Control System Integration Project: CONTRACT NO.: EDC 13-228/GC113-036

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Job Hazard Analysis For Electrical Conduit Installation Document No.


CONTRACT NO.: EDC 13-228/GC113-036 PROJECT NO.: 15-8228

Control System Integration Project




14th Floor Salcedo Tower

169 H.V. Dela Costa St.,
Salcedo Village, Makati Cty


Instrumentation and Control Specialists, Incorporated

Unit A,B,C,E & H No. 31 Mayon St.,
Mandaluyong City, Philippines



DOC. NO.: MLPP - 0 - G - JH15 SHT. 01 OF 03 REV. 0

Instrumentation & Control Specialists, Inc. Rev. 0 Page 1 of 3

Job Hazard Analysis For Electrical Conduit Installation Document No. MLSF-0-G-JH15


Step no. Sequence of Basic Potential Hazards Corrective / Control Measure

Logical Job Steps Identify the hazards (health and safety or Determine what actions are necessary to
sequence Break down job into environmental) associated with each eliminate or minimize all hazards that could
steps step, examine each to find all possible lead to an accident, injury, illness or
risk factors. environmental incident.
1 Consultation and  Lack of consultation with all  Crew to complete hazard identification
task assessment stakeholders. and control form for work tasks.
 Lack of understanding of the  Identify task hazard and risks.
required tasks.  Identify and implement control in
 Unknown hazards. accordance with the hierarchy of
 Incorrect personal protective controls.
equipment (PPE)  Identify appropriate PPE.
 Crew not trained or maintaining  Ensure staff has appropriate training
appropriate experience to perform and experience to perform task.
task.  Provide appropriate training prior to
commencing work if required.
2 Check the work site  Slips, trips and falls.  Inspect site thoroughly
for hazards and plan  Hanging branches and other debris.  Conduct hazard identification
work task  Poor housekeeping. assessment and control
 Vehicle and pedestrian movements.  Identify traffic management
 Environmental conditions (wind, rain, requirements and assign traffic aid to
heat, etc). specific work area
 Obtain appropriate PPE.
 Identify weather conditions will be
suitable for required task.
3 Establish and secure  Slips, trips and falls.  Conduct all manual handling tasks in
worksite  Hanging branches and other debris. accordance with appropriate process.
 Poor housekeeping.  Ensure all PPE is good condition,
 Vehicle and pedestrian movements. issued to all staff and being worn
 Remove or control all potential
hazards within worksite.
 Deploy safety observer to monitor
movements of vehicle and pedestrian.
4 Obtain all required  Strains, sprains and crush injuries.  Conduct all manual handling tasks in
equipment and move  Cuts, grazes and bruises. accordance with appropriate process.
to work site  Slip, trips and falls.  Ensure all PPE is of good condition,
 Eye and ear damage issued to all staff and being worn
 Vehicle and pedestrian movements. correctly.
 Deploy traffic aid to monitor
movements of vehicles and
 Remove or control all potential
hazards within work site.
5 Inspect and start all  Trains, sprains and crush injuries  Conduct all manual handling tasks in
equipment  Cuts, grazes and bruises accordance with appropriate process.
 Slip, trips and fall  Ensure all PPE is of good condition,
 Eye and ear damage issued to all staff and being worn
 Entanglement, crush injuries and correctly.
burns  Deploy traffic aid for monitoring of
 Machinery and equipment failure. movements of vehicle and
 Vehicle and pedestrian movements pedestrians.
 Crew not trained / experience to  Complete all pre start equipment and
perform required task. machinery checks.
 Remove any faulty equipment or
machinery from service.
 Start and operate all equipment
accordance with manufacturer’s
operator’s manuals.

Instrumentation & Control Specialists, Inc. Rev. 0 Page 2 of 3

Job Hazard Analysis For Electrical Conduit Installation Document No. MLSF-0-G-JH15


Step no. Sequence of Basic Potential Hazards Corrective / Control Measure

Logical Job Steps Identify the hazards (health and safety or Determine what actions are necessary to
sequence Break down job into environmental) associated with each eliminate or minimize all hazards that could
steps step, examine each to find all possible lead to an accident, injury, illness or
risk factors. environmental incident.
  Ensure staff has appropriate training
and experience to perform task.
6 Climber and crew to  Strains, sprains and crush injuries  Induct all crew members into site
engage tree with all  Cuts, grazes and bruises hazards and work plan.
safety equipment  Slips, trips and falls.  Conduct all manual handling
and conduct tree  Fatigue and dehydration. accordance with appropriate process.
trimming and  Eye injury  Deploy traffic aid for monitoring of
pruning using boom  Entanglement, crush injuries and movements of vehicle and
truck with manlift burns. pedestrians.
basket  Ensure all PPE is of good condition,
 Vehicle and pedestrian movements
 Personnel and objects falling from issued to all staff and being worn
height. correctly
 Tree not dismantling in anticipated  Ensure staff have appropriate training
manner. and experience to perform task
 Unanticipated weight loads and  Rest and rehydrate as required
felling directions.  Utilize effective methods of
 Bites and stinging animals and communication between all crew
insects. members
 Tree condition of worse condition  Ensure all equipment and personnel
than anticipated. required at heights are properly
 Environmental conditions (wind, rain, secured.
heat, etc).  Use of full body harness with double
shock absorber lanyards.
 Use a fall arrest harness attached to
secure part of the tree
 Have a co-worker assist in controlling
movement of falling branches
 Identify weather conditions will be
suitable for required tasks.
 Ensure appropriate felling, pruning,
rigging and lowering techniques are
 Constantly look for animals and
insects within the work site.
7 Site cleanup and  Strains, sprains and crush injuries  Conduct all manual handling tasks in
retrieval of  Cuts, grazes and bruises accordance with appropriate process.
equipment  Slips, trips and falls.  Ensure all PPE is of good conditions,
 Fatigue and dehydrations issued to all staff and being worn
 Eye injury correctly
Reduce debris weight loads through
size reduction. All employees to make
sure work area are left in a safe
 if required all surplus materials and
rubbish to be cleaned up and put into
boom truck.

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