Dragon Door
Dragon Door
Dragon Door
Chi Kung
SystemDeliversEverythingYou Were
Always Looking For-llrug Power,
TangibleResults,Dramatic Life
Master the Secretsof PersonalPowerin Six Weeks-Change Your
Life ForeverAnd NeverLook Back
Iron Clad, No-Holds-Barred, l00%o, Unconditional,You-Asked-For-It'
No-Risk Guarantee:IfYou Ttain In This SystemFor Just Sixty Days,
28 MinutesA Day, and YouAre Not CompletelyConvincedThis Is fu@!
Powerful Chi Kung You Ever Exoerienced.WeAbsolutelyInsist On
RefundingEvery Pennyof Your Investment!
Dear Friend,
Pleasedo not readalotherword of this letteruntil you answerthe sevenquestions
thenyou arealmostcertainlywastingour time
lf you cannotanswerwith a strongYES to all sevenouestions
andyoursby readingfurther
Cured in a Weekend
As Stephentells it:
"On the planeto ChicagoI felt as though
visiting Gary would only add anotherexpensivewild gooseto the
growing flock I had chased.
With his glassesand closely croppedhair Gary looked like somebody'saccountantwearing a tai chi uniform.
He seemedilordinately confidentand happy. He listenedwith polite interestas I told him every detail that I
thoughtmight help him put the CFIDS puzzletogether. He assuredme that I would be betterby the end of the
weekend,and somewhereinsidemy brain I saw a wild gooseflying into the sunsetwith my hard earned
As it turnedout Gary was right. I was curedbv the end of the weekend! Gary cajoledme into eating
chocolateice creamafter lunch on Sunday. I sat in disbeliefas the fatigue that had always so fiercely and
immediatelyoverpoweredme failed to show up!
Two yearslater I still practicewhat Gary showedme. I had occasionalmild relapseswhen I let stressbuild too
high, but Gary's Chi Kung practicealwaysbroughtme back to balance. My eoergyincreasedmolth by month,
and my daily practicebecamea dependableiriend."
Stephen'sletter to Gary was actuallyelevenpagesof effusive thanks.We're just giving you the bottom line:
Chronic Fatigueis no longer a problemfor Stephen.
Do you know anyonedght now who can't shaketheir Chronic Fatigue?Do vou know anvoneelsewho wants
to regaintheir shatteredhealth-Now?
We're running out of time, but here'sa few more quick testameltsto the power of the system:
"l an a physician
anda scientist.ConsequentltI concrnmyselfprimari:ywith whatworksandlhentry to discoverhow it
wo.ks. My w;fe andI first becameacquainted
with CarythroughhisTai Chi class.After 9 morlhsofTai Chi, my wife (alsoa
i Kung. Her increase
in vigor,effctiveness,
wereso profound,
we referto it as her"transformat;on."
lessstressful.I foundnewfreshness
NextI beganPersonal
PowerTmining.wnhin 2 weeks,my work seemd
As my practiceconlinuedeveryone
food,arl, andmusic.Peoplebecamemoreamusingto me.lvlysexualinlere$increased.
- seemed
evnmy opponenls
to lreatme with morerespect.Confliclswereresolved
- Gilbert Carml M.D.
for monthsnow I believetheywill be maintained
As Gary says:
"This programwill teachyou
my entireTidal WaveChi Kung system,ftom begilningto end,complete.It
will alsoleadyou throughyourweeklylessons
anddaily practicesessions.
A]l youhaveto do is follow my
I designedit especially
for you to receiveascloseto possiblethesamequalityaspersonalinstruction,without
costingyou thousands
of dollan anda tor of time.If you practicetheprinciplesandtechniques
yourlife will immediately
beginto changefor thebetter.
I spentovertwentyvearsof research
creatingthis technicalsystem.Thematerialis
extremelypotent.Youwill lQl find an equivalent
It cantakeyou anywherefrom six to tenweeksto completethisprogram.you canprogress
ar your own rate.
The speedat whichyour life will changeis basedon how oftenyou practice,not how muchmaterialyou have
learned.Youshouldpracticethreeol four timesper week,That,sall!,,
someof thetopicscoveredin GaryClyman'sHomestudy course,achi Kung-Flexing the Muscleofyour
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