Advice From Luqman The Wise To His Son: BY Khalid Ait Belarbi
Advice From Luqman The Wise To His Son: BY Khalid Ait Belarbi
Advice From Luqman The Wise To His Son: BY Khalid Ait Belarbi
To All my Family
To All Persons who have encouraged
me to write this booklet
To All my Brothers And Sisters
To All Kind Persons in Whole the
WHO IS LUQMAN?………………………………………………………………………………………………06
GOD’S KNOWLEDGE……………………………………………………………………………………………16
The Islamic characters are a treasure which is not
symbolized in money, gold or wealth, but they are an art
which can be explained to behave rightly towards
ourselves first and towards others second, these
characters are more important in our social life, thanks
to them, each one can know his rights as well as his
duties for example: It is your due that the people have
to treat kindly with you, but it is your duty to deal
gently with others.
We can not be aware of the fruits of our Islamic
characters without practice, in history we read the most
of the population of Asia like Malaysia, Indonesia, China
and so on… were believed in Islam thanks to the good
characters of the Muslim traders.
It has been related of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) that
he had a Jewish neighbor who put always rubbish next to
his door house, one day the prophet did not find rubbish,
so he went to pay him a visit, he found him sick in his
house, this action let the Jewish man believe in Islam.
It is known that we will not please people with our
money, but with our high characters (moral acts).
Verily, The good characters are the bases of any
society, without them, any nation will be worthless and
the best person who has the best manners and
Moreover, thanks to them we will be able to attract
people to us, in order to guide them and ourselves
towards the right way, and to give a true image of our
religion Islam the religion of all humankind, but our
primordial purpose by behaving with the Islamic
characters, it is not only to attract people, but also to
obey Allah first.
Insha Allah, in these remembering “ Advice from Luqman
the wise to his son” we will discover one drop of our
Islamic characters mentioned in Muslim holy book, which
is Qur’an the perfect way to educate our children as well
as all humankind.
Why we follow our own lusts and Allah said “ Seest thou
such a one as taketh for his god his own passion (or
impulse)? Couldst thou be a disposer of affairs for him ”
CH. XXV Verse: 43
There are two types of Shirk in Islam, which are:
4- “ Serve God, and join not any partners with him, and
do good to parents ” CH. IV Verse: 36
In this verse, Luqman informs his son that Allah has full
knowledge, this full knowledge led us to confess that
Allah knows our secrets and sees all the world and sees
our open action and before committing any sins, even they
were like a mustard – seed, it will be in our account in
accordance with:
“ Then shall anyone who has done an atom’s weight of
good, see it! And anyone who has done an atom’s weight of
evil, shall see it.” CH. XCIX Verse: 7-8
1) Salât (Prayer):
His first meaning is:
A total spiritual obligatory movements which gathers:
reciting Qur’an, bowing, prostrating, standing and
sitting and so on… all these movements have to be applied
to the Sunnah according to the prophet (PBUH) saying: “
Pray as you saw me, i prayed ” and Salât is the first
five pillars in Islam.
They are five prayers in a day, which are: Al subhu, Al
duharu, Al âsru, Al maghribu and Al îchau; any Muslim
will be sinful if he does not establish it, it is
necessary to the heart like a food to the body, if we
establish it, we will be very near to Allah and have more
spiritual energy, but we should know that there is no
need to establish it since our prayer does not restrain
us from shameful and unjust deeds.
3) Patience
To call to Allah is full of obstacles, sufferings,
discouragement, and when we call people to Allah the most
of them turn away, they thrust their fingers into their
ears and we hear much what will grieve us because they do
not like to abandon their desires, so they attack this
calling by all kinds of weapons and the most dangerous is
mass media, but the best shelter and defiance to this
attack is patience, which is a determining factor in all
affairs. I would like to insist: Calling to Allah does
not need hardness according to “ It is part of the Mercy
of god that thou dost deal Gently with them. Wert thou
severe or harsh – hearted, they would have broken away
from about thee: so pass over (their faults), and ask for
(God’s) forgiveness for them….” CH. III Verse: 159
It is regrettable, to take men away from Allah by our
bad characters, it was related that an Arab urinated in
the mosque and the Sahaba ran to beat him, Allah's
Apostle said, "Do not interrupt his urination." And
when he finished, the Prophet asked for a tumbler of
water and poured the water over the place of urine,
then the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) told him: O Allah’s
Slave! The mosques are built to celebrate god’s praises
and not for dirtiness and the Arab prayed: "O Allah!
Bestow Your Mercy on me and Muhammad (PBUH) only and do
not bestow it on anybody else along with us." And the
prophet said: "You have limited (narrowed) a very vast
(thing)," meaning Allah's Mercy. This action shows us
that the sentimental side in calling to Allah is more
important because the magical key for hearts is to
behave with kindness towards human beings.
One other point must be emphasized that the Muslims have
a firm belief in the previous prophets and their books,
one must be nice to the followers of these prophets, have
a good relation with them and speak with them in the
right way when discussing any matter, particularly the
matter of belief, this meaning is given in the verse of
the holy Qur’an which says “ Invite (all) to the way of
thy lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue
with them in ways that are best and most gracious; for
thy lord knoweth best, who have strayed from his path and
who receive guidance “ CH. XVI Verse: 125
- “ Nothing is precarious “
- " Allah is more merciful to His slaves than the
mother to her son."
“ And swell not thy cheek (for pride) at men, nor walk in
insolence through the earth; for god loveth not any
arrogant boaster.”
CH. XXXI Verse: 18
a) “ But those who reject our signs and treat them with
arrogance, they are companions of the fire, to dwell
therein (for ever)”. CH. VII Verse: 36
This is the last advice from Luqman the wise to his son,
in which he admonishes him to walk seriously and with
quietness and not lower his voice to not be like a donkey
whose voice is the worst voices in whole the world.