DV Meter Top Services 6.8.18

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Gas Meter Proving

➢ DV Meter’s facility has the capability to

complete gas meter certifications on rommet,
roots meter and gas turbines.
➢ Utilizing 2 certified dresser 5/M model


➢ DV Meter houses 2 PSV testing set-ups and 1
vacuum prover.
➢ Service, sales and certification of PSV’s, tank
vent and PVRV and more.

Gravimetric Proving Bench

Portable Master Metering ➢ Large gravimetric proving bench paired with Effluent Well Testing
a mag meter for accurate calibrations of all
meters up to 10”.
➢ Mag meters, vortex meters, coriolis meters,
turbines and more.

Portable Volumetric Proving

➢ DV Meter holds a fleet of 6 portable volumetric
provers, including one certified for B.C.

Portable Coriolis Master Metering

➢ DV Meter holds a high accuracy portable
coriolis master metering set-up capable of
proving meters up to 3” and pressures up to
Gravimetric Bench 1200 PSI. Portable Volumetric Proving
➢ Including turbines, coriolis meters, truck
out/in facilities.
➢ Portable and highly accurate water cut

Valve & Actuator Assembly & Testing

➢ DV Meter has full capability and experience in
assembly and full QAQC testing of a large
variety of valve and actuator assembly. Also
testing from 1” - 10”.
➢ Including 5 test benches for 24 hour testing
of self contained hydraulic ESD actuators.

Well Testing
Self Contained ESD Testing ESD Actuation
➢ DV Meter holds 2 portable well testing units to
complete all effluent well testing requirements.

6602 50th Avenue, Drayton Valley, Alberta T7A 1S6 | Phone: 780.542.2713 | Toll Free: 800.955.2988 | Website: www.dvmeter.com
Gas Detection Equipment
➢ DV Meter houses qualified personnel for the
sales, calibration and repairs of numerous
personal gas detection products.
➢ BW / RKI / OTIS.

Presco Pressure Switches

➢ DV Meter is now the official assembly and
testing team for Pembina Controls Inc.
product line of presco pressure switches.
➢ Including dual seal, Hi/Lo settings and all
ranges to meet various pressure applications.

Presco Testing Rental Division Pembina Controls Inc. Presco Line Supplier

➢ DV Meter is an area leader in our rental fleet

of pressure equipment.
➢ DV Meter houses a dedicated area for Hi
pressure recorders and dead-weights up to
15,000 PSI.
➢ Rental fleet of bag meters for all your tank
vent testing needs.
➢ Rental fleet of quanto meters.

Repair On Exchange Program

➢ We have a quality exchange program where we
Bag Meter Rentals take your used equipment, give you a certified Repair on Exchange Program
replacement off the shelf immediately. We
repair your item and bill accordingly to put the
repaired item back on the shelf.
➢ Products available:
➢ Roots and rommet gas meters
➢ Floco F500/2500 PD meters and samplers
➢ Invalco dump valves
➢ Self-contained hydraulic ESD pumps
➢ Texteam and other chemical injection pumps

➢ DV Meter houses an impressive $1.2M
instrumentation and electrical materials ready
Recorder Rentals Inventory
for sale.
➢ Shipping anywhere worldwide.

6602 50th Avenue, Drayton Valley, Alberta T7A 1S6 | Phone: 780.542.2713 | Toll Free: 800.955.2988 | Website: www.dvmeter.com

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