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Advances in Science and Technology

Research Journal
Volume 10, No. 32, Dec. 2016, pages 47–52 Research Article
DOI: 10.12913/22998624/65107



Pavol Martikáň1, Mário Drbúl1, Jozef Holubják1, Jozef Mrázik1, Richard Joch1

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Žilina, Univerzitna 1, 010 26, Žilina, Slovakia, e-mail: pavol.,,, jozef.mrazik@fstroj.,

Received: 2016.08.31 ABSTRACT

Accepted: 2016.10.18 The present article analyzes the specific measurement strategies (techniques) of con-
Published: 2016.12.01 tact measurement that are used to determine the position deviation of the threaded
holes using 3D coordinate measuring system. Furthermore, there are analyzed direct
and indirect (location gages) measurement techniques to determine position of the
threaded holes and results of the measurements.

Keywords: coordinate measuring system, location gages, position deviation, threaded


INTRODUCTION concentric with the thread pitch diameter cylin-

der because they are both cut with the same tool
All geometric elements of manufactured at the same time, but the internal thread major
products are designed with tolerances, which diameter is very difficult to measure [1].
are set for optimal utility, therefore, it is neces- The internal thread minor diameter cylinder
sary to check threaded holes like all other ele- axis is much easier to be located than the in-
ments of the component. A threaded hole has to ternal thread pitch diameter cylinder axis, but
be concentric to another feature, it need to be the center of the thread pitch diameter cylinder
perpendicular to the another feature and need to can be different from the axis of the internal
be positioned in the relation with other holes or thread minor diameter cylinder in any aspect
part features [1]. (Fig. 1). This is because the internal thread mi-
Internal threaded hole centers are not the nor diameter may have been manufactured with
easiest product feature to quantify. There are ac- a separate cutting tool and even in a separate
tually two axes directly related to in an internal piece set-up. Typically, before the thread is cut,
threaded hole: the internal thread minor diameter is machined
•• the axis of the internal thread pitch diameter along with other diameters located on the same
cylinder, center. Then the threading tool is inserted to cut
•• the axis of the internal thread minor diameter the thread form. If the threading tool is a single
cylinder. point cutter or a threaded insert being machined
The main feature that establishes the thread- in the same set-up as the minor diameter, the
ed hole axis is the thread pitch diameter cylin- chance of the thread pitch diameter cylinder be-
der. The internal thread pitch diameter cylinder ing concentric with the other diameters is high.
axis may be independent and may differs from If the thread was cut with a tap, a thread mill,
all other hole axes, except the internal thread or in a separate set-up, the thread pitch diameter
major diameter cylinder axis. The internal cylinder may be different from the other diam-
thread major diameter cylinder will always be eters [1].

Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal Vol. 10 (32), 2016

Fig. 3. The sample intended for the experiment:

a) CAD model, b) manufactured sample

formation about a three-dimensional feature, and

it gives that information about the location of a
point on the axis of the minor diameter rather than
locating the entire axis of the hole’s pitch diam-
eter (which is what is required) [5-7].

Fig. 1. Position and orientation of the threaded hole

diameters axes: a) perfect thread, b, c) actual shape of EXPERIMENT
For experiment was used circular sample
(Ø90mm) with three threaded holes (M12x1,25)
The use of threaded holes for fastener appli-
and one reference hole withe diameter of 20 mm
cations has common place in manufacturing. The
(Figs. 2, 3). Sample material was steel ISO 683-
location and orientation of the threaded hole is
1-87. To determine the position of threaded holes
crucial in assuring that the fastener is properly en-
were used two measurment methods:
gaged, so that failure of the fastener does not oc-
•• direct method
cur. However, measurement of the threaded hole
•• indirect method (threaded gages of various
true position is something that is taken for granted
metrological quality),
by many in industry. Often the techniques used
•• each method was consisted of a various mea-
make incorrect assumptions and or take shortcuts
surment techniques.
to save time and money [2-4].
The location of a theraded hole’s axis is often For experiment was used spherical contact
incorrectly checked by putting a unthreaded gage probe (Fig. 4). Sphere tip with diameter Ø6 mm
pin into the hole’s minor diameter. The gage pin was made from synthetic ruby, stem and exten-
is then probed for location only at the surface of sion from thermostable carbon fibers. As a touch
the part. This method gives two-dimensional in- scanning sensor was used VAST XXT (Fig. 5).

Fig. 4. Contact probe used for measurements

Fig. 2. Drawing - Position tolerance of threaded holes Fig. 5. Sensor VAST XXT by Carl Zeiss [8]

Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal Vol. 10 (32), 2016

Fig. 6. Leading probe directly to the threaded hole

and scanning

Fig. 8. Visual display of scanned points by generating

Direct measuring of threaded holes position lines scanning
The basis of the direct method of measuring
the position of the threaded holes was that the the scanned lines (points) by software and its
probe was led directly into the threaded hole (Fig. axis determined.
6) and then were scanned the certain number of With such measurment, we should pay atten-
points on the non-functional part of the thread tion to cleanness of the threads. Burrs and various
of a certain path. From these points cylinder by other impurities after the production introduce er-
least-squares method was created. After that, the rors in the measurement. These can be removed
position of the axis of the cylinder to a reference either by screwing screws into the corresponding
hole was determined. threaded hole or by mechanical cleaning.
For direct measuring method there were used
two measurement techniques: Indirect measuring of the threaded holes
•• Spiral scanning position – measuring with threaded hole
•• Generating lines scanning. location gages
Spiral scanning means that the probe goes Tapered threaded hole location gages were
into the bottom of the thread from which scanned screwed into the hreaded holes (M12 x 1.25mm)
points on helical path with thread pitch. The and then we determined the position of the axes
thread pitch was 1.25 mm and five turns were of these gages to the reference hole’s axis.
executed (Fig. 7). There were two sets of solid tapered threaded
The second measurement technique con- hole location gages used (Fig. 9), each type from
sist of scanning generating lines of the thread different manufacturer. The gages have a thread-
hole cylinder. For each hole five lines were ed part and a part designed to scanning. These
scanned (Fig. 8). Cylinder was offset through parts are highly accurate and have guaranteed
There were two circles scanned on the loca-
tion gages (Fig. 10). The cylinder was offset by
these circles by last-square method. The axis of

Fig. 7. Visual display of scanned points by spiral Fig. 9. Tapered threaded hole location gages:
scanning a) short, b) long

Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal Vol. 10 (32), 2016

Fig. 10. Scanning of the two circles on the location Fig. 11. View of the scanned points in Calypso 5.0
gage program

the cylinder represents the axis of the gage, and The smallest position deviation is reached by
thus the threaded hole’s axis. the location gage with dislocation of the scanned
These circles consist of exact number of cylinder and direct measurement techniques
points (Fig. 11), from which required position (0.1153 mm to 0.1249 mm). The position devia-
deviation of location gages was calculated to the tion is about 0,12 mm. Measuring without dislo-
reference hole by the software. cation of the scanned cylinder had position de-
Two measurement techniques with set of viation more than three times higher (0.3621 mm
short gages were used, the case of the scanned and 0.4304 mm).
cylinder had height 3 and 6 mm. A comparison of the measured position devia-
With a set of long gages we used three mea- tions of the threaded hole number 2 is graphically
surement techniques, the case of the height of presented in Figure 13. The value of the position
scanned cylinders was 3, 6 and 13.5 mm. deviation obtained during the measurement tech-
Each measurement technique was repeated nique on a long location gage without dislocation
30 times and after each measurement the location of the scanned cylinder was outside of the tolerance
gages were screwed/unscrewed in to the threads. zone, more than one tenth of a millimeter (0.6167
Also, the gages changed the position in holes af- mm). Values of other measurement techniques were
ter each measurement. in the desired position tolerance of 0.5 mm.
Mutual comparison of all used measurment
Experiment evaluation techniques for threaded hole number 3 in terms of
measured position deviation are graphically dis-
Mutual comparison of all used measurement played in Figure14.
techniques for threaded hole number 1 in terms of Outside the tolerance zone was the value of
measured position deviation are graphically dis- the position deviation for long location gage with-
played in Figure 12. out dislocation of the scanned cylinder (0.6549

Fig. 12. Comparison of measured position deviatons by all measurement techniques for threaded hole number 1

Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal Vol. 10 (32), 2016

Fig. 13. Comparison of measured position deviatons by all measurement techniques for threaded hole number 2

Fig. 14. Comparison of measured position deviatons by all measurement techniques for threaded hole number 3

mm). Short location gage has deviaton just below There was a notable difference – more than
the position tolerance. The smallest position de- three times (position deviation between the differ-
viation has a direct measurement technique by a ent sets of gages). In practice, it is recommended
spiral scanning (0.1719 mm) and generating lines to use the dislocation of scanned cylinder. Also
scanning (0.1785 mm). Measurement techniques direct measurement techniques give similar re-
using short and long location gages with disloca- sults by scanning spiral and generating lines. In
tion had position deviation 0.2326 mm. the third threaded hole we even got the slightest
deviation position measurement techniques by a
spiral scanning.
CONCLUSIONS It appears from the experiments we can
conclude that in terms of accuracy of measure-
To determine position deviation of the ment methods the results are very similar and it
threaded holes two methods of measurement is not possible to clearly identify better meth-
were used – direct and indirect. Each method od or technique of measurement of threaded
consisted of a certain measurement techniques holes. However, to verify the accuracy of di-
and procedures. For indirect methods two differ- rect measurement it is appropriate to execute
ent sets of tapered threaded hole location gages further experiments, in that nonfunctional part
were used, which are screwed into the holes and
of the thread hole is scanned.
their location was identified on a 3D coordinate
measuring machine. Gage position represented Acknowledgements
the position of threaded holes.
The results of measurements with gages were The research work reported here was made
not very differnt. The main difference occurred when possible by the grant project No. KEGA 031ŽU-
using various position evaluation methods (with and 4/2016 and International project APVV SK-
without dislocation of the scanned cylinder). PL-2015-0008 and CARL ZEISS Slovakia.

Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal Vol. 10 (32), 2016

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