The Best Way To Describe Nanotechnology: Nanoworks Southern Africa

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7/7/2019 What is Nano

NanoWorks Southern Africa

The Best Way to Describe Nanotechnology

"actually nanotechnology is nothing but astonishing small science - but with a twist..."

Nano materials took our technologies to a

new level, opening up previously impossible

manipulate matter at
the scale of atoms and
“Nano” is a measurement – not an object.
“Nanotechnology” speaks solely to scale. A
“nanometre” (nm) equals one millionth of a
millimetre. It takes ten atoms of hydrogen side-by-
side to equal one nanometre. A DNA molecule is
about 2.5 nm wide and red blood cell is in
comparison a vast ±5,000 nm in diameter!

Nanotech’s “raw materials” are the chemical

elements of the Periodic Table (which is the
building blocks of everything), but with a very
di erent set of properties.  Key to understanding
the unique power and potential of nanotech is
that, at the nano-scale (below about 100
nanometres), a material’s properties change
dramatically – these changes are called “quantum
e ects.” With only a reduction in size and no
change in substance, materials exhibit new
properties such as changes in electrical
conductivity, elasticity, strength, colour and
greater reactivity – characteristics that the very
same substances do not exhibit at the micro or
macro scales.

7/7/2019 What is Nano

NanoWorks Southern Africa

Nanotechnology is only applying what it
discovered in natural nanomaterials. Natural
nanomaterials is materials that belong to the
natural world (animal and mineral), without human
modi cation or processing, and that have
remarkable properties because of their inherent
nanostructure. Nanoscience and special
instrumentation has led to discoveries such as the
water repelling structures on the Lotus Leaf, a
gecko's ability to walk on glass, the UV protection
in the edelweiss plant, antire ective eyes of moths,
and the fact that milk is nano-protein particles
suspended in water etc. 

This new discoveries turned the

impossible to possible
The interaction of light, water and other materials
with natural nanostructures gives these natural
materials some remarkable properties which can
only be fully appreciated at the macro scale. These
incredible properties of nature now discovered help
nanoscientists to push the boundaries of
technology. As scientists discover and understand
more about our world at the nanoscale, they can
apply that knowledge to develop amazing products
and solutions based upon these fascinating nano-

The picture to the left demonstrates the strentgh

of spider web silk, which is 5 times stronger than
steel of the same weight. This "super strong and
exible structure at the nano scale" can resist
strong winds and high speed collisions.

This is what makes this

Nanotechnolgy Special
When we get down to these tiny nano sizes,
many materials start to behave in different
ways. They are sometimes much stronger, or
conduct more electricity, opaque substances
can become transparent, solids become
liquids at room temperature or insulators can
become conductors. 2/4
7/7/2019 What is Nano

NanoWorks Southern Africa

01. 02.
There is still a lot to learn, but what we already know is
Wear and Scratch Water Repellent and anti-
resistant hard coatings bacterial coatings
Properties vary but can
include improvements such Nano-altered ceramics, silica Combining the bene ts of
as: & graphine nano materials hydrophobicity and anti-
enables coatings that exhibit bacterial materials in surface
• improved magnetic properties performance chip, scratch and spot coatings, help prevents
• improved optical performance resistant coatings, which bacteria growth on
• improved strenght/elasticity performance can prevent wear. wet/damp surfaces.
• altered thermal conductivity

03. 04.
• manupilation of electrical conductivity or resistance
ETC (Easy-to-Clean) or Moisture and Corrosion
• absorbency requirements (open or closed)
Self Cleaning Coatings Resistant coatings
• biotic and anti-biotic capibilities

An interesting array of nano Combining hydrophobic

materials provides for a wide nano-materials with
range of self cleaning or corrosion ghting and anti-
easier-to-clean options. oxidation nano chemicals
Some prevents dirt to stick provides for atomic level
to the surface, and other corrosion blocking coatings.
"break up" dirt through Special cleaners and other
chemical or light energy. properties can also be




Copper Opaque Transparent

Platinum Inert Catalytic

Alimunium Stable Combustable

Solid at room Fluid at room

temperature temperature

Silicon Insulator Conductor

Scatters visisble Does not scatter

Zinc Oxide
light visible light 3/4
7/7/2019 What is Nano

NanoWorks Southern

Benzene Fluid Extremely hard solid

In the end it all comes to stronger, thinner, more resilient and more conductive materials…
At the nano level atoms leave the realm of classical physical properties behind, and venture into the world of quantum
“Physical intuition fails miserably in the nanoworld . . . you see all kinds of unusual e ects. For example, even our everyday
electrons act unusual. At the nano level it’s like throwing a tennis ball at a garage door and having the ball pop out the other
side.” (Mark Reed, nanoelectronics scientist at Yale University).

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Address: Plot 4 Betsaida Estate, Bloemsheuwel, Christiana, South
Africa, 2680


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