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Freeport created by Chris Pramas

Design & Writing: Sam Hing, Robert H. Hudson, Jr., Alexander Marlowe,
Sean O’Connor, Owen K.C. Stephens, and Mike Welham
Development: Owen K.C. Stephens and Christina Stiles
Additional Material: Stephen Hmiel, Sean O’Connor, Lj Stephens, Evan Sass, and Barry Wilson
Editing: Gwen Baker and Lj Stephens
Graphic Design and Art Direction: Hal Mangold
Interior Art: Jesús Blones, Victor Corbella, Biagio D’Alessandro, Ivan Dixon, Britt Martin,
Victor Leza Moreno, Mharaid Morrison, Bryan Syme, Andrey Vasilchenko, Damon Westenhofer
Cover Art: E.M. Gist

Publisher: Chris Pramas

Green Ronin Staff: Joe Carriker, Crystal Frazier, Steve Kenson, Nicole Lindroos,
Hal Mangold, Chris Pramas, Donna Prior, Evan Sass, Marc Schmalz, Malcolm Sheppard,
Owen K.C. Stephens, Dylan Templar, and Barry Wilson

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Table of Contents

Introduction...............................3 Koromo-Dako.............................. 87 Appendix: Creature Types,

Creatures of Freeport................. 9 Labarindja.................................... 89 Subtypes and Rules..............160
Living Encrustation...................... 90
Binaye-Ahani................................. 9 Creature Types............................ 160
Lotan .......................................... 94
Blemmyae..................................... 11 Aberration...................................160
Lycanthrope, Werehagfish............. 96
Bloathsome.................................. 13 Animal........................................160
Lycanthrope, Werewalrus.............. 97
Brass Monkey............................... 15 Construct.....................................161
Lyngbakr...................................... 99
Burnling....................................... 16 Dragon........................................161
Malkin....................................... 100
Caddaja........................................ 18 Fey..............................................161
Nachtkrabe................................. 104
Cannonball Urchin....................... 20 Humanoid...................................162
Nightmarchers............................ 106
Carnivorous Shrimp Swarm.......... 21 Magical Beast..............................162
Ningyo....................................... 107
Chindi.......................................... 23 Monstrous Humanoid...................162
Ocean Wyrm.............................. 109
Cipelahq....................................... 25 Ooze............................................163
Peik-Ta...................................... 111
Cirein-Croin................................ 27 Outsider......................................163
Picacouatl................................... 113
Corpse Flower.............................. 29 Plant...........................................163
Piesa.......................................... 115
Dakosaurus.................................. 31 Undead.......................................163
Pit-Brier..................................... 117
Dead Man’s Brain......................... 33 Vermin........................................164
Pla’kad....................................... 119
Deadwood Tree............................. 37 Subtypes.................................... 164
Rainbird..................................... 121
Deer Woman................................ 41 Air Subtype..................................164
Raven Mocker............................ 123
Devil Lizard................................. 42 Aquatic Subtype...........................164
Serpent People............................ 125
Dragon, Sail................................. 45 Augmented Subtype......................164
Shojo.......................................... 132
Drahc........................................... 48 Chaotic Subtype...........................164
Skin Cloak................................. 133
Drake, Corsair.............................. 50 Cold Subtype...............................165
Slithering Sargasso..................... 135
Fetish Familiar.............................. 52 Earth Subtype..............................165
Spirit Lizard............................... 136
Fire Spectre.................................. 53 Elemental Subtype.......................165
Sunakake Baba........................... 139
Flayed Man.................................. 56 Evil Subtype................................165
Tavi (Mongoose Folk)................. 141
Flying Head................................. 58 Extraplanar Subtype....................165
Tentacle Caller........................... 143
Flying Lizard................................ 60 Fire Subtype................................165
Tephran...................................... 146
Gaasyendietha.............................. 62 Giant Subtype.............................165
Thanatos..................................... 147
Ghost Eater.................................. 64 Good Subtype...............................165
Uktena....................................... 150
Golems......................................... 67 Incorporeal Subtype......................165
Umkovu..................................... 152
Chemical Golem..............................67 Kami Subtype..............................165
Water Panther............................ 154
Tiger Skull Golem...........................69 Lawful Subtype...........................166
Witch-Beast............................... 156
Pumice Totam Golem......................70 Native Subtype............................166
Hafgufa........................................ 72 X’sval, Avatar of the
Unspeakable One..................... 157 Reptilian Subtype........................166
Hag, Stone................................... 74 Shapechanger Subtype..................166
Haint Shark.................................. 76 Swarm Subtype...........................166
Harpoon Crab.............................. 77 Water Subtype..............................167
Ikuchi.......................................... 79 Universal Monster Rules............. 167
Infernal Automaton...................... 81 Monsters by CR.......................... 177
Jikininki....................................... 83
Kheppi......................................... 84 Index...................................... 178
Kopuwai....................................... 86 License................................... 180

2 The Freeport Bestiary


“Serpent people? T hey’re the least of our troubles, son. T he Serpent’s Teeth are home to all
sorts of terrifying monsters. All of which are in need of killin’, if ya ask me.”
—Captain Sylus Crant, Captain of the Midwife

elcome to the Freeport Bestiary! Within these pages you’ll find all manner of terrors and threats
designed for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the setting described in Freeport: City of
Adventure. While all the creatures described in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary and its sequels,
and all the monsters presented here can be easily used in any campaign setting using the Pathfinder
Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook, this book is designed to present monsters perfect for use in your Freeport games.
The Serpent’s Teeth and Continent host a disturbing assortment of creatures, from vicious demons to shuddering
abominations. This book expands your monstrous options, presenting a catalog of foes and friends to use in your
Freeport adventures and beyond.
While each monster is a unique creature, many possess similar special attacks, defenses, and qualities. Unique abilities
are described below the monster’s stat block. Many abilities common to several monsters appear in the universal
monster rules at the end of the book. If a monster’s listed special ability does not appear in its description, you’ll find
it there.
Each monster description on the following pages is presented in the same format, split into three specific areas:
Introduction, Stat Block, and Description.

indication of how dangerous a monster is—the higher

Anatomy of a Monster the number, the deadlier the creature. Keep in mind that
CR is an estimate at best, and every CR has a range of
Each monster is presented alphabetically. In the case of a danger levels within it. Some monsters may do poorly
group of monsters sharing similar traits (such as different against a specific group of PCs because they are prepared
age categories of the same type of dragon, or multiple for it (if a group has a cleric designed to face undead
entries for snake people), the monster’s basic name is and an undead-focused monster slayer, undead creatures
listed first. won’t be nearly as big a threat to that specific group as
dragons), or because chance causes them to have exactly
Stat Block what they need to overcome it (if a creature has damage
resistance against everything but bludgeoning weapons,
This is where you’ll find all of the information you need to and everyone in the party happens to use morningstars, it
run the monster in an encounter. Note that in cases where may seem like a weak monster).
a line in a stat block has no value, that line is omitted. A Encounters at sea being common in Freeport adventures,
stat block is organized as follows: it’s worth noting that in the Pathfinder Roleplaying
Game, the difficulties of a creature’s environment is not
Name and CR added to its CR calculation. It’s assumed that if the PCs
are encountering a monster in its native environment, they
The monster’s name is presented first, along with its have some way of handling that environment. This means
challenge rating (CR). Challenge rating is a numerical that until player characters can move and fight easily in

The Freeport Bestiary 3


large bodies of water, they’ll be at a disadvantage when and should be treated as far more fluid than numerical
facing aquatic foes in their own environment. Fighting off ratings such as AC and hp. The alignments listed for
sharks circling a ship isn’t likely to be overwhelming, but each monster in this book represent the norm for those
if characters are left adrift after their ship sinks, fighting monsters that are encountered as antagonists, and are
those same sharks may prove extremely difficult. provided as quick shorthand for how such creatures
are likely to think and react during a typical encounter.
XP However, they can vary as you require them to in order
These are the total experience points that PCs earn for to serve the needs of your campaign. Neither the GM
defeating the monster (divided among all the PCs that nor the players should assume all living encrustations
participate). are chaotic and evil just because that monster’s entry
notes “CE.” Aberrations are strange creatures with alien
Race, Class, and Level intelligences, but they are no more beholden to a single
philosophy or life path.
Some monsters do not possess racial Hit Dice and are Only in the case of relatively unintelligent monsters
instead defined by their class levels. For these monsters, (creatures with an Intelligence of 2 or lower are almost
their race, class, and level appear here. Unless otherwise never anything other than neutral), creatures with an
noted, the first class listed is the class chosen by the alignment descriptor as a subtype (such as creatures that
monster as its favored class.
have “evil” in parenthesis after their type listing), and planar
Alignment monsters (elementals and outsiders with alignments other
than those listed are unusual and typically outcasts from
As with most uses of alignment, the alignment value their kind) should the listed alignment be considered
presented here is a guideline rather than an absolute rule, typical, rather than a guideline.

4 The Freeport Bestiary


Size and Type Weaknesses

A creature’s size and type tell you how big it is, and what All of the creature’s unusual weaknesses are listed here.
kind of creature it is. Barring the application of templates
or other unusual modifiers these don’t normally change. Speed
A creature’s size generally determines its space and reach
This is the creature’s land speed, and additional speeds as
(see below), and its type determines both its general
necessary for the creature.
physiology and proficiencies (see the Appendix, page
160), and what effects apply to it. For example the charm
person spell only works on creatures of the humanoid type,
making it useless against undead. The creature’s melee attacks are listed here, with its attack
roll modifier listed after the attack’s name, followed by the
Init and Senses damage in parentheses. Unless stated otherwise, a creature
This is the creature’s initiative modifier, followed by any with multiple melee attacks can only make a single attack
special senses, and its Perception check modifier. as a standard action, but can take all the listed attacks as
a full-round action.
If the creature has a particular magical or exceptional aura,
it is listed here, along with its radius from the creature As Melee above, but this is for ranged attacks.
and, as applicable, a save DC to resist the aura’s effects.
Some auras are special attacks and defenses, while others
are just subtle effects, such as a chill. This is the creature’s space and reach—if the creature’s
space and reach are standard (one 5-foot square and a
AC reach of 5 feet), this line is omitted. Space and reach are
The creature’s Armor Class, touch Armor Class, and flat- a simplification to make creatures easy to represent on a
footed AC are listed here. The modifiers that generate its grid map. For example a 25-foot-long snake may be given
AC are listed parenthetically at the end of this entry. a space of 10 feet (indicating it takes up a 10-foot by 10-
foot square) on the assumption it coils up in combat.
Special Attacks
These are the creature’s hit points, followed by its Hit Dice
(including modifiers from Constitution, favored class levels, Listed here are the creature’s special attacks. Full details for
creature type modifiers, and the Toughness feat). Creatures these attacks are given at the end of the stat block, or in
with heroic class levels receive maximum hit points for the universal monster rules section at the end of this book.
their first HD, but all other HD rolls are assumed to be
average. If a group of adventurers is tougher or weaker than Spell-Like Abilities
usual, a creature can be given a hp total that varies from this After listing the caster level of the creature’s spell-like
average by up to 50% without adjusting the monster’s CR. abilities, this section lists all of the creature’s spell-like
Fast healing and regeneration values, if any, follow the abilities, organized by how many times per day it can use
creature’s HD.
the abilities. Constant spell-like abilities function at all
Saving Throws times but can be dispelled. A creature can reactivate a
constant spell-like ability as a swift action.
These are the creature’s Fortitude, Reflex, and Will saves,
followed by situational modifiers to those rolls. Spells Known/Prepared

Defensive Abilities/DR/Immune/Resist/SR If the creature can actually cast spells, its caster level is
indicated here, followed by the spells it knows or typically
This entry lists all of the creature’s unusual defensive has prepared. Unless otherwise indicated, a spellcasting
abilities. Damage reduction, immunities, resistances, and creature does not receive any of a spellcasting class’s other
spell resistance are called out separately as necessary. abilities, such as a cleric’s ability to spontaneously convert

The Freeport Bestiary 5


prepared spells to cure or inflict spells. If a creature is actually a Large orc that has been cursed to never die
listed as actually having levels in a class, it automatically of old age, and it’s simply grown bigger and bigger over
receives all of that class’s features. the decades, which gave it the madness point needed to
qualify for Wild Swings. As long as you don’t increase a
Ability Scores monster’s total number of skills, this is unlikely to adjust
its CR.
The creature’s ability scores are listed here. Unless
otherwise indicated, a creature’s ability scores represent Skills
the baseline of its racial modifiers applied to scores of 10
or 11. Creatures with NPC class levels have stats in the The creature’s skills are listed here. Racial modifiers to
standard array (13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8), while creatures with skills are indicated at the end of this entry. For creatures
heroic class levels have the elite array (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, without class level, their class skills are determined by
8); in both cases, the creature’s ability score modifiers are their type. Like feats, skill allocation can be adjusted to
listed at the end of its description. customize monsters without affecting their CRs.
A creature without heroic class levels can become a
more significant threat by increasing its ability scores to Languages
the heroic array. Increase its ability scores in order from
These are the languages most commonly spoken by the
highest to lowest by +2, +2, +2, +2, +1, +0, and increase
creature. For unusual creatures, you can swap out the
its gear to match the wealth by level of a non-player
languages known for other choices as needed. A creature
character with a level equal to its CR +1 (see Chapter 14
with a higher-than-normal Intelligence score receives the
of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook). This
appropriate number of bonus languages.
isn’t generally enough to increase its CR, though if you
also increase its hp by +50%, grant it +1 CR. SQ
Base Atk/CMB/CMD Special qualities possessed by the creature, if any, are
listed here.
These values give the creature’s base attack, its Combat
Maneuver Bonus, and its Combat Maneuver Defense Environment
The regions and climates in which the creature is typically
Feats encountered are listed here. In most cases a creature’s
environment is only relevant when deciding what
The creature’s feats are listed here. A bonus feat is creatures to place in an encounter, though it can also help
indicated with a superscript “B.” you determine if a given area qualifies as a specific terrain
One good way to customize monsters is to change for the ranger’s favored terrain class feature and similar
their feat selection. This can be especially helpful in class abilities. This applies to creatures from other bestiary
making monsters from other sources feel more like books as well, and can be a useful way to decide what
creatures native to the Freeport setting by swapping out creatures to combine on some new island the PCs sail to.
existing feats for those from Freeport: City of Adventures. Each terrain is discussed briefly below.
A hill giant may be from any campaign, but a hill giant
that’s been driven a little mad and has Unsettling Visage • Any: This indicates the creature is widespread
and Wild Swings (FCoA p. 424) is more in keeping with enough it’s likely to be encountered in any kind of
the slight horror tone of Freeport. Don’t worry too much environment except extremes such as volcanos.
about prerequisites—you’re the GM! It’s a good idea • Aquatic/Water: This includes any freshwater or
not to give creatures feats with class level prerequisites, saltwater body of water such as lakes, rivers, and seas,
or base attack bonus prerequisites, that they don’t and generally counts as the underwater terrain for the
meet—those may be too powerful or specific to be a ranger favored terrain class feature.
good match—but the fact that only orcs and trolls are
supposed to have Unsettling Visage shouldn’t keep you • Bog/Marsh/Swamp: This includes anyplace where
from adding it to a hill giant if that makes sense for land includes a lot of water saturation, and all such
your game. You can even use such prerequisites to make areas generally counting as the swamp terrain for the
a monster more interesting—perhaps the hill giant is ranger favored terrain class feature.

6 The Freeport Bestiary


• City/Urban: This refers to any inhabited settlement • Ocean/Sea: This terrain is for aquatic creatures only
primarily made of constructed structures, and found in large bodies of saltwater. It generally counts
generally counts as the urban terrain for the ranger as the underwater terrain for the ranger favored
favored terrain class feature. Creatures found primarily terrain class feature.
in city/urban areas can be found in nearby wilds, or
recent ruins, or anyplace displaced citizens of the city • Plains: Plains are usually very flat with little tall
might end up (often including sailing ships). vegetation, though they may be filled with thick, lush
grasslands. This generally matches the plains terrain
• Coastal/Coastline: This is for creatures most likely to
for the ranger favored terrain class feature.
be found on land near a large body of water, including
lakes and oceans. However the area itself is generally • River/Lakes: This terrain is for aquatic creatures only
treated as being of the same type as the surrounding found in bodies of fresh water. It may also count as
land area for the ranger favored terrain class feature. the underwater terrain for the ranger favored terrain
class feature.
• Cold: This represents creatures found in very cold
examples of the given terrain, such as arctic deserts • Underground or Ruins: This indicates the
or mountains, glaciers, snow, and tundra. Regardless creature lives someplace with little exposure to
of the terrain, if it is currently near or below freezing, the open sky, that is not heavily inhabited, such as
it generally qualifies as the cold terrain for the ranger a city. This includes caves, dungeons, tunnels, and
favored terrain class feature. ruined buildings. Any of these that are actually
• Desert: This represents areas with very low rainfall underground, as well as those ruins intact enough
and few open bodies of water, and generally counts as to cut off sightlines from the outside, may qualify
the desert terrain for the ranger favored terrain class as the underground terrain for the favored terrain
feature. ranger class feature. Ruins that are more open or
little more than a few walls and columns with no
• Extraplanar: This is for creatures found anyplace roof may still have creatures found in ruins, but are
other than the Material Plane (Freeport and the more likely to count as the surrounding terrain for
Continent). Normally extraplanar locations are only purposes of favored terrain.
reached through the coils of Yig or through spells,
and each counts as a specific plane for the ranger Organization
favored terrain class feature.
This lists how the creature is organized, including number
• Forest: This refers to both cold and temperate heavily
ranges as appropriate. These are guidelines to help
wooded areas, typically characterized by coniferous
determine how to use each monster, but you can change
and/or deciduous trees. This generally counts as the
this as needed for your campaign.
forest terrain for the ranger favored terrain class
feature. Treasure
• Hills: This represents terrain with very little flat space, The exact value of the creature’s treasure depends on
but not generally as impassable as true mountains. if you’re running a game using slow, medium, or fast
This can be treated as the mountains terrain for
experience point charts, as summarized on the table
the range favored terrain class feature, but may also
“Treasure Values per Encounter” in Chapter 12 of the
qualify as desert (such as rocky sand dunes) or forest
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook. In cases
(if heavily wooded).
where a creature has specific magical gear assigned to it,
• Jungle: This represents warm and wet wooded areas, the assumption is you are using the medium experience
and generally counts as the jungle terrain for the point chart—if you play a fast or slow game, you’ll want
ranger favored terrain class feature. to adjust the monster’s gear as appropriate.

• Mountains: Mountains are terrain so rocky they can’t • Standard treasure indicates that the total value of
be traversed without climbing or finding a pass, and the creature’s treasure is that of a CR equal to the
generally count as the mountain terrain for the ranger average party level, as listed on the “Treasure Values
favored terrain class feature. per Encounter” table.

The Freeport Bestiary 7


• Double or triple treasure indicates the creature has DC of 10 + the creature’s CR, and for every 5 a check
double or triple this standard value. “Incidental” exceeds that, the character learns one additional piece
indicates the creature has half this standard value, and of information. The provided lore results are suggestions
then only within the confines of its lair. on what to reveal to a player who makes the appropriate
check at a given DC, but you can reveal more or less
• None indicates that the creature normally has no information, or present additional facts gained in a
treasure (as is typical for an unintelligent creature different order, as you prefer.
that has no real lair, although such creatures are often
used to guard treasures of varying amounts). Society and Culture
• NPC gear indicates the monster has treasure as normal The creatures in this book are more than a list of things to
for an NPC of a level equal to the monster’s CR. be killed. They represent potential elements of a campaign
world, and may be used to instill a sense of wonder into
Special Abilities explorers, provide roleplaying opportunities for diplomats
and religious missionaries, offer challenges to be avoided
Any of the creature’s more unique special abilities are
for scouts, and offer potential allies to kingdom builders.
detailed in full here. An ability not defined within the
To help make each creature more than a set of numbers,
monster’s stat block entry is likely found in the universal
a rough sense of culture and society is provided for
monster rules at the back of this book (see page 167).
those creatures that exist as more than mindless killing
machines (and in some cases even those). This can help
Description spark your imagination and give you a sense of what the
creatures are doing when PCs aren’t wandering around
Here you’ll find information on how the monster fits into near them.
the world, notes on its ecology and society, and other bits
of useful lore and flavor that will help you breathe life into Construction
the creature when your PCs encounter it. Some monsters
have additional sections that cover variant creatures, notes Some creatures of the construct type can literally be
on using the monsters as PCs, methods of constructing created with the right rituals, spells, skills, and materials.
the creature, and so on. The requirements for such construction are included in
this section, where appropriate.
This section provides some short, basic notes on how the
creature fights. These are guidelines to make your job as If a creature has noteworthy uses–such as being able to
GM easier, not hard rules. The more intelligent a creature be turned into useful alchemical substances after death
is the more likely it is to adapt to the ever-changing chaos or having anatomy that can craft weapons or armor–the
of combat, and you should feel free to adjust anything to details of that option are provided in the uses section.
match the needs of your campaign. As a GM you can make gaining such materials easy, and
count it against the creature’s treasure value, or turn the
Encounters quest to create such items adventures in their own right.

It isn’t always easy to see how PCs might encounter a Advanced Version
monster, and this section provides suggestions to help you
come up with interesting possible encounters. Often a more potent version of a monster is needed, and
this entry gives some guidance on how to create them.
Lore Advanced monsters may serve as leaders or champions
of a community, ancient horrors older than any others
Each Lore sidebar outlines what Knowledge skill is of their kind, or just typical challenges for higher-level
needed to identify a creature, and gives information PCs. In addition to these suggestions, you can adjust both
you can choose to reveal to the PCs based on how high the powers and themes of any of these creatures with the
their Knowledge skill check is. In general, identifying a hundreds of templates available in the Advanced Bestiary,
creature and its creature type (and subtypes, if any) is a also available from Green Ronin!

8 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

early all the creatures found in these pages can
be encountered in, under, or near the city of Binaye-Ahani
Freeport itself. In many cases such encounters
would involve running into the creature far
from its home, but there are many reasons people T his dual-torsoed creature shambles forward on a
and monsters travel to Freeport. Any creature capable of tripod of legs, hefting two large-bladed spears with
advanced thought and planning may be drawn to Freeport practiced ease. Its large eyes glitter menacingly.
as an ancient place of power and history. A werewalrus
may be far from home when it finally reaches Freeport,
Binaye-Ahani are strange creatures, with a odd body
but it can be as motivated by greed, passion, or madness as
configuration consisting of two torsos attached to a single
easily as any human. Such creatures can have agendas and
plans that make them sophisticated adversaries. Other
creatures are more likely to be brought to the city by those
with nefarious plans. A kheppi is unlikely to wander into Tactics
Freeport on its own, but could easily be transported there
as part of a fell ceremony designed to bring on an eclipse, Binaye-ahani work well together, and bands of them
as an example. often take teamwork feats to enhance their skills. They
The Freeport Bestiary can also be used to populate the fight intelligently, preferring ambush tactics, and using
seas and islands around Freeport or even the lands of slaves to fight for them.
the Continent. This allows you to introduce strange new
monsters your players won’t recognize, but which still Encounters
match the City of Adventure’s unique blend of fantasy,
high seas, adventure, and horror. You can even update a Binaye-ahani commoners are not combatants, and defend
typical adventure to feel more “Freeport-y” by replacing themselves to the best of their ability with their evil eyes.
its typical encounters with CR-appropriate selections Most people encounter binaye-ahani with class levels,
from this book. often explorers or slave takers.

The Freeport Bestiary 9

Creatures of Freeport

Environment temperate any land
LE Medium Aberration Organization solitary, pair, band (3-12)
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +13 Treasure standard (hide armor, 2 wooden shields, other gear)
AC 16; touch 10, flat-footed 22 (+14 natural, -2 size) Evil Eye (Su): Once per day, each head of a binaye-ahani
hp 26 (4d8+8) may use the evil eye hex as a witch of a level equal to its HD.
Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +6 Superior Two-Weapon Fighting (Ex): Because each
of its two heads controls a pair of arms, a binaye-ahani
OFFENSE does not take a penalty on attack or damage rolls for
Speed 20 ft. attacking with two weapons.
Melee 2 spears +2 (1d6) Two Souls (Ex): A binaye-ahani is two separate beings
merged into a single body. Each torso gets a separate set
Special Attacks evil eye, superior two-weapon fighting of actions each initiative, although the binaye-ahani may
STATISTICS still only move once per round. Mind affecting spells that
can target only one creature fail to effect a binaye-ahani,
Str 11, Dex 11, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 19 leaving it confused for 1d4 rounds instead if the targeted
Base Atk +3; CMB +2; CMD 12, +17 vs trip head fails its save. A mind affecting spell that can target
Feats Ability Focus (evil eye), Skill Focus (Craft: alchemy) multiple creatures may affect a binaye-ahani normally if
both minds fail their saves; if one succeeds it is confused
Skills Craft (alchemy) +6, Intimidate +10, Knowledge as stated above. If one half torso is slain by a death effect
(arcane) +6, Perception +13, Survival +9; +4 racial bonus or similar ability, the creature must make a Fortitude save
to Perception vs massive damage with a DC equal to 10 + the spell level
Languages Aklo, Common + the caster’s ability bonus. Even if the save is successful,
SQ two souls, undersized arms the binaye-ahani takes 1 point on Constitution drain every
day until the torso is restored to life or it dies.
Undersized Arms (Ex): A binaye-ahani has
child sized arms, giving it a -4 penalty on
attack rolls with weapons such as daggers
and shortswords.

10 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

Ecology Blemmyae
Binaye-ahani live in small communities, farming and
hunting. They prefer to use slaves to do the actual labor, A naked, club-wielding savage, headless, but with a
and are rarely on good terms with any other humanoids in massive face in the center of its broad torso charges
their area. They use advanced group tactics and well-hidden forward, shrieking horrifically.
homes to compensate for their generally lesser numbers.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can learn
more about the binaye-ahani with successful skill checks. A blemmyae is a strange sentient found on remote islands
far from the trade routes of the known world.
Binaye-ahani Lore Tactics
DC Result

Binaye-ahani are strange, humanoids with dual- Blemmyaes are savage and unpredictable, attacking their
bodies. This result reveals all aberration traits. foes with little regard for themselves. They charge into the
A binaye-ahani’s two bodies each possess their thickest concentration of foes and flail about with their
own personality and often abilities and skills.
greatclubs, using Power Attack to deal incredible damage.
The baleful gaze of a binaye-ahani’s heads can A blemmyae that takes 5 or more points of damage looses
devour the luck of its target.
a scream of rage to scatter its opponents. Blemmyae only
fight to the death when their young are threatened.
Physical Characteristics
Binaye-ahani possess rough features, slightly oversized
eyes, and jagged teeth. Their limbs seem only half
Blemmyaes gather in small hunting parties of three to
formed, with short, stubby arms, and a trio of stout legs
six individuals. Preceding these groups is a scout who
supporting their body.
ranges ahead to find prey. If the scout discovers intruders,
it launches forward to attack, using its scream of rage
Society and Culture ability to alert its allies, who arrive in 1d4+2 rounds.
Blemmyae are uncomplicated warriors, using Power
Most binaye-ahani have a natural affinity to arcane magic, Attack to pulp their foes. They are keenly aware of their
and easily become sorcerers or witches. They have no gods limitations and so fight in pairs to prevent opponents
of their own, but may adapt the religions of races that they from taking advantage of their poor peripheral vision.
meet—or take as slaves. Any divinity that promises to
elevate them beyond their self-loathing gains their fanatical
devotion. They have a strict hierarchy: the less powerful
serve, while plotting against their betters. They are jealous of Blemmyae dwell in remote tropical islands, far from other
nearly every other race, simply for their ability to be alone. races. Although wild and unpredictable, they are never
wasteful, understanding the preciousness of their resources
Treasure and thus work well within their ecosystems. Omnivores, they
harvest their own crops, supplementing this fare with meat
Binaye-ahani gather what treasure they can, to buy off brought back by their hunters and fish pulled from the seas.
foes they cannot defeat, pay for slaves, and for their Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can learn
personal protection and wealth. Slavers and adventurers more about blemmyae with successful skill checks.
from their race can often be quite wealthy.
Physical Characteristics
Advanced Versions
A blemmyae has the general appearance of a normal
Binaye-ahani advance by character class. Each torso human, although with a somewhat bulkier torso. Where
generally takes levels in different classes, allowing them they differ is in their lack of a head. Instead, their faces
to be both diverse and formidable in combat. peer out from their chests or backs, equipped with two

The Freeport Bestiary 11

Creatures of Freeport


CN Medium monstrous humanoid

Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +7
AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 13 (+2 Dex, +3 natural)
hp 22 (3d10+6)
Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +4
Weaknesses poor peripheral vision
Speed 30 ft., climb 20 ft.
Melee greatclub +8 (1d10+5)
Ranged javelin +5 (1d6+5)
Special Attacks scream of rage (DC 10)
Str 21, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk +3; CMB +8; CMD 20
Feats Cleave, Power Attack
Skills Acrobatics +5, Climb +13, Intimidate +5, Perception
+7, Stealth +8; Racial Modifiers +8 Climb
Languages Blemmyae
Gear greatclub, 4 javelins
Poor Peripheral Vision (Ex) Creatures that flank a blemmyae
gain a +4 bonus to attack rolls instead of the standard +2.
Scream of Rage (Su) Once per round, as a standard
action, a blemmyae may loose a terrifying scream of rage.
All creatures within 60 feet must succeed on a DC 10
Will save or become frightened for 3 rounds. A character
who fails this save and is within 10 feet of the blemmyae
becomes permanently deafened as well. A character that
succeeds on a saving throw against this ability becomes
immune to this particular blemmyae’s scream of rage for
24 hours. The save DC is Charisma-based.

eyes, a nose, and a mouth. A blemmyae stands about five

feet tall and weighs on average just under 200 pounds.

Blemmyae Lore Society and Culture

DC Result Gathered into small tribes of twenty to thirty adult
This strange creature is a blemmyae, a race members with half again as many young, blemmyae are
of xenophobic savages that dwell in remote reclusive, fiercely defending the borders of their territory,
12 islands far from the routes traveled by
more civilized races. This result reveals all
even against other tribes of blemmyae. These peoples brook
monstrous humanoid traits. no trespass and are quick to resort to violence to ensure
Blemmyae possess a potent scream that their lands are secure. Thus, war between competing tribes
fills those who hear it with terror and may is common and usually persists until one tribe is destroyed.
17 even deafen those who stand too close. The same hostility shown to other tribes also extends
Blemmyae often use this scream to call for
help from fellow hunters. to non-blemmyae, but for different reasons. These
savage people are conscious of their odd appearance
Lacking heads, blemmyae are less able to
defend against multiple attackers at once and, according to their myths, believe they live under a
and have a hard time responding to foes dreadful curse that left them with their unnatural shape.
coming from different directions. Encounters with non-blemmyae individuals fill these

12 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

End to Salt Curse? Local Alchemist Proffers Progress, Invites Investors!


primitives with shame and self-loathing, so much so

that the blemmyae is likely to use violence to remove the Encounters
offending victim from their sight.
Bloathsome are filled with a cruel hatred of magic of all
kinds, including the forces that allow them to exist after
Treasure death. They crave self-destruction, to be returned to the
natural cycle of life they were denied, but this desire is
Blemmyae generally do not have access to the sorts of
secondary to their overwhelming need to destroy magic
valuables usually deemed as treasure and thus a typical
and those who use it. Bloathsome often lay siege to small
blemmyae has half the gp value for its Challenge Rating.
islands, seeking to kill and wound fishermen and sailors
Blemmyae with class levels have treasure appropriate for
so as to force any magic-using champions of the island
an NPC of their level.
to come face them. After destroying every creature that
appears able to utilize magic on a given island, they
Advanced Versions terrorize the survivors until they flee, hoping to either lure
new champions of magic from other islands, or to follow
Blemmyae advance by character class. The blemmyae’s the survivors of their siege to better hunting grounds
typically become barbarians, but druids are also common where unprepared spellcasters might be found.
among the larger tribes. Blemmyae do not produce clerics,
possibly because of the curse under which they suffer.
Bloathsome Bloathsome are bloated, partially burst, rotten corpses of
sea creatures that were never properly harvested by hunters
or scavenged by natural animals. Because of their death at
Green energy glows from the wounds, eyes, the hands of magic, they were somehow partially preserved
and burst side of this whale carcass, as its entrails and separated from the natural cycle of life. In time the
writhe and strike out at anything near it. eldritch energies gave them a spark of true intelligence, and
with it a deep and abiding hate for their own existence and
anything else related to magic. Because they exist outside
A bloathsome is a malevolent form of undead that is
the normal cycle of life, they cease to decompose, but exist
created when an enormous aquatic creature is killed by
in a constant state of partial rot. Perhaps as a result of their
magic, and its body is left to rot.
craving for death they are surprisingly resistant to normal
means of dealing with corpses, including necromancy and
Tactics fire, but remain vulnerable to other kinds of magic.
Bloathsome use the depths of the oceans and their
high rate of speed to their advantage, attacking from
Bloathsome Lore
surprise by coming up beneath sea ships to capsize DC Result
them, then picking off foes flung into the water. Their This horrific animate corpse is a bloathsome, a
vile intelligence gives them the cunning to ensure any 25 vicious intelligent undead that hates spells and
spellcasters. This result reveals all undead traits.
spellcasters are within their extended reach, using
Bloathsome can attack multiple foes at once by
their airless depth ability to make it difficult for the using their long loops of entrails as tentacles,
spellcasters to flee, and Disruptive and Spellbreaker to 30
and are able to attack multiple distracted foes
punish any spellcaster that attempts to cast spells. If a between turns despite their relatively low reflexes.
spellcaster uses a wand, rod, or staff, the bloathsome 35
Bloathsome are immune to cold and fire, and
attempts to sunder the magic item. resistant to necromancy.

The Freeport Bestiary 13

Creatures of Freeport

Characters with ranks in

Knowledge (religion) can learn
more about bloathsome with
successful skill checks.

Bloathsome retain the rough shape
they had in life as enormous sea
creatures, most often some kind of
whale, though some aquatic dinosaurs
and ancient kraken can become
bloathsome as well. They appear
to be in an advanced state of decay
and may even appear to be about
to fall apart, despite being filled
with necromantic vitality. The internal
organs and entrails of bloathsome curl
out of gaping holes in the monster’s body and
act as long appendages which can smash, grab,
and even engage in fine manipulation.

Feats Combat Reflexes, Critical Focus, Disruptive,
Greater Sunder, Improved Iron Will, Improved
Sunder, Intimidating Prowess, Iron Will, Power Attack,
Shatterspell*, Spellbreaker, Stand Still
*See Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Race Guide
Skills Intimidate +36, Knowledge (planes) +21,
Perception +21, Sense Motive +28, Swim +39
Languages Aquan, Common, Infernal
BLOATHSOME CR 15 • XP 51,200
CE Gargantuan undead (aquatic)
Environment Aquatic/Water
Init +0; Senses darkvision 120 ft., low-light vision;
Organization Solitary
Perception +33
Treasure Standard
Aura airless depth (90 ft., DC 27)
Airless Depth (Su): Bloathsome constantly radiate the
AC 30, touch 6, flat-footed 30 , +24 natural, -4 size)
sense of lightless, crushing depths of the deep, cold
hp 231 (22d8+132) sea bottom, even when on the surface of the water.
Fort +13, Ref +7, Will +19 Creatures within 90 feet of a bloathsome must make a
DR 15/good and piercing; Immune cold, fire, undead DC 27 Will save or be unable to fly through any means or
traits; massive; SR 30 (against necromancy only) use any form of levitation, teleportation, or jump skill or
ability until they get out of this aura.
OFFENSE Flailing Guts (Ex): Despite its low Dexterity modifier, a
Speed 10 ft., swim 90 ft. bloathsome can make six attacks of opportunity each
Melee 6 slams +22 (3d10+15)
Massive (Ex): The vast, blubbery bulk of a bloathsome
Space 20 ft.; Reach 30 ft.
makes it difficult for diffused attacks to penetrate deep
Special Attacks capsize (DC 35), pounce enough into its mass to deal significant damage. Attacks
STATISTICS that affect an area or deal splash damage deal only half
normal damage to a bloathsome. It is also 75% likely
Str 31, Dex 10, Con -, Int 12, Wis 19, Cha 24 to ignore any extra damage or effect from precision
Base Atk +16; CMB +30 (+34 sunder); CMD 40 (44 vs. damage, sneak attacks, and critical hits, instead treating
sunder, can’t be tripped) them as normal successful attacks.

14 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

Society and Culture BRASS MONKEY CR 2 • XP 600

N Medium construct
Bloathsome hate one another even more than they hate Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +1
other creatures, for encountering another bloathsome is
just a reminder of their own terrible and disgusting state
AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 13 (+ Dex, +3 natural)
of existence. Under normal circumstances two bloathsome
hp 25 (1d10+20)
never work together, though a particularly appealing
Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +1
opportunity to destroy a large number of spellcasters DR 5/magic; Immune construct traits
in one attack might allow the creatures to temporarily
overcome their intense dislike and distrust of their own
kind. Rumors speak of a single herd of bloathsome who Speed 40 ft., climb 30 ft.
Melee bite +3 (1d6+2)
operate together in arctic oceans, supposedly all killed at
once by a powerful lich, but if true this represents the only STATISTICS
known example of bloathsome cooperation. Str 15, Dex 14, Con —, Int —, Wis 12, Cha 1
Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 15

Treasure Skills Climb +10, Acrobatics +2 (+4 jump); Racial

Modifiers +8 Climb
Languages Common (cannot speak)
Bloathsome rarely keep anything but trophies of SQ deactivate
particularly satisfying spellcasters they have killed, most SPECIAL ABILITIES
often spellbooks, dead familiars, constructs, and staves.
Deactivate (Ex) Speaking a command word causes
A bloathsome rarely uses magic items itself, but may the brass monkey to deactivate and become inert as
choose to do so if it comes across something that makes it a statue. While in this state, it cannot attack or take
actions, even to defend itself. Speaking the command
significantly easier to destroy other forms of magic. again reactivates the construct. Whoever speaks the
command word to activate the brass monkey functions
Advanced Versions as the construct’s master for as long as the monkey
remains activated. Other characters who speak the
command word cannot affect the brass monkey until
As bloathsome age they often gain abilities similar to such time as its master is slain, at which point command
passes to the next person who speaks the word.
other forms of powerful undead, such as mummy rot and
ghoul touch. You can simulate such old and powerful
bloathsome with any of the dire undead templates found
in the Advanced Bestiary, also by Green Ronin Publishing.
Brass monkeys are expensive and rare, thus they are
Brass Monkey almost always encountered singly and in the company of
a wealthy spellcaster.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can learn
On command, this 4-foot tall brass statue of a more about brass monkeys with successful skill checks.
monkey comes to life and sways, awaiting its orders
Brass Monkey Lore
A brass monkey is a magical construct designed to be DC Result
a useful servant and tool for labor. Its price, however,
This creature is a brass monkey, a simple
makes it an impractical servant to all but the wealthiest 12 construct designed for labor. This result reveals
of people. all construct traits.
A brass monkey activates and deactivates with
Tactics a simple command word.

A brass monkey attacks only if commanded to do so and Physical Characteristics

never initiates combat on its own. A mindless servant, the
brass monkey fights in the most direct manner possible, Brass monkeys are exquisitely crafted from polished brass,
following its commands even to its own detriment. standing about four feet tall and weighing around 250

The Freeport Bestiary 15

Creatures of Freeport

pounds. Unlike other brass materials, these constructs

never tarnish. Each brass monkey is unique, reflecting the Burnling
artistry of its maker.

Treasure A glowing ball of green flame spins and moves,

lighting on fire everything it touches.
Brass monkeys are typically treasure themselves, and may
be found alongside other items of interest. Spawned by the Great Green Fire that immolated much
of A’Val’s jungles, burnlings are vicious balls of green
Construction flame that seem to delight in burning their victims alive.

A brass monkey is assembled from acid-scoured brass

and coated in a fine sheen of water-repellent oils and
lacquers worth a total of 500 gp. The creature’s master Burnlings are incapable of any action other than to set
may assemble the construct or hire someone else to do it. things aflame, thus they are fierce opponents, attacking
with no provocation at all. A burnling strikes with
Brass Monkey fiery leap and then moves to hit as many foes at it can.
Burnlings always fight until destroyed.
CL 5th; Price 6,000 gp

Construction Encounters
Requirements Craft Construct, animate When the feckless wizard tore open a gate to the
objects, bull’s strength, caster Elemental Plane of Fire, he unleashed a veritable army
must be at least 5th level; of elementals and other malevolent creatures. Among
Skill Craft (metalworking) these invaders were the burnlings, cruel agents of
DC 20; Cost 3,200 gp destruction all. While the Wizards’ Guild and others
destroyed or banished many of these creatures, many
still remain. Burnlings are usually encountered alone in
areas ravaged by fire. In rare cases, two to six burnlings
may be found together, but such groups quickly attract
the attention of those committed to stamping out the
vestiges of the Great Green Fire.

Burnlings are native to the Elemental Plane of Fire.
Those encountered in the Material Plane are accidental
inhabitants, beings that slipped free during a botched
incantation by a foolish young wizard named Gregor
Fenwick. As a result, burnlings are a destructive presence
and they work to spread fire and devestation wherever
they go.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (planes) can learn
more about burnlings with successful skill checks.

Physical Characteristics
Burnlings are balls of bright green fire, about the size
of a man’s fist. When they move, they leave a tracer of
flickering flame to mark their passage. They are weightless

16 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport


CE Diminutive outsider (elemental, extraplanar, fire)

Init +8; Senses blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 60 ft.;
Perception +10
AC 19, touch 19, flat-footed 14 (+4 Dex, +1 dodge, +4
size); Dodge
hp 27 (5d10)
Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +3
DR 5/magic; Immune electricity, fire, elemental traits
Weaknesses vulnerability to cold
Speed fly 40 ft. (good)
Melee touch +13 (1d6 fire)
Space 1 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks fiery leap, ignite
Str —, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 6
Base Atk +5; CMB +5; CMD 15
Feats Dodge, Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse
Skills Fly +19, Perception +10; Racial Modifiers +10 Fly
Languages understands Ignan
SQ elemental traits, gaseous form
Fiery Leap (Ex) A burnling can attack multiple targets
in the same round by leaping through the air from one
to the next. It can attack as many creatures in a single
round as it can reach with a full round of movement (40
feet), leaving behind visible arcs of green fire between
the targets. It makes a single attack roll and applies
the result of that attack roll to each target it can touch.
Movement from fiery leap does not provoke attacks of
Ignite (Ex) Creatures struck by a burnling’s touch must
succeed on a DC 12 Reflex save or catch fire, taking 1d6
Burnling Lore
points of damage each round for 3 rounds. A burning DC Result
creature can extinguish the flames by spending a move
action In addition, creatures that attack a burnling with This creature is a burnling, a malicious entity
natural weapons or unarmed attacks take 1d6 points of 13 from the Elemental Plane of Fire. This result
fire damage as though they were hit by the burnling’s reveals all elemental and fire subtype traits.
touch, and must succeed on a Reflex save or catch fire. A burnling attacks by leaping from one target
Gaseous Form (Ex) As the gaseous form spell, always 18
to the next, igniting everything they touch.
active. This ability functions as the spell except a
burnling cannot enter water or other liquids and is only A burnling’s form is gaseous, allowing it to slip
affected by winds if it wishes to be. Even a tornado through the tiniest gaps with ease. However,
strength wind passes through a burnling with no effect. 23 winds seem not to touch the burnling, so only
water and other liquids stand a chance at
barring a burnling’s progress.
and are capable of shaping their bodies to fit through the
narrowest of gaps. Fire, burnlings are nuisances, pests that infest the palaces
of the efreeti and other creatures of elemental fire.
Society and Culture
Possessed of animal intelligence, burnlings have no
societies. Instead, they may gather into small clusters or Burnlings do not possess treasure of any kind and destroy
not, depend on their whim. On the Elemental Plane of any valuables they find.

The Freeport Bestiary 17

Creatures of Freeport

Advanced Versions Caddaja

Nearly all burnlings have the same shape and size,
possessing the same capabilities. Rarely, two burnlings T his giant has dusky skin, contrasted by pale eyes. Two
may come together, fusing their essences to become forward facing horns grace its head. A club made of
something bigger and stronger. Fused burnlings of up to hundreds of bones is clutched in its massive fists.
10 Hit Dice increase their size to Tiny. Burnlings with 11
to 15 Hit Dice are Small-sized.
Caddaja are brutish giants that stalk the same regions
that are most hospitable to humanoids.

Caddaja tend to charge into combat, trusting their
physical strength, and their medicine clubs to smash their
foes. Only the youngest caddaja travel without a medicine
club, and they are always on the lookout for new bones
to add to it. Only the largest groups, or clearly powerful
creatures, like adult dragons, are not attacked on sight
to quench the giant’s endless hunger.

Caddaja may be briefly distracted by
those inquiring about their medicine
clubs. It is a source of pride and
competition between giants. They
may work with others for the
promise of the bones and skins of
rare creatures that are not easily
obtained by them normally. Caddaja
become bored easily, however, and rapidly
turn on their employers.

Caddaja decimate and befoul the lands in
which they live, causing them to move on
rapidly. They draw the ire of most fey, and any
druids or ranger groups, as soon as they enter
new territory.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature)
can learn more about the caddaja with successful
skill checks.

Physical Characteristics
Each caddaja has a different rack
of horns; one may have a massive
and branching set of stag horns,

18 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

Caddaja Lore CADDAJA CR 10 • XP 9,600

DC Result CE Huge Humanoid (giant)

Caddaja are cruel, horned giants. This result Init +0; Senses low-light vision; Perception +6
reveals all humanoid traits. DEFENSE
All caddaja carry a gruesome enchanted club, AC 22; touch 8, flat-footed 22 (+14 natural, -2 size)
that moves of its own accord.
hp 138 (12d8+84)
A caddaja’s club is its most precious item, and Fort +15, Ref +4, Will +4
39 it will do anything to regain a stolen one. The
Defensive Abilities rock catching
club will crumble with the giant’s death.
another the horns of a ram, and a third the forward facing Speed 50 ft.
horns of a bull. Regardless, caddaja all enjoy slamming Melee 2 slams +17 (1d8+10), and gore +17 (2d6+10), or +1
their horns into their enemies, often impaling their foes Large greatclub +20/+15/+6 (2d8+11) and gore +12 (2d6+5)
as grisly trophies. Ranged rock +12/+7/+2 (1d8+10)
Special Attacks medicine club, powerful charge (gore
+19, 4d6+15), rock throwing (120 feet)
Society and Culture Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Caddaja are hateful creatures, and barely tolerate their
Str 30, Dex 10, Con 24, Int 9, Wis 11, Cha 9
own kind. Only rarely will an unusually charismatic Base Atk +9; CMB +21; CMD 31
caddaja manage to band together a group of families into Feats Cleave, Great Cleave, Intimidating Prowess, Point
a deadly tribe. These tribes ravish the land for a time, until Blank Shot, Power Attack, Snatch
infighting or the death of their leader leads them to go Skills Climb +14, Craft (traps) +4, Intimidate +15,
Perception +6, Survival +6
their separate ways, brawling over the best of the lands
Languages Giant
won in the process.
Caddaja care only for two things, their lives, and their ECOLOGY
medicine clubs. They have a great fear of elementals, Environment temperate forests, hills, and swamps
incorporeal beings, and constructs, as they see them as Organization solitary, pair, band (3-6), or tribe (7-20)
being immune to their “magic.” Their medicine clubs Treasure standard
Medicine Club (Ex): Every caddaja has the instinctive
are morbid creations, strung with fetishes made from knowledge to create a medicine club from the bones
skin and tendon. The evil magic that holds one of these of its victims. This club acts as a +1 bane greatclub to
clubs together semi-animates the skeletal remains. every creature type whose bones make up the club. A
creature type not included in the makeup of the club,
Anyone observing the club sees the jaws of skulls open and creatures without bones, treat the medicine club as
and close, ghostly flames flicker in eye sockets, and a +1 greatclub. The rituals holding the club together die
bony hands attempt to grasp its target. Tales are told with the caddaja that created it. When it dies, the club
crumbles into a pile of ordinary bones.
around campfires of more intelligent caddaja that are
able to grant their medicine clubs greater powers, such
as transforming into a horde of skeletons, or grappling coins, and magical items that they cannot use to their
the victims they strike. medicine clubs.

Treasure Advanced Versions

Caddaja thoroughly loot any victims that they kill, seeing Caddaja advance by character class, typically in combat
their acquisition of the possessons of their victims as yet related classes. Magic use is rare, and nearly always centered
another indication of their power. They often add gems, around the necromantic arts.

Fancy Giant’s Club Displayed in Fancy, Giant Club


The Freeport Bestiary 19

Creatures of Freeport


Cannonball Urchin
N Tiny magical beast (aquatic)
Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft., scent; Perception +5
DEFENSE A spiny ball the size of a coconut rockets out of the
AC 18, touch 18, flat-footed 13 (+5 Dex, +2 size)
shallows directly for you, followed by another, and another.
hp 5 (1d10)
Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +1 The cannonball urchin is a dangerous sea urchin that can
OFFENSE propel itself at targets.
Speed 5 ft., swim 10 ft., launch 60 ft.
Melee bite + 6 (1d2) Tactics
Ranged launch +6 (1d8/19-20 plus imbed)
Space 2 1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft. Cannonball urchins wait on the bottom of the sea floor
Special Attacks blood drain
in warm shallows near reefs and shores, and launch
STATISTICS themselves upward when prey pass overhead.
Str 3, Dex 20, Con 10, Int 1, Wis 13, Cha 6
Base Atk +1; CMB +0 (+8 grapple when imbedded);
CMD 15
Feats Weapon Finesse
Skills Perception +5, Stealth +16, Swim +11 Never encountered outside of the warm shallows where
SQ amphibious they make their homes, cannonball urchins are occasionally
cultivated by islanders as a defensive barrier around prized
pearl beds and fishing grounds, and as an outer barrier
Launch (Ex) A cannonball urchin can gather water into
itself, swelling to almost twice its normal size, and then around settlements by undersea dwelling races.
expel it violently, allowing them to jet up to 60 feet in
a straight line. This lets them attack targets out of the
water, provided that they can trace a straight line to Ecology
Imbed (Ex) Cannonball urchins that hit Cannonball urchins live in shallow, warm seas where their
an opponent imbed in their target and
automatically grapple. The cannonball
launch ability allows them to reach all the way to the
urchin loses its Dexterity bonus surface and even beyond, allowing them the widest range
to AC and has an AC of 10, but of potential prey. They attack fish, sea turtles, sharks, pearl
holds on with great tenacity
and automatically inflicts its bite
damage. A cannonball urchin has a
+8 racial bonus to maintain its grapple
on a foe once it is attached. An attached
cannonball urchin can be
struck with a weapon
or grappled itself; if
its prey manages to
win a grapple check
or Escape Artist
check against it, the
cannonball urchin
is removed.
Blood Drain (Ex)
A cannonball urchin
drains blood at the end of
its turn if it is imbedded in
a foe, inflicting 1 point of
Constitution damage. Once
a cannonball urchin has
drained 4 points of Constitution
damage, or if its target dies,
it drops off and crawls or
swims away.

20 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

divers, and even low-flying birds, and it’s not uncommon of that appropriate for their CR scattered on the sea floor
for fishermen to return with one or more lodged in the around their position.
bottom of their canoe or boat, or to have close calls with
one launching itself out of the water and narrowly missing Uses
them. Multiple urchins can attack and swiftly take down
large prey, making the larger groupings dangerous to all Cannnball urchin’s bodies can be used as amunition.
but the largest creatures.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (planes) can learn Alchemical Items
more about cannonball urchins with successful skill checks.
With a successful DC 25 Craft (alchemy) check, a
Cannonball Urchin Lore cannonball urchin may be preserved and used in place of a
standard cannonball. It has a range increment of 75, and,
DC Result
when it strikes, it explodes, sending hundreds of slivers
This is no normal sea urchin, but he rare and of spiny shell in all directions, doing 4d6 damage to all
deadly cannonball urchin. The character knows
11 common information about the creature, targets with an armor bonus of +4 or less in a 20 ft. burst.
including its launch ability. This result reveals A cannonball urchin prepared in this manner costs 35 gp
all magical beast traits. and weighs 10 lbs.
The true danger the cannonball urchin
16 represents—its blood drain ability—is known to
the character. Advanced Versions
The character knows that a skilled alchemist
can manufacture actual cannonballs that Cannonball urchins advance by hit dice and size.
explode in bursts of shrapnel on impact from
cannonball urchins.
Physical Characteristics Shrimp Swarm
Spined spheres roughly the size of coconuts, cannonball
urchins resemble normal sea urchins grown to unnaturally
robust stature. Their spines are shorter and thicker than A swimming and scuttling cloud of crustaceans,
many smaller species of urchin, but no less sharp. Legends brightly colored and jewel-like, amass themselves
and tall tales frequently repeat stories of cannonball among the rocks and coral.
urchins large enough to sink sailing ships and threaten the
largest of ocean-dwellers, but such creatures are generally Carnivorous shrimp are difficult to tell from typical
accorded the status of tall tales. shrimp when encountered in small numbers. However,
when thousands of them swarm, their sharp bit and desire
Society and Culture from fresh meat makes them a deadly threat.

Cannonball urchins have no culture, and their society is Tactics

limited to clusters of them living in one location in order
to be able to bring down larger prey and thus feed more of This species of mantis shrimp acts as a single colony,
their young. Based on numbers, there are different names often attacking from surprise. The swarm envelops its
for the sizes of cannonball urchin clusters: groups contain prey, battering it with powerful hammer-like blows.
2-4 urchins, stacks contain 5-8, pyramids contain 9-14, The strength and speed of these attacks is such that it
and volleys, the largest normally-encountered grouping, also inflicts sonic damage as the hundreds of cavitation
contain 15-40. bubbles, created by the force of these blows collapse and
creating shockwaves through the water.
Cannonball urchins collect treasure only incidentally;
solitary cannonball urchins possess no treasure, but a Carnivorous shrimp swarms are often encountered in
pack, swarm, or volley possesses treasure equal to one half shallow ocean water particularly along coral reefs or in

The Freeport Bestiary 21

Creatures of Freeport

underwater caves. These aggressive invertebrates usually

swim and scuttle around coral reefs. On occasion, a
swarm attacks from ambush. Despite its bright gem-like
coloration, the swarm is adept at hiding,
covering themselves in sand and silt to
wait for larger prey to swim by.

This species of carnivorous shrimp
live in hunting colonies, most
often burrowing into coral
systems. Occasionally, they
can also be found found
living in the naturally
occurring crevices and
hollows of undersea cave
systems. In these cases, they
bury themselves in the sea bed to
attack their prey. A typical colony is hyper-
aggressive and attacks any sea life that passes
too close to the swarm, even if it’s significantly larger
than an individual shrimp.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can learn
more about carnivorous shrimp swarms with successful
CARNIVOROUS SHRIMP SWARM CR 2 • XP 400 skill checks.

N Diminutive vermin (swarm)

Init +3; Senses low-light vision, darkvision 60 ft.;
Carnivorous Shrimp Lore
Perception +4 DC Result
DEFENSE This is a swarm of carnivorous shrimp native to
AC 17, touch 17, flat-footed 14 (+3 Dex, +4 size) 12 ocean reefs and shallow sea waters. This result
reveals all the vermin and swarm traits.
hp 17 (3d8+3)
Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +1 Unlike other similar crustaceans these
Resist sonic 5 diminutive predators swarm larger prey striking
17 with powerful bludgeoning attacks. These
Defensive Abilities swarm traits; Immune mind-affecting attacks are made with such force, they create
effects, weapon damage
mini-shockwaves that inflict sonic damage.
Speed 5 ft., swim 30 ft.
Melee swarm (1d8 +1d4 sonic plus distraction)
Physical Characteristics
Space 10 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Carnivorous shrimp are diminutive crustaceans almost
Special Attacks distraction (DC 12)
resembling miniature feathered lobsters with vibrant,
STATISTICS often metallic appearing coloration. The shrimp’s eyes
Str 3, Dex 17, Con 12, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 2 bulge from stalks on the sides of its head and it conceals
Base Atk +1; CMB —; CMD — its formidable battering claw beneath its torso.
Skills Perception +4, Stealth +7, Swim +11; Racial
Modifiers +4 Perception, +4 Stealth
Society and Culture
Environment warm ocean reefs
Organization solitary, pair, host (3–10 swarms)
While these sea vermin have neither intelligence, culture, nor
Treasure incidental society, they do live in a complex symbiosis with one another.
Each instinctively functions as part of the larger whole of the

22 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

colony for the betterment of them all. How they are able to
successfully coordinate with one another is still a mystery. Ecology
Chindi exist only to serve their masters.
Treasure Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
learn more about the chindi with successful skill checks.
Carnivorous shrimp have no need or interest in treasure.
However, since their lairs and hunting grounds are in
such shallow waters, it is not uncommon to find a few
Chindi Lore
coins or trinkets in the swarm’s vicinity. DC Result
Chindi are evil spirits inhabiting the bodies of
Advanced Versions dead animals. This result reveals all undead traits.
Chindi walk on their hind legs, unless they are
16 attempting to fool a target. Their eyes always
Few larger colonies of these shrimp exist as, most retain a baleful glow.
frequently, when a colony becomes too large it fractures A chindi may be held at bay with protective
into two or more smaller colonies. It is more common 21
prayer and enchanted circles.
to encounter swarms of giant carnivorous shrimp or
swarms of dragon shrimp swarms whose beater claws
are effective even at a significant range.
Dragon shrimp swarms have the advanced template
and inflict their sonic damage to creatures in squares
adjacent to the swarm.

T he eerie sight of a mangy canine walking on its
hind legs across the moors greets you. Its eyes blaze a
sinister blue when it catches sight of you.

Chindi are undead animals, raised by dark witches and

priests to punish those that have offended them, as well
as all they hold dear.

Chindi have a desire to terrorize their victims, appearing
just at the edge of sight, snarling, before vanishing into
the dark. They use hit-and-run tactics, ensuring their
victims get no rest or healing.

Chindi attack anyone that interferes with their
commands, ignoring those who allow
them to simply pass by. If left with no
mission, they simply wander, tormenting or
killing whatever living things they come across.
If confined, they damage what objects they can,
making them a liability for their masters.

The Freeport Bestiary 23

Creatures of Freeport

creating as much collateral damage as they possibly can.

Physical Characteristics Given enough time and freedom, a chindi can even break
its master’s control, plotting to attack as soon as he is
Regardless of the type of animal it was in life, the foul weak and unprepared.
power that animates a chindi allows it to walk on two
limbs, and gives its eyes a terrible glow.
Society and Culture Some chindi may have an enchanted collar or other such
device, crafted by their creators. They have no interest in
Chindi hate their creators as much as any other living treasures themselves.
thing, and slowly try to subvert their commands, while


Advanced Versions
CE Small Undead Chindi advance by templates, typically ones that can
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., scent; Perception +8 affect natural animals or the undead.
AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+5 Dex, +3 natural, +1 size) Creating a Chindi
hp 7 (1d8+3)
Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +4 “Chindi” is an acquired template that can be added to
Defensive Abilities turn resistance +2; Immune undead traits any Small to Large animal (referred hereafter as the base
Weakness protection from evil creature).
CR: As the base creature’s +2.
Speed 30 ft.
Melee bite +2 (1d4+1 plus diseased breath) Alignment: The base creature’s alignment changes to
Special Abilities diseased breath (DC 14) that of its creator.
Type: The base creature’s type changes to undead. It
Str 13, Dex 13, Con -, Int 9, Wis 15, Cha 16
retains any subtype except for alignment or subtype
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 11
Feats Skill Focus (Perception)
based ones. It does not gain the augmented subtype.
Skills Acrobatics +2, Perception +8, Stealth +9 It uses all the base creature’s statistics and special
Languages Common (can’t speak) abilities except as noted here.
ECOLOGY Armor Class: As the base creature’s plus 2 for a Small
Environment any land creature, +3 for a medium creature, or +4 for a Large
Organization solitary creature.
Treasure none
SPECIAL ABILITIES Hit Dice: A chindi uses its Cha modifier to determine
Diseased Breath (Su): All chindis carry a terrible disease bonus hit points.
that also acts like a potent curse. It can be delivered by
the creature’s attacks, or by the creature spending a Saves: Base save bonuses are Fort +1/3 HD, Ref +1/3
full round action breathing into the face of a helpless or HD, and Will +1/2 HD.
sleeping victim. To cure the disease, the curse must first be
removed. If the victim dies due to chindi fever, the curse
then inflicts itself on another of the victim’s family, or those Defensive Abilities: A chindi gains all the standard
that they see as family (determined randomly from blood immunities and traits possessed by undead creatures.
relatives and those with mutally helpful attitudes with the It gains turn resistance equal to half its creator’s caster
victim). The new victim must make a Fortitude save with a
+4 bonus against the diseased breath DC, or come down level.
with the disease. This continues until the entire family is
destroyed, or the curse is lifted. The DC is Charisma based. Weaknesses: A chindi is treated as a summoned creature
Chindi Fever-Curse and disease-bite or breath; save Fort for the purpose of protection from evil and similar
DC 14; onset 1 day; frequency daily; effect 1d6 Con and
1d6 Wisdom; cure -
Protection Vulnerability: Protection from evil and similar
spells treat a chindi like a summoned creature. Speed: A quadruped base creature has its speed reduced
by 10 feet.

24 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

“Demonic” Dog Merely Mangy, Has Bad Breath, Court Finds


Attacks: A chindi retains all the natural weapons of the

CIPELAHQ CR 4 • XP 1,200
base creature.
NE Small undead (incorporeal)
Special Attacks: A chindi retains all the base creature’s Init +7; Senses dark vision 120 ft.; Perception +12
special attacks, and gains the diseased breath
supernatural ability.
AC 18; touch 18, flat-footed 14 (+3 deflection, +4 Dex, +1 size)
Abilities: A chindi has no Constitution score, and gains hp 37 (5d8+15)
a +7 to Intelligence, a +3 to Wisdom and a +10 to its Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +8
Charisma scores. Defensive Abilities channel resistance +3, incorporeal
Immune undead traits
BAB: A chindi’s base attack bonus is equal to 3/4 of its Weaknesses light dispersion
Speed fly 60 ft. (perfect)
Skills: The base creature gains 4+ it’s Intelligence modifier Melee 2 incorporeal touches +8 (1d4 negative energy
in skills. It gains all the base creature’s skills as class plus 1d3 Charisma drain)
skills. Special Attacks cry
Feats: The base creature’s feats do not change.
Str -, Dex 19, Con -, Int 10, Wis 18, Cha 17
Special Qualities: A chindi retains any special qualities Base Atk +3; CMB +2; CMD 16
the base creature possessed. Feats Flyby Attack, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes
Skills Fly +22, Intimidate +11, Perception +12, Sense
Motive +12, Stealth +16
Environment: Any, usually the same as the base creature.
Languages Common, Sylvan
Organization: Solitary ECOLOGY
Environment any land
Treasure: Usually none, although a chindi can use any Organization solitary, pair
magic item an animal or an undead creature can use. Treasure none
Cipelahq Cry (Su): A cipelahq may make a soul-chilling call
once every 1d4 rounds. Living creatures that hear
the cry must make a DC 17 Will save or be panicked
for 1d6 rounds. Any undead who hear the cry gain a
A ghostly owl’s face and claws are framed by morale bonus to attack and damage rolls equal to the
cipelahq’s Charisma modifier for 1d6 rounds.
the vague outline of wings. Its haunting call Light Dispersion (Su): A cipelahq that enters into, or is
chills your soul. exposed to, light stronger than that of a full moon fades
away to nothingness until the next moonrise.

Cipelahqs are the unquiet souls of those that died on

unfulfilled vision quests or similar outings for spiritual
enlightenment. though most scholars see them as the Tactics
result excluively of “primitive” religions, in truth anyone
who dies while seeking divine revelation can become a A cipelahq flies directly into battle, passing its claws
cipelahq if they allow themselves to be overcome by rage, through its victims, and is gone before they react. It
dispair, or disillusionment at the moment of death. While uses it’s soul-chilling cry whenever possible. They have a
the name comes from islandfolk descriptions of the special hatred of priests and shamen of all types, and strip
creature, they are equally common anywhere. them of their guardians before moving in for the kill.

The Freeport Bestiary 25

Creatures of Freeport

Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can learn

more about cipelahqs with successful skill checks.

Physical Characteristics
Cipelahqs take the form translucent owl faces and talons,
Encounters with the outline of the creature’s wings barely apparent as
it flits about.
Cipelahqs are angry ghosts, who only desire to claw
the spirits of others to tatters. While any living being
can be the target of their rage, they take special delight Society and Culture
in attacking those on vision quests, pilgrimages, and
disrupting religious ceremonies. Cipelahqs utterly ignore other undead creatures unless
under magical compulsion. Other undead are attracted
Ecology to the cipelahq’s cries, and find their natural savagery
bolstered by the sound. Packs of ghouls are common in
Cipelahqs have no true ecology, being undead spirits. They cipelahq-haunted woods, where they lurk waiting for the
only serve to make the forests they haunt bleak and twisted. creature’s panicked victims to stumble past.

Cipelahqs Lore Treasure

DC Result
Cipelahqs have no use for treasure, and leave it on the
Cipelahqs are ghostly owls that hunt the living. rotting corpses of their victims.
This result reveals all humanoid traits.
Cipelahqs are the spirits of those that died
19 on spiritual quests. Their calls drive even the Advanced Versions
brave into flight.

Cipelahqs fade away under the light of the sun, Cipelahqs may advance by any template that is applicable
only to reappear with the next moonrise. to incorporeal undead.

26 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

most notable way possible. This often involves destroying

‘ dams, creating huge canyons, and filling mountain passes
and trails. This often brings them into conflict with
settlements near such ever-changing features.
A massive, spiraling column of mud and
sand explodes up from the ground. Its vaguely Ecology
serpent-like shape grows as it moves through
the ground, as easily as if it were water. Cirein-cròin need not eat, breathe, nor sleep. They cannot
procreate, and exist outside the normal cycle of life. They
The cirein-cròin is a piece of living, shifting terrain that have no meaningful ecology except those they create for
exists to change the world without really understanding themselves to try to explain their endless compulsion to
how or why. change the lands around them.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (planes) can learn
Tactics more about cirein-cròin with successful skill checks.

Cirein-cròin prefer to fight on beaches and near marshes Cirein-Croin

‘ Lore
or other areas where silt and mud are common, to ensure DC Result
they are always able to use their shifting form and earth This is a powerful form of chaotic earth
glide. They can strike from beneath the earth with ease elemental, able to swim through the ground as
in such circumstances, and will attack the most powerful a fish swims through water. This result reveals
looking foes first. If a target attempts to get away, a all outsider and elemental traits.
cirein-cròin uses shifting form to take on the shape of Cirein-cròin can move earth at will, and are
driven to alter landmarks and terrain for
something able to pursue the foe, but is cautious not to fly 24
no apparent reason. This result reveals all
too high (as it may lose its new form when separated from shapechanger traits.
the earth), or move too far from favorable terrain. The cirein-cròin can grow, change shape, and heal
29 themselves, but are dependent on access to large
Encounters volumes of earth, dirt, mud, or sand to do so.

Cirein-cròin are the remnants of an effort by powerful fey Physical Characteristics

creatures to prevent the annexation of their world by the
coils of the deity, Yig. The fey turned the earth of their When not taking a new form, cirein-cròin generally
homeland into a vast living serpent in the hopes it could maintain a roughly serpentlike shape, a reminder of their
combat Yig and eventually build a new homeland for the original existence as a fledgling serpent god.
fey. Instead, Yig easily shattered the great earth serpent,
slipping his vast divine coils around it and crushing it into Society and Culture
thousands of shards, while still sleeping. The scattered
remains are the cirein-cròin, now purposeless, but still Cirein-cròin take on the culture of any fey they adopt, some
craving to protect fey and alter the world around them. even going so far as to change alignment to better exemplify
Where a cirein-cròin has found a population of fey the fey they spend time with. However a cirein-cròin cannot
creatures that need help and accept it, it becomes a guardian cease to be chaotic. The need to change for the sake of
of their lands. However it still feels driven to enact change, change, and desire to bend or break restrictive rules of all
and often uses its move earth power to raises hills and dig kinds, are a core part of the drive that animates cirein-cròin.
new courses for rivers. Particularly anarchic fey can come to
enjoy the ever-changing nature of life near a cirein-cròin, Treasure
but some (especially those tied to woodlands) can come
to regret a powerful protector that constantly changes Cirein-cròin often absorb items of value into their mass,
their homeland, and may even seek to hire adventurers to and these can be dredged from their muddy bodies
eliminate (or at least remove) their would-be protector. without harming the elementals (though it does tickle),
Cirein-cròin that have not attached themselves to a band or recovered from the pool of ooze they turn into upon
of fey simply seek to alter the landscapes around them in the death. Most common treasure includes coins absorbed

The Freeport Bestiary 27

Creatures of Freeport

Str 28, Dex 14, Con 23, Int 12, Wis 11, Cha 11
CN Huge outsider (chaotic, earth, elemental, extraplanar, Base Atk +10; CMB +21; CMD 33
shapechanger, water) Feats Improved Initiative, Improved Iron Will, Iron Will,
Init +6; Senses tremorsense 60 ft.; Perception +13 Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack +1
DEFENSE Skills Climb +19, Escape Artist +13, Knowledge (nature)
+9, Knowledge (planes) +10, Perception +13, Stealth +7,
AC 24, touch 11, flat-footed 22 (+2 Dex, +14 natural, -2 size) Swim +17
hp 115 (10d10+60) Languages Sylvan, Terran
Fort +13, Ref +12, Will +5
DR 5/-; Immune elemental traits; fast healing 3
Environment any land or water (Plane of Earth)
OFFENSE Organization solitary, pair, or band (2-8)
Speed 60 ft., burrow 60 ft., swim 60 ft.; earth glide Treasure standard
Melee 2 slams +17 (2d8+9)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Earth Glide (Ex): A burrowing cirein-cròin can pass
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 10th; concentration +10)
through dirt, gravel, or other loose or porous solid
At will—move earth matter as easily as a fish swims through water. It cannot
use this ability to pass through a solid barrier such as
a stone or brick wall. Its burrowing leaves behind no
tunnel or hole, nor does it create any ripple or other
sign of its presence. A move earth spell cast on an
area containing a burrowing cirein-cròin flings it back
30 feet, stunning the creature for 1 round unless it
succeeds on a DC 15 Fortitude save.
Fast Healing (Ex): A cirein-cròin can easily and
quickly heal itself as long as it can draw new mud
to replace its damaged form from a body of loose
earth, dirt, mud, sand, silt, or similar material with
a volume at least equal to its own size.
Shifting Form (Ex): A cirein-cròin is able to suck
up dirt, mud, or earth around it to become larger and
change its size and shape. This acts as beast shape IV
with the additional benefits of an enlarge person, in both
cases, affecting the cirein-cròin only. Unlike a normal
use of such abilities, the cirein-cròin does not lose
any of its racial abilities, natural armor, or forms
of movement, and it remains clearly a creature
made of earth and mud. The cirein-cròin must have
access to loose earth, dirt, mud, sand, silt, or similar
material with a volume at least equal to
its own size in order to use this
ability, and if separated from
such, loses this ability in 1d4
rounds. Even with ample earth
and mud it can only maintain a specific
form for 1 round per HD, and if it is dazed,
staggered, or held immobile, it loses any
additional shape or size it has adopted. A
cirein-cròin must wait 2d6 rounds after the end
of a use of shifting form before it can assume a
new form.
Observing a cirein-cròin act as
both a living chunk of terrain
and take on the forms of other
creatures can be disturbing.
If using the madness and
insanity rules from Freeport:
City of Adventure,
witnessing a cirein-cròin
change shape for the first
time forces witnesses to
make a DC 10 Will save or gain
one insanity point.

28 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

while smashing buildings, and hand-held items imbedded and other vermin attracted by the stench of death, the
in a cirein-cròin by adventurers attempting to destroy it. bodies of its victims slowly rot into the ground providing
nourishment for the plant. Its scent does not seem to
Advanced Versions affect invertebrates, and all manner of such creatures may
be found crawling over and through the pile of humanoid,
Cirein-cròin advance with additional monster hit die. A animal, and bird corpses that surround its base. It has a
cirein-cròin that reaches 20 hit dice is Gargantuan, while symbiotic relationship with these creatures, providing
one that achieves 30 HD is Colossal. A 40-50 HD cirein- them with food and protection in return for their work
cròin can grant spells to clerics that worship it, though it breaking down its victims’ carcasses.
only grants access to the earth domain. Typical creatures found around a corpse flower include
ants, centipedes, and beetles—either in swarms or as a
group of monstrous individuals. Their exoskeletons
Corpse Flower seem to protect them from the flower’s poisonous scent.
Shambling mounds sometimes settle near a corpse
flower, to share in the nourishment it provides. These
A large, brightly-colored plant sits next to the jungle creatures always defend the plant where they live.
pool. T he corpses of animals, both great and small, Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can learn
lie scattered around its base, covered by clouds of flies more about corpse flowers with successful skill checks.
and hordes of crawling scavengers. T he stench of
death and decay covers everything. Corpse Flower Lore
DC Result
A corpse flower is a dangerous piece of flora that emits a This is a corpse flower, a highly dangerous, foul-
toxic, potentially lethal, scent. smelling plant. This result reveals all plant traits.
The corpse flower’s foul odor has poisonous
Tactics qualities, and can sicken, paralyze, and
kill those that venture too near to it. With
an additional Alchemy check at DC 15,
A corpse flower is a mindless, immobile plant. It poses 17
the character knows how to harvest the
a threat merely by existing: its sickly odor contains a venomous elements of a corpse flower
and can distill the venom to create various
powerful neurotoxin that paralyzes and then kills most poisons, as described below.
living creatures. A corpse flower cannot take any sort
The plants are tough and resistant to cold,
of voluntary action, but the insects and other creatures damage except from slashing weapons, and
that choose to make their home around the flower act to 23 are unaffected by electricity. When destroyed,
preserve the plant. this plant vents a concentrated cloud of its
poisonous perfume.

Encounters Many monstrous insects are immune to the

corpse flower’s perfume, and live in symbiosis
with it, attacking those that are paralyzed by
Corpse flowers are immobile and pose no threat to those able the perfume and defending the plants. With
an additional DC 15 Heal check, the character
to simply avoid them, but frequently grow near jungle pools, is familiar with an herbal remedy that helps
patches of fruit-bearing trees or vines, and other resources or to counter the effects of the corpse flower’s
areas where their presence makes them unavoidable. poison. These herbs only grow in temperate
forest and jungle environments. Searching for
Some jungle and swamp dwellers deliberately cultivate the herbs requires 30 minutes and a DC 15
corpse flowers as a sort of perimeter defense around their 28 Survival check; the character that possesses
territories and villages to ward off predators and channel the knowledge does not have to be the one
who makes the Survival check. A successful
invaders into areas where they have prepared defenses check turns up enough herbs to protect 1d4
and traps. people. Anyone who chews on the herbs
receives a +2 circumstance bonus to saving
Ecology throws against the fetid burst and stench
of death abilities of the corpse flower; this
protection lasts for 30 minutes. The herbs
The corpse flower uses its poisonous scent as part of a retain their potency for 24 hours after being
harvested, after which they are useless.
complex feeding strategy. With the help of insects

The Freeport Bestiary 29

Creatures of Freeport

Str 10, Dex 1, Con 17, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 1
N Medium plant Base Atk +2; CMB +2; CMD 8 (can’t be tripped)
Init -5; Senses tremorsense 30 ft.; Perception +0 Feats Ability Focus (fetid burst)B
AC 12, touch 6, flat-footed 12 (-4 Dex, +6 natural) Fetid Burst (Ex): When a corpse flower is destroyed,
hp 22 (3d8+9) it explodes with a final burst of compressed gases,
spreading its poison across a wide area. The poison
Fort +6, Ref -3, Will +1 cloud covers a 30-foot radius around the corpse flower,
DR 5/slashing; Immune electricity, plant traits; Resist and lingers for 1d4 rounds; anyone who remains in the
cold 10 area of effect must make a new saving throw at the start
of each round
Fetid Burst: inhaled; save DC 16; frequency 1/round;
Speed 0 ft. effect 1d8 Con and paralyzed 1d4 minutes; cure 2
Melee -- saves. The save DC is Constitution-based. The poison
Special Attacks fetid burst, stench of death has no effect on insects or similar creatures.
Stench of Death (Ex) The corpse flower is surrounded by
a sickly odor. This smells like rotting flesh, but in fact it is
a deadly poison that will paralyze and kill most creatures.
Any creature that comes within 20 feet of the plant is
threatened by this poison. The effect is continuous, and
a creature that remains in the area of effect must make a
saving throw at the start of each round.
Stench of Death: inhaled; save DC 0-5 ft. 14, 6-10 ft. 13,
11-15 ft. 12, 16-20 ft. 11; frequency 1/round; effect 0-5 ft.
1d6 Con and paralyzed 1 minute, 6-10 ft. 1d6 Con and
paralyzed 1d4 rounds, 11-15 ft. 1d4 Con and nauseated
1d4 rounds, 16-20 ft. 1d4 Con and nauseated 1 round;
cure 2 saves. The save DC is Constitution-based. The
poison has no effect on insects or similar creatures.

Physical Characteristics
A corpse flower stands roughly six feet tall, with a squat,
fibrous trunk several feet in diameter, broad, shiny leaves
and brightly-colored flowers the size of a man’s head.

Society and Culture

As non-sentient plants, corpse flowers have no true
society or culture of their own, but they do function as part
of a complex ecosystem with insect colonies, monstrous
insects, and other entities.

As mindles plants, corpse flowers do not accumulate
treasure except incidentally.

The poisonous glands of the corpse
flower have a variety of alchemical
uses. However, only a character with
the appropriate skills knows how

30 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

to harvest these glands and properly utilize them. These can be used as a grenade-like weapon or to create a gas trap.
venom glands are often damaged during the destruction When activated, it creates a 10-foot cloud of mist laced
of a flower. An intact corpse flower has five glands, but with the concentrated smell of rotting flesh. Regardless of
if it is destroyed with physical weapons only 1d4+1 will whether the victims succumb to the effects of the poison,
survive; if it is destroyed with fire, all of the glands are lost. the horrible stench permeates clothes, hair, and armor. Until
An alchemist can use the venom glands of a corpse flower the character engages in a thorough cleaning—requiring
to create the following items: prestidigitation or a few hours’ worth of soaking with soap
and perfumes—she suffers a -4 circumstance penalty to
Corpse Cloud (poison) all Charisma-related skill checks. The cloud lasts for 1d4
A skilled alchemist can distill the poison from a single rounds, and creatures that remain in the area of effect must
venom gland to create a potent, concentrated gas. This is a make a new saving throw at the start of each round. The
difficult, expensive, and dangerous process—especially the poison has no effect on insects or similar creatures.
final stage when the alchemist compresses the gas in an Effects
eggshell or stoppered glass vial. This requires a successful
DC 25 Craft (alchemy) check; if this check fails, the Type Inhaled; save Fort DC 14; frequency 1/round for 1d4
poison explodes in the alchemist’s face. Otherwise, it can rounds; effect nausea 2d6 minutes and -4 to Cha-related
be used to create a poison trap or made into a grenade- checks). Secondary Damage: None. Price: 500 gp.
like weapon. Either way, when the glass is shattered it
releases an invisible poisonous cloud with a radius of 10
feet. The gas lingers for 1d4 rounds; anyone who remains
Advanced Versions
in the area of effect must make a new saving throw at the Corpse flowers advance by hit dice and size.
start of each round. This poison has no effects on insects
or similar creatures.

Type Inhaled; save Fort DC 15; frequency 1/round for 1d4
rounds; effect 1d6 Con and paralyzed 1 minute; cure 2
T his great reptile bursts from the still ocean waters
saves. Price 5,000 gp
with a roar, its wide mouth full of wicked looking
teeth snaps shut.
Houndblinder (alchemical item)
A dakasaurus is a primitive but powerful predator able to
This aromatic oil traps the terrible smell of the corpse
feed on a wide range of ocean creatures.
flower, if not its lethal power. By making a DC 15 Craft
(alchemy) check, a character can create up to 2d4 doses of
houndblinder from a single venom gland. If the roll fails Tactics
the components are lost, but there is no other ill effect. The
value of the oil is to throw off pursuit; when spread on the Dakosauri tend to fixate on a single target, power attacking
ground, the intense odor temporarily blinds the senses of with their bite until their prey is dead and consumed.
creatures tracking by smell. Any creature tracking by scent Dakosauri attempt to slap away other attackers with their
takes a -8 circumstance penalty when attempting to follow tails while they feast, only biting at other targets as a last
a character that has covered her tracks with houndblinder. resort. An enemy that inflicts 25 points of damage or
more may attract enough of the Dakosaurus’ attention to
Price: 50 gp lure it away from its current prey in favor of the one who
Stench Vapor (poison) caused it the pain.
When a colony attacks together, they instinctively
Similar to both corpse cloud and houndblinder, this is a attack separate targets, only going after a single creature
concentrated gas that magnifies the horrible odor while if they outnumber their prey.
removing its lethal effect. This requires a DC 20 Craft Similarly, a colony of dakosauri will attempt to capsize
(alchemy) check; a single venom gland can produce 1d3 small boats passing through their hunting territories.
doses of stench vapor. If the check fails, the components Once the boat has been capsized the dakosauri fall on the
are ruined but the alchemist is not harmed. Stench vapor floundering sailors with terrible efficiency.

The Freeport Bestiary 31

Creatures of Freeport

As a result, they are both hunted by merfolk, and driven

away from mer-communities for the safety of their people.
N Large animal Sailors have also had problems with Dakosauri. The
Init +6; Senses low-light vision; Perception +10 reptiles occasionally attempt to capsize small boats such
DEFENSE as dinghies or rafts to reach the sailors aboard.
AC 19, touch 11, flat-footed 17 (+2 Dex, +8 natural, –1 size) Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can learn
hp 102 (12d8+48) more about the dakosaurus with successful skill checks.
Fort +12, Ref +10, Will +6
DR 5/ — Dakosaurus Lore
Speed swim 60 ft.
The creature is a dakosaurus–a primeval
Melee bite +18 (2d8+8 bleed plus grab) and tail slap +13 aquatic reptile similar to a crocodile with an
(1d10+4) 18
extra tough hide and a nasty disposition. This
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft. result reveals all animal traits.
Special Attacks capsize A dakosaurus’ powerful jaws and serrated
STATISTICS teeth combine to give the creature a terrible
bite. Wounds inflicted by a dakosaurus’ bite
Str 27, Dex 14, Con 19, Int 1, Wis 14, Cha 2 attack inflict bleed damage.
Base Atk +2; CMB +7 (+11 grapple); CMD 18 (22 vs. trip)
Dakosauri sometimes attempt to capsize small
Feats Improved Initiative, Lunge, Power Attack, Skill 28 boats and rafts to better reach the sailors,
Focus (Perception)
especially when hunting in numbers.
Skills Perception +10, Stealth +9, Swim +22
SQ hold breath
Hold Breath (Ex): A
dakosaurus can hold its breath
for a number of rounds equal
to 6x its Constitution score
before it risks drowning.
Environment coastal ocean
Organization solitary, pair, or colony (3–12)
Treasure none

Dakosauri are often encountered
in the warm coastal seas, typically
in groups of one or two but
occasionally in colonies of three
or more.

Dakosauri are apex predators
who are only hunted by
humanoids fearing attacks,
or for sport. Dakosauri hunt
a variety of prey including
fish, sea mammals, and
sea turtles. They also have
a fondness for humanoid flesh.

32 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

Physical Characteristics Dead Man’s Brain

A dakosaurus is a large primeval sea reptile often as long
as 16 feet that resembles an alligator or crocodile. While T his creature is a large, rounded coral, its surface indented
it possesses the familiar ridge-like armored scales of it with ridges and whorls that resemble those of a brain.
terrestrial relatives, the dakosaurus has adapted to ocean
life which gives its body a more serpentine shape, and
instead of legs, it has clawed flippers better suited for A dead man’s brain is a form of ocean-dwelling coral that
swimming. has achieved a rudimentary sentience and strange powers.

Society and Culture Tactics

A dakosaurus is driven only by a need to eat. While While it has a rudimentary intelligence, the dead man’s
sated, it may be largely docile but this large reptile is brain is primarily driven by instinct. If attacked, it responds
by targeting the aggressor with one of its psionic powers.
rarely encountered in such a state. A hungry dakosaurus
When attacked by a large group, it defends itself with
attacks any creature entering its territory, except another
fear; a hostile individual is be targeted with command and
compelled to move towards the dead man’s brain.
While these sea reptiles have no society they will often
As formidable as its psionic abilities are, the most
share territory with relatively few conflicts. Those conflicts
dangerous ability of the dead man’s brain require no
that do occur are usually over the spoils of a kill.
physical action at all. It continuously broadcasts a haze
of disembodied thoughts over a 20-ft. radius. This mental
Treasure “white noise” can overwhelm the natural thoughts of
anyone in that range. Those who falls prey to this mental
Dakosauri are only interested in eating, as such they keep storm are drawn in by the psychic lure of the coral, and
no treasure intentionally. Very rarely, some incidental compelled to touch the dead man’s brain. This results in
treasure may be found in the belly of a dakosaurus. the only true threat the coral has to offer: an infection by its
spores. The brain has no way to inflict physical injury on an
Advanced Versions opponent. However, once a creature has been infected it is
very difficult to remove the spores. Within a matter of days
Dakosauri may vary in size, particularly with age. Some the coral spreads and kills the unfortunate victim.
of the oldest known dakosaurus (with 14 to 16 hit dice)
grow to be Huge, nearly thirty feet in length. Rumors Encounters
persist of a Gargantuan forty-foot specimen (with 20
Hit Dice) that harries small sailing ships entering its Encounters with dead man’s brains are normally with
territory. solitary individuals, although in the aftermath of great
sea battles where hundreds of men drown and sink to
Dakosaurus Companions the sea floor, vast fields of dead man’s brains may come
Starting Statistics: Size Medium; Speed swim 60 ft.; into being. Underwater dumping grounds where criminal
AC +4 natural; Attack bite 1d8, tailslap 1d6; Ability
Scores Str 15, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 1, Wis 14, Cha 2;
groups weigh and drop victims into the sea can also create
Special Qualities hold breath, low light vision. fields of the coral, or exceptionally large specimens.
7th Level Advancement: Size Large; AC +2 natural Underwater races avoid areas where the coral grows,
armor; Attack bite 2d6 bleed, tailslap 1d8; Ability but some try to lure outsiders into such areas to more
Scores Str +8, Dex -2 Con +4; Special Attacks capsize.
easily dispose of them once the coral has ensnared them.

Dakosaurus Attacks up 300% in Scallion Straights!


The Freeport Bestiary 33

Creatures of Freeport

Dead Man’s Brain Lore

DC Result
If a character fails to get a result of 10 on a Knowledge (arcana), he will recall a false rumor—that
destroying the coral will free the trapped spirits, for example—and believe it to be true. While the dead
can’t actually be talked to, a skilled character may be able to probe the mental cacophony broadcast
by a dead man’s brain and extract some useful information. To do so requires a detect thoughts spell or
7 psionic ability, along with a successful DC 25 Concentration check. If the check is successful, the reader
can extract 1d4 separate thoughts from amid the noise; according to the circumstances and the GM’s
discretion, they may or may not be significant or helpful. It should be remembered that they are the
thoughts of creatures that have died under or near the coral, not those of the coral itself. If the check
fails, the character must save against the confusion effect as usual.
This coral is known as dead man’s brain due to its appearance and propensity for growing on or near
drowning victims. This result reveals plant traits.
Dead man’s brain is able to project a cacophonous barrage of thoughts and mental images into those
that approach it, confusing them. This result reveals mineral nature.
Those that are confused by the thought projections of a dead man’s brain are subject to a mental lure
20 that draws them closer and closer to it, compelling them to touch it so that it can implant reproductive
spores that ultimately cause the death of those that are infected.
The character knows that the coral prevents the use of speak with dead. More importantly, she knows
how to use the coral to create the special components and magic items described later in this section.
Additionally, character with this knowledge can prepare a poultice from kelp and herbs that can counter
the growth of coral spores. If applied within 24 hours of infection, this allows a character to make a
second saving throw against the spores with a +2 circumstance bonus. A character can only receive one
additional saving throw in this manner. Creating this substance requires three successful skill checks,
which can be performed by different characters. First, a DC 20 Knowledge (arcana) check must be made
25 to see if a character knows about the salve and how to create it. Next, a DC 20 Survival check must be
made to see if a character can locate the necessary ingredients. This requires
an hour in a temperate coastal region. Finally, a DC 20 Heal check
must be made to apply the poultice properly. Successful
checks will allow a character to treat up to six people, but
the poultice quickly loses its potency, and must be created
and used within an hour of the time that the components
are harvested.

Dead Man’s Brain is a variety of coral that grows on wrecks
and on the bones of intelligent creatures. It feeds on the
lingering mental energies of dead creatures—the same
traces of knowledge and memory a cleric accesses via speak
with dead—and in the process it develops a rudimentary
intelligence and psionic powers. As it expands and
consumes the thoughts of more creatures, it begins
to broadcast powerful telepathic signals.
This mental barrage consists of the last
thoughts of all creatures buried
beneath the coral. Multiple
voices all clamor at once,
some begging for release,
some concerned about
unfinished business, and
some simply repeating
their dying thoughts
over and over. It is impossible to
communicate with these voices since they

34 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

Implant Spores (Ex): Any creature that touches
N Medium plant (aquatic) bare flesh to the dead man’s brain must make a DC
16 Fortitude save. Failure results in a sharp stinging
Init -5; Senses blindsight 60 ft.; Perception +12
sensation and 1d2 points of damage. But the more
DEFENSE serious consequence is infection by the spores of the
coral. After 24 hours have passed, the victim begins to
AC 15, touch 5, flat-footed 20 (-5 Dex, +10 natural) suffer from terrible headaches and disorientation causing
hp 28 (3d8+12) a -1 circumstance penalty to all attack rolls, skill checks,
Fort +7, Ref -4, Will +6 and Will saving throws. This penalty increases by 1 point
every 24 hours. If the spores are not treated within four
DR 2/-; Immune mineral nature, plant traits
days, the victim will die as coral protrusions sprout from
OFFENSE beneath his skin and out of his ears, nose, mouth, and
eye sockets. Cure disease has no effect on the coral;
Speed 0 ft. once infection has occurred, only a wish, limited wish,
Melee -- heal, or miracle spell can remove the spores.
Special Attacks absorb thoughts, implant spores, mental Mineral Nature (Ex): While it has many of the traits of a
cacophony, psychic lure plant, the dead man’s coral is actually a mineral formation.
It is not affected by spells that specifically target plants.
STATISTICS However, other spells have a variety of special effects.
Str 1, Dex 1, Con 18, Int 2, Wis 16, Cha 16 Soften earth and stone will remove its natural AC bonus
Base Atk +2; CMB -3; CMD 2 (can’t be tripped) for the duration of the spell. Stone shape inflicts 2d8
points of damage. Transmute rock to mud will destroy
Feats Iron WillB, Skill Focus (perception)B a dead man’s brain. The coral is allowed to make a
Skills Perception +9, Sense Motive -1 Fortitude saving throw to resist the effects of these spells.
Mental Cacophony (Su): The dead man’s brain projects
a constant stream of disembodied thoughts that can
have no independent existence; they are simply recordings overwhelm the minds of other creatures. Any living
creature that comes within 20 feet of the coral must
of psychic impressions held within the coral and replayed make a DC 15 Will save or be affected as if by confusion.
endlessly. There are stories of wizards and powerful psions The save DC is Charisma-based. This is a continuous
who were able to filter through this noise, and occasionally ability, and the victim must make the saving throw every
round that he remains within the area of effect. Once a
gained some useful information such as the whereabouts of creature fails a saving throw, he remains confused for as
a treasure, but several others who tried to do this became long as he is within 20 feet of the coral; if he moves out
of range, the confusion continues for a number of rounds
hopelessly insane. equal to the Hit Dice of the dead man’s brain. The coral
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) and has no conscious control over this ability, and cannot
other skills can learn more about a dead man’s brain with deactivate it.
successful skill checks. Psychic Lure (Su): Once a creature has fallen prey
to the mental cacophony of the dead man’s brain, he
becomes vulnerable to its powers of suggestion. Each
Physical Characteristics round that a confused character remains within 20 feet
of the coral, he must make a DC 15 Will save. If he fails,
he has an overpowering urge to remove any sort of hand
Dead man’s brain is a form of coral with a short, thick protection and touch the coral, as if under the influence
of suggestion. The save DC is Charisma-based. This is
stalk-like central column and a domed upper portion with not a conscious action on the part of the coral and does
ridges like those found on the human brain. A dead man’s not require any sort of action.
brain stands about 5 feet tall and weighs about 250 pounds. Psionics (Sp): At will—command (DC 14), fear (DC 17).
Effective caster level is equal to the coral’s Hit Dice. The
save DCs are Charisma-based. These abilities require a
Society and Culture standard action and are affected by spell resistance, but
do not trigger an attack of opportunity. Command issues
a silent, telepathic command to the target, but can only
Dead man’s brains, although marginally sentient, are not be used to issue the command “approach”; this is a
truly intelligent enough to develop a culture or society. weaker form of the psychic lure.
They do occasionally gather in clusters where multiple
individuals died and sank to the sea floor, but even then
there is no sense of togetherness or mutual cooperation. Uses
Treasure If a character has the proper knowledge, she can use the
remains of dead man’s brain for a wide variety of mystical
Dead man’s brains do not accumulate treasure except and alchemical purposes. Coral shards and powder can
incidentally. be used to create potent magic items and to enhance the

The Freeport Bestiary 35

Creatures of Freeport

Dead Man’s Brain Found in Topless Scurvytown Bar!


power of magic. The primary uses of dead man’s brain are chaff, the DC is increased by 5. In addition, if any sort of
described below. spellcaster attempts to cast a spell or manifest a psionic
ability within the chaff, they must make a Concentration
Spell Components check (DC 10, plus the penalty) even if conditions are
perfect for casting. Failure means that the spell is lost.
As one might expect from its psionic properties, dead Mental chaff is destroyed after a single use.
man’s brain can be used to enhance spells that affect the
mind. A piece of dead man’s brain weighing at least one Construction
ounce can be used in place of the usual arcane focus or
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Knowledge
component required to cast clairaudience/clairvoyance,
(arcana) 5 ranks; Cost 450 gp
daze, daze monster, or detect scrying, while an ounce of
powdered dead man’s brain can be used in place of the Oil of the Silent Soul
usual focus required for alarm, confusion, and crushing
despair. The dead man’s brain is always consumed, Aura faint abjuration; CL 5th
regardless of whether the spell normally requires a focus Slot none; Price 600 gp; Weight --
or component. If you do not use spell components in When this clear fluid is rubbed over a corpse, it eradicates
your campaign, incorporating an ounce of dead man’s all traces of memory imprinted on the body. This prevents
brain into the spell should increase the effective caster anyone from using speak with dead to gather information
level and save DC by 1. from the corpse in the future. This oil is rarely created or
used, but it is just the thing for rich families who want
Magical and Alchemical Items to make certain that pesky necromancers aren’t going to
dig up the skeletons in the ancestral closet.
Due to the telepathic power locked in dead man’s brain,
it is an extremely useful substance when creating any sort Construction
of magic item related to mental power, including a potion
of detect thoughts, crystal ball, helm of telepathy, medallion of Requirements Brew Potion, Knowledge (arcana) 5 ranks;
thoughts or any similar effect. If the creator has access to Cost 350 gp
at least 2 ounces of dead man’s brain, the gold piece cost
of creating the magic item is reduced by 10%. Scatterbrain (poison)
In addition, dead man’s brain is a required component This poison is created from powdered dead man’s brain.
in the creation of the following unique items. The victim’s mind is filled with chaotic, random thoughts.
Mental Chaff Effects
Aura faint abjuration; CL 6th Type ingested; save Fort DC 15; onset 1 minute; frequency
Slot none; Price 900 gp; Weight -- 1/round for 6 rounds; effect confused 2d4 minutes; cure 2
This is a pouch of powdered dead man’s brain mixed saves. Price: 1000 gp.
with alchemical substances and prepared with various
enchantments. When it is thrown into an area, it creates Advanced Versions
a zone of mental disruption with a 20-foot radius. This
mental cacophony is weaker than that of the living coral, Dead man’s brains advance by hit dice and size. Legends
but still strong enough to have an adverse effect on anyone speak of rare specimens that gain increased powers, such
requiring clear concentration. For the next five minutes, if individuals advance as psions (if that class is available) or
anyone makes a Concentration check within the area of sorcerers.

36 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

Deadwood Tree DEADWOOD TREE CR 12 • XP 19,200

NE Huge undead
Init -1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision;
Perception +5
T his creature looks like an animated dead tree.
Its dark and angular branches bear no leaves, and its DEFENSE

limbs are knotted and twisted into a sinister shape. A AC 21, touch 7, flat-footed 22 (-1 Dex, +14 natural, -2 size)
malevolent face stares out of the upper part of its trunk. hp 127 (17d8+51)
Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +13
Defensive Abilities channel resistance +4, deadwood;
Deadwood trees are hateful, unliving monstrosities DR 10/slashing and magic; Immune cold, electricity,
polymorph, and mind-affecting effects, undead traits
created in the fall of Valossa that seek to destroy all life
Vulnerability fire
that they encounter.

Tactics Speed 30 ft.

Melee 2 slams +23 (2d6+10/19-20 plus touch of corruption)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Deadwood trees hate all living things. They revel in
Special Attacks touch of corruption, trample (2d6+15, DC 28)
slaughtering the creatures of the woods and transforming Spell-Like Abilities (CL 15; concentration +18)
both beasts and men into zombies. While driven by hatred, At will—cause fear (DC 14), detect animals or plants,
a deadwood tree is an intelligent and careful strategist. diminish plants, entangle (DC 14)
It makes full use of its zombies as cannon fodder, often 5/day—blight (DC 17), command undead (DC 15), fear
(DC 17)
using the weaker undead to form a wall of flesh over
1/day—antilife shell, antiplant shell, mass inflict light
which it can strike at its enemies. Using blight and the wounds (DC 18).
touch of corruption, it can recover from a great deal of
damage. Fire poses the greatest threat to a deadwood, and
Str 30, Dex 8, Con --, Int 18, Wis 17, Cha 16
if at any point an enemy readies to inflict fire damage,
Base Atk +12; CMB +24 (+26 bull rush, grapple, and
the deadwood turns its full attention to destroying that sunder); CMD 31 (33 versus bull rush, grapple, and sunder)
particular foe. Feats Awesome Blow, Improved Bull Rush, Improved
Critical (slam), Improved Grapple, Improved Sunder,
Power Attack, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (cause fear),
Encounters Weapon Focus (slam)
Skills Intimidate +23, Knowledge (arcana) +24, Knowledge
Deadwood trees are solitary entities that patrol their island (nature) +21, Knowledge (religion) +24, Perception +23,
Sense Motive +23, Stealth +11 (+19 in forests), Survival +20;
homes, seeking to purge all vestiges of life from them. Racial Modifiers +8 Stealth in forests
Occasionally they pick a position that allows them to Languages Common, Sylvan, three more languages
observe the maximum range of their territory and simply SPECIAL ABILITIES
wait for new victims. They frequently are accompanied Deadwood (Su): A deadwood tree is a bizarre blending
by packs of shambling zombies, previous victims of their of undead, plant, and fey, and has qualities of each
touch of corruption. species. Most notably, it is unaffected by control plant,
command plant, or antiplant shell. A blight spell will
actually heal the deadwood tree for half the amount of
Ecology damage that would normally be inflicted. The deadwood
can use its own blight ability to heal itself. However,
plant growth will inflict 1d6 points of damage for every
Centuries ago, the islands known today as the Serpent’s two caster levels (Will save half).
Teeth were part of the great continent of Valossa. A Touch of Corruption (Su): Living creatures struck by
a deadwood tree’s slam attack gain one negative level
mighty Valossan Empire of serpent folk ruled the land, (DC 20). The save is Charisma-based. For each negative
but it fell when certain of the serpent people turned to level bestowed the deadwood tree gains 5 temporary hit
the worship of a chaotic evil entity known only as the points. Plants suffer an additional 1d6 damage from the
slam attack. Living creatures killed by a deadwood tree
Unspeakable One. A great cataclysm shattered Valossa, will rise in 1d6 rounds as zombies. At any given moment,
leaving only a few scattered islands behind. Nearly every a deadwood tree can support a number of zombies
whose combined Hit Dice is equal to or less than twice
living thing died—many of them in horrible ways as that of the tree. A deadwood tree can telepathically
the essence of the Unspeakable One shot through their communicate with the zombies it has created; this
beings, warping them into insane forms. communication has a maximum range of 1,000 feet.

The Freeport Bestiary 37

Creatures of Freeport

Deadwood Tree Lore

DC Result
This shambling tree is no benevolent treant, but instead an undead mockery of life known as a
22 deadwood tree. Instead of protecting nature, it seeks the destruction of all life. This result reveals all
undead traits.
Deadwood trees possess numerous spell-like abilities and an unnatural ability to steal the life-force from
victims and reanimate the bodies of the slain as undead minions. This result reveals touch of corruption.
Additionally, the character is prepared for the terrors that the deadwood tree can conjure up, and
27 receives a +2 bonus to his saving throw against the cause fear and fear abilities of the tree. If he has the
ability to turn undead, he receives a +2 bonus to the DC of his turn check against the deadwood tree.
With an additional DC 20 Knowledge (arcana) or Knowledge (religion) check, the character can use
deadwood to enhance the power of either arcane or divine spells, as discussed in the following section.
A bizarre intermingling of undead, plant, and fey natures grants deadwood trees a number of
immunities and vulnerabilities not common to undead. This result reveals deadwood. Additionally, they
gain knowledge of a certain combination of roots and herbs that can help someone recover from the
32 effects of the deadwood tree’s corrupting touch. If the character makes a DC 20 Survival check, is in
a warm or temperate forest, and is willing to take half an hour to search for supplies, he receives a +3
bonus when making his save to recover negative levels lost to a deadwood. The character can harvest
enough supplies to assist 1d6 people, but the mixture only retains its potency for 1 hour.

Before the fall of the serpent

people, the great trees of Valossa’s
jungles were inhabited by spirit
lizards (see page 136). When the
cataclysm struck, the trees were
killed along with most other
living things. However, a few
spirit lizards were trapped inside
their dead and dying trees, and
fused with them by the warping
influence of the Unspeakable
One. These became the
first of the deadwood trees.
Driven by an insane, jealous
hatred of living things, they
attack without warning and
fight until their victims are
Characters with ranks in
Knowledge (religion) and
other skills can learn more
about deadwood trees with
successful skill checks.

A deadwood tree appears at first
glance much like a treant, but closer
examination reveals the creature’s undead
nature through its leafless branches,
darkened, knotted bark, and evil, twisted

38 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

Hazaael Boneroot
Hazarel Boneroot was so unrelenting in its destruction of the living that it attracted the attention of a
fiendish deity. Hazarel made a pact with this sinister entity, gaining greater power in exchange for devotion
and the continual sacrifice of the living. Hazarel looks like an enormous old dead tree with a gnarled trunk and
twisted branches. Just below its face, the symbol of its god is burned into its trunk, as if by a branding iron. Its
bark is dark gray, with various scrapes and scars showing up in shades of brown.

Str 38, Dex 10, Con --, Int 18, Wis 20, Cha 16
NE Gargantuan undead Base Atk +18; CMB +34 (+38 bull rush, grapple, and
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; sunder); CMD 46 (48 versus bull rush, grapple, and sunder)
Perception +31 Feats Awesome Blow, Cleave, Improved Bull Rush,
Improved Critical (slam), Improved Grapple, Improved
DEFENSE Sunder, Greater Bull Rush, Greater Grapple, Greater
AC 25, touch 7, flat-footed 25 (+1 insight, +18 natural, -4 Sunder, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack, Quicken
size) Spell-Like Ability (cause fear), Weapon Focus (slam)
hp 187 (25d8+75) Skills Intimidate +31, Knowledge (arcana) +32,
Fort +11, Ref +10, Will +19 Knowledge (nature) +29, Knowledge (religion) +32,
Perception +31, Sense Motive +31, Stealth +17 (+25 in
Defensive Abilities channel resistance +4, deadwood; forests), Survival +28; Racial Modifiers +8 Stealth in
DR 15/slashing and magic; Immune cold, electricity, forests
polymorph, and mind-affecting effects, undead traits
Languages Abyssal, Common, Infernal, Sylvan, one more
Vulnerability fire language
OFFENSE Combat Gear pale lavender ioun stone, pearly white ioun
stone, dusty rose ioun stone.
Speed 50 ft.
Melee 2 slams +34 (3d6+14/19-20 plus touch of SPECIAL ABILITIES
corruption) Deadwood (Su): A deadwood tree is a bizarre blending
Space 20 ft.; Reach 20 ft. of undead, plant, and fey, and has qualities of each
Special Attacks touch of corruption, trample (3d6+21, species. Most notably, it is unaffected by control plant,
DC 37) command plant, or antiplant shell. A blight spell will
actually heal the deadwood tree for half the amount
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 18; concentration +23)
of damage that would normally be inflicted. The
At will—bane (DC 16), cause fear (DC 16), detect animals deadwood can use its own blight ability to heal itself.
or plants, diminish plants, doom (DC 16), entangle (DC However, plant growth will inflict 1d6 points of damage
18), protection from good for every two caster levels (Will save half).
5/day—blight (DC 19), command undead (DC 17), fear Touch of Corruption (Su): Living creatures struck
(DC 19) by a deadwood tree’s slam attack gain one negative
3/day—death knell (DC 18), desecrate, hold person (DC level (DC 26). The save is Charisma-based. For each
18), obscuring mist, resist energy (fire) negative level bestowed the deadwood tree gains 5
1/day—antilife shell, antiplant shell, mass inflict light temporary hit points. Plants suffer an additional 1d6
wounds (DC 18). damage from the slam attack. Living creatures killed
by a deadwood tree will rise in 1d6 rounds as zombies.
At any given moment, a deadwood tree can support a
number of zombies whose combined Hit Dice is equal
visage. A deadwood tree typically stands about 25 feet tall to or less than twice that of the tree. A deadwood tree
can telepathically communicate with the zombies it has
and weighs about 5200 pounds. created; this communication has a maximum range of
1,000 feet.
Society and Culture
Owing to the apocalyptic nature of the disastrous Treasure
calamity that created them, the widely separated
islands that they inhabit, and their own hateful nature, Deadwood trees do not normally collect treasure, but they
deadwood trees are solitary in nature. They have no are not averse to making use of those magical items that
interest in cooperation or community, either with their are suited to their forms and natures which they come
own kind or any other. across.

The Freeport Bestiary 39

Creatures of Freeport

Living Trees in Bloodsalt! Locals Advised to Carry Torches After Dark


a character to extract one ounce of sap from a slain

Spell Components deadwood tree. When used in the creation of a potion of
Spell Effect ghoul touch, one ounce of the sap increases the duration of
Deadwood Shard the potion’s effect to 1d10+5 rounds; however, the victim
Increase caster level by 4 does not exude a carrion stench. A wand of ghoul touch
Animate dead
(zombies only) made from a deadwood twig has the same effects.
Antilife shell Increase caster level by 2
Antiplant shell Increase caster level by 2 Deadwood Bark
Blight Increase save DC by 1
Deadwood bark can be simmered in water for seven days
Cause Fear Increase save DC by 1
to make a magical ink with a successful DC 25 Alchemy
Diminish Increase caster level by 2 (stunt
plants growth only) check; a typical deadwood tree can yield 75 pounds of
Energy Drain Increase save DC by 2 bark when slain, and 10 pounds of bark yields enough ink
Enervation Increase caster level by 2
to inscribe one spell on a scroll. Using this ink reduces
Entangle Increase save DC by 1
the gold piece cost to scribe the scroll by 50%; however,
it may only be used to scribe spells from the following
Fear Increase save DC by 1
schools and domains: Necromancy, Chaos, Death, and
Scare Increase save DC by 1
Evil. Because of its evil nature, deadwood bark is not
Shillelagh Enhancement bonus increased to +2
traded openly but can fetch as much as 50 gp per pound
on the black market.
Deadwood Slaying Arrow
The becromantic energies that animate deadwoods lingers
on for years after its destrution, and can be accessed. If a slaying arrow is crafted with a deadwood shaft, the
enhancement bonus is increased to +2. The DC to avoid
Spell Components the death effect is 25 for a normal slaying arrow and 30
for a greater slaying arrow. Such an arrow can only be
A spellcaster who understands how to tap into the power crafted to slay fey, humanoids (all sub-types), or animals.
of deadwood can increase the power of certain spells This increases the cost of the arrow by 50%.
by using a piece of deadwood as an additional material
component. The spells and the associated effects are listed Deadwood Weapons
on the table at right. A piece of deadwood may be enchanted to become
With the exception of shillelagh—which requires a chaotic or unholy without requiring the creator to know
deadwood club—the deadwood shard is destroyed when chaos hammer or unholy blight; all other requirements are
the spell is cast. unchanged. Depending on its size, the weapon counts as
a club or a greatclub. A suitable sized piece of deadwood,
Magic Items when used as the shaft of a cursed backbiter spear, removes
the need for the weapon’s creator to know bestow curse;
The following magic items are associated with the parts the malevolence of the tree lasts beyond its death, and
of a deadwood tree. substitutes perfectly for the spell.
Dead Tree’s Blood
Advanced Versions
The sap of a deadwood is hard to find, because their
wood is dry and brittle. A DC 25 Alchemy check allows Deadwood trees advance by hit dice.

40 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

Deer Woman
A feral looking woman with deeply tanned skin
runs out in front of you. It takes you a moment
to grasp that her legs are long, covered in pale
brown fur, and end in dark hooves.

Deer women are a fierce all-female breed of fay that dwell

in wild forests.

Deer women use hit-and-run tactics, relying on their
natural speed and agility to separate a target from its
allies, or lead a group deep in the dangerous parts of a
forest. They use their shapeshifting abilities to mislead,
appearing harmless, or as prey until it’s too late. It is not
unknown for a hunting party to chase a deer right to
the entrance of a green dragon’s cave, only to see a long-
limbed woman slip away laughing as the enraged dragon
emerges to devastate the area.

Deer women may be found as solitary forest guardians,
watching to ensure their lands are unharmed, or as part of a
watchful band of fey. Rarely they may act as guides for causes
they find noble, and demanding magic items as their pay.

Ecology Deer Woman Lore

DC Result
Deer women must use human, or half-elven males to Deer women are an all-female race of forest
breed, nearly always using deception to do so. They show 11
dwelling fey. This result reveals all fey traits.
no mercy to fathers that attempt to follow them into the Deer women are natural shapeshifters, capable
forest, leaving their trampled corpses at the edge of the of becoming human women, or a deer.
woodlands as a warning. They are vegetarians, taking only Deer women require human or half-elven men to
what is needed to survive. 21 breed, and slip away with their children into the
deepest parts of the forest after they are born.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can learn
more about deer women with successful skill checks.
Society and Culture
Physical Characteristics
Deer women are both curious of, and hostile toward,
Deer women are always tall and long-limbed, with tawny male humanoids, seeing them as despoilers of the natural
fur covering their limbs and black hooves. Their natural world, yet needing them to propagate their species. They
faces always have short muzzles, although only about are neutral to female humanoids, unless they witness
half are furred. Rumors tell of more powerful species of them damaging the natural world; they then react with
deer women in the far north that are partly elk, and much the rage of a betrayed sister. Regardless if they live alone
more warlike. or in a herd, deer women are nomadic by nature, rarely

The Freeport Bestiary 41

Creatures of Freeport

staying in a single area for more than a few months. They

may linger in a fey enclave, or human village for a time, Devil Lizard
but always return to the wild.

Treasure T his creature is a bipedal lizard about two feet tall,

with taloned feet and dark, staring eyes. A row of
Deer women have little use for coins and gems, and spines rises from the top of its head. Its mottled, warty
discard or trade them. They value fine weapons, especially skin is dark gray with blotches of black, dark brown,
spears, bows, and warclubs. and dark green. It hisses in a threatening manner.

Advanced Versions The devil lizard is part of the tragic story that surrounds
the spirit lizard (pages 136) and the deadwood tree (pages
Some few deer women take levels of ranger or druid, 37). As mentioned previously, the deadwood trees were
becoming true guardians of their lands and people. They created during the great cataclysm that destroyed Valossa;
are the most likely to negotiate with outsiders, and also the many spirit lizards were fused to their home trees by the
most likely to lead a surprise attack on an encampment. dark power that washed over the remains of the continent,
becoming the first of the terrible deadwood trees. Some of
DEER WOMAN CR 1 • XP 400 these reptilian fey were apart from their home trees when
the cataclysm struck and escaped this awful fate; however,
N Medium Fey (shapeshifter) they too were warped by the essence of the Unspeakable
Init +5; Senses low-light vision; Perception +7 One and turned from spirit lizards into devil lizards.
AC 18, touch 16, flat-footed 12 (+5 Dex, +1 Dodge, +2 natural) Tactics
hp 16 (3d6+6)
Fort +3, Ref +8, Will +4 A devil lizard despises humanoids and usually attack any
OFFENSE humanoid creatures that invade its territory. A ranger
Speed 50 ft. or druid may be able to negotiate with the creature,
Melee spear +3 (1d8+2), and hoof -1 (1d4+2), or hoof +4 especially if the party has destroyed deadwood trees in
the past. In battle a devil lizard uses entangle and wall of
Ranged longbow +6 (1d8/x3)
thorns to hinder its enemies, then activates its frenzy and
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 3, Concentration +5)
At will- pass without trace
charges into the fray. A devil lizard usually concentrates
its attacks on arcane spellcasters, but it always begins by
fighting those who have escaped the effects of entangle. If
Str 15, Dex 20, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 15
it is clearly outmatched, a devil lizard uses animate plants
Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 18
to supplement its power, but it prefers to use this as a last
Feats Dodge (B), Run, Weapon Focus (hoof)
Skills Acrobatics +16, Bluff +8, Climb +8, Knowledge
(nature) +6, Perception +7, Stealth +11; +5 racial bonus to
Languages Common, Sylvan
SQ shapeshifting (alter self, beast shape I)
Devil lizards are solitary entities, only cooperating with
others who are devoted to hunting down and destroying
Environment woodlands deadwood trees. But they abandon such companions if
Organization solitary, pair, or herd (3-15)
they relent in their mission, even for a moment.
Treasure standard (longbow, spear, other treasure)
Shapeshifting (Su): A deer woman’s natural form is that of
a young woman with the legs of a deer, and a slight deer-
like cast to her features. Once per day per form she can Devil lizards tend to avoid contact with animals, fearing
become a young human woman, an old human woman, or that they sense their condition. They have none of
a deer. These transformations last until the deer woman
changes form, is killed, or knocked unconscious. the animal-related abilities of spirit lizards, but have
developed a much greater control over plants than spirit

42 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

Draining Death (Su) When a devil lizard uses its undeath
N Small fey to death power, it takes 10 points of damage; no saving
throw applies.
Init +5; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +16
Frenzy (Ex) A devil lizard can throw itself into a wild frenzy
DEFENSE in combat. While in this state, a devil lizard cannot use its
spell-like abilities or any skills except for Acrobatics, Climb,
AC 21, touch 16, flat-footed 16 (+5 Dex, +5 natural, +1 size)
and Perception. It further takes a -3 penalty to Armor Class.
hp 84 (13d6+39); regeneration 2 (cold iron) However, it receives a +4 bonus to Strength, +4 bonus to
Fort +7, Ref +13, Will +10 Constitution, +2 bonus to Will saves, Damage reduction
DR 10/cold iron; SR 20 2/—, and one additional claw attack each round. Frenzy
lasts for a number of rounds equal to 5 + the lizard’s
OFFENSE Constitution modifier, after which it becomes fatigued. A
devil lizard can enter a frenzy twice per day.
Speed 50 ft., climb 30 ft.
Nature’s Passage (Ex): A devil lizard can move through any
Melee bite +11 (1d4+1 plus poison) and 2 claws +9 (1d6+1
sort of undergrowth at normal speed and without suffering
plus essence disruption)
damage or any impairment. This includes both natural
Special Attacks essence disruption, frenzy, poison undergrowth and areas under the effects of spells such as
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 12; concentration +13) entangle or wall of thorns. In addition, a devil lizard leaves
At will—cause fear (DC 14), detect animals or plants, no trail while in natural surroundings and cannot be tracked.
entangle (DC 14), hide from animals, speak with plants Poison (Ex): injury; save Fort DC 18; frequency 1/round
3/day—blight (DC 16), control plant (DC 20), diminish for 4 rounds; effect 1d6 Con and confused 2d4 rounds;
plants, dominate animal (DC 15), fear (DC 15), halt cure 2 saves. The save DC is Constitution-based.
undead DC 14), wall of thorns
1/week—animate plants, undeath to death (DC 18).
Str 12, Dex 21, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 8
Base Atk +6; CMB +11 (+13 trip); CMD 28 (30 versus trip)
Feats Agile Maneuvers, Combat Expertise, Defensive
Combat Training, Improved Trip, Improved Natural
Attack (claw), Multiattack, Weapon Finesse
Skills Acrobatics +20, Climb +26, Escape Artist +18,
Handle Animal +11, Linguistics + 3, Knowledge (nature)
+14, Perception +16, Stealth +23, Survival +16; Racial
Modifiers +4 Climb, +4 Stealth, +4 Survival
Languages Common, Draconic, Sylvan, and Valossan
SQ draining death, nature’s passage
Essence Disruption (Su) The touch of the devil lizard
still carries the dark taint of the Unspeakable One. Any
creature struck by a devil lizard’s claw attack must make
a DC 18 Will save or suffer an additional 1d4 points of
damage and 1 point of Dexterity damage. The
ability damage will affect undead creatures,
despite their normal immunities. The save DC is

lizards possess. Forest areas inhabited by devil

lizards are much less full of animal life than
those that are home to spirit lizards, but have much
thicker vegetation; however, this vegetation is often
thorny and tangled rather than lush and green,
reflecting the devil lizards’ darker nature. Their
territories are frequented by shambling mounds and
other monstrous plants. At the heart of the
territory there is always a small clearing
around a dead tree, which is twisted and
blackened as if by some terrible fire. This is all that

The Freeport Bestiary 43

Creatures of Freeport

remains of the devil lizard’s home tree; although it is dead, about their present condition. They are particularly
the lizard is still bound to it, and forced to live with this inimical to spellcasters. All devil lizards hate deadwood
constant reminder of its fate. They have lived so since the trees and will do anything to destroy them. They do so in
fall of Valossa. the full knowledge that they are destroying creatures that
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can learn were once their relatives. The tragic irony of this situation
more about devil lizards with successful skill checks. has sent many devil lizards almost out of their minds with
grief, making them careless of whether they live or die—
Devil Lizard Lore this is the reason behind the fury of their attacks. They are
jealous of those spirit lizards who survived the cataclysm
DC Result
unchanged, and generally avoid them out of shame. They
Devil lizards are strange and misunderstood will not attack spirit lizards, or take any action against
creatures, and the character has heard one
or more of the false rumors about these them. They grudgingly accept other fey.
spirits. Possible rumors include: Devil lizards
and spirit lizards are natural opposites, and
always fight to the death; devil lizards are
spirit lizards that have turned to evil and
the worship of dark forces; devil lizards are Normally unconcerned with the accumulation of treasure,
actually devils, and can only be harmed with
blessed weapons; devil lizards are undead
devil lizards do collect small items that remind them
creatures; or anything else that comes to of the lost days of Valossa. Advanced devil lizards that
mind. At this level of knowledge, a character encounter items useful against undead retain them for use
receives a -2 to any Diplomacy check when against their hated foes.
dealing with a devil lizard.
This check provides the character with access
to accurate basic facts about the devil lizard— Uses
18 its fey nature, ability to blight plants and
control animals, and its deadly combat abilities.
This result reveals all fey traits.
Devil lizards generally distrust all non-fey intelligent
life. As intelligent fey, they cannot be tamed or taken as
The character knows more about the history
of the spirit lizards and the cataclysm that animal companions.
shattered their race. The character is aware
of the relationship between spirit lizards, Blood of the Blight
deadwood trees, and devil lizards, and knows
23 about the enmity that the devil lizards have A druid or other natural mystic who acquires the tainted
towards deadwood trees. If he possesses Wild
Empathy, he can make a Wild Empathy check blood of a devil lizard can use it to create a vile fluid that
in place of a Diplomacy check when dealing draws the life from any area it touches. Blood of the blight
with a devil lizard, and receives a +5 bonus on is a grenade-like weapon. If it strikes a plant creature, it
his roll.
inflicts 10d6 points of damage (5d6 points with a DC
The character knows how to prepare blood 14 Fortitude save). In addition, it has the stunt growth
28 of the blight (see Uses) from the corpse of a
fallen devil lizard. effect of diminish plants on all vegetation within an 800-
foot radius. In order to create a dose of the blood of the
Physical Characteristics blight, a character must possess the knowledge described
previously, the ability to cast 2nd-level druid or ranger
A devil lizard has a bipedal reptilian humanoid form, with spells, the Brew Potion feat, and the corpse of a devil
a tail, clawed hands, and a row of spines running from the lizard (either freshly killed or preserved with gentle repose).
top of its head down its back to the tip of its tail. A devil Construction
lizard stands about three feet tall and weighs on average
just under 38 pounds. Moderate necromancy; CL 10th; Price 1,200 gp.

Society and Culture Advanced Versions

Devil lizards are normally solitary, living in dark and Devil lizards advance by character class, typically
blighted forest areas. Most are hostile toward any becoming rangers and druids. As rangers, they invariable
humanoid intruders, whom they blame not only for take undead as their first favored enemy, and continue to
hunting and logging but also for the disaster that brought maximize their bonus versus them as they progress.

44 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

weapons on them. They demand a hefty share of whatever

Dragon, Sail treasure’s gained in the pirate raids.

T his dragon has long scales in shades of blue, green,

and brown. Its head is almost beak-like, and a large Sail dragons are believed to have been somehow
sack of skin hangs beneath its throat. Its wings are angled influenced or created by humanoid ship-going cultures.
up, and the massive membranes catch the wind. Their bodies can be mistaken for massive dragon-shaped
vessels in poor light, until the creature actually moves.
Sail dragons may be found on any large body of water, Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can learn
hunting fish and sailors equally. more about sail dragons with successful skill checks.

Tactics Sail Dragon Lore

DC Result
Sail dragons like to attack under the cover of fog, mundane
or magical. They swallow weak foes into their pouch to Sail dragons dwell near coastlines, in large
CR +10 lakes, or in wide river systems. This result
hold for ransom, or as hostages. As they get stronger, they reveals all dragon traits.
use their sticky breath to cause fatal damage to ships,
Large sail dragons breathe acid that sticks
picking survivors out of the water. CR +15 to the sides of ships, eating holes that
cause the vessels to sink.
Encounters The oldest of sail dragons cast spells
focusing on acid and weather, and can
CR +20
send even warships to the bottom with a
Sail dragons sometimes act as living vessels for pirates, thought.
allowing them to ride on their backs, or even mount heavy

The Freeport Bestiary 45

Creatures of Freeport

SAIL DRAGON Sail Dragon Ages

N dragon (water) Age Special Caster
Category Abilities Level
Wyrmling Immune to acid, sail, water breathing -
CR 3; Size Small; Hit Dice 4d12
Speed 30 ft., fly 100 ft. (average), swim 30 ft. Very young Pouch -
Natural Armor +3; Breath Weapon line, 2d6 acid Young Sonar -
Str 12, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 9 Juvenile Control winds 1
ECOLOGY Young adult DR 5/magic, spell resistance 3
Environment any aquatic Adult Frightful presence 5
Organization solitary Mature adult DR 10/magic, water tentacles 7
Treasure triple Old Call lightning, sea sight 9
SPECIAL ABILITIES Very old Dr 15/magic 11
Breath Weapon (Su): Sail dragons have a single breath Ancient Repel wood, sticky breath 13
weapon, a line of thick acid. Wyrm DR 20/magic 15
Pouch (Ex): A very young or older sail dragon has a large
extendable pouch running along its throat that can be used Great wyrm Watery grave 17
to store creatures or items. A Large sail dragon can hold
one Medium creature, 2 Small creatures, 4 Tiny creatures, 8
Diminutive creatures, or 16 Fine creatures. The sail dragon YOUNG SAIL DRAGON CR 7 • XP 3,200
can fill the pouch with water as a free action, or swallow
a creature in its pouch as a free action. The pouch has the N Medium dragon (water)
same AC and hp as per the dragon’s swallow whole ability, Int +5; Senses dragon senses; Perception +7
save that no damage is dealt to targets within the pouch.
Sail (Ex): A sail dragon can use its sail-like wings to DEFENSE
catch the winds, to up their Swim speed as if they were AC 20; touch 11, flat-footed 19, (+1 Dex, +9 natural)
a ship of the appropriate size, as per air current rules in
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Combat. hp 84 (8d12+32)
Water Breathing (Ex): A sail dragon breaths water as Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +7
easily as it does air. Immune acid, paralysis, sleep
Sea Sight (Su): An old or older sail dragon can see
through the eyes of either the fish or seabirds within
one mile as a full round action. The dragon can maintain Speed 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (clumsy), swim 60 ft.
this ability for as long as it concentrates. Melee bite +14 (1d8+5 plus grab), 2 claws +13 (1d6+5)
Spell-like Abilities (Sp): A sail dragon gains the Special Attacks breath weapon (60 ft. line, DC 20, 5d6
following spell-like abilities, usable at will upon reaching acid), swallow whole (2d6 acid damage, AC 14, 8 hp)
the listed age category. Juvenile-control winds, old-call
lightning, ancient-repel wood. STATISTICS
Sonar (Su): A young or older sail dragon can take a full Str 20, Dex 13, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 11
round action to release a pulse of sonar into the water
Base Atk +8, CMB +13, CMD 24
around it, granting it blindsight in a 200 foot radius
around it for that round. The sonar only “sees” targets Feats Ability Focus (breath weapon), Improved Initiative,
in or on the water. Power Attack, Weapon Focus (bite)
Sticky Breath (Ex): The breath weapon of an ancient or Skills Appraise +6, Bluff +6, Fly -2, Intimidate +6, Knowledge
older sail dragon becomes a sticky mass on whatever (geography, nature) +6, Perception +7, Sense Motive +7,
it hits, dealing 6d6 acid damage to the targets struck Stealth +7, Survival +7, Swim +19, Use Magic Device +6
each round for three rounds. A successful Fortitude Languages Draconic
save halves the damage dealt. SQ sail, sonar, water breathing
Water Tentacles (Sp): A mature adult or older sail dragon
can create tentacles out of the water around it, grappling
only creatures or objects of Large or larger size.
Watery Grave (Su): A great wyrm sail dragon can cause
water to part in a column of up to 200 feet of squares, Physical Characteristics
essentially creating a pit in the water that targets may
fall into. The dragon has control over the size and depth,
within the 200 foot parameter; the void may be 100
The scales of a sail dragon have a vague resemblance to
feet/20 squares in diameter and 100 feet/20 squares planks, adding to the creature’s ship-like appearance. A
deep, 5 feet/1 square in diameter and 199 feet/40 squares sail dragon’s wing joints rotate so that they can catch the
deep, or any combination in between. Targets that fall
into the “hole” take falling damage, as well as half the wind, and make them very clumsy fliers. No sail dragon
falling damage in bludgeoning damage at the start of the flies unless it has to, and for as short a distance as possible.
next round as the water rushes back into the void.
Their tails are flat and rudder-like.

46 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport


N Large dragon (water) N Huge dragon (water)

Int +4; Senses dragon senses; Perception +16 Int +3; Senses dragon senses; Perception +21
Aura frightful presence (180 ft., DC 23) Aura frightful presence (300 ft., DC 25)
AC 27; touch 9 flat-footed 27 (+18 natural -1 size) AC 37; touch 7, flat-footed 37; (-1 Dex, +30 natural, -2 size)
hp 175 (14d12+84) hp 319 (22d12+176)
Fort +17, Ref +12, Will +12 Fort +23, Ref +14, Will +18
DR 5/magic; Immune acid, paralysis, sleep; SR 22 DR 15/magic; Immune acid, paralysis, sleep; SR 27
Speed 50 ft., fly 100 ft. (clumsy), swim 80 ft. Speed 50 ft., fly 100 ft. (clumsy), swim 100 ft.
Melee bite +21 (2d6+8 plus grab), 2 claws +21 (1d8+8), Melee bite +34 (2d8+12 plus grab), 2 claws +32 (2d6+12),
tail slap +16 (1d8+4) tail slap +27 (2d6+6)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with bite) Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft. (15 ft. with bite)
Special Attacks breath weapon (80 ft. line, DC 25 12d6 Special Attacks breath weapon (100 ft. line, DC 29
acid), swallow whole (4d6 acid damage, AC 19, 17 hp) 20d6 acid), crush (2d8), Sticky breath, swallow whole
Spell-like Abilities (CL 14 concentration +16 ) (8d6 acid damage, AC 25, 31 hp), water tentacles
at will-control winds Spell-like Abilities (CL 22nd, concentration +26)
Spells Known (CL 5th) at will-call lightning (DC 17), control winds, repel wood
2nd (5/day)-invisibility, shatter (DC 14) Spells Known (CL 13th)
1st (7/day)-animate rope, magic missile, obscuring mist, 6th (4/day) -acid fog (DC 21), chain lightning (DC 21)
shield 5th (6/day)-baleful polymorph, cloudkill (DC 20), cone
0 (at will)-dancing lights, detect magic, ghost sounds, of cold (DC 20)
message, read magic, resistance 4th (7/day)-dimension door, lesser globe of
invulnerability, solid fog, stoneskin
3rd (7/day)-dispel magic, fireball (DC 17), protection
Str 26, Dex 11, Con 22, Int 14, Wis 17, Cha 15 from energy, stinking cloud (DC 17)
Base Atk +14, CMB +24, CMD 34 2nd (7/day)-acid arrow, cat’s grace, fog cloud,
Feats Ability Focus (breath weapon), Great Fortitude, invisibility, shatter (DC 16)
Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Lunge, Power 1st (7/day)-animate rope, magic missile, obscuring mist,
Attack, Weapon Focus (bite) shield, true strike
Skills Appraise +14, Bluff +15, Diplomacy +12, Fly +0, Heal 0 (at will)-arcane mark, bleed (DC 14), dancing lights,
+13, Intimidate +12, Knowledge (geography, nature) +15, detect magic, ghost sounds, mage hand, message, read
Perception +16, Sense Motive +13, Spellcraft +15, Stealth magic, resistance
+6, Survival +13, Swim +26, Use Magic Device +13
Languages Common, Draconic
SQ sail, sonar, water breathing Str 34, Dex 9, Con 26, Int 18, Wis 21, Cha 19
Base Atk +22, CMB +36, CMD 45
Feats Ability Focus (breath weapon), Critical Focus,
Great Fortitude, Greater Overrun, Improved Initiative,
Society and Culture Improved Overrun, Improved Sunder, Lightning Reflexes,
Lunge, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (bite)
Skills Appraise +21, Bluff +21, Diplomacy +21, Fly +10,
Sail dragons are not the largest of dragons, nor are they Heal +21, Intimidate +21, Knowledge (geography, nature)
the most intelligent, but they learn quickly, and often take +21, Perception +21, Sense Motive +21, Spellcraft +21,
Stealth +13, Survival +21, Swim +37, Use Magic Device +21
on some of the personality traits of the first few intelligent Languages Aquan, Auran, Common, Draconic
creatures they encounter. Sail dragons can be either good SQ sail, sea sight, sonar, water breathing
or evil, based on this imprinting, making it a dangerous
gamble to encounter an unknown dragon.
Advanced Versions
Sail dragons typically advance by template, although they
Sail dragons generally keep their hordes in the hulls of may rarely gain class levels.
sunken ships, and move them often, loading their pouches
up with treasure for transport.

The Freeport Bestiary 47

Creatures of Freeport

attacks that it does, it instead moves in to use its powerful

Drahc bite and tail. It keeps foes as far away from itself as possible
while engaging in melee, using bull rush and the Pushing
Assault feat to shove targets back if they get too close.
A powerful, winged lizardlike creature the size This forces foes to move through the drahc’s threatened
of a horse crouches on a pair of hind legs with spaces each round, provoking attacks of opportunity from
long talons, its spiked tail lashing restlessly. it. If badly damaged the drahc flees, depending on its fast
healing to fully restore it within a few days. It then stalks
The drahc is a simple dragon, not as powerful or complex its foes, using Stealth to track them while flying in clouds
as the true dragons but more cunning and dangerous or with the sun at its back, waiting for an opportunity to
than a typical magical beast. It’s commonly represented catch one or two foes alone.
in heraldry on the Continent, and may be the namesake
of Captain Drac, the first Sea Lord of Freeport. Encounters
Tactics Drahcs are wide-ranging hunters, and are intelligent
enough to often serve as de facto rulers over small
A single drahc is likely to fight foes from range, using areas of wilderness. They may allow a small settlement
flyby attack to swoop close enough to enemies to exist within their territory in exchange for regular
to use a breath weapon and sacrifices of food and valuables (though not,
then fly away as a single as legend claims, virgins, unless offered
maneuver. If foes managed up as potential food by an evil
to ground a drahc, or prove settlement—in which case
to have more effective ranged a pig or cow would work
just as well). Drahcs aren’t
particularly protective of
the creatures that make
accords with them, but
they are both proud
and territorial. Any
major force that moves
into a drahc’s territory is
seen as a potential threat,
to be subdued if possible,
killed if necessary, and fled from
if all else fails.
Drahcs are not above becoming
brigands and pirates, hunting along
trade routes and major roads for
easy pickings of prey and treasure.
A drahc generally has a secure lair
within a few days of its hunting
grounds, but can move its base of
operations if hunting becomes
slim. Its lair primarily serves as
a secure place to keep valuables,
which drahcs appreciate as
proof of their prowess, and a safe
place to sleep and recuperate when
Mated pairs often operate
in a larger territory with a

48 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

joint lair and watch over one another when sleeping.

DRAHC CR 9 • XP 6,400
Small packs of drahcs sometimes operate in unison,
but in such cases normally each has its own lair kept LN Large dragon
secret from the others. Such drahcs operate in clearly- Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent;
defined areas for weeks at a time, only combining their Perception +17
forces when an opportunity arises for a major raid, or a DEFENSE
significant threat appears too powerful for an individual AC 23, touch 13, flat-footed 19 (+4 Dex, +10 natural, -1 size)
drahc to handle alone. hp 115 (10d12+50); fast healing (1/hour)
Fort +12, Ref +11, Will +11
Ecology DR 5/magic and piercing; Immune fire, paralysis, sleep;
dragon traits; SR 14
Drahcs are capable of functioning as alpha predators, but
are also adept at scavenging if a more powerful creature Speed 60 ft., fly 90 ft. (average)
Melee bite +15 (2d6+9), 2 wingtip claws +15 (1d4+6), tail
lives nearby. They eat extensively, and prefer fresh meat, spike +15 (1d8+6)
though they can survive on carrion, and even raw trees Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. (15 ft. with tail)
and bushes. Drahcs are naturally daylight hunters, though Special Attacks breath weapon (30-ft. cone or 60-ft.-
individuals may prefer operating at night. line, 9d6 fire damage, Reflex DC 20 half, usable every
1d4 rounds), powerful bite, tail lash
Each drahc lives 100-200 years, often moving
territories every few decades having eaten through the STATISTICS
easy hunting. Most drahc couples mate for life, though Str 23, Dex 18, Con 21, Int 10, Wis 18, Cha 17
exceptions exist. A drahc couple produces a clutch Base Atk +10; CMB +17 (+19 bull rush, sunder, trip); CMD
31 (33 bull rush, sunder, trip)
of 3-8 eggs once every decade or so, and the eggs are
Feats Combat ReflexesB, Flyby Attack, Improved Bull
generally kept in a nest of valuable objects (especially Rush, Improved TripB, Improved Sunder, Power Attack,
magic ones, if available), in the belief this increases the Pushing AssaultAPG
offspring’s potential power. Once laid, drahc eggs don’t Skills Bluff +16, Fly +19, Intimidate +16, Perception +17,
Stealth +13, Survival +14
hatch for an apparently random interval of 3-30 months.
Languages Common, Draconic
Drahc parents sometimes extend their range of raiding
in hopes of finding magic objects powerful enough to ECOLOGY
encourage hatching. Environment any land
A newborn drahc is dependent on its parents to bring Organization solitary, pair, or pack (4-9)
home wounded prey for it to kill and consume for the first Treasure double
3-6 months, by which time it is the size of a large dog SPECIAL ABILITIES
and can talk and fly on its own. Most remain near their Powerful Bite (Ex): The teeth and jaws of a drahc are
parents for a few decades, extending the family’s hunting much more powerful than for most creatures its size. It
treats its bite as a two-handed weapon when determining
grounds, until eventually flying off to establish their own bonus damage from Strength and feats (making its bite
territories. with Power Attack +12, 2d6+18) and when determining if
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcane) can learn it can use a feat (such as Pushing Assault)
Tail Lash (Ex): The long, spiked tail of a drahc can lash
more about drahc with successful skill checks. out at foes with very little effort on the dragon’s part.
If the drahc does not use its tail for a standard attack
Drahc Lore during a round, it can, as a swift action, use it to make a
bull rush, sunder, or trip maneuver against a foe within
range. It may do this in the middle of another action
DC Result
(such as movement). Additionally, it may use its tail for
This is a minor form of dragon, intelligent but two additional attacks of opportunity each round, as
19 lacking the full powers of greater dragons. long as it uses those attacks for bull rush, sunder, or trip
This result reveals all dragon traits. maneuvers (even if the maneuver couldn’t normally be
used in place of an attack of opportunity).
Drahcs breathe, and are immune to, fire and
24 can easily attack multiple foes with their
unusually long tails.
Drahcs lack the spellcasting and magic Physical Characteristics
powers of greater dragons, but have thick
29 hides that resist weapons other than magic
piercing weapons, and can heal the most Drahcs have the same approximate shape as typical
grievous wounds within a few days. dragons, but lack forearms. Their hides come in a range

The Freeport Bestiary 49

Creatures of Freeport

of colors. Red and brown are the most common, but

green and black are not unknown. The wings of drahcs Drake, Corsair
have nimble clawtips, which they can use to manipulate
objects almost as well as human hands (though not while
flying), and which can easily be used to make attacks even T his human-sized dragon possesses an
when airborne. The tail of a drahc can stretch and extend amused gleam in its eye to match its toothy grin,
further than is initially obvious, and the tip contains a as it sweeps its wings behind it like a cape.
hard spike.
Corsair drakes are small dragons that live lives of piracy.
Society and Culture
Drahcs have little interest in anything other than food,
a secure place to sleep, and objects of obvious value
Corsair drakes live and fight by their wits, ensuring they
they use to affirm their own self-importance. Rarely, a
always have an escape plan, and performing daring deeds
drahc may have enough interaction with a settlement to
for show. They tend to taunt their foes even as they duck
become interested in some specific pursuit—a local ale,
and weave around their blades.
or the songs of a specific bard, or rare spices imported
from far away—but such obsessions are often temporary.
Most drahcs crave little company beyond a vague desire Encounters
to find a mate as they reach the age of 50 or so, and that
is as much a need to have a partner to expand and protect Corsair drakes often act as first mates, or even captains
hunting grounds as it is any desire for companionship. on privateer vessels, selling their services to the highest
Drahcs see their mates and any blood relatives as an bidder, or simply taking what they wish from every ship
extension of their own power, and often react to an they encounter. Once their crews get over the shock of
attack against nearby family as a direct assault on their being led by a dragon, they tend to serve with great loyalty.
own territory.
Corsair drakes are more suited to living with and around
Drahcs appreciate coins, works of art, and valuable raw humanoids, than in the wild. They naturally prefer fish,
materials as proof of their own power and success, but kelps, and pearls for their diet, but enjoy any food, and
this pales compared to their interest in magic items that covet strong drink.
can serve useful functions. Drahcs are aware that greater Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can learn
dragons have magic powers they do not, and enjoy being more about the corsair drakes with successful skill checks.
able to do unexpected things with easily-used magic
items. That said, they lack the eldritch knowledge to use Corsair Drake Lore
wands or scrolls, and find rods and potions awkward to
DC Result
hold. Drahcs with access to magic rings or other worn
Corsair drakes are man-sized dragons that
metallic objects, however, keep such items on them at all 15 often dwell with humanoids. This result
times. reveals all dragon traits.
Corsair drakes are clever combatants, and
Advanced Versions 20
endlessly lucky.
Corsair drakes may be found at the helm of
Drahcs are not true dragons, but they have powerful links pirate ships, leading crews in search of gold.
to eldritch elemental powers. If they survive past the age
of 200, some drahcs take on powerful elemental aspects Physical Characteristics
beyond breathing fire. You may apply the acid creature,
cold creature, electric creature, fire creature, negative Corsair drakes are oddly humanoid in shape, and may
energy charged, or positive energy charged templates walk on two legs for extended periods of time. Their front
from Advanced Bestiary to represent an older, element- limbs are equipped with thumbs, as well as retractable
infused drahc. talons, allowing them to use humanoid weapons and

50 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

Environment warm coasts
CN Medium dragon Organization solitary, pair, crew (3-7)
Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft, low light vision, scent; Treasure double
Perception +9
Breath Weapon (Su): Once every 1d4 rounds a corsair
AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+4 Dex, +4 natural) drake can breathe out a 30 foot line of fire, dealing 4d6
hp 42 (5d12+10) points of fire damage with a DC 14 Reflex save for half
damage, and making a 10 foot square of deep black
Fort +6, Ref +8, Will +7
smoke that persists for 1d4 rounds or until it is blown
Immune paralysis, sleep away by a moderate wind.
OFFENSE Deeds (Ex): A corsair drake possesses the deeds of a
swashbuckler of a level equal to its HD.
Speed 30 ft., fly 40 ft. (average), swim 50 ft.
Dragon’s Luck (Su): A corsair drake may reroll a number
Melee bite +7 (1d6+2), 2 claws +7 (1d4+2), and tail slap of dice each day equal to its Charisma modifier.
+2 (1d6+1 plus trip)
Panache (Ex): A corsair drake possesses a number of
Special Abilities breath weapon, deeds panache points equal to a swashbuckler of a level equal
Sea’s Skills (Ex): A corsair drake always counts Acrobatics,
Str 14, Dex 18, Con 15, Int 17, Wis 16, Cha 19 Escape Artist, and Slight of Hand as class skills.
Base Atk +5; CMB +7; CMD 21
Feats Combat Expertise, Disarming Threat Deed,
Improved Initiative
Skills Acrobatics +13, Appraise +9, Bluff +10, Climb +10,
Diplomacy +8, Escape Artist +10, Fly +10, Intimidate +10,
Knowledge (geography) +10, Perception +9, Sense Motive +9,
Slight of Hand +10, Stealth +10, Swim +8, Use Magic Device +16
Languages Common, Draconic
SQ dragon’s luck, panache, pirate’s skills

equipment. Corsair drake scales can come in nearly any

color; red, black, and blue being the most common.

Society and Culture

Corsair drakes can be both surprisingly kind, and
stunningly cruel. They gravitate to chaotic humanoid
societies, or hand-picked groups of allies.
While a group of these dragons work together
well, it is a rare sight, as they often squabble
over the biggest share of treasure, and competing
to see who possesses the most panache.

Corsair drakes are as greedy as great wyrms, and watch
their treasures with careful eyes. It is generally the only
source of friction between the drakes and their allies.

Advanced Versions
Corsair drakes may advance by templates, although
most prefer to take class levels, typically in
freebooter, gunslinger, rogue, or ranger. A significant
portion take levels in sorcerer as well.

The Freeport Bestiary 51

Creatures of Freeport


NE Tiny undead
Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Perception +5
AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+2 Dex, +2 size)
hp 4 (1d8)
Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +1
Immunities undead immunities
Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft.
Melee bite +4 melee (1d3-4)
Space 2-1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Str 3, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 5
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 6
Feats Weapon Finesse
Skills Acrobatics +10, Climb +10, Perception +5; Racial
Modifiers +8 Acrobatics
Familiar: The master of a monkey fetish familiar gains a
+3 bonus on Acrobatics checks, as well to saves against
mind-affecting effects, death effects, disease, paralysis,
poison, sleep effects, and stunning.

(referred to hereafter as the base creature). This requires

a special ritual that costs 500 gp per level of the
spellcaster that possess the familiar and takes 24 hours.
At the end of this time the performer of the ritual must
make a Spellcraft check with a DC equal to 15 + the
caster level of the spellcaster connected to the familiar.
Wizards specialized in necromancy gain a +4 bonus to
this check. On a failed check the familiar is killed and
Fetish Familiar its associated spellcaster must make a DC 20 Will save
or gain 2d3 insanity points (Freeport: City of Adventure
427). On a successful check the familiar becomes an
T he small monkey figure seems lively and animate, undead (gaining the fetish familiar template) and its
despite its cold, dead eyes and flesh peeling from its sides. associated spellcaster must make a DC 30 Will save or
gain 1d3 insanity points.
A fetish familiar uses all the base creature’s statistics
Fetish familiars are examples of the kind of dread magic
and special abilities except as noted here. If a spellcaster
forbidden by the Necromantic Censure of the Inquisition. with a fetish familiar dies, there is a 1% chance per
Though a dark ritual, a spellcaster’s familiar can be turned caster level the spellcaster becomes an undead with a
into an undead, preserving it from some of the common CR equal to its caster level -2. It may be a ghoul with
annoyances of life (such as the need to eat, sleep, or breathe) class levels, or you may wish to select a dread template
and conveying some aspect of undead resilience to its master. from Advanced Bestiary to add to the spellcaster along
with enough negative levels to reach the appropriate
Creating a fetish familiar CR. If the spellcaster does not become an undead,
the fetish familiar becomes an independent creature,
“Fetish Familiar” is an acquired template that can though some free fetish familiars seek powerful liches
be added to any living familiar or improved familiar to serve.

52 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

• Type: The creature’s type changes to undead, and it their fear auras. They use the bonus gained from flanking
gains all base undead abilities and immunities. Do to make a 2-point Power Attack each round, uncaring of
not recalculate any of the familiar’s stat block (such as whether the attacks hit or not. They do not retreat until
hit points, base attack bonuses, saves, or skill points). their immolating ire ability activates, at which point they
make a fighting retreat until they regain the deck of their
• Alignment: Any evil. If the associated spellcaster is ship, the Winds of Hell.
chaotic or lawful, then so it the fetish familiar. It is Kothar uses similar tactics in combat, but he has the
otherwise neutral evil. added advantage of a stronger fear aura and sneak attack.
• Fetish Familiar: In addition to the normal bonus a If possible, Kothar uses his orb of storms before the battle
fetish familiar gives its associated spellcaster, it also is joined to foil ranged attacks with strong winds and
grants the spellcaster a +3 bonus to saving throws lashing rain.
against mind-affecting effects, death effects, disease,
paralysis, poison, sleep effects, and stunning. Encounters
While certainly other fire spectres exist in the World of
Fire Spectre Freeport, the most famous ones are the crew of the Winds
of Hell. Every man who died on board that flaming ship
arose as an undead horror and the ship’s crew retains
Tongues of flickering flame dance across the animated the same complement of sailors that it did the day they
skeleton, its eyes burning with white-hot fire. awakened. As a result, an encounter with this fiery ship
brings a crew of 30 fire spectres under the command of
Fire spectres are undead creatures that arise when a Captain Kothar himself, an adversary few wish to face.
black-hearted villain is burned alive. Their hatred burns
so strong that the fires transform them into supernatural Ecology
In life, Captain Kothar was a vicious pirate noted for The Winds of Hell haunts the waters of the Serpent’s
his bloodthirsty tactics and wanton cruelty. After he and Teeth. Rarely seen these days, when it appears it does so
his crew attacked and murdered their rivals, claiming at dawn or dusk as a billowing ball of fire on the horizon.
their vessel the Winds of Hell for themselves, they Though the flames burn without end, they never consume
were captured, tried, and executed for their crimes. The the rigging, sails, or wood itself, and simply roil about,
Captains’ Council decreed they should be lashed to the blackening everything they touch. Of course, the flames’
deck of their bloody ship while the vessel burned down inability to harm the Winds does not extend to other
to the waterline. Kothar’s hate ran hotter than the flames ships in proximity, and many a vessel has caught fire from
and he refused to go to the Nine Hells until he got his drifting cinders and the raging fires as they fought back
vengeance. the tide of attackers. To make matters worse, the smoke is
unbearable and when the Winds come alongside its prey,
Tactics black clouds blot out the sun and choke the living as they
fiery blades of undead pirates rain down upon them.
Fire spectres are every bit as cruel and vicious as they were Characters with ranks in Knowledge (history) can
in life. The very first thing a fire spectre does in combat is learn more about the Winds of Hell with successful skill
activate its flaming death ability, at which point it flings checks.
itself at the closest foe, slashing until its opponent drops. Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
In mobs, they team up in groups of two or three against learn more about fire spectres with successful skill
a single opponent at a time, blanketing their foes with checks.

Skull Wreathed in Fire Belonged to Ghost, Says Rider


The Freeport Bestiary 53

Creatures of Freeport

Fire Spectre Lore Winds of Hell Lore

DC Result DC Result
This creature is a fire spectre, an undead The Winds of Hell is a ghost ship that sails
abomination that houses the tortured spirit of the seas around the Serpent’s Teeth. Crewed
a black-hearted villain. This result reveals all 13 by devils conjured up from the bowels of
undead traits. Hell, they prey on any who drift from the sea
Although fire spectres are formidable
opponents in their own right, it is the visions While it is true that the Winds is a ghost ship,
that plague those who face them that weaken it is crewed by the undead remains of the
their resolve to fight and thus give the undead bloodthirsty Captain Kothar and his crew, now
the advantage they need to slaughter their called the Accursed. These horrid creatures
victims. are no ordinary undead; they’re fire spectres,
the burning souls of the damned.
Fire spectres have a tendency to flare up with
23 flames when damaged, manifesting the spirits’ Captain Kothar the Accursed seeks vengeance
hate and rage. and can only attain it by slaughtering each
and every member of the Captains’ Council,
though none of them are to blame for his
execution. Only with their blood will Kothar
relent and descend to the Nine Hells.

Physical Characteristics
Not a strip of flesh remains on the fire spectres’
bodies; the perpetual flames that bathe them
have long since seared hair, skin, and
sinew away. Burning within the sockets
of their skulls are white-hot orbs that
flicker and dance, intensifying when
a victim is near. Fire spectres use the
weapons they carried in life, although
the flames make wielding firearms

Society and Culture

Fire spectres are unnatural creatures,
and in their undead state they
have little use for societal rules.
Most of these creatures are
raging monstrosities, bent on
murder and mayhem and little
else. In the case of the Winds
of Hell, however, the crew is
just as disciplined (and evil)
as they were in life, and they
observe the pecking order on
their ship, with Kothar at the
top. What keeps the fire spectres
going is their hunger for revenge,
their need to murder, and they are
implacable foes always driven to
extend their own fate to others.

54 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport


Male fire spectre corsair 2 Male fire spectre rogue 12

LE Medium undead (augmented humanoid, fire) LE Medium undead (augmented humanoid, fire)
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +6 Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +18
DEFENSE Aura fear (30 ft., DC 19)

AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+4 armor, +2 Dex, +1 DEFENSE

dodge, +1 shield); Dodge AC 21, touch 14, flat-footed 21 (+7 armor, +3 Dex, +1
hp 9 (2d8) dodge); Dodge, improved uncanny dodge, trap sense
Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +1 +4, uncanny dodge
Defensive Abilities channel resistance +2, corsair’s luck hp 102 (12d8+48)
1/day; DR 5/bludgeoning; Immune fire, undead traits; Fort +7, Ref +11 (+15 against traps), Will +9
Resist cold 10 Defensive Abilities channel resistance +2, evasion,
OFFENSE improved evasion; DR 5/bludgeoning; Immune fire,
undead traits; Resist cold 10
Speed 30 ft. Weaknesses vulnerability to cold
Melee mwk cutlass +5 (1d6+2/18–20 plus 1d6 fire)
Ranged mwk javelin +5 (1d6+2 plus 1d6 fire)
Special Attacks corsair’s luck 1/day, dirty fighting +1d4, Speed 30 ft., fast stealth
fiery strike Melee +1 unholy cutlass +12/+7 (1d6+3/18-20 plus 1d6 fire
plus 2d6 against good)
Ranged +1 dagger +13/+8 (1d4+3/19-20 plus 1d6 fire)
Str 14, Dex 15, Con —, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 10 Special Attacks fiery strike, rogue talent (bleeding
Base Atk +2; CMB +4; CMD 17 attack, slow reactions, surprise attack), sneak attack
Feats AthleticB, Blind-FightB, DodgeB, Improved +5d6
InitiativeB, Power Attack
Skills Acrobatics +6, Climb +3, Intimidate +4, Perception
+6, Swim +7 Str 14, Dex 16, Con —, Int 14, Wis 17, Cha 16
Languages Common Base Atk +9; CMB +11; CMD 25
SQ corsair’s luck 1/day, flaming death, immolating ire Feats Blind-fightB, Dodge, Improved InitiativeB, Iron WillB,
Point Blank Shot, Press Ganger, Preternatural Instincts,
Gear masterwork chain shirt, masterwork buckler,
Shanghai, Weapon Focus (sap)
masterwork cutlass, 3 masterwork javelins
Skills Acrobatics +18, Appraise +11, Bluff +16, Climb
SPECIAL ABILITIES +15, Diplomacy +16, Disable Device +24, Escape Artist
Aura of Fear (Su) At the start of each of the fire +15, Knowledge (local) +17, Perception +18 (+24 locate
spectres’ turns, all creatures within 30 feet must succeed traps), Profession (sailor) +18, Sense Motive +16, Stealth
on a DC 11 Will save or become shaken for 1 round. The +18, Survival +8
effects of multiple failed saves in the same round are not Languages Abyssal, Aquan, Common
cumulative. The save DC is Charisma-based. SQ flaming death, immolating ire, rogue talent (fast
Flaming Death (Su) As the fire shield spell (warm only), 3/ stealth, improved evasion, opportunist), trapfinding
day, caster level 7th. This ability works as the spell except it Combat Gear orb of storms; Other Gear +3 chain shirt, 4
deals 1d6 points of fire damage plus 1 point per HD. +1 daggers, +1 unholy cutlass
Immolating Ire (Su) Whenever a fire spectre is reduced
to half its maximum hit points, its body flares with hellish
flames, dealing 2d6 points of fire damage and 2d6 points Aura of Fear (Su) At the start of each of Kothar the
of evil damage to all creatures within 10 feet (Reflex DC Accursed’s turns, all creatures within 30 feet must
11 half). The save DC is Charisma-based. succeed on a DC 19 Will save or become shaken for 1
round. The effects of multiple failed saves in the same
round are not cumulative. The save DC is Charisma-
Treasure Flaming Death (Su) As the fire shield spell (warm only),
3/day, caster level 7th. This ability works as the spell
except it deals 1d6 points of fire damage plus 1 point
Fire spectres have treasure appropriate for NPCs of per HD.
their character level. They invest their wealth into metal Immolating Ire (Su) When Kothar the Accursed is
reduced to half its maximum hit points, its body flares
weapons and armor, avoiding flammable gear. with hellish flames, dealing 2d6 points of fire damage
and 2d6 points of evil damage to all creatures within
Advanced Fire Spectres 10 feet (Reflex DC 19 half). The save DC is Charisma-

Fire spectres advance by character class.

The Freeport Bestiary 55

Creatures of Freeport

Immolating Ire (Su) Whenever a fire spectre is reduced

Creating a Fire Spectre to half its maximum hit points, its body flares with
hellish flames dealing 2d6 points of fire damage and
“Fire Spectre” is an acquired template that can be added 2d6 points of evil damage to all creatures within 10
to any evil humanoid or monstrous humanoid creature feet. A successful Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 the fire
that dies by fire (referred to hereafter as the base spectre’s HD + the fire spectre’s Charisma modifier)
creature). halves this damage.
Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature +2. Abilities: As undead creatures, fire spectres do not have
Type: The creature’s type changes to undead with the Constitution scores.
appropriate augmented subtype. Do not recalculate Feats: Fire spectres gain Blind-Fight and Improved
the creature’s base attack bonus, saves, or skill points. Initiative as bonus feats.
It gains the fire subtype.

Senses: As undead, the base creature gains darkvision out

to 60 feet if it did not have it already. Flayed Man
Aura: Fire spectres retain any aura of the base creature
and gain the following aura. What at first appears to be a beggar draped in rags
reveals itself to be a terrifying abomination shrouded
Aura of Fear (Su) At the start of each of a fire spectre’s in flayed and tattered skin. Its eyes burn with an
turns, all creatures within 30 feet must succeed on a unspeakable malevolence as it chuckles with menace.
Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the fire spectre’s HD + the
fire spectre’s Charisma modifier) or become shaken
for 1 round. Multiple failed saves are not cumulative. A flayed man is a vile undead creature created when a
mortal necromancer botches his efforts to transcend the
Hit Dice: All current and future Hit Dice become d8s. A mortal coil and become a lich.
fire spectre uses its Cha (instead of its Con modifier)
to determine bonus hit points. Tactics
Damage Reduction: The base creature gains damage
A flayed man craves battle, lusting to spread its agony
reduction 5/bludgeoning.
to the living. A creature of the night, it clings to the
Immunities: The base creature gains all undead shadows, flitting from pool of darkness to pool of
immunities, plus immunity to fire. darkness until it comes upon a suitable victim. Before
engaging its foe, it uses lifedrain in the hopes of
Resistances: The base creature gains resistance to cold 10 weakening its prey. Whether or not the attack succeeds,
and channel resistance +2. it flings itself into melee, using Power Attack to batter
and drain its opponent. It presses the attack until it is
Weaknesses: The fire spectre gains vulnerability to cold.
reduced to 20 hit points or less, at which point it flees to
Special Attacks: The base creature retains all of the special find an easier victim.
attacks of the base creature and gains the following. When in the company of zombies, the flayed man
hangs back and commands its minions. While the
Fiery Strike (Su) A fire spectre’s natural attacks and zombies lurch forward to engage their enemies, the flayed
attacks made with weapons deal an additional 1d6 man uses lifedrain against a divine spellcaster and then
points of fire damage. follows up by engaging that character directly. As with
other encounters, a flayed man flees if pressed too sorely.
Special Qualities: A fire spectre retains all of the special
qualities of the base creature and gains the following.
Flaming Death (Su) As the fire shield spell (warm
only), 3/day, caster level 7th. This ability works as the Rare undead horrors, flayed men are almost never
spell except it deals 1d6 points of fire damage plus 1 encountered in groups. Instead, a flayed man keeps
point per HD. the company of 1d4+2 human zombies that it has

56 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

FLAYED MAN CR 6 • XP 2,400
Command Undead (Su) A flayed man receives Command
CE Medium undead (augmented humanoid) Undead as a bonus feat. A flayed man can channel
negative energy a number of times per day equal to 3 +
Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +14
its Intelligence modifier, but only to use the Command
Aura grisly appearance (30 ft., DC 21) Undead feat. A DC 19 is required to save against the
effects of this ability and are Charisma-based.
Create Spawn (Su) Living creatures reduced to 0
AC 18, touch 11, flat-footed 17 (+1 Dex, +7 natural) Constitution by a flayed man’s flense or lifedrain attack
hp 85 (10d8+40) gain the zombie template after 1d4 rounds. Undead that
Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +8 the flayed man creates are under its control.
DR 5/magic; Immune undead traits Death Throes (Su) When reduced to 0 hit points, a flayed
man explodes in a burst of foul negative energy. Each
OFFENSE creature within 20 feet must succeed on a DC 19 Fortitude
Speed 40 ft. save or gain one negative energy level. After 24 hours,
the affected creature is entitled to another Fortitude save
Melee slam +10 (1d6+7 plus flense) against the same DC to remove the level as normal.
Special Attacks flense, lifedrain, power over undead Flense (Su) Living creatures struck by a flayed man’s
STATISTICS slam attack must succeed on a DC 19 Fortitude save or
take 1 point of Constitution damage, as rents and tears
Str 20, Dex 12, Con —, Int 15, Wis 13, Cha 19 appear in their flesh. On each such successful attack,
Base Atk +7; CMB +12; CMD 23 the flayed man gains 5 temporary hit points. The
Feats Ability Focus (grisly appearance), save DC is Constitution-based.
Command UndeadB, Improved Initiative, Grisly Appearance (Su) At the start of each of the
Power Attack, Stealthy, Weapon Focus (slam) flayed man’s turns, all creatures within 30 feet
Skills Acrobatics +11 (+15 jump), Climb +18, must succeed on a DC 21 Will save or become
Intimidate +17, Knowledge (religion) +10, shaken for 1 round. This is a necromancy
Perception +14, Spellcraft +10, Stealth +18 effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Languages Abyssal, Common, Infernal Lifedrain (Su) As a standard action, a
flayed man may emit a flood of negative
SQ create spawn, death throes energy to weaken its foe. It must
succeed on a ranged touch attack (+6
attack modifier) to strike a target within
created with its create spawn ability. A 30 feet. On a hit, it deals 1d4 points of
Constitution damage. On each such
flayed man prefers to slip into successful attack, the flayed man gains
a small community, picking 5 temporary hit points. A flayed man
off victims one at a time to must wait 5 rounds between
each use of this ability.
build its undead army. Once
it has accumulated six or more
followers, it reveals itself to murder and Flayed Man Lore
maim the local population.
DC Result

Ecology This horrible creature is

a flayed man, an undead
abomination with a strong
Flayed men represent connection the Negative
yet another pitfall Energy Plane. This result
reveals all undead traits.
of mortal ambition. The
Looking upon a flayed man
procedure for attaining lichdom is fully is enough to rob the
perilous indeed, and those incautious 21
most stalwart hero of his or
fools who dabble in the black arts are at her resolve.
risk of major mishap when they attempt to A flayed man’s touch can
circumvent the natural order. Flayed men are flense the flesh, weakening
its foes by the dreadful
created whenever a mortal seeks to transcend injuries it inflicts.
death and become a lich, but fails to attain A flayed man may deliver a
the proper ingredients or is otherwise potent torrent of negative
interrupted while in the midst of 31
energy that weakens and
the ritual. The flesh sloughs from the shrivels the body. Once it
uses this ability, it can’t again
necromancer’s body in pieces, leaving for nearly a half minute.

The Freeport Bestiary 57

Creatures of Freeport

curled bits of skin to writhe atop of the glistening muscle

and sinew. The newly created flayed man has, in some Treasure
respects, attained its goal, but lacks the power it held in
life. The typical flayed man has standard treasure for its
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can Challenge Rating. Its treasure normally comes from its
learn more about flayed men with successful skill checks. victims, and it keeps it in a sack stitched together from the
hides of those it slays. A typical treasure horde includes
38 pp, a black pearl (worth 500 gp), oil of displacement,
Physical Characteristics potion of cat’s grace, and an arcane scroll of cat’s grace, color
spray, and remove fear.
A flayed man is gruesome indeed. It appears as a
humanoid, and tattered bits of skin cling to the flat,
muscle, and sinew exposed by the terrible magic that Advanced Versions
created it. It stands as it did in life, usually just under six
feet tall and weighing about 150 pounds. The longer a flayed man exists, the more powerful its
connection to the Negative Energy Plane. As this link
Society and Culture strengthens, so too does its power. Flayed men can have
as many as 20 Hit Dice. A flayed man with 15 or more
With their accursed existence, flayed men shun their Hit Dice also improves its damage reduction to 10/good.
former societies and set out to spread woe and misery
wherever they can. Any sense of society and all ties to
their former culture are severed as they give in to their
Flying Head
monstrous natures. Strangely, flayed men gather zombies
by impulse, murdering to assemble an army of undead T his bizarre creature is a massive humanoid head,
minions to aid them in their efforts to destroy and ruin. equipped with the wings and legs of some great bird of
prey. It could be comical, save for the flexing of its
dagger-sized talons, and the hateful scowl it wears.

Flying heads are vicious

and hateful winged

Flying heads on the
wing attack like giant
raptors, diving at prey
with claws extended.
They enjoy lifting
grappled foes high
in the air before
dropping them
to their deaths.
They try to imitate
the screams of their
plummeting victims as
a contest, with the winner
getting first dibs on the
remains. On the ground, they
hop forward to bite with their
massive mouths.

58 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

Encounters FLYING HEAD CR 5 • XP 1,600

CE Large Magical Beast

On rare occasions, the unruly creatures will devote Init +1; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., low light vision;
themselves to the worship of a demon lord, or act as Perception +10
muscle for hags, one of the few creatures they don’t DEFENSE
harass and attack on sight. While they are in frequent AC 18; touch 10, flat-footed 17 (+1Dex, +8 natural, -1 size)
competition with harpies for space, it is not unknown for hp 52 (7d10+14)
them to share a roost, much to the detriment of the local Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +4
lands. OFFENSE
Speed 20 ft., fly 40 ft. (average)
Ecology Melee 2 claws +10 (1d6+4 plus grab), or bite +10 (1d8+4),
and claw +10 (1d6+4 plus grab)
Every flying head produces a single egg in its lifetime, Special Attacks carry off, word of wind
Spell-like Abilities (CL 7, Concentration +10)
which results in a smaller, if no less hateful, version of its
1/day-bestow curse (DC 17)
parent. The young feed on offal and scraps, growing to
full adulthood within six months. Rumors exist of rare STATISTICS

harpy/flying head hybrids, more hideous than either of Str 18, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 11, Wis 14, Cha 17
its parents. Base Atk +7; CMB +12 (+14 grapple); CMD 23
Feats Flyby Attack, Hover, Improved Grapple, Skill Focus
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can learn (Perception)
more about a flying head with successful skill checks. Skills Fly +7, Perception +10, Stealth +4
Languages Common
Flying Head Lore ECOLOGY

DC Result Environment any temperate or cold

Flying heads are winged beasts that ravage Organization solitary, pair, nest (4-10)
15 the lands of the world. This result reveals all Treasure standard
magical beast traits. SPECIAL ABILITIES
Flying heads are capable of speech, although Carry Off (Ex): A flying head may lift a creature of Large
20 getting worthwhile information out of them is or smaller size aloft as if its Strength was 5 points higher
a challenge. than it is.
Rare flying heads worship demonic masters, or Word of Wind (Su): A flying head may call upon the
form unholy bonds with hags. elemental force of the winds with a single alien word or
phrase. If the flying head speaks a single word as a half

Physical Characteristics action, it acts as a gust of wind spell with a CL of 7. If the

flying head utters a full phrase as a full round action, it
acts as a CL 10 gust of wind that deals 1d8 points of cold
damage to all it sweeps over.
Most flying heads share identical facial features, and all
share the same thick black hair. The few that do have a
different appearance are often viewed as leaders by their
kin, with an almost religious fervor. Treasure
Society and Culture Flying heads are attracted to shiny objects, and scatter
them about their roosts haphazardly. Most have very little
Flying heads are believed to have been spawned by some idea of the actual value of what they gather, and are easily
ancient curse, although stories differ if it was from some scammed by harpies and hags.
great offense to the gods of nature, or a powerful coven of
hags. However they came about, flying heads are a vicious Advanced Versions
plague wherever they appear. They rarely attempt to
communicate outside of disjointed ranting and screamed Flying heads advance by templates, most frequently the
curses. The most powerful flying head determines Giant Creature template. Very rarely a flying head will
everything about a roost’s daily life, from feeding order gain levels in cleric, witch, or oracle, generally due to
to defense. demonic guidance.

The Freeport Bestiary 59

Creatures of Freeport

attacks, it gains altitude and tries to drop its victims on

Flying Lizard rocky terrain. A flying lizard makes a single attack using
both talons; its claws are not as powerful as its teeth, and
it usually only rakes with its talons if is already grappling
T his creature is covered in smooth scales and has a with its teeth and tail.
long, powerful tail. A winglike membrane stretches
from its front limbs to its body, and its hind limbs Encounters
are armed with talons like those of an eagle. It has a
long, narrow snout, full of sharp teeth. Flocks of scalewings ill sometimes circle ships,
encampments, and travelers, swooping down to pick up
Flying lizards are winged reptiles that hark back to before bits of food, shiny objects, and even small animals like
even Valossan times. familiars or pets and carry them off.
Mated pairs of medium or larger flying lizards hunt
Tactics together normally, but trade off hunting duties during
hatching season. Once hatchlings are born, the hunting
parent often drops their prey multiple times to soften it
In combat, a flying lizard favors swooping, hit-and-run
up and make it easier for their young to feed on.
attacks. Flying lizards are cautious hunters; a typical lizard
only attacks smaller creatures, and flees if it is seriously
injured. If it is fighting a larger foe, it makes quick passes, Ecology
slashing with its claws and retreating. Against smaller
creatures, it attempts to snatch one or two victims with its Flying lizards are thought by some scholars to be survivors
powerful jaws or prehensile tail and fly away, separating of the destruction of the continent of Valossa. A variety of
the victim from its allies. If it does not appear to be different species can be found on and around the islands
causing significant injury with these two of the Serpent’s Teeth. The sleek and graceful scalewing
is about the same size as a mainland pigeon, while the
mighty blackwing can squeeze the life from a wyvern.
Legends speak of an enormous flying lizard capable of
blotting out the sun with its wings, but these tales have
never been confirmed.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can learn
more about a flying lizard with successful skill checks.

Flying Lizard Lore

DC Result
This winged reptile is a flying lizard,
an ancient denizen of the islands.
The character knows about the flying
13 lizard’s powerful bite, constricting
tail, and its preference for hit and run
tactics against smaller creatures. This
result reveals all animal traits.
The character knows that flying lizards
have inhabited the region since before
the fall of Valossa. She knows that the
serpent people used domesticated
flying lizards as mounts and hunting
animals, and that the lizardfolk of the
18 region still occasionally manage to
capture and train these creatures. The
character knows what sort of tricks a
flying lizard can be trained to perform,
and receives a +2 circumstance bonus to
any Wild Empathy or Animal Handling
check when dealing with a flying lizard.

60 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport


N Tiny animal N Medium animal
Init +2; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +8 Init +1; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +10
AC 16, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+2 Dex, +2 natural, +2 size) AC 18, touch 11, flat-footed 17 (+1 Dex, +7 natural)
hp 5 (1d8+1) hp 30 (4d8+12)
Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +1 Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +2
Speed 10 ft., fly 50 ft. (average) Speed 15 ft., fly 75 ft. (poor)
Melee bite +2 (1d4-1) and talons -3 (1d3-3) or tail -3 (1 point) Melee bite +6 (1d8+3) and talons +4 (1d6+1) or tail +4
Space 2 1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft. (1d3+1)
Special Attacks constrict (1 point), improved grab, iron Size 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
jaws Special Attacks constrict (1d3+1), improved grab, iron
Str 8, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Base Atk +0; CMB -1 (+4 grapple); CMD 9 (16 versus grapple) Str 17, Dex 12, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Feats Improved Natural Attack (bite)B, Weapon Finesse Base Atk +3; CMB +6 (+8 grapple); CMD 14 (18 versus
Skills Fly +13, Perception +8, Racial Modifiers +4 Fly, +4
Perception Feats Improved Natural Attack (bite)B, Flyby Attack,
SQ lift and carry
Skills Fly +8, Perception +10, Survival +3; Racial
SPECIAL ABILITIES Modifiers + 4 Fly, +4 Perception
Constrict (Ex) Most of the larger breeds of flying SQ lift and carry
lizard have powerful tail muscles, and can crush the
life from a creature trapped in its coils. If a creature
has been grappled by its tail, the flying lizard inflicts Constrict (Ex) Most of the larger breeds of flying lizard
the listed constriction damage in addition to its normal have powerful tail muscles, and can crush the life
tail damage whenever it makes a successful grapple from a creature trapped in its coils. If a creature has
attack. been grappled by its tail, the flying lizard inflicts the
Improved Grab (Ex) If a flying lizard makes a successful listed constriction damage in addition to its normal tail
attack with its tail, it can deal normal damage and damage whenever it makes a successful grapple attack.
attempt to start a grapple as a free action without Improved Grab (Ex) If a flying lizard makes a successful
provoking an attack of opportunity. No initial touch attack with its tail, it can deal normal damage and
attack is required. This ability can only be used on attempt to start a grapple as a free action without
creatures that are at least one size category smaller than provoking an attack of opportunity. No initial touch
the lizard. The flying lizard uses the better of its Strength attack is required. This ability can only be used on
or Dexterity when figuring CMB and CMD with regards creatures that are at least one size category smaller than
to grapples. the lizard. The flying lizard uses the better of its Strength
Iron Jaws (Ex) Once a flying lizard locks its jaws onto or Dexterity when figuring CMB and CMD with regards
an opponent, it never lets go. After making a bite attack to grapples.
against a creature at least one size category smaller Iron Jaws (Ex) Once a flying lizard locks its jaws onto
than itself, a flying liz ard can deal normal damage and an opponent, it never lets go. After making a bite attack
attempt to start a grapple as a free action; this does against a creature at least one size category smaller
not provoke an attack of opportunity or require an than itself, a flying lizard can deal normal damage and
additional touch attack. In addition, the flying lizard attempt to start a grapple as a free action; this does
gets a +4 bonus to its effective Strength for purposes not provoke an attack of opportunity or require an
of making and maintaining the grab. On subsequent additional touch attack. In addition, the flying lizard
rounds, it inflicts its bite damage any time it makes a gets a +4 bonus to its effective Strength for purposes
successful grapple check, with a +2 bonus due to the of making and maintaining the grab. On subsequent
enhanced strength of its jaws. The flying lizard uses the rounds, it inflicts its bite damage any time it makes a
better of its Strength or Dexterity when figuring CMB successful grapple check, with a +2 bonus due to the
and CMD with regards to grapples. enhanced strength of its jaws. The flying lizard uses the
Lift and Carry (Ex) A flying lizard can fly with a creature better of its Strength or Dexterity when figuring CMB
in its jaws and/or its tail, but its maneuverability is and CMD with regards to grapples.
reduced by one category when doing so, to a minimum Lift and Carry (Ex) A flying lizard can fly with a creature
level of clumsy. in its jaws and/or its tail, but its maneuverability is
reduced by one category, to a minimum level of clumsy.

The Freeport Bestiary 61

Creatures of Freeport

Physical Characteristics Familiar

Unmistakably reptilian, flying lizards resemble normal A sorcerer or wizard of 4th level with the Improved Familiar
lizards, and have the smooth, colorful patterned skin of feat may call upon a scalewing to serve as a familiar.
small lizards and skinks. Tiny flying lizards (the most Scalewings grant their masters a +2 on Perception.
common variety) are referred to as scalewings, medium
flying lizards are called irontooths, huge flying lizards are
Companion Animal
called blackwings, and the reputed but never confirmed
colossal version is referred to as a legendary flying lizard. A druid or ranger may select a flying lizard as a companion
Society and Culture Flying Lizard Companions
Starting Statistics: Size Medium; AC +5 natural armor;
Flying lizards are normally solitary creatures until they Speed 15 ft., fly 75 ft.; Attack 2 claws (1d6), bite (1d8),
mate, but once they do so, mated pairs live together for tail (1d3); Ability Scores Str 17, Dex 12, Con 17, Int 2, Wis
12, Cha 6; Special Qualities low light vision
life. Scalewings sometimes operate in flocks of as many as
7th Level Advancement: Size Large; AC +3 natural armor;
eight, but they are the only variety of flying lizard to do so. Attack 2 claws (1d6), bite (1d8 plus grab), tail (1d4 plus
constrict); Ability Scores Str +6, Dex -2, Con +4
As animals, flying lizards do not accumulate treasure except
Advanced Versions
incidentally, although some scalewings collect small shiny
Flying lizards advance by hit dice and size.
objects in the same manner that some birds do.

Uses Gaasyendietha
The meat of the flying lizard has a sharp, tangy taste. Most
humans find it to be repulsive, but orcs and goblinoids T his crimson dragon glows like molten copper. Its every
usually enjoy the flavor, and flying lizard is often served at movement causes flames to dance along its scales.
Krom’s Throat in Scurvytown. The lizards have no magical
properties, but any spell that normally requires a feather Gaasyendietha are rapacious and greedy dragons that
or other part of a bird as a spell component can instead dwell in alpine lakes.
use the equivalent part of a flying lizard; for example, a
lizardfolk adept may use a scalewing’s wing membrane
instead of a raven’s feather in order to cast a fly spell. This
has no effect on the outcome of the spell, but it can add a
touch of local color. As far as adventurers go, the primary Gaasyendietha are called meteor dragons, for their
value of a flying lizard is as a companion or familiar. appearance in flight. They trust in their sheaths of fire
Flying lizards can be domesticated and trained like as they bowl over and through groups of foes. They can
any other animal. Irontooth and darkwing lizards can be take out small armies in this way, and military units travel
trained to serve as mounts, carrying any creature at least miles out of their way to avoid the territory of one of these
one size category smaller than the lizard. Scalewings are dragons. Enemies immune to fire are simply chewed to
usually used by hunters, serving much the same role as death, or pulled to the bottom of the creature’s lake to
hawks. drown.
A scalewing egg can fetch a price of up to 750 gp from
a dealer in exotic creatures, and a trained hatchling can Encounters
command a price of up to 3,000 gp. Irontooth lizards
are worth five times as much, and a blackwing egg could As great as a gaasyendietha’s greed for treasure may be,
fetch 15,000 gp. Of course, it would be quite a task to its greatest hunger is for the energies of other fire based
transport the large egg from the nest to a merchant beings. Even the greatest elemental fears the inhalations
without shattering it and killing the unborn lizard. of one of these dragons, and beings as powerful as efreeti,

62 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

Consume Elemental (Su): A gaasyendietha may attempt
N Gargantuan Dragon (fire) to consume any creature made up of living flames, such
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft, low light vision, scent.; as a fire elemental, or a creature of the fire subtype. For
Perception +17 every full round action spent attempting to consume
it, the victim must make a DC 27 Will save or take 2d6
Aura flaming nimbus points of Charisma damage, which the gaasyendietha
DEFENSE then gains as temporary hit points, lasting for one hour.
Any target reduced to 0 Charisma in this way is reduced
AC 32, touch 6, flat-footed 32 (+26 natural, -4 size) to a desiccated husk and dies.
hp 275 (19d12+152) Flaming Nimbus (Su): Any movement a gaasyendietha
Fort +19, Ref +11, Will +16 makes, regardless of how slight, sheathes it in a nimbus
DR 15/magic; Immune acid, flanking, paralysis, sleep, sonic of blazing fire in a 10 foot radius. Any creature coming
into contact with the creature when it is walking takes
SR 34 2d6 points of fire damage. If the creature is running, in
OFFENSE combat, or flying, the shroud intensifies, dealing 4d6
points of damage to anything touching it. This ability
Speed 40 ft., fly 250 ft. (clumsy) often leads to setting fires to whatever vegetation or
Melee bite +27 (2d8+12 plus burn), 2 claws +27 (2d6+12 objects surround the creature.
plus burn), and tail slap +22 (2d8+6 plus burn) Flaming Waters (Su): Any part of a gaasyendietha
Space 20 ft.; Reach 20 ft. submerged when it moves causes the water around it to
Special Abilities breath weapon, burn (4d6, DC 27), boil in a 10 foot radius, dealing 2d8 points of damage to
consume elemental, fiery charge, flaming waters every creature within range.
Fiery Charge (Su): When a gaasyendietha makes a charge
STATISTICS attack, its nimbus blazes white hot, and deals 6d6 points of
Str 34, Dex 10, Con 27, Int 17, Wis 20, Cha 19 fire damage to any creature it touches, touches it, or that is
in a square it moves through. A DC
Base Atk +19; CMB +33, +37 overrun; CMD 43
29 Reflex save indicates
Feats Ability Focus (fiery charge), Cleave, Combat the target only
Reflexes, Critical Focus, Great Cleave, Greater Overrun, suffers half
Improved Initiative, Improved Overrun, Power Attack, damage.
Snatch, Tiring Critical
Skills Appraise +15, Bluff +16, Fly +18, Intimidate +17,
Knowledge (arcana, nature) +15, Perception +17, Sense
Motive +17, Stealth +18, Swim +32, Use Magic
Device +16
Languages Aquan, Common,
Draconic, Ignan
Environment mountains, hills, or
temperate lakes
Organization solitary, pair
Treasure double
Breath Weapon (Su): Once every
1d4 rounds a gaasyendietha may
vomit forth a chunk of molten
mucus that travels in a line up
to 100 feet. It deals 3d6
bludgeoning damage and
3d6 fire damage to any
target struck, and explodes
in a 20 foot radius for an
additional 6d6 points of fire
damage. A victim directly
struck may make a DC 27 Reflex
save for half damage; failure
means they are coated in flaming
mucus, taking an additional 1d6
points of damage per round until
extinguished. Victims within the
blast radius, including any being
struck by the initial glob, may make
a Reflex save at the same DC for half

The Freeport Bestiary 63

Creatures of Freeport

Madman Sees Halflings Biting Walking Corpse in Underside!


fiends, phoenix, and red dragons are hesitant to cross paths speak before it reduces them to ash. A gaasyendietha that
with one. Not even their own kind are immune, although has been flattered into a showy flight is both a terrifying
it is a rare gaasyendietha that actively hunts others of and beautiful sight, visible for miles around.
their species. For their part, gaasyendiethas aggressively
hunt such creatures; some sages think they take on some Treasure
of the traits of those they consume, be it a devil’s cruelty,
or a phoenix’s benevolence. Like any dragon, a gaasyendietha is a covetous creature.
It prefers items able to resist its flaming nimbus, as most
Ecology metals melt into molten masses, and gemstones crack
from the heat.
Despite these dragons’ affinity to fire, gaasyendietha
prefer to make their lairs in lakes or deep rivers. They Advanced Versions
prefer waters fed by warm springs, but tolerate temperate
waters. As they don’t actually breathe water, their lairs are Gaasyendietha typically advance by templates, although
always air-filled, with multiple escape routes. some few take class levels to augment their might.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can learn
more about the gaasyendietha with successful skill checks.
Ghost Eater
Gaasyendietha Lore
DC Result T his creature is about the size of a halfling,
Gaasyendietha are mighty dragons, wreathed covered in dark gray hair that is longest on its
27 in flames as they move. This result reveals all head and back. It has a long tail, and a round
dragon traits. face with staring, pale eyes. Its hands and feet
Gaasyendietha dwell high in the mountains, are strong, and well-suited to climbing.
often in warm lakes.
Gaasyendietha feed on creatures that have an
37 affinity with fire, and look favorably on those A ghost eater is a monkey-like creature that preys on the
that can lead them to such creatures. undead.

Physical Characteristics Tactics

Gaasyendietha may be any reddish hue, ranging from a Ghost eaters typically avoid living creatures. When
coppery red, to brilliant scarlet. Their scales are faceted, dealing with undead, they are cautious and careful;
picking up and amplifying the light from their flaming despite their special powers, ghost eaters are still small
movements. and weak in comparison to most undead creatures, and
they rely on stealth and speed to bring down their more
Society and Culture powerful prey.

While gaasyendietha are not evil, they are aggressive, and Encounters
don’t suffer disturbance well. A fast talking character who
brings both gifts and flattery may quell the creature’s rage Ghost eaters track undead, either alone with their troop,
long enough to partake in using its waters, or asking it and are normally encountered while doing this or resting.
for advice. A gaasyendietha generally remembers beings If they encounter undead, they always open combat with
it had peaceful relations with, and give them a chance to their eerie howl ability, which serves the dual purpose of

64 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

placing their foes at a disadvantage and signaling the

others of their troop which might be present.

The ghost eater draws sustenance from the
unnatural energies of undead creatures, which
it absorbs by biting them. They live mainly in
rainforests, feeding on the stray energies of
dead creatures of all types; however, they are
attracted to humanoid settlements, and especially
burial grounds. Some believe that a ghost eater
is created when a particularly righteous cleric
dies, carrying on the duty of laying the restless
dead. Others point out that this would make the
creature undead, and it does not respond to spells
of turning as other undead creatures do.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana)
can learn more about ghost eaters with successful
skill checks.

Ghost Eater Lore

DC Result
Ghost Eaters are rare creatures. Few know
their true nature, but there are many false
rumors about these creatures, and the GM
should feel free to distribute these freely
among PCs. These may include the following:
the ghost eaters are outsiders sent to destroy
Society and Culture
all undead; when a ghost eater is killed, all
the spirits it has consumed are released; Typically, ghost eaters are either found as solitary
ghost eaters are actually undead creatures individuals, or as a mated pair, but occasionally, in areas
themselves; ghost eaters are immortal, as they
survive by consuming the life force of other where the undead are prominent, they live and operate in
creatures. troops of up to ten individuals.
This check provides the character with access
to basic facts about the ghost eater: the fact
that it feeds on the essence of the dead,
17 that the creatures it kills cannot rise or be
raised, and that it has the ability to detect the Ghost eaters do not collect treasure except incidentally.
presence of the undead. It reveals all magical
beast traits.
The character knows about the magical
properties of the teeth and organs of the
22 ghost eater, and can create the specialized Ghost Eaters are more useful lving than dead.
components and objects described in the
following section.
Physical Characteristics As magical beasts, ghost eaters are extremely difficult
to train. In the past, a few paladins and undead hunters
Ghost eaters appear to be baboon-sized primates with have managed to subdue and domesticate ghost eaters,
grey fur. They stand approximately three feet tall and training the creatures to assist them in their battles
weigh just under 40 pounds. against the restless dead. Some simply use ghost eaters as

The Freeport Bestiary 65

Creatures of Freeport

Detect Undead (Su) A ghost eater can continuously
N Small magical beast detect undead as the spell, with no need for
concentration. This covers a 120-foot radius around the
Init +2; Senses detect undead 120 ft., darkvision 60 ft.,
ghost eater, and allows the ghost eater to interact with
low-light vision, scent; Perception +5
invisible undead without penalty. In addition, the ghost
DEFENSE eater gets a +10 bonus to Survival checks when tracking
undead creatures.
AC 15, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+3 Dex, +1 natural, +1 size)
Disrupting Bite (Ex) The ghost eater’s bite has the
hp 19 (3d10+3) same effect as the spell disrupt undead. Whenever the
Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +3 ghost eater makes a successful bite attack against an
Defensive Abilities ghostly resilience undead creature, it inflicts an additional 1d6 points of
damage. In addition, a ghost eater can hit incorporeal
OFFENSE creatures with its bite attack as if using a ghost touch
Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft. weapon.
Melee bite +5 (1d4) and 2 slams +0 (1d3) Eerie Howl (Su) The ghost eater’s eerie, echoing howl
causes mindless terror to take hold of all creatures that
Special Attacks disrupting bite, eerie howl, final repose hear it—including the spirits of the dead. All creatures
STATISTICS within 60 feet must make a DC 14 Will save. The howl
has the same effect as a fear spell with the following
Str 11, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 12 exceptions: it affects undead creatures, and it is a
Base Atk +3; CMB +2 (+9 grapple); CMD 14 sonic effect which can be countered with silence or the
Feats Ability Focus (eerie howl), Weapon Finesse bard’s countersong ability. A ghost eater can emit an
eerie howl up to 3 times/day. The save DC is Charisma-
Skills Acrobatics +14, Climb +14, Perception +5, Survival based.
+3; Racial Modifiers +8 Acrobatics, +8 Climb
Final Repose (Ex) Undead creatures destroyed by
SQ detect undead a ghost eater cannot return; even ghosts with the
rejuvenation ability are destroyed forever. A living
creature killed by a ghost eater cannot rise as undead,
and its corpse cannot be affected by or used for
Spell Components animate dead, create greater undead, create undead,
raise dead, reincarnate, resurrection, or similar spells.
Spell Effect There are two ways to restore life to a creature slain by
Ghost Eater Eye a ghost eater. True resurrection still functions normally.
And if the ghost eater that killed the victim can be
Detect undead +2 caster level found, captured alive, and brought to the corpse of the
victim, wish, limited wish, or miracle can restore the
Ghost Eater Tooth
connection between spirit and corpse, at which point
Animate Dead +2 caster level raise dead and similar spells will function normally. If
the ghost eater is killed, the spirits it has consumed are
Create greater undead +1 caster level lost forever.
Create undead +1 caster level Ghostly Resilience (Ex) A ghost eater receives a
Disrupt undead Increase damage to 2d4 +10 racial bonus to resist the spell-like abilities and
supernatural powers of undead creatures. It is immune
Undeath to death Increase damage to 1d6/level to the level drain and ability damage attacks of
Ghost Eater Tongue or Windpipe undead creatures. It receives a +4 deflection bonus to
AC against the physical attacks of undead. Finally, it
Spell can affect undead receives spell resistance 17 against spells cast by undead
creatures creatures.
Halt undead +2 caster level

Magic Items
living warning systems, training them to howl any time
they detect the presence of the undead.
If it is incorporated directly into the item, a ghost eater
Spell Components tooth will reduce the gold piece cost of creating a ghost
touch or bane (undead) weapon by 10%. It is possible that
A character who understands how to harvest and employ a ghost eater tooth could be used to create potions of
elements of a ghost eater can use its body to empower restoration, if the GM wanted to put these items on the
certain spells, as shown above. market.
Each component is destroyed when the associated spell
is cast. As ghost eaters are rare and few people know how Advanced Versions
to properly invoke these powers, there is little market for
ghost eater organs. Ghost eaters advance by hit dice.

66 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

If the creator rolls a 1 on this saving throw, his mind is

Golems permanently driven mad, and imbedded in the golem he
creates (it may be useful to apply the lifespark construct
Golems are magically created automatons of great power. template from Advanced Bestiary, 191).
They stand apart from other constructs in the nature of
their animating force—golems are granted their magical Golem, Chemical
life via a bound spirit. This is typically an earth elemental,
but it is also possible to use the spirits of the departed,
summoned demons, and even angels (though doing so A towering column of burning fluid and scalding
may invite retribution). The process of creating a golem vapor rises out of the muck and assumes a vague
binds the spirit to the artificial body, merging it with this fist shape before crashing down on you.
specially prepared vessel and subjecting it to the will of
the golem’s creator.
Accidental creatures spawned from the unpredictable
Being mindless, golems do nothing without orders from
mixture of alchemical substances used to reclaim the
their creators. They follow instructions explicitly and are
warped and damaged sections of A’Val, these vile creations
incapable of complex strategy or tactics. A golem’s creator
tear free from the chemical soup to feast upon the living.
can command it if the golem is within 60 feet and can see
and hear its creator. If it has no commands, a golem usually
follows its last instruction to the best of its ability, though
if attacked it returns the attack. The creator can give the
golem a simple command to govern its actions in his
absence, or can order the golem to obey the commands of
another, but the golem’s creator can always resume control
by commanding the golem to obey him alone.

Constructing a Golem
The cost to create a golem includes the cost of the physical
body and all the materials and spell components used in
its creation. Each golem entry gives specific details on the
materials required, and the total cost for its creation.
Note: The market price of a golem with more Hit
Dice than the typical golem described in each
entry is increased by 5,000 gp for each additional
Hit Die it possesses beyond the standard
for its kind, and increases by an additional
50,000 gp if the golem’s size increases.
Building a golem with the advanced simple
template increases its cost by 15,000 gp.
There are terrible processes and ancient
rituals that can be used to reduce the time
and cost of creating a golem, at the cost of the
creator’s sanity. The creator must make a Will
save with a DC equal to 10 + the golem’s
HD +1 for every 5,000 gp and 1 day
removed from the creation time and cost.
On a successful save, the creator gains 1d4
insanity points (Freeport: City of Adventures
427). On a failed save, the creator gains a
number of IP equal to 2d3 +1 per 5,000
gp/day removed from construction time.

The Freeport Bestiary 67

Creatures of Freeport

Tactics Encounters
A chemical golem begins combat with its breath So rare are chemical golems, they are only ever encountered
weapons, spewing a cone of scalding toxins and acids over singly. They haunt the ruined wasteland that marks the
all creatures in range. While it waits to breathe again, it outer edge of Bloodsalt and occasionally stir from their
charges, using slam attacks to smash its opponents. A fetid pools to visit destruction on everything around them.
chemical golem always fights to the death.
CHEMICAL GOLEM CR 10 • XP 9,600 While the only known chemical golems exist on the
N Large construct
edges of Freeport, its possible for other chemical golems
Init -1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; to exist in the World of Freeport. No one is quite sure
Perception +0 why they form or what fell power gives them the ability to
DEFENSE animate, but efforts to reconstruct a chemical golem using
AC 18, touch 8, flat-footed 18 (-1 Dex, +10 natural, -1 size) the normal methods for construct creation have failed.
hp 129 (18d10+30) Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can learn
Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6 more about chemical golems with successful skill checks.
Defensive Abilities rupture; DR 10/silver; Immune
construct traits
Chemical Golem Lore
DC Result
Speed 20 ft.
Melee 2 slams +23 (2d8+6) This creature is a chemical golem, born from the
irresponsible use of power by Freeport’s mages in
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. 20
their efforts to reclaim land savaged by the Great
Special Attacks breath weapon (30-ft. cone, 5d6 acid Green Fire. This result reveals all construct traits.
and Con damage, Reflex DC 19 halves acid damage and
Fortitude DC 19 negates Con damage, usable every 1d4 A chemical golem’s body is a thin membrane
rounds), death throes that contains a viscous soup of toxic sludge,
burning gasses, and flesh-eating acid. Piercing
its hide can cause it to rupture, spilling its
Str 23, Dex 9, Con —, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 1 foulness in all directions, though it can also
Base Atk +18; CMB +25; CMD 34 spew out the vile stuff periodically on its own.
SQ berserk, rupture They are resilient to most attacks, especially
30 magical ones. The most reliable weapons against
SPECIAL ABILITIES these creatures are those forged of silver.
Berserk (Ex) In combat, there is a cumulative 1% chance When destroyed, a chemical golem explodes in a
each round that the chemical golem goes berserk. If 35
shower of poisonous gasses and scalding fluids.
this occurs, it attacks the closest living creature each
round. If no creature is within reach, it smashes some
object smaller than itself, then moves on to spread more Physical Characteristics
destruction. Once the golem goes berserk, no known
method can reestablish control.
A chemical golem appears to be a shifting mass of liquids
Death Throes (Su) When reduced to 0 hit points, a
chemical golem explodes in a burst of foul burning contained in a thin, transparent skin. It can reshape itself
liquids and deadly gases. All creatures within 20 feet at will, rising up as tall as twelve feet. When it attacks, it
take 10d6 points of fire damage and 2d4 points of
Constitution damage (Reflex DC 19 half). The save DC is
forms a fist from its mass to slam into its foes. Chemical
Constitution-based. golems can weigh as much as 2,000 pounds.
Immunity to Magic (Ex) A chemical golem is immune to
any spell or spell-like effect that allows spell resistance. Treasure
If, however, it is the target of a neutralize poison spell, it
is slowed for 2d6 rounds (no save).
Rupture (Ex) Whenever a chemical golem takes 10 Chemical golems do not keep treasure.
or more points of slashing or piercing damage from
a single attack, it ruptures, spraying burning liquid Advanced Versions
and toxic chemicals in all directions for 1 round.
All creatures within 10 feet of the chemical golem
take 2d6 points of fire damage and 1d4 points of Chemical golems may have as many as 36 Hit Dice.
Constitution damage (Reflex DC 19 half). The save DC Those of 27 Hit Dice or more are Huge and have damage
is Constitution-based.
reduction 15/silver.

68 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

Golem Attacks Spark Public Outcry: City Watch on Alert!


Golem, Tiger-Skull Physical Characteristics

Tiger-skull golems are made up of the bones of at least
T he bones of several dire tigers make up this three dire tigers. The largest skull acts as the creature’s head.
creation. Its long arms both end in the gleaming Society and Culture
skull of a great cat, its saber fangs intact.
Hunting the dire tigers whose bones make up the golem
Tiger-skull golems are most frequently created by savage is often a sacred tribal event, and the wrath of the entire
spellcasters as tribal guardians. More rarely, fey sometimes tribe comes down on any outsiders that interfere. They
creature such golems to protect unsullied wild places. are used as guards for the tribal chief or shaman, and are
often ordered to attack any outsider that enters the camp
Tactics without an escort.

Tiger-skull golems simply wade into combat, slamming

the fangs of its skull arms into foes. When there are more
than one tiger-skull golem in a tribe, they work together,
one flinging foes at the feet of the others, who then tear
the unfortunate to bloody pieces.

Tiger-skull golems are generally found as the guardians
of large barbarian tribes, although some ancient ones may
be found still watching over long abandoned tombs. They
protect the living and the dead with equal fervor.

As constructs, tiger-skull golems don’t have a true
ecology, but rather exist outside the natural processes
of the world
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can learn
more about tiger-skull golems with successful skill checks.

Tiger-skull Golem Lore

DC Result
Tiger-skull golems are powerful and barbaric
17 constructs. This result reveals all construct
A tiger-skull golem can fling its foes yards
Some magics cause a tiger-skull golem to go
berserk, attacking whatever it can reach.

The Freeport Bestiary 69

Creatures of Freeport

Treasure inscribed with runes, which are filled with -enhanced fats
and powered gems worth at least 500 gp.
Tiger-skull golems keep no treasure, but are sometimes
decorated with necklaces, or have their bones inlaid with
Tiger-Skull Golem
gems or precious metals. CL 8th; Price 5,000 gp
Advanced Versions Construction

Tiger skull golems advance by templates, commonly the Requirements Craft Construct, cat’s grace, greater magic
advanced or giant creature templates. Any template that can fang, summon nature’s ally VI, creator must be at least 8th
be applied to a construct may be used to advance a golem. level; Skill Knowledge (nature) DC 15; Cost 2,500 gp

Construction Golem, Pumice Totem

A tiger-skull golem requires the mostly intact skeletons
of at least 3 dire tigers. The skulls of the tigers are carefully T his stylized statue of a squat man rises with
flaming eyes to face your advance.
Pumice totem golems are animated tikis fueled by
N Large Construct volcanic power.
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft, low-light vision, scent;
Perception +0
AC 18; touch 10, flat-footed 17 (+1 Dex, +8 natural, -1 size) Pumice totem golems spit burning cinders at attackers until
hp 79 (9d10+30) they are close enough to pummel with their rocky fists.
Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +3
DR 10/adamantine; immune construct traits, magic Encounters
Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft. Pumice totem golems are often placed so that even if they
Melee 2 claws +14 (1d6+6/19-20 x2) bite +14 (2d6+6/19- fail to kill invaders, their molten cores make it difficult
20 x2) or impossible to continue along that route. Three totems
Special Attacks fling, rend (2 claws, 1d6+9) destroyed in the same area quickly leave a six foot wall of
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
hardened rock (hardness 10, 100 hp per 5-foot square).
Str 22, Dex 13, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1 Ecology
Base Atk +9; CMB +16; CMD 27
ECOLOGY As constructs, pumice totem golems have no ecology, and
Environment any do not affect the world around them unless activated.
Organization solitary or gang (2-6) Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can learn
Treasure - more about pumice totem golems with successful skill
Fling (Ex): A tiger-skull golem that hits a target with a
single claw attack may choose to toss its target through Pumice Totem Golem Lore
the air. A flung victim flies 2d10+5 feet behind or to
either side of the golem. The flung victim lands prone. DC Result
Magic Immunity (Ex): A tiger-skull golem is immune to Pumice totems are golems carved from volcanic
any spell or spell-like ability that allows spell resistance. 15
rock. This result reveals all construct traits.
In addition, certain spells and effects function differently
against the golem. A rage spell causes the golem to go A pumice totem golem can spit a fiery rock
berserk, attacking any moving thing it can detect for the that ignites whatever it touches.
duration of the spell, if it fails a Will save. A calm animals A broken pumice totem golem spills molten
spell will cause the golem to go inert for 1d4 rounds, if it 25
rock over the area in which it stood.
fails a Will save.

70 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport


Float (Ex): Pumice totem golems are lighter than water,
N Medium Construct and will float unless weighted down.
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft, low-light vision; Molten Core (Ex): Pumice totem golems all contain a
Perception +0 tiny heart of magma at their core, which rapidly expands
when the construct is destroyed. It will fill a single 5 foot
DEFENSE square, dealing 3d10 points of damage to any creature in
AC 18; touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+3 Dex, +5 natural) or entering the square, with a DC 20 Reflex save for half
damage. The magma cools over 3 rounds, dealing 1 die
hp 53 (6d10+20)
less damage each round until it hardens. That square is
Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +2 then considered difficult terrain.
DR 5/adamantine; immune construct traits, fire, magic Pumice Cloud (Ex): Whenever damage is dealt to a
pumice totem golem, a cloud of pumice chalk rises
around it in a 10 foot radius, lasting 1 round. Breathing
Speed 30 ft. creatures within the cloud must make a DC 17 Fortitude
Melee 2 slams +9 (1d6 +3) save or be fatigued from breathing in the dust. A second
failed save renders the creature exhausted. A third failed
Ranged cinder +9 (1d4 plus burn)
save causes the victim to begin to suffocate. This ability
Special Attacks burn (1d6 fire, DC 13), pumice cloud includes a +5 racial bonus to its DC.
STATISTICS Magic Immunity (Ex): A pumice totem golem is
immune to any spell or spell-like ability that allows spell
Str 17, Dex 16, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1 resistance. In addition, certain spells and effects function
Base Atk +6; CMB +9; CMD 22 differently against the golem as noted below.
SQ float, molten core • Spells that deal cold damage slow the construct
for 1d4 rounds, and prevent it from using its ranged
attacks for that time period.
Environment tropical lands • Spells that produce fire-based
Organization solitary, grouping (2-10) damage heal the construct 1d4
Treasure none points per spell level.
• Rock to mud nullifies the
construct’s natural armor for
1d4 rounds.
Physical Characteristics
Pumice totem golems are typically shield guardian or giant templates.
carved as grimacing tikis, with Any template that can be applied to
large heads and squat bodies. a construct may be used to advance
Despite their large forms, they are a golem.
fairly light and porous.
Society and Culture
A pumice totem golem must be
Pumice totem golems are most carved over an active volcanic
common on tropical islands that are vent from a single piece of
formed by volcanic activity. They are pumice. A cupful of magma
used as guards, or as shock troops must be “fed” to the totem
alongside barbarian hordes. when it is awoken.

Treasure Pumice Totem Golem

CL 14th; Price 25,000gp
Pumice totem golems carry no
treasure, and are never inlaid or Construction
decorated with valuable objects.
Requirements Craft
Advanced Versions Construct, animate object,
fireball, miracle, creator must
Pumice totem golems advance be at least 14th level; Skill Craft
by templates, commonly by the (sculpting) DC 22; cost 12,500 gp

The Freeport Bestiary 71

Creatures of Freeport

potentially edible. Once satiated, the hafgufa spends a few

Hafgufa months looking for an inviting place to hibernate. This
is normally far from any landmasses or the territory of
major aquatic predators. The hafgufa then sleeps, floating
T his enormous whalelike creature is covered in on the surface of the ocean for centuries, until it awakes
rough patches of thick rock, some large enough to again with a great hunger.
support scraggly plant life. If hafgufa breed or die of old age, it happens so rarely,
not even the creatures themselves know the details of
such occurrences.
Hafgufa are powerful and terrible masters of the ocean
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can learn
who sometimes sleep for decades between fleet-destroying
more about hafgufa with successful skill checks.

Tactics Hafgufa Golem Lore

DC Result
Hafgufa fear little, and oppose most foes by smashing Hafgufa are powerful whalelike creatures with
them, or biting and swallowing them. Against ranged 30 rocky exteriors. This result reveals all magical
beast traits.
targets they are capable of spraying massive jets of ocean
Hafgufa are nearly immune to enchantment,
water that bludgeon and can knock flying foes out of the 35
necromancer, and transmutation magic.
air. If a number of foes gather in one place (such as a
Hafgufa can smash ships, shoot jets of water,
ship), the hafgufa uses its smash breech to crush them. 40
and sense movement in the water around them.
Only if driven below 1/3 its hit points, or faced with foes
it cannot reach, do these lords of the sea retreat. If an Physical Characteristics
hafgufa must fall back, it swims rapidly into the depths of
the ocean, where few other creatures can survive. Hafgufa appear to be enormous sperm whales with thick
grey hides and extensive rocky growths. Their stony hides
Encounters are elemental rock with strong ties to the elemental plane
of earth. Most have a few plants growing upon them.
Hafgufa are most likely to be encountered while engaged Their mouths have rows of diamondlike teeth, and even
in their centuries-long sleep, floating on the surface of their stomachs appear to be made of stone, constantly
the water and appearing to be small rocky islands. Plants swirling with powerful acids.
even grow on hafgulfa during this time, and small boats
can take people ashore on its back without waking it.
However, if a fire is built on the hafgufa, or if it is attacked
Society and Culture
or any of its rocky hide damaged, it immediately awakes Hafgufa trace their origins to a mighty aquatic kingdom
and attacks. destroyed in a long war with the serpent people. They
claim to have once existed in a place where the planes
Ecology of earth and water met, as lords of an endless, churning,
rocky sea. The edges of their realm were drawn into
Hafgufa live for thousands of years, and when awake, have new oceans by the coils of the serpent god Yig, and
a ravenous hunger. They attack and consume whale pods, their kingdom destroyed by the Valossan Empire.
kraken, dragon turtles, and entire fleets of ships. This Every hafgufa claims to remember these events, and
feeding frenzy lasts for a full year, during which time the certainly they are well-versed on ancient history. As
hafgufa makes no effort to communicate with anything a result of this ancient event, all hafgufa hate serpent

Deserted Island, or Death Trap? Six Tell-tale Signs!


72 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

HAFGUFA CR 20 • XP 307,200
Elemental Force (Su): The elemental origins of an hafgufa
NE Colossal magical beast (aquatic, earth) allow it to attack into overlapping planes of reality. Its
attacks affect ethereal, astral, and shadowy targets.
Init +5; Senses all-around vision, darkvision 120 ft., keen
scent, low-light vision, mistsight, tremorsense 60 ft.; Rocky Outcropping (Ex): An hafgufa that lies motionless
Perception +37 at the surface of the water can easily be mistaken for
a small island. The hafgufa makes a Stealth check with
DEFENSE a +20 bonus anytime it lies motionless on the water’s
AC 37, touch 3, flat-footed 36 (+1 Dex, +34 natural, -8 size) surface. Observers oppose this check with Perception
checks to realize the hafgufa is anything more than a
hp 396 (24d10+264) small rocky island 20-25 feet in diameter, with a few
Fort +25, Ref +15, Will +20 shrubs, and possibly a single tree. Any creature standing
Defensive Abilities unstoppable; DR 15/adamantine and on the hafgufa when it awakes and begins to move is
piercing or slashing; Resist cold 30; SR 35 (only against automatically subject to its smash breech attack.
enchantment, necromancy, and transmutation) Smash Breech (Ex): As a full-round action, an hafgufa can
make a special charge attack against creatures on the
OFFENSE surface of the water. At the end of its charge, the hafgufa
Speed swim 60 ft. breaches, then slams down onto the target with incredible
Melee bite +32 (6d6+16 plus grab), slam +32 force. Any Huge or smaller creatures in the whale’s space
(8d10+16/19-20) must make a DC 33 Reflex save or take 16d10+32 points
of bludgeoning damage and be forced into the nearest
Ranged water spray +17 touch (5d6+16 bludgeoning plus square adjacent to the whale. This breach automatically
bull rush), 90 foot range increment attempts to capsize any boats caught wholly or partially
Space 30 ft.; Reach 20 ft. in this area. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Special Attacks capsize, swallow whole (4d10+8 plus Water Spray (Ex): The hafgufa can spray a massive jet
5d6 acid, AC 27, 78 hp), smash breech of sea water at foes. This is a bludgeoning ranged touch
attack with a 90 foot range increment. A target struck is
STATISTICS also subject to a bull rush from the hafgufa, and is pushed
Str 43, Dex 13, Con 32, Int 20, Wis 31, Cha 22 back the maximum distance. Flying creatures pushed
Base Atk +24; CMB +48 (+52 grapple); CMD 59 (can’t be back also fall. The hafgufa does not provoke attacks of
tripped) opportunity from using the attack or combat maneuver.
Feats Critical Focus, Deafening Critical, Following ECOLOGY
StepAPG, Improved Critical (slam), Improved Initiative,
Environment any ocean
Improved Iron Will, Improved Vital Strike, Iron Will,
Power Attack, Step Up, Step Up And StrikeAPG, Vital Organization solitary
Strike Treasure standard
Skills Knowledge (geography) +25, Knowledge
(history) +25, Knowledge (local) +25, Knowledge
(nature) +25, Perception +37, Sense Motive
+26, Stealth +12, Swim +51

people, selecting them above

all other targets and even
agreeing to work with
lesser beings if doing so
allows them to strike
a major blow against
surviving serpent

Metal and acid-
resistant materials
often build up in
hafgufa’s stomachs,
including magic items
and powerful weapons used by
adventurers they consumed.

The Freeport Bestiary 73

Creatures of Freeport

Uses Encounters
A character who understands how to harvest and employ Stone hags haunt deep networks of caverns, drawing
elements of a hafgufa can use its body to empower certain their power from the earth beneath their feet. They do
spells, as shown below: not desire power or domination, just the sheer joy of
torturing unlucky adventurers in deep lightless caverns.
Spell Components They shun contact with the outside world as a whole,
preferring the solitude of their lairs. However, should a
Spell Effect
creature interrupt that solitude, a stone hag will not rest
Rock Hide
until the unfortunate soul’s petrified remains decorate
Stone shape +5 caster level her lair.
Stone to flesh +1 to save DC

no gp cost, DR requires
adamantine piercing or slashing
Increase to hardness 15 and 20 hit
Wall of stone
points per inch of thickness
Stone hags are thought to be the hybrid offspring of other
forms of hags and stone giants, though it is impossible
Stomach Acid
to say for sure since stone hags are all abandoned as
Deal acid damage rather than fire
Fireball damage. Works with any spell
infants by uncaring or even disgusted hag mothers. A
that deals fire damage. newborn stone hag is less helpless than a human of the
same age, and already significantly resistant to damage
Advanced Versions from anything but adamantine weapons. Even so they
must struggle not to starve to death, and though they are
Hafgufa often take on planar energies over their lives, self-sufficient within a year they are also embittered and
with the most powerful gaining the half-celestial or half- violently hateful by this time.
fiend template. Some more successful hafgufa also have Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can learn
the advanced template. more about stone hags with successful skill checks.

Hag, Stone Stone Hag Lore

DC Result
Stone hags are vile spellcasting hags with
Dressed in tattered and dull robes, this crone’s 19 sharp claws. This result also reveals all
monstrous humanoid traits.
face is completely devoid of any emotion.
Stone hags have claws like adamantine
Glowing green eyes illuminate her impassive 24 and rock-hard skin that provides DR 10/
face as she moves with an unnatural grace. adamantine.
A stone hag’s bite and gaze both low and
Stone hags are malevolent spellcasters with the power to eventually petrifies the hag’s foes.
petrify their foes.
Physical Characteristics
Tactics An average stone hag is just over 5 feet tall, but weighs
In combat, a stone hag prefers hit-and-run tactics, using roughly 300 pounds due to her stony flesh.
her earth glide ability to sneak up on a target and bite it
before activating her leaden gaze. Once she has cornered Society and Culture
her target, she prevents its escape with unnaturally quick
reactions. Stone hags like shaping the battlefield to their Stone hags rarely form familial attachments of any
advantage, preparing the area with spike stones and stone kind, though they are capable of being part of a hag
shape. Few things delight a stone hag more than trapping coven. When a stone hag joins a coven, the coven adds
an enemy inside a wall of stone, and then watching the flesh to stone, passwall, transmute mud to rock, transmute
victim slowly starve to death. rock to mud, and wall of stone to its spell-like abilities,

74 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

STONE HAG CR 9 • XP 6,400
Racial Modifiers +8 Stealth in rocky terrain
CE Medium monstrous humanoid (earth) Languages Common, Terran
Init +4; Senses crystal sight, darkvision 60 ft., detect Special Qualities change shape (any humanoid, alter
good, detect magic, tremorsense 60 ft.; Perception +18 self), no breath
Aura unnatural aura (30 ft.)
DEFENSE Environment any land or underground
AC 23, touch 15, flat-footed 18 (+4 Dex, +1 dodge, +8 natural) Organization solitary or coven (3 hags of any kind)
hp 114 (12d10+48) Treasure standard
Fort +8, Ref +12, Will +11
DR 10/adamantine; Immune bleed, paralysis,
petrification, poison, sleep, stunning; Calcific Bite (Su) A stone hag’s razor-sharp fangs
secrete a petrifying venom, dealing 1d4 points of
Weaknesses light sensitivity
Dexterity damage on a successful bite attack. The ability
OFFENSE damage can be halved with a DC 20 Fortitude save. A
creature reduced to 0 Dexterity is petrified permanently.
Speed 30 ft., burrow 30 ft., earth glide The save is Constitution-based.
Melee bite +17 (1d6+5 plus calcific bite), 2 Crystal Sight (Ex) Stone hags can see through stone,
claws +17 (1d6+5) earth, or sand as easily as transparent crystal. Their
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. gaze can penetrate 12 feet, or 6 feet of metal. This
Special Attacks calcific bite (1d4 Dex, ability otherwise functions as the oracle revelation of
DC 20), leaden gaze (1d4 Dex and the same name.
staggered, DC 20, 30 ft.) Flowstone Stride (Ex) Stone hags may move
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 12th; through any sort of rocky debris at their
concentration +16) normal speed, without taking damage
or suffering any other impairment. This
Constant — detect good, detect
includes terrain that has been magically
magic, pass without trace, stone
manipulated, such as spike stones.
Honed Claws (Ex) Stone hags treat
At Will — ghost
their natural attacks as adamantine for
sound (DC 14)
the purposes of overcoming damage
3/day — reduction and hardness.
magic stone,
Leaden Gaze (Su) 1d4 Dex damage
stone call,
and staggered, 30 ft.; Fortitude DC
stone shape
20 negates. The save is Charisma-
1/day — spike based. A creature reduced to 0
stones (DC Dexterity by the stone hag’s gaze is
18), summon monster IV (earth immediately petrified, as if by a flesh
elementals only), wall of stone (DC 19) to stone spell.
STATISTICS Slow Metabolism (Ex) Stone hags can
go without food and water for a full week
Str 21, Dex 18, Con 19, without suffering any detrimental effects.
Int 11, Wis 17, Cha 18 Stony Demeanor (Ex) Stone hags’ faces
Base Atk +12; CMB +17; CMD 31 show no emotion, and their voices are
Feats Dodge, Following Step, monotonous and dull. This gives them a
Mobility, Spring Attack, Step Up, +10 racial bonus on Bluff checks made to
Step Up And Strike lie and a +5 racial bonus on Bluff checks
Skills Bluff +7 (plus Stony Demeanor), made to feint, but also imposes a -5 penalty
Disguise +10, Intimidate +10, on Bluff checks made to pass a hidden
Knowledge (arcana) +6, Knowledge message.
(dungeoneering) +3, Perception +18,
Sense Motive +6, Spellcraft +6, Stealth
+13 (+21 in rocky terrain)
and any members within 1 mile of Stone hags value magic items above all other
the stone hag gain Crystal Sight forms of treasure, especially those that grant them
and Flowstone Stride, as well as broader spell-like powers.
immunity to the stone hag’s leaden gaze. However,
stone hags only join a coven in extraordinary Advancement
circumstances, usually when a far greater good
threatens their staked-out territory. Stone hags advance by gaining class levels.

The Freeport Bestiary 75

Creatures of Freeport

Haint Shark Encounters

Encounters with haint sharks are usually bloody, deadly
A translucent, blue shark swims out of the rain in the affairs as the monster swims out of the depths, attacks,
alley, moving through the air as though it were under the and swims away to return again and again until there are
waves, mouth agape and endless teeth ready to bite. no living creatures present.
Their ability to swim through rain, fog, and snow means
that haint sharks are a deadly danger to coastal towns, as
The haint shark is an undead shark that stalks waters in
well as ships at sea, and even villages and towns up rivers.
eternal search of prey.

Tactics Ecology
Haint sharks have little in the way of tactical acumen. Laying a haint shark to rest is difficult. Typically,
They identify a target, stalk it, attack it, kill it, and move feeding the individual or individuals that killed it to the
on to the next target. If threatened with destruction, they haint shark resolves the issue, although in cases where
swim away to return again later. this is not possible, family members may sometimes
be substituted. Should this not be acceptable, or the
appropriate individuals not be available, then locating
the weapon that killed the haint shark is another option.
Against the haint shark it helped create only, that weapon
is treated as having both the bane and ghost touch abilities
and, if it delivers the killing blow, ending the haint shark
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can learn
more about haint sharks with successful skill checks.

Haint Shark Lore

DC Result
This is a haint shark, a ghostly remnant of a
shark cruelly slain by fishermen or sailors. This
result reveals basic information about the
creature—its undead nature, incorporeality,
and ability to swim through the air This result
reveals all undead traits.
The character knows of the haint shark’s water
focus restriction and rejuvenation ability.
The character knows of the ability of the weapon
that created a haint shark to permanently end
it. A skilled enchanter who makes an additional
DC 20 Knowledge (arcana) roll use the teeth of
a haint shark to create magical items, and knows
of the ease of enchantment that a weapon
used to create a haint shark and that ended its

Physical Characteristics
Appearing as ghostly, translucent blue versions of the great
ocean-dwelling eating machines that they were in life,
haint sharks seem to swim through rain, fog, and snow as
though it were the waters they formerly traversed in life.

76 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

Str --, Dex 20, Con --, Int 5, Wis 14, Cha 20
CE Huge undead Base Atk +9; CMB +11; CMD 21 (can’t be tripped)
Init +5; Senses blindsense 30 ft., darkvision 60 ft., keen Feats Improved Natural Attack (bite) x2, Flyby Attack,
scent; Perception +25 Snatch, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (bite)
DEFENSE Skills Fly +28, Perception +25, Stealth +28, Survival +14;
Racial Modifiers +8 Perception, +8 Stealth
AC 18, touch 18, flat-footed 13 (+5 deflection, +5 Dex, –2 size) SQ keen scent, water focus
hp 114 (12d8+60)
Fort +6, Ref +9, Will +10
Defensive Abilities channel resistance +4, incorporeal, Keen Scent (Ex) A haint shark can notice creatures by
rejuvenation; Immune undead traits scent in a 180-foot radius underwater and can detect
blood in the water, fog, or rain at ranges of up to a mile.
OFFENSE Deadly Bite (Su) A haint shark’s bite is treated as if it has the
Speed fly 60 ft. (perfect) ghost touch ability, uses twice its DEX modifier to determine
Melee bite +15 (3d8+10 and 2d6 bleed) damage, and does 2d6 bleed damage. The bleed damage
does not stack with itself, use the highest total rolled.
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Water Focus (Su) A haint shark swims using its Fly skill,
Special Attacks deadly bite and may only fly during periods when a large quantity of
water is in the air, such as during fog, rain, or snow

Society and Culture

Haint sharks are produced when the fiercest of normal
Harpoon Crab
sharks are trapped and killed by cruel revenge-seeking
fishermen and adventurers. They haunt the oceans and
attack ships at sea during rain and fog, even venturing
An armored crustacean the size of an elephant
ashore to hunt in coastal communities during rain, fog, or
lifts itself from the water on long, spindly legs, an
snow, stalking their prey in the alleyways of civilization as
enormous spike rising from the center of its body.
easily as they did fish at sea when alive.
Harpoon crabs are largely mindless hunters that stalk
Treasure oceans near deep bays, seeking to impale potential meals
on their rostrum, a vicious spike protruding from the back
Haint sharks do not accumulate treasure save incidentally. of their heavily-armored carapace.

Uses Tactics
Unlike most incorporeal undead the form of a destroyed Harpoon crabs are ambush hunters, hiding just below
haint shark does not dissipate for weeks. the water’s surface until a ship passes close enough to
drive their massive rostrum into. They lunge forward,
Magic Items and upward, goring the hulls of the vessel repeatedly
until the pierced ships begin to sink. As the passengers,
Teeth from a haint shark may be harvested with ghost crew, and sometimes live cargo begins to fall overboard
touch weapons and stored in specially-prepared containers. the crabs abandon their attacks against the ships and
If used in the manufacture of a ghost touch weapon, they instead, attack the nearest living targets.
reduce the gold piece expenditure by 15%.
A weapon which was used in the creation of a haint Encounters
shark, and then in turn slew the haint shark it created,
may be enchanted as a ghost touch undead bane weapon for Harpoon crabs are most often found in the coastal
20% less gold than normal. waters near ports where they can attack and sink boats
and smaller ships. When these creatures are known to be
Advanced Versions dwelling in an area, it’s not unusual for informal hunts to
be organized, and these can unite usually hostile sailors.
Haint sharks advance by hit dice and size. Harpoon crabs present an equal threat to all.

The Freeport Bestiary 77

Creatures of Freeport

Harpoon Crab Lore Ecology

DC Result
Like all crabs, harpoon crabs can feed on plants (such
This creature is a giant crab of some sort–a kind
19 of aquatic vermin. This result reveals the traits
as algae and fungus), however they prefer to eat animal
of both the vermin type and aquatic subtype. matter. While they hunt any Medium or Large creatures
This is a harpoon crab. Harpoon crabs are that they cross paths with, harpoon crabs prefer to sink
found in coastal waters where they often prey ships and attack the relatively defenseless humanoids that
on smaller vessels by goring the ships. This end up in the water.
gore attack pierces most hulls easily, only stout
warships with reinforced hulls do particularly Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can learn
well against these predators. more about harpoon crabs with successful skill checks.
A harpoon crab can be distracted from its
attack by offering alternative prey. A few
quick thinking captains hauling pigs or cattle
Physical Characteristics
have successfully sacrificed a single animal to
distract it long enough to put some distance Harpoon crabs have a long serrated horn-like protrusion
between their vessel and the hungry crab. that extends from their slender slightly triangular body.

Str 31, Dex 13, Con 21, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 2
N Huge vermin (aquatic) Base Atk +9; CMB +21 (+25 grapple); CMD 32 (44 vs. trip)
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +6 Skills Perception +6, Stealth +9, Swim +18; Racial
Modifiers +6 Perception, +8 Stealth
SQ water dependency
AC 20, touch 10, flat-footed 19 (+1 Dex, +10 natural, -1 size)
hp 114 (12d8+60)
Fort +13, Ref +5, Will +4 Environment any aquatic
Defensive Abilities deceptive size; Organization solitary
DR 5/ —; Immune mind-affecting effects Treasure standard
Speed 30 ft., swim 20 ft. Deceptive Size (Ex): A Harpoon crab has
Melee gore +19 (2d6+10), 2 a proportionally small body and long thin
claws +14 (1d8+5 plus grab) appendages. So while it is a Huge creature, the
harpoon crab is only considered to be Large for
Special Attacks constrict
the purposes of determining armor class.
(1d8+5), ship sinker
Ship Sinker (Ex): The harpoon crab’s
horn-like rostrum is made of incredibly
hard chitin that sheers through wood
and similar substances easily. When
attacking with its gore attack, a
harpoon crab ignores any DR or
hardness of 5 or less.
Water Dependency (Ex):
Harpoon crabs can survive
out of the water for 1 hour
per point of
this limit,
a harpoon
crab runs
the risk of
as if it were

78 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

Like other crabs, harpoon crabs have ten legs, two of

IKUCHI CR 14 • XP 38,400
which end in powerful claws.
Harpoon crab body coloration varies, but tends toward NE Gargantuan Magical Beast
golden-yellow or cream, sometimes marked in brown Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft. low-light vision;
or black. Their legs and claws may be even more varied Perception +22
including shades reds and blues. DEFENSE
AC 27; touch 10, flat-footed 23 (+4 Dex, +17 natural, -4 size)
Society and Culture hp 218 (19d10 +114)
Fort +15, Ref +15, Will +10
Immune cold; Resist fire 20
Harpoon crabs have no intelligence and so, not
unsurprisingly, have neither society nor culture. These are OFFENSE

loners, only coming together briefly to mate. Speed 20 ft., swim 60 ft.,
Melee bite +26 (2d8+10 plus grab), tail slap +20 (2d6+5)

Treasure Space 20 ft.; Reach 20 ft.

Special Attacks constrict (2d8+10), oil, swallow
whole(3d6 acid, AC 18, 21 hp)
Harpoon crabs have no need for treasure, but they often STATISTICS
live amid the debris of the ships they have sunk, so it is Str 30 Dex 19, Con 23, Int 15, Wis 18, Cha 10
not uncommon to find valuables nearby. Base Atk +19; CMB 33; CMD 47
Feats Awesome Blow, Blinding Critical, Combat
Advanced Versions Expertise, Critical Focus, Final Embrace, Improved Bull’s
Rush, Lunge, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Stealth), Vital
Strike, Weapon Focus (bite)
It is rare that harpoon crabs to grow to Gargantuan size Skills Acrobatics +22, Knowledge (local) +17, Perception
but those that do are particularly formidable. To create a +22, Stealth +21, Swim +36
Gargantuan harpoon crab, both the giant and advanced Languages Abyssal, Common

templates should be applied to create a typical creature of ECOLOGY

this size. Environment any ocean
Organization solitary

Ikuchi Treasure standard

Oil (Su): An ikuchi may release a torrent of thick oil from its
body as a full round action. The oil creates the equivalent
T he body of this eel seems to never end, with coils of a 20 foot burst around the creature, and automatically
coats any target being constricted, with no save allowed.
that seem to go as far as your eye can see. It possesses On the round it’s released, the oil acts as a CL 15 grease
a moray’s head, complete with gaping mouth. Its eyes spell. The oil dries into a thick sludge on the next round,
sparkle with dark mirth as beads of black oil rise increasing the weight of victims coated in it. The sludge
adds 200 pounds of encumbrance to victims each time
from its flesh and slowly roll down its body. they are affected, with a DC 25 Reflex save for half the
weight. Victims may spend a full round action scraping
the sludge off their bodies, with each round removing
Ikuchi are wicked sea serpents that thrive on pollution 25% of the weight gained. Pouring pure vinegar or alcohol
and corruption. will remove half the weight of the sludge per gallon. Any
square filled with sludge becomes difficult terrain.
Small boats, such as rowboats, swamp as soon as the
Tactics oil thickens, while larger boats gain 2 tons of weight per
coating of sludge. Removing a coating of sludge from
a boat requires a full crew and equipment, and a day’s
Ikuchi attack swimming targets by grasping them in worth of work.
their massive jaws and swallowing creatures that are
Medium or smaller outright, and constricting larger
foes. Dangerous enemies are constricted, coated in oil, Encounters
and then released to slowly sink into the depths. Ikuchi
prefer to arch their massive bodies over boats and Ikuchi enjoy sinking small boats for fun, and slowly
creatures on the surface, raining oil down on them until picking off the struggling survivors over the course of
they sink below the waves. the next few days, claiming the struggle to survive betters

The Freeport Bestiary 79

Creatures of Freeport

Evil Eels Attack Shipping Schooner! Dozens Dead!


their flavor. They also enjoy watching creatures attempting shoreline, and droplets of oil floating suspended in the
to find sustenance in their polluted waters. water. They ravage whatever environment they dwell
in, smothering reefs and fouling even deep sea vents.
Ecology Because of this, few creatures willingly ally with an
ikuchi, save the rare aquatic demodand, and intelligent
The lands and waters around the lair of an ikuchi are undead.
polluted affairs, with gobs of sludge washed up on the Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can learn
more about the Ikuchi with successful skill checks.
Ikuchi Lore
DC Result
Physical Characteristics
Ikuchi are a race of intelligent and evil giant Ikuchi look like massive blue-green eels, with glowing
eels. This result reveals all magical beast traits.
eyes and black oil slowly cascading down the length of
Ikuchi excrete heavy oils from their flesh,
24 capable of swamping boats and causing their bodies.
swimmers to sink to the depths.

Ikuchi infested waters are foul affairs, that no Society and Culture
natural creatures can tolerate for long.
Ikuchi are far too selfish to have a true society. A male and
female will come together once a decade to mate. The
female gives birth to live young in the most foul waters
she can find. The elvers generally turn on
each other as soon as they hatch, with the
strongest rapidly fleeing to establish
their own stretch of sea before their
parent consumes them.

Ikuchi gather whatever
valuables they can from
sunken ships and drowned
foes. Some is placed as bait,
to lure in more victims.
Useful or interesting items
are wrapped in oil and

Advanced Versions
Ikuchi advance by templates,
typically the advanced or giant
creature ones. Any template dealing
with corruption or damage to the
natural world is applicable as well.

80 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

Infernal Automaton INFERNAL AUTOMATON CR 4 • XP 1,200

LE Small construct (evil, extraplanar)

Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision;
A small engine waddles forward, belching steam Perception +2
Aura steam
with each step of its slender legs. Its body is round
and barrel-like, and is equipped with two spindly DEFENSE
arms. It has no head, but a suggestion of a face AC 19, touch 15, flat-footed 15 (+4 Dex, +4 natural, +1 size)
spewing sulfurous mist peers out from its chest. hp 26 (3d10+10)
Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +2
DR 5/good; Immune construct traits; Resist fire 10
An infernal automaton is a construct built by the devilish Weaknesses vulnerability to cold
engineers of the Nine Hells. They are tireless servants, but
poor combatants compared to the more powerful devils
Speed 20 ft. (can’t run)
in the Hells’ armies. Melee slam +9 (1d4 plus 1d6 fire)
Special Attacks breath weapon (20-ft cone, 3d6 fire,
Tactics once every 5 rounds, Reflex DC 11 half), scalding strike
Infernal automatons are not bright combatants by any Str 10, Dex 19, Con —, Int 3, Wis 12, Cha 1
stretch, and when dispatched to attack by their wicked Base Atk +3; CMB +2; CMD 16
masters, they form up in rigid ranks and march forward, Feats Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (slam)
belching clouds of scalding steam and lashing out with Skills Perception +2, Stealth +10
their white-hot appendages. When an opponent comes Languages understands Infernal
within reach, the infernal automatons swarm about, SQ death throes

breaking up their ranks to shred and burn their enemies. SPECIAL ABILITIES
Dimly aware as they are of their tortured existence, the Death Throes (Ex) When reduced to 0 hit points, an
spirits that animate these constructs relish every fight as infernal automaton’s body begins to shake and tremble.
After 1d3 rounds, it explodes dealing 3d6 points of fire
a chance to find peace and thus rarely back down once damage to all creatures in a 20-foot radius burst.
committed to a fight. Scalding Strike (Ex) An infernal automaton’s natural
attacks deal an extra 1d6 points of fire damage.

Encounters Steam (Ex) At the start of each of the infernal

automaton’s turns, all creatures within 10 feet must
succeed on a DC 11 Fortitude save or take a –2
As the products of devilish engineers, infernal automatons circumstance penalty to all attack rolls for one round
due to the constant releases of super-hot steam
are rarely found outside of the Nine Hells. When they are, emanating from the infernal automaton’s body. The save
they are encountered singly, a lone escapee of the torments DC is Constitution-based.
of the lower planes. On their native plane, however, infernal
automatons operate in teams of two to four creatures
called errands. Larger groups, consisting of eight to twelve Infernal Automaton Lore
members, are called tasks. For projects of importance, a DC Result
bearded devil may accompany an errand or task. This creature is an infernal automaton, a
dreaded construct assembled by fiendish
Ecology engineers to serve as a reliable servant. This
result reveals all construct traits.
Infernal automatons are infused with the
Infernal automatons are not natural creatures; they are essence of law and evil and only weapons
products of vile ingenuity. Fashioned from a queer green 19
imbued with the might of good have hope of
metal found only in the Nine Hells, their shells are breaching their defenses.
assembled in great factories with countless lesser fiends The souls fused to their metal bodies burn hot
working themselves to death to meet the demands of with hate as evidenced by the scalding steam
that blasts from their bodies and maws. It is
their overseers. Once a shell is finished, infernal soul 24
said that when the shells are destroyed, the
binders harvest up a maggot-like soul and bind it with souls burst free in a blast of fire that destroys
fell magic to the shell, fusing it with the unquenchable everything around them.

The Freeport Bestiary 81

Creatures of Freeport

Society and Culture

Infernal automatons have no culture of their own. They
exist only to serve their fiendish masters and sell their lives
gladly. When not tasked with some job, they wander about
as if in a daze. While they may appear inoffensive, there’s
just enough malevolence in the spirits to engender a
certain cruelty, and these creatures are known to
rip apart their victims slowly to drink deep in the
suffering they create.

Having no use for gold or baubles, infernal
automatons do not keep treasure.

Advanced Versions
Most infernal automatons are as presented here,
with variations being only in the particulars of
their facial features. However, their makers
are ever cunning and inventive with their
designs and in some darkened corners
of the Nine Hells one is bound to
find larger and stouter versions of
these constructs. Small infernal
automatons can have up to 6 Hit Dice, while Medium
versions can have 12 and Large models as many at 18.
Larger automatons have damage reduction 10/good.

fires of this dreaded plane. Once the ritual is complete,

the face on the automaton’s torso animates with a wail as
the soul experiences the full weight of its appalling fate. Creating an infernal automaton is a filthy act that
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) or involves binding a mortal soul to a mechanical apparatus.
(planes) can learn more about Infernal Automatons with The mysteries of this process are known only to a select
successful skill checks. few devils and they do not advertise their procedures, lest
their enemies (demons and daemons) gain the technology.
Physical Characteristics This said, construction requires 150 pounds of the green
metal mined from the depths of the Nine Hells, worth
Infernal automatons are headless constructs that have the 2,000 gp. Assembling the body requires a DC 15 Craft
general shape and size of short humanoids. Their bodies (armorsmithing) check.
are barrel shaped and covered with leathery hoses that
channel steam to their spindly limbs to provide propulsion. Infernal Automaton
These hoses are poorly made and spew superheated water
CL 9th; Price 10,000 gp
into the air. The “skin” of these constructs is made of rusty
green metal, pocked and dented from hard use. Staring out Construction
from the center of the rounded torso is a twisted face. Each
automaton is unique, with some having a female appearance Requirements Craft Construct, fabricate, fire trap,
and others with moustaches and beards. It’s whispered the soul bind, caster must be at least 9th level; Skill Craft
faces are those of the souls contained by the metal bodies. (metalworking) DC 25; Cost 5,400 gp

82 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

Jikininki JIKININKI CR 9 • XP 6,400

CE Huge undead (incorporeal)

Init +4; Senses dark vision 60 ft.; Perception +13
T his horror appears to be a translucent gore-caked DEFENSE
human skeleton the size of a giant. It glides through AC 18; touch 18, flat-footed 15 (+5 Dex, +5 deflection, -2 size)
the air rather than walking, and closes the distance hp 114 (12d8+60)
between you with terrifying speed. Fort +9, Ref +11, Will +13
Defensive Abilities channel resistance +4
Immune undead traits, incorporeal
Jikininki are hungry ghosts, that use the possessed bodied
of the living to sate their endless hunger. OFFENSE
Speed fly 40 ft. (perfect)
Tactics Melee incorporeal touch +11 (1d8 plus possession)
Special Attacks possession

Jikininki fight with the sole intention of gaining the most STATISTICS
powerful host possible. If they can catch a lone victim, Str -, Dex 21, Con -, Int 11, Wis 14, Cha 20
they masquerade as that being, attempting to find a large Base Atk +9; CMB +14; CMD 24
store of food. They hold on to that host until their will Feats Blind-fighting, Combat Expertise, Combat
Reflexes, Lightning Reflexes, Skill Focus (Stealth),
breaks, or they find a more powerful one. Weapon Focus (touch)
Skills Disguise +16, Fly +20, Intimidate +16, Knowledge
Encounters (religion) +11, Perception +13, Sense Motive +13, Stealth +11
Languages Common
SQ endless hunger
Jikininki may be found possessing the body of nearly any
creature, although they prefer humanoids as they keep ECOLOGY

large stashes of food. They are also fond of predatory Environment any
creatures such as tigers, sharks, manticores, and even Organization solitary
dragons. Treasure standard

Ecology Endless Hunger: A jikininki that has possessed a host

must make a DC 20 Will save to not start consuming all
nearby food or to not attack the nearest living creature
Jikininki are the restless ghosts of humanoids that were in an attempt to kill and eat it. The DC of the save goes
consumed by greed and gluttony during life. They are up by 2 for each day the spirit does not eat at least
a quarter of the host’s weight in food, or feed off a
cursed with terrible hunger that can, at best, only be recently dead corpse. Once the jikininki feeds, the DC
briefly quieted. Some experts on the supernatural claim resets to 20.
that the spirits of vampires may be forced into the form Possession (Su): Any Huge or smaller living creature
touched by jikininki must make a DC 21 Will save or
of a jikininki when the creature is destroyed, as well as the become inhabited by the spirit. The possessed victim is
unquiet ghosts of lycanthropes. controlled by the jikininki, whose sole desire is to feed. A
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can possessed victim retains all of its physical stats, natural
abilities, automatic abilities, and hit points, and uses the
learn more about jikininki with successful skill checks. spirit’s mental stats, base attack bonus, skills and feats.
The jikininki may make a Will save, DC 10 + half the
Jikininki Lore targets HD + the target’s Charisma modifier to access a
target’s extraordinary, spell-like or supernatural abilities
for 1d4 rounds.
DC Result The jikininki may leave the host at any time, or may
Jikininki are restless spirits cursed with an be driven out by targeting the host with a bless, or
19 endless hunger. This result reveals all undead consecrate spell, or by taking damage from a holy smite
traits. spell or smite evil class ability, or by entering into the
radius of a prayer or protection from evil spell. The
Jikininki can possess those they encounter, jikininki gets a Will save to resist being forced out of its
hiding within the shell of their body. host. If the spirit’s host dies while it is in possession, it is
A jikininki has a constant desire to feed, and instantly cast out.
29 it does not care if the food is dead or still
drawing breath.

The Freeport Bestiary 83

Creatures of Freeport

driven from their body. The jikininki simply flees into the
Physical Characteristics population to find another host.
Jikininki appear as great skeletons, covered in gore, and
rotted food caught in their bones.
Jikininki care nothing for treasures, although the bodies
Society and Culture they ride in are often well equipped.
Jikininki possessing victims become increasingly
desperate, attempting to conceal their needs to gain Advanced Versions
accesses to larger meals, or easy kills, as their hunger
grows. Most jikininki snap, and turn on their fellows Jikininki advance by templates that can adjust incorporeal
in the night, feasting on the bodies of their friends. The undead.
victims suffer, and often go mad with the knowledge of
what their bodies have done after the spirit departs or is Kheppi
A cottage sized beetle clutches a glowing ball of
pulsating energy. Its golden metallic carapace makes
it difficult to gaze upon.

Kheppi are great scarab beetles that are seen as holy

by those that worship the gods of the desert.

Kheppi are instinctive fighters, but their plasma
generation makes them far more dangerous
than other monstrous vermin. They only hurl
their plasma ball as a last resort, as the beetle is
vulnerable until it is able to generate another.
Without it’s plasma ball, it resorts to its
shearing jaws to defend itself.

Kheppi are sometimes kept as ceremonial animals
in temples dedicated to the worship of the sun.
They must be magically controlled or kept in heat-
proof pens, as their plasma can melt through
most materials over time.

Kheppi feed on anything organic, and happily
devour the ashes of those who fall victim to
their plasma generation.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature)
can learn more about kheppi with successful
skill checks.

84 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

“Beetle Armor” Fashion Fad Hits Merchant District!


Kheppi Lore KHEPPI CR 7 • XP 3,200

DC Result
N Huge vermin
Kheppi are giant golden beetles. This result Init +0; Senses dark vision 60 ft.; Perception +0
reveals all vermin traits.
Kheppi create brilliant balls of burning energy
22 AC 20; touch 8, flat-footed 20 (+12 natural, -2 size)
that they use as a weapon.
hp 90 (12d8+36)
Kheppi are viewed as sacred to the sun gods of
27 the desert, and harming them can be penalized Fort +11, Ref +4, Will +4
with death. Defensive Abilities blinding glow
Immune fire, mind affecting effects
Physical Characteristics OFFENSE
Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft. (poor)
Kheppi look like giant versions of the common scarab Melee bite +15 (2d6+7), or plasma +15 touch (3d10 fire)
beetles found in the desert. Their carapaces are brilliant Special Attacks plasma ball, trample (2d6+10, or 2d6+10
plus 3d10, DC 19)
gold in color, and reflect any light that strikes them. Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.

Society and Culture STATISTICS

Str 25, Dex 10, Con 16, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 9
Base Atk +9; CMB +18; CMD 28
The people of many desert islands have a troubled history Skills Fly -4
with the kheppi; on one hand they are sacred, and used as
symbols of royalty. On the other, they can decimate entire
Environment warm desert
fields of crops by consuming the plants and scorching
Organization solitary, pair
the ground as they go, as well as burning into tombs and Treasure none (but see below)
devouring the mummies of kings and priests. Many cities
keep druids with the ability to control and repel vermin to
Blinding Glow (Ex): A kheppi holding a plasma ball
mitigate the damage the giant beetles cause. emits a glows so bright, augmented by its reflective
carapace, that creatures making sight-based melee
Treasure attacks against it are treated as if they are blind when
they attempt to hit.
Plasma Ball (Su): A kheppi may generate a plasma
The carapace of a kheppi can be worth a great deal, as ball at will, taking 2d4 rounds to fully form it. The
it is used in both religious accoutrements and kingly beetle typically holds the superheated ball close in its
chitonous legs, swinging it at attackers. The kheppi
ornaments. A highly skilled smith can create strong, if may also trample over foes, intentionally or not,
showy, armor and shields from the remains of one of the searing them with the plasma ball as it does so. If the
beetle is taking ranged damage, or attempting to hold
beetles. Possession of such armor is forbidden in many off pursuit, it can also roll the ball at foes, in a 200
desert cultures, and carry a death sentence, unless granted foot line, dealing 3d10 points of fire damage to any
permission by the king. A dead kheppi’s exoskeleton has creature or object it moves over or strikes. Any object
not destroyed by the damage stops the ball, which
a value in gp equal to a typical treasure for a creature of dissipates. Undead creatures who have vulnerability to
its CR. sunlight take those effects when within 20 of a kheppi’s
plasma generation.

Advanced Versions
or more old, while those that live over 500 years also
Kheppi normally advance by adding templates. The general add the positive-energy charged temple (see
Advanced simple template represents a kheppi a century Advanced Bestiary).

The Freeport Bestiary 85

Creatures of Freeport

Kopuwai Encounters
Kopuwai work with no other creatures than its pack of
A towering humanoid with two snarling canine larval dogs, and only grudgingly avoid creatures that are
heads rushes toward you from the underbrush. clearly beyond their ability to defeat. The slightest sign or
Behind it follow two-headed dogs the size of scent of an intruder is enough to cause a kopuwai to fly
ponies, their jaws slavering. into a rage.

Kopuwai are brutal canine humanoids that live to hunt.

A kopuwai’s larval dogs are immature versions of the
Tactics kopuwai. A larval dog that survives for a few years secretes a
cocoon around itself, staying enwrapped for several months,
A kopuwai and its pack prefer to chase their prey into
eventually hatching into a fully grown kopuwai. It has less
exhaustion, before falling upon it with their jaws. Its
than a day to flee the territory of its parent, before it becomes
larval hounds obey it without question, creating a unified
the victim of a hunt itself. Kopuwai are asexual. When the
force that most armies would envy.
pack dwindles to less than 2, they “birth” grub-like worms
that take only a few days to grow into larval dogs.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can learn
more about the kopuwai with successful skill checks.

Physical Characteristics
Kopuwai are tall and powerfully built, with
two canine heads. Some have full coats of
hair while others have only partial coats.

Society and Culture

Kopuwai lead simple lives,
lairing in caves, and only
rarely using fire. The closest
thing they have to culture is
keeping grisly trophies of
their hunts, and horrifying
cave paintings depicting
their kills.

Kopuwai take anything
they consider valuable
back to their lair as
trophies. While they
prefer their natural
weapons, they are not
above using magic
weapons that are
clearly superior.

86 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

KOPUWAI CR 8 • XP 4,800
Speed 40 ft.
CE Large Monstrous Humanoid Melee bite +14 (1d8+5), and 2 claws +14 (1d6+5)
Init +1; Senses darkvision 100 ft., scent; Perception +11 Special Attacks rend (2 claws, 1d6+7)
AC 21; touch 11, flat-footed 20 (+1 Dex, +11 natural, -1 size) Str 20, Dex 13, Con 18, Int 11, Wis 16, Cha 15
hp 95 (10d10+40) Base Atk +10; CMB +17; CMD 28
Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +10 Feats Coordinated Maneuvers, Distracting Charge,
DR 5/magic; Immune disease, poison; SR 19 Outflank, Precise Strike, Tandem Trip
Skills Climb +13, Craft (traps) +10, Intimidate +10,
Perception +11, Stealth +8, Survival +11, Swim +13
Kopuwai Lore Languages Aklo
SQ pack feats, larval dogs
DC Result
Kopuwai are savage dog-headed humanoids
Environment tropical forests
18 that hunt all in their paths. This reveals all
monstrous humanoid traits. Organization solitary plus 2-8 larval dogs
Treasure standard
Kopuwai are never found without a pack of
giant two-headed dogs. SPECIAL ABILITIES
A kopuwai and its pack act as a unit, making Pack Feats (Ex): Kopuwai share any teamwork feats they
attacks in perfect sequence. possess with any larval dogs that can see and hear them.
Larval Dogs Larval dogs have the same stats as worgs
with the following changes: 2 bite attacks, a +5 racial
Advanced Versions bonus to trip attacks, and +3 to their natural armor.

Kopuwai usually advance by the advanced or giant

templates, although it is not uncommon for them to gain Ecology
levels in instinctive classes, typically as barbarians.
Koromo-dako have tremendous appetites, and feed on
entire shoals of fish, whales, and massive crabs. They often
Koromo-Dako lair near migration routes and shipping lanes to maintain
an adequate supply of food. They don’t have to eat often,
but take any opportunity that presents itself.
T his massive octopus rises from the depths, Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can learn
spreading a wall of webbing between its tentacles. more about the Koromo-dako with successful skill checks.

Koromo-dako are massive octopi, burdened with Koromo-dako Lore

malignant intelligence. DC Result
Koromo-dako are gigantic octopi that are
Tactics 27 known to attack ships. This reveals all magical
beast traits.
Koromo-dako are, despite their massive size, overly cautious. Koromo-dako are intelligent, and are capable
They avoid creatures that approach their size, and flee from 32 of careful planning using jet, ink, and engulf
serious combat. They prefer to come up beneath targets,
Koromo-dako often grab large amounts of air
engulfing them in the expanse between their tentacles, and 37 when they capture a ship in their arms, giving
drag them into the depths to never be seen again. at least some chance of survival.

Encounters Physical Characteristics

Koromo-dako always attack from below, if they can. They Koromo-dako possess rubbery webbing connecting their
can hold creatures within their webbing for days at a time, massive tentacles, which are themselves highly elastic.
if they so choose, giving victims time to formulate a plan. Their eyes are typically reddish-gold.

The Freeport Bestiary 87

Creatures of Freeport
KOROMO-DAKO CR 17 • XP 102,400
Engulf (Ex): A koromo-dako may capture an area of
up to twice its space by using the webbing between
CE Colossal Magical Beast (aquatic)
its tentacles. The webbing is both air and water tight,
Init +3; Senses darkvision 120 ft. low-light vision; allowing creatures engulfed on the surface enough air
Perception +24 to breathe, although nothing prevents the monster from
DEFENSE simply releasing its prey deep under water. The webbing
is tough, with an AC of 25, DR 10/slashing, and requires
AC 31; touch 1, flat-footed 31 (-1 Dex, +30 natural, -8 size) 27 points of damage to open a Medium-sized hole.
hp 279 (18d10 +180) Any hole made in the webbing seals within 1d4 rounds.
Fort +21, Ref +10, Will +9 Engulfing or releasing a target is a full round action.
DR 10/magic; Immune cold, poison; Resist electricity 20, Ink (Ex): A koromo-dako can emit a cloud of black, toxic
fire 10 ink in an 80-foot spread once per minute as a free action
while underwater. This cloud provides total concealment,
OFFENSE for any creatures within it. Creatures within the cloud are
considered to be in darkness.
Speed 10 ft., swim 40 ft., jet 200 ft.
Jet (Ex): A koromo-dako can jet up to 20 times its swim
Melee 8 tentacles + 19 (2d8+11 plus grab), bite +21 movement in a straight line as a full-round action. It does
(3d6+11 plus poison) not provoke an attack of opportunity while jetting.
Space 30 ft.; Reach 30 ft. (60 ft. with tentacles) Poison (Ex): Bite-injury; save Fort DC 29; frequency 1/
Special Attacks constrict (tentacle 2d8+11), engulf, ink, round for 6 rounds; effect 2d6 Str damage; cure 2 saves
poison Tenacious Grapple (Ex): A koromo-dako does not gain
STATISTICS the grappled condition if it grapples a foe with its arms
or tentacles.
Str 32, Dex 8, Con 31, Int 15, Wis 17, Cha 18
Base Atk +18; CMB 37; CMD 46, can’t be tripped
Feats Cleave, Combat Expertise, Critical Focus,
Improved Initiative, Improved Trip, Multi-Attack, Power
Attack, Skill Focus (Stealth), Staggering Critical
Society and Culture
Skills Intimidate +22, Perception +24, Stealth +18, Swim +40
Languages Aquan
Koromo-dako greatly fear kraken, knowing they are
SQ tenacious grapple far more intelligent and possess potent magic powers.
Kraken enslave koromo-dako when they can, using
them as beasts of war, or simply being cruel to them
Environment oceans
for their own amusement. Most times the great octopi
Organization solitary
Treasure double standard
simply flee the area if they find evidence of nearby
kraken, although some attempt to use humanoids as
pawns to kill it.

Koromo-dako horde any
treasure they find,
including many
worthless items,
and ship parts,
simply to possess
them. They often
rest on their
troves, caressing
each object in turn
with their tentacles.
The body on one of
these great creatures is
considered a delicacy in
some cultures untroubled by
eating intelligent monsters,
and their beaks are sometimes

88 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

Strange Squid Sighted Near T’wik! Caution Urged!


made into breastplates or shields by skilled smiths. The

body of a koromo-dako is worth a small fortune in its LABARINDJA CR 10 • XP 9,600

own right. Half a koromo-dako’s treasure it the value of NE Medium Outsider (evil, extraplanar)
its corpse, and half is normal random treasure for its CR. Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft; Perception +22
Advanced Versions AC 24, touch 14, flat-footed 20 (+3 Dex, +Dodge, +10 natural)
hp 127 (15d10+45)
Koromo-dako advance by templates, typically the Fort +7, Ref +12, Will +13
advanced or giant creature templates. DR 10/magic; Immune poison; Resist electricity, fire 15
SR 21

Labarindja OFFENSE
Speed 40 ft.
Melee 2 claws +17 (1d6+2)
Special Abilities energy drain, smoke hair
T his lithe and graceful man has sky blue skin, and Spell-Like Abilities (CL 11, Concentration +16)
hair made of smoke and mist. At will- dream, hypnotic pattern (DC 17), levitate,
nightmare (DC 20), suggestion (DC 18)
3/day-deep slumber (DC 18), hallucinatory terrain (DC
Labarindja are tempting dreams made flesh. 19), major image (DC 18)
1/day-gaseous form
Str 15, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 17, Wis 18, Cha 21
Labarindja avoid combat if they can, instead acting as Base Atk +15; CMB +17; CMD 30
celestial entertainers and helpers, conversing in Celestial, Feats Critical Focus, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Mobility,
Nimble Moves, Sickening Critical, Spring Attack, Wind Stance
dancing, and doing what they can to aid their victims.
Skills Acrobatics +21, Bluff +23, Intimidate +23,
They use their abilities to draw away victims one at a Knowledge (planes) +21, Perception +22, Perform (dance
time, and drain them of their vital energy. If pressed, they or singing) +21, Sense Motive +22, Stealth +21, Swim +35
change their hair into a toxic gas, and flee. Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Infernal
Encounters Environment warm lands
Organization solitary, pair
Labarindja wander the lonely places of the world, Treasure standard
offering balm to those in need. Rarely they settle in a SPECIAL ABILITIES
town, acting as healers or fortune tellers, choosing their Energy Drain (Su): A labarindja drains energy from
victims with care. mortal creatures that it lures into an act of passion, such
as a kiss. An unwilling victim must be grappled before
the labarindja can use this ability. This ability bestows
Ecology one negative level. At the same time, a suggestion effect
takes place, asking the victim to accept another act of
passion from the labarindja. A DC 23 Will save allows the
A labarindja, while appearing to be a typcial male or victim to resist the suggestion, and a DC 23 Fortitude
save is required to remove the negative level.
female humanoid, is actual intersexed and is able to breed
Smoke Hair (Su): A labarindja’s hair is made up entirely
with males or females of nearly any humanoid race. The of smoke and mist. As a free action the creature can
children of these relations are always labarindja. extend its hair into a fog cloud. Once each per day, the
mist can take the aspect of a cloudkill and a mindfog.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can learn The DC to resist these effects is 22.
more about the labarindja with successful skill checks.

The Freeport Bestiary 89

Creatures of Freeport

Society and Culture

Labarindja hail from the lands of dreams, and have
little interaction with other extraplaner creatures. They
are well known, and feared, by the fey and share a great
mutual hatred with succubi In fact, there is speculation
that the labarindja were once succubi that got lost in the
dreamtime, and eventually returned transformed.

Labarindja are often quite wealthy, both due to gifts from
besotted victims, and from robbing the bodies of those
they slay. They convert most of their treasures into jewelry
and easily carried equipment.

Advanced Versions
Labarindja advance by templates or by class levels.
Alchemists, bards, and sorcerers are common classes for a
labarindja to take up.

Living Encrustation
What appears to nothing more than a large patch
of barnacles suddenly reveals itself as something
else as hundreds of eyes on its surface suddenly
snap open and four tentacles rear up from it.
Labarindja Lore
Living encrustations are sentient, hungry barnacles that
DC Result
attach themselves to ship’s hulls. These evil entities live
Labarindja are evil tempters from the on the underside of ships and suborns minions to crew
20 dreamtime. This result reveals all outsider and
extraplanar traits. them for it.
A laberindja can control minds, and manipulate
dreams. Tactics
Labarindja have hair of smoke, and can control
its properties to confuse and kill. Living encrustations attach themselves to ship hulls, and
seek to create encrusted minions to take control of the
Physical Characteristics ships. They prefer to fight through their minions, but
defend themselves as necessary with their razor-edged
Labarindja have flaawless blue flesh, ranging in tone from tentacles. In extremis, they simply abandon the ship
the pale blue of a summer sky to the midnight blue of they’ve attached themselves to and swim away into the
the deepest water. Their eyes may be of any color, though depths rather than risk death.
the pupil and white are always the same shade. The mist
and smoke of a labarindja’s hair is normally a mix of jet Encounters
black and stark white, changing to sickly yellows and
greens when toxic, and pinks and greens when affecting Slow-moving, the creature seeks to attach itself to ship
a victim’s mind. hulls, both for greater mobility and access to minions.

90 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

Once a ship and minions have been secured, a living

encrustation simply cruises the seas, observing events, and LIVING ENCRUSTATION CR 6 • XP 2,400

seeking more powerful vessels and better quality minions. CE Large aberration (aquatic)
Many choose to become pirates, using their minions to Init +4; Senses all-around vision, blindsight 30 ft.,
control a crew and commanding the vessel from beneath darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +10
its hull, secure in the knowledge that if their vessel is sunk, DEFENSE
they can simply transfer to the hull of the vessel that sank AC 19, touch 9, flat-footed 19 (+10 armor, -1 size)
them and start anew. hp 59 (7d8+28)
Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +5
Ecology DR 5/piercing; Immune cold, charm effects
While they cannot speak naturally, a living encrustation Speed 10 ft., Climb 10 ft., Swim 30 ft.
may do so through a minion, manually forcing air through Melee 4 barnacled lashes +9 (1d6+4) and +8 touch
encrusting tendril (1d6 subdual and encrusting infection)
the minion’s lungs and over their vocal chords through
Space 10 ft., Reach 10 ft. (20 feet with encrusting tendril)
contractions of the encrustation encasing them. Such
Special Attacks create encrusted minion (DC 19)
‘voices’ are alien and rough, but understandable.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (dungeoneering)
and other skills can learn more about living encrustations Str 18, Dex 10, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 8
Base Atk +5; CMB +10; CMD 20 (can’t be tripped)
with successful skill checks.
Feats Ability Focus (create encrusted minion), Improved
Initiative, Multiattack, Weapon Focus (encrusting tendril),
Living Encrustation Lore Skills Climb +17, Knowledge (nature) +10, Linguistics +3,
Perception +10, Stealth +10, Survival, +10, Swim +17
DC Result Languages Aklo, Aquan, Common, 1 additional language
This is no cluster of barnacles but a living, evil SQ amphibious
entity. The character receives knowledge of
the common traits of the creature, including
the fact that it infects individuals to act as Create Encrusted Minion (Su) A living encrustation
its minions and is immune to cold. This result possesses a specialized tendril with which it can inject
reveals all aberration traits. fast-spreading colonies of barnacle-like growths into
opponents using a successful melee touch attack. A
The character has tales told by those touched opponent must succeed on a DC 19 Fortitude
who survived being forced into becoming save, or have the injected colony explode into rapid
encrusted minions, and knows the techniques growth, covering them and weaving neural tendrils
25 needed to help fight off the infection. They into their bodies over the course of the following 2
are also aware of mental disciplines that grant rounds. Once the colony has spread, the target gains the
them the strength of will to stave off madness encrusted minion template and the living encrustation
if those techniques fail. may control the physical actions of the infected
individual. A living encrustation may control up to 12
Living encrustations have few components
minions at one time. The colony is killed and the process
that are useful in spellcasting but with a DC 20 halted by the application of a remove disease spell
Knowledge (arcana) roll, the character is aware during the 2 round spreading period; this also renders
of them all. the recipient immune to reinfection for a number of
rounds equal to the caster’s Wisdom modifier. Drinking
Physical Characteristics an antitoxin allows another saving throw, but without the
bonus normally granted versus poison, and consuming
an alkali flask grants you another saving throw at +5,
but forces you to take maximum damage from the
The living encrustation is a sinister and unnatural growth reparation. The transformation is a disease effect and the
that superficially resembles a swathe of barnacles, as save DC is Constitution- based.
might normally be found growing on any ship’s hull. Many Eyes (Su) A living encrustation cannot be
Closer examination of it reveals bizarre and unnatural surprised or flanked while within sight of one or more of
its minions unless all of them are.
shapes under its shells, myriad tiny eyes scattered across
its surface, and a set of razor-edged tentacles lying flat
against its form. The creature’s origins are unknown, A creature with the encrusted minion template
although some scholars suggest that it was bred as a form is an entity trapped within its own body, forced to
of spy by unknown creatures living in the dark depths of watch helplessly as its living encrustation master uses
the seas, which has now—hopefully—escaped its master’s it as a puppet to carry out evil acts. The barnacle-like
service. encrustations cover a minion’s arms, legs, torso, and

The Freeport Bestiary 91

Creatures of Freeport

A living encurstation can be sold for 1,000 gp.

Spell Components
The barnacled scales of a living encrustation can
be used as an additional material component for
certain spells, with the following effects:
• Protection from energy: If the spell is
used to defend against fire damage, it
absorbs 15 points per caster level, to a
maximum of 150 points.
• Stoneskin: Increases the amount
of damage the spell absorbs to 15
points per level, and a maximum of
175 points of damage.

Magic Items
If the blood of a living encrustation
is used as a component, a character
can create potions of protection from
energy or stoneskin without needing
to cast the spell. If the creator does
cast the spell, the effects of the
potion are enhanced as described above.
Studded leather made from the hide of a
living encrustation provides DR 2/- in addition
to other properties. This adds +7,500 gp to the cost of
the armor. Living encrustations and encrusted minions
throat, but leave the face free. Minions frequently wear always have a hostile reaction towards a character wearing
clothing that disguises their encrustation, but leave a few living encrustation armor.
small patches exposed to let their maser use its senses
through them. Encrusted minions usually go mad over Advanced Versions
time, but until reduced to that state, they frequently plead
with opponents to kill them even as their bodies strive to Living encrustations advance by hit dice and size.
win against their wishes. Encrusted minions advance by character class.

Society and Culture Creating an Encrusted Minion

Living encrustations are territorial with regards to their “Encrusted Minion” is an acquired template that can be
vessels and do not tolerate others of their kind aboard added to any creature that has been infected by a living
them. They reproduce by budding, sending several small encrustation’s create encrusted minion ability.
nodules off into the ocean every few years to seek vessels
Challenge Rating: For martially-inclined characters, +2.
and grow on their own.
For spellcasters, +1.
Treasure Type: The creature’s type changes to aberration with the
appropriate augmented subtype. Do not recalculate
A living encrustation does not collect treasure. the creature’s base attack bonus, saves, or skill points.

92 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

Senses: An encrusted minion gains no additional sensory

abilities, but a living encrustation may use each
minion as a focal point for its own sensory abilities CE [LE] Medium aberration [human] (augmented
with the exception of blindsight. humanoid)
Init +5; Senses all-around vision, darkvision 60 ft., low-
Alignment: Alignment is treated as CE based on the light vision [normal human senses]; Perception +10 [+5]
living encrustation master’s actions, but does not DEFENSE
literally change, although being forced to watch one’s AC 20, touch 13, flat-footed 17 (+7 armor, +3 Dex)
body commit brutal acts while being unable to stop it hp 90 (9d10+36)
may, over time, affect alignment and sanity. Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +4 (+2 vs. fear)
Defensive Abilities bravery +2, many eyes, cold
Damage Reduction: The base creature gains damage resistance 10; DR 5/piercing
reduction 5/piercing. OFFENSE
Speed 30 ft.
Resistances: The base creature gains resistance to cold 10.
Melee +2 rapier +19/+14 (1d6+7/15–20)
Special Qualities: An encrusted minion retains all of the Ranged mwk pistol +15 (1d8+1/×2)
Special Attacks weapon training (light blades +2, firearms +1)
special qualities of the base creature and gains the
following. STATISTICS
Str 13, Dex 19, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 4 [8]
Many Eyes (Su) An encrusted minion cannot be Base Atk +9; CMB +10; CMD 23
surprised or flanked while within sight of one or Feats Alertness, Exotic Weapons Proficiency (firearms),
more fellow minions unless all of them are. Greater Weapon Focus (longsword), Improved Critical
(rapier), Improved Initiative, Rapid Reload (pistol),
Toughness, Vital Strike, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus
No Longer Master Of Their Fate (Su) An encrusted (rapier), Weapon Specialization (rapier)
minion moves and fights as its normal self, using Skills Climb +13, Perception +3, Ride +13, Sense Motive
all relevant statistics, abilities, feats, and equipment, +3, Swim +13
except that their actions are controlled by their living Languages Common
encrustation master. They retain sensory awareness SQ armor training 2, no longer master of their fate
and mental self-will, and may speak if their living Treasure NPC gear (+1 breastplate, +2 rapier, mwk pistol
with 20 shots, other treasure)
encrustation master is not using them to speak, but they
have no ability to access or use their physical body other SPECIAL ABILITIES

than to speak and direct their eyes. They sleep when Many Eyes (Su) An encrusted minion cannot be
surprised or flanked while within sight of one or more
mental exhaustion demands it, although their body may fellow minions unless all of them are.
continue to perform actions at their living encrustation No Longer Master Of Their Fate (Su) An encrusted
master’s direction while they do. Spellcasters with the minion moves and fights as its normal self, using all
relevant statistics, abilities, feats, and equipment,
Eschew Materials and Still Spell feats may cast spells except that their actions are controlled by their living
as normal for use of those feats so long as their living encrustation master. They retain sensory awareness
encrustation master is not using them to speak. Those and mental self-will, and may speak if their living
encrustation master is not using them to speak, but they
who additionally possess the Silent Spell feat may do so have no ability to access or use their physical body other
even then, subject to the normal limitations of the feat. than to speak and direct their eyes. They sleep when
Bards may use vocal-based, audible component bardic mental exhaustion demands it, although their body may
continue to perform actions at their living encrustation
performances so long as they are not being used to speak master’s direction while they do. Spellcasters with the
by their living encrustation master. Individuals with Eschew Materials and Still Spell feats may cast spells
as normal for use of those feats so long as their living
spell-like abilities may use them without interference, encrustation master is not using them to speak. Those
unless the ability requires a physical movement. A living who additionally possess the Silent Spell feat may do
encrustation gains no access to an encrusted minion’s so even then, subject to the normal limitations of the
feat. Bards may use vocal-based, audible component
memories, spells, or supernatural or spell-like abilities, bardic performances so long as they are not being
unless they apply to physical combat. used to speak by their living encrustation master.
Individuals with spell-like abilities may use them without
Abilities: Charisma -4. interference, unless the ability requires a physical
movement. A living encrustation gains no access to an
encrusted minion’s memories, spells, or supernatural or
Feats: Encrusted minions retain all their feats, even if spell-like abilities, unless they apply to physical combat.
they no longer meet prerequisites for them.

The Freeport Bestiary 93

Creatures of Freeport

to fulfill any ironclad agreement it enters. A lotan reduced

Lotan to taking direct action is constantly angry, and takes out
its frustrations on any creature it comes across.

T his immense serpent raises its horned head thirty Ecology

feet into the air. Heat and smoke roll off its body,
and flickering light runs along its scaled form. Lotans require very little food or sleep compared to
their massive size, but prefer to gorge on complex and
Lotans are fiendish serpents of lies and trickery that once expensive meals (often including sacrificial humanoids)
served the Valossan Empire. and engage in direct activity as little as possible. A lotan
enjoys causing its hosts as much difficulty and danger as
Tactics possible, and thus prefer to choose entertainments and
foods most likely to cause trouble.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (planes) can learn
Whenever possible, lotans use their ability to lie and sow
more about lotans with successful skill checks.
discord to force their enemies into destroying themselves.
They often pose as serpents of great wisdom, claiming to
possess secrets and spells they will trade for favors, despite Lotan Lore
having no intention of doing so. They carefully phrase DC Result
such offers in ways that don’t actually obligate them, but Lotans are vile, evil outsiders who are masters
leave the impression a deal has been struck. For example, 18 of lies and deception. This result reveals all evil
a lotan might promise to reveal the secret of its greatest outsider traits and the fire subtype traits.
power in return for a petitioner stealing an object valued Lotans are extremely resistant to many forms
23 of magic and damage. This result reveals its SR
by a neighbor, but only completion of the task reveals and all immunities and resistances.
its greatest power is its breath weapon and the secret is
Lotans can breathe hellfire, only half the
that it only works for the lotan—following by a painful 28 damage of which is fire, and have numerous
demonstration of course. enchantment spells at their disposal.
Even in combat, if a lotan senses doubt or discord
among foes it uses its spells to suggest actions that seem Physical Characteristics
responsible but lead to one foe harming another, charms
the target most likely to resort to violence to protect it, Lotans appear to be 80-foot long horned serpents, with
and selects the two enemies who seem to most dislike one heat constantly emanating from their scales.
another for its unnatural lust spell.
If subtly fails, the lotan attempts to maneuver to get as
many targets as possible in the area of its breath weapon,
Society and Culture
then uses bite and gore attacks against the most damaged Lotans all claim to have served the Valossan Empire
looking targets. in its heyday, as trusted advisors to serpent person
spellcasters and demigod-like champions of the empire’s
Encounters armies. The fact that there are no records of such fiendish
serpents in the few known Valossan texts isn’t a strong
Lotans are still occasionally summoned by ancient cults repudiation of this claim, given how little survived, but
to serve as advisors, and sometimes sit at the center of when combined with lotans’ known habit of lying to
vast webs of intrigue, lies, and crimes designed to cause spread discord, and the fact that they often answer the
confusion and pain as much as accomplish any specific summons of nearly any cult, leave many planar scholars
goal. They often insist on being treated as direct agents suspicious of the claim.
of whatever god the cult worships, and receiving tribute Lotans hate all of creation and wish to destroy it, so
and slaves to show them honor. A cult with a lotan may it may be remade as a system that better rewards and
destroy itself trying to keep the fiend serpent pleased. serves lotans themselves. However they generally aren’t
Powerful spellcasters can force a lotan to agree to willing to put themselves at risk to accomplish this
perform some task, in which case it tries to recruit goal. Many claim they wish to sow such misery and
intermediaries to work for it, but ultimately feels bound discord in the mortal realms that the gods themselves

94 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

LOTAN CR 8 • XP 4,800
Skills Acrobatics +14 (+26 to jump), Appraise +14, Bluff
LE Gargantuan outsider (evil, extraplanar, fire) +19, Climb +20, Diplomacy +17, Disguise +7, Knowledge
(nobility) +14, Knowledge (planes) +17, Knowledge
Init +2; Senses see in darkness; Perception +22
(religion) +14, Linguistics +17, Perception +22, Sense
DEFENSE Motive +18, Spellcraft +17 (+19 to identify spells); Racial
Modifiers +4 Perception
AC 21, touch 8, flat-footed 19 (+2 Dex, +13 natural, -4
size) Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven,
Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Halfling, Ignan, Infernal, Orc,
hp 103 (9d10+54) Sahaugin, Vishkanya; telepathy 100 ft.
Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +14; +2 bonus vs. enchantment
spells ECOLOGY
DR 5/cold iron; Immune cold, curse effects, disease, Environment any
illusions, poison; Resist acid 10, electricity 10; SR 18 Organization solitary, congress (3-12)
OFFENSE Treasure double
Speed 60 ft., burrow 30 ft., climb 30 ft. SPECIAL ABILITIES
Melee bite +17 (2d6+12), gore +17 (2d4+12) Breath Weapon (Su): A lotan’s breath weapon is a 40-
Space 20 ft.; Reach 20 ft. foot cone of hellfire.  Half the damage is fire damage, but
Special Attacks breath weapon (40-ft.cone, DC 20, 6d6 the other half results directly from infernal power and is
fire and infernal) therefore not subject to being reduced by resistance to
fire-based attacks. A creature that fails the Reflex save
Spell-like Abilities (CL 9th; concentration +14) by 5 or more catches on fire. A lotan can use this once
1/day—plane shift (only to a location where a creature is every 1d4 rounds. The save DC is Constitution-based.
attempting to summon it)
Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 9th; concentration +14)
3rd (4/day)—suggestion (DC 18)
2nd (6/day)—touch of idiocy, unnatural lustUM (DC 17)
1st (8/day)—charm person (DC 16), protection from
good, ray of enfeeblement (DC 16), ventriloquism (DC 16)
0 (at will)—arcane mark, detect magic, detect poison,
mage hand, prestidigitation, read magic, touch of
fatigue (DC 15)
Str 34, Dex 15, Con 22, Int 21, Wis 22, Cha 21
Base Atk +9; CMB +25; CMD 37 (can’t be tripped)
Feats Combat Casting, Deceitful, Improved Iron Will, Iron
Will, Spell BluffUM

will destroy existence and start over, but it’s unclear

if this is an actual plan, or another example of lotan’s
constant spreading of lies.

Lotans often demand vast gifts and treasures, and are
second only to dragons in their love of hoards.

Advanced Versions
Lotans advance by hit dice. A lotan gains spells as a
sorcerer of a level equal to 2/3 its hit dice, but uses its full
hit dice as its caster level. Its breath weapon is a cone with
a range equal to double its reach, and that deal a number
of d6 damage equal to 2/3 its hit dice. A lotan with 18 or
more hit dice becomes colossal, and refers to itself as a

The Freeport Bestiary 95

Creatures of Freeport

Lycanthrope, WEREHAGFISH (HUMAN FORM) CR 2 • XP 600

Werehagfish Human natural werehagfish fighter 2 (aquatic,

augmented humanoid)
CE Medium Humanoid (human, shapechanger)
Init +7; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +6

T his disgusting hybrid of humanoid and eel has DEFENSE

underdeveloped eyes, and small tentacles undulating AC 15; touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+3 Dex, +2 armor)
around its maw. A viscous greyish slime pools at its hp 19 (2d10+4)
Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +2 (+3 vs fear)
feet, dripping from its form. Defensive Abilities bravery +1
Werehagfish are primitive lycanthropes that can be found
Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft.
in nearly any aquatic environment. Melee punching dagger +5 (1d4+1/x3)
Ranged light crossbow +5 (1d8/19-20)
Str 13, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 9, Wis 14, Cha 8
Werehagfish prefer to attack in groups, binding their Base Atk +2; CMB +3 ; CMD 16
prey with thick slime, and dragging them down under Feats Combat Reflexes, Improved
their hungry mouths. If on land, they typically attempt to Initiative, Weapon Finesse
escape into the water at the first opportunity. Skills Climb +5, Perception +6, Swim +9
Languages Common

Encounters SQ change shape (human, hybrid,

hagfish; polymorph), lycanthropic
empathy (hagfish)
Werehagfish are known to climb aboard ECOLOGY
ships, and toss an unsuspecting sailor Environment any aquatic
overboard to its fellows. They continue such Organization solitary, pair, or
attacks until they are noticed, at which time swarm (3-15)
they simply leap overboard. Treasure NPC gear (leather armor,
punching dagger, light crossbow,
other gear)
Werehagfish feed on large aquatic creatures Physical
such as whales, although they appear to
prefer humanoid blood. They are a scourge to
all undersea races.
While they possess working eyes
Characters with ranks in Knowledge
in humanoid form, in their hybrid
(arcana) can learn more about werehagfish
form the eyes of a werehagfish are
with successful skill checks.
weak. They rely on blindsense instead
of normal vision. Their animal forms
Werehagfish Lore resemble 5 foot lamprey-like eels.
DC Result
Werehagfish are eel-like Society and Culture
12 lycanthropes. This result reveals all
lycanthrope traits.
Werehagfish travel in chaotic swarms,
Werehagfish feed on blood, and ad are led by their strongest
18 crave that of humanoids, and are
resistant to non-silver weapons. member. They tend to live
A werehagfish secretes viscous
fairly primitively, although
22 slime that binds those who attempt they do value metal weapons
to battle it. and objects. They rarely stay

96 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport


Human natural werehagfish fighter 10 (aquatic,
augmented humanoid)
CE Medium Humanoid (human, shapechanger)
Init +7; Senses blindsense 30 ft., low-light vision, scent;
Perception +6
T his humanoid has a hulking, blubbery body, and a
mouth equipped with a pair of large tusks.
AC 20; touch 18, flat-footed 17 (+3 Dex, +2 armor, +5 natural)
hp 21 (2d10+6)
Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +2 (+3 vs fear) Werewalrus are cold-loving lycanthropes that can be very
Defensive Abilities bravery +1; DR 10/silver defensive.
Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft. Tactics
Melee bite +5 (1d6+2 plus attach and curse of
lycanthropy), punching dagger +0 (1d4+2/x3) Werewalrus are not subtle opponents, and tend to charge
Ranged light crossbow +5 (1d8/19-20) foes as soon as they feel threatened. They attack with as
STATISTICS much power as they can muster, and may push foes into
Str 15, Dex 17, Con 16, Int 9, Wis 14, Cha 8 the icy waters of their homes, leaving them to freeze and
Base Atk +2; CMB +4; CMD 17 drown.
Feats Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse
Skills Climb +6, Perception +6, Swim +10
Languages Common
SQ change shape (human, hybrid, hagfish; polymorph),
lycanthropic empathy (hagfish), slime cloud Werewalrus are not trusting creatures, and generally
flee approaching strangers. If they feel even slightly
threatened, they grow hostile. If outsiders gain their trust,
Attach (Ex): While attached to its victim, a werehagfish
drains 1d4 points of blood per round. they consider them family, and protect them as such.
Slime Cloud (Ex): When stressed, a werehagfish releases
a cloud of sticky slime in a 10 foot cube. The movement
of creatures within the cloud is restricted as if under
the effects of entangle. In addition, they must make
Fortitude saves (DC 10 + half the werehagfish’s HD + Werewalrus gather shellfish and seaweeds, and rarely
its Con modifier) or be nauseated for 1d4 rounds. If the
werehagfish is out of the water, the slime covers its make a passing impact on the local environment. They
body, granting it a +10 to CMD rolls to escape grapple make note of every dangerous creature with a few days’
checks, and creatures biting the werehagfish must save swim.
against nausea as above. Werehagfish are immune to the
slime cloud effects. Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can learn
more about werewalrus with successful skill checks.
in one area for more than a fortnight, masquerading as a
rough gang when on land.
Werewalrus Lore
DC Result
Treasure 12
Werewalrus are artic lycanthropes. . This result
reveals all lycanthrope traits.
Werehagfish rarely carry much of value, because the Werewalrus are very hostile to outsiders, and
17 are quick to attack. They are resistant to non-
weight makes them inefficient swimmers. They may have silver weapons.
hidden stashes along long stretches of coastline, where A werewalrus that considers you a friend will
they hide emergency funds. 22
risk its life for your safety.

Advanced Versions Physical Characteristics

Werehagfish advance by character class, and are generally A werewalrus in humanoid form is always powerfully
fighters, rangers, or rogues. built, with a thick layer of fat over the muscle. They tend

The Freeport Bestiary 97

Creatures of Freeport


Human natural werewalrus ranger 2 (augmented humanoid) Human natural werewalrus ranger 2 (augmented
N Large Humanoid (human, shapechanger) humanoid)
Init +1; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +7 N Medium Humanoid (human, shapechanger)
Init +1; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +7
AC 27; touch 10, flat-footed 26 (+1 Dex, +3 shield, +4
armor, +10 natural, -1 size) AC 18; touch 11, flat-footed 17 (+1 Dex, +3 shield, +4
hp 21 (2d10+6) armor)
Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +2 hp 19 (2d10+4)
DR 10/silver Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +2


Speed 20 ft., swim 20 ft. Speed 20 ft., swim 20 ft.

Melee bite +5 (1d8+4 plus curse of lycanthropy) and Melee spear +6 (1d8+3), or spear +0 (1d8+3) and spiked
spear +1 (1d8+4), and spiked heavy shield -9 (1d6+2) heavy shield -4 (1d6+1)
Ranged spear +4 (1d8+4) Ranged spear +4 (1d8+3)
Special Attacks favored enemy (magical beasts) Special Attacks favored enemy (magical beasts)


Str 18, Dex 13, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 8 Str 17, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 8
Base Atk +2; CMB +6; CMD 17 Base Atk +2; CMB +5 ; CMD 16
Feats Improved Shield Bash, Shield Feats Improved Shield Bash, Shield
Focus, Weapon Focus (spear) Focus, Weapon Focus (spear)
Skills Heal +7, Knowledge (nature) Skills Heal +7, Knowledge (nature)
+5, Perception +7, Stealth +1, +5, Perception +7, Stealth +3,
Survival +7 (+8 track), Swim +14 Survival +7 (+8 track), Swim +13
Languages Common Languages Common
SQ change shape (human, SQ change shape (human, hybrid,
hybrid, walrus; polymorph), walrus; polymorph), lycanthropic
hold breath, lycanthropic empathy (walrus), track, wild
empathy (walrus), track, wild empathy
empathy ECOLOGY
Environment cold shorelines
Organization solitary, pair, or
to sport bushy family (3-5)
mustaches or Treasure NPC gear (hide armor,
muttonchops, spear, heavy wooden spiked
shield, other gear)
but this isn’t
universal. Their
hybrid forms are Treasure
also powerfully built,
sporting thick hide and Werewalrus generally keep a
beautiful ivory tusks. small stash on hand, usually of treasures
recovered from sunken ships, as well
Society and as pearls, for trade. A set of werewalrus
tusks can fetch thousands of gold on the
Culture black market, causing some to hunt the
Werewalrus live in small family bands,
often building huts on permanent ice Advanced Versions
floes. They keep in contact with other family
units, meeting several times a year to trade stories, Werewalrus advance by character class, and
and marry off their young. Werewalrus often worship are generally barbarians, druids, rangers, or
gods of the sea, and the cold. shamans.

98 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

Lyngbakr LYNGBAKR CR 9 • XP 6,400

LE Large monstrous humanoid (giant)

Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., scent; Perception +20
T his enormous serpent person towers fifteen feet Aura fear (30 ft., DC 20)
tall, its body trailing on at least twice that length DEFENSE
behind it. It carries a fanged club. AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 9 (+2 Dex, +1 dodge, -1 size)
hp 128 (15d10+60); regeneration 5
Fort +9, Ref +11, Will +13
Lyngbakr are massive snake people giants, savage and
Defensive Abilities block attacks
violent, but with some crude magic powers.

Tactics Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft., swim 40 ft.

Melee morningstar +18/+13/+8 (2d6+6), slam +11 (1d8+2
plus grab)
A lyngbakr prefers to grab and constrict a weak-looking Ranged longbow +16/+11/+6 (2d6, x3)
foe first, especially if that target is a spellcaster. It then Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
uses melee attacks if foes are nearby, or its longbow if Special Attacks constrict (2d6+4)
targets are further away. Against numerous foes or those STATISTICS
too dangerous to risk staying still, the lyngbakr uses its Str 18, Dex 15, Con 18, Int 11, Wis 14, Cha 17
high rate of speed, reach, and Spring Attack to make Base Atk +15; CMB +20 (+24 grapple); CMD 33 (can’t be
quick hit-and-run attacks against the weakest-looking tripped)
foes, hoping to cull enemy numbers before risking a Feats Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Iron Will,
Mobility, Multiattack, Power Attack, Spring Attack
stand-up fight.
Skills Acrobatics +17 (+21 to jump), Climb +12, Intimidate
+21, Perception +20, Sense Motive +17, Swim +12
Encounters ECOLOGY
Environment tropical lands
A lone lyngbakr may travel far from home in the hopes Organization solitary, pair, patrol (3-4), or band (2-8)
of stealing a great treasure or slaying an impressive foe Treasure standard
to prove its value to its tribe, hoping to become a tribal SPECIAL ABILITIES
champion or be chosen for training by a witch. Small
Fear Aura (Su): Foes within radius are affected by the
groups of 3-4 lyngbakr, often including a tribal champion, fear spell. Once a creature saves against the fear aura, it
generally patrol the grounds near their village, or may be is immune to its effects for 24 hours.
found hunting, or conducting a raid against a tribe of
competing humanoids.
Lynbakr Lore
Ecology DC Result
Lyngbakr are powerful giant variants of
Lyngbakr lay clutches of 5-7 eggs once a decade or 19 serpent people. This result reveals all
monstrous humanoid and giant subtype traits.
so, no more than half of which hatch. Newly hatched
Lyngbakr have an aura of fear that frighten
lyngbakr can already speak and fight, though they are 24
away weaker foes.
size Small, and grow to their full height within a year.
Lyngbakr are swift and powerful, and can trap
Lyngbakr prefer hot, wet terrain to keep their scales 29
and kill foes in their coils.
moist and warm, but can adapt to beaches, marshes, and
even desert oasis. serpent people that carry the legacy of Valossa. A typical
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nautre) can learn lyngbakr has a head-totail length in excess of 40 feet, and
more about lyngbakr with successful skill checks. weighs as much as 600 pounds. However, when in combat,
it generally raises its head only 10-15 feet high, using the
Physical Characteristics rest of its length to spring at or trap and constrict foes.
Lyngbakr are covered in scales like and bear the head of a
Lyngbakr are a primitive and massive form of serpent folk, snake, and have powerful, human-like arms and hands. The
although it’s unknown if they are directly related to the head usually appear to be that of a viper or boa.

The Freeport Bestiary 99

Creatures of Freeport

trade. Lynbakr particularly mistrust true serpent folk, as

their history claims they were created by the serpent folk
to serve as shock troops for the Valossan Empire, and
they were treated more as living weapons than brethren.

Lyngbakr value magic weapons, rings, and ioun stones
above all other treasures. They are more likely to be found
with gems than coins, and may have a few potions created
by a tribal witch or alchemist.

Advanced Versions
Lyngbakr generally take 1-2 levels in warrior as they gain
experience. Tribal champions and chieftains may have
levels in barbarian or monster slayer. Most tribes
have a single member much smarter than the rest,
who trains as an alchemist (using herbs and local
materials for potions) or a witch. This wise one is
highly trusted as an advisor and mediator between
the lyngbakr and the forces of nature.

At first glance, this creature looks like a normal—if
rather large—housecat. But its amber eyes glow with
more than an animal intelligence, and it seems
to understand every word you say.

Malkins look like normal housecats, but they are both

Society and Culture more intelligent and more magical in nature.

Most lyngbakr exist in small tribes of 6-30 members, with

1-3 tribal champions, a chieftain, and a witch or alchemist
who serves as an advisor. All lyngbakr serve as hunters Tactics
and soldiers, but are also assigned some useful function by
the tribe’s wise one, often taking turns as cooks, tanners, A malkin only fights when cornered. Typically, a malkin
builders, and so on. Tribal champions are free of such tries to escape from any situation where it feels threatened,
menial labor, and thus most lyngbakr strive to prove they or use intimidation to drive an attacker away. When it does
deserve champion status through impressive deeds. The fight, a malkin brawls with great ferocity, hurling itself at a
champions of a tribe are selected by its chieftain, and foe to bring all of its claws and teeth into play.
when the chieftain dies one of the champions is named
chieftain by the wise one.
Lyngbakr believe themselves to be superior to all other Encounters
races, and generally treat visitors as food, though in rare
cases a tribe’s wise one may indicate a group should be Solitary with regards to their own kind outside of
treated as guests, or even make treaties with groups for infrequent mating cycles, malkin are typically found

100 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

either masquerading as common housecats for their own

MALKIN CR 2 • XP 600
purposes and amusement, travelling as willing partners
with one or more individuals who are fully aware of their N Tiny outsider (native)
intelligence and superior nature, or as objects of reverence Init +4; Senses detect evil, low-light vision, scent, true
sight; Perception +5
for primitive human and humanoid cultures.

Ecology AC 16, touch 16, flat-footed 12 (+4 Dex, +2 size)

hp 19 (3d10+3)
Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +2
Their race was created when an outsider visiting the
Immune electricity, poison; Resist acid 10, cold 10, fire 10;
Material Plane became stuck in the form of a cat as the SR 13
result of a magical accident. Accounts differ widely over OFFENSE
the nature of this outsider—male or female, celestial, Speed 30 ft.
demonic or diabolical—and the descriptions shed more Melee 2 claws +x (1d2-1 plus grab) and bite +7 (1d3-1 and
light on the prejudices of each writer than they do on the grab)
nature of the malkin. What cannot be denied, however, Size 2 1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
is that they have abilities far beyond those of normal Special Attacks arcane claws, improved grab, pounce,
rake (2 claws +x 1d2-1)
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (planes) can learn
more about malkin with successful skill checks. Str 8, Dex 19, Con 12, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 11
Base Atk +3; CMB +0 (+9 grapple); CMD 14 (19 versus
Malkin Lore Feats Alertness, Weapon Finesse
Skills Acrobatics +14, Climb +10, Escape Artist +14,
DC Result Intimidate +3, Perception +7, Sense Motive +5, Stealth
Most people have heard some sort of fanciful +20, Survival +4; Racial Modifiers +8 Acrobatics, +8
tale about magical cats, from superstitions Climb, +8 Escape Artist, +4 Stealth
about bad luck, to tales of imps and other Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common, 1-2 additional
lesser fiends favoring the form of a black cat as languages (cannot speak); telepathy 100 ft.
a disguise when wandering the mortal world.
If a character that does not possess any sort
of special knowledge skill observes a malkin Arcane Claws (Su) A malkin’s natural weapons are
performing any sort of unusual action, he may treated as magical weapons for the purposes of
jump to one of these wild conclusions about the overcoming damage reduction.
creature. Detect Evil (Sp) A malkin can use detect evil at will, as
the spell. Malkins vary widely in alignment; evil malkins
The character knows basic facts about the
use this ability to identify possible companions, while
malkin—the cat’s intelligence, its curious and good malkins shun creatures with malevolent auras.
12 fickle nature, and its ability to communicate
telepathically. This result reveals all outsider Improved Grab (Ex) Despite its tiny size, a malkin fights
traits. like a tiger. If a malkin hits with a claw or bite attack, it
can attempt to start a grapple as a free action without
The character is quite familiar with the abilities provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple
of malkins. He knows about the cat’s power to check, it establishes a hold and can rake. Malkin use their
sense evil, see invisible objects, and penetrate Dexterity in place of their Strength when computing
illusions. In addition, he understands how to CMB for grapples, and CMD when defending against
17 them.
flatter malkins and stroke their delicate egos;
this provides him with a +2 circumstance bonus True Sight (Su) The most remarkable power of the
to Diplomacy checks made while dealing with ghost cat is its oracular vision. Nothing escapes the
malkins. notice of a malkin, and no illusion can fool one of
these creatures. A malkin receives all of the benefits
of the true seeing spell, and can penetrate illusions
Physical Characteristics and disguises, see invisible and ethereal creatures,
and penetrate even magical darkness. This is an innate
ability that requires no effort on the part of the malkin.
Malkins are normally larger than average cats, weighing True sight is an incredibly powerful and useful talent,
25-30 pounds. Many are black, but they appear in but it is important to take the personality of the malkin
into account. Just because a malkin spots an invisible
all colors. They do not speak, but can communicate creature or notices an illusion doesn’t mean that it will
telepathically with any creature that has a language. Most inform its human companion of this fact. After all, he
never asked, did he?
malkins understand Common, Celestial, Abyssal, and one
or two additional languages.

The Freeport Bestiary 101

Creatures of Freeport

Professor Tibbs
A large calico cat named Professor Tibbs is a familiar sight slinking around the Freeport Institute. She simply
appeared on the premises two years ago and moved in. The Professor spends most of her days in the kitchens, but
has complete access to the Institute and can sometimes be found in the library or one of the lecture rooms. Most
of the faculty and students treat her as an unofficial mascot. Her presence is welcome most of the time, except for
some unusual nocturnal activities. Two or three evenings a week, cats from every part of the city congregate in an
alley behind the Institute and keep everyone awake with their caterwauling. Some of the Institute staff members
living near this alley go so far as to cast silence on their rooms in order to get some sleep.
Several years ago, Professor Tibbs was a sorcerer’s familiar. Possessed with a sharp and inquiring mind
even for a malkin, she learned more about magic than most of her kind, and has developed a taste for
esoteric studies. She can understand Common, and is indulging her curiosity by attending certain classes and
observing experiments. Regular castings of charm person ensure her continued popularity, and she will catch
the occasional mouse or rat in order to seem useful.
Professor Tibbs is driven mainly by her curiosity and love of esoterica and secret knowledge. She lets the
bipedal members of the Institute keep thinking that she is just an ordinary cat who has found a good home,
reinforcing the deception with occasional charm person spells. Even so, she is constantly afraid of being
discovered. Whenever she senses that someone is looking at her, she immediately does something catlike—
licking her paw, stalking invisible prey, rubbing against a person’s legs—to disarm any possible suspicion.
She is a very acute listener, even when she appears to be asleep, and knows more gossip than anyone at the
Institute. Through her students, she also knows a great deal about what is going on across the city, especially
if it involves magic.
Professor Tibbs looks like a large female cat weighing around 16 pounds with a medium-length coat of black,
white, and red-brown fur. Her eyes are amber flecked with green, and her ears are white. She wears a collar of
red leather with a small brass medallion inscribed “Prof. Tibbs, Fprt. Inst.” that was given to her by an affectionate
student when she first took up residence. She has a habit of cocking her head slightly to one side and looking at
a person as though she really understands what they are saying—which, more often than not, she does.
Unknown to the faculty and students, Professor Tibbs has started to conduct classes of her own a few nights
a week. These nocturnal lessons are attended by malkins and cat familiars from all over the city. The lively
debate that characterizes her classes has led to the occasional boot being thrown by a sleepless human, but the
cats take these interruptions in stride. From time to time, a drunken student wandering back to his room in
the Cluster will stumble upon a class in progress, but no one guesses the truth.

Society and Culture Uses

Malkin are more solitary than normal cats, preferring While it is definitely rare, legends tell of worthy heroes
their own company to that of their fellows, but they earning the companionship of malkin allies.
occasionally gather during infrequent mating cycles that
they have no control over; a fact that they find immensely Malkin Companions
irritating. Children are born in twos—one male and one
female—and once they are six months old, leave to find Malkins are intelligent outsiders. A druid or ranger cannot
their own paths. claim a malkin as an animal companion, and Animal
Handling and Wild Empathy do not affect the supernatural
Treasure cats. However, a malkin may choose to accompany a
character if it finds some personal advantage to doing so. A
Malkin do not adventure to gain treasure, but they accept malkin insists on being properly fed, cared for, and allowed
and make use of any items suited for their forms that to do whatever it pleases. It only stays with a person as long
adoring admirers and faithful allies gift them with. as it is well-treated and finds the association profitable,

102 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

Arcane Claws (Su) A malkin’s natural weapons are
Female malkin sorcerer 4 treated as magical weapons for the purposes of
N Tiny outsider (native) overcoming damage reduction.
Init +4; Senses detect evil, low-light vision, scent, true Detect Evil (Sp) A malkin can use detect evil at will, as
sight; Perception +7 the spell. Malkins vary widely in alignment; evil malkins
use this ability to identify possible companions, while
DEFENSE good malkins shun creatures with malevolent auras.
AC 16, touch 16, flat-footed 12 (+4 Dex, +2 size) Improved Grab (Ex) Despite its tiny size, a malkin fights
like a tiger. If a malkin hits with a claw or bite attack, it
hp 37 (3d10+4d6+7) can attempt to start a grapple as a free action without
Fort +5, Ref +8, Will +4 provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple
Immune electricity, poison; Resist acid 10, cold 10, fire 10; check, it establishes a hold and can rake. Malkin use their
SR 13 Dexterity in place of their Strength when computing CMB
for grapples, and CMD when defending against them.
Practiced Spellcasting (Ex) Professor Tibbs has practiced
Speed 30 ft. casting spells incessantly to the point that she ignores the
Melee 2 claws +9 (1d2-1 plus grab) and bite +4 (1d3-1 and grab) wild shape prerequisite for the Natural Spell feat.
Size 2 1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft. True Sight (Su) The most remarkable power of the ghost
cat is its oracular vision. Nothing escapes the notice of a
Special Attacks arcane claws, improved grab, pounce, malkin, and no illusion can fool one of these creatures. A
rake (2 claws +x 1d2-1) malkin receives all of the benefits of the true seeing spell,
Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 4th, concentration +6; +9 and can penetrate illusions and disguises, see invisible
ranged touch) and ethereal creatures, and penetrate even magical
2nd--invisibility darkness. This is an innate ability that requires no effort
1st--charm person, expeditious retreat, unseen servant on the part of the malkin. True sight is an incredibly
powerful and useful talent, but it is important to take the
0--detect magic, daze (DC 12), mage hand, open/close, personality of the malkin into account. Just because a
ray of frost, read magic malkin spots an invisible creature or notices an illusion
Bloodline arcane doesn’t mean that it will inform its human companion of
this fact. After all, he never asked, did he?
Str 8, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 14
Base Atk +5; CMB +2 (+11 grapple); CMD 16 (21 versus
Feats Alertness, Eschew MaterialsB, Natural Spell, Still
Spell, Weapon Finesse
Skills Acrobatics +14, Climb +10, Escape Artist +14,
Intimidate +3, Knowledge (arcana) +6, Knowledge
(local) +5, Perception +7, Sense Motive +7,
Spellcraft +6, Stealth +20, Survival +4;
Racial Modifiers +8 Acrobatics, +8 Climb, +8 Escape
Artist, +4 Stealth
Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common, 1-2 additional
languages (cannot speak); telepathy 100 ft.
SQ arcane bond (collar), bloodline arcana
(+1 DC for metamagic spells that increase
spell level), practiced spellcasting, metamagic
adept (1/day)
Gear collar

interesting, or amusing. A malkin rarely develops a

true attachment to anyone, and it may leave for any
reason—or for no reason at all.
Malkins have a life span of 15 to 20 years. They
are playful and capricious throughout their lives, but
become a bit more sedate as they age. Elderly malkin
sit with great dignity and seldom move except to eat.
Malkin kittens have been known to sell for 10,000 gp
each; adults are harder to trade as they tend to escape and
are almost impossible to catch.

The Freeport Bestiary 103

Creatures of Freeport

Improved Familiar to be magical liquid, but had in fact purchased only water.
The phrase “malkin’s tears” has become a standard term
A wizard or sorcerer of at least 7th level who possesses the for anything mythical or imaginary.
Improved Familiar feat may take a malkin as a familiar.
However, the malkin must volunteer for the position and Advanced Versions
can choose to leave at any time, stranding the character
without a familiar. Even while it is serving as a familiar, a Malkin advance either by hit dice or by character class.
malkin always makes quite clear that theirs is a relationship If advancing by character class, they prefer to advance as
of equals; the “master” quickly discovers that he cannot spontaneous spellcasters, although there is no preference
simply order his malkin companion around. As familiars, between arcane or divine classes.
Malkins grant no innate bonuses to saving throws or skill
checks to their masters.
Malkin’s Tears
The tears from a malkin’s eyes, when dropped into a A giant raven calls from the dead tree. To your horror,
character’s eyes, provide the character with the power of its eyes are empty sockets. It slowly spreads its wings to
true seeing for a number of rounds equal to the character’s reveal runes on the feathers, glowing with a sickly light.
Wisdom modifier (minimum 1); this is the maximum
amount of time the character can resist blinking, as the Nachtkrabe are fiendish ravens with deep knowledge of
creature’s tears sting the eyes slightly. However, pain will runes.
not induce a malkin to cry, and the cats are typically quite
cynical; as a result, the tears of the malkin are hard to come Tactics
by. A vial of malkin’s tears usually holds enough liquid for
three uses, and can sell for up to 200 gp. Of course, there Nachtkrabe prefer to stay mobile in combat, utilizing their
are many tales of people who bought what they believed gaze attacks to weaken foes. They fly away from sustained
combat, but then target their enemies’ loved ones and
homes. They enjoy both irony and carnage, and gleefully
add deadly runes to a innocent target’s shopping list,
or a monarch’s publicly posted proclamation.

Nachtkrabe often act as scouts,
messengers, and lore keepers to
powerful evil creatures. They do
well at such roles as long as they
are given ample opportunity
for chaos, have a steady
stream of tomes to read,
and are treated as allies and
not minions. If they feel
their skills and advice are
being taken advantage
of, they leave
after peppering
their masters’
laboratories with
spell runes, some
of which may take
years to find.

104 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

Ecology NACHTKRABE CR 5 • XP 16,000

CE Large Outsider (native)

A nachtkrabe feeds on the life energy of living creatures, Init +2; Senses darkvision 100 ft; Perception +13
and flesh seasoned by disease, although they do enjoy
the feel of ripping flesh with their beaks, and the taste
AC 19, touch 11, flat-footed 17 (+2 Dex, +8 natural, -1 size)
of blood. Areas frequented by these creatures tend to be
hp 63 (6d10+30)
littered with rotting corpses, some with no apparent signs Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +9
of wounds. Immune cold, disease
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can learn
more about the nachtkrabe with successful skill checks.
Speed 20 ft., fly 50 ft.
Melee bite +8 (1d8+4), and 2 talons +8 (1d6+4)
Nachtkrabe Lore Special Abilities gaze, runes of disease
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 8, Concentration +14)
DC Result
At will- arcane mark, sepia snake sigil (DC 19)
Nachtkrabe are giant ravens with an evil nature. 3/day-glyph of warding (DC 19)
This result reveals all native outsider traits.
1/day explosive runes (DC 19)
The gaze of an nachtkrabe is deadly to those
that meet it.
Nachtkrabe‘s wings are inscribed with runes Str 17, Dex 15, Con 20, Int 18, Wis 19, Cha 22
25 Base Atk +6; CMB +11; CMD 23
that cause disease.
Feats Ability Focus (gaze), Fly-By Attack, Vital Strike
Physical Characteristics Skills Bluff +15, Fly +11, Intimidate +15, Knowledge
(history, planes) +13, Linguistics +13, Perception +13,
Sense Motive +13, Spellcraft +9, Stealth +7
Nachtkrabe are giant ravens, with raw, empty eye sockets. Languages Common, Draconic Dwarven, Giant
The runes inscribed on their feathers glow with an SQ reproduce rune
unhealthy yellow-green light. ECOLOGY
Environment cold lands
Society and Culture Organization solitary, pair, flock (3-15)
Treasure standard
For all their evil, nachtkrabe deeply value lore and SPECIAL ABILITIES
literature, and show respect for those that revere such Gaze (Su): The empty eye sockets of a nachtkrabe drain
things. They will not do anything that brings harm to the very life out of those that meet its gaze. Targets
looking into the nachtkrabe’s eyes gain 1d2 negative
libraries, or those that guard them, and willingly trade levels, with a DC 21 Will save to resist. The Fortitude save
favors for a chance to read ancient tomes or learn new to remove the negative levels is 19.
rune magics. Of course their favors tend to be self-serving, Reproduce Runes (Sp): Nachtkrabe can reproduce any
glyph, rune, sigil, or symbol based spell it reads or sees
and always bring the most chaotic possible outcome. as a spell-like ability. It retains the knowledge of the spell
until used, afterwards it must see the spell again to reuse
Treasure it. A nachtkrabe never sets off a spell trigger that must
be read or touched.
Wing Runes (Su): Every nachtkrabe has a unique version
Nachtkrabe keep a modest treasure horde to pay for books of the rune that means sickness inscribed on the inside
of its wings. As a full round action it can spread its
and spell-runes that they can’t simply trade favors for. In wings, or make a fly over that displays the runes to the
addition, they maintain hidden stashes of rare books and world. All targets that can see the runes must make a DC
19 Fortitude save or contract the disease that particular
stolen spellbooks, often filled with spells that are sigil- rune represents. Common disease runes include blinding
based. sickness, cackle fever, and mindfire, but any disease can
be represented.

Advanced Versions
Nachtkrabe advance by templates, especially those that
deal with runic magic. A few have the fortitude to learn
class levels, always in spell-casting classes.

The Freeport Bestiary 105

Creatures of Freeport

Nightmarchers Encounters
Nightmarchers appear on important dates, typically the
A gray-skinned warrior bedecked in shells and anniversary of their march to war, reappearing each night
feathers marches in line with its fellows. Its sunken until they reach the battle field, where they disappear
yellow eyes search for your face. until the next year. Any humanoids falling to them on
their march join their endless walk. They are also known
to march on important religious dates, or in response to
Nightmarchers are undead warriors, cursed to rise on world shaking events.
important occasions and march to the site of their deaths.
Nightmarchers are an eternal force, unless their leader is
Nightmarchers fight as a skilled unit, supporting each destroyed. If their leader is slain, the warriors all fall to the
others’ defense and attacks. They attack powerful foes as a ground with grateful sighs.
team, swarming them until they fall. Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can learn
more about nightmarchers with successful skill checks.

Nightmarcher Lore
DC Result
Nightmarchers are undead warriors that
13 appear on specific dates. This result reveals all
undead traits.
Nightmarchers recruit all they kill into their
18 numbers, although they usually spare those
related to them.
The only way to lay an army of nightmarchers
to rest is to slay their leader.

Physical Characteristics
Nightmarchers have sallow gray flesh, and lightly glowing
eyes. They walk as if they are exhausted, and always wear
weary expressions, even in battle.

Society and Culture

Nightmarchers exist only to walk and kill. They are most
frequently spawned from tropical tribal cultures, although
they may be found anywhere men go to war.

Individual nightmarchers carry little in the way of
treasure, any of which disappears with them each day
until they are permanently laid to rest, at which point, all
items fall where they stood. The typical marcher is armed
with a wooden club studded with obsidian blades or shark
teeth, and a wooden shield. Their leader may wear armor,
and possess the finest weapons and items.

106 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

Environment any land
NE Medium undead Organization troop (5-500)
Init +2; Senses dark vision 60 ft.; Perception +8 Treasure standard
AC 17; touch 12, flat-footed 15 (+2 Dex, +2 shield, +3 natural) Create Spawn (Su): Any humanoid or monstrous
hp 27 (5d8+5) humanoid killed by the nightmarchers join their ranks the
next evening. Creatures related to the nightmarcher that
Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4
kills them are immune to this effect.
Defensive Abilities channel resistance +1
Gaze (Su): Anyone meeting the gaze of a nightmarcher
Immune undead traits is paralyzed for 1d6 rounds. A DC 13 Will save resists the
effect. Anyone that has a blood relative within the ranks
of the nightmarchers is immune to this effect.
Speed 30 ft. Undying (Su): A nightmarcher, no matter how it is
Melee terbutje +6 (1d8+2/19-20), or 2 slams +5 (1d4+2) destroyed, will arise again on the next occasion, unless
Ranged atlatl dart +5 (1d6+2) their leader is destroyed.
Special Attacks create spawn, gaze Unit Based Soul (Su): A nightmarcher gains a +1 to its
channel resistance and Will saves per 10 nightmarchers
STATISTICS within 60 feet, They also gain a +5 to the DC of
Str 15, Dex 14, Con -, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 12 Intimidate checks, including those for Dazzling Display
per 5 nightmarchers attempting the check.
Base Atk +3; CMB +5; CMD 17
Vanishing (Su): When dawn breaks, nightmarchers fade
Feats Dazzling Display, Rapid Reload, Weapon Focus away into nothing until the next event that calls to them.
Skills Climb +10, Intimidate +9, Perception +8, Swim +10
Languages Common
SQ undying, unit based soul, vanishing Encounters
Ningyo typically react with great hostility to other races. If
Advanced Versions the interlopers appear powerful or numerous, they usually
flee, gathering the rest of the tribe for a horde assault.
Individual nightmarchers rarely advance past the
standard version, although some groups of strong willed Ecology
beings may maintain the class levels they possessed in life.
Nightmarcher leaders always possess class levels, and may Ningyo live a semi-nomadic lifestyle, following the great
possess templates as well. schools of fish through the sea in predictable patterns.
They supplement their hunts by gathering shellfish and

Ningyo seaweed.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can learn
more about a ningyo with successful skill checks.

T his fishman has the head of a heavy-browed ape,

and a body covered with thick dark scales. Its long
Ningyo Lore
fingers are tipped with dagger-like claws. DC Result
Ningyo are a primative race of merfolk. This
result reveals all humanoid and aquatic traits.
Ningyo are primitive merfolk, with almost ape-like faces,
Ningyo are are hostile to other races, and have
and heavy scales. 15
a superstitious dread of surface beings.
Ningyo will very rarely have peaceful relations
Tactics 20 with merfolk or tritons, and only when the
ningyo have the advantage of numbers.
Ningyo produce primitive weapons such as spears and
nets, but typically only use them for hunting rather than Physical Characteristics
for combat. They are better known to attack foes with
their wicked claws. They generally attack as a horde, and Ningyo are the equivalent of “cave men” to merfolk. Their
target anyone using magic first. faces possess prominent brows, and their canine teeth

The Freeport Bestiary 107

Creatures of Freeport

are enlarged. Their bodies are powerfully built, and their

NINGYO CR 1/2 • XP 200
scales are thick and heavy.
Ningyo warrior 1
N Medium humanoid (aquatic, merfolk) Society and Culture
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception -2
DEFENSE Ningyo speak a primitive dialect of Common, consisting
AC 14; touch 11, flat-footed 13 (+1 Dex, +3 natural) of a few words and many gestures. They are prone to
hp 6 (1d10+1) violent outbursts, and distrust other races, magic, and
Fort +3, Ref +1, Will -2 anything above the surface of the sea. While not evil, they
OFFENSE prefer to avoid others, spurning trade, and sometimes
Speed 5 ft., swim 30 ft. attacking undersea towns and ships in great screaming
Melee 2 claws +1 (1d4+3) hordes.
Special Attacks rend (2 claws 1d4+4)
Str 17, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 8, Wis 7, Cha 6
Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 15 Ningyo possess few things advanced races view as
Feats Skill Focus (Intimidate) treasure, and often hide or destroy any treasures from the
Skills Intimidate +5, Swim +11 surface. What coins they find are made into charms and
Languages Ningyo necklaces. They may use the weapons of fallen foes.
Environment any ocean Advanced Versions
Organization solitary, pair, tribe (5-250)
Treasure standard Ningyo advance by character class. The only spellcasters
tolerated by the ningyo are druids, oracles, and shamen.

Ningyo Characters
Ningyo are defined by their class levels-they do
not possess racial Hit Dice. All ningyo have the
following racial traits.
+4 Strength, +2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence,
Wisdom, and Charisma: Ningyo are
powerfully built and agile, but primitive and
Medium: Ningyo are medium creatures.

Darkvision: Ningyo prefer dark waters to

hunt, and possess 60 foot darkvision.

Claws: Ningyo have long claws on their

fingers, and gain the ability to rend foes.

Thick Scales: Ningyo have overlapping scales

of impressive weight, granting them a +3 natural
armor bonus.

Languages: Ningyo begin play speaking

Ningyo only. Ningyo with high Intelligence
scores can choose from among the
following bonus languages: Aquan,

108 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

Ocean Wyrm Ocean Wyrm Lore

DC Result
T his creature has a dragon-like head, and a long, This is an ocean wyrm, or kolan’tathok, an
sinuous body with a flattened tail. A spiny crest immense ocean-going serpent of great power.
It can recover from injury while submerged, is
runs the length of its back, and on each side of its 26
resistant to fire damage, and tends to swallow
body it has a ridge of flattened, projecting scales. It its victims. This result reveal all elemental and
moves through the water with an undulating motion, outsider traits.
traveling with seemingly impossible speed. When it The character has heard tales of those who
have been swallowed by a kolan’tathok and
rises up out of the ocean, the water seems to cling to lived to tell the tale. When he is trying to cut
it—as if it was somehow part of the ocean itself. 31
his way out of the kolan’tathok’s stomach, he
only needs to inflict 16 points of damage in
order to escape.
The ocean wyrm, or kolan’tathok (singular and plural), is The kolan’tathok is a creature of water. A
an enormous aquatic serpent, capable of crushing a small skilled wizard or sorcerer can adapt frost
ship within its coils. spells to freeze the watery sheath of the
serpent, shattering its scales and flesh. If the
character makes the necessary skill check, any
Tactics 36 cold damage he inflicts on the kolan’tathok—
including damage from frost or icy burst
weapons—is increased by 20%. Additionally,
A kolan’tathok possesses mighty jaws and can crush an the character knows how to use the blood
opponent in its serpentine coils. When attacking a ship, and scales of a kolan’tathok to create magical
the kolan’tathok attempts to capsize the vessel and then items.
pick off the crew as they flounder in the water. If it is
injured, it retreats beneath the surface and wait for its Physical Characteristics
wounds to heal.
Locathah belief credits the kolan’tathok with many
Encounters supernatural abilities inherited from their divine forebear.
These include control of the sea and the ability to look
Ocean wyrms are rarely encountered outside their into a creature’s soul to see all its sins against the teachings
underwater homes, preferring the easy life of locathah- of the God of Locathah and Merfolk. Regardless of the
delivered offerings, and propitiation, to the exertion truth of the locathah legends, the kolan’tathok is clearly
required to acquire those things for themselves. They magical in nature and has a primal connection with the
defend themselves if attacked or if their lair is invaded, ocean itself. A sheath of water surrounds a kolan’tathok,
and, if sufficiently angered or roused by locathah priests, and it can move through the ocean at great speed. While
they shed their sedentary lifestyle and depart their coral it is underwater, its wounds heal at a supernatural rate, but
caverns to become engines of aquatic destruction. only while the creature is completely submerged.

Ecology Society and Culture

Owing to their elemental nature, ocean wyrms have no Kolan’tathok are regarded as sacred by the locathah, who
need to eat or sleep, and thus remain awake and aware claim that the serpents are the children of a mighty sea
at all times. How reproduction is carried out is a topic god named Kolan—indeed, their name in the locathah
that only the most foolhardy of sages would contemplate tongue means “Children of Kolan.” According to folklore,
investigating, but the most commonly-accepted theories Kolan was the younger brother of the God of Locathah
are that ocean wyrms either fission off a part of themselves and Merfolk; jealous of his elder’s faithful following
at some point in their lives, or that they do not, in fact, among the aquatic peoples, he turned himself into a
reproduce at all, and that all ocean wyrms enter the world great and terrible sea serpent to threaten them. The
through deep ocean portal to elemental planes of water. locathah placate the kolan’tathok—and through them
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (planes) can learn their legendary father Kolan—with offerings of food and
more about ocean wyrms with successful skill checks. occasional sacrifices, building shrines in front of their lairs

The Freeport Bestiary 109

Creatures of Freeport
OCEAN WYRM CR 16 • XP 76,800
Str 42, Dex 10, Con 30, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 10
N Colossal outsider (elemental, water) Base Atk +21; CMB +44 (+46 bull rush, grapple, and
Init +0; Senses blindsense 30 ft.(underwater), darkvision overrun); CMD 54 (+56 versus bull rush, grapple, and
60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +27 overrun; can’t be tripped)
Feats Awesome Blow, Blind-Fight, Cleave, Improved Bull
DEFENSE Rush, Improved Natural Attack (bite), Improved Overrun,
AC 20, touch 2, flat-footed 20 (+18 natural, -8 size) Iron Will, Power Attack, Toughness, Weapon Focus
(bite), Vital Strike
hp 346 (21d10+231); fast healing 5 (submerged in salt
water) Skills Bluff + 23, Intimidate +27, Knowledge (planes) +4,
Perception +27, Sense Motive +27, Stealth +8, Swim +47;
Fort +22, Ref +12, Will +13 Racial Modifiers +8 Swim
Immune elemental traits; Resist fire 30 Languages Aquan (cannot speak)
Speed swim 90 ft. Crushing Coils (Ex) Against ships, where it can bring its
Melee bite +37 (6d6+30 plus grab) full strength to bear, a kolan’tathok’s constrict attack
Space 50 ft.; Reach 20 ft. bypasses 10 points of hardness.
Special Attacks constrict (6d10+16), crushing coils, Drench (Ex) The touch of the kolan’tathok extinguishes
drench, powerful bite, swallow whole (2d8+16 and 2d6 torches, campfires, and other exposed, nonmagical
acid damage, AC 19, 32 hp), water mastery flames of Huge size or smaller. The serpent can dispel
any magical fire it touches as dispel magic (caster level
equals kolan’tathok’s HD).
Powerful Bite (Ex) A kolan’tathok adds twice its
Strength bonus on damage rolls when biting.
Water Mastery (Ex) A kolan’tathok gains a +1 bonus
on attack and damage rolls if both it and its opponent
are touching water. If either creature is touching solid
ground (not including the deck of a ship), the serpent
takes a -4 penalty on attack and damage rolls. In
addition, the kolan’tathok’s influence over the water in
its vicinity makes it a serious threat to ships. The serpent
can capsize small ships (5 feet long per Hit Die) and stop
the motion of large vessels (up to 10 feet per Hit Die). If
it encounters a ship so large that it cannot be brought to
a complete halt, the kolan’tathok can slow its movement
to half speed.

which are attended by locathah clerics. A steady supply of

offerings relieves the great serpents of the need to hunt,
and many have not left their coral caves for centuries.
In some communities, sacrifice to a kolan’tathok is the
approved form of capital punishment; according to
some doctrines, Kolan made peace with his brother, and
agreed only to prey upon those of his worshippers who
transgressed against him.

A kolan’tathok does not collect treasure. However, if there
are locathah in the region, it will possess treasures that
have been gathered as offerinsg by the adoring priests.
While the locathah make offerings at the lair of every
kolan’tathok known to reside within their territory, there
are still some swimming freely in the more remote oceans,
preying upon whales and other large sea creatures. They
have been known to attack ships, seeming to regard them
as another type of prey.

110 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

Uses Peik-Ta
The blood of an ocean wyrm can be quite useful
in magical activities, but it has to be processed and A dried and desiccated form of a sea folk rises
concentrated before it can be used in this manner. A dose up on creaking arms. Its face is withered by the
of concentrated kolam’tathok blood is roughly 6 ounces,
sun, yet fearfully animated, its gill slits rustling
and is boiled down from 100 gallons of raw blood over
like dried parchment. With horrifying speed it begins
the course of a week. A typical ocean wyrm, if completely
to crawl in your direction.
drained, can produce 64 doses, worth 250 gp each.

Spell Components Peik-ta are the desiccated corpses of water dwelling

beings that died on land.
The concentrated blood of a kolan’tathok can be used as
an additional material component for certain spells, with Tactics
the following effects:
• Quench: The caster gets a +5 bonus on level checks to Peik-ta typically attack in a horde, overrunning the living
quench magical fires, with a maximum bonus of +20. and leaving dried corpses in their wake. They are not
The damage inflicted upon elemental (fire) creatures mindless, however, and at times take great care in setting
is increased by +1 point per die. up ambushes, and ensuring their prey does not escape.
While they will attack any living victim, they always
• Protection from energy: If the spell is used to defend target natives of the water first.
against fire damage, it absorbs 15 points per caster
level, to a maximum of 150 points. Encounters
• Resist energy: If this spell is used to defend against fire
damage, the energy resistance is increased by 5 points. Peik-ta often masquerade as desiccated corpses, lying
perfectly still to to lure in the unsuspecting. Peik-ta
Magic Items generally only appear where sea dwelling humanoids are
cast ashore as a punishment, by natural disaster, or when
If the blood of a kolan’tathok is used as a component, powerful magics are used to allow land-walking. Their
a character can create potions of quench, protection from hate for living sea folk is strong enough that they lurk
energy, or resist energy without needing to cast the spell. If where they can pull victims from the water, despite the
the creator does cast the spell, the effects of the potion are pain and damage to their bodies. Foes that have the ability
enhanced as described above. to produce large amounts of water causes the creatures to
Leather or studded leather made from the hide of a flee in terror.
kolan’tathok can be enchanted to provide the benefits
of freedom of movement while the wearer is underwater. Ecology
This adds +12,500 gp to the cost of the armor. Locathath
always have a hostile reaction towards a character wearing Peik-ta kill any living thing they can get their claws onto,
kolan’tathok armor. from insects to large animals. They do not move on from
an area until they have destroyed all life they can find and
Advanced Versions overcome.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can learn
Ocean wyrms advance by hit dice and size. more about a peik-ta with successful skill checks.

Mermaid Divorce: More Common Than You Think


The Freeport Bestiary 111

Creatures of Freeport

PEIK-TA CR 4 • XP 1,200
Str 17, Dex 14, Con -, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 19
CE Medium undead Base Atk +3; CMB +6, +8 grapple; CMD 18
Init +2; Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +8 Feats Ability Focus (kiss), Improved Grapple, Weapon
Focus (slam)
Skills Climb +10, Intimidate +11, Knowledge (religion) +7,
AC 18; touch 12, flat-footed 16 (+2 Dex, +6 natural) Perception +8, Stealth +9
hp 42 (5d8+20) Languages Common
Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +5 SQ speed of hate
Defensive Abilities channel resistance +5; Immune
undead traits ECOLOGY
Weakness vulnerability to water Environment shorelines
Organization solitary, pair, pack (3-30)
Treasure standard
Speed 30 ft.
Melee 2 slams +7 (1d4+3 plus grab) SPECIAL ABILITIES
Special Attacks create spawn, kiss, suctioning grip Create Spawn (Su): Humanoids or monstrous
humanoids with the aquatic or water subtypes, that
are killed by a peik-ta’s kiss or suctioning grip, rise as a
peik-ta at the next low tide (or in 24 hours, if on a body
of water without tides). The new peik-ta retains none
of the abilities it possessed in life, and is not under the
control of its creator.
Kiss (Su): A peik-ta in a grapple with a water-breathing
target may make a touch attack to kiss its victim. This
kiss has two effects. It removes the water from the lungs
of a victim that is holding its breath, causing it to begin
to drown. It also acts as a CL 8 dispel magic on victims
relying on a spell or device to breathe out of the water.
A DC 18 Fortitude save resists the effect. A peik-ta heals
2d8 hit points when it successfully uses its kiss ability.
Speed of Hate (Ex): A peik-ta’s hatred of the living is so
strong that it pulls itself along with unnatural strength,
maintaining a speed of 30 regardless of lacking limbs
designed for land-walking.
Suctioning Grip (Su): A peik-ta’s flesh is so dry that it
adheres to the skin of the living, sucking vital fluids out of
its victim. Any living creature struck by a peik-ta’s slam
attack must make a grapple check or become physically
attached to it. While attached, the peik-ta loses its Dex
bonus to AC, but drains 1d4 Constitution points from
the victim per round. The victim must make a successful
grapple check against the peik-ta to escape its grasp.
Weakness to Water: The only safe way a peik-ta can
touch water of any kind is by its kiss or suctioning grip.
A peik-ta takes 1d6 points per gallon of water striking it,
and takes 3d10 points of damage every round that it is
immersed in water.

Peik-ta Lore
DC Result
Peik-ta are undead, found only on land,
created by the death of sea-dwelling
humanoids while they were out of the
water. This result reveals all undead traits.
The touch of a peik-ta sucks all life giving
19 fluids from a victim, and allows them to
cling to their prey.
Peik-ta are harmed by the touch of water,
24 and splashing them with it may cause
them to flee.

112 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

Physical Characteristics Picacouatl Lore

DC Result
Peik-ta appear as dried bodies with sunken pits for eyes.
Picacouatls bear a striking resemblance to the
Despite their fragile look, they are both powerful and much larger couatls, and many scholars have
frighteningly fast. theorized that the two are related. If a character
fails to get a result of 10 on a Knowledge (arcana)
Society and Culture or Bardic Knowledge check, he will come to the
flawed conclusion that the picacouatl is nothing
more than a young couatl. As a result, he will
Peik-ta always have some kind of lair where they are safe expect it to have the same traits as the couatl.
from both the high tide, and the rain. They fear powerful This strange creature is a picacouatl, a magical
flying serpent that loathes evil. The character
storms more than the holy symbol of a high priest, receives basic facts about the creature—its
aware that being caught in a storm would lead to a slow, 11
venomous bite, keen senses, and tendency to
agonizing destruction. It’s these lairs that house whatever avoid combat except against evil. This result
treasures catch their eye, and where they brood over them reveals all magical beast traits.
while awaiting fresh victims. The character is aware of the supernatural
nature and abilities of the picacouatl—its ability
to detect and injure evil creatures, and its
Treasure natural defense against evil creatures.
With this result and an additional DC 20
Peik-ta take the belongings of their victims more out of Knowledge (nature) check, the character knows
that by making a ritual gift of picacouatl feathers,
distant memory, than need or desire. Whatever riches the character can gain a +5 circumstance bonus
they steal are placed in a simple pile, and typically ignored. on a single Diplomacy check made when dealing
Rarely they make use of items they understand as magical. with lizardfolk. Knowledge of the traditions is
important; while lizardfolk will always be glad to
obtain picacouatl feathers, only a character that
Advanced Versions 21
successfully makes the Knowledge check knows
how to obtain the Diplomacy bonus. Additionally,
with a DC Knowledge (arcana) check, the
Peik-ta advance by any template that is applicable to the character knows how to use the body parts of
undead. the picacouatl to enhance the power of spells,
as described below. Lizardfolk, picacouatls, and
couatls will be furious if they see someone using
Picacouatl picacouatl remains as material components.

T his creature looks very much like a miniature

couatl. Its long, sinuous body is covered in bright Picacouatl naturally detect evil opponents and attack
scales, and the feathers of its wings are a riot of them in preference to all others, swarming them with
color. Its glittering eyes regard the world with more multiple opponents when possible to ensure that their
than a glimmer of intelligence. poison and holy surge-backed bites are used to best effect.
Intelligent enough to set ambushes and flee if
The picacouatl is a small flying predator, native to the jungles overmatched, picacouatl occasionally make use of
of A’Val and the other islands of the Serpent’s Teeth. natural terrain features to their advantage, seeking to lure
opponents int quicksand or other hazards.
Under normal circumstances a picacouatl avoids combat,
fighting only to acquire food. Occasionally, however, a The picacouatl flies through the forest canopy, feeding on
picacouatl strikes out against evil creatures that invade its monkeys, birds, and other small game. Typically found
territory. When fighting a more powerful foe, a picacouatl alone, or in pairs, the creatures occasionally group together
makes full use of its speed and maneuverability—darting in clutches of 3-5 for protection in times of danger, and
in to strike and then retreating to allow its poison to take ease of hunting when game is scarce, sharing their kills
effect. among the group.

The Freeport Bestiary 113

Creatures of Freeport

Str 8, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 5, Wis 14, Cha 10
CG Small magical beast Base Atk +2; CMB +1 (+3 grapple); CMD 13 (15 versus grapple)
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft., detect evil, low-light Feats Weapon Finesse
vision, scent; Perception +10 Skills Fly +14, Perception +10, Stealth +12, Survival +3;
DEFENSE Racial Modifiers +4 Perception, +4 Stealth
Languages Draconic (cannot speak)
AC 18, touch 15, flat-footed 14 (+4 Dex, +3 natural, +1 size)
hp 13 (2d10+2) SPECIAL ABILITIES
Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +2 Detect Evil (Su) A picacouatl has the innate ability to
Defensive Abilities protection from evil detect evil, as the spell cast by a 12th-level sorcerer. This
power operates continuously and without effort on the
OFFENSE part of the picacouatl. While the serpents do not have a
Speed 15 ft., fly 50 ft. (good) complex system of philosophy and ethics, they have an
instinctive hatred of evil creatures.
Melee bite +6 (1d3-1 plus poison and grab)
Holy Surge (Su) Once per day, a picacouatl can charge its
Size 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. bite attack with a burst of holy energy. The serpent can
Special Attacks holy surge, poison choose to use this ability after it has made a successful
attack but before rolling for damage. A holy surge inflicts
an additional 1d8 points of damage to evil creatures and
the victim must make a Will save (DC 11) or be blinded
for one round. This ability has no effect on good or
neutral creatures. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Poison (Ex) Bite-injury; save Fort DC 12 (DC 14 if target
evil); frequency 1/round for 2 rounds; effect 1d6 Con;
cure 1 save. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Protection from Evil (Su) A picacouatl has a natural
aura that mimics the effects of the protection
from evil spell, as if cast by a 12th-level
sorcerer. It receives a +2 deflection
bonus to AC and a +2 resistance bonus
to saves against the attacks of evil
creatures, and summoned evil creatures
cannot strike the picacouatl. The
picacouatl can choose to share this
defense with a single additional
creature, but it must remain in
contact with the beneficiary or
the protection is lost.

Characters with ranks in

Knowledge (arcane) and other skills
can learn more about picacouatls with
successful skill checks.
A typical picacouatl is about 6 ft.
long with a wingspan of 5 ft., but it
looks smaller as its body and wings are not
normally stretched out to their fullest extent.

Society and Culture

Picacouatl are good-aligned creatures, and have a
number of supernatural abilities that allow them to
protect themselves and other creatures from evil. When they

114 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

are associated with a character as a companion or a familiar Picacouatl Companions

(see Uses), they can confer some of this protection upon the
character, as long as they remain in physical contact. A picacouatl may very occasionally seek humanoid
companionship. It observes its humanoid companion
Treasure closely, and at the first sign of evil it leaves. The creatures
like to be well treated, but if their master is in stressful,
While they do not accumulate treasure in the wild, those dangerous or impoverished circumstances, they’ll forego
Picacouatl adopted as familiars may have items suitable their usual pampering—as long as the cause is just. They
for their use given to them by their master. won’t attack creatures that are not of evil alignment, but
they make no distinction between lawful evil, neutral evil,
Uses and chaotic evil.
A picacouatl egg can fetch a price of up to 7,500 gp, and
The picacouatl can be a very useful creature, preferably a hatchling as much as 15,000 gp. Picacouatl have a life
alive, but also dead. span of 25 to 30 years.

Spell Components Advanced Versions

An arcane spellcaster who is familiar with certain dark rituals Picacouatl advance by hit dice and size.
can use the remnants of a picacouatl to enhance the power
of her spells. The component is used in addition to any other
materials required by the spell, and is always destroyed in the Piesa
process of casting the spell. The different components and
their benefits are detailed on the table at right. T his mighty beast is covered in heavy scales that
Since the picacouatl is a rare creature to begin with shimmer like brass. Massive eagle wings lift it
and few people know the rituals required to make use of into the air, allowing you to see its powerful talons,
these special components, feathers, scales, and fangs are and long tail that ends in three whip-like filaments.
rarely found on the open market and there is no standard Its antlered head bears a strangely human-like face,
price for these items. A component must be in perfect although it has the teeth of a great cat.
condition to be of use; typically 1d2 fangs, 2d4 feathers,
and 2d4 scales can be recovered from a corpse.
The strange, chimeric birds knows as Piesa birds are self-
appointed guardians of the natural resources of their
Spell Components territories.
Spell Effect
Picacouatl Fang Tactics
Sepia snake sigil Increase save DC by 1

Summon monster
+2 caster level when Piesa birds protect their territory fanatically, and have
summoning snakes
absolutely no sense of self preservation in the defense of
Picacouatl Feather
it. Piesa heedlessly attack even clearly more powerful foes
Feather fall +2 caster level
if they are threat to their lands. They prefer direct combat,
Fly Flight speed + 10 feet
for which they are well-equipped. Despite their low
Overland flight Flight speed + 5 feet
intelligence, they can be quite clever when they have to be,
Picacouatl Scale
luring stronger enemies into ambushes by other natives of
Dexterity bonus
Cat’s grace
increased to +5 its land, or forcing larger ones to battle in smaller areas.
Protection from evil +2 caster level
Improved Familiar
Piesa birds challenge anyone that enters their range, and
An arcane spellcaster of 4th level or above may take a attack those who cannot give a good reason for being
picacouatl as an Improved Familiar, provided that his there. The other inhabitants often aid the creature in its
alignment is compatible with that of the serpent. combat, if they are able.

The Freeport Bestiary 115

Creatures of Freeport

PIESA CR 10 • XP 9,600
Environment temperate hills and mountains
CN Huge Magical Beast Organization solitary
Init -1; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent; Treasure standard
Perception +8
Headhanger (Ex): Any target damaged by a critical hit
AC 24; touch 7, flat-footed 24 (-1 Dex, +17 natural, -2 size) from a piesa’s gore attack must make a DC 21 Reflex
hp 136 (13d10+65) save or be impaled on its antlers. The target takes 1d6
points of damage each round while impaled. The victim
Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +6
may make a DC 20 Strength check to pull itself off
Defensive Abilities ferocity the antler, taking an additional 1d6 points of damage
in the process. A piesa may attempt to impale 1 Large
creature, 2 medium creatures, or 4 Small creatures with
Speed 50 ft., fly 90 ft. (poor) this ability.
Melee 2 claws +18 (1d8+7), bite +18 (2d6+7), gore +19 Jawlock (Ex): A piesa may lock its jaws onto a target,
(1d8+7/19-20), and tail +13 (special) doing automatic bite damage each round with a
Special Attacks headhanger, jawlock, tailslap successful grapple check. It is considered grappled if
the target is Large or bigger. If the victim is Medium-
Spell-like Abilities (CL 13, Concentration +14)
sized or smaller, the piesa is not considered to be in a
Constant-speak with animals grapple.
STATISTICS Tailslap (Su): A piesa’s flail-like tail is coated with
thick supernatural venoms that can cause great pain
Str 25, Dex 9, Con 20, Int 7, Wis 14, Cha 12 to targets struck. Each time a victim is hit by the
Base Atk +13; CMB +22; CMD 31 creature’s tail slap, roll 1d3 to see how many filaments
Feats Critical Focus, Great Fortitude, Improved Critical hit the victim. One filament causes intense burning pain,
(gore), Improved Vital Strike, Power Attack, Vital Strike, causing a -2 to all rolls the victim makes. Two filaments
Weapon Focus (gore) inflict the pain, as well as 1d4 points of Dex damage. If
all three hit, the target suffers as above, and also takes
Skills Climb +13, Fly -2, Perception +8, Swim +13
1d4 Strength damage. These effects linger for one full
Languages Giant day. A single DC 21 Fortitude save prevents all of the
effects. Creatures immune to poison are immune to a
piesa’s tailslap.

116 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

their wards, yet happily accept them, being marginally

Ecology less rude for a time. They refuse any attempts from
outsiders to bribe them; if anything, it makes them even
Piesas abide by a code of strict, yet simple laws: more angry.
intelligent creatures within their lands may not kill native
animals or creatures within the guarded zone. Period.
Other wandering animals are exempt from this, although
predators that are too aggressive face the creatures’ wrath.
Piesas have little use for treasure, although they seem
They grudgingly accept gardening from those within its
flattered by gifts from those they protect. Such tributes
territory, which may range from 5 miles to 50 miles or
are typically dumped in a cave, hollow tree, or similar spot
more. Any native resident that leaves the protected lands
and forgotten.
is not be protected, even if it is within sight distance of
the piesa, until it crosses the exact border of the creature’s
territory again. Advanced Versions
It is unknown how the creatures reproduce; there are no
reports of more than one being in an area at a time. Piesas advance by templates, and a rare few, born more
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can learn intelligent than their kin, take class levels.
more about the piesa with successful skill checks.

Piesa Lore
DC Result
Piesas are massive armored creatures, that
What appears to be an ordinary bramble bush
20 strictly protect a large home range. This result reveals its true nature as it stirs to life, lashing
reveals all magical beast traits. out with its thorny branches.
Beings and animals that live within a piesa’s
territory are aggressively protected.
Far from an ordinary thorn bush, a pit-brier is a stealthy
Piesa will rarely allow a respectful being to
30 settle in their lands, assuming they follow its predator of the lower planes, thriving in all but the most
strict rules. inhospitable environment.

Physical Characteristics Tactics

Piesas bear a resemblance to manticores, but are much A pit-brier is vicious and malevolent, hunting its prey
larger and more heavily armored. Their whip-like tails with a surprising cunning for its nature and otherwise low
and general attitude further sets them apart. intelligence. Its tactics honed from its violent existence in
the lower planes, it is capable of keeping itself very still
Society and Culture so it is all but imperceptible from other plants around it.
When its prey comes within its reach, it sends a thorny
New beings that wish to settle in a piesa’s lands are tendril to wrap around its victim’s body. Once it grabs it,
generally turned away. On the rare occasion that the it rips its foe to bloody gobbets of flesh, spattering blood
creature allows newcomers, it observes them carefully to feed its hungry roots.
for an entire generation before it considers them truly
“native.” During the probation period, it often won’t Encounters
come to the newcomers’ aid, unless they have been very
careful not to disturb the lands any more than necessary. Pit-briers, as with other plants, are as numerous as
Visitors are strongly discouraged; they are threatened their environment allows. In rugged areas with only
and followed, but not attacked as long as they cause no the chance encounter of suitable prey, a pit-brier may
harm and leave as soon as possible. Piesas are aggressive, be alone, but in areas rich with potential victims, there
rude, brutish, and bullying to the inhabitants of the lands can be as many as five. Some places in the Nine Hells,
around their lairs, yet protect them fiercely, giving their specially cultivated by devils, contain upwards of a dozen
lives to protect them. They don’t require tributes from separate plants.

The Freeport Bestiary 117

Creatures of Freeport

PIT-BRIER CR 4 • XP 1,200 Ecology

LE Large plant (evil, extraplanar, lawful)
Init +5; Senses low-light vision; Perception +1
The pit-brier originated in the Nine Hells but its seeds
found their way to Gehenna, the Abyss, and throughout
the rest of the lower planes. Although they are predators,
AC 20, touch 14, flat-footed 15 (+5 Dex, +6 natural, -1
a pit-briers lacks a mouth or digestive system. Instead,
hp 33 (6d8+6) it drags the remains of its victims to a barrow, a deep
Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +3 pit filled with rotten flesh and bleached bones. It sinks
DR 5/slashing; Immune plant traits; Resist cold 10, fire 10 its thin roots into the soupy mess, drinking deep the
OFFENSE decomposing flesh and taking in the noxious vapors
Speed 10 ft. rising from the horrible mess.
Melee 3 tendrils +9 (1d8+2 plus grab) Pit-briers reproduce asexually, dropping seeds covered
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. in razor-sharp barbs into a rich corpse where they incubate
Special Attacks rend (2d8+3) for six weeks. At the end of this time, a new young brier
STATISTICS hatches and springs up filled with an unspeakable hunger.
Str 14, Dex 20, Con 13, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10 Younger pit-briers may form up into small packs to bring
Base Atk +4; CMB +10; CMD 22 down large prey.
Feats Agile Maneuvers, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus Characters with ranks in Knowledge (planes) can learn
(tendrils) more about pit-briers with successful skill checks.
Skills Stealth +10; Racial Modifiers +8 Stealth in forests

Pit-Brier Lore
DC Result
This creature is a carnivorous plant known as a
pit-brier. Found almost exclusively in the Nine
Hells, it is every bit as savage as the demons and
devils it hunts. This result reveals all plant traits.
Pit briers are equipped with thorny tendrils,
perfect for catching the flesh. Once it sinks
two tendrils in its foe, it begins to rip and tear
the flesh.
Hardy creatures, pit-briers are capable of
withstanding extremes of cold and heat as well
24 as the ravages of most weapons. Machetes and
other slashing weapons are effective against
their dense hides.

Physical Characteristics
It’s easy to mistake a pit-brier for a bramble bush, except
that it bears no fruit and stands black and withered
regardless of the season. Most pit-briers have
numerous branches and tendrils, but they can
attack with only three at a time.

Society and Culture

Possessed of the intelligence of a great cat, pit-briers
do not form up into societies and have no cultures. Pit-
briers do occasionally gather into small groups called
patches, but only when their prey proves especially tough
to catch. Some devils cultivate these creatures in vast

118 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

gardens, which are more like slaughterhouses, for when it

comes time to feed these plants, the screaming victim has Ecology
but seconds to survive.
Pla’kad live in small groups, with individuals living at least
a mile apart from each other. They subsist on cultivated
Treasure shrimp and seaweed, hunting and trading for extra foods.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can learn
Pit-briers have half the standard amount of treasure for more about pla’kad with successful skill checks.
their Challenge Rating, about 550 gp. Such items are
always their victims’ possessions, tossed into the pits along
with all the other rubbish. An example hoard consists of
Pla’kad Lore
1,350 sp, a zircon (50 gp), a piece of jade (75 gp), and a DC Result
potion of heroism. Pla’kad are a race of fish-men who are both
10 beautiful and bullying. This result reveals all
Advanced Versions aquatic and humanoid traits.
Pla’kad culture revolves around intimidating
15 others into submission. Those that can stand up
Pit-briers never stop growing provided they have a to a bettahman earn the creature’s respect.
sufficient supply of corpses for feeding. Large varieties Pla’kad are known as bettehmen, and can be paid
can have as many as 12 Hit Dice, while Huge pit-briers to create intricate sculptures of blown bubbles.
can have up to 18 Hit Dice. Pit-briers with 13 or more
Hit Dice have damage reduction to 10/slashing. Physical Characteristics
Pla’kad Pla’kad bodies possess a jewel-like color, most commonly
red, blue, or violet, although black, white, gold, and green
are not unknown. They have large black eyes, underslung
jaws, and, most impressively, great flowing fins.
T his humanoid has brilliant scarlet scales; flowing,
cape-like fins billow around him. Long slender arms
and legs are contrasted by a fish’s head, with an Society and Culture
underslung jaw studded with teeth, and large black eyes.
Pla’kad are mostly solitary, and do not get along well with
their own kind. Other races know them best for their
Pla’kad, or bettahmen, are fish people, equally violent and exquisite dance and dramatic performances, their bloody
beautiful. gladiatorial battles, and their creation of art and objects with
blown bubbles. Pla’kad use bubbles to create temporary
Tactics housing for themselves and their eggs, and can also charge
a high price for exhibits of haunting bubble sculptures that
Bettahmen use Intimidate often, attempting to keep those slowly fade away over a few weeks’ time.
they meet off balance. They tend to be straight forward
combatants, rarely using ambushes or group tactics. They Treasure
flee from superior foes, or become submissive to a more
powerful foe that they know would value their service. Pla’kad value finely made items, and equip themselves
with masterwork items as they can afford to. Much of
Encounters their wealth is in the form of jewelry and artwork, with
only enough coins kept to allow trade.
Pla’kad are pugnacious creatures, even when among allies,
and always start any new encounter with an Intimidate Advanced Versions
check. They bully any being that fails this check, verbally
and sometimes physically abusing them. Despite this, Pla’kad advance by character class, and trend to martial
they have great respect for those that hold their own classes, such as fighters, brawlers samurai, and rangers.
against them, and see themselves honor bound to defend Arcane spell casters are celebrated if they are powerful,
their “lessers.” and bards often rise to great fame.

The Freeport Bestiary 119

Creatures of Freeport

PLA’KAD CR 1/3 • XP 135
Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft.
Pla’kad ninja 1 Melee shortsword +1 (1d6+1/19-20)
N Medium humanoid (aquatic, pla’kad) Ranged shuriken +1 (1d2)
Init +1; Senses low-light vision; Perception +3 Special Attacks sneak attack +1d6
AC 13; touch 11, flat-footed 12 (+1 Dex, +2 natural) Str 13, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 12
hp 5 (1d8+1) Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 12
Fort +1, Ref +3, Will -1 Feats Skill Focus (Stealth)
Skills Acrobatics +5, Appraise +4, Disable Device
+5, Intimidate +9, Perception +3, Perform +9 Stealth
+8, Swim +10, Use Magic Device +5; Racial Bonus:+4
Intimidate, Perform
Languages Common, Pla’kad
SQ hold breath, poison use
Environment warm rivers and lakes
Organization solitary, pair, jewel (5-10)
Treasure standard
Fins (Ex): A pla’kad’s flowing fins give it a +4 racial
bonus to all Intimidate and Perform checks, as well as
granting it an additional +2 competency bonus when
using the full defensive action. Their fins require them
to pay 50% more for any armor, however.
Hold Breath (Ex): A pla’kad can hold its breath
for a number of rounds equal to four times its
Constitution score before it risks suffocating.

Pla’kad Characters
Pla’kad are defined by their class levels—they do not
possess racial Hit Dice. All pla’kad have the following
racial traits.
+2 Dexterity, -2 Wisdom, +4 Charisma: Pla’kad are
physically graceful and have large personalities. They
are aroogant, natural bullies that don’t see much value
in others.

Medium: Pla’kad are medium creatures.

Low-light vision: Pla’kad are used to dimly lit waters.

Impressive fins: Pla’kad gain a +4 to Intimidate and

Perform checks, and gain a +2 bonus when using the
full defensive action.

Heavy Scales: Pla’kad have thick, plate-like scales.

Languages: Pla’kad begin play speaking Pla’kad and

Common. Pla’kad with high Intelligence scores can
choose from among the following bonus languages:
Aquan, Draconic

120 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

Rainbirds prefer to hunt for prey on long solo flights or

Rainbird in small family groups, mostly consuming Medium fish
and herd animals though individual rainbirds can have
more varied tastes. A rainbird does not normally hunt
Pouring rain from what was, a few seconds ago, a self-aware prey intentionally, but also does not feel guilt
clear sky, heralds the arrival of a giant bird soaring if it discovers it has killed a creature capable of speech or
overhead. It shares characteristics of both an eagle civilization.
and a seabird, resplendent in blue and gray feathers. Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can learn
Its large eyes give the impression of intelligence. more about rainbirds with successful skill checks.

Rainbirds, or koli, are clearly connected to thunderbirds, Rainbird Lore

and often act as their vassals or messengers. DC Result
Rainbirds are giant raptors that are always
Tactics 18 surrounded by pouring rain. This result reveals
all magical beast traits.

Rainbirds avoid combat if possible, simply taking wing Rainbirds often dwell with thunderbirds, and
23 treat them like leaders. The more rainbirds in
and flying away from most threats. If they are unable an area, the faster they can flood it.
to do so, or if their nests are threatened, they attempt A rainbird may work with a village to provide
to maneuver their foes into places where their floods 28
good weather, for a price.
simply sweep them away, either into larger rivers or over
cliff faces. Predators quickly learn to lair near where a Physical Characteristics
rainbird chooses to do battle, assaulting the battered and
waterlogged victims. Rainbird lairs are always surrounded Rainbirds share traits with both seabirds and raptors.
by steep slopes, and slot canyons. Many bear resemblance to ospreys, with feather shades
mixing grays, blues, and whites.
Koli are utterly subservient
to thunderbirds, and
are often wrongly seen
as their young by
humanoids. They are the
first to receive requests and
tribute for a thunderbird,
and deliver warnings of their
lord’s wrath.

Wherever rainbirds exist,
rainfall is extremely heavy.
They are commonly found in
heavily forested mountainous
islands and high in mountains
surrounded by dense jungles.
It’s not clear if rainbirds simply
dislike drying climes, or if their
constant production of precipitation
causes a colony of rainbirds to turn any
homeland into wetlands.

The Freeport Bestiary 121

Creatures of Freeport

Rainbirds Suggested as Possible Cure for Salt Curse


RAINBIRD CR 8 • XP 4,800
Environment hills/mountains or coastal
N Huge Magical Beast Organization solitary, pair, flock (3-5 plus 1 thunderbird)
Init +2; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, Treasure none
stormsight; Perception +12
Aura rain 100 ft.
Flood (Ex): A rainbird generates enough rain beneath
DEFENSE it to cause flash floods on all but the most arid soils.
AC 21; touch 10, flat-footed 19 (+2 Dex, +11 natural, -2 size) Any creatures caught on a slope or in an enclosed
space, such as a canyon, must make a Strength check
hp 102 (12d10+36) (DC 15 +2 per round the rainbird has been in the area)
Fort +11, Ref +10, Will +7 or be knocked off their feet. Characters travel 60 feet
Immune cold, electricity, sonic downstream each round. Creatures caught in the flood
must make a DC 20 Swim check each round or take 1d6
OFFENSE points of damage, and go under the water. A character
Speed 30 ft., fly 100 ft. (good) that makes the check by 5 or more manages to arrest
their motion by grabbing some piece of debris. In an
Melee bite +16 (1d8+6), and 2 claws +16 (2d6+6 plus grab) open area, a character making 3 successful Swim checks
Ranged water gout +12 ranged touch (2d6 bludgeoning in a row manages to make it to the edge of the flowing
and 2d6 cold) water. Victims trapped in a canyon continue to be
Special Attacks flood swept away until the canyon opens up, or the rainbird
Spell-like Abilities (CL 12, Concentration +13) leaves the area. A rainbird may use this power to cause
a stream or river to become flood waters as per the
at will-control weather Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook. Additional
STATISTICS rainbirds increase the speed of a flood by 20 feet,
increase the damage by 1 step, and increase the DC of
Str 22, Dex 14, Con 17, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 13 Swim checks by 5 per bird.
Base Atk +12; CMB +18; CMD 30 Rain Aura (Su): A rainbird constantly produces
Feats Critical Focus, Flyby Attack, Hover, Iron Will, heavy rains in a 100 foot spread around it. This rain
Power Attack, Snatch automatically extinguishes unprotected flames, and
Skills Acrobatics +13, Fly +13, Perception +12 imposes a -4 penalty to Perception checks and ranged
attacks. Any earth turns into a mire within 1d4 rounds,
Languages Auran making it difficult terrain until it dries.
Stormsight (Ex): A rainbird’s affinity with clouds and
storms ignores all vision penalties and concealment
Society and Culture from weather effects, including those created by fog
cloud, obscuring mist, and similar spells.
Water Gout (Ex): A rainbird can spit a gout of freezing
Most rainbirds are shy, generally avoiding humanoids cold water in a 100 ft line with no range increment. A
altogether. If approached with respect and caution, a kolus rainbird scoring a critical hit on a target with its gout
causes the target to make a DC 19 Reflex save or be
may be agreeable to providing water for communities in knocked prone.
return for offerings of food. While not as quick to insult
as thunderbirds, they have little patience for communities
that don’t uphold their end of such a bargain. Many a accepted as a valued gift. These are most commonly minor
non-compliant village has been swept away by driving items, such as. a whip feather token. A more powerful item,
rain and wind, utterly destroyed by an affronted rainbird. such as an orb of storms, would likely win extensive favor
with a rainbird.
Advanced Versions
Koli prefer gifts of food to treasure, although they accept
silvery metals, and blue or white gemstones, which they Rainbirds advance by template. This is typically the
use to decorate their nests. The exception to this is any advanced template, but other ones that deal with the sky
magic item that can affect the winds or weather, which is or weather are also appropriate.

122 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

Raven Mocker
A withered old man with the head of a raven appears
at the center of a nimbus of black flame. T he energy
forms ghostly wings, and it reeks of rotting flesh. A
flock of tattered crows circle and cry overhead.

Raven mockers are agents of suffering, chaos, and


A raven mocker attempts to avoid direct
combat with a prepared group, utilizing hit-
and-run attacks to weaken and sicken its foes.
They are stronger than their frail bodies appear,
however, and are often underestimated. They
have a special hatred for divine casters, and
try to break their faith, reveling when their
powers outstrip those granted by the gods.

Raven mockers often appear as helpful
elders, granting advice that turns tragic
in the long run. They may act as the local
healer, handing out disease cures that mask
symptoms while accelerating the effects.

Despite their appearance, raven mockers have no great
love for birds. In fact they seem cursed to be tormented by Physical Characteristics
the very birds that they appear as. As much as the corvids
seem to annoy and harass the raven mockers, they seem Raven mockers in their natural form are a disturbing
unwilling or unable to harm the birds. mix of withered flesh and greasy feathers. their feathers
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can learn continue across their shoulders and along their spine, but
more about raven mockers with successful skill checks. perversely not into their shadowy wings. Their wings are
only quasi-real and at best have a hint of feathering, but
Raven mocker Lore no less effective in flight.
DC Result
Raven mockers are malign spirits in birdlike
Society and Culture
shapes. This result reveals all native outsider traits.
Raven mockers prefer to live on the outskirts of a
Raven mockers are always surrounded by
21 community, posing as hermits, witches, or lunatics, only
crows, ravens, and jays.
A raven mocker may appear as an elderly interacting with the locals in confused babbling, while
26 person, and may live in a village for years as a scoping for victims. If a community is particularly gullible,
member of the community. a raven mocker may well act as an oracle, warning of

The Freeport Bestiary 123

Creatures of Freeport

Environment any land
CE Medium Outsider (native) Organization solitary
Init +9; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +20 Treasure standard
AC 20, touch 15, flat-footed 15 (+5 deflection, +5 Dex) Consume Vitality (Su): A raven mocker may make a
hp 74 (8d10+30) melee touch attack as a full round action. If successful,
the mocker drains some of the target’s soul, dealing 1d4
Fort +11, Ref +17, Will +15
points of Charisma drain, with a DC 20 Will save for half
OFFENSE damage. The raven mocker gains double the amount of
Charisma drained in temporary hit points, lasting for 24
Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (good) hours.
Melee bite +13 (1d6+3), and light mace +8 (1d6+1), or Dark Grace (Su): A raven mocker adds its Charisma
melee touch attack +13 (1d4 Constitution drain) bonus as a deflection bonus to its armor class and saves.
Ranged javelin +13 (1d6+3) Fearful Cry (Su): Once every 1d4 rounds a raven mocker
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 10, Concentration +15) may give off a laughing cry that eats away at the sanity
At will- alter self (elderly man or woman only), bleed of all living creatures within 100 feet. Those that can
(DC 15), contagion (DC 18) hear the cry must make a DC 20 Will save or take 1d4
4/day- doom (DC 16) Wisdom damage.
2/day- bane (DC 16), bestow curse (DC 18) Murder of Crows (Ex): A raven mocker is attended to
by a swarm of crows, jays, and ravens at all times. These
1/day blindness/deafness (DC 18), bull’s strength, inflict birds are only loosely organized, and attack enemies of
moderate wounds (DC 17) the raven mocker randomly using the same statistics
Special Abilities consume vitality as a bat swarm. The raven mocker takes a -5 to all
Stealth roles while the swarm is present, as well as a +5
STATISTICS to Intimidation rolls. Creatures of the fey type, or those
Str 16, Dex 20, Con 17, Int 15, Wis 17, Cha 20 that have wild empathy, may attempt to dismiss the
Base Atk +8; CMB +11; CMD 26 birds with a DC 25 Will save; if successful, the birds will
disperse for 1d6 rounds, only to gather around the raven
Feats Alertness, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, mocker again when the duration ends.
Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse
Track Disease (Ex): A raven mocker may track any
Skills Acrobatics +17, Bluff +15, Fly +29, Intimidate +12 disease that it has inflicted, knowing exactly where the
Knowledge (planes) +14, Perception +20, Sense Motive victim is, as long as they are in the same plane. If it can
+17, Stealth +17, Use Magic Device +17 see the victim it may, once per day, force the victim to
Languages Abyssal, Common, Sylvan make a save against the disease effects, even if they
SQ dark grace, murder of crows, track disease already have done so that day.

impending doom and disaster. Whenever possible, they Treasure

use something like a natural calamity or local superstition
to suggest a specific individual or group is responsible Like the birds they resemble, raven mockers have an eye
for bringing bad luck or divine disfavor to a community. for bright, shiny items. Their tropism for the things that
This is in the hopes of sowing discord, setting neighbor glitter and glint leads raven mockers to almost always keep
against neighbor. They do this not out of any particular most of their wealth in the form of both mundane and
joy of disrupting a settlement or spreading betrayal, but magical jewelry, especially rings, broaches, and necklaces.
because destroying normal social bonds and trust often Stolen magical trinkets are also common possessions.
creates circumstances where individual inhabitants can go
missing without raising the suspicion or ire of an entire Advanced Versions
Despite their power, raven mockers prefer to prey on Raven mockers advance by character class, typically
the young, the old, and the infirm, tormenting them alchemist, bard, oracle, ranger, or sorcerer. However, it is
both mentally and physically. If rushed or operating from not uncommon for them to possess the fiendish template.
an insecure base, a raven mocker is satisfied with a few If a raven mocker takes levels in the cultist NPC class
insults and quick, crude torture. But if the foul creature it may take the same favored class bonuses as ratfolk,
is well-established and has successfully distracted a making cultist a viable PC-level class for the outsiders.
town’s normal defenders and institutions, it plagues and See Freeport: City of Adventure for more information
torment a victim for weeks before finally slaying them on cultists (page 387), and ratfolk’s special favored class
and devouring their eyes, tongues, and internal organs. bonus options (page 363).

124 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

wearing the guise of more accepted humanoid races.

Serpent People Unless the serpent person is caught unawares, its true
nature revealed, a serpent person employs three to six
humanoids (humans and orcs being the most common)
T he person’s form melts away to reveal a hideous snake as bodyguards. These are usually 1st-level warriors, but
man wearing a breast plate and gripping a falchion in its more powerful serpent people may likewise surround
clawed hands. It hisses at you as it leaps to attack. themselves with tougher minions.

Serpent people are the children of Yig, the snake god, Ecology
and they are a fallen people, only just now emerging
from their hiding places into the world. Serpent people In the aftermath of Valossa’s collapse, the surviving
are all blessed with the ability to change shape, but some serpent people scattered throughout the world, to carve
cultivate this ability to better infiltrate humanoid societies out new homes in the wilderness of antiquity. They
and ferret out their secrets. chose remote places, far from those whom they had
Although many serpent people are not evil, and many enslaved at the height of Valossa’s power. The survivors
of those individuals serve Yig as well, there is a growing fled into isolated valleys, primeval jungles, and deep
movement even within these people to embrace the underground, vanishing from the world and believed
bellicose aspect of the snake god. Fueled by the impassioned annihilated by their enemies. The serpent people had
speeches and fiery words of the Sskethvai sect, many serpent to adapt to their surroundings if they would survive.
The adaptation had mixed results, with some becoming
people have come to the view that the only way they can
mad savages, prostrating themselves before crude altars
survive as a race is to enslave the weaker races once more.
of the Unspeakable One, while others gathered what
lore they could from their lost culture and preserved
Tactics it for their descendants. Others, if some sages can be
believed, either mingled their blood with other creatures
Serpent people are notoriously cautious in combat, rarely or devolved into lizardfolk, kobolds, and other reptilian
taking risks and being careful to control the time and species.
place of their battles. Rather than take their opponents Serpent people are omnivores, though a large number
head on, they use change shape to assume the guise of serpent people disdain the consumption of flesh of any
of their enemy’s race if possible and lure them into kind. More warlike serpent people have no reservations
ambushes. Other serpent people use their shapechanging about their meals and some even consume sentient
abilities to infiltrate enemy ranks, poison food and water creatures, though most subsist on birds, rodents, and
supplies, and generally cause havoc until their foes are so other small game.
weakened that the rest of the serpent person’s allies can Reproduction rates are quite slow, with few young
strike without fearing heavy casualties. surviving to adulthood, giving into sickness or madness.
Larger groups of serpent people often include mystics, Females lay clutches of 1d6+3 leathery eggs at a time, and
clerics of Yig (or in very rare cases the Unspeakable One), it takes a few months for the newborn serpent person to
who guide the foot soldiers in combat. Many priests are tear free from the soft shell. Mutations are quite common,
insane, driven mad by their god’s anger. many of which are so appalling that the serpent people are
forced to smother their young for fear that the offspring is
Encounters tainted by the Unspeakable One’s touch.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (history) or
Serpent people lack the numbers to attack in force Knowledge (nature) can learn more about serpent people
and thus recruit others to fill their ranks, while with successful skill checks.

Serpentmen Among Us: Seven Facts You Need to Know


The Freeport Bestiary 125

Creatures of Freeport

Serpent Person Lore

History DC Result
Serpent people were eradicated ages ago in a dreadful cataclysm that brought their immense
empire to ruins
The cause of their empire’s destruction was divine vengeance after the serpent people
abandoned their god for the foul worship of the Unspeakable One.
Contrary to common belief, there are a few pockets of serpent people left in the world, though
most are bloodthirsty savages.
In truth, the savage or degenerate serpent people are but a portion of the surviving population
30 and many are cultured and deeply spiritual, having protected their people’s culture for
Nature DC Result
This creature is a serpent person, a race of reptilian monstrous humanoids believed to be
extinct. The result reveals all monstrous humanoid traits.
According to legend, serpent people could change their skin to assume the appearance of
other humanoids.
Those serpent people who fled underground devolved, becoming monstrous things, savage
and bestial, only dimly aware of their continued service to their unspeakable god.


Male or female serpent person rogue 5 Male or female serpent person warrior 1
N Medium monstrous humanoid (reptilian, N Medium monstrous humanoid (reptilian,
shapechanger) shapechanger)
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +8 Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +0
AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 18 (+4 armor, +2 Dex, +1 AC 18, touch 11, flat-footed 16 (+6 armor, +1 Dex, +1
dodge, +1 natural); Dodge, trap sense +1, uncanny dodge natural)
hp 27 (5d8+5) hp 5 (1d10)
Fort +2, Ref +6 (+7 against traps), Will +1 Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +0
Defensive Abilities evasion OFFENSE
OFFENSE Speed 20 ft., swim 20 ft.
Speed 30 ft., swim 20 ft., fast stealth Melee falchion +2 (2d4/18-20)
Melee +1 short sword +5 (1d6+1/19-20) Ranged composite longbow +2 (1d8/3)
Ranged composite short bow +5 (1d6/x3) STATISTICS
Special Attacks rogue talent (surprise attack), sneak
attack +2d6 Str 11, Dex 12, Con 11, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk +1; CMB +1; CMD 12
Feats Improved InitiativeB, Weapon Focus (falchion)
Str 12, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 17, Wis 10, Cha 10 Skills Disguise +0 (+10 using change shape), Intimidate
Base Atk +3; CMB +4; CMD 17 +4, Stealth +2, Swim +12; Racial Modifiers +8 Swim, +10
Feats Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved InitiativeB, Disguise (using change shape)
Stealthy Languages Common, Valossan
Skills Acrobatics +10, Bluff +8, Diplomacy +8, Disguise SQ change shape (alter self)
+8, Escape Artist +12, Intimidate +8, Knowledge (local) Gear composite longbow with 20 arrows, falchion,
+10, Perception +8 (+10 locate traps), Sense Motive +8, breastplate
Sleight of Hand +8, Stealth +12, Swim +15, Use Magic
Device +8; Racial Modifiers +8 Swim, +10 Disguise (using
change shape)
Languages Common, Elven, Halfling, Valossan Physical Characteristics
SQ change shape (alter self), trapfinding, rogue talents
(fast stealth) An adult serpent person stands just over six feet tall and
Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds; Other Gear
mithral shirt, +1 short sword, composite short bow and
weighs about 150 pounds. Fine scales, ranging from green
20 arrows, 40 gp to brown, cover their lithe bodies, and their hands and
feet end in small claws. Perhaps their most distinctive

126 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

characteristic is their heads. Perched atop their long necks equal their maker and perhaps supplant him. Perhaps
is a snake’s head. Some have hoods like cobras, but most this trend stemmed from their planar explorations,
do not. maybe stagnancy in their culture, or maybe even as a
result of some other power’s influence, but regardless
Society and Culture of the cause, this arrogance and ambition enabled the
Unspeakable One to contaminate the serpent people, to
The fall of Valossa dealt a devastating blow to the serpent twist their hearts to shun Yig and instead embrace the
people’s society. Before the cataclysm, this nation was the King in Yellow.
cultural center of the world, the birthplace of mathematics At first, the cult of the Unspeakable One was small—so
and the sciences. They embraced the arts, and their small that the priests of the snake god thought nothing
literature, paintings, and operas have, in their eyes at of them. But after a generation, the subversive pockets
least, yet to be matched by other races. They were also blossomed, blooming into a full-blown religion. Their
incredible magicians, exploring the intricacies of arcane evil and madness swept through the empire, eroding the
magic, while dabbling in psionic power. They transcended stability and bringing the past achievements to ruin. Still,
the Material Plane to explore other worlds and realities, many priests did nothing, expecting Yig himself to attend
bringing back with them artifacts from far-flung places to to the matter. Attend to the cultists the snake god did,
study or contain. But above all, they were a people with but not in the way the serpent people expected. Rather
deep spiritual roots. than just destroying those who enraged him, Yig smashed
They were close to their maker, and Yig’s presence the empire, bringing it to its knees and sending it down
and influence could be found in all things. Every great into the depths until nothing remained of his children
work, every incredible advance was done in the snake and their vain land.
god’s name, to exalt him as was his due. Their proximity In the aftermath, the serpent people scattered, but
to their god, while giving them sufficient motivation to such was the devastation that they could salvage little
serve, also diminished in a small way Yig’s divine nature, of their dead society. Many survivors had nothing and
such that a small few serpent people believed they could sought only to evade the harsh reprisals from the various

The Freeport Bestiary 127

Creatures of Freeport


Serpent person noble 6 (Freeport: City of Adventure) Serpent person monster slayer 7 (Freeport: City of
NE Medium monstrous humanoid (shapechanger) Adventure)
Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +0 NE Medium monstrous humanoid (shapechanger)
Init +4, danger sense +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.,
monster sense +3; Perception +10
AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 15 (+4 armor, +1 Dex, +1
natural) DEFENSE
hp 24 (6d8-6) AC 17, touch 10, flat-footed 17 (+6 armor, +1 natural)
Fort +0, Ref +6, Will +5 hp 57 (7d10+14)
Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +7
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor), swim 20 ft. OFFENSE
Melee brawler’s bottle +4 (1d4) Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor), swim 20 ft.
Ranged stinger +5 (1d8/×3) Melee +1 halberd +10/+5 (1d10+4/×3)
Noble Spell-Like Abilities (CL 3rd; concentration +9) Ranged throwing axe +7 (1d6+2)
At will—detect magic, guidance, purify food and drink Special Attacks hit ‘em hard +1
(DC 13) Monster Slayer Spell-Like Abilities (CL 7th; concentration +7)
1/day—bless, command (DC 14), cure light wounds 1/day—hold humanoid
Str 8, Dex 12, Con 7, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 16 Str 14, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 11
Base Atk +4; CMB +3; CMD 14 Base Atk +7; CMB +9; CMD 19
Feats Brilliant Tactician, Exotic Weapon Proficiency Feats Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Power Attack, Step
(firearms)UC, Favored By FortuneFCoA, GunsmithingUC, Up, Toughness
Improved InitiativeB, Point-Blank Shot, Razor TongueFCoA Skills Acrobatics -4 (-8 to jump), Bluff +0 (+7 vs.
Skills Acrobatics -5 (-9 to jump), Bluff +12, Diplomacy human), Climb +5, Escape Artist +0, Intimidate
+12, Escape Artist -1, Handle Animal +12, Intimidate +12, +10, Knowledge (local) +5 (+8 on monster lore for
Linguistics +10, Sense Motive +9, Stealth +5, Swim +1 humanoids), Knowledge (nature) +5 (+8 on monster
Languages Common, Orc, Valossan lore for animals, fey, monstrous humanoids, plants,
SQ change shape (small/medium humanoid; alter self), and vermin), Perception +10 (+13 vs. monster
influence (6), oracle training (master) specialization, +17 vs. human), Sense Motive +7 (+10
vs. monster specialization, +14 vs. human), Stealth
Other Gear mwk chain shirt, brawler’s bottle, stinger +0, Survival +5 (+8 vs. monster specialization, +12 vs.
human), Swim +6
Languages Common, Terran, Valossan
races the serpent people had enslaved. Those who buried SQ change shape (small/medium humanoid; alter self),
themselves in the ground blamed Yig for their suffering, giant slayer +1, humanoid slayer (human; grand master),
and turned away from their maker to embrace the monster lore
promises of the Unspeakable One, whose gentle touch Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds, potion of
jump, caltrops; Other Gear breastplate, +1 halberd,
on their minds rent their sanity asunder and made beasts throwing axes (2), belt pouch, candle, chalk
of them all.
The rest fled to the distant corners of the world, to
find havens, dream of lost empire, and perhaps event serpent people, those who refuse to bow to the scions of
to rebuild. For year upon year, decade upon decade, Valossa shall find their destruction!
the serpent people remained in hiding. With each new All serpent people see a need to create a new serpent
generation, their memories of their lost homeland faded. person homeland, to serve as a safe base of operations in a
The meaning of their scrolls became lost. The only thing world that no longer accepts their dominance, and holds
they retained was the unfailing service to Yig. centuries-old grudges against the entire race.
With the recent reemergence of the serpent people,
they are now wholly driven to restore their once- Treasure
prominent place in the world. Among them, there are
those who seek a gentler path, a path that involves Serpent people have treasure as NPCs, with an amount
cooperation with other races. But there also those who determined by their character level. Even though most
see enemies everywhere ,and believe that the only way races have forgotten the serpent people, caution rules their
for the serpent people to reclaim their lost power is minds and thus most serpent people invest in protective
through the subjugation of all other peoples. To these items and weaponry to drive off their enemies.

128 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport


Male of female serpent person cleric 9 Serpent person transmuter 11 (Freeport: City of
NE Medium monstrous humanoid Adventure 253)
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +4 NE Medium monstrous humanoid (shapechanger)
Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +10
AC 19, touch 10, flat-footed 19 (+8 armor, +1 natural) DEFENSE
hp 58 (9d8+18) AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 15 (+4 armor, +1 Dex, +1 natural)
Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +11 hp 52 (11d6+11)
Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +6
Speed 20 ft., swim 20 ft. OFFENSE
Melee +1 heavy mace +10/+5 (1d8+2) Speed 30 ft., swim 20 ft.
Ranged light crossbow +6/+1 (1d8+2/19-20) Melee mwk quarterstaff +5 (1d6-1)
Special Attacks channel negative energy (5d6, DC 16, Arcane School Spell-Like Abilities (CL 11th;
5/day), scythe of evil 1/day (4 rounds), might of the concentration +15)
gods (+9, 9 rounds/day), spontaneous casting (inflict At will—change shape (beast shape II or elemental body
spells) I, 11 rounds/day)
Domain Spell-Like Abilities (CL 9th) 7/day—telekinetic fist (1d4+5 bludgeoning)
8/day—touch of evil Transmuter Spells Prepared (CL 11th; concentration +15)
8/day—strength surge 6th—disintegrate (DC 22), stone to flesh (DC 22)
Spells Prepared (CL 9th): 5th—baleful polymorph (DC 21), polymorph, telekenesis
5th—righteous mightD, slay living (DC 19), unhallow (DC 21)
4th—cure critical wounds, divine power, poison (DC 18), 4th—greater invisibility, mnemonic enhancer, mass
unholy blightD reduce person (DC 20), vermin shape IUM
3rd—bestow curse (DC 17), cure serious wounds, deeper 3rd—dispel magic, fly, magic circle against good, slow
darkness, magic vestmentD, meld into stone (DC 19), suggestion (DC 17), undead anatomy IUM
2nd—bear’s endurance, bull’s strengthD, cure moderate 2nd—blur, cat’s grace, invisibility, levitate, mirror image,
wounds, death knell (DC 16), silence touch of idiocy
1st—bane (DC 15), divine favor, doom (DC 15), 1st—ant haulAPG (DC 17), charm person (DC 15), disguise
deathwatch, entropic shield, protection from goodD, self, protection from good, reduce person (DC 17),
shield of faith shield
0 (at will)—detect magic, guidance, read magic, 0 (at will)—acid splash, dancing lights, mage hand
resistance Opposition Schools Divination, Evocation
D domain spell; Deity Yig (Sskethvai Sect); Domains Evil,
Str 8, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 18, Wis 9, Cha 14
Base Atk +5; CMB +4; CMD 15
Str 14, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 20, Cha 14 Feats Arcane BlastAPG, Combat Casting, Greater Spell
Base Atk +6; CMB +8; CMD 18 Focus (transmutation), Greater Spell SpecializationUM,
Feats Blasphemous Aura, Combat Casting, Combat Improved InitiativeB, Scribe Scroll, Silent Spell, Spell
Surge, Improved InitiativeB, Selective Channeling, Focus (transmutation), Spell SpecializationUM, Still Spell
Weapon Focus (Morningstar) Skills Diplomacy +13, Escape Artist +5, Knowledge
Skills Diplomacy +6, Disguise +2 (+12 using change (arcana) +18, Knowledge (history) +18, Perception +10,
shape), Knowledge (religion) +11, Spellcraft +11, Swim Sleight of Hand +12, Spellcraft +18, Stealth +5, Swim +7;
+15; Racial Modifiers +8 Swim, +10 Disguise (using Racial Modifiers +4 Escape Artist, +4 Stealth
change shape) Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Giant, Valossan
Languages Common, Valossan SQ arcane bond (masterwork quarterstaff), change
SQ change shape (alter self) shape (small/medium humanoid; alter self), physical
Gear +2 chain mail, +1 heavy mace, headband of inspired enhancement (+3)
wisdom +2, silver holy symbol Other Gear mwk quarterstaff, bracers of armor +4,
headband of vast intelligence +2, wizard starting spellbook

Horrific Hissing Heard Haranguing Half-Street Halflings!


The Freeport Bestiary 129

Creatures of Freeport

Serpent People as Characters Degenerate Serpent People

Playing a serpent person is something that should not be Those serpent people who fled underground and gave
done without consultation with the GM. Serpent people themselves fully to the King in Yellow became wretched
possess the following racial traits. things—feral and wicked degenerates. They recall next to
–2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma nothing of the glory of Valossa and have become slaves of
their dread god.
Change Shape: A serpent person with a Charisma of
10 or higher can assume the form of any Small or Creating a Degenerate Creature
Medium humanoid at will.
Darkvision: Serpent people can see in the dark up to 60 “Degenerate” is an acquired template that can be added to
feet. any nongood humanoid or monstrous humanoid creature
that willingly serves the Unspeakable One (referred to
Skilled: Serpent people receive a +4 racial bonus on hereafter as the base creature).
Escape Artist and Stealth checks, a +8 racial bonus to
Swim checks, and +10 racial bonus to Disguise when Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature +1.
using change shape. Alignment: The creature’s alignment changes to chaotic
Improved Initiative: Serpent people gain Improved evil.
Initiative as a bonus feat.
Attack: A degenerate creature has two claw attacks and a
Armor: Serpent people have a +1 natural armor bonus. bite attack. If the base creature can use weapons, the
Languages: Serpent people begin play speaking Common degenerate retains this ability. A degenerate fighting
and Valossan. Serpent people with high Intelligence without weapons uses a bite or claw when making an
scores can learn any other language (other than secret attack action. When it has a weapon, it usually uses
languages such as Druidic). the weapon instead.

130 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport


Serpent person freebooter 8 (Freeport: City of Male or female serpent person warrior 1
Adventure) CE Medium monstrous humanoid (reptilian,
NE Medium monstrous humanoid (shapechanger) shapechanger)
Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +11 Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception -2

AC 18, touch 17, flat-footed 11 (+4 Dex, +3 dodge, +1 AC 14, touch 11, flat-footed 13 (+1 Dex, +1 natural, +2
natural) shield)
hp 72 (8d10+24) hp 7 (1d10+2)
Fort +8, Ref +10, Will +2 Fort +4, Ref +1, Will -2
Defensive Abilities thrall to the Unspeakable One
Speed 30 ft., swim 20 ft. OFFENSE
Melee mwk rapier +13/+8 (1d6+1/18-20) Speed 20 ft., swim 20 ft.
Ranged mwk double-barreled musket +13/+8 (1d12/×4) Melee short sword +4 (1d6+1/3) and
Special Attacks dirty fighting +2d4 bite +2 (1d6+1 plus poison) or
2 claws +2 (1d4+1) and
bite +2 (1d6+1 plus poison)
Str 12, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 14
Special Attacks thrall to the Unspeakable One
Base Atk +8; CMB +9; CMD 26
Feats Amateur GunslingerUC, Dodge, Improved InitiativeB, STATISTICS
Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Quick Draw, Rapid Str 13, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 5, Wis 6, Cha 6
Reload, Weapon Finesse Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 13
Skills Acrobatics +15, Bluff +13, Escape Artist +8, Feats Improved InitiativeB, Weapon Focus (spear)
Perception +11, Stealth +19, Swim +9; Racial Modifiers +4
Escape Artist, +4 Stealth Skills Intimidate +2, Stealth +2, Swim +9; Racial Modifiers
+8 Swim, +10 Disguise (using change shape)
Languages Common, Valossan
Languages Common, Valossan
SQ change shape (small/medium humanoid; alter
self), deed: deadeye, defensive style (flashy fighting), SQ change shape (alter self)
freebooter talents (nimble footwork, uncanny balance, Gear heavy wooden shield, masterwork spear
uncanny maneuverability)
Other Gear mwk double-barreled musketUC, mwk rapier
Poisonous Bite (Ex) Bite—injury; save Fort DC (10 +
1/2 the creature’s HD + the creature’s Con modifier);
frequency 1/round for 4 rounds; effect 1d6 Wis; cure 1
Damage: Degenerate serpent people have both bite save.
and claw attacks. If the base creature does not have Thrall to the Unspeakable One (Su) Once per day, a
these attack forms, use the damage values listed on degenerate creature can invoke the power of its god
as an immediate action to gain a 1d6 bonus on a single
the table below and redefine them to fit the creature. saving throw, attack roll, or weapon damage roll
Otherwise, use the base creature’s damage values or
those presented here, whichever are greater.
Special Attacks: The degenerate creature retains all of
the special attacks of the base creature and gains the
Bite & Claw Damage following.
Size Bite Damage Claw Damage
Fine 1 —
Poisonous Bite (Ex) Bite—injury; save Fort DC (10 + 1/2
the creature’s HD + the creature’s Con modifier);
Diminutive 1d2 1
frequency 1/round for 4 rounds; effect 1d6 Wis; cure
Tiny 1d3 1d2
1 save.
Small 1d4 1d3
Medium 1d6 1d4 Thrall to the Unspeakable One (Su) Once per day, a
Large 1d8 1d6 degenerate creature can invoke the power of its god as
Huge 2d6 1d8
an immediate action to gain a 1d6 bonus on a single
saving throw, attack roll, or weapon damage roll.
Gargantuan 3d6 2d6
Colossal 4d6 3d6 Abilities: Modify from the base creature as follows: Str
+2, Con +4, Int –6, Wis –4, Cha –4

The Freeport Bestiary 131

Creatures of Freeport

SHOJO CR 4 • XP 1,200
CN Medium fey (aquatic)
Init -; Senses low-light vision; Perception +9
DEFENSE T his humanoid creature has webbed fingers, pale
AC 16; touch 10, flat-footed 16 (+5 armor, +1 shield)
blue skin, and brilliant red hair. Its face is an odd
hp 39 (6d6+18) combination between a wizened old man, and a playful
Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +6 child. It weaves slightly as it moves, as if drunk.
DR 5/cold iron; Immune cold
Weakness alcohol withdrawal
Shojo are equal parts fey mischievousness, and dedicated
OFFENSE craftsmen.
Speed 20 ft., swim 30 ft.
Melee trident +6 (1d6+2/x3), or touch +5 touch (intoxication)
Ranged dart +3 (1d4)
Special Attacks intoxicating touch
Spell-like Abilities (CL 6, concentration +8)
Shojo typically avoid direct combat, preferring to gather
at will-dancing lights, ghost sounds allies, and carefully trick intruders. They go
3/day-flare burst (DC 13), silent image (DC 13) into battle with a jovial air, enjoying
2/day-accelerate poison (DC 14) , summon nature’s ally II the confusion and foolishness
1/day-detect thoughts (DC 14), beast shape 1 their intoxicating touches cause.
STATISTICS The only exceptions to this are
Str 14, Dex 11, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 15 when their brewing supplies
Base Atk +3; CMB +5; CMD 15 and equipment are threatened,
Feats Ability Focus (intoxicating touch), or they have been denied the
Catch Off-Guard, Weapon Focus (trident) spirits they need to survive.
Skills Acrobatics +5, Bluff +10, Craft (brewing) In those instances they are
+8, Knowledge (local) +8, Perception +9,
Stealth +6, Swim +15 brutal foes, having no mercy,
Languages Common, Sylvan and doing whatever it takes to
SQ amphibious end the threat.
Environment rivers and lakes Encounters
Organization solitary, pair,
companions (3-12) Shojo attempt to head
Treasure standard (scalemail, wood
off any parties that
they fear will ruin their
environment, often
Alcohol Withdrawal (Ex): A shojo
takes 1 point of Constitution
leading them astray.
damage for each day it does They tend to have
not consume at least one many allies, as not
pint of alcohol. It regains
lost points at 1 point per only fay races and
pint it drinks. A shojo in humanoids enjoy
withdrawal gains 2 points
to its Dexterity and Wisdom
their brewing,
scores, and loses 2 points but creatures as
from its Charisma score. rare as giants and
Intoxicating Touch (Su): dragons do as well.
Any living creature touched
by a shojo must make a DC 16 Shojo may also
Fortitude save or become drunk. be encountered
The target is staggered, sickened,
and immune to fear while under this in nearly any bar,
effect. The target gets a new save buying rounds, critiquing
every round, and once it makes the the liqueur, and telling tall
save it is nauseated for 1d4 rounds.

132 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

promptly spent on rare ingredients, samples of other rare

Ecology drafts, and in gambling halls and bars.
Shojo guard pure waters, both for the natural beauty, and
to ensure unspoiled components for their brewing. They
Advanced Versions
live in harmony with the natural world, for the most part,
and take only what they need for brewing. Shojo typically advance by character class; most common
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can learn being alchemists, bards, and summoners. Any fey-specific
more about a shojo with successful skill checks. template is applicable to them as well.

Shojo Lore Skin Cloak

DC Result
Shojo are aquatic fey, known for creating
14 A leather cloak twitches and rustles and
trouble. This result reveals all fey traits.
Shojo are master brewers, whose very touch then, impossibly, rises up, held aloft by
19 some malevolent presence, revealing itself to
can cause drunkenness.

Shojo require strong drink to survive, and will be the empty skin of some unfortunate victim.
waste away without it.

A skin cloak, or hollow man, is the animated skin of a

Physical Characteristics mortal humanoid.

Shojo flesh can be nearly any shade of blue, while their

eyes can be amber copper, or rarely, yellow. Their hair
is nearly always red, though rare specimens have stark
Skin cloaks are aggressive in combat and filled with a
white hair. Even newly born shojo have the wrinkled
dread loathing of spellcasters, perhaps out of hatred for
skin of an elderly person. Seventy-five percent of shojo
are male, although both sexes are treated equally. those who gave them unlife. Thus, a skin cloak attacks
arcane spellcasters before any other target, using Tumble
if necessary to reach its foe. Once a skin cloak grapples its
Society and Culture enemy, it constricts until its enemy is dead.
Shojo typically have a massive store of alcohol, and continue
brewing as often as then can, almost as a compulsion. When Encounters
they run out of space they trade their brews for items that
are useful to them, frequently exotic components to add to Skin cloaks are the unfortunate remains of those who
their stills. If they lack trading partners, they throw massive have crossed necromancers and thus may haunt areas
parties instead, where mortals mingle with the fey, and where foul necromantic magic was used. Skin cloaks can
sometimes even the divine, so the legends say. be encountered alone or in groups with as many as six
Most shojo find mortal brewers amusing, and give them members.
constant, annoying advice. In those rare moments, when
a true master of the craft appears, most shojo honestly Ecology
compliment the mortal, and attempt to learn from them.
On rare occasions, this leads to jealousy, and they become Undead creatures, skin cloaks do not interact with their
increasingly destructive in an attempt to discredit or environments in any significant way. They ignore animals
destroy their competition. and non-intelligent monsters, but are quick to attack
humanoids and other sentient creatures. Since skin cloaks
Treasure live in a state of perpetual torture, their shattered souls
reliving the experience of being skinned alive, they are
Shojo both gain and lose wealth at an astonishing rate. filled with hatred and use their power to choke the life
Their rare brews are sought after for royal parties, status- out of their victims.
conscious pirates, and adventurers of all types, and they Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can
are well paid for their skills. Much of that money is then learn more about skin cloaks with successful skill checks.

The Freeport Bestiary 133

Creatures of Freeport

SKIN CLOAK CR 2 • XP 600 Skin Cloak Lore

CE Small undead DC Result
Init +2; Senses darkvision This unsettling undead creature is called
60 ft.; Perception +8
a skin cloak or hollow man. It is the
DEFENSE animated remains of a skinned humanoid.
This result reveals all undead traits.
AC 15, touch 14, flat-
footed 12 (+2 Dex, +1 Skin cloaks loathe sentient creatures,
dodge, +1 natural, +1 size); Dodge especially spellcasters. They attack
hp 22 (4d8+4) by wrapping themselves around their
Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +5 victims’ necks and strangling them.
DR 5/magic or slashing; A hollow man is particularly vulnerable
Immune undead traits to slashing weapons.
Speed 20 ft. Society and Culture
Melee slam +5 (1d4+1 plus grab)
Special Attacks constrict (1d4+1) The skin cloaks recall little of their lives, but their
STATISTICS creation lives large in the crude memories of their soul.
Str 13, Dex 14, Con —, Skin cloaks tend to remain near the areas where they
Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 12 were created, always searching for the meat they lost.
Base Atk +3; CMB +3; CMD 16 When they encounter a living, sentient creature, their
Feats Dodge, Stealthy constricting attack, in some ways, looks as if the skin
Skills Acrobatics +6 (+8 jump), cloak were trying to wrap itself around the meat of its
Escape Artist +8, Perception +8,
Stealth +15 victim, perhaps to restore its former self.
Languages Common
Constrict (Ex) A skin cloak deals
1d4+1 points of damage on a Skin cloaks have no use for treasure and so never hoard
successful grapple check. A it. Any valuables found near skin cloaks are incidental.
creature grappled by a skin
cloak may not speak or cast
spells with verbal components. Advanced Skin Cloaks
The more lives a skin cloak takes, the stronger its connection
Physical to the Negative Energy Plane. Spreading death,
they grow in power and the strongest skin cloaks
Characteristics can have as many as 10 Hit Dice. These skin
cloaks often have numerous holes in their
A hollow man consists of hides and blasphemous inscriptions tattooed
the skinned hide of a human in their hides.
or humanoid creature. The flesh is tanned, with any cut
marks closed with a heavy thread, and is often tattooed. Creating a Skin Cloak
The curing process results in shrinking the overall hide
and thus these creatures are often smaller than they were A spellcaster with an intact hide of a sentient humanoid
in life, standing about four feet tall and weighing twenty or monstrous humanoid can create a skin cloak with a
pounds or less. create undead spell.

Captain Varellion “Unaware” of Necromancy Rumors


134 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

Slithering Sargasso Slithering Sargasso Lore

DC Result
This is a carnivorous, sentient (though not
A vast mass of seaweed stretches out dozens of 17
particularly intelligent) plant creature that
feet across the sea’s surface, its long leafy tendrils entraps and feeds on small ships. This result
reveals all plant traits.
apparently swaying and twitching from water currents.
Slithering sargassos regenerate unless harmed
by fire damage.
A slithering sargasso is a carnivorous plant able to Slithering sargassos attempt to drown their
consume objects as large as small sailing boats. 27 victims, and the remains of former foes are
often tangled in their weedy masses.

Tactics Physical Characteristics

A slithering sargasso remains still, intertwined with
A slithering sargasso is a mass of seaweed-like material
common clumps of oceantop seaweed, until something
that stretches up to 20 feet in diameter and weights
disturbs it. It then attempts to grab the largest mobile
roughly 600 lbs. It intertwines itself with masses of
objects it can find and drags them into its own mass. It
normal surface seaweed, making
feeds on the creatures it either crushes or drowns. If a foe
it very difficult to determine
proves too dangerous, the slithering sargasso can swim
where it begins and the typical
beneath the surface to escape attackers.
plantlife ends. A small
node, no larger than a
Encounters human’s fist, exists near

Slithering sargassos generally float on the surface of an

ocean where floating seaweed is common and waits for
whales, merfolk, or boats to disturb it. Where possible, it
anchors itself above sandbars and reefs, or near
shipwrecks, in the hopes of drawing in
ships that then become stuck
and easy prey for it. If it goes
long enough without food, a
slithering sargasso is even able
to crawl onto beaches to attack small
seaside communities.

A slithering sargasso must eat roughly its own mass
in food every month. If it begins to starve, it can
sacrifice its own mass, losing hit dice but retaining
its health and strength. A slithering sargasso that
has ample food gains hit dice as fast as one
per week, eventually splitting into
4 smaller slithering sargassos
if it exceeds 20 HD.
Characters with ranks in
Knowledge (nature) can
learn more about slithering
sargassos with successful skill

The Freeport Bestiary 135

Creatures of Freeport


N Huge plant (aquatic)
Init -2; Senses tremorsense 30 ft.; Perception +16
Anything that can survive exposure to salt water and
the elements may be found in the tendrils of a slithering
Sargasso, as remnants of previous meals.
AC 19, touch 6, flat-footed 19 (-2 Dex, +13 natural armor,
-2 size)
hp 95 (10d8+50); regeneration 3 Advanced Versions
Fort +12, Ref +1, Will +6
Immune plant traits Slithering sargassos advance with hit dice. A slithering
OFFENSE sargasso becomes Gargantuan when it reaches 14 HD,
Speed 10 ft., climb 10 ft., swim 30 ft.
Colossal when it reaches 18 HD, and divides into four
Melee 4 tentacles +11 (1d6+6 plus grab) Huge slithering sargassos if it reaches 21 HD.
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks entangle, fast swallow, grab, swallow
whole (AC 10, 9 hp) Spirit Lizard
Str 22, Dex 6, Con 20, Int 5, Wis 17, Cha 5
Base Atk +7; CMB +15 (+19 grapple); CMD 23
T his creature is a bipedal lizard about two feet tall,
Skills Climb +14, Perception +16, Swim +14
with long-fingered hands and large, sparkling eyes.
A small crest rises from the top of its head.
Environment any aquatic
Organization solitary The spirit lizard looks something like a small, fine-
Treasure standard featured lizard person, and lives in the jungles of the
Serpent’s Teeth.
Camouflage (Ex) Since a slithering sargasso looks like
a normal mass of seaweed when at rest, a successful
DC 22 Perception check is required to notice it before it
attacks for the first time. Anyone with ranks in Survival
or Knowledge (nature) can use either of those skills A spirit lizard has little direct power in battle. Instead of
instead of Perception to notice the plant. charging into the fray, it spies on its enemies, using its
Entangle (Su) A slithering sargasso can, as a swift spell-like abilities and animal allies to hinder its enemies
action, cause masses of typical seaweed, interlaced with
its own tendrils, animate and grasp at foes. This ability is and drive them from the jungle. The lizard itself only
otherwise similar to entangle (CL 10th, DC 14). The save enters battle if the jungle is in considerable danger and
DC is Wisdom-based. there is no other alternative.
Grab (Ex) A slithering sargasso can grab Gargantuan or
smaller foes. When it grapples a foe with its tentacles,
the plant does not gain the grappled condition. A
slithering sargasso that uses swallow whole enwraps a
pinned creature with multiple levels of seaweed without
having to move it. A creature swallowed whole by a Spirit lizards are encountered alone, or as a mated pair,
slithering sargasso is also underwater, and may drown. never in larger groups, and always in natural surroundings.
Those encountered in a city or town are either there for a
specific purpose, or are prisoners of individuals with evil
the center of the plant creature and contains its central
intent or ignorant of their nature.
organs beyond its seaweed tendrils.

Society and Culture Ecology

Spirit lizards once lived in all the forests and jungles
Slithering sargassos exist to eat, and prefer meat, though of the now-sunken continent of Valossa, which may
they do not care the type or freshness of their food. Though explain why they are reptilian rather than humanoid in
capable of other rudimentary thoughts, these plant appearance. They are fiercely protective of the trees and
creatures rarely concern themselves with anything beyond wildlife of their home areas, and protect them from all
hunting and staying away from more powerful predators. manner of harm.

136 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

Spirit Lizard Lore

DC Result
This lizard-like creature is a spirit lizard, a fey protector of the wilds. This result gives the character basic
15 facts about the spirit lizard—its fey nature, bond to a specific tree, and ability to influence plants and
animals. This result reveals all fey traits.
The character knows more about the history of the spirit lizards and the cataclysm that shattered their race.
The character is aware of the relationship between spirit lizards, deadwood trees, and devil lizards. If he
possesses Wild Empathy, he can make a Wild Empathy check in place of a Diplomacy check when dealing
with a devil lizard, and receives a +5 bonus on his roll.
The character knows how to use the blood of a spirit lizard to increase the power of natural magic.
25 However, this is a truly vile act—it is a perversion of nature that should be unthinkable for a good-aligned
ranger or druid.
A character can make this check to identify the home tree of a spirit lizard; there are subtle patterns of
color and growth that give away the bond to the spirit.

Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can learn Treasure

more about spirit lizards with successful skill checks.
Spirit lizards have the standard treasure appropriate for
Physical Characteristics their Challenge Rating. Those spirit lizards with class
levels have treasure appropriate for an NPC of their level.
Spirit lizards are lithe, elegant creatures that only the
uneducated and inexperienced mistake for immature
lizardfolk or worse, simple lizards. A spirit lizard stands
just under 3 frret tall and weighs approximately 25 pounds.

Society and Culture

Spirit lizards were the predominant fey species of Valossa,
but when the summoning of the Unspeakable One
destroyed the continent, many of them suffered a terrible
fate. As the essence of the Unspeakable One permeated the
living things of the continent, many spirit lizards became
trapped in their home trees and warped by the chaotic
forces unleashed upon the land. Twisted and evil, these
became the first of the deadwood trees (see pages 37-40).
Others were apart from their trees when the cataclysm
struck, and were forced to endure both the destruction
of their beloved forests and the warping effects of chaos.
These became the devil lizards (see pages 42-44); cut off
from everything they held dear, they became embittered
and hostile toward all outsiders. Only a few of the spirit
lizards escaped the disaster.
In the centuries following the disaster, the spirit
lizards have continued to guard the forests and their
native creatures, just as dryads do in other parts of the
world. They take direct action against deadwood trees
when they encounter them, but do not have the devil
lizards’ burning hatred of them. They look on the devil
lizards with compassion—for any of them could have
suffered the same fate—but know that they cannot help

The Freeport Bestiary 137

Creatures of Freeport

Str 8, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 13
NG Small fey Base Atk +4; CMB +3; CMD 17
Init +3; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +14 Feats Combat Casting, Skill Focus (climb), Spell Focus
(enchantment), Weapon Finesse
Skills Climb +21, Escape Artist +14, Handle Animal
AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 15 (+3 Dex, +4 natural, +1 size) +9, Knowledge (nature) +14, Perception +14, Stealth
hp 44 (8d6+16) +18 (+28 in natural surroundings), Survival +15; Racial
Fort +4, Ref +9, Will +9 Modifiers +4 Climb, +4 Stealth, and +4 Survival.
DR 5/cold iron; Immune fey traits; SR 16 Languages Common, Draconic, Sylvan and Valossan
SQ chameleon scales, merging, nature’s passage, tree
OFFENSE bond, wild empathy
Speed 40 ft., climb 20 ft. SPECIAL ABILITIES
Melee bite +7 (1d4-1 plus poison) and 2 claws +2 (1d4-1)
Chameleon Scales (Ex) The scales of the spirit lizard can
Special Attacks poison shift in color and pattern like a remarkable chameleon.
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 8; concentration +11) This provides the lizard with a +10 circumstance bonus
At Will--calm animals (DC 15), detect animals or plants, to Stealth checks while in natural surroundings.
entangle (DC 14), speak with animals, speak with plants Merging (Su) As a standard action, a spirit lizard can
3/day--charm animal (DC 15), command plants (DC step inside any tree or plant that is larger than the lizard
18), commune with nature, goodberry, plant growth, itself. While it is inside the plant, the spirit lizard is aware
summon nature’s ally III, tree stride of its surroundings, but the only action it can take is to
use commune with nature or tree stride. Commune with
1/week--animal shapes
nature and tree stride may only be used while this power
is in use. If the tree that the spirit lizard has merged with
is destroyed, the lizard suffers 4d6 points of damage and
Uses reappears. Leaving the tree is a standard action.
Nature’s Passage (Ex) A spirit lizard can move through
any sort of undergrowth at normal speed and without
An ounce of spirit serpent blood is worth 25 gp, and has suffering damage or any sort of impairment. This
includes both natural undergrowth and areas under the
some interesting properties. effects of spells such as entangle or wall of thorns. In
addition, a spirit lizard leaves no trail while in natural
Spirit Blood surroundings and cannot be tracked.
Poison (Ex) Bite-injury; save Fort DC 15; frequency 1/
round for 2 rounds; effect unconscious 1d6 minutes; cure
The blood of a spirit lizard can be used to enhance 1 save. The save DC is Constitution-based.
the power of natural magic. If an ounce of spirit lizard Tree Bond (Su) While a spirit lizard can merge with any
blood is used as an additional material component when tree, it has a particular bond to one special tree, and it
cannot move more than 20 miles from this tree. While
casting a ranger or druid spell, the effective caster level is it is merged with its home tree, it heals 1 HP/round, and
increased by 2. This requires knowledge of special rituals, it recovers from 1 point of ability damage or 1 negative
as described above, and it is a heinous act that provokes level every hour. If its home tree is destroyed, a spirit
lizard suffers 4d6 points of damage. If it survives this
a hostile response from other fey creatures and good- experience, it will lose 2 points of Constitution every hour
aligned druids. 1d4 ounces of blood can be recovered it remains outside of a tree. To survive, it must form a
from the fresh corpse of a spirit lizard. bond to a new tree; this requires the lizard to merge with
a tree and remain within it for one uninterrupted week.
Wild Empathy (Ex) This power works like the druid’s
Scale of Natural Dominion wild empathy class feature, except that the spirit lizard
has a +8 racial bonus on the check.
Aura faint enchantment; CL 8th
Slot none; Price 800 gp; Weight --
If it chooses, a spirit lizard can pluck a scale from its
hide and invest a fraction of its power into the charm. Requirements Knowledge (nature) 5 ranks, caster must
This provides the bearer with a +2 bonus to all Wild
be a spirit lizard; Cost 400 gp
Empathy and Handle Animal checks. In addition, spirit
lizards, devil lizards, and deadwood trees can all sense
the presence of the scale—which may be a good thing Advanced Versions
or a very bad thing. If a spirit lizard discovers a mortal
abusing the power of a scale of natural dominion, it will Spirit lizards advance by character class, advancing as
almost certainly seek vengeance against them. druids or sorcerers with the fey bloodline.

138 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

Sunakake Baba Sunakake baba Lore

DC Result
A sunakake baba is a nature spirit that acts as
A slender woman stands on the beach, looking over 20 a guardian of the beach on which she dwells.
the waves. Her dark hair flows in the sea breeze. This reveals all outsider and kami traits.
Dressed in a simple robe, her flesh glitters from Sunakake babas control the beach, summoning
sea life, and using the sand itself against
thousands of embedded sand grains. 25
intruders. Every sand witch carries an
enchanted driftwood staff.
Sunakake baba, or sand witches, are powerful kami that Sunakake babas can be reasoned with, if
30 approached by an individual who shows a
exist to protect beaches and shorelines. deep and honest respect for nature.

Society and Culture
A sand witch is a deadly combatant, weilding both a
staff of driftwood, and potent magics. She controls the Sunakake babas are untrusting and aloof by nature,
beach itself, and all that dwell within it, and it fights at watching intruders for any sign of disrespect or damage
her command. The ward of a sunakake baba often to their wards. Even when willing to speak with outsiders,
has dozens of foes entombed under the sand, they keep their answers short and precise. They
suffocated by the sheer weight of the beach. are only slightly warmer to other kami,
druids, and rangers.
Sunakake babas live alone, with only the animals
of the seashore as companions. They always
meet outsiders on their territory, and use their
powerful magics to hold foes at bay. They enter
physical combat as a last resort.
On rare occasions, a sunakake baba may have
powerful allies, such as tritons or bronze dragons
that share their protected environment.

As a kami, a sunakake baba exists as one with her beach. She
feeds off the small amounts of detritus, such as seaweed
and fish, washed up on her shoreline, as well as feeding
on the sand itself. Her impact on the beach is no
more than that of a Medium sized crab.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge
(nature) can learn more about sunakake baba
with successful skill checks.

Physical Characteristics
Sunakake babas appear as humanoid women,
with eyes made of dark water. Their smooth
flesh is actually comprised of densely packed
sand and shells. Their hair is a unique form of
seaweed, typically dark red or greenish-black.

The Freeport Bestiary 139

Creatures of Freeport

Clam Sandwich Shortage Caused by Sand Witches?


Natural Defense (Su): Each round, as a full action, a
N Medium Outsider (kami, native) sunakake baba may focus her ward’s natural features as
a defense. She may choose any one of the following each
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +21
round. The effect ends when she chooses another effect:
DEFENSE • She may summon 1d6 crab swarms (Bestiary pg. 50)
AC 28; touch 13, flat-footed 25 (+2 Dex, +3 armor, +12 that attack targets that the sand witch chooses.
natural, +1 dodge) • She may call razor sharp shells and old bones and
hp 123 (13d10+52); fast healing 5 teeth to rise from the sand, which acts like a CL 10
spike stones.
Fort +12, Ref +6, Will +13
• She may cause washed up weeds and seaweeds to
DR 10/cold iron; Immune bleed, mind-affecting effects, act as a CL 10 entangle spell.
petrification, polymorph; Resist acid 10, electricity 10, fire 10
• She may cause driftwood to assemble into a wood
OFFENSE golem (Bestiary pg. 164).
Speed 30 ft. • She may create a defensive wall out of driftwood,
or sand, with the same dimensions of a CL 10 wall of
Melee +2 quaterstaff +18/+15/+10 (1d6+5), or 2 slams +16 stone. A wall of sand has the hit points as a wall of
(1d6+4) ice, and a wall of driftwood has the same hit points
Special Attacks natural defense, sand blast, sand vortex of a wall of thorns.
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 10, Concentration +13) Sand Armor (Su): As long as a sunakake baba is in
constant-deathwatch contact with her beach, she gains an armor bonus equal
at will-dimension door, giant vermin (crabs and lobsters to her Charisma modifier.
only) Sand Blast (Ex): Every 1d4 rounds a sunakake baba may
3/day-command (DC 14), obscuring mist release a 30 foot cone of sand. Victims caught within the
blast take 3d6 damage, with a DC 19 Reflex save for half.
2/day-call lightning (DC 16), control water Targets failing the save are also blinded for 1d4 turns.
1/day-baleful polymorph (DC 18), summon nature’s ally Sand Vortex (Su): As a full round action a sunakake
IV, vortex (DC 20) baba may target a single creature she can see that is on
STATISTICS her beach. The target must make a DC 19 Reflex save or
be held in place by the beach itself pulling at its feet. If
Str 17, Dex 15, Con 18, Int 18, Wis 20 Cha 16 the sand witch targets the same victim the next round, it
Base Atk +13; CMB +16; CMD 28 must make a DC 21 Reflex save or be pulled beneath the
Feats Combat Casting, Dodge, Improved Initiative, sand and begin to suffocate. A suffocating victim may
Lightning Stance, Step Up, Strike Back, Wind Stance make a DC 20 Grapple check each round to escape the
Skills Acrobatics +18, Bluff +19, Diplomacy +16,
Knowledge (local, nature) +20, Perception +21, Sense ECOLOGY
Motive +21, Stealth +18, Use Magic Device +19
Environment beach
Languages Common; telepathy 100 ft.
Organization solitary
SQ merge with ward, ward (beach), sand armor
Treasure double (+2 quarterstaff, other treasure)

Treasure Advanced Versions

Sunakake babas are keenly in touch with their home Sunakake baba may advance by character class, typically
beach, and are quick to notice anything that is not as a druid, ranger, oracle, or witch, or by any monster
natural to it. They spend much of their time keeping it template that deals with the sea. As oracles, they are
clean, removing the filthy detritus of the outside world. most often associated with the battle, lore, nature,
This beachcombing allows them to accumulate quite a waves, or wind mystery. As witches, they are most often
hoard of treasures that they use as bribes or payments associated with patrons of agility, endurance, strength,
for services that they cannot provide themselves. They transformation, trickery, or water. Despite the sunkake
are often bedecked with magical trinkets and weapons baba’s strong spiritual connections, they never become
as a by-product of their constant vigil. clerics.

140 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

Common or other tongues, as well as a limited vocabulary

Tavi (Mongoose Folk) of other words
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) and
other skills can learn more about tavi with successful skill
T he size of a halfling or medium-sized dog, this checks.
creature is covered in grayish-brown fur, with a
pointed snout, rounded ears, and a long tail. Its black Physical Characteristics
eyes gleam with intelligence, and its front paws are
equally good for running and for and for handling Tavi are small, quick furred creatures with long torsos in
objects. Despite its short legs, it can move quickly. comparison to their limb length. They are approximately
the same size as halflings when standing erect; they can
The tavi are the result of a magical experiment to create a stand upright and use their front paws to manipulate
bigger, more intelligent mongoose for dealing with larger objects, but drop onto all fours for running.
snakes and snake-like races like the serpent folk.
Society and Culture
Tavi (singular and plural) have been introduced to various
A tavi’s greatest asset is its speed. Tavi are not very strong, parts of the world where snakes and serpent races are a
but they are incredibly fast; when a threat appears, a problem, but are most numerous in and around the city
tavi will be at the throat of the enemy before he has of Freeport where they were first developed. While
time to blink. Tavi are aggressive hunters, but they are
clever and make strong use of pack tactics. They have
an excellent instinctive ability to coordinate attacks.
Against powerful foes, tavi attempt to flank, feint, and
use Aid Another to ensure that the pack is able to bring
down the foe. When fighting groups, tavi tend to single
out one foe at a time, but they may suddenly switch
targets at any moment, using their speed to keep their
enemies off guard.

Tavi stake out territories and suffer no serpents to
enter them, marking the ranges of heir claimed
area with carefully-applied scratches made with
sharp rocks on trees, rocks and other surfaces at
the eye level of a standing tavi.

Highly social creatures, tavi are
uncommonly encountered alone,
usually operating in at least a pair,
and frequently a pack of 4-12
individuals. Tavi have the beginnings
of a language, with differently-pitched
squeaks and whistles denoting concepts
such as snake, big, small, danger, food, and
so on. Individuals that have been raised in
captivity can understand command words in

The Freeport Bestiary 141

Creatures of Freeport

Attach (Ex) When a tavi hits with a bite attack, it
N Small magical beast automatically grapples its foe, inflicting automatic bite
damage (1d4) each round. Tavi use their Dexterity score
Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent,
in place of their Strength when making, maintaining, or
serpent sense; Perception +5
defending against a grapple.
DEFENSE Group Hunter (Ex) Tavi work together incredibly well
AC 17, touch 16, flat-footed 13 (+4 Dex, +1 dodge, +1 when hunting. Communicating silently using subtle body
natural, +1 size) language, they are extremely effective at tracking and
uncovering their prey. A tavi gains a +1 circumstance
hp 16 (3d10) bonus to Perception and Survival checks for each other
Fort +3 (+7 vs. reptilian poisons), Ref +9, Will +1 (+3 vs. tavi within 30 ft. of itself (maximum +5).
reptilian) Ophidian Malice (Ex) Tavi have been mystically bred to
OFFENSE hunt and destroy serpents and serpent people. These
deep-rooted instincts provide a tavi with the following
Speed 30 ft., climb 20 ft. advantages and disadvantages whenever they are
Melee bite +7 (1d4 and attach) dealing with creatures with the reptilian subtype:
Ranged sling +7 (1d3) •+2 racial bonus to Perception and Survival checks,
Special Attacks attach attack and damage rolls, and Will saves vs. effects
generated by such creatures
STATISTICS •+4 racial bonus to saving throws against the natural
Str 10, Dex 18, Con 11, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 8 poisons of such creatures, and to Bluff checks made
to feint in combat; -5 penalty to any other Bluff check
Base Atk +3; CMB +2 (+8 grapple); CMD 16 (20 versus against such creatures
•-5 racial penalty on Diplomacy checks against such
Feats Combat Reflexes, DodgeB, Improved InitiativeB, creatures
Lightning ReflexesB, Weapon Finesse
Most serpentine creatures can instinctively sense the
Skills Acrobatics +15, Bluff +3 (+7 feint), Climb +15, malice of the tavi; as a result, the attitude of a serpentine
Diplomacy -1 (-6 vs. serpents), Escape Artist +12, creature towards a tavi is typically reduced by one
Perception +5, Stealth +11, Survival +3; Racial Modifiers category.
+8 Acrobatics, +4 Bluff (to checks made to feint in
combat), +8 Climb, -5 Diplomacy (vs. serpents), +8 Serpent Sense (Su) Serpent people are renowned
Escape Artist, +4 Stealth for their shapeshifting powers, and the wizards who
bred the tavi gave their hunters a mystical sense to
Languages Tavi compensate for this. A tavi automatically attempts a
SQ group hunter, ophidian malice DC 10 Perception check whenever it comes within 30
Gear sling, 20 sling stones ft. of any creature with the reptilian subtype (even if
the creature is using a physical or magical disguise
including invisibility). If the check fails, the tavi detects
nothing out of the ordinary. If the check is successful,
many remain in captivity, over the years several have the tavi detects the presence of a serpent within 30 ft.
escaped and set up flourishing wild groups. They live but is unable to pinpoint its location. If the result of the
Perception check is greater than 15, the tavi immediately
in family groups of 4-12, led by a breeding alpha pair detects the creature and pinpoints its location. Any
and with lesser members (usually the adult offspring creature the tavi cannot see (does not have line of sight
of the alphas) helping to gather food, keep watch, and to) still has total concealment against the tavi and the
tavi suffers normal miss chances when attacking such
look after the young. Some groups have dug burrows off foes.
the city’s sewer system and the serpent folk tunnels that Skilled Climbers (Ex) Tavi use their Dexterity modifier
connect to it, while others have taken to the fringes of instead of their Strength modifier when computing their
Climb skill.
the jungle to the north of the city. At least one group
maintains a territory in Scurvytown; their food obtained
by hunting and scavenging is supplemented by several
Scurvytowners who feed the creatures in order to keep Uses
them around to reduce the number of snakes and vermin
in the area. Serpent people myths warn of humanoids with tavi allies.
These myths are based in fact.
Cohorts and Companions
Tavi rarely use any sorts of weapons or armor, but they
possess the standard treasure for their challenge rating. Tavi are not simple animals, and cannot be trained or
Those with character levels possess the normal treasure controlled as easily as their creators had intended. As
for an NPC of their CR. a result, a character cannot take a tavi as a companion

142 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

Tavi Lore
DC Result
This creature is a tavi, a member of a race artificially created by wizards to hunt serpentmen. Success at
12 this level reveals basic facts about the tavi—its speed, combat abilities, and its hatred for serpents of all
sorts. This result reveals all magical beast traits.
The character knows more about the behavior of tavi. He can identify the alphas in a group of tavi, and
gets a +2 bonus to Diplomacy checks when dealing with them. He also has a better sense of the overall
capabilities of the tavi—their enhanced abilities when hunting in groups, and talent for sniffing out
disguised serpents.
With a Knowledge (local) check at this level, the character has heard stories about the tavi community in
20 Scurvytown. He may not know exactly what these creatures are, but he has a general idea where they are
The character has a solid understanding of the nature of the magics used to create the tavi. If he is an
arcane spellcaster, he can prepare his spells to take advantage of the inherent mystical weaknesses of the
22 tavi resulting in a +1 DC to all spells used against a tavi. With an additional DC 20 Craft (alchemy) check,
the character knows how to properly extract the secretions of tavi musk glands, and can recover 1d2
ounces of musk from a tavi corpse.

animal or familiar. However, a tavi may choose to serpent hit by the weapon must make a successful DC 13
accompany a group of adventurers of its own free will. Will save or suffer the effects of fear for 6 rounds. Each
A tavi usually stay as long as it is well treated, but may application is good for 1d3 hits.
decide to leave if it is mistreated, bored, or if it misses the
camaraderie of living in a tavi group. A tavi is intelligent Advanced Versions
enough to learn most tricks, but may not perform tricks
on demand; it may depend on the size of the reward Tavi advance by character class. Individuals who acquire
offered, or if the tavi thinks it has something better to character class levels are remarkable individuals, and
do at the time. generally become one of the alphas of the group. These
Occasionally, a tavi forms a particularly strong bond to prodigies usually acquire rogue, barbarian, or ranger
a human or demihumans. In such cases, the tavi may be levels. To date, no tavi has ever displayed an aptitude for
taken as a cohort. A tavi cohort generally acts in the best arcane or divine magic.
interests of its master, but its racial antipathy to snakes
makes it hard to restrain if it sees or smells one.

Tavi Blood
Tentacle Caller
A small amount of tavi blood—enough to inflict 1 hit A majestic elven woman stands in the center of a
point of damage on a living tavi—reduces the gold piece cancerous mass of writhing tentacles. Her placid
cost of creating a potion of speed or potion of cat’s grace by expression belies the horror surrounding her.
30%. If a similar amount of tavi blood is consumed while
casting one of these spells, it increases the effective caster
Tentacle callers are alien creatures hailing from the cold
level of the spell by 2. However, drinking the blood of an
reaches of the Outer Dark.
intelligent creature is a rather questionable act that may
provoke ethical issues.
Tavi Musk
Tentacle callers generally simply crush those that dare
The secretions of tavi musk glands produce an instinctive to oppose them, with their tentacles. They are able
fear reaction in snakes. If an ounce of tavi musk is used to engage large groups, rending foes apart with some
as an additional material component with any fear spell, tentacles, flattening others, while calmly reading ancient
the save DC is increased by 3 against any sort of serpent inscriptions carved onto a tomb wall. Those foes that they
or snake. In addition, if an ounce of tavi musk is applied find notable are simply stricken mad, and left to rant and
to the business end of a slashing or piercing weapon, any rave in the creature’s wake.

The Freeport Bestiary 143

Creatures of Freeport

“Possessed by a Tentacle!” The Warehouse Strangler Speaks!


warping the mind of one humanoid, and using it to hire

Encounters others without them knowing exactly what pays their
Tentacle callers may be found nearly anywhere, gathering
seemingly random artifacts, or researching what mortal
minds see as the mad ramblings of long dead races.
When they must, they employ mortal agents, generally
Tentacle callers are beyond mortal concerns. They have no
need to eat, and only destroy what gets in their way. Their
mere presence drives out all other creatures where they
dwell, with even the undead and fiends being unwilling
to remain.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can learn
more about a tentacle caller with successful skill checks.

Tentacle Caller Lore

DC Result
Tentacle callers are powerful alien
24 beings that care nothing for mortals.
This result reveals all aberration traits.
The mere sight of a tentacle caller can
shatter someone’s mind.
Each tentacle caller has a goal that it
strives to achieve. What appears to be
random behavior is part of a plot that
may span thousands of years.

Physical Characteristics
A tentacle caller always appears as a beautiful
elven woman, standing astride, and surrounded
by, writhing tentacles. Her face lacks the ability
to make expressions, leading some to believe
that the elven form is just mimicry of common
intelligent life on the planet.

Society and Culture

Each tentacle caller follows its own mission,
which may be at odds with others of their
kind. They have clear connections with the
Dark Tapestry, and often find themselves
at odds with the Great Old Ones and their
agents. There is no known cooperation between
tentacle callers.

144 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

Environment any land or aquatic
CE Medium Aberration (aquatic, extraplaner) Organization solitary
Init +3; Senses darkvision 120 ft, low-light vision; Treasure standard
Perception +30
Aura writhing horror
Immortality (Ex): A tentacle caller does not age, nor
DEFENSE does it need to eat or breathe. Its existence can only be
AC 28, touch 20, flat-footed 25 (+7 deflection, +3 Dex, ended by violence.
+8 natural) Mutable (Ex): A tentacle caller can expand or contract
hp 199 (21d8+105); regeneration 10 (acid, fire) its bulk, taking up as much space as a Huge creature,
or as little as a Medium one. Its core humanoid body
Fort +12, Ref +10, Will +15 remains the same size, regardless of the space its
Defensive Abilities immortality, squirming thoughts; tentacles fill.
Immune cold, disease, poison Shed Tentacle (Ex): Once every round, a tentacle caller
SR 25 may shed 1d4 tentacles from its mass. These tentacles
act as black tentacles, except they can be attacked
physically. A tentacle has an AC equal to the tentacle
Speed 50 ft., swim 50 ft. caller’s natural AC, plus +1 Dex, and has 1/10th the
Melee 6 tentacles +25 (1d6+10 plus grab) hit points of the tentacle caller. They deal the same
damage and effects as the tentacle caller’s grapple
Space 5 ft.; Reach 15 ft. attack.
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 20, Concentration +27) Squirming Thoughts (Ex): Anyone attempting to make
Continual- mindblank unwanted telepathic contact, or impose mental influence
At will- ghoul touch (DC 19) on a tentacle caller must make a DC 27 Will save or
3/day-chaos hammer (DC 21), insanity (DC 24), their mind is invaded by the creature’s alien thoughts.
interposing hand, touch of idiocy (DC 19) Each round the foe must roll a 1d6 to determine its
actions: 1-2: act normally, 3-4 deal 1d4 points of damage
2/day- gate, greater dispel magic, vampiric touch, web to itself, 5-6 attack the nearest creature. In addition, it
1/day-clenched fist, symbol of insanity (DC 25), true is subject to a nightmare each time it sleeps unless it
seeing makes another DC 27 Will save. This affect may only
Special Abilities constrict (2d6+10), rend (2 or more be removed by greater restoration, heal, limited wish,
tentacles, 1d6+5 per tentacle), shed tentacle, sweeping miracle, or wish.
attack Sweeping Attack (Ex): As a standard action, a tentacle
caller may make an attack against all targets within a
STATISTICS 15 foot arc around it. This attack deals 1d6+10 points of
Str 30, Dex 17, Con 20, Int 22, Wis 23, Cha 25 damage to each target, who must make DC 30 Strength
Base Atk +15; CMB +25, +29 grapple; CMD 38, can’t be checks or be knocked prone. It may end the sweep at
tripped any time to grab the last target struck.
Feats Ability Focus (constrict) <B>, Combat Reflexes, Tentacle Cocoon (Ex): A tentacle caller’s writhing
Final Embrace, Final Embrace Horror, Final Embrace tentacles and dark power grants it a deflection bonus
Master, Greater Grapple, Improved Grapple, Power equal to its Charisma bonus. In addition, as a full round
Attack action it can wrap itself within a great mass of tentacles,
and go into suspended animation. This grants the
Skills Acrobatics +27, Climb +37, Escape Artist +27, tentacle caller DR 25/epic, and allows it to not only drift
Intimidate +31, Knowledge (arcana, planes) +30, through the vacuum of space, but plunge to the surface
Perception +30, Spellcraft +30, Stealth +27, Swim +37 of a planet without harm.
Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Infernal, Writhing Horror (Su): The sight of a tentacle caller
telepathy 300 ft. crushes the mind and souls of those who behold it.
SQ amphibious, compression, mutable, tentacle cocoon Living creatures with less than 8 Hit Dice, who come
within 50 feet, must make a DC 27 Will save on first
seeing the creature or panic, as well as taking 1d10 points
Treasure of Wisdom damage. Targets with higher than 8 Hit
Dice must make a DC 27 Will save or take 1d8 points of
Wisdom damage instead.
Tentacle callers have little interest in material wealth,
although they recognize the value of gold and jewels
value to others, and use what they find as payment when Advanced Versions
necessary. They do not hoard wealth for its own sake.
Tentacle callers usually keep any useful magic items for Every tentacle caller is a unique being, and is commonly
themselves, and even wield weapons in their tentacles modified by templates—generally ones that enhance
in rare cases. Many have one or more unique items or spellcasting abilities—or have a connection to the Dark
artifacts that they are saving for purposes known only to Tapestry. Only rarely does a tentacle caller take class
them. levels, and then only in arcane spellcasting classes.

The Freeport Bestiary 145

Creatures of Freeport

Tephran Encounters
Entire cities may be buried by volcanic activity, creating
A humanoid shape made of gray ash stalks forward, tephrans that lie motionless, waiting for time or human
a soft yellow glow issuing from the rough holes in its activity to uncover them. Tephrans are unable to leave
face that approximate it’s eyes, nose and mouth. areas that are not made up of, or covered in, the same
ash and pumice as their bodies, making it impossible for
them to pursue victims far.
Tephrans are the undead remnants of humanoids slain by
suffocating on volcanic ash. Ecology
Tactics Being undead spirits, tephrans arise either due to divine
curses, damning them and their cities, or from the
Tephrans lie in the positions they died in, seeming to desperation of doomed people turning into raw hate in
be simple outlines of the bodies of the slain. Once their their last agonized moments.
victims drop their guard, they rise and begin Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can learn
pummeling them with their ashen fists. more about tephrans with successful skill checks.

Tephran Lore
DC Result
Tephrans are the restless spirits of the victims
16 of volcanic ash. This result reveals all undead
A tephran’s blows raise clouds of choking ash,
killing more victims than their fists.
The bodies of those who die from a tephran’s
26 suffocating attack rapidly break down under a
shell of ash, themselves becoming tephrans

Physical Characteristics
Tephrans are empty shells of ash and pumice
in the shape of their original bodies. They
are a uniform ashen gray color, and utterly

Society and Culture

Tephrans generally come from decadent cultures,
brave or arrogant enough to live in the shadow
of active volcanoes. As undead, they have no
remaining culture, although they can speak
if compelled, in moans that are reminiscent
of grinding stone.

Any treasures a tephran may have would
likely be worn in a faded memory of lost
humanity, or be found embedded inside their

146 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

TEPHRAN CR 6 • XP 2,400
Str 12, Dex 21, Con -, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 17
CE Medium undead Base Atk +6; CMB +11; CMD 21
Init +5; Senses dark vision 60 ft., tremorsense; Perception +13 Feats Agile Maneuvers, Combat Reflexes, Lunge, Skill
Focus (Stealth), Weapon Finesse
Skills Climb +13, Intimidate +15, Perception +13, Stealth +17
AC 18; touch 15, flat-footed 13 (+5 Dex, +3 natural) Languages Common
hp 67 (9d8+27) SQ compression
Fort +6, Ref +8, Will +7
Defensive Abilities amorphous; DR 10/magic
Immune fire, undead traits Environment any land
Organization solitary, pair, rest (3-30)
Treasure standard
Speed 30 ft.
Melee 2 slams +11 (1d6+1 plus ash cloud)
Special Attacks ash cloud, create spawn Ash Cloud (Ex): A tephran’s particulate body creates
a cloud of choking ash whenever it successfully strikes
a foe. The target must make a DC 17 Reflex save or be
blinded for 1d4 rounds. In addition the target must make
hollow form. These items may tumble forth when the a DC 17 Fortitude save or begin to suffocate as if it were
creatures is finall laid to rest, or be hidden in the pile of drowning. A DC 20 Heal check, or any magical healing,
will end the suffocation. Attempts to drink water makes
ashy remains. the ash harden into a concrete-like substance, requiring
a DC 25 Heal check to clear.
Advanced Versions Create Spawn (Su): Any humanoid or monstrous
humanoid killed by suffocating on a tephran’s ash cloud
rises as an independent tephran 24 hours later.
Tephran advance by any template that is applicable to the
Thanatos As undead, thanatos serve no purpose in the natural cycle.
They simply swim, eat/kill, and swim further, producing
T his horrific creature looks like it was once a great nothing, only destroying.
fish. Its bony head looks eerily like a monstrous Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) and
skull, and its eyes are white and blank. Great rents other skills can learn more about thanatos with successful
and tears in the scales of its sides show tattered skill checks.
flesh beneath. Its scales and flesh are translucent,
revealing hints of its skeleton here and there. It Physical Characteristics
glows with an unnatural greenish-white light, and its
mouth is full of long, jagged teeth. Thanatos can range from the size of a large shark to
that of the greatest whale, weighing anything from 600
Thanatos are undead fish of large (or larger) size. pounds to several tons.

Tactics Society and Culture

A thanatos is not a subtle foe. Drawn by the scent of life, Thanatos (the name is both singular and plural) are
it simply seeks to devour any living creature that crosses absolutely enormous undead fish, often growing to the
its path. size of great whales and fully capable of biting a hole in
the bottom of a normal ship. They normally frequent the
Encounters deepest, darkest depths of the ocean, feeding on the corpses
of creatures that sink to the ocean bed. Occasionally,
Thanatos do not speak any languages, but can understand however, they may rise to shallower depths to raid the
commands in Aquan and many other languages, including settlements of aquatic races in search of food. They have
Infernal and Abyssal. been known to attack surface ships, albeit rarely.

The Freeport Bestiary 147

Creatures of Freeport

Thanatos have treasure appropriate for
their CR, although without a lair, such
treasure is typically contained within the
creature’s gullet.

Magic Items
If a craftsman possesses thanatos teeth,
he can create a life drinker axe or nine
lives stealer without needing to cast finger
of death or enervation. The scales of a
thanatos allow the wizard to create ghost
touch armor and shields without needing
to cast etherealness. Of course, it can be hard
to recover scales and teeth from the corpse of
a thanatos, as it sinks to the bottom of the sea
as soon as it is destroyed. A mission to recover
teeth from the corpse of a thanatos can be a
challenging salvage operation for the PCs.
A finger-stall carved from a tooth or bone of a thanatos
Thanatos Lore adds +2 to the damage the wearer can cause with chill
touch and similar necromantic spells.
DC Result
This vile creature is no fish at all, but an Spell Components
undead horror from the depths. The character
gains basic facts about the creature including
17 the undead nature of the thanatos, its ability If a character is familiar with certain necromantic
to drain the life force of its victims, and its rituals, he can craft a small rod out of the tooth of a
preference for swallowing them whole. This
result reveals all undead traits. gargantuan thanatos. Used as an additional arcane focus,
The character has heard stories about the this can enhance the effect of certain spells, as shown on
vulnerabilities of the thanatos. By taking a the table below.
standard action he can look for a weak spot;
this requires a successful DC 20 Perception
check. If he is successful, he can halve the Spell Components
22 damage reduction and natural armor class
bonus of the Thanatos for the duration of the Spell Effect
combat. This only applies to the attacks that Gargantuan Thanatos Tooth
the character makes; the vulnerabilities of the
thanatos are too subtle for him to easily point Animate Dead +2 caster level
out to others. Chill Touch +2 damage
The character knows a ritual that can help Energy drain +1 negative level
lay a thanatos to rest. If he uses sea water
and bless water, he can create a liquid that is Enervation +1 negative level
especially potent against thanatos; the normal Ray of Enfeeblement +1 Strength drain
effects of holy water are doubled against
the undead fish. With an additional DC 20
Knowledge (arcana) check, the character
knows how to use the teeth and scales of a
Advanced Versions
thanatos to create magical arms and armor, or
to enhance necromantic spells. Thanatos advance by hit dice and size.

148 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

THANATOS CR 16 • XP 76,800 THANATOS CR 12 • XP 19,200

NE Gargantuan undead NE Large undead

Init -1; Senses blindsense 30 ft. (underwater), darkvision Init -1; Senses blindsense 30 ft. (underwater), darkvision
60 ft., low-light vision, keen scent; Perception +22 60 ft., low-light vision, keen scent; Perception +18
AC 21, touch 5, flat-footed 12 (-1 Dex, +16 natural, -4 size) AC 15, touch 7, flat-footed 15 (-1 Dex, +8 natural, -2 size)
hp 152 (24d8+44); fast healing 5 hp 93 (17d8+17); fast healing 3
Fort +10, Ref +9, Will +17 Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +12
Defensive Abilities vile luminescence; DR 10/magic; Defensive Abilities vile luminescence; DR 5/magic;
Immune cold, electricity, undead traits Immune cold, electricity, undead traits
Speed swim 80 ft. Speed swim 40 ft.
Melee ghost touch bite +33 (4d6+14/19-20 plus grab and Melee ghost touch bite +17 (2d6+7 plus grab and energy
energy drain) drain)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks energy drain, swallow whole (3d6 Special Attacks energy drain, swallow whole (2d6
bludgeoning and 1d6 Str drain; AC 18, 15 hp), unliving jaws bludgeoning and 1d6 Str drain; AC 14, 8 hp), unliving jaws
Str 38, Dex 8, Con --, Int 1, Wis 16, Cha 10 Str 24, Dex 8, Con --, Int 1, Wis 16, Cha 10
Base Atk +18; CMB +36 (+39 grapple); CMD 45 (47 versus Base Atk +9; CMB +18 (+20 grapple); CMD 26 (28 versus
grapple; cannot be tripped) grapple; cannot be tripped)
Feats Blind-Fight, Cleave, Great Cleave, Great Fortitude, Feats Blind-Fight, Cleave, Great Fortitude, Improved
Improved Critical (bite), Improved Natural Attack (bite), Natural Attack (bite), Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Power
Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack, Skill Focus Attack, Toughness, Weapon Focus (bite)
(Stealth), Toughness, Weapon Focus (bite) Skills Intimidate +15, Perception +18, Stealth +14, Survival
Skills Intimidate +19, Perception +22, Stealth +16, Survival +18, Swim +35; Racial Modifiers +8 Swim.
+22, Swim +42; Racial Modifiers +8 Swim.
Energy Drain (Su) Living creatures struck by the bite
Energy Drain (Su) Living creatures struck by the bite attack of a thanatos gain one negative level; if the
attack of a thanatos gain one negative level; if the thanatos is gargantuan or larger, this is increased to two
thanatos is gargantuan or larger, this is increased to two negative levels. The save DC to remove the negative
negative levels. The save DC to remove the negative level is 16 for a Large thanatos and 22 for a Gargantuan
level is 16 for a Large thanatos and 22 for a Gargantuan thanatos; these saves are Charisma-based. For each such
thanatos; these saves are Charisma-based. For each such negative level bestowed, the thanatos gains 5 temporary
negative level bestowed, the thanatos gains 5 temporary hit points. Living creatures killed by this energy drain
hit points. Living creatures killed by this energy drain will rise in 1d4 rounds as zombies. These zombies are
will rise in 1d4 rounds as zombies. These zombies are not under the control of the thanatos, but will not attack
not under the control of the thanatos, but will not attack the dead fish; they will either attack the nearest living
the dead fish; they will either attack the nearest living creature or simply swim off into the depths.
creature or simply swim off into the depths. Keen Scent (Ex) A thanatos can notice creatures by
Keen Scent (Ex) A thanatos can notice creatures by scent in a 360-foot radius and can detect blood in the
scent in a 360-foot radius and can detect blood in the water at a range of up to 5 miles.
water at a range of up to 5 miles. Unliving Jaws (Su) The jaws and flesh of a thanatos
Unliving Jaws (Su) The jaws and flesh of a thanatos have the unusual property of being able to interact with
have the unusual property of being able to interact with incorporeal creatures; the flesh and bite of the monster
incorporeal creatures; the flesh and bite of the monster has the same effect as an object enchanted with the
has the same effect as an object enchanted with the ghost ghost touch ability, allowing a thanatos to attack, grab,
touch ability, allowing a thanatos to attack, grab, and even and even swallow such creatures. Incorporeal creatures
swallow such creatures. Incorporeal creatures swallowed swallowed may not pass through the flesh of the
may not pass through the flesh of the thanatos to escape. thanatos to escape.
Vile Luminescence (Su) A thanatos gives off an eerie, Vile Luminescence (Su) A thanatos gives off an eerie,
pale glow. At night or in conditions of darkness, this can pale glow. At night or in conditions of darkness, this can
allow enemies to see the thanatos approaching from far allow enemies to see the thanatos approaching from far
away (+8 to Perception checks). However, this ghostly away (+8 to Perception checks). However, this ghostly
glow has a useful function; it duplicates the effects of glow has a useful function; it duplicates the effects
the spell unhallow in a 40-foot radius surrounding the of the spell unhallow in a 40-foot radius surrounding
thanatos. This also duplicates the effects of magic circle the thanatos. This also duplicates the effects of magic
against good, giving the thanatos a +2 deflection bonus circle against good, giving the thanatos a +2 deflection
on AC and a +2 resistance bonus on saves against attacks bonus on AC and a +2 resistance bonus on saves against
made or spells cast by good opponents. attacks made or spells cast by good opponents.

The Freeport Bestiary 149

Creatures of Freeport

point: a single band of scales that rest over vital organs

Uktena that is vulnerable to a lucky warrior. The location of this
band varies from uktena to uktena, and changes position
as individual creatures age. The lcoation of its weak spot
A monstrous horned serpent slides from the is an uktena’s greatest secret, and it goes to nearly any
murky waters. Its scales have ring like patterns, lengths to protect the knowledge. The eldritch nature of
each a different color. A bright light radiates an uktena prevents any magic short of miracle or wish
from a gem set into its forehead. from divining the location.
Because a well-placed weapon strike can cripple them,
Uktena are the two most powerful aspects of evil-the uktena often try to remove skilled or heavily armed
manipulation of others and raw physical power—made warriors from the battle field first, either by magic or
flesh and blood. simply by swallowing them, and deal with support
enemies at their leisure.
Tactics Encounters
Uktena are horrific in combat, capable of killing foes in
a multitude of ways. They are also aware of their weak Uktena often attempt to manipulate those around them
into warring with each other. They whisper slights into
the ears of those in power, while appearing to be wise
advisers. When it comes times for the opposing forces
to meet in battle, they suggest the tactical advantages
of making war near their waterways … where they can
attack and consume both sides.

An uktena is essentially immortal, dying only by violence,
and may inhabit a waterway for thousands of years
unchallenged. It observes those close to them, deciding
who to corrupt, and who to consume. They leave the
natural world around them untouched, outside of feeding,
and require clear, pure water.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can learn
more about the uktena with successful skill checks.

Uktena Lore
DC Result
Uktenas are huge serpents with a quick wit and
24 evil nature. This result reveals all native outside
rnad aquatic traits.
The gem set into the forehead of an uktena is
worth a great price for those that can gain it.
Uktenas always have one band of scales that
34 is softer than the rest, that lies above its vital

Physical Characteristics
Uktena are colorful creatures, with each ring of scales a
subtly different hue. The eldest of their kind grow antlers
resemble those of a massive elk.

150 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

UKTENA CR 14 • XP 38,400
Str 30, Dex 13, Con 24, Int 15, Wis 17, Cha 22
NE Huge Outsider (aquatic, native) Base Atk +16; CMB +28, +32 bull’s rush; CMD 39, can’t be
Init +5; Senses darkvision 100 ft, scent; Perception +20 tripped
Feats Awesome Blow, Combat Expertise, Greater
DEFENSE Bull’s Rush, Improved Bull’s Rush, Improved Initiative,
AC 31, touch 13, flat-footed 30 (+4 deflection, +1 Dex, +18 Lightning Reflexes, Lunge, Power Attack
natural, -2 size) Skills Bluff +22, Intimidate +23, Knowledge (history,
hp 200 (16d10+112); fast healing 5 nature, planes) +19, Perception +20, Sense Motive +20,
Stealth +12, Swim +35
Fort +17, Ref +8, Will +13
Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Infernal
Resist cold, electricity 20
SQ amphibious
SR 25
Weaknesses vulnerability to critical hits ECOLOGY

OFFENSE Environment any fresh water

Organization solitary
Speed 50 ft., swim 80 ft.
Treasure standard
Melee bite +24 (2d6+15 plus grab and poison), and gore
Special Attacks blazing gem, breath weapon, constrict Blazing Gem (Su): Every uktena has a brilliant gemstone
(2d6+22), poison, powerful charge (gore +26, 4d8+18), the size of an ogre’s fist embedded in its forehead. The
swallow whole (3d6+22 bludgeoning damage, 2d6 acid gem is both the source of the creature’s powers, and a
damage; AC 19, 20 hp) direct conduit to its soul. It gives off a constant nimbus
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 14, Concentration +20) of light around the creature, giving it a +4 deflection
At will-dancing lights, flare (DC 16), light, scorching ray bonus to its AC against creatures that can see it. Once
(DC 18) every 1d4 rounds, the gem may make a blinding flash of
4/day-hypnotism (DC 17), lightning bolt (DC 19), light, causing all that see it to make a DC 24 Reflex save
suggestion (DC 19) or be blinded for one day. A victim that rolls a natural
1 on this save is permanently blinded. Victims that are
3/day-color spray (DC 17), continual flame sensitive to bright light take a -4 to this save. The uktena
2/day-charm monster (DC 19), enthrall (DC 18) loses its deflection bonus for 1d4 rounds after using this
1/day-chain lightning (DC 24), mass suggestion (DC ability.
24), prismatic spray (DC 25), true seeing Breath Weapon (Su): Once every 1d6 rounds an uktena
may breathe out a 20 ft by 20 ft cloud of diseased air.
All living things within the cloud, except for any uktenas,
must make a DC 24 Fortitude save each round or catch
Society and Culture lightpox. The disease coats the bodies and equipment of
those within the cloud, so that any creatures they touch
or damage, or that touch them, risk catching the disease
Some sages theorize that the uktena were birthed into themselves. This extends to targets within the cloud
that normally wouldn’t be affected by disease, such as
the world when the first humanoids committed violence constructs and undead. The oily cloud is heavy, and lasts
through being deliberately misled. Others feel they for 1d6 rounds, unless blown away by a strong wind. The
disease lingers on the equipment and bodies of those in
are more likley a creation of the daemon race, sent to the cloud for up to a week, unless washed with vinegar
spread discord, fear, and misery among the mortal races. or alcohol.
The uktena never directly answer questions about their Lightpox-contact and inhalation; save Fort DC 24;
origins, giving vague answers that they believe the onset 1d4 rounds; effect 1d4 Con and 1d4 Cha; cure 2
saves-Lightpox causes small sores to appear on the
questioners wish to hear. flesh of the victim, each emitting a sickly glow. The
sores may open within the victim’s body, causing the
Treasure mouth or eyes to glow as well. Each sore gives off
light equivalent to a candle.
Poison (Ex): bite-injury; save Fort DC 24; frequency 1/
The gem in an uktena’s forehead holds great value for round for 6 rounds; effect 1d4 Dex and 1d4 Str; cure 1
those that can slay the beast, and successfully remove it.
A DC 30 Disable device is required to pry the stone from
the creature’s skull; failure means it shatters into worthless
shards. An intact gem is worth a small kingdom, to some Advanced Versions
spellcasters, one may be priceless. Using the gem from an
uktena’s forehead as a material component for any spell Uktenas advance by templates or, rarely, class levels. If an
that uses light, or color, or that requires a vessel to place a uktena takes class levels it is nearly always in a spellcasting
spirit, increases the DC of the spell by 5. class, most often oracle or sorcerer.

The Freeport Bestiary 151

Creatures of Freeport

blood spray to catch a majority of foes in its enervating

Umkovu area, but don’t waste more than 2 actions doing so in
any one combat. Umkovu are also adept at altering their
offenses and defenses during the course of battle to gain
An ogre-sized creature made of twisted bones the best advantage. Against foes unable to strike at range,
covered in flowing flesh approaches. Its eyes are fist- they use their flowing flesh to extend their reach. Against
sized white orbs, rolling madly in their sockets. targets easily hit by melee attacks, and umkovu sacrfices
its natural armor to increase Strength and damage to end
Umkovu are undead creatures with complete control of a fight more quickly. this is also the case if the umkovu
their decaying bodies. has ready access to corpses to fuel its necrophagic healing.

Tactics Encounters
Umkovu prefer to simply tear their foes apart with their Umkovu are rarely found in the company of necromancers,
boney claws, but are intelligent enough to know that they as being controlled only fans their hatred. They barely
may have to adapt both their tolerate even other undead, and often torture them when
tactics and their bodies to no living victims are around.
many foes. Whenever
possible they use Ecology
their black
Umkovu are created from intelligent
creatures that died while being
mutilated and in great pain. They nearly
always arise spontaneously, sometimes
dealing a nasty surprise to their torturers.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge
(religion) can learn more about umkovu
with successful skill checks.

Umkovu Lore
DC Result
Umkovu are horrific undead with
15 bloated and twisted bodies. This
result reveals all undead traits.
Umkovu can control their bodies,
causing flesh to stretch or harden,
and bones to lengthen and
Umkovu can absorb the bodies of
the fallen to heal themselves.

Umkovu have flesh that is scarred, knotted,
and continuously in motion, as if their
bloated forms were stuffed with coiled
eels. Their hands end in bare bone that
they alter into blades or barbs. Their
faces are flattened, broad, and twisted,

152 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

From the Editor: Necromantic Monstrosities Out of Control!


UMKOVU CR 5 • XP 1600
Environment any
CE Large undead Organization solitary, pair, pack (3-10)
Init +0; Senses dark vision 60 ft.; Perception +12 Treasure standard
AC 18; touch 9, flat-footed 18 (+9 natural, -1 size) Black Blood Spray (Ex): An umkova can open blisters
hp 60 (8d8+24) in its flesh and force its corrupted blood out in a 60
foot line, or a 30 foot arc. Living creatures within the
Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +7 area must make a DC 19 Reflex save to dodge the thick
Defensive Abilities channel resistance +2 fluid. Creatures that fail take 1d2 negative levels and
Immune undead traits contract a disease, typically blinding sickness, or slimy
doom. A DC 19 Fortitude save is required to remove the
OFFENSE negative levels. A creature cannot gain mroe than two
Speed 30 ft. total negative levels from the black blood spray of an
individual umkovu.
Melee 2 claws +9 (1d6+4/19-20)
Flowing Flesh (Ex): An umkova has complete control
Special Attacks black blood spray over its rotting flesh and bones. As a standard action it
STATISTICS may reduce its Strength by 1 point while gaining one of
the following benefits: add 5 feet to its reach, add +5 to
Str 18, Dex 10, Con -, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 17 Climb or Swim checks, or add +2 to its natural armor.
Base Atk +6; CMB +12; CMD 22 Alternatively, it may reduce its natural armor by 1 point
Feats Ability Focus (black blood spray), Cleave, Great to add +2 to its Strength score, increase its damage die
Cleave, Power Attack by one step, or grow boney spikes that deal 1d4 points
of damage to any creature striking the umkova with
Skills Climb +15, Intimidate +14, Perception +12, Stealth +7 natural weapons or unarmed attacks. These changes
Languages Common remain in effect for as long as the creature desires.
SQ flowing flesh, necrophagic healing Necrophagic Healing (Su): An umkovu may flow the
majority of its flesh over a Medium corpse to heal 1d10
points of damage. A Small corpse heals 1d6 points, and
often sifting features or even shape at the undead alter a Large or larger corpse heals 2d10 points. Dissolving a
corpse in this manner takes one round per size category,
their bodies for some advantage in battle. The skin and and utterly destroys the body.
guts of an umkovu tend to slough off every few hours,
which is not often enough to make them easier to track
but does tend to line their lairs and strongholds with Treasure
distinctive piles of decaying flesh and carrion feeders.
Umkovu may gather objects, sometimes valuable ones,
ociety and ulture C that spark dim memories of their old lives. No matter their
actual monetary worth, they find these items precious,
Umkovu are generally driven first by a need to gain and fight to the death over them.
revenge on those who caused them their dying pain, the
only thing they generally remember from their existence A
dvanced ersions V
before undeath. Once that is accomplished (or if it seems
to be impossible), they seek to ensure they have an endless Most umkovu advance by using templates appropriate to
supply of corpses on which to feed. While they prefer fresh the undead. Extremely rarely an umkovu arises that has
flesh, a wounded umkovu robs tombs and graveyards to both the will and intelligence to remember what it was in
heal themselves. Their depredations are often blamed on life, including its class abilities. Those umkovu who exist
ghouls, although one way to tell if umkovu have moved for decades as undead sometimes gain the self-control
into an area is the displacement of ghoul packs from their to become fighters, and eventually may even advances to
normal haunts. become antipaladins.

The Freeport Bestiary 153

Creatures of Freeport

Water Panther Encounters

Water panthers often attack those that cross their
A great cat-like beast moves through the water waterways without presenting an offering. If the
like an elemental creature. Its tail is long and flat, offending party attempts to parlay with the creature, it
and a set of curved horns top its brow. A ridge of generally allows them safe passage for either a bribe, or
stiff, coppery serrations runs the length of its back, promise of a favor.
cresting the waves.
Water panthers, also called mishipeshu, are savage water Water panthers have a deep connection with copper,
dwelling felines. with many of their scales shot through with the metal.
Through some sympathetic magic, this leaves them
Tactics highly vulnerable to damage from copper weapons.
Water panthers often guard natural copper deposits, both
Water panthers are brutal fighters, shredding foes because of their connection to the metal, and to prevent
without mercy. They are highly territorial, and people others from forging the ore into weapons.
crossing or using their waters without paying tribute Water panthers are the antithesis of, and complementary
find their boats swamped, or their allies pulled into the force to, thunderbirds. The two species have an undying
water one by one, leaving one person alive to remind hatred that spans back before humanoids walked the
others of the price of using the mishipeshu’s waterways. earth. The two creatures have battled wherever the air and
While they lack any ranged attacks, they can water meet, but it is believed that if one
leap high enough to grab incautious flying race was to ever go extinct, the
foes, and strong enough to pull them other would soon follow.
deep enough to drown. Characters with ranks in
Knowledge (nature) can learn
more about water panthers
with successful skill checks.

154 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

Water Panther Lore WATER PANTHER CR 11 • XP 12,800

DC Result N Huge Magical Beast (aquatic)

Init +11; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision,
Water panthers are cat-like beasts that are deadly
watersight; Perception +11
21 to those who wish to cross their waters. This
result reveals all aquatic and magical beast traits. Aura aquatic command 300 ft.

Water panthers may be reasoned with by DEFENSE

26 those who are respectful, and may aid others … AC 28; touch 18, flat-footed 20 (+7 Dex, 1 Dodge, +12
for a steep price. natural, -2 size)
Water panthers have an aversion to copper, hp 136 (13d10+65)
31 and often guard copper ores to keep them out Fort +14, Ref +15, Will +7
of the hands of others. Defensive Abilities watery embrace
Immune cold; Vulnerability copper
Physical Characteristics OFFENSE
Speed 40 ft., swim 80 ft.
Water panthers have a generally tiger- or jaguar-like Melee bite +17 (2d6+6), and 2 claws +17 (1d8+6 plus grab),
build, with a smooth, scaled body. Their scales are fine, and gore +17 (1d8+6/19-20), and tail slap +15 (1d8+3)
but as hard as metal. A water pather’s face typically has Special Attacks pounce, rake (2 claws +17 1d8 +6)
Space 20 ft.; Reach 20 ft.
several catfish like barbels dangling from its chin.
Spell-like Abilities (CL 13, Concentration +15)
at will-control water
Society and Culture 1/day-rock to mud
While vicious, water panthers are not evil, and sometimes
Str 22, Dex 24, Con 21, Int 10, Wis 17, Cha 15
adopt a riverside village or tribe as their own. They still Base Atk +13; CMB +21; CMD 38
demand tribute from their chosen people, but they assault Feats Dodge, Improved Critical (gore), Improved
any who threaten them, be they outsiders, or internal Initiative, Lunge, Mobility, Multiattack, Power Attack
trouble makers. Barbarian tribes that have mishipeshu Skills Acrobatics +15, Climb +14, Perception +11, Stealth +8
(+16 underwater), Swim +22
guardians tend to mimic their bloodthirsty nature,
Languages Aquan
becoming greater risk to any passing through their lands.

Treasure Environment any fresh water

Organization solitary
Treasure standard
Water panthers often acquire a large horde of treasure from
tributes, ranging from coins and gems to rare spices. The
Aquatic Command (Su): Water panthers can command
creatures may use their treasures to the benefit any under all non-intelligent animals and vermin native to the
their protection; they always demand favors in return. waters in which they live as if they were affected by
dominate monster.

Advanced Versions Watery Embrace (Su): A water panther that is

completely under water gains a +8 to its Stealth checks,
a +8 to Acrobatics checks to leap from the water, total
concealment from ranged weapons, and spells and
Water panthers usually advance by templates, mainly those effects generated from beings not also completely
that increase their connection to the water. Rarely a water submerged are unable to target the water panther.
panther with class levels arises, often in a spellcasting Watersight (Ex): A water panther ignores all vision
class. Water panthers with class levels are nearly always penalties and concealment from water clarity and spells
or abilities that effect visibility in or through water.
the guardians of a specific place or people.

Intruding Wet Cat Upsets Waterfront Rowing Regatta!


The Freeport Bestiary 155

Creatures of Freeport

Witch-Beast Encounters
Witch-beasts have a particular hatred for spellcasters,
T hick fur the color of dried blood covers the bear-like especially arcane spellcasters. While they enjoy stalking
bulk of the six-legged creature, from the broad snout sentient prey of any kind, and often terrorize and even
on its leonine head to the muscular hump on its back. torture victims before killing them, their drive to hunt
down and harm spellcasters is their primary motivation.
The witch beast is a powerful supernatural predator
common on the Continent, especially in Hexworth and Ecology
the Broken Land.
The origin of the witch-beast is uncertain. Some believe
Tactics that they have mutated to feed on spellcasters. Others
suggest that they are creatures sent by the strange
otherworldly beings that grant witches their powers, in
A witch beast uses its hexes to weaken foes and bolster
order to punish disloyal minions or the servants of rivals.
its own abilities, preferring to harass targets from cover
Some even believe that witch-beasts are twisted monsters
if possible, prior to attacking. Once engaged, a witch-
made from witches who have displeased or betrayed their
beast seeks to kill any creature that appears able to cast
patron in some way. If they were once witches, nothing of
spells, beginning with unarmored spellcasters, and then
the original personality remains.
attacking those that have shown the greatest
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can
capacity to harm it.
learn more about witch-beasts with successful skill

Witch-beasts are quite large
creatures, standing 9 feet tall at the
shoulder and weighing over 1500 lbs.
They have 4 clawed forelimbs that
are used for combat as well
as running and climbing,
as well as enormous maw
lined with rows of serrated
teeth. They only seem
to feed on humanoid
prey, and so they can
be found anywhere that
humanoids may live,
though they are thankfully
quite rare.

Society and
The witch-beast is a nightmarish
creature that derives pleasure from
devouring those who wield magic. Not merely
animals, these savage predators use their magical abilities

156 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

Witch-Beast Lore HAEXENSCHEPSEL CR 10 • XP 9600

DC Result CE Large Magical Beast

This is a witch-beast, a vicious monster that Init +9; Senses low-light vision, darkvision 60 ft; Perception +18
20 hates spellcasters. This result reveals all DEFENSE
magical beast traits.
AC 24, touch 14, flat-footed 19 (+10 natural, +5 Dex, -1 Size)
15 The witch-beast can uses hexes, like a witch.
hp 136 (13d10 + 65)
The witch-beast is as talented in fighting Fort +13, Ref +13, Will +9
spellcasters as a highly trained fighter.
SR 21
to set ambushes, jumping from shadow to shadow
Speed 50 ft., climb 25 feet
undetected, and draw their prey to them. Intelligent and Melee bite +18 (2d6+5), 4 claws +18 (1d6+5 plus rend)
sadistic, witch-beasts have been known to target the loved Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 feet.
ones of their favored prey first, saving their ultimate target Special Attacks rend (3 claws, 1d6 + 7)
for last. These cruel monsters can use the voice of any Hexes (CL 13th)
intelligent creature they have devoured, and often call to Hexes known: evil eye (DC 19), fortune, misfortune (DC 19)
a relative of its last victim using that voice, knowing such STATISTICS
a cry for help is rarely ignored. Str 21, Dex 20, Con 21, Int 16, Wis 21, Cha 10
Base Atk +13; CMB +19, CMD 34
Treasure Feats Combat Reflexes, Disruptive, Improved Initiative,
LungeAPG, Power Attack, Spellbreaker, Step Up
Skills Acrobatics +13, Climb +13, Fly +13, Perception +18,
Though witch-beasts hate spellcasters, they have no issue Stealth +13, Swim +13, Intimidate +5, Knowledge (arcana)
with other forms of magic. In addition to finding useful +8, Knowledge (history) +8, Knowledge (nature) +8,
items, witch-beasts sometimes keep items taken from Knowledge (planes) +8, Spellcraft +8
their kills as trophies, or to use as lures to draw other Languages Common, Sylvan, Aklo
SQ sound mimicry (voices)
victims into traps.
Environment any land
X’sval, Avatar of the Organization solitary, 2-3 (curse), 3-12 (terror)
Treasure standard
Hexes (Su): A witch-beast gains one hex per 4 HD, and
uses the hexes as a witch with a caster level equal to
its HD. Any hex that requires a standard action, a witch
A roiling red mist the color of blood roils in the instead uses as a swift action. A witch-beast cannot
air in front of you. It shifts and changes shape activate more than one hex per round.
constantly, and from time to time, hideous, distorted
faces form and dissolve in the mist. It moves slowly
but purposefully, reaching out with pseudopods and from chaos or evil can be a life-saving tool when battling
flowing through the narrowest of openings. one of these horrors.
The possession and consume abilities do not work
An x’sval is an amorphous, undulant fragment of an extra- on mindless creatures, such as constructs, oozes, and
dimensional evil extruded into this world for unnatural mindless undead.
and vile reasons.
Avatars of the Unspeakable One may be summoned by
An avatar of the Unspeakable One attempts to close with cultists of the Unspeakable One using monster summoning
its opponents as quickly as possible, taking advantage of spells. X’svals take the form of a dense red fog; they are
its natural confusion aura to disorient its victims while it sentient and even intelligent, but their reasoning is
grapples and consumes them. As most avatars encountered completely alien to mortal minds, and they can drive people
on the Material Plane are summoned creatures, protection to insanity just by their appearance. Avatars generally feed

The Freeport Bestiary 157

Creatures of Freeport

on whatever life-forms they find, growing stronger and Material Plane, either to perform some task or to
spreading terror and madness until they are destroyed, answer an appeal by his cultists. X’svals are the physical
though they may occasionally act in accordance with a plan manifestation of these motes of vile consciousness, and,
ordained personally by the Unspeakable One—but such a as such are never encountered unless on a mission for
plan would be unfathomable to most sane minds . . . the cult or cultist that summoned it, or exercising the
direct will of the Unspeakable One itself.
As entities from outside reality, x’svals have no place in
the natural order, and serve no purpose within it. They
Avatars of X’sval do not accumulate treasure except
exist only to advance the Unspeakable One’s will.
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (planes) can learn
more about x’svals with successful skill checks.
Physical Characteristics Cultists of the Unspeakable One may summon one of
Being in the form of a semisolid mist, an x’sval can squeeze these creatures by using summon monster V. When an
through an opening of any size. It can also coalesce x’sval is destroyed, its essence returns to the Unspeakable
temporarily into any shape it desires, though when seen One, and all trace of it disappears from the material plane.
close up it is evident that the shape is made of red mist. It leaves nothing behind that can be used in crafting spell
components or magical items.
Society and Culture
Advanced Versions
From time to time, the Unspeakable One sends forth
a tiny part of its foul, blasphemous essence into the An avatar of X’sval advances by hit dice and size.

158 The Freeport Bestiary

Creatures of Freeport

X’SVAL CR 7 • XP 3,200
Confusion (Ex) An x’sval spreads madness by its mere
CE Large outsider (evil, chaotic) presence. Simply approaching some so unnatural can
be a sanity-blasting experience. Any creature that
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +9
comes within 30 feet of the creature must make a DC 15
DEFENSE Will saving throw or suffer the effects of the confusion
spell, as if cast by a 6th-level sorcerer. While the effect
AC 19, touch 12, flat-footed 16 (+3 Dex, +7 natural, -1 size) only lasts for six rounds, if the victim is still within 30
hp 103 (9d10+54) feet of the avatar when the effect wears of, he must
Fort +10, Ref +9, Will +6 make a new saving throw or be confused all over again.
Once a character has made a successful saving throw,
DR 10/lawful and good; Immune critical hits, precision
he is immune to this ability for 24 hours. As this is an
damage, transformation spells, outsider traits; SR 20
inherent aspect of the x’sval’s horrifying presence, it is
OFFENSE not affected by an antimagic field or other effects that
suppress magic. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Speed 20 ft., fly 10 ft. (perfect)
Essence Disruption (Su) The touch of the x’sval carries
Melee 3 slams +16 (1d8+7 and grab) the dark taint of the Unspeakable One. Any creature
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft. struck by an avatar’s slam attack must make a DC 14
Special Attacks confusion, consume, essence disruption, Will saving throw or suffer an additional 1d4 points of
possession damage and 1 point of Dexterity damage. The ability
damage will affect undead creatures, despite their
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 10; concentration +12)
normal immunities. The save DC is Charisma-based.
At Will--desecrate
Possession (Su) As a full-round action, a x’sval can
3/day--cloudkill (DC 17) possess any creature it has grappled. The victim is
1/day--blasphemy (DC 19) allowed a DC 15 Will saving throw to resist this effect. If
he fails, a part of the avatar’s substance flows in through
STATISTICS his nose and mouth, and the avatar loses a number of
Str 25, Dex 16, Con 23, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 14 hit points equal to the hit points of the possessed victim.
Base Atk +9; CMB +18 (+22 grapple); CMD 30 (32 versus Thereafter, the victim is under the telepathic control of
grapple; cannot be tripped) the avatar. The victim can use all skills, spells, and other
abilities, except for those that are lawful or good; the
Feats Hover, Greater Grapple, Improved Natural Attack victim becomes a chaotic evil creature while possessed.
(slam), Power Attack, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (cloudkill) The avatar can relinquish control at any time, pouring
Skills Escape Artist +16, Fly +18, Knowledge (planes) +9, out of the victim’s nose and mouth to rejoin the main
Perception +9, Stealth +16, Survival +9; Racial Modifiers entity. At this point the avatar regains the hit points
+4 Escape Artist, +8 Fly, +4 Stealth invested in the possession, minus any damage suffered
Languages Aklo by the victim during the period of possession. There are
a number of ways to exorcise a possessed creature. If
the victim is forcibly rendered unconscious or killed, the
X’sval Lore x’sval is forced to vacate the body; natural or magical
sleep will not suffice for this purpose. Dismissal and
other banishing spells can be used on a possessed victim
DC Result as if targeting the main creature itself. Finally, if the main
This is no oddly colored fog, but a fragment of the creature is reduced to zero hit points or below, it must
Unspeakable One itself. It is a chaotic outsider, a immediately pull its essence from its victims, until it has
17 a positive hit point score. An avatar can possess any
servant of that dread god, and can be summoned
by his cultists.This result reveals all outsider traits number of creatures, provided that it has the hit points
to support the possession. The save DC is Charisma-
The character is aware of the avatar’s based.
22 confusion ability, and gains a +2 bonus to Consume (Su) As a full-round action, a x’sval can
saving throws to resist it. consume any creature it has grappled, absorbing the
The character is aware of the x’sval’s creature’s essence into itself. The victim is allowed a DC
27 possession and consume abilities, and gains a Will save to resist. A consumed victim ceases to exist,
+2 bonus to saving throws against them. along with all possessions, and cannot be brought back
by any means short of a wish. The x’sval gains hit points
The character is aware of spellcasting equal to the consumed victim’s hit dice, permanently.
techniquess that are specifically protective For every 8 hit points it gains, it is treated as having an
32 against an avatar. The avatar’s saving throws extra Hit Die; for every 5 HD it gains, it grows by one
against dismissal, dispel chaos, and dispel evil size category. The save DC is Charisma-based.
cast by the character suffer a -2 penalty.

Mysterious Red Miasma Destroys Local Food Cart!


The Freeport Bestiary 159


Creature Types
A creature’s type determines its hit dice, base attack and saving throw bonuses, skill points, and a number of common traits all
creatures of that type share. It is also frequently referred to by other rules, such as a ranger’s favorite enemy. The different monster
type present in this book are presented below.

Aberration Traits Animal

An aberration has a bizarre anatomy, • Darkvision 60 feet. An animal is a living, nonhuman
creature, usually a vertebrate with no
strange abilities, an alien mindset, or any • Proficient with its natural weapons.
magical abilities and no innate capacity
combination of the three. If generally humanoid in form, for language or culture. Animals usually
proficient with all simple weapons have additional information on how they
and any weapon it is described as can serve as companions.
• d8 Hit Die. using.
• Base attack bonus equal to 3/4 total • Proficient with whatever type of
Hit Dice (medium progression). armor (light, medium, or heavy) it • d8 Hit Die.
• Good Will Saves. is described as wearing, as well as • Base attack bonus equal to 3/4 total
all lighter types. Aberrations not Hit Dice (medium progression).
• Skill points equal to 4 + Int
indicated as wearing armor are not
modifier (minimum 1) per Hit Die. • Good Fortitude and Reflex saves.
proficient with armor. Aberrations
The following are class skills for • Skill points equal to 2 + Int
are proficient with shields if they
aberrations: Acrobatics, Climb, Escape modifier (minimum 1) per Hit Die.
are proficient with any form of
Artist, Fly, Intimidate,Knowledge The following are class skills for
(pick one), Perception, Spellcraft, animals: Acrobatics, Climb, Fly,
Stealth, Survival, and Swim. • Aberrations breathe, eat, and sleep. Perception, Stealth, and Swim.

160 The Freeport Bestiary


Traits morale effects, patterns, and • Proficient with no armor.

phantasms). • Constructs do not breathe, eat, or
• Intelligence score of 1 or 2 (no • Immunity to bleed, disease, sleep.
creature with an Intelligence score death effects, necromancy effects,
of 3 or higher can be an animal).
• Low-light vision.
paralysis, poison, sleep effects, and
• Alignment: Always neutral. • Cannot heal damage on its own, but A dragon is a reptile-like creature, usually
often can be repaired via exposure winged, with magical or unusual abilities.
• Treasure: None.
to a certain kind of effect (see the
• Proficient with its natural weapons creature’s description for details) Features
only. A noncombative herbivore or through the use of the Craft
treats its natural weapons as Construct feat. Constructs can • d12 Hit Die.
secondary attacks. Such attacks also be healed through spells such • Base attack bonus equal to total Hit
are made with a –5 penalty on as make whole. A construct with Dice (fast progression).
the creature’s attack rolls, and the the fast healing special quality still
• Good Fortitude, Reflex, and Will
animal receives only 1/2 its Strength benefits from that quality.
modifier as a damage adjustment.
• Not subject to ability damage,
• Skill points equal to 6 + Int
• Proficient with no armor unless ability drain, fatigue, exhaustion,
modifier (minimum 1) per Hit
trained for war. (See FAQs and energy drain, or nonlethal damage.
Die. The following are class skills
Handle Animal Skill.)
• Immunity to any effect that for dragons: Appraise, Bluff,
• Animals breathe, eat, and sleep. requires a Fortitude save (unless the Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Fly,
effect also works on objects, or is Heal,Intimidate, Knowledge (all),
Construct harmless). Linguistics, Perception, Sense
• Not at risk of death from massive Motive, Spellcraft, Stealth, Survival,
A construct is an animated object or damage. Immediately destroyed Swim, and Use Magic Device.
artificially created creature. when reduced to 0 hit points or less.
• A construct cannot be raised or
resurrected. • Darkvision 60 feet and low-light
• d10 Hit Die. • A construct is hard to destroy, and vision.
• Base attack bonus equal to total Hit gains bonus hit points based on size, • Immunity to magic sleep effects
Dice (fast progression). as shown on the following table. and paralysis effects.
• Proficient with its natural weapons
• No good saving throws. Construct Size only unless humanoid in form (or
• Skill points equal to 2 + Int
modifier (minimum 1) per Hit
& Bonus HP capable of assuming humanoid
form), in which case proficient
Die. However, most constructs are Construct Bonus with all simple weapons and any
mindless and gain no skill points Size Hit Points
weapons mentioned in its entry.
or feats. Constructs do not have Fine —
any class skills, regardless of their • Proficient with no armor.
Diminutive —
Intelligence scores. • Dragons breathe, eat, and sleep.
Tiny —
Traits Small 10
Medium 20
• No Constitution score. Any DCs
Large 30 A fey is a creature with supernatural
or other Statistics that rely on a
Constitution score treat a construct Huge 40 abilities and connections to nature or to
as having a score of 10 (no bonus or Gargantuan 60 some other force or place. Fey are usually
penalty). Colossal 80 human-shaped.
• Low-light vision. Features
• Proficient with its natural weapons
• Darkvision 60 feet. only, unless generally humanoid in
form, in which case proficient with • d6 Hit Die.
• Immunity to all mind-affecting
effects (charms, compulsions, any weapon mentioned in its entry. • Base attack bonus equal to 1/2 total

The Freeport Bestiary 161


Hit Dice (slow progression). Features modifier (minimum 1) per Hit Die.
• Good Reflex and Will Saves. The following are class skills for
• d8 Hit Die, or by character class. magical beasts: Acrobatics, Climb,
• Skill points equal to 6 + Int Fly, Perception, Stealth, Swim.
modifier (minimum 1) per Hit • Base attack bonus equal to 3/4 total
Die. The following are class skills Hit Dice (medium progression).
for fey: Acrobatics, Bluff, Climb, • One good save, usually Reflex.
Craft, Diplomacy,Disguise, Escape • Darkvision 60 feet.
• Skill points equal to 2 + Int
Artist, Fly, Knowledge (geography), modifier (minimum 1) per Hit Die • Low-light vision.
Knowledge (local), Knowledge or by character class. The following • Proficient with its natural weapons only.
(nature), Perception, Perform, Sense are class skills for humanoids
Motive, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, without a character class: • Proficient with no armor.
Swim, Use Magic Device. Climb,Craft, Handle Animal, Heal, • Magical beasts breathe, eat, and sleep.
Profession, Ride, and Survival.
Traits Humanoids with both a character
class and racial HD add these skills
Monstrous Humanoid
• Low-light vision.
to their list of class skills.
• Proficient with all simple weapons Monstrous humanoids are similar to
and any weapons mentioned in its Traits humanoids, but with monstrous or
entry. animalistic features. They often have
• Proficient with all simple weapons, magical abilities as well.
• Proficient with whatever type of or by character class.
armor (light, medium, or heavy) it Features
is described as wearing, as well as • Proficient with whatever type of
all lighter types. Fey not indicated armor (light, medium, or heavy) • d10 Hit Die.
as wearing armor are not proficient it is described as wearing, or by
• Base attack bonus equal to total Hit
with armor. Fey are proficient with character class. If a humanoid does
not have a class and wears armor, it Dice (fast progression).
shields if they are proficient with
any form of armor. is proficient with that type of armor • Good Reflex and Will Saves.
and all lighter types. Humanoids • Skill points equal to 4 + Int
• Fey breathe, eat, and sleep. not indicated as wearing armor modifier (minimum 1) per Hit Die.
are not proficient with armor. The following are class skills for
Humanoid Humanoids are proficient with monstrous humanoids: Climb, Craft,
shields if they are proficient with
Fly, Intimidate, Perception,Ride,
A humanoid usually has two arms, two any form of armor.
Stealth, Survival, and Swim.
legs, and one head, or a human-like • Humanoids breathe, eat, and sleep.
Traits: A monstrous humanoid
torso, arms, and a head. humanoids have
possesses the following traits
few or no supernatural or extraordinary
abilities, but most can speak and usually
Magical Beast (unless otherwise noted in a
creature’s entry).
have well-developed societies. They are
Magical Beasts are similar to animals but
usually Small or Medium (with the • Darkvision 60 feet.
can have Intelligence scores higher than
exception of giants). Every humanoid • Proficient with all simple weapons
2 (in which case the creature knows at
creature also has a specific subtype to and any weapons mentioned in its
least one language, but can’t necessarily
match its race, such as human, dark folk, entry.
speak). Magical Beasts usually have
or goblinoid.
supernatural or extraordinary abilities, • Proficient with whatever type of
Humanoids with 1 Hit Die exchange
but are sometimes merely bizarre in armor (light, medium, or heavy)
the features of their humanoid Hit
appearance or habits. it is described as wearing, as well
Die for the class features of a PC or
NPC class. Humanoids of this sort are as all lighter types. Monstrous
Features humanoids not indicated as wearing
typically presented as 1st-level warriors,
which means they have average • d10 Hit Die. armor are not proficient with
combat ability and poor saving throws. armor. Monstrous humanoids are
• Base attack bonus equal to total Hit proficient with shields if they are
Humanoids with more than 1 Hit Die Dice (fast progression).
(such as giants) are the only humanoids proficient with any form of armor.
who make use of the features of the • Good Fortitude and Reflex saves. • Monstrous humanoids breathe, eat,
humanoid type. • Skill points equal to 2 + Int and sleep.

162 The Freeport Bestiary


as some other type and become outsiders

Ooze when they attain a higher (or lower) state Plant
of spiritual existence.
An ooze is an amorphous or mutable This type comprises vegetable creatures.
creature, most usually (but not always) Features Note that regular plants, such as one
mindless. finds growing in gardens and fields, lack
• d10 Hit Dice. Intelligence,Wisdom, and Charisma
Features • Base attack bonus equal to total Hit scores; even though plants are alive, they
Dice (fast progression). are objects, not creatures.
• d8 Hit Die.
• Two good saving throws, usually
• Base attack bonus equal to 3/4 total Features
Reflex and Will.
Hit Dice (medium progression).
• Skill points equal to 6 + Int • d8 Hit Die.
• No good saving throws.
modifier (minimum 1) per Hit Die. • Base attack bonus equal to 3/4 total
• Skill points equal to 2 + Int The following are class skills for Hit Dice (medium progression).
modifier (minimum 1) per Hit Die. outsiders: Bluff, Craft, Knowledge
However, most oozes are mindless (planes), Perception, Sense Motive, • Good Fortitude saves.
and gain no skill points or feats. and Stealth. Due to their varied • Skill points equal to 2 + Int
Oozes do not have any class skills. nature, outsiders also receive 4 modifier (minimum 1) per Hit Die.
additional class skills determined by Some plant creatures, however, are
Traits the creature’s theme. mindless and gain no skill points
or feats. The following are class
• Mindless: No Intelligence score, Traits skills for plants: Perception and
and immunity to all mind-affecting
effects (charms, compulsions, • Darkvision 60 feet.
phantasms, patterns, and morale • Unlike most living creatures, an Traits
effects). An ooze with an outsider does not have a dual
Intelligence score loses this trait. nature—its soul and body form one • Low-light vision.
• Blind (but have the blindsight unit. When an outsider is slain, no • Immunity to all mind-affecting
special quality), with immunity to soul is set loose. Spells that restore effects (charms, compulsions, morale
gaze attacks, visual effects, illusions, souls to their bodies, such as raise effects, patterns, and phantasms).
and other attack forms that rely on dead, reincarnate, and resurrection,
• Immunity to paralysis, poison,
sight. don’t work on an outsider. It takes
polymorph, sleep effects, and
a different magical effect, such as
• Immunity to poison, sleep effects, stunning.
limited wish,wish, miracle, or true
paralysis, polymorph, and stunning. • Proficient with its natural weapons
resurrection to restore it to life. An
• Some oozes have the ability to deal outsider with the native subtype can only.
acid damage to objects. be raised, reincarnated, or resurrected • Not proficient with armor.
• Not subject to critical hits or just as other living creatures can be.
• Plants breathe and eat, but do not
flanking. Does not take additional • Proficient with all simple and
damage from precision-based martial weapons and any weapons
attacks, such as sneak attack. mentioned in its entry.
• Proficient with its natural weapons • Proficient with whatever type of
only. armor (light, medium, or heavy)
Undead beings are once-living creatures
it is described as wearing, as well
• Proficient with no armor. animated by spiritual or supernatural
as all lighter types. Outsiders not
• Oozes eat and breathe, but do not forces.
indicated as wearing armor are not
sleep. proficient with armor. Outsiders
are proficient with shields if they
Outsider are proficient with any form of
• d8 Hit Die.
• Base attack bonus equal to 3/4 total
An outsider is at least partially composed • Outsiders breathe, but do not need Hit Dice (medium progression).
of the essence (but not necessarily the to eat or sleep (although they can
material) of some plane other than the do so if they wish). Native outsiders • Good Will Saves.
Material Plane. Some creatures start out breathe, eat, and sleep. • Skill points equal to 4 + Int

The Freeport Bestiary 163


modifier (minimum 1) per Hit • Cannot heal damage on its own if it

Die. Many undead, however, are has no Intelligence score, although Vermin
mindless and gain no skill points or it can be healed. Negative energy
feats. The following are class skills (such as an inflict spell) can heal This type includes insects, arachnids,
for undead: Climb, Disguise, Fly, undead creatures. Thefast healing other arthropods, worms, and similar
Intimidate, Knowledge (arcana), special quality works regardless of invertebrates.
Knowledge (religion), Perception, the creature’s Intelligence score.
Sense Motive, Spellcraft, and • Immunity to any effect that requires
Stealth. a Fortitude save (unless the effect • d8 Hit Die.
also works on objects or is harmless). • Base attack bonus equal to 3/4 total
• Not at risk of death from massive Hit Dice (medium progression).
• No Constitution score. Undead damage, but is immediately destroyed • Good Fortitude saves.
use their Charisma score in place when reduced to 0 hit points.
• Skill points equal to 2 + Int
of their Constitution score when
• Not affected by raise dead and modifier (minimum 1) per Hit Die.
calculating hit points, Fortitude
reincarnate spells or abilities. Most vermin, however, are mindless
saves, and any special ability that
Resurrection and true resurrection and gain no skill points or feats.
relies on Constitution(such as when can affect undead creatures. These Vermin have no class skills.
calculating a breath weapon’s DC). spells turn undead creatures back
• Darkvision 60 feet. into the living creatures they were Traits
• Immunity to all mind-affecting before becoming undead. • Mindless: No Intelligence score,
effects (charms, compulsions, • Proficient with its natural weapons, and immunity to all mind-affecting
morale effects, patterns, and all simple weapons, and any effects (charms, compulsions, morale
phantasms). weapons mentioned in its entry. effects, patterns, and phantasms).
Mindless creatures have no feats or
• Immunity to bleed, death effects, • Proficient with whatever type of
skills. A vermin-like creature with an
disease, paralysis, poison, sleep armor (light, medium, or heavy) it
Intelligence score is usually either an
effects, and stunning. is described as wearing, as well as all
animal or a magical beast, depending
lighter types. Undead not indicated
• Not subject to nonlethal damage, on its other abilities.
as wearing armor are not proficient
ability drain, or energy drain. • Darkvision 60 feet.
with armor. Undead are proficient
Immune to damage to its physical
with shields if they are proficient • Proficient with its natural weapons only.
ability scores (Constitution,
with any form of armor.
Dexterity, and Strength), as well as • Proficient with no armor.
to exhaustion and fatigue effects. • Undead do not breathe, eat, or sleep. • Vermin breathe, eat, and sleep.

Some creatures have one or more subtypes. Subtypes add additional abilities and qualities to a creature. The most common
subtypes, and all the subtypes present in this book, are presented below.

Air Subtype breathe water. It cannot breathe air unless it Chaotic Subtype
has the amphibious special quality. Aquatic
This subtype is usually used for outsiders creatures always treat Swim as a class skill. This subtype is usually applied to
with a connection to the Elemental outsiders native to the chaotic-aligned
Planes of Air. Air creatures always Augmented Subtype Outer Planes. Most creatures that have
have fly speeds and usually have perfect this subtype also have chaotic alignments;
maneuverability. Air creatures treat Fly A creature receives this subtype when however, if their alignments change, they
as a class skill. something (usually a template) changes still retain the subtype. Any effect that
its original type. Some creatures (those depends on alignment affects a creature
Aquatic Subtype with an inherited template) are born with this subtype as if the creature had
with this subtype; others acquire it when a chaotic alignment, no matter what its
These creatures always have swim speeds they take on an acquired template. The alignment actually is. The creature also
and can move in water without making augmented subtype is always paired with suffers effects according to its actual
Swim checks. An aquatic creature can the creature’s original type. alignment. A creature with the chaotic

164 The Freeport Bestiary


subtype overcomes damage reduction as this subtype also have evil alignments; Outer Planes. Most creatures that have
if its natural weapons and any weapons it however, if their alignments change, they this subtype also have good alignments;
wields are chaotically aligned. still retain the subtype. Any effect that however, if their alignments change, they
depends on alignment affects a creature still retain the subtype. Any effect that
Cold Subtype with this subtype as if the creature has depends on alignment affects a creature
an evil alignment, no matter what its with this subtype as if the creature has
A creature with the cold subtype has alignment actually is. The creature also a good alignment, no matter what its
immunity to cold and vulnerability to fire. suffers effects according to its actual alignment actually is. The creature also
alignment. A creature with the evil suffers effects according to its actual
Earth Subtype subtype overcomes damage reduction as alignment. A creature with the good
if its natural weapons and any weapons it subtype overcomes damage reduction as
This subtype is usually used for outsiders
wields are evil-aligned. if its natural weapons and any weapons it
with a connection to the Elemental
wields are good-aligned.
Planes of Earth. Earth creatures usually
have burrow speeds, and most earth
Extraplanar Subtype
creatures can burrow through solid rock.
Incorporeal Subtype
This subtype is applied to any creature
Earth creatures with a burrow speed when it is on a plane other than its native An incorporeal creature has no physical
possess tremorsense. plane. A creature that travels the planes body. An incorporeal creature is immune
can gain or lose this subtype as it goes to critical hits and precision-based
Elemental Subtype from plane to plane. Monster entries damage (such as sneak attack damage)
assume that encounters with creatures unless the attacks are made using a
An elemental is a being composed
take place on the Material Plane, and weapon with the ghost touch special
entirely from one of the four classical
every creature whose native plane is not weapon quality. In addition, creatures
elements: air, earth, fire, or water.
the Material Plane has the extraplanar with the incorporeal subtype gain the
Features subtype (but would not have it when incorporeal special quality.
on its home plane). Every extraplanar
• Immunity to bleed, paralysis, creature in this book has a home plane Kami Subtype
poison, sleep effects, and stunning. mentioned in its description. creatures
not labeled as extraplanar are natives Kami are a race of native outsiders who
• Not subject to critical hits or serve to protect what they refer to as
flanking. Does not take additional of the Material Plane, and they gain
the extraplanar subtype if they leave “wards”—animals, plants, objects, and
damage from precision-based even locations—from being harmed or
attacks, such as sneak attack. the Material Plane. No creature has
the extraplanar subtype when it is on dishonored. All kami are outsiders with
• Proficient with natural weapons a transitive plane, such as the Astral the native subtype.
only, unless generally humanoid Plane, the Ethereal Plane, or the Plane
in form, in which case proficient of Shadow.
with all simple weapons and any
weapons mentioned in its entry. • Immune to bleed, mind-affecting
Fire Subtype effects, petrification, and polymorph
• Proficient with whatever type of effects.
armor (light, medium, or heavy) it A creature with the fire subtype has
is described as wearing, as well as immunity to fire and vulnerability to cold. • Resist acid 10, electricity 10, fire 10
all lighter types. Elementals not • Although they are native outsiders,
indicated as wearing armor are not Giant Subtype kami do not eat, drink, or breathe.
proficient with armor. Elementals A giant is a humanoid creature of great • Telepathy.
are proficient with shields if they are strength, usually of at least Large size.
proficient with any form of armor. • Fast Healing (Ex) As long as a
Giants have a number of racial Hit kami is within 120 feet of its ward,
• Elementals do not breathe, eat, or Dice and never substitute such Hit Dice it gains fast healing. The amount of
sleep. for class levels like some humanoids. fast healing it gains depends on the
Giants have low-light vision, and treat type of kami.
Evil Subtype Intimidate and Perception as class skills.
• Merge with Ward (Su) As a
This subtype is usually applied to Good Subtype standard action, a kami can merge
Outsiders native to the evil-aligned its body and mind with its ward.
Outer Planes. Evil Outsiders are also This subtype is usually applied to When merged, the kami can
called fiends. Most creatures that have outsiders native to the good-aligned observe the surrounding region

The Freeport Bestiary 165


with its senses as if it were using if its natural weapons and any weapons it A swarm makes saving throws as a
its own body, as well as via any wields are lawful-aligned. single creature. A single swarm occupies
senses its ward might have. It has a square (if it is made up of nonflying
no control over its ward, nor can it Native Subtype creatures) or a cube (of flying creatures)
communicate or otherwise take any 10 feet on a side, but its reach is 0 feet,
action other than to emerge from its This subtype is applied only to outsiders. like its component creatures. In order to
ward as a standard action. A kami These creatures have mortal ancestors attack, it moves into an opponent’s space,
must be adjacent to its ward to or a strong connection to the Material which provokes an attack of opportunity.
merge with or emerge from it. If its Plane and can be raised, reincarnated, or A swarm can occupy the same space as
ward is a creature, plant, or object, resurrected just as other living creatures can a creature of any size, since it crawls all
the kami can emerge mounted on be. creatures with this subtype are native to over its prey. A swarm can move through
the creature provided the kami’s the Material Plane. Unlike true outsiders, squares occupied by enemies and vice
body is at least one size category native outsiders need to eat and sleep. versa without impediment, although the
smaller than the creature. If its ward swarm provokes anattack of opportunity
is a location, the kami may emerge Reptilian Subtype if it does so. A swarm can move through
at any point within that location. cracks or holes large enough for its
These creatures are scaly and usually cold-
component creatures.
• Ward (Su) A kami has a specific blooded. The reptilian subtype is only
A swarm of Tiny creatures consists of
ward—a creature with a 2 or used to describe a set of humanoid or
300 nonflying creatures or 1,000 flying
lower Intelligence (usually an monstrous humanoid races, not all animals
creatures. A swarm of Diminutive creatures
animal or vermin), a plant (not and monsters that are true reptiles.
consists of 1,500 nonflying creatures or
a plant creature), an object, or a 5,000 flying creatures. A swarm of Fine
location. The type of ward is listed Shapechanger Subtype creatures consists of 10,000 creatures,
in parentheses in the kami’s stat whether they are flying or not. Swarms
A shapechanger has the supernatural
block. Several of a kami’s abilities of nonflying creatures include many more
ability to assume one or more alternate
function only when it is either creatures than could normally fit in a 10-
forms. Many magical effects allow some
merged with its ward or within foot square based on their normal space,
kind of shapeshifting, and not every
120 feet of it. If a kami’s ward is because creatures in a swarm are packed
creature that can change shape has the
portable and travels with the kami tightly together and generally crawl over
shapechanger subtype.
to another plane, the kami does each other and their prey when moving or
not gain the extraplanar subtype Traits attacking. Larger swarms are represented
on that other plane as long as its by multiples of single swarms. The area
ward remains within 120 feet. If a • Proficient with its natural weapons, occupied by a large swarm is completely
ward is destroyed while a kami is with simple weapons, and with any shapeable, though the swarm usually
merged with it, the kami dies (no weapons mentioned in the creature’s remains in contiguous squares.
save). If a ward is destroyed while description.
a kami is not merged with it, the Traits
• Proficient with any armor
kami loses its merge with ward
mentioned in the creature’s • A swarm has no clear front or
ability and its fast healing, and
description, as well as all lighter back and no discernible anatomy,
becomes permanently sickened.
forms. If no form of armor is so it is not subject to critical hits
mentioned, the shapechanger
Lawful Subtype is not proficient with armor. A
or flanking. A swarm made up of
Tiny creatures takes half damage
This subtype is usually applied to shapechanger is proficient with from slashing and piercing weapons.
outsiders native to the lawful-aligned shields if it is proficient with any A swarm composed of Fine or
Outer Planes. Most creatures that have type of armor. Diminutive creatures is immune
this subtype also have lawful alignments; to all weapon damage. Reducing a
however, if their alignments change, they Swarm Subtype swarm to 0 hit points or less causes
still retain the subtype. Any effect that it to break up, though damage taken
A swarm is a collection of Fine,
depends on alignment affects a creature until that point does not degrade
Diminutive, or Tiny creatures that acts
with this subtype as if the creature had its ability to attack or resist attack.
as a single creature. A swarm has the
a lawful alignment, no matter what its Swarms are never staggered or
characteristics of its type, except as noted
alignment actually is. The creature also reduced to adying state by damage.
here. A swarm has a single pool of Hit Dice
suffers effects according to its actual Also, they cannot be tripped,
and hit points, a single initiative modifier,
alignment. A creature with the lawful grappled, or bull rushed, and they
a single speed, and a single Armor Class.
subtype overcomesdamage reduction as cannot grapple an opponent.

166 The Freeport Bestiary


A swarm is immune to any spell they deal automatic damage to any resistance) to damage from a swarm.
or effect that targets a specific creature whose space they occupy Some swarms also have acid, blood
number of creatures (including at the end of their move, with no drain, poison, or other special attacks
single-target spells such as attack roll needed. Swarm attacks in addition to normal damage.
disintegrate), with the exception are not subject to a miss chance for Swarms do not threaten
of mind-affecting effects (charms, concealment or cover. A swarm’s creatures, and do not make attacks
compulsions, morale effects, stat block has “swarm” in the Melee of opportunity with their swarm
patterns, and phantasms) if the entries, with noattack bonus given attack. However, they distract
swarm has an Intelligence score and The amount of damage a swarm foes whose squares they occupy, as
a hive mind. A swarm takes half deals is based on its Hit Dice, as described below.
again as much damage (+50%) from shown on the Swarm Damage by
spells or effects that affect an area, Size table. • Swarms possess the distraction
such as splash weapons and many ability. Spellcasting or concentrating
evocation spells. Swarm Damage by Size on spells within the area of a swarm
requires a caster level check (DC
Swarms made up of Diminutive
or Fine creatures are susceptible to Swarm HD
Swarm Base 20 + spell level). Using skills that
Damage involve patience and concentration
high winds, such as those created by
a gust of wind spell. For purposes of 1–5 1d6 requires a DC 20 Will save.
determining the effects of wind on a 6–10 2d6
swarm, treat the swarm as a creature 11–15 3d6 Water Subtype
of the same size as its constituent
16–20 4d6
creatures. A swarm rendered This subtype is usually used for Outsiders
unconscious by means of nonlethal 21 or more 5d6 with a connection to the Elemental
damage becomes disorganized and A swarm’s attacks are nonmagical, Planes of Water. Creatures with the
dispersed, and does not reform until unless the swarm’s description water subtype always have swim speeds
its hit points exceed its nonlethal states otherwise. Damage reduction and can move in water without making
damage. sufficient to reduce a swarm attack’s Swim checks. A water creature can
damage to 0, being incorporeal, or breathe underwater and can usually
• Swarm Attack: creatures with
other Special Abilities usually give breathe air as well. Water creatures treat
the swarm subtype don’t make
a creature immunity (or at least the Swim skill as a class skill.
standard melee attacks. Instead,

Universal Monster Rules

The following rules are standard and are referenced (but not repeated) in monster stat blocks. Each rule includes a format guide
for how it appears in a monster’s listing and its location in the stat block.

Ability Damage and Drain Amorphous (Ex) Attach (Ex)

(Ex or Su)
The amorphous creature’s entire body is The creature automatically latches onto its
Some attacks or special abilities cause malleable, pliable and shapeless, which target when it successfully makes the listed
ability damage or drain, reducing the makes it difficult to target any specific attack.The creature is considered grappling,
designated ability score by the listed part. It is immune to precision damage but the target is not. The target can attack
amount. Ability damage can be healed (like sneak attacks) and to all critical hits. or grapple the creature as normal, or break
naturally. Ability drain is permanent and Format: amorphous; Location: the attach with a successful grapple or
can only be restored through magic. Defensive Abilities. Escape Artist check. Most creatures with
Format: 1d4 Str drain; Location: this ability have a racial bonus to maintain
Special Attacks or individual attacks. Amphibious (Ex) a grapple (listed in its CMB entry).
Format: attach; Location: individual
All-Around Vision (Ex) Creatures with this special quality are
used to living and operating both on
The creature sees in all directions at once. land and in water. They have the aquatic
It cannot be flanked. subtype, but they can also survive
Bleed (Ex)
Format: all-around vision; Location: indefinitely on land. A creature with this ability causes
Defensive Abilities. Format: amphibious; Location: SQ. wounds that continue to bleed, inflicting

The Freeport Bestiary 167


additional damage each round at the as a free action. If so, this is noted in the burning creature can attempt a new
start of the affected creature’s turn. This creature’s description. If a creature must save as a full-round action. Dropping
bleeding can be stopped by a successful trigger its blindsight ability, the creature and rolling on the ground grants a +4
DC 15 Heal skill check or through gains the benefits of blindsight only bonus on this save. Creatures that hit a
the application of any magical healing. during its turn. burning creature with natural weapons
The amount of damage each round is Format: blindsight 60 ft.; Location: or unarmed attacks take fire damage
determined in the creature’s entry. Senses. as though hit by the burning creature
Format: bleed (2d6); Location: and must make a Reflex save to avoid
Special Attacks and individual Blood Drain (Ex) catching on fire.
attacks. Format: burn (2d6, DC 15);
The creature drains blood at the end Location: Special Attacks and
Blindsense (Ex) of its turn if it grapples a foe, inflicting individual attacks.
Constitution damage.
Using nonvisual senses, such as acute Format: blood drain (1d2 Burrow (Ex)
smell or hearing, a creature with Constitution); Location: Special
blindsense notices things it cannot see. Attacks. A creature with a burrow speed can
The creature usually does not need to tunnel through dirt, but not through rock
make Perception checks to pinpoint the Breath Weapon (Su) unless the descriptive text says otherwise.
location of a creature within range of its Creatures cannot charge or run while
blindsense ability, provided that it has line Some creatures can exhale a cone, line, burrowing. Most burrowing creatures do
of effect to that creature. Any opponent or cloud of energy or other magical not leave behind tunnels other creatures
the creature cannot see still has total effects. A breath weapon attack usually can use (either because the material they
concealment against the creature with deals damage and is often based on some tunnel through fills in behind them or
blindsense, and the creature still has the type of energy. Breath weapons allow because they do not actually dislocate
normal miss chance when attacking foes a Reflex save for half damage (DC 10 any material when burrowing); see the
that have concealment. Visibility still + 1/2 breathing creature’s racial HD individual creature descriptions for details.
affects the movement of a creature with + breathing creature’s Con modifier; Format: Burrow 30 ft.; Location:
blindsense. A creature with blindsense is the exact DC is given in the creature’s Speed.
still denied its Dexterity bonus to Armor descriptive text). A creature is immune to
Class against attacks from creatures it its own breath weapon unless otherwise Capsize (Ex)
cannot see. noted. Some breath weapons allow a
Format: blindsense 60 ft.; Location: Fortitude save or a Will save instead of A creature with this special quality can
Senses. a Reflex save. Each breath weapon also attempt to capsize a boat or a ship by
includes notes on how often it can be ramming it as a charge attack and making
Blindsight (Ex) used, even if this number is limited in a combat maneuver check. The DC of this
times per day. check is 25, or the result of the captain’s
This ability is similar to blindsense, Format: breath weapon (60-ft. cone, Profession (sailor) check, whichever is
but is far more discerning. Using 8d6 fire damage, Reflex DC 20 higher. For each size category the ship
nonvisual senses, such as sensitivity to for half, usable every 1d4 rounds); is larger than the creature attempting
vibrations, keen smell, acute hearing, or Location: Special Attacks; if the to capsize it, the creature attempting to
echolocation, a creature with blindsight breath is more complicated than capsize the ship takes a cumulative –10
maneuvers and fights as well as a sighted damage, it also appears under Special penalty on its combat maneuver check.
creature. Invisibility, darkness, and most Abilities with its own entry. Format: capsize; Location: special
kinds of concealment are irrelevant, attacks.
though the creature must have line of Burn (Ex)
effect to a creature or object to discern Change Shape (Su)
that creature or object. The ability’s range A creature with the burn special attack
is specified in the creature’s descriptive deals fire damage in addition to damage A creature with this special quality has
text. The creature usually does not need dealt on a successful hit in melee. Those the ability to assume the appearance of
to make Perception checks to notice affected by the burn ability must also a specific creature or type of creature
creatures within range of its blindsight succeed on a Reflex save or catch fire, (usually a humanoid), but retains most
ability. Unless noted otherwise, taking the listed damage for an additional of its own physical qualities. A creature
blindsight is continuous, and the creature 1d4 rounds at the start of its turn (DC cannot change shape to a form more than
need do nothing to use it. Some forms 10 + 1/2 burning creature’s racial HD one size category smaller or larger than
of blindsight, however, must be triggered + burning creature’s Con modifier). A its original form. This ability functions as

168 The Freeport Bestiary


a polymorph spell, the type of which is Format: Curse Name (Su) Slam—
Compression (Ex)
listed in the creature’s description, but the contact; save Will DC 14, frequency
creature does not adjust its ability scores The creature can move through an area 1 day, effect 1d4 Str drain; Location:
(although it gains any other abilities of as small as one-quarter its space without Special Attacks and individual
the creature it mimics). Unless otherwise squeezing or one-eighth its space when attacks.
stated, it can remain in an alternate form squeezing.
indefinitely. Some creatures, such as Curse of Lycanthropy (Su)
Format: compression; Location:
lycanthropes, can transform into unique
Special Qualities. A natural lycanthrope’s bite attack in
forms with special modifiers and abilities.
These creatures do adjust their ability animal or hybrid form infects a humanoid
scores, as noted in their descriptions.
Constrict (Ex)* target with lycanthropy (Fortitude DC 15
negates). If the victim’s size is not within
Format: change shape (wolf, beast A creature with this special attack can one size category of the lycanthrope’s
shape I); Location: SQ, and in crush an opponent, dealing bludgeoning size, this ability has no effect.
Special Abilities for creatures with a damage, when it makes a successful
unique listing. grapple check (in addition to any Format: curse of lycanthropy;
other effects caused by a successful Location: individual attacks.
Channel Resistance (Ex) check, including additional damage).
The amount of damage is given in the Damage Reduction (Ex or Su)
A creature with this special quality creature’s entry and is typically equal to
(usually an undead) is less easily affected A creature with this special quality ignores
the amount of damage caused by the
by clerics or paladins. A creature with damage from most weapons and natural
creature’s melee attack.
channel resistance adds the bonus listed attacks. Wounds heal immediately, or
for that creature to saves made to resist Format: constrict (1d8+6); Location: the weapon bounces off harmlessly (in
the effects of channel energy, including Special Attacks. either case, the opponent knows the
effects that rely on the use of channel attack was ineffective). The creature takes
energy (such as the Command Undead Construct Traits (Ex) normal damage from energy attacks
feat). (even nonmagical ones), spells, spell-like
Constructs are immune to death effects, abilities, and supernatural abilities. A
Format: channel resistance +4; disease, mind-affecting effects (charms, certain kind of weapon can sometimes
Location: Defensive Abilities. compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and damage the creature normally, as noted
morale effects), necromancy effects, below.
Climb paralysis, poison, sleep, stun, and The entry indicates the amount of
any effect that requires a Fortitude damage ignored (usually 5 to 15 points)
A creature with a climb speed has a +8 save (unless the effect also works on and the type of weapon that negates the
racial bonus on all Climb checks. The objects, or is harmless). Constructs ability.
creature must make a Climb check to are not subject to nonlethal damage, Some monsters are vulnerable to
climb any wall or slope with a DC higher ability damage, ability drain, fatigue, piercing, bludgeoning, or slashing
than 0, but it can always choose to take exhaustion, or energy drain. Constructs damage. Others are vulnerable to certain
10, even if rushed or threatened while are not at risk of death from massive materials, such as adamantine, alchemical
climbing. damage. silver, or cold-forged iron. Attacks from
If a creature with a climb speed
Format: construct traits; Location: weapons that are not of the correct type
chooses an accelerated climb*, it moves at
Immune. or made of the correct material have
double its climb speed (or at its base land
their damage reduced, although a high
speed, whichever is slower) and makes a
Curse (Su) enhancement bonus can overcome some
single Climb check at a –5 penalty. Such
forms of damage reduction.
a creature retains its Dexterity bonus to A creature with this ability bestows a Some monsters are vulnerable to
Armor Class (if any) while climbing, and curse upon its enemies. The effects of magic weapons. Any weapon with at
opponents get no special bonus to their the curse, including its save, frequency, least a +1 magical enhancement bonus
attacks against it. It cannot, however, use and cure, are included in the creature’s on attack and damage rolls overcomes
the run action while climbing. description. If a curse allows a saving the damage reduction of these monsters.
A creature without a climb speed can throw, it is usually a Will save (DC 10 Such creatures’ natural weapons (but not
attempt an accelerated climb by taking a + 1/2 cursing creature’s racial HD + their attacks with weapons) are treated
–5 penalty on the climb check, allowing creature’s Cha modifier; the exact DC is as magic weapons for the purpose of
the creature to climb at half its base speed given in the creature’s descriptive text). overcoming damage reduction.
instead of one-quarter its base speed. Curses can be removed through remove A few very powerful monsters are
Format: Climb 30 ft.; Location: Speed. curse and similar effects. vulnerable only to epic weapons—that

The Freeport Bestiary 169


is, magic weapons with at least a +6 removed with a spell, such as restoration.
Distraction (Ex)
enhancement bonus. Such creatures’ If a negative level is not removed before
natural weapons are also treated as epic A creature with this ability can nauseate 24 hours have passed, the affected creature
weapons for the purpose of overcoming the creatures that it damages. Any living must attempt a Fortitude save (DC 10
damage reduction. creature that takes damage from a creature + 1/2 draining creature’s racial HD +
Some monsters are vulnerable to with the distraction ability is nauseated draining creature’s Cha modifier; the exact
good-, evil-, chaotically, or lawfully for 1 round; a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 DC is given in the creature’s descriptive
aligned weapons. When a cleric casts creature’s HD + creature’s Con modifier) text). On a success, the negative level
align weapon, affected weapons might negates the effect. goes away with no harm to the creature.
gain one or more of these properties, On a failure, the negative level becomes
Format: distraction (DC 14);
and certain magic weapons have these permanent. A separate saving throw is
Location: Special Attacks.
properties as well. A creature with an required for each negative level.
alignment subtype (chaotic, evil, good, or
lawful) can overcome this type of damage
Dragon Senses (Ex) Format: energy drain (2 levels, DC
18); Location: Special Attacks and
reduction with its natural weapons and Dragons have darkvision 120 ft. and individual attacks.
weapons it wields as if the weapons or blindsense 60 ft. They see four times as
natural weapons had an alignment (or well as a human in dim light and twice as Engulf (Ex)
alignments) that matched the subtype(s) well in normal light.
of the creature. The creature can engulf creatures in
When a damage reduction entry has Format: dragon senses; Location:
its path as part of a standard action. It
a dash (—) after the slash, no weapon Senses.
cannot make other attacks during a
negates the damage reduction. round in which it engulfs. The creature
A few creatures are harmed by more Earth Glide (Ex)
merely has to move over its opponents,
than one kind of weapon. A weapon that When the creature burrows, it can pass affecting as many as it can cover.
inflicts damage of either type overcomes through stone, dirt, or almost any other Targeted creatures can make attacks of
this damage reduction. sort of earth except metal as easily as a fish opportunity against the creature, but
A few other creatures require swims through water. If protected against if they do so, they are not entitled to a
combinations of different types of attacks fire damage, it can even glide through lava. saving throw against the engulf attack.
to overcome their damage reduction, and Its burrowing leaves behind no tunnel or Those who do not attempt attacks of
a weapon must be both types to overcome hole, nor does it create any ripple or other opportunity can attempt a Reflex save to
this type of damage reduction. A weapon sign of its presence. A move earth spell avoid being engulfed—on a success, they
that is only one type is still subject to cast on an area containing the burrowing are pushed back or aside (target’s choice)
damage reduction. creature flings it back 30 feet, stunning it as the creature moves forward. Engulfed
Format: DR 5/silver; Location: for 1 round unless it succeeds on a DC 15 opponents gain the pinned condition,
Defensive Abilities. Fortitude save. are in danger of suffocating, are trapped
within the creature’s body until they are
Format: earth glide; Location: Speed.
Disease (Ex or Su) no longer pinned, and may be subject to
other special attacks from the creature.
A creature with this ability causes disease Energy Drain (Su)
The save DC is Strength-based.
in those it contacts. The effects of the This attack saps a living opponent’s vital Format: engulf (DC 12, 1d6 acid and
disease, including its save, frequency, energy and happens automatically when paralysis); Location: Special Attacks.
and cure, are included in the creature’s a melee or ranged attack hits. Each
description. The saving throw to negate successful energy drain bestows one
the disease is usually a Fort save (DC 10
Fast Healing (Ex)
or more negative levels (the creature’s
+ 1/2 the infecting creature’s racial HD description specifies how many). If an A creature with the fast healing special
+ the creature’s Con modifier; the exact attack that includes an energy drain quality regains hit points at an exceptional
DC is given in the creature’s descriptive scores a critical hit, it bestows twice the rate, usually 1 or more hit points per
text). Disease can be removed through listed number of negative levels. Unless round, as given in the creature’s entry.
remove disease and similar effects. otherwise specified in the creature’s Except where noted here, fast healing is
Format: Disease Name (Ex) Bite— description, a draining creature gains 5 just like natural healing. Fast healing does
injury; save Fort DC 15, onset 1d3 temporary hit points for each negative not restore hit points lost from starvation,
days, frequency 1 day, effect 1 Con level it bestows on an opponent. These thirst, or suffocation, nor does it allow a
damage, cure 2 consecutive saves; temporary hit points last for a maximum creature to regrow lost body parts. Unless
Location: Special Attacks and of 1 hour. Negative levels remain until otherwise stated, it does not allow lost
individual attacks. 24 hours have passed or until they are body parts to be reattached. Fast healing

170 The Freeport Bestiary


continues to function (even at negative hit Note: Creatures with a fly speed treat petrification, death, and charm are
points) until a creature dies, at which point the Fly skill as a class skill. A creature common. The typical range is 30 feet, but
the effects of fast healing end immediately. with a natural fly speed receives a bonus check the creature’s entry for details. The
Format: fast healing 5; Location: hp. (or penalty) on Fly skill checks depending type of saving throw for a gaze attack
on its maneuverability: varies, but it is usually a Will or Fortitude
Fast Swallow (Ex) save (DC 10 + 1/2 gazing creature’s racial

The creature can use its swallow whole

Fly Skill Modifier HD + gazing creature’s Cha modifier; the
exact DC is given in the creature’s text). A
ability as a free action at any time during Skill Check successful saving throw negates the effect.
its turn, not just at the start of its turn. Modifier A monster’s gaze attack is described in
Clumsy –8 abbreviated form in its description. Each
Format: fast swallow; Location:
Poor –4 opponent within range of a gaze attack
Special Attacks.
must attempt a saving throw each round
Average +0
at the beginning of his or her turn in the
Fear (Su or Sp) Good +4 initiative order. Only looking directly
Fear attacks can have various effects. Perfect +8 at a creature with a gaze attack leaves an
opponent vulnerable. Opponents can avoid
• Fear Aura (Su) The use of this Creatures without a maneuverability the need to make the saving throw by not
ability is a free action. The aura can rating are assumed to have average looking at the creature, in one of two ways.
freeze an opponent (as in the case maneuverability and take no penalty on
of a mummy’s despair) or function • Averting Eyes: The opponent
Fly checks.
like the fear spell. Other effects avoids looking at the creature’s
Format: fly 30 ft. (average); Location: face, instead looking at its body,
are possible. A fear aura is an area
Speed. watching its shadow, tracking it in
effect. The descriptive text gives the
size and kind of the area. a reflective surface, etc. Each round,
Frightful Presence (Ex) the opponent has a 50% chance to
• If a fear effect allows a saving avoid having to make a saving throw
throw, it is a Will save (DC 10 + This special quality makes a creature’s very against the gaze attack. The creature
1/2 fearsome creature’s racial HD presence unsettling to foes. Activating with the gaze attack, however, gains
+ creature’s Cha modifier; the this ability is a free action that is usually concealment against that opponent.
exact DC is given in the creature’s part of an attack or charge. Opponents
descriptive text). All fear attacks are within range who witness the action • Wearing a Blindfold: The foe cannot
mind-affecting fear effects. may become frightened or shaken. The see the creature at all (also possible
range is usually 30 feet, and the duration to achieve by turning one’s back on
Format: fear aura (30 ft., DC 17);
is usually 5d6 rounds. This ability affects the creature or shutting one’s eyes).
Location: Aura.
only opponents with fewer Hit Dice The creature with the gaze attack
than the creature has. An opponent can gains total concealment against the
Ferocity (Ex)
resist the effects with a successful Will opponent.
A creature with ferocity remains conscious save (DC 10 + 1/2 the frightful creature’s A creature with a gaze attack can actively
and can continue fighting even if its hit racial HD + the frightful creature’s Cha gaze as an attack action by choosing a
point total is below 0. The creature is still modifier; the exact DC is given in the target within range. That opponent must
staggered and loses 1 hit point each round. creature’s descriptive text). An opponent attempt a saving throw but can try to
A creature with ferocity still dies when its that succeeds on the saving throw is avoid this as described above. Thus, it is
hit point total reaches a negative amount immune to that same creature’s frightful possible for an opponent to save against
equal to its Constitution score. presence for 24 hours. On a failed save, a creature’s gaze twice during the same
the opponent is shaken, or panicked round, once before the opponent’s action
Format: ferocity; Location: Defensive
if it has 4 Hit Dice or fewer. Frightful and once during the creature’s turn.
presence is a mind-affecting fear effect. Gaze attacks can affect ethereal
Flight (Ex or Su) Format: frightful presence (60 ft., DC opponents. A creature is immune to gaze
21); Location: Aura. attacks of others of its kind unless otherwise
A creature with this ability can cease or noted. Allies of a creature with a gaze attack
resume flight as a free action. If the ability Gaze (Su) might be affected. All the creature’s allies
is supernatural, it becomes ineffective are considered to be averting their eyes
in an antimagic field, and the creature A gaze special attack takes effect when from the creature with the gaze attack, and
loses its ability to fly for as long as the foes look at the attacking creature’s eyes. have a 50% chance to not need to make a
antimagic effect persists. The attack can have any sort of effect; saving throw against the gaze attack each

The Freeport Bestiary 171


round. The creature can also veil its eyes, can also apply to afflictions, conditions, and shields, although deflection bonuses
thus negating its gaze ability. spells (based on school, level, or save and force effects (such as mage armor)
Format: gaze; Location: Special type), and other effects. A creature that work normally against it. Incorporeal
Attacks. is immune does not suffer from these creatures pass through and operate
effects, or any secondary effects that are in water as easily as they do in air.
Grab (Ex) triggered due to an immune effect. Incorporeal creatures cannot fall or take
falling damage. Incorporeal creatures
Format: Immune acid, fire, paralysis;
If a creature with this special attack hits cannot make trip or grapple attacks, nor
Location: Defensive Abilities.
with the indicated attack (usually a claw can they be tripped or grappled. In fact,
or bite attack), it deals normal damage Incorporeal (Ex) they cannot take any physical action that
and attempts to start a grapple as a free would move or manipulate an opponent
action without provoking an attack of An incorporeal creature has no physical or its equipment, nor are they subject to
opportunity. Unless otherwise noted, body. It can be harmed only by other such actions. Incorporeal creatures have
grab can only be used against targets of a incorporeal creatures, magic weapons no weight and do not set off traps that
size equal to or smaller than the creature or creatures that strike as magic are triggered by weight.
with this ability. If the creature can use weapons, and spells, spell-like abilities, An incorporeal creature moves totally
grab on creatures of other sizes, it is noted or supernatural abilities. It is immune to silently and cannot be heard with
in the creature’s Special Attacks line. The all nonmagical attack forms. Even when Perception checks if it doesn’t wish to be.
creature has the option to conduct the hit by spells or magic weapons, it takes It has no Strength score, so its Dexterity
grapple normally, or simply use the part only half damage from a corporeal source modifier applies to its melee attacks,
of its body it used in the grab to hold the (except for channel energy). Although it is ranged attacks, and CMB. Nonvisual
opponent. If it chooses to do the latter, it not a magical attack, holy water can affect senses, such as scent and blindsight, are
takes a –20 penalty on its CMB check to incorporeal undead. Corporeal spells and either ineffective or only partly effective
make and maintain the grapple, but does effects that do not cause damage only have with regard to incorporeal creatures.
not gain the grappled condition itself. A a 50% chance of affecting an incorporeal Incorporeal creatures have an innate
successful hold does not deal any extra creature. Force spells and effects, such as sense of direction and can move at
damage unless the creature also has the from a magic missile, affect an incorporeal their full speed even when they cannot
constrict special attack. If the creature creature normally. actually see.
does not constrict, each successful An incorporeal creature has no natural Format: incorporeal; Location:
grapple check it makes during successive armor bonus but has a deflection bonus Defensive Abilities.
rounds automatically deals the damage equal to its Charisma bonus (always at
indicated for the attack that established least +1, even if the creature’s Charisma Jet (Ex)
the hold. Otherwise, it deals constriction score does not normally provide a
damage as well (the amount is given in bonus). The creature can swim backward as a full-
the creature’s descriptive text). An incorporeal creature can enter round action at the listed speed. It must
Creatures with the grab special attack or pass through solid objects, but must move in a straight line while jetting, and
receive a +4 bonus on combat maneuver remain adjacent to the object’s exterior, does not provoke attacks of opportunity
checks made to start and maintain a and so cannot pass entirely through an when it does so.
grapple. object whose space is larger than its own. Format: jet (200 ft.); Location: Speed.
Format: grab; Location: individual It can sense the presence of creatures or
attacks and special attacks. objects within a square adjacent to its Keen Scent (Ex)
current location, but enemies have total
concealment (50% miss chance) from The creature can notice other creatures
Hold Breath (Ex) by scent in a 180-foot radius underwater
an incorporeal creature that is inside an
The creature can hold its breath for a object. In order to see beyond the object it and can detect blood in the water at
number of minutes equal to 6 times is in and attack normally, the incorporeal ranges of up to a mile.
its Constitution score before it risks creature must emerge. An incorporeal Format: keen scent; Location: Senses.
drowning. creature inside an object has total cover,
Format: hold breath; Location: but when it attacks a creature outside Light Sensitivity (Ex)
Special Qualities the object it only has cover, so a creature
outside with a readied action could strike Creatures with light sensitivity are
at it as it attacks. An incorporeal creature dazzled in areas of bright sunlight or
Immunity (Ex or Su) within the radius of a daylight spell.
cannot pass through a force effect.
A creature with immunities takes no An incorporeal creature’s attacks pass Format: Weakness light sensitivity;
damage from listed sources. Immunities through (ignore) natural armor, armor, Location: Weaknesses.

172 The Freeport Bestiary


attack is treated as a primary attack,

Low-Light Vision (Ex) Plant Traits (Ex)
regardless of its type.
A creature with low-light vision can Creatures with natural attacks and Plants are immune to all mind-affecting
see twice as far as a human in starlight, attacks made with weapons can use both effects (charms, compulsions, morale
moonlight, torchlight, and similar as part of a full attack action (although effects, patterns, and phantasms), paralysis,
conditions of dim light. It retains the often a creature must forgo one natural poison, polymorph, sleep, and stun.
ability to distinguish color and detail attack for each weapon clutched in that
Format: plant traits; Location: Immune.
under these conditions. limb, be it a claw, tentacle, or slam).
Such creatures attack with their weapons
Format: low-light vision; Location:
normally but treat all of their available
Poison (Ex or Su)
natural attacks as secondary attacks A creature with this ability can poison
during that attack, regardless of the those it attacks. The effects of the poison,
Lycanthropic Empathy (Ex) attack’s original type. including its save, frequency, and cure, are
In any form, natural lycanthropes can Some creatures do not have natural included in the creature’s description. The
communicate and empathize with attacks. These creatures can make saving throw to resist a poison is usually
animals related to their animal form. unarmed strikes just like humans do. a Fort save (DC 10 + 1/2 the poisoning
They can use Diplomacy to alter such an Format: bite +5 (1d6+1), 2 claws +5 creature’s racial HD + the creature’s Con
animal’s attitude, and when so doing gain (1d4+2), 4 tentacles +0 (1d4+1); modifier; the exact DC is given in the
a +4 racial bonus on the check. Afflicted Location: Melee and Ranged. creature’s descriptive text). Poisons can
lycanthropes only gain this ability in be removed through neutralize poison
animal or hybrid form. No Breath (Ex) and similar effects.
Format: lycanthropic empathy (bears Format: Poison Name (Ex) Sting—
The monster does not breathe, and is
and dire bears); Location: Special injury; save Fort DC 22, frequency 1/
immune to effects that require breathing
Qualities. round for 6 rounds, effect 1d4 Con,
(such as inhaled poison or asphyxiation).
cure 2 consecutive saves; Location:
This does not give any immunity to
Mistsight (Ex) cloud or gas attacks that do not require
Special Attacks and individual attacks.

The monster can see through fog, mist, breathing.

Pounce (Ex)
and murky water as if they were perfectly Format: no breath; Location: Special
clear, ignoring the miss chance for these Qualities. When a creature with this special attack
obstructions, up to its normal range of makes a charge, it can make a full attack
vision. Paralysis (Ex or Su) (including rake attacks if the creature
also has the rake ability).
Format: mistsight; Location: Senses. This special attack renders the victim
Format: pounce; Location: Special
immobile. Paralyzed creatures cannot
Natural Attacks move, speak, or take any physical actions.

Most creatures possess one or more The creature is rooted to the spot, frozen
and helpless. Paralysis works on the body,
Powerful Charge (Ex)
natural attacks (attacks made without a
weapon). These attacks fall into one of and a character can usually resist it with When a creature with this special attack
two categories, primary and secondary a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 makes a charge, its attack deals extra
attacks. Primary attacks are made using the paralyzing creature’s racial HD + damage in addition to the normal benefits
the creature’s full base attack bonus and the paralyzing creature’s Con modifier; and hazards of a charge. The attack and
add the creature’s full Strength bonus on the DC is given in the creature’s amount of damage from the attack is
damage rolls. Secondary attacks are made description). Unlike hold person and given in the creature’s description.
using the creature’s base attack bonus –5 similar effects, a paralysis effect does not
allow a new save each round. A winged Format: powerful charge (gore,
and add only 1/2 the creature’s Strength 4d8+24); Location: Special Attacks.
bonus on damage rolls. If a creature creature flying in the air at the time that
has only one natural attack, it is always it is paralyzed cannot flap its wings and
falls. A swimmer can’t swim and may Rake (Ex)
made using the creature’s full base attack
bonus and adds 1-1/2 times the creature’s drown unless assisted. The duration of A creature with this special attack gains
Strength bonus on damage rolls. This the paralysis varies and is included in the extra natural attacks under certain
increase does not apply if the creature creature’s description. conditions, typically when it grapples its
has multiple attacks but only takes one. Format: paralysis (1d4 rounds, DC foe. In addition to the options available
If a creature has only one type of attack, 18); Location: Special Attacks and to all grapplers, a monster with the rake
but has multiple attacks per round, that individual attacks. ability gains two free claw attacks that

The Freeport Bestiary 173


it can use only against a grappled foe. usually equal to the damage caused by
Scent (Ex)
The bonus and damage caused by these one of the attacks plus 1-1/2 times the
attacks is included in the creature’s creature’s Strength bonus. This special quality allows a creature to
description. A monster with the rake Format: rend (2 claws, 1d8+9); detect approaching enemies, sniff out
ability must begin its turn already Location: Special Attacks. hidden foes, and track by sense of smell.
grappling to use its rake—it can’t begin Creatures with the scent ability can
a grapple and rake in the same turn. Resistance (Ex) identify familiar odors just as humans do
Format: rake (2 claws +8, 1d4+2); familiar sights.
Location: Special Attacks. A creature with this special quality The creature can detect opponents
ignores some damage of the indicated within 30 feet by sense of smell. If the
Regeneration (Ex) type each time it takes damage of that opponent is upwind, the range increases
kind (commonly acid, cold, electricity, or to 60 feet; if downwind, it drops to 15 feet.
A creature with this ability is difficult fire). The entry indicates the amount and Strong scents, such as smoke or rotting
to kill. Creatures with regeneration type of damage ignored. garbage, can be detected at twice the
heal damage at a fixed rate, as with fast Format: Resist acid 10; Location: ranges noted above. Overpowering scents,
healing, but they cannot die as long as Defensive Abilities. such as skunk musk or troglodyte stench,
their regeneration is still functioning can be detected at triple normal range.
(although creatures with regeneration Rock Catching (Ex) When a creature detects a scent,
still fall unconscious when their hit the exact location of the source is not
points are below 0). Certain attack forms, The creature (which must be of at least revealed—only its presence somewhere
typically fire and acid, cause a creature’s Large size) can catch Small, Medium, within range. The creature can take a move
regeneration to stop functioning on or Large rocks (or projectiles of similar action to note the direction of the scent.
the round following the attack. During shape). Once per round, a creature that When the creature is within 5 feet of the
this round, the creature does not heal would normally be hit by a rock can source, it pinpoints the source’s location.
any damage and can die normally. The make a Reflex save to catch it as a free A creature with the scent ability can
creature’s descriptive text describes action. The DC is 15 for a Small rock, follow tracks by smell, making a Wisdom
the types of damage that cause the 20 for a Medium one, and 25 for a Large (or Survival) check to find or follow a
regeneration to cease functioning. one. (If the projectile provides a magical track. The typical DC for a fresh trail is
Attack forms that don’t deal hit point bonus on attack rolls, the DC increases 10 (no matter what kind of surface holds
damage are not healed by regeneration. by that amount.) The creature must be the scent). This DC increases or decreases
Regeneration also does not restore hit aware of the attack in order to make a depending on how strong the quarry’s
points lost from starvation, thirst, or rock catching attempt. odor is, the number of creatures, and the
suffocation. Regenerating creatures can Format: rock catching; Location: age of the trail. For each hour that the
regrow lost portions of their bodies and Defensive Abilities. trail is cold, the DC increases by 2. The
can reattach severed limbs or body parts ability otherwise follows the rules for the
if they are brought together within 1 Rock Throwing (Ex) Survival skill. Creatures tracking by scent
hour of severing. Severed parts that are ignore the effects of surface conditions
not reattached wither and die normally. This creature is an accomplished rock and poor visibility.
A creature must have a Constitution thrower and has a +1 racial bonus on
Format: scent; Location: Senses.
score to have the regeneration ability. attack rolls with thrown rocks. A creature
can hurl rocks up to two categories
Format: regeneration 5 (fire, acid); See in Darkness (Su)
smaller than its size; for example, a Large
Location: hp.
hill giant can hurl Small rocks. A “rock” The creature can see perfectly in darkness
is any large, bulky, and relatively regularly of any kind, including that created by
Rend (Ex) shaped object made of any material with deeper darkness.
If it hits with two or more natural attacks a hardness of at least 5. The creature can
hurl the rock up to five range increments. Format: see in darkness; Location:
in 1 round, a creature with the rend Senses.
special attack can cause tremendous The size of the range increment varies
damage by latching onto the opponent’s with the creature. Damage from a thrown
rock is generally twice the creature’s Sound Mimicry (Ex)
body and tearing flesh. This attack deals
an additional amount of damage, but no base slam damage plus 1-1/2 times its The creature perfectly imitates certain
more than once per round. The type of Strength bonus. sounds or even specific voices. The
attacks that must hit and the additional Format: rock throwing (120 ft.); creature makes a Bluff check opposed
damage are included in the creature’s Location: Special Attacks (damage by the listener’s Sense Motive check to
description. The additional damage is is listed in Ranged attack). recognize the mimicry, although if the

174 The Freeport Bestiary


listener isn’t familiar with the person or caster level is equal to the creature’s Hit
Sunlight Powerlessness (Ex)
type of creatures mimicked, it takes a –8 Dice. The saving throw (if any) against a
penalty on its Sense Motive check. The spell-like ability is 10 + the level of the spell If the creature is in sunlight (but not in
creature has a +8 racial bonus on its Bluff the ability resembles or duplicates + the an area of daylight or similar spells), it
check to mimic sounds (including accents creature’s Charisma modifier. cannot attack and is staggered.
and speech patterns, if a voice mimic) it Some spell-like abilities duplicate
spells that work differently when cast Format: sunlight powerlessness;
has listened to for at least 10 minutes.
by characters of different classes. A Location: Weaknesses.
The creature cannot duplicate the effects
of magical abilities (such as bardic monster’s spell-like abilities are presumed
to be the sorcerer/wizard versions. If the Swallow Whole (Ex)
performance or a harpy’s captivating
song), though it may be able to mimic spell in question is not a sorcerer/wizard If a creature with this special attack
the sound of those abilities. This ability spell, then default to cleric, druid, bard, begins its turn with an opponent grappled
does not allow the creature to speak or paladin, and ranger, in that order. in its mouth (see Grab), it can attempt a
understand languages it doesn’t know. Format: At will—burning hands (DC new combat maneuver check (as though
Format: sound mimicry (voices); 13); Location: Spell-Like Abilities. attempting to pin the opponent). If it
Location: Special Qualities. succeeds, it swallows its prey, and the
Spell Resistance (Ex) opponent takes bite damage. Unless
Spell-Like Abilities (Sp) otherwise noted, the opponent can be
A creature with spell resistance can avoid up to one size category Smaller than the
Spell-like abilities are magical and work the effects of spells and spell-like abilities swallowing creature. Being swallowed
just like spells (though they are not spells that directly affect it. To determine if a causes a creature to take damage each
and so have no verbal, somatic, focus, or spell or spell-like ability works against a round. The amount and type of damage
material components). They go away in creature with spell resistance, the caster varies and is given in the creature’s
an antimagic field and are subject to spell must make a caster level check (1d20 statistics. A swallowed creature keeps the
resistance if the spell the ability is based + caster level). If the result equals or grappled condition, while the creature
on would be subject to spell resistance. exceeds the creature’s spell resistance, that did the swallowing does not. A
A spell-like ability usually has a limit the spell works normally, although the swallowed creature can try to cut its way
on how often it can be used. A constant creature is still allowed a saving throw. free with any light slashing or piercing
spell-like ability or one that can be Format: SR 18; Location: Defensive weapon (the amount of cutting damage
used at will has no use limit; unless Abilities. required to get free is equal to 1/10 the
otherwise stated, a creature can only creature’s total hit points), or it can just try
use a constant spell-like ability on itself. Stench (Ex) to escape the grapple. The Armor Class
Reactivating a constant spell-like ability of the interior of a creature that swallows
is a swift action. Using all other spell-like A creature with the stench special ability whole is normally 10 + 1/2 its natural
abilities is a standard action unless noted secretes an oily chemical that nearly armor bonus, with no modifiers for size
otherwise, and doing so provokes attacks every other creature finds offensive. All or Dexterity. If a swallowed creature
of opportunity. It is possible to make a living creatures (except those with the cuts its way out, the swallowing creature
concentration check to use a spell-like stench special ability) within 30 feet cannot use swallow whole again until
ability defensively and avoid provoking must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC the damage is healed. If the swallowed
an attack of opportunity, just as when 10 + 1/2 stench creature’s racial HD + creature escapes the grapple, success puts
casting a spell. A spell-like ability can be stench creature’s Con modifier; the exact it back in the attacker’s mouth, where it
disrupted just as a spell can be. Spell-like DC is given in the creature’s descriptive may be bitten or swallowed again.
abilities cannot be used to counterspell, text) or be sickened. The duration of
the sickened condition is given in the Format: swallow whole (5d6 acid
nor can they be counterspelled. damage, AC 15, 18 hp); Location:
For creatures with spell-like abilities, a creature’s descriptive text. Creatures that
successfully save cannot be affected by Special Attacks.
designated caster level defines how difficult
it is to dispel their spell-like effects and to the same creature’s stench for 24 hours.
A delay poison or neutralize poison spell Telepathy (Su)
define any level-dependent variables (such
as range and duration) the abilities might removes the effect from the sickened The creature can mentally communicate
have. The creature’s caster level never affects creature. Creatures with immunity to with any other creature within a certain
which spell-like abilities the creature has; poison are unaffected, and creatures range (specified in the creature’s entry,
sometimes the given caster level is lower resistant to poison receive their normal usually 100 feet) that has a language. It is
than the level a spellcasting character bonus on their saving throws. possible to address multiple creatures at
would need to cast the spell of the same Format: stench (DC 15, 10 rounds); once telepathically, although maintaining
name. If no caster level is specified, the Location: Aura. a telepathic conversation with more than

The Freeport Bestiary 175


one creature at a time is just as difficult as save (unless the effect also works on
Water Breathing (Ex)
simultaneously speaking and listening to objects or is harmless). Undead are not
multiple people at the same time subject to ability drain, energy drain, or A creature with this special ability can
Format: telepathy 100 ft.; Location: nonlethal damage. Undead are immune breathe underwater indefinitely. It can
Languages. to damage or penalties to their physical freely use any breath weapon, spells, or
ability scores (Strength, Dexterity, and other abilities while submerged.
Trample (Ex) Constitution), as well as to fatigue and
Format: water breathing; Location: SQ.
exhaustion effects. Undead are not at risk
As a full-round action, a creature with the of death from massive damage.
Water Dependency (Ex)
trample ability can attempt to overrun any Format: undead traits; Location:
creature that is at least one size category Immune. A creature with this special ability can
Smaller than itself. This works just like survive out of water for 1 minute per
the overrun combat maneuver, but the Unnatural Aura (Su) point of Constitution. Beyond this limit,
trampling creature does not need to this creature runs the risk of suffocation,
make a check, it merely has to move over Animals do not willingly approach the as if it were drowning.
opponents in its path. Targets of a trample creature unless the animal’s master makes
Format: water dependency; Location: SQ.
take an amount of damage equal to the a DC 25 Handle Animal, Ride, or wild
trampling creature’s slam damage + 1-1/2 empathy check.
Web (Ex)
times its Str modifier. Targets of a trample Format: unnatural aura (30 ft.);
can make an attack of opportunity, but at Location: Aura. Creatures with the web ability can use
a –4 penalty. If targets forgo an attack of webs to support themselves and up to one
opportunity, they can attempt to avoid the Unstoppable (Ex) additional creature of the same size. In
trampling creature and receive a Reflex addition, such creatures can throw a web
save to take half damage. The save DC Once per day the creature can up to eight times per day. This is similar to
against a creature’s trample attack is 10 immediately end any one of the following an attack with a net but has a maximum
+ 1/2 the creature’s HD + the creature’s conditions currently affecting it: bleed, range of 50 feet, with a range increment of
Str modifier (the exact DC is given in the blind, confused, cowering, dazed, dazzled, 10 feet, and is effective against targets up
creature’s descriptive text). A trampling deafened, entangled, exhausted, fascinated, to one size category larger than the web
creature can only deal trampling damage fatigued, frightened, nauseated, panicked, spinner. An entangled creature can escape
to each target once per round, no matter paralyzed, shaken, sickened, staggered, with a successful Escape Artist check or
how many times its movement takes it or stunned. All other conditions and burst the web with a Strength check. Both
over a target creature. effects remain, even those resulting from are standard actions with a DC equal to
the same spell or effect that caused the 10 + 1/2 the creature’s HD + the creature’s
Format: trample (2d6+9, DC 20);
selected condition. It can use this ability Con modifier. Attempts to burst a web by
Location: Special Attacks.
at the start of its turn even if a condition those caught in it take a –4 penalty.
would prevent it from acting. Web spinners can create sheets of sticky
Tremorsense (Ex)
Format: unstoppable; Location: webbing up to three times their size. They
A creature with tremorsense is sensitive Defensive Abilities. usually position these sheets to snare flying
to vibrations in the ground and can creatures but can also try to trap prey on
automatically pinpoint the location of Vulnerabilities (Ex or Su) the ground. Approaching creatures must
anything that is in contact with the ground. succeed on a DC 20 Perception check
Aquatic creatures with tremorsense can A creature with vulnerabilities takes to notice a web; otherwise they stumble
also sense the location of creatures moving half again as much damage (+50%) into it and become trapped as though by a
through water. The ability’s range is from a specific energy type, regardless of successful web attack. Attempts to escape
specified in the creature’s descriptive text. whether a saving throw is allowed or if or burst the webbing gain a +5 bonus if
the save is a success or failure. Creatures the trapped creature has something to
Format: tremorsense 60 ft.; Location: walk on or grab while pulling free. Each
with a vulnerability that is not an energy
Senses. 5-foot-square section of web has a number
type instead take a –4 penalty on saves
against spells and effects that cause or of hit points equal to the Hit Dice of the
Undead Traits (Ex) use the listed vulnerability (such as spells creature that created it and DR 5/—.
Undead are immune to death effects, with the light descriptor). Some creatures A creature can move across its own web
disease, mind-affecting effects (charms, might suffer additional effects, as noted at its climb speed and can pinpoint the
compulsions, morale effects, phantasms, in their descriptions. location of any creature touching its web.
and patterns), paralysis, poison, sleep, stun, Format: vulnerability to fire; Format: web (+8 ranged, DC 16, 5 hp);
and any effect that requires a Fortitude Location: Weaknesses. Location: Special Attacks.

176 The Freeport Bestiary


Monsters by CR
Monster Name CR Page Monster Name CR Page
Fetish Familiar (monkey) 1/3 52 Tephran CR 6 147
Pla’kad CR 1/3 119 Golem, Tiger-skull CR 7 69
Serpent Person Warrior CR 1/3 126 Kheppi CR 7 85
Flying Lizard (scalewing) CR 1/2 61 Sail Dragon—Young CR 7 46
Ningyo CR 1/2 107 Serpent Person Pirate CR 7 131
Cannonball Urchin CR 1 20 Slithering Sargasso CR 7 136
Chindi (coyote) CR 1 24 X’sval, Avatar of the Unspeakable One CR 7 159
Deer Woman CR 1 42 Dakosaurus CR 8 32
Degenerate Serpent Person Warrior CR 1 131 Devil Lizard CR 8 43
Picacouatl CR 1 113 Haint Shark CR 8 76
Blemmyae CR 2 11 Kopuwai CR 8 87
Brass Monkey CR 2 15 Lotan CR 8 95
Carnivorous Shrimp Swarm CR 2 21 Rainbird CR 8 122
Corpse Flower CR 2 29 Serpent Person Mystic CR 8 129
Dead Man’s Brain CR 2 33 Cirein-cròin CR 9 28
Ghost Eater CR 2 64 Drahc CR 9 49
Lycanthrope, Werehagfish CR 2 96 Hag, Stone CR 9 75
Lycanthrope, Werewalrus CR 2 97 Harpoon Crab CR 9 78
Malkin CR 2 100 Jikininki CR 9 83
Skin Cloak CR 2 133 Lyngbakr CR 9 99
Tavi (Mongoose Folk) CR 2 141 Caddaja CR 10 19
Binaye-Ahani CR 3 9 Golem, Chemical CR 10 68
Burnling CR 3 16 Encrusted Minion CR 10 93
Fire Spectre (ship of the damned pirate) CR 3 55 Labarindja CR 10 89
Flying Lizard (irontooth) CR 3 61 Piesa CR 10 115
Nightmarcher CR 3 106 Serpent Person Mage CR 10 129
Cipelahqs CR 4 25 Sunakake Baba CR 10 139
Infernal Automaton CR 4 81 Witch Beast CR 10 156
Peik-ta CR 4 111 Sail Dragon—Adult CR 11 47
Pit-Brier CR 4 117 Water Panther CR 11 154
Serpent Person Infiltrator CR 4 126 Deadwood Tree CR 12 37
Shojo CR 4 132 Thanatos (large) CR 12 147
Drake, Corsair CR 5 50 Fire Spectre (Kothar the Accursed) CR 13 55
Flying Head CR 5 58 Ikuchi CR 14 79
Golem, Pumice Totem CR 5 70 Tentacle Caller CR 14 143
Nachtkrabe CR 5 104 Uktena CR 14 150
Serpent Person Clan Leader CR 5 128 Bloathsome CR 15 13
Spirit Lizard CR 5 136 Ocean Wyrm CR 16 109
Umkovu CR 5 152 Sail Dragon –Ancient CR 16 47
Flayed Man CR 6 56 Thanatos (gargantuan) CR 16 147
Living Encrustation CR 6 90 Gaasyendietha CR 17 62
Malkin (Professor Tibbs) CR 6 103 Koromo-dako CR 17 87
Raven Mocker CR 6 123 Hazarael Boneroot (deadwood tree) CR 18 39
Serpent Person Champion CR 6 128 Hafgufa CR 20 72

The Freeport Bestiary 177


Deadwood Tree............................................ 37–40

A Deadwood Weapons........................................... 40
Aberration (creature type)................................ 160 Deer Woman................................................ 41–42 Ikuchi........................................................... 79–80
Ability Damage and Drain............................... 167 Devil Lizard................................................. 42–44 Immunity.......................................................... 172
Air (creature subtype)....................................... 164 Disease............................................................. 170 Incorporeal....................................................... 172
All-Around Vision........................................... 167 Distraction........................................................ 170 Incorporeal (creature subtype).......................... 165
Amorphous....................................................... 167 Dragon (creature type)..................................... 161 Infernal Automaton...................................... 81–82
Amphibious...................................................... 167 Dragon, Sail.................................................. 45–47
Dragon Senses.................................................. 170
Animal (creature type)...................................... 160
Drahc........................................................... 48–50
Aquatic (creature subtype)................................ 164
Attach............................................................... 167 Drake, Corsair.............................................. 50–51 Jet..................................................................... 172
Augmented (creature subtype).......................... 164 Jikininki........................................................ 83–84
B Earth (creature subtype)................................... 165
Binaye-Ahani................................................. 9–11 Earth Glide...................................................... 170 Kami (creature subtype)................................... 165
Bleed........................................................ 167–168 Elemental (creature subtype)............................ 165 Keen Scent....................................................... 172
Blemmyae..................................................... 11–13 Energy Drain................................................... 170 Kheppi.......................................................... 84–85
Blindsense........................................................ 168 Engulf............................................................... 170 Kopuwai....................................................... 86–87
Blindsight......................................................... 168 Evil (creature subtype)...................................... 165 Koromo-Dako.............................................. 87–89
Bloathsome................................................... 13–15 Extraplanar (creature subtype).......................... 165
Blood Drain..................................................... 168
Blood of the Blight............................................. 44
Brass Monkey............................................... 15–16 Labarindja.................................................... 89–90
Breath Weapon................................................. 168 Fast Healing..................................................... 170 Lawful (creature subtype)................................. 166
Burn................................................................. 168 Fast Swallow..................................................... 171 Light Sensitivity............................................... 172
Burnling....................................................... 16–18 Fear................................................................... 171 Living Encrustation...................................... 90–93
Burrow.............................................................. 168 Ferocity............................................................. 171 Lotan............................................................ 94–95
Fetish Familiar.............................................. 52–53 Low-Light Vision............................................ 173
Fey (creature type).................................... 161–162
C Fire (creature subtype)...................................... 165
Lycanthrope, Werehagfish............................ 96–97
Lycanthrope, Werewalrus............................. 97–98
Caddaja........................................................ 18–19 Fire Spectre.................................................. 53–56 Lycanthropic Empathy..................................... 173
Cannonball Urchin....................................... 20–21 Flayed Man.................................................. 56–58 Lyngbakr.................................................... 99–100
Capsize............................................................. 168 Flight................................................................ 171
Flying Head................................................. 58–59
Flying Lizard................................................ 60–62
Shrimp Swarm.......................................... 21–23
Change Shape.................................................. 168 Frightful Presence............................................. 171 Magical Beast (creature type)........................... 162
Channel Resistance.......................................... 169 Malkin...................................................... 100–104
Chaotic (creature subtype)................................ 164 G Mental Chaff...................................................... 36
Chindi.......................................................... 23–25 Mistsight.......................................................... 173
Cipelahq....................................................... 25–26 Gaasyendietha.............................................. 62–64 Mongoose Folk. See Tavi
Cirein-Cròin................................................ 27–29 Gaze................................................................. 171 Monstrous Humanoid (creature type)......................162
Climb............................................................... 169 Ghost Eater.................................................. 64–66
Giant (creature subtype)................................... 165
Cold (creature subtype).................................... 165
Golems......................................................... 67–71
Compression..................................................... 169
Constrict........................................................... 169 Chemical.....................................................67–68 Nachtkrabe............................................... 104–105
Construct (creature type).................................. 161 Pumice Totem..............................................70–71 Native (creature subtype).................................. 166
Construct Traits................................................ 169 Tiger-Skull..................................................69–70 Natural Attacks................................................ 173
Corpse Cloud (poison)....................................... 31 Good (creature subtype)................................... 165 Nightmarchers.......................................... 106–107
Corpse Flower.............................................. 29–31 Grab................................................................. 172 Ningyo...................................................... 107–108
Curse................................................................ 169 No Breath......................................................... 173
Curse of Lycanthropy....................................... 169 H
Hafgufa........................................................ 72–73
D Hag, Stone.................................................... 74–75 Ocean Wyrm............................................ 109–111
Dakosaurus................................................... 31–33 Haint Shark.................................................. 76–77 Oil of the Silent Soul......................................... 36
Damage Reduction........................................... 169 Harpoon Crab.............................................. 77–79 Ooze (creature type)......................................... 163
Dead Man’s Brain......................................... 33–36 Hold Breath..................................................... 172 Outsider (creature type)................................... 163
Dead Tree’s Blood.............................................. 40 Houndblinder..................................................... 31
Deadwood Bark.................................................. 40 Humanoid (creature type)................................ 162
Deadwood Slaying Arrow.................................. 40

178 The Freeport Bestiary


See in Darkness................................................ 174 Tephran.................................................... 146–147

P Serpent People...................................125–131, 131 Thanatos................................................... 147–149
Paralysis............................................................ 173 Champion........................................................128 Trample............................................................ 176
Peik-Ta..................................................... 111–113 Characters........................................................130 Tremorsense..................................................... 176
Picacouatl................................................. 113–115 Clan Leader.....................................................128
Piesa......................................................... 115–117 Degenerate...............................................130–131 U
Pit-Brier................................................... 117–119 Degenerate Warrior..........................................131
Pla’kad...................................................... 119–120 Infiltrator........................................................126 Uktena...................................................... 150–151
Plant (creature type)......................................... 163 Mage...............................................................129 Umkovu.................................................... 152–153
Plant Traits....................................................... 173 Mystic.............................................................129 Undead (creature type)............................. 163–164
Poison............................................................... 173 Warrior...........................................................126 Undead Traits................................................... 176
Pounce.............................................................. 173 Shapechanger (creature subtype)...................... 166 Unnatural Aura................................................ 176
Powerful Charge............................................... 173 Shojo........................................................ 132–133 Unstoppable..................................................... 176
Skin Cloak................................................ 133–134
R Slithering Sargasso................................... 135–136 V
Sound Mimicry................................................ 174
Rainbird.................................................... 121–122 Spell-Like Abilities.......................................... 175 Vermin (creature type)...................................... 164
Rake................................................................. 173 Spell Resistance................................................ 175 Vulnerabilities................................................... 176
Raven Mocker.......................................... 123–124 Spirit Lizard............................................. 136–138
Regeneration.................................................... 174 Stench.............................................................. 175 W
Rend................................................................. 174 Stench Vapor (poison)........................................ 31
Reptilian (creature subtype).............................. 166 Sunakake Baba......................................... 139–140 Water Breathing............................................... 176
Resistance......................................................... 174 Sunlight Powerlessness..................................... 175 Water (creature subtype)................................... 167
Rock Catching................................................. 174 Swallow Whole................................................ 175 Water Dependency........................................... 176
Rock Throwing................................................. 174 Swarm (creature subtype)......................... 166–167 Water Panther.......................................... 154–155
Web.................................................................. 176
S T Witch-Beast............................................. 156–157

Scale of Natural Dominion.............................. 138 Tavi........................................................... 141–143 X

Scatterbrain (poison).......................................... 36 Telepathy.......................................................... 175
Scent................................................................. 174 Tentacle Caller......................................... 143–145 X’sval........................................................ 157–159

Product Identity: The following items are hereby identified as Product Identity, as defined 7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including as Michael Kenway, Rob McCreary, Patrick Renie, Chris Sims, F. Wesley
in the Open Game License 1.0a, Section 1(e), and are not Open Content: All trademarks, an indication as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed in another, independent Schneider, James L. Sutter, and Russ Taylor, based on material by Jonathan
registered trademarks, proper names (characters, deities, etc.), dialogue, plots, storylines, Agreement with the owner of each element of that Product Identity. You agree not to Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.
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Open Content: Except for material designated as Product Identity (see above), the game Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content does not constitute Adam Daigle, Tim Hitchcock, Tracy Hurley, James Jacobs, Matt James,
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other than the material designated as Open Game Content may be reproduced in any Sean K Reynolds, F. Wesley Schneider, Tork Shaw, and Russ Taylor.
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OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a Baker, Jesse Benner, John Bennett, Logan Bonner, Creighton Broadhurst,
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Robert Brookes, Benjamin Bruck, Jason Bulmahn, Adam Daigle, Thurston
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated versions Hillman, Eric Hindley, Joe Homes, James Jacobs, Amanda Hamon
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1. Definitions: (a) “Contributors” means the copyright and/or trademark owners who License. David Schwwartz, Mark Seifter, Mike Shel, James L. Sutter, and Linda
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elements, dialogue, incidents, language, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, 13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with all Authors: Dennis Baker, Ross Byers, Jesse Benner, Savannah Broadway,
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14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such
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3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your Owen K.C. Stephens, and Russ Taylor.
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Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Combat. © 2011, Paizo Publishing,
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, the Cook, and Skip Williams. LLC; Authors: Dennis Baker, Jesse Benner, Benjamin Bruck, Jason
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Authors Wolfgang Baur, Jason Bulmahn, Adam Daigle, Graeme Davis, Reynolds, and Russ Taylor.
5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original material Crystal Frasier, Joshua J. Frost, Tim Hitchcock, Brandon Hodge, James
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and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License. Publishing, LLC; Authors: Dennis Baker, Jesse Benner, Benjamin Bruck,
Mona, Jason Nelson, Patrick Renie, Sean K Reynolds, F. Wesley Schneider,
Owen K.C. Stephens, James L. Sutter, Russ Taylor, and Greg A. Vaughan, Ross Byers, Brian J. Cortijo, Ryan Costello, Mike Ferguson, Matt Goetz,
6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion
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of this License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open
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original Open Game Content you Distribute. Authors: Jesse Benner, Jason Bulmahn, Adam Daigle, James Jacobs,

The Freeport Bestiary 179

Anger of Angels. © 2003, Sean K Reynolds. Death Worm from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Korred from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.;
Inc.; Author Scott Greene and Erica Balsley. Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Advanced Bestiary. © 2004, Green Ronin Publishing, LLC; Author: Matt
Sernett. Decapus from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Leprechaun from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games,
Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Jean Wells. Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Book of Fiends. © 2003, Green Ronin Publishing; Authors: Aaron Loeb, Erik
Mona, Chris Pramas, Robert J. Schwalb. Demodand, Shaggy from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Lurker Above from the Tome of Horrors Complete, © 2011, Necromancer Games,
Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Inc.; published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author: Scott Greene,
The Book of Hallowed Might. © 2002, Monte J. Cook.
based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Demodand, Slimy from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer
Monte Cook’s Arcana Unearthed. © 2003, Monte J. Cook.
Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Magma ooze from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games,
Path of the Magi. © 2002 Citizen Games/Troll Lord Games; Authors: Mike Inc.; Author Scott Greene.
Demodand, Tarry from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer
McArtor, W. Jason Peck, Jeff Quick, and Sean K Reynolds.
Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Marid from the Tome of Horrors III, © 2005, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author
Skreyn’s Register: The Bonds of Magic. © 2002, Sean K Reynolds. Scott Greene.
Demon, Shadow from the Tome of Horrors Complete, © 2011, Necromancer
The Book of Experimental Might. © 2008, Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved. Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author: Scott Mihstu from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.;
Greene, based on original material by Neville White. Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax.
Tome of Horrors. © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors: Scott Greene,
with Clark Peterson, Erica Balsley, Kevin Baase, Casey Christofferson, Lance Demon, Nabasu from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Mite from the Tome of Horrors, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott
Hawvermale, Travis Hawvermale, Patrick Lawinger, and Bill Webb; Based on Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Greene, based on original material by Ian Livingstone and Mark Barnes.
original content from TSR.
Demon Lord, Kostchtchie from the Tome of Horrors Complete, © 2011, Mongrelman from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games,
Kobold Quarterly Issue 7, © 2008, Open Design LLC, www.koboldquarterly. Necromancer Games, Inc.; published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author: Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
com; Authors: John Baichtal, Wolfgang Baur, Ross Byers, Matthew Cicci, Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Nabasu Demon from the Tome of Horrors, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.;
John Flemming, Jeremy Jones, Derek Kagemann, Phillip Larwood, Richard
Demon Lord, Pazuzu from the Tome of Horrors Complete, © 2011, Necromancer Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Pett, and Stan!
Games, Inc.; published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author: Scott
Necrophidius from the, Tome of Horrors Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games,
The Tome of Horrors III, © 2005, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Inc.; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by Simon Tillbrook.
Dire Corby from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.;
Nereid from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.;
Adherer from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Jeff Wyndham.
Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Authors Scott Greene and Clark Peterson, based on original material by
Disenchanter from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games,
Guy Shearer. Pech from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.;
Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Roger Musson.
Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Amphisbaena from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games,
Dragon, Faerie from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games,
Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Phycomid from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.;
Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Brian Jaeger and
Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Angel, Monadic Deva from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Gary Gygax.
Games, Inc.; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by E. Gary Poltergeist from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games,
Dragon Horse from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games,
Gygax. Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Lewis Pulsipher.
Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Angel, Movanic Deva from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Quickling from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games,
Dracolisk from the Tome of Horrors, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author
Games, Inc.; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by E. Gary Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Quickwood from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games,
Dust Digger from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games,
Animal Lord from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Games,Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Rot Grub from the Tome of Horrors, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author
Executioner’s Hood from the Tome of Horrors Complete, © 2011, Necromancer
Ascomid from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Scott Greene and Clark Peterson, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Games, Inc.; published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author: Scott
Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Russet Mold from the Tome of Horrors, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.;
Atomie from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Flail Snail from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games,
Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Simon Tilbrook. Sandman from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.;
Aurumvorax from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by Roger Musson.
Flind and Flindbar from the Tome of Horrors Complete, © 2011, Necromancer
Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author: Scott Scarecrow from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.;
Axe Beak from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Greene, based on original material by J.D. Morris. Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by Roger Musson.
Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Flumph from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Shadow Demon from the Tome of Horrors, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.;
Baphomet from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Ian McDowell and Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Neville White.
Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author: Scott Greene, Douglas Naismith.
Skulk from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.;
based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Froghemoth from the Tome of Horrors, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Simon Muth.
Bat, Mobat from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Slime Mold from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games,
Inc.; Authors Scott Peterson and Clark Peterson, based on original material
Foo Creature from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
by Gary Gygax.
Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Slithering Tracker from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer
Beetle, Slicer from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games,
Forlarren from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Ian Livingstone.
Soul Eater from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games,
Blindheim from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games,
Genie, Marid from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by David Cook.
Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Roger Musson.
Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author: Scott Greene,
based on original material by Gary Gygax. Spriggan from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.;
Basidirond from the Tome of Horrors, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author
Author Scott Greene and Erica Balsley, based on original material by Roger
Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Giant Slug from the Tome of Horrors, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Moore and Gary Gygax.
Brownie from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Tenebrous Worm from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer
Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax.
Giant, Wood from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Bunyip from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Wizards of the
Coast. Tentamort from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games,
Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Dermot Jackson.
Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Mike Roberts.
Carbuncle from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Gloomwing from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games,
Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Tick, Giant & Dragon from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer
Inc.; Authors Scott Greene, based on original material by Albie Fiore.
Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Caryatid Column from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Grippli from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc.,
published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author: Scott Greene, based on Trapper from the Tome of Horrors Complete, © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc.;
Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Jean Wells.
original material by Gary Gygax. published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author: Scott Greene, based
Cave Fisher from the Tome of Horrors, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; on original material by Gary Gygax.
Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Lawrence Schick. Nereid from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc.,
published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author: Scott Greene, based Troll, Ice from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.;
Crypt Thing from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games, on original material by Gary Gygax. Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Russell Cole.
Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Roger Musson.
Gryph from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Troll, Rock from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games,
Crystal Ooze from the Tome of Horrors, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Peter Brown. Inc.; Author Scott Greene.
Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Hangman Tree from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Vegepygmy from the Tome of Horrors, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.;
Daemon, Ceustodaemon (Guardian Daemon) from the Tome of Horrors, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author: Scott Greene, based on
Hippocampus from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Wolf-In-Sheep’s-Clothing from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002,
original material by E. Gary Gygax.
Inc.; Author Scott Greene and Erica Balsley, based on original material by Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material
Daemon, Derghodaemon from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Gary Gygax. by Gary Gygax.
Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material
Huecuva from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Wood Golem from the Tome of Horrors, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.;
by E. Gary Gygax.
Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Underworld Oracle. Authors Scott Greene and Patrick Lawinger.
Daemon, Guardian from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer
Ice Golem from the Tome of Horrors, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Yellow Musk Creeper from the Tome of Horrors, © 2002, Necromancer Games,
Games, Inc.; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by E. Gary
Scott Greene. Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Albie Fiore.
Iron Cobra from the Tome of Horrors, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Yeti from the Tome of Horrors, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott
Daemon, Hydrodaemon from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002,
Scott Greene, based on original material by Philip Masters. Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material
by E. Gary Gygax. Zombie, Juju from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games,
Jackalwere from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games,
Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Daemon, Piscodaemon from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002,
Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material Advanced Bestiary, © 2014, Green Ronin Publishing, LLC; Author: Jeff Hersh,
Jubilex from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.;
by E. Gary Gygax. Developer: Owen K.C. Stephens
Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Dark Creeper from the Tome of Horrors, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Freeport the City of Adventure, © 2015, Green Ronin Publishing; Design: James
Kamadan from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.;
Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Rik Shepard. Bell, Scott Holden, Patrick O’Duffy, Chris Pramas, Robert J. Schwalb, Owen
Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Nick Louth.
K.C. Stephens, and Christina Stiles
Dark Stalker from the Tome of Horrors, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.;
Kech from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.;
Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Simon Muth. Freeport Bestiary, © 2017, Green Ronin Publishing; Design: Sam Hing, Robert
Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
H. Hudson, Jr., Alexander Marlowe, Sean O’Connor, Owen K.C. Stephens,
Death Dog from the Tome of Horrors Complete, © 2011, Necromancer Games,
Kelpie from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; and Mike Welham. Developer: Owen K.C. Stephens
Inc.; published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author: Scott Greene,
Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Lawrence Schick.
based on original material by Underworld Oracle.

180 Freeport: The Freeport

City of Adventure

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