Bronte Baxter Not On My Watch
Bronte Baxter Not On My Watch
Bronte Baxter Not On My Watch
Tags: airport scanners, free speech, freedom, Homeland Security, New World Order, TSA Someone wrote recently in the comment section on this blog that the time for political solutions is over. I vehemently disagree. Unless we have the courage to say no to the police state emerging all around us, to stand up to the intimidation and speak out valiantly against it, then any talk of spiritual solutions is nothing but cowardly escapism. We do not have the impeccability required for accessing higher, more powerful states of consciousness levels of consciousness that could magically make bullets stop in their tracks, as the commenter suggested when we dont have the guts to say no on the physical level to the forces that oppress us. If we passively sit by and do nothing, if we fail to speak up to our friends who are still asleep and to our oppressors then we are personally responsible for the destruction of human freedom and the takeover by the tyrants that is occurring. Because who has the power to stop it, except those of us who have become aware of the agenda? We deride our friends who are still asleep, we complain about what sheep they are, but we are the ones with the knowledge and the responsibility to do something. If a person who is asleep lets the house burn down, its a tragedy. If a person who is awake lets the house burn down, its a travesty. I understand the feelings of cowardice masquerading as enlightenment, because sometimes I go there myself. I dont want to risk my life, my home, my family, but if I dont love freedom more than life in this material form, then freedom will never be a reality for me. I will always be the victim of the bullies. We have been born into a society that was already halfway to becoming a police state. We were conditioned since childhood to accept the things that are starting to come down. But deeper than our conditioning is our thirst to be strong and free, self-reliant and powerful within our own lives. The only kind of spiritual mastery that can ever occur for us is rooted in that inner drive for personal freedom. We can no more have one without the other than we can have ice without water. Our passion for freedom must burn within us so strongly that it consumes every excuse we manufacture for why we must sit and hide and hope it will all blow over. Tyranny does not just blow over. Bullies dont just disappear. They continue taking over more and more of everything until the people they bully stand up and put a stop to it. It can be discouraging speaking our mind on these things to our friends. It can lose us friends. It can cause us to be thought of as radical and out there. Now the tyrants are programming people to think that anyone who criticizes the government is a terrorist, so soon speaking out to our slumbering friends will cause us to be perceived as terrorists. It could get us on watch lists.
2 Our love for this planet, for creating freedom for ourselves and all mankind, must be greater than our fear and loathing of all those possible consequences. Our love for freedom must burn up our concern with what people think of us, our concern with our popularity, even our concern about winding up in a concentration camp one day. We would be freer in a concentration camp, having stood up to the oppressors, than living quietly in our homes while the world goes to hell in a hand basket. If we do nothing, we are the enablers. If we do nothing, we are responsible for the success of the New World Order. Freedom is an inner state of mind. You can be free in a jail cell. You cannot be free living quietly in your home bowing meekly under the velvet-gloved iron hand of the controllers. Someday a blog entry like this could wind me up in a concentration camp. But you know what? All the good people will be there. And with our tude, how long would that concentration camp last? I recently lost two people very dear to me. Theres something about a loved one dying that presses up against the curtain that divides us from the other dimensions, the unseen worlds. I am always left with a sense of closeness to that which is on the other side, and less of a concern about the importance or power of death. I feel the ones I love still vibrant, still there and close to me, only no longer limited by the body they expressed through. I am reminded that even that thing we consider the ultimate tragedy death is not all that powerful. It cannot alter that which is essential, the infrastructure of our being where love and freedom reside. And at such times, I feel greater courage to do what must be done to stop the bullies from destroying this beautiful world. I dont think about the possible cost, because even death seems insignificant compared with the things that count, the things I care about. The worst thing I can imagine is human freedom being completely destroyed, the machinery of the New World Order becoming completely installed, on my watch. How could I live with myself if that happened? I have to give it my all, do everything I can, unpopular though that may make me. If I dont, I choose popularity over the freedom of the world. I was deeply inspired tonight by a 19-minute video clip on the Alex Jones website. It rallied me around to remember these things, and I strongly recommend watching it. You can access it here. Im sure there are beings who want to help us make this world the paradise that surely God meant it to be. I think they help us from the unseen dimensions. But they can do nothing if we, the denizens of this world, dont earn their assistance by doing everything we can on the physical level to speak out against tyranny and stand up to it. Ron Paul recently said that if Americans stand by and let the TSA put their hands down our pants and irradiate us with scanners at airports, then we deserve the New World Order and all its consequences. Benjamin Franklin said that if we value security more than freedom, we deserve neither. We must dig down and find the passion to do what must be done and tell the bullies we will not be intimidated.
3 Alex Jones observed tonight that the recent shenanigans by Homeland Security are aimed not at keeping the majority asleep but at intimidating those of us who are awake from criticizing the government and speaking out about whats really happening. Ive felt that intimidation. But if I give in to it and let them stop me from exercising my God-given rights, then human freedom is lost, and Im the one who kissed it goodbye. Bronte Baxter Bronte Baxter 2011 Anyone may copy or reproduce this article so long as they provide a back link to this website. 13 Comments
Morning Reflection
November 28, 2010 at 3:08 am (Creating Reality, Gurus and God-Scams, Inspiration, Spirituality) Tags: Brahman, enlightenment, Spirituality One of my first thoughts when I became conscious from sleep this morning was a prayer. I feel close to God at that time, and often utter one. I asked God to help me and all beings find a consciousness of resting in his love, as the need to feel Gods love seems to be at the root of all the guru chasing and spirituality espousing. It comes from our insecurity, as beings focused out into the world who have emotionally lost connection with our source. I asked God to show me whatever Im missing that keeps me from being the flawless being he envisioned on creating me, because I surely cannot claim to meet my own standards of ideal humanness. And I asked to be shown where my thinking may be wrong to be corrected when it strays, and to be guided by truth. In that moment I felt the aloneness of holding the philosophy I do, espoused in this time by such a tiny minority. And I asked, Are we wrong? Is it indeed like the crowd of the enlightened say? Is the highest human achievement feeling a blissful silence and having a perception that all is one and nothing really matters because nothing is real? Are we rebels just missing something? The answer came back in my heart: No. By identifying with the consciousness that is the mind of the universe, the enlightened identify with that which creates and destroys. They accept destruction as part of the divine plan, as having equal value with creation. Their bliss is the relief from trying, from steering, from exercising their will. It is the bliss of one who closes his eyes driving and releases his hands from the wheel, allowing the car to fly to wherever it goes. It is the bliss of surrender. Theirs is the peace that comes of giving up. The tranquility that comes of aligning with things as they are. This is not what I want for My children. This is not union with Me. Creation and destruction are not My consciousness. I know only life. I am the opposite of destruction. I sustain all things. I will life to all beings. My dream for the universe is that all my children will live in joy forever. I do not will that the stars burn out, that galaxies smash together in riots of
4 destruction, that the innocent rabbit gets shredded by the hawk. Mine is not the consciousness that conceives of these things, for destruction is a failure to live, and I am life eternal. And I saw that when people identify with Brahman, the mind of the universe, as the highest consciousness, as their consciousness, they have only opened to consciousness of a larger part of themselves, not to the ultimate consciousness of their complete being. They have only achieved the consciousness of the myopic being and laws that run this world, this physical world that extends throughout known space. They have not reached past the boundaries of Brahmans creation and destruction, to the source of all possibilities, that field of life that contains different universes, with different sets of laws, where destruction is not part of the equation. Universes where Gods unique expressions live in joy forever, not subject to death or lifespans, never running out of fuel, never needing to feed and extend their lives by stealing the fuel of others. Deep in my heart, I was reminded that, that those of us who seek for something more in life than enlightenment are the hope of the world. By refusing to accept, by scoffing at surrender, we forge a path of life and light with the life and light within us. We mark the heavens with streaks of color as we strive to dance a forever dance as eternal sparks of the Infinite, dynamic eternal sons and daughters of God. We destroy death by refusing to accept its rightness, and suffering by refusing all the excuses for why it must exist. We reach past the Brahman consciousness within us, which justifies all that is, to touch and feel the consciousness of all that can be. While the preachers of enlightenment and the hoards that follow them dissolve one by one in the great maw of Oneness consciousness, we rebels march forth with the torch of hope for different kind of world. A world that moves by different laws, that operates on different principles, a world unheard of before. A world we are creating, with every manipulation we refuse to succumb to, with every excuse we refuse to accept, with every mouthful of suffering flesh we refuse to eat. Bronte Baxter Bronte Baxter 2010 Anyone may republish this article so long as a backlink is provided to this website. 12 Comments
5 on his website, and helped create my reading audience. I have no war with him. But there are things in his message, particularly in recent years, that deeply concern me. Not to express these concerns is wrong. Where I part ways with David Icke is on the spiritual level. While his analysis of world events is brilliant and right on target, his understanding of spirituality leaves much to be desired. Yet he comes forth on spiritual subjects with a passionate message a direction he encourages humanity to take and this is where his work becomes dangerous. Lets go back to the beginning of David Ickes spiritual journey, which began, according to his books, several decades ago with some meetings he had with a psychic. David was deeply in awe of all she told him. She made some predictions for his life that came true. David then decided to explore ancient ruins in South America and a certain South American hallucinogenic drug, in an effort to develop his awareness. During his powerful drug trips, he was talked to by The Voice, which he says explained the nature of reality to him. These drug experiences included many images of reptilians appearing in his consciousness, yet David unquestioningly accepted everything the voice said as gospel truth. After all, it gave him an experience along with all those words, and David seems to believe that if he experienced it during a drug trip, it must therefore be true. He came away believing he had been handed the keys to the inner workings of the universe, and ever since has been preaching the spiritual message he received during his drug trips. That message is that all is One, that we are not individual people in our essential nature, but rather Consciousness having an experience as so-and-so. So-and-so (our personal identity) does not really exist. What we really are is the collective consciousness, that only creates the illusion of individuals. The One is upset with the way things are going in the world and has decided to intervene (Im still paraphrasing Ickes Voice here). It will soon gather in every one of us, and none will be left standing alone (as in gathering in the sheep). This is language for saying individuality will be subsumed by the One, the presumed almighty divine consciousness, which is supposedly our true nature, all else being illusion. Are the bells beginning to go off in your head yet? Individuality will be subsumed? We all will be gathered in and none will be left standing? Individuality is an illusion and freedom comes when we realize this? The One is the be-all and end-all and the only thing that really matters? Nothing that happens here including death is important enough to get upset over, because all this is bullocks (Davids term for illusion) anyway? Icke writes a lot about religion that rings true. He cuts down most religion, saying it puts God up there and man down here, inferior. This is a valid criticism of deist religions. But then he continues with New Age propaganda, stating that God (that is, Consciousness) is not only inside us but is all that is real. As individuals, we dont have much value as we dont even really exist. We should think nothing of risking our lives rebelling against the global conspiracy, because human life is not real anyway. If we die, well just go back to our wonderful primordial state as universal Consciousness, beyond all the travails of this poor illusory world. So dont be in fear, his message states, get out there and rebel, because all youve got to lose is your life, the illusion of being a human individual. Am I the only one who has a problem with this? Are we really to believe that a Voice, induced in a level of vibratory consciousness where Icke was subject to visitation by reptilian etheric beings which he himself identifies as the fourth-dimensional architects of the New World Order are we really to believe that such a Voice should be considered an authority
6 from whom we should take advice and instruction? Who benefits really if the humans who are aware of the global conspiracy can be persuaded that their lives and this world are nothing but illusion, that they can be thrown away rather heedlessly because being a living individual is not really that important? Am I the only one who answers that question with, The tyrants who run the show? While David Icke was supportive of my blog in the beginning, as he came to see the direction of my thinking, he became less friendly. I used to send him emails with bits of researched information on spiritual subjects. This soon came to irritate him. A couple of years ago, when he went through a phase of being enamored of a certain Indian guru, I sent him excerpts from the guys published teachings that state that all that happens is predetermined, that true freedom consists of having no desires and just letting life happen to you, in you, and around you, according to Gods predetermined plan. The teachings of the guru he traveled to India to study taught that the illusion of having an individual will is an obstacle to enlightenment. I pointed this out to David and received an angry note back in reply, telling me to stop nannying him, that he has a message to get out, and that he has no time to listen to my objections to his teachings. Davids fascination with Indianism seemed to end shortly after this interchange, but he continued and continues to preach the message he learned from the Voice: that all is One, that love is all that matters, that none of this is real or worth taking too seriously. As the years pass, Davids zeal for preaching this message increases, and his political message seems to recede more and more into the background. In fact, his political message is becoming pretty much subsumed by his spiritual message: according to him, we just need to rebel against the powers that be apparently with reckless abandon and if enough of us do this, the world will be saved. In fact, if enough of us do this, the people who are wise to the conspiracy will be wiped off the face of the planet. Then the One that wants to control everything on the planet will meet no resistance. The One, as David and other New Agers describe it (and David is a New Ager when he speaks in these terms) is the same as the One that the world is supposed to become under the New World Order. In the name of One, individuality is being destroyed, along with all the rights and freedoms attendant on being individuals. Politically, this expresses as the global conspiracy. Spiritually, it expresses as surrender of the ego (individual consciousness) to the collective One (Consciousness with a capital C) that is supposedly God. I am not David Icke. I am Consciousness having an experience as David Icke, David constantly tells us. In other words, he (and we) are not real. Our personhood is not real. Who we are is the amorphous being who claims to be the inner self of all of us: the One. Or so David states. But in this blog I have exposed who this amorphous being really is: a limited, devouring consciousness that relies on consuming life in order to continue to live. The One that wishes us all to surrender is none other than the Brahman of Indian philosophy the Brahman Consciousness which is the collective mind that runs the universe. Like The Borg, it wishes to assimilate everything. Assimilation is its sustenance. It creates only in order to devour, as a gardener plants only to consume, as a farmer raises a pig only to destroy it. Brahman, the One, is a tail-chasing dog, a snake that swallows its tail, caught in a mad, endless dance of trying to survive by nurturing then devouring its own physical manifestations. You and I are spirits that agreed to be part of Brahmans charade, assuming physical form only to be harvested. The consciousness controlling the universe is mad, is self-devouring. Its mad as a cutter or a suicide. Mad as a homicidal killer. And it is all those things. Not because Brahman is
7 intrinsically evil, but because its lost connection with its innermost self: the infinite, unlimited field of all possibilities and pure energy that is the nurturer, sustainer, and source of all life. Eastern religions would have us believe that Brahman is everything the end-all and be-all of existence. They would have us believe there is nothing outside of this universe but the Brahman Consciousness that created it. In reality, there is so much more: the blissful, nondevouring, ever-supporting Infinite from which Brahman Consciousness (and the resulting universe) were born. Surely the Infinite gave birth to many more children, not all of them insane as Brahman clearly is. Surely there are worlds out there dimensions where life exists in eternal joy and laughter, knowing no death or suffering, no predation, only fun, empowerment, and bliss. Surely this mad trap is not all there is. The Oneness were told to surrender to is not all there is. And if we give over our lives and minds to such an entity, we are lost in the maw of the great devourer. This is why Oneness sent its message to Icke in his drug-induced state of reptilian awareness. This is why he is allowed to preach his message to the world without any great resistance, because encased within his exposure of the global conspiracy is his questionable solution to it: stand up with abandon to the tyrants and give no thought to the consequences. Of course, they can then pick us off, as we boldly identify ourselves, and no one is left alive in the world but the obedient sheep. Im reminded of the wolfs words when Little Red Riding Hood is on the verge of seeing through the grandmother disguise, as she exclaims, But Grandmother, what big TEETH you have! To which the wolf replies, All the better to eat you with, my dear! We cant afford to get eaten, to confront the wolf as naively and vulnerably as Little Red Riding Hood. We have to be more savvy than that. Last week on the Alex Jones Show, Icke asked if were going to be mice, running from the tyrants, or if we will stand up to them. But mice in the myth of the captured lion were the ones who saved the day. They silently, in the night, gnawed on the lions ropes until he was free. No one else could save the great beast, caught in the trap of the hunter. Only the little mice, surreptitiously doing their thing. We who are awake in the world need to be savvy as mice, not foolish like the lion, boldly walking into the hunters trap. Collectively we have power, but collectively we also can get killed or jailed if we are not cautious, planning, and savvy. Successful revolutions are managed by underground movements. Wild unthinking rebellion (rioting for instance) does nothing but spill the blood of the people who could have made a revolution happen. So what should we be doing, if not walking out in front of riot police? Sure, theres a time and place for heedlessly risking ones life, but it should not be standard operating procedure. Right now we should be spreading the world about whats really happening in the world to everyone we know who will listen. Sending around emails every couple of weeks with links to important articles is a quiet but powerful way to make a difference. More important still is working within consciousness to create the world we want to see: envisioning it willfully in a state of meditation or focused visualization, and holding onto that vision as an expectation all day, every day, never giving into fear or black predictions for the worlds future. Every time we get hopeless and negative and fearful about the future, we help make a bad future happen, because what we think, we create. To save the world from the fate the tyrants have planned for us (which they have very carefully envisioned and astutely focus on), we need to envision the way we want the future to be, and focus on that astutely.
8 And that brings me to the last point in this article. It seems when I write on the subject of creating reality through thought, my readers grow silent. Few comments have been left on those articles. From this I ascertain that most of my blog readers do not relate to the subject of creating reality through visualization and will. They get excited about my exposures of religion, but if their interest ends there, a problem has been identified, but the solution has not been found. It isnt enough to see through the conspiracy. It isnt enough to see through the physical manifestation of the conspiracy into its manifestation on the spiritual level. We have to see past the plans of the tyrants to a solution that will cause their plans to evaporate. Thats why how to create reality through thought is the most important of all the topics I write about here. What the tyrants are afraid of is human beings putting all the pieces of the puzzle together. So long as some of us know about the power of visualization and will but dont believe in the conspiracy, and others know about the conspiracy but dont believe in the power of visualization and will, the tyrants can do as they please. So long as some people know about the conspiracy on the physical level but think Jesus or Oneness is the solution, then the spiritual level of the conspiracy goes unchallenged and the tyrants can do as they please. So long as Tea Partiers are mad about health care and bank bailouts but think the Republicans are the answer, the tyrants can do as they please. The big threat to the conspiracy is when enough people wake up to the total picture, because that is when empowerment happens. So its really important not to stop, in the waking-up process, with becoming aware of the problem: we have to keep feeling our way forward into a workable solution. This is where the power of the mind comes in, and except for this blog, Im unaware of any conspiracy writers discussing this subject. And that means a key piece of the puzzle is missing among the resistance. Its essential that we discover and master this piece of the picture, because this is the one that can generate the most powerful change. The people in the world who hold this piece of the puzzle most firmly in their grasp are the purveyors of magic people like kahunas, witches, and magicians. While such individuals generally draw their power from ethereal entities, and while the ethereal entities who help them are typically self-serving and leaders of the conspiracy on the spiritual level (entities like the mother goddess Kali, for instance), that does not negate the fact that magic-savvy humans (Ill refer to them as that though most dont call themselves that) have learned certain tools for changing what is real into what they want reality to be. If such people were to extricate themselves from their association with the dark ones and simply practice the tools theyve learned without aligning themselves with ethereal entities, their personal power would grow phenomenally and they would no longer be under the thumb of the beings they invoke, who use them. I am personally acquainted with a couple who falls into this category. Totally laughing off conspiracy topics, and missing that whole puzzle piece, they nonetheless have incredible power as magicians. The woman is a white witch by her own description and calls on Mother Kali as one of her power sources (naively thinking Kali is good). Her husband, raised in a circus family, is a fire breather and sword swallower who learned his skills from his grandfather. This man does not do illusions or tricks with fire and sword he is the real thing. He modifies reality through the power of his mind, making sharp steel malleable enough to swallow, and fire cool enough to hold in his hand and breathe into his lungs.
9 These are not the first magicians I have known, and I know firsthand the power of creating through thought and will because Ive studied it and practice it. If the people in the world aware of the conspiracy could grab onto this concept of creating the reality they desire through personal will and empowerment, magic would start to happen in the world at large. Circumstances would develop that weaken the plans of the global elite. Many more people would start to wake up to the truth. All that can happen through the power we each have within us, which would be multiplied if we worked together on such manifestations. Im not saying theres not a time and a place to take physical action, because that also is extremely important. Nonviolent resistance to the stealing of our freedoms is another big piece of the solution. We need to place people in government who represent the people, not the corporate globalists. We need to stand up to tyranny where we find it, and make a fuss so others see whats happening. We do this with some threat to our lives, but this can be minimized by developing psychic armor, again through the power of willful visualization. Its a study we must undertake because its not learned in a day. But getting back to David Icke . . . the man has the best of intentions, of that Im sure. If hes been sidetracked by the Oneness Doctrine, he may see his way through that in time, because he genuinely is on the side of freedom. Hes so smart, so aware, and thats why hes so dangerous to the conspiracy. Its only natural they would attack him where hes vulnerable, and play on him as The Voice to get him to spread their saving spiritual message. It would not surprise me if David sees through this in time, because the man is brilliant. But to do that, hell need to get past his ego and the status he feels from having been designated in effect global savior by The Voice. Lets send him good thoughts, positive visualizations of him seeing through the scam the tricksters have played on him personally. If he does, hell cleanse his teachings of their spiritual foolishness and kick out the powers that influence him subconsciously, twisting his original most excellent message. David Ickes information is enough to take down the physical level of the conspiracy. But if it is to bring down the monster, it needs to aim for the head, not the limbs. This means he needs to assess and address the spiritual level of the conspiracy much more thoroughly and realistically than he is doing at present. If he does, the conspiracy had better look out. David, address your ego and your need to be the great leader. If you do, your freedom campaign will be unstoppable. Bronte Baxter 2010 Anyone may republish this article so long as they include the copyright and a link back to this website. 38 Comments
10 charity I administrate, all in the same day. Back when I was a young woman, I once lost my fiance and my career job within days of each other. In both these instances, I felt initially absolutely devastated. And to my great surprise, shortly after, I felt not only better than before, but absolutely wonderful. I felt like I had returned to connection with a deep level of myself, like I was once again living from there after a long time away. In the most recent case, I not only felt better, but noticed that all my irritability had gone. Impatience is an inherited trait that I feel is one of my main personality flaws. But when I was stranded two weeks ago, with nowhere to turn for support, I was left with only one resource, myself. I was forced, so to speak, back on myself, and when that happened, suddenly small things that normally irritated me didnt anymore. I felt serene, lighter, more competent. I got more done. I felt like a better person. And problems Id been dealing with somehow got resolved, without the struggle I had been accustomed to. That the losses made things better came as a great surprise. Ive spent considerable meditation time focusing on the mystery, looking within to understand what I just went through. Why did I lose the friend, the employee, and the volunteer? What did I contribute that influenced their leaving? And why did I feel better with their being gone, even though my outer burdens had greatly increased by the loss? Insights come to me in packets, not in linear reasoning the kind of thing Robert Monroe described in his books as thought balls. Ill try to unravel the thought ball that exploded on me regarding this situation, because the information in it makes sense of so much more than just the isolated experience. I think it explains a lot about how the universe works. The ancient Hindu holy books (such as The Bhagavad-Gita) teach that the core flaw in the human make-up is desire. They teach that to be spiritually free, we must be and act without desire, that we must want nothing that exists in the outer world, that we must only value the transcendental divine. We are told to renounce the things of the world in order to please God, to sacrifice ourselves and our desires to God, in order to become worthy of liberation. The Indian gurus teach that the physical world is an illusion, a quagmire for souls wandering away from their original home in the infinite. To get back home, we must extricate ourselves from the quagmire, were told; the more we renounce the things of this world, sacrificing personal desires to the gods, the more direct our homeward journey. This philosophy is riddled with lies to waylay the human spirit, but like most popular religious doctrines, it contains within it the distortion of a truth a truth so powerful and empowering that the religions must cloak it in heavy disguise to keep people from discovering it and becoming free of their system of control. For years I have been repelled by the Indian teaching that desires are bad and that we must give up material things to be spiritual, and Ive lived in quite the opposite direction. But only with the arrival of this thought-ball did I perceive the truth beneath the desires must be renounced lie, the truth the controllers are so worried well discover. That truth is that it is not desires that lead away from spiritual freedom; rather, the problem is looking outside ourselves for the source of our support. So long as we cling to people and things in the belief that we need them to survive, we live in the illusion that we dont have what it requires to take care of ourselves through our own spiritual power. Desires are not damaging per se; they only weaken us if we desire in the spirit of neediness, as someone who must have the support of a particular person, place, or thing in order to be safe, well,
11 abundant, or happy. By contrast, when we have desires that come from joy, from selfexpressiveness, from creativity and happiness, those desires shine the infinite within us out into the world, making the world a more beautiful place. They do not weaken us; rather, they brighten existence. By getting people to think that desires are the enemy, Eastern religions have succeeded in destroying the creativity and gumption that are needed to transform the Earth into something wonderful. By telling us the outer world is just Illusion and therefore of no intrinsic worth, they get people to stop caring, doing, desiring, solving problems, and making things better. In fact, desires are treasures if they come from the place deep within us. They are the channel through which the infinite continually creates, expressing itself in the universe. The artist desires to make a beautiful painting; the lover desires to develop a tender relationship; the builder desires to build a fantastic mansion; and the entrepreneur desires to build a vibrant business. There is nothing innately wrong with those desires they are divine in their origin. The problem only comes in when the artist thinks he cant survive without a patron, the lover thinks he must have his beloved in order to live, the builder believes construction depends on things outside of his control, and the entrepreneur thinks hes at the mercy of the market. In all these examples, the problem is one of looking in the wrong place for support: the problem is not with the desire itself. When we go through a devastating loss and feel better than we did when we had the thing we wanted, its because the loss has freed us from our false belief that we must have the support of that thing or person in order to thrive. Our desire was of the dependent kind, not the joyous self-expressive kind. We started out with a joyous desire most likely, but then forgot where the happiness was coming from: our inner self. We forgot that the art comes from a glorious inner vision that is dependent on no one, that the beloved was drawn to us on account of the inherent attraction in who we are, that the mansion was born in the mind and can only spring from there nowhere else into reality, and that the business runs on the natural gravity/attraction between people of kindred interests. Its not that support does not come to us from the outer world (the environment) or that it shouldnt. Things around us naturally are drawn to us in accord with the workings of our mind and heart. The things we focus on do indeed gather around us, and if were in tune with ourselves, thinking in a way that is joyous and centered, then the things we attract are good, and the support we need for our dreams and desires manifests in our life in the form of magnificent outer phenomena. The money comes just when we need it, the love is there for us that we long to experience, the material resolution to a problem we are dealing with naturally appears. Things and people come to us as support, but the source of the support is not the things and people: it is the mechanism of desiring in an integrated way, of desiring from the level of our inner font of infinity. It is our inner font of fullness that draws to us the things we need when we need them, that fulfills our desires. So long as were in touch with this, we dont rely too heavily on the manifestation of support that appears. We know it comes from the inner source of infinite supply, so were not too attached to how things play out. We know if a person who supported us leaves or changes, someone or something better will appear someone or something more resonant with our needs, attracted to fulfilling them because doing so fulfills their own desires of joyous expression.
12 In other words, so long as we are in touch with the miracle of where things really come from the inner divine we will always have the outer support we need without being overly dependent on it. We will have needs and desires, the environment will support them, but well know it is the infinite that supports the things and people in the environment that is providing for us. Well know to go to the infinite within us when we are in need, rather than begging or manipulating people to help us when they dont want to, and rather than grasping for things that belong to others. Well navigate the outer world with a song in our heart, gracefully moving among our brethren, attracting to us everything we wish for in a way that supports at the same time as we are supported. Its easy to get off-kilter when things are going well, and to find ourselves forgetting where the good in our life came from. We start to think were happy because so-and-so is there, and how would we ever get by without her? The valued employee comes to be seen as irreplaceable. The job that pays our bills starts to seem like the reason we have the things we do. In fact, good things are there because we first desired them (in the harmonious, empowered state of consciousness that attracts), and it is the inner infinite the source of all desire and fulfillment that sustains us, not its expressions in the world that appear when they are needed. Suffering is not caused by having desires. Its caused by desiring things in a wimpy, helpless way. And by believing that something outside ourselves (something other than the infinite source within) is responsible for making us happy. When we get off-center and start to get stuck in the physical manifestations of life, people we depended on tend to pull away from us, because we get needy and put pressure on them to stay with us. They no longer feel they are there because they want to be, but because we insist we cant do without them. The joyous desire they had to support us fades into resentment, and they start to look for a way of leaving. No one wants to feel they are our main life support, because that calls them away from living their own life based on their own inner callings. Because we get desperate, they feel perhaps they are duty-bound to stay with us forever, but their resentment builds at that, because our desperation interferes with their need to take direction from the desires within, not from someone outside themselves. When weve gotten ourselves into a dependent situation, I think it is the divine within both ourselves and the other person that maneuvers to destroy the bond, because the bond has become suffocating. Suddenly were irritated all the time with the person we think we need so desperately, and we dont know why were acting that way. The needed person stops having fun being with us. And eventually something explodes to blow the relationship to bits, and both people sit in their aloneness wondering what just happened. What happened, I think, is that our inner infinite self worked subconsciously to break us free of a relationship that had become unhealthy, of an illusion we were developing that we were dependent on something outside for our contentment or success. Our inner divine nature felt confined by the small shapes we were boxing ourselves into, and rebelled. It blew the thing up to get back in control, to regain its seat in our awareness as the ordainer of our life. Our deepest self rebelled, and kicked out the intruder who had usurped it as god. Were stunned, we weep, but we feel better. We had become spiritually sick; the fever finally broke, and we are well again.
13 Addendum: Hinduism teaches that by renouncing desires we regain our connection with our inner infinity. That is the explanation behind the doctrine that celibacy and poverty embraced through monastic living lead to spiritual liberation (enlightenment). In fact, cutting off our desires maims us spiritually. We cease functioning as a vibrant expression of the infinite in this world. But there is a kernel of wisdom inside this admonition for withdrawal from pleasant sense experiences: by pulling ourselves back from the pleasures of the senses, we encourage our attention to go inward, reconnecting with its unlimited source. The mind constantly directed outward into the world of matter through sense experience tends to get overshadowed by the world. It forgets who it is: its heritage as a child of infinity, eternity, that field of all possibilities. By withdrawing the senses from the world sometimes, were able to restore our experience of our inmost selves. Thats what meditation is supposed to do (and does, if we dont allow gods and mantras to interfere with it). Thats what fasting is supposed to do. Thats what alone time is supposed to do. We all need to touch base with base camp regularly in order to remember the way back there and to keep the flow of supplies coming from there into our life. When we overindulge in eating, eating more than we need to, eating for sheer pleasure, being decadent as we call it with a laugh, we are doing action that takes us away from consciousness of our power. We overindulge because the soothing pleasure of food makes us feel supported, nurtured. We overindulge with comfort food. But this is a dangerous practice because by taking in more than we need, we contribute to the illusion that we rely on food to feel comfortable and happy. With habitual overeating, this belief deepens in our psyche. We really think we cant survive without oodles of cookies, or without lots of steak. This belief disconnects us from the glory and power of our inner selves, and makes us more dependent on something outside ourselves for our happiness and survival. In time, such a belief leads to overweight and health problems, which further limit our easy expression of the infinite source. How much of the need to eat is the belief in the need to eat? How much of it is bad habit? The good thing is that by withdrawing ourselves from constantly indulging in pleasurable tastes, we can break the dependence. By eating less, by rejecting the option of eating certain delightful bites of food, we step back into ourselves, the power of our spirituality, and out of the illusion of the need to constantly taste. Eating takes the life away from something else, from the entity we are eating. I often think the need to eat is the essential flaw in the universe. It has us dependent on taking the life of others in order to live ourselves, when in fact, being made of infinite energy, we should in theory be able to survive just fine on our own inner infinite power supply. Because we dont know how to do that, we all are engaged in stealing or destroying the life of other things in order to prolong our own. Surely the Infinite, in creating the world, had a better idea in mind. Surely weve gotten lost somewhere. Spiritual adulthood surely must include learning to live on the light of God within rather than constantly needing to take life from others. The door to learning how to live on Gods light is surely approached by choosing to eat less compulsively, less automatically, less mindlessly. By saying no a lot of the time to pleasant taste experiences, just to develop our spiritual muscle. To break the powerful connection between
14 ourselves and our food, the deep conviction that we must take life in order to survive. It seems to me that by withdrawing from unnecessary food, we should be able to slowly build up the power to live without taking life. It would be stupid, of course, to suddenly stop eating. To withdraw from the support of food without first building up our skill in sustaining ourselves on the infinite energy supply within that would kill most if not all of us. I say most because Ive heard of people who claim to have done it, but why risk your life finding out if its possible, when you can find out safely by making gradual, healthy changes in your eating habits? Research shows that most permanent improvements in lifestyle are made not by radical reversals but by gradual introduction of better habits. That certainly would be a wiser approach to dietary change than something extreme and potentially life-threatening. Our lives are precious, and its wrong to carelessly gamble with them. Ive added this paragraph for any reader who might get the idea that Bronte thinks its good to just stop eating in order to develop spiritual power. Thats nonsense. You cant do much with your spiritual power in this world if youre dead. But I do think pulling back from the excesses of eating, and sometimes withdrawing from the pleasures of taste for a period, redirects the mind to remember and connect with its spiritual source. Its a valid practice, just as is the kind of genuine meditation that simply focuses the attention back on itself, attaining the primordial state of alert, serene stillness. By consciously experiencing our inner nature through meditation, we naturally start acting from that deep, powerful level in our daily life. This is spiritual empowerment, and the secret of success in the world. Bronte Baxter Bronte Baxter 2010 all rights reserved. Anyone may print or republish this article so long as they include a link or tagline pointing back to this website address. 7 Comments
15 The part of my being that makes me individual is my unique thought and will. The will is the impulse within me to do and to choose and to create. What I do, choose, and create is unique in all the universe. No other impulse of the Infinite (no other individual) will ever or can ever observe life from quite my perspective, nor will they ever do or allow or create exactly as I choose to. Our choices and inspirations are based on our positions where we stand as an individualized sparks of infinity. When all the sparks know their nature as the Infinite and at the same time fully engage their individuality, the world will become like a symphony, with every note sounded full and sweet, harmonizing with and adding to every other note. It will become a colorful flower field, every blossom vibrant in its distinct and separate uniqueness, yet each contributing to the perfume and beauty that is all the flower field together. Religion works against this. It tells us to surrender our will to something greater, but the Infinite actually delights in our will and its expression. Religion tells us to dissolve our ego the author of our doing, creating, and choosing into the cosmic ego of the whole. This is completely counter to the purpose of the Infinite. It would be like every flower in a garden surrendering itself to the garden, wilting in its self-hood instead of being the best flower it can be. The entire garden would die. Each person is an individualized expression of thought-energy-will like a car and driver, moving across the universe. Mind is the automobile, energy is the fuel, and will is the driver. Telling me to surrender my will is a way of taking over my thought and my energy. The car goes nowhere without a will to drive it. If I step out of the drivers seat of my life, merely reacting to the world instead of initiating things in it, someone else will climb behind the wheel and direct where I go. This is especially true if I invite such an arrangement through self-deprecating prayer or by prostrating myself before the gods in mantra meditation. When we dissolve our will or ego, I no longer exists. All that remains is the shell of what was once a person. We are left with body (energy) and mind (thoughts). The lights are on, but no ones at home. Or rather, someone new has taken up residence, the entity to whom one has surrendered ones ego or will. Some call this enlightenment. Its actually possession. The will has been abdicated, that which makes us uniquely human. One becomes a vessel for the will of that to whom one has given oneself. Decades back, when I was a girl, religion outright asked for surrender of the will. Thats back when will was talked about still in common parlance. Now, religion has evolved and asks instead for surrender of our ego. But will and ego are the same thing. By demonizing our desires, by telling us ego is arrogant and selfish, religion has made the will seem like something that must be relinquished for perfection or goodness to be attained. In fact, when we surrender that spark, through namah-ingour way through years of mantras or asking Jesus to save us, the very reason for our existence is defeated. We become empty shells, sounding to the noise of that which blows through us and possesses us. That entity is not God, for True God is the Infinite which never wants to take over anything. God desires its childrens freedom, their will unfettered, so they may dance wherever and however they like, and in so doing, delight their creator.
16 When we truly get that we are thought-energy-will in our essential nature, that this impulse is our spirit, the eternal and infinite personhood that animates our body, then it becomes possible to command the body and control it. We understand that every physical limitation is a limitation of thought, and that thought can reverse it. If all matter, including our bodies, is made of nothing but energy, then by thinking our physical energy patterns different, they must change. Weve accepted that we must age and die, and so we do. But if we decide to reject that thought and supplant it with a better one, we can order the body to thrive and to live forever. This is why I went into such detail in my last article examining what we are at our core. Because unless we intuitively get that, unless its something weve reasoned to ourselves, so thoroughly and deeply that it becomes our essential reality, then the idea that we are thoughtenergy-will pulsing in an infinite field of potential is only a pretty concept. It must become our most fundamental experience. When our true nature becomes as clear and real to us as the ground we walk on, we can start to live from that reality, with the authority that understanding grants us. We can ordain things and they happen. We can tell the body to do what we will. We can infuse the body with the infinite energy of the unified field and never need to eat (take life from others) in order to survive. We can survive on our essential, infinite nature. And if all beings learned to do this, if all egos understood their essential power and immortality, no one would need to feed on anyone else. We all would exist in our own selfempowerment. The basic premise on which this universe is founded would dissolve, and that premise is the need to take life from others in order to live. The universe would start to operate on a different principle, the principle of its essential unlimited potential. Lets look at this from another perspective. Jewish mystical texts, as well as other esoteric manuscripts, describe the shape of the universe as a torus. A torus looks like a doughnut, a doughnut capable of turning in on itself. Think of it like a piece of vacuum cleaner tubing, taped to itself to form a circle, a doughnut shape. Imagine rotating the tubing, so the part that is the top moves toward the center, then down to the bottom, then back up to the top again. That is the description of a torus. In this model, the universe is a black hole on one of the sides of the torus, a white hole at the other side. The white hole is constantly spitting out new creations, that live, thrive, then decline as they move around the outside to the reverse side of the torus, where they are absorbed by the black hole there. As they move through the center of the doughnut, all creature is destroyed then recycled, emerging from the white hole as new forms. Individual bodies have been consumed; new bodies have been created. And so the cycle of creation and destruction continues. This torus is the physical shape of the universe, according to mystic sources, and the shape resembles that of someone eating, digesting, and defecating. Food in, food processed, food out. It resembles the interior shape of human and animal bodies: mouth at one end, digestion and transmutation of food in the center, anus at the other end. And as animals defecate, their feces fertilizing the earth and becoming new plants, that which was defecated gets consumed again in the form of a new dinner. This is the pattern or shape of the torus. It is our essential shape as organic beings, as long as we are eaters, dependent on taking life to survive. The torus also appears to be the shape of Brahman, the Vedic/ East Indian name for the entity or consciousness that is or upholds the universe. Brahman functions in a self-destructive
17 feedback loop. Curving back onto myself, I create again and again, says Krishna in the Bhagavad-Gita, speaking for the consciousness of the universe. Energy in, energy out. Forms created, forms dissolved. An endless cycle of creation and destruction. The universe is like a dog endlessly chasing its tail. The ancient mystery schools depicted the reality of the universe another way: through the symbol of a snake swallowing its tail. (Picture a dot on the torus, and the path it takes as it moves from the top inner side down the outer side, across the bottom, up the inner side and back to its position on the top. It makes a perfect circle, which is the shape of a snake swallowing its tail.) The symbol is one of self-destruction, because a snake that devours itself will die. The universe will also someday die, because it cannot go on eating itself endlessly. In time its energy will wear out, from the endless recycling project. It will self-implode. Brahman knows this, and it is terrified. Thats why all its children are terrified. All beings are afraid of death, and are subject to death. Because the great entity we are part of, the universe, is subject to death. Like Brahman, the great torus, we little toruses must eat to continue our existence. Or so we think. But in fact, we are no more in need of consuming others to continue existing than a dog needs to chase its tail in order to stay alive. Its a thought we had that became a belief. Its a thought Brahman had, that became a belief. And what we think, we manifest. The universe is self-destructive because it thinks that way. Brahman eats its children because it thinks it has to, to survive. Brahman is an insane parent, pursuing a course that is madness, knowing no other. But healing is only a thought away. Brahman only needs to conceive of another possibility, and it can change its pattern of existence. In fact, Brahman, like us, is an individualized expression of the unified field: pure and infinite intelligent energy. If Brahman could but remember its nature as infinite, it would stop trying to eat itself. It eats itself in an effort to consume energy. But its very nature is thought-energywill, and the energy it expresses from is infinite. By remembering that, Brahman would no longer need to consume itself to stay alive. It can simply shine in its own self-effulgence. It can bask in its own infinity of energy, and dance an endless dance in the forms of its immortal children. The insanity can end, when the insane thinking ends. We are children of Brahman, and we also ARE Brahman, as a leaf is an individual but is also the plant it is part of, as a cell is an individual, but also the body it is part of. If the leaves change their minds, the plant changes its mind. If we, as children of the universe, wake up to our essential nature as unlimited and undying, then Brahman must wake up to the same. If we stop needing to consume and stop agreeing to be consumed, consumption stops not only for us, but for that which we are a part of. The universe starts to change its mind with every one of us that changes our mind. When enough people wake up to our limitless nature, Brahman will wake up, and the torus that is the universe will morph into a new shape. The insanity will end, and the dog will stop chasing its tail. The need for anyone to devour anyone else will cease, and the lion will lie down with the lamb. It all starts with remembering what we really are, then using our wills to ordain change from that infinite, powerful place. The definition of religion is from the root religio, which means to bind back. Think of the torus that is Brahman as a great firework explosion, where the sparks reach outward, then
18 curve back to their source. Religion gives us the thinking that binds us back to the hole in the doughnut, where we must be destroyed and recycled. By seeing through the lies of religion, by refusing to surrender our wills / egos to Brahman or to any other limited entity that religions may call God, we free ourselves from the need to cycle around from birth to ultimate death. We identify with something much greater than Brahman the infinite intelligence from which Brahman and all universes sprang. In so doing, we immortalize ourselves, body and spirit. We save ourselves, and we also save the universe. For being its unit members, we are the universe. Bronte Baxter Bronte Baxter 2009 Anyone may copy or republish this article as long as they include a link back to this website at 6 Comments
19 forever, without any beginning? Its more reasonable to think that they came from something, something more basic than themselves. Scientists speak of a Big Bang, from which all matter appeared. What did the Big Bang come from? What was it that was exploding? If nothing existed yet, then what exploded in the Big Bang was something immaterial, something that pre-dated matter. What could that possibly be except energy or thought? In fact, it had to be both: energetic thought, because thought is naturally energetic and energy is naturally intelligent. Think about it. Think how energy moves in an intelligent direction. In its solid form as matter (people, animals, objects), energy moves in response to desires and intentions: a dog gets thirsty, it moves toward the water; you miss your mom, you call her on the phone. Energy moves with purpose directing it, not randomly and meaninglessly. Thats why we know energy is by nature intelligent. We see this even on the finest levels of creation, where subatomic particles display attraction and move in response to the attention of the observer. So energy is intelligent. Is the reverse true: is intelligence energetic? If so, then energy and intelligence are one and the same thing. Energy and thought are one and the same thing. Im using intelligence to mean thought, because thought is the active expression of intelligence. Stay with me here. This is what I mean by thinking long thoughts. This is the kind of deep thinking we need to do to understand what we are and what were made of and how the universe works. Once we deeply grasp that, we grow in power. Perceiving our deeper nature, we start to operate from there. And that means finding our way out of the fix we and the rest of mankind are in. So lets get back to the drawing board Is thought energetic? Obviously it is. Thoughts are what drive us to do things (to expend energy). A powerful thought (one with great energy) attracts other minds to it (examples: reading a book, buying a popular item, joining a cause). Even the random mental chatter that flows through our minds when were idle has a level of energy (enough to keep us awake at night if too much of it is going on). Weve seen for ourselves that energy is intelligent and that intelligence (thought) is energetic. So thought and energy are essentially one and the same. We also saw that energy/thought, being immaterial, must have preceded the creation of the universe. In fact, it is what the universe had to be born of, because there was nothing else. Since energetic thought is the parent of the universe, it is also what the universe is made of. Matter (the universe) is simply congealed thought, congealed intelligent energy. And matter (creation) moves in response to our energetic thought. This is the principle behind the Law of Attraction, the reason thoughts are magnetic. Theres very little difference between a thought of something and that thought congealed in the form of a thing. Our thoughts are creative and destructive, depending on the direction of their energy. Thinking bad things will happen, attracts energy to the thought that encourages the bad thing to occur. Intending and expecting good things to happen has the opposite effect. So where does will come in? Will is all of it. Will is the force behind the thought (its the energy). Will is the intention directing the energy (its the intelligence). Will is the energetic
20 thought, the directed energy, that is the source of the universe. It is the oven from which the Big Bang exploded. It is the force that moves everything in the universe. In fact, it is the only thing that ever makes anything happen. Without will, without energetic thought, everything would be static. There would be no life. Whenever something happens, someones will has caused that event. Someone had an intention, a desire, strong enough (energetic enough) to move the soup of creation around in some way, or to add something new to the soup. People who live mostly on random thoughts, on their own repetitive mind chatter, have very little influence on the direction of creation, let alone the direction of their own life. Because they think from a level of low energy, not from focused intention. The people we call the movers and shakers of the world live mostly on focused thoughts. They control what they allow in their minds, and think thoughts purposefully. Their minds are filled with plans, with intentions. The energy behind their focused thought is powerful, because focus gathers energy. Such people are the architects of the world, of reality. The reality that the rest of us mostly just react to and experience, because we, floating in the soup of our own random thoughts, allow others to determine our direction. The movers and shakers are swimmers. The rest of us are floaters. And the swimmers of the world, having the game down as they do, right now are having fun pushing the floaters around the pond. Their scheme is to shove all the floaters into one little corner of the pool and keep us there, while they splash and play and enjoy all the rest of the place by themselves. Its called the Great Conspiracy. And theyre pulling it off because we cry and moan about how mean they are, how clever they are, and how powerful they are, when in fact, the only difference between us and them is that they know how to think! They know how to think with purpose, with will. They think with intention. They think with bad intention, but this is partly our own fault. We earn and deserve their scorn for being floaters, always reacting to life, never grabbing life with our hands and shaping it to our purpose. Our passiveness, our lack of will, has let the willful assume control of the playing field. They despise us for our weakness and stupidity and would like to see most of us exterminated (although theyll keep a few around to do their bidding). We have been weak and stupid, but not because the bullies are by nature stronger or smarter than we. Everyone came from the same Big Bang, the same intelligent energy. Some of us just learned the power of will while others forget that faculty existed. Those who did learn the secret conspired to keep the rest of us in forgetfulness. But the power is there within our own thoughts to take back control of our destiny. To take back our lives, personally and collectively. It is only a matter of changing our minds, of thinking with new purpose, of determining not to self-destruct over the machinations of the bullies who are having a great laugh at our expense, as we float every which way they think to push us. Its a matter of learning to swim. It doesnt matter how advanced they are in implementing their plans. When the floaters wake up and start swimming, they will create a force in the water that pushes back those trying to herd them. The bullies know that, and it is why they want to get rid of us, to destroy most of the worlds population before we get wise to the game. A cornered animal is likely to get
21 wild, to discover its will, to assert its power. The bullies want to eliminate most of mankind before we reach that point. The trick is for us to wake up soon enough. Not wake up in the sense the Truthers have already awakened: to knowledge of the conspiracy. We must wake up much more profoundly, to our power of will. We must decide NEVER to allow what they are orchestrating, that it will NOT happen, that we draw the line right here. We mustnt say Ill let them shoot me before Ill go to a FEMA camp, because then we create being shot. Then we enter the next world as a victim, still vulnerable to bullying, still pursued, still the plaything of the strong and malicious. When will it stop? When will we have enough and DECIDE it ends here? How much must we get pushed around before we catch on that when it ends depends entirely on us? Its our lack of will that allows their will to determine everything. Its our lack of assertion. By remaining passive, mentally and physically, we allow them to do to us whatever they will. We are victims by choice. By default. Our will, operating in passive mode, has allowed it. All we have to do to reverse the situation is to summon that will, to summon our passion, to understand the difference between us and them is only in the level of determination. Victory belongs to the most committed, goes the saying. They are more committed. They scheme, plan, and act. We bitch, moan, and hide under the bed. Not all of us, but so many of us aware of the conspiracy. So many of us feel hopeless. And it is that very hopeless attitude that will be our downfall, unless we take the bull by the horns and correct that. Its time to grab hold of our attitude and will ourselves to grow powerful. First by addressing everything in our personal lives that we let hold us back, every lame excuse for why we havent succeeded, for why we suffer, for why we cannot have what we desire. Then by addressing the Great Conspiracy itself. All there is in the world is one essential element: thoughtful energy, energetic thought. Thats all there is. Everything material is a distillation of that, a result of that. Each of us is essentially a thought thinking itself, a thought made of energy. Energy that is eternal and infinite. By thinking with focus, with passion, with determination, we access our unlimited energy to create or experience anything we want. There are no victims when all are infinitely powerful at their core. There is only forgetfulness of our nature, failure to access will, and a choice to let the bullies make all the decisions. Bronte Baxter Bronte Baxter 2009 Anyone may copy or reprint this article as long as they include a link back to this website at
23 As a frequent visitor at the Alex Jones website, I value all the information available there. I sometimes read the comments at the end of the articles and am troubled by the hopelessness so many posters feel about our future. I found the same attitude in many emails and comments I received when I was very active writing this blog. The truth movement has awoken to the realities preying upon mankind, but has yet to take the step to become a genuine liberty movement. Truth movement, liberty movement one focuses on knowledge, the other on empowerment. Only when we make that shift can we take back the control of our lives and our world that the tyrants are sucking from us. People are hopeless because they dont believe they have any power over the threatening situation. They think the tyrants hold all the cards. Indeed, the tyrants are brilliant, and have posted guards at every exit. Theyve planned their chess moves well in advance, while we, the novice players, are just waking up to how to play the game. But human intelligence, buttressed by will, does have the ability to throw a wrench in their strategy, just as a savvy chess opponent can defeat any strategy if hes determined and clever enough. No set of moves, however brilliantly orchestrated, is guaranteed to win every game. It only succeeds if the opponent is less clever than the other player. With enough will and deep thought, any brilliant chess play can be defeated. In the same way, determination and cleverness can defeat the strategists planning the New World Order. Think of determination as will in action. Will decides what we allow (the passive aspect of willing) and what we initiate (the active aspect). Then determination implements the decision. For all practical purposes, will, choice, and determination refer to the same thing. From this point on, Ill use the terms interchangeably. I am increasingly certain that reclaiming our will is the door to our freedom the only door to our freedom. Ignorance of the power of will is what keeps us afraid and enslaved. Ive written elsewhere in this blog about the power of thought to create real things in the outer world. Some call it the Law of Attraction. Some call it Creating Reality. Thought is powerful and creative because it rides on will. A thought without a strong intention, without passion behind it, is nothing but a pipe dream. A thought infused with will is a force to be reckoned with. Determined thought or intention moves the machinery of the universe, not only on the gross level but at the subtlest level of life. Quantum physics talks about the intention of scientists in experiments determining the path taken by quantum particles. This isnt just a theory, or feelgood pretending: its scientific fact. In your own life, think about the times youve accomplished something, or someone you know accomplished something. Compare that to the times you didnt accomplish. Was not will the differentiating factor? When you succeeded, was it not because you refused to have it any other way? Some time ago I was an activist on a neighborhood project attempting to save our town from encroachment by a powerful government agency with destructive designs. There were several people at the helm, organizing the fight. Ill never forget one day when one of them told me, with the utmost determination and confidence, that the agency would without a doubt be
24 defeated. This was at a time in the campaign when everything looked like the agency would win. Lynn is a spiritual woman with a high degree of personal will and empowerment. She had made up her mind that the plan would be defeated, and that was the end of it. It was simply a done deal. Not just a done deal in her mind, but a done deal in the real world. She had decided it so, with all the passion and confidence she possessed. This beautiful person understood the power of her own determination. She fully got that if she made up her mind that the agency could not have her home, then it could not take it. She knew she had the right and power to decide whether to concede it to them. I knew in that moment, from the way she said it, that she had created the defeat of the agency. All the motions we all went through from that point onward were merely the denouement, the winding up of the story. The outcome had already been decided. This master of reality had made up her mind that the bullying stopped at her front door, and it did. Were so much more powerful than we realize. Mothers with will in gear have lifted automobiles off their trapped children. Prisoners with will have broken out of impossible-toescape prison camps (see the movie Rescue Dawn for one such remarkable true story). We all know someone who with the confident innocence of determined desire succeeded in something the world considered impossible. We think of them as exceptional, but the only difference between them and the rest of us is that they access a faculty that most of humanity doesnt remember it possesses. Im working on building my will. When I find something in my life I dont like a situation, a negative habit I now say to myself, I dont accept this. I say it with confidence and a sense of being finished. I may not know at the time how Im going to get out of the thing that has bound me, but the ropes begin to loosen the moment I make the decision that Im done. Circumstances develop from that point onward that bring about the end of the thing I want rid of. Its quite dramatic sometimes, even miraculous. Other times, its gradual and subtle. Always it works. I build my will in little things and in so doing develop my confidence in taking on matters of substance. I fully believe if the time comes when I face someone demanding I get vaccinated or microchipped, I will spontaneously access the power to make them leave me in peace. I remember the moment in the first Star Wars where Obiwon waves his hand in front of an Empire cop, and the dazed guy lets him pass. And the moment in the book/movie, The Education of Little Tree, where officials come to drag the boy to a reservation school, but the granddad sees them coming from the hilltop; he and the boy are safe in the woods every time the would-be enslavers come to their door (another great true story). Those who are afraid (and do not master their fear) that they will be sent to FEMA camps or killed, are creating being sent to FEMA camps or killed. Those who believe global tyranny is a done deal are creating experiencing global tyranny. By passively accepting the horrendous as inevitable, the passive aspect of our own will kicks in to allow it, stamping the plans of the tyrants with our own personal seal of permission. We live on the Earth at this time because we chose to be here. We allowed it, we willed it. Perhaps we did that so we might experience the drama of bullies and bullied being played out
25 in the extreme, as it is being played out today. Perhaps we wanted the stakes to be this high in order to jog our will awake, so we might become at last fully human, fully empowered, reality creators, masters of living. We are only victims if thats how we perceive it. We can take the bull by the horns, take charge of any situation. No one ever does anything to us that we dont on some level allow. Allowing can be as simple as believing theres no way out. It can be as simple as fear, or any other form of helpless acceptance. What happens in our future is up to no one but us. The rest of the world can do what it likes, experience what it wants to, for its own ultimate freedom and wisdom. But no one can force anyone to be a slave who does not accept it. Whatever your fellows choose to do, you are safe and free if you determine to be. But can your choice for personal freedom help save the world from the New World Order? I think its the only thing that can save it. But thats the subject for another article. Bronte Baxter Anyone may copy or republish this article as long as they include a link back to this site at Bronte Baxter 2009 7 Comments
Empowerment Prayer
December 29, 2008 at 3:21 am (Creating Reality, Inspiration, Spirituality) Tags: affirmations, empowerment, prayers Infinite Love my God, Reveal Yourself to me. Teach me all the secrets Of the universe. Fill my mind with truth, My spirit with goodness, My soul with gladness, And my heart with love. Perfect my body,
26 Fill my treasury, And empower my life. Dissolve ignorance And iniquity in all Your children. Actualize Your original Joyous, divine intention Throughout creation Now. 1 Comment
27 Looking back on our childhood, or on incidents of victimization in our lives, we may find it hard to believe our thoughts either created or allowed the whole scenario. For some people yeah. For others no way. There is something very wrong with this concept. Im pretty sure that if I knew what I knew many decades back about this planet, I would not reincarnate on this planet. Whatever bad one can say about the New World Order, one can say much worse about most of the human cattle they manage. The Stanley Milgram experiments put most of the human population at the same mentality as the New World Order. The only difference is that one is smarter than the other. Also, without the mindless humans, the New World Order management strategies would fail. The bulk of the human population has more in common with the NWO than the NWO would ever want to admit. So I could imagine most people wanting to come back to this hell hole called earth. Bronte wrote: But if were willing to let go of the karma doctrine long enough I threw karma crap in the basket. it takes mindless sheep to swallow that absurd concept. Dr. Michael Newtons Journey of Souls I read the book and found it pushing more spiritual enslavement. I threw my copy away so can only reference it by memory. It talks about guides, teachers, councils, etc., just another upper-echelon power structure. The entire book also shows spirits disconnected from earth reality. Bronte responded to the reader: First, about Newtons book. Yes, it does talk about guides and celestial councils that help us decide the direction of our next incarnation. And of course those all represent enslavement and manipulation. The value of the book is that it makes that manipulation more obvious. For those who havent read it, Journey of Souls is a set of transcriptions that Newton (a regression therapist) made during his conversations with hypnotized subjects whom he regressed back to the between-life space, the place where we allegedly go to between incarnations or lifetimes. Subject after subject reported similar experiences of the afterlife, whether they believed in life after death or not prior to being regressed by Newton. Of course we have only his word for this. But taken together, the transcripts are worth some serious considering. They appear to represent peoples subconscious memories of how they planned the events of each subsequent reincarnation. The transcripts show humans as having a choice but preferring to create suffering and chaos for ourselves in each new life because we think that will purify our souls of our past bad tendencies or actions. Apparently those who run the world that is the between-life space have people believing those lies there, just as religions have us believing the same lies here.
28 According to the book, people are assigned a council of three elders who are members of the larger council of elders who are at the top of the hierarchy in the afterlife. This gentle and loving smaller council works to steer the soul into plans for its reincarnation that will be to the souls spiritual benefit. Thats as far as Newtons book takes it, because Newton is blind to the New World Order conspiracy. Those of us aware of the New World Order agenda read the book from a very different perspective than the one the author wrote it from. We are given a window into how the manipulation of souls takes place in the nether world, and why we encounter spontaneous mishaps and disasters in this one. It is because we ourselves planned it, set it up before we born, according to the transcripts uncovered memories. We created events on the time line that would cause us suffering in this life, thinking those would make us wiser and better spiritually. This explains the reason for the three kinds of scenarios you listed at the top of your comment, the kind of horrible events that strike us out of the blue, that we were not desiring things that appear to just happen. The truth is, they dont just happen. They happen because we allowed them. Not consciously in this life, but in the pre-life place where we set them up as part of what we would experience here. If the soul feels it is guilty (and what soul does not?), that soul will most likely set up an experience of self-punishment in this world to cleanse itself of its bad karma. You and I agree that karma is a story fed to us to keep us enslaved, a doctrine that when accepted always creates more suffering. The incessant suffering supplies our upline, the Fourth Dimension energy vampires, with food. Thats why they assign us a council of elders to help us design each lifetime to be studded with bad things. Its supposed to purge the soul, but it does not. It makes us sadder, more hurt, weaker. More prone to further manipulation and still another lifetime filled with even more lessons to learn and sins to be punished. Theres no end to the cycle until we consciously break it. And this is what the knowledge of our power to create our own reality allows us to do. Bad things may still strike us out of the blue until we fully wake up and reprogram our pre-life plans for our future. But even disasters do hit, we have the power to get out of our fixes by using our current choices (intent), visualization, and control of our thoughts to extract ourselves. In another article, I write about the true story of Dieter, an American navy pilot who was shot down in Viet Nam and found a way of out a seemingly impenetrable prison camp, when all his fellow POWS said it was impossible. (This story is told in the excellent movie, Rescue Dawn.) Dieter did the impossible that no one else could do, and lived to tell about it. Why did he succeed, when all his fellows died? Because he alone had the mindset that insisted on life, on freedom, on escape. The others were controlled by the hopelessness engendered by their external circumstances. So we can choose which way we will live in any unfavorable circumstance: we can get ourselves out of the fix, or let it beat us. When we tackle the job in front of us, not only can we influence/change any problem, but committing ourselves to such action cultures the kind of consciousness were trying to return to. It makes us heroes. A hero isnt a victim.
29 As far as your assessment of humanity goes, you appear to be a fatalist and misanthrope, my friend. You despise people, but you are one of the people yourself. Yes, weve grown very stupid and sheeplike, but this is the time for us to wake up to that and reverse that. By taking back the power of our minds. You are an intelligent person, but caught in the web theyve spun for us. They win, when you only go as far in your thinking as you do. And if they can instill the intelligent with hopelessness, its easier to control the less intelligent, because those who would normally wake up first and sound the alarm to the rest, instead wake up and say, Fuck you stupid idiots. You deserve it. Your mind is aware but your spirit is limping. Pick yourself up and recognize your power, instead of complaining about how lousy it is, and holding yourself superior to the rest. That kind of attitude feeds right into their plans for swallowing all consciousness in their massive maw. If they succeed in that, well experience the implosion of the universe. We cant afford to remain either depressed or arrogant. Bronte Baxter Bronte Baxter 2008 9 Comments
30 I empathize with how youre feeling. I think its a stage we all go through in the awakening process. You have to be a little careful though, because fear can be manipulated. There are bazillions of spiritual teachers out there who will be glad to give you a ticket to a euphoric state in exchange for your spiritual sovereignty. Stay away from them. You have everything you need within you to take care of yourself, because the Infinite Consciousness is within you, and it is all loving and all-powerful. In fact, its not just in you, it is what you are by nature, at your root. Your individual consciousness (what you usually think of as yourself) is a localized expression of that vaster consciousness that knows no lack or danger, because it is the oneness at the heart of all creation, a field of harmony where all things can be created or reconciled. When you bring your awareness inward by sitting quietly and focusing your attention on attention itself (on the mind that is thinking all the thoughts), you focus on the consciousness that is the core of your being. Its a simple thing, like being in a movie and shifting your attention from the movie to the movie screen underneath. You will slip into a deeper state of awareness when you do this, which is very peaceful and rejuvenating. Its a way of connecting with your inner Infinity. Fear goes away when you do that, and things that looked insurmountable before appear in a different perspective. The spiritual teacher circuit will tell you that to do this thing (which is a matter of just shifting your attention from the outer expression of who you are to the inner levels of yourself), you need a guru or a mantra or chants or a guide or some other kind of disempowering nonsense. It isnt true. All you need is a chair, some quiet time, closed eyes, and the intent to focus attention on whats behind the thoughts. Its no harder than switching the channel on a radio. Youre just tuning into another frequency of your own being. This kind of practice, which many people engage in for a few minutes daily (I like to do it right when I wake up), is very empowering. So is creating from that space, through intentional constructs of thought. You do this by imagining on whatever it is you desire (from that deep, quiet place). Nevilles book goes into detail on how to do this, as does my article Creating Reality through Thought. When you get into fear, say to yourself, I happily disconnect myself from all predatory entities, energies and influences. That will help a lot in ridding yourself of any outside psychic influences that could be fueling your fear. Read my articles in the blog category Psychic Predation and Protection for more about this. There are negative beings on the astral level who look for opportunities to feed destructive thoughts into peoples minds, exacerbating their fear, anger, or whatever negative emotion they may have fallen into. Severing the connection by ordaining that they leave simply gets rid of them. Ultimately, consciousness is creative, self-empowered. It (you) gets to decide what happens in its experience, and it creates new things, solutions, new experiences. Consciousness is a force that cannot be killed or cut up. It is eternal. YOU are eternal, not just as the Isness at your core but in your unique personhood. God didnt create us, or this world, so that it could be destroyed by Its more goofed-up children. We are in the end stages of the goofed-up children running the show. Its a bit of a bumpy ride, but when this is over, it will be a different world. Ride out the storm, and when you get over your fear stage, join in the
31 effort to save the human race from those who would like to totally enslave it. You do this by spreading information to help more people recognize the global agenda. We are each expressions of God in this world, and its through us, consciously connected with God (the Infinite), that the world will be set right, perhaps for the first time in its history. Take heart, my friend. It is a grand adventure we signed up for, and we all are in this story together. Bronte 4 Comments It was just 2 1/2 years ago that I wrote a despairing message on this website about the lame July 4th turnout to a call that had been made to protest the takeover of freedom by the worlds global elite and the New World Order. Since that time, we have seen a tremendous public awakening. The birth of the grassroots Tea Party movement, though later infiltrated by the Republican Party, speaks volumes for the fact that the truth is getting out. Five years ago, if you brought up the subject of the New World Order, most people didnt know what you were talking about, or would laugh at you. Today, you can find people leaving remarks about the global takeover in the comment section of almost any public forum (Yahoo News articles, for instance). Several decades ago, Im ashamed to say, I was a Transcendental Meditation teacher: one of the youthful, naive mouthpieces for Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in his campaign to popularize and infiltrate Eastern religious philosophy and mantra meditation into the Western world. At the time I started speaking on TM and publicizing it in my community, TM was laughed at and ridiculed every time it was mentioned. Then came the day when the tide started turning. Teachers like me, working in every major Western city, had saturated their locales with information. At the behest of Maharishi, we had made personal visits to government officials, business icons, and educators. We had set up public lectures in every local neighborhood. We had posted fliers until our arms ached. And after years of doing this, it started to pay off. TM became a mainstream word. Six million recruits joined us worldwide. Transcendental Meditation became so popular that other Indian gurus, in the wake of Maharishis success, began flooding the U.S., attracting devotees like bees draw honey. Today meditation is a household word, and having a guru is as socially acceptable as having a drink with dinner. I was a witness to how this about-face occurred, and I am excited to report that Im seeing the same kind of percolating going on now as preceded the explosion of Easternism in the public consciousness. Its like popcorn sitting in oil. At first, nothing seems to be happening, but you just keep applying the heat. Then you hear a pop. Again, all is silent. You think perhaps you imagined what you heard. And then theres another pop. Slowly they begin, with long intervals in between. Next, the intervals grow shorter. Then at a certain point, critical mass is reached, and the pot all at once explodes in a riot of sound, with popping all you can hear. Based on my experience with how gurus seized the public awareness, I think we are now in the stage of shortened intervals between the pops. None of this was happening just two years
32 ago. Now its starting to happen everywhere. Its time to apply more heat, as much as we can give it, to explode public awareness wide open to the well-crafted design behind the deceptively bumbling mistakes of our global leaders. Its time to pull the canvas off the statue. Its time pull Grannys glasses and nightcap off of the Big Bad Wolf. Wonderful Alex Jones of and is one of the greatest leaders of the charge to defend freedom. He has just announced a new campaign that will get the word out to people on a grand scale. Although he launched it with an impassioned call to action, to succeed the effort calls for grassroots doing. That means you and me. The campaign harkens back to the Nazi occupation of France, when the French encouraged each other by leaving the V for victory symbol all over their cities. It was a silent message one heart to another to hang on, to resist, to stand together and it countermanded the messages coming from the Nazis to turn each other in and to hopelessly submit to tyranny. Alex Jones is asking us to download V posters from his website and to post them all over our towns and communities. Not only will they encourage other aware people to refuse to comply with the police-state control grid that is being structured around us: the posters will also stimulate curiosity among the uninformed. This is perhaps their most important function. The posters include the URL of one of the Alex Jones websites and a bit of information about the danger we are in. Like the TM posters of the 1970s, which wallpapered the West, the V posters can have a powerful, local effect that will be felt globally. Visit this link to get the information, and to download the posters. Print off extra copies at your local copy shop. Post them everywhere you can think of where it is legal to post things. In a week, go back and post in those places again, because they will create controversy and probably get torn down. If the media picks up on it, so much the better. Just keep the V symbol out there, a magnet of information for the world to tune in and learn more. Its a small, simple action to take, but like the humble efforts 1970s kids made at spreading TM, it can have a stunning effect. Grassroots change is the most powerful kind of change there is, because it takes place in the hearts of the people. So let us sow that grass seed now, ensuring springtime wont be far away. Go there. Be bold. United we stand. If we do nothing, we are personally responsible for the tyranny that is designed, slated, and proceeding on schedule to ensnare us, our children, and our grandchildren. Here again is the link: LETS DO IT!
Bronte Baxter Bronte Baxter 2011. All rights reserved. Anyone may copy or republish this article so long as they provide a back link to this Web page. Leave a Comment
Not on My Watch
January 15, 2011 at 9:30 pm (Creating Reality, Inspiration, Sovereignty and Sustainability, Spirituality, Truth Movement) Tags: airport scanners, free speech, freedom, Homeland Security, New World Order, TSA
34 Someone wrote recently in the comment section on this blog that the time for political solutions is over. I vehemently disagree. Unless we have the courage to say no to the police state emerging all around us, to stand up to the intimidation and speak out valiantly against it, then any talk of spiritual solutions is nothing but cowardly escapism. We do not have the impeccability required for accessing higher, more powerful states of consciousness levels of consciousness that could magically make bullets stop in their tracks, as the commenter suggested when we dont have the guts to say no on the physical level to the forces that oppress us. If we passively sit by and do nothing, if we fail to speak up to our friends who are still asleep and to our oppressors then we are personally responsible for the destruction of human freedom and the takeover by the tyrants that is occurring. Because who has the power to stop it, except those of us who have become aware of the agenda? We deride our friends who are still asleep, we complain about what sheep they are, but we are the ones with the knowledge and the responsibility to do something. If a person who is asleep lets the house burn down, its a tragedy. If a person who is awake lets the house burn down, its a travesty. I understand the feelings of cowardice masquerading as enlightenment, because sometimes I go there myself. I dont want to risk my life, my home, my family, but if I dont love freedom more than life in this material form, then freedom will never be a reality for me. I will always be the victim of the bullies. We have been born into a society that was already halfway to becoming a police state. We were conditioned since childhood to accept the things that are starting to come down. But deeper than our conditioning is our thirst to be strong and free, self-reliant and powerful within our own lives. The only kind of spiritual mastery that can ever occur for us is rooted in that inner drive for personal freedom. We can no more have one without the other than we can have ice without water. Our passion for freedom must burn within us so strongly that it consumes every excuse we manufacture for why we must sit and hide and hope it will all blow over. Tyranny does not just blow over. Bullies dont just disappear. They continue taking over more and more of everything until the people they bully stand up and put a stop to it. It can be discouraging speaking our mind on these things to our friends. It can lose us friends. It can cause us to be thought of as radical and out there. Now the tyrants are programming people to think that anyone who criticizes the government is a terrorist, so soon speaking out to our slumbering friends will cause us to be perceived as terrorists. It could get us on watch lists. Our love for this planet, for creating freedom for ourselves and all mankind, must be greater than our fear and loathing of all those possible consequences. Our love for freedom must burn up our concern with what people think of us, our concern with our popularity, even our concern about winding up in a concentration camp one day.
35 We would be freer in a concentration camp, having stood up to the oppressors, than living quietly in our homes while the world goes to hell in a hand basket. If we do nothing, we are the enablers. If we do nothing, we are responsible for the success of the New World Order. Freedom is an inner state of mind. You can be free in a jail cell. You cannot be free living quietly in your home bowing meekly under the velvet-gloved iron hand of the controllers. Someday a blog entry like this could wind me up in a concentration camp. But you know what? All the good people will be there. And with our tude, how long would that concentration camp last? I recently lost two people very dear to me. Theres something about a loved one dying that presses up against the curtain that divides us from the other dimensions, the unseen worlds. I am always left with a sense of closeness to that which is on the other side, and less of a concern about the importance or power of death. I feel the ones I love still vibrant, still there and close to me, only no longer limited by the body they expressed through. I am reminded that even that thing we consider the ultimate tragedy death is not all that powerful. It cannot alter that which is essential, the infrastructure of our being where love and freedom reside. And at such times, I feel greater courage to do what must be done to stop the bullies from destroying this beautiful world. I dont think about the possible cost, because even death seems insignificant compared with the things that count, the things I care about. The worst thing I can imagine is human freedom being completely destroyed, the machinery of the New World Order becoming completely installed, on my watch. How could I live with myself if that happened? I have to give it my all, do everything I can, unpopular though that may make me. If I dont, I choose popularity over the freedom of the world. I was deeply inspired tonight by a 19-minute video clip on the Alex Jones website. It rallied me around to remember these things, and I strongly recommend watching it. You can access it here. Im sure there are beings who want to help us make this world the paradise that surely God meant it to be. I think they help us from the unseen dimensions. But they can do nothing if we, the denizens of this world, dont earn their assistance by doing everything we can on the physical level to speak out against tyranny and stand up to it. Ron Paul recently said that if Americans stand by and let the TSA put their hands down our pants and irradiate us with scanners at airports, then we deserve the New World Order and all its consequences. Benjamin Franklin said that if we value security more than freedom, we deserve neither. We must dig down and find the passion to do what must be done and tell the bullies we will not be intimidated. Alex Jones observed tonight that the recent shenanigans by Homeland Security are aimed not at keeping the majority asleep but at intimidating those of us who are awake from criticizing the government and speaking out about whats really happening. Ive felt that intimidation. But if I give in to it and let them stop me from exercising my God-given rights, then human freedom is lost, and Im the one who kissed it goodbye.
36 Bronte Baxter Bronte Baxter 2011 Anyone may copy or reproduce this article so long as they provide a back link to this website. 13 Comments
Morning Reflection
November 28, 2010 at 3:08 am (Creating Reality, Gurus and God-Scams, Inspiration, Spirituality) Tags: Brahman, enlightenment, Spirituality One of my first thoughts when I became conscious from sleep this morning was a prayer. I feel close to God at that time, and often utter one. I asked God to help me and all beings find a consciousness of resting in his love, as the need to feel Gods love seems to be at the root of all the guru chasing and spirituality espousing. It comes from our insecurity, as beings focused out into the world who have emotionally lost connection with our source. I asked God to show me whatever Im missing that keeps me from being the flawless being he envisioned on creating me, because I surely cannot claim to meet my own standards of ideal humanness. And I asked to be shown where my thinking may be wrong to be corrected when it strays, and to be guided by truth. In that moment I felt the aloneness of holding the philosophy I do, espoused in this time by such a tiny minority. And I asked, Are we wrong? Is it indeed like the crowd of the enlightened say? Is the highest human achievement feeling a blissful silence and having a perception that all is one and nothing really matters because nothing is real? Are we rebels just missing something? The answer came back in my heart: No. By identifying with the consciousness that is the mind of the universe, the enlightened identify with that which creates and destroys. They accept destruction as part of the divine plan, as having equal value with creation. Their bliss is the relief from trying, from steering, from exercising their will. It is the bliss of one who closes his eyes driving and releases his hands from the wheel, allowing the car to fly to wherever it goes. It is the bliss of surrender. Theirs is the peace that comes of giving up. The tranquility that comes of aligning with things as they are. This is not what I want for My children. This is not union with Me. Creation and destruction are not My consciousness. I know only life. I am the opposite of destruction. I sustain all things. I will life to all beings. My dream for the universe is that all my children will live in joy forever. I do not will that the stars burn out, that galaxies smash together in riots of destruction, that the innocent rabbit gets shredded by the hawk. Mine is not the consciousness that conceives of these things, for destruction is a failure to live, and I am life eternal. And I saw that when people identify with Brahman, the mind of the universe, as the highest consciousness, as their consciousness, they have only opened to consciousness of a larger part of themselves, not to the ultimate consciousness of their complete being. They have only achieved the consciousness of the myopic being and laws that run this world, this physical
37 world that extends throughout known space. They have not reached past the boundaries of Brahmans creation and destruction, to the source of all possibilities, that field of life that contains different universes, with different sets of laws, where destruction is not part of the equation. Universes where Gods unique expressions live in joy forever, not subject to death or lifespans, never running out of fuel, never needing to feed and extend their lives by stealing the fuel of others. Deep in my heart, I was reminded that, that those of us who seek for something more in life than enlightenment are the hope of the world. By refusing to accept, by scoffing at surrender, we forge a path of life and light with the life and light within us. We mark the heavens with streaks of color as we strive to dance a forever dance as eternal sparks of the Infinite, dynamic eternal sons and daughters of God. We destroy death by refusing to accept its rightness, and suffering by refusing all the excuses for why it must exist. We reach past the Brahman consciousness within us, which justifies all that is, to touch and feel the consciousness of all that can be. While the preachers of enlightenment and the hoards that follow them dissolve one by one in the great maw of Oneness consciousness, we rebels march forth with the torch of hope for different kind of world. A world that moves by different laws, that operates on different principles, a world unheard of before. A world we are creating, with every manipulation we refuse to succumb to, with every excuse we refuse to accept, with every mouthful of suffering flesh we refuse to eat. Bronte Baxter Bronte Baxter 2010 Anyone may republish this article so long as a backlink is provided to this website. 12 Comments
38 That the losses made things better came as a great surprise. Ive spent considerable meditation time focusing on the mystery, looking within to understand what I just went through. Why did I lose the friend, the employee, and the volunteer? What did I contribute that influenced their leaving? And why did I feel better with their being gone, even though my outer burdens had greatly increased by the loss? Insights come to me in packets, not in linear reasoning the kind of thing Robert Monroe described in his books as thought balls. Ill try to unravel the thought ball that exploded on me regarding this situation, because the information in it makes sense of so much more than just the isolated experience. I think it explains a lot about how the universe works. The ancient Hindu holy books (such as The Bhagavad-Gita) teach that the core flaw in the human make-up is desire. They teach that to be spiritually free, we must be and act without desire, that we must want nothing that exists in the outer world, that we must only value the transcendental divine. We are told to renounce the things of the world in order to please God, to sacrifice ourselves and our desires to God, in order to become worthy of liberation. The Indian gurus teach that the physical world is an illusion, a quagmire for souls wandering away from their original home in the infinite. To get back home, we must extricate ourselves from the quagmire, were told; the more we renounce the things of this world, sacrificing personal desires to the gods, the more direct our homeward journey. This philosophy is riddled with lies to waylay the human spirit, but like most popular religious doctrines, it contains within it the distortion of a truth a truth so powerful and empowering that the religions must cloak it in heavy disguise to keep people from discovering it and becoming free of their system of control. For years I have been repelled by the Indian teaching that desires are bad and that we must give up material things to be spiritual, and Ive lived in quite the opposite direction. But only with the arrival of this thought-ball did I perceive the truth beneath the desires must be renounced lie, the truth the controllers are so worried well discover. That truth is that it is not desires that lead away from spiritual freedom; rather, the problem is looking outside ourselves for the source of our support. So long as we cling to people and things in the belief that we need them to survive, we live in the illusion that we dont have what it requires to take care of ourselves through our own spiritual power. Desires are not damaging per se; they only weaken us if we desire in the spirit of neediness, as someone who must have the support of a particular person, place, or thing in order to be safe, well, abundant, or happy. By contrast, when we have desires that come from joy, from selfexpressiveness, from creativity and happiness, those desires shine the infinite within us out into the world, making the world a more beautiful place. They do not weaken us; rather, they brighten existence. By getting people to think that desires are the enemy, Eastern religions have succeeded in destroying the creativity and gumption that are needed to transform the Earth into something wonderful. By telling us the outer world is just Illusion and therefore of no intrinsic worth, they get people to stop caring, doing, desiring, solving problems, and making things better. In fact, desires are treasures if they come from the place deep within us. They are the channel through which the infinite continually creates, expressing itself in the universe. The artist desires to make a beautiful painting; the lover desires to develop a tender relationship; the builder desires to build a fantastic mansion; and the entrepreneur desires to
39 build a vibrant business. There is nothing innately wrong with those desires they are divine in their origin. The problem only comes in when the artist thinks he cant survive without a patron, the lover thinks he must have his beloved in order to live, the builder believes construction depends on things outside of his control, and the entrepreneur thinks hes at the mercy of the market. In all these examples, the problem is one of looking in the wrong place for support: the problem is not with the desire itself. When we go through a devastating loss and feel better than we did when we had the thing we wanted, its because the loss has freed us from our false belief that we must have the support of that thing or person in order to thrive. Our desire was of the dependent kind, not the joyous self-expressive kind. We started out with a joyous desire most likely, but then forgot where the happiness was coming from: our inner self. We forgot that the art comes from a glorious inner vision that is dependent on no one, that the beloved was drawn to us on account of the inherent attraction in who we are, that the mansion was born in the mind and can only spring from there nowhere else into reality, and that the business runs on the natural gravity/attraction between people of kindred interests. Its not that support does not come to us from the outer world (the environment) or that it shouldnt. Things around us naturally are drawn to us in accord with the workings of our mind and heart. The things we focus on do indeed gather around us, and if were in tune with ourselves, thinking in a way that is joyous and centered, then the things we attract are good, and the support we need for our dreams and desires manifests in our life in the form of magnificent outer phenomena. The money comes just when we need it, the love is there for us that we long to experience, the material resolution to a problem we are dealing with naturally appears. Things and people come to us as support, but the source of the support is not the things and people: it is the mechanism of desiring in an integrated way, of desiring from the level of our inner font of infinity. It is our inner font of fullness that draws to us the things we need when we need them, that fulfills our desires. So long as were in touch with this, we dont rely too heavily on the manifestation of support that appears. We know it comes from the inner source of infinite supply, so were not too attached to how things play out. We know if a person who supported us leaves or changes, someone or something better will appear someone or something more resonant with our needs, attracted to fulfilling them because doing so fulfills their own desires of joyous expression. In other words, so long as we are in touch with the miracle of where things really come from the inner divine we will always have the outer support we need without being overly dependent on it. We will have needs and desires, the environment will support them, but well know it is the infinite that supports the things and people in the environment that is providing for us. Well know to go to the infinite within us when we are in need, rather than begging or manipulating people to help us when they dont want to, and rather than grasping for things that belong to others. Well navigate the outer world with a song in our heart, gracefully moving among our brethren, attracting to us everything we wish for in a way that supports at the same time as we are supported. Its easy to get off-kilter when things are going well, and to find ourselves forgetting where the good in our life came from. We start to think were happy because so-and-so is there, and how would we ever get by without her? The valued employee comes to be seen as irreplaceable. The job that pays our bills starts to seem like the reason we have the things we
40 do. In fact, good things are there because we first desired them (in the harmonious, empowered state of consciousness that attracts), and it is the inner infinite the source of all desire and fulfillment that sustains us, not its expressions in the world that appear when they are needed. Suffering is not caused by having desires. Its caused by desiring things in a wimpy, helpless way. And by believing that something outside ourselves (something other than the infinite source within) is responsible for making us happy. When we get off-center and start to get stuck in the physical manifestations of life, people we depended on tend to pull away from us, because we get needy and put pressure on them to stay with us. They no longer feel they are there because they want to be, but because we insist we cant do without them. The joyous desire they had to support us fades into resentment, and they start to look for a way of leaving. No one wants to feel they are our main life support, because that calls them away from living their own life based on their own inner callings. Because we get desperate, they feel perhaps they are duty-bound to stay with us forever, but their resentment builds at that, because our desperation interferes with their need to take direction from the desires within, not from someone outside themselves. When weve gotten ourselves into a dependent situation, I think it is the divine within both ourselves and the other person that maneuvers to destroy the bond, because the bond has become suffocating. Suddenly were irritated all the time with the person we think we need so desperately, and we dont know why were acting that way. The needed person stops having fun being with us. And eventually something explodes to blow the relationship to bits, and both people sit in their aloneness wondering what just happened. What happened, I think, is that our inner infinite self worked subconsciously to break us free of a relationship that had become unhealthy, of an illusion we were developing that we were dependent on something outside for our contentment or success. Our inner divine nature felt confined by the small shapes we were boxing ourselves into, and rebelled. It blew the thing up to get back in control, to regain its seat in our awareness as the ordainer of our life. Our deepest self rebelled, and kicked out the intruder who had usurped it as god. Were stunned, we weep, but we feel better. We had become spiritually sick; the fever finally broke, and we are well again.
Addendum: Hinduism teaches that by renouncing desires we regain our connection with our inner infinity. That is the explanation behind the doctrine that celibacy and poverty embraced through monastic living lead to spiritual liberation (enlightenment). In fact, cutting off our desires maims us spiritually. We cease functioning as a vibrant expression of the infinite in this world. But there is a kernel of wisdom inside this admonition for withdrawal from pleasant sense experiences: by pulling ourselves back from the pleasures of the senses, we encourage our attention to go inward, reconnecting with its unlimited source. The mind constantly directed outward into the world of matter through sense experience tends to get overshadowed by the
41 world. It forgets who it is: its heritage as a child of infinity, eternity, that field of all possibilities. By withdrawing the senses from the world sometimes, were able to restore our experience of our inmost selves. Thats what meditation is supposed to do (and does, if we dont allow gods and mantras to interfere with it). Thats what fasting is supposed to do. Thats what alone time is supposed to do. We all need to touch base with base camp regularly in order to remember the way back there and to keep the flow of supplies coming from there into our life. When we overindulge in eating, eating more than we need to, eating for sheer pleasure, being decadent as we call it with a laugh, we are doing action that takes us away from consciousness of our power. We overindulge because the soothing pleasure of food makes us feel supported, nurtured. We overindulge with comfort food. But this is a dangerous practice because by taking in more than we need, we contribute to the illusion that we rely on food to feel comfortable and happy. With habitual overeating, this belief deepens in our psyche. We really think we cant survive without oodles of cookies, or without lots of steak. This belief disconnects us from the glory and power of our inner selves, and makes us more dependent on something outside ourselves for our happiness and survival. In time, such a belief leads to overweight and health problems, which further limit our easy expression of the infinite source. How much of the need to eat is the belief in the need to eat? How much of it is bad habit? The good thing is that by withdrawing ourselves from constantly indulging in pleasurable tastes, we can break the dependence. By eating less, by rejecting the option of eating certain delightful bites of food, we step back into ourselves, the power of our spirituality, and out of the illusion of the need to constantly taste. Eating takes the life away from something else, from the entity we are eating. I often think the need to eat is the essential flaw in the universe. It has us dependent on taking the life of others in order to live ourselves, when in fact, being made of infinite energy, we should in theory be able to survive just fine on our own inner infinite power supply. Because we dont know how to do that, we all are engaged in stealing or destroying the life of other things in order to prolong our own. Surely the Infinite, in creating the world, had a better idea in mind. Surely weve gotten lost somewhere. Spiritual adulthood surely must include learning to live on the light of God within rather than constantly needing to take life from others. The door to learning how to live on Gods light is surely approached by choosing to eat less compulsively, less automatically, less mindlessly. By saying no a lot of the time to pleasant taste experiences, just to develop our spiritual muscle. To break the powerful connection between ourselves and our food, the deep conviction that we must take life in order to survive. It seems to me that by withdrawing from unnecessary food, we should be able to slowly build up the power to live without taking life. It would be stupid, of course, to suddenly stop eating. To withdraw from the support of food without first building up our skill in sustaining ourselves on the infinite energy supply within that would kill most if not all of us. I say most because Ive heard of people who claim to have done it, but why risk your life finding out if its possible, when you can find out safely by making gradual, healthy changes in your eating habits? Research shows that most permanent improvements in lifestyle are made not by radical reversals but by gradual introduction of better habits. That certainly would be a wiser approach to dietary change than something extreme and potentially life-threatening. Our lives are precious, and its wrong to
42 carelessly gamble with them. Ive added this paragraph for any reader who might get the idea that Bronte thinks its good to just stop eating in order to develop spiritual power. Thats nonsense. You cant do much with your spiritual power in this world if youre dead. But I do think pulling back from the excesses of eating, and sometimes withdrawing from the pleasures of taste for a period, redirects the mind to remember and connect with its spiritual source. Its a valid practice, just as is the kind of genuine meditation that simply focuses the attention back on itself, attaining the primordial state of alert, serene stillness. By consciously experiencing our inner nature through meditation, we naturally start acting from that deep, powerful level in our daily life. This is spiritual empowerment, and the secret of success in the world. Bronte Baxter Bronte Baxter 2010 all rights reserved. Anyone may print or republish this article so long as they include a link or tagline pointing back to this website address. 7 Comments
43 Religion works against this. It tells us to surrender our will to something greater, but the Infinite actually delights in our will and its expression. Religion tells us to dissolve our ego the author of our doing, creating, and choosing into the cosmic ego of the whole. This is completely counter to the purpose of the Infinite. It would be like every flower in a garden surrendering itself to the garden, wilting in its self-hood instead of being the best flower it can be. The entire garden would die. Each person is an individualized expression of thought-energy-will like a car and driver, moving across the universe. Mind is the automobile, energy is the fuel, and will is the driver. Telling me to surrender my will is a way of taking over my thought and my energy. The car goes nowhere without a will to drive it. If I step out of the drivers seat of my life, merely reacting to the world instead of initiating things in it, someone else will climb behind the wheel and direct where I go. This is especially true if I invite such an arrangement through self-deprecating prayer or by prostrating myself before the gods in mantra meditation. When we dissolve our will or ego, I no longer exists. All that remains is the shell of what was once a person. We are left with body (energy) and mind (thoughts). The lights are on, but no ones at home. Or rather, someone new has taken up residence, the entity to whom one has surrendered ones ego or will. Some call this enlightenment. Its actually possession. The will has been abdicated, that which makes us uniquely human. One becomes a vessel for the will of that to whom one has given oneself. Decades back, when I was a girl, religion outright asked for surrender of the will. Thats back when will was talked about still in common parlance. Now, religion has evolved and asks instead for surrender of our ego. But will and ego are the same thing. By demonizing our desires, by telling us ego is arrogant and selfish, religion has made the will seem like something that must be relinquished for perfection or goodness to be attained. In fact, when we surrender that spark, through namah-ingour way through years of mantras or asking Jesus to save us, the very reason for our existence is defeated. We become empty shells, sounding to the noise of that which blows through us and possesses us. That entity is not God, for True God is the Infinite which never wants to take over anything. God desires its childrens freedom, their will unfettered, so they may dance wherever and however they like, and in so doing, delight their creator. When we truly get that we are thought-energy-will in our essential nature, that this impulse is our spirit, the eternal and infinite personhood that animates our body, then it becomes possible to command the body and control it. We understand that every physical limitation is a limitation of thought, and that thought can reverse it. If all matter, including our bodies, is made of nothing but energy, then by thinking our physical energy patterns different, they must change. Weve accepted that we must age and die, and so we do. But if we decide to reject that thought and supplant it with a better one, we can order the body to thrive and to live forever. This is why I went into such detail in my last article examining what we are at our core. Because unless we intuitively get that, unless its something weve reasoned to ourselves, so thoroughly and deeply that it becomes our essential reality, then the idea that we are thoughtenergy-will pulsing in an infinite field of potential is only a pretty concept. It must become our most fundamental experience. When our true nature becomes as clear and real to us as the
44 ground we walk on, we can start to live from that reality, with the authority that understanding grants us. We can ordain things and they happen. We can tell the body to do what we will. We can infuse the body with the infinite energy of the unified field and never need to eat (take life from others) in order to survive. We can survive on our essential, infinite nature. And if all beings learned to do this, if all egos understood their essential power and immortality, no one would need to feed on anyone else. We all would exist in our own selfempowerment. The basic premise on which this universe is founded would dissolve, and that premise is the need to take life from others in order to live. The universe would start to operate on a different principle, the principle of its essential unlimited potential. Lets look at this from another perspective. Jewish mystical texts, as well as other esoteric manuscripts, describe the shape of the universe as a torus. A torus looks like a doughnut, a doughnut capable of turning in on itself. Think of it like a piece of vacuum cleaner tubing, taped to itself to form a circle, a doughnut shape. Imagine rotating the tubing, so the part that is the top moves toward the center, then down to the bottom, then back up to the top again. That is the description of a torus. In this model, the universe is a black hole on one of the sides of the torus, a white hole at the other side. The white hole is constantly spitting out new creations, that live, thrive, then decline as they move around the outside to the reverse side of the torus, where they are absorbed by the black hole there. As they move through the center of the doughnut, all creature is destroyed then recycled, emerging from the white hole as new forms. Individual bodies have been consumed; new bodies have been created. And so the cycle of creation and destruction continues. This torus is the physical shape of the universe, according to mystic sources, and the shape resembles that of someone eating, digesting, and defecating. Food in, food processed, food out. It resembles the interior shape of human and animal bodies: mouth at one end, digestion and transmutation of food in the center, anus at the other end. And as animals defecate, their feces fertilizing the earth and becoming new plants, that which was defecated gets consumed again in the form of a new dinner. This is the pattern or shape of the torus. It is our essential shape as organic beings, as long as we are eaters, dependent on taking life to survive. The torus also appears to be the shape of Brahman, the Vedic/ East Indian name for the entity or consciousness that is or upholds the universe. Brahman functions in a self-destructive feedback loop. Curving back onto myself, I create again and again, says Krishna in the Bhagavad-Gita, speaking for the consciousness of the universe. Energy in, energy out. Forms created, forms dissolved. An endless cycle of creation and destruction. The universe is like a dog endlessly chasing its tail. The ancient mystery schools depicted the reality of the universe another way: through the symbol of a snake swallowing its tail. (Picture a dot on the torus, and the path it takes as it moves from the top inner side down the outer side, across the bottom, up the inner side and back to its position on the top. It makes a perfect circle, which is the shape of a snake swallowing its tail.) The symbol is one of self-destruction, because a snake that devours itself will die. The universe will also someday die, because it cannot go on eating itself endlessly. In time its energy will wear out, from the endless recycling project. It will self-implode.
45 Brahman knows this, and it is terrified. Thats why all its children are terrified. All beings are afraid of death, and are subject to death. Because the great entity we are part of, the universe, is subject to death. Like Brahman, the great torus, we little toruses must eat to continue our existence. Or so we think. But in fact, we are no more in need of consuming others to continue existing than a dog needs to chase its tail in order to stay alive. Its a thought we had that became a belief. Its a thought Brahman had, that became a belief. And what we think, we manifest. The universe is self-destructive because it thinks that way. Brahman eats its children because it thinks it has to, to survive. Brahman is an insane parent, pursuing a course that is madness, knowing no other. But healing is only a thought away. Brahman only needs to conceive of another possibility, and it can change its pattern of existence. In fact, Brahman, like us, is an individualized expression of the unified field: pure and infinite intelligent energy. If Brahman could but remember its nature as infinite, it would stop trying to eat itself. It eats itself in an effort to consume energy. But its very nature is thought-energywill, and the energy it expresses from is infinite. By remembering that, Brahman would no longer need to consume itself to stay alive. It can simply shine in its own self-effulgence. It can bask in its own infinity of energy, and dance an endless dance in the forms of its immortal children. The insanity can end, when the insane thinking ends. We are children of Brahman, and we also ARE Brahman, as a leaf is an individual but is also the plant it is part of, as a cell is an individual, but also the body it is part of. If the leaves change their minds, the plant changes its mind. If we, as children of the universe, wake up to our essential nature as unlimited and undying, then Brahman must wake up to the same. If we stop needing to consume and stop agreeing to be consumed, consumption stops not only for us, but for that which we are a part of. The universe starts to change its mind with every one of us that changes our mind. When enough people wake up to our limitless nature, Brahman will wake up, and the torus that is the universe will morph into a new shape. The insanity will end, and the dog will stop chasing its tail. The need for anyone to devour anyone else will cease, and the lion will lie down with the lamb. It all starts with remembering what we really are, then using our wills to ordain change from that infinite, powerful place. The definition of religion is from the root religio, which means to bind back. Think of the torus that is Brahman as a great firework explosion, where the sparks reach outward, then curve back to their source. Religion gives us the thinking that binds us back to the hole in the doughnut, where we must be destroyed and recycled. By seeing through the lies of religion, by refusing to surrender our wills / egos to Brahman or to any other limited entity that religions may call God, we free ourselves from the need to cycle around from birth to ultimate death. We identify with something much greater than Brahman the infinite intelligence from which Brahman and all universes sprang. In so doing, we immortalize ourselves, body and spirit. We save ourselves, and we also save the universe. For being its unit members, we are the universe. Bronte Baxter
46 Bronte Baxter 2009 Anyone may copy or republish this article as long as they include a link back to this website at 6 Comments
47 energy is by nature intelligent. We see this even on the finest levels of creation, where subatomic particles display attraction and move in response to the attention of the observer. So energy is intelligent. Is the reverse true: is intelligence energetic? If so, then energy and intelligence are one and the same thing. Energy and thought are one and the same thing. Im using intelligence to mean thought, because thought is the active expression of intelligence. Stay with me here. This is what I mean by thinking long thoughts. This is the kind of deep thinking we need to do to understand what we are and what were made of and how the universe works. Once we deeply grasp that, we grow in power. Perceiving our deeper nature, we start to operate from there. And that means finding our way out of the fix we and the rest of mankind are in. So lets get back to the drawing board Is thought energetic? Obviously it is. Thoughts are what drive us to do things (to expend energy). A powerful thought (one with great energy) attracts other minds to it (examples: reading a book, buying a popular item, joining a cause). Even the random mental chatter that flows through our minds when were idle has a level of energy (enough to keep us awake at night if too much of it is going on). Weve seen for ourselves that energy is intelligent and that intelligence (thought) is energetic. So thought and energy are essentially one and the same. We also saw that energy/thought, being immaterial, must have preceded the creation of the universe. In fact, it is what the universe had to be born of, because there was nothing else. Since energetic thought is the parent of the universe, it is also what the universe is made of. Matter (the universe) is simply congealed thought, congealed intelligent energy. And matter (creation) moves in response to our energetic thought. This is the principle behind the Law of Attraction, the reason thoughts are magnetic. Theres very little difference between a thought of something and that thought congealed in the form of a thing. Our thoughts are creative and destructive, depending on the direction of their energy. Thinking bad things will happen, attracts energy to the thought that encourages the bad thing to occur. Intending and expecting good things to happen has the opposite effect. So where does will come in? Will is all of it. Will is the force behind the thought (its the energy). Will is the intention directing the energy (its the intelligence). Will is the energetic thought, the directed energy, that is the source of the universe. It is the oven from which the Big Bang exploded. It is the force that moves everything in the universe. In fact, it is the only thing that ever makes anything happen. Without will, without energetic thought, everything would be static. There would be no life. Whenever something happens, someones will has caused that event. Someone had an intention, a desire, strong enough (energetic enough) to move the soup of creation around in some way, or to add something new to the soup. People who live mostly on random thoughts, on their own repetitive mind chatter, have very little influence on the direction of creation, let alone the direction of their own life. Because they think from a level of low energy, not from focused intention.
48 The people we call the movers and shakers of the world live mostly on focused thoughts. They control what they allow in their minds, and think thoughts purposefully. Their minds are filled with plans, with intentions. The energy behind their focused thought is powerful, because focus gathers energy. Such people are the architects of the world, of reality. The reality that the rest of us mostly just react to and experience, because we, floating in the soup of our own random thoughts, allow others to determine our direction. The movers and shakers are swimmers. The rest of us are floaters. And the swimmers of the world, having the game down as they do, right now are having fun pushing the floaters around the pond. Their scheme is to shove all the floaters into one little corner of the pool and keep us there, while they splash and play and enjoy all the rest of the place by themselves. Its called the Great Conspiracy. And theyre pulling it off because we cry and moan about how mean they are, how clever they are, and how powerful they are, when in fact, the only difference between us and them is that they know how to think! They know how to think with purpose, with will. They think with intention. They think with bad intention, but this is partly our own fault. We earn and deserve their scorn for being floaters, always reacting to life, never grabbing life with our hands and shaping it to our purpose. Our passiveness, our lack of will, has let the willful assume control of the playing field. They despise us for our weakness and stupidity and would like to see most of us exterminated (although theyll keep a few around to do their bidding). We have been weak and stupid, but not because the bullies are by nature stronger or smarter than we. Everyone came from the same Big Bang, the same intelligent energy. Some of us just learned the power of will while others forget that faculty existed. Those who did learn the secret conspired to keep the rest of us in forgetfulness. But the power is there within our own thoughts to take back control of our destiny. To take back our lives, personally and collectively. It is only a matter of changing our minds, of thinking with new purpose, of determining not to self-destruct over the machinations of the bullies who are having a great laugh at our expense, as we float every which way they think to push us. Its a matter of learning to swim. It doesnt matter how advanced they are in implementing their plans. When the floaters wake up and start swimming, they will create a force in the water that pushes back those trying to herd them. The bullies know that, and it is why they want to get rid of us, to destroy most of the worlds population before we get wise to the game. A cornered animal is likely to get wild, to discover its will, to assert its power. The bullies want to eliminate most of mankind before we reach that point. The trick is for us to wake up soon enough. Not wake up in the sense the Truthers have already awakened: to knowledge of the conspiracy. We must wake up much more profoundly, to our power of will. We must decide NEVER to allow what they are orchestrating, that it will NOT happen, that we draw the line right here. We mustnt say Ill let them shoot me before Ill go to a FEMA camp, because then we create being shot. Then we enter the next world as a victim, still vulnerable to bullying, still pursued, still the plaything of the strong and malicious. When will it stop? When will we have enough and DECIDE it ends here? How much must we get pushed around before we catch on that when it ends depends entirely on us?
49 Its our lack of will that allows their will to determine everything. Its our lack of assertion. By remaining passive, mentally and physically, we allow them to do to us whatever they will. We are victims by choice. By default. Our will, operating in passive mode, has allowed it. All we have to do to reverse the situation is to summon that will, to summon our passion, to understand the difference between us and them is only in the level of determination. Victory belongs to the most committed, goes the saying. They are more committed. They scheme, plan, and act. We bitch, moan, and hide under the bed. Not all of us, but so many of us aware of the conspiracy. So many of us feel hopeless. And it is that very hopeless attitude that will be our downfall, unless we take the bull by the horns and correct that. Its time to grab hold of our attitude and will ourselves to grow powerful. First by addressing everything in our personal lives that we let hold us back, every lame excuse for why we havent succeeded, for why we suffer, for why we cannot have what we desire. Then by addressing the Great Conspiracy itself. All there is in the world is one essential element: thoughtful energy, energetic thought. Thats all there is. Everything material is a distillation of that, a result of that. Each of us is essentially a thought thinking itself, a thought made of energy. Energy that is eternal and infinite. By thinking with focus, with passion, with determination, we access our unlimited energy to create or experience anything we want. There are no victims when all are infinitely powerful at their core. There is only forgetfulness of our nature, failure to access will, and a choice to let the bullies make all the decisions. Bronte Baxter Bronte Baxter 2009 Anyone may copy or reprint this article as long as they include a link back to this website at
50 When is the last time you heard anyone talk about the importance of that forgotten human faculty, the will? When did you read anything about it? The last time I heard it discussed, I was a child, back in the 1950s. Adults then spoke of willpower. But even though will was talked about, mostly it was a topic of humor. People were fond of saying how they didnt have any willpower, giggling about it as they dove into their cigarette pack or their second helping of dessert. The assumption was that will was the gift of the superhuman, that ordinary flawed humanity could not be expected to find it in themselves. The human will has been ignored as a serious subject for a very long time. We talk about our other faculties constantly: our brains, our sexuality, our athletic prowess, our emotional sensitivity, our empathy, even our intuition and psychic abilities. But the human will the ability we have to decide and to choose, and to do so in a way that carries power that part of our humanness is buried. Not because its weak or incapable of doing, but because our social programming has conspired to make us forget it exists. Theres an old story called Acres of Diamonds about a man who traveled the world as a pauper looking for riches, only to discover as an old man that the land his home had always been on contained acres of undiscovered diamond mines. The diamonds represent the will, the faculty we possess thats capable of choosing and molding our future. Right now when were threatened with tyrants at every turn, with the very loss of all that makes life worth living, we need to connect with this forgotten part of our humanity and call on it for answers and solutions. I believe this is the lesson we were born for. Have we not been born into a world of bullies and the bullied? Of hunters and the hunted? People aware of the global conspiracy have woken up to this. But theres more to the story, if we want to be free. We have to dig deeper. Why is the world an interplay of tyrants and victims? Why is that the biggest game in town? Why does genuine love get short billing, in spite of our good intentions to be loving and evolved? The reason is that will controls the playing field, and the ones exerting the will are the tyrants. The rest of us, unaware of the power of will, fall prey to the schemes of those who know how to use it. Adopting a loving attitude when we havent yet broken out of being victims will not save us personally nor will it save the world. Our fear will constantly drive us to abdicate our lovingness. Even if we manage to stay loving in the face of injustice and enslavement, love does little to help if it isnt upheld by will. I cry, you cry, we embrace and hug all the way to the FEMA camp. As a frequent visitor at the Alex Jones website, I value all the information available there. I sometimes read the comments at the end of the articles and am troubled by the hopelessness so many posters feel about our future. I found the same attitude in many emails and comments I received when I was very active writing this blog. The truth movement has awoken to the realities preying upon mankind, but has yet to take the step to become a genuine liberty movement. Truth movement, liberty movement one focuses on knowledge, the other on empowerment. Only when we make that shift can we take back the control of our lives and our world that the tyrants are sucking from us.
51 People are hopeless because they dont believe they have any power over the threatening situation. They think the tyrants hold all the cards. Indeed, the tyrants are brilliant, and have posted guards at every exit. Theyve planned their chess moves well in advance, while we, the novice players, are just waking up to how to play the game. But human intelligence, buttressed by will, does have the ability to throw a wrench in their strategy, just as a savvy chess opponent can defeat any strategy if hes determined and clever enough. No set of moves, however brilliantly orchestrated, is guaranteed to win every game. It only succeeds if the opponent is less clever than the other player. With enough will and deep thought, any brilliant chess play can be defeated. In the same way, determination and cleverness can defeat the strategists planning the New World Order. Think of determination as will in action. Will decides what we allow (the passive aspect of willing) and what we initiate (the active aspect). Then determination implements the decision. For all practical purposes, will, choice, and determination refer to the same thing. From this point on, Ill use the terms interchangeably. I am increasingly certain that reclaiming our will is the door to our freedom the only door to our freedom. Ignorance of the power of will is what keeps us afraid and enslaved. Ive written elsewhere in this blog about the power of thought to create real things in the outer world. Some call it the Law of Attraction. Some call it Creating Reality. Thought is powerful and creative because it rides on will. A thought without a strong intention, without passion behind it, is nothing but a pipe dream. A thought infused with will is a force to be reckoned with. Determined thought or intention moves the machinery of the universe, not only on the gross level but at the subtlest level of life. Quantum physics talks about the intention of scientists in experiments determining the path taken by quantum particles. This isnt just a theory, or feelgood pretending: its scientific fact. In your own life, think about the times youve accomplished something, or someone you know accomplished something. Compare that to the times you didnt accomplish. Was not will the differentiating factor? When you succeeded, was it not because you refused to have it any other way? Some time ago I was an activist on a neighborhood project attempting to save our town from encroachment by a powerful government agency with destructive designs. There were several people at the helm, organizing the fight. Ill never forget one day when one of them told me, with the utmost determination and confidence, that the agency would without a doubt be defeated. This was at a time in the campaign when everything looked like the agency would win. Lynn is a spiritual woman with a high degree of personal will and empowerment. She had made up her mind that the plan would be defeated, and that was the end of it. It was simply a done deal. Not just a done deal in her mind, but a done deal in the real world. She had decided it so, with all the passion and confidence she possessed. This beautiful person understood the power of her own determination. She fully got that if she made up her mind that the agency could not have her home, then it could not take it. She knew she had the right and power to decide whether to concede it to them.
52 I knew in that moment, from the way she said it, that she had created the defeat of the agency. All the motions we all went through from that point onward were merely the denouement, the winding up of the story. The outcome had already been decided. This master of reality had made up her mind that the bullying stopped at her front door, and it did. Were so much more powerful than we realize. Mothers with will in gear have lifted automobiles off their trapped children. Prisoners with will have broken out of impossible-toescape prison camps (see the movie Rescue Dawn for one such remarkable true story). We all know someone who with the confident innocence of determined desire succeeded in something the world considered impossible. We think of them as exceptional, but the only difference between them and the rest of us is that they access a faculty that most of humanity doesnt remember it possesses. Im working on building my will. When I find something in my life I dont like a situation, a negative habit I now say to myself, I dont accept this. I say it with confidence and a sense of being finished. I may not know at the time how Im going to get out of the thing that has bound me, but the ropes begin to loosen the moment I make the decision that Im done. Circumstances develop from that point onward that bring about the end of the thing I want rid of. Its quite dramatic sometimes, even miraculous. Other times, its gradual and subtle. Always it works. I build my will in little things and in so doing develop my confidence in taking on matters of substance. I fully believe if the time comes when I face someone demanding I get vaccinated or microchipped, I will spontaneously access the power to make them leave me in peace. I remember the moment in the first Star Wars where Obiwon waves his hand in front of an Empire cop, and the dazed guy lets him pass. And the moment in the book/movie, The Education of Little Tree, where officials come to drag the boy to a reservation school, but the granddad sees them coming from the hilltop; he and the boy are safe in the woods every time the would-be enslavers come to their door (another great true story). Those who are afraid (and do not master their fear) that they will be sent to FEMA camps or killed, are creating being sent to FEMA camps or killed. Those who believe global tyranny is a done deal are creating experiencing global tyranny. By passively accepting the horrendous as inevitable, the passive aspect of our own will kicks in to allow it, stamping the plans of the tyrants with our own personal seal of permission. We live on the Earth at this time because we chose to be here. We allowed it, we willed it. Perhaps we did that so we might experience the drama of bullies and bullied being played out in the extreme, as it is being played out today. Perhaps we wanted the stakes to be this high in order to jog our will awake, so we might become at last fully human, fully empowered, reality creators, masters of living. We are only victims if thats how we perceive it. We can take the bull by the horns, take charge of any situation. No one ever does anything to us that we dont on some level allow. Allowing can be as simple as believing theres no way out. It can be as simple as fear, or any other form of helpless acceptance. What happens in our future is up to no one but us. The rest of the world can do what it likes, experience what it wants to, for its own ultimate freedom and wisdom. But no one can force
53 anyone to be a slave who does not accept it. Whatever your fellows choose to do, you are safe and free if you determine to be. But can your choice for personal freedom help save the world from the New World Order? I think its the only thing that can save it. But thats the subject for another article. Bronte Baxter Anyone may copy or republish this article as long as they include a link back to this site at Bronte Baxter 2009 7 Comments
54 Let me explain why I ask that. Conspiracy researchers have their fingers much closer to the pulse of whats really happening than the mainstream news (which is dedicated to promoting human dependence and illusion). But Icke, Jones and other outspoken lovers of freedom have not figured everything out nor do they claim they have. Their understandings are works in progress. To swallow whole everything you read in a David Icke book without examining the research yourself is to be a follower, and being followers got the human race into its current fix. When we act like sheep, we tend to get herded into a pen. To accept as final truth everything David or Alex says, or that anyone else says, is to limit the minds ability to grow beyond a certain point. It limits the ability of the human race to grow in knowledge, because how will human knowledge evolve, if the humans themselves refuse to evolve it? Worse, making someone knowledge king in our minds takes away our power and bestows it on another individual. That power can then be misused by the leader for his own selfaggrandizement, or manipulated by others who find a way to influence the leader and through him all the people that he leads. It is hard for many people to resist the temptation of power, but we offer that temptation to people we put on pedestals. That they typically grow arrogant and messianic is our fault as much as their own. Better to listen to brilliant people, with their fresh perceptions and insights, and let their ideas inspire and stimulate our own original thought. Then we contribute to the growth of knowledge and human freedom, along with the person who inspired us. If we simply swallow whole everything the person we admire thinks, were nothing more than a groupie, comfortably finding personal identity in another individual rather than doing the work of becoming ourselves. I never understood before I started this blog how much even aware people tend to follow the leader. I see it in the people who write in for advice, setting me up as an authority on life when I am just a person who insists on asking questions and thinking long and hard until I get to my answers. I see it in the fawning emails some people write, and in the hateful emails they typically write later. Such readers diminish themselves, believing because I have original ideas I must be superior to them. They then try to correct the mistake by heaping on me personal abuse to right the balance. Its like school children worshipping people they place on pedestals one moment, then drawing mustaches and horns on their heads the next. Where I see group-think most is in the emails that go on and on expounding Eastern philosophy, attempting to correct my misguided opinions. These people dont see that theyre regurgitating the easy, familiar explanations and excuses theyve been taught. They refuse to look deeper, into the holes in the excuses and the gaps between the explanations. When we give up one belief system to adopt another, it makes us feel free. Were tempted to regard ourselves as enlightened. In fact, weve jumped from one pen into a slightly larger one. We think were out in the open range because we refuse to look at the edges, those disturbing still-existing fences, the boundaries of the thought system. We may frolic happily for a while, feeling superior to the sheep who havent leaped the wall we did, growing irate at anyones suggestion that the space we cavort in may not be real freedom.
55 I havent been writing much lately because Im going through an inward period, deeply thinking through many things. This isnt an answer time for me, an expounding time. Its a contemplative time, looking at the holes, the gaps, the still-remaining questions. Insights are coming in bits small puzzle pieces. I write when I have something to say, and I wont say until I understand. Long thought cant be hurried. Anyone can teach themselves to think profoundly, to discover new and deeper connections. You simply have to ask why and how and what evidence supports this. You have to refuse to accept other peoples viewpoints as fact, even the unique and brilliant ones, even your own unique and brilliant ones. You must look at the uncomfortable places where your beliefs are in self-contradiction, or where they dont fully explain your experience. These chaotic spots are not something to shy away from, but keys to deeper answers. They are disguised doors that, when engaged, lead outside the holodeck. Thinking takes time. We have to make space for it. We need quiet time to think long thoughts, to get to the bottom of things. Its not accident that our lives are so busy and loud that most of us have no time for quiet thinking. That keeps the humans sheep, oblivious of our pens, following the dictates of our masters. Im reading a stimulating book right now that I dont like at all, a book a reader suggested to me. I recommend it. Its called, Making a Soul, by John G. Bennet, a disciple of Gurdjiefs. I dont like the book because I dont like Bennets conclusions, but I cherish the experience of reading it because it challenges me. The author has seen through parts of the illusion. He thinks deep thoughts and posits profound questions. His conclusions get waylaid because of some of the assumptions he still makes, but how refreshing it is to read something filled with original, provocative ideas rather than rehashings of the dogmas were accustomed to. I get some of my best insights from reading new things I dont like and listening to original opinions that disturb me. The uncomfortable clash between another persons insights and my current opinions always forces me to delve deeper in my own pursuit of truth. Bronte Baxter
Bronte Baxter 2009
Empowerment Prayer
December 29, 2008 at 3:21 am (Creating Reality, Inspiration, Spirituality) Tags: affirmations, empowerment, prayers Infinite Love my God, Reveal Yourself to me. Teach me all the secrets
56 Of the universe. Fill my mind with truth, My spirit with goodness, My soul with gladness, And my heart with love. Perfect my body, Fill my treasury, And empower my life. Dissolve ignorance And iniquity in all Your children. Actualize Your original Joyous, divine intention Throughout creation Now. 1 Comment
57 b) Say you were covertly given a bioagent that sent you through convulsions, neurotoxins affecting your ability to think and enormous pain all over your body c) Lets say you were in pakistan having a nice day and suddenly a group of men abducted you. Next thing you knew you were in guantanamo Bay facility being tortured for being a suspected terrorist ( of couse they knew you werent but they don;t care). The men who abduxted you of course got paid for bringing them some terrorist fodder Will the Law of Attraction help you? Could you implement it under those circumstance during the events and after? Would you conclude that your thoughts created and allowed the whole scenario? Bronte wrote: Looking back on our childhood, or on incidents of victimization in our lives, we may find it hard to believe our thoughts either created or allowed the whole scenario. For some people yeah. For others no way. There is something very wrong with this concept. Im pretty sure that if I knew what I knew many decades back about this planet, I would not reincarnate on this planet. Whatever bad one can say about the New World Order, one can say much worse about most of the human cattle they manage. The Stanley Milgram experiments put most of the human population at the same mentality as the New World Order. The only difference is that one is smarter than the other. Also, without the mindless humans, the New World Order management strategies would fail. The bulk of the human population has more in common with the NWO than the NWO would ever want to admit. So I could imagine most people wanting to come back to this hell hole called earth. Bronte wrote: But if were willing to let go of the karma doctrine long enough I threw karma crap in the basket. it takes mindless sheep to swallow that absurd concept. Dr. Michael Newtons Journey of Souls I read the book and found it pushing more spiritual enslavement. I threw my copy away so can only reference it by memory. It talks about guides, teachers, councils, etc., just another upper-echelon power structure. The entire book also shows spirits disconnected from earth reality. Bronte responded to the reader: First, about Newtons book. Yes, it does talk about guides and celestial councils that help us decide the direction of our next incarnation. And of course those all represent enslavement and manipulation. The value of the book is that it makes that manipulation more obvious. For those who havent read it, Journey of Souls is a set of transcriptions that Newton (a regression therapist) made during his conversations with hypnotized subjects whom he
58 regressed back to the between-life space, the place where we allegedly go to between incarnations or lifetimes. Subject after subject reported similar experiences of the afterlife, whether they believed in life after death or not prior to being regressed by Newton. Of course we have only his word for this. But taken together, the transcripts are worth some serious considering. They appear to represent peoples subconscious memories of how they planned the events of each subsequent reincarnation. The transcripts show humans as having a choice but preferring to create suffering and chaos for ourselves in each new life because we think that will purify our souls of our past bad tendencies or actions. Apparently those who run the world that is the between-life space have people believing those lies there, just as religions have us believing the same lies here. According to the book, people are assigned a council of three elders who are members of the larger council of elders who are at the top of the hierarchy in the afterlife. This gentle and loving smaller council works to steer the soul into plans for its reincarnation that will be to the souls spiritual benefit. Thats as far as Newtons book takes it, because Newton is blind to the New World Order conspiracy. Those of us aware of the New World Order agenda read the book from a very different perspective than the one the author wrote it from. We are given a window into how the manipulation of souls takes place in the nether world, and why we encounter spontaneous mishaps and disasters in this one. It is because we ourselves planned it, set it up before we born, according to the transcripts uncovered memories. We created events on the time line that would cause us suffering in this life, thinking those would make us wiser and better spiritually. This explains the reason for the three kinds of scenarios you listed at the top of your comment, the kind of horrible events that strike us out of the blue, that we were not desiring things that appear to just happen. The truth is, they dont just happen. They happen because we allowed them. Not consciously in this life, but in the pre-life place where we set them up as part of what we would experience here. If the soul feels it is guilty (and what soul does not?), that soul will most likely set up an experience of self-punishment in this world to cleanse itself of its bad karma. You and I agree that karma is a story fed to us to keep us enslaved, a doctrine that when accepted always creates more suffering. The incessant suffering supplies our upline, the Fourth Dimension energy vampires, with food. Thats why they assign us a council of elders to help us design each lifetime to be studded with bad things. Its supposed to purge the soul, but it does not. It makes us sadder, more hurt, weaker. More prone to further manipulation and still another lifetime filled with even more lessons to learn and sins to be punished. Theres no end to the cycle until we consciously break it. And this is what the knowledge of our power to create our own reality allows us to do. Bad things may still strike us out of the blue until we fully wake up and reprogram our pre-life plans for our future. But even disasters do hit, we have the power to get out of our fixes by using our current choices (intent), visualization, and control of our thoughts to extract ourselves.
59 In another article, I write about the true story of Dieter, an American navy pilot who was shot down in Viet Nam and found a way of out a seemingly impenetrable prison camp, when all his fellow POWS said it was impossible. (This story is told in the excellent movie, Rescue Dawn.) Dieter did the impossible that no one else could do, and lived to tell about it. Why did he succeed, when all his fellows died? Because he alone had the mindset that insisted on life, on freedom, on escape. The others were controlled by the hopelessness engendered by their external circumstances. So we can choose which way we will live in any unfavorable circumstance: we can get ourselves out of the fix, or let it beat us. When we tackle the job in front of us, not only can we influence/change any problem, but committing ourselves to such action cultures the kind of consciousness were trying to return to. It makes us heroes. A hero isnt a victim. As far as your assessment of humanity goes, you appear to be a fatalist and misanthrope, my friend. You despise people, but you are one of the people yourself. Yes, weve grown very stupid and sheeplike, but this is the time for us to wake up to that and reverse that. By taking back the power of our minds. You are an intelligent person, but caught in the web theyve spun for us. They win, when you only go as far in your thinking as you do. And if they can instill the intelligent with hopelessness, its easier to control the less intelligent, because those who would normally wake up first and sound the alarm to the rest, instead wake up and say, Fuck you stupid idiots. You deserve it. Your mind is aware but your spirit is limping. Pick yourself up and recognize your power, instead of complaining about how lousy it is, and holding yourself superior to the rest. That kind of attitude feeds right into their plans for swallowing all consciousness in their massive maw. If they succeed in that, well experience the implosion of the universe. We cant afford to remain either depressed or arrogant. Bronte Baxter Bronte Baxter 2008 9 Comments