Histoplasmosis in HIV-Infected Patients: A Review of New Developments and Remaining Gaps
Histoplasmosis in HIV-Infected Patients: A Review of New Developments and Remaining Gaps
Histoplasmosis in HIV-Infected Patients: A Review of New Developments and Remaining Gaps
DOI 10.1007/s40475-014-0017-8
Abstract Histoplasma capsulatum is responsible for histo- Keywords HIV . AIDS . Histoplasmosis . Histoplasma .
plasmosis, a fungal disease with worldwide distribution that Tropical medicine . Fungal disease . Tropical mycosis
can affect both immunocompromised and imunocompetent
individuals. During the highly active antiretroviral therapy
(HAART) era, morbidity and mortality due to histoplasmosis Introduction
remained a public heatlh problem in low-income and high-
income countries. The true burden of HIV-associated histo- Histoplasma capsulatum (H. capsulatum) is the etiologic
plasmosis is either not fully known or neglected since it is not agent of histoplasmosis, a fungal disease that can affect both
a notifiable disease. Progress has been made in DNA patterns immunocompromised and imunocompetent individuals. It
of strains and understanding of pathogenesis, and hopefully was first described in 1905 by S.T. Darling, concerning a case
these will help identify new therapeutic targets. Unfortunately, that looked like disseminated tuberculosis in a patient origi-
histoplasmosis is still widely mistaken for multidrug-resistant nated from Martinique who was working at building the
tuberculosis, leading to numerous avoidable deaths, even if Panama Canal [1].
they are easily distinguishable. The new diagnostic tools and Since then, histoplasmosis was described on five conti-
therapeutics developments have still not been made available nents, with high and low endemicity areas. Thus, epidemio-
in most endemic regions. Still, recent developments are prom- logic, clinical, paraclinical and therapeutic data are available
ising because of their good clinical characteristics and also and have led to numerous publications by reference centers,
because they will be commercially available and affordable. based on autochthonous cases in endemic areas [2–7] or
This review of published data and gaps may help define and imported cases in non-endemic areas [8–10].
guide future research. Labeled as the first respiratory fungal infection by some
authors, the public health burden of histoplasmosis differs
depending on whether the person is immunocompromised or
A. A. Adenis (*) not. Among immunocompetent persons, apart from
Inserm CIC 1424, Centre d’Investigation Clinique Antilles-Guyane, histoplasmin test campaigns, few serologic prevalence studies
Centre Hospitalier de Cayenne, avenue des flamboyants, BP 6006, have been conducted in the general population. However,
97 300 Cayenne, France
e-mail: [email protected]
some authors estimate that hundred of thousands cases occur
every year in the Ohio and Mississipi River regions. Mostly
A. A. Adenis : C. Aznar : P. Couppié asymptomatic and spontaneously self-limited, histoplasmosis
UAG EA 3593, Epidémiologie des Parasitoses et des Mycoses causes low morbidity and mortality among immunocompetent
Tropicales, Université des Antilles et de la Guyane, Cayenne, France
patients [11].
C. Aznar Among immunocompromised patients, in the presence of
Laboratoire Hospitalo-Universitaire de Parasitologie-Mycologie, an acquired or congenital cellular immunity deficiency, histo-
Centre Hospitalier de Cayenne, Cayenne, France plasmosis is responsible for an important morbidity and mor-
tality. At all ages, it is mostly fatal in the absence of appropri-
P. Couppié
Service de Dermatologie Vénérologie,, Centre Hospitalier de ate treatment. Following the first cases described in 1982 in
Cayenne, Cayenne, France human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infected patients in the
120 Curr Trop Med Rep (2014) 1:119–128
USA, its extrapulmonary or disseminated form became an American class 2 (Nam2), Latin American group A (LamA),
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)-defining in- Latin American group B (LamB), Australian, Netherlands
fection in 1987 [12, 13]. (Indonesian), Eurasian, and African clades [20]. Seven of
During the last decades, morbidity and mortality from these eight clades comprise genetically and geographically
histoplasmosis have increased because of the increase in the distinct populations that can be regarded as phylogenetic
number of immunocompromised persons. Although species. The single exception, the Eurasian clade, originated
immunosuppressors used in transplant patients or chronic from within the Latin American group A clade. H. capsulatum
inflammatory diseases contribute to this increase, the greater var. farciminosum was placed within the Eurasian clade. In
part of the problem is mostly attributable to the spread of the addition to the seven phylogenetic species, another seven
HIV pandemic. [14]. The availability of highly active antire- lineages represented by single isolates from Latin America
troviral therapy (HAART) and lipid formulations of were identified [18, 20].
amphotericin B, the increased awareness of the problem by Interestingly, clinical differences in histoplasmosis disease
some teams, and the development of rapid, noninvasive, di- manifestation have been reported among the groups [19]. At
agnostic methods have led to a major impact on mortality by this time, histoplasmosis due to H. capsulatum var. duboisii
histoplasmosis [15]. This progress was so spectacular that was considered a distinct entity, causing primarily cutaneous
some authors no longer consider histoplasmosis a problem and subcutaneous lesions rather than pulmonary involvement.
in the course of the HIV infection, considering instead that Unlike var. capsulatum and according to published data, var.
research should focus on other causes of immunosuppression duboisii is still not considered as an AIDS-defining illness
associated with histoplasmosis [11, 16]. [21]. Whether this manifestation is determined by genetic
However, these developments are heterogeneous, and some differences in Histoplasma strains is unclear, since the taxo-
authors consider HIV-associated histoplasmosis a neglected nomic placement of H. capsulatum var. duboisii has been
disease, notably in South America [17]. Evolving under the called into question by the finding of one var. capsulatum
radar of health authorities and research institutions, it is thought isolate from South Africa (primarily causing pulmonary dis-
to have caused several thousand deaths in the Amazon region ease) that was placed in the African clade (var. duboisii-
alone since the beginning of the epidemic [15]. containing) [19, 20]. This extends the results of earlier studies
Independently of the availability of HAART, histoplasmo- that had shown that var. duboisii had mitochondrial DNA
sis in HIV-infected patients remains a public health problem restriction patterns identical to those of var. capsulatum strains
that is overlooked in numerous countries in endemic areas, [18]. In the Americas, authors have reported mucocutaneous
notably in South America. To tackle this problem, there are tropism differences between North and South strains in HIV-
important needs in terms of epidemiological knowledge, infected patients as linked with genetic differences in
health professionals becoming aware of it, diagnostic devel- Histoplasma strains [22, 23]. These findings didn’t reach
opment and availability of effective treatments at affordable consensus, since a marked decrease of mucocutaneous man-
costs [17]. ifestation was observed by others during the HAART era,
This review will consider the recent developments and concomitant to the opening of a laboratory specialized in
gaps regarding the epidemiological, diagnostic (clinical and mycology [24, 25]. Other differences involving Nam1 and/
biological) and therapeutic aspects of histoplasmosis in HIV- or Nam2 and/or Latin American strains, concerning either the
infected patients. The objective is to describe the current disease potential progression (acute or chronic) or the
situation in order to guide future research. Histoplasma strain infection potential according to the im-
mune status of the host (HIV-infected or not), have been
described in the Americas with contradictory results [19].
Taxonomy and Molecular Epidemiology Multiple typing methods have been developed to study the
epidemiology of H. capsulatum. Nowadays, molecular typing
Historically, H. capsulatum was considered to be divided into methods are generally considered to have advantages over
three varieties based on morphologic characteristics: phenotypic methods in terms of stability of genomic markers
H. capsulatum var. capsulatum, mainly described in the and greater levels of type-ability. Several genotype-based
Americas; H. capsulatum var. duboisii, mainly described in methods, such as hybridization of target genes (probes), chro-
Africa; and H. capsulatum var. farciminosum, described in mosomal DNA typing, restriction fragment length polymor-
equines from Africa and the Middle East [18]. phism (RFLP) analysis, random amplified polymorphic DNA
The H. capsulatum species is not monophyletic and has (RAPD) analysis, and sequencing, have been described for
been recently subdivided into geographically distinct phylo- H. capsulatum [26]. No single approach based on DNA assays
genetic lineages [19]. Based on concordance of multiple gene has been the dominant method. Nevertheless, the analysis of
sequence genealogies, Histoplasma strains separate into at concordance in the results obtained with different methods
least eight clades: North American class 1 (Nam1), North using the same set of isolates showed great convergence [26].
Curr Trop Med Rep (2014) 1:119–128 121
Thus, advances in the classification of H. capsulatum are recognition and knowledge by physicians who are unable to
sustained by the results of several genetic analyses that sup- diagnose earlier and treat a treatable disease [42].
port the high diversity of this dimorphic fungus, suggesting Histoplasmosis occurs infrequently in persons living outside
diversity among strains in virulence, infectivity, pathogenesis of, and not travelling to, endemic areas. While precise incidence
and relationship to the immune status of the host [19]. But all figures are unavailable, the low incidence can be inferred from
these findings are based on relatively small sample size, and case reports reviews on this subject [27]. In Europe, most of
studies are required in order to explore the functional conse- these cases are considered as “imported” with exposure decades
quences of these variations on histoplasmosis pathogenesis in before, when staying in or travelling to a known endemic
HIV-infected patients. region [8–10]. Also, as described in the soil of the Po River
valley in Italy, microfoci contaminated with H. capsulatum can
be found in regions considered as non-endemic. These may be
Epidemiology the source of exposure causing autochtonous cases described in
several European countries [10]. Historically, mortality in non-
H. capsulatum is a fungus that is distributed worldwide, en- endemic areas was observed at around 50 to 60 % [8, 9]; but
demic to geographically limited areas, according to local envi- since the availability of HAART, a marked decrease to almost
ronmental conditions favorable to its development [27]. Since 20 % was observed in some places [8].
histoplasmosis is not classified among the notifiable diseases,
hard data on the incidence and prevalence, as well as informa-
tion on its morbidity and mortality, should be considered frag- Pathogenesis and Risk Factors in HIV-Infected Patients
mentary or simply not available in many endemic areas [28, 29].
It is admitted that histoplasmosis occurs most commonly in H. capsulatum is a thermally dimorphic ascomycete,
the Americas, since most of the studies are published from displaying a filamentous mold form (saprophytic form) in
patients residing in this area. But the organism exists in many the environment and in culture at temperatures below 35 °C,
diverse areas around the world and is described in the non- and a yeast phase (parasitic form) in tissue and body fluids at
English literature [11, 28]. In North America, H. capsulatum temperatures above 35 °C. The mold phase may contain
is endemic in the Mississippi and Ohio River valleys and also macroconidia and microconidia. The latter, smooth walled
in localized foci throughout the region [11, 30, 31]. In Central with a diameter of 2 to 4 μm, are the infectious particles.
and South America and the Caribbean area, it has been de- The yeast phase develops as small oval budding cells with a
scribed in almost all countries except Chile [4, 28, 32–34]. diameter of 2 to 4 μm, mainly observed within the macro-
Other endemic areas include parts of Africa, Asia (India, phages. In Africa, the yeast phase described is mostly thick
China, Philippines, Thailand) and Australia [7, 35–38]. walled and larger, 8 to 15 μm in diameter [18].
In endemic areas, histoplasmosis represents the first man- H. capsulatum is found in soils throughout the world. It
ifestation of AIDS in up to 50–75 % of patients and occurs in grows best in soils with high nitrogen content, particularly
about 2–25 % in HIV-infected patients living in these areas those enriched with bird or bat guano. Birds do not become
[39]. Few incidence data using cohort studies are available. In colonized or infected with H. capsulatum (since their body
one endemic area, before the HAART era, subclinical or temperature is too high), and their droppings are primarily a
symptomatic histoplasmosis occurred in 12/100 person-years nutrient source for the development of fungal pathogen. Soil
at risk in a cohort of HIV-infected patients [40]. Nowadays, samples from sites where birds have roosted have remained
with the advent of effective antiretroviral therapy, North contaminated for at least 10 years after the roost has been
American authors state that the disease is less frequently seen cleared, even in urban areas [18, 43].
in HIV-infected patients in USA [11]. Still, during the Upon disruption of soil containing the organism, infection
HAART era, in one South American endemic area, histoplas- with H. capsulatum mainly develops when microconidia or
mosis is the first AIDS-defining event with an incidence of hyphal elements are inhaled and convert into yeasts in the lungs,
15,4/1000 HIV-infected person-years [41]. In disease- or when organisms in old foci of infection reactivate during
endemic areas where research centers and/or reference centers immunosuppression [44]. Once deposited in the lungs,
for the diagnosis led studies and published papers, physicians H. capsulatum is internalized by resident and recruited phago-
are used to seeking and treating for histoplasmosis. Thus, at cytes, including macrophages, dendritic cells, and neutrophils.
the AIDS stage, histoplasmosis-related mortality is mainly The intracellular fate of the organism is divergent in these
around 10 % during the HAART-era [24]. But, even in high- cellular populations. While neutrophils and dendritic cells have
income countries, in settings far from the reference centers’ fungistatic and fungicidal activity, respectively, H. capsulatum
influences and means, mortality increased up to 40 %. Apart survives in macrophages prior to cellular activation regulating
from the host’s medical history and socio-economic factors, the pH of the intraphagosomal environment. Phagocytes facili-
this observation is probably due to the lack of disease tate dissemination of H. capsulatum to several organs,
122 Curr Trop Med Rep (2014) 1:119–128
throughout the mononuclear phagocyte system, including the HIV-infected patients presents as a symptomatic and dissemi-
spleen, liver, bone marrow, and lymph nodes. Thus, to control nated infection in 95 % of the cases [11]. With the aggravation
intracellular growth of the organism, the host must mount a of CD4 Lymphocyte decline, the evolution is rapid and always
robust proinflammatory response, and cellular immunity plays fatal in the absence of treatment [2]. Thus, according to pub-
an essential role in defense against H. capsulatum [45]. lished series, there is up to 39 % death following diagnosis in
Therefore, with the development of HIV-infection and the pro- endemic areas and 58 % death in non-endemic areas [9, 24].
gressive impairment of cellular immunity, patients are at a higher During the HIV infection, the evolutive mode is very
risk of disseminated and deadly infections with H. capsulatum. variable, from extreme latency to a fulminant form. For 10–
In endemic areas, whether symptomatic diseases are caused 20 % of patients, severe rapidly fatal forms are described.
by reactivation of old foci or by a recent exogenous exposure These forms present as a septic shock with intravascular
is unknown. Published data support reinfection in the context disseminated coagulation, multiorgan failure (kidneys, liver,
of outbreaks or reactivation when calcified lymph nodes are lungs), and rhabdomyolysis, all of which may be associated
visualized on chest radiograms [39]. Recently, a time series with a hemophagocytosis syndrome. These presentations of
attempted to estimate if new infection is prevailing over unclear pathogenesis seem to be a late manifestation of histo-
reactivation in endemic areas. Using climatic data, in one plasmosis [39]. Mortality of these severe cases is very high,
endemic area, 70 % of incident HIV-associated histoplasmosis with 50–70 % death [51].
cases could be predicted compared to observed cases [44]. Inflammatory reconstitution disease following antiretrovi-
Also, a clear seasonality pattern in incident cases of histoplas- ral treatment initiation has also been described [8, 52].
mosis was described [46]. These studies are in favor of new All organs and tissues may be clinically involved [11]. In
infection or reinfection rather than reactivation as the main HIV-infected patients histoplasmosis is disseminated in 95 %
pathogenesis mechanism to explain the occurrence of symp- of the cases, and in 90 % of the cases, it concerns patients with
tomatic histoplasmosis in endemic areas [44, 46]. CD4 counts below 200/mm3. A subacute presentation is the
Among Risk Factors Previously Studied in HIV-Infected most frequent, with symptoms evolving for 1 or 2 months,
Patients, Occupational or Environmental Factors and Host during which the patient is seen by physicians. The clinical
Factors Have Been Described picture is misleading, the symptoms being mostly nonspecific.
Environmental exposures to sources containing bat or bird The general symptoms, particularly fever, fatigue and weight
guano are known to increase the risk of histoplasmosis in the loss, are almost always found. Respiratory symptoms such as
general population, including histories of cave exploration, cough or dyspnea are observed in 50 % of the cases, and may
wood cutting, or exposure to bird roosts, excavation sites, be associated with hepatosplenomegaly (25 % of cases) and/or
farms or chicken coops [47]. In HIV-infected individuals superficial lymph node enlargement (25 % of cases).
experiencing histoplasmosis, prospectively studied and com- Digestive, neurological or muco-cutaneous manifestations
pared to control without histoplasmosis, a history of exposure are less frequent (10–20 % of cases) and polymorphous.
to chicken coops was found to be significantly associated with Isolated pulmonary manifestations have also been described
histoplasmosis [47]. in less immunocompromised patients (CD4 > 200).
Current or prior occupations or activities with soil contam- Pulmonary intersticial syndromes are often observed on chest
inated with bird or bat droppings have been described to be radiograms or computed tomography (CT) scans. This implies
associated with an increased risk of histoplasmosis [40, 48]. that bronchoscopy must be performed to rule out the differ-
Host factors previously found to be independently associ- ential diagnosis of pneumocystosis [39].
ated with histoplasmosis are: low CD4 count (<200/mm3), Similarly to clinical symptoms, standard biology tests are
low CD4 count at the NADIR (<50/mm3), low CD8 count nonspecific. However, they may give elements to suspect the
(<650/mm3), absence of antiretroviral treatment or the first diagnosis and lead to further investigations to confirm the
6 months under antiretroviral therapy, a history of herpes diagnosis. The elevation of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH),
simplex infection, absence of systemic antifungal therapy liver enzymes (TGO, alkaline phosphatase), ferritin alone or
(fluconazole) and male gender [40, 49]. isolated with pancytopenia and/or hemophagocytosis syn-
Out of H. capsulatum transmission to recipient by donor's drome, are classically described [39].
solid organ transplant, no direct interhuman contamination has Thus, a high suspicion index is required from clinicians
been previously described [50]. because of the nonspecific nature of the clinical, biologic and
radiologic spectrum of histoplasmosis. In disease-endemic
areas, this nonspecific clinical picture makes tuberculosis the
Clinical Findings main differential diagnosis of histoplasmosis. Numerous pub-
lications report cases of histoplasmosis mimicking tuberculosis
Although it is mostly asymptomatic and self-limiting in immu- and state that making this differential diagnosis at the bed
nocompetent persons, histoplasmosis in immunocompromised patient is difficult; mainly because of the absence of diagnostic
Curr Trop Med Rep (2014) 1:119–128 123
facilities or because a diagnosis of histoplasmosis was not on CSF may be of interest for the diagnosis of neuro-
considered. Nevertheless, tuberculosis and histoplasmosis meningeal forms [56].
could be easily distinguished, as reported recently. Numerous Immunodiffusion is more specific but less sensitive than
AIDS-related death caused by histoplasmosis and mistaken for complement fixation. Cross-reactions with other fungal path-
multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis could be avoided [53]. ogens, lymphoma, sarcoidosis and tuberculosis have been
reported [57].
The detection of Histoplasma capsulatum var. capsulatum
Diagnosis circulating antigen may be performed with several EIA
Direct examination of MGG-stained slides of all tissue or The third generation polyclonal MVista Histoplasma anti-
body fluid is a simple and rapid diagnostic method. In dis- gen EIA allows the quantitative detection of Histoplasma
seminated forms, smears obtained from tissue biopsies, bone polysaccharide circulating antigen with a sensitivity of 95–
marrow aspiration, or peripheral blood are fairly contributive. 100 % in urine and 92–100 % in serum [55, 58]. The antigen
However, sensitivity varies according to the type of sample, levels detected are higher in the immunocompromised pa-
the severity of the disease and the experience of the operator. tients with a disseminated form. Moreover, the antigen level
With positive results for 50 to 75 % of patients, bone marrow seems correlated with the severity of the clinical presentation
aspiration is the most contributive [24, 39]. Special staining (admission or not in ICU) [55]. Specificity is 99 %, and
(PAS and Gomori Grocott) may be performed in pathology. positive and negative predictive values are 91 % and
These stainings allow one to rule out the main differential 99.5 %, respectively (for a 10 % prevalence) [58]. In pulmo-
diagnoses, such as C. glabrata, P. marneffei, Leishmania, nary forms of histoplasmosis, this test may be performed on
Trypanosoma and other staining artifacts [24]. bronchioloalveolar lavage fluid with a 93 % sensitivity [59].
Certain diagnosis rests on the culture and identification of Despite the evolution of the test, there are still cross–reactions
Histoplasma capsulatum from any tissue or body fluid, ob- with blastomycosis (90 %), paracoccidioidiomycosis or
tained mainly by using invasive procedures. The isolation in penicilliosis (80 %), coccidioidiomycosis (60 %), aspergillosis
culture is slow and may take several weeks (1–6 weeks). (10 %) and sporotrichosis [55, 60]. However, this method is
Sabouraud’s dextrose agar media are thus incubated for sev- currently the best validated method for the diagnosis of histo-
eral weeks between 25 °C and 30 °C. The observation of plasmosis in HIV-infected patients. Not commercialized, it is
macronidia and micronidia are characteristic, but since they hardly used out of the USA [24, 61].
are highly infectious, this must be performed in a Biosafety The IMMY ALPHA Histoplasma antigen EIA has been
Laboratory (BSL) level 2 or a BSL 3, according to the marketed since 2006. Sensitivity is 71 % and specificity is
country’s regulations. A definitive, specific and commercially 98 % in urine. Using the same detection and antigen capture
available DNA probe assay should always be performed to technique with polyclonal antigens, similar cross-reactions are
confirm the diagnosis. The laborious task of converting the observed with fungal pathogens (Paracoccidioidiomycosis,
mold phase to the yeast phase is no longer required for the coccidioidiomycosis and blastomycosis) [62]. This first test
definitive identification of H. capsulatum [11]. seems less utilized, having generated debates in the literature
Specificity is 100 %, but sensitivity varies between 85 and [62–64]. However, recent modifications and the development
90 % according to the fungal load and the laboratory experi- of monoclonal antibodies seem very promising [65, 66].
ence [24, 54, 55]. Bone marrow aspirates yield the highest The Mycotic Disease Branch of the Centers for Disease
proportion of positive cultures (70–90 %). For peripheral Control and Prevention (CDC) also developed an EIA
blood culture, authors notably recommend the lysis- Histoplasma antigen detection method with a sensitivity of
centrifugation technique, in order to increase sensitivity and 81 % and a specificity of 95 % in the urine of HIV patients in
to reduce the identification delay relative to other techniques Guatemala. Cross-reactions were only observed for
[39]. For the diagnosis of isolated neuro-meningeal forms, the paracoccidioidiomycosis [67]. This test is routinely used in
diagnosis must rely on other techniques, given the very low Colombia and is currently being evaluated on the Guiana
sensitivity of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) culture [54]. Shield (ClinicalTrials.gov Registration number:
Antibody detection by immunodiffusion or complement NCT01884779).
fixation is less sensitive in immunocompromised HIV- Since MVista test can’t be performed out of the MVista
infected patients than in immunocompetent patients (90 %) laboratory in Indianapolis, the IMMY and CDC EIA tests
[39, 54]. Serology is only positive in 50–70 % of immuno- developments are of importance, because they are designed
compromised HIV patients [39, 54]. The rise of antibody titers to improve methods for the detection of Histoplasma
is observed 2–6 weeks after exposure, and the lack of discrim- capsulatum in regions with limited resources where the or-
ination between active and passive infection are not compat- ganism is endemic and where delayed diagnosis of histoplas-
ible with the management of acute cases. However, serology mosis results in high mortality rates.
124 Curr Trop Med Rep (2014) 1:119–128
False positives have been observed with the Platelia definition of histoplasmosis severity by the CDC [81]. Severe
Aspergillus EIA (BioRad) in the serum of 50–70 % of patients cases of histoplasmosis were defined as patients presenting
with confirmed histoplamosis [68–71]. This cross-reaction one or more of the following criteria: temperature >39 °C,
may be of interest in hospitals that do not have access to systolic blood pressure <90 mmHg, arterial oxygen pressure
Histoplasma EIAs, by taking into consideration the epidemi- <70 mmHg, weight loss greater than 5 %, a Karnofsky score
ologic context and other potential causes of false positives in <70, haemoglobin concentration <10 g/dL, neutrophil counts
the Platelia Aspergillus test [71]. <1000/mm 3 , platelet count <100 000/mm 3 , aspartate
The molecular diagnosis by Polymerase Chain Reaction aminotransférase >2.5 times the normal threshold, serum
(PCR) gives rapid results with good sensitivity and specificity bilirubine or creatinine exceeding twice the normal threshold,
in tissues and body fluids of HIV-infected patients [72, 73]. albumine concentration < 3.5 g/dL, the presence of a coagu-
However, its place in patient care is not clear, since it has not lopathy, the presence of another organ dysfunction or con-
been externally validated and none of the methods have been firmed meningitis [81]. This definition seems scarcely used in
commercialized [57, 74]. Recently, a loop-mediated isother- routine, and no severity score is available to guide clinicians in
mal amplification (LAMP) assay, a potential inexpensive their therapeutic choices.
point of care diagnostic tool, proved the concept that the assay In severe forms of histoplasmosis, renal failure is often
can be used to detect Histoplasma DNA in urine. Still, further described: either associated with multiorgan failure, or sec-
evaluation of this assay using body fluid samples from a larger ondary to amphotericin B nephrotoxicity. Thus, clinicians
patient population is warranted [75]. tend to switch to itraconazole in order to not aggravate renal
failure. However, the poor prognosis of these clinical presen-
tations justifies the continuation of the most effective drug,
Treatment amphotericin B, despite its nephrotoxicity. In most cases, renal
function is restored ad integrum, despite the use of this neph-
The treatment of Histoplasma capsulatum var. capsulatum rotoxic therapy [78].
infection in HIV-infected patients has led to recommendations For non-severe cases, itraconazole is the first-line treatment
in the USA and in France [76, 77]. However, there are few with the same protocol as above. The response is positive in
recent data based on randomized controlled trials: the 2007 85 % of the cases [82].
North American recommendations are still valid [78, 79]. The surveillance of itraconazole concentrations is recom-
While waiting for mycological confirmation of the diagno- mended, notably when drug interactions are suspected (par-
sis of a patient with a strong suspicion of histoplasmosis with ticularly with protease inhibitors, efavirenz or rifampicine).
or without severity symptoms, clinicians have two options for The surveillance of serum concentrations must take place 7–
the treatment induction: intravenous (IV) amphotericin B or 15 days following initiation. On a random blood sample, the
oral itraconazole. Although amphotericin B is fungicidal and serum concentration of itraconazole must be >1 μg/mL [78].
has shown its efficacy in terms of survival, it is also nephro- In terms of intestinal absorption, the itraconazole syrup for-
toxic [80]. Itraconazole is fungistatic and is associated with mulation, prescribed in a fasting patient, seems preferable and
drug interactions that complicate patient care in the context of better tolerated than capsules prescribed during a meal [76].
profound immunosuppression. This, added to the diminished The evaluation of treatment efficacy with the regular mon-
bioavailability of itraconazole in HIV patients, makes the itoring of serum and urine Histoplama antigen concentrations
recommended serum concentration level long and difficult to using MVista Histoplasma antigen EIA is only available and
reach. recommended in the USA [76, 83]. For countries where this
In a randomized clinical trial, IV liposomal amphotericin B test is not available, under some conditions, notably the
was more effective than deoxycholate amphotericin B, with a knowledge of the local epidemiology of cross-reacting fungal
quicker clinical response, a decreased toxicity, and a de- infections, certain authors consider the use of the Platelia
creased mortality [80]. Thus, for the induction treatment of Aspergillus EIA (BioRad) to monitor the therapeutic efficacy
moderately severe and severe presentations of disseminated of antifungals [68, 71].
histoplasmosis, liposomal amphotericin B (3 mg/kg/day) is Acute non-disseminated pulmonary presentations in HIV-
the recommended strategy for 2 weeks or until clinical im- infected patients with CD4 counts >300/mm3 are treated like
provement. A relay with oral itraconazole (200 mg three times immunocompetent individuals [78].
a day for 3 days, then twice a day) must then be initiated for at Confirmed neuro-meningeal HIV-associated histoplas-
least one year [78]. mosis is initially treated with IV liposomal amphotericin
In order to avoid overlooking presentations with high B (5 mg/kg/day) for 4–6 weeks. A relay with oral
short-term lethality, and to better guide treatment choice, itraconazole 200 mg two to three times per day is instated
studies were led to identify risk factors associated with severe for at least one year, and until the normalization of the
histoplasmosis [40, 51]; these serve as the basis for the 2004 CSF abnormalities [78].
Curr Trop Med Rep (2014) 1:119–128 125
Oral posaconazole and voriconazole are considered still a public health problem during the HAART era, notably in
second-line treatments for non-severe disseminated HIV-infected individuals. The medical mycological iceberg
histoplasmosis.[76]. Fluconazole is less effective than statement, written 40 years ago, is still ongoing throughout
itraconazole, but may be used as a second-line treatment in the world [29]. Outside of research centers or reference centers
itraconazole-intolerant patients at a dose of 800 mg/day [84]. for the diagnosis of histoplasmosis, in most of the countries
Antiretroviral treatment must be introduced rapidly follow- where it is endemic, the disease remains either mistaken for
ing the initiation of the antifungal treatment. Immune reconsti- tuberculosis or neglected. There are still research needs and
tution inflammatory syndromes have been described, but are accomplishments to target in order to better understand, diag-
mostly non-severe and are not considered sufficient to warrant nose and treat individuals infected with H. capsulatum. “Know
delaying antiretrovirals to restore cellular immunity, the key your epidemic, know your response”; it is time to act against
defense against Histoplasma capsulatum infection [76, 78]. histoplasmosis [15, 17].
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