expanded reflect the unique situation Lookshy is in, and several new
Backgrounds, equipment and Charms presented below ones have been added to their repertoire.
can also be used in a Dragon-Blooded game centered in the
Realm or among other outcastes.
Most of the First Age weapons and equipment re-
MODIFIED AND EXPANDED ABILITIES maining in Lookshy belongs to the Legion as a whole,
rather than to the soldiers or families of Lookshy. How-
The Seventh Legion makes use of some specialized
ever, the Gentes retain enough that their Terrestrials are
aspects of Abilities that are uncommon in the rest of
often well-equipped with First Age wonders, in addition to
Creation, as described below. Although they are more
weapons drawn from the arsenals (see “Arsenal,” below).
common in Lookshy, most can be found throughout Cre-
For more on artifacts, see Chapter Nine: Wonders and
ation, except Lookshy Heliocode.
Equipment in Exalted and also The Book of Three Circles.
CRAFT (FIRST AGE WEAPONS) X A single level 1 artifact of the Storyteller’s
The character has made an intense study into the choice.
creation, enchanting and maintenance of First Age and • A pair of level 1 artifacts.
Shogunate-era weapons and combat systems. She can •• Three dots of artifacts, divided any way (up
perform basic maintenance and repair on most systems to Artifact 2)
••• Four dots of artifacts, divided any way (up to and few soldiers want to serve under an officer known for
Artifact 3) brutality or for wasting his troops. Conversely, an officer
•••• Five dots of artifacts, divided any way (up to with a reputation for innovative tactics or for snatching
Artifact 4) impossible victories out of the jaws of inevitable defeat
••••• Six dots of artifacts, divided any way (up to can count on support from his superiors and intense
Artifact 5) devotion from his underlings. Such reputations can carry
wide and far, and the names of some Seventh Legion
BREEDING officers are spoken of reverently even in the halls of their
Lookshy breeding initiatives and incentives have enemies in the Realm.
been designed to reward numbers, rather than power. For
the Legion’s purposes, a dozen average Dragon-Blooded NEW BACKGROUNDS
are more useful than four powerful Exalts. As a result, while The following Backgrounds are most appropriate for
Breeding is common in the Dragon-Blooded of Lookshy Lookshy characters. Storytellers may wish to introduce
(the initial bloodlines were strong, and the Gentes have them in other games where they are appropriate but are
taken steps to maintain that strength), the highest levels under no compulsion to allow characters to take them
of Breeding are much more uncommon. Levels 1 and 2 of unless the game is about Lookshy Dragon-Blooded.
this Background are priced normally, but each level be-
yond costs an additional Background or bonus point (on ARSENAL
top of the extra cost to buy Backgrounds above 3). So, level Most of Lookshy’s magical assets are stored away in
3 costs 4 points, level 4 costs 7, and level 5 costs 10 points. deep vaults, managed by the master armorers of the
Seventh Legion. This equipment is loaned out to Dragon-
COMMAND Blooded, to elite troop units and, rarely, to other agents
This Background represents an officer’s personal staff of the Seventh Legion as needed or deemed wise. The
or command, rather than soldiers assigned to the officer by equipment remains the property of the Seventh Legion,
the Legion (which can be purchased using the Backing it must be turned in (in working order) when de-
Background). Legion officers are discouraged from devel- manded, and in all other ways, it should be considered
oping personal armies, but occasionally, circumstances a temporary piece of lent gear, rather than an inherent
result in an officer with an independent unit of troops and part of the character’s panoply (see “Artifact,” above,
the General Staff in a position where it can’t say anything for that).
about it. Officers are responsible for the men in their Heroic mortal characters may purchase Arsenal (it is
command, even if those soldiers are not Lookshy troops. common with elite forces units, such as rangers), but the
This Background is purchased normally — keep in mind cost is doubled (so level 3 would costs 6 Background dots
the different sizes of wings and dragons, however. or 6 bonus points and level 5 would cost 6 Background or
CONNECTIONS 8 bonus points).
Dots provided by Arsenal can also be used to purchase
This Background generally works identically to Con- dots of Manse (including its Hearthstone) on a one for one
nections as described in Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded basis — this represents the Legion temporarily turning
(pp. 159-160). Storytellers may wish to allow characters to over one of its Manses to you.
develop connections specific to the Legion — connec- X Apparently the master armorers don’t trust
tions could be developed in the various field forces, the your character very much. Why is that?
Intelligence Directorate, the Academy of Sorcery, etc. • Two level 1 artifacts
instead of the connections mentioned in the Dragon- •• Four dots of artifacts, divided up any way
Blooded book (pp. 162-163). (up to artifact 2)
MANSE ••• Six dots of artifacts, divided up any way
(up to artifact 3). At this level, your
Most manses in Legion territory are held by the
character may have been trusted with one
Seventh Legion, rather than any household. Each Gens
of the Legion’s legendary war engines,
does maintain a handful of Manses, however, and Lookshy
such as a warstrider.
officers often purchase or build Manses in the Scavenger
•••• Eight dots of artifacts, divided up any way
Lands. Lookshy characters purchase Manses using the
(up to artifact 4). At this level, your
same rules as Solars.
character has almost certainly been
REPUTATION assigned some First Age weapon system,
An officer’s reputation can make or break his career such as dragon armor or command over a
— few commanders want officers known for cowardice, major piece of field artillery.
••••• Ten dots of artifacts, divided up any way x Your character has never been tapped for
(up to artifact 5). sorcery training and has never studied
sorcery privately.
RETAINERS • Your character has received basic
Officers of the Seventh Legion are expected to main- instruction in arts of sorcery. Your
tain a proper staff of assistants and support personnel — character starts with the knowledge of
even a taizei can be expected to have a steward, a cook and one spell.
a pair of personal bodyguards unaffiliated with his com- •• Your character has a strong
mand. He might also perhaps have a concubine or two, understanding of sorcery’s core principles.
though some would see it as vaguely decadent. Retainers Your character begins with two spells.
are generally quite loyal to their commanding officer, ••• Your character has received extensive
though that loyalty can be dependent on treatment. Well- training in the art of sorcery. Your
treated, they will develop into fanatical servants — treated character begins with three spells.
poorly, they may seek to gain vengeance, or they may •••• Your character has an advanced
simply sigh and accept their lot, depending on the person- understanding of the finer points of
ality of the characters. sorcery. Your character starts with four
X None. Your character has no retainers, spells. Additionally, although your
being either of low rank, unsavory character cannot perform such spells, she
reputation or stoic disposition. has some knowledge of the fundamentals
• Two retainers, usually a steward and an of the Celestial Circle of sorcery, enough
aide-de-camp. to sometimes recognize Celestial spells
•• Five retainers, normally including a cook when she sees them written down or
and, possibly, a bodyguard. performed.
••• Seven retainers, likely incorporating a ••••• Your character’s knowledge of Terrestrial
pair of bodyguards, a steward, a cook and sorcery is unmatched, and her furtive
a secretary. perusal of certain banned tomes has given
•••• Nine retainers, or a lesser number of more her insights into the more powerful Circles.
skilled aides. She begins with five spells.
••••• Thirteen retainers, almost certainly in
corporating armsmen, bodyguards and
concubines, the retinue of a taimyo or the SORCERERS OF THE HEPTAGRAM
spoiled child of a Gens. At the Storyteller’s discretion, graduates of the
SORCERY Heptagram should be allowed to purchase Sorcery as
well, although they are unlikely to have the highest
This Background represents the advanced training
levels of it — level 4 costs 4 bonus points (instead of
of Lookshy sorcerers. These spells should all be selected
2), and level 5 costs them 8 bonus points (instead of
from the list on page 38. This magical mastery repre-
4). If they possess this Background, Heptagram sor-
sents the common training of the sorcerer-technicians,
cerers are not limited in their selection of spells.
rather than their private studies and innovations (which
must be purchased by exchanging Charms or with bonus
points or experience).
The Wyld holds all dreams. Indeed, the Wyld holds they may never desire to leave the Wyld again — and if
everything that can be conceived or imagined. It offers they do emerge, they will be changed, iconic figures who
endless adventures, islands and seas with treasures that have lost their humanity.
would stagger the prosaic merchants of the Guild, for- But for the moment, they are the richest pirates in
tunes in jade and gold and silks and jewels. The Wyld the West — individually richer than even the Grand-
provides new sunrises that will never pall, new frontiers fathers of the notorious Lintha Family, though they
to be explored, new diversions for mind and soul that will pick their targets more carefully. Or perhaps because
never grow old. of that; after all, who is there to rob on the high seas
But the Wyld is addictive to the soul as well as to the wealthier than the Guild itself? Some Dragon-Blooded
body and mind. Yes, certainly, an Exalt can live out his flock to Ossissa and Eos, seeking leaders in their
dreams and be the heroic pirate of legend and sail beyond rebellion against the Realm. Other Terrestrial Exalted
the sunset for discoveries that no other soul would have join them from private desires, wanting revenge or
dreamed could be found — but what happens when he no wealth or power or to seek their own dreams. Normal
longer wishes to return? humans crew Ossissa and Eos’ ships, mingled with a
Sesus Ossissa and Eos Atitha, a dreamer from House few specimens of the God-Blooded, the spirit-de-
Sesus and a peasant-born outcaste, harry the Guild across scended or stranger beings still.
the Western Ocean, fleeing into the Wyld for shelter and Their activity has not gone unnoticed. Houses Peleps
for haven. With their fleet of followers, they sail through and V’neef have both attempted to dispose of the pirates
the courts of the Fair Folk, daring the soulless fae and even but have not managed to do more yet than to slay a few
courting them as allies. They create or discover what their nameless crewmen. The Lintha Family, which has its own
hearts most desire, deep in the Wyld, and they risk their reasons for anger besides the simple theft of possible
souls in so doing, toying with the addiction that comes targets, is hot on Eos and Ossissa’s trail — and would be
from being given what one most wishes for. At the mo- nipping at their heels if they didn’t take to the Wyld so
ment, they are the heroes of their own story. But someday, often. The Guild is furious and is trying to negotiate a
the process may become more important than the ends, sensible financial balance between stocking its ships with
and the simple act of raiding or exploring be more neces- soldiers and sorcerers or losing those ships to the rapacious,
sary than the reason why they raid or explore. Someday, vengeance-driven pirates.
House Sesus has long been known for strong military,
political and financial ties — and for a willingness to
combine the three in order to wring the greatest possible
profit out of a situation. Sesus troops help collect taxes in
the Threshold, and Sesus merchants finance Cynis parties
and Mnemon marriages, and Sesus politicians turn all of
the above to the house’s advantage. One major line of the
house, the Magel family, is squarely in the Guild’s pocket
— or should that be the other way round? — and the house
finances do very well by it.
There are those who speculate that the notorious
pirate Sesus Ossissa, together with his cohort Eos Atitha,
is merely a catspaw for House Sesus, harvesting from the
Guild illegally just as the Magel family profits legally but
formally disavowed by the house in order to avoid Guild
reprisals. It’s a good theory. There are some in the Guild
who suspect it may be true and hope to find valid evidence
for it some day.
House Sesus tolerates these whispers because the truth,
should it get out, would be even more damaging to it.
When Sesus Chenow founded his own family line so
that he could kill and pillage in the Threshold without
hindrance from the rest of the house, he did so with the
support of his sworn brotherhood. One member of this
brotherhood was another Sesus, of the same age as Chenow
but from the Denerid household — a sensualist named
Ossissa, a pleasure-seeker and visionary, always in search
of new experiences and strange horizons. When Ossissa
was apparently lost to the Wyld, far out in the Threshold,
Chenow regretted the loss of his cousin’s interesting ideas
for persuading satraps to part with their jade but, other-
wise, had little reason to miss him.
Ossissa sailed into the Wyld for many days and nights,
and his crew died one by one, until, at last, he stood alone
on the planks of his ship. When the craft emerged into the
open sea, far from where he had entered the Wyld, a
Followers came quickly. Two powerful Dragon- beastmen haunting the seas, people need comforting sto-
Blooded master-captains, with knowledge of the Wyld, ries that they can believe in.
were the sort of leaders that rebels, pirates and adventurers And the stories are, for the most part, true. The pirates
dreamed of. A small fleet quickly formed, with Sesus really do target the Guild and really do release slaves — most
Ossissa’s own craft Unveiling as its flagship. And the Guild of the time — and are generally in open rebellion against the
began to pay, in jade and silver and blood, for all the Realm. Eos Atitha wants the Guild broken and utterly
grievances that Eos held, with all the finesse that Sesus destroyed, but first she wants it to hurt, and she’s aiming for
Ossissa could provide. its most vulnerable organ — its purse. Sesus Ossissa wants to
The Guild now wants the heads of Sesus Ossissa and dream and to explore his dreams and to satisfy the wildest
Eos Atitha and all those who follow them. Naturally, fringes of his imagination — and, for the moment, to enjoy
House Sesus disclaimed Ossissa as soon as his identity Eos’ thirst for vengeance. Others beneath their flag want
became public knowledge. The other Great Houses pub- revenge or rebellion or the humiliation of their rivals or to
licly claim to believe this — and privately whisper that explore new frontiers or safety from those who pursue them.
Sesus Ossissa is doubtless a deep-cover agent and funnels To the common peasant, however, or the average dockworker
his takings back into the Sesus treasuries. Naturally, House or sailor across the West, they are the pirates: rebellious,
Sesus wants its wayward offspring quietly disposed of and valiant and very wealthy indeed.
has sent a number of expert assassins to that end — all of
whom have so far failed.
captains, including Eos, obey his instructions but are at exceptional circumstances. Should this happen, Peleps
liberty to assist each other where appropriate. Cardero in particular is likely to hold a grudge. Medros
If Ossissa’s ship is not on the mission or if Ossissa is Slitneck is prepared to have Dragon-Blooded promoted
incapacitated in action, then command falls to Eos Atitha. over him, so long as he keeps command of his own ship and
While she has less experience in naval combat than still has a voice in matters.
Ossissa, she is a fast study and is adept at noting the A truly enterprising Dragon-Blooded (or group of
weaknesses of Guild craft. What Eos lacks, however, and Dragon-Blooded) who felt the need to operate indepen-
what may prove a significant danger to her, is experience dently and outside of Ossissa’s authority might be shown
in combat with other Dragon-Blooded of equal strength. certain hideouts in the Wyld and left to work as an
She’s never had the training that the House of Bells offers. independent ally. The oceans are wide, after all, and
She was not taught to command humans or other Exalts, there’s no shortage of Guild ships to raid. Of course, the
and all she knows about strategy and tactics comes from Guild is more alert these days, and such new pirates would
common sense, natural gifts and the teaching of Sesus have more difficulty staging raids or escaping afterward.
Ossissa. While she could take advice from Peleps Cardero They would be operating without the knowledge that Eos
or Medros Slitneck, it would be inappropriate — and and Ossissa have of the region and without their numerous
awkward — to do so in the midst of combat. If some of their allies, but if the Exalts insist on operating solo, it’s their life
pursuers have realized this potential hole in the pirates’ — and, possibly, their funeral.
defenses, they have yet to take advantage of it. For a crew member to actively disobey one of the
If a single ship is on a mission, then either it’s Ossissa’s captains is a whipping offence at best. There have been
ship — possibly with Eos accompanying him on it — on a several cases of attempted treachery, mutiny or selling out
quick raid, or it’s one of the other ships scouting. The Guild to the Guild. Ossissa quite understands the temptations of
has already tried innocent-looking merchant ships whose wealth and power and will even occasionally attempt to
holds are stuffed with soldiers and with a sorcerer behind salvage a traitor of exceptional skills or abilities. While
every bulkhead. Ossissa knows better than to let his pirates such traitors will have to prove themselves by truly heroic
attack single ships, however tempting they may look, unless means, it is possible to earn the pirate’s forgiveness —
he is absolutely certain that they are proper targets. When- eventually. Ossissa might also use Guild spies to leak false
ever the other four captains are operating solo, they have information to the Guild or to bait Guild ships into a trap.
standard orders to refrain from approaching other ships or Eos views betrayals more personally. While her hatred of
from tying up in any port unless they are absolutely certain the Guild is far hotter than Ossissa’s, she lacks his skill at
that the area is safe. Heroic piracy is what they do, but intriguing or his cold-blooded attitude toward spies and is
common sense keeps the pirates alive and operating. more likely to throw any discovered spies directly to the
Technically speaking, the four captains exercise au- sharks or to hand them over to the Fair Folk as slaves.
thority in order of seniority. That is, Peleps Cardero has
the most authority, then Green Poison, then Medros NOTABLE ASSOCIATES
Slitneck, then Gemella Windrose. In practice, Cardero Sesus Ossissa and Eos Atitha, feared as they may be,
and Medros have roughly equal authority in a combat cannot operate a pirate fleet alone. Though some of the
situation, as both of them are experts at commanding ships stories about them in the Threshold describe them as single-
in battle. Green Poison gives way to their expertise, for the handedly steering a mighty caravel and defeating Guild
moment, though if her hatred and anger continue to grow, crews through their own martial prowess, this is an exag-
this may lead to an awkward confrontation. Gemella geration. Loyal crews are necessary to help subdue Guild
Windrose is the undisputed expert on sorcery — and the enforcers, to dispose of guards, to handle ships and treasure
undisputed (even by her) bottom of the command tree and to share the joys of exploration and bloody revenge.
under any other circumstances. Naturally, Ossissa and Eos are always glad to recruit
Any new Dragon-Blooded joining the group would Dragon-Blooded to their cause — in fact, three of their
probably be assigned as a junior officer to one of the current captains are Dragon-Blooded. One is an outlaw on the run,
ships — most likely Ossissa’s own or perhaps Eos’ — until one is a pragmatist with a private mission, and one is a
the leaders were certain of her loyalty and prowess. After sorcerer who dreams of finding Charms and spells that will
a few months, assuming that she could handle crew and allow her to permanently command the Wyld. The fourth
sail, she might be given her own ship to captain. A Dragon- captain is a human, a veteran from the Lintha Family
Blooded (or several of them) joining the pirates with her seeking refuge with one of the few groups that might be
own ship would neither be turned away nor have her ship able to protect him from the Family’s vengeance, but has
taken from her, but she would not be fully trusted for a skills that few can match. There are a couple of other
while. Eos and Ossissa are unlikely to promote newcomers Dragon-Blooded in the group, both newcomers, and both
above their own trusted captains, either, barring truly serving aboard Ossissa’s ship.
Iselsi, in order to give her more latitude to maneuver and slaves being brought in on a Guild ship. Among that cargo
rise. Acknowledged as a courtesan-born Dragon-Blooded was the younger brother whom Medros had left at home 25
sired by an Peleps nobleman (dead and unable to contra- years ago, now comatose and half-dead from head wounds.
dict the slur), she trailed along on the outskirts of society, Something snapped in Medros that day. With his
able to watch her peers but never given any work of customary efficiency, he secured his brother and fled the
importance or invited to the best parties. She broke out Lintha, terrifying his crew into obedience. He sought
with a vengeance, dyed her hair green and ran off to join shelter with someone powerful enough to protect him
Sesus Ossissa. An Aspect of Water, she has largely un- from the Lintha Family. Sesus Ossissa and Eos Atitha,
trained potential as a sorcerer but is truly skilled with her newly making a name for themselves and with a haven
swords. Ossissa and Eos trust Green Poison but keep a hidden deep in the Wyld, were the obvious choice. He
careful eye on her, as she is brash and arrogant and may well swore his loyalty to them by blood and name and sword and
lead her ship into an ambush one of these days. Peleps keeps that oath still.
Cardero feels that there is something strange about her Medros Slitneck is a short man, barely 5’5”, with
claims of ancestry but has not made any serious attempt to green-tinged long black hair tied back in a ponytail, gills
investigate. Her ship is the Dismay. set in his neck, an uncompromising face and a vicious
Medros Slitneck was named for the gills that line his temper. His saber is a First Age weapon, and it glows red
neck, but there are those who say that his habit of slitting in battle as he sheds blood with it. While he has no
the throats of enemy sailors before throwing their bodies Charms or spells, Medros is an accomplished sailor and a
overboard may have had something to do with it. He is a genius at the steering wheel. His crew fear him — with
renegade from the dread Lintha Family and had a bad good reason — but follow him for profit and luxury. His
enough reputation while serving as a ship’s captain under brother sleeps at the Obsidian Hands, still in a coma from
the Family to terrify half the Coral Archipelago. He had no those injuries years ago, and Eos (who sympathizes, to a
doubts about his choices in life or about his loyalty to the degree) has promised to watch for some way of healing his
Family, until one day when he was watching a cargo of wounds. The Lintha Family want Medros alive — and
intend for him to stay alive for a very considerable length
of time, as an example of what happens to traitors.
His ship is the Murderer’s Wind, and it is noticeably older long since flooded by water, whose obsidian cliffs rear
and more battered than the others in the fleet — though skyward like a pair of cupped hands, giving the place its
no less efficient. name. At the far end of the water-filled crater, a stretch of
Gemella Windrose is the daughter of Elucina beach leads up to an expanse of fertile land, where trees
Silvereye, an outcaste who served with distinction as a bear both fruit and flower throughout the year, crowned by
magistrate till her death in the line of duty. This death Ossissa’s gold and ivory pagoda. His followers have their
involved a number of daggers in the back received, cour- own dwellings further down — tents of ice-white silk
tesy of a faction from the Ministry of the Honorable and embroidered with silver thread or houses of ebony or
Humble Caretakers of the Common Folk, during a compli- towers of marble. Even the lowliest crewman sleeps be-
cated tax fraud case that Elucina was investigating. tween silk sheets and is attended by beautiful faerie
However, by then, Gemella was already in boarding school courtesans or doe-eyed boys with sculpted muscles.
and comfortably ensconced in the Realm’s educational This is a haven of pure desire, where every wish is
system. She Exalted successfully and passed through the answered. Meals are brought by birds every morning or
Heptagram with high marks, a scholastic rather than a prepared by the smiling servants and include fresh bread,
social success. Shortly after graduation, she headed off to fresh meat, unearthly sweetmeats and wines that might
the Threshold and vanished from the social map. She have been pressed before ever the Scarlet Empress took the
reappeared in the company of Ossissa and Eos, as their throne. The men and women of the fleet lounge among the
newest captain, devoted to expanding the boundaries of trees or swim in the clear waters below or practice with
reality and exploring the Wyld. their weapons on the sandy beach or sport with their
Gemella is a dreamer pure and simple, a fantasist who paramours. Each time Ossissa or Eos leads an attack on the
wants to build strange new realms out of the Wyld and to sail Guild, there are always a few who are unwilling to leave
into the sunset and return with a hold full of pearls and this earthly paradise. Some of these lotus-eaters become
flowers. She came to Sesus Ossissa because she’d heard that guards of the Obsidian Hands, watching for any attackers
he’d explored further into the Wyld than any other Dragon- who might somehow find their way to the haven. Others
Blooded, loyal or traitorous, and that he intended to go — in an act of strange mercy from Ossissa — are returned
further still. Ossissa feels almost paternal toward the girl and to mortal lands, where they live in longing for the distant
has ensured that her ship is crewed by some of his most loyal shores of the Wyld, to report on Guild activities to Ossissa
and able followers. Gemella is an expert sorceress but a poor and Eos, solaced with dream-crafted treasures that their
sailor and relies on her first mate (Lynden Jadenose, an old old shipmates bring them.
hand) for most of the prosaic duties of captaining a ship. She The way to the Obsidian Hands requires passage
is a slender woman, gaunt with self-imposed austerities and through certain points of the Wyld. It cannot be reached
a mere 30 years old, and she wears her dark hair cut short. without passing these waypoints, short of using the most
While she is perfectly competent with her Charms, she’s powerful spells or the Charms of the ancient Anathema.
Earth-aspected, so she seldom feels entirely comfortable in The Celestial Circle spell Summon Spirit Boat (see Sav-
the middle of the ocean. Her ship is the Declaration. age Seas, pp.117-118) could take a sorcerer to the first
Other known followers of Ossissa and Eos include: waypoint on the route but would require the token for that
Ethe Lathin, a Tya who joined in the hope of finding checkpoint to go further. Sesus Ossissa is a dreamer and a
her lover, another Tya lost to the Wyld years ago, and who visionary and a Wyld-shaper, but he is not stupid. While
regularly proposes a raid on the Lintha Family’s sargasso. it is possible that a ship lost in the Wyld might come upon
Edge of Coral, a man whose mother was a coral-spirit the Obsidian Hands purely by accident, it is extremely
and whose nails and teeth are red coral, who searches for unlikely. Such fortunate sailors — for anyone surviving a
a way to make his spirit-kin accept him. voyage through the Wyld purely by chance is ridiculously
Doraste Eel-biter, who drank the blood of one of the fortunate — find themselves at the entrance to the Obsid-
great eels that swarm in the Far West and who now has ian Hands harbor, where the cliffs part to allow entrance
white scales and hair and eyes red as blood and swims faster to the central crater, being hailed by the guards watching
than any human. from above.
Incan Star-Eye, who always goes wrapped in gray (The Obsidian Hands are in the Deep Wyld, in a
robes and has yet to reveal evidence of either gender but pocket of stability with a single path leading to it. Passing
can call and dispel mists by singing. each waypoint requires at least five successes on a Percep-
tion + Sail roll with a difficulty of 7, in addition to fulfilling
IN THE OBSIDIAN HANDS the condition at that place.)
The fleet’s secret haven is deep in the Wyld, found There are three waypoints to pass and three tokens to
long ago by Sesus Ossissa when he only had a single ship give. First, the ship must pass through a sea of endless long
under his command. The actual port is an extinct volcano, waves that stretch from horizon to horizon. If, and only if,
Some of the pirates have brought their human par- Withered Hanzi dwells in an elegant, well-moneyed
amours to their haven and keep them there in the lap of town in the Coral Archipelago but is a social recluse,
luxury, lavishing jewels and silver upon them. These preferring to spend his time in his high house on the cliffs
pampered lovers are certainly happy, but they dwell in a to the north. The sea-mists wash over those cliffs in the
lotus-eating paradise, where everything is provided and evenings, making navigation hazardous, and rise to wrap
nothing need be sought. They dwell there like flowers the house in their shrouds. Local children tell each other
caught in amber, not needing to go on the missions and that he summons demons and converses with the ghosts of
raids in which their pirate lovers risk their lives. Many of the dead and that black galleys from the Skullstone Archi-
them drift into placid dreams and idle indulgences, rousing pelago visit him at the dark of the moon and bring him
themselves only when their lovers return to garland them trapped spirits to sing to him at night. Their parents view
with flowers and receive their embraces. The nearby Fair him as an eccentric, but as a rich eccentric — and the rich
Folk have no interest in kidnaping them or luring them are forgiven many things. He comes down every day to the
away, as such folk are already lost in their own dreams. port, to do his own shopping, as he insists on fresh fish for
every meal.
SUPPORT NETWORK Hanzi was forced to leave the Unveiling’s crew after he
The pirates have their haven and their captains and was struck with venom from a sea serpent that warped his
their ships, and they form an excellent and highly lethal body till he seemed 80 years old. Ossissa supplied him with
strike force. However, they cannot exist in a vacuum. enough jade to buy a house and to maintain him in moder-
Their interest in bankrupting and breaking the Guild ately extravagant style. Hanzi listens to gossip and observes
keeps them tied to the human population of the Western ship movements during his daily shopping expeditions, and
Ocean and keeps them involved with ordinary fishermen, he passes the information on when his old shipmates visit
sailors, farmers, slaves and soldiers. This is ultimately a him at the dark of the moon. He also has a spirit of the air
fortunate thing. Were the pirates to keep to their explora- trapped inside a sapphire cage, which he can release if he
tions of the Wyld and their association with the fae, they needs to send a truly urgent message to the pirates.
would soon lose track of what humanity and human Hanzi is currently watching for new potential outcaste
interactions mean. For the moment, Eos’ obsession and recruits and would enjoy the chance to tweak the Realm’s
the desires of others among the pirates keep them safe from nose by hiding any fugitives. He is not actually ill, but
the deepest temptations of the Wyld. physically, is as weak and frail as an 80-year-old man and
For the moment. suffers from chronic arthritis.
The spirit of the air was bound by Gemella Windrose.
TRACKING THE MERCHANDISE If the cage’s door is opened, then the spirit is released, but
Sesus Ossissa and Eos Atitha may be daring pirate it must perform a task for whoever opened the door. If the
adventurers, sailing into the Wyld and into the distant cage is shattered, then the spirit is free and owes obedience
courts of faerie, but this provides little practical intelli- to no one.
gence on when the Guild fleets sail and what routes they Kieran Red Whiskers is a large deckhand in a major
intend to take and how well guarded they will be. The port somewhere between the Lintha Family’s sargasso and
Guild has the jade to afford sorcerers who can conceal its the Skullstone Archipelago. Always friendly and with a
plans with spells of confusion and hide its passage with merry quip for one and all, he cheerfully accepts heavy
clouds and to bribe or compel the little gods and the spirits work for low wages — in order, he explains, to keep his
of air and sea to keep silence. poor little sister fed and clothed — and always has a few
However, what Eos and Ossissa have are loyal follow- spare coppers for the children who flock to the wharfs to
ers who are prepared to report to them on when ships sail, watch the cargo being unloaded. Nobody notices the
on where they intend to go and on who crews them. Some bloodthirsty gleam in his beady eyes as he smiles and bows
of these folk are pirates who were invalided off their ships happily to the Guild captains and sailors.
due to injuries that could not be healed. Others are Kieran is not a sane man, though he gives a good
members of the crew who could no longer endure the impression of it to the casual onlooker. Ossissa was only
nearness of the Wyld or who found addiction too much to too glad to post him well away from the other pirates, so
bear and had to retreat to more civilized human lands that, when the inevitable breakdown occurs, the other
before they succumbed to the endless temptations of pirates won’t be caught in it. Every night, Kieran goes
dreams. A few are only working as spies for a little while, home to his lover, a Fair Folk enchantress who hides her
scouting for new crew members — or even new outcastes exotic features behind layers of veils and whom the neigh-
— and serving as go-betweens and agents. Soon enough, bors believe to be Kieran’s poor frail sister. Every night, she
they will return to their beloved ships and to the sea-paths builds a seagull from blood and feathers and sends it to Eos
of the uttermost West. with the latest reports. And every night, she kisses Kieran
to sleep and drinks from his dreams. Some nights, the two her ship and then anonymously passed that person infor-
of them wander the streets of the port together and find a mation about how to contact Eos and Ossissa. Massatha is
Guild sailor, and Kieran breaks the man’s bones while the a middle-aged woman, weathered by a life at sea, with a
faerie drinks his blood and paints the walls with it. tongue that can blister paint at 40 paces.
Massatha is one of the Tya, and she owns her own Of course, there are other silent agents who watch
ship, which she sails on short trading voyages between the the seas and report to the pirates on Guild movements.
outskirts of the Skullstone Archipelago and the edges of Annisterre, a young man with many years to go till he
the Coral Archipelago. She specializes in small luxury attains the dignity and rank of death, takes substantial
goods such as spices, pearls and silks, and she pays the quantities of jade to watch certain comings and goings
Guild a heavy fee by way of insurance against “accidental through the Skullstone Archipelago. Mefer, an itinerant
pirate attacks.” Most of her crew is Tya as well, but none Immaculate monk with abolitionist leanings, occasion-
of them are aware of her links to Sesus Ossissa and Eos ally passes on information about Guild slave convoys in
Atitha. In fact, many of them would be furious to hear of return for proper donations to local temples. Firebird
it, and she might well be deposed as captain — not to Ikkalia, an arrogant female pit fighter who is a frequent
mention thrown overboard for the sharks. visitor to the Lintha Family’s domains, has a good eye for
Massatha’s grudge against the Guild is deep and troop movements and trades it for exotic new weapons.
permanent. She resents having to pay the equivalent of Jadis Ice-Eye is an elderly charm-maker and potion-
heavy taxes to them, resents having to take their wishes brewer who uses the rare drugs that Ossissa provides to
into account and resents most of all that she, a single create some of her more exotic potions and, in return,
trader, will never be able to hurt them. Given all of this gives him information on the sorcerers and Exalts who
resentment, she is more than happy to pass information on pass through her part of the Coral Archipelago.
to pirates who can and will make the Guild suffer. Her
news is passed in coded messages inside her trade goods, CHESTS OF JADE AND GOLD
folded inside spice-barrels and painted on the inner linings The pirates must also be careful about what cargo they
of bales of silk, and while her messages are slow to reach the take as loot and where they dispose of it. If they return after
pirates, they are full and detailed. Also, three times now, a raid with holds full of black lotus, indigo, peppers,
she has observed a potential recruit who was working on Conqueror root, merhorse skins, flamewood planks, auk
down and cane spirits, they can’t necessarily sell it at the However, she interfered — by pure chance — in an
first port they come to. This holds particularly if the Guild assassination plot, accidentally saving the life of a high
knows what’s been stolen and is likely to express its lord and was sensible enough to accept his thanks grace-
grievance on anybody who ends up buying it or to try to fully. He gifted her with 100 more years of life, her own
trace the pirates through it. group of minions and an introduction to one of the Lintha
Of course, this leads to the black market and to Family. Candelati left the Fair Folk island as fast as she
smugglers and to discreet vendors in back alleys and to politely could, but maintains business connections with
little shops with strange proprietors who can find anything them and sells Fair Folk goods — or anything else interest-
a buyer wants — at a price — or who can arrange to sell it ing — at a reasonable price. She is obsessed with her nails,
to someone who’ll buy it. For every law-abiding society in having them manicured twice daily by eunuch slaves and
the West, from the Coral Archipelago to the Skullstone wearing elegant jade nail guards.
Archipelago — and even among the Lintha Family, which Sweet Decay is an elegantly coiffured young man who
has its own rules — there are buyers and sellers willing to haunts the edges of the Skullstone Archipelago and affects
flout established law and agreed custom in order to make the dress and manners of a deathknight. While not of such
a profit. rank himself, he dreams of elevation to the higher aristoc-
A certain amount of effort is necessary to get the goods racy and hopes to buy his way in through jade and favors.
to the sellers. This may require stealing a cargo ship, The true deathknights and powers of the land despise and
disguising it, packaging the small but valuable items at the discount him, considering him no more than an imitative
bottom of barrels of beer or bales of cotton and sailing into groveller in their wake. He simultaneously resents their
port under the Guild’s noses in order to hand over the opinion of him and uses it as protective coloration.
spoils and collect the price. Equally, it might involve Even in the Skullstone Archipelago, there is a market
rowing into small inlets in the dead of night in small, silent in luxuries for the living, and not everyone wants to die —
boats and handing over chests filled with jade and spices or perhaps they’d rather hasten someone else’s death.
and fae goods, which are received by masked smugglers Sweet Decay can provide silks, drugs and rare luxuries from
whose kinfolk keep watch for lawmen or Guild interlopers. across the West and even sometimes from further afield —
Or perhaps it will require a rendezvous deep in the heart of furs from the distant North or peppers and spices from the
the ocean, in a position specified only by stars and tides, for Far South. He mingles smoothly flattering words with cold
a private exchange between two or more ships. Such a mid- disdainful mannerisms, leaving his buyers often uncertain
ocean rendezvous would be made with one eye on the as to whether he’s going to supply their needs or strangle
horizon for a Guild fleet informed of their plans or for some them on the spot. A number of orphaned children serve
deep sea behemoth lurking for prey. him as a spy network, hoping for a better future.
Some items come from the Wyld itself and, as such, Madam Doubleknock runs one of the most famous
are perishable. Ossissa sells the occasional such item (roses pawnshops in Azure, the capital of the Coral Archipelago.
made of rain, cats of smoke, opal-eyed birds trapped in She courts the poorer clientele, and sailors can pawn
golden cages) to wealthy individuals who have the facili- anything from their latest coral trinket to their second-
ties to keep them solid and real. Gemella Windrose has the hand trousers in her shops. Repeat business from the cheap
Charms to keep such things solid and permanent, but end of the market keeps her in business, and the rumors of
Ossissa doesn’t want her spending too much time on a private dealings with everyone from the Guild to the
trivial pursuit. However, there are people who will pay a Lintha Family are totally accurate. She manages to con-
fortune for trinkets that only the Wyld can provide — or ceal her dealings with Ossissa and Eos due to all the other
who will give the equivalent value in information, treach- merchandise that moves through her warehouses and
ery or assistance — which makes the deal worthwhile. shops and camouflages their spoils with pawned goods and
Candelati of the Second Winding is an elderly woman black-market items.
whose eyes are far too young for her face. She operates in As far as Madam Doubleknock is concerned, she’s in
the Lintha Family’s stronghold and is tolerated by them it for the money. She keeps all her clients strictly separate,
because they prefer to have an identified free agent whom she doesn’t sell information (though she does sell goods),
they can control and feed false information to, rather than she doesn’t run assassins, and she carefully avoids the sort
a hidden potential enemy. She has a disturbing giggle and of activity that might leave her in the prisons awaiting the
dresses in scanty silks that do not suit her age or demeanor, next sacrifice to the volcanoes. To her, Eos and Ossissa are
and she will offer her clients anything they want — for a just another set of sellers (and occasional buyers). She’s
reasonable price. prepared to pass on a message if anyone wants to set up a
Candelati was sold to the Fair Folk as a slave at an meeting, but she will charge for the service. The Guild are
early age and grew old working in their palaces, scrubbing aware that she serves as a channel for the pirates’ stolen
their perfect floors and manicuring their perfect nails. goods and is putting together a scheme to lure at least one
of Ossissa’s ships — and captains — into its hands. Dominie voyage, fortify themselves with any Charms they have that
Malfortayn (see p. 88) already has such a plan, but needs provide resistance to the Wyld’s effects, gird on their weap-
a few innocent outcastes to serve as bait. ons and set sail for the uttermost West. If the pilot’s player
can obtain 30 or more successes on an extended roll of
SIGNING ARTICLES Perception + Sail, then the character may indeed manage to
A lot of people would like to join up with the pirates. pilot the ship to Ossissa’s fabled haven, though this will take
Some want to serve them faithfully, while others want to at least three days in the Middlemarches of the Wyld per
betray them. Some want to explore the deep Wyld, some roll. For every success above the 30 required, the number of
want to get rich, some want to hurt the Guild, and others days is reduced by one. The player of a Lunar, should his
nurture plans to take over the fleet and be acknowledged character be seeking Ossissa’s haven, may attempt to roll
as the rulers of the Western Ocean. As with any elite Perception + Survival at a difficulty of 7, using his character’s
organization, it’s not as easy to join up as it looks. innate familiarity with the Wyld and its ways to track the
pirates more easily, but it will take him the same length of
MAKING CONTACT time to travel to the Obsidian Hands.
Aspiring pirates have to find some way to make Smart Exalts — of whatever variety — have various
contact with Ossissa and Eos. Randomly sailing into the ways to try to find the pirates. Sorcerers may summon the
Deep Wyld is far more likely to result in a painful death or spirits of air and earth and water — or even demons — and
a permanent Wyld-change rather than an actual encoun- bid them to trace the pirates to their haven. Also, if a sorcerer
ter with the pirate fleet, much less its secret haven. Of knows that the pirates are currently in a particular area after
course, chance can take a hand, the workings of fate are a notorious raid or battle, she might command her spirit
inscrutable, and the Maidens and the Dragons shape allies to search that tract of sea for their ships and to return
destiny to their ends. It is possible that the battered raft with word of their location. Certain Charms of investigation
that is all that remains of a character’s noble ship will be and detection, such as the Evidence-Discerning Method or
noticed by the Unveiling in passing and that the character the Unknown Wisdom Epiphany, might also allow Exalts to
will be taken aboard and given a chance to prove himself. examine a particular location where the pirates have been
Death-defying characters who wish to dare the far staying and to note clues that will give some idea of where
reaches of the Wyld should lay in provisions for a long they might lair or where they intend to go next.
Those Exalts who have a particular affinity for diplo- contacts. Ossissa and Eos are willing to trust the contacts
macy or crime — or a knack for conversation and bribery whom they’ve put in place and will give at least some
— will doubtless realize that the pirates must have con- credence to their opinion of potential recruits — particu-
tacts among the population of the Western archipelagos. larly if a contact then expedited a meeting. Arriving with
Such contacts are a logical way of sending a message to the the Guild in hot pursuit gives the fugitive some moral
pirates, and setting up a first meeting. A bit of spying, a few credibility but not absolute certainty. Such things could be
bribes and a certain amount of observation can allow set up and have been before. If Ossissa and Eos know that
characters to identify merchants or others who might be in the characters are looking for them, they’ll certainly check
touch with the pirates. Of course, the Guild is currently up on any publicly available knowledge about them, and
trying to trace Eos and Ossissa’s agents too, so Exalts must the two pirates’ black-market links might even give them
be careful not to leave an obvious trail to their door. access to a few disreputable secrets as well.
Particularly naïve Exalts might not realize that the Guild The two most useful emotional keys for characters to
is using them as catspaws. This offers the possibility of a appeal to are Eos’ hatred of the Guild and Ossissa’s urge to
tragic outcome, if they expose the hapless agents or even explore new horizons. Having a reliable reputation for
lead the Guild all the way to the pirates’ haven. Possibly either pursuit is one good way to get a hearing with the
Ossissa might intervene in time to help them escape and captains and a sympathetic reception. A personal appeal
offer them a place with the pirates, as their intentions were to one of the other captains can have interesting results, as
worthy, even if their naïveté is troubling. all four of them would be glad to have Exalted allies, and
Particularly devious Exalts might even decide to use this might cause them to possibly be less thorough than Eos
the Guild’s information and resources. Burglary, blackmail or Ossissa in their checks.
and straight out bullying are all potential ways to persuade It might seem that the most practical way for charac-
Guild representatives to pass on any knowledge they may ters to show their trustworthiness to a jade-hungry group
have about where to find Eos and Ossissa or any suspicions of bloodthirsty pirates is through large physical tokens.
about their haven. Exalts with strong family connections Such tokens could include a useful First Age relic, perhaps,
to the Guild may have an advantage here. Of course, a or a just-captured Guild ship or two. Other possibilities are
Great House with strong Guild connections won’t want its a hold full of jade, a few notorious Guild officers in chains,
members playing pirate and emptying its coffers — so such maps to unexplored parts of the Wyld or similar items.
Exalts had better have a good excuse or be ready to break Characters who go by the Guild’s version of events or who
all ties and desert their house. The sheer amount of assume that Ossissa and Eos are leading a group on the
physical force that Exalts can apply to breakable things order of the Lintha Family may assume this, and they
(buildings, expensive ornaments, human bodies) can usu- wouldn’t be entirely wrong. These tokens will work as
ally convince even the most obdurate to talk. beginning offerings, but the character will then need a
If all the above fail, a long-term strategy of tracing the convincing reason for seeking alliance with Eos and Ossissa
movements of the pirates, plotting out where their raids to back it up. Anyone trying to buy her way in without a
take place and trying to intercept them at likely points — good explanation for where she got the money or why she
or near likely targets — might yield results. This is a plan wants to join the pirates will be suspected to be a Guild
for scholars or strategists and would require a significant plant or a fool — or both.
investment in time and research. It’s also something that Appropriate skills will help to tip the balance. Being
the Guild is likely to try at some point, which could result able to sail, steer or crew a ship is a point in any character’s
in awkward meetings between Guild ships and pirate- favor. Knowing how to use a weapon or spells or Charms
seeking Exalts. Once might be coincidence, twice might is expected of any competent Exalt. Being able to captain
be happenstance, but three times? a ship under battle conditions, however, will get Ossissa’s
full attention — he’s had problems with Gemella
JOINING UP Windrose’s lack of technical competence, however good a
The pirates are suspicious, cynical raiders, and those sorceress she is. Social skills or training in theft and
of them who come from the Houses of the Realm are heir assassination will mark a character as a possible agent to go
to centuries of bluff, double-bluff and betrayal. On the spying on land missions or to infiltrate a Guild ship before
other hand, the crewmen who’ve spent the last few years an attack. (It will, however, also mark him as a possible
running from the Guild also have a good, practical ground- danger to the crew — what better cover for a Guild agent?)
ing in ambushes, plots and spies. The Guild has tried Truly unusual skills — such as an affinity with water spirits,
numerous attempts at infiltration, to the point that enthu- the ability to assume animal shapes or strange powers of
siastic-looking would-be recruits are now automatically divination — will earn Ossissa’s interest. However, such
distrusted rather than trusted. characters will need an excellent explanation as to why
The most useful testimonial that characters can have they want to join this group in particular, rather than being
to their credit is the approval of one of Ossissa’s trusted paid vast sums of jade by an appreciative Guild or Realm.
Ultimately, however, deeds are more convincing It’s hard to say exactly what will definitely prove a
than words. New recruits will be separated and placed on character’s intentions and loyalties to Eos and Ossissa. The
different ships, and they will be expected to show their usual test of faith is to kill for the pirates, taking down one
worth in battle, in seamanship or in simple survival. They of their enemies in open battle or in a stealthy raid. Once a
will not be taken to the Obsidian Hands unless and until character has done this, he is said to have “made his bones”
Ossissa and Eos are sure that they are trustworthy, but left and is an accepted member of the crew. At this point, the
on nearby islets or in small ports or villages. Alterna- character is required to swear on his blood, his bones and his
tively, they may be sent to spy on the Guild or to discover seed that he will never betray the pirates or work against
the route and sailing times of a particular argosy, while them in any way. Further, the character swears that, if he
the main part of the pirates’ fleet recuperates at the betrays this oath, may the blood be drawn from his veins, the
Obsidian Hands. Spies may see this as the ideal time to bones torn from his body, and the seed rot within him.
report back to their masters in the Guild and seek further Ossissa is currently looking for a magical way to enforce this
instructions. Loyal allies of the pirates will, accurately, oath. While he can (and has) dealt with traitors in a purely
see this as a chance to prove their loyalty in the absence physical way, sorcerous or First Age methods of automati-
of direct supervision. cally punishing treachery would be useful.
It may seem strange that the pirates place so much faith Three particular Fair Folk domains lie near to the
in an oath, when they know so much of treachery. But this, Obsidian Hands. Of them, one has a strong alliance with
too, is a peril brought on them by the Wyld in which they Eos and Ossissa, one has a well-defined, yet fragile treaty,
live and the archetypal roles that they uphold. They have and the third is an enemy who would be glad to betray the
become the heroes of their personal story, and occasion- pirates’ location to the Guild.
ally… a hero is betrayed. But that, too, is part of the story.
THE DISTANT COURTS These islands lie near the Obsidian Hands, and some-
In the Wyld, bordering the fringes of civilization, are times, at dawn, the pirates in the haven can hear distant
the Distant Courts where the fae dwell in glamour and flutes and harps playing through the mists that shroud that
beauty. Their islands of coral and ivory and jade are cur- quarter of the ocean. Ossissa has forbidden any boats to visit
tained by the living water, and their food is so sweet that a these islands except with his direct permission. Two sailors
single taste would ruin a mortal man’s appetite for any disobeyed his orders once and have not been seen since.
earthly nourishment. Birds with the voices of humans — The Queen of the Islands once styled herself Empress,
torn from the throats of child captives — sing at dawn and in imitation of the Scarlet Empress, but grew bored with
at dusk, and leopards with hides of glowing pearl lie down that after a mere century and now names herself the Ruby
next to the ladies of the Courts and serve their whims. Queen. She lounges on couches of carved jet, clad only in
These are the lands where Sesus Ossissa casts an- her long red hair, attended by servants with dappled skin
chor, when he travels through the far oceans of the Wyld. and ivory eyes. While she is not averse to amusing herself
Sometimes, the waters of the sea become as dark as wine with mortal pets, hunting for humans displeases her aes-
or blood beneath the keel of his ship and leave the wood thetic notions of elegant languor, and she prefers to have
stained crimson. Sometimes, the oceans become fresh them brought to her. Eos has taken pleasure in giving her
and sweet, like pure light, and lilies float in them under a number of Guild captains as slaves, and they wander the
the unceasing sun. Sometimes, his fleet leaves the waters shores of the islands, dead-eyed and empty-souled.
and takes to the clouds, sails still spread to catch the In time of need, the leopards that prowl the island can
wind. Here, it travels the reaches of the sky, and strange cast themselves into the seas and take on the form of sharp-
peacock-feathered birds perch on the sails and rigging to toothed dolphins, then crawl aboard an enemy’s ship in
watch the ship’s passage. the form of leopards again and slay or seduce all aboard.
This is the Wyld, the place where imagination can Twice now, Sesus Ossissa has gone hunting with such
create reality and where glamour and nature merge to form minions, and both times, he has returned victorious, with
impossibility. Flowers bloom here that melt into drops of treasures and slaves as a gift for the Queen of the Islands.
water at a touch from human hands. The wine that the The Queen is a comparatively minor power among
faerie courts drink comes from grapes that never see the the fae, but having her as an ally guards this flank of the
sun, which grow beneath the waves and are harvested by Obsidian Hands. She doesn’t particularly care whether she
dwarfish divers who may never taste them. Sharks here receives slaves and gifts from Ossissa and Eos or from the
spread great feathered wings and fly above the surface of Guild, as long as she is shown sufficient respect and is kept
the sea, scenting blood on the wind. amused by the proceedings. She has pacted to keep faith
The Wyld is addictive. Sesus Ossissa knows this. Every and truce with Ossissa and Eos until one of them betrays
time he brings new followers here, he watches the sudden the other or till they attack her or till the day the whole
shock and glory in their eyes and sees them struggle against Realm acknowledges the Scarlet Empress as sole ruler. For
the temptation of their wildest desires. Some cannot bring Ossissa to sleep with her would break the pact, and she
themselves to leave and spend their lives in revelry among constantly makes languid attempts to seduce him —
the glamour-clad fae until their souls are drained away. though is not so far offended by his refusals.
Others, those who have their own motivations of revenge or THE FORTRESS OF THE PEARL
exploration or the like, manage to control their dreams and
Four brother-kings live here in proud dominion, each
stay in command of themselves. In time, such sailors may
commanding a host of water spirits. The Northern King
become his captains and lead voyages of their own into these
has rulership over the area to the north of the Fortress, the
realms. They may forge new paths into the mist and fog to
Southern King to the south, and the Eastern and Western
find islands where men with ebony skin and pale hair mould
Kings in their respective directions. This includes all
silver and platinum between their bare hands. They may
formal pacts, wars, peace and matrimonial alliances. Since
discover amber-draped jungles where bees thrice the size of
the Fortress is not constant in its direction from the
a human fist gather nectar from seven poisons and five
Obsidian Hands, Ossissa and Eos have had to negotiate
flowers to create a honey that can restore sight to the blind
separate treaties with each of the kings.
or voice to the dumb.
surround his island in a maze of razor edges, and his palace is against is the taint of the Wyld. She sees it afflicting Dragon-
grown from living coral and surrounded by a moat of hissing Blooded who might otherwise have provided useful service
snakes. Many of his court have slit eyes and forked tongues, to the Realm and who could have lived in honest veneration
though, as they are Fair Folk, this merely adds to their allure. of the Five Dragons, and she bitterly regrets the waste. She
If visitors manage to reach the island, then the Scaled Duke can see the Wyld advancing around the edges of the Realm,
will allow them to enter the main hall, but he will not declare bleeding into reality and ruining the world where it enters,
himself immediately or sit on his throne, preferring to watch with the Fair Folk following closely behind.
the newcomers from among the crowd. A wise observer can Sesus Ossissa is, to her, not merely a traitor to the
identify him by his sapphire eyes, his blue tongue and the fact Realm, but a betrayer of all Creation, and he must be
that his shadow ends in a serpent’s tail. stopped. Eos Atitha is a fool, a young, reckless fool, but
The Scaled Duke isn’t interested in any sort of alli- could be taught better, given time and effort. (In fact,
ance with Ossissa and Eos, whom he views as interlopers. Haletha feels a certain sympathy for the isolated outcaste
He would be delighted to sell their location to the Guild, Eos, who never had any chance to learn proper behavior.
if only he could bear to tolerate the society of such dull, Should Haletha ever have the opportunity to capture Eos,
unattractive humans. Aesthetics are his primary concern, she has a nice isolated Immaculate monastery far in the
and if visitors offend him by their ugliness or discourtesy, North that owes her several favors, which would be glad to
then he will have them thrown into a pit of serpents or take a wayward Dragon-Blooded under supervision for a
driven into the Wyld in the hopes that their appearance proper education in manners and morality.)
will change for the better. Some of his servants — a young Haletha has been given particular dispensation to do
female, Lady Sythrual, in particular— hope to win his whatever is necessary to stop the pirates and can call upon
favor by negotiating a treaty with the Guild to betray the further Immaculate assistance, or temple funds, where
pirates’ haven. They will perform the negotiations, so that necessary. However, she is balked by the fact that the
the Scaled Duke need not expose himself to the unaes- pirates move freely through the Wyld, making it very
thetic humans and then present him with the rewards — difficult to predict where and how they will strike. She has
slaves, wealth, service, whatever the Guild may be willing taken to acting as an unpaid guard on Guild convoys that
to give. (And if the Guild is truly generous, well, perhaps may be attacked, hoping to catch the pirates by surprise.
it is time for the island to have a new ruler?) Her brisk demeanor and firm manner make sensible people
keep their distance or listen when she speaks to them.
ENEMIES Haletha’s greatest fear — something she will not
Ossissa and Eos must contend against the forces of acknowledge, even to herself — is the possibility that she
Realm and Guild and Lintha Family and Coral Archi- herself may become tainted by the Wyld and succumb to
pelago in their quest to despoil the Guild and explore the the longing for dreams-come-true that drives so many of
Wyld. However, there are certain notable figures who the pirates. She does not realize that she has already fallen
have sworn a particular vengeance to their activities or to her own dream of being the constant heroic pursuer, the
who devote all their time and energies to hunting them bringer of righteousness, the enforcer of proper behavior.
down. Such people are often looking for independent The longer she continues to pursue them, the less likely
agents to help them pursue the pirates or to infiltrate them she is ever to catch the pirates.
or to trap them. Some of these enemies are patient and Dominie Malfortayn of the Guild has a much more
skillful enough to let Dragon-Blooded who owe them a practical attitude. He wants the pirates dead, he wants
debt of some sort join the pirates in perfect innocence and their treasure chests in his coffers, he wants their heads on
then to extract that debt in service — and in betrayal. pikes above his gate, and he wants their Fair Folk allies
Haletha is an elderly Immaculate whose skin is marked buying his slaves. His over-educated youth shows through
by age and by the weathering of the sea but whose eyes are when he devises epithets to give full vent to his opinions
as dark and hard as iron and whose posture is still that of on the subject. While not of an Exalted Great House, he
a Wood-aspected Exalt who has mastered every art of her attended one of the lesser boarding schools on the Blessed
chosen Dragon. She is never seen without her bow, and Isle in hopes of a post in the Thousand Scales. Having
there are stories of how she transfixed ghosts and Fair Folk failed the examinations dismally, and being disowned by
with her arrows, pinning them to the prow of the ship that his family in consequence, he took to service with the
she sailed in and sending the ghosts to the mercy of the Guild and rose from the lowest ranks to high position, due
Dragons and the Fair Folk to the depths of the Demon to his efficiency, his practicality and his extreme caution
Realm. It is generally known that she hunts Ossissa and when dealing with the Fair Folk. Dominie has taken care
Eos and their followers, but few know precisely why. to avoid the temptations that have doomed so many other
Personally speaking, Haletha has absolutely no interest Guild agents who went out to sell slaves to the Fair Folk
in the Guild’s welfare, though she acknowledges that it and ended up in chains themselves, enslaved by foolish
provides a useful service to the Realm. What she struggles contracts and careless oaths.
NEW ITEMS still, to the land of his dreams. The edge of Creation holds
all possibilities, including dreams of the past and hopes
FRESHWATER PEARLS (ARTIFACT •) for the future. Does the steersman seek a land where the
friends of his youth still live in harmony and where the
These pearls are the size of a child’s fist, nacreous
cliffs of his childhood rise to welcome him as he emerges
white as the first star on a winter’s evening. If a pearl is
from the Wyld mists to see a familiar shore? It can be
placed in a barrel (or lesser quantity) of seawater or fouled
found. Would he rather find a land that fits his future
water, it will instantly render the water as clear and fresh
dreams, where lions will follow him obediently and birds
as that of a mountain spring. If thrown into a larger
of paradise will nest in his eaves and where he can live in
quantity of water, then it has no effect. Legends of certain
never-ending contests of arms or constantly test himself
Solar Exalted attempting to purify an inland sea in order to
by hunting antelopes or rarer prey?
give the local inhabitants water have resulted in several
The Helm of Heart’s Desire, as it is referred to in
diving expeditions to hunt for such pearls — and even a
certain First Age scrolls, answers the spoken and unspoken
few successes. A Pearl works up to five times a day. If placed
desires of a steersman’s heart. It can guide a sailor to his
in a barrel of wine or other alcohol, then the pearl turns the
deepest fantasy or lead him to the nightmare that he has
liquid to ordinary healthy grape juice or whatever the
never dared examine.
appropriate source liquid might be. A pearl has no effect on
The Helm is constructed of all five types of jade, with
actual poison, unfortunately.
the wheel itself being orichalcum and the three compasses
COMPASS OF IMMANENT STRIFE (ARTIFACT ••) set beside the wheel made of moonsilver. Of the three
This compass is forged of orichalcum and starmetal, compasses, it is said that the first points toward the El-
and once installed in a ship’s helm, infallibly points toward emental Pole of Earth at the heart of the Realm, that the
the largest current battle within 50 miles. Should there not second points toward the helmsman’s desire and that the
be any ongoing battles within that distance, then the third points to his worst nightmare. To use it properly, the
starmetal needle hangs loosely in the compass, swaying owner must have the Helm set properly into his ship and
idly with the waves. The size of a battle is gauged by the must attune the Helm to himself by committing 10 motes
power of the participants and then by their number. A of temporary Essence to it. If he does not attune the Helm
fight between a handful of Solars and Abyssals will trump or if someone other than the attuned steersman lays a hand
a sea battle involving a dozen ships, though the needle will on the Helm, then the wheel will remain fixed and
show notable hesitation in making up its mind. Should the unmoving, and the ship itself will shudder and tear itself in
steersman sail toward the battle, following the compass’ two and sink, should it be out of sight of land.
direction, then he will benefit from a favoring wind until Once attuned, the Helm may be used as a normal helm
he reaches the battle, giving the ship an extra dot of speed. with no restrictions or cost. To use it to seek out a desired
image requires 5 motes of temporary Essence a day to
WAVE-STEPPING BOOTS (ARTIFACT ••) operate. If the helmsman concentrates on what he desires to
Footwear of this sort has been seen in various different find, be it an island suited to his whims or a sea battle in
forms — elegant sandals, silk slippers, polished half-boots, progress or even a place where he will find a clue leading to
thigh-high leather with high heels — but always sizes itself
to fit its latest wearer perfectly. While wearing them, the
Exalt may walk upon seawater as though it was solid ground.
This protection extends to the whole of his body. He
literally cannot sink into the water or be pulled into it,
though he can certainly fire missiles into the water or plunge
a daiklave into it. Wave-stepping boots can occasionally be
dangerous. Since the Exalt’s body will not sink into water,
falling from a height onto the surface of the ocean risks
damage as though the Exalt had fallen onto solid earth from
a similar height. The Lintha have a somewhat similar, non-
magical item (see Scavenger Sons, p. 55).
the man who slew his brother, then the Wyld will open Duration: Instant
before him, and he will sail those waters for a dozen hours Type: Simple
before reemerging into more normal seas. The accuracy of Minimum Sail: 4
his navigation depends on a roll of Perception + Sail against Minimum Essence: 3
a difficulty of 6. Five successes will take him to precisely the Prerequisite Charms: Fine Passage Negotiating Style
place or event that he wishes to find, three successes will put When this Charm is activated, all those who see the
him within a mile of such a place, a single success will leave ship on which the Exalt stands perceive it as an awesome
him within 10 miles of the location, and a failure leaves the naval battleship, haloed with strange lights and manned by
ship on the open sea, within a mile of where it entered the deadly warriors — even if it’s a rickety old piece of wood held
Wyld. The precision of the helmsman’s imagination also together by worn-out nails and crewed by the sweepings of
affects his steering. The roll is made without penalty for a the local port. While common sense cuts in a moment later
carefully thought out dream island, at a penalty of two dice and the ship is clearly visible as what it actually is, the players
for some vaguely desired event such as a sea battle and at a of all those who were looking at the ship when the Charm
penalty of four dice for something as unformed as “the man took effect must succeed in a reflexive Willpower roll for the
who slew my brother” or “the seas above Leviathan’s dwell- characters to attack it. This Charm is normally used in order
ing.” A botch means that the ship has come upon the to gain the advantage of surprise. A wise captain can have
helmsman’s worst nightmare, such as an island where his half the enemy crew slaughtered before it manages to pull
family is being slaughtered by deathknights or an area of itself together and fight back.
absolute darkness where slimy things crawl from the sea
onto the ship and drag down all those they find or worse. PLEASANT CONVOCATION OF THE LIKE-MINDED
The Helm cannot magically transport the ship to a Cost: 5 motes, 1 Willpower
real location that has been deliberately focused upon. Duration: Instant
Such places must be reached under normal sail or with the Type: Simple
aid of Charms or spells. The Helm deals with desires and Minimum Sail: 4
fantasies, not real things. Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Fine Passage Negotiating Style
NEW SAIL CHARMS By spending 5 motes of Essence and invoking this
These are all Terrestrial rather than Solar Charms. Of Charm, an Exalt can whisper his name into the waves
course, an Eclipse Caste could learn them just as she could around his vessel, and it will be carried to all sea spirits,
any other Charms. pelagials or other sentient inhabitants of the ocean within
five miles of his ship. All those who have no particular and
WIND-SUMMONING WHISTLE personal reason to hate that Exalt will be instinctively
Cost: 5 motes reminded of the power and authority of the Exalted and will
Duration: One scene travel to the vessel to pay their respects and to find out why
Type: Simple the Exalt has declared his presence. Particularly powerful
Minimum Sail: 3 creatures or minor gods may send a representative rather
Minimum Essence: 3 than attend themselves. This Charm can be used while at
Prerequisite Charms: Storm-Outrunning Technique port, but fewer creatures of the sea are likely to answer the
By pursing her lips and whistling as she invokes this summons. Any beings who will arrive do so within half an
Charm, an Exalt can call the winds into the sails of her ship hour at the most. Their behavior and the length of time they
and escape from a dangerous situation — or hurl herself into remain depends upon the attitude or requests of the Exalt.
battle. The wider the sails and the mightier the ship, the
more winds are called, as the spirits of the air hasten to obey
the Exalt, until the ship is moving at full speed in the desired Cost: 5 motes
direction. The winds are intensely localized and will affect Duration: Instant
other ships within a couple hundred meters of the Exalt’s Type: Simple
ship. However, they cannot be commanded to alter their Minimum Sail: 4
direction once summoned. The ship may run before the Minimum Essence: 3
wind or tack into it, but it cannot turn back on itself. The Prerequisite Charms: Pleasant Convocation of the
winds will cause the ship to move at its full rate of speed, Like-Minded
depending on the type of ship, and will last for up to a scene. By invoking this Charm, the Exalt summons a great
swarm of lampreys and similar clinging creatures, which
TERRIBLE GLOW OF NAUTICAL VALOR adhere to the hull of the target ship, slowing it and possibly
Cost: 3 motes, 1 Willpower even causing it to founder if the weather conditions are
exceptionally bad. The target ship, which must be within the moment that any outsider sets foot on the ship or if any
a mile of the Exalt, has its speed reduced by 10 percent for damage (such as that of a flaming arrow or a barrel of pitch)
every mote of the Exalt’s permanent Essence and will is done to it. It has no mechanical effects in terms of sailing
remain at this reduced speed until its hull is cleaned or for speed, defense or anything else.
a week, whichever is sooner. This may require a formal dry-
docking, if the crew has no facilities to do so at sea. This NEW SPELLS
Charm fails to work on any ships whose hulls are crafted The following spells are all Terrestrial Circle and are
from the Five Magical Materials or other imperishable not taught as widely in the Heptagram as other, more
First Age materials, though the Essence is still lost, as such generally useful spells. Not every Exalt sorcerer is going to
ships are of too noble a substance to be so fouled. want to serve the Realm at sea, let alone ever go to sea.
However, like many other little-known spells there, they are
FALSE COLOR FLYING DEMONSTRATION safely recorded and can be discovered through careful re-
Cost: 5 motes search. Sorcerers of House V’neef who are assigned to
Duration: One scene missions with the merchant navy will negotiate to learn
Type: Simple these spells and other ones related to sea travel, in order to
Minimum Sail: 5 protect their investment in the fleet. However, the house’s
Minimum Essence: 4 relatively short affiliation with the merchant navy means
Prerequisite Charms: Pirate-Masquerading Method that they have few such Exalts. Sorcerers of House Peleps are
This Charm invokes the powers of the Exalted to expected to know such spells, as their function is to be useful.
disguise the ship, clothing it in the appearance of an ally — They may not be truly accepted into the family, but they are
or even an enemy. When a ship with this Exalt on board expected to do their utmost to protect the family interests,
flies the colors of a particular person or group and comes and that means being expert in sea-related sorcery.
into contact with other ships, the Exalt’s ship temporarily
appears to be the ship of the captain who flies those colors CALLING THE GULLS WITH BEAKS OF STEEL
or a typical ship of that group. This is a visual illusion and Cost: 25 motes
even goes so far as to alter the perceived lines of the ship With this spell, a sorcerer can summon a horde of
if necessary, so that a warship may appear to be a slaver’s sorcerous birds driven by an unquenchable hunger. These
dhow or even a common fishing vessel. The Charm fails birds look like mortal gulls, save for their steel beaks and
claws, their glowing topaz eyes and their twice-normal size. KEEL CLEAVES THE CLOUDS
They descend on their target, and devour all the non-
Cost: 25 motes
living organic material that they can find. They will eat a
This spell permits a ship to literally sail upon the
man’s clothes from his body while leaving the flesh be-
clouds, ascending from the ocean below to the mists above.
neath untouched and peck the silk ribbons out of a
It is Terrestrial Circle, but not in general use, as the
woman’s hair. More to the point, they will happily chew up
Dragon-Blooded tend to prefer more efficient ways to
the wood and rope and sails of a ship that is their target.
move fleets rather than single ships. The spell requires
This spell endures for as many turns as the casting
that, at some point, the mists or clouds touch the sea itself.
sorcerer has points of permanent Essence, during which
The caster of the spell must be present on the ship while
time the gulls attack the hull of the target ship. The
casting it, though she need not be the steersman or
flock’s gnawing and clawing reduces the ship’s hull
captain. After the words have been recited and the ges-
soaks (both bashing and lethal) by a cumulative point
tures made, the ship will move up through the mists, as
per turn, until either the flock is driven away or the spell
though rising from wave to wave, until it reaches the
ends. The damage to the hull remains until it is mended.
heights of the sky and sails atop the clouds there, as though
Thus, 1 point on the first turn, 2 points on the second
they were merely the foam of heavenly waves.
turn and so on.
The ship can be steered as it would normally, even to
The birds can be attacked comparatively easily, as
the extent of tacking against the wind, but is as vulner-
they make no attempt to defend themselves from the
able to a lack of wind as it would be on the seas below. The
humans or to attack in return, only going so far as to
spell endures for 12 hours. At the end of this time, it may
dodge if attacks are being rained on them. The flock
be recast. If it is not renewed, then the ship descends
remains bunched together. It has, as a whole, health
gently to the ocean below, landing upon the waves as
levels, Dexterity and Dodge equal to those of the sorcerer
softly as a feather. The ship is not protected in any way
who summoned it, a bashing soak equal to that sorcerer’s
from dragons or from other spirits or gods of the high air.
Perception and a lethal soak equal to the sorcerer’s
If it is traveling above islands or bodies of earth at the
Intelligence, and it dodges reflexively with its full dodge
point that the spell runs out, the ship will land softly but
pool if attacked. The birds draw their strength from their
may be stranded miles from water.
summoner’s spirit, and a weak sorcerer produces a poor
flock of gulls. They may be made to attack any boat LIGHTNING WHIP SMITES THE WATERS
within their summoner’s field of vision. Cost: 15 motes
INVOCATION OF THE LIVING SHIP Upon incanting this rediscovered First Age spell, a
long whip of braided copper wire with a dark oak handle
Cost: 20 motes
appears in the caster’s hand. It will continue to exist until
When using this spell, the Exalt calls to the figure-
used or until the next dawn. In either case, the whip
head of the ship on which he stands with such command
dissolves into nothingness, leaving a thin pile of copper
and authority that the ship’s very spirit wakes and takes
powder behind. To use it, the caster cracks the whip in the
control of the vessel through the figurehead. The ship will
direction of the target, which must be within half a mile or
obey the Exalt’s verbal commands for the duration of the
less. The sorcerer’s player makes a Perception + Thrown
scene, to the best of its ability — it can’t suddenly accom-
roll to determine the accuracy of the blow, against a
plish the impossible, leap into the sky or turn into
difficulty of 3. The whip transforms into a bolt of lightning,
orichalcum. However, the sails and ropes can set and tack
which skips across the surface of the water until it strikes
of their own accord, and the wheel and rudder can both
the target. Human-size targets may attempt to dodge as
manage themselves as the Exalt commands. Oars are
they would a normal missile, but ships have more diffi-
unaffected by this sorcery. If the Exalt moves more than
culty. The whip can be parried. If the target fails to dodge,
100 yards from the ship, then it will attempt to follow him,
then it is struck by the lightning.
whatever orders he may have given, and will pursue him to
The bolt of lightning does 5L structural damage per
the limits of its ability until the spell lapses. This spell
success scored by the caster to any ship that it strikes and
won’t function on a ship that doesn’t have a figurehead. It
three health levels of aggravated damage (burns and
endures until the next dawn or dusk, whichever comes
shock) to any living beings within five yards of the point
first, at which point, the figurehead closes its eyes, and the
of impact. This spell, unfortunately, only works on a body
ship becomes normal once again. There have been re-
of open water. If a caster attempts to use it while on land,
corded cases where sustained use of this spell caused the
the lightning grounds itself while leaping toward the
ship’s spirit to awaken permanently.
target and is lost.
Woods exist at the edge of Linowan lands where where the Forest Witches now dwell. At its heart, he found
neither the Linowan nor the Haltans go. The woods’ trees a pool of liquid, viscous, dark and clear, with white pebbles
— twisted, tall and deeply green — are of a kind unnamed visible far below. Clinging to the knowledge that their
in savants’ lore. It touches both deciduous and coniferous decision had been best for Cassandra, but in agony at his
forest at its border, but does not partake of their character. loss, he cast himself into the pool to drown.
The weather changes subtly as it crosses the woods’ edge, Cassandra was a more sensible creature, resistant to
as does the color of the earth. grand gestures. The seasons changed three times, and she
Once, something lived in this woods. Because it lived, grew intimately acquainted with her sorrow before she in
no one else came there. Even today, the people of the East her turn went into the woods and found the pool and
are reluctant to enter it. They do not remember why. walked into its depths.
It lived in the days before the First Age dawned.
Whatever it may have been, even the gods have forgot- THE GARDEN
ten it now. Pherenike, called the Harp of Morning, served the
Even the stars and the Sidereal prophets are blind to Unconquered Sun as an Eclipse Caste Solar. Her aide
what scraps of it remain. Oreithyia walked carelessly in Pherenike’s garden while her
mistress was away. When she realized the damage she had
THE LEGACY done to its impeccable arrangement, she fled into the woods.
In the bright days at the beginning of the world, when Had Pherenike’s mood been pleasant, Oreithyia would
all seemed well with Creation, the brash lovers Kehiro and have faced a reprimand for her act and punishment for her
Cassandra agreed that they would part ways before age and flight. Instead, when Pherenike caught her wayward ser-
sorrow found them. “It is best,” each told the other, “for I vant, there was blood in her eyes. “I do not believe that you
will wither and I will fade, and lines of suffering shall etch have mastered the fine principles of gardening,” she said,
themselves upon my brow, and my heart may even grow and demonstrated, arranging Oreithyia’s flesh in an aes-
untrue — but you shall remember a love forever young, thetically pleasing fashion across an acre of forest.
forever joyous and forever pure.” The bones she placed to evoke the peculiar yellow-
The next night, in the fashion of those who make such white of certain trees’ bark. The meat she hung in tattered
declarations, Kehiro went into the cold and terrible woods strands to mimic and enhance the dried dead texture of the
creeper vines. The leaves she stained with blood adopted edge him. They named him Mela come again, invested in
a curious diffusive pattern, black on black. Only after flesh as her own Antithesis: the Petitioner of Clouds
setting Oreithyia’s eyes amidst the flowers and her skull Accordant to the Call of Battle incarnate as the Sickly
amidst the stones did she let her servant die. Whore. They waited for him to gather his peers and bring
This garden was known, in the coming days, as the end of the world. As they did so, Ghandarva’s appeal
Pherenike’s masterwork. It held out against the rot for with the Dragon-Blooded waned. When he found himself
nearly seven years, and several painters and poets captured the butt of others’ jokes at such few occasions that still
the image in their respective forms. welcomed him, Ghandarva left the Isle in fury.
Sixteen Exalts traveled with him, setting up camp in
THE SHAPE an untraveled woods. They would later call themselves the
The Lady Domnica went into the woods one night heirs to the Realm and the heralds of a new Creation.
and slept. In her dreams, she saw a shape made of mists and Their victims and their enemies would call them the
memories. She thrashed in her sleep, beset by a sense of Forest Witches.
completion and a sense of fear, and impaled her hand upon
a thorn. When she woke, she saw no blood. In the hole the PEACE OF SONG FORGOTTEN
thorn had made, clean through her palm, she could see The first lieutenant of Cevis Ghandarva was a shaven
only a faint and shimmering gray. monk named Peace of Song Forgotten, who practiced the
All through the day, Domnica drew and revised a Water Dragon Style and trafficked with demons. Studying
complex pattern. She turned to her manservant and said, in the woods to perfect himself, he came upon a clear, dark
“Before I wake, etch this into my skin with the point of pond. Calling to its spirit, he said, “Come forth and test
your knife.” Then, she went into the woods and slept. In yourself against me, for I have need of an opponent worthy
her dreams, she saw a shape made of mists and memories. of my Form.”
When she began to thrash, her servant pinned her down, The waters roiled and disgorged a creature that, at first,
and with the tip of his knife, he sliced into her skin. Yet, he thought a dragon, dark and bilious; and then, a centi-
when she woke, she saw no blood. In the tracks his blade pede-spirit, segmented and hundred-limbed; and then, a
had cut, clean down to the bone, she could see only a faint vapor that might fill the entire clearing in which he stood.
and shimmering gray. In its darkness, it surrounded him, and dreams fell upon him.
The morning came, and the day peaked, and the night He shook them from his mind and said, “You shall do.”
fell, and Domnica turned to her servant again. “Before I Thrice he tested himself against the spirit of the pond.
wake, cut out the bones from beneath my skin.” Then, she On the first pass, the monk found himself thrown into the
went into the woods and slept. In her dreams, she saw a forest floor at such speed as to bury him several yards
shape made of mists and memories. When she woke, she saw beneath the turf, but he struggled to his feet and bowed to
no blood and no servant, yet her limbs were curiously light. his foe. On the second pass, as the head of the creature
Thus, it went, though now she forsook other crea- swept toward him, he seized it about the neck and began to
tures’ aid. During each day, she formed her plan. Over each choke the life from it. Then, another head, screaming and
night, it was carried out. One morning, nothing woke save wailing, struck him from the side, and for a long moment,
a faint and shimmering gray. he was senseless. On the third pass, he applied the true way
of water. His was the deepness of the farthest sea, so that
THE OUTCASTES the force of the creature might pour itself into him forever
Sixty years into the reign of the Scarlet Empress, a and be gone. The creature poured into his heart and his
princess of the Fair Folk came to the Blessed Isle to break lungs and his flesh, and as the pond and the sea, they each
the Realm. She found an ambitious and competent Exalt sought to drown the other. Then, without transition, the
and showed him a vision of himself perfected. For this monk found himself seated on a hill near a great walled
reason, Cevis Ghandarva declared himself the Immacu- city. Five hundred feet below him spread a sea greater than
late Dragon Mela born once again into the world. To his the West. A young man, brooding in countenance, sat
followers, he promised final enlightenment, a power be- beside him. A young woman walked beside the shore.
yond that of the Dragon-Blooded. A handful of young “Have I lost, then, and fallen into fever dreams?” he asked.
Exalts found him convincing, while others found him “This is not your dream,” said Kehiro, “but mine. In
seductive. His home became a temple and a seraglio. the past few moments, my mind has wandered strangely. I
His actions displeased the hands behind the Realm. am, no doubt, drowning.”
The first small steps taken against him failed. A handful of The monk considered this. “It seems unlikely,” he
infiltrators, touched by an unexpected glamour, became said, “for, as you can see, I am a Prince of the Earth, and you
his lovers. A small military force proved entirely unable to are not, and my dreams must take priority.”
find his house. Subtler action, however, proved successful. “Ah,” sighed Kehiro. “Perhaps this is so. Then I must
Quiet whispers prompted heretic preachers to acknowl- wonder why you should dream such a tragic figure as
returned to the outcastes’ camp. The next morning, how- only a marginal welcome upon the Isle, but Cevis
ever, he returned. Again, the strands of his fallen hair were Ghandarva had broader tastes.
gone. Again, the face regarded him. The vines that hung After departing the Isle, Anja developed a habit of
about the clearing seemed to him to have a certain resem- traveling deep into the woods. There, she would whittle at
blance to flesh. He still felt no concern and only the her flesh with a small bone knife and meditate upon the
mildest of curiosity, and when he had completed his task, virtues of nonexistence.
he returned to the outcastes’ camp. Despite her melancholia and her many personal flaws,
Thus, it went, and thus, it continued, until when he Anja remained an Exalt. She feared neither spirit nor
sat on his rock, the air was thick with the carrion scent of beast. Thus, when a voice questioned her one day, asking,
Oreithyia, and the skull’s gaze bright with her carrion “What carve you there?” she felt little concern but only
interest. Finally, Valentin sighed. “Do not trouble me so,” cast her gaze around her for its source.
he said. With a horrid skittering and the sound of washing “What carve you there?” it repeated, and this time,
blood, Oreithyia’s presence left that place. she knew its origin: a soft gray mist that blanketed the
Six days passed of quiet, and then, three days of wind, forest floor.
and he bent down to pluck a flower for his brow. There, “Nothing of any consequence,” she replied.
amidst the rustling of petals and stems, he caught sight of “Perhaps,” suggested the mist, “you seek to carve
a gleaming eye. “Do not trouble me so,” he said again, this yourself into a better form. We begin as nothing save an
time chiding. He walked away, and the flowers fell silent, unformed infant mind. It is by shaping ourselves that we
save for a slow dripping as if from the rain. become people and by just such efforts that we transcend
Six days passed of quiet, and three of wind. Then, as that state.”
he sat upon his rock, the exits from that place grew thick “That is as it may be,” said Samathi Anja.
with vines, or ropes of meat, and others reached down for “What carve you there?” repeated the mist. “For I
him from the sky. “Do not trouble me so,” he said, and the would know what it is that you seek to become.”
vines froze, quivering, in their place, but the presence that Anja carefully set down her knife and stared down at
waited around him did not leave. the mist. “You are unusually talkative for vapor,” she said,
Valentin set down his brush. “I will say to you what I “and also an annoyance. I wish not to better myself, but to
said to Cevis Ghandarva, almost three years past.” cease, until not even the memory of me remains.”
The clearing was silent. No sooner had she said these words than the mist was
“I will never love you,” said Valentin, “for I do not gone. Thoughtfully, Anja returned to the outcastes’ camp.
understand what love means. If you wish to serve me Six times she went out again into the woods, and
and give me the things I desire, I am willing to tolerate these trips were uneventful. The seventh, however, con-
your presence.” joined two circumstances that proved unfortunate for
The eye sockets of the skull narrowed. There may her. Firstly, Ghandarva had grown curious as to her
have been a threat in them, but Valentin met their empty activities. Thus, when she went out to practice her
gaze evenly. His eyes shone like mirrors, and in those nihilistic meditations that day, he followed. Secondly, as
mirrors, the forest saw everything that made it weak. Such she carved, the mist returned.
was the gift given to Valentin in payment for what the Fair “It seems to me,” the mist said, “that you cannot truly
Folk had done. The vines withdrew into the trees with the wish nonexistence, or as a woman of your character, you
hissing of a hundred ropes, and Oreithyia was gone. would plunge that knife into your heart.”
Valentin returned to the camp. Over the night, a Anja reflected upon this. “Perhaps this is true,” she
great house grew around his tent, shaped still living from agreed. “But my intentions are my own.”
the forests’ wood and sod. In the morning, the breezes that “Please,” it said, the wind carrying its words to
blew through the camp were gentle and warm, and the Ghandarva. “Tell me of your thoughts. It can do no harm.”
grass around it soft. For all Valentin’s life, Oreithyia “I grant this,” Anja said and hesitated. “So I will put
tended to him and to the outcastes, and if Valentin it in this fashion. As I loathe myself, I gain pleasure from
sometimes sensed eyes upon him as he dressed or woke carving at myself and making elaborate plans for my own
with strands of green still clinging to his skin, he made no extinction. To actually die would deprive me of this
objection save a small, thin frown. pleasure and all others. As I am a sybarite, I am unwilling
to take this step.”
ANJA’S SACRIFICE “Ah,” said the mist sadly.
Among those who had followed Ghandarva to the “Ah?”
forest was an Exalt named Kumari Samathi Anja, who “Well,” said the mist, “had you wished to remake
used the name Anja in casual correspondence. She suf- yourself, as I hoped, than I would have presented you an
fered numerous deformities in both flesh and sanity, and offer. I could have given you gifts beyond your imagining,
her parents had nearly slain her at birth. She had found for nothing save your acceptance of my aid.”
“It is well known,” Anja said dryly, “that one can trust times, one would say, “I am disinclined to return to the
such offers entirely, when made by nameless mists in the world where I live, for this is a better place.”
center of an ancient woods. I weep that this priceless Always, the dead would reply: “Ah! If only it could be
opportunity has come to naught.” Then, she stood and so! But the spirit of this place has limited power. It surely
walked away, not seeing Ghandarva as she passed. cannot hold us all.”
Three days passed, and three nights. Anja came to One day, Amoril Rurik said, “Already it holds more
consciousness with a searing headache, hands and feet power than any simple pool ought. Surely, we can expand
bound behind her, deep within the woods. A mist slithered its reach?”
around her, and a small bone knife sat in her hand. She And Evelina, who was dead and for that reason
struggled into a kneeling position, knife sawing at her possessed of certain oracular insights, answered, “Then,
bonds, and said, “This does not bode well.” find things of jade and orichalcum, too — and moonsilver
“A man named Ghandarva has presented me with an and starmetal, if you can — and cast them into the depths
opinion,” said the mist, “that your desire is, in truth, of the pool. Find you Hearthstones. Find you artifacts.
nothing more or less than to become a negative image of Even bring the hearts of Exalts whose lives you do not
yourself. That you sculpt yourself to cut away your Essence value. For there is a thing within these waters that may feed
until only its inverse remains. This accords with various on such power and grow.”
evidences, including your own description.” “What manner of thing?” asked Rurik, who was not so
“I do not wish to have this conversation,” said Anja. foolish as some. Still, when Evelina looked at him in
The ropes binding her hands snapped. silence with eyes white as bone, he looked away and
“I have been without form for a very long time,” said thought to himself that it could not matter all that greatly,
the mist. “And if I am to have form, I must have a soul, and so long as the pool behaved itself and served the Dragon-
that soul must be a thing of its own shaping.” Blooded well.
“I do not wish to have this conversation,” said Anja Thus, the Dragon-Blooded of the forest began to hunt
again. The ropes binding her feet snapped, and she pulled through the communities around them, looking for things
herself upright. with which to feed the pool. With each thing of power they
“Naturally,” it said, “you must consent. However, is cast into its waters, the little paradise inside grew larger and
that consent not implicit in your pattern of activities?” more real. It captured the senses of those who came there to
Anja looked around. In all directions, there was mist. an ever-greater degree, and certain of Ghandarva’s folk
“I will not submit to this,” she said. began to live as often in that world as in Creation. They
A shape formed from the mist, and in its features, she named it the Sea of Mind, or, sometimes, the Forest Sea.
saw herself. “It is already transpiring,” said its voice. “It
need only complete.” THE RAGE OF OREITHYIA
Those who might think her next action foolish must Amoril Rurik was one of those who found himself
remember that Anja was not entirely well. She could see on frequenting the pool. In the world it formed, he had all
her image a massive bloody welt along the left side of her head qualities of valor and strength. He grew accustomed to this
and understood from it more of how she had come into the condition and came to perceive himself in a state of perfec-
woods. Thus, she was dazed, insane and dizzy from betrayal. tion. When he walked in Creation, he had an arrogant
When she lunged forward and drove her knife into the stride. Many problems that had troubled him before, he now
image’s heart, these things drove her decisions — not reason. solved trivially. He had found an inner power and confi-
Still, those who would consider her the victim in this dence that made it so. Those problems that still bested him,
affair should remember that Samathi Anja herself cut her he named irrelevant. No such troubles would follow him
true Essence away, and with the knife she had for years into the Sea of Mind! One day, he clashed with Bidalaksa
applied to that use. In this fashion, she became the first of the Valentin and looked into his mirrored eyes and saw nothing
Forest Witches to remake themselves as numina of the mist. there that could make him weak. With the long curved
When she next entered the Dragon-Blooded camp, blades he favored, he killed Ghandarva’s lover and stalked
Samathi Anja gave this message. “Let those who wish away. Valentin’s blood soaked into the grass.
themselves remade come to me. For such sacrifice of self as That night, the forest went mad.
it may require, they shall transcend.” There was nowhere in the woods that Ghandarva’s
outcastes could sleep, for when they slept, the trees and
THE FOREST WITCHES beasts came for them in insane hunger. There was no
As the seasons turned, the outcastes in the forest shelter they could build that did not collapse, no food that
developed a habit of visiting the pool and speaking to the did not turn to dust in their hands, no water that did not
dead Exalts’ minds suspended there. They would walk into turn to mud. The paths that led out of their home curved
its spirit and find in that spirit another world — a small back on themselves, and everywhere, they heard the
paradise the dead had constructed for themselves. At screaming of dead Oreithyia on the wind.
They could quite easily have died, for it is unquestion- Regardless, the Witches considered these Demesnes
able to those who know the Forest Witches that the thing important resources. Many wished to claim them, but no
that wears Oreithyia’s visage has a power that no ghost or Dragon-Blooded dared openly proclaim himself more
forest spirit ought. Ghandarva himself was almost slain worthy to do so than his peers, as the notion conflicted
when it came to him as the great stooped tree named the with their society’s sensibilities. Instead, small Exalt fac-
Walker’s Foot — but he saved them all with the words, tions took to “tending” each of the Demesnes, ensuring
“Valentin was given me, and I shall give you others.” that all went well within their borders. This included
Oreithyia took Ghandarva’s tongue and one eye but “overseeing” their use, a process that occasionally bred ill
nothing more. By this measure, she and he sealed the bargain will. As the Witches constructed Manses on these sites,
between them. With force or with honeyed words, the disputes arose over who could claim the Hearthstones. In
Witches bring the beautiful to their woods and release them RY 144, in a brief internal conflict that wounded six
in its depths. Their victims’ lives are luxurious in every Witches and slew 20 mortals, one faction destroyed an
respect, and when they encounter the Witches, the Witches established Manse.
do them homage. In time, however, Oreithyia comes to regret Tensions rose slowly over the next 68 years, until it
that they are not her Valentin and tears them limb from limb. seemed likely that violence would erupt again. Amoril
The Witches must then placate her with another gift. Rurik regained favor within the Witches by forcing through
For this price, Oreithyia performs again the function a compromise: the creation of the Mandala Guard, respon-
that she did when Valentin lived. There are few places sible for tending all of the forest’s Demesnes, apportioning
more palatial than the homes of the Forest Witches, all of out the Hearthstones and ensuring their availability to all.
living wood. Those who have come to attack the outcastes
find the forest itself set against them. THE REALM’S HEIRS
Ghandarva’s skin grew cold, and his hair turned gray.
THINGS THAT LIVE WITHIN THE WOODS The Witches expected him to die and move peacefully
Ghandarva’s band understood that the fundamental into the Sea of Mind. Ghandarva chose otherwise.
economies of their position had changed. The lifestyle of From the mist, he claimed the payment it had promised
each member depended upon the total wealth of the him for Samathi Anja’s soul. Donning a cloak carved from
community, rather than the manner of its division. So long its substance, he circumvented the normal mechanisms for
as the forest remained pacified and the pool well fed, they birth and death, transferring his mind and the spark of his
had an overabundance of material resources and pleasures. life into an embryo in the womb of Ledaal’s daughter.
The Forest Witches opened their ranks to outcastes Reborn as Ledaal Demyen and drawing on powers and an
from every stratum of society. A certain egalitarianism understanding of the world entirely unexpected in a child,
came to their culture, with no one member exceeding any he attempted to steal most of the house’s fortune. “Demyen”
other, so long as all could provide sufficient assistance on and Ledaal’s Sidereal advisors badly underestimated one
the Witches’ raids. another. He failed to bankrupt the house but still returned
The night each new member arrived, Samathi Anja to the Witches a wealthy and hale youth.
came to him in his tent and told him her story — as she still Ghandarva asserted his identity and attempted to
does today. Over the centuries, three others accepted her resume command of the Forest Witches. After watching
offer, remaking themselves as numina of the mist: Iurka, his 14-year-old body best seven able warriors, the Witches
the Autumnal Torrent; Menderes, the Face Behind the conceded his claim.
Sky; and Seven-Face Rèsja. Cevis Ghandarva remained bitter at the circum-
These creatures do not often communicate with the stances of his departure from the Realm. Growing up as
Exalted community that gave them birth. The Forest Demyen had only added to the score. Neither his teachers
Witches sometimes see or hear them moving in the dis- nor his parents had accepted his own sense of adulthood
tance. Sometimes, they deign to assist the Exalts on a raid. and excellence. Armed with a vigor lost to him since
The Witches know certain sorceries for calling to them. Valentin’s death, Ghandarva laid forth two proposals,
Otherwise, their presence is rarely felt. known later as the Blood Sutra and the Spear Sutra.
THE MANDALA GUARD The Blood Sutra presents a philosophy of aspiration.
Those who aspire such, he argued, have earned the right to
The woods of the Forest Witches contains five De-
build an empire that will succeed the Realm — perhaps,
mesnes, all of them low level. These places — three
even, through direct combat against it. In the Spear Sutra,
aspected to Wood, one to Water and one to Solar magic —
he explains how the Forest Witches can build that empire.
are not compatible with the entities of the forest. Oreithyia
Ghandarva remained charismatic, and many of the
and the numina of the mist cannot enter them. The Sea of
Forest Witches came to accept his theories.
Mind cannot reach into them. Samathi Anja describes
them as “open wounds in the forest”.
THE BLOOD SUTRA Choose this sacrifice. Become one of the heirs of
the Realm.
The Ultimate Exaltation is the perfection of the
self. The Immaculate Dragon Mela found this perfec- THE SPEAR SUTRA
tion. All living beings quest for it. One does not claim a place by conquest. This
Those of the Realm seek this Exaltation at the gives one only rule in name, and rule in name is not
hands of their teachers and their masters. In so doing, true rule. Those who rule in name suffer a plague of
they doom themselves, making themselves over into courtiers, bureaucrats and manipulators that rend their
generations of mock of the mistakes of their ancestors. power apart.
They have calcified. They have lost their way. They To claim a place, we need only this: It must lack
have lost their mandate. the fortitude to oppose us.
The Unmanly Babbler asks: “What does the world Those who control that place must recognize our
expect of me?” In his eyes, his Essence flows inward power or our worth. They must fear us or belong to us.
from the world. Those who would stand against us must lose their hold
He Who Illuminates Both Worlds With Majesty on power. Then, we may rule without name, and our
and Power asks: “What is there in me to become?” He will hold sway.
knows that Essence flows outward from the self. Those both able and willing to stand against us
When the Realm falls, you will know its heirs by oppose this rightful destiny and must be purged.
this sign: They willingly sacrifice what they are to They are the Anathema of our Age.
become something greater.
Before setting themselves against the cause of the THE EMBASSY OF THE DRAGON
elders of the Sea, the Fiends spoke at length to the
Eutychia, Demon of the Third Circle, is also named
dead. As a result, when the dead replied to their
the Bull Slain on Stagnation’s Altar. Eighty years ago, by
declaration, they did not do so with a severance of
means unknown, Eutychia arrived in the hilltop city in the
their connection to the Sea and a request for their
Sea of Mind. She named herself the emissary of the Ebon
execution. Instead, to limit the effects of any hostili-
Dragon. In a 20-hour conference with the elders of the
ties, it assessed the Tax of Fading Embers: A Witch
dead, she established the Black Scale Embassy on the
who killed another Witch would pay the tithes of
Street of Strangers and bought it a seat upon that council.
both. Having done so, it declared the matter closed —
She then departed, leaving the token of her authority in
the Fiends could make trouble as they liked.
the hands of the Second Circle Demons that visit and
depart the Embassy with an unsettling ease. (It is the
THE TABLE’S DECLARATION assumption and the hope of the Witches that they cannot
venture directly from there into Creation.)
The world does not hunger for excellence. Eutychia’s staff focuses most of its attention on the
Those who have come here have searched in Company of Messengers. The Embassy contends that the
honesty for perfection. We have hunted down plea- Yozis have not yet established their place in the Sea, for good
sure and earned our elevation to greatness. These or for ill. At some point, if the Messengers’ efforts succeed,
things we claimed because of who we are. the Sea of Mind must gain some fraction of the reality and
Hold forth this gift to all, and you destroy its interest value of Creation, and the Yozis will act. Strong and
meaning. Those unwilling to hunt still eat the amiable relationships between the Yozis and the agents of
butcher’s leavings. Those unable to appreciate per- the Sea can only make this easier on all involved.
fection will still glut themselves on it, growing fat Even put in these terms — undoubtedly both decep-
on our paradise, learning nothing, contributing tive and artificially pleasant — the Embassy’s suggestion
nothing save empty jade. unnerves most of the Messenger’s Exalts. At the same
With our lives, we shall stand between them time, some argue, access to demonic lore, deals with Yozi
and our sacred realm. cults and the potential of Infernal Exaltation can only
strengthen the Messengers and make their work easier.
Time Event
Before the First Age Something lives in the woods.
During the First Age Kehiro and Cassandra commit suicide. Pherenike creates her masterwork. Domnica
becomes the mist.
Realm Event
68 Cevis Ghandarva and his followers leave the Isle. Peace of Song Forgotten discovers the pool.
71 Oreithyia falls in love with Valentin.
72 Ghandarva betrays Samathi Anja in exchange for Domnica’s mantle.
137 Ghandarva’s followers become bandits, at the request of Evelina the dead. Their ranks open to outsiders.
144 Manse destroyed in internal conflict.
145 Valentin killed. Ghandarva bargains with Oreithyia.
212 The Mandala Guard established.
286 Ghandarva reborn as Ledaal Demyen.
301 Ghandarva returns to the Forest Witches with the Spear and Blood Sutras. The Company of Thrones formed.
563 Ghandarva reborn as the God-Blooded son of Great Forks’ Spinner of Glorious Tales.
564 Proseria delivers the Blessing of Awakening. The Company of Messengers formed. The Table of
Fiends formed. The Tax of Fading Embers levied.
585 Ghandarva returns, somewhat nonplused.
688 The Black Scale Embassy established.
768 The present day.
THE THINGS OF THE FOREST undertake a large but finite number of these projects at
once. When she wishes, every animal native to the woods
Long before the First Age, something lived in the
obeys her as an extension of herself. She has an endless
forest. Its exact nature no longer matters, for it has forgot-
number of ropy tentacle-vines, many of which she uses to
ten that nature and, in so doing, lost it. All that remains is
busy herself about various crafts. To better please Valentin,
a memory that it existed and a hunger for that existence.
Oreithyia mastered cooking, tailoring and weaponcrafting.
Naturally, it must exist again in a form worthy of its
Oreithyia’s presence has kept the Forest Witches well
grandeur. Yet, it has no sources of inspiration more useful
equipped, well fed and well housed at a minimum cost.
than the minds of mortals, spirits and Exalts. Coaxing
This has a profound impact on their society, giving them
anything resembling its proper glory from them is a diffi-
a surety in the satisfaction of their basic needs that even
cult and frustrating task. Still, it perseveres.
the most spoiled scions of the Dynasty lack. The Forest
The thing in the forest is very old, and it has forgotten
Witches do not farm. They do not craft. From Ghandarva’s
how to fail. If people are its only tools, it shall make them
perspective, Oreithyia frees them to pursue personal excel-
better. If it cannot remember what “better” means, per-
lence. From the perspective of the dead, she frees the
haps its tools can define it for themselves. As they better
Witches to pursue the wealth of others. The mortals in
themselves, that definition can only improve.
service to the Witches simply rejoice in the knowledge
THE FOREST WALKER that they may live in comfort until they die at their
masters’ behest. The spirits and elementals of the forest
Savants among the Forest Witches have determined very carefully offer no opinion. Those that complain of
Oreithyia’s name and history. Moreover, they know that Oreithyia’s presence, at best, lose their tongues.
she cannot be the creature that moves in the forest and
answers to her name, using eyes that seem like Oreithyia’s MANSES OF THE FOREST
eyes, flesh that seems like her flesh and bones that much Oreithyia’s presence does not reach into the five
resemble her bones. Valentin’s peculiar lover exceeds the Demesnes of the woods. The Demesnes disordered the
dead in scope. She is a living garden. Pherenike’s art Essence that animates her. When built, the Manses pro-
captured Oreithyia’s every virtue and failing, the torment vided a conflicting and unpleasant order. Accordingly, the
of her death and the natural beauty and vital force of the Manses stand in sharp contrast to the prevailing architec-
forest around her. tural themes and overall upkeep of the woods. Insects
The thing in the forest felt the power of that art and sometimes bite those who visit these places. One may trip
remembered it, though millennia passed, but it could not on an unexpected root.
understand it until it saw the world mirrored in Valentin’s The Mandala Guard attempts half-heartedly to rec-
eyes. When it understood, it gave Pherenike’s garden power. tify this situation. It embarrasses the Guards when the
This is the forest walker that names itself Oreithyia and rules grounds are noticeably ragged compared to the forest
the plants and beasts and air and water of the woods. around. Neither does the notion of themselves as garden-
The woods twist themselves into the shapes that ers and groundskeepers please their pride. Thus, the degree
Oreithyia desires. From the land, she brings forth temples, of effort put into the Manses’ upkeep depends on the
houses, fortresses and bathhouses. The ropes of her muscle Mandala Guard’s mood. Each Manse serves as the primary
carry cooked and seasoned food to the Forest Witches. A personal residence for one or two Guards.
polite request to the trees can make pure water fountain
forth from the ground. It generally takes no more than THE SHAPE OF THE MIST
three years for a newly arrived Witch to accustom himself In the First Age, Domnica sacrificed all that she was
to the fact that the raw flesh of a millennia-dead Dragon- to become the potential for something else. Since the
Blooded cooked his dinner and that a mind of unknown coming of the Forest Witches, that potential has begun to
origin planned the layout of his home. bear fruit.
For practical purposes, the woods are now the body of The mist — which remains, in some sense, Domnica
Oreithyia. She shapes the land, the water and the vegeta- — has multiple aspects. Each of them is an Exalt that has,
tion as she wills, just as a human adjusts her posture. If in one fashion or another, chosen to forsake the nature of
someone tries to stop part of her from moving (preventing her birth. In so doing, each became instead one of Domnica’s
a door from closing, for example), Oreithyia has Strength aspects, a numen of the mist. Two of these Exalts later met
6, Dexterity 6 and no appropriate Abilities. When con- unfortunate ends. In both cases, the mist offered sufficient
structing meaningful structures, such as fortress walls, she inducements to a new Dragon-Blooded, who stepped for-
builds at a rate of one health level per hour. For example, ward to assume the aspect left behind. In this fashion, the
a wooden statue would take 16 hours to achieve its full mist’s many faces are immortal.
solidity, and a wooden wall would take 12. She can
Any Forest Witch — and most Dragon-Blooded
visitors to the woods — can give herself to the mist and
form a new aspect of its nature. The mist will ask her how
she wishes to change herself. Her answer forms the
template for her apotheosis. The mist requires an indica-
tion of consent and does not normally accept mortals or
Celestial Exalts. If a Celestial Exalt went willingly
through the process, her Exaltation shard would con-
sider her dead and flee to Yu-Shan for reassignment.
Dragon-Blooded enter into a symbiotic relationship
with the mist. They retain their abilities and even
their flesh while acquiring certain characteris-
tics of a spirit.
Like the Sea of Mind, the mist cannot
expand itself without a sacrifice of power.
If the character wishes to avoid a long
post-transition convalescence — po-
tentially lasting more than a century
— she must make this sacrifice be-
forehand. Examples of appropriate
sacrifices include: enough
unworked orichalcum, moonsilver,
starmetal or soulsteel to build a
statue of the character; a level 3
jade artifact; three level 3 or
level 4 jade artifacts; the still-
beating heart of a Celestial
Exalt; or a level 4 or level 5
Hearthstone. In the last
case, loss of control over the
Manse will dramatically
weaken the character and
may endanger the fledgling
creature’s life. This sacrifice
is not required if the character
steps into the role of a slain
numen — however, in doing so,
the character changes into that en-
tity, rather than refining herself in
whatsoever fashion she might desire.
The effects on the character are
as follows.
She learns the Dematerialize Charm.
This costs half of her motes of Essence to use.
If killed without the assistance of a spirit-
destroying Charm, she reforms in one lunar
month in the heart of the woods. She can hear
prayers made to her, if they’re accompanied by a
successful prayer roll (see Exalted, pp. 335-336),
and determine their source. If she wishes, she may
grant the petitioner her blessing, with effects as de-
scribed below.
If the character does not have the Cult Background, numina is also useful: Prayers offered to them offer minor
she gains one dot in it. Certain Witches and many of their but tangible rewards.
mortal servants revere the aspects of the mist. The mythology of the Witches has associated a num-
For magical purposes, she has no element. She loses ber of phenomena with each of the numina. When a
her anima abilities. She cannot manifest her anima. She numen grants her blessing to a relevant activity, it weights
has no favored Charms and pays a surcharge on all Charms the evolution of events. At any one point during that
as having a different element than her aspect. This process activity, the blessed character can reroll one roll and take
does not sever her connection with her element, and she the better of the two results.
retains the physical markings and Caste/Aspect Abilities. These creatures are particularly impressive to the
However, her connection with it is greatly reduced. mortal followers of the Witches. A single sighting in the
The character changes shape. Numina are prone to woods, in the distance, can yield weeks of gossip. A small
peculiar shapes with many limbs and odd animalistic fea- cult has developed that offers them active worship. The
tures. By spending a mote of Essence, the character may alter Witches tolerate this practice on the off chance they will
her shape freely among shapes suitable to her apotheosis. desire the transformation themselves someday.
The character’s odd deformities use the same rules as Wyld
pox, afflictions and blights (see Exalted, pp. 280-281). The THE SEA OF MIND
character gains up to one blight (normally Multiple Limbs), The Sea of Mind contains nearly 100 living Exalts. High
one affliction and three poxes. If the character gained a on a hill there stands the city of the blessed, Atsiluth Eternal.
blight, an affliction or both, she loses one dot of Temper- Those who have died after full and proper service to the Forest
ance. Blights do not inflict Derangements, although the Witches live there, forever, in a paradise of their own cre-
character may very well go insane as part of her redefinition. ation. Beneath the hill, there is the sea, and in that sea, a
The character can shift into shapes without certain of these shining reflection of the world the Primordials made.
features if appropriate. This costs her their benefits.
Connivance of Wood and Bone, a spell detailed below,
allows Forest Witches to emulate certain aspects of the ICHOR, SEEN FROM THE SEA
mist’s numina. The Storyteller works with the player to Descending Water
define the spell’s effect on those who summon the character’s Its heart melts rime from my sword
nature. This includes several benefits and a limitation. The A sheen of triumph
character herself always receives these benefits and always Splashes on my arms and face
suffers this limitation. She may have additional inescapable Drips and feeds Ascending Earth.
limitations as a consequence of her new definition.
The Storyteller works with the player to define one
numen effect for each point of Essence the character
possesses. These should have efficacy similar to that of a ATTUNING TO THE SEA
Fair Folk power or a Terrestrial or Celestial Circle spell. To bind herself to the Sea, an Exalt need simply bathe
The player chooses a Virtue. Spending one point of that in the forest pool. When she ducks her head under the
Virtue activates an effect. Powerful effects, comparable to surface and rinses out her eyes, her world fills with light.
Celestial Circle sorcery, require two points instead. When she lifts her head again, she is at the shore of the Sea,
The Exalt is generally surprised by many of the details and where the pool lay, a hill now rises, and atop it lies the
of the transformation. Given a suitable understanding glorious Atsiluth Eternal. She remains attuned to the Sea
with the player as to what abilities and limitations she finds until and unless the council of the city banishes her.
enjoyable in play, the Storyteller may wish to conceal Creation, as seen through the Sea, is both starker and
certain details of the transformation from the player until more beautiful. No petty unpleasantness exists. Given no
they become relevant. reason to notice it, an attuned Exalt’s eyes would skim past
a fox’s corpse crawling with larvae, seeing nothing but the
THE MIST AND THE WITCHES beauty of the day. If she had such a reason, then the fox
In the absence of an overriding reason to follow the would have its own kind of striking beauty — the kind that
Immaculate faith, most of the Forest Witches elect for could spur an artist to remark upon it in spontaneous and
pragmatism. Their spiritual nature matters little to them. multilayered verse. The Forest Witch never feels over-
Their afterlife is prearranged. Gods exist to be bullied, heated, regardless of circumstance — she experiences
when feasible, or placated, when useful. In this respect, dangerous heat as a sense of the Fire Dragon’s touch.
they classify the numina of the mist as gods. Bullying them Colors are more vivid. Swamps drag less at her heels. Her
is often feasible. All save Samathi Anja have immersed every word takes on an extra grace. Such characters
themselves in the Sea of Mind, and the Dragon-Blooded continue to act and live in Creation, but see and feel a
who rule that paradise can cast them out. Placating the vastly improved reflection.
Spending Conviction allows a character to walk un- Her mother had died in labor, deprived of her father’s
scathed through fire and water or all the hordes of Malfeas. Compassionate touch. After one full year of exile, the Sea
He may go for 40 days without food or drink or weather permitted her return, whereupon she went mad. Occa-
torture without qualm. One blow of his hand shatters the sionally, those who temporarily leave the Sea have the sad
greatest of walls, if there is need. If a village shelters his duty of reporting to a friend that she died long ago in a
enemy, a whisper to the wind can dissolve it into dust. In battle that she thought she’d won. Naturally, one must die
sum, spending Conviction can negate even the harshest in the context of paradise to move on to the city on the hill.
circumstances or facilitate even the harshest measures. The Storyteller can run this in one of several ways. If all
Spending Temperance allows a character to operate of the players’ characters attune to the Sea, then the diver-
with a clear and cool mind no matter what powers or gence between reality and the Sea makes no difference. The
circumstances attempt to sway him. For a scene, the occasional separation from the Sea is nothing more than a
character suffers no dice pool penalties from wounds, drugs shocking venture into a twisted and imperfect echo of the
or distractions. He can laugh in the face of the greatest world the other characters know. Otherwise, the characters
tempters in the world. Mental effects have no leverage that fall into the minority are functionally insane, with an
upon him. With a touch and a word, he can restore incorrectly perfect or imperfect view of the world.
rationality to the mad or the drunk. Illusions and appear- In a game set in the Sea, non-attuned characters can
ances have no power to sway him. The true nature of all also spend Virtue points for grand successes. This helps the
things becomes apparent. Sea explain their real-world equality in competence. The
Spending Valor allows a character to accomplish Storyteller can extend this privilege to Storyteller charac-
almost any imaginable martial feat or feat of strength. ters on a case-by-case basis.
Slaughtering a mortal army is as easy as commandeering
one. In addition, he may buy combat Charms for one EXILE
experience point each, on the condition that they func- The Sea of Mind demands a yearly tithe from the
tion only in the dreamworld of the Sea of Mind and only Forest Witches. Ultimately, those who cannot pay forfeit
in scenes where he spends a point of Valor. their divine abode and must return to the dim Creation of
When spending a Virtue point to directly oppose their birth. They are not alone in this: The dead wield the
another Exalt, the character cannot achieve an auto- power of exile as their only weapon against the will of the
matic victory. Instead, he adds his Virtue rating as living, and those who displease them must face a short or
automatic successes to appropriate dice pools for the long span of days outside the dream.
duration of the scene. Technically, the yearly levy is fixed and equal among
all. In practice, the dead make an effort to monitor the
IN THE REAL WORLD overall contribution of each living Witch. Those who find
For all its potency, the Sea of Mind cannot cause these themselves falling behind attract the attention of Atsiluth
effects to take place in the real world. To their foes, the Eternal, whether early in the year or late. Those with
Forest Witches are deadly antagonists, but no more so than strong social connections among the dead or who give the
any other Dragon-Blooded. If a Forest Witch spends Con- impression of future reliability may survive for as much as
viction to shatter a wall she could not otherwise overcome, seven years without a full payment.
Creation’s version of the wall remains intact. As a rule, it requires a severe crime to merit temporary
So long as a Witch remains in the Sea of Mind, the exile. The living can police themselves on lesser matters.
actual course of events has no bearing on her life. Some lose Crimes considered severe include treason in various forms,
track of the true Creation’s existence entirely. Those who manifest lack of worth and taboo violations such as betray-
have emerged briefly — cast out for some sin but permitted ing a comrade in the heat of battle, kinslaying or the
reentrance — indicate that the world does tend to remain desecration of gravesites. The sentence ranges from a lunar
roughly the same. Subtly steering the actions of the Exalts month outside the aegis of the Sea to permanent exile,
under its influence, and sometimes inventing entirely ficti- with seven years the stiffest temporary sentence offered.
tious streams of events, the Sea acts to correct the worst
deviations between the world it shows and the world that is. CULTURE
Despite the best efforts of the Sea, however, the two The Forest Witches unite around a common goal:
worlds diverge. Due to slight differences in perceived maintaining the lifestyle that they are accustomed to. In
positioning, a war band can return home falsely thinking banditry, pillage and defense of the forest, they find their
that one of its members survived — or falsely thinking that core camaraderie. The band plans its major actions openly
a member died. A Witch may lose a hand without noticing and pleasantly, with any interested parties participating.
it, wielding a sword she incorrectly imagines to be a At any given time, three or four thefts or military actions
daiklave. On one occasion, a Forest Witch was cast from are in planning or execution.
the Sea only to discover that she was never actually born.
they may claim both a tangible and a moral reward: wealth, personal use of the Manses’ Hearthstones and to earn
from those who can no longer oppose them, and further various concessions from the dead of Atsiluth Eternal.
proof that Ghandarva’s prophecy of empire holds weight. Now, the Mandala Guard’s primary responsibility is to
Like most of the Forest Witches, Ghandarva’s sect is protect the woods as a whole from the attention of outsid-
blind and indifferent to whatever harm it does. Its members ers. Many also study sorcery and lend its advantages to the
live in the idealized Sea of Mind, and where they have done outcastes they protect.
their work, they see glory spreading across the world. This The costume of the Mandala Guard has grown elaborate
makes it easy for them to genuinely believe their opponents over the years. Guards wear chain shirts of interwoven black
evil — and a romanticized, storybook evil, at that. jade, gold and silver links and a cloak marked upon its back
with the mandala that symbolizes their order. It is considered
THE COMPANY OF THRONES either forbidden, scandalous or unusual — depending on the
The allure of the Sea has taken a significant bite out onlooker’s sensibilities — for a Mandala Guard to show his
of the Thrones. Every time a Witch uses Ghandarva’s face to others. Most wear masks, hoods or veils.
cloak to create a new life, she spends anywhere from nine The armor of the Mandala Guard gives 5L/3B soak
years to several decades without access to paradise. Re- without fatigue or mobility penalties. It is available with-
newed youth has its allure, but old age more readily out cost to characters belonging to the Guard. Members of
transitions into endless pseudo-life in Atsiluth Eternal. the Mandala Guard with their own Hearthstone should
Nevertheless, a number of Witches still pursue the take the Manse Background equal to the Hearthstone’s
methodology of the Thrones. Either their loyalty to level. They may need to lend it to others when strategically
Ghandarva’s cause or the inherent interest value of a necessary. Guards who know Terrestrial Circle Sorcery
custom-made new life gives them sufficient reason to dirty may practice it in the Manses’ dedicated ritual spaces.
themselves in the true Creation. Several others claim However, they must also devote some portion of their time
temporary membership. They perform tasks on behalf of to using their abilities on the Witches’ behalf. Examples
the company in exchange for a life that interests them. include the conjuration of demon servitors to accomplish
Fifteen Witches have used the cloak for this last purpose, certain tasks and the enchantment of minor artifacts.
returning as children of the Fair Folk, buck-ogres and even
gods. One Witch, attempting to circumvent a bargain THE TABLE OF FIENDS
with the Black Scale Embassy, attempted birth as a child The Fiends’ Table has never had a large membership.
of the demoness Alveua. Auguries suggest she still lives, For most purposes, one can consider it a heretic branch of
but she has not yet returned. Ghandarva’s sect, for its methods are ultimately the same.
The traditional dress of the Thrones is crimson and In adherence to the Spear Sutra, the Fiends work to break
black. Their traditional weapons are the hammer, the the hold of the Messengers on the hearts of others — to
khatar and paired hook swords. weaken them and their message so that the Fiends’ influ-
When making a character from the Company of ence overpowers it. They spread fear of the Witches and
Thrones, give primary consideration to his most recent doubts as to the glory of Atsiluth Eternal.
life. This has the largest influence on his mindset in the The traditional dress of the Fiends is white and gold.
modern day and indicates a great deal about his interests in Their traditional weapons are the great sword, the tiger
the life before. He can have almost any parentage, with the claws and the seven-section staff.
attendant affects upon his appearance and social connec- Membership in the Fiends is unsafe for ordinary
tions. While the Exaltation restores him to a Witches, due to the conflicts it produces with their peers.
Dragon-Blooded in mortal flesh, he still spent years grow- Most who join the Table of Fiends are both talented and
ing up in the family of his new birth, and he still looks as extremely experienced, and they generally join only after
he did before. Thus, a Throne of Haltan birth may have an heavy recruiting by and blandishments from existing mem-
emotional attachment — positive or negative, recipro- bers. The exclusivity this produces makes such
cated or otherwise — to his Haltan family. He certainly blandishments easier — a request from the Fiends to join
has the physical characteristics of the type. A Throne born them appeals to any Witch’s pride, no matter how thor-
as a Fair Folk noble retains his dream-forged appearance oughly she objects to the Table’s principles.
and knowledge of their society, although he is no longer
welcome among them. CHILDREN OF THE WOODS
Children are a lot of work, and the Forest Witches see
THE MANDALA GUARD little reason to divert energy to that work’s details. They
The Mandala Guard’s number is set at nine: two for wish to pass their values on and have impressive children
each cardinal direction and one for the earth. Its original to take pride in. The rest, they leave to Oreithyia.
mandate was to protect the forest’s Manses. The Guards For this reason, when a Forest Witch is due to give
have slowly expanded that mandate in order to justify their birth, she typically goes into the woods and sprawls upon
the dirt. The Sea blurs her mind as Oreithyia’s vines reach have more opportunities to bask in their company. Other-
for her. Then she wakes and rises and returns to her home, wise, it depends upon their disposition.
the child delivered and gone. Having observed the child’s growth and considered
As for the child, drawn away into the woods by gristly the implications of his Exaltation or lack thereof, Oreithyia
vines, Oreithyia raises him. He suckles on Oreithyia’s milk, updates her plans for the community’s development. Vari-
bled like sap from knots in the trees. He plays with the ous mating combinations suggest themselves, and she
creatures of the forest, which Oreithyia rules: the bears, the selects several that seem apt. Over the course of that
burrow loks, the giant wolf spiders and the strix. He is child’s life, the forest walker will occasionally usher appro-
brought in stealth near the homes of the Dragon-Blooded priate mates to his home, whereupon both may earn a
and their servants, to hear their voices and learn to speak. small share of community credit through sex and a larger
He takes a name for himself, following the custom that the share by formalizing a relationship.
forest walker favors: a concept the child finds meaningful, Children raised in this fashion have a minimum of
phrased in the simple language of youth — such as Rain Athletics •, Awareness •, Brawl •, Stealth •, Endurance
Bringing Gloom, Almost Morning, or Dew-Covered Web. ••, Occult •• and Survival ••.
He may or may not adopt a traditional Dynastic name later.
As the child grows, he learns, on pain of various forms GOALS AND PHILOSOPHY
of unpleasantness, self-discipline, written language and The Forest Witches consider their lives blessed by
the arts. Food comes less readily into his hands, and he fortune, wisdom, and worth. Those who do not join them
must learn to hunt and kill: skills later of use when he raids must, therefore, lack one of these. The Fiends assume that
for his kind. If he is a beauty, then Oreithyia may at any those who do not find the Witches on their own are
time decide to first spoil him and then kill him — his unworthy or unwise. Ghandarva’s sect considers them
parents may or may not ever remember that the child unwise or unfortunate. In both cases, however, the fac-
existed. Otherwise, on his 10th birthday, the child is tions believe that an inherent superiority descends from
starved for two days in a cage of wood and then presented their circumstances, even in comparison to other Dragon-
to his parents, who explain to him his legacy as a Prince of Blooded. Destiny has cast its light upon those who have
the Earth, admonish him to virtue and obedience and send found the forest. They have risen half a rung above the
him back into the woods. Should he later Exalt, he will Dynasts in the Perfected Hierarchy. Regardless of the
Ultimately, playing through a series of raids on
nearby communities and passing caravans is boring.
Accordingly, the Storyteller should handle the For-
est Witches’ propensities in one of four ways. First,
she can gloss over the banditry entirely. Second, she
can run an occasional raid between stories of more
import. Third, she can rely on the players to engage
in a proactive search for wealth — which can
involve enough of a personal touch in information
gathering, manipulation and planning to make it
interesting. Finally, she can play out raids that, in
some fashion, interact with a more important ongo-
ing story — allowing the characters to take an
important prisoner, revealing plans that the charac-
ters become involved with and so forth.
• Atsiluth Eternal: Influence with the dead allows a
character insight into the motivations and true nature of
the dead, a chance to track and influence the operations of
the Company of Messengers and the ability to encourage
or discourage the elders’ council when it considers exiling
someone from the Sea.
• The Black Scale Embassy: Characters with connec-
tions to the fell creatures serving the Black Scale Embassy
can make favorable bargains for occult secrets, inquire after
the actions and defenses of sorcerers prone to demon sum-
moning or make a pact with the representatives of the Ebon
Dragon that facilitates the safe conjuration of demons.
Certain bargains require a visit to Malfeas, either in actual-
ity or in the dream that the Sea of Mind creates.
sufficient success to satisfy the player group, which may temporary Willpower point in order to remove the veil
range from “none” to “near-total,” but should not other- from another’s face or from their own.
wise feel concerned. Anyone wearing a veil of the anointed perceives the
Monitoring the development of the Witches’ pro- perfected vision of Creation found in the Sea of Mind
posed empire and the Forest Sea can inspire the Storyteller rather than its true form. However, this experience has
with stories fitting with the Witches’ theme. The Story- limited duration. The veils permit any given person at
teller should also make the personal development of the most 28 visits to the Sea of Mind in his lifetime, each
characters important, primarily through the reactions of lasting up to a day and a night. After that, he may never
other Witches and the dead. visit the Sea by this means again.
Creating one of these veils requires that a mortal
PEOPLE AND THINGS willingly give the crafter both of her eyes. The artificer
OF POWER then uses a loom of white jade to weave them together with
water from the forest pool, the womb of an old man, the
Although the true powers of the forest embody them- teeth of a mayfly and the spittle of a toad born in the sky.
selves as the forest walker, the mist and the Sea of Mind, lesser Arranging for these ingredients to exist requires some
magic also has its place in the Witches’ lives. This section effort, but the remainder of the work is essentially mun-
discusses a few of the entities, artifacts, Charms and spells that dane, and the Forest Witches produce a modest number of
characters in a Forest Witches game may encounter. these artifacts for sale (or, more properly, as advertising) in
regions not yet reasonable targets for banditry.
The Witches, naturally, have access to artifacts stolen PERFECTED FLAME (ARTIFACT •••)
from everywhere in the region. In addition, they can Each of these torches begins as the horn of a Fair Folk
usually obtain artifacts crafted over the centuries in the cataphract’s fell unicorn mount. Cold jade, made liquid
woods itself. through sorcery, drips onto its surface over the course of a
year, slowly suffusing the spire with its Essence. Each
SIX-AND-FINGER STAFF (ARTIFACT •) morning and each night, the crafter tells stories to the
The final link in this seven-section staff is the skeletal horn, and this is the first and last time each story is ever
remains of one of Valentin’s fingers, its bones locked told. The horn is then plunged into a vat full of the ashes
together by knuckles forged from blue jade. After Rurik
killed Valentin, the Forest Witches forced him to craft
eight of these staves, suffering a beating from each.
The power in these staves does not improve their
combat effectiveness (although they are invariably excep-
tional weapons with a bonus to their speed, accuracy and
damage). However, Presence rolls that would affect a
character who has a six-and-finger staff in hand, including
those for Charms such as Unbearable Taunt Technique,
subtract two dice from their pools.
Once during the existence of a given six-and-finger
staff, a victim struck by it will fall hopelessly in love. The
wielder cannot control when this happens but is instantly
aware of it when it does. This last virtue of the staves
derives not from Rurik’s desires, but from the Essence of
dead Valentin’s bones.
of a burned-out star, still white with a heat that can turn Over his new life’s early childhood, he slowly remem-
steel instantly to mist. If it survives, it is a perfected flame. bers his previous existence. If he was a Dragon-Blood or a
Only those with the Glowing Coal Radiance Charm Celestial who retained the grace of his patron, he Exalts at
can attune a perfected flame to their anima. This requires a puberty. If he chose a non-mortal mother, the Exaltation
5 mote commitment. A perfected flame functions as a jade burns away his substance and recreates him as a mortal
dire lance. In addition, if the character reverses the weapon before it takes effect. Any supernatural abilities deriving
and spends 5 motes of Essence, the thicker end ignites in a from his new life’s heritage disappear, while his old Traits
brilliant radiance that lasts the remainder of the scene. The return. However, he may rearrange dots among his Strength,
character thereafter benefits from Glowing Coal Radiance. Dexterity, Stamina and Appearance and can also replace
Further, for each point of temporary Willpower she spends, previously purchased Charms with Charms that simulate
she can either extend this Charm’s protection to one ally or natural abilities of his new Form (such as Ox-Body Tech-
add 1 to the difficulty of an opponent’s reflexive Willpower nique, Strength of Stone Technique, Impervious Skin of
tests against the Charm. For example, protecting two allies Stone Meditation and Mountain Toppling Method).
and adding 2 to the difficulty of such tests would cost a total Normally, the chosen mother gives birth in the nor-
of four points of temporary Willpower. These benefits mal fashion. In the event that the Exalt chooses a barren
remain in force for the entire scene. Blind opponents and mother, a male, a Fair Folk lady or some other creature that
opponents who close their eyes ignore the abilities of the does not normally suffer pregnancy, the mantle must
perfected flame, but suffer the normal penalty of two fewer distort circumstances. For example, someone “born” to the
successes on all attack rolls. Fair Folk may simply appear among them as the “child” of
Most of these weapons are held by the Company of the mother chosen, with puberty defined entirely in refer-
Messengers. ence to some opportunity to prove himself adult.
Base Initiative: 8
Punch: Speed 8 Accuracy 9 Damage 4B Defense 9
Kick: Speed 5 Accuracy 8 Damage 6B Defense 8
Five-Dragon-Force Blow: Speed 8 Accuracy 9 Damage 8B
Defense 9
Five-Dragon Force-Blow with Wood Dragon’s Claw: Speed
8 Accuracy 9 Damage 12L Defense 9
Dodge Pool: 6/4 Soak: 17L/20B (Jade superheavy
plate, 15L/15B, -2 mobility penalty)
Willpower: 7 Health Levels: -0/-1/-1/-2/-2/-4/
Essence: 4
Personal Essence: 13 Peripheral Essence: 35 (25)
Committed Essence: 10
Other Notes: Ghandarva wears a dragon tear tiara set with
a Stone of Healing claimed from a small and insecurely
held Manse near the Witches’ lands. Austere blue-jade
Ghandarva’s memories of his first life’s humiliation armor protects him in battle. He is the technical owner of
are fading, but he still believes strongly in his quest to Domnica’s Mantle and several veils of the anointed.
replace the Realm. His feelings toward the Ledaal family, Ghandarva has a Combo including Five-Dragon Force
in particular, remain bitter. He has deep concerns about Blow, Five-Dragon Claw and Five-Dragon Wrath. He names
the influence of Vitali Proseria but, even as she does, this the Talon of Mela. When he invokes it, a gale pours past
hesitates to provoke an open conflict between the living him, tearing away his face and exposed flesh to reveal scaled
and the dead. His closest ties among the Witches are to the skin and a dragon head formed of Essence. The dragon shape
long-term members of the Company of Thrones. revealed charges his foe, battering her like a furious wind.
Aspect: Air Then, it fades, and Ghandarva’s body returns to normal.
Nature: Bravo
Attributes: Strength 4, Dexterity 4, Stamina 5, Charisma
5, Manipulation 3, Appearance 4, Perception 2, Intelli- Description: For over three centuries, Vitali Proseria
gence 3, Wits 4 has ruled the dead of the city. Long before she died, she laid
Virtues: Compassion 2, Conviction 4, Temperance 1, the seeds for her coup. Her purpose, which she pursues
Valor 5 ruthlessly, is to establish the Sea of Mind as a self-sustain-
Abilities: Archery 2, Athletics 1, Awareness 1, Dodge 2, ing reality that retains the rules it follows now. The dream
Endurance 3, Linguistics (Native: High Realm; Forest- of Atsiluth Eternal currently allows the dead to shape
tongue, Low Realm, Old Realm, Riverspeak) 4, Lore 2 paradise and gives the elders’ council rule over the dead. If
(Spirits +1), Martial Arts 5 (Against Exalts +2), Medicine this is still true when the Sea becomes self-sustaining,
1, Melee 2, Occult 3, Performance 3, Presence 4, Resis-
tance 1, Ride 1, Socialize 2, Stealth 3, Survival 1
Backgrounds: Artifact 8, Backing 5, Breeding 2, Com-
mand 5, Connections (Atsiluth Eternal) 2, Connections
(The Forest Witches) 5, Connections (Great Forks) 4,
Manse 4, Resources 5, Reputation 3
Charms: Blazing Courageous Swordsmen Inspiration, El-
emental Concentration Trance, Five-Dragon Blocking
Technique, Five-Dragon Claw, Five-Dragon Fist, Five-
Dragon-Force Blow, Five-Dragon Form, Five-Dragon
Fortitude, Five-Dragon Invulnerability, Five-Dragon
Wrath, Glowing Coal Radiance, Loquacious Courtier
Technique, Phantom Fire-Warrior Horde, Terrestrial
Circle Sorcery, Voices on the Wind, Wind-Carried Words
Spells: Connivance of Wood and Bone, Emerald
Countermagic, Stormwind Rider, Wood Dragon’s Claw
Proseria expects to rule both Atsiluth Eternal and a perfect paired blue jade smashfists, Surgeon and End to Mourning.
Creation forever. When striking with Surgeon, she ignores half the lethal
Proseria’s enemies are many. The people of Creation soak of her target’s armor. When striking with End to
are not overeager to surrender all their magical wealth to the Mourning, she inflicts euphoria on any target she damages.
forest pool. Ghandarva, who understands Proseria’s motiva- For the next five turns, the target’s player must succeed at
tions, expects to rule the new empire himself. Although she a reflexive Temperance check made after initiative for the
cooperates with the Black Scale Embassy in some matters, target to take any non-reflexive actions that turn.
Vitali Proseria understands that the Ebon Dragon’s plans for
Atsiluth Eternal can mean nothing good. NUMINA
The Spear Sutra, it seems to her, has some validity. To The pantheon of the mist, as worshiped by the mortal
handle those who stand in her way, she must simply give servants of the Witches, stands at four members. Iurka, the
them reason to do otherwise. Autumnal Torrent, embodies dance, battle, destiny and
Aspect: Earth the stars. Menderes, the Face Behind the Sky, governs
Nature: Visionary night, the social graces, failure and prophetic vision.
Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3, Charisma Samathi Anja, the Shadow of the Knife, masters all
4, Manipulation 5, Appearance 3, Perception 3, Intelli- remnant things. Finally, Seven-Face Rèsja rules change,
gence 4, Wits 2 weather, hounds, fire and new endeavors.
Virtues: Compassion 2, Conviction 3, Temperance 3, Each numen offers certain benefits and limitations to
Valor 2 sorcerers who conjure his aspect using Connivance of Wood
Abilities: Archery 3, Athletics 3, Awareness 2, Brawl 5 and Bone (see p. 128). Numina continuously possess their
(Smashfist +1), Bureaucracy 5 (Cowing Bureaucrats +1), own benefits and limitations unless stated otherwise.
Dodge 3, Endurance 2, Investigation 4, Larceny 2, Linguis-
tics (Native: High Realm; Forest-tongue, Old Realm, IURKA, THE AUTUMNAL TORRENT
Riverspeak) 3, Lore 3 (Atsiluth Eternal +1), Melee 2, Description: She carved away her stillness to make
Occult 3, Performance 4 (Oratory +2), Presence 4 (Coa- the toad idol Setsi-Lum that hangs around her ankle. For
lition Leadership +2), Resistance 2, Ride 2, Socialize 4 this reason, Iurka may never rest. To think of motion is to
(Political Manipulation +2), Stealth 2, Survival 1 move, and she pours through the world like water driven
Backgrounds: Allies 2, Backing 5, Breeding 4, Connections by a storm. She carved away her uncertainty to make the
(Atsiluth Eternal) 5, Connections (The Black Scale Em- spider bangle Menine-Li that hangs around her wrist. For
bassy) 2, Connections (The Forest Witches) 3, Henchmen 2 this reason, Iurka makes no choices: She knows but cannot
Charms: Atsiluth’s Bounty, Benevolent Master’s Bless- speak the long path of her destiny from now until her
ing, Blade-Deflecting Palm, Drowning Embrace, Falsehood death. She has seven arms, eighteen legs and three faces,
Unearthing Attitude, Observer Awareness Method, Ox- yet, as she has carved away her ugliness, she is beautiful. So
Body Technique, Pounding Surf Style, Riptide Method, much of herself has she carved away that she sheds at every
Scent-of-Crime Method, Terrestrial Circle Sorcery, moment a trail of sparkling blood, each drop colored red,
Thoughtful Gift Technique, Thrashing Carp Serenade, orange, yellow or gold. When seen in the distance, she
Vision Outside Time seems a great long streamer-tailed kite or perhaps a glitter-
Spells: Connivance of Wood and Bone, Death of Obsid- ing dragon. Up close, with the blood splashing against
ian Butterflies, Demon of the First Circle, Impenetrable one’s eyes, the sight becomes somewhat more macabre.
Frost Barrier, Infallible Messenger, Sworn Brothers’ Oath Iurka argues that stillness only leads to suffering, as
Base Initiative: 4 one’s enemies find one. Choice leads only to pain, as one’s
Attack: enemies punish one. Failure leads only to pain, as one
Punch: Speed 4 Accuracy 7 Damage 2B Defense 7 cannot help but suffer for one’s own inadequacies. Her
Paired Jade Smashfists (Surgeon and End to Mourning): own existence is proof that one may escape this state: for
Speed 10 Accuracy 9 Damage 5L Defense 9 nothing hurts Iurka that she does not already suffer.
Dodge Pool: 5/3 Soak: 13L/18B (Jade articulated plate Former Aspect: Fire
with walking stone, 12L/14B, -2 mobility penalty) Nature: Martyr
Willpower: 9 Health Levels: -0/-1/-1/-1/-2/-2/-2/- Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 5, Stamina 4, Charisma
4/Incap 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance 5, Perception 2, Intelli-
Essence: 4 gence 3, Wits 5
Personal Essence: 17 Peripheral Essence: 38 (27) Virtues: Compassion 4, Conviction 5, Temperance 1,
Committed Essence: 11 Valor 5
Other Notes: Proseria acts in the world through a suit of Abilities: Athletics 5 (Tricky Maneuvers +2), Awareness
Radiant Dragon Armor (articulated plate). She wields 1, Dodge 5, Endurance 5, Linguistics (Native: Old Realm;
his touch. When his hand lifts it from the pedestal, the Base Initiative: 7
earth and air reek with the sense of confinement. Attack:
On occasion, Menderes’ gaze falls lightly, and those Jade Grimcleaver (Biting Wit): Speed 10 Accuracy 9
who find themselves thinking of him feel nothing more Damage 10L Defense 8
ominous than the sense of his presence. Sometimes, if such Jade Short Powerbow (Piercing Gaze): Accuracy 7 Dam-
is his will, those he looks upon have more distorted age 5L Rate 3 Range 300
fantasies and, in flashes of unwilling daydream, find them- Dodge Pool: 6 Soak: 8L/8B (Jade-Alloy Breastplate)
selves slain or tortured by him. The stress of his study Willpower: 8 Health Levels: -0/-1/-1/-2/-2/-4/
builds, and weak minds have cracked under it. Stronger Incap
souls have struck at him, sometimes even successfully, and Essence: 3
dreamt they felt their blade reach beyond the sky. Personal Essence: 13 Peripheral Essence: 29 (20)
Menderes has the head of a cockatiel and seven Committed Essence: 9
serpent tails. His skin is red with heat, and his eyes lost in Other Notes: Menderes’ inhuman head gives him two extra
shadow. Each of his three hands has an extra finger. He dice to Awareness rolls. He has the Tail affliction, giving
radiates an unpleasant spiritual aura that yields a pervasive him two extra dice to Athletics-related endeavors, and the
but low-grade sense of stress and fear. blight Multiple Limbs, which reduces the penalty for mul-
Former Aspect: Water tiple actions by one. He wears a red jade ring that heats his
Nature: Survivor flesh; anyone who touches him and whose player fails a
Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4, Charisma Stamina + Resistance roll suffers one level of lethal damage.
1, Manipulation 4, Appearance 2, Perception 4, Intelli-
Virtues: Compassion 1, Conviction 3, Temperance 3, Description: The Forest Witches leave their corpses
Valor 2 in the woods for Samathi Anja. They give her the bones of
Abilities: Archery 2, Athletics 1, Awareness 3, Dodge 3, their meals. She is the guardian in the forest of remnant
Larceny 5, Linguistics (Native: Old Realm; Forest-tongue, things: of refuse and lingering love, vomit and abandoned
High Realm, Riverspeak) 3, Lore 3, Martial Arts 2, Melee plans, discarded slaves and memories of childhood. She is
2 (Grimcleaver +3), Occult 3, Performance 2, Presence 2, all these things and takes all their forms. When one
Ride 2, Socialize 3, Stealth 4, Survival 3 encounters that within the forest that should exist only as
Backgrounds: Artifact 3, Breeding 2, Cult 1 a memory, it is Anja.
Charms: Dematerialize, Dragon-Graced Weapon, Ears of Samathi Anja sometimes wears the form of a skinless
the Snowy Owl, Feeling-the-Air Technique, Hearing & eyeless cat, of a woman cut in half down the center or of a great
Touch-Riding Technique, Hopping Firecracker Evasion, seething pile of cast-off snake skins. When she comes to the
Observer Awareness Method, Precision Observation Tech- camp as a representative of the mist, however, she looks as she
nique, Spring Follows Winter, Threshold Warding Stance, did in life, save more tired, more sad and with dead black eyes.
Trackless Walk Style, Window-in-the-Door Technique It is Ghandarva’s contention that this is natural, and when
Numen Effects: she cut away every element of her nature, she found herself
Stressful Presence: Menderes’ presence is oppressive. Spend- still remaining — for who but Anja could do the cutting?
ing one point of Temperance increases this effect. For a scene, Nevertheless, he does not meet the creature’s gaze.
everyone able to see him loses one success from all rolls. Former Aspect: Air
Nightmare: For one point of Temperance, Menderes can Nature: Martyr
cast someone into a nightmarish vision. Roll one die for Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 5, Stamina 4, Charisma
each point of temporary Willpower the victim possesses. 4, Manipulation 2, Appearance 2, Perception 2, Intelli-
Set her temporary Willpower to the number of successes gence 5, Wits 3
rolled. The victim cannot spend Willpower to gain an Virtues: Compassion 2, Conviction 5, Temperance 1,
automatic success on this roll. Valor 3
Silence the World: For one point of Temperance, Menderes Abilities: Archery 1, Athletics 1, Awareness 2, Dodge 3,
can cast a veil of distance, obfuscation and silence over the Endurance 3, Investigation 2, Linguistics (Native: Old
world. For a mile around, for everyone except Menderes, Realm; Forest-tongue, Guild Cant, High Realm, Low
the difficulty of Awareness rolls rises by two. Noticing Realm, Riverspeak) 5 (Subtleties of Connotation +3),
things that normally require no roll — for example, that a Lore 3 (Mysteries of the Forest +1), Martial Arts 2, Melee
comrade is speaking or that one is about to walk into a tree 2 (Knives +2), Performance 1, Presence 3, Ride 1, Social-
— requires two successes on a Perception + Awareness ize 2, Stealth 3, Thrown 5 (Knives +3)
roll. This effect lasts for one scene. Backgrounds: Breeding 1, Connections (The Forest
Cost To Dematerialize: 21 Witches) 2, Cult 2
by the sorcerer’s open palm must succeed at a reflexive Valor simple emotional concepts — things such as “vague unhap-
roll, or their characters find themselves, for an eternal piness” or “snide laughter.” An Intelligence + Awareness
moment, in a still and quiet place full of darkness. There, roll against difficulty 3 can garner a little more of the sense
they wait, full of the knowledge of their own flaws, for a of his communication. The sorcerer can share more general
shape unspecified to come and mete out justice. This vision two- or three-word ideas with those whose players make the
costs the victim one point of temporary Willpower. roll, such as “ambush ahead” or “oh, you idiot!”
Those who summon Iurka must make her sacrifice: They Samathi Anja: A sorcerer who summons Samathi
can neither rest nor sleep while under her influence. Without Anja’s aspect receives one automatic success on Lore and
rest, they cannot recover Essence naturally. Instead, they Occult rolls. She can travel unerringly to lost things,
regain 1 mote for each hour spent in vigorous physical unless concealed by a power greater than Terrestrial Circle
activity. In addition, they bleed in a quiet trickle from two Sorcery. If she attempts to locate an item thus concealed,
locations of their choice, and this bleeding will not stop. This she instead finds her way to the god Madame Marthesine
effect causes one level of unsoakable bashing damage that of the Lost, with whom she may discuss the matter further.
cannot be healed until the effects of the spell end. In addition, the sorceress can store any number of her
Menderes: A sorcerer who conjures the aspect of possessions Elsewhere, retrieving one with a simple action.
Menderes onto himself fades from view. His player can roll When the spell ends or suffers the touch of countermagic, any
twice for any Stealth action the character takes and use the possessions still in Elsewhere are destroyed (if possible) or lost.
better of the two results. Moreover, those who do see the If she finds anything willingly discarded, it belongs to her by
sorcerer see him as a daydream or a figment of their imagina- occult law. This has no direct effects, but may interact with
tion. Even total certainty that he is actually there does not the laws of the Fair Folk and the actions of certain Charms.
affect this perception. This subtracts two dice from all dice A sorcerer under the influence of this aspect casts off
pools to attack him. Conversely, if his player makes a success- her nature. She may not regain Willpower, even after this
ful Perception + Awareness roll, the sorcerer can witness the spell ends, until she works a significant treachery against
daydreams of others and optionally interact with them. herself or her goals.
Menderes does not speak, and a sorcerer under Menderes’ Rèsja: A sorceress who conjures the aspect of Rèsja
aspect has difficulty communicating. Regardless of the cannot fail to please. No power short of Celestial Circle
means he uses to get a message across, he can convey only Sorcery can force her to look graceless or inept. She receives
one automatic success on all rolls based on Appearance or vicious, twisted and perverted liars, desiring primarily to
dealing with etiquette. This rises to three automatic suc- torment those who call them forth with false hopes and false
cesses for non-magical rolls. She may lay a magical binding despairs. A wise Witch can, nevertheless, finagle hints from
on any bargains or agreements she makes. If the other party them about the future, the present and the past. The player
breaks the agreement, he suffers three great strokes of ill makes a Manipulation + Investigation roll. If the Storyteller
fortune. The sorceress, like Rèsja itself, is under no obliga- wishes to play out the conversation, then each success repre-
tion to keep the bargain. When it is sealed, her nature sents an opportunity to force out such a truth. The Exalt can
changes, and it no longer applies. (This may or may not spend one of these successes at any time to determine the
function against unrelated powers that enforce bargains.) vision soul’s motivation behind a given statement — for
Each time a sorceress invokes Rèsja’s aspect, she must example, to tease the Exalt with obfuscation, to encourage
sacrifice some facet of herself to it and claim another in its unwarranted despair or to save face after being tricked into
place. Appropriate possibilities include minor aspects of making some admission. Otherwise, the difficulty of the roll
appearance; phobias, philias and other personality traits; is 3, and success tells the character one thing she should watch
tastes in clothing; style of speech; or her approach to for, one thing she should fear and one thing she should desire.
society, combat or life. This does not normally include
changes in Traits, although Rèsja’s aspect can justify CHARACTER CREATION
spending experience on them. This section provides the rules needed to create Forest
Witch characters. The process of creating a Witch much
INVESTIGATION CHARMS resembles the process of making a Dynast from the Blessed
Isle of the waning Realm, but it differs in a few key respects.
ATSILUTH’S BOUNTY The following material details these differences, customiz-
Cost: 1 mote ing character design to the children of the woods.
Duration: Instant
Minimum Investigation: 2 As usual, the most important step in character cre-
Minimum Essence: 1 ation is defining the character you wish to play. You need
Prerequisite Charms: None a character concept that you will find enjoyable, that fits
Those who live in Atsiluth Eternal dwell in luxury such well into the Storyteller’s game and that meshes reason-
as even the Forest Witches cannot imagine. With a moment’s ably well with the concepts of the other players. Decide
study of the Essence flows around her, a character can bring what brought your character to the Forest Witches and
forth unbounded wealth. Invoking this Charm within Atsiluth how your character reacts to the ideals of its various
Eternal, a character can conjure any mundane object or factions. The Witches focus strongly on the goal of perfect-
structure, as well as any artifact or Manse up to level 5. ing themselves, but this means something different to each
However, the artifacts and Hearthstones this Charm creates of them. Your character’s approach to this goal shapes her
only affect the “material” reality of Atsiluth Eternal. They can allegiance and how the other Witches regard her.
improve the user’s perceptions but cannot otherwise divine Depending on the game, the Storyteller may or may
information or directly affect the minds of others. They not want dead characters or numina of the mist — check
cannot act at range without some physical effect that conveys before making such a character. In either case, have a solid
their power to the target. Outside of Atsiluth Eternal, they do reason for the character to interact regularly with the other
not function at all. The Sea of Mind chooses where the characters and the world.
summoned thing appears — the character cannot summon a
Manse into the air above an enemy, although she can expect
a summoned weapon to appear in her hand. ORIGINS
Most Forest Witches are outcastes who drift by
VISION OUTSIDE TIME various routes from the Realm into the Witches’ woods.
Cost: 2 motes, 1 Willpower The remainder are born in the Near East, roughly half
Duration: One scene of them descending from the Witches themselves.
Type: Simple
Minimum Investigation: 4
Prerequisite Charms: Atsiluth’s Bounty, Falsehood As with all characters, Forest Witches begin with each
Unearthing Attitude Attribute at one dot. As heirs to the glory of the Realm and
The Exalt sprinkles a few drops of blood upon the dust of the heralds of a new Creation, their potential exceeds that
Atsiluth Eternal and calls forth her vision soul: an image of of ordinary mortals. However, only those who drive them-
herself drawn from a dream of future days. Such images are
selves past the limits of that potential will equal the unnatu- The Virtues are of particular import to the Forest Witches,
rally privileged children of the Unconquered Sun. as these passions and desires drive them to the four perfec-
A Forest Witch has seven (7) dots to divide among her tions. Characters raised by Oreithyia, in particular, reflect this
primary Attributes, six (6) dots to divide among her second- peculiar emphasis of their culture. In addition to a starting rate
ary Attributes and four (4) dots to divide among her tertiary of one dot in each Virtue, your character has six additional
Attributes. Attribute values range between one and five dots. dots to divide among the four Virtues — Compassion, Con-
viction, Temperance and Valor. You cannot raise Virtues
STEP THREE: CHOOSING ABILITIES above 3 without the use of bonus points.
Abilities begin with a rating of zero and are divided Note the character’s highest Virtue. This Virtue is
according to which element each skill is attuned to. affected by the Great Curse, as detailed on page 150 of
• Air Abilities arise from one’s Temperance, the Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded.
understated effort that brings a flawless victory. They are • Traditional Dragon-Blooded:Select seven Charms
Linguistics, Lore, Occult, Stealth and Thrown. from among the list of Dragon-Blooded Charms, as de-
• Earth Abilities draw on one’s Compassion, the tailed in Chapter Five of Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded.
empathy for the world that makes one immortal. They are At least four of your character’s Charms must be selected
Awareness, Craft, Endurance, Martial Arts and Resistance. from her Aspect or Favored Abilities.
• Fire Abilities arise from one’s Valor, the passion • Former Immaculate Monks: Characters who be-
that conquers all obstacles. They are Athletics, Dodge, longed to the Immaculate monks or who attended the
Melee, Presence and Socialize. Cloister of Wisdom before turning their back on the
• Water Abilities draw on all the Virtues and none, Realm and joining the Forest Witches instead select five
for Aspects of Water are fluid in spirit. Their Abilities are Charms from the Immaculate martial-arts styles, as de-
Brawl, Bureaucracy, Investigation, Larceny and Sail. tailed in Chapter Six of Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded.
• Wood Abilities derive from one’s Conviction, • The Dead: As above.
the mastery of self that enables the mastery of others’ • Numina: As above, but replace one Charm with
flesh and soul. They are Archery, Medicine, Perfor- Dematerialize. The character must take either Cult • or
mance, Ride and Survival. Cult •• as a Background. In addition, your character
Every Forest Witch has a natural affinity with her receives the benefits described on page 118. This may cost
element’s Abilities. In addition, she selects three (3) Abilities your character a point of Temperance. Traditional Dragon-
to be her Favored Abilities. These Abilities are also natural for Blooded must still pick four of their Charms from Aspect
her, but this affinity stems from who she is, not what. She or Favored Abilities.
cannot choose an Aspect Ability as a Favored Ability.
Outcastes who join the Forest Witches as adults have STEP FIVE: FINISHING TOUCHES
Abilities appropriate to their origins. Ex-Dynasts have 35 Calculate a Forest Witch’s starting Willpower by
points of Abilities, 13 of which they must spend on their adding together her two highest Virtues. She begins with
Aspect and Favored Abilities. Most other outcastes, includ- an Essence of 2. Each of these Traits can be increased using
ing those raised by Oreithyia, have 25 points of Abilities, 10 bonus points.
of which they must spend on their Aspect and Favored Calculate a Witch’s Personal Essence pool by adding
Abilities. Abilities have a maximum of three dots at this together her Essence and Willpower ratings (Essence +
stage, but bonus points and experience can raise them to Willpower), plus any additional points granted by the
four or five. If raised by the forest walker, characters must Breeding Background. (See Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded,
have a minimum of Athletics •, Awareness •, Brawl •, p. 158.)
Stealth •, Endurance ••, Occult •• and Survival ••. Calculate a Witch’s Peripheral Essence pool by multi-
plying her Essence Trait by four and then adding the sum of
STEP FOUR: ADVANTAGES her Willpower and her two highest Virtues ([Essence x 4] +
Players have 12 dots to spend on Backgrounds. They Willpower + [the sum of her two highest Virtues]), plus any
use the Dragon-Blooded versions of all Backgrounds, ex- additional points granted by the Breeding Background.
cept for the Manse Background. Forest Witches have the normal mortal seven health
Instead of measuring attunement to the Realm’s levels — a -0 health level, two -1 health levels, two -2
Manses, the Manse Background measures attunement to health levels, a -4 health level and an Incapacitated health
the Manses of the woods. Subtract three dots from the level — plus any additional health levels gained from the
Manse Background when determining the Hearthstones Ox-Body Technique.
the character has access to. Characters with Hearthstones Dragon-Blooded characters have 15 bonus points
are either Mandala Guard or Witches who have con- that may be spent at any time during character creation.
quered a Manse outside the Witches’ territory. See the chart on page 133 for the bonus point cost of
raising each Trait.
Once the seed of the Dragon-Blooded has mingled in were as many Terrestrial Exalted outside of the Realm as
a bloodline, there is a chance, no matter how minute, that, there were inside it.
at some point in the future, a descendent will bear the Every Dynast knows that the strength of the Dragon-
touch of the Five Elemental Dragons, be it in the next Blooded Host lies in its numbers, and this was never truer
generation or after a score of them have passed. Thus, the than in the tumultuous days following the Contagion
hereditary nature of the Terrestrial Exaltation is such that and the rise to power of the Scarlet Empress. Every
any indiscretion or chance sexual encounter could lead to Terrestrial Exalt who could be enticed into following the
Dragon-Blooded offspring. That fact, combined with the Empress’ banner added to the nascent Realm’s strength,
breadth of the Old Realm and the Shogunate that came while every Dragon-Blood who remained on his own
after it, means that nearly every piece of land in Creation detracted from it. As such, the formative years of the
has known the tread of Dragon-Blooded footsteps and that Realm were shaped by the Empress’ attempts to make life
outcaste Exaltations occur in areas that have not seen a on the Blessed Isle more attractive than life in the
Terrestrial Exalt in centuries. Savants of the Realm have chaotic Threshold states, which had been devastated
averred that, if all of Creation were to be accounted for, after years of warfare against an inhuman foe. Anyone
these Dragon-Blooded outcastes would number in the bearing the mark of Terrestrial Exaltation was given the
thousands at any one time. same blandishments to join the newly formed Realm,
whether they were some bastard three generations re-
A HISTORY OF OUTCASTES moved from a chance sexual counter or an officer of the
The word “outcaste” itself had little meaning until Shogunate exhausted after decades of conflict.
after several centuries of the Scarlet Empress’ rule. Before The Realm thus went about absorbing most of the
that, the idea of dividing the Dragon-Blooded into sepa- Terrestrial Exalted who lived in the distant corners of what
rate groups based on who resided in the Realm and who had been the Shogunate, until such time as the Empress
lived outside it would have been an alien one — the was eventually satisfied that those who were going to move
Shogunate had spanned across the whole of Creation, and to the Blessed Isle had done so. In the Empress’ estimation,
the Dragon-Blooded Host was dispersed very widely after those Terrestrial Exalted that remained in the Threshold
the strife of the Contagion. There were times, especially were, at best, irresolute and content with their minor
until the first centennial of the Empress’ reign, that there holdings on the edge of the Inland Sea. At worst, they were
potential threats to her power, as the Seventh Legion had social and economic class are not at an unforgivable deficit
proven itself to be in RY 89, at the Battle of Melevhil. in regards to normal Dynasts, and so, they are dealt with by
By the second centennial of the Empress’ reign — a the same machinery that handles the Exalted children of
full Dragon-Blooded generation — the power of the Realm Great Houses — the secondary school system. Lower-class
was well established, and the social structure of the Dy- outcastes, however, are years behind their patrician fel-
nasty had been put into place to such an extent that the lows and, therefore, must follow a different path to equip
legacy of the Great Contagion seemed distant. The idea themselves with the tools necessary to become fully ca-
that some Dragon-Blooded existed “outside” of the Realm pable members of Dragon-Blooded society.
had become generally accepted, and the term outcaste
came into everyday use to describe those who were un- LOST EGGS AMONG
aware of — or, worse yet, eschewed — the Scarlet Empire.
The Empress first used the term “lost eggs” in RY 212,
during a speech to the Deliberative concerning the Delzahn Those who Exalt among the patrician class are in the
horde’s assumption of control over Chiaroscuro and the best position to reach a lofty rank later in life, while, at the
Tri-Khan’s submission to the Realm. Her speech, deliv- same time, they possess no real control over what happens
ered by proxy, discussed the new direction that statecraft to them just after they take the Second Breath. They are
with the Threshold states lining the Inland Sea would exempt from those laws that dictate the fates of lower-class
take. The Empress declared that she deemed that every outcastes, as their patrician family’s social status, wealth
outcaste was a “lost egg.” The lucky ones fell “into the nest” and connections are presumably sufficient to shepherd the
by being chosen by destiny to be born on the Blessed Isle. outcaste through his secondary school years by guarantee-
All other outcastes had fallen “out of the nest” by being ing one of two fates for him — adoption or fosterage.
cast adrift in the Threshold. The Empress’ desire, stated
succinctly within the oration, was that all outcastes be
integrated into the Realm and worked into the fabric of the Patrician Exalts are fortunate in that their Exaltations
Perfected Hierarchy. typically occur while they are at one of the primary schools
and that these schools are well-prepared to deal with those
THOSE WHO FALL who experience the Second Breath. As usual with Dynas-
process of adoption by approaching a single house and outcaste loses from her patronage, falling that much fur-
inquiring about interest in an outcaste child. Typically, ther behind normal Dynasts.
the Great House is indeed interested — such adoptions Once the families agree upon who will handle negotia-
not only result in a new Dragon-Blood being added to the tions for each side, the two representatives sit down and begin
line’s strength, but also go a great way toward cementing discussion. Depending on the parties involved, the stakes can
a relationship between the two families. On those rare vary wildly, although there are always several components
occasions when the sole Great House with a preexisting discussed during an adoption: social, political and economic.
relationship to a patrician family is not interested in In addition, the actual terms of the outcaste’s upbringing are
adopting, the family must scramble to find another Dynas- discussed and set down in detail, so the patricians know just
tic house interested in raising the child. In these cases, the what they can expect awaits the child they are giving up.
adoption process takes on a hint of desperation, and the Social components to the negotiations include those
patrician side’s position is at a disadvantage during nego- informal ties that will be established between the patrician
tiations. This is a rarity, though, since the best patrician family and the Great House. These ties can be as simple and
families have ties to multiple Dynastic lines, and if one informal as invitations to parties held by the Great House or
house isn’t interested, another will be — only the most as complex and permanent as arranged marriages between
poor or down-at-the-heels patricians worry about having the two groups. If the Great House looks upon the patrician
to approach strangers regarding an adoption. house as marriage material, the negotiators will decide
After the initial approach, the Great House and the which scions of the families will be most advantageously
patrician family each agree to be represented at the bar- wed together. If the patrician clan has economic or bureau-
gaining table by leading members of their own families. cratic assets that the Great House desires, the Dynasts may
While the nomination of representatives would be the marry favored, unExalted children off to the brightest lights
subject of much lengthy back-and-forth discussion if it of the patrician household. If the patrician family has little
were to occur at any other time, with an outcaste child, going for it in any sphere, the Great House may refuse to
time is of the essence. Every week wasted dithering over cement the adoption with a marriage at all or marry off those
who sits across the table from whom is a week that the family members who would, under any other circumstances,
House Iselsi is the Great House that is, at the same time, the most in need of adoptees and the least likely
to get them. In the past, the House was able to surreptitiously gain control of lost eggs that fell into the nest by
either co-opting them from the Immaculate Order (with the tacit permission of the Mouth of Peace) or by
occasionally arranging a favor through the All-Seeing Eye or the Immaculate Order for a patrician whose child
had Exalted. Although the Iselsi were unable to wield open power in those organizations in order to broker favors
for adoption purposes, they subtly manipulated them as often as they could without drawing the Empress’ ire.
More often than not, the Iselsi had nothing to offer a patrician family in exchange for its young offspring, and
so, they were effectively out of the running. Only the poorest of patricians would arrange to have a child raised by
the hidden and much-maligned Iselsi. Those few other outcastes who fell into the Iselsi’s hands were ones who had
been declared wards of the state because they Exalted after being orphaned. The Realm’s bureaucratic machinery
occasionally wielded the rarely used right to remove a child from his parents’ care if they were unable to raise the
Dragon-Blood properly. Occasionally, the Iselsi would get ahold of these children whose parents were from
extremely impoverished minor lines and incapable of raising their child in a manner that behooved members of the
Dragon-Blooded Host. Only a handful of children ever fell into that category in any decade, though.
In the Realm’s current disarray, the checks the Empress put in place to keep the Iselsi from exploiting their
power are no longer functioning as well as they should. The Iselsi have been able to wield their influence within
the All-Seeing Eye and the Immaculate Order more frequently, although no less subtly, and, so, have been able
to offer certain incentives to interested patrician houses. These incentives have ranged from intelligence that
enables a patrician’s business to prosper to persecution of the family’s enemies through the front of either the Eye
or the Immaculates. In the current political climate, a patrician family that offers up an Exalted son or daughter
for the Iselsi can be assured that the power the house can bring to bear in the Immaculate Order and in the All-
Seeing Eye will be exerted for the family’s own prosperity.
Certain Sidereals observing the current crisis have helped the Iselsi to wield their power more liberally in
order to allow the house to gain access to outcastes. Even the Iselsi do not dare guess what the Sidereal motivation
for doing this might be.
be impossible to find a spouse for — essentially, disposing of more than its share of potential outcaste adoptees to choose
the house’s refuse as a way to appease the patricians. from because of its extensive banking interests. Since the
Political components in any adoption negotiation re- Empress’ disappearance and the recent vicissitudes of the
volve around any political alliances that may occur on the financial market, the number has only increased. The only
floor of the Greater or Lesser Chambers of the Deliberative. Great House that spurns the adoption of patrician class
Indeed, due to the fact that the seats of the Lesser Chamber Exalts is House Mnemon, whose founder has dictated that
are filled by those decided upon by the Greater Chamber, such adoption sullies the bloodline overly much.
some Great Houses can guarantee a particularly promising Patrician families can bring a lot to the table as well,
patrician family a chance at a seat on the floor of the Lesser especially if they are one of the powerful bureaucratic
Chamber. In addition, the Great House may be able to push families that control large portions of the Thousand Scales.
through tax exemptions, new terms for leased lands or other Great Houses and minor lines alike fall over one another to
policies in the Deliberative on behalf of the patrician house- compete for the chance to adopt or foster an outcaste from
hold. It is very rare, though, for a Great House to go to great one of those bureaucratic lines, although such competition
political lengths for any but the best patrician households. has a habit of getting out of hand. The chance of conflict is
Finally, economic aspects of the negotiations consist of exponentially more likely if the bureaucratic family wields
bribes and trade benefits. Some Great Houses will desire power in one of the more important parts of the Thousand
that their relationship with the patrician family be as short- Scales. The rivalry gets fierce when it comes to fostering a
lived as possible, especially if the family is particularly needy scion of one of the families that run the Treasury, for
or deemed to be useless in the long-term. Perhaps the instance, or the Honorable and Humble Caretakers of the
patricians’ star is fading or there is more than a hint of Common Folk. One series of negotiations for the adoption
scandal in their past — whatever the actual substance of the of an outcaste daughter of a minister in the Home Office
matter, the Great House may actually negotiate flat pay- erupted into a conflict between House Tepet and House
ments of jade or silver in exchange for the right to adopt the Cynis and resulted in minor brawls in the streets of the
outcaste youth, in lieu of any economic or social benefits. Imperial City in RY 739, until magistrates stepped in and
Such payments tend to be spanned across the lifespan of the arrested the house negotiators involved, threatening them
outcaste’s parents, and the Great House may negotiate to with imperial sanction. While such open conflict is an
pay the sum each year or every decade. The outcaste, once infrequent occurrence, more subtle maneuvering is all too
brought into the Great House, does not shoulder these common — after all, a lasting alliance with an important
payments — the house assumes that she will be worth the patrician family is worth the outcaste adoptee’s weight in
amount in question and pays the money gladly. jade. In many cases, the outcaste becomes a secondary issue
Other economic benefits that are often negotiated relative to the real matter of an alliance between the
include trade alliances and the like. A patrician clan with bureaucrats and the Great House.
interests in shipping would naturally approach House Peleps The situation gets more complex if the patrician family
or V’neef to adopt its child if it had a contact with the house. has a history of outcaste children, making it more likely that
Those with Threshold concerns might approach the Cathak the Great House will try to integrate the two bloodlines on a
or, up until a few years ago, the Tepet. House Ragara has more permanent basis. Several noted patrician families within
to eventually return to his family after a decade or more of arranged, such children would fall outside of the pur-
service to the Great House. In exchange for a long-term view of the Master of Orphans.
business alliance or favored status in dealings within the The Arbiters of Purpose were to hold newly Exalted
patricians’ particular area of business or bureaucratic ex- Dragon-Blooded of low-birth for a short time, helping
pertise, the Dynasts agree to sponsor the Dragon-Blooded them master the rudiments of their power and remedy-
patrician to a good secondary school — typically the ing basic educational deficits, if necessary. These
House of Bells or the Spiral Academy. Then, the Great outcastes were to be prepared for the day when they
House acts as “godparents” in the patrician Dragon-Blood’s decided their own fate, since according to the “tradi-
early career, typically within the legions or the Thousand tion” that the Master of Orphans and Empress agreed
Scales. With the aid of both his powerful patrician clan upon, each one of the outcastes would choose to either
and the Great House, the Dragon-Blooded will now find “take the coin or take the razor.” The fate that awaited
doors open to him that might have otherwise been closed those who took the stylized jade coin from the Arbiters
due to his social standing as a patrician. Ideally, the was a life in the legions, after grueling training at a
Dragon-Blood will then mastermind the rise of the family’s fortress called Pasiap’s Stair. The choice of the jade
fortunes over several mortal lifetimes, overseeing plans razor denotes allowing oneself to be tonsured, leading to
and investments that may take decades to come to fruition.
Some ancient, wealthy and politically powerful patri-
cian families have enough foresight and ambition that they BEFORE THE ARBITERS
attempt to build their own minor line. These patricians bring
Previous to the RY 216 creation of the Arbiters
in outcastes from the Threshold, especially the Northern
Dragon-Blooded nobility, to marry their outcaste children. and the revisions of the adoption laws into their
Their hope is that, eventually, Dragon-Blooded children will present form, the Empress and the Realm relied on
become so common within the family that a Great House or the old Shogunate practice of ritual adoption into a
a Dynastic minor line will make an offer to intermarry the two family by the household head to deal with outcastes.
lines together. While it is rare that any patrician family’s While this practice had sufficed for the first two
fortunes stay steady over a long enough period of time that this centuries of the Scarlet Realm’s existence, by the
dream can become a reality, it happens often enough that the second centennial of the Empress’ reign, she began to
greatest of patricians pursue it as an end. limit the Great Houses’ ability to continually expand
The practice of fostering has fallen on hard times in their numbers through the adoption of outcastes from
the past five years. The gutting of the Thousand Scales by the lower social classes. The revised adoption laws
the Great Houses has left very few patrician bureaucrats in therefore limited the new blood brought into the
the position where they can dictate terms to Dynasts, and Great Houses to outcastes of the patrician class and
their numbers were precious few to begin with. As such, guaranteed that the wealth of the houses would not be
adoption is the most common method of arranging for the continuously drained by stipends set aside for new
fate of patrician lost eggs, and fostering a nearly singular adoptees. Her changes were, in effect, the first revi-
occurrence under the Regency. sions of the adoption laws that had seen use through
both the Old Realm and the Shogunate.
LOST EGGS AMONG THE DROSS By shutting off the means of adopting lower-
In RY 216, shortly after her speech decreeing that class outcastes to the Great Houses, more
all lost eggs be integrated into the Perfected Hierarchy Dragon-Blooded were funneled into the legions and
and trained to be worthy members of the Dragon- the Immaculate Order. These two organizations
Blooded Host, the Scarlet Empress created a new were effectively meritocracies that allowed the best
administrative position within the Thousand Scales. soldiers and priests to rise to the top in the service of
Called the Humble and Munificent Master of Orphans, the Empress herself, rather than the houses. In doing
this individual was to control a bureau known as the so, the Empress also created an effective check to the
Splendid and Just Arbiters of Purpose. She further ambition of the Great Houses, in the form of a
explicated that the Master of Orphans would hence- segment of the military officer-caste beholden only
forth gather up all outcaste Exaltations that occurred on
to her own largesse. It came as no surprise to anyone
the Blessed Isle and that these individuals would be
watching the ebb and flow of power on the Blessed
declared wards of the Realm until they were able to
Isle that with the disappearance of the Scarlet Em-
enter Dragon-Blooded society. As wards, they would be
educated in preparation for their roles as members of the press, one of the Great Houses’ first acts was to
Dragon-Blooded Host. Special exemptions would be disband the imperial legions and then funnel outcaste
made for those of the patrician class who Exalted, but officers to house legions, where they could be com-
only if a Great House would agree to adopt or foster the manded by Dynasts whose loyalties were to their
child and raise it as a Dynast — if an adoption could be own blood, rather than the Realm as a whole.
the mountains directly touching it, except for a few primitive The instructors at the Stair are admirably suited to
wooden huts used as hunting lodges or shelters by the instruc- this task — all of them are Dragon-Blooded retirees from
tors at the Stair. The Empress guaranteed that the lands leased the legions, and all of them graduated from the Stair
near the academy would only go to officers of outcaste birth, themselves more than a century ago. Service at Pasiap’s
thus effectively making that area a sealed military territory for Stair is considered a proper way for those who have retired
use by the Stair. During field exercises, retired Dragon- or who are on extended sabbatical to earn a stipend from
Blooded in the region take great pleasure in helping the the Realm. Officially, all instructors are paid from a fund
instructors of the Stair, playing out the roles of recalcitrant established by the Splendid and Just Arbiters of Purpose.
farmers or guerillas. If an outcaste attempts to escape the Stair, Their quarters on the Stair are spartan, but they’re com-
the retirees also guarantee that there is no safe haven for many fortable enough after a mortal lifetime spent as a legionnaire.
miles around the fortress. There are also a few farms in the nearby hills that elderly
instructors are permitted to move into during their final
LIFE AT THE STAIR years, with the permission of the Master of Orphans.
From the moment an outcaste arrives at the Stair, he When students arrive at Pasiap’s Stair, the instructors
is driven through a painful regimen of exercise and humili- take them well into hand. Each student is given a copy of The
ation for 10 years. The goals of the instructors are simple Thousand Correct Actions of the Upright Soldier, a suit of heavy
— destroy the young man that existed before, and rebuild armor, a spear and a short sword. The equipment is to be
him as a soldier fit to serve the Realm. maintained in top condition, and checks are common —
failure to maintain one’s equipment means punishment for tions was spotty at best and will not suffice for those who
the entire fang. Depending on the number of students arriv- must become officers in the legions. As a result, students are
ing, each year’s class is separated into fangs of five, and if need taught military tactics, reading, math, imperial and legion
be, those fangs are placed into scales of 25. There have rarely history, and the Immaculate Philosophy. After lunch, they
been enough students in single year to make more than one study etiquette and then move to one of the Stair’s many
scale, but it has been known to occur perhaps once every training fields for sparring and weapons training. First-year
century. Each fang is named after its instructor during the first students learn the basic use of Charms and how to stand
year, and each member of the unit is told clearly that their ground in the face of strange opponents and Essence-
transgressions by one member will mean punishment for all. fueled Charms and spells. It is typical for fang of first years
For first-year students, life falls into orderly, ritualized to be forced to crawl through offal and viscera while their
torture. Each first-year finds himself stripped of his family instructors fire blasts of elemental flame above them, and
name as a manner of removing ties to his old life. The injuries occur frequently in such training maneuvers. In-
instructors make it clear that whoever the student was before structors often order strange Threshold creatures brought to
his arrival at the Stair means nothing. Nicknames are com- the Stair in cages and pit them against the students, with
mon and often humiliating. However, by the end of the first surgeons standing by for the inevitable casualties.
year, students tend to wear them with pride. A nickname in The instructors at the Stair are trained to push each
later life identifies one as a graduate of the Stair, and only young student to the brink, to break down his attachments to
other graduates of the Stair are allowed to use a graduate’s his old life, his old self-concept and his own assessment of his
nickname without permission — outsiders using a Stair capabilities. The students are stripped bare of their upbring-
nickname can find themselves on the receiving end of a duel. ings as peasants, slaves and the disenfranchised, in the hopes
Each day begins with a run in full kit, regardless of the that what is left will be a core of solid jade. In addition, each
weather. Runs begin around the perimeter of the plateau, student is indoctrinated into an intense loyalty to the Empress
and as the months pass, these turn into jogs up the massive and to the Realm itself, which is held in higher esteem than
staircase that winds along the mountain. If a student col- ties to any house or political entity. It is this loyalty to the
lapses, it is up to his fangmates to carry him and lose no time Empress and the Realm that provides the backbone and
— leaving a man behind is as unacceptable as tardiness. structure over which all of the other lessons of Pasiap’s Stair
Breakfast follows, and then, several hours of study. The are laid. For the students of Pasiap’s Stair, the legions are their
education provided to these outcastes before their Exalta- father, and the Empress is their mother.
Instructors choose one student to be fang leader each broken up by the occasional furlough. By the 10th year of
year, and it is up to this student to administer whatever their studies, the students would be considered the cream
discipline the instructors see fit. From the second year to of Creation’s elite troops even without the blessings their
the tenth, the fang bears the name of the fang leader, rather Exaltation brings, and before the disappearance of the
than the fang’s instructor — every first-year fang has its Empress, foreign troops of favored governments were al-
own retired officer to teach it, but in later years, one or two lowed to observe the fangs of the Stair in action during the
instructors may oversee all of the fangs for that year. mock battles preceding the Feast of Spears.
If a student transgresses against an instructor’s author-
ity, the fang leader doles out the lashes. If a student fails to THE FEAST OF SPEARS
grasp the lessons in The Thousand Correct Actions, the fang The climax of each school year is the Feast of Spears,
leader is required to stay up late and study with her. Each which follows a massive mock battle involving every Dragon-
year, the instructor selects a new fang leader. This guaran- Blood at the school, which is coordinated by the instructors.
tees that particularly ruthless or sadistic fang leaders check These “graduation exercises” are structured so that, during
their own darker impulses with the sure knowledge that the battle, each class takes a place in the hierarchy commen-
comeuppance awaits them when it’s someone else’s turn to surate with their experience. Tenth-years take the place of
command the unit. generals and strategists, with first-years leading fangs made
The bond between students in a year’s class is strong. up of imported slaves and foot-troops on loan from a legion
They share the same barracks, although males and females stationed on the Blessed Isle.
are separated by gender. It is common for the bonds of The themes of these battles vary from massed troop
friendship shared between members of a fang to blossom combat to siege warfare in which the fate of the Stair itself
into a full sworn brotherhood if the cadre of students stays is at stake. Rarely are the sides evenly matched — promising
together into their later careers in the legion. It is custom- students are often put in charge of forces that are numeri-
ary that each fang leader to find an upper-classmen to serve cally inferior in order to test their mettle. The retired officers
as an advisor, and it is through this route that the legends in the area often allow the school to use their farms or
and esprit de corps of the Stair are passed on from year to volunteer to help play the part of foreign generals or adju-
year. It is also the way that the various small heresies that tants. While the students take these battles very seriously
pop up from time to time get passed to the next year’s class. indeed, there are few casualties, except among the slaves.
Similar mentoring also occurs if a student shows an The battles waged before the Feast of Spears are as grand as
aptitude for sorcery — he is paired with an upper-classmen, those fought at the House of Bells. The instructors at the
and the two study together after hours with a skilled Stair privately argue that theirs are more impressive, simply
instructor. Instructors in sorcery are the one exception to because the glorious Exalted warriors fighting on the field
the rule that teachers at the school are drawn from retired were mere peasants or worse a scant few years earlier.
graduates of the Stair. Sorcery tutors are either “loaned” to The climax of the week is the Feast of Spears itself,
the Stair from the Heptagram or are capable war-sorcerers marking the release of the 10th-year students from the
on sabbatical from a legion. Stair. A great revel is held in one of the ballrooms of the
By the second year, students are used to the abuse, and Manse, and all students are invited. Instructors frequently
so, each year, it lessens in intensity. Marches and mock bestow small gifts to favored students, and the graduates
battles still occur daily, but advanced classes become avail- take the opportunity to try to arrange placement in one
able — classes on engineering and siegecraft, command and legion or another by pressing an instructor for a letter of
advanced tactics. Students are allowed a furlough each formal introduction or for a name to look up in the
month to the nearby city, although they are expected to Imperial City. For the first time, students are permitted to
comport themselves as members of the Dragon-Blooded address instructors by their first names. The students are no
Host. The instructors pay well for information on fangs that longer outcastes. They are now Dragon-Blooded soldiers,
run rampant over the town, and punishments are harsh. ready for a life in the legions, their old names forgotten.
Second-year students are to be well versed in both The next day, the graduates muster out to travel to the
Five-Dragon Style martial arts and the use of their Charms. Imperial City. They are expected to arrive in time for the
Once a month, students take marches up Gray Mask Celebration of Twelve Voices, a minor festival at which
Mountain without the use of the staircase, although most time they will be addressed by the Scarlet Empress and
of them would call these “climbs.” Second-years and other sponsored into a legion — a fulfillment of the promise
upperclassmen are also expected to hunt local game in made with their selection of the coin 10 years earlier. With
order to provide fresh meat for the Stair’s larders and are the disappearance of the Empress, the Regent is supposed
free one day each week to study privately, although many to handle the sponsorship, but recent events have made
take the opportunity to explore around the Stair, wander- that problematic at best — the Arbiters now handle the
ing along the mountainside or exploring the warehouses arrangements for a graduate’s future from their Imperial
and vaults within the mountain itself. City offices. They place the graduates where the Great
The third and later years follow the same structure — Houses want them and guarantee that a student earmarked
constant study, never-ending drilling and mock combat, for a specific legion or duty gets it.
don’t swear loyalty to a Great House, and they wonder Two aspects to this initial training are central to the
what their new leaders will command of them. Immaculate Philosophy and the postulant’s future. The
first is contemplation. Postulants of outcaste birth are
THE RAZOR expected to master the art of quiet meditation, pushing the
The monks at the Cloister of Wisdom are of the mind memories of their early childhood behind them by dwell-
that, compared to the students at Pasiap’s Stair, those who ing on the perfection of the Immaculate Dragons and the
choose the tonsure have a far greater challenge ahead of divine Essence of the Realm. This Essence reveals itself in
them. The instructors at the Stair merely seek to build a many ways, be it in the flights of birds, the harmonious
soldier, while those at the Cloister of Wisdom attempt to placement of natural geographical features or the move-
create a spiritually elevated being capable of wielding pow- ments of the Dragon-Blooded body as it channels its own
erful, Essence-fueled martial arts. In addition to educating Essence flows. The latter form of contemplative exercise
their charges and preparing them for a life in the Immaculate means that martial-arts and weapons training thus become
Order, the monks at the Cloister of Wisdom hope to guide a form of meditation for the young postulant — the
their charges to enlightenment — a difficult task indeed. outcaste is expected to recognize in her own smooth
motions and swift, powerful blows a microcosm of the
THE CLOISTER OF WISDOM Essence flows of the Blessed Isle and the whole of Creation.
When the young outcastes arrive at the Cloister of The second aspect of the training is the assumption
Wisdom from the Obsidian Mirror, their heads are shaved, of knowledge. To the Immaculate priest, the fundamen-
and they take the gray robes of the postulant to wear. From tal tools for discovering knowledge in the greater world
the first, a postulant is paired with a mentor who serves as all lie within the lessons of the Immaculate Texts — the
both confidante and sensei. The mentor is responsible for texts provide the basic logic for deciphering the world
the young Exalt’s education on spiritual matters. If the around the Immaculate. Daily study of the Texts occurs
training at the Obsidian Mirror was insufficient, more under the guidance of the Dragon-Blooded mentor, and
practical issues are addressed as well. Then, as at the Stair, the postulant is questioned to see if she can grasp the
the postulant is stripped of her birth name. Days spent multiple levels on which the Immaculate Dragons make
training and studying are grueling, but failure is not an their knowledge known. Particularly astute students may
option — punishment is just as brutal at the Cloister of grasp as many as three levels of meaning within each
Wisdom as it is at the Stair. chapter or verse, although prodigies have been known to
LEAVING THE ORDER near their urban temples tend to quietly take possession
Once a postulant enters the gates of the Palace Sub- of the young Dragon-Blooded themselves. No one tells
lime, there is no way to leave. During the probationary these postulants about Pasiap’s Stair, nor informs them
period before the postulant meets the Paragon of Sextes that they might have a choice in their own destiny. They
Jylis, the mentor is empowered to take the life of his charge are sent directly to the Cloister of Wisdom for their
if he sees the task of training her as hopeless or if he deems education after preliminary training by whoever discov-
the student unable to rid herself of ties to her old life. This ers them. The Paragon of Sextes Jylis justifies this privately
is an extreme act, rarely undertaken, and in most cases, the by assuring her superiors that, with the compromise of
mentor would prefer to spare the postulant’s life. However, the Thousand Scales, there will be no protest from the
it is a hard world, and the Immaculate Texts are clear — weakened Arbiters.
a Dragon-Blood who cannot or will not live up to her
responsibilities and duties is little better than an Anath- THE FOREIGN BORN
ema and must be dealt with severely. Finally, some foreign-born outcastes make it into the
care of the Realm at an early age. A concentrated effort
THE CURRENT SITUATION is made to draw these foreign outcastes into the bosom of
The troubles of outcastes sent to the Immaculate the Realm, and the Immaculate Order, which has spread
Order are not as severe as those facing graduates of throughout so much of the Threshold, is the perfect
Pasiap’s Stair. The most drastic change that the Empress’ vehicle for it. In areas where the Immaculate Philosophy
disappearance has brought about is that Immaculates holds sway, the outcaste can be assured of sanctuary
who stumble across outcastes in their itinerant travels or during the first confusing days after her Exaltation. If a
with the disappearance of the Scarlet Empress, these demon- deadliness will never want for work. An outcaste per-
strations have become fewer and far between. Now, petty former, by dint of his superior physical attributes, skill with
tyrants and local governors alike are on the lookout for an instrument and Charms can hold a crowd within the
outcastes who Exalt in their territory, in the hopes that they palm of his hand and sway the hearts of commoner and
can use the Terrestrials as tools for their own ambition. noble alike. A Dragon-Blood can expect to earn Resources
Finally, there is the matter of old grudges against the ••• with little trouble, and those who work directly for
Terrestrial Exalted. The Realm has enemies who have the Guild or allow a Guild merchant-prince to represent
waited ages to gain revenge on the Dragon-Blooded, and them can easily earn Resources ••••.
they slaughter outcastes indiscriminately for slights com- Finally, the outcaste Exalted can make their fortunes
mitted centuries ago. The further an outcaste gets from the with sorcery. The weakest of Terrestrial spells outshines
Great Inland Sea, the more likely he is to run into beings the most potent mortal magic, and kings and merchant-
of power who nurse a hatred for the Dragon-Blooded. At princes alike will pay good silver and jade for countermagic,
the edges of the Threshold, Fair Folk, barbarians and the timely battlefield spell casting and anagathics. An outcaste
Lunar Exalted all hunt any who bear the touch of the Five sorcerer can summon demon foot soldiers, command the
Elemental Dragons. Worse still, the Dragon-Blooded are elements and wipe out a scale of troops, if the need
alone among the Exalted in that they visibly demonstrate beckons, which is why an outcaste with a command of the
the touch of their elemental nature even without the Terrestrial Circle is capable of drawing a heavy price from
expenditure of Essence, making them easier targets. those who demand his services. Sorcerers are the rarest of
the lost eggs, and the pursuit of such knowledge will take
OUTCASTE OCCUPATIONS the outcaste to any place where there is a hint of arcane
Outcastes in the Threshold tend to seek greatness or knowledge. Without the training that the Heptagram
perish trying — the nature of the Exalted is excellence, no offers, an outcaste will find himself performing potentially
matter how base their origins. An outcaste can pick up a deadly missions for spirits in exchange for a copy of a spell,
soldier’s spear or a scholar’s brush and expect to outper- robbing the dusty tombs of long-forgotten scholars and
form every mortal he meets with little trouble. The only Anathema and traipsing across Creation in search of lore,
common thread between outcastes who pursue such dis- from the City of the Mad one decade to the ruins of
parate careers is that, despite their best efforts, their lives Bagrash Köl’s flying fortress the next.
are never boring. Even if they desire only quiet, their long
lives mean that, at some point, the petty ambitions of OUTCASTES THROUGHOUT CREATION
others will drag these outcastes into a revolution, an The experiences of many outcastes differ depending on
uprising, a war. With the Time of Tumult arriving, even where they take their Second Breath. An outcaste in the
the humblest outcastes are certain to find themselves Scavenger Lands faces different challenges and opportunities
pulled into some escapade or another as the world de- than one born in the North or the West. To understand the
scends into chaos following the disappearance of the outcaste, one must understand where he comes from and
Scarlet Empress and the return of the Solar Exalted. where he finds himself — has he taught himself lessons
With their Charms, outcastes make formidable warriors, learned from the mean streets of Nexus, did he have a mentor,
and a single Dragon-Blooded leading a unit can transform it or was he brought into an organization made up of outcastes?
from a forlorn hope into a band of soldiers capable of breaking
a line. The nature of Dragon-Blooded Charms means that
they may aid their fellows in the heat of battle. Around a
Terrestrial Exalted leader, a dozen well-trained men can fight The frigid wastes of the North are rife with danger and
as well as 100 mortal troops. A force of outcastes working chances for advancement for an enterprising outcaste.
together as a unit can break fortifications or repel forces far Those Terrestrial Exalted who ally themselves with one of
greater in size. Because of this, the most obvious work a young the Northern Dragon-Blooded colonies or some other
outcaste can seek out is as a mercenary or soldier. Those who power are granted safe haven and access to weapons and
survive the years of soldiering are redoubtable warriors. Sev- wealth. Those who wander the storm-wracked lands alone
eral kingdoms have come under the control of outcaste face death and worse, unless they are very hardy and brave.
generals and their mercenary armies when they found them- Those who take the Second Breath in the North live or
selves ready to retire after years of mercenary work in the die based on where and when they are Exalted. Among the
hinterlands and decided some kingdom would be better tribes of icewalkers, an outcaste is permitted to live within
served by their rule, rather than their employer’s. the tribe only if the Animal Master that watches over the
The fact is, whatever the skill an outcaste sets out to band of nomads allows it — if the Animal Master forbids it,
master, no matter how mundane, he may become so skilled the outcaste must flee or face what had been her family and
at it that he is sought out by the Guild and other customers. friends in mortal combat. Those tribes that follow the Bull
A trainer who can break even the most exotic steed for a of the North allow an outcaste to live amongst them only if
customer is always in high demand, while a craftsman that she was born to an icewalker tribe — those who belong to
can make swords of exquisite beauty and unparalleled the villages that dot the snowy landscape are slain when first
encountered by the Bull’s people. As such, when a village dreams of expansion, although they have little to offer other
discovers that one among their number has taken the than feathersteel weaponry and copious amounts of silver.
Second Breath, they exile her rather than risk the wrath of The finds from their excavations in the North make it into
the Bull or one of the nomadic bands that follow him. the hands of only the most trusted Terrestrial Exalted,
Toward the Inland Sea, outcastes fare better by far, and consisting mainly of those who have sworn to bind their fate
the Northern colonies are always looking for outcastes to that of the League. Still, the Haslanti know full well that
suitable for breeding purposes or who can fill posts in the the best air-boat captains come from the ranks of the Exalted
government. Outcastes are required to follow the Immacu- and, occasionally, a Dragon-Blood is given command of
late faith to gain any such post and to toe the political line such a vessel after earning the Haslanti’s trust.
of the colony in question, but few find that to be any trouble Only in Gethamane are the outcastes unwanted, for
once they taste the relative luxury that Dragon-Blooded while all outcastes are permitted to visit, none are encour-
experience within those Terrestrial-controlled lands. If an aged to stay for longer than a month, by command of the
outcaste from an icewalker tribe or one of the primitive priests who oversee the temples in the city. Something in
villages strewn across the interior shows up in the territory the vaults beneath Gethamane does not like the Dragon-
of a colony, she is offered opportunities for study and martial Blooded. Few outcaste treasure hunters who enter the
training. A Dragon-Blooded child from the Far North may underways return, and those who do are rarely in the same
lack the basic knowledge Northern colonies need, but she condition coming out as when they went in. While a
can usually be taught, and she makes up for it in the potential Dragon-Blooded might attempt to stay in the city without
she offers with her might and power. wandering into the vast tunnel network, those who have
Other areas vary in their treatment of the outcastes. attempted it complain of strange nightmares and a grow-
Whitewall is always willing to accept an outcaste among ing sense of unease that increases nightly — the same dark
the city’s guardians, and the Syndics make sure those dreams that many mortals who stay in the temples com-
Exalted have access to sorcery and artifacts, if they need plain of. At the very least, those who stay in the mountain
them, for the duration of their stay in Whitewall. The city longer than a month make sure to make frequent trips
library of the Syndics is extensive, and those rare few who outside of the mountain in order to shake the mounting
have seen it claim that it dates back to the First Age and claustrophobia and nervousness that grows to afflict them.
the height of the Solar-controlled Realm. Many villages have given an outcaste mercenary their
The Haslanti are eager for outcaste craftsmen to work last dinars in exchange for protection from those icewalker
on air boats and outcaste mercenaries to aid in the Haslanti’s tribes and Wyld cults that wander the North. It pays for
these outcaste warriors to be well versed in the ways of the though alliances are always possible. Characters who were
various barbarians, so that the outcaste can mediate a not castrated would have to have bloodlines worth the
settlement between the predatory barbarians and the dilution of the Familial blood.
isolated settlements that the Dragon-Blooded have been It is not just the governments of men who welcome
hired to protect. If the two parties cannot arrange such a outcastes into their midst, however. Fakharu, Censor of the
treaty, outcastes have found that attacking the herds is far West, makes use of Dragon-Blooded as errand boys and
easier than attacking the icewalkers and results in the representatives in the mortal world, and as such, his en-
icewalkers being driven off just as combat would. emies, including several Storm Mothers, attempt to make
use of them as well. Fakharu finds outcastes to be the perfect
THE MARMOREANS agents — they’re far more powerful than mortals, and the
Among the outcastes of the North are found the accident of their Exaltations tends to create independent
Marmoreans, a sisterhood of pale, outcaste cannibal-scholars and resourceful individuals who lack the greater impulses
who wander the windy snowpack, memorizing the songlines that drive the Celestial Exalted. Work for such luminaries
of the barbarian tribes even as they attempt to gain knowledge as Fakharu and his adversaries brings with it the opportunity
of lost First Age lore. They serve Eshemati, the Hundred-Eyed for jade goods and blessings from the gods, and so, many
Shouter of Blasphemies, a demon whose chosen sphere of consider the potential gains worth the attendant risk.
influence is knowledge and who was freed centuries ago from While outcastes may be honored guests of many of the
Malfeas by Bagrash Köl. The Marmoreans operate out of a human and spirit worlds, little love is lost between the
dozen cave-fortresses within the North, served by deaf wor- Bodhisattva Anointed by Dark Water and the outcastes of
shipers forbidden by Eshemati from hearing even a single the region. The Bodhisattva allows the Dragon-Blooded
secret. The Marmoreans know forbidden rites, gleaned from to enter the Skullstone Archipelago, but they are clearly
the twisted religion of the Dragon Kings, that allow them to not welcome. None may pass the Bone Gate to enter the
ritually devour the brain of a victim and gain his knowledge, city of Onyx, and the freebooters in the service of the
which they then bring back to the buried temples of Eshemati. Bodhisattva are crueler to the outcastes they take prisoner
In their religion, every secret is Eshemati’s, stolen from her than even the Lintha Family. A captured outcaste is
during the years before man’s creation and sullied by the allowed to die only after ritual torture, a fate mandated by
whispering of human tongues. the Bodhisattva and carried out gladly by his mercenary
The Marmoreans are fierce, uncompromising foes armed crews. He also forbids his freebooters from taking outcastes
with weapons of bone and jade, but they have been known as crew, and Dragon-Blooded in the region have met their
to trade information with other Exalted — but only if the ends at the spearpoint of a dozen zombie warriors often
other party has a secret that no Marmorean has heard. enough that they tend to either skirt areas controlled by
the Bodhisattva or attack his reavers on sight.
In the West, there is no organized outcaste presence as
there is in the North — no colonies of Dragon-Blooded Outcastes who wish to work toward their own ends
where a newly Exalted outcaste can find respite. This is not frequently take up one of two occupations in the West —
to say that there are no opportunities for an outcaste in the pirate or shaman. The West teems with Dragon-Blooded
West — quite the contrary, since almost all of the islands buccaneers, some of them traveling in sworn brother-
and nations of the West welcome outcastes with open arms. hoods. The Rising Scarlet Wind Brotherhood, for instance,
The Coral Archipelago offers any outcaste warriors is a quartet of outcastes commanding three fast ships, and
who join them a chance at making a fortune, although the their leader was once a high-ranking naval officer for the
limits that keep foreigners from attaining high rank in Realm. They are a companionable bunch, less blood-
Coral’s navy ensure that all but native-born outcastes thirsty and far more efficient than the average pirates that
attempt instead to gain letters of marque from the Sea ply the West are. They kill only when necessary and
Lord. The peaceful Wavecrest Archipelago is also recep- squander enough jade and silver in the various ports they
tive to outcastes, but more for the added safety that keep to that, when they land their vessels, they are well
Terrestrial Charms ensure for ships with a Dragon-Blooded favored by town notaries and local prostitutes alike. The
on them. More than one ship has returned to Wavecrest Lintha have taken a strong dislike to the quartet, but the
after close encounters with massed pirates or enemy vessels four outcastes have managed to hold their own in the few
without having had to fight at all — such is the power of battles they have had with the Family.
an outcaste who focuses his talents into sailing. Standing in strong counterpoint to the Rising Scarlet
The Lintha Family seeks to add Dragon-Blooded Wind Brotherhood is Demon Captain Kasua, whose blood-
bloodlines to its own, but only under its own terms. Those thirsty methods and demonic crew have led rise to a dozen
Terrestrial Exalted who join will be expected to offer a differing myths concerning her origins. Some say she is the
child for gelding and possible torment. Terrestrials whose offspring of a shipwrecked Dynast father who was unlucky
stature competes with the Family’s or who seem to threaten enough to wash up on the shore of one of the more isolated
the Family will have no chance of actually joining, al- and cannibal-wracked islands. Others argue that she is a
rebel Tya who fled the restrictive atmosphere of Coral. Wyld grow stronger over the last decade and lost a number
Whatever the truth, she is a sorcerer of formidable ability, of important islands to Fair Folk incursions or aggressive
and her crew is made up of demons of the First Circle and raiders. The Emissaries are desperate for new members to
their awful hybrid offspring. These latter crew are the join their number and have begun scouring the West for
product of the rapes she allows to take place when her likely candidates. Yet, they can find few who would be
demonic crew takes a prize, and she purportedly raises them willing to hazard the worst of the Wyld zones in exchange
on an isolated island. Kasua is a dark beauty whose visage for the meager thanks of the tiny islands who depend on
could bring a man to his knees, if not for the teeth she has them. The Emissaries have recently called for a council to
filed into ugly points. She wields a daiklave of black jade and meet at the spirit court of Fakharu, Censor of the Western
wears leather armor crafted from the cured skins of those she Oceans, in order to discuss the growing threat of the Wyld.
has defeated in personal combat, which, through artifice, Even before the council has taken place, however, the
she has turned into a powerful artifact that protects her from Emissaries have received word of a gathering of Lunar
anything but the most specially crafted of weapons. She is Exalted hosted by the mighty Leviathan — and suspect
famous for having no love for the governments of the West, that the worst is yet to come.
sacrificing captured crews to Siakal, the Western god of
battle, slaughter and sharks. She is rumored to be looking for THE SOUTH
other outcastes to join her sinister cause and has made it Outcastes in the South are fortunate in that, in many
known in the ports she lands in that she will teach sorcery cities, the Immaculate faith holds sway on some level —
to any Dragon-Blooded who will fight under her flag. even among the Delzahn nomads, the Dragon-Blooded are
For those who resist the call of life as a freebooter, the accorded respect. As such, Terrestrials who Exalt in the
West is in great need of shamans, Dragon-Blooded whose region tend to be able to find a way to survive, and even
powers allow them to deal with spirits. The Wyld is an ever- thrive, with little trouble. While the tribes and cities of the
present threat in the lonely West, and the smaller islands South do not kowtow to the Dragon-Blooded as do the
fight daily to resist its pull. Many outcastes arrange for gods peasants of the Realm, the South is the safest place in the
to use their Charms to protect the more secluded tribes — Threshold for an outcaste to Exalt.
and guarantee the survival of the tribe’s lands by making sure In Chiaroscuro, outcastes can find work as superior
that chiminage and other rites are followed properly. craftsmen, bodyguards, mercenaries or anything else
that suits their fancy, and treasure hunters and ghost-
THE EMISSARIES OF PERFECT WATER killers are well paid and much respected occupations for
The Emissaries of Perfect Water are a loose band of Dragon-Blooded in the city. The Delzahn hold outcastes
nearly 40 individuals who are bound by social ties and in high esteem, and the Tri-Khan surrounds himself
common goals. The ties that bind the Emissaries are those with those noted for their skill in armed combat — or
that come from being responsible for the plight of an island any other talent that he finds personally useful. Given
or tribe in the West — these warriors and leaders cemented the open and accepting nature of the Delzahn royalty,
an alliance a century ago, hoping that they could accom- liaisons between high-ranking nobles and their outcaste
plish together that which they, individually, could not. companions are common, though outcaste offspring are
Nearly a dozen of the Emissaries are outcastes, while the still not frequent occurrences.
rest are God-Blooded and mortal sorcerors. To the ruling houses in Gem, outcastes are a neces-
The Emissaries’ goals are simple — to protect the sary, if odious, price of doing business, and so, they do not
island-nations of the West from the Wyld and its agents, to embrace them quite as easily as do the people of Chiar-
defend the status quo of tribal culture from unnecessary oscuro. Outcaste Dragon-Blooded are tolerated because
contamination by the Realm or the Guild and to propitiate the skulduggery that surrounds the politics of the city
the gods and puissant beings of the West in order to requires a constant flow of assassins capable of dealing with
guarantee the safety of the Emissaries’ island homes. In order magical wards, and hence, sorcerers capable of creating
to perform these sacred tasks, the Emissaries protect one them. Only Dragon-Blooded readily fit the bill, and they
another’s interests, go to battle as a unit and form a petition- cost a reasonable amount of coin, for even the least
ing block in the courts of the various Storm Mothers and sea powerful Terrestrial magic cast by an outcaste sorcerer can
gods. Many of the Emissaries travel the Western Ocean in overwhelm wards crafted from mortal sorcery. Occasion-
specially crafted longboats and coracles, artifact ships ca- ally, an outcaste craftsman of extraordinary ability is
pable of traveling at enormous speeds through dangerous summoned to work on the city’s namesake jewels, and
storms and treacherous seas. The rewards for being an when raids become common on the caravans, outcaste
Emissary of Perfect Water are meager — the knowledge that mercenaries can charge a high price for their services. The
one has protected the West for another season, the thanks city also relies on outcaste forces to support its military.
of a tribe or two on an island, the monetary and magical Another reason why the Dragon-Blooded are toler-
rewards presented by chiefs and shamans. ated in Gem is that there is a large market for the dreams
Despite their numbers, there are too few Emissaries of the Princes of the Earth, and outcastes have made a
patrolling too large a space, and so, they have watched the
fortune selling their fantasies to the opal-merchants of Blooded population of almost 100, all of whom have taken
Gem. For a hefty price, anyone can taste the power and vows to serve only Paragon itself. All of these outcastes
passion of the Five Elemental Dragons within the dreams have undergone the ritual of subservience to the Perfect.
of an outcaste Dragon-Blood, although such a practice is As with the Solar Exaltation, those Dragon-Blooded
heavily proscribed by the Immaculate faith. Proscription outcastes who Exalt within the city find themselves freed
does not stop the heavy traffic in such gems, as the from their oath to the Perfect, but surprisingly few of them
patricians of the Blessed Isle form an avid market for them. choose to leave the rigid confines of the city. The main
Within the Varang City-States, outcastes challenge reason for this reticence is that, once Exalted, the outcastes
the notion that each person’s future is writ large in the of the city find themselves promoted to high rank and
stars. Many outcastes born within the cities aver that their granted both status and wealth.
futures change at the moment of Exaltation, while the The majority of outcastes in the South stick to time-
astrologer-priests disagree, labeling such ideas as heretical. honored occupations such as sorcerer, savant and warrior.
This issue has caused a minor rift between the Varang That doesn’t mean there is little to do, however — the
orthodoxy and those who hew to the Immaculate faith in Guild relies extensively on mercenaries to protect gem-
the city-states, for the Immaculates in the area maintain stone and firedust caravans moving through the Southlands,
that Exaltation frees a person from his previous mortal and an outcaste can always find work among them. Finally,
destiny and allows him to rewrite his fate. The Immaculate prospectors who bring back baskets of firedust or handfuls
stance has not changed the way the Varang deal with of yasal crystals can earn a king’s ransom, so outcastes who
outcastes, however, for no matter where an outcaste’s true know the desert and who can wield a sword typically try
ability lies, he is kept locked into the same caste and rank their hand at mineral harvesting if they have no other
that he had before his Exaltation. This has lead many who reliable work.
Exalt among the city-states’ lower classes to flee the region
to find their fortunes in Chiaroscuro, Gem or even the THE LEGION OF SALOY HIN
Realm. A few of the outcastes that do find work in the city There are unsubstantiated rumors that one of the
show the potential, and the birth-forecast, to become legions that disappeared when the Great Houses attempted
craftsmen, working upon the intricate and beautiful clock- to consolidate their control over the military has taken to
works and orreries that the Varang are famous for. military adventurism in the South, amassing a supply of
The Perfect of Paragon has no problem with outcastes firedust while searching for lost Manses in the region. The
seeking residence in the city, which boasts of a Dragon- general of the legion, Saloy Hin, a graduate of the Stair and
an Aspect of Fire, is eager to gather more Exalted under his gether the ancient ghost’s hopelessly labyrinthine plans.
banner and has made it known that any outcaste is welcome Even such skilled and cunning Exalted pawns are frequently
to fight beside him. He and his legion were legends in the sacrificed in one move or another of political chess.
Realm for their daring tactics and rigid discipline, and when In the Southeastern jungles, an outcaste can make a
he left the Blessed Isle, his men took an armory’s worth of fortune risking his skin by bargaining with the diminutive
weaponry with them. They have jade daiklaves and and cannibalistic chaun for poisons and rare healing drugs
powerbows to spare if an outcaste will take an oath to or by collecting the pelts of rare animals such as tree-
support Saloy’s efforts to build a power base in the region. He singers and claw striders. Those same scouts, familiar with
has sent out sorcerers under his command to scour the area the jungles, sometimes hire themselves out to the Realm’s
for Anathema tombs, Manses and places of power, hoping garrison at Jades as trackers or mercenary troops (see Ruins
to find some edge for when he finally makes his move and of Rathess, pp. 21-22).
conquers parts of the South as a stepping stone toward Others sometimes make it further into the jungle and
bringing the Realm itself under his bootheel. Under his declare themselves kings, dictating the law to a tribe of
banner, he has gathered outcasts from the various Wyld worshipful barbarians, if that is their wont. Some outcastes
barbarian tribes and sold firedust to the Varang City-States have lived and bred among the deep-forest people for so long
through middlemen in order to buy out the contracts of that there are tiny pockets of a few primitive, inbred Dragon-
mercenary bands for use as foot soldiers. Blooded ruling over vast swathes of forest territory. These
Whether Saloy Hin is a madman or not remains to be savage Terrestrials remain unchallenged until a god or Lunar
seen. He keeps to himself in an abandoned and isolated Anathema becomes so disturbed by their predations that
fortress-Manse that he and his men have discovered, they slaughter the whole tribe in one riot of bloodshed,
which they have named the Steel Tower. He has made leaving nothing behind. Such a deed is never an easy task,
overtures to other Dynastic exiles, including Tepet Ajava, though, even for gods and Lunars, given how much power
and his closest associates say that he is interested in even these inbred atavisms can bring to bear when they have
forming something he calls a “Second Alliance of Tigers,” been touched by the Five Elemental Dragons.
channeling the ritual power of that name to overcome a
Realm without the Scarlet Empress. He is obsessed with THE GRASS-SPIDERS
the future and pays heavily for Varang sages to bring him Hidden on the outskirts of the River Province is a
astrological forecasts. Those who know him feel that, if his small Manse from which the Grass-Spiders ply their
plans come close to fruition and he does create an alliance bloody trade. They are assassins, well versed in a strange
with other outcaste legions, he could spell the salvation — form of martial arts based on their namesakes, which was
or the doom — of the Realm itself. taught to them by spirit guides who reside within the
deep forest. The clan works extensively within the Scav-
THE EAST enger Lands and across the East and makes a healthy
From the massive, silent rainforests of the Northeast to income from assassinations made to look like accidents
the oppressively humid jungles of the southlands, a Dragon- and murders meant to send a message. They are also
Blood in the East will face a variety of unique and challenging poisoners, skilled in the use of toxins both subtle and
environments that offer equal chances at wealth and danger. obvious, which they gather from the tribes who reside
In the Northeast, the seemingly endless war of the within the deep forest such as the chaun. They also
Linowan against their Haltan adversaries is always in need sometimes purchase venoms from the Sijanese, who have
of new Terrestrial troops, for both sides appreciate soldiers strange contacts within the Underworld. The latter poi-
who are just as effective fighting on their own as they are sons, made from strange pastes and efflorescents smuggled
in a war party. This is all the more true after the great in from the lands of the dead, are necrotic agents that rot
battles recently fought between the Realm and the Bull of away limbs and devour the very souls of their victims.
the North in the region. Savants skilled in the etiquette of The Grass-Spiders answer to the Three Elite Fiends,
the spirit courts are needed just as much as mercenaries, for mysterious elders who dictate the assassins’ diet and training
outcaste sorcerers the nations hire are relied upon to regimen, hand down martial-arts techniques and pass judg-
perform the duties of emissaries to the courts of Caltia and ments on those who fail a mission or spurn the laws of the
Jorst when the need arises. community. It is the Three Elite Fiends whom outsiders
The Mask of Winters’ takeover of the Eastern city of contact in order to arrange an assassination or to buy the
Thorns has also provided work for itinerant outcastes — services of the clan, and no two patrons agree as to what,
those Dragon-Blooded who lived in the city and know it exactly, the Three Elite Fiends are. Some say they are spirits
well are often hired to wander back in to locate and placate crowned in white fire, while others proclaim that they are
the ghosts of those massacred in the Deathlord’s conquest of demons bound to the Manse or ancient ghosts. Even the
the metropolis or to gather intelligence from those august Grass-Spiders do not wholly understand the nature of the
shades. Other outcastes hire themselves out to the Mask of Fiends, though many of them believe that their masters are
Winters or his lieutenants, spreading throughout the East as merely the eldest outcastes of the clan, bloody-handed
spies, assassins and agents provocateurs, never piecing to- assassins with a flair for disguise and the dramatic arts.
The clan has tried to expand its numbers by kidnaping Dragon-Blooded craftsman, especially those who can
and indoctrinating outcastes who Exalt within the deep work with grave goods made of jade and stone, can always
forest. The Grass-Spiders number less than two dozen find employment in Sijan, although such jobs tend to be
individuals of varying ages, many of them brought into the minor affairs unless the outcaste is willing to join the
“clan” shortly after Exaltation as little more than children. Morticians’ Order. Occasionally, outcaste mercenaries are
An outcaste brave enough to seek them out stands an equal paid heavy sums by bereaved relatives to travel into the
chance of being initiated into their clan or being disposed Underworld of Sijan and bring some important message to
of, depending on her approach and the whims of the Three a dead loved one, if he can be found — these messengers
Elite Fiends. Surprisingly enough, the Grass-Spiders are an sometimes come back with ancient grave goods as gifts, but
affable bunch, justifying their acts as an occupation no more often, they don’t come back at all. Only the brave or
different than that practiced by any of the other denizens foolish take the long walk from the shadowland of the
of the River Province and pursuing their livelihood like Black Chase into the Underworld just so that some poten-
any another trade. They see themselves as artists, explor- tate or merchant prince can consult with a long-deceased
ing the limits of their chosen profession and perfecting ancestor rumored to possess great wisdom.
their martial arts skills and bodies just as an Immaculate
priest would, all the while taking pride in a job well done MERCENARY-CHAMPIONS OF THE
when a murder is particularly well executed.
THE RIVER PROVINCE One of the most lucrative careers an outcaste can aspire
Outcastes in the Scavenger Lands exist in a world that to is that of mercenary-champion for one of the Hundred
has grown accustomed to contact with gods, the Seventh Kingdoms. Since the kingdoms rarely indulge in open, total
Legion and the Celestial Exalted — so it is in this region warfare, disputes are settled via champions, through single
that outcastes have the most opportunity to focus on profit combat — and outcaste duelists are a common sight. It is an
rather than finding themselves swept up into political honest living, with successful champions earning enormous
concerns . The other side to this coin, however, is that sums and receiving access to one or two First Age weapons
beings who possess more power than outcastes feel com- for the duration of their employment.
fortable working openly in the province — so For most people in the Scavenger Lands, a duel
Dragon-Blooded must tread carefully and be extraordinar- between two champions is the only safe way to witness
ily cunning if they hope to survive in a region where gods the true might of the Exalted. The ritual combat of the
and Solar Exalted openly walk alongside mortals. mercenary-champions is a sight indeed — the champi-
In the Scavenger Lands, outcastes can find plenty of ons’ brilliant pennants of dyed wolf-spider silk flap in the
opportunities to make a name — and a fortune — for wind, while the gorgeously attired Dragon-Blooded flare
themselves by allying with the scavenger lords and looting their animas and clash in Essence-fueled powered armor
the tombs of the Anathema. The Terrestrials’ broad skills crafted from jade and encrusted with glittering dia-
and Charms make them ideal candidates to raid the resting monds, huge pearls and adamant emblems. Peals of
places of the ancient and unholy dead, and many outcastes thunder roll across the verdant fields as weapons capable
manage to find plenty of wealth before they step past the of unleashing bolts of lightning and daggers shaped from
wrong trap or face off against a foe too powerful for their black jade and obsidian whirl in a complex dance, while
Charms. The problem is greed — too many of the outcastes each kingdom’s singers intone the virtues of the fighters.
who take up scavenging simply do not know when to stop Both sides host great feasts and perform copious sacrifices
and, so, meet ugly ends. Those few who manage to pick the before the combat, and the winning side always holds a
right time to quit the business end up settling down with similar feast afterward.
enough jade and artifacts to last a lifetime. There is an informal etiquette among the outcaste
The cities of the River Province nearly always have duelists. Even though many of them have developed
work for itinerant outcastes, no matter their talent. Per- intense rivalries over the years, the death of a champion in
formers can find work in Great Forks, where the three gods combat is a rare event, as the kingdoms involved prefer to
who run the city have been known to reward outcaste ransom off the loser of the ritual combat, which, of course,
performers greatly — rumors persist, however, that those makes the role of mercenary-champion even more attrac-
who displease the trio disappear, reappearing later as tive to outcastes. A Dragon-Blood can live her life as the
ensorcelled thralls. Nexus, the filthy gem of the Scavenger champion of a kingdom while kept in the richest digs, with
Lands, is constantly looking for new outcastes for work as little chance of being killed in battle (barring some unfor-
Exalted concubines, mercenaries, gladiators or sorcerers, tunate accident.) Those Dragon-Blooded outcastes who
for in Nexus, it doesn’t matter what class a man or woman choose not to live their lives as mercenary-champions
was born into. All that matters is that the Five Elemental leave the occupation skilled in warfare and single combat,
Dragons have blessed them and that they’ll work for ready for a career as a gladiator or a soldier anywhere in
honest (or dishonest) coin. Creation and with a reputation that precedes them through-
out the Scavenger Lands.