Assignment 2 TextFile

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Subject: Foreign language

Part 1

Go to Virtual class (Lesson 1) then open the "future” submenu, and choose the
"Practice” slide: from each image you have to construct 3 sentences, using future
tense with the auxiliary will. 7 images times 3 sentences = 21 sentences (7
affirmative, 7 interrogative & 7 negative ones).


Will he dream at home He will not dream on the
He will dream with his parents tonight? coach
I will camp in the jungle of "los I will not camp in the middle
Tuxtlas" Will I camp next to the river? of nowhere
We will get fit and strong this Will we get fit if we go to the We will not get fit due to our
summer gym? poor diet
The news announces that it will Will it be cloudy in the The sun is shining, it won't be
be cloudy afternoon? cloudy
They will stay awake all night Will they stay awake They won't stay awake this
long watching TV? weekend
Will you meditate about your You will not meditate with
You will meditate at yoga class mistakes? that noise
She won't study Economy
She will study biology abroad Will she study abroad? abroad

Pt 2
Now go to the next lesson SCORM (Unit 1 lesson 2) and open the "going to” submenu then
choose the second "Practice” slide, as shown in the image, Read the questions and analyze
them, those questions will help you build up a paragraph in English (made up of 150 words or
more). In case you find it hard to come up with ideas regarding quality, feel free to search for
some tips on internet, for instance "Deming Quality Principles” "Quality policy” and similar
themes; then be ready compose the answers to the questions but using FUTURE tenses.

Use the following lines for introducing your homework Part 2 (fill in
the  blanks accordingly).
To concrete this assignment we are going to suppose the following scenario:
The company where I will be working for is:  mention the
company/organization/corporation where you would like to work for.
The position* where I would like to be working and that has to do* with quality
is specify work position .
If the company has to implement quality ... (here it starts your 150 words paragraph)
--- I will... I am going to... we have to... we need to...

The company that I would like to work is SKY, the position where I would like to be
working and that has to do with quality is the quality department, the company has
to implement quality; so I am going to make a business plan that includes a
meticulous review of sales, I will elaborate an alternative that consider the needs of
sellers so they will be highly motivated and productive, another of my priorities will
be to improve the way in which those who distribute the service are trained, they are
going to train to offer a better service to clients, the regions where people are going
to contract the service will be considered for “Demands” (high or Low), each
employee will work under an order that will guarantee that each customer problem
will be solved as soon as possible, the time is going to be optimized with the help of
better logistic, the slogan will be to provide solutions in the shortest possible time.

Finally, each of the ideas of the other employees will be taken into account in order
to develop a plan that covers each aspect that will improve the image of the
company; productivity will be reviewed in detail for suggestions to maximize

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