The Anomalous Skin Effect in Metals in A Magnetic Field: +2E' (O) 4niwc-J (K)

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Institute for Radiophysics and Electronics, Ukrainian Academy of Sciences
Submitted May 16, 1969
Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 57, 1435-1444 (October 1969)

We obtain an asymptotically exact solution of the problem of the anomalous skin-effect in a magnetic
field parallel to the metal surface for the case of specular reflection at the metal-vacuum boundary.
Surface electrons "slipping" along the boundary play the main role in the production of the screening
current. As a result the magnitude of the impedance is changed and also its dependence on frequency,
magnetic field, and other parameters when compared to the case of diffuse scattering, and the sur-
face impedance also becomes anisotropic.

1. INTRODUCTION onance occurs only in the next approximation in (o/R) 1 12 •

Here o is the effective thickness of the skin-layer and
REUTER and Sondheimer[ 11 solved already in 1948 R the radius of the electron orbit in the magnetic field.
the problem of the penetration of an electromagnetic However, up to now an exact solution of the problem of
field into a metal under the conditions for the anoma- the field distribution in the metal in that case has not
lous skin effect. They obtained exact formulae for the been found. The main difficulty lies in the fact that the
field distribution and for the surface impedance in two skin-layer is formed by the glancing electrons whose
cases: specular and diffuse reflection of the electrons conductivity has an essentially non-local character.
from the metal surface. In the case of specular reflec- One must therefore solve a complicated integral equa-
tion the problem reduces to an integra-differential tion on the semi-axis with a non-difference kernel. In
equation with a difference kernel, and can easily be the present paper we use a method developed in l 31 to
solved by Fourier transformation. The case of diffuse obtain an asymptotically exact solution of the problem
scattering of the electrons is more complicated as one of the anomalous skin-effect in a parallel magnetic
needs to use the Wiener-Hopf method. In a paper by field when the electrons are reflected specularly from
Azbel' and one of the authors, l 21 an integral equation the metal surface.
was obtained for the Fourier components of the electro-
magnetic field in the metal for an arbitrary law for the 2, STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM
reflection of the electrons from the boundary in the case
We consider an alkali metal with a spherical Fermi
of the limiting anomalous skin effect. Hartmann and
surface. The constant and uniform magnetic field H is
Luttingerl 31 solved this integral equation with a non-
oriented parallel to the metal-vacuum interface. The x-
difference kernel, subsequently using an ingenious ap-
axis lies along the inward normal to the surface and the
plication of Mellin transforms. In their paper they also
z-axis along the vector H (see Fig. 1). Let there be in-
found an exact solution of the problem of the anomalous
cident upon the boundary an electromagnetic wave of
skin effect in a parallel magnetic field for the case of
frequency w, the electric vector of which, E, is linear-
diffuse scattering of the electrons by the boundary. The
ly polarized at right angles to the magnetic field (E 11 y).
corresponding integral equation was obtained in l41 • The
We write down the Maxwell equation for the spatial
influence of the electron scattering on the cyclotron Fourier component of the electric field:
resonance and the anomalous skin effect in a parallel 00

magnetic field was studied in l 51 • This study showed 0(/i:) == 2 SE(x)cos(kx)dx. (2.1)
that in the range of strong magnetic fields and also
near the cyclotron resonance the scattering of the elec- Neglecting the displacement current we have
trons by the surface does not play an important role un-
less the reflection coefficient p is close to unity. The k28(k} +2E'(O) = 4niwc-2j(k), (2.2)
case of specular reflection ( p = 1) is a peculiar one. where j(k) is the Fourier component of the y-compo-
The asymptotic behavior of the surface current and of nent of the current density, c is the velocity of light,
the surface impedance is then qualitatively changed as and a prime indicates differentiation with respect to z.
compared to the non-specular reflection (p 1). The
physical reason for such an abrupt dependence of the
impedance and the current on the reflection coefficient
lies in the fact that when p = 1 the main contribution to
the high-frequency current is given by the electrons
which slip along the metal surface thanks to multiple
collisions with the surface of the sample. For specular
reflection therefore the main term of the asymptotic I
expansion of the impedance in terms of the parameter
(o/R) 1 12 has no resonance character and cyclotron res- FIG. I. Trajectories of "volume" (I) and "glancing" (II) electrons.

778 E. A. KANER and N. M. MAKAROV
When evaluating the y-component of the current den- 3. ASYMPTOTIC BEHAVIOR OF THE CURRENT
sity we can neglect the field component 1: x(k). This DENSITY
function must be found from the quasi-neutrality condi-
tion jx(k) = 0. If the term in 1: x in the current j(k) is To obtain the asymptotic expression of K(k) it is con-
venient to transform Eq. (2.4) somewhat by integrating
small, the electrical neutrality condition jx = 0 can
completely be neglected when we find 1: (k). over x and T. As a result we obtain
We must use the kinetic equation for the electron 3 "12 00
K(k)=~ S d9sin3 9 ~ --.-[ln+t(kR1.)-J,._1 (kR.L)]2• (3.1)
distribution function to obtain a connection between j(k) 4 0 n--x v+zn
and B(k). Such calculations were made in [ 5 J for arbi-
trary reflection coefficients (0 s p s 1). Using these We replace the Bessel functions by their asymptotic
calculations we get the final result for the current: values for large values of the argument and neglect fast
oscillating terms. Mter simple calculations we find

j(k)= K(k)B(k)-~ 1
:t 0
dk'Q(k, k')B(k').
K(k) ~
3n cry
4 kRcth(ny)
3n Ne
= 4"
mvk cth(ny).
Here This formula is valid when kR >> 1 + In I; as in the
1t/2 00 " sum over n terms with In I ~ Iy I play an essential role
K(k) = 3 cry S de sin e S dx e->x S dtcostcos (t- x)
3 role, the asymptotic behavior (3.2) occurs when
:t Q 0 0
X cos [kR1.(cost- cos(t- x) )] kR>1 +lvl. (3.3)
is the Fourier component of the conductivity of the un- It is very complicated to obtain the asymptotic be-
bounded metal havior of the function Q(k, k'). The calculational diffi-
Ne2 culties are to a large extent caused by the fact that ex-
v-lro R _ vsine (2.5)
m(v-iro) ' y=-g-· 1.--g-· pression (2.6) takes into account contributions to the
conductivity from two different groups of electrons. One
N is the concentration, m the effective mass, v the of them is formed by the electrons whose orbit centers
Fermi velocity, e the absolute value of the electron are well inside the metal at distances larger than the
charge, 0 = eH/mc the cyclotron frequency, R1 the orbit radius R1 • We shall call such electrons in what
radius of the electron orbit in the magnetic field, e the follows "volume" electrons. They are not scattered at
polar angle with the polar z-axis, T the azimuthal an- the metal boundary. Into the other group enter the so-
gle (vy = v 1 cosT, Vx = v 1 sin T), v the frequency of called "surface" electrons. The centers of their orbits
colliswns of electrons and scatterers, and R = v/0. lie outside the metal or at a depth inside it which is less
According to [ 5 l than R1 • The surface electrons collide with the bound-
ary in each loop (see Fig. 1). Only the electrons of the
R"'" •
d9sin•oJdze-•• J•e'"-d1:sin1: {cos(.,+z)cos{kR.L(con
second group satisfy the boundary condition for the dis-
tribution function. The distribution function has a sin-
• • • =
gularity at x =x 0 R1 (1- cosT) where the transition
-cos('t+ z))]-pcos('t- zfcos{kR.L(con- cos(1:- z))]} from surface (x < x 0 ) to volume (x > Xo) electrons takes
place. Expression (2.6) which takes into account the
contribution from both electron groups can therefore
x JdAcos'-ch(yi.)cos[k'R.L(con-cos,.)]. ( 2 • 6) conveniently be written as a sum of two terms

The kernel of the conductivity operator Q(k, k') takes Q(k, k') = Qvot+ Qsw:f (3.4)
into account the contribution of all electrons, both those The additivity of the contributions from the surface and
which collide with the metal surface and those which volume electrons to the current density can be proved
move far from it and are not scattered at the boundary. by a direct evaluation of their distribution functions.
Equations (2.3), (2.4), and (2.6) are exact and valid for The volume electrons give
the normal (k - O) and the anomalous (k - co) skin
:t/2 00
effects. 3cry S . ~ 1 { sin[(k- k )R1.]

By solving Eqs. (2.2) and (2.3) we can find the dis- Qvot=T d9sm•e ~ +in k-k'
0 n=-ooY
tribution of the field inside the metal and the surface sin[(k k')R.J} +
impedance -(-1)" k + k' [ln-t(kRl.) -ln+t(kRl.)]
X[ln-t(k'Rl.)-ln+t(k'Rl.)]. (3.5)
Z = 4niro E(O)
& E'(O)'
E(0)=~1 dk8(k). (2.7)
n: 0 The contribution from the surface electrons can for the
It is clear that in the general case it is impossible to case of specular reflection ( p = 1) be written in the
obtain an analytical solution of Eqs. (2.2) and (2.3). We form
shall therefore consider in what follows the region of 11/2 Jt '()()
6cryR I I 1
the limiting anomalous skin effect Osurf= - - - J d9sin•e J dq>sinq> ~ +.
:J1 0 0 n--oo yq:· mn
in which the kernels K(k) and Q(k, k') can be replaced X S"' d11.cos A.cos-cos[kR1.(cos
q:- cos 11.)]
by their asymptotic expressions for large values of 0 "'
their arguments. Mter this it is then possible to find an q>

exact solution of the approximate equation. X. SdJ.I cos J.l cos :rtnJ.Icos [k'R1. (cos q>- cos J.t) ]. (3.6)
0 "'

The variable <fJ is defined by the equation cos cp (3n) 22't. wcr oo dk'itf(k')
= -X/R1 where X is the x-component of the coordinate k'itf(k)-i Sf'('/) c'R't. S (kk')'f, !\k-k'l-'1•-(k+k')-'h] =-2E'(O).
• 0 (3.10)
of the center, i.e., cp is the angle along which the elec-
tron is slipping at the moment it collides with the metal The equation for the orthogonal polarization of the
surface. electric field it! z(k) has also a similar form with that
A direct calculation shows that the sum of Eqs. (3. 5) difference that the numerical factor in the integral
and (3.6) is the same as (2.6) with p = 1. term turns out to be 1. 5 times smaller than in (3.10). 1 >
We can split off from Qsurf the term which exactly In other words, the Fourier components of the surface
compensates Qy 0 1. To do this we must integrate by current along the vector H is 1.5 times smaller than
parts in the integral over cp in Eq. (3.6). It is neces- the current in the perpendicular direction. This differ-
sary first to write the cosines in whose arguments oc- ence is caused by the fact that
cur kR 1 and k'R1 as sums of oscillating exponentials.
The integrated term then turns out to be equal to and of
the opposite sign of Qy 0 1. The asymptotic form of the
Q~,(k,k')- r
d()sin'l'fl, Qzz(k,k')~ "''
S d8sin'l.flcos'8.

kernel Q is determined by the terms which remain af- The ratio of these two integrals is equal to %. Owing to
ter the integration by parts. In the limiting case (2.8) this difference in the magnitude of the surface currents
only the term in the sum with n = 0 gives the main con- even in an isotropic metal there must occur an aniso-
tribution to the asymptotic form of the kernel Q. We tropy in the surface impedance (Zyy Zzz)· *
shall not give here all these transformations which are
simple but rather cumbersome and we only write down 4. SOLUTION OF THE INTEGRAL EQUATION
the result of the calculations:
We now solve Eq. (3.10). We write it in dimension-
9n 2cr less variables
Q(k,k');::::;- {ik-k'l-'1.-(k+k')-'f,] (3.7)
512f 2 ( 1/.) (kk'R) 't. ' .. as'F(s'l
where r(x) is the Euler function. The asymptotic form s'F(s)-i~ m'J'!. m-s'l-'h-(s+~'J-'~>J=L (4.1)
(3. 7) is, strictly speaking, valid when Ik- k' IR >> 1
Here ~ is the dimensionless wave number
+ Iy \2• However, as the singularity in Q(k, k') at k = k'
is integrable we can use the asymptotic expression (4.2)
(3. 7) for all k' satisfying inequality (2.8).
The main contribution to the asymptotic form of the
while the function F(~) is connected to fS (k) through
kernel Q is given by electrons which drift along the
the relation
surface of the metal with their orbital centers outside
the metal at a distance lXI Rl R1 (trajectory II in Fig.1). F(s) = -ko2itf(ko'§)/ 2E'(O). (4.3)
A characteristic slipping angle cp is of the order
The surface impedance Z can be expressed in
(3.8) terms of ko and F(O through the following formula:
This estimate follows directly from Eq. (3.6) in 8iw oo
Z=--~F(s)d~ (4.4)
which the point cp = 0 is the point of phase stationarity. c'ko 0
The width of the integration interval is determined by
Eq, (3.8). Physically this result is evident as the maxi-
We change variables in Eq. (4.1): ~ = et, = eT e
and change the sought function: F(et) = g(t). We can
mum contribution to the skin current is made only by
then rewrite (4.1) in the form
those surface electrons whose trajectories are com- 00
pletely situated within the skin-layer ("glancing" elec- g(t)e 5t1 2 - i S g(,;)<D(t-t)dt=e 112, (4.5)
trons). The estimate (3.8) follows at once from these
We compare the volume conductivity K(k) and the
surface conductivity kQ. As to order of magnitude, the (4.6)
We shall solve Eq. (4.5) using a two-sided Laplace
IK I kQI;;(Ivl/(kR)'I•«:; 1 (3.9) transform
c+ioo oo.
is small compared to unity by virtue of inequality (2.8).
g(t)=~ S M(z)e' dz, 1 M(z)= \g(t)e-'tdt, c=Rez.(4.7)
We must note that in the opposite limiting case of a 2n• c-ico '
weak magnetic field, when Iy I >> (kR) 1 12 >> 1, the sur-
face conductivity kQ is small compared with the volume The real number c is arbitrary and is chosen inside
conductivity and one can neglect it. The physical mean- the region where M(z) is a regular function. If the
ing of condition (3.9) consists in that the section of the function we are looking for, g(t), is a function which
trajectory of "glancing" electrons between two consec- increases exponentially (g(t) ~ exp (at) as t - oo and
utive collisions with the surface (Ro) 1 / 2 must be small
compared with the effective mean free path IZ * I l) We use this opportunity to correct an error made in [ 5 ] when
= v/I v - iw 1. In that case the skin layer is primarily calculating the asymptotic form of Qzz(k,k') for the case p = I. Equa-
formed by the "glancing" electrons and one can neglect tion (3.6) of [ 5 ] although it gives the qualitatively correct asymptotic
the volume conductivity K(k). We can thus write behavior ink and k' differs from Eq. (3.7). It is necessary, though, to
Eq. (2.2) for the y-component of the electric field in the note that this error does not change those qualitative conclusions which
form were drawn in [ 5 ].
780 1!:. A. KANER and N. M. MAKAROV
g{t) ~ exp (bt) as t--oo), its Laplace transform M{z)
is regular in the region a < Re z < b. It follows from
Eq. (4.5) that as t-oo the function g{t) ~ exp (-2t),
i.e., a = -2. As t - -co we can neglect the first term
on the left-hand side of (4.5) and by comparing the in- G-2.5
tegral term with exp (t/2) it follows that g{t) :::::~ exp (t/2), -2.25 -2 a o.5
i.e., b = %. The function M{z) is thus regular in the
-2 < Rez < 1/ 2 • (4.8)
We shall look for such a solution of Eq. (4.5) whose FIG. 2
Laplace transform is regular in a somewhat wider re-
gion, e.g., and for the second derivatives

(4.9) V" (z- 5!.) - V" (z) = ~(2, z + 1!.) - ~(2, z + 1) {4.16)

excluding the singularity z = -2. As will become clear Here l{;{x) =d ln r{x)/dx is the logarithmic derivative
in what follows the singularity of M{z) at z = -2 must of the gamma-function, t;(x, y) is the Riemann zeta-
be a simple pole with a residue equal to unity in order function. H we use the well-known integral represen-
that we obtain for the function M a homogeneous func- tation of t;{2, x) we can easily find a solution of (4.16)
in the form
tional equation. This is why it is necessary to widen the
region of regularity of M{z).
V"(z) =
..S du
-l- const. (4 ' 17)
We now substitute (4.7) into (4.5): 0 (eu12 + 1) (e5u/2 -1) '
1 c:+i~ 5 1 c+i~
2m .
S dzM(z)exp[(z+-)t]--
2n .
dzM(z)cp(z)e't=et12,(4.10) We added a constant to (4.17) and not an arbitrary pe-
riodic function with period % as this periodic function
must be regular in the band of width %, that is in the
whole complex z -plane. Integrating Eq. (4.17) over z
«r(z)= L <l>(x)e-•xdx = B( z +! ,{)[ 1+tg(~z)], {4,11) from 0 to z and substituting the result into the equa-
tion for the first derivatives we see easily that const = 0.
where B(x, y) is the Euler function. Hence,
We choose c inside the interval e,4, lfa). In the first oo 1- e-zu
integral in (4.10) we shift the integration contour to the V'(z)=~du (eut2+1)(e•ut•-1) +A. {4,18)
left by 2.5 (Fig. 2). As a result we obtain the integral
over the straight line Re z = c- 2.5 and the residue in We can determine the constant A as follows. The
the point z = -2, which is equal to exp (t/2). This last difference
contribution cancels the right-hand side of (4.10) and 5 •-'b
after a change in variable we get from (4.10) the rela-
v(z- 2 )- V(z)= S dxV'(x)
1c+i~ 5 1
we substitute into (4.14). Using Eq. (4.18) and the well-
-. S [ M(z--)-
2m . 2
iq>(z)M(z) e•tdz = 0. known integral representation for ln B(z + %, %) we get
C-1CICl from (4.14) A in the form
From this it follows that the function M{z) must satisfy
the difference equation A=-
Sin lt + o
u Se-u- (eu/2 + 1) u(e""''-1) ..
M(z- 5/2) =icp(z)M(z). (4.12) Finally,
The general solution of this equation has as factor an
V(z)- V(- 2) = S• V'(x)dx =---Inn+·
arbitrary periodic function with period %. The condi-
tion that the solution must be regular in the region (4.9) -· 5
""sdu{z+2 e-•u-ezu }
enables us to determine that arbitrary periodic func- + o-;: -5-e-u+ (e"i2+1)(e•ut2-1) . (4.19)
tion unambiguously.
We shall look for the solution of (4.12) in the form It is clear from the solution which we have obtained
that the function V{z) - V( -2) is regular in the half-
M(z)= 2n e·x~[ni(z+2):5i exp[V(z)- V(-2)+ W(z)- W(-2)]. plane Re z > -3 and certainly analytic in the region
5 sm2:rt(z+2)5 {4• 13 )
The unknown functions V{z) and W(z) are now regular We now find the function W(z). In order not to have
in the region (4.9) and satisfy the equations to deal with logarithms of trigonometric functions we
exp (V(z- 5!.)- V(z)] = B(z + 1/2, 1/ 2), (4.14) write down the equation for the derivatives

exp (W(z- "!.)- W(z)] = 1 + tg (:rtz /2). (4.15) W' (z- %) - W' (z) = - 1/z:rt'A(z). (4.20)

We first of all find the function V{z). To do this we

differentiate (4.14) twice. For the first derivatives we
The function
'A(z)=-: [In( 1 +tg~z) r
V'(z- 512)- V'(z) = 1jl(z + 1/2) -1jl(z + 1), == - {cos ( ~z) [cos ( ~z) + sin( :rt2 z) l }-•

is periodic with period 2. We can thus write the gen-

eral solution of (4.20) in the form Pole in the band
(-2.25; 0.5)
I Residue at the
Periodic function cancelling
the singularity

W'(z) = /2on[zic(z)
1 +
(z- 5/2)ic(z - 1/ 2 ) +
(z- 5)7c(z -1)
u -1/2n +'Is ctg (2nz/5)
(z- 15/2)ic(z- 3/2)] + 1 hn'J!(z) +C. - 1 /2 -112n +'Is ctg pn (z + 1/,)/5]
-1 312n -% ctg [2n (z + 1)/5]
Here C is a constant and w(z) an arbitrary periodic - /t
3 -112n +'I• ctg [2n (z + 'J,)I5]
-~ -112n +'Is ctg [2n (z + 2)/5]
function with period %, the average value of which is
zero. After simple transformations we find
z) =
n \ 1-2 cos(nz)
2\.. sin(2nz) + 'l'(z)
J+C. (4.21) The impedance Zzz of an electromagnetic wave
which is polarized along the magnetic field is larger
The first term in the square brackets has simple than (4.26) by a factor (%) 2 / 5 "" 1.18. The surface im-
poles for all odd half-integer integral and all integer pedance is proportional to H- 1 ; 5 and decreases when
values of z. We must choose the arbitrary function the magnetic field increases. The dependence on the
w(z) in such a way that W'(z) will be regular in the re- frequency of the external field, w, is determined by the
gion (4.9). For instance, to cancel the singularity at equation
z = 0 we must add +% cot 21Tz/5. In the table we have .) 'I•exp ( - -2i 3:n:i
Z Nffi'I • ( v•+w•
• a r c t!0g - - -) ; (4.27)
indicated the position of the poles of the first term, ' 5 v 10
their residues, and those periodic functions which can-
cel the singularity of W'(z) in the region considered. at low frequencies (w << v) the real and the imaginary
The function w(z) is the sum of all terms written down part of Z are proportional to w3 15 while when w >> v
in the last column of the table. We easily find the con- Z ro -iw + 2/ 5 v. (4.28)
stant C if we substitute the difference
It is of interest to compare the impedance of the
5 z-'b
metal in a parallel magnetic field with specular and
w(z- 2 )-W(z)= S dxW'(x) diffuse reflection of the electrons from the boundary.
in the initial Eq. (4.15). Then According to l 3 J the impedance of a metal in a strong
magnetic field, when Iy I << 1, is equal to
C = + -21( xdx 1
5n 0 , cosx(cosx+sinx)
=--5~~ _ 8 ( 2n 2
Zo--=-- )'I• (-w'-
v )'1, exp ( - -
:n:i) . (4.29)
l'3 3 c4 aQ 3
The difference we are looking for is thus
By comparing this expression with (4.26) it is clear
W(z)-W(-2)=-z+2ln2+~S d~{1-2cos(1t~) that the frequency and magnetic field dependence of the
5 2 _, sin (2:n:!;) impedance are different for specular reflection from
- 35 ctg [ 2 ~ ( ~ + 1)] + ~ ( ctg 21"(;r 1 + ctg [ 2; (s + ; ) ] what they are for diffuse scattering. The impedance
turns out to be smaller in the case p = 1 than for p = 0.
The difference is caused by the fact that for specular
+ctg[ 2; ( !;+}) J+ctg[ ~:n:(!;+2) J)} . (4.23) reflection the skin-layer is formed by the surface elec-
trons which "glance" along the surface of the metal
Equations (4.13), (4.19), and (4.23) give us the final
solution of Eq. (4.12) for M(z). The expression for g(t), while in the case of diffuse scattering the screening
current is basically produced by the "volume" elec-
i.e., for F(~) is obtained in the form of a contour inte-
gral. We shall not evaluate the electromagnetic field
distribution inside the metal but give the result for the
surface impedance. It follows from Eqs. (4.4) and (4. 7)
that 1 G. E. H. Reuter and E. H. Sondheimer, Proc. Roy.
8iw Soc. A195, 336 (1948).
Z=--M(-1). (4.24) 2 •
M. Ya. Azbel' and E. A. Kaner, Zh. Eksp. Teor.
Fiz. 29, 876 (1955) [Sov. Phys.-JETP 2, 749 (1956)].
According to (4.13) 3 L. E. Hartmann and J. M. Luttinger, Phys. Rev.
(2:rc) 'I• 1514' 430 (1966).
M(- 1) = - - - e-Ien;ls (4.25)
10 ' M. Ya. Azbel' and E. A. Kaner, Zh. Eksp. Teor.
where Fiz5• _32, 896 (1957) [Sov. Phys.-JETP 5, 730 (1957)].
I = -
""s dt [ 1
t 5 e-t +
et - e>tl2
e•tl2- 1
J ::::::: 0,215. E. A. Kaner, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 33, 1472 (1957)
[Sov. Phys. -JETP 6, 1135 (1958) ].
Z =8(2n)'l.~e
10 k 2 xp
(- 025
, 1 _:1ni)~
10 ~ 1,75
(w'v)'l• exp (-3:n:i)
Translated by D. ter Haar
oc Qc6 a 2 10
(4.26) 168

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