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SC Code Descriptions

143 C Scanner Automatic Adjustment Error

• Standard white strips dirty or not platen plate

installed improperly
• CIS LED defective and not lighting
• CIS-to-PSU harness connector loose,
4 Automatic adjustment of the CIS
failed at power on.
disconnected, or defective
• CIS-to-MCU harness connector loose,
disconnected, or defective
• CIS defective
• MCU defective

144 D SIB Communication Error

• MCU defective
SIB serial transmission did not
• SIB defective
begin within 1 sec. after power on.
No communication with SIB. • SIB-to-MCU harness connector loose,
disconnected, or defective


There are no Group 2 SC codes for this machine


Group 3 SC codes are related to image making.

Charge Corona Output Error

After sampling at 10 ms intervals, the charge- • Charge corona unit defective

300 D
corona feedback voltage remained less than • High voltage cable defective
0.5 V for more than 200 ms. • Corona wire dirty or defective

SC Code Descriptions

• CGB power pack fuse, connections

loose, broken, or defective
• CGB power pack defective

305 D Charge Corona Wire Cleaner Error

• Cleaner unit blocked or damaged

The charge wire cleaner did not: (1) come
from the home position within 5 s, or (2) did • Until replacement parts become
return to the home position within 3.75 s due available, set SP2804 to "0" to disable
to wire cleaner overload. the charge-corona cleaning function so
the machine can operate.
392 D Development Bias Error

The development bias feedback voltage was • Bias terminal damaged

less than 0.3 V for longer than 200 ms while the • High voltage cable damaged,
PWM duty value was more than 5% (indicating defective
a development bias leak). • CGB power pack defective


Group 4 SC codes are also related to image making.

400 D ID Sensor Auto Adjustment Error

• ID sensor dirty
• ID sensor harness, connector loose,
disconnected, damaged, defective
Vsg did not reach 4 ±0.2 V when the
ID sensor was initialized with • ID sensor defective
SP3001-2. • MCU defective
• Development unit defective
• CGB power pack defective

401 D ID Sensor Vsg Error

The Vsg level was twice detected lower

• ID sensor dirty
than 2.5 V.

4. Troubleshooting

• ID sensor harness, connector loose,

-or- disconnected, damaged, defective

The Vsg level was once detected higher • ID sensor defective

than 4.8V. • MCU defective
• CGB power pack defective

D ID Sensor Vsp Error

• Under the left upper cover, make

4 sure that the hex screw of the main

drum drive gear is tight
• ID sensor dirty

The Vsp level was twice detected at 0V or at more • ID sensor harness, connector loose,
than 2.5 V. disconnected, damaged, defective
• ID sensor defective
• MCU defective
• Development unit defective
• CGB power pack defective

440 D Transfer Output Error

A high voltage feedback voltage of • High voltage cable disconnected, damaged

less than 0.5 V was detected for 200
ms. • T/S power pack defective

460 D DC Separation Corona Output Error

A dc separation feedback voltage of less • High voltage cable disconnected,

than 0.5 V was detected after more than 200 damaged
ms. • T/S power pack defective


508 B Cutter Error

SC Code Descriptions

• HP sensors on the left and right side loose,

disconnected, defective
• Cutter motor harness damaged, defective
The left and right cutter HP sensors
• HP sensors defective
remained on or off more than 2 sec.
• Cutter motor defective
Note: Paper can be fed from the bypass table if the
roll feeder or paper cassette is not operationg.

520 D Main Motor Error

• Physical obstruction blocking motor 4

After the motor started, the main motor lock
• Motor harness damaged, defective
signal remained HIGH for 5 sec.
• Motor defective

521 D Drum Motor Error

• Physical obstruction blocking motor

After the motor started, the drum motor lock
• Motor harness damaged, defective
signal remained HIGH for 5 sec.
• Motor defective

522 D Fusing Unit Drive Motor Error

• Physical obstruction blocking motor

After the motor started, the fusing motor
• Motor harness damaged, defective
lock signal remained HIGH for 5 sec.
• Motor defective

530 D Fusing Unit Ventilation Fan Error

• Physical obstruction blocking motor

After the motor started, the fan motor lock
• Motor harness damaged, defective
signal remained HIGH for 5 sec.
• Motor defective

541 A Fusing Thermistor Errors

4. Troubleshooting

• Thermistor positioned incorrectly

The thermistor measured the hot roller
• Thermistor cable loose, disconnected,
temperature every 1 sec. for 30 sec. and the
temperature remained below 5oC (54oF).
• Thermistor defective

542 A Fusing Temperature Warm-up Error

The hot roller did not reach the ready • Fusing lamp connections loose, broken,
temperature within 4 min. 30 sec. after defective
power on.
• Fusing lamp defective
4 -or-
• Thermistor not touching the hot roller
After 5 sec. and 5 rotations of the hot roller,
• Thermistor defective
the machine detected that the temperature
rise was less than 3oC . • MCU defective

The ready temperature is determined by the state of the machine at recovery:

• Ready Temp. = Target Fusing Temp. (if power on or recovery starts when the hot roller
is 80°C or higher).
• Ready Temp. = Target Fusing Temp. – 10°C (SP1105-1 default) if power on or
recovery starts when the hot roller is less that 80°C.
• Ready Temp. = Target Fusing Temp. – 20°C (SP1937-3 default) if power on or
recovery starts with pressure roller inching control on.

543 A Fusing Lamp Overheated: Error 1

The circuit on the MCU that monitors the temperature

of the board detected a fusing temperature of 230oC • MCU defective
(446oF) for longer than 2 sec.

545 A Fusing Lamp Overheated: Error 2

After the hot roller reached the ready • Hot roller thermistor not positioned correctly
temperature, the fusing lamp stayed • Fusing lamp harness loose, disconnected,
on at full power for 50 sec. while the defective
hot roller was not rotating. • MCU defective

546 A Fusing Temperature Errors

SC Code Descriptions

• Thermistor connection loose,

disconnected, defective
The machine detected that the fusing • Hot roller thermistor not positioned
temperature was fluctuating out of range for correctly
more than 60 sec. (7 readings detected
temperature fluctuating more than ±20oC) • Fusing lamp connections loose,
disconnected, defective
• MCU defective

547 D Zero-Cross Signal Errors

This error occurs if the machine fails to detect

50/60 Hz on the power supply line. • Check that the frequency of the power
supply to the machine is correct
Note: The zero-cross signal from the ac
power supply generates a trigger pulse to • PSU defective
control the power supply of power. (It • MCU defective
automatically detects 50/60 Hz.)

551 A Pressure roller center thermistor error 1

• Pressure roller center thermistor not

During the hot roller temperature control
positioned properly
sequence, or while the hot roller and
pressure roller were rotating, the • Pressure roller center thermistor connector
pressure roller center thermistor loose, broken, defective
measured a value higher than 3.3V 10 • Pressure roller center thermistor defective
consecutive times at 600 ms intervals.
• MCU defective

553 A Pressure roller center thermistor error 2

• Pressure roller center thermistor not positioned

During the hot roller temperature
control sequence, the pressure roller • Pressure roller center thermistor connector
center thermistor measures a value loose, broken, defective
lower than 0.2V. • Pressure roller center thermistor defective
• MCU defective

557 C Applied zero-cross waveform error

4. Troubleshooting

The applied power ac frequency was

• Noise on the ac power supply line
detected less than 66 Hz more than 10 times.

559 A Fusing paper jam errors

Three consecutive paper jam errors • Paper jam in fusing unit

occurred in the fusing unit. • Pick-off pawl defective
Note: This SC code is not issued unless • Paper scraps in fusing unit
SP1159 is switched on. • Exit sensor defective

4 561 A Pressure roller end thermistor error 1

• Pressure roller end thermistor not positioned

During the hot roller temperature control properly
sequence, or while the hot roller and • Pressure roller end thermistor connector
pressure roller were rotating, the end loose, broken, defective
thermistor on the pressure roller returned
a digital reading of more than 3.3V. • Pressure roller end thermistor defective
• MCU defective

563 A Pressure roller end thermistor error 2

During the hot roller temperature • Pressure roller end thermistor connector loose
control sequence, the end
• Pressure roller end thermistor short circuit,
thermistor on the pressure roller
returned a digital reading of less
than 0.2V. • MCU defective


628 D Fan fold unit communication error 1

• Cable harness between the main

The machine failed to detect within 100 ms a machine and fan fold unit broken or
response to a data frame sent to the fan fold defective
unit. Three consecutive retries failed, resulting
in a timeout. • Connector loose, disconnected, or

632 B Key/card counter device error 1

SC Code Descriptions

After 1 data frame is sent to the device, an ACK • Serial line from the device to the
signal is not received within 100 ms, and is not main machine is unstable,
received after 3 retries. disconnected, or defective

Key/card counter device error 2

633 B • Serial line from the device to the

During communication with the device, the
main machine is unstable,
MCU received a break (Low) signal.
disconnected, or defective

Key/card counter device error 3

634 B The backup battery of the counter device RAM • RAM backup battery exhausted
is low. • Counter device defective

Key/card counter device error 4

635 B • Device control board defective

After installation of the device a message alerts
user to a battery voltage abnormal error. • Device control board backup
battery defective

650 B @Remote communication error 1

A dial-up or modem error occurred • Modem line disconnected

during @Remote operation. (This error
occurs only during @Remote • Modem board missing or not properly
operation.) installed

651 C @Remote communication error 2

An illegal dial-up to the service center

• Software bug
was attempted by @Remote.

D Engine startup error

• Connections between MCU and controller

670 The MCU failed to respond within board are loose, disconnected, or damaged
the prescribed time when the
• MCU defective
machine was turned on.
• Controller board defective

4. Troubleshooting

D Controller startup error

After power on, the line between the

controller and the operation panel did not • Controller installed incorrectly
672 open for normal operation. • Controller board defective
-or- • Operation panel harness
After normal startup, communication with disconnected or defective
the controller stopped.

690 D VDB communication error

4 • VDB-to-MCU harness or
connectors broken, loose,
There was no serial communication with the VDB defective
within 1 sec. after power on.
• VDB defective
• MCU defective


720 D Fan folder transport motor error

• Transport motor harness connector loose,

A transport motor lock signal disconnected, broken
was detected for more than • Motor overload due to an obstruction
5 sec. while the motor was
running. • Transport motor defective
• Fan folder unit MCU defective

762 D Front fold plate HP sensor error

• Fold plate motor (F) harness connector loose,

disconnected, broken

The state (on/off, off/on) of the • Front fold plate HP sensor harness connector
front fold plate HP sensor in the fan loose, disconnected, broken
fold unit did not change 1 sec. after • Fold plate motor (F) defective
the plate started to move. • Front fold plate HP sensor defective
• Undetected paper is jamming the action of the
motor or fold plate

SC Code Descriptions

• Fan folder unit MCU defective

763 D Rear fold plate HP sensor error

• Fold plate motor (R) harness connector loose,

disconnected, broken
• Rear fold plate HP sensor harness connector
The state (on/off, off/on) of the loose, disconnected, broken
rear fold plate HP sensor in the fan • Fold plate motor (R) defective
fold unit did not change 1 sec. after
the plate started to move. • Rear fold plate HP sensor defective
• Undetected paper is jamming the action of the
motor or fold plate 4
• Fan folder unit MCU defective

790 D PCB fan error: Folder Unit

• Fan harness connector loose, disconnected,

The machine detected a continuous • Overload on the fan motor due to physical
lock signal from the PCB cooling obstruction such has undetected paper, etc.
fan on the PSU for 20 sec.
• Fan defective
• MCU folder unit defective


819 C Fatal kernel error

• Controller board defective

Due to a control error, a RAM overflow
• Insufficient memory
occurred during system processing.
• Expanded memory defective

Note: For more details about this SC code error, execute SP5990 to print an SMC report so that you can
read the error code. The error code is not displayed on the operation panel.

Self-Diagnostic Error: CPU

820 D The CPU returned an unexpected error • Controller board defective

during the self-diagnostic test. • Insufficient memory

4. Troubleshooting

• Expanded memory defective

Self-diagnostic error 2: ASIC

The ASIC provides the central point for the

821 D control of bus arbitration for CPU access, for
option bus and SDRAM access, for SDRAM • Controller board defective
refresh, and for management of the internal
bus gate.

Note: For more details about this SC code error, execute SP5990 to print an SMC report so that you can
read the error code. The error code is not displayed on the operation panel.
822 B Self-diagnostic error 3: HDD

An error occurred when the self-check was • HDD defective

performed when the machine was switched
• HDD harness disconnected,
on after the HDD was replaced. (The
diagnostic command was issued to the HDD
device but the result was an error). • Controller board defective

Self-diagnostic Error: NIB

823 B The network interface board returned an error • Network interface board defective
during the self-diagnostic test. • Controller board defective

Self-diagnostic error 4: NVRAM

Error occurred because:

824 D • NVRAM device does not exist
• NVRAM defective
• NVRAM device is damaged
• NVRAM socket damaged

Self-diagnostic Error 5: RTC/Optional NVRAM

• Make sure NVRAM is seated

826 D The NVRAM or optional NVRAM returned an correctly in its socket
error during the self-diagnostic test. • Replace the NVRAM on the
controller board

SC Code Descriptions

Self-diagnostic error 6: Resident RAM

827 D The resident RAM returned a verify error during • Controller board defective
the self-diagnostic test. • Replace RAM DIMM

Self-diagnostic error 8: ROM

828 D Measuring the CRC for the boot monitor and • Software defective
operating system program resulted in an error. • Controller board defective

Self-diagnostic Error 9: Optional RAM

829 B • Replace the optional memory board

The optional RAM returned an error during
the self-diagnostic test. • Controller board defective

Self-diagnostic Error 10: Clock Generator

838 D A verify error occurred when setting data

was read from the clock generator via the • Replace the controller board
I2C bus.

Wireless LAN Error 1

853 B During machine start-up, the machine can

• Wireless LAN card missing (was
access the board that holds the wireless
LAN, but not to the wireless LAN card.

Wireless LAN Error 2

During machine operation, the machine can

854 B get access to the board that holds the • Wireless LAN card missing (was
wireless LAN, but not to the wireless LAN removed)
card (802.11b or Bluetooth).

Wireless LAN error 3

855 B An error was detected on the wireless • Wireless LAN card defective
LAN card. • Wireless LAN card connection incorrect

856 B Wireless LAN error 4

4. Troubleshooting

An error was detected on the wireless • Wireless LAN board defective

LAN board. • PCI connector to MB loose

USB I/F Error

857 B The USB driver is not stable and caused • Poor USB card connection
an error. • Replace the controller board

HDD startup error at power on

HDD is connected but a driver error is detected.

4 860 B -or-
• HDD is not initialized
• Level data corrupted
The driver does not respond with the status of the
• HDD is defective
HDD within 30 s.

HDD re-try failure

• Harness between HDD and

At power on the HDD was detected. Power controller board disconnected,
supply to the HDD was interrupted after the defective
861 D system entered the energy save mode, but • HDD power connector
after the HDD was awakened from the energy disconnected
save mode it did not return to the ready status
within 30 sec. • HDD defective
• Controller board defective

HDD data read failure

863 D The data written to the HDD cannot be read normally,
• HDD defective
due to bad sectors generated during operation.

• If the bad sectors are generated at the image partition, the bad sector information is written to NVRAM.
• The next time the HDD is accessed, these bad sectors will not be accessed for read/write operation.
The HDD will probably require replacement soon.

864 D HDD data CRC error

SC Code Descriptions

During HDD operation, the HDD cannot respond to a

CRC error query. Data transfer did not execute normally • HDD defective
while data was being written to the HDD.

HDD access error

865 D HDD responded to an error during operation for a
• HDD defective
condition other than those for SC863, 864.

SD card error 1: Confirmation error

866 B The machine detected an electronic license error in

the application on the SD card in the controller slot
• Program missing from the SD 4
immediately after the machine was turned on.

SD card error 2: SD card removed

867 D The SD card in the boot slot when the • Insert the SD card
machine was turned on was removed
while the machine was on. • Turn the machine’s power off/on

SD card error 3: SD card access

• SD card not inserted correctly

868 D • SD card defective

An error occurred while an SD card
was used. • Controller board defective
• To reformat the SC card, use SD Formatter
Ver 1.1.

Address book data error

Address book data on the hard disk was • Turn the machine power off/on.
detected as abnormal when it was accessed If this does not solve the
from either the operation panel or the network. problem, do the Procedure
The address book data cannot be read from the below.
870 B HDD or SD card where it is stored, or the data
read from the media is defective. • HDD defective

1. Do SP5846-50 (UCS Settings – Initialize all Directory Info.) to reset all address
book data.

4. Troubleshooting

2. After 3 sec. reset the user information with SP5832-6 (HDD Formatting– User
3. Turn the main power switch off/on.

HDD mail send data error

An error was detected on the HDD • Do SP5832-7 (Format HDD – Mail TX

873 B immediately after the machine was Data) to initialize the HDD
turned on, or power was turned off
while the machine used the HDD. • Replace the HDD

4 Delete All error 1: HDD

A data error was detected for the • Turn the main switch off/on, do the
HDD/NVRAM after the Delete All operation again.
874 D option was used.
• Install the Data Overwrite Security Unit
Note: The source of this error is the again.
Data Overwrite Security Unit B735
running from the DOS SD card. • HDD defective

Delete All error 2: Data area

An error occurred when the machine deleted

875 D data from the HDD.
• Turn the main switch off/on and try
Note: The source of this error is the Data the operation again.
Overwrite Security Unit B735 running from
the DOS SD card.

File Format Converter (MLB) error

880 B A request to access the MLB was not answered • File format converter board
within the specified time (60 sec.). defective


Electrical total counter error

900 D The total counter contains something that • NVRAM incorrect type
is not a number. • NVRAM defective

SC Code Descriptions

• NVRAM data scrambled

• Unexpected error from external source

D Mechanical Total Counter

• Mechanical counter connection

The mechanical counter is not connected. loose, broken, defective
• Replace the mechanical counter

910 B External controller error 1

911 B External controller error 2

912 B External controller error 3

913 B External controller error 4

914 B External controller error 5

The external controller alerted the

• Refer to the instructions for the external controller
machine about an error.

919 D External controller error 6

While EAC (External Application Converter), the • Controller RW3600 power

conversion module, was operating normally, the outtage
receipt of a power line interrupt signal from the • Controller RW3600 rebooted
FLUTE serial driver was detected, or BREAK signal • Connection to Controller
from the other station was detected. RW3600 loose

Printer error 1

• Software defective
920 B An internal application error was • Turn the machine power off/on, or
detected and operation cannot continue. change the controller firmware
• Insufficient memory

921 B Printer Error 2

4. Troubleshooting

When the printer application started, the

font designated for use could not be found • The font is not on the SD card
on the SD card.

953 B Scanner start error

The job was ready to start with the selected • Firmware bug
image processing mode, but the program did • Update the scanner firmware
not receive a start signal from the IPU. • IPU defective

4 954 D Printer Image Setting Error

The settings that are required for image • Firmware bug

processing using the printer controller are
not sent from the IPU. • IPU defective

955 D Memory Setting Error

• Firmware bug

The settings that are required for image • Hard disk unit defective
processing using the memory are not sent • Controller defective
from the IPU. • MCU defective
• IPU defective

964 D Scanner Start Error

During scanned image processing, another • Scanner firmware defective

command to start scanning was received. • Update scanner firmware

965 D Print Start Error

During print processing, another command • Printer firmware defective

to start printing was received. • Update printer firmware

967 D Image write start error

The paper stopped at the registration • Printer firmware defective

sensor and roller for buckle adjustment but • Update printer firmware

SC Code Descriptions

• Check the connections between the LPH

sections (x3) and the VDB
the signal to start image writing was not • LPH defective
received within 60 sec.
• VDB defective
• MCU defective

Software error 1

990 D The software performs an unexpected • Firmware defective: re-boot

function and the program cannot
continue. • Update firmware*1

Software error 2
The software performs an unexpected
991 C function. However, unlike SC990,
Software defective, re-boot*1
recovery processing allows the program
to continue.

*1: For more information about SC990 and SC991:

1. Execute SP7403 or print an SMC Report (SP5990) to read the history of the 10 most recent logged
2. If you press [0] on the operation panel with the SP selection menu displayed, you will see detailed
information about the recently logged SC990 or SC991 errors, including the software file name, line
number, and so on. (1) above is the recommended method, because another SC could write over
the information for the previous SC.

992 D Erratic SC error

There was an unusual operation by the

software because of: • Turn the main power switch off/on.
• An incorrect argument in the program. • Go into the SP mode. Do SP7901 to
• An incorrect internal parameter. display details about SC992
(software file name, line number, and
• Work memory not sufficient. variable), and inform your supervisor
• An error occurred that could not be of the results.
detected by other SC codes.

997 B Cannot select application function

5. Service Tables

SP1-xxx Feed
1001 Leading Edge Registration

1 1st Roll

2 2nd Roll Adjusts the leading edge registration for printing. To move the image down
the page, increase the value.
3 Cassette [-10.0 to +10.0/ 0 /0.1 mm step]
5 By-pass Feed

1002 Side-to-Side Registration

1 1st Roll Adjusts the side-to-side registration for printing.

5 2 2nd Roll
[-10.0 to +10.0/ 0 /0.1 mm step]
• To move the start position to the right, increase the value (+).
3 Cassette
• To move the start position to the left, decrease the value (–).
Note: If you use paper 914 mm wide, adjust within the range of ±2
5 By-pass Feed mm. If you set the adjustment outside this range, part of the image
will be cut off.

1105 Fusing Temperature Adjustment

Be sure to switch the main power switch off and on after adjustment.

Sets the copy ready fusing temperature. The setting is

the difference from the target fusing temperature that
is set with SP1931. DFU
1 Copy Ready Temperature
[0 to +20/10/1°C]
Copying can start at this temperature before the hot
roller reaches its target temperature (SP1931).

Sets the copy ready temperature for low power mode.

3 Low Power Mode
[80 to 150/90/1°C step]

Calibrates the scale for the fusing temperature settings.

5 Fusing Temperature Calibration DFU
[-10 to +10/0/1°C step]

Pressure Temperature Calibration: Calibrates the scale for the pressure temperature
Center control at the center of the pressure roller. DFU

SP1-xxx Feed

[-10 to +10/0/1°C step]

Calibrates the scale for the pressure temperature

Pressure Temperature Calibration: control at the end of the pressure roller. DFU
[-10 to +10/0/1°C step]

1106 Fusing Temperature Display

This SP displays the hot roller and pressure roller temperatures.

1 Hot Roller Temperature

2 Pressure Roller Temperature: Center

3 Pressure Roller Temperature: Edge

1159 Fusing Jam SC Setting

The setting of this SP determines whether the machine issues SC559 after three successive jams
occur in the fusing unit.
0: Disabled. SC559 not issued after 3 successive jams in the fusing unit.
1: Enabled. SC559 issued after 3 successive jams in the fusing unit. The operator cannot restore
operation of the machine by cycling the machine off/on. SC559 is a Class "A" SC error. The
service technician must restore operation of the machine.

1801 Motor Speed Adjustment DFU

These SP's adjust the speeds of the feed motor (paper cassette), main motor, and fusing motor.
The motor speeds can be adjusted to correct images that appear scratchy or of uneven density.
This can occur when:
• Copying originals with large quantities of black.
• Copying originals with a large quantity of black near the trailing edge.
• Printing multiple copies of positive/negative (reverse) images.

1 Feed Motor: 1st Roll DFU

[-30 to +30/0/1]
For every change of "1", speed is adjusted 1/1635 or approximately 0.06%
Std: (70 MHz/32)/1635 = 1338 pps
Example: If the setting is changed by "+10" then:

5. Service Tables

(70 MHz/32)/(1635-10) =
(70 MHz/32)/(1625) = 1346 pps

2 Feed Motor: 2nd Roll DFU

[-30 to +30/0/1]
For every change of "1", speed is adjusted 1/1635 or approximately 0.06%
Std: (70 MHz/32)/1635 = 1338 pps
Example: If the setting is changed by "+10" then:
(70 MHz/32)/(1635-10) =
(70 MHz/32)/(1625) = 1346 pps

5 Feed Motor : Cut Paper Tray DFU

[-30 to +30/0/1]
5 For every change of "1", speed is adjusted 1/1063 or approximately 0.094%
Std: (19.6608 MHz/32)/1063 = 578 pps
Example: If the setting is changed by "+10" then:
(19.6608 MHz/32)/(1063-10) =
(19.6608 MHz/32)/(1053) = 583 pps

6 Main Motor DFU

[-80 to +80/0/1]
For every change of "1", speed is adjusted 1/2485 or approximately 0.035%.
Std: (19.6608 MHz/8)/2485 = 988.07 pps
Example: If the setting changed by "+10" then:
(19.6608 MHz/8)/(2485-10) =
(19.6608 MHz/8)/(2475) = 992.9 pps

7 Fusing Motor DFU

[-100 to +100/7/1
For every change of "1", speed is adjusted 1/1848 or approximately 0.054%.
Std: (19.6608 MHz/8)/1848 = 1329.97 pps
Example: If the setting changed by "+10" then:
(19.6608 MHz/8)/(1848-10) =
(19.6608 MHz/8)/(1838) = 1337.11 pps

SP1-xxx Feed

1911 By-pass Feed Start Timing Adj.

Adjusts the time that the operator has to adjust the paper skew manually when feeding paper
manually from the bypass tray..
[1.0 to 8.0/2.0/0.1 sec.]

1912 Feed Motor Speed Adjustment

Adjusts the feed motor speed for the type of print medium in use (plain paper, translucent
paper, film).
Std: (70 MHz/32)/1635 = 1338 pps
For every change of "1", speed is adjusted 1/1635 or approximately 0.06%.
Example: If the setting is changed by "+10" then:
(70 MHz/32)/(1635-10) = 5
(70 MHz/32)/(1625) = 1346 pps

1 Plain [-100 to +100/-10/1%]

2 Translucent [-100 to +100/0/1%]

3 Film [-100 to +100/-10/%1]

1916 Fusing Motor Speed Adj.

SP1916 1 to 013 adjust the basic fusing motor speed and correct the speed for different
widths of paper to prevent skew in the paper feed path. Note:
The actual adjustment that the machine applies is the sum of the width adjustment (1916 010
to 013) and the paper type adjustment (1916 021 to 045).

10 Width:611mm more [-100 to +100/0/1]

11 Width:461-610mm [-100 to +100/5/1]

12 Width:298-460mm [-100 to +100/9/1]

13 Width:297mm less [-100 to +100/18/1]

Note: “Mode 1 to 5” below refer to the paper thickness set with [User Tools]> "System
Settings"> "Tray Paper Settings"> "Paper Thickness: Paper Tray" or "Paper Thickness: Bypass

21 Plain:Mode1 [-100 to +100/0/1]

5. Service Tables

22 Plain:Mode2

23 Plain:Mode3

24 Plain:Mode4

25 Plain:Mode5 [-100 to +100/25/1]

31 Trans.:Mode1

32 Trans.:Mode2
[-100 to +100/21/1]
33 Trans.:Mode3

34 Trans.:Mode4

35 Trans.:Mode5 [-100 to +100/32/1]

5 41 Film:Mode1

42 Film:Mode2 [-100 to +100/23/1]

43 Film:Mode3

44 Film:Mode4 [-100 to +100/41/1]

45 Film:Mode5 [-100 to +100/18/1]

Note: These comments apply to 051 to 053 below.

Changes to SP1916-51 to -53 affect the speed of the fusing motor.
(19.6608 MHz/8)/(1848) = 1329.97 pps
For every change of "1", speed is adjusted 1/1848 = 0.054%.
Example: If the setting is changed by "+10", then:
(19.6608 MHz/8)/(1848-10) =
(19.6608 MHz/8)/(1838) = 1337.11 pps

51 Man:420mm over [-100 to +100/0/1]

52 Man:420mm less [-100 to +100/9/1]

53 Cassette [-100 to +100/0/1]

1918 Fusing/Main Mtr Speed Change

SP1-xxx Feed

These SP modes adjust the rate of the speed reduction between the main motor and the fusing
motor. During normal operation, the line speed in the fusing unit is slightly faster than the line
speed at registration. This keeps the paper slightly stretched to prevent wrinkling and skewing.
However, if the speed of the drum becomes slower as a result of a change in the amount of
buckle at the registration roller, the tension on the paper will pull on the drum and rotate it faster
than the rotation of the main motor. This can cause image distortion at the two LPH joints.
To prevent such distortion, use this SP to decrease the speed of the fusing motor. While this
lowers the line speed slightly, it also keeps the correct amount of tension on the paper between
the fusing unit and registration roller to prevent skewing and image distortion.
• There are two adjustments for each feed source and paper width: (1) "Chg Timing" and
(2) "Chg%".
• Always do the "Chg Timing" adjustment before doing the "%Chg adjustment".
• The "Chg Timing" adjustment sets the length of paper to feed before the speed reduction 5
rate ("Chg%) takes effect.
• The "Chg%" adjustment sets the rate of speed reduction between the main motor and
fusing motor.

10 Roll/1st Chg Timing/Plain/Width > 611mm

11 Roll/1st Chg Timing/Plain/Width 461-610mm

[0 to 15000/170/1mm]
12 Roll/1st Chg Timing/Plain/Width 298-460mm

13 Roll/1st Chg Timing/Plain/Width < 297mm

15 Roll/1st Chg %/Plain/Width > 611mm

[-9.99 to 9.99/-0.2/0.01%]
16 Roll/1st Chg %/Plain/Width 461-610mm

17 Roll/1st Chg %/Plain/Width 298-460mm [-9.99 to 9.99/-0.4/0.01%]

18 Roll/1st Chg %/Plain/Width < 297mm [-9.99 to 9.99/-0.5/0.01%]

20 Roll/1st Chg Timing/Trans/Width > 611mm

21 Roll/1st Chg Timing/Trans/Width 461-610mm

[0 to 15000/170/1mm]
22 Roll/1st Chg Timing/Trans/Width 298-460mm

23 Roll/1st Chg Timing/Trans/Width < 297mm

25 Roll/1st Chg %/Trans/Width > 611mm [-9.99 to 9.99/-0.9/0.01%]

26 Roll/1st Chg %/Trans/Width 461-610mm [-9.99 to 9.99/-1.1/0.01%]

5. Service Tables

27 Roll/1st Chg %/Trans/Width :298-460mm

28 Roll/1st Chg %/Trans/Width < 297mm [-9.99 to 9.99/-1.4/0.01%]

30 Roll/1st Chg Timing/Film/Width > 611mm

31 Roll/1st Chg Timing/Film/Width 461-610mm

[0 to 15000/170/1mm]
32 Roll/1st Chg Timing/Film/Width 298-460mm

33 Roll/1st Chg Timing/Film/Width < 297mm

35 Roll/1st Chg %/Film/Width > 611mm [-9.99 to 9.99/-1.2/0.01%]

36 Roll/1st Chg %/Film/Width 461-610mm

[-9.99 to 9.99/-1.3/0.01%]
37 Roll/1st Chg %/Film/Width 298-460mm

5 38 Roll/1st Chg %/Film/Width < 297mm [-9.99 to 9.99/-1.5/0.01%]

42 Cassette/1st Chg Timing/Width /298-460mm

[0 to 15000/170/1mm]
43 Cassette/1st Chg Timing/Width < 297mm

47 Cassette/1st Chg %/Width 298-460mm [-9.99 to 9.99/-1.0/0.01%]

48 Cassette/1st Chg %/Width < 297mm [-9.99 to 9.99/-1.3/0.01%]

50 Bypass/1st Chg Timing/Width > 611mm

51 Bypass/1st Chg Timing/Width 461-610mm

[0 to 15000/170/1mm]
52 Bypass/1st Chg Timing/Width 298-460mm

53 Bypass/1st Chg Timing/Width < 297mm

55 Bypass/1st Chg %/Width > 611mm

[-9.99 to 9.99/-0.5/0.01%]
56 Bypass/1st Chg %/Width 461-610mm

57 Bypass/1st Chg %/Width 298-460mm [-9.99 to 9.99/-1.0/0.01%]

58 Bypass/1st Chg %/Width < 297mm [-9.99 to 9.99/-1.3/0.01%]

110 Roll/2nd Chg Timing/Plain/Width > 611mm

111 Roll/2nd Chg Timing/Plain/Width 461-610mm

[0 to 15000/0/1mm]
112 Roll/2nd Chg Timing/Plain/Width 298-460mm

113 Roll/2nd Chg Timing/Plain/Width > 297mm

SP1-xxx Feed

115 Roll/2nd Chg %/Plain/Width > 611mm

116 Roll/2nd Chg %/Plain/Width 461-610mm

[-9.99 to 9.99/0/0.01%]
117 Roll/2nd Chg %/Plain/Width 298-460mm

118 Roll/2nd Chg %/Plain/Width < 297mm

120 Roll/2nd Chg Timing/Trans/Width > 611mm

121 Roll/2nd Chg Timing/Trans/Width 461-610mm

[0 to 15000/0/1mm]
122 Roll/2nd Chg Timing/Trans/Width 298-460mm

123 Roll/2nd Chg Timing/Trans/Width < 297mm

125 Roll/2nd Chg %/Trans/Width > 611mm

126 Roll/2nd Chg %/Trans/Width 461-610mm 5

[-9.99 to 9.99/0/0.01%]
127 Roll/2nd Chg %/Trans/Width :298-460mm

128 Roll/2nd Chg %/Trans/Width < 297mm

130 Roll/2nd Chg Timing/Film/Width > 611mm

131 Roll/2nd Chg Timing/Film/Width 461-610mm

[0 to 15000/0/1mm]
132 Roll/2nd Chg Timing/Film/Width 298-460mm

133 Roll/2nd Chg Timing/Film/Width < 297mm

135 Roll/2nd Chg %/Film/Width > 611mm

136 Roll/2nd Chg %/Film/Width 461-610mm

[-9.99 to 9.99/0/0.01%]
137 Roll/2nd Chg %/Film/Width 298-460mm

138 Roll/2nd Chg %/Film/Width < 297mm

142 Cassette/2nd Chg Timing/Width /298-460mm

[0 to 15000/0/1mm]
143 Cassette/2nd Chg Timing/Width < 297mm

147 Cassette/2nd Chg %/Width 298-460mm

[-9.99 to 9.99/0/0.01%]
148 Cassette/2nd Chg %/Width < 297mm

150 Bypass/2nd Chg Timing/Width > 611mm

[0 to 15000/0/1mm]
151 Bypass/2nd Chg Timing/Width 461-610mm

5. Service Tables

152 Bypass/2nd Chg Timing/Width 298-460mm

153 Bypass/2nd Chg Timing/Width < 297mm

155 Bypass/2nd Chg %/Width > 611mm

156 Bypass/2nd Chg %/Width 461-610mm

[-9.99 to 9.99/0/0.01%]
157 Bypass/2nd Chg %/Width 298-460mm

158 Bypass/2nd Chg %/Width < 297mm

210 Roll/3rd Chg Timing/Plain/Width > 611mm

211 Roll/3rd Chg Timing/Plain/Width 461-610mm

[0 to 15000/0/1mm]
212 Roll/3rd Chg Timing/Plain/Width 298-460mm

5 213 Roll/3rd Chg Timing/Plain/Width < 297mm

215 Roll/3rd Chg %/Plain/Width > 611mm

216 Roll/3rd Chg %/Plain/Width 461-610mm

[-9.99 to 9.99/0/0.01%]
217 Roll/3rd Chg %/Plain/Width 298-460mm

218 Roll/3rd Chg %/Plain/Width < 297mm

220 Roll/3rd Chg Timing/Trans/Width > 611mm

221 Roll/3rd Chg Timing/Trans/Width 461-610mm

[0 to 15000/0/1mm]
222 Roll/3rd Chg Timing/Trans/Width 298-460mm

223 Roll/3rd Chg Timing/Trans/Width < 297mm

225 Roll/3rd Chg %/Trans/Width > 611mm

226 Roll/3rd Chg %/Trans/Width 461-610mm

[-9.99 to 9.99/0/0.01%]
227 Roll/3rd Chg %/Trans/Width :298-460mm

228 Roll/3rd Chg %/Trans/Width < 297mm

230 Roll/3rd Chg Timing/Film/Width > 611mm

231 Roll/3rd Chg Timing/Film/Width 461-610mm

[0 to 15000/0/1mm]
232 Roll/3rd Chg Timing/Film/Width 298-460mm

233 Roll/3rd Chg Timing/Film/Width < 297mm

SP1-xxx Feed

235 Roll/3rd Chg %/Film/Width > 611mm

236 Roll/3rd Chg %/Film/Width 461-610mm

[-9.99 to 9.99/0/0.01%]
237 Roll/3rd Chg %/Film/Width 298-460mm

238 Roll/3rd Chg %/Film/Width < 297mm

250 1st Chg Speed Min Length [0 to 300/0/1 mm]

1920 Cut Length Adjustment

These SP's adjust the cut length of the paper sizes below.

111 1st Roll: 297mm: Plain Paper

112 1st Roll: 420mm: Plain Paper [-10 to +10/0/0.1 mm]

113 1st Roll: 594mm: Plain Paper

114 1st Roll: 841mm: Plain Paper [-20 to +20/0/0.1 mm]

115 1st Roll: 1189mm: Plain Paper [-20.0 to +20.0/0/0.1 mm]

116 1st Roll: 2000mm: Plain Paper [-30 to +30/0/1 mm]

117 1st Roll: 3600mm: Plain Paper

[-30 to +30/0/1 mm]
118 1st Roll: 6000mm: Plain Paper

119 1st Roll: 15000mm: Plain Paper [-100 to +100/0/ 1 mm]

121 1st Roll: 297mm: Translucent Paper

122 1st Roll: 420mm: Translucent Paper [-10.0 to +10.0/0/0.1 mm]

123 1st Roll: 594mm: Translucent Paper

124 1st Roll: 841mm: Translucent Paper

[-20 to +20/0/0.1 mm]
125 1st Roll: 1189mm: Translucent Paper

126 1st Roll: 2000mm: Translucent Paper

127 1st Roll: 3600mm: Translucent Paper [-30 to +30/0/1 mm]

128 1st Roll: 6000mm: Translucent Paper

129 1st Roll: 15000mm: Translucent Paper [-100 to +100/0/ 1 mm]

5. Service Tables

131 1st Roll: 297mm: Film

132 1st Roll: 420mm: Film

133 1st Roll: 594mm: Film [-10 to +10/0/0.1 mm]

134 1st Roll: 841mm: Film

[-20 to +20/0/0.1 mm]
135 1st Roll: 1189mm: Film

136 1st Roll: 2000mm: Film

137 1st Roll: 3600mm: Film [-30 to +30/0.0/1 mm]

138 1st Roll: 6000mm: Film

139 1st Roll: 15000mm: Film [-100 to +100/0/ 1 mm]

5 211 2nd Roll: 297mm: Plain Paper

212 2nd Roll: 420mm: Plain Paper [-10 to +10/0/0.1 mm]

213 2nd Roll: 594mm: Plain Paper

214 2nd Roll: 841mm: Plain Paper

[-20 to +20/0/0.1 mm]
215 2nd Roll: 1189mm: Plain Paper

216 2nd Roll: 2000mm: Plain Paper

217 2nd Roll: 3600mm: Plain Paper [-30 to +30/0/1 mm]

218 2nd Roll: 6000mm: Plain Paper

219 2nd Roll: 15000mm: Plain Paper [-100 to +100/0/ 1 mm]

221 2nd Roll: 297mm: Translucent Paper

222 2nd Roll: 420mm: Translucent Paper [-10 to +10/0/0.1 mm]

223 2nd Roll: 594mm: Translucent Paper

224 2nd Roll: 841mm: Translucent Paper

[-20 to +20/0/0.1 mm]
225 2nd Roll: 1189mm: Translucent Paper

226 2nd Roll: 2000mm: Translucent Paper

227 2nd Roll: 3600mm: Translucent Paper [-30 to +30/0/1 mm]

228 2nd Roll: 6000mm: Translucent Paper

SP1-xxx Feed

229 2nd Roll: 15000mm: Translucent Paper [-100 to +100/0/ 1 mm]

231 2nd Roll: 297mm: Film

232 2nd Roll: 420mm: Film [-10 to +10/0/0.1 mm]

233 2nd Roll: 594mm: Film

234 2nd Roll: 841mm: Film

[-20 to +20/0/1 mm]
235 2nd Roll: 1189mm: Film

236 2nd Roll: 2000mm: Film

237 2nd Roll: 3600mm: Film [-30 to +30/0/1 mm]

238 2nd Roll: 6000mm: Film

239 2nd Roll: 15000mm: Film [-100 to +100/0/ 1 mm] 5

1923 Paper Interval Adjustment

This SP slightly increases the gap between sheets in the paper path. When the machine shifts
to the CPM down mode, the paper is fed by whichever interval between sheets is longer, the
gap set with this SP or the gap determined by CPM down.
[0 to 500/0/1 mm]
• The "0" (default) setting does not mean that the gap is eliminated.
• When set to "0" the standard gap between sheets is maintained (480 mm for the B286
and 168 mm for the B289.)

1925 Cut Length Offset Correction Not Used

Paper Thickness Default Selection

• Several SP codes in these tables reference the "Paper Thickness Default Selection". The paper thickness
is selected on the operation panel before each copy job. The default settings can selected with the
User Tools.

5. Service Tables

5 To display the panel shown above:

• [User Tools]> "System Settings"> "Tray Paper Settings"> "Next"> "Paper Thickness: Paper Tray" or
"Paper Thickness: Paper Bypass.
• These settings are used to change the fusing temperature and amount of pressure applied by the
pressure roller on the hot roller.
• Each numbered button (1 to 5) represents a "mode" (Mode 1 to Mode 5). These references to "modes"
are used in several SP codes below.
• The modes for thicker paper are to the left of the "3" button and those for thinner paper to the right of
the "3" button.
• Touching a button on the right raises the fusing temperature and pressure applied by the pressure
roller on thicker papepr. Touching a button on the left lowers the temperature and lowers the pressure
for thinner paper.
• These settings can be done independently for paper fed from either the paper cassette or the bypass

1931 Target Temp: Hot Roller

Sets the target fusing temperature of the hot roller. After you adjust these SP's, you must switch
the main power switch off and on.
Important: Modes "1" to "5" below refer to the paper type and thickness settings selected in
User Tools (see "Paper Thickness Default Selection" in this section).

1 Plain: Mode1

2 Plain: Mode2 [120 to 220/195/5oC]

3 Plain: Mode3

SP1-xxx Feed

4 Plain: Mode4 [120 to 220/185/5oC]

5 Plain: Mode5 [120 to 220/175/5oC]

6 Trans.: Mode1 [120 to 220/205/5oC]

7 Trans.: Mode2
[120 to 220/195/5oC]
8 Trans.: Mode3

9 Trans.: Mode4 [120 to 220/165/5oC]

10 Trans.: Mode5 [120 to 220/*/5oC]

11 Film: Mode1 [120 to 220/195/5oC]

12 Film: Mode2 [120 to 220/190/5oC]

13 Film: Mode3 5
[120 to 220/185/5oC]
14 Film: Mode4

15 Film: Mode5 [120 to 220/175/5oC]

16 Plain: Low Temp Mode [120 to 220/195/5oC]

1932 Target Temp: Press.Roller

Sets the target fusing temperature of the pressure roller for plain paper, translucent paper,
and film. These temperatures are used for pressure roller feedback. Turn the machine power
off/on after changing the settings.
• Modes "1" to "5" below refer to the paper type and thickness settings selected in User
Tools (see "Paper Thickness Default Selection" in this section).
• After adjusting these SP's, you must turn the machine power off/on.

1 Plain: Mode1 [60 to 80 /100/5oC]

2 Plain: Mode2 [60 to 80 /85/5oC]

3 Plain: Mode3

4 Plain: Mode4 [60 to 80 /60/5oC]

5 Plain: Mode5

6 Trans.: Mode1 [60 to 80 /130/5oC]

5. Service Tables

7 Trans.: Mode2 [60 to 80 /100/5oC]

8 Trans.: Mode3

9 Trans.: Mode4

10 Trans.: Mode5

11 Film: Mode1
[60 to 80 /60/5oC]
12 Film: Mode2

13 Film: Mode3

14 Film: Mode4

15 Film: Mode5

5 16 Plain: Low Temp Mode [60 to 80 /120/5oC]

1934 Lower Limit Temp: Hot Roller

This SP sets the minimum difference in temperature allowed between the actual temperature
and the target temperature of the hot roller.
• Modes "1" to "5" below refer to the paper and thickness settings selected in User Tools
(see "Paper Thickness Default Selection" in this section). In order for this SP to operate,
SP9952 1 must be at "0" (default) so that the machine can acquire temperature readings
(feedback) from the pressure roller thermistors.
• The default setting of SP9952 should never be adjusted in the field.

1 Plain: Mode1 [0 to 50/20/5]

2 Plain: Mode2 [0 to 50/15/5]

3 Plain: Mode3 [0 to 50/25/5]

4 Plain: Mode4

5 Plain: Mode5

6 Trans.: Mode1 [0 to 50/20/5]

7 Trans.: Mode2

8 Trans.: Mode3

SP1-xxx Feed

9 Trans.: Mode4

10 Trans.: Mode5

11 Film: Mode1

12 Film: Mode2

13 Film: Mode3

14 Film: Mode4

15 Film: Mode5

16 Plain: Low Temp Mode [0 to 50/0/5]

1935 Pressure FB Control Steps Pressure Feedback Control Steps

This SP changes the stepped adjustments of SP1932 (Target Temp: Pressure Roller) by using
the sum of the settings of SP1932 (Target Temp: Pressure Roller) +SP1935 (Press FB Control
Steps) as the steps.
• If the pressure roller temperature for SP1935-1 is 100oC, the target hot roller
temperature is 195oC ("100" is SP1932, "195" is SP1931).
• If the pressure roller temperature 120oC (= "100"+"20", this is SP1932+SP1935), the
target hot roller temperature is 175oC (="195"-"20", this is SP1931 – SP1934)
• If the setting is "0", the temperature settings of SP1931 do not change.

1 Plain: Mode1 [0 to 50/20/5]

2 Plain: Mode2 [0 to 50/25/5]

3 Plain: Mode3 [0 to 50/30/5]

4 Plain: Mode4

5 Plain: Mode5

6 Trans.: Mode1

7 Trans.: Mode2 [0 to 50/20/5]

8 Trans.: Mode3

9 Trans.: Mode4

10 Trans.: Mode5

5. Service Tables

11 Film: Mode1

12 Film: Mode2

13 Film: Mode3

14 Film: Mode4

15 Film: Mode5

16 Plain: Low temp.Mode [0 to 50/0/5]

1936 Lower Limit Temp: Press Roller

This SP sets the minimum difference allowed between the actual temperature and the target
temperature of the pressure roller.
5 • If the setting for the target temperature of the pressure roller is high (SP1932), the
temperature of the pressure roller is lowered for continuous printing on plain paper.
• At this time, if the temperature is below the temperature set for the pressure roller, paper
feed will stop during a long job to perform inching to allow enough time for the pressure
roller temperature to rise to the level of the prescribed setting, and then the job will
• Modes "1" to "5" below refer to the paper and thickness settings selected in User Tools
(see "Paper Thickness Default Selection" in this section).
• In order for this SP to operate, SP9952-1 must be at "0" (default) so that the machine
can acquire temperature readings (feedback) from the pressure roller thermistors.
SP9952 should never be adjusted in the field.

1 Plain: Mode1

2 Plain: Mode2

3 Plain: Mode3 [0 to 50/20/5oC]

4 Plain: Mode4

5 Plain: Mode5

6 Trans.: Mode1 [0 to 50/0/5oC]

7 Trans.: Mode2
[0 to 50/20/5oC]
8 Trans.: Mode3

SP1-xxx Feed

9 Trans.: Mode4

10 Trans.: Mode5

11 Film: Mode1

12 Film: Mode2

13 Film: Mode3

14 Film: Mode4

15 Film: Mode5

1937 Low Temp Environ Detect Ctrl

These SP's are used to modify fusing temperature control sequence in a low temperature
environment where room temperature is below the optimum room temperature of 20oC 5
• At optimum room temperature, the machine should reach the target fusing temperature
within 2 min.
• If the hot roller does not reach the target fusing temperature within 2 minutes, the machine
issues SC542 (Fusing Temperature Warmup Error).

1 Low Temp Setting

The machine monitors the time required for the hot roller temperature to reach the critical
temperature defined by this SP:
Copy Ready Temperature (SP1105) - This SP Value (Default: 20oC)
In a low temperature environment copying will not begin at the normal copy ready temperature.
[0 to 50/20/5]

2 Low Temp Time Setting

This SP sets the length of time within which the hot roller temperature should reach the target
temperature set with SP1937-1. If the hot roller does not reach the SP1937-1 temperature
within this time limit, the machine will not allow copying to start when the temperature reaches
the ready temperature.
[0 to 120/120/1 sec.]

3 Pressure Inching Start: Temp

5. Service Tables

If the inching target temperature (set with SP1948) is higher than 65oC, inching will start when
the hot roller temperature reaches this target hot roller temperature. If the pressure roller
temperature is less than 60oC, inching will start at the ready (reload) temperature.
This SP sets the temperature at which inching starts in a low-temperature environment where
fusing temperature control is handled with the settings of SP1937.
[0 to 50/20/5]

11 Low Temp Mode Setting: Cold Start

If the hot roller temperature is below the temperature set with this SP at the beginning of a cold
start, the machine determines that it is in a low temperature environment
[0 to 50/15/1]

12 Low Temp Mode Setting: Cold Start Hold Time

5 This SP determines the length of time the machine remains in the low temperature cold start
mode after the machine determines that that it has been cold started in a low temperature
environment. After this time has elapsed, fusing temperature control will operate with the paper
type and thickness settings (see "Paper Thickness Default Selection" in this section).
[0 to 20/7/0.5 min.]

13 Low Temp Mode Paper Interval Ratio

This SP sets the size of the gap between sheets of paper while the machine is in the low
temperature environment cold start mode.
[1 to 10/3/0.1 mm]

1938 Press FB Ctrl Step Width Switch

This SP switches step control by width on and off. After this SP has been switched on, the step
control by width can be set up with SP1939 002 to 004.
• These settings can be done for each paper type and thickness mode.
• Modes "1" to "5" below refer to the paper and thickness settings selected in User Tools
(see "Paper Thickness Default Selection" in this section).

1 Plain: Mode1

2 Plain: Mode2 [0 to 1/0/1]

0: Disabled
3 Plain: Mode3
1: Enabled
4 Plain: Mode4

SP1-xxx Feed

5 Plain: Mode5

6 Trans.: Mode1

7 Trans.: Mode2

8 Trans.: Mode3

9 Trans.: Mode4

10 Trans.: Mode5

11 Film: Mode1

12 Film: Mode2

13 Film: Mode3

14 Film: Mode4 5
15 Film: Mode5

1939 Press FB Ctrl Step by Width

Use these SP's to set up the step control used in the paper type and paper thickness selections
done in the User Tools (see "Paper Thickness Default Selection" in this section).

1 > 611mm

2 461-610mm First, use SP1938 to select the paper type and mode where the
setting is to apply. Next, select the paper width here.
3 298-460mm [0 to 30/30/5]
4 > 297mm

1940 CPM Down Setting

CPM down control attempts to achieve optimum fusing of toner to paper. To do this, it
automatically adjusts the timing of paper feed, which increases the length of the interval between
sheets. A longer interval between sheets creates a short delay, so that the temperature of the
hot roller and pressure roller can rise.

1 Enable

Switches CPM down off and on.

[0 to 1/1/1]
0: Off

5. Service Tables

1: On

11 Temp Differential: Step 1

The interval between sheets of paper in the paper path is determined by the temperature
readings of the thermistors at the center and end of the pressure roller.
This SP sets Step 1 of CPM down mode. If the amount of the difference between the actual
temperature and target temperature falls in the range between this SP and SP1940 012, this
is judged as Step 1.
[0 to 150/50/5]

12 Temp Differential: Step 2

This SP sets Step 2 of CPM down mode. If the amount of the difference between the actual
temperature and target temperature falls in the range between this SP and SP1940 013, this
is judged as Step 2.
5 [0 to 150/75/5]

Temp Differential: Step 3

This SP sets Step 3 of CPM down mode. If the difference between actual and target temperature
is larger than this SP setting, this is judged as Step 3.
[0 to 150/100/5]

21 Paper Interval: Step 1

When the pressure roller center and end thermistor detect a temperature in the Step 1 range
(SP1940 011), the setting of this SP is activated to set the length of the interval between sheets
in the paper path.
[1.0 to 5.0/1.4/0.1]
The default setting (1.4) is the variable for Step 1 multiplied by the constant set for Step 1 of
the machine:
• B286: 480 mm. The default interval is 672 mm (1.4 x 480 mm).
• B289: 168 mm. The default interval is 235 mm (1.4 x 168 mm).
Setting a smaller or larger number decreases or increases the length of the interval with this
simple calculation. This standard interval can be modified slightly with SP1923.

22 Paper Interval Step 2

When the pressure roller center and end thermistor detect a temperature in the Step 2 range
(SP1940 012), the setting of this SP is activated to set the length of the interval between sheets
in the paper path.
[1.0 to 5.0/2.1/0.1]

SP1-xxx Feed

The default setting (2.1) is the variable for Step 2 multiplied by the constant set for Step 2 of
the machine:
• B286: 480 mm. The default interval is 1008 mm (2.1 x 480 mm).
• B289: 168 mm. The default interval is 353 mm (2.1 x 168 mm).
Setting a smaller or larger number decreases or increases the length of the interval with this
simple calculation. This standard interval can be modified slightly with SP1923.

23 Paper Interval Step 3

When the pressure roller center and end thermistor detect a temperature in the Step 3 range
(SP1940 013), the setting of this SP is activated to set the length of the interval between sheets
in the paper path.
[1.0 to 5.0/3.5/0.1]
The default setting (3.5) is the variable for Step 3 multiplied by the constant set for Step 2 of
the machine: 5
• B286: 480 mm. The default interval is 1680 mm (3.5 x 480 mm).
• B289: 168 mm. The default interval is 588 mm (3.5 x 168 mm).
Setting a smaller or larger number decreases or increases the length of the interval with this
simple calculation. This standard interval can be modified slightly with SP1923.

1941 Press FB Ctrl Switch by Temp Diff

This SP sets the temperature differential that determines when the machine adjusts for pressure
roller feedback control when the difference between the temperatures of the center and end of
the pressure roller is greater than 20°C (Default: 20).
[0 to 50/20/5]
If this SP is set to "50": and there is a difference between the temperatures at the center and
end of the pressure roller after more than 50 readings, then pressure roller feedback control
shifts to the supplement mode.

1942 Press FB Temp Hold Int: Normal

This SP sets the interval between temperature samplings for pressure roller feedback control.
Note: Modes "1" to "5" below refer to the paper type and thickness settings selected in User
Tools (see "Paper Thickness Default Selection" in this section).

1 Plain: Mode1 [0 to 50/0/5oC]

5. Service Tables

2 Plain: Mode2

3 Plain: Mode3

4 Plain: Mode4 [0 to 50/15/55oC]

5 Plain: Mode5 [0 to 50/0/5 oC]

1943 Press FB Temp High Temp: Special

This SP sets the high temperature used by pressure roller feedback temperature control for
Custom paper.
Note: Modes "1" to "5" below refer to the paper type and thickness settings selected in User
Tools (see "Paper Thickness Default Selection" in this section).

5 1 Plain: Mode1

2 Plain: Mode2 [0 to 50/0/5oC]

3 Plain: Mode3

4 Plain: Mode4 [0 to 50/20/5 oC]

5 Plain: Mode5 [0 to 50/0/5 oC]

1944 Press FB Temp Low Temp: Special

This SP sets the low temperature used by pressure roller feedback temperature control for
Custom paper.
Note: Modes "1" to "5" below refer to the paper type and thickness settings selected in User
Tools (see "Paper Thickness Default Selection" in this section).

1 Plain: Mode1

2 Plain: Mode2 [0 to 50/0/5oC]

3 Plain: Mode3

4 Plain: Mode4 [0 to 50/10/5 oC]

5 Plain: Mode5 [0 to 50/5/5 oC]

1945 Length Level Setting

These SP's define the Length Levels for the following SP codes:

SP1-xxx Feed

• SP1946 Press FB Stop: Target Temp Diff.

• SP1947 Press FB Stop: Time Period

1 Level 1 [1000 to 15000/1300/1 mm]

2 Level 2 [1000 to 15000/3700/1 mm]

3 Level 3 [1000 to 15000/61001 mm]

4 Level 4 [1000 to 15000/9100/1 mm]

5 Level 5 [1000 to 15000/12100/1 mm]

1946 Press FB Stop: Target Temp Diff

This SP calculates the hot roller target temperature while pressure roller feedback control is
stopped. This SP determines the target hot roller temperature while pressure roller feedback
control is not operating. The temperature is determined based on the paper type and length of
the paper (Length Level).
Note: The Length Levels (1 to 5) are defined by SP1945.

1 Length Level 1: Normal [0 to 30/15/1oC]

2 Length Level 2: Normal [0 to 30/10/1oC]

3 Length Level 3: Normal [0 to 30/7/1oC]

4 Length Level 4: Normal [0 to 30/5/1oC]

5 Length Level 5: Normal [0 to 30/3/1oC]

11 Length Level 1: Cold Start [0 to 30/10/1oC]

12 Length Level 2: Cold Start [0 to 30/5/1oC]

13 Length Level 3: Cold Start [0 to 30/3/1oC]

14 Length Level 4: Cold Start

15 Length Level 5: Cold Start [0 to 30/0/1oC]

16 Length Level 0: Cold Start

1947 Press FB Stop: Time Period

This SP sets the length of time that pressure roller feedback is suspended for the paper lengths
defined by SP1945.

5. Service Tables

• Pressure roller feedback control begins when the time set with this SP has elapsed after
paper feed starts.
• As more paper is fed for a multiple print job, the time setting for succeeding sheets is
• However, for succeeding sheets where the time prescribed for feedback suspension is "0",
the "0" value is not overwritten, but feedback suspension control is maintained until
countdown for the multiple copies is finished.

1 Length Level 1: Normal [0 to 300/15/1 sec.]

2 Length Level 2: Normal [0 to 300/30/1 sec.]

3 Length Level 3: Normal [0 to 300/45/1 sec.]

4 Length Level 4: Normal [0 to 300/60/1 sec.]

5 5 Length Level 5: Normal [0 to 300/80/1 sec.]

11 Length Level 1: Cold Start [0 to 300/20/1 sec.]

12 Length Level 2: Cold Start [0 to 300/35/1 sec.]

13 Length Level 3: Cold Start [0 to 300/50/1 sec.]

14 Length Level 4: Cold Start [0 to 300/70/1 sec.]

15 Length Level 5: Cold Start [0 to 300/100/1 sec.]

16 Length Level 0: Cold Start

Normally, pressure roller feedback control does not operate when the paper length is not
prescribed (length = 0). But if copying was started while feedback control was not operating,
during a cold start for example, then feedback control operates using the setting of this SP code.
[0 to 300/15/1 sec.]

17 Length Level 0: False Start

The target hot roller temperature for a flying start is determined by SP1931. This SP determines
the time limit for the hot roller to reach that target hot roller temperature.
[0 to 300/20/1 sec.]

18 Standby After Cold Start

This SP sets a time period that prohibits printing to begin even after the hot roller temperature
reaches its target temperature after a cold start. If a job is started during this time period
countdown, the countdown changes to the counts for-11 to -17 above.

SP1-xxx Feed

[0 to 300/60/1 sec.]

1948 Press Roller Inching Target Temp

This SP determines when inching starts.

• Inching control is done when the pressure roller temperature is above this setting (65oC
for example), but printing is prohibited until the pressure roller temperature reaches its
target temperature.
• Inching (idle rotation of the rollers) starts after the temperature rises above the hot roller
target temperature (SP1937 003).
• While the temperature is below 65oC copying (not printing) is possible before the
temperature of the pressure roller reaches its target temperature and inching starts.

1 Plain: Mode1 [60 to 180/100/5oC]

2 Plain: Mode2 [60 to 180/65/5oC] 5

3 Plain: Mode3

4 Plain: Mode4 [60 to 180/60/5oC]

5 Plain: Mode5

6 Trans.: Mode1 [60 to 180/130/5oC]

7 Trans.: Mode2 [60 to 180/100/5oC]

8 Trans.: Mode3

9 Trans.: Mode4

10 Trans.: Mode5

11 Film: Mode1
[60 to 180/60/5oC]
12 Film: Mode2

13 Film: Mode3

14 Film: Mode4

15 Film: Mode5

16 Plain Mode: Low Temp Cold Start

When the machine determines that a cold start in a low-temperature environment has started,
the machine uses this setting to start the machine and ignores the paper thickness mode settings.

5. Service Tables

• When the prescribed time has elapsed after a cold start, temperature control returns to
the paper type and thickness settings.
• However, this low temperature cold start does temperature control for plain paper only,
not for either translucent paper or film.
[60 to 80/120/5oC]

1949 Press FB Std Temp Coeff

The formula above uses the setting of this SP to determine the pressure roller feedback
temperature. The result of this calculation is used to calculate the hot roller target temperature.
5 Note:
• Settings can be selected below for the paper type, mode, and paper length.
• Modes "1" to "5" below refer to the paper type and thickness settings selected in User
Tools (see "Paper Thickness Default Selection" in this section).

11 Normal Mode1: > 611mm [0 to 1/0/0.1]

12 Normal Mode1: 461-610mm

13 Normal Mode1: 298-460

14 Normal Mode1: < 297mm

21 Normal Mode2: > 611mm

22 Normal Mode2: 461-610mm

23 Normal Mode2: 298-460

24 Normal Mode2: < 297mm

31 Normal Mode3: > 611mm

32 Normal Mode3: 461-610mm

33 Normal Mode3: 298-460

34 Normal Mode3: < 297mm

41 Normal Mode4: > 611mm

42 Normal Mode4: 461-610mm

SP1-xxx Feed

43 Normal Mode4: 298-460

44 Normal Mode4: < 297mm

51 Normal Mode5: > 611mm

52 Normal Mode5: 461-610mm

53 Normal Mode5: 298-460

54 Normal Mode5: < 297mm

61 Trans Mode: > 611mm

62 Trans Mode: 461-610mm

63 Trans Mode: 298-460

64 Trans Mode: < 297mm 5

111 Film Mode: > 611mm

112 Film Mode: 461-610mm

113 Film Mode: 298-460

114 Film Mode: < 297mm

1970 Fan Stop Time

This SP sets the fan stop time.

[0 to 30/1/1 min.]

5. Service Tables

SP2-xxx Drum
2001 Charge Corona Adjustment

This SP adjusts the charge corona outputs.

Adjusts the charge corona output for total area. DFU

1 Total Corona Current
[650 to 1530/1220/1 V step]

Adjusts the charge grid output. DFU

2 Grid Voltage: Image Area
[162 to 1070/865/1 mA step]

Grid Voltage: ID Sensor Adjusts the charge grid output for the ID sensor pattern. DFU
Pattern [162 to 1070/690/1 V step]

2101 Print Erase Margin

Adjusts the quantity of erase for copy mode (quantity of white space).

1 Leading Edge

2 Trailing Edge [0.0 to 10/2/0.1 mm step]

3 Left edge

4 Right edge [0.0 to 10/0.5/0.5 mm step]

2110 Test Mode dpi DFU

This SP adjusts the pixel resolution.

[0 to 19/8/1]
0: 400 x 400 dpi (reduction)
4: 300 x 300 dpi (reduction)
8: 600 x 600 dpi
19: 200 x 200 dpi (reduction)

2201 Development Bias Adjustment

This SP sets the development bias to adjust the amount of toner used in the image area.

1 Image Area [-56 to -952/-650/1 V step]

SP2-xxx Drum

2 ID Sensor Pattern: Low Duty Copy Jobs [-56 to -952/-414/1 V step]

3 ID Sensor Pattern: High Duty Copy Jobs [56 to 952/453/1 V step]

[0 to 1/0/1]
4 Copy Jobs 0: Low Duty Mode
1: High Duty Mode

2207 Forced Toner Supply

Push [Execute] to force toner supply. Make a copy and check the image density. This SP
supplies more toner to make light copies darker. Each time this SP is done, toner is supplied
one time.

2208 Toner Supply Setting 5

Sets the toner supply capacity for the job load.
[0 to 3/1/1]
0: L (Low)
1 Gain
1: M (Medium)
2: H (High)
3: HH (Very High)

Sets the toner supply mode.

0: Detect Mode (uses ID sensor)
1: Fixed Mode
3 Toner Supply Mode • If the ID sensor is damaged and cannot be replaced immediately,
set this SP to “1”. The operator can continue to use the machine
until a new ID sensor becomes available.
• After the ID sensor has been replaced, reset this SP to 0.

2301 Transfer Current Adjustment

Use these SP's to adjust the coefficient and power output used to develop the image at the
center, leading edge, and trailing edge.
Note: Always do the coefficient adjustment first, then adjust the power output.

1 Plain Paper: Img LEdge

Adjusts the transfer output power for plain paper.
2 Plain Paper: Img Area DFU

5. Service Tables

3 Plain Paper: Img TEdge [0 to 230/60/1 mA]

Adjusts the transfer output coefficient for the

image at the center, leading edge, and trailing
4 Plain Paper: Coefficient edge on plain paper. DFU
[1.0 to 2.0/1.0/0.2 step]

5 Translucent: Img LEdge

Adjusts the transfer output power for translucent
6 Translucent: Img Area print media. DFU
[0 to 230/60/1 mA]
7 Translucent: Img TEdge

Adjusts the transfer output coefficient for the

image at the center, leading edge, and trailing
8 Translucent: Coefficient edge on translucent print media. DFU
5 [1.0 to 2.0/1.0/0.2 step]

9 Film: Img LEdge

Adjusts the transfer output power for film print
10 Film: Img Area media. DFU
[0 to 230/80/1 mA]
11 Film: Img TEdge

Adjusts the transfer output coefficient for the

image at the center, leading edge, and trailing
12 Film: Coefficient edge on film print media. DFU
[1.0 to 2.0/1.0/0.2 step]

2401 Separation DC Timing Adjustment

Adjusts the separation dc timing. DFU

[0 to 300/100/4 mm step]

2402 Separation AC Current Adjustment

Adjusts the separation ac voltage for roll paper and cut sheets.

1 Roll Paper
[18 to 466/280/1 mA step]
2 Cut Paper

2403 Separation DC Current DFU

SP2-xxx Drum

Adjusts the separation dc current. If this setting is too high, toner from the paper will cling to the
drum after transfer. The separation dc current can be set for plain paper, translucent paper,
and film for the leading edge, trailing edge, and areas outside the image.

1 Roll Paper: Plain Paper: Img LEdge [0.0 to -66/ -25/0.1 mA]

2 Roll Paper: Plain Paper: Outside Img LEdge [0.0 to -66/ -15/0.1 mA]

3 Roll Paper: Translucent: Img LEdge [0.0 to -66/ -25/0.1 mA]

4 Roll Paper: Translucent: Outside Img LEdge [0.0 to -66/ -15/0.1 mA]

5 Roll Paper: Film: Img LEdge [0.0 to -66/ -25/0.1 mA]

6 Roll Paper: Film: Outside Img LEdge [0.0 to -66/ -15/0.1] mA]

11 Bypass: Plain Paper: Img LEdge [0.0 to -66/ -25/0.1 mA]

12 Bypass: Plain Paper: Outside Img LEdge [0.0 to -66/ -25/0.1 mA]
13 Bypass: Translucent: Img LEdge [0.0 to -66/ -15/0.1 mA]

14 Bypass: Translucent: Outside Img LEdge [0.0 to -66/ -15/0.1 mA]

15 Bypass: Film: Img LEdge [0.0 to -66/ -15/0.1 mA]

16 Bypass: Film: Outside Img LEdge [0.0 to -66/ -15/0.1 mA]

17 Cassette: Img LEdge [0.0 to -66/0/0.1 mA]

18 Cassette: Outside Img LEdge [0.0 to -66/0/0.1 mA]

2801 Initialize Developer

This SP mixes the developer and initializes the ID sensor. Use this SP to mix the developer during
machine installation or after the developer has been replaced. The machine requires two packs
of developer. Two SP codes are provided for entering the lot numbers of both packages.
• Always enter the lot numbers with SP2801-2 and -3 before doing SP2801-1.

1 Developer Initial Setting: Execute Mixes developer and initializes the ID sensor

2 Lot Number 1 Lot number of the 1st packet.

3 Lot Number 2 Lot number of the 2nd packet.

2803 Corona Wire: Cleaning Start

5. Service Tables

Do this SP to clean the charge corona wire. This SP also moves the cleaning pad to the home
position. The cleaning requires about 20 sec. to complete.

2804 Corona Wire: Cleaning Interval

Sets the interval for charge corona wire cleaning.

Note: The wire is cleaned only when the hot roller temperature is below 50 °C (122oF).
[0 to 6/3/1 step]
0: None (no cleaning)
1: After the main switch is turned on.
2: After 300 m of copies
3: After 600 m of copies

5 4: After 900 m of copies

5: After 1200 m of copies
6: After 1500 m of copies

2805 Drum Motor Speed DFU

This SP adjusts the drum motor speed.

1 Width:420mm more

2 Width:420mm less

2902 Test Pattern

Use these SP's to select and print test patterns.

1 IPU Scanning Test Pattern

Select this test pattern if you suspect there is a problem with scanning. Select one of 17 available
test patterns (1-17).
[0 to 17/0/1]

* 0: None 9: Vertical Grayscale (16-level)

1: Vertical Line (1-dot) 10: Grayscale (16-level)

2: Vertical Line (2-dot) 11: Cross Pattern

3: Horizontal Line (1-dot) 12: Argyle Pattern

SP2-xxx Drum

4: Horizontal Line (2-dot) 13: Density Patch (256-level)

5: Independent Dot (1-dot) 14: Density Patch (64-level)

6: Grid Pattern (1-dot) 15: Trimming Area

7: Vertical Stripes 16: Bandwidth (Vertical)

8: Horizontal Gray (16-level) 17: Bandwidth (Horizontal)

2 IPU Printing Test Pattern

Select this test pattern if you suspect there is a problem with image printing. Select one of 11
available test patterns (1-11). Refer to "3. Replacement and Adjustment" for more details about
how to use these patterns to check these items:
• Registration line speed (Pattern #11)
• Magnification (Pattern #11) 5
• LPH replacement (Pattern #11)
• Pattern density (Pattern #10)
[0 to 11/0/1]

* 0: None 6: Density Patch (64-level)

1: Independent Dot (1-4 dot)&Solid 7: Cross Pattern

2: Horizontal Grayscale (16-level) 8: Grid Pattern (96 dot width)

3: Vertical Grayscale (16-level) 9: Argyle Pattern

4: Grayscale (16-level) 10: Grayscale Horizontal (8-level & line)

5: Density Patch (256-level) 11: Grid Pattern (128 dot width)

3 Printing Test Pattern

Select this test pattern if you suspect there is a problem with image writing. Select one of 25
available test patterns (1-25).
[0 to 25/0/1]
0: None (default)

* 0: None 13: Vertical Line (1-dot)

1: Grid Pattern (1-dot) 14: Vertical Line (2-dot)

2: Grid Pattern (2-dot) 15: Horizontal Line (1-dot)

5. Service Tables

3: Grid Pattern (3-dot) 16: Horizontal Line (2-dot)

4: Grid Pattern (4-dot) 17: Checkered Flag

5: Grid Pattern (5-dot) 18: Alternating Dot Pattern (1-dot)

6: Grid Pattern (6-dot) 19: Alternating Dot Pattern (2-dot)

7: Argyle Pattern (1-dot) 20: Alternating Dot Pattern (4-dot)

8: Argyle Pattern (2-dot) 21: Trimming Area

9: Argyle Pattern (3-dot) 22: Full Dot Pattern

10: Argyle Pattern (4-dot) 23: Black Band (Vertical)

11: Argyle Pattern (5-dot) 24: Black Band (Horizontal)

5 12: Argyle Pattern (6-dot) 25: Blank Image

2909 Main Scan Magnification

This SP fine adjusts magnification of the copy image in the main scan direction.
[-10 to +10/0/0.1%]

2916 Fine Magnification

Adjusts the magnification for each paper type. These settings are enabled automatically for
the paper type when the operator selects a magnification ratio for the copy job. These
corrections are done during image processing after the original is scanned. Adjust the setting
for a paper type if you consistently notice distortion in magnified images for a particular type.
[-10 to +10/0/0.1%]
• SP2916-1, SP2916-2 should be adjusted at installation of the main machine. In "1.
Installation" see p.210 .

1 Plain Paper: Mode1-4: Horiz

2 Plain Paper: Mode1-4: Vert

3 Translucent: Mode1-4: Horiz

4 Translucent: Mode1-4: Vert

5 Film: Mode1-4: Horiz

SP2-xxx Drum

6 Film: Mode1-4: Vert

7 Recycled Paper: Mode1-4: Horiz

8 Recycled Paper: Mode1-4: Vert

9 Plain Paper: Mode5: Horiz

10 Plain Paper: Mode5: Vert

11 Translucent: Mode5: Horiz

12 Translucent: Mode5: Vert

13 Film: Mode5: Horiz

14 Film: Mode5: Vert

15 Recycled Paper: Mode5: Horiz 5

16 Recycled Paper: Mode5: Vert

2923 Execute Cleaning Blade Replace Mode

Always do this SP after replacing the OPC or cleaning blade.

This SP applies a small amount of toner to the drum and blade to reduce friction between the
new drum and/or new blade. This prevents scratching the drum or bending the blade.

2924 Developer Mixing: Warmup

Enables/disables measurement of Vsg during warm-up immediately after the machine is

switched on. Vsg sampling is done to ensure good quality for the first copies.
[0 to 2/0/1]
0: Vsg is read immediately after the machine is switched on with the fusing temperature less
than 50°C (122oF).
1: Vsg is always read during warm-up immediately after the machine is switched on,
regardless of the fusing temperature level.
2: Vsg is not read during warm-up.

2925 Transfer Current Timing DFU

These SP's adjust the transfer current timing.

1 ON Adjusts the timing for power on.

5. Service Tables

[0 to 16/6/0.2 mm]

Adjusts the timing for switching from the leading edge to the center.
2 Leading Edge
[0 to 30/8/1 mm]

Adjusts the timing for switching from the center to the trailing edge.
3 Trailing Edge
[-30 to 0/0/1 mm]

2926 Used Toner Overflow Detect

The used toner bottle motor operates a cam. This cam strikes the side of the used toner collection
bottle, to create a vibration that levels the used toner inside the bottle.

1 Used Tnr M (Sensor Detection)

5 Sets the length of time that the used toner bottle motor operates. The motor starts 10 sec. after
the main power switch is switched on and if the fusing temperature is less than 50°C
[0 to 30/20/5]
Note: Ten seconds after the machine is switched on, if the machine detects that the toner
collection bottle is full, the used toner bottle motor does not operate.

2 Used Tnr M (TE Recovery)

Sets the length of time that the used toner bottle motor operates after TE (toner end).
[0 to 80/30/5 sec.]

3 Used Toner Bottle Full Detect

Limits the length of paper that can be printed after the machine detects that the used toner
collection bottle is full.
[1 to 50/15/1 m]

2927 Toner (Near) End Detection DFU

These SP's set the levels for the toner near-end and toner end levels.

Sets the level for toner near end detection. (Vsp/Vsg = Vend).
1 Near End Level
[0.140 to 0.275/0.145/0.005 V]

Sets the Vsp/Vsg level for toner end detection. The ID sensor must
3 End Level detect this value three times in succession to detect toner end. The
machine s to ps when toner end is detected.

SP2-xxx Drum

[0.150 to 300/0.165/0.005 V]

2928 Toner End Recovery

Recovery starts after the toner cartridge is replaced when a toner-end condition exists.
[0.130 to 0.215/0.145/0.005 V]
In the toner-end recovery process:
• The machine writes an ID sensor pattern on the surface of the drum.
• The ID sensor reads the density of the ID sensor pattern and converts it to an electrical
signal (Vsp).
• The machine compares the Vsp value with Vsg, which is read from the bare sursection of
the drum (Vsg/Vsg=Vref)
• If Vsp/Vsg < Vref (the value of this SP setting), recovery is completed and the machine
goes back to normal operation. 5
2943 LED Duty Adjustment DFU

Adjusts the on timing (the “width” or “duty”) of the LEDs in the LPH units to change image
exposure. Use this SP if it is necessary to make the output of one LPH block brighter or darker.
Raising the setting creates darker pixels, lowering the setting creates lighter pixels.

1 LPH1 [1.0 to 32.0/12.0/0.1%]

2 LPH2 The optimum LPH settings are printed on the label that is attached to LPH
replacement units. Always input these settings immediately after the LPH unit
3 LPH3 has been replaced.

2944 LED Duty Rate DFU

This SP adjusts the power to the LPH.

[0 to 100/50/1%]

2952 LPH Joint Adjustment

Adjust these settings only after you replace the LPH. For more, refer to “Replacement and

Adjusts the LPH joint for main scan between LPH1 and
1 LPH1-2 Main Scan LPH2.
[0 to 999/500/1]

5. Service Tables

Adjusts the LPH joint for main scan between LPH2 and
2 LPH2-3 Main Scan LPH3.
[0 to 999/500/1]

Adjusts sub scanning at LPH 1-2 for paper more than

11 LPH1-2 Sub Scan 420 mm wide.
[300 to 500/412/1]

Adjusts sub scanning at LPH 2-3 for paper more than

12 LPH2-3 Sub Scan 420 mm wide.
[2 to 100/16/1]

Adjusts sub scanning at LPH 1-2 for paper less than

420 mm wide. This value is calculated automatically.
51 LPH1-2 Sub Scan: < 420mm Do not adjust.
5 [-50 to +50/0/1] DFU

Adjusts sub scanning at LPH 2-3 for paper less than

420 mm wide. This value is calculated automatically.
52 LPH2-3 Sub Scan: < 420mm Do not adjust.
[-50 to +50/0/1] DFU

2953 LPH Joint Power Corr

Adjusts the four LEDs at each end of LPH 2. This fine adjustment is not usually necessary in the
field. DFU
[-63 to +63/0/1]

1 1-Dot: Left 011 1-Dot: Right

2 2-Dot: Left 012 2-Dot: Right

3 3-Dot: Left 013 3-Dot: Right

4 4-Dot: Left 014 4-Dot: Right

2954 Binary Line Width Corr: Print

These SP's determine how line processing is handled for vertical lines.
Note: This SP has no effect on horizontal lines.

1 Change On/Off

SP2-xxx Drum

This SP switches fine line processing by the LPH off and on.
[0 to 1/1/1]
0: Disabled
1: Enabled

10 Level Select ( for > 2dots)

This SP selects the level for fine line processing of vertical lines thicker than two dots.
[0 to 3/1/1]
0: Strongest processing (thinnest)
1: Normal processing
2: Weaker processing
3: Weakest processing (thickest)

The illustration above shows how two elements comprise each dot. This example shows vertical and
horizontal 1-dot lines.

5. Service Tables

The diagram above illustrates the patterns for the settings SP2954-10 (0 to 3) on a 2-dot vertical line. The
settings have no effect on the horizontal line.

SP2-xxx Drum

When line thickness more than 2 dots the value selected for SP2954-10 affects only the outer lines. The
diagram above shows "1" selected for SP2954-10. The setting does not affect the horizontal line.

2959 Display VDB ID

This SP displays the 8-bit data that identifies the FPGA version of the VDB (Video Drive Board).
The VDB controls the signals sent to the LPH.

5. Service Tables

SP3-xxx Process Control

3001 ID Sensor Initial Setting

These SP's do the settings for the ID sensor LED.

Sets the level of the PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) of the ID sensor LED.
[0 to 100/20/0.1%]

Automatically adjusts the ID sensor with a sensor reading of the bare drum.
The initial setting is 4.0V ±0.2. This SP requires about 4 sec. to execute.
Always do this SP at installation, and after you replace these components:

2 Initialization • OPC Drum

5 • ID Sensor

3103 ID Sensor Output Display

This SP displays the current readings of the bare drum surface (Vsg) and the ID sensor pattern

1 Vsg Bare drum reflection

2 Vsp ID sensor pattern reflection

3911 Mix New Developer

This SP agitates and mixes developer to raise its triboelectric charge and prevent dirty
background on copies. Do this SP only if the machine has not been used for a long time.
Note: Execution of this SP is not required at machine installation or after developer replacement.

SP4-xxx Scanner

SP4-xxx Scanner
4008 Scanner Sub Scan Magnification

Adjusts magnification in the sub scan direction by changing the speed of the main motor.
[-0.9 to +0.9/0/0.1% step]

4010 Scanner Sub Scan Reg

Adjusts the time between the sensor-on position and the leading edge
1 Leading Edge of the image.
[-10 to +10/0/0.1 mm step]

Adjusts the time between the sensor-off position and the trailing edge

2 Trailing Edge
of the image. This sets the timing for the CIS to stop scanning after the 5
leading edge of the original passes the registration sensor.
[-10 to +10/0.0/0.1 mm step]

4011 Scanner Main Scan Reg

Adjusts the scan registration.

[-4 to +4/0.0/0.1 mm]

4012 Scanner Erase Margin

These SP's define borders around the image area output by the scanner. Each edge can be
set indepent of the others.

5 DF: LEdge

6 DF: TEdge [0 to 9/1.5/1 mm]

7 DF: Left

8 DF: Right [0 to 9/0.5/1 mm]

4013 Scanner Free Run

These SP's set up and start the scanner free run operation for testing.

1 Start Push [Execute] to start.

5. Service Tables

Sets the interval between prints for the scanner free run.
2 Page Interval Setting
[0 to 25/10/0.1 s]

Sets the interval between multiple feeds for the DF free run.
3 Original Length Setting
[0.1 to 15/1.2/0.1 m]

4101 Scanner Main Scan Magnification

Adjusts the side- to -side scan magnification.

[-0.9 to +0.9/0.0/0.1 %]

4550 Scanner: Text/Chart

These SP's set the MTF (Modular Transfer Function) for scanned text and charts.
5 • Always adjust the level (coefficient) before adjusting the strength.
• Raising the brightness or contrast level may increase moiré
Note: When the original image is converted to electrical signals, the contrast is reduced due
to the influence that adjacent white and black pixels have on one another as a result of CIS
properties. Typically, you will see very narrow width and spacing between black and white
areas. MTF corrects this problem and emphasizes image detail.

1 MTF Filter Level: Main Scan:0-15 Set the MTF coefficient for main/sub scanning.
[0 to 15/8/1]
2 MTF Filter Level: Sub Scan:0-15
0: Weak < 8: Default > 15: Strong

3 MTF Filter Strength: Main Scan:0-7 Set the MTF strength for main/sub scan

4 MTF Filter Strength: Sub Scan:0-7 [0 to 7/4/1]

0: Weak ← 4: Default → 7: Strong

Selects the level of smoothing for originals that

contain dithered images.
6 Smoothing Filter:0-7
[0 to 7/0/1]
0: Default (Off) > 7: Strong

Sets the overall brightness of the image.

7 Brightness:1-255 [1 to 255/128/1]
1: Weak < 128: Default > 255: Strong

8 Contrast:1-255 Sets the overall contrast of the image.

SP4-xxx Scanner

[1 to 255/128/1]
1: Weak < 128: Default > 255: Strong

Sets the level of independent dot erasure to

improve the appearance of background.
9 Independent Dot Erase:0-7
[0 to 7/0/1]
0: Default (Off) → 7: Strongest

4551 Scanner: Text

These SP's set the MTF (Modular Transfer Function) for scanned text.
• Always adjust the level (coefficient) before adjusting the strength.
• Raising the brightness or contrast level may increase moiré
Note: When the original image is converted to electrical signals, the contrast is reduced due
to the influence that adjacent white and black pixels have on one another as a result of CIS
properties. Typically, you will see very narrow width and spacing between black and white
areas. MTF corrects this problem and emphasizes image detail.

1 MTF Filter Level: Main Scan:0-15 Set the MTF coefficient for main/sub scanning.
[0 to 15/8/1]
2 MTF Filter Level: Sub Scan:0-15
0: Weak < 8: Default > 15: Strong

3 MTF Filter Strength: Main Scan:0-7 Set the MTF strength for main/sub scan

4 MTF Filter Strength: Sub Scan:0-7 [0 to 7/4/1]

0: Weak ← 4: Default → 7: Strong

Selects the level of smoothing for originals that

contain dithered images.
6 Smoothing Filter:0-7
[0 to 7/0/1]
0: Default (Off) > 7: Strong

Sets the overall brightness of the image.

7 Brightness:1-255 [1 to 255/128/1]
1: Weak < 128: Default > 255: Strong

Sets the overall contrast of the image.

8 Contrast:1-255 [1 to 255/128/1]
1: Weak < 128: Default > 255: Strong

5. Service Tables

Sets the level of independent dot erasure to

improve the appearance of background.
9 Independent Dot Erase:0-7
[0 to 7/0/1]
0: Default (Off) → 7: Strongest

4553 Scanner: Text/Photo

These SP's set the MTF (Modular Transfer Function) for originals with text and photos on the
same area.
• Always adjust the level (coefficient) before adjusting the strength.
• Raising the brightness or contrast level may increase moiré
Note: When the the original image is converted to electrical signals, the contrast is reduced
due to the influence that adjacent white and black pixels have on one another as a result of
5 CIS properties. Typically, you will see very narrow width and spacing between black and white
areas. MTF corrects this problem and emphasizes image detail.

1 MTF Filter Level: Main Scan:0-15 Set the MTF coefficient for main/sub scanning.
[0 to 15/8/1]
2 MTF Filter Level: Sub Scan:0-15
0: Weak < 8: Default > 15: Strong

3 MTF Filter Strength: Main Scan:0-7 Set the MTF strength for main/sub scan directions.
[0 to 7/4/1]
4 MTF Filter Strength: Sub Scan:0-7
0: Weak ← 4: Default → 7: Strong

Selects the level of smoothing for originals that

contain dithered images.
6 Smoothing Filter:0-7
[0 to 7/0/1]
0: Default (Off) > 7: Strong

Sets the overall brightness of the image.

7 Brightness:1-255 [1 to 255/128/1]
1: Weak < 128: Default > 255: Strong

Sets the overall contrast of the image.

8 Contrast:1-255 [1 to 255/128/1]
1: Weak < 128: Default > 255: Strong

Sets the level of independent dot erasure to improve

9 Independent Dot Erase:0-7 the appearance of background.
[0 to 7/0/1]

SP4-xxx Scanner

0: Default (Off) → 7: Strongest

4554 Scanner: Photo

These SP's set the MTF (Modular Transfer Function) for photo originals.
• Always adjust the level (coefficient) before adjusting the strength.
• Raising the brightness or contrast level may increase moiré
Note: When the the original image is converted to electrical signals, the contrast is reduced
due to the influence that adjacent white and black pixels have on one another as a result of
CIS properties. Typically, you will see very narrow width and spacing between black and white
areas. MTF corrects this problem and emphasizes image detail.

1 MTF Filter Level: Main Scan:0-15 Set the MTF coefficient for main/sub scanning.
[0 to 15/8/1]
2 MTF Filter Level: Sub Scan:0-15
0: Weak < 8: Default > 15: Strong 5
3 MTF Filter Strength: Main Scan:0-7 Set the MTF strength for main/sub scan

4 MTF Filter Strength: Sub Scan:0-7 [0 to 7/4/1]

0: Weak ← 4: Default → 7: Strong

Selects the level of smoothing for originals that

contain dithered images.
6 Smoothing Filter:0-7
[0 to 7/0/1]
0: Default (Off) > 7: Strong

Sets the overall brightness of the image.

7 Brightness:1-255 [1 to 255/128/1]
1: Weak < 128: Default > 255: Strong

Sets the overall contrast of the image.

8 Contrast:1-255 [1 to 255/128/1]
1: Weak < 128: Default > 255: Strong

Sets the level of independent dot erasure to

improve the appearance of background.
9 Independent Dot Erase:0-7
[0 to 7/0/1]
0: Default (Off) → 7: Strongest

5. Service Tables

4565 Scanner: Line Drawing

These SP's set the MTF (Modular Transfer Function) for line drawing originals.
• Always adjust the level (coefficient) before adjusting the strength.
• Raising the brightness or contrast level may increase moiré
Note: When the the original image is converted to electrical signals, the contrast is reduced
due to the influence that adjacent white and black pixels have on one another as a result of
CIS properties. Typically, you will see very narrow width and spacing between black and white
areas. MTF corrects this problem and emphasizes image detail.

1 MTF Filter Level: Main Scan:0-15 Set the MTF coefficient for main/sub scanning.
[0 to 15/8/1]
2 MTF Filter Level: Sub Scan:0-15
0: Weak < 8: Default > 15: Strong

5 3 MTF Filter Strength: Main Scan:0-7 Set the MTF strength for main/sub scan

4 MTF Filter Strength: Sub Scan:0-7 [0 to 7/4/1]

0: Weak ← 4: Default → 7: Strong

Selects the level of smoothing for originals that

contain dithered images.
6 Smoothing Filter:0-7
[0 to 7/0/1]
0: Default (Off) > 7: Strong

Sets the overall brightness of the image.

7 Brightness:1-255 [1 to 255/128/1]
1: Weak < 128: Default > 255: Strong

Sets the overall contrast of the image.

8 Contrast:1-255 [1 to 255/128/1]
1: Weak < 128: Default > 255: Strong

Sets the level of independent dot erasure to

improve the appearance of background.
9 Independent Dot Erase:0-7
[0 to 7/0/1]
0: Default (Off) → 7: Strongest

4700 Display CIS ASIC ID

This SP displays an 8-bit string that identifies the FPGA version of the SIB board.

SP4-xxx Scanner

4705 CIS Adjustment

Displays a “0” (not adjusted) or a “1” to indicate whether the white level
1 Flag Display
adjustment with SP4705-2 has been successful.

Input “1” to adjust the standard white level.

2 Start Note: Do this SP to correct the problem of uneven density in copies,
especially in filled areas.

4713 CIS White Level Adjustment DFU

These SP's display the standard white board values after adjustment with SP4705-2.

1 CIS1

2 CIS2
3 CIS3 [0 to 511/0/1]

4 CIS4

5 CIS5

4716 CIS White Level Adjustment: Factory DFU

These SP's display the standard white board values after adjustment at the factory.

1 CIS1

2 CIS2
[0 to 511/0/1]
3 CIS3
Note: If "0" is displayed, this means no adjustment has been done.
4 CIS4

5 CIS5

4724 CIS Read Offset Data DFU

These SP codes display the black level read data for visual confirmation at power on.

1 CIS1 : GE(ven) [0 to 255/0/1]

2 CIS1 : GO(dd)

3 CIS2 : GE(ven)

5. Service Tables

4 CIS2 : GO(dd)

5 CIS3 : GE(ven)

6 CIS3 : GO(ven)

7 CIS4 : GE(ven)

8 CIS4 : GO(dd)

9 CIS5 : GE(ven)

10 CIS5 : GO(dd)

4732 CIS Gain Adjustment DFU

5 These SP's display the gain data of the analog ASIC (EVEN or ODD) from the CIS after the
white level adjustment done immediately after power on. The white level adjustment sets the
peak value (shading data peak) for each channel at 240±2 digits.

1 CIS1 : GE(ven) [0 to 255/0/1]

2 CIS1 : GO(dd)

3 CIS2 : GE(ven)

4 CIS2 : GO(dd)

5 CIS3 : GE(ven)

6 CIS3 : GO(dd)

7 CIS4 : GE(ven)

8 CIS4 : GO(dd)

9 CIS5 : GE(ven)

10 CIS5 : GO(dd)

4735 CIS Read White Level DFU

These SP's display the peak level of the shading data after white level adjustment is done
immediately after power on.

1 CIS1 : GE(ven) [0 to 255/0/1]

2 CIS1 : GO(dd)

SP4-xxx Scanner

3 CIS2 : GE(ven)

4 CIS2 : GO(dd)

5 CIS3 : GE(ven)

6 CIS3 : GO(dd)

7 CIS4 : GE(ven)

8 CIS4 : GO(dd)

9 CIS5 : GE(ven)

10 CIS5 : GO(dd)

4741 CIS White Adjust Loop DFU

This SP displays the number of AGC (gain) adjustment loops performed during white level

4745 CIS Adjustment Error Flag DFU

This SP displays the flags of any errors that occur at power on during:
• CIS white level check
• Black level check
• Whte level adjustment
[0 to 1111 1111b]

b0 Black level adjustment timeout (not used)

b1 White level adjustment timeout. The test did not acquire a value after 20 attempts.

b2 White level 1st check error. The acquired value was judged not within range.

Density adjustment timeout. After 20 attempts a value within range could not be

Standard white roller adjustment interrupted. Something interrupted the adjustment

sequence (jam, upper unit opened, etc.)

Standard white roller density adjustment timeout. The original (T6200) was output
before the adjustment completed.

5. Service Tables

4747 CIS Hard Error Flag DFU

This SP displays the flags of errors that occur during the CIS communication check done
immediately after power on.

b0 Serial output port abnormal. Signal at HIGH level became "1".

b1 Read failure. Failed to read CIS unit version information.

Write failure. A value was written to the CIS register (AGC_CONT) but it could not be

4762 CIS Gain Adjustment Normally DFU

These SP's display the gain data of the analog ASIC (EVEN or ODD) from the CIS after the
white level adjustment done immediately after power on. The white level adjustment sets the
5 peak value (shading data peak) for each channel at 240±2 digits.

1 CIS1 : GE(ven) [0 to 255/0/1]

2 CIS1 : GO(dd)

3 CIS2 : GE(ven)

4 CIS2 : GO(dd)

5 CIS3 : GE(ven)

6 CIS3 : GO(dd)

7 CIS4 : GE(ven)

8 CIS4 : GO(dd)

9 CIS5 : GE(ven)

10 CIS5 : GO(dd)

4765 CIS Standard White Level Adjustment Normally DFU

These SP's display the value adjusted for density of the white plate after standard white plate
density adjustment

1 CIS1 [0 to 511/0/1]

2 CIS2

3 CIS3

SP4-xxx Scanner

4 CIS4

5 CIS5

4781 CIS Gain Adjustment at Factory DFU

When SP4705 002 (CIS Adjustment - Start) is executed after SP4705 (CIS Adjustment)
returned a "0" (failure to adjust) and standard white plate density adjustment ends successfully.
The gain value is stored in NVRAM. This SP retrieves that value and displays it.

1 CIS1 : GE [0 to 255/0/1]

2 CIS1 : GO

3 CIS2 : GE

4 CIS2 : GO 5
5 CIS3 : GE

6 CIS3 : GO

7 CIS4 : GE

8 CIS4 : GO

9 CIS5 : GE

10 CIS5 : GO

4901 Scan Correction DFU

Displays the AEREF value used to supplement shading

1 Shading Correction: AEREF Setting processing.
[0 to 63/0/1]

Outputs the shading data used during supplemental

shading processing of scanned image data.
Shading Correction: Shading Data [0 to 1/0/1]
0: Scanned image after shading processing (normal)
1: Shading data

Changes the AEREF value used during digital A/E

3 Digital AE: AEREF Setting processing of the scanned image.
[-63 to +63/0/1]

5. Service Tables

Provides the boundary values to the digital A/E

4 Digital AE: Low Limit processing address for the scanned image data.
[0 to 255/41/1]

Defines the start position for digital A/E processing of the

5 Digital AE: Start Position scanned image data.
[0.5 to 10.0/5.0/0.1 mm]

4903 Image Quality Adj.

Use this if density is not equal in shaded areas of the copy. The change from high to low density
areas in shaded areas must be smooth. Do these SP adjustments if you see “false outlines” in
shaded areas of the copy.
• To increase the effect, use a higher setting.
5 • To decrease the effect, use a lower setting.
• The higher settings can make text look better, but can also decrease the quality of the

MTF Filter Settings

1 Text (25.0-55.0%)

2 Text (55.1-75.0%)

3 Text (75.1-160.0%)

4 Text (160.1-400.0%)

5 Photo: Dithering (25.0-55.0%)

6 Photo: Dithering (55.1-75.0%)

7 Photo: Dithering (75.1-160.%)

8 Photo: Dithering (160.1-400.0%)

9 Photo: Error Diffusion (25.0-55.0%)

10 Photo: Error Diffusion (55.1-75.0%)

11 Photo: Error Diffusion (75.1-160.%)

12 Photo: Error Diffusion (160.1-400.0%)

13 Text/Photo (25.0-55.0%)

SP4-xxx Scanner

14 Text/Photo (55.1-75.0%)

15 Text/Photo (75.1-160.0%)

16 Text/Photo (160.1-400.0%)

21 Generation (25.0-55.0%)

22 Generation (55.1-75.0%)

23 Generation (751-160.0%)

24 Generation (160.1-400.0%)

25 Drawing (25.0-55.0%)

26 Drawing (55.1-75.0%)

27 Drawing (75.1-160.0%) 5
28 Drawing (160.1-400.0%)

29 Patched Original (25.0-55.0%)

30 Patched Original (55.1-75.0%)

31 Patched Original (75.1-160.0%)

32 Patched Original (160.1-400.0%)

33 Blue Line (25.0-55.0%)

34 Blue Line (55.1-75.0%)

35 Blue Line (75.1-160.0%)

36 Blue Line (160.1-400.0%)

Independent Dot Erase

60 Independent Dot Erase: Text

61 Independent Dot Erase: Photo

62 Independent Dot Erase: Text/Photo

64 Independent Dot Erase: Generation

65 Independent Dot Erase: Drawing

66 Independent Dot Erase: Patched Original

5. Service Tables

67 Independent Dot Erase: Blue Line

Background Erase

70 Background Erase: Text

71 Background Erase: Photo

72 Background Erase: Text/Photo

74 Background Erase: Generation

75 Background Erase: Drawing

76 Background Erase: Patched Original

77 Background Erase: Blue Line

5 Line Width Correction

80 Line Width Corr: Text: Mode Select

81 Line Width Corr: Text: Main Scan

82 Line Width Corr: Text: Sub Scan

83 Line Width Corr: Photo: Mode Select

84 Line Width Corr: Photo: Main Scan

85 Line Width Corr: Photo: Sub Scan

86 Line Width Corr: Text/Photo: Mode Select

87 Line Width Corr: Text/Photo: Main Scan

88 Line Width Corr: Text/Photo: Sub Scan

95 Line Width Corr: Drawing: Mode Select

96 Line Width Corr: Drawing: Main Scan

97 Line Width Corr: Drawing: Sub Scan

98 Line Width Corr: Patched Original: Mode Select

99 Line Width Corr: Patched Original: Main Scan

100 Line Width Corr: Patched Original: Sub Scan

101 Line Width Corr: Blue Line: Mode Select

SP4-xxx Scanner

102 Line Width Corr: Blue Line: Main Scan

103 Line Width Corr: Blue Line: Sub Scan

4904 Image Process Setting

These SP's set up image processing for each mode.

• The smoothing level filters remove false outlines.
• Line width correction corrects thin vertical lines.

2 Process Select: Photo

This SP sets the matrix that is used for dithering in the Photo Mode.
[1 to 3/0/1]
0: 8 x 8 dithering
1: 6 x 6 dithering
2: 4 x 4 dithering
3: Error diffusion

3 Density level: Patched Original [0 to 8/2/1]

10 Smoothing Filter Level: Text [0 to 3/1/1]

11 Smoothing Filter Level: Photo [0 to 3/2/1]

12 Smoothing Filter Level: Text/Photo

14 Smoothing Filter Level: Generation [0 to 3/1/1]

15 Smoothing Filter Level: Drawing

16 Smoothing Filter Level: Patched Original

17 Smoothing Filter Level: Blue Line

4909 Image Processing Through

These SP's check the operation of the scan and print processing modules on the IPU board.

IPU Scan Image Module

1 This SP checks the operations of the scanned image processing modules on the IPU board.

(7) 0000 0000 (0)

5. Service Tables

0: Shading correction 4: Independent dot erase

1: Scanner gamma 5: Gamma (scan path)

2: Filter 6: Gradation processing (scan path)

3: Line width correction 7: Scan mask

IPU Plotter Image Module

This SP checks the operations of the print image processing modules on the IPU board.

(7) 0000 0000 (0)

0: Print magnification
1: Gamma

5 2: Gradation processing
4: Print mask

4961 Original Adjustment

Adjusts the synchro-cut position.

[-9.9 to +9.9/0.0/0.1 mm ]
Synchro-cut Adjustment
1 Use the 210-mm position in the sample to check the difference. This
setting is used to calculate the motor clock count for adjusting the

Adjusts the synchro-cut position.

[-9.9 to +9.9/0.0/0.1 mm step]
Synchro-cut Adjustment
2 Use the 1000-mm position in the sample to check the difference. This
setting is used to calculate the motor clock count for adjusting the

3 Original Length Display Displays the original length.

4965 Original Speed:LEdge

The original feed roller tries to adjust for slippage of the feed rollers to allow the machine
measure the length of the original accurately. The diameter of the feed roller (32 ±0.05) differs
slightly from the diameter of the exit roller (32 ±0.05). The slightly higher speed of the exit roller
could cause the original to feed faster than usual, and cause distortion of the image at the joints
of the CIS. Use this SP to lower the speed of the original to correct this problem if image distortion
at the CIS joints occurs.

SP4-xxx Scanner

When to Use This SP

• Adjust this SP if you see image distortion after replacing the original feed roller or exit
• You may also need to adjust this SP if you see image distortion after CIS adjustments with
For more about how to use SP4865, please refer to "Replacements and Adjustments " >
"Scanner", "Original Feed Unit Rollers’ for how to use SP 4965.
[-1.0 to 0.0/ -0.2 /0.1]

4972 CIS Joint Adjustment

These SP's correct the alignment the image scanned by the CIS. For more, see p.210 .

1 CIS1-2 Main Scan

2 CIS2-3 Main Scan

3 CIS3-4 Main Scan

4 CIS4-5 Main Scan

[-127 to +127/0/1]
11 CIS1-2 Sub Scan

12 CIS2-3 Sub Scan

13 CIS3-4 Sub Scan

14 CIS4-5 Sub Scan

4973 CIS Scan Setting

This SP disables and enables correction of the alignment of the CIS elements with SP4972. For
more, see SP Adjustments.
[0 to 1/0/1]
0: Correction allowed
1: Correction not allowed

4974 CIS Power Corr DFU

These SP's adjust the level of current to the CIS elements. Adjusting these settings affect LED
control. Adjustments can be done separately for Red, Green, and Blue.

5. Service Tables

Corrects the current level for Red. When set to "0", the LED is off. When set to any value
1 R other than "0", the LED lights and Red can be adjusted.
[+127 to -127/0/1]

Corrects the current level for Green. This SP is adjusted to change when the scanning
11 G with the default settings does not achieve satisfactory results.
[+127 to -127/0/1]

Corrects the current level for Blue. When set to "0", the LED is off. When set to any value
21 B other than "0", the LED lights and Blue can be adjusted.
[+127 to -127/0/1]

4975 Original Edge Hold

5 This SP determines whether the machine stops and holds the original after the original is fed so
that it does not fall.
[0 to 1/0/1]
*0: Disable, 1: Enable

4991 Read Shading (Error) DFU

Determines whether the machine uses volatile data for shading correction.
[0 to 1/0/1]
*0: Disable, 1: Enable

1 CIS1 : GE(ven)

2 CIS1 : GO(dd)

3 CIS2 : GE(ven)

4 CIS2 : GO(dd)

5 CIS3 : GE(ven)
[0 to 255/255/1]
6 CIS3 : GO(dd)

7 CIS4 : GE(ven)

8 CIS4 : GO(dd)

9 CIS5 : GE(ven)

10 CIS5 : GO(dd)

SP5-xxx Mode

SP5-xxx Mode
mm/inch Display Selection
0: Europe/Asia (mm), 1: North America (inch)

Accounting Counter
These SP codes setting the method and units for counting.

1 Counter Method

Selects the counting method

[0 to 1/1/1]
0: Development counter (black prints)
1: Paper counter. Shows the total page counts

2 Counter Unit

[0 to 8/0/1]

0 Meters

1 Yards

2 Feet

3 Meters2

4 Yards2

5 Feet2

6 A3=1 Surface area count

7 0.1 meters
Only for counting devices/meters by user.
8 01. yards

Toner Refill Detect Display

5051 This SP switches on/off the message that prompts the operator when it is necessary to
replenish toner in the machine.
ON: Message displayed (Default)

5. Service Tables

OFF: Message not displayed

Display IP Address

Switches the banner display of the IP address off and on. (Default: *Off)
5055 For example, if this SP is switched on, the IP address will be displayed below "Ready" while
the printer is in standby mode:

Coverage Counter Display

5 This SP switches the counter list for the system administrator on/off.

5101 Panel Off Level

This SP sets the level of the low power mode, where the operation panel will switch off after
the machine enters low power mode.
[0 to 3/3/1]
0: Low power level 1
1: Low power level 2
2: Low power level 3
3: Low power level 4

5113 Optional Counter Type

Default Optional Counter Type

Selects the type of counter:

0: None
1: Key Card (RK3, 4) Japan Only
1 2: Key Card Down

3: Pre-paid Card
4: Coin Rack
5: MF Key Card
11: Exp Key Card (Add)

SP5-xxx Mode

12: Exp Key Card (Deduct)

External Optional Counter Type

Enables the SDK application. This lets you select a number for the external device for user
access control.
Note: “SDK” refers to software on an SD card.
2 [0 to 3/1]
0: None
1: Expansion Device 1
2: Expansion Device 2
3: Expansion Device 3

5114 Optional Counter I/F

This SP code enables the interface for an optional counting device.
[0 to 8/0/1]
Important Note: Only settings that can be enabled for machines outside Japan are listed here.
0: Disabled
1: Key Cards (RK2, 3, 4)
2: Decrementing keycard
11: Incrementing key cards for use outside Japan
12: Decrementing key cards for use outside Japan

Disable Copying

Temporarily denies access to the machine. Japan Only

5118 [0 to 1/1]
0: Release for normal operation
1: Prohibit access to machine

5120 Mode Clear Count Removal DFU

For a machine that has a counting device, this SP sets the next action when a copy job stops
because the card is removed, the card is expired, or if the paper supply runs out. Japan Only
[0 to 2/0/1 step]
0: Yes

5. Service Tables

1: Stand-by
2: No

5121 Counter Up Timing

Determines whether the optional key counter counts up at paper feed-in or at paper exit.
Japan Only
[0 to 1/1]
0: Feed count
1: No feed count

5127 APS Off Mode

5 This SP can be used to switch APS (Auto Paper Select) off while a coin lock or pre-paid key
card device is connected to the machine.
[0 to 1/1]
0: On
1: Off

5162 App. Switch Method

Determines if the application screen changes with a hardware switch or a software switch.
[0 to 1/1]
0: Soft Key Set
1: Hard Key Set

5169 CE Login

This SP enables and disables the CE log in mode. With this SP enabled, the machine is in the
CE (Customer Engineer/Service Technician) login mode.
In the CE login mode:
• The machine power can be turned off and on in the SP mode, and it will remain in the
SP mode after power is restored.
• This SP is automatically reset to "0" (disabled) after the service technician closes the SP
mode with the [Exit] soft button or after the log out timer expires.
Note: The Auto Logout Timer is in the "System Settings" of UserTools.
*0: Disable, 1: Enable

SP5-xxx Mode

0: CE login mode disabled.

1: CE login mode enabled.

5180 Charge Counter Method Japan Only

This SP codes sets the charge counter method.

[0 to 1/1/1]
0: Count number of sheets by paper size
1: Count frequency by paper size

5188 Copy NV Version DFU

This SP displays the NVRAM version to determine whether the NVRAM has been initialized.
Used during debugging.
5212 Page Numbering Not Used

Set Time DFU

Sets the time clock for the local time. This setting is done at the factory before delivery. The
setting is GMT expressed in minutes.
[–1440 to 1440/1 min.]
JA: +540 (Tokyo)
NA: -300 (NY)
EU: +6- (Paris)
CH: +480 (Peking)
TW: +480 (Taipei)
AS: +480 (Hong Kong)

Summer Time

Lets you set the machine to adjust its date and time automatically with the change to Daylight
Savings time in the spring, and back to normal time in the fall. This SP lets you set these items:
5307 • Day and time to go forward automatically in April
• Day and time to go back automatically in October
• Set the length of time to go forward and back automatically
• The settings for 2 and 3 are done with 8-digit numbers

5. Service Tables

Digits Meaning

Month. 4: April, 10: October (for months 1 to 9, the first digit of 0 cannot be
1st, 2nd
input, so the eight-digit setting for 2 or 3 becomes a seven-digit setting)

3rd Day of the week. 0: Sunday, 1: Monday

The number of the week for the day selected at the 3rd digit. If “0” is selected
4th for “Sunday”, for example, and the selected Sunday is the start of the 2nd
week, then input a “2” for this digit.

The time when the change occurs (24-hour as hex code).

5th, 6th
Example: 00:00 (Midnight) = 00, 01:00 (1 a.m.) = 01, and so on.

7th The number of hours to change the time. 1 hour: 1

5 8th
If the time change is not a whole number (1.5 hours for example), digit 8 should
be 3 (30 minutes).

Enables/disables the settings for 2 and 3.

[0 to 1/1]
1 Setting
0: Disable
1: Enable

3 Rule Set (Start) The start of summer time.

4 Rule Set (End) The end of summer time.

5401 Access Control DFU

These SP's store settings that limit uses access to SDK (Software Development Kit) application

200 SDK1 Unique ID

201 SDK1 Certification Method

210 SDK2 Unique ID "SDK" is the "Software Development Kit". This

data can be converted from SAS (VAS) when
211 SDK2 Certification Method installed or uninstalled. DFU

220 SDK3 Unique ID

221 SDK3 Certification Method

SP5-xxx Mode

User Code Count Clear

5404 Clears the counts for the user codes assigned by the key operator to restrict the use of the
machine. Press [Execute] to clear.

5501 PM Alarm

[0 to 9999 / 0 / 1 step]
1 PM Alarm Level 0: Alarm off
1 to 9999: Alarm goes off when Value (1 to 9999) ≥ PM counter

0: No alarm sounds
2 Original Count Alarm 1: Alarm sounds after the number of originals passing through the
ARDF ≥ 10,000
Jam Alarm Japan Only

Sets the alarm to sound for the specified jam level (document misfeeds are not included).
[0 to 3 / 3 / 1 step]
5504* 0: Zero (Off)
1: Low (2.5K jams)
2: Medium (3K jams)
3: High (6K jams)

Error Alarm

5505 Sets the error alarm level. Japan only DFU

[0 to 255 / 50 / 100 copies per step]

5507 Supply Alarm DFU

1 Paper Supply Alarm (0:Off 1:On)

Switches the control call on/off for the paper supply. DFU
0: Off, 1: On
0: No alarm.
1: Sets the alarm to sound for the specified number transfer sheets for each paper size (A3,
A4, B4, B5, DLT, LG, LT, HLT)

5. Service Tables

3 Toner Supply Alarm (0:Off 1:On)

Switches the control call on/off for the toner end. DFU
0: Off, 1: On
If you select “1” the alarm will sound when the main machine detects toner end.

The “Interval nn" SP's below specify the paper control call interval for the referenced paper
sizes. DFU
[00250 to 10000 / 1000 / 1 Step]

97 Interval: 841mm 164 Interval: LG

98 Interval: 594mm 165 Interval: Foolscap

99 Interval: 420mm 166 Interval: LT

5 100 Interval: 297mm 175 Interval: 12x18

101 Interval: 210mm 225 Interval: 36inch

106 Interval: 728mm 226 Interval: 24inch

107 Interval: 515mm 227 Interval: 18inch

108 Interval: 364mm 228 Interval: 12inch

109 Interval: 257mm 229 Interval: 9inch

128 Interval: Others 234 Interval: 34inch

132 Interval: A3 235 Interval: 22inch

133 Interval: A4 236 Interval: 17inch

141 Interval: B4 237 Interval: 11inch

160 Interval: DLT 238 Interval: 8.5inch

5508 CC Call Japan Only

1 Jam Remains Enables/disables initiating a call.

[0 to 1/1]
2 Continuous Jams
0: Disable
3 Continuous Door Open 1: Enable

SP5-xxx Mode

Sets the length of time to determine the length of an

unattended paper jam.
11 Jam Detection: Time Length [03 to 30/1]
This setting is enabled only when SP5508-4 is enabled (set
to 1).

Sets the number of continuous paper jams required to initiate

a call.
Jam Detection Continuous
12 [02 to 10/1]
This setting is enabled only when SP5508-4 is enabled (set
to 1).

Sets the length of time the remains opens to determine when

to initiate a call.
13 Door Open: Time Length [03 to 30/1] 5
This setting is enabled only when SP5508-4 is enabled (set
to 1).

SC Call Setting

Determines whether an SC call is issued when an SC error occurs while either CSS (Japan)
or @Remote is enabled:
[0 to 1/1/1]
1: An SC call is issued when an SC error occurs.
0: An SC call is not issued when an SC error occurs.

1 SC Call

Determines whether an SC call is issued when an SC error occurs while either CSS or
@Remote is enabled:
[0 to 1/1/1]
1: An SC call is issued when an SC error occurs.
0: An SC call is not issued when an SC error occurs.

2 Service Parts Near End Call

3 Service Parts End Call

4 User Call

6 Communication Test Call

5. Service Tables

7 Machine Information Notice

8 Alarm Notice

10 Supply Automatic Ordering Call

11 Supply Management Report Call

12 Jam/Door Open Call

5792 MCS Debug SW DFU

5793 ECS Debug SW DFU

5 Memory Clear
5801 Resets NVRAM data to the default settings. Before executing any of these SP's, print an SMC

1 All Clear Initializes items 2 to 15 below.

Initializes all registration settings for the engine and copy

2 Engine Clear
process settings.

Initializes default system settings, SCS (System Control

3 SCS Service) settings, operation display coordinates, and ROM
update information.

Initializes the image file system.

4 IMH Memory Clr
(IMH: Image Memory Handler)

Initializes the automatic delete time setting for stored

5 MCS documents.
(MCS: Memory Control Service)

6 Copier Application Initializes all main machine application settings.

Initializes the printer defaults, programs registered, the printer

8 Printer Application
SP bit switches, and the printer CSS counter.

Initializes the defaults for the scanner and all the scanner SP
9 Scanner Application

Deletes the Netfile (NFA) management files and thumbnails,

10 Web Service
and initializes the Job login ID.

SP5-xxx Mode

Netfiles: Jobs to be printed from the document server using a

PC and the DeskTopBinder software

Initializes the system defaults and intersection settings (IP

addresses also), the SmartNetMonitor for Admin settings,
11 NCS WebStatusMonitor settings, and the TELNET settings.
(NCS: Network Control Service)

14 Clear DCS Setting Initializes the DCS (Delivery Control Service) settings.

15 Clear UCS Setting Initializes the UCS (User Information Control Service) settings.

Initializes the MIRS (Machine Information Report Service)

16 MIRS Setting

Initializes the CCS (Certification and Charge-control Service)

17 CCS
18 SRM Memory Clr Initializes information in non-volatile RAM.

19 LCS Memory Clr Initializes information in non-volatile RAM.

5802 Printer Free Run

Does a free run in the mode specified on the operation panel.

Push On or Off to switch on or off.

5803 Input Check

Displays the signals received from switches and sensors.

1 Roll Tray 8 Unit Set Detection

2 1st & 2nd Roll 9 Door Open/Motor Lock

3 3rd & 4th Roll 10 Others

4 Cassette Tray 11 Dip Switch 1

5 1st Cassette 12 Original Size Sensor 1

6 2nd cassette 13 Original Size Sensor 2

7 Paper Path Sensors 14 Original Feed unit

5804 Output Check

5. Service Tables

Switches each electrical component to test its operation.

1 Original Feed Motor


11 Roll Feed Motor 1: Forward

12 Roll Feed Motor 1: Reverse

15 1st Roll Feed Clutch

16 2nd Roll Feed Clutch

19 Cutter 1

21 Cassette Feed Motor

5 25 1st Cassette Feed Clutch

31 Registration Motor

32 Main Motor

33 Fusing/Exit Motor

34 Registration Clutch

35 Paper Junction Gate Solenoid

36 Used Toner Motor

41 Charge Corona

42 Charge Grid: Image Area

43 Charge Grid: ID Sensor Pattern

44 Charge Corona/Grid: Image Area

45 Development Bias: Image Area

46 Development Bias: ID Sensor Pattern

47 Transfer Corona: Leading Edge

48 Transfer Corona

49 Separation Corona: Leading Edge

50 Separation Corona

SP5-xxx Mode

52 Toner Supply Clutch

53 Quenching Lamp

54 Pick-off Pawl Solenoid

55 ID Sensor LED

66 Charge Corona Wire Cleaner Motor

67 Recycle Counter

68 Dehumidifier

5811 Machine No. Setting DFU

This SP presents the screen used to enter the 11-digit number of the machine. The allowed
entries are "A" to "Z" and "0" to "9". The setting is done at the factory, and should not be 5
changed in the field.

Service Tel. No. Setting

5812 Use these SP modes to input service and support telephone numbers. Enter the number and
Press the  key to input a pause. Press the “Clear modes” key to delete the telephone number.

1 Service Service representative telephone number.

2 Facsimile Fax number of service representative

3 Supply Supplier of consumables

4 Operation Operation support

5816 Remote Service

I/F Setting

Turns the remote diagnostics off and on.

[0 to 2/1]
0: Remote diagnostics off.
1: Serial (CSS or @Remote) remote diagnostics on.
2: Network remote diagnostics on for @Remote

5. Service Tables

CE Call
2 Lets the operator engineer start or end of the remote machine check with CSS or @Remote; to
do this, push the center report key

Function Flag

Enables and disables remote diagnosis over the @Remote network.

3 [0 to 1/1]

0: Disables remote diagnosis over the network.

1: Enables remote diagnosis over the network.

SSL Disable

Controls if RCG (Remote Communication Gate) confirmation is done by SSL during an RCG

5 7
send for the @Remote over a network intersection.
[0 to 1/1]
0: Yes. SSL not used.
1: No. SSL used.

RCG Connect Timeout

8 Sets the length of time (seconds) for the time-out when the RCG (Remote Communication Gate)
connects during a call via the @Remote network.
[1 to 90/1 sec.]

RCG Write to Timeout

9 Sets the length of time (seconds) for the time-out when sent data is written to the RCG during
a call over the @Remote network.
[0 to 100/1 sec.]

RCG Read Timeout

10 Sets the length of time (seconds) for the timeout when sent data is written from the RCG during
a call over the @Remote network.
[0 to 100/1 sec.]

Port 80 Enable

Controls if permission is given to get access to the SOAP method over Port 80 on the @Remote
11 network.
[0 to 1/1]
0: No. Access denied

SP5-xxx Mode

1: Yes. Access granted.

@Remote Communication Permission Setting DFU

NVRAM Offset: NrsCommEnable

12 [0 to 1/1/1]

0: Disable
1: Enable

RCG – C Registed

This SP displays the Embedded RC Gate installation end flag.

1: Installation completed
2: Installation not completed

RCG – C Registed Detail 5

This SP displays the Embedded RC Gate installation status.
22 0: Basil not registered

1: Basil registered
2: Device registered

Connect Type (N/M)

This SP displays and selects the Embedded RC Gate connection method.

0: Internet connection
1: Dial-up connection

Cert. Expire Timing DFU

Proximity of the expiration of the certification.

Use Proxy
62 This SP setting determines if the proxy server is used when the machine communicates with the
service center.

Proxy Host

63 This is the address of the HTTP proxy server used to effect communication between Embedded
RC Gate-M and the Gateway. The length of the address is limited to 127 characters (characters
beyond the 127th character are ignored).

64 Proxy Port Number

5. Service Tables

This is the port number of the HTTP proxy used to effect communication between Embedded
RC Gate-N and the Gateway.
[0 to 0xffff/0/1]

Proxy User name

65 This is the user name used for certification of the HTTP proxy. The length of the name is limited
to 31 characters (characters beyond the 31st character are ignored).

Proxy Password
66 This is the certification password of the HTTP proxy. The length of the password is limited to
31 characters (characters beyond the 31st character are ignored).

Note: The proxy number, user name, and password comprise proprietary operator information required

5 by the service technician to do the necessary settings for Embedded RC Gate-N. To prevent unauthorized
access this information, these SP settings do not appear in the SMC report.

CERT: Up State

Displays the state of the certification update used for Embedded RC Gate. If Embedded
RC Gate has not been set up, These SP settings are done automatically as soon as
Embedded RC Gate is set up.

0 The certification used by Embedded RC Gate is set correctly.

The certification request (SetAuthKey) for update has been received from the GW
URL and certification is presently being updated.

The certification update is completed and the GW URL is being notified of the
67 successful update.

The certification update failed, and the GW URL is being notified of the failed

The period of the certification has expired and new request for an update is being
sent to the GW URL.

A rescue update for certification has been issued and a rescue certification setting
is in progress for the rescue GW connection.

The rescue certification setting is completed and the GW URL is being notified of
the certification update request.

SP5-xxx Mode

The notification of the request for certification update has completed successfully,
13 and the system is waiting for the certification update request from the rescue GW

The notification of the certification request has been received from the rescue GW
URL, and the certification is being stored.

The certification has been s to red, and the GW URL is being notified of the
successful completion of this event.

The storing of the certification has failed, and the GW URL is being notified of
the failure of this event.

The certification update request has been received from the GW URL, the GW
URL was notified of the results of the update after it was completed, but a
certification error has been received, and the rescue certification is being
recorded. 5
The rescue certification of No. 17 has been recorded, and the GW URL is being
notified of the failure of the certification update.

CERT: Error

Displays a number code that describes the reason for the notification requesting the
certification update.

0 Normal. No request for certification update in progress.

1 Certification update in progress due to expiration of certification.

2 SSL error has been issued after the certification has expired.

3 There has been a shift from a common to individual certification.

4 There has been a common certification without ID2.

5 No certification has been issued.

6 GW URL does not exist.

The ID of the request for certification.

Firm Up Status
Displays the status of the firmware update.

84 Non-HDD Firm Up

5. Service Tables

This setting determines if the firmware can be updated, even without the HDD installed.

Firm Up User Check

This SP setting determines if the operator can check the previous version of the firmware
85 before the firmware update execution. If the option to check the previous version is selected,
a notification is sent to the system manager and the firmware update is done with the
firmware files from the URL.

Firmware Size
86 Allows the service technician to check the size of the firmware data files during the firmware
update execution.

CERT: Macro Version

Displays the macro version of the @Remote certification
CERT: PAC Version
Displays the PAC version of the @Remote certification.

CERT: ID2 Code

89 Displays ID2 for the @Remote certification. Spaces are displayed as underscores (_).
Asterisks (****) indicate that no @Remote certification exists.

CERT: Subject

90 Displays the common name of the @Remote certification subject. CN = the following 17
bytes. Spaces are displayed as underscores (_). Asterisks (****) indicate that no DESS

CERT: Serial Number

91 Displays serial number for the @Remote certification. Asterisks (****) indicate that no DESS

CERT: Issuer
92 Displays the common name of the issuer of the @Remote certification. CN = the following
30 bytes. Asterisks (****) indicate that no DESS exists.

CERT: Valid Start

Displays the start time of the period for which the current @Remote certification is enabled.

94 CERT: Valid End

SP5-xxx Mode

Displays the end time of the period for which the current @Remote certification is enabled.

Server CN Check DFU

[0 to 1/0/1]
0: Thorough check. Set when connected to @Remote gateway.
1: Moderate check. Set when connected to @Remote emulator

Used by designers for debugging and evaluation of gateway security devices.


Used by designers for debugging and evaluation of gateway security devices.

Debug Rescue G/W URL Set DFU

99 Executing this SP sets "i01/AS" in the rescue gateway URL path. Used for 2-line displays,
or when input with lowercase alphanumeric characters is not possible.

Selection Country DFU

Used only for Embedded RC Gate-M to select a country name. Once the number/country
is selected, the following settings are checked:
• Access point telephone number
• Dial-up user name
• Modem parameters set for the country
[0 to 10/*/1]
*: 0: Japan, 1: USA, 3: Europe
0:Japan, 1:USA, 2:Canada, 3:UK, 4:Germany, 5:France, 6:Italy, 7:Netherlands,
8:Belgium, 9:Luxembourg, 10:Spain

Line Type Automatic Judgement DFU

Used only for Embedded RC Gate-M to determine whether the dial-up line is for manual
rotary or push-button tone dialing.
• The status of the execution of this SP (dialing in progress, success, failure) is written to
151 SP5816-152.
• If the check succeeds, the number (dial or push number) written to SP5816-153 can
be used
• If the check succeeds, the number of the carrier line written to SP816-154 can be

5. Service Tables

Line Type Judgement Result DFU

152 Used only for Embedded RC Gate-M to display the status of the execution of SP5816-151
identify the type of line.

0 Success

1 Currently dialing

2 Line abnormal

3 Could not confirm external line carrier with automatic detection.

4 Line disconnected

5 Power supply insufficient

5 6 Line determination not supported

7 Error due to fax transmission in progress.

8 Other error

9 Line type identification still in progress. Please wait.

Selection Dial/Push DFU

153 Used only for Embedded RC Gate-M to set the telephone number of the dial-up access
point of the line checked with SP5816-151. If a number is entered, use that number. If a
number is not displayed, use the pre-set value for that country.

Outside Line Outgoing Number DFU

154 Used only for Embedded RC Gate-M to set the number of the PSTN number to dial out
where Embedded RC Gate-M is used with a PBX system. If a number is set here, the number
will be replaced by the number returned by the successful execution of SP5816-151.

Dial Up User Name DFU

156 This is the user name for dialing at the access point where Embedded RC Gate-M is used.
Note: Numbers with spaces or # marks appear enclosed with quotation marks in the user

Dial Up Password DFU

157 This is the password for dialing at the access point where Embedded RC Gate-M is used.
Note: Numbers with spaces or # marks appear enclosed with quotation marks in the user

SP5-xxx Mode

Local Phone Number DFU

161 This is the number of the local line where Embedded RC Gate-M is connected. This is the
line used to communicate with the Call Center.

Connection Timing Adjustment Incoming DFU

When the Call Center calls out to the access point where Embedded RC Gate-M is used,
the ID tone (*#1#) is sent repeatedly. This SP sets the amount of time to elapse for ID tone
[0 to 24/1/1 pause count]
1 pause count = 2 sec.

Access Point DFU

163 This is the dial-up telephone line number of the access point connected to Embedded RC
Gate-M. If a number is entered here that number is used. If no number is entered here then 5
the pre-set country setting is used.

Line Connecting DFU

This SP code should be set for the customer using Embedded RC Gate-M, depending on
the line usage (whether line is shared with a fax or not).
[0 to 1/0/1]
0: Line shared with facsimile
1: Line not shared with facsimile

Modem Serial No. DFU

This SP code displays the serial number of the Embedded RC Gate-M (modem).

Retransmission Limit DFU

Use this SP to manually send a registration update request to Embedded RC Gate-M.

RCG-C M Debug Bit SW DFU

This SP code sets the bit switch for Embedded RC Gate-M to enable debugging.
186 [0 to 1/0/1]

0: Enable
1: Disable

187 FAX TX Priority DFU

5. Service Tables

This SP is used with SP5816-164 for users who are using a line shared with a facsimile
[0 to 1/0/1]
0: Disabled. Embedded RC Gate-M continues to operate if a fax transmission starts on the
same line.
1: Enabled. Fax transmissions have priority. Embedded RC Gate-M will shut down when
a fax transmission begins.

Manual Polling

200 Executes manual polling. Embedded RC Gate periodically polls the @Remote Gateway
by HTTPS. This is called "center polling". Use this SP at any time to poll the @Remote supply

Regist: Status
5 Displays a number that indicates the status of the @Remote service device.

0 Neither the @Remote device nor Embedded RC Gate device are set.

The Embedded RC Gate device is being set. Only Box registration is completed.
In this status the Basil unit cannot answer a polling request.
The Embedded RC Gate device is set. In this status the Basil unit cannot answer a
polling request.

The @Remote device is being set. In this status the Embedded RC Gate device
cannot be set.

4 The @Remote module has not started.

Letter Number
Allows entry of the number of the request needed for the Embedded RC Gate device.

Confirm Execute
Executes the inquiry request to the @Remote GW URL.

Confirm Result

Displays a number that indicates the result of the inquiry executed with SP5816 203.
0 Succeeded

1 Inquiry number error

SP5-xxx Mode

2 Registration in progress

3 Proxy error (proxy enabled)

4 Proxy error (proxy disabled)

5 Proxy error (Illegal user name or password)

6 Communication error

7 Certification update error

8 Other error

9 Inquiry executing

Confirm Place
205 Displays the result of the notification sent to the device from the GW URL in answer to the 5
inquiry request. Displayed only when the result is registered at the GW URL.

Register Execute
Executes Embedded RC Gate Registration.

Register Result

Displays a number that indicates the registration result.

0 Succeeded

2 Registration in progress

3 Proxy error (proxy enabled)

207 4 Proxy error (proxy disabled)

5 Proxy error (Illegal user name or password)

6 Communication error

7 Certification update error

8 Other error

9 Registration executing

208 Error Code

5. Service Tables

Displays a number that describes the error code that was issued when either SP5816 204
or SP5816 207 was executed.

Cause Code Meaning

-11001 Chat parameter error

Illegal Modem Parameter -11002 Chat execution error

-11003 Unexpected error

Inquiry, registration attempted without

acquiring device status.

Operation Error, Incorrect Attempted registration without execution of an

Setting inquiry and no previous registration.

5 -12004
Attempted setting with illegal entries for
certification and ID2.

Attempted dial up overseas without the correct

international prefix for the telephone number.

-2387 Not supported at the Service Center

-2389 Database out of service

-2390 Program out of service

-2391 Two registrations for same device

Error Caused by Response -2392 Parameter error

from GW URL
-2393 Basil not managed

-2394 Device not managed

-2395 Box ID for Basil is illegal

-2396 Device ID for Basil is illegal

-2397 Incorrect ID2 format

-2398 Incorrect request number format

209 Instl Clear

Releases a machine from its embedded RCG setup.

250 CommLog Print

SP5-xxx Mode

Prints the communication log.

5821 Remote Service Address (Japan Only)

Sets the PI device code. After changing this setting,

1 CSS PI Device Code
you must switch the machine off and on.

Sets the IP address of the RCG (Remote

Communication Gate) destination for call processing
2 RCG IP Address at the remote service center.
[00000000h to FFFFFFFFh/ 00000000h /

NVRAM Data Upload

Uploads the UP and SP mode data (except for counters and the serial number) from
NVRAM on the control board to a flash memory card.
While using this SP mode, always keep the front cover open. This prevents a software
module accessing the NVRAM during the upload.

NVRAM Data Download

Downloads the content of a flash memory card to the NVRAM on the control board.

5828 Network Setting

65 Job Spool Setting

Switches job spooling spooling on and off.

0: No spooling 1: Spooling enabled

66 Job Spool Clear

This SP determines whether the job interrupted at power off is resumed at the next power
on. This SP operates only when SP5828065 is set to 1.
1: Resumes printing spooled jog.
0: Clears spooled job.

69 Job Spool Pro to col

This SP 8etermines whether job spooling is enabled or disabled for each pro to col. This
is a 8-bit setting.

5. Service Tables

0 LPR 4 BMLinks (Japan Only)

1 FTP (Not Used) 5 DIPRINT

2 IPP 6 Reserved (Not Used)

3 SMB 7 Reserved (Not Used)

84 Setting List Print Settings List

Prints a list of the NCS parameter settings.

90 TELNET Operation Settings: TELNET (0:OFF 1:ON)

Disables or enables Telnet operation. If this SP is disabled, the Telnet port is closed.
[0 to 1/1]

5 0: Disable
1: Enable

91 Web Operation Web (0:OFF 1:ON)

Disables or enables the Web operation.

[0 to 1/1]
0: Disable
1: Enable

145 Active IPv6 Link Local Address

This is the IPv6 local address referenced on the Ethernet or wireless LAN (802.11b) in
the format:
"Link-Local address" + "Prefix Length"
The IPv6 address consists of a total 128 bits configured in 8 blocks of 16 bits each. These
notations can be abbreviated. See "Note: IPV6 Addresses " below this table.

147 Active IPv6 Stateless Address 1

149 Active IPv6 Stateless Address 2

151 Active IPv6 Stateless Address 3

153 Active IPv6 Stateless Address 4

155 Active IPv6 Stateless Address 5

SP codes 147 to 155 are the IPv6 stateless addresses (1 to 5) referenced on the Ethernet
or wireless LAN (802.11b) in the format:

SP5-xxx Mode

"Stateless Address" + "Prefix Length"

The IPv6 address consists of a total 128 bits configured in 8 blocks of 16 bits each.

156 IPv6 Manual Address

This SP is the IPv6 manually set address referenced on the Ethernet or wireless LAN
(802.11b) in the format:
"Manual Set Address" + "Prefix Length"
The IPv6 address consists of a total 128 bits configured in 8 blocks of 16 bits each. These
notations can be abbreviated. See "Note: IPV6 Addresses" below this table.

158 IPv6 Gateway Address

This SP is the IPv6 gateway address referenced on the Ethernet or wireless LAN
(802.11b). The IPv6 address consists of a total 128 bits configured in 8 blocks of 16 bits
each. These notations can be abbreviated. See "Note: IPV6 Addresses " below this table.
Note: IPV6 Addresses
Ethernet and the Wireless LAN (802.11b) reference the IPV6 "Link-Local address + Prefix Length". The
IPV6 address consists of 128 bits divided into 8 blocks of 16 bits:
The prefix length is inserted at the 17th byte (Prefix Range: 0x0~0x80). The initial setting is 0x40(64).
For example, the data:
is expressed:
2001:1234:5678:9012:abcd:ef01:2345:6789: prefixlen 64
However, the actual IPV6 address display is abbreviated according to the following rules.
Rules for Abbreviating IPV6 Addresses
1. The IPV6 address is expressed in hexadecimal delmited by colons (:) with the following characters:
2. A colon is inserted as a delimiter every 4th hexadecimal character.
3. The notations can be abbreviated by elminating zeros where the MSB and digits following the MSB
are zero. The example in "2" above, then, becomes:
4. Sections where only zeros exist can be abbreviated with double colons (::). This abbreviation can be
done also where succeeding sections contain only zeros (but this can be done only at one point in

5. Service Tables

the address). The example in "2" and "3" above then becomes: fe80::207:40ff:0:340e (only the first
null sets zero digits are abbreviated as "::")
fe80:0:0:0:207:40ff::340e (only the last null set before "340e" is abbreviated as "::")

Initial Setting Clear

This SP clears all the User Tools settings are restores them to their factory default settings.

HDD Formatting
5832 Enter the SP number for the partition to initialize, then press #. When the execution ends, turn
the machine power off and on.

1 HDD Formatting (All)

5 2 HDD Formatting (IMH)

3 HDD Formatting (Thumbnail)

4 HDD Formatting (Job Log)

5 HDD Formatting (Printer Fonts)

6 HDD Formatting (User Info)

7 Mail RX Data

8 Mail TX Data

9 HDD Formatting (Data for Design)

10 HDD Formatting (Log)

11 HDD Formatting (Ridoc I/F) (for Ridoc DesktopBinder)

5836 Capture Settings

With this function disabled, the settings related to the capture

feature cannot be initialized, displayed, or selected. DFU
1 Capture Function [0 to 1/0/1]
0: Disable
1: Enable

SP5-xxx Mode

Determines whether each capture related setting can be

selected or updated from the initial system screen.
[0 to 1/0/1]
2 Panel Setting
0: Disable
1: Enable
The setting for SP5836-1 has priority.

Determines whether the print back-up function setting can be

3 Print Back-up Function [0 to 1/0/1]
0: Disable
1: Enable

Determines the resolution conversion ratio when a Color image

document is sent to the Document Server via the MLB (Media
Link Board).
Capture Setting: Resolution [0 to 2/0/1]
Conversion for Color
0: 1 x
1: ½ x
2: ¼ x

Determines the resolution conversion ratio when a Copy Text

image document is sent to the Document Server via the MLB
(Media Link Board).
Capture Setting: Resolution [0 to 2/0/1]
Conversion for Copy Text
0: 1 x
1: ½ x
2: ¼ x

Determines the resolution conversion ratio when a Copy image

document other than Text mode is sent to the Document Server
via the MLB (Media Link Board).
Capture Setting: Resolution
73 Conversion for Copy [0 to 2/0/1]
(Others) 0: 1 x
1: ½ x
2: ¼ x

74 Reduction for Printer Color [0~3/1]

5. Service Tables

0:1 1:1/2 2:1/3 3:1/4 DFU

Determines the resolution conversion ratio when a binary print

image document is sent to the Document Server via the MLB
(Media Link Board).
Capture Setting: Resolution [0 to 2/0/1]
Conversion for Binary Print
0: 1 x
1: ½ x
2: ¼ x

Determines the resolution conversion ratio when the Dither print

image document is sent to the Document Server via the MLB
(Media Link Board).
Capture Setting: Resolution
76 Conversion for Dither Print [1 to 3/1/1]
5 (1200 dpi) 1: ½ x
2: ¼ x
3: 1/8 x

[0 to 3/1]
81 Format for Copy Color

Determines the image format for Copy Text images sent to the
Document Server via the MLB (Media Link Board).
[0 to 3/1/1]
Capture Setting: Format for 0: JFIF/JPEG
Copy Text

Determines the image format for Copy (other than text) images
sent to the Document Server via the MLB (Media Link Board).
[0 to 3/1/1]
Capture Setting: Format for 0: JFIF/JPEG
Copy (Others)

Capture Setting: Format for Determines the image format for Binary Print images sent to the
Binary Print Document Server via the MLB (Media Link Board).

SP5-xxx Mode

[0 to 3/1/1]

Determines the image format for Dither Print images sent to the
Document Server via the MLB (Media Link Board).
[0 to 3/1/1]
Capture Setting: Format for 0: JFIF/JPEG
Dither Print (1200dpi)
Determines the quality level of JPEG images sent to the
Capture Setting: Page Document Server via the MLB (Media Link Board).
Quality for JPEG
[5 to 95/50/1]

Capture Setting: Page Determines the quality level of JPEG images for high quality sent
92 Quality for JPEG (High to the Document Server via the MLB (Media Link Board).
Quality) [5 to 95/60/1]

Capture Setting: Page Determines the quality level of JPEG images for low quality sent
93 Quality for JPEG (Low to the Document Server via the MLB (Media Link Board).
Quality) [5 to 95/40/1]

Determines the format of the backup files.

[0 to 2/0/1]
Capture Setting: Format for 0: TIFF
Backup File 1: JPEG
2: For printing
This function can be selected only if SP5836-3 is set to “1”.

Determines the resolution conversion ratio for the backup files.

[0 to 3/2/1]
Capture Setting: Resolution
95 0: 1x
Conversion for Backup File
1: ½x
2: 1/3 x

5. Service Tables

3: ¼x

Default User Name for Allows the user to set the default user name for the backup files
Backup Files created during the copy job. 20 characters are allowed.

Determines the quality level of JPEG images for backup files.

[0 to 2/0/1]
Capture Setting: Page 0: Standard quality
Quality for JPEG 1: Low quality
2: High quality
This function can be selected only if SP5836-95 is set to “2”.

Removes the ghost images transferred from the back sides of

Capture Setting: Gamma double-sided originals.
5 SW for Backup File 1: Enable
0: Disable

5840 IEEE 802.11b

Channel MAX

6 Sets the maximum range of the bandwidth for the wireless LAN. This bandwidth setting varies
for different countries.
[1 to 14/1]

Channel MIN

7 Sets the minimum range of the bandwidth for operation of the wireless LAN. This bandwidth
setting varies for different countries.
[1 to 14/1]

WEP Key Select

Determines how the initiator (SBP-2) handles subsequent login requests.

[00 to 11/00/1]
11 Note: There are four settings (binary numbers): 00, 01, 10, 11. These settings are possible
only after the wireless LAN card has been installed.
00: 1st key. If the initiator receives another login request while logging in, the request is refused.
01, 10, 11: 2nd, 3rd, 4th keys are "Reserved".

5841 Supply Name Setting

SP5-xxx Mode

Use the soft keyboard of this SP to enter the names and numbers of consumables. These are
the names that appear on the display when [Inquiry] is pressed on the User Tools screen.

5842 GWWS Analysis Mode DFU

Setting 1

Bit Groups

0 System & other groups (LSB)

1 Capture related
This is a debugging tool. It sets the
1 debugging output mode of each Net 2 Certification related
File process.
3 Address book related
Bit SW 0011 1111
4 Machine management related 5
5 Output related (printing, delivery)

6 Repository related

Setting 2 Bit

0-6 Not Used

This SP codes sets the optional setting
2 for message log time stamp. Bit 7 is the
Message log
5682 message log where the 7 1: mm:ss:ms
following are set:
0: mm:ss (time)

5844 USB

1 Transfer Rate

Sets the speed for USB data transmission.

[Full Speed], [Auto Change]

2 Vendor ID

Sets the vendor ID:

Initial Setting: 0x05A Ricoh Company
[0x0000~0xFFFF/1] DFU

3 Product ID

5. Service Tables

Sets the product ID.

[0x0000~0xFFFF/1] DFU

4 Device Release No.

Sets the device release number of the BCD (binary coded decimal) display.
[0000~9999/1] DFU
Enter as a decimal number. NCS converts the number to hexadecimal number recognized as
the BCD.

Delivery Server Setting

Provides items for delivery server settings.

FTP Port No. [0 to 65535 / 3670 / 1]

5 1
Sets the FTP port number used when image files are sent to the Scan Router Server.

IP Address (Primary) Range: to

2 Use this SP to set the Scan Router Server address. The IP address under the transfer tab can
be referenced by the initial system setting.

Delivery Error Display Time Netfiles: [0 to 999 / 300 / 1]

6 Use this setting to determine the length of time the prompt message is displayed when a test
error occurs during document transfer with the NetFile application and an external device.

8 IP Address (Secondary) Range: to

Specifies the IP address assigned to the computer designated to function as the secondary
delivery server of Scan Router. This SP allows only the setting of the IP address without reference
to the DNS setting.

9 Delivery Server Model [0 to 4/ 0 / 1]

Allows changing the model of the delivery server registered by the I/O device.
0: Unknown
1: SG1 Provided
2: SG1 Package
3: SG2 Provided
4: SG2 Package

10 Delivery Svr Capability

SP5-xxx Mode

Changes the capability of the registered that the I/O device registered.
[0 to 255 / 0 / 1]
(7) [0000 0000] (1)

Bit7 = 1 Comment information exists

Bit6 = 1 Direct specification of mail address possible

Bit5 = 1 Mail RX confirmation setting possible

Bit4 = 1 Address book automatic update function exists

Bit3 = 1 Fax RX delivery function exists

Bit2 = 1 Sender password function exists

Bit1 = 1 Function to link MK-1 user and Sender exists

Bit0 = 1 Sender specification required (if set to 1, Bit6 is set to “0”)

Delivery Svr.Capability (Ext)

11 These settings are for future use. They will let you increase the number of registered devices
(in addition to those registered for SP5845-10).
There are eight bits (Bit 0 to Bit 7). All are unused at this time.

13 Server Scheme (Primary)

14 Server Port Number (Primary)

15 Server URL Path (Primary)

16 Server Scheme (Secondary)

17 Server Port Number (Secondary)

18 Server URL Path (Secondary)

19 Capture Server Scheme

20 Capture Server Port Number

21 Capture Server URL Path

SP codes 13 to 21 specify the schemes, port numbers, and URL paths of the primary,
secondary, and capture servers.

22 Instant Trans Off

5. Service Tables

Switches instant transmission off/on.

[0 to 1/1/1]
0: Off. Instant transmission not possible with network setting errors.
1: On. Instant transmission possible with network setting errors.
• The machine will continue to transmit over the network, even if the network settings are
incorrect. (This causes multiple errors, of course.)
• With this SP off, the machine will stop communicating with the network if the settings are
wrong. This reduces the amount of spurious network traffic caused by errors due to
incorrect settings.

5846 UCS Setting

5 Machine ID (for Delivery Server)

Displays the unique device ID in use by the delivery server directory. The value is only displayed
and cannot be changed.
This ID is created from the NIC MAC or IEEE 1394 EUI.
1 The ID is displayed as either 6-byle or 8-byte binary.

Machine ID Clear (Delivery Server)

2 Clears the unique ID of the device used as the name in the file transfer directory. Execute this
SP if the connection of the device to the delivery server is unstable. After clearing the ID, the
ID will be established again automatically by cycling the machine off and on.

Maximum Entries

Changes the maximum number of entries that UCS can handle.

3 [2000 to 50000/1]

If a value smaller than the present value is set, the UCS managed data is cleared, and the data
(excluding user code information) is displayed.

Delivery Server Retry Timer

6 Sets the interval for retry attempts when the delivery server fails to acquire the delivery server
address book.

SP5-xxx Mode

[0 to 255/1 s]
0: No retries

Delivery Server Retry Times

7 Sets the number of retry attempts when the delivery server fails to acquire the delivery server
address book.
[0 to 255/1]

Delivery Server Maximum Entries

8 Lets you set the maximum number of account entries and information about the users of the
delivery server controlled by UCS.
[20000 to 50000/1]

LDAP Search Timeout

10 Sets the length of the time-out for the search of the LDAP server.
[1 to 255/1]

Addr Book Migration (SD -> HDD)

This SP moves the address book data from an SD card to the HDD. You must turn the machine
power off and on after executing this SP.
1. Turn the machine off.
2. Install the HDD.
3. Insert the SD card with the address book data in SD card Slot C3.
4. Turn the machine on.
5. Do SP5846-40.
40 6. Turn the machine off.
7. Remove the SD card from SD card Slot C3.
8. Turn the machine on.
• Executing this SP overwrites any address book data already on the HDD with the data
from the SD card.
• We recommend that you back up all directory information to an SD card with SP5846-51
before you execute this SP.
• After the address book data is copied to HDD, all the address book data is deleted from
the source SD card. If the operation fails, the data is not erased from the SD card.

41 Fill Addr Acl Info.

5. Service Tables

This SP must be executed immediately after installation of an HDD unit in a basic machine that
previously had no HDD. The first time the machine is powered on with the new HDD installed,
the system automatically takes the address book from the NVRAM and writes it to the new
HDD. However, the new address book on the HDD can be accessed only by the system
administrator at this stage. Executing this SP by the service technician immediately after power
on grants full address book access to all users.
1. Turn the machine off.
2. Install the new HDD.
3. Turn the machine on.
4. The address book and its initial data are created on the HDD automatically. However,
at this point the address book can be accessed by only the system administrator or key
5 5. Enter the SP mode and do SP5846-41. After this SP executes successfully, any user can
access the address book.

Initialize Local Address Book

47 Clears all of the address information from the local address book of a machine managed with

Initialize Delivery Addr Book

48 Push [Execute] to delete all items (this does not include user codes) in the delivery address
book that is controlled by UCS.

Initialize LDAP Addr Book

49 Push [Execute] to delete all items (this does not include user codes) in the LDAP address book
that is controlled by UCS.

Initialize All Addr Book

50 Clears everything (including user codes) in the directory information managed by UCS.
However, the accounts and passwords of the system administrators are not deleted.

Backup All Addr Book

Uploads all directory information to the SD card.

Restore All Addr Book

Downloads all directory information from the SD card.

53 Clear Backup Info.

SP5-xxx Mode

Deletes the address book uploaded from the SD card in the slot. Deletes only the files uploaded
for that machine. This feature does not work if the card is write-protected.
Note: After you do this SP, go out of the SP mode, turn the power off. Do not remove the SD
card until the Power LED stops flashing.

Search Option

This SP uses bit switches to set up the fuzzy search options for the UCS local address book.

Bit Meaning

0 Checks both upper/lower case characters

60 2 Japan Only

3 5
4 --- Not Used ---

5 --- Not Used ---

6 --- Not Used ---

7 --- Not Used ---

Complexity Option 1

Use this SP to set the conditions for password entry to access the local address book.
Specifically, this SP limits the password entry to upper case and sets the length of the password.
[0 to 32/1]
This SP does not normally require adjustment.
This SP is enabled only after the system administrator has set up a group password policy to
control access to the address book.

Complexity Option 2

Use this SP to set the conditions for password entry to access the local address book.
Specifically, this SP limits the password entry to lower case and defines the length of the
63 password.
[0 to 32/1]
This SP does not normally require adjustment.

5. Service Tables

This SP is enabled only after the system administrator has set up a group password policy to
control access to the address book.

Complexity Option 3

Use this SP to set the conditions for password entry to access the local address book.
Specifically, this SP limits the password entry to numbers and defines the length of the password.
[0 to 32/1]
This SP does not normally require adjustment.
This SP is enabled only after the system administrator has set up a group password policy to
control access to the address book.

Complexity Option 4

5 Use this SP to set the conditions for password entry to access the local address book.
Specifically, this SP limits the password entry to symbols and defines the length of the password.
[0 to 32/1]
This SP does not normally require adjustment.
This SP is enabled only after the system administrator has set up a group password policy to
control access to the address book.

FTP Auth. Port Settings

91 Sets the FTP port to get the delivery server address book that is used in the individual
authorization mode.
[0 to 65535/1]

Encryption Start

94 Shows the status of the encryption function of the address book on the LDAP server.

[0 to 255/1] No default

Rep. Resolution Reduction

These SP's change the default settings of image data sent externally by the Net File page
reference function. [0 to 2/1]
• “NetFile” refers to jobs to be printed from the document server with a PC and the
DeskTopBinder software.

SP5-xxx Mode

• This SP is available only after the File Format Converter (B609) has been installed.

2 Rate for Copy B&W Text 0: 1x

1: 1/2x
3 Rate for Copy B&W Other
2: 1/3x
5 Rate for Printer B&W
[0 to 6/1] 3: 1/4x
4: 1/6x
7 Rate for Printer B&W 1200 dpi 5: 1/8x
6: 2/3x1

Note: "6:" above (2/3x) applies to 3, 5, 6 only.

Network Quality Default for JPEG

21 Sets the default value for the quality of JPEG images sent as NetFile pages. This function is
available only with the MLB (Media Link Board) option installed. 5
[5 to 95/1]

Web Service

5848 5847 2 sets the 4-bit switch assignment for the access control setting. Setting of 5848 1 has
no effect on access and delivery from Scan Router. 5847 100 sets the maximum size of images
that can be downloaded. The default is equal to 1 gigabyte.

0000: No access control

2 Acc. Ctrl.: Repository (only Lower 4 Bits) 0001: Denies access to DeskTop

3 Acc. Ctrl.: Doc. Svr. Print (Lower 4 Bits)

4 Acc. Ctrl.: User Directory (Lower 4 Bits)

5 Acc. Ctrl.: Delivery Input (Lower 4 Bits)

7 Acc. Ctrl Comm. Log Fax (Lower 4 Bits) Switches access control on and
9 Acc. Ctrl.: Job Control (Lower 4 Bits) 0000: OFF, 0001: ON
11 Acc. Ctrl: Device Management (Lower 4 Bits)

21 Acc. Ctrl: Delivery (Lower 4 Bits)

22 Acc. Ctrl: User Administration (Lower 4 Bits)

99 Repository: Download Image Setting DFU

5. Service Tables

This is a bit-switch setting. Only the lower 4 bits are enabled/disabled.

Set to "0" (disabled) or "1" (enabled) as needed for image download.

(1) Mac OS
(2) Windows OS
(3) OS other than Mac or Windows
Note: This SP is used primarily by designers.

100 Repository: Download Image Max. Size [1 to 1024/1 K]

5 Setting: Log Type: Job 1 DFU

[0 to 0xFFFFFFFF/0/1]

Setting: Log Type: Job 2 DFU

[0 to 0xFFFFFFFF/0/1]

Setting: Log Type: Access DFU

[0 to 0xFFFFFFFF/0/1]

213 Setting: Primary Srv DFU

214 Setting: Secondary Srv DFU

Setting: Start Time DFU Note: These SP's are for display only; they
215 cannot be changed.
[0 to 0xFFFFFFFF/0/1]

Setting: Interval Time DFU

[1 to 100/1/1]

Setting: Timing DFU

[0 to 2/0/1]
217 0: Transmission off

1: Transmission 1 by 1
2: Periodic transmission

SP5-xxx Mode

Installation Date
Displays or prints the installation date of the machine.

Displays the installation date. The installation date is set

1 Display
automatically after test copies are done at the installation site.

Determines whether the installation date or total count is printed

on the total counter printout.
2 Switch to Print [0 to 1/1]
0: No Print
1: Print

Displays the total count starting from the installation date

3 Total Counter
Bluetooth (Not Used)

5851 Sets the operation mode for the Bluetooth Unit. Press either key.
[0:Public] [1: Private]

5853 Stamp Data Download

Push [Execute] to download the fixed stamp data from the machine ROM onto the hard disk
so that these stamps can be used by the system. The customer will not be able to use these
stamps (“Confidential”, “Secret”, etc.) until this SP has been executed.
• This SP must always be executed after the HDD has been reformatted or replaced.
• Always switch the machine off and on after executing this SP.

5856 Remote ROM Update

When set to “1” allows reception of firmware data via the local port (IEEE 1284) during
a remote ROM update. This setting is reset to zero after the machine is cycled off and on.
[0 to 1 / 0 / 1]
0: Not allowed
1: Allowed

5857 Save Debug Log

5. Service Tables

On/Off (1:ON 0:OFF)

Switches on the debug log feature. The debug log cannot be captured until this feature is
switched on.
[0 to 1/1]
0: OFF
1: ON

Target (2: HDD 3: SD Card)

Selects the destination where the debugging information generated by the event selected
by SP5858 will be s to red if an error is generated
[2 to 3 /1]
2: HDD
5 3: SD Card

Save to HDD
Specifies the decimal key number of the log to be written to the hard disk.

Save to SD Card
Specifies the decimal key number of the log to be written to the SD Card.

Copy HDD to SD Card (Latest 4 MB)

Takes the most recent 4 MB of the log written to the hard disk and copies them to the SD
9 Card.
A unique file name is generated to avoid overwriting existing file names on the SD Card.
Up to 4MB can be copied to an SD Card. 4 MB segments can be copied one by one to
each SD Card.

Copy HDD to SD Card Latest 4 MB Any Key)

Takes the log of the specified key from the log on the hard disk and copies it to the SD
10 Card.
A unique file name is generated to avoid overwriting existing file names on the SD Card.
Up to 4 MB can be copied to an SD Card. 4 MB segments can be copied one by one to
each SD Card. This SP does not execute if there is no log on the HDD with no key specified.

Erase HDD Debug Data

Erases all debug logs on the HDD

12 Erase SD Card Debug Data

SP5-xxx Mode

Erases all debug logs on the SD Card. If the card contains only debugging files generated
by an event specified by SP5858, the files are erased when SP5857-10 or -11 is executed.
to enable this SP, the machine must be cycled off and on.

Free Space on SD Card

Displays the amount of space available on the SD card.

Copy SD to SD (Latest 4MB)

14 Copies the last 4MB of the log (written directly to the card from shared memory) on to an
SD card.

Copy SD to SD (Latest 4MB Any Key)

15 This SP copies the log on an SD card (the file that contains the information written directly
from shared memory) to a log specified by key number.
Make HDD Debug
This SP creates a 32 MB file to store a log on the HDD.

Make SD Debug
This SP creates a 4 MB file to store a log on an SD card.

Debug Save When

5858 These SP's select the content of the debugging information to be saved to the destination
selected by SP5857-2. SP58583 stores one SC error specified by number. (See "4.
Troubleshooting" for descriptions of all SC codes.)

Stores SC codes generated by main machine

1 Engine SC Error (0:OFF 1:ON)
engine errors.

Stores SC codes generated by GW controller

2 Controller SC Error (0:OFF 1:ON

3 Any SC Error (0:OFF 1:ON [0 to 65535 / 0 / 1]

4 Jam (0:OFF 1:ON Stores jam errors.

5859 Debug Log Save Function

1 Key 1
These SP's allow you to set up to 10 keys for log files for
2 Key 2 functions that use common memory on the controller board.

5. Service Tables

3 Key 3

4 Key 4

5 Key 5

6 Key 6
[-9999999 to 9999999 / 0 / 1]
7 Key 7

8 Key 8

9 Key 9

10 Key 10

5 5860 SMTP/POP3/IMAP4

Partial Mail Receive Timeout

[1 to 168/72/1]
Sets the amount of time to wait before saving a mail that breaks up during reception. The
received mail is discarded if the remaining portion of the mail is not received during this
prescribed time.

MDN Response RFC2298Compliance

Determines whether RFC2298 compliance is switched on for MDN reply mail.

21 [0 to 1/1]

0: No
1: Yes

SMTP Auth. From Field Replacement

Determines whether the FROM item of the mail header is switched to the validated account
after the SMTP server is validated.
[0 to 1/1]
0: No. “From” item not switched.
1: Yes. “From” item switched.

SMTP Auth Direct Sending

25 Occasionally, all SMTP certifications may fail with SP5860-6 set to "2" to enable encryption
during SMTP certification for the SMTP server. This can occur if the SMTP server does not meet

SP5-xxx Mode

RFC standards. In such cases you can use this SP to set the SMTP certification method directly.
However, this SP can be used only after SP5860-3 has been set to "1" (On).
Bit2: CRAM_MD5
Bit4 to Bit 7: Not Used

5866 Email Report

1 Report Validity

Disables and re-enables the email notification feature.

0: Enable
1: Disable

5 Add Date Field

This SP adds the current date to the date field of an email alert that informs the operator that
an error has occurred.
[0 to 1/0/1]
0: Date not added
1: Date added

100 Log Format DFU

This SP sets the output level for the MIRS module (Machine Information Report Service).

Common Key Info Writing

Writes to flash ROM the common proof for validating the device for @Remote specifications.

1 Writing
Note: These SP's are for future use and currently are not used.
3 Initialize

SD Card Appli Move

Moves an application from one SD card to another..

5. Service Tables

1 Move Exec Executes the move from one SD card to another.

2 Undo Exec This is an undo function. It cancels the previous execution.

5875 SC Auto Reboot

1 Reboot Setting

Determines whether the machine reboots automatically when an SC error occurs.

[0 to 1/0/1]
1: The machine does not reboot when an SC error occurs. However, the reboot does not
occur for Type "A" SC codes.
0: The machine reboots automatically when the machine issues an SC error and logs the SC
error code. If the same SC occurs again, the machine does not reboot.
5 2 Reboot Type

Selects the reboot method after an SC error occurs.

[0 to 1/0/1]
0: Manual reboot by operator or technician
1: Automatic reboot

Security Clear DFU

This SP clears all security data in the NCS area or the UCS area.
5876 Note:
• NCS: Network Control Service
• USC: User Information Control Service

1 All Clear Clear all security data for both NCS and UCS.

11 Clear NCS Sec. Clears all security data for NCS.

15 Clr UCS Sercurity Clears all security data for UCS.

Option Setup
Press [Execute] to initialize the Data Overwrite Security option for the main machine.

5885 WIM Settings

SP5-xxx Mode

This SP determines how access to the Web Image Monitor document server is controlled.
These are bit settings where "1" enables and "0" disables.

(7) 0000 0000 (0)

LSB 0bit Denies all access to document server

1bit Denies all access to User Tools

2bit Denies access to printing

3bit Denies access to data transfer functions

4bit Denis access to scan-to-email

5bit Denies access data downloading functions

6bit Denies access to data delete functions

MSB 7bit (reserved)

ROM Update

5886 The setting of this SP allows or prohibits updating the ROM.

*0:YES, 1:NO

5887 Get Counter

This SP outputs a text file (*.txt) that lists the counts for the application SD card inserted in to
the SD service slot. Before executing this SP, you must first create a folder entitled
"SD_COUNTER" in the root direc to ry of the SD card.

Plug & Play Maker/Model Name

Selects the brand name and the production name for Windows Plug & Play. This information
5907 is stored in the NVRAM. If the NVRAM is defective, these names should be registered again.
After selecting, press the “Original Type” key and “#” key at the same time. When the setting
is completed, the beeper sounds five times.

5913 Switchover Permission Time

Sets the length of time to elapse before allowing another application to take control of the
display when the application currently controlling the display is not operating because a
key has not been pressed.

5. Service Tables

[3~30/3/1 s]

Mechanical Counter Detection

This SP checks the mechanical counter to confirm whether it is connected.

0: Disconnected 1: Connected 2: Unknown
5915 Note:
• The reading returned by this SP does not change if the mechanical counter is removed
while the machine is powered on.
• About 3 sec. is required for this SP to return a correct reading after the machine is switched

5967 Copy Server: Set Function

5 Disables and enables the document server. This is a security measure that prevents image
data from being left in the temporary file sector of the HDD. After changing this setting, switch
the main switch off and on to enable the new setting.
[0 to 1/0/1]
0: Enable
1: Disable

5974 Cherry Server Japan Only

Selects which version of the Scan Router application program, “Light” or “Full
(Professional)”, is installed.
[0 to 1 / 0 / 1 /step]
0: Light version (supplied with this machine)
1: Full version (optional)

5985 Onboard Device Setting

The NIC and USB support features are built into the GW controller. Use this SP to enable
and disable these features. In order to use the NIC and USB functions built into the controller
board, these SP's must be set to "1".
[0 to 2/0/1]
0: Disable 1: Enable 2: Enable for @Remote

1 On Board NIC

SP5-xxx Mode

2 On Board USB

5990 SP Print Mode (SMC Printout)

1 All (Data List)

2 SP (Mode Data List)

3 User Program

4 Logging Data

5 Diagnostic Report Prints all of the system parameter lists for the item
selected. Input the number for the item that you want
6 Non-Default
to print, and then press [1]: “Execute” on the touch
7 NIB Summary
8 Capture Log

21 Copier User Program

22 Scanner SP

23 Scanner User Program

5. Service Tables

SP6-xxx Peripherals
6117 Folder Input Check

This SP retrieves the SP settings of each bit within 0.5 sec., collects the data into 1-byte, then
sends it to the controller. However, undefined sensor information on the Folder unit side is set
to "0" without checking the Folder unit.
• If there is no response from the Folder FD within the prescribed time after it is checked, the
1-byte data (sensor information) is set to "0".
• The requests for engine information stop after this SP screen is closed.

(7) 0000 0000 (1)

1 Fan Folder 1

5 Bit Input Status

7 Not used ---

6 Not used ---

5 Original width sensor 36 in.

4 Not used ---

3 Entrance sensor 0: No paper, 1: Paper present

2 Not used ---

1 Exit JG sensor 0: No paper, 1: Paper present

0 Not used ---

2 Fan Folder 2

Bit Input Status

7 Original width sensor: 24 in. 0: No paper, 1: Paper present

6 Original width sensor: 18 in. 0: No paper, 1: Paper present

5 Original width sensor: 12 in. 0: No paper, 1: Paper present

4 Original width sensor: 30 in. 0: No paper, 1: Paper present

3 Original width sensor: 841 mm/34 in. 0: No paper, 1: Paper present

2 Original width sensor: 594 mm/22 in. 0: No paper, 1: Paper present

SP6-xxx Peripherals

1 Original width sensor: 420 mm/17 in. 0: No paper, 1: Paper present

0 Original width sensor: 297 mm/11 in. 0: No paper, 1: Paper present

3 Fan Folder 3

Bit Input Status

7 Not used ---

6 Not used ---

5 Not used ---

4 Not used ---

3 Fold plate HP sensor (F) 0: Off, 1: On

2 Fold plate HP sensor (R) 0: Off, 1: On 5

1 Fold plate down sensor (F) 0: Off, 1: On

0 Fold plate down sensor (R) 0: Off, 1: On

4 Fan Folder 4

Bit Input Status

7 Folder unit entrance sensor 0: No paper, 1: Paper present

6 Corner fold entrance sensor 0: No paper, 1: Paper present

5 Fan fold sensors (F) 0: No paper, 1: Paper present

4 Corner fold sensors (F) 0: No paper, 1: Paper present

3 Fan fold sensors (R) 0: No paper, 1: Paper present

2 Corner fold sensors (R) 0: No paper, 1: Paper present

1 Fan fold exit sensor 0: No paper, 1: Paper present

0 Corner fold exit sensor 0: No paper, 1: Paper present

5 Transport Switching (Not Used: Cross-Folder)

Bit Input Status

7 Junction gate entrance sensor 0: No paper, 1: Paper present

6 Paper exit sensor 0: No paper, 1: Paper present

5. Service Tables

5 Paper length sensor 0: No paper, 1: Paper present

4 Horizontal pressure HP sensor 1 0: No paper, 1: Paper present

3 Horizontal pressure HP sensor 2 0: No paper, 1: Paper present

2 Jogger HP sensor 0: No paper, 1: Paper present

1 Punch registration sensor (H) 0: No paper, 1: Paper present

0 Punch reginstration sensor (V) 0: No paper, 1: Paper present

6 Cross Folder (Not Used)

Bit Input Status

7 Not used ---

5 6 Not used ---

5 Not used ---

4 Cross folder entrance sensor 0: No paper, 1: Paper present

3 Cross folder (U) sensor 0: No paper, 1: Paper present

2 Cross folder (L) sensor 0: No paper, 1: Paper present

1 Cross fold plate HP sensor (U) 0: Off, 1: On

0 Cross fold plate HP sensor (L) 0: Off, 1: On

7 Invert/Rotate (Not Used: Cross-Folder)

Bit Input Status

7 Not used 0: No paper, 1: Paper present

6 Inverter entrance sensor 0: No paper, 1: Paper present

5 Inverter exit sensor 0: No paper, 1: Paper present

4 Inverter output sensor 0: No paper, 1: Paper present

3 Rotate entrance sensor 0: No paper, 1: Paper present

2 Non-rotate entrance sensor (U) 0: No paper, 1: Paper present

1 Non-rotate entrance sensor (L) 0: No paper, 1: Paper present

0 Paper registration sensor 0: No paper, 1: Paper present

SP6-xxx Peripherals

8 Shift Tray (Not Used)

Bit Input Status

7 Not used ---

6 Not used ---

5 Not used ---

4 Exit sensor 0: No paper, 1: Paper present

3 Shift tray HP sensor 0: Off, 1: On

2 Paper sensor 0: No paper, 1: Paper present

1 Lower limit sensor 0: Off, 1: On

0 Door Switch 0: Off, 1: On 5

9 Punch: Horiz (Not Used)

Bit Input Status

7 Not used ---

6 Not used ---

5 Not used ---

4 Not used ---

3 Not used ---

2 Not used ---

1 Punch HP sensor 0: Off, 1: On

0 Punch hopper full sensor 0: Off, 1: On

10 Punch: Vert (Not Used)

Bit Input Status

7 Not used ---

6 Not used ---

5 Not used ---

4 Not used ---

5. Service Tables

3 Punch unit HP sensor 0: Off, 1: On

2 Punch hopper full sensor 0: Off, 1: On

1 Punch leading edge sensor (V) 0: Off, 1: On

0 Punch HP sensor (V) 0: Off, 1: On

11 Door 1: Fan Folder

Bit Input Status

7 N3 door switch 0: Close, 1: Open

6 N5 door switch 0: Close, 1: Open

5 N6 door switch 0: Close, 1: Open

5 4 N7 door switch 0: Close, 1: Open

3 Bypass front cover 0: Close, 1: Open

2 Bypass rear cover 0: Close, 1: Open

1 N6 guide switch (U) 0: Close, 1: Open

0 N6 guide switch (L) 0: Close, 1: Open

12 Door 2: Fan Folder

Bit Input Status

7 Not used ---

6 Not used ---

5 Not used ---

4 Not used ---

3 N1 guide microswitch 0: Close, 1: Open

2 N3 door microswitch 0: Close, 1: Open

1 N5 door microswitch 0: Close, 1: Open

0 Bypass jam door microswitch 0: Close, 1: Open

13 Door 1: Cross Folder

Bit Input Status

SP6-xxx Peripherals

7 Not used ---

6 Not used ---

5 Not used ---

4 Not used ---

3 Transport JG door sensor (F) 0: Close, 1: Open

2 Transport JG door sensor (U) 0: Close, 1: Open

1 Transport JG door sensor (R) 0: Close, 1: Open

0 Cross fold door sensor (R) 0: Close, 1: Open

14 Door 2: Cross Folder (Not Used)

Bit Input Status 5

7 Not used ---

6 Not used ---

5 Not used ---

4 Transport JG door microswitch (F) 0: Close, 1: Open

3 Cross horizontal microswitch 1 0: Close, 1: Open

2 Cross horizontal microswitch 2 0: Close, 1: Open

1 Inverter door microswitch 0: Close, 1: Open

0 Inverter door microswitch 0: Close, 1: Open

6118 Folder Output Check

Use this SP to switch on the motors, clutches, and solenoids of the Folder unit B889 to test their
Important: After switching on a motor, clutch, or solenoid, be sure to switch it off after you finish
your work.

1 Transport Motor: Fwd: Fan Folder

2 Bypass Feed Clutch: Fan Folder

3 Paper Entrance Clutch: Fan Folder

5. Service Tables

4 Output Junction Gate SOL: Fan Folder

5 Pre-Fold Motor: SE: Fwd: Fan Folder

6 Pre-Fold Motor: LE Fwd: Fan Folder

7 Pre-Fold Clutch: SE: Fan Folder

8 Pre-Fold Clutch: LE: Fan Folder

9 Relay Clutch: Fan Folder

10 Corner Fold Exit Clutch: Fan Folder

11 Front Fold Plate: Fan Folder

12 Rear Fold Plate: Fan Folder

5 13 Fold Motor: Fwd: Fan Folder

14 Fold Motor: Rev: Fan Folder

16 Front Fold Plate Motor: Fwd: Fan Folder

17 Front Fold Plate Motor: Rev: Fan Folder

18 Rear Fold Plate Motor: Fwd: Fan Folder

19 Rear Fold Plate Motor: Rev: Fan Folder

31 Vert Transport Motor: Fwd: Fan Folder

32 Vert Transport Motor: Rev: Fan Folder

33 Jogger Motor: Fwd: Cross Folder

34 Jogger Motor HP Sensor: Cross Folder

35 Punch Transport JG SOL: Cross Folder

36 Horiz Feed Pressure Motor HP Sensor: Cross Folder

38 Vert Feed Pressure SOL 1-3: Cross Folder

39 Horiz Feed Motor: Fwd: Cross Folder

40 Horiz Feed Motor: Rev: Cross Folder

41 Vert Feed Pres Idle SOL 1: L: Cross Folder

42 Vert Feed Pres Idle SOL 2: C: Cross Folder

SP6-xxx Peripherals

43 Vert Feed Pres Idle SOL 3: R: Cross Folder

44 Fold Motor: Fwd: Cross Folder

45 Fold Motor: Rev: Cross Folder

46 Upper Fold Plate Motor: Fwd: Cross Folder

47 Upper Fold Plate Motor: Rev: Cross Folder

49 Lower Fold Plate Motor: Fwd: Cross Folder

50 Lower Fold Plate Motor: Rev: Cross Folder

51 Fold Plate Motor Position HP Sensor: Cross Folder

52 Inverter Motor: Fwd: Cross Folder

53 Inverter Motor: Rev: Cross Folder 5

54 Rotate/Transport Motor: Fwd: Cross Folder

55 Inverter Entrance JG SOL: Cross Folder

57 Rotation Sensor SOL: Cross Folder

58 Rotation Entrance Pressure SOL: Cross Folder

59 Rotation Exit Pressure SOL: Cross Folder

60 Rotation Right Pressure SOL: Cross Folder

61 Rotation Left Pressure SOL: Cross Folder

62 Paper Output Motor: Fwd: Cross Folder

63 Shift Tray Motor: Fwd: Cross Folder

64 Tray Lift Motor HP Sensor: Cross Folder

66 Punch Move Motor: Fwd Horiz

67 Punch Move Motor: Rev Horiz

73 Punch Move Motor: Fwd Vert

74 Punch Move Motor: Rev Vert

75 Punch Drive Motor: Horiz

76 Punch Drive Clutch

5. Service Tables

6961 Trans. Motor Adj.: Fan Folder - Number of Folder Motor Rotations DFU

This SP adjusts the line-speed of the Folder unit transport motor. The transport motor drives all
the timing belts that turn the rollers in the paper feed path.
[-10 to +10/0/1%]
Note: At "0", the motor runs at normal speed. Adjustment in the "+" direction increases speed,
and in the "-" direction it decreases speed.

6962 (Fan) Fold Motor Adjustment DFU

Use these SP's to adjust the fan motor speed to correct skew and offset at the Folder unit entrance.
The fan fold motor drives both pairs of fan fold rollers at the bottom of the Folder unit.

1 Display Paper Length

5 This SP displays the length of the paper most recently fed into and folded in the Folder unit.
[0 to 32767 mm]
One of two sensors detects the leading edge and trailing edge of the paper, and calculates
the paper length based on the length of time for the paper to pass below:
• On line mode. The Folder unit entrance sensor detects the length of the paper fed from the
main machine.
• Off line mode. The leading edge sensor of the Manual Feeder detects the length of the
paper fed directly into the manual feeder.

2 Display Folded Length

This SP displays the length of the paper most recently folded in the Folder unit.
[0 to 32767 mm]
One of two sensors detects the leading edge and trailing edge of the paper, and calculates
the paper length based on the length of time for the paper to pass below:
• On line mode. The Folder unit entrance sensor detects the length of the paper fed from the
main machine.
• Off line mode. The leading edge sensor of the Manual Feeder detects the length of the
paper fed directly into the manual feeder.

11 (Fan) Fold Roller Speed

The SP sets the default speed of the fan fold roller motor when the man machine is turned on.
[80 to 160/80/1 mm/s]

21 Skew at Folder Entrance

SP6-xxx Peripherals

This SP can be adjusted to correct the reading of the paper length. The input from SP6962-1
(paper length) and SP6962-22 (paper offset) are used together. After two sheets of different
length have passed, the amount of skew and offset are calculated then corrected using this
Y = aX + b
X: Actual paper length
Y: Paper length read by machine (SP6962-1)
a: Skew correction (SP6962-21)
b: Offset correction (SP6962-22)
[70 to 130/100/0.1 %]

22 Offset at Folder Entrance

This SP can be adjusted to correct reading of the paper length. The input from SP6962-1 (paper
length) and SP6962-021 (paper skew) are used together. After two sheets of different length
have passed, the amount of skew and offset are calculated then corrected using this equation:
Y = aX + b
X: Actual paper length
Y: Paper length read by machine (SP6962-1)
a: Skew correction (SP6962-21)
b: Offset correction (SP6962-22)
[70 to 130/100/0.1 %]

31 Offset at Folder Exit

This SP adjusts the length of the fan folds in the paper to be sent to the cross fold unit.
[-10 to +10/0/0.1 mm]

41 Fold Motor Rotation

This SP adjusts the rotations of the fan fold motor.

[-10 to +10/0/0.1 %]

6963 Fold Plate Adjustment DFU

Use these SP's to adjust operation of the fold plates inside the fan folder of the Folder unit.

1 Fold Plate Movement : LEdge

5. Service Tables

This SP adjusts how far the fold plates descend to guide the leading edge.
[-200 to +200/0/1]
• An adjustment of 1 step is equivalent to 0.191 mm.
• An adjustment in the "+" direction moves the fold plates closer to the fan fold rollers, and
an adjustment in the "-" direction moves them away from the fan fold rollers.

2 Fold Plate Movement

This SP adjusts how far the fold plates descend to push the paper between the fan fold rollers
to form the folds.
[-400 to +400/0/1]

5 • An adjustment of 1 step is equivalent to 0.191 mm.

• An adjustment in the "+" direction moves the fold plates closer to the fan fold rollers, and
an adjustment in the "-" direction moves them away from the fan fold rollers.

11 Fold Plate Halt : LEdge

This SP adjusts when the fold plates pause on the downstroke at the lowest point near the fan
fold rollers after the leading edge of the paper has entered the fan folder mechanism.
[-100 to 500/0/10 ms]
Note: An adjustment in the "+" direction sets a longer time, and an adjustment in the "-" direction
sets a shorter time.

12 Fold Plate Halt : Folding

This SP adjusts the how long the fold plates pause on the down stroke at its lowest point near
the fan fold rollers.
[-100 to 500/0/10 ms]
Note: An adjustment in the "+" direction sets a longer time, and an adjustment in the "-" direction
sets a shorter time.

21 Fold Plate Timing : LEdge

This SP adjusts the distance the paper feeds past the fan folder entrance sensor (the sensor goes
ON) before the fold plate starts to descend.
[-70 to 70/0/0.1 mm]
Note: An adjustment in the "+" direction lengthens the distance, and an adjustment in the "-"
direction shortens the distance.

SP6-xxx Peripherals

22 Fold Plate Timing: Folding

This SP adjusts the distance that the paper travels past the fan fold sensor pair before the fold
plate starts to descend.
[-70 to 70/0/0.1 mm]
Note: An adjustment in the "+" direction lengthens the distance, and an adjustment in the "-"
direction shortens the distance.

31 Fold Plate Movement: LEdge Corner Folding

This SP adjusts the distance that the fan fold plate descends in order to guide the paper into the
fan folding unit for the first fold when corner folding and fan folding have been selected for the
[-200 to +200/0/1 mm]
• This SP applies only if corner folding the first sheet has been selected for the job.
• An adjustment of 1 step is equivalent to 0.191 mm.
• An adjustment in the "+" direction moves the fan fold plates closer to the fan fold rollers,
and an adjustment in the "-" direction moves the plate away from the fan fold rollers.

32 Fold Plate Halt: LEdge Corner Folding

This SP adjusts the length of time the paper feeds before the fan fold plate starts to ascend when
corner folding and fan folding have been selected for the job.
[-100 too +500/0/10 mm]
• This SP applies only if corner folding has also been selected for the job.
• An adjustment in the "+" direction lengthens the time, and an adjustment in the "-" direction
shortens the time.

33 Fold Plate Timing: LEdge Corner Folding

This SP adjusts the distance the paper feeds past the fan folder entrance sensor (the sensor goes
ON) before the fold plate starts to descend when corner folding is also selected for the job.
[-70 to 70/0/0.1 mm]
• This adjustment applies only after corner folding is also selected for the job.
• An adjustment in the "+" direction lengthens the distance, and an adjustment in the "-"
direction shortens the distance.

41 Fold Plate Movement: Paper Exit

5. Service Tables

This SP adjusts the distance for the fan fold plate to move in order to guide the trailing edge of
the last fold out of the fan folder unit.
[-200 to +200/0/1 mm]
• An adjustment of 1 step is equivalent to 0.191 mm.
• An adjustment in the "+" direction moves the fan fold plates closer to the fan fold rollers,
and an adjustment in the "-" direction moves the plate away from the fan fold rollers.

42 Fold Plate Halt: Paper Exit

This SP adjusts the length of time that the fan fold plate stops after descending in order to output
trailing edge of the folded copy out of the folder unit after the last fold.
[-100 to +6000/0/1 msec.]
Note: An adjustment in the "+" direction lengthens the time, and an adjustment in the "-" direction
5 shortens the time.

43 Fold Plate Timing: Paper Exit

This SP adjusts distance that the paper moves after the fan fold sensor pair detects the trailing
edge and switches ON until the fan fold plate starts to move when feeding the copy out of the
folder unit after the last fold.
[0 to 350/0/1 mm]
Note: An adjustment in the "+" direction lengthens the distance, and an adjustment in the "-"
shortens the distance.

6964 Length Adjustment (Folder)

These SP codes adjust the length of the folds. The summary below describes important terms
used in these SP descriptions. For more see the "Folder FD 6500 Service Manual".

There are two types of folding:

• Long folding. The folded copy looks like an accordion with the edges of the folded surfaces aligned.
• File folding. The same as long folding but the leading edge of the bottom sheet protrudes from the
bottom of the stack. This margin can be used to fasten the leading edge into a flat binder, or it can be
punched for filing in a ring binder.

SP6-xxx Peripherals

The first example [A] is a long fold. The second example [B] is a file fold. The colored arrows show the
direction of paper feed when viewed from the right side of the folder unit. For the sake of convention, the
folds on the right sides of the stacks shown above are called "peak folds" and those on the left are "valley
folds". In Stack [A], fold is a peak fold, fold is a valley fold, is a peak fold, and so on.
• In a "long fold" like Stack [A], the first fold is always a peak fold.
• In Stack [B], is the leading edge fed wider than other sections of the stack, is a valley fold,
is a peak fold, is a valley fold, and so on.
• In a "file fold" like Stack [B], the first fold is always a valley fold (done after creating the longer bottom
sheet with the protruding leading edge). To create this difference in length, the fan fold motor feeds
the leading edge to the rear slightly farther (about 40 mm) than the other folded sections above.

As shown in Stack [A] above, the top flap is slightly shorter than the other folds below which are of uniform
size. If this is not desirable, the folding job can be set to calculate how much paper is needed for the last
fold to ensure that the top flap is the same length as the other folds below, with folded surfaces of shorter
length hidden in the stack. The folds of the paper remaining before the final full-length fold are "adjusted"

5. Service Tables

to create shorter sections that will be covered by the top flap, so that the stack has a neat and uniform
These adjusted folds can be done for either long folds or file folds as shown above.
• Stack [C] is a long fold (the first fold is a peak fold). The folds are adjusted at so that the last
flap is the same size as the other sections of the stack and long enough to cover the shorter adjusted
folds below.
• Stack [D] is a file fold (the first fold is a valley fold). The folds are adjusted at so that the last flap
is the same size as the other sections of the stack and long enough to cover the short adjusted folds

1 Fold Length: 1st Fold Peak

This SP determines the start of the first peak fold. To do this, it changes the timing of the fan fold
sensor (F) that affects how far the paper feeds past this sensor after the first peak fold. This
adjustment determines the length of a flap at the first fold wider than the succeeding folds.
5 [-70 to 70/0/0.1 mm]
• Adjustment in the "-" or "+" direction decreases or increases the amount of paper that feeds
past the sensor. This decreases or increases the length of paper between the first two folds.

2 Fold Length: 1st Fold Valley

This SP determines the start of the first valley fold. To do this, it changes the timing of the fan fold
sensor (R) that affects how far the paper feeds past this sensor after the first peak fold. This
adjustment determines the length of a flap, starting at the leading edge, that is wider than the
succeeding folds. (This elongated flap can be used to bind the folded copy.)
[-70 to 70/0/0.1 mm]
Note: Adjustment in the "-" or "+" direction decreases or increases amount of paper that feeds
past the sensor. This decreases or increases the length of the paper (section) from the leading
edge to the first valley fold.

3 Fold Length: 2nd Fold Peak

This SP adjusts the operation of the fan fold sensor (F).

• If the first fold is a peak fold, this SP setting determines the length of even number sections,
excluding that of the first section.
• If the first fold is a valley fold, this SP setting determines the length of odd sections.
Note: Adjustment in the "-" or "+" direction decreases or increases amount of paper that feeds
past the sensor. This decreases or increases the length of the even or odd sections.

4 Fold Length: 2nd Fold Valley

SP6-xxx Peripherals

This SP adjusts the operation of the fan fold sensor (R).

• If the first fold is a peak fold, this SP setting determines the length of odd number sections.
• If the first fold is a valley fold, this SP setting determines the length of even sections,
excluding that of the first section.
Note: Adjustment in the "-" or "+" direction decreases or increases amount of paper that feeds
past the sensor. This decreases or increases the length of the even or odd sections.

11 Margin Fold Length: 3rd Fold: A0 SEF

This SP adjusts the length of the 3rd section when folding A0 SEF paper.
[-20 to +20/-2.5/01. mm]
Note: Adjustment in the "-" or "+" direction decreases or increases the length of the 3rd section.

12 Margin Fold Length: 5th Fold A0 SEF

This SP adjusts the length of the 5th section when folding A0 SEF paper. 5
[-20 to +20/-3/01. mm]
Note: Adjustment in the "-" or "+" direction decreases or increases the length of the 5th section.

13 Margin Fold Length: 3rd Fold: A1 SEF

This SP adjusts the length of the 3rd section when folding A1 SEF paper.
[-20 to +20/-1.5/01. mm]
Note: Adjustment in the "-" or "+" direction decreases or increases the length of the 3rd section.

14 Margin Fold Length: 3rd Fold: A2 SEF

This SP adjusts the length of the 3rd section when folding A2 SEF paper.
[-20 to +20/-6/01. mm]
Note: Adjustment in the "-" or "+" direction decreases or increases the length of the 3rd section.

21 Margin Fold Length: 7th Fold

This SP adjusts the length of the 6th section in order to complete the 7th (last) section.
[-20 to +20/3/01. mm]
Note: Adjustment in the "-" or "+" direction decreases or increases the length.

22 Margin Fold Length: 5th Fold

This SP adjusts the length of the 4th section in order to complete the 5th (last) section.
[-20 to +20/0/01. mm]
Note: Adjustment in the "-" or "+" direction decreases or increases the length.

5. Service Tables

23 Margin Fold Length: 3rd Fold

This SP adjusts the length of the 2nd section in order to complete the 3rd (last) section.
[-20 to +20/-3/01. mm]
Note: Adjustment in the "-" or "+" direction decreases or increases the length.

31 Margin Fold Length: Regular Size

This SP fine adjusts the length of the sections between folds for copies printed on standard size
[-20 to +20/0/0.1]
Note: Adjustment in the "-" or "+" direction decreases or increases the length.

32 Margin Fold Length: Long Print

5 This SP adjusts the length of the last section (from last fold to the trailing edge) during long fan
[-20 to +20/0/0.1 mm]
Note: Adjustment in the "-" or "+" direction decreases or increases the length.

41 Long Print: 1st Fold Peak: After 2nd Fold

This SP modifies the operation of the fan fold sensor (F) to determine the lengths of the odd and
even sections for long fan folding only.
• If the first fold is a peak fold, this SP setting determines the length of even number sections,
excluding the 1st section.
• If the first fold is a valley fold, this SP setting determines the length of odd sections.
Note: Adjustment in the "-" or "+" direction decreases or increases the length.

42 Long Print: 1st Fold Valley: After 2nd Fold

This SP modifies the operation of the fan fold sensor (R) to determine the lengths of the odd and
even sections for long fan folding.
• If the first fold is a peak fold, this SP setting determines the length of odd number sections,
excluding the 1st section.
• If the first fold is a valley fold, this SP setting determines the length of even sections.
Note: Adjustment in the "-" or "+" direction decreases or increases the length.

43 Margin Fold: 1st Fold Peak: After 4th Fold

This SP modifies the operation of the fan fold sensor (F) to determine the lengths of the odd and
even sections for long fan folding (including file flap or margin folding).

SP6-xxx Peripherals

• If the first fold is a peak fold, this SP setting determines the length even number sections,
excluding the 1st section.
• If the first fold is a valley fold, this SP setting determines the length of odd sections.
Note: Adjustment in the "-" or "+" direction decreases or increases the length.

44 Margin Fold: 1st Fold Valley: After 2nd Fold

This SP modifies the operation of the fan fold sensor (R) to determine the lengths of the odd and
even sections for long fan folding) including file flap folding).
• If the first fold is a peak fold, this SP setting determines the length even number sections.
• If the first fold is a valley fold, this SP setting determines the length of odd sections, excluding
the 1st section.
Note: Adjustment in the "-" or "+" direction decreases or increases the length.

45 Fold Length: 1st Fold Peak: A3 SEF

This SP fine adjusts the length of the sections between folds for copies printed on A3 SEF paper.
[-20 to +20/0/0.1]
Note: Adjustment in the "-" or "+" direction decreases or increases the length.

51 Margin Fold Length: File

This SP fine adjusts the calculated length of the file flap.

[-20 to +20/0/0.1]

61 Margin Fold Length: Threshold

This SP adjusts the threshold variable that the machine uses to calculate when to do adjusted
[-70 to +70/0/0.1]

91 Regular Size Fold Switching

This SP determines whether the lengths of the sections can be adjusted for folding standard
paper sizes.
[0 to 1/0/1]
0: Adjustment allowed
1: Adjustment not allowed

6965 Pre-Fold Adjustment (Corner Folder) Not Used

5. Service Tables

6966 Fan Fold Selection: Fan Folder Standard Fold Switching

This SP determines whether fixed pattern printing only is enabled when the Folder unit is online.
[0 to 1/0/1]
0: Disable
1: Enable fixed pattern only

6969 Bypass Feed Setting DFU

This sets the how the bypass feed sensors read paper sizes.
[0 to 1/0/1]
0: DOM, EU (Japan, Europe)
1: NA (North America)
6971 Transport Switch Adj (Cross Folder) Not Used

6972 Cross Fold Adjustment (Cross Folder) Not Used

6973 Invert/Rotate Adjustment (Cross Folder) Not Used

6974 Shift Tray Adjustment: Cross Wait Position (Cross Folder) Not Used

6991 Folder Counter

These SP's display the operational counts for the functions in the fan fold, cross punch, and
transport and folding unit. This SP's display the counts for each item listed below in the range:
0 to 9999 9999,

Number of sheets through the fan folder (with or

1 Fan Folder Sheet Count
without folding)

Number of sheets through the cross folder unit

2 Cross Folder Sheet Count
(with or without folding)

3 Fan Fold Count Number of folds done by fan folder.

4 Corner Fold Count Number of folds done by corner folder.

5 Cross Fold Count Number of folds done by cross folder.

SP6-xxx Peripherals

Number of vertical punches (2 holes across

6 Punch Count (Vert)
direction of feed)

Number of vertical punches (2 holes parallel to

7 Punch Count (Horiz)
direction of feed)

5. Service Tables

SP7-xxx Data Log

7001 Main Motor Operation Time

Shows the drum-drive-motor operation time ( to check the print count and drum operation time.)

Total SC Counter

Shows the total SC count as a 4-digit number.

7403 SC History

1 Latest
5 2 Latest 1

3 Latest 2

4 Latest 3

5 Latest 4 Display the most recent service calls in their order of

6 Latest 5 occurrence.

7 Latest 6

8 Latest 7

9 Latest 8

10 Latest 9

7502 Total Paper Jam Counter

Displays the total number of copy jams.

Display range: 0000 to 9999

7503 Total Original Jam Counter

Displays the total number of original jams.

Display range: 0000 to 9999

SP7-xxx Data Log

Paper Jam Counter by Jam Location

Displays the total number of copy jams by location.

A “Paper Late” error occurs when the paper fails to activate the sensor at the precise
time. A “Paper Lag” paper jam occurs when the paper remains at the sensor for longer
than the prescribed time.
Display range: 0000 to 9999

Main Machine

1: At Power On Main Machine (B286)

3: Tray 1: No Feed

4: Tray 2: No Feed

5: Tray 3: No Feed 5
8: RF Exit Sn: Not On

13: Reg Sn: Not On

16: Exit Sn: Not On

34: Bypass: No Feed

53: Tray 1: Paper Lag

54: Tray 2: Paper Lag

55: Tray 3: Paper Lag

58: RF Exit Sn: Not Off

63: Reg Sn: Not Off

66: Exit Sn: Not Off

84: Bypass Sn: Not Off

Folder FD Unit (B889)

100: Folder: At Power On

130: Bypass Ent Sn: Not On

131: Bypass Relay Sn: Not Off

132: Straight Exit Sn: Not On

5. Service Tables

133: Straight Exit Sn: Not Off

134: Folder Relay Sn: Not On

135: Folder Relay Sn: Not Off

136: Corner Folder Exit Sn: Not On

137: Corner Folder Exit Sn: Not Off

138: Accordion Folder Ent Sn: Not On

139: Folder Ent Sn: Not Off

140: Front Fold Width Sn: Not On

141: Rear Fold Width Sn: Not On

5 142: Rear Fold Width Sn: Not Off

143: Accordion Folder Exit Sn: Not On

144: Folder Exit Sn: Not Off

145: Maximum Paper Length

146: Fold Count Limit

Cross Folder

150: Cross Folder: At Power On Not used

170: Trans Unit Ent Sn: Not On Not used

171: Trans Unit Ent Sn: Not Off Not used

172: Punch Reg Sn (Vert): Not On Not used

173: Punch Reg Sn (Horiz): Not On Not used

174: Trans Uniti Exit Sn: Not On Not used

175: Paper Exit Sn: Not Off Not used

176: Long Paper Exit Sn: Not On Not used

177: Paper Length Sn: Not Off Not used

178: Cross Folder Ent Sn: Not On Not used

179: Cross Folder Ent Sn: Not Off Not used

SP7-xxx Data Log

180: Fold Width Sn (Upper): Not On Not used

181: Fold Width Sn (Lower): Not On Not used

182: Folder Width Sn (Up): Not Off Not used

183: Inverter Ent Sn: Not On Not used

184: Inverter Ent Sn: Not Off Not used

185: Inverter Exit Sn: Not On Not used

186: Inverter Exit Sn: Not Off Not used

187: Inverter Output Sn: Not Off Not used

188: Rotation Ent Sn: Not On Not used

189: Rotation Ent Sn: Not Off Not used 5

190: No Rotation Sn Not used

191: Rotation Exit Sn: Not On Not used

192: Rotation Exit Sn: Not Off Not used

193: Cross Folder Exit Sn: Not On Not used

194: Cross Folder Exit Sn: Not Off Not used

196: Folder Paper Width Error Not used

Original Jam Detection

Displays the total number of original jams by location. These jams occur when the original
does not activate the sensors.
Display range: 0000 to 9999
• A “Check In” failure occurs when the paper fails to activate the sensor at the precise
• A “Check Out” failure occurs when the paper remains at the sensor for longer than
the prescribed time and causes a jam.
• The 3rd column in the table below tells you the correct component name used in the
service manual.

Operation Panel Display

5. Service Tables

1 Org at Power On

2 Org Reg Sn: Not On

3 Org Reg Sn/Exit Sn: Both Off

4 Org Reg Sn: Not Off

5 Org Exit Sn: Not Off

6 Org Stop

7 Org Exit Sn: Not On

8 Org Interval Error

5 7506 Jam Count by Paper Size

This SP displays the counts for the number of jams by paper size.
Note: In the paper size notations below, "T" means "SEF" (Short Edge Feed).

97 A0T/A1

98 A1T/A2

99 A2T/A3

100 A3T/A4

101 A4T

106 B1T/B2

107 B2T/B3

108 B3T/B4

109 B4T

225 36x48T/24x36

226 24x36T/18x24

227 18x24T/12x18

228 12x18T/9x12

229 9x127

SP7-xxx Data Log

234 34x44T/22x34

235 22x34T/17x22

236 17x22T/11x17

237 11x17T/8.5x11

238 8.5x11T

255 Others

Plotter Jam History

Displays the copy jam history in groups of 10, starting with the most recent 10 jams. Display
contents are as follows:
7507 CODE: SP7-505-*** number. 5
SIZE: Paper size code in hex. (See the table below.)
TOTAL :Total jam error count (SP7003)
DATE: Previous jam occurred

1 Latest

2 Latest 1

3 Latest 2

4 Latest 3 Sample Display:

CODE: 007
5 Latest 4
SIZE: 05h
6 Latest 5
TOTAL: 0000334
7 Latest 6 DATE: Mon Mar 15 11:44:50 2000

8 Latest 7

9 Latest 8

10 Latest 9

7508 Original Jam History

5. Service Tables

Displays the original jam history in groups of 10, starting with the most recent 10 jams.
Display contents are as follows:
CODE: SP7505-*** number.
SIZE: Paper size code in hex. (See table below.)
TOTAL: Total jam error count (SP7003)
DATE: Date the previous jam occurred

1 Latest

2 Latest 1

3 Latest 2

4 Latest 3 Sample Display:

CODE: 007
5 5 Latest 4
SIZE: 05h
6 Latest 5
TOTAL: 0000334
7 Latest 6 DATE: Mon Mar 15 11:44:50 2000

8 Latest 7

9 Latest 8

10 Latest 9

Paper Size Hex Codes

These codes are displayed by SP7507 and SP7508.

Paper Size Code (hex) Paper Size Code (hex)

A4 LEF 05 B4 SEF 8D

A5 LEF 06 B5 SEF 8E




A5 SEF 86 Others FF

7801 ROM Version

SP7-xxx Data Log

Displays the ROM number, firmware version numbers, and other important information about
the machine. Press  or  to see more information.

7803 PM Counter Display

Displays the PM counter since the last PM.

7804 PM Counter Reset

Resets the PM counter. To reset, press [Execute]

SC/Jam Counter Reset

7807 Resets the SC and jam counters. To reset, press [Execute]. This SP does not reset the jam
history counters: SP7507, SP7508. 5
MF Error Counter Japan Only
Displays the number of counts requested of the card/key counter.

A request for the count total failed at power on. This error will occur if
1 Error Total
the device is installed but disconnected.

The request for a staple count failed at power on. This error will occur
2 Error Staple
if the device is installed but disconnected.

MF Error Counter Clear

Press [Execute] to reset the values of SP7826 to "0". Japan Only

Self-Diagnosis Result Display

7832 Opens the “Self-Diagnose Result Display" to view details about errors. Use the keys on in the
display to scroll through all the information. If no errors have occurred, you will see “No Error”.

7833 Pixel Coverage

Displays the coverage ratio of the output (the ratio of the total pixel area of the image data to
the total printable area on the paper).
• This value is not directly proportional to the amount of toner consumed.

5. Service Tables

• It is, however, one factor that affects this amount.

• Other major factors include: the type, total image area and image density of the original,
toner concentration and developer potential.

1 Last Page 0% to 100%.

2 Accumulated Average 0% to 100%.

3 Total Toner Cartridges Used 0 to 65,535 copies

4 Previous Toner Bottle 0 to 999,999 copies

5 Toner Bottle Before Previous 0 to 999,999 copies

7834 Coverage Data Clear

5 These SPs clear the counters for the following items.

1 Last & Average

2 Total Toner Cartridges Used

3 Toner Cartridge Count: Last & Before Last

4 Page Counts

255 All Clear

Total Memory Size

Displays the memory capacity of the controller system: "1024 MB".

7901 Assert Info. DFU

These SP numbers display the results of the occurrence of the most recent SC code generated
by the machine.

1 File Name Module name

2 Number of Lines Lines where error occurred.

3 Location Component affected by error

7999 Engine Debug Log Switch DFU

Allows selection of the log to save with the debug log switch.

SP7-xxx Data Log

[0 to 100/0/1]

5. Service Tables

SP8-xxx Data Log 2

Here are some Group 8 SP's that when used in combination with others can provide useful information.

SP Numbers What They Do

SP8211 to SP8216 The number of pages scanned to the document server.

SP8401 to SP8406 The number of pages printed from the document server

SP8691 to SP8696 The number of pages sent from the document server

Specifically, the following questions can be answered:

• How is the document server actually being used?
• What application is using the document server most frequently?
5 • What data in the document server is being reused?
The SP's in this group are prefixed with a letter that indicates the mode of operation (the mode of operation
is referred to as an ‘application’). Before reading the Group 8 Service Table, make sure that you understand
what these prefixes mean.

Prefix What It Means

Grand total of the items counted for all applications (C, F,

T: Total: (Grand Total).
P, etc.)..

C: Copy application.
Totals (pages, jobs, etc.) executed for each application
P: Print application.
when the job was not stored on the document server.
S: Scan application.

Totals (jobs, pages, etc.) for the document server. The L:

counters work differently case by case. Sometimes, they
count jobs/pages s to red on the document server; this can
be in document server mode (from the document server
Local storage (document
L: window), or from another mode, such as from a printer
driver or by pressing the Store File but to n in the Copy
mode window. Sometimes, they include occasions when
the user uses a file that is already on the document server.
Each counter will be discussed case by case.

Other applications (external

Refers to network applications such as Web Image
O: network applications, for
Monitor. Utilities developed with the SDK (Software

SP8-xxx Data Log 2

Development Kit) will also be counted with this group in

the future.

The Group 8 SP codes are limited to 17 characters, forced by the necessity of displaying them on the
smaller LCD's of copiers, printers and faxes that also use these SP's. Read over the list of abbreviations
below and refer to it again if you see the name of an SP that you do not understand.
Key for Abbreviations

Abbreviation What It Means

/ “By”, e.g. “T:Jobs/Apl” = Total Jobs “by” Application

> More (2> “2 or more”, 4> “4 or more”

AddBook Address Book

Apl Application 5
B/W Black & White

Bk Black

C Cyan

ColCr Color Create

ColMode Color Mode

Comb Combine

Comp Compression

Deliv Delivery

Designated Application. The application (Copy, Fax, Scan, Print) used to store
the job on the document server, for example.

Dev Counter Development Count, no. of pages developed.

Dup, Duplex Duplex, printing on both sides

Emul Emulation

FC Full Color

FIN Post-print processing, i.e. finishing (punching, stapling, etc.)

Full Bleed No Margins

5. Service Tables

Abbreviation What It Means

GenCopy Generation Copy Mode

Get Print Counter. For jobs 10 pages or less, this counter does not count up. For
GPC jobs larger than 10 pages, this counter counts up by the number that is in excess
of 10 (e.g., for an 11-page job, the counter counts up 11-10 =1)

IFax Internet Fax

Image Edit performed on the original with the copier GUI, e.g. border removal,
adding stamps, page numbers, etc.

K Black (YMCK)

LS Local Storage. Refers to the document server.

5 LSize Large (paper) Size

Mag Magnification

MC One color (monochrome)

New Remote Service, which allows a service center to monitor machines

remotely. “NRS” is used overseas, “CSS” is used in Japan.

Org Original for scanning

OrgJam Original Jam

Print Job Manager/Desk to p Edi to r: A pair of utilities that allows print jobs to
Palm 2 be distributed evenly among the printers on the network, and allows files to
moved around, combined, and converted to different formats.

PC Personal Computer

Pages. A page is the total scanned sursection of the original. Duplex pages count
PGS as two pages, and A3 simplex count as two pages if the A3/DLT counter SP is
switched ON.

PJob Print Jobs

Ppr Paper

PrtJam Printer (plotter) Jam

PrtPGS Print Pages

SP8-xxx Data Log 2

Abbreviation What It Means

Red (Toner Remaining). Applies to the wide format model A2 only. This machine
is under development and currently not available.

Rez Resolution

SC Service Code (Error SC code displayed)

Scn Scan

Sim, Simplex Simplex, printing on 1 side.

S- to -Email Scan- to -E-mail

SMC report printed with SP5990. All of the Group 8counters are recorded in
the SMC report.

Svr Server
to nEnd toner End

to nSave toner Save

TXJob Send, Transmission

YMC Yellow, Magenta, Cyan

YMCK Yellow, Magenta, Cyan, BlacK

All of the Group 8SP's are reset with SP5 801 1 Memory All Clear, or the Counter Reset SP7 808.

8001 T:Total Jobs These SP's count the number of times each application is
used to do a job.
8002 C:Total Jobs
[0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]
8004 P:Total Jobs Note: The L: counter is the total number of times the other
applications are used to send a job to the document server,
8005 S:Total Jobs
plus the number of times a file already on the document
8006 L:Total Jobs server is used.

• These SP's reveal the number of times an application is used, not the number of pages processed.
• When an application is opened for image input or output, this counts as one job.
• Interrupted jobs (paper jams, etc.) are counted, even though they do not finish.
• Only jobs executed by the operator are counted. Jobs executed by the operator engineer using the
SP modes are not counted.

5. Service Tables

• When using secure printing (when a password is required to start the print job), the job is counted at
the time when either “Delete Data” or “Specify Output” is specified.
• When a copy job on the document server is printed, SP8022 also increments, and when a print job
stored on the document server is printed, SP8024 also increments.
• When an original is both copied and stored on the document server, the C: and L: counters both
• When a print job is stored on the document server, only the L: counter increments.
• When the user presses the Document Server but to n to store the job on the document server, only the
L: counter increments.
• When the user enters document server mode and prints data s to red on the document server, only
the L: counter increments.
• When an image received from Palm 2 is received and stored, the L: counter increments.
• When the operator prints a report (user code list, for example), the O: counter increments.
8011 T:Jobs/LS

8012 C:Jobs/LS These SP's count the number of jobs stored to the document
server by each application, to reveal how local storage is
8014 P:Jobs/LS being used for input.

8015 S:Jobs/LS [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]

The L: counter counts the number of jobs stored from within
8016 L:Jobs/LS the document server mode screen at the operation panel.
8017 O:Jobs/LS

• When a scan job is sent to the document server, the S: counter increments. When you enter document
server mode and then scan an original, the L: counter increments.
• When a print job is sent to the document server, the P: counter increments.
• When a network application sends data to the document server, the O: counter increments.
• When an image from Palm 2 is s to red on the document server, the O: counter increments.

8021 T:Pjob/LS

8022 C:Pjob/LS These SP's reveal how files printed from the document
server were s to red on the document server originally.
8024 P:Pjob/LS
[0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]
8025 S:Pjob/LS
The L: counter counts the number of jobs stored from within
8026 L:Pjob/LS the document server mode screen at the operation panel.

8027 O:Pjob/LS

SP8-xxx Data Log 2

• When a copy job stored on the document server is printed with another application, the C: counter
• When an application like DeskTopBinder merges a copy job that was stored on the document server
with a print job that was stored on the document server, the C: and P: counters both increment.
• When a job already on the document server is printed with another application, the L: counter
• When a scanner job stored on the document server is printed with another application, the S: counter
increments. If the original was scanned from within document server mode, then the L: counter
• When images stored on the document server by a network application (including Palm 2), are printed
with another application, the O: counter increments.
• When a copy job stored on the document server is printed with a network application (Web Image
Monitor, for example), the C: counter increments.

8031 T:Pjob/DesApl 5
8032 C:Pjob/DesApl These SP's reveal what applications were used to output
documents from the document server.
8034 P:Pjob/DesApl
[0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]
8035 S:Pjob/DesApl
The L: counter counts the number of jobs printed from within
8036 L:Pjob/DesApl the document server mode screen at the operation panel.

8037 O:Pjob/DesApl

• When documents already stored on the document server are printed, the count for the application
that started the print job is incremented.
• When the print job is started from a network application (Desk to p Binder, Web Image Monitor, etc.)
the L: counter increments.

8041 T:TX Jobs/LS These SP's count the applications that stored files on the
document server that were later accessed for transmission
8042 C:TX Jobs/LS over the telephone line or over a network (attached to an
8044 P:TX Jobs/LS e-mail).
[0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]
8045 S:TX Jobs/LS
8046 L:TX Jobs/LS • Jobs merged for sending are counted separately.
• The L: counter counts the number of jobs scanned from
8047 O:TX Jobs/LS within the document server mode screen at the
operation panel.

5. Service Tables

• When a stored copy job is sent from the document server, the C: counter increments.
• When images stored on the document server by a network application or Palm2 are sent as an e-
mail, the O: counter increments.

8051 T:TX Jobs/DesApl

These SP's count the applications used to send files from
8052 C:TX Jobs/DesApl the document server over the telephone line or over a
network (attached to an e-mail. Jobs merged for
8054 P:TX Jobs/DesApl sending are counted separately.

8055 S:TX Jobs/DesApl [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]

The L: counter counts the number of jobs sent from within
8056 L:TX Jobs/DesApl the document server mode screen at the operation
8057 O:TX Jobs/DesApl

5 • If the send is started from Desk to p Binder or Web Image Monitor, for example, then the O: counter

T:FIN Jobs [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]

These SP's total the finishing methods. The finishing method is specified by the application.

C:FIN Jobs [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]

8062 These SP's total finishing methods for copy jobs only. The finishing method is specified by the

P:FIN Jobs [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]

8064 These SP's total finishing methods for print jobs only. The finishing method is specified by the

S:FIN Jobs [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]

8065 These SP's total finishing methods for scan jobs only. The finishing method is specified by the
Note: Finishing features for scan jobs are not available at this time.

L:FIN Jobs [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]

8066 These SP's total finishing methods for jobs output from within the document server mode screen
at the operation panel. The finishing method is specified from the print window within
document server mode.

8067 O:FIN Jobs Not Used [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]

SP8-xxx Data Log 2

These SP's total finishing methods for jobs executed by an external application, over the
network. The finishing method is specified by the application.

Number of jobs started in Sort mode. When a stored copy job is set for Sort
806x 1 Sort and then stored on the document server, the L: counter increments. (See
SP8066 1)

806x 2 Stack Number of jobs started in Sort mode.

806x 3 Staple Number of jobs started in Staple mode.

Number of jobs started in Booklet mode. If the machine is in staple mode, the
806x 4 Booklet
Staple counter also increments.

Number of jobs started In any mode other than the Booklet mode and set for
806x 5 Z-Fold
folding (Z-fold).

806x 6 Punch
Number of jobs started in Punch mode. When Punch is set for a print job, the 5
P: counter increments. (See SP8064 6.)

806x 7 Other Reserved. Not used.

T:Jobs/PGS [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]
8071 These SP's count the number of jobs broken down by the number of pages in the job,
regardless of which application was used.

C:Jobs/PGS [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]
8072 These SP's count and calculate the number of copy jobs by size based on the number of
pages in the job.

P:Jobs/PGS [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]
8074 These SP's count and calculate the number of print jobs by size based on the number of
pages in the job.

S:Jobs/PGS [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]
8075 These SP's count and calculate the number of scan jobs by size based on the number of
pages in the job.

L:Jobs/PGS [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]
8076 These SP's count and calculate the number of jobs printed from within the document server
mode window at the operation panel, by the number of pages in the job.

5. Service Tables

O:Jobs/PGS [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]
8077 These SP's count and calculate the number of “Other” application jobs (Web Image Moni
to r, Palm 2, etc.) by size based on the number of pages in the job.

807x 1 1 Page 807x 8 21 to 50 Pages

807x 2 2 Pages 807x 9 51 to 100 Pages

807x 3 3 Pages 807x 10 101 to 300 Pages

807x 4 4 Pages 807x 11 301 to 500 Pages

807x 5 5 Pages 807x 12 501 to 700 Pages

807x 6 6 to ~ Pages 807x 13 701 to 1000 Pages

5 807x 7 11 ~ 20 Pages 807x 14 1001 to Pages

Example: When a copy job s to red on the document server is printed in document server mode, the
appropriate L: counter (SP8076 0xx) increments.
• Interrupted jobs (paper jam, etc.) are counted, even though they do not finish.
• If a job is paused and re-started, it counts as one job.
• If the finisher runs out of staples during a print and staple job, then the job is counted at the time the
error occurs.
• For copy jobs (SP 8072) and scan jobs (SP 8075), the total is calculated by multiplying the number
of sets of copies by the number of pages scanned. (One duplex page counts as 2.)
• The first test print and subsequent test prints to adjust settings are added to the number of pages of the
copy job (SP 8072).
• When printing the first page of a job from within the document server screen, the page is counted.

T:S-to-Email Jobs [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]

8131 These SP's count the total number of jobs scanned and attached to an e-mail, regardless
of whether the document server was used or not.

S:S-to-Email Jobs
8135 These SP's count the number of jobs scanned and attached to an e-mail, without storing
the original on the document server.

• These counters count jobs, not pages.

• If the job is stored on the document server, after the job is stored it is determined to be color or black-
and-white then counted.

SP8-xxx Data Log 2

• If the job is cancelled during scanning, or if the job is cancelled while the document is waiting to be
sent, the job is not counted.
• If the job is cancelled during sending, it may or may not be counted, depending on what stage of the
process had been reached when the job was cancelled.
• If several jobs are combined for sending to the Scan Router, Scan- to -Email, or Scan- to -PC, or if
one job is sent to more than one destination. each send is counted separately. For example, if the
same document is sent by Scan- to -Email as well as Scan- to -PC, then it is counted twice (once for
Scan- to -Email and once for Scan- to -PC).

T:Deliv Jobs/Svr [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]

These SP's count the total number of jobs scanned and sent to a Scan Router server.

S:Deliv Jobs/Svr
These SP's count the number of jobs scanned and sent to a Scan Router server.
• These counters count jobs, not pages.
• The jobs are counted even though the arrival and reception of the jobs at the Scan Router server
cannot be confirmed.
• If even one color image is mixed with black-and-white images, then the job is counted as a “Color”
• If the job is cancelled during scanning, or if the job is cancelled while the document is waiting to be
delivered, the job is not counted.
• If the job is cancelled during sending, it may or may not be counted, depending on what stage of the
process had been reached when the job was cancelled.
• Even if several files are combined for sending, the transmission counts as one job.

T:Deliv Jobs/PC [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]

8151 These SP's count the total number of jobs scanned and sent to a folder on a PC (Scan-
to -PC).
Note: At the present time, 8151 and 8155 perform identical counts.

S:Deliv Jobs/PC
These SP's count the total number of jobs scanned and sent with Scan- to -PC.

• These counters count jobs, not pages.

• If the job is cancelled during scanning, it is not counted.
• If the job is cancelled while it is waiting to be sent, the job is not counted.

5. Service Tables

• If the job is cancelled during sending, it may or may not be counted, depending on what stage of the
process had been reached when the job was cancelled.
• Even if several files are combined for sending, the transmission counts as one job.

8191 T:Total Scan PGS

8192 C:Total Scan PGS These SP's count the pages scanned by each application
that uses the scanner to scan images.
8195 S:Total Scan PGS [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]
8196 L:Total Scan PGS

• SP 8191 to 8196 count the number of scanned sides of pages, not the number of physical pages.
• These counters do not count reading user stamp data, or reading color charts to adjust color.
• Previews done with a scanner driver are not counted.
5 • A count is done only after all images of a job have been scanned.
• Scans made in SP mode are not counted.
• If 3 B5 pages and 1 A3 page are scanned with the scanner application but not stored, the S: count
is 4.
• If both sides of 3 A4 sheets are copied and stored to the document server using the Store File but to
n in the Copy mode window, the C: count is 6 and the L: count is 6.
• If both sides of 3 A4 sheets are copied but not stored, the C: count is 6.
• If you enter document server mode then scan 6 pages, the L: count is 6.

8211 T:Scan PGS/LS These SP's count the number of pages scanned in to the
document server .
8212 C:Scan PGS/LS
[0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]
8215 S:Scan PGS/LS The L: counter counts the number of pages s to red from within
the document server mode screen at the operation panel, and
8216 L:Scan PGS/LS with the Store File but to n from within the Copy mode screen

• Reading user stamp data is not counted.

• If a job is cancelled, the pages output as far as the cancellation are counted.
• If the scanner application scans and stores 3 B5 sheets and 1 A4 sheet, the S: count is 4.
• If pages are copied but not stored on the document server, these counters do not change.
• If both sides of 3 A4 sheets are copied and stored to the document server, the C: count is 6 and the
L: count is 6.
• If you enter document server mode then scan 6 pages, the L: count is 6.

SP8-xxx Data Log 2

ADF Org Feeds [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]

These SP's count the number of pages fed through the ADF for front and back side scanning.

Number of front sides fed for scanning:

With an ADF that can scan both sides simultaneously, the Front side count is the
same as the number of pages fed for either simplex or duplex scanning.
1 Front
With an ADF that cannot scan both sides simultaneously, the Front side count is
the same as the number of pages fed for duplex front side scanning. (The front side
is determined by which side the user loads section up.)

Number of rear sides fed for scanning:

With an ADF that can scan both sides simultaneously, the Back count is the same
2 Back as the number of pages fed for duplex scanning.
With an ADF that cannot scan both sides simultaneously, the Back count is the
same as the number of pages fed for duplex rear-side scanning. 5
• When 1 sheet is fed for duplex scanning the Front count is 1 and the Back count is 1.
• If a jam occurs during the job, recovery processing is not counted to avoid double counting. Also, the
pages are not counted if the jam occurs before the first sheet is output.

Scan PGS/Mode [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]

8231 These SP's count the number of pages scanned by each ADF mode to determine the work load
on the ADF.

Selectable. Large copy jobs that cannot be loaded in the ADF a

1 Large Volume
to ne time.

2 SADF Selectable. Feeding pages one by one through the ADF.

3 Mixed Size Selectable. Select “Mixed Sizes” on the operation panel.

4 Custom Size Selectable. Originals of non-standard size.

Book mode. Raising the ADF and placing the original directly on
5 Platen
the platen.

6 Mixed 1side/2side Job mixed with printing one/two sides.

• If the scan mode is changed during the job, for example, if the user switches from ADF to Platen mode,
the count is done for the last selected mode.
• If the user selects “Mixed Sizes” for copying in the platen mode, the Mixed Size count is enabled.

5. Service Tables

• In the SADF mode if the user copies 1 page in platen mode and then copies 2 pages with SADF, the
Platen count is 1 and the SADF count is 3.

T:Scan PGS/Org [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]

8241 These SP's count the total number of scanned pages by original type for all jobs, regardless
of which application was used.

C:Scan PGS/Org [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]

These SP's count the number of pages scanned by original type for Copy jobs.

S:Scan PGS/Org [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]

These SP's count the number of pages scanned by original type for Scan jobs.

L:Scan PGS/Org [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]

5 8246 These SP's count the number of pages scanned and stored from within the document server
mode screen at the operation panel, and with the Store File but to n from within the Copy
mode screen

8241 8242 8245 8246

824x 1: Text Yes Yes Yes Yes

824x 2: Text/Photo Yes Yes Yes Yes

824x 3: Photo Yes Yes Yes Yes

824x 4: GenCopy, Pale Yes Yes Yes Yes

824x 5: Map Yes Yes Yes Yes

824x 11: Other Yes Yes Yes Yes

• If the scan mode is changed during the job, for example, if the user switches from ADF to Platen mode,
the count is done for the last selected mode.

8251 T:Scan PGS/ImgEdt These SP's show how many times Image Edit features have
been selected at the operation panel for each application.
8252 C:Scan PGS/ImgEdt Some examples of these editing features are:
8254 P:Scan PGS/ImgEdt Erase> Border
Erase> Center
8256 L:Scan PGS/ImgEdt
Image Repeat
8257 O:Scan PGS/ImgEdt Centering

SP8-xxx Data Log 2

[0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]
Note: The count totals the number of times the edit features
have been used. A detailed breakdown of exactly which
features have been used is not given.

• The L: counter counts the number of pages s to red from within the document server mode screen at
the operation panel, and with the Store File but to n from within the Copy mode screen.

8281 T:Scan PGS/TWAIN These SP's count the number of pages scanned using a
TWAIN driver. These counters reveal how the TWAIN
driver is used for delivery functions.

8285 S:Scan PGS/TWAIN [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]

Note: At the present time, these counters perform
identical counts. 5
8291 T:Scan PGS/Stamp These SP's count the number of pages stamped with the
stamp in the ADF unit.
8295 S:Scan PGS/Stamp [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]

T:Scan PGS/Size [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]

8301 These SP's count by size the total number of pages scanned by all applications.
Use these totals to compare original page size (scanning) and output (printing)
page size [SP 8-441].

C:Scan PGS/Size [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]

8302 These SP's count by size the total number of pages scanned by the Copy
application. Use these totals to compare original page size (scanning) and output
(printing) page size [SP 8-442].

S:Scan PGS/Size [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]

8305 These SP's count by size the total number of pages scanned by the Scan
application. Use these totals to compare original page size (scanning) and output
page size [SP 8-445].

L:Scan PGS/Size [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]

8306 These SP's count by size the total number of pages scanned and stored from within
the document server mode screen at the operation panel, and with the Store File

5. Service Tables

but to n from within the Copy mode screen. Use these totals to compare original
page size (scanning) and output page size [SP 8-446].

830x 1 A3 830x 104 B1

830x 2 A4 830x 105 B2

830x 4 B4 830x 106 30x42

830x 6 DLT 830x 107 34x44

830x 8 LT 830x 108 22x34

830x 100 A2 830x 109 17x22

830x 101 B3 830x 254 Other (Standard)

830x 102 A0 830x 255 Other (Custom)

830x 103 A1

T:Scan PGS/Rez [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]

8311 These SP's count by resolution setting the total number of pages scanned by applications
that can specify resolution settings.

S:Scan PGS/Rez [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]

8315 These SP's count by resolution setting the total number of pages scanned by applications
that can specify resolution settings.
Note: At the present time, 8311 and 8315 perform identical counts.

831x 1 1200dpi ~

831x 2 600dpi ~ 1199dpi

831x 3 400dpi ~ 599dpi

831x 4 200dpi ~ 399dpi

831x 5 ~ 199dpi

• Copy resolution settings are fixed so they are not counted.

• The Fax application does not allow finely-adjusted resolution settings so no count is done for the Fax

SP8-xxx Data Log 2

8381 T:Total PrtPGS

These SP's count the number of pages printed by the
8382 C:Total PrtPGS operator. The counter for the application used for storing
the pages increments.
8384 P:Total PrtPGS
[0 to 99 999 999/ 0 / 1]
8385 S:Total PrtPGS The L: counter counts the number of pages s to red from
within the document server mode screen at the operation
8386 L:Total PrtPGS panel. Pages stored with the Store File but to n from within
the Copy mode screen go to the C: counter.
8387 O:Total PrtPGS

838x 1 Field Number Total number of copies (regardless of size)

838x 2 Length (High) Total length

838x 3 Length (Low) Total length

838x 4 Area (High) Total area coverage 5

838x 5 Area (Low) Total area coverage

• The values for "Length" are displayed in mm. If a "Length" reading is "42126" this
is 42,126 mm (42.126 m).
• The values for "Area" are displayed as mm2. If an "Area" reading is "33213257"
this is 33,213,257 mm2 (33,213.257 m2).
• The counts for the "Length" and "Area" start with "Low". Once the count exceeds
the width of the field on the display the "Low" field will reset to "0" and the count
overflows to the "High" SP codes. (This is necessary because the fields of the "Low"
SP codes are limited to 8 digits and not wide enough to display the full reading
for a reading larger than 8 digits.)
• Always check the "Low" SP first. If the "Low" display is zero, check the "High" field.
• When the length count reaches "99,999,999" in the "Low" field (8 digits), for
example, after the next copy the count will show "1" in the "High" field and "00
000 000" in the "Low". Multiply the "1" in the "High" field by: 1)
108" (100,000,000 mm), 2) 105 (100, 000 m) or 3) 102 (100 kilometers) to
determine the accurate count.

• When several documents are merged for a print job, the number of pages s to red are counted for
the application that stored them.
• These counters are used primarily to calculate charges on use of the machine, so the following pages
are not counted as printed pages:
• Blank pages in a duplex printing job.

5. Service Tables

• Blank pages inserted as document covers, chapter title sheets, and slip sheets.
• Reports printed to confirm counts.
• All reports done in the service mode (service summaries, engine maintenance reports, etc.)
• Test prints for machine image adjustment.
• Error notification reports.
• Partially printed pages as the result of a jam.

8401 T:PrtPGS/LS
These SP's count the number of pages printed from the document
8402 C:PrtPGS/LS server. The counter for the application used to print the pages is
8404 P:PrtPGS/LS The L: counter counts the number of jobs stored from within the
8405 S:PrtPGS/LS document server mode screen at the operation panel.
[0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]
5 8406 L:PrtPGS/LS

• Print jobs done with Web Image Monitor and Desk to p Binder are added to the L: count.
• Fax jobs done with Web Image Monitor and Desk to p Binder are added to the F: count.

This SP counts the amount of paper (front/back counted as 1 page)

used for duplex printing. Last pages printed only on one side are not
8411 Prints/Duplex counted.
[0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]

T:PrtPGS/Dup Comb [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]

8421 These SP's count by binding and combine, and n-Up settings the number of pages
processed for printing. This is the total for all applications.

C:PrtPGS/Dup Comb [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]

8422 These SP's count by binding and combine, and n-Up settings the number of pages
processed for printing by the application.

P:PrtPGS/Dup Comb [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]

8424 These SP's count by binding and combine, and n-Up settings the number of pages
processed for printing by the printer application.

S:PrtPGS/Dup Comb [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]

8425 These SP's count by binding and combine, and n-Up settings the number of pages
processed for printing by the scanner application.

SP8-xxx Data Log 2

L:PrtPGS/Dup Comb [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]

8426 These SP's count by binding and combine, and n-Up settings the number of pages
processed for printing from within the document server mode window at the operation

O:PrtPGS/Dup Comb [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]

8427 These SP's count by binding and combine, and n-Up settings the number of pages
processed for printing by Other applications

842x 1 Simplex> Duplex

842x 2 Duplex> Duplex

842x 3 Book> Duplex

842x 4 Simplex Combine 5

842x 5 Duplex Combine

842x 6 2> 2 pages on 1 side (2-Up)

842x 7 4> 4 pages on 1 side (4-Up)

842x 8 6> 6 pages on 1 side (6-Up)

842x 9 8> 8pages on 1 side (8-Up)

842x 10 9> 9 pages on 1 side (9-Up)

842x 11 16> 16 pages on 1 side (16-Up)

842x 12 Booklet

842x 13 Magazine

• These counts (SP8421 to SP8427) are especially useful for operators who need to improve their
compliance with ISO standards for the reduction of paper consumption.
• Pages that are only partially printed with the n-Up functions are counted as 1 page.
• Here is a summary of how the counters work for Booklet and Magazine modes:

Booklet Magazine

Original Pages Count Original Pages Count

1 1 1 1

5. Service Tables

Booklet Magazine

2 2 2 2

3 2 3 2

4 2 4 2

5 3 5 4

6 4 6 4

7 4 7 4

8 4 8 4

5 8431
T:PrtPGS/ImgEdt [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]

These SP's count the total number of pages output with the three features below,
regardless of which application was used.

C:PrtPGS/ImgEdt [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]
8432 These SP's count the total number of pages output with the three features below with
the copy application.

P:PrtPGS/ImgEdt [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]
8434 These SP's count the total number of pages output with the three features below with
the print application.

L:PrtPGS/ImgEdt [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]
8436 These SP's count the total number of pages output from within the document server mode
window at the operation panel with the three features below.

O:PrtPGS/ImgEdt [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]
8437 These SP's count the total number of pages output with the three features below with
Other applications.

Total number of covers or slip sheets inserted. The count for a

843x 1 Cover/Slip Sheet
cover printed on both sides counts 2.

The number of pages printed in series (one side) or printed as

843x 2 Series/Book
a book with booklet right/left pagination.

SP8-xxx Data Log 2

The number of pages printed where stamps were applied,

843x 3 User Stamp
including page numbering and date stamping.

T:PrtPGS/Ppr Size [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]

These SP's count by print paper size the number of pages printed by all applications.

C:PrtPGS/Ppr Size [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]

8442 These SP's count by print paper size the number of pages printed by the copy

P:PrtPGS/Ppr Size [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]

8444 These SP's count by print paper size the number of pages printed by the printer

S:PrtPGS/Ppr Size [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]

8445 These SP's count by print paper size the number of pages printed by the scanner

L:PrtPGS/Ppr Size [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]

8446 These SP's count by print paper size the number of pages printed from within the
document server mode window at the operation panel.

O:PrtPGS/Ppr Size [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]

8447 These SP's count by print paper size the number of pages printed by Other

844x 1 A3 844x 240 841 mm Custom:-A0

844x 2 A4 844x 241 594 mm Custom

844x 4 B4 844x 242 420 mm Custom

844x 6 DLT 844x 243 297 mm Custom

844x 8 LT 844x 244 210 mm Custom

844x 100 A2 844x 245 728 mm Custom

844x 101 B3 844x 246 515 mm Custom

844x 102 A0 844x 247 364 mm Custom

5. Service Tables

844x 103 A1 844x 248 257 mm Custom

844x 104 B1 844x 249 30/34/36 inch Custom

844x 105 B2 844x 250 22 inch Custom

844x 106 30x42 844x 251 17 inch Custom

844x 107 34x44 844x 252 11 inch Custom

844x 108 22x34 844x 253 8.5 inch Custom

844x 109 17x22 844x 254 Other (Standard)

844x 239 841 mm Custom: A0- 844x 255 Other (Custom)

• These counters do not distinguish between LEF and SEF.

PrtPGS/Ppr Tray [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]
These SP's count the number of sheets fed from each paper feed station.

1 Bypass Bypass Table

2 Tray 1 Copier

3 Tray 2 Copier

4 Tray 3 Paper Tray Unit (Option)

5 Tray 4 Paper Tray Unit (Option)

6 Tray 5 LCT (Option)

7 Tray 6

8 Tray 7
Currently not used.
9 Tray 8

10 Tray 9

T:PrtPGS/Ppr Type [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]

These SP's count by paper type the number pages printed by all applications.
These counters are not the same as the PM counter. The PM counter is based on feed
timing to accurately measure the service life of the feed rollers. However, these counts
are based on output timing.

SP8-xxx Data Log 2

Blank sheets (covers, chapter covers, slip sheets) are also counted.
During duplex printing, pages printed on both sides count as 1, and a page printed on
one side counts as 1.

C:PrtPGS/Ppr Type [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]

These SP's count by paper type the number pages printed by the copy application.

P:PrtPGS/Ppr Type [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]

These SP's count by paper type the number pages printed by the printer application.

L:PrtPGS/Ppr Type [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]

8466 These SP's count by paper type the number pages printed from within the document
server mode window at the operation panel.

846x 1 Normal 5
846x 2 Recycled

846x 3 Special

846x 4 Thick

846x 5 Normal (Back)

846x 6 Thick (Back)

846x 7 OHP

846x 8 Other

PrtPGS/Mag [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]
These SP's count by magnification rate the number of pages printed.

1 ~49%

2 50%~99%

3 100%

4 101%~200%

5 201%~

5. Service Tables

• Counts are done for magnification adjusted for pages, no to nly on the operation panel but performed
remotely with an external network application capable of performing magnification adjustment as
• Magnification adjustments done with printer drivers with PC applications such as Excel are also
• Magnification adjustments done for adjustments after they have been stored on the document server
are not counted.
• Magnification adjustments performed automatically during Au to Reduce/Enlarge copying are
• The magnification rates of blank cover sheets, slip sheets, etc. are au to matically assigned a rate of

8481 T:PrtPGS/ TonSave

5 8484 P:PrtPGS/TonSave

These SP's count the number of pages printed with the toner Save feature switched on.
Note: These SP's return the same results as this SP is limited to the Print application.
[0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]

T:PrtPGS/Emul [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]
These SP's count by printer emulation mode the total number of pages printed.

P:PrtPGS/Emul [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]
These SP's count by printer emulation mode the total number of pages printed.

851x 1 RPCS

851x 2 RPDL

851x 3 PS3

851x 4 R98

851x 5 R16

851x 6 GL/GL2

851x 7 R55

851x 8 RTIFF

851x 9 PDF

SP8-xxx Data Log 2

851x 10 PCL5e/5c

851x 11 PCL XL

851x 12 IPDL-C

851x 13 BM-Links Japan Only

851x 14 Other

• SP8511 and SP8514 return the same results as they are both limited to the Print application.
• Print jobs output to the document server are not counted.

8521 T:PrtPGS/FIN [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]

These SP's count by finishing mode the total number of pages printed by all applications.

8522 C:PrtPGS/FIN [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]

These SP's count by finishing mode the total number of pages printed by the Copy

8524 P:PrtPGS/FIN [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]

These SP's count by finishing mode the total number of pages printed by the Print

8525 S:PrtPGS/FIN [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]

These SP's count by finishing mode the total number of pages printed by the Scanner

8526 L:PrtPGS/FIN [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]

These SP's count by finishing mode the total number of pages printed from within the
document server mode window at the operation panel.

852x 1 Sort

852x 2 Stack

852x 3 Staple

852x 4 Booklet

852x 5 Z-Fold

852x 6 Punch

5. Service Tables

852x 7 Other

• If stapling is selected for finishing and the stack is toolarge for stapling, the unstapled pages are
still counted.
• The counts for staple finishing are based on output to the staple tray, so jam recoveries are counted.

This SP counts the amount of staples used by the machine.

8531 Staples
[0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]

T:Counter [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]

These SP's count the total output broken down by color output, regardless of the

5 8581 application used. In addition to being displayed in the SMC Report, these counters are
also displayed in the User to ols display on the copy machine.
Note: This SP is expanded for color MFP and color LP machines. For this machine, the
count is done for black only.

O:Counter [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]
8591 These SP's count the totals for A3/DLT paper use, number of duplex pages printed, and
the number of staples used. These totals are for Other (O:) applications only.

T:S-to-Email PGS [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]

These SP's count by color mode the total number of pages attached to an e-mail for
8651 both the Scan and document server applications.
Note: This SP is expanded for color MFP and color LP machines. For this machine, the
count is done for black only.

S:S-to-Email PGS [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]

These SP's count by color mode the total number of pages attached to an e-mail for the
8655 Scan application only.
Note: This SP is expanded for color MFP and color LP machines. For this machine, the
count is done for black only.

• The count for B/W pages is done after the document is stored on the HDD. If the job is cancelled
before it is stored, the pages are not counted.

SP8-xxx Data Log 2

• If Scan- to -Email is used to send a 10-page document to 5 addresses, the count is 10 (the pages are
sent to the same SMTP server to gether).
• If Scan- to -PC is used to send a 10-page document to 5 folders, the count is 50 (the document is sent
to each destination of the SMB/FTP server).
• Due to restrictions on some devices, if Scan- to -Email is used to send a 10-page document to a large
number of destinations, the count may be divided and counted separately. For example, if a 10-page
document is sent to 200 addresses, the count is 10 for the first 100 destinations and the count is also
10 for the second 100 destinations, for a total of 20.).

T:Deliv PGS/PC [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]

These SP's count by color mode the total number of pages sent to a folder on a PC
8671 (Scan- to -PC) with the Scan and LS applications.
Note: This SP is expanded for color MFP and color LP machines. For this machine, the
count is done for black only.
S:Deliv PGS/PC [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]

These SP's count by color mode the total number of pages sent with Scan- to -PC with
8675 the Scan application.
Note: This SP is expanded for color MFP and color LP machines. For this machine, the
count is done for black only.

8691 T:TX PGS/LS

These SP's count the number of pages sent from the document
8692 C:TX PGS/LS server. The counter for the application that was used to store
the pages is incremented.
8694 P:TX PGS/LS
[0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]
8695 S:TX PGS/LS The L: counter counts the number of pages stored from within
the document server mode screen at the operation panel.
8696 L:TX PGS/LS

• Print jobs done with Web Image Monitor and Desk to p Binder are added to the count.
• If several documents are merged for sending, the number of pages s to red are counted for the
application that stored them.
• When several documents are sent by a Fax broadcast, the F: count is done for the number of pages
sent to each destination.

8701 TX PGS/Port [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]

5. Service Tables

These SP's count the number of pages sent by the physical port used to send them. For
example, if a 3-page original is sent to 4 destinations via ISDN G4, the count for ISDN
(G3, G4) is 12.

1 PSTN-1

2 PSTN-2

3 PSTN-3

4 ISDN (G3,G4)

5 Network

T:Scan PGS/Comp [0 to 9999999/ 1]

5 8 711 These SP's count the number of compressed pages scanned in to the document server,
counted by the formats listed below.


2 TIFF (Multi/Single)


4 Other

5 PDF Comp

S:Scan PGS/Comp
8715 These SP's count the number of compressed pages scanned by the scan application, counted
by the formats listed below.

1 JPEG/JPEG2000 [0 to 9999999/ 1]

2 TIFF (Multi/Single)


4 Other

5 PDF Comp

These SP's count the number of pages received by the physical port used to receive them.

SP8-xxx Data Log 2

[0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]

1 PSTN-1

2 PSTN-2

3 PSTN-3

4 ISDN (G3,G4)

5 Network

Dev Counter

These SP's count the frequency of use (number of rotations of the development rollers)
for black and other color toners.
Note: For machines that do not support color, the Black toner count is the same as the
total count.
[0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]

Pixel Coverage Ratio

8781 This SP displays the number of toner bottles used. The count is done based on the
equivalent of 1,000 pages per bottle.

8791 LS Memory Remain

This SP displays the percent of space available on the document server for storing
[0 to 100/ 0 / 1]

Toner Remain

This SP displays the percent of toner remaining for each color. This SP allows the user
to check the toner supply at any time.
Note: This method of measuring remaining toner supply (1% steps) is more precise better
than other machines in the market that can only measure increments of 10 (10% steps).
[0 to 100/ 0 / 1]

Cover Cnt: 0-10%

These SP's count the percentage of toner dot coverage.

5. Service Tables

[0 to 9999999]

11 0~2%

21 3~4%

31 5~7%

41 8~10%

Cvr Cnt: 11-20%

8861 This SP counts the number of copies in the toner dot coverage range 11-20%
[0 to 9999999]

5 Cvr Cnt: 21-30%

8871 This SP counts the number of copies in the toner dot coverage range 21-30%
[0 to 9999999]

Cvr Cnt: 31%~

8881 This SP counts the number of copies in the toner dot coverage range 31% and over.
[0 to 9999999]

8891 Page/Toner Bottle Previous cartridge

Counts that record number of
8901 Page/Toner_Prev1 Previous but 1
pages per toner cartridge.
8911 Page/Toner_Prev2 Previous but 2

Cvr Cnt Total

These SP's display the percent and number of pages for black toner coverage.

1 Coverage (%): BK

11 Coverage (/P):BK

8941 Machine Status

SP8-xxx Data Log 2

These SP's count the amount of time the machine spends in each operation mode. These SP's
are useful for operators who need to investigate machine operation for improvement in their
compliance with ISO Standards.
[0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]

Engine operation time. Does not include time while controller

1 Operation Time
is saving data to HDD (while engine is no to perating).

Engine no to perating. Includes time while controller saves

2 Standby Time data to HDD. Does not include time spent in Energy Save,
Low Power, or Off modes.

Includes time while the machine is performing background

3 Energy Save Time

Includes time in Energy Save mode with Engine on. Includes

4 Low Power Time
time while machine is performing background printing. 5
Includes time while machine is performing background
5 Off Mode Time printing. Does not include time machine remains powered off
with the power switches.

6 SC Total down time due to SC errors.

7 PrtJam Total down time due to paper jams during printing.

8 OrgJam Total down time due to original jams during scanning.

9 Supply PM Unit End Total down time due to toner end.

AddBook Register
These SP's count the number of events when the machine manages data registration.

1 User Code/User ID User code registrations.

2 Mail Address Mail address registrations.

3 Fax Destination Fax destination registrations.

4 Group Group destination registrations. [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1]

Fax relay destination registrations

5 Transfer Request
for relay TX.

6 F-Code F-Code box registrations.

5. Service Tables

Copy application registrations with

7 Copy Program
the Program (job settings) feature.

Fax application registrations with

8 Fax Program
the Program (job settings) feature.

Printer application registrations [0 to 255 / 0 / 255]

9 Printer Program with the Program (job settings)

Scanner application registrations

10 Scanner Program with the Program (job settings)

Admin. Counter List

5 8999 This SP provides a central point for display of important information for the system

1 Total Print total (copies and prints)

3 Copy: BW Copy totals (not print jobs)

7 Printer: BW Print totals (not copy jobs)

15 Coverage: BW(%) Total coverage (copies/prints)

17 Coverage: BW Print Page (%) Total coverage (print jobs only)

102 Transmission Total: BW Jobs sent to document server, scan-to-email.

105 Scanner Transmission: BW Jobs scanned to document server, scan-to-email.


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