Mapeh 9 1st Quarter Test

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S.Y. 2017 -2018

Name : _______________________________ Grade & Sec : _________________ Score : _________

I. Directions : Read each sentence carefully . Write the letter of the correct answer.


1. There are five main sections of the Mass. Which of the following is the only section of Mass
with Greek text?
a. Kyrie b. Gloria c. Agnus Dei d. Credo
2. It was the prominent instrument of the Renaissance Era.
a. Violin b. Piano c. Lute d. Cielo
3. A through - composed vocal music composition written and expressed in a poetic text.
a. Troubadour Music b. Madrigal c. Mass d.Gregorian Chant
4. Which of the following Baroque Music forms was developed through imitative counterpoint?
a. Fugue b. Concerto Grosso c. Oratorio d. Chorale
5. It is derived from the Portuguese word barroco which means “ pearl of irregular shape “.
a. Renaissance b. Medieval c. Pre-Historic d. Baroque


6. A type of megalith stone that means “a stone table”?

a. Menhir b. Dolmens c. Cromlech d. Pyramid
7. The Pyramids of Giza are the most substantial ancient structures of the world .The three
pyramids are the funerary structures of the three kings of the fourth dynasty. Which of the
following is NOT one of the kings?
a. Khufu b. Cleopatra c. Khafa d. Menkaura
8. A sculpture from the Classical Period that showed all the points of human anatomy and
a. Greek Sculptures c. Byzantine Sculpture
b. Roman Sculpture d. Romanesque Sculpture
9. The purpose of this painting is to make the deceased afterlife place pleasant.
a. Pre-Historic b. Roman c. Greek d. Ancient Egypt
10. Which of the following is NOT an architectural style in the Greek Architecture?
a. Doric b. Ionic c. Parthenon d. Corinthian


11. What does R.I.C.E. means?

a. Rest , Ice , Compression , Elevate
b. Ready, Ice , Compression , Elevate
c. Rest , Inject , Compression , Elevate
d. Ready , Inject , Compression , Elevate
12. It is a quality of an officiating official that refers in dealing with others at any given situation.
a. Physical b. Emotional c. Mental d. Social
13. Which of the following is NOT part of the ethics and guidelines in officiating?
a. Act with fairness
b. Exhibit professionalism
c. Favor the other team
d. Be accurate and Responsible
14. Hydration is important in officiating especially in running continuously for long minutes.
sports officials do not have the luxury of a time out. If they want to hydrate their body, what’s
what’s the best drink to take?
a. Energy Drink b. Softdrinks c. Sports Drink d. Water
15. What is the BEST value that a sports official must possess?
a. Fairness b. Punctuality c. Unjust d. All of the Above


16. What best describes a community health program?

a. It maintains, protects and improves the health of all members of the community through
organized and sustained community efforts.
b. It maintains and improves the health of all members of the community through organized
and sustained community efforts.
c. It protects and improves the health of all members of the community through organized and
sustained community efforts.
d. It maintains, protects and improves the health of all members of the community.
17. Which is NOT an effect of Climate Change?
a. Dead trees from oil spillage
b. Increased risk of drought , fire and floods
c. More health related illness and diseases
d. Economic losses
18. It happens when soil and rock are moved from one place to another by wind,water and
a. Flash Flood b. Deforestation c. Soil Erosion d. Pollution
19. Which of the following is NOT a pollution?
a. Noise Pollution b. Water Pollution c. Academic Pollution d. Air Pollution
20. Which does NOT describe a healthy community?
a. A clean and safe environment
b. An environment that meets everyone’s basic needs
c. An environment that promotes social harmony and actively involves everyone
d. An environment that is fully aware of it’s daily opportunities

TEST II . Identification .
Directions : Choose the correct answer from the box and write it on the space provided before each

Strain Caves Fracture Mosaic

Renaissance Medieval Period Deforestation Dislocation

Community Flash Floods Sprain

________________21. It comes from the word renaitre which means “rebirth” , “revival” and
________________22. It is known as the Middle Ages or “ Dark Ages” that started with the fall of the
Roman Empire.
________________23. Where can we found the paintings from the Pre-Historic Era?
________________24. It is an art process where an image is created using an assemblage of small
pieces of colored glass, stones or other materials.
________________25. It is a break in the bone that can occur from either a quick ,one-time injury to
the bone or from repeated stress to the bone over time.
________________26. It is when the two bones that come together to form a joint become separated.
________________27. It is a sudden flood of great volume, usually caused by a heavy rain.
________________28. It is defined as a sociological group in a large place sharing one environment.
________________29. It is a twist, pull or tear of a muscle or tendon.
________________30. It is the destruction of big areas of forests.
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