Python Fundamentals: Comprehensions, Iterables and Generators

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Python Fundamentals

Comprehensions, Iterables and Generators

Robert Smallshire Austin Bingham

@robsmallshire @austin_bingham
[email protected] [email protected]

Monday, 12 August, 13

Types of comprehensions

• list c om p reh en s io n s

• s et c om preh en s io n s
ic t ion a ry c o m p rehensions
• d • declarative
• functional
• readable
• expressive
• effective

Monday, 12 August, 13
[ expr(item) for item in iterable ]

Monday, 12 August, 13
{ expr(item) for item in iterable }

Monday, 12 August, 13
{ key_expr:value_expr for item in iterable }

Monday, 12 August, 13
Duplicates: later keys overwrite earlier keys

Monday, 12 August, 13
Don't cram too much
complexity into

>>> import os
>>> import glob
>>> file_sizes = {os.path.realpath(p): os.stat(p).st_size
... for p in glob.glob('*.py')}
>>> pp(file_sizes)
{'/Users/pyfund/examples/': 400,
'/Users/pyfund/examples/': 778,
'/Users/pyfund/examples/': 133,
'/Users/pyfund/examples/': 1185}

Monday, 12 August, 13
Filtering works wit
• list comprehensions
• set comprehensions
• dictionary comprehensions

optional filtering clause

[ expr(item) for item in iterable if predicate(item) ]

Monday, 12 August, 13
Moment of Zen

Simple is better
than complex
Code is written once
But read over and over
Fewer is clearer

Monday, 12 August, 13
Iteration protocols

Monday, 12 August, 13
Iteration protocols

Iterable protocol Iterator protocol

Iterable objects can be Iterator objects can be

passed to the built-in passed to the built-in
iter() function to get next() function to
an iterator. fetch the next item.

iterator = iter(iterable) item = next(iterator)

Monday, 12 August, 13
Stateful generators
 Generators resume
execution b l e ) :
( c o un t , i t e ra
de f ta k e t e l e m en t s "
e f i r s t c o un
 Can maintain state in counter = 0 terable:
local variables for i t e m i n i
r = = c o u n t:
if counte
 Complex control flow c o u n te r + = 1
yield item
 Lazy evaluation

Monday, 12 August, 13
Laziness and
the Infinite

• Just in Time Computation

• Infinite (or large) sequences
• sensor readings
• mathematical series
• massive files
Monday, 12 August, 13
Generator comprehensions

 Similar syntax to list


 Create a generator

 Concise

 Lazy evaluation

Monday, 12 August, 13

(expr(item) for item in iterable)

Monday, 12 August, 13
"Batteries Included"
Iteration Tools

Monday, 12 August, 13 Ba
Comprehensions, Generators
& Iterables Summary
 Comprehensions

 Comprehensions are a concise syntax for describing lists, sets and dictionaries.

 Comprehensions operate on an iterable source object and apply an optional predicate

filter and a mandatory expression, both of which are usually in terms of the current item.

 Iterables are objects over which we can iterate item by item.

 We retrieve an iterator from an iterable object using the built-in iter() function.

 Iterators produce items one-by-one-from the underlying iterable series each time they
are passed to the built-in next() function

Monday, 12 August, 13
Comprehensions, Generators
& Iterables Summary
 Generators

 Generator functions allow us to describe series using imperative code.

 Generator functions contain at least one use of the yield keyword.

 Generators are iterators. When advanced with next() the generator starts or resumes
execution up to and including the next yield.

 Each call to a generator function creates a new generator object.

 Generators can maintain explicit state in local variables between iterations.

 Generators are lazy, and so can model infinite series of data.

 Generator expressions have a similar syntactic form to list comprehensions and allow
for a more declarative and concise way of creating generator objects.

Monday, 12 August, 13
Getting Started – Summary
 Iteration tools
 Built-ins such as
 sum()
 any()
 zip()
 all()
 min()
 max()
 enumerate()
 Standard library itertools module
 chain()
 islice()
 count()
 many more!

Monday, 12 August, 13

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