Dragon Door

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ttRed Alert!

Chi Kung
SystemDeliversEverythingYou Were
Always Looking For-llrug Power,
TangibleResults,Dramatic Life
Master the Secretsof PersonalPowerin Six Weeks-Change Your
Life ForeverAnd NeverLook Back
Iron Clad, No-Holds-Barred, l00%o, Unconditional,You-Asked-For-It'
No-Risk Guarantee:IfYou Ttain In This SystemFor Just Sixty Days,
28 MinutesA Day, and YouAre Not CompletelyConvincedThis Is fu@!
Powerful Chi Kung You Ever Exoerienced.WeAbsolutelyInsist On
RefundingEvery Pennyof Your Investment!
Dear Friend,
Pleasedo not readalotherword of this letteruntil you answerthe sevenquestions
thenyou arealmostcertainlywastingour time
lf you cannotanswerwith a strongYES to all sevenouestions
andyoursby readingfurther

Do You Qualify to Read This I,etter?

Got your pen?Placea checkagainsteachYES answer.Relsglsbgf: Do !91!readfu her if you registera
is notfor you.
NO-this program
t DespiteeverythingI've done,I still feel thereis a missinglink in my practice-for all my effortsl4llill
not gettingtheresultsI'm reallvlookingfor.
2. I wantmoreenergythanI canpresentlymuster-so I canreallytakecareof my life's problemsand
power-I wantto Iaisg_!Gy_q!!_yqb!,
soI automatically
deseryemorcandcangive morein retumto others.
d I'm 1007aopento busringour of my prcsentrut by &diealu_stEe[g$sutg--!q:l_luil]=

I wantto makea realdifferencein theworld,bothfor myselfandothers.

6 [ wantto gelmoredone.moreeffectivelv.andin lesstime.

programwhichdoesn'treallydeliveron its
L I'm tiredof spendingan armanda leg for this-and-that
I wantto go for theGoldnow! I wantthis to be it. Enoughis enough!I wantthebestandI want it
Still with us? Good! Frankly,thisis way too powerfulandexcitinga progmmto dilly-dally aroundon. We
needto spend1007,of our time helpingthoseof youwith a bumingdesirefor thebmssdng-we wantyou to
meetyourgoalsasquicklyasyou knowhow.Weowe it to you-not to let ourselves
be dishactedby those
who lqy theywantto changebutwho alwavsbail whentherubberstartsto burr.
Don't takeoffenseat our excitement
hete:we couldtell you all aboutthis programin nice,calm,measuted
toneslike somegenteel,facelss
andyou'd mostlikely sigh,yawnarldtossthethingasjust
anotherpitchof the sameold thing. You'dneverget to believewe reallyareexcitedbv whatwe have.We
wantyou to knowit-and we wantJ'outo haveit. And if you don'tbelieveOUlexcitement,
thenwhat4!9 you
goingto believe?

Powerful, Connected,And In Control

Do you everfeelyou don'thaveenoughenergyto getthroughtheday,despitetakingall kindsof
-be it chi kung,tai chi, yogaor someother
andpracticingall kindsof energizing
Are you draggeddownby somechronicillnessthatyoujust can'tshake,thatseemsto drainyou andzapyou
of yourpreciousinnerrcsources?
Do youfeellike you'vetriedeverythingunderthesunandnothingis really
makinga hugedifference?
Doesit all seemcosmetic?
yourmartialartshashit a plateau?
Youcan'tseemto makeit beyonda certainlevel.Are you getting
oldet andslower,andsorer,andslower,andsorer, andjust a Ulllgscaredof theway youtbodydoesn'tseem
to recoverlike it usedto-"discomfort" is becominga brokenrecord,record,record.....?
Do you feelpowerful,connected,
andin controlwhenyou getup in themoming,rcadyfor anything,arid
rea ng to go? Or areyou makinga run to thenearestespresso
shopfor somequickhelp?
Let'sfaceit, we couldgo on andon with thelist of dissatisfactions......
yougrcaterenergy,givingyou backyourpower,
But whatif therereallywasa completesystemguaralteeing
and allowing you to truly take control of youl life? Imaginechoosingthe li&Jgu_waDllqur9, ratherthan
stumblinghalf-throttlethroughyourdayin a stateof perpetualcompromise?
You'veheardit all before,dght?
Well, spendjust two moreminuteslisteningto what sth DegrceBlack Belt andShaolinTiger Kung Fu
Vice Prsident,Matt Mollica hasto sayaboutCary Clyman'sHomeStudyCourse,"Chi Kung-Flexing
the Muscleof Your will":

"I ThoughtI'd SeenIt All"

"lt's hardto describeGarv'sChi Kungwithoutsoundinglike I'm goingoverboard.
I've doneLlgllof chi kungovertheyears.I've donefive yeaNof Ircn Palm,fifteenyealsof T'ai Chi, twenty
five yearsof ShaolinKungFu, aswell asbeinga 5thDegreeBlackBelt in ShuaiChiao.So ['ve donemostof
manyof thepopulartapeson themarket.
with eachstyleaswell aspurchasing
thechi kungformsassociated
I've donemeditationandyogafor twentyfive yearc.
with numercusMasters.
I've takenchi kungseminars
And I lell you.I thoughlI'd seeniLa]].......
Gary'sChi Kungis very powerfulup ftont. Most chi kungsarevery gradual
FiNt, you'vegot to understand,
with lron Palm,
good"chi kung.Thentherc'sthechi kungassociated
in theirinput.I call them
with superpowers,giving you abilities didn't havebefore.None
AJterall theShaolinandShuaiChiao,by theageof forty two, I wasbeginningto feelprettybeatup,andnot
too good.Despiteall thechi kungandtai chi I wasdoing, I just wasn'tgettingto whereI thoughtI shouldbe.
Garysworethatbilchi kungwoulddo thetrick.
Firstof all, I hit him ashardasI couldin thebody punches,
kicks-and I canbreaktwo-by-foursandsix ilchesof concrcte-andit hu lqy handandit hurtlqy foot! He
just stoodtheresmiling!That'show goodGaryis.
So I took Gary'sprogramandafteraboutthreemonthsI couldtakepunchesin my body andthat's
I've neverbeenableto do. I've alwaysput up a gooddefenseandtded to keeppeopleaway-hit
peopleandnot tet themhit me-becauseI've neverbeena personwho wasdurableandcouldtakea lot of

"I Just StartedFeelingA Hell OfA Lot Better"

of my body
my durabilityandthichlessandthetoughness
I foundthatGary'sChi Kungrcallydid increase
andbones.My internalorgansbeganto suckbackup into place.I just sta ed feelinga hell of a lot better.
of Cary'sprogramto twelveof my studentsandtheyalsohavehaddramatic
I've sincetaughttwo workshops
andpositiveresults.And thesewerepeoplewho alreadykoewthe Microcosmicorbit,all kindsof breathing
hadIron Palm,haddooeTai Chi....
Someof thedramaticresultswe've heard
peoplereallyjust don't knowthemethod.

More Relaxed,More Explosive Energy

Normally you build up all this chi, but it doesn'treally do anything,it's just a big energyfield that's around
you. Every now and then somethinghappensas a resultof that energy,but you cal't really control it.

Gary's CondensedBreathing techniquetakesthe chi and turns it into jing, or concentratedsexualessence,

which is a lot more palpablesubstance.
And now you can teally feel a denserform of energyin the body.
When peoplehit you they feel like they're hitting rubber.When you hit peopleit feels like you're hitting them
with a sledgehammerWhen you throw peoplethey literally go flying. It gives you a more relaxed,yet
explosiveuseof your own energy.
ln termsofhealth, it'sjust diculous.Most peoplestartsleepingan houl lessa day.They feel better,they're
clearer.Their martial arts improves.They becomemore dedicatedstudents.Really,the sky becomesthe limit.

From 1007oSkepticalto 1007oSatisfred

I wasprettymuch1007, skepticalandnow I'm 1007, satisfied.
I waslookingfor something

I'd scopedout a few differentpeoplewho claimedto teachthesekind of things,various"masters".I would

watchthempedormandwouldwatchthekirrdof thingstheywoulddo. And noneof couldactuallydo
anythingto showthattheyhadactuallyaccruedtheseskills.I wouldhavehadto be theirstudentfor 20 years
of hours,andI'd still haveno way of knowingwhetherI would
of dollars,thousands
havegottenwhatI waslookingfor.
Garyis just morepreciseabouteverythinghe hasyoudo.Whenpeoplewalk out of Gary'sworkshopsthey
feellike theyhavespacesuitson.With thebig wallopup front it's especiallygoodfor Americans,
[n mostothersystems,
resultsarc accruedover 10 to 20 years.
theywantto seeresultsimmediately.
all of thenecessary
irto onesystem.With his system,you'redrawinginto focus
your own energy.Whathappens
to peopleis thattheyhavegoalsanddreamsandeventually
someof them,but theyrun out of energyaboutmid-life.
wlat his Chi Kungdoesis to allow you to dlaw energyfrom outsideof yourselfandthenyou suddenlyhave
andit's no longerlimitedto thelitde bit of energyyou had
newgoalsandnew thingsyou wantto accomplish,
Phew! Doesn'tMatt iust savit all?
aftertalkingto Matt (thercwasmore,but we couldn'tfit it in hre),andI'd
Believeme, I wasimpressed
from Gary'ssystemmyself.He mademe wantto rushbackandstart
practicingsomemore....(Andby theway,if you still havea doubtaboutthissystembeingthebestavailable
on the planet,Matt has agreedto talk to you. Call me first at ,
hook you up with Matt.)

-nd if I can't helpyou. we'll

Therearea ton of peoplewho havesteppedforwardwith greatstoriesabouthow Gary'sChi Kunghashelped

traders,ma ial a ists,rcsearch
transformtheirlives.Theyrangefrom chiropractors,
We thoughtyou'd enjoy
people,to thosewith chronicillnesses
medicalconditionlike Chmnic Fatigue
hearingwhathis Chi KungSystemcando for a devastating

Everything,And Then Some..."

In 1989 StephenJosephshad beensufferingfrom Chronic FatiqueImmune Deficiencv Svndrome(CFIDS) for
over threeyears. Almost anythinghe ate seemedto kill his energy. He had to starvehimself on rice and a few
greenvegetables.When he tried anythingelse:Whammo!-immediate fatigue,mental stupor,joint pains, skin
rashes.What a life! For Stepher, "life" meantclawing out a survival pattern,living on the edge,Iooking in at
everyoneelsehaving the fun-while one hucksterand snake-oilerafter anothertded to grab his wallet in the
nameof a cure......
Finally he heardabout an Ame can " Chi Kung Master" who could revitalizehis clients in just one weekend.
Oh sure! But Stephenwas desperate.He would try anything.He sent for a demo tape that had more to do with
martial arts than CFIDS, but he gq! impressedby the Master'sappatentpower and evident,,ptesence,'.
Somethingwas going on here!
Stephenhad tried homeopathy,intravenoushydrogenperoxidetreatments,aerobics,diets, fasts,meditation,
NLB psychotherapy,
hypnosis,intestinalparasitetreatments,prayer,and systematicelimination of life
stressors,to namea few of the mote memorablecures.He decidedto make Gary Clyman his final shot at a
cure for his life-wreckine condition.

Cured in a Weekend
As Stephentells it:
"On the planeto ChicagoI felt as though
visiting Gary would only add anotherexpensivewild gooseto the
growing flock I had chased.
With his glassesand closely croppedhair Gary looked like somebody'saccountantwearing a tai chi uniform.
He seemedilordinately confidentand happy. He listenedwith polite interestas I told him every detail that I
thoughtmight help him put the CFIDS puzzletogether. He assuredme that I would be betterby the end of the
weekend,and somewhereinsidemy brain I saw a wild gooseflying into the sunsetwith my hard earned
As it turnedout Gary was right. I was curedbv the end of the weekend! Gary cajoledme into eating
chocolateice creamafter lunch on Sunday. I sat in disbeliefas the fatigue that had always so fiercely and
immediatelyoverpoweredme failed to show up!
Two yearslater I still practicewhat Gary showedme. I had occasionalmild relapseswhen I let stressbuild too
high, but Gary's Chi Kung practicealwaysbroughtme back to balance. My eoergyincreasedmolth by month,
and my daily practicebecamea dependableiriend."
Stephen'sletter to Gary was actuallyelevenpagesof effusive thanks.We're just giving you the bottom line:
Chronic Fatigueis no longer a problemfor Stephen.
Do you know anyonedght now who can't shaketheir Chronic Fatigue?Do vou know anvoneelsewho wants
to regaintheir shatteredhealth-Now?
We're running out of time, but here'sa few more quick testameltsto the power of the system:

"It Helped My Pmstate Cancer Immensely"


"Bringingin the heatandnergyhashelpdmy prostate

RotrLsmmert Uvalde,TX

"Gar! s Chi Kunghaschangedmy life dramatically.My questions

Cary is thefirst oneto demystily,simplify,andput Chi Kunginlo a practical,usabl,
safe,andeffectiveform.My life hasbeen
for thebetlerby it. This prncticemakesme feelstronger
thanI haveeverfelt. The ClymanSysiemis
The CocaColaofChi Kung,AnAmricanOriginal,TheRealThing.I-ou Buscemi,I-os

"ln 1981,I witnessed

Ch'angTungShenglo hit him so he couldreallylesthis GoldBell
Training.He washit 6 timesandkptsmiling. He is theonly personI versawbravenoughto do thal."Dr Chi-Hsiu
"Daniel" WengPh.D.,Prcsidnt,United St"tsShuaiChiaoAssn.,9thDegrceBlack Belt

"l an a physician
anda scientist.ConsequentltI concrnmyselfprimari:ywith whatworksandlhentry to discoverhow it
wo.ks. My w;fe andI first becameacquainted
with CarythroughhisTai Chi class.After 9 morlhsofTai Chi, my wife (alsoa
i Kung. Her increase
in vigor,effctiveness,
wereso profound,
we referto it as her"transformat;on."
lessstressful.I foundnewfreshness
NextI beganPersonal
PowerTmining.wnhin 2 weeks,my work seemd
As my practiceconlinuedeveryone
food,arl, andmusic.Peoplebecamemoreamusingto me.lvlysexualinlere$increased.
- seemed
evnmy opponenls
to lreatme with morerespect.Confliclswereresolved
- Gilbert Carml M.D.
for monthsnow I believetheywill be maintained

Choosethe Life You Want To Live

to thepowerarrdresultsfrom Cary'ssystemwouldfill a wholebook.Based
A reco.dof all thetestimonials
on thesto eswe've reviewed,herc'sa few ofthe benefitsyou may expectwhenyou practiceGaryClyman's
HomeStudyCourse"Chi Kung-Flexing the Muscleof Your Will":

El;minatethe negativblifs that are presentlydrainingyour Energy and Will.

Completeyour work in less rim and with betterresulls.
B.eak lhe chain of pattemslhat are locking you inlo a mery-go-.oundof repeatedmislakesand failures.
Intuitivly developpositivenew prsonalitytrails.
Becomemore v;tal and alive, developinga magnetic,chargd
Be more consistnt,thoroughand eliminateprocrastinalion.
Concentmtefor longer periodswilh sharperresulls.
Communicatemore powerfully.
Be mor presnlphysically.
Build sexualendu.anc,coupldwith $eater sensilivity.
Recoverfrom injur;esfnster.
Ward offdiseasesmo.e effect;vely,as you build a strongerimmune system.
Handle slressfulsilualionsand people with ea:e, and a nw found tranquillity.
B e m o r er s a r e . a n d g o t l e e p eirn y o u r m e d i t a r i o n .
Make belte. decisionsfastr.
Relatbtterto others-and vourself.
Negotiatemore skillfllly and successfully.
Sleepless,and experiencelessfatigue during the day.
Be more prosprousand financially secure.
Becomea more powertul and effectivernartial arlist.
Organizeyour life more ffect;vly
"take cafeof business"wilh a
Develop a strong,sleadyenergyallowing you to
m i n i m u mo f d o w n l i m e .
Write your own ticket for a happier,heallhierand morebalancdlife.
Have more fun with slf, tiiends alld family. (Most importanlly!)

GaryClyman'sHomeStudyCourse"Chi Kung-Flexing the Muscleof Your Will" comesastwo two-houl


As Gary says:
"This programwill teachyou
my entireTidal WaveChi Kung system,ftom begilningto end,complete.It
will alsoleadyou throughyourweeklylessons
anddaily practicesessions.
A]l youhaveto do is follow my
I designedit especially
for you to receiveascloseto possiblethesamequalityaspersonalinstruction,without
costingyou thousands
of dollan anda tor of time.If you practicetheprinciplesandtechniques
yourlife will immediately
beginto changefor thebetter.
I spentovertwentyvearsof research
creatingthis technicalsystem.Thematerialis
extremelypotent.Youwill lQl find an equivalent
It cantakeyou anywherefrom six to tenweeksto completethisprogram.you canprogress
ar your own rate.
The speedat whichyour life will changeis basedon how oftenyou practice,not how muchmaterialyou have
learned.Youshouldpracticethreeol four timesper week,That,sall!,,
someof thetopicscoveredin GaryClyman'sHomestudy course,achi Kung-Flexing the Muscleofyour

wi ,':

. Tenbasicrulesfor maximizinqvourchi kunqpractice.

Howandwhy Condensing
thBreathis the!4qbsqis for all enrgycuttivationwork.
. How to oseC-ondensing
theBreathfor specilicresulrs.
. A FourSteppr@essfor devloping
. The how,whenandwhy ofatechniqueabsotureuviratfor rhedevetopmenrand
of personal
. Upward and DowtrwardMedit{tion/lnw.rd and OutwardMdttation-learning
to suckenergyintoyourbodylike a

T'ai Chi StatrcMditationandbasicparhiraining.

of InsideAir a four lementprocess
ro "primerhepunp',,or..pu thecord,'onyour energymoror-a
for effectiveuseofrhe Microcosmic
The six Fonns atrd sevnciNuhtions-seated mindJniningtchniqus
for explosivepower,dynamicconcentration
Tenstepsfor effectivMicmcosnicOrbit meditation.
How to pracrice
Havnand Earth Meditations,wilh Daiiy affirmalions
andDaily Visuatizations.
Projcting th Wi and Imprgnating the Universe.
of rrvrd condensingro re-caltyourwiI, re-erouptheself,andre-integrale

In otherwords,you arelookingat a trurycompletechi kungpackagethatcansaveyou literallythousands

dollars-and so manyfiuitlesshoursof semi-effective
practiceandmedioderesults.As you know,until
recentlythereis absolutely
no way on earthyouwouldhavebeenableto leamthismaterialwithouttenor
fifteenyearsof dedicated
tminingwith a very specialMaster.Thechances
of evenfindingsucha Masterwere
rcmote,let alonethechances
ofyou hangingin therefor fifteenyearsto mavbewin thebig one.Talk about
well, Garyhaslet thecatout of thebag.I'm sureall thosevenerable
ancientchi Kung Mastenmustbe
writhingin theirgravesat thetemerityof thismodemArne canMasterrevealingtheirpricelessfieasures
for a
meresong! Garyprobablyneedsall his powefirainingjust to wardoff rhebarbsof theirpsychicindignation!

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