Running Head: Primary Amoebic Meningoencephalitis 1
Running Head: Primary Amoebic Meningoencephalitis 1
Running Head: Primary Amoebic Meningoencephalitis 1
Author note
Mario Rodriguez Gonzalez, Infectious Diseases and Control Practices: Class 6198,
Contact: [email protected]
living amoeba species, Naegleria fowleri, usually referred in the media as ‘the brain-eating’
amoeba. Warm freshwater environments and soil are the preferred habitat for N. fowleri.
Individuals, usually children, who swim or otherwise get in contact with a N. fowleri infected
freshwater source, get infected when the amoeba enters the brain through the nasal passage. Due
to lack of specific diagnostic data, tests, and the low incidence of the disease around the globe,
which in itself lowers the level of clinical suspicion, the condition usually is misdiagnosed and/or
treated inadequately. The reported survival rate is very low with only few survivors worldwide;
consequently, many of the reported cases were diagnosed post-mortem by autopsy. Accordingly,
PAM is a waterborne disease with a more than 97% case-fatality rate, affecting mostly children
eating amoeba
General Description
Free-living amoebae are protozoa present in all regions of the world except Antarctica.
Free-living amoeba of three species, Acanthamoeba, Balamuthia, and Naegleria, are the
pathogens responsible for amoebic encephalitis. There are two types of amoebic encephalitis:
The first case of PAM was described in 1965 (Fowler & Carter, 1965). In Fowler &
Carter’s (1965) report, there is a reference to a 1961 case where a 9-year-old boy in Australia,
died due to meningitis that was uninterestingly typical except for the presence in the brain and
meninges of large numbers of amoebae which differed morphologically from the enteric amoebic
parasite Entamoeba histolytica. In regards to the 1961 case, “No pathogenic organisms were
cultured from the cerebrospinal fluid or meningeal exudate, but the clinical record and laboratory
meningitis” (Fowler & Carter, 1965). The Fowler & Carter’s (1965) report was written after
three more patients from the same location died in similar circumstances in 1965. Fowler &
Carter (1965) made a brief account of the clinical and pathological manifestations of the 1965
Around the world, there have been a minimum of 440 reported cases of PAM (Parija &
Wallace, 2019). As it is stated in the Parija & Wallace’s (2019) article, the risk of infection is
now estimated to be 1 case per 2.6 million exposures to N. fowleri. Cabanes, Wallet, Pringuez &
Pernin (2001) mention that the United States, Australia, and the Czech Republic were the
countries where most of PAM cases have been reported. In general, patients were mostly healthy
children or young adults, but the infectious freshwater source varied depending on the country:
in the case of the Czech Republic, Belgium, or New Zealand, patients had been swimming in
heated pools or thermal waters; in North America, they acquired the disease after swimming in
ponds, lakes, or rivers; and in Australia, patients used water colonized by amoebae from
domestic sources.
In 2018, Nepal reported the first PAM case where a patient acquired the disease without
having any contact with an environmental source of water (Baral & Vaidya, 2018). The case was
reported as a PAM case of “an elderly immune-competent male without environmental exposure
to freshwater, mimicking as herpes encephalitis” (Baral & Vaidya, 2018, Abstract). The report of
Baral & Vaidya (2018) further describes the patient as a hypertensive, otherwise healthy, male
who was not on any kind of immunosuppressant therapy and without a history of swimming in
Cabanes et al. (2001) in their attempt to assess the risk of PAM for swimmers potentially
exposed to N. fowleri highlighted the lack of available information from humans on which they
could base “a quantitative assessment of the risk of PAM associated with swimming or other
recreational activity carried out in water containing N. fowleri” (Abstract, para. 5). Until 2001
when Cabanes et al.’s (2001) article was published, the only estimate was based on data from a
1977 Florida study (Wellings, Amuso, Chang, & Lewis, 1977). Wellings et al. (1977) reviewed
the epidemiological data gathered on five of the seven fatal primary amoebic
meningoencephalitis cases reported from 1962 until the date the study was initiated in January
1975. According to Wellings et al. (1977), the data confirmed the presence of pathogenic
Naegleria amoebae in four freshwater lakes in Florida. The Florida study reported a risk of 7
cases per billion swimming episodes in water (Wellings et al., 1977) for which no precise N.
fowleri concentration has been measured (but up to 40 N. fowleria amoebae/liter) (Cabanes et al.,
2001). In their report, Cabanes et al. (2001) affirm that their quantitative risk assessment lead the
French health authorities to “set a maximum level of 100 N. fowleri amoebae per liter, not to be
In United States, there have been 145 PAM infections from 1962 through 2018 (Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic
Diseases (DFWED), 2019). The US infection rate amounts to 0 to 8 infections per year, with a
historic prevalence in southern states (Capewell et al. 2014); although, in 2010, a case of PAM
associated with local recreational water exposure was reported for the first time in the northern
Capewell et al.’s (2014) article indicates that PAM patient demographics showed a high
proportion of males (76%) and children (83% aged ≤18 years), with a median age of 12 years
(range, 8 months to 66 years). In 2019, the statistics of reported PAM cases by States, kept by the
CDC (2019), clearly confirms that exposure locations were predominantly situated in the south
and west regions of the United States, with Florida and Texas as the states with the highest
incidence of the disease nationwide. Yet again, Capewell et al. (2014) insists that beginning in
2010 and thereafter, the epidemiology of the disease changed with reports of northernmost PAM
cases. Capewell et al. (2014) mention that since the first 2010 case of PAM in the northern state
of Minnesota, there have been more cases in that same state and in other northern states like
Kansas and Indiana. As it is suggested by Capewell et al.’s (2014) article, the epidemiology of
the disease needs to reflect this shift in order to expand the network of clinicians that might
encounter PAM cases and, subsequently, heighten the level of alertness in those regions,
improving the rate of early case detection by considering PAM as a possibility in the differential
Etiologic Agent
pathogenic to humans. Although the genus has two other species, N. australiensis and N. italica,
have never been isolated from clinical specimens (Visvesvara, Moura & Schuster, 2007).
Naegleria fowleri are eukaryotic protists with an extensive global distribution, and
classified as amphizoic because they can survived as free-living microbes in nature and
cycle: trophozoite (the infectious form), transitory, pear-shaped flagellate; and cyst (Capewell et
The trophozoite, size 10 to 25 µm, has a cytoplasm that shows a clear division between
the ectoplasm and the endoplasm; the latter encloses ribosomes, food vacuoles, several
mitochondria, and a contractile vacuole and trailing protoplasmic filaments delineating the uroid
The size of the temporary flagellate stage ranges from 10 to 16 µm. This stage is easily
recognized by its pear shape and the two flagella at the uroid (Visvesvara et al., 2007).
The spherical, double-walled cyst, with a 7-15 µm diameter, usually has a thick endocyst
surrounded by a thin ectocyst with pores in the cyst wall which are not always visible with the
light microscope because they are flush to the wall (CDC et al., 2017; Visvesvara et al., 2007).
Visvesvara et al. (2007) indicate that a visible single vesicular nucleus with a protruding,
lobopodia, a pseudopodium with a core of endoplasm produced at the anterior end (Visvesvara et
al., 2007). In the flagellated stage, the microbe uses its two flagella
Life cycle
promitosis, a type of mitosis where the nuclear membrane remains intact through the whole
process (CDC et al., 2017). When trophozoites encounter an adverse environment they can turn
into the temporary flagellated stage (CDC et al., 2017). If conditions improve, within an hour or
less, the pear-shaped flagellate, which doesn’t divide or feed, usually reverts back to the
trophozoite stage (CDC et al., 2017). The trophozoite transforms into a cyst when it confronts a
harsh environment with insufficient food sources and poor growth conditions (CDC et al., 2017).
The cysts are highly resistant to environmental pressures, like desiccation, in order to ensure the
microbe survival until there is a return to more favorable living conditions (CDC et al., 2017).
temperatures up to 45°C. The optimal temperature of the water is said to be in a range between
25 to 44°C (Cabanes et al., 2001). For that reason, it is mostly during the warmer seasons of the
year when they proliferate (Visvesvara et al., 2007). Around the globe, Visvesvara et al. (2007)
affirm that amoebae have been recovered “from fresh-water pools, puddles, lakes, rivers,
swimming pools, hot springs, thermally polluted effluents of power plants, hydrotherapy pools,
aquaria, sewage, irrigation canals, and even from the nasal passages and throats of healthy
individuals” (Cultivation section, para. 1). Due to the microorganism sensitivity to high levels of
osmolarity, the only habitat that has never been colonized by the amoebae is seawater
In clinical cases, Naegleria fowleri trophozoites have been isolated from the
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and tissue while flagellated forms are only sporadically present in the
CSF. There has never been confirmation of cysts present in brain tissue or fluids (CDC et al.,
In nature the amoebae feed upon bacteria. In clinical cases, the microbes attack the
Visvesvara et al. (2007) indicate that the amoeba enters the nasal passages of
unsuspecting victims while they are swimming or involved in other water contact activities. The
nasal mucosa invasion of the microbe is achieved by the secretion of a protein with mucinolytic
activity that degrades the nasal protective layer of mucus (Parija & Wallace, 2019). From the
nasal passages, Visvesvara et al. (2007) say, the microbe gains access to the central nervous
system (CNS) through the olfactory neuroepithelium, where it is believed the amoebae is
phagocytosed by the sustentacular cells lining it. According to Visvesvara et al. (2007), the
trophozoites arrive to the subarachnoid space through the cribriform plate in their way to the
microbe’s final destination, the brain parenchyma. Parija and Wallace (2019) identify the
foramen of Luschka and Magendie as the points of entry of trophozoites into the ventricular
system: they gain access to the choroid plexus where they destroy the ependymal layer of the
third, fourth, and lateral ventricles and produce acute ependymitis. The amoeba uses the pool of
glucose and protein in the CSF to grow and reproduce; the richly oxygenated medium in the CSF
and in the brain also contributes to the proliferation of the microorganism (Parija and Wallace,
The cells of the brain tissue undergo lysis due to several factors, as described by
Visvesvara et al. (2007): first, the amoeba feeds upon the neural tissue by producing sucker-like
appendages or amoebostomes; second, it is possible that the microbe destroys the cell
membranes by way of enzymes like phospholipase A and B which degrades cell membrane
phospholipids, neuraminidase or elastase that destroys the sugars and proteins part of the cell
membrane scaffolding; perforin-like, pore-forming proteins that punctures the neural cells; and,
finally, amoebic cytopathic proteins that elicit the death of susceptible tissue cells by promoting
All the events previously described above results in a pus-filled meningitis and
encephalitis. Visvesvara et al. (2007) describe the severe lesions, and inflammation and
hemorrhagic events caused by the amebic proliferation throughout the CNS: edematous and
opaque leptomeninges (arachnoid and pia mater); limited purulent exudate within sulci, the base
of the brain, brainstem and cerebellum; hemorrhagic necrosis of olfactory bulbs usually
surrounded by purulent exudate, numerous superficial hemorrhagic areas in the cortex, lesions
found in and around the base of the orbitofrontal and temporal lobes, base of the brain,
hypothalamus, midbrain, pons, medulla oblongata, and the upper portion of the spinal cord; and
obliteration of the cisternae around the midbrain and the subarachnoid space over the cerebral
According to Visvesvara et al. (2007), the cerebral hemispheres, brain stem, cerebellum,
and upper portion of the spinal cord exhibit, microscopically, fibrino-purulent leptomeningeal
macrophages, and some lymphocytes; edematous and necrotic neural tissue with numerous
amoebic trophozoites usually in pockets without PMN’s around, and Virchow–Robin spaces
with trophic amoebae deep into those structures usually around blood vessels with no
inflammatory response. As it was said earlier, amoebic cysts have never been found in neural
fluids or tissue.
Clinical Manifestations
PAM’s incubation period is case dependent since it correlates to the microbial load and
the specific strain virulence (Visvesvara et al., 2007). Nevertheless, Visvesvara et al. (2007)
estimate that the time from initial water contact to the onset of the illness is usually 5 to 7 days,
and could even be just after 24 hours. Due to lack of specific clinical manifestations that could be
clinicians must inquire about any contact with fresh water in the patient’s recent past (Visvesvara
et al., 2007).
The disease could be divided in two stages. The first is characterized by a sudden onset of
bifrontal or bitemporal headaches, high fever, nuchal rigidity usually accompanied with positive
Kernig and Brudzinski signs, followed by nausea, vomiting, irritability and restlessness
(Visvesvara et al., 2007). The second stage may be preceded by photophobia, followed by a
series of neurological clinical manifestations that signal an increase in brain damage, leading
eventually to death within a week; those symptoms include lethargy, seizures, confusion, coma,
double vision or bizarre behavior; and third, fourth, and sixth cranial nerves palsies, indicative of
brain edema and herniation (Visvesvara et al., 2007). The intracranial pressure usually climbs to
600 mmHg or higher and, in some cases, cardiac rhythm irregularities and necrosis of the
The differential diagnosis of PAM must include acute bacterial meningitis, HSV-1
staining, or polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests in order to reach a definitive diagnosis of
PAM, a microscopic examination of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) immediately after collection
would allow detecting on a wet mount of the CSF actively motile trophozoites, which can be
further identified by staining CSF smears with Giemsa-Wright stains (Capewell et al., 2014).
Also, a bacterial culture test of the amoeba can be made to confirm the diagnosis by observing
the microbe feeding on the bacteria under a phase contrast microscope. Polymerase chain
reaction or next generation sequencing are fundamental tools in our hands to detect Naegleria
fowleri nucleic acids in the CSF and tissue specimens. Immunohistochemistry and indirect
immunofluorescence are also used to identify Naegleria fowleri antigens by directly staining the
amebic antigens present in the CSF and tissue specimens. Serologic or blood tests are also
performed to check proteins and leukocytes, which may be unusual, and to detect presence of
Capewell et al. (2014) reports that based on the available treatment data for 70 of the 142
(49%) patients in the United States, 36 (51%) of them were treated for PAM with only 3 (8%)
surviving the infection. Amphotericin B was the drug of choice in all 36 patients treated for
PAM; the way they received it varied: (7 [19%]), only intravenous (IV) therapy; 5 (14%), only
intrathecal (IT) therapy; and 24 (67%), a combination of IV and IT therapy (Capewell et al.,
2014). 7 patients were identified by Capewell et al. (2014) as treated with a non-deoxycholate
amphotericin B formulation that includes liposomal and lipid complex. In conjunction with
amphotericin B treatment, IV or IT azole therapy was also used in 21 (58%) patients, while oral
(PO) or IV rifampin was chosen for other 23 (64%) patients. The therapeutic data gathered in
89% (32 of 36) of the PAM treated patients showed 3 days (range, 0.75–7 days) as the median
time from onset to the start of PAM therapy, and 0.75 days (range, 0–4 days) as the median time
from hospitalization to the start of PAM therapy (Capewell et al., 2014). During the hospital
stay, Capewell et al. (2014) affirms that 94% of the patients were treated with antibiotics against
bacterial meningitis pathogens. Several therapeutic agents were tried in the patients that didn’t
In 2013, the US had its first 2 PAM survivors in 35 years, so the recent therapeutic
management of PAM has evolved in accordance (Capewell et al., 2014). Out of the 32 fatalities
with available clinical data, 25 (78%) were treated for PAM 3 days from the onset of symptoms;
therefore, Capewell et al., 2014 suggest that the survival rate among PAM patients depend
probably on several elements besides treatment and time of diagnosis, for example, microbial
load and virulence. The 2013 survivors were given all the drugs that a 1978 survivor received,
including fluconazole, used in place of miconazole, and adding miltefosine to the original
treatment, a drug on clinical trials back then, along with azithromycin (Capewell et al., 2014). In
addition to the drug therapy, the elevated intracranial pressure was also aggressively managed
As we stated earlier in this paper, PAM is a deadly disease with a high fatality rate of
almost 97%; for that reason, in order to increase the survival rate of PAM patients we are
compelled to continuously seek and trial new effective therapies against N. fowleri (Capewell et
al., 2014).
Clinical experience and lab experiments indicate that traditional therapy of IV/IT
treatment was used in the survival cases of the US and Mexico patients and, in vitro, the drugs
In spite of the continued use of amphotericin B as the drug of choice, its limited efficacy
is evidenced by the fact that only 3 (8%) of 36 patients treated with this drug survived (Capewell
et al., 2014). Amphotericin B and miconazole were found to have an additive effect in studies of
in vitro drug-sensitivity of amoebas isolated from the original 1978 survival case (Capewell et
al., 2014). As reported by Capewell et al. (2014), miconazole was shown to be inhibitory of
Naegleria proliferation in a separate in vitro study. Visvesvara et al. (2007) report the specific
case of a Californian girl that survived the infection thanks to an aggressive therapy consisting
on IV and IT amphotericin B, IV and IT miconazole, and oral rifampin. After 4-year of the
infection, the patient shows no signs of neurological abnormalities, and she is free of any other
related or unrelated health condition (Visvesvara et al., 2007). There was apparently a synergistic
effect between amphotericin B and miconazole although it is generally considered that rifampin
The 2013 survivors were treated with miltefosine, a drug whose in vitro efficacy against
Naegleria has been proved and has been used somewhat effectively to treat infection caused by
the related amoebas Acanthamoeba and Balamuthia (Capewell et al., 2014). CDC recommends
the drug as a first line treatment for free-living amoebae infections including primary amoebic
Capewell et al. (2014) propose to add azithromycin as part of the PAM treatment regime
because it was also used in the 2013 US survival cases, and its proven efficacy against N. fowleri
infection in both a mouse model and in vitro. It should also be noted that the synergy between
azithromycin and amphotericin B can increase the effectiveness of any PAM treatment by way of
As per CDC (2019), there is no precise estimate of the true risk of PAM due to the lack of
significant data: the annual rate of the infection in the US is 0-8 cases contraposed to hundreds of
millions of people, in the same time span, swimming in environmental warm freshwater in the
country. The question about why of the millions of people exposed to warm recreational fresh
waters, only but a few become infected remains unanswered (CDC, 2019). Although there have
been several studies trying to estimate the minimum environmental concentration of Naegleria
fowleri that can pose a risk to humans, the CDC (2019) affirms that, at present, we do not have a
method to measure in a reproducible and accurate way the amoeba water concentration, so it
remains to be seen how to come up with a standard to protect people from the disease, and how
public health authorities could stablish a surveillance system based on that standard and follow
PAM is a defined as a rare disease because of the very low risk of acquiring a Naegleria
fowleri infection: only 34 reported infections from 2009 to 2018 in the US; in contrast, from
2001 to 2010, the US had more than 34,000 drowning deaths. Nevertheless, there must be an
increase in the alertness of all healthcare providers throughout the country due to PAM
incidences in locations historically excluded from the classical disease epidemiology, e.g.
northern states (Capewell et al., 2014). Also, traveling is one of the issues that need special
attention in PAM diagnosis because the disease onset and management occurs in one place, but
the exposure happened to be in another location patients just recently visited (Capewell et al.,
2014). Therefore, Capewell et al. (2014) suggest that even in cases of patients with flu-like or
bacterial meningitis symptoms, clinicians should make it a habit to inquire about any recent
event in patients’ record that might indicate they were exposed to amoebic contaminated warm
other source of warm freshwater with accurate information about the disease, so they can
recognize any sign of possible amoebic infection after their exposure to such a source. The
information should focus on the known sources of amoebic infections like lakes, rivers, thermal
waters, etc; and the microbe’s route of infection, the nasal passage. Humans cannot get infected
from oral intake of water contaminated with Naegleria and, although Naegleria fowleri “can
grow in pipes, hot water heaters, and water systems, including treated public drinking water
systems,…” infections occur “…very rarely when people submerge their heads, cleanse their
noses during religious practices, or irrigate their sinuses (nose) using contaminated tap or faucet
Baral, R., & Vaidya, B. (2018). Fatal case of amoebic encephalitis masquerading as herpes,
Cabanes, P.-A., Wallet, F. Pringuez, E., & Pernin, P. (2001). Assessing the risk of primary
Capewell, L. G., Harris, A. M., Yoder, J. S., Cope, J. R., Eddy, B. A, Roy, S. L.,…Beach, M. J.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic
Fowler, M. & Carter, R. F. (1965). Acute pyogenic meningitis probably due to Acanthamoeba
Parija, S. C., & Wallace M. R. (2019) Naegleria infection and primary amebic
Wellings, F. M., Amuso, P. T., Chang, S. L., & Lewis, A. L. (1977). Isolation and identification
Kemble, S.K., Lynfield, R., Devries, A.S., Drehner, D.M., Pomputius, W.F., Beach, M.J.,
Visvesvara, G.S., Silva, A.J., Hill, V.R., Yoder, J., Xiao, L., Smith, K.E., & Danila, R.N.
(2012). Fatal Naegleria fowleri infection acquired in Minnesota: Possible expanded range
Visvesvara, G. S., Moura, H.,& Schuster, F. L. (2007). Pathogenic and opportunistic free-living
diploidea. FEMS Immunology and Medical Microbiology, 50, 1-26. Retrieved from: