Teaching Vocabulary Through Snake and Ladder Board Game in The Tenth Grade of Sma Muhammadiyah 1 Malang

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CELTIC: A Journal of Culture, English Language Teaching, Literature & Linguistics

PISSN 2356-0401
VOLUME 3 NO 1 2018


Dita Fitriana, Rahmawati Khadijah Maro
Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
E-mail: [email protected]


Vocabulary is the language resource, students have to know vocabularies to produce

sentences. Thus, the aim of this study was to find out whether snake and ladder board game
could improve students’ vocabulary mastery or not. The subject analyzed in this research
were the tenth grade students of SMA Muhammadiyah I. The experimental group was X-IPS-
I while the control group was X-IPS-II.
This study employed quantitative research design. This design was selected due to
this present study was required a concrete evidence whether Snake and Ladder Board Game
could enhance students’ vocabulary mastery in senior high school or not. In this study the
instruments used were pre-test, treatment, and post-test. The pre-test was given to both
experimental and control group. After the pre-test was given to both groups, then the
experimental group was treated or taught by using snake and ladder board game, while the
control group was not treated by using snake and ladder board game. After that, the post-test
was also given to both experimental and control group. The researcher used t-test to know the
significant difference between the mean score of the experimental and control group. The
process of t-test was counted using computer SPSS 17 version.
The result of this study was shown that snake and ladder board game could improve
students’ vocabulary mastery due to the score of pre-test in control group was higher than the
pre-test score of experimental group. Otherwise, the post-test score of experimental group
was higher than the control group. Accordingly, related to the result of this experimental
research, the researcher concludes that snake and ladder board game can improve students’
vocabulary mastery in the first year students of senior high school.

Keywords: Snake and Ladder Board Game, Teaching, Vocabulary


Vocabulary is one of the language components playing a key role in all

language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Based on the theory, it can

be inferred that learning vocabulary is important and it is the key to learner’s

understanding what they hear and read for the sake of good communication to other

people. Afterward, as noted by Fardhini (as cited in Kamali, 2014), vocabulary is

one of the language components playing a key role in all language skills: listening,

speaking, reading and writing. Based on this theory, it is very important for the
students to learn vocabularies of the target language since vocabulary itself is the

pillar of a language. However, teaching vocabulary also is not easy, especially in

senior high school, it is quiet complicated because the students have inadequate


In this case, the teachers were challenged because they have to develop their

teaching methods or media in order to attract students’ attention and motivation in

learning English. One of the media that may the teacher use to transfer the material is

by using a game. A game use is a solution offered to learn vocabulary because game

helped students to remember more words (Tunchalearnpanih, 2012). Considering this

reason, teaching English using game might help the students to improve their ability

in learning English especially their vocabularies.

Kamali (2014) elucidates that Snake and Ladder Board game is one of board

games that can be used as an interesting medium and increase student’s interest and

motivation. Moreover, Hinebaugh (2009:2) states that board games are excellent

tools for teaching fundamental and core educational skills. The previous statements

strengthens the argument that games especially Snake and Ladder Board game could

potentially support and very helpful in teaching and learning activities to improve

students’ vocabularies ability and also attract students’ motivation in learning English.

In line with the previous statements, in this present study the researcher focuses on

teaching vocabulary in 10th of SMA 1 Muhammadiyah Malang through Snake and

Ladder Board gameThe researcher conducted an experimental research to examine

the effectiveness of teaching vocabulary using an innovative game.

The result of this study is expected to give, first, theoretically for the next

researchers and the readers, the output of this research might be useful as an

additional information and knowledge for the next researchers. Moreover, the

readers and further researchers could use this paper to beautify their vocabulary

mastery. Secondly, practically for the teacher and the Students is to have a

beneficial useful for teacher to help finding an appropriate method used in teaching

vocabulary in order to accustomed the students to vocabulary mastery.

In this study, the researcher only focus on teaching vocabulary through

Snake and Ladder Board game. Yet, the limitation of this research is 10 grade of

SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Malang. In order to avoid some misunderstanding about a

certain word in this study, the researcher provides some explanation about certain

terms as below:

Games in Teaching Vocabulary

Most educators believe that game gives a lot of positive influence in

psychological development, intelligence, and skill aspect. In a game, the aspects of

the competition, speed and skill also should be achieved at once. Learning through

playing game can help the students in reducing their stress and develop their sense

of humor.

Through a game, students are practice in making decisions and socializing

with others so that the students will be active in the teaching and learning process.

Starting a teaching and learning process with a game also has good function to

supports students’ success in learning activity.

Snake and Ladder Board Game

Snake and Ladder Board game is one of interesting games that can be used

in teaching vocabulary. Snake and ladder Board game not only enjoyable game, but

also facilities the students to learn about counting, life interaction and socialization.

In this game, implicitly the senior high school students can learn about up and down
in life or about joys and troubles Based on that reason the researcher decided to

develop the snake and ladder board game so that it can be used as a media to build

and reinforce student’s vocabulary mastery at first grade senior high school as well

as develop their ability to socialize with their friends by playing and working

together in a team or group

A board game for snake and ladder game is with squares measuring 10 x 10

(Nachiappan et al., 2014:220). Squares on the board are counted starting with the

number 1, which is from the bottom left corner up to number 10 in the lower right

corner, from right to left starting number 11 on the second lineuntil number 20 and so

on until the number 100 in the upper left corner. The parcels have pictures with a

message and deed. Order or good deed will usually via a ladder to reach the higher

box while bad deeds will recoil into the lower compartment through the snake. Hence,

the next part is the detail information about the procedure of using snake and ladder

board game to teach vocabulary.


This design is selected due to this present study requires a concrete evidence

whether Snake and Ladder Board Game can enhance students’ vocabulary mastery

in senior high school or not A “population” consists of all the subjects you want to

study (Yount, 2006:71). While sampling is a portion of a population (Ary et al.

2010:148). This research equipped cluster sampling because this is referred to the

unit chosen that is not an individual but, rather, a group of the last sampling is

systematic, this sampling differs from simple random sampling in that the various

choices are not independent. Among those mentioned sampling technique, the

population of this study is the all of the first year students of SMA Muhammadiyah 1

Malang while the samples are taken from two different classes, those are X-1

(experimental group) and -2 (control group). In this case, those classes will be

treated in different treatment in order to investigate the effectiveness of those two

ways of teaching. This population and samples are selected because students at

senior high school grade especially in the first year are ordinarily less capable in

mastering English vocabulary. The instrument in this study is used to collect the

data. In this study the instruments used are pre-test, treatment, and post-test. Those

will be elaborated as follows. Using t-test to know the difference significantly

between the means of experimental and control group. The process of t-test is

counted using computer SPSS 17 version.


The Mean Scores of Pre-Test of Experimental and Control Group

The pre-test was given to both experimental and control group before the

researcher applied the treatment. Then, the result of the pre-test was counted using

SPSS 17. Below are the results of the pre-test in both experimental and control


Table The Result of Pre-test of Experimental and Control Group

Statistic Descriptive X-IPS I X-IPS II

(Experimental (Control

Group) Group)

N 20 20

Means 47 73

Standard Deviation 9,23 7,32

Minimum 30 60

Maximum 60 90
Variabel F Sig.

1,393 0,245

Based on the above table, it can be seen that the data from those two classes

were the same, which were 20. In the above table shows that the mean score of X-

IPS-II class was higher than the mean of X-IPS I class, in which it was 73 and 47.

Thus, it can be concluded that the pre-test score in X-IPS-II was higher than the pre-

test score of X-IPS-I.

Table The Result of Post-test of Experimental and Control Group

Statistic Descriptive X-IPS I X-IPS II

(Experimental (Control

Group) Group)

N 22 20

Means 91,8182 81,5

Standard Deviation 12,203 11,367

Minimum 50 50

Maximum 100 90

The above tables show that the total data between X-IPS-1 and X-IPS-2 were

different; X-IPS-1 was 22 while X-IPS-II was 20. The mean score of X-IPS-I was

higher than the mean score of X-IPS-II, in which it was 91, 8182 for X-IPS-I and 81,

5 for X-IPS-II. Thus, it can be concluded that the post-test score in X-IPS-I was

higher than the post-test score of X-IPS-II.

Independent Sample T-test

The samples were X-IPS-I and X-IPS-II. Before the T-test was conducted, the

equality test variant (homogeneity) should be done as the requirement of conducting


Pre-test Data

Homogeneity Testing

In testing the homogeneity, the hypothesis used was the variant which comes

from two classes that were the same (homogeneity) and the alternative hypothesis was

the variants which come from two classes that were not the same. This data can be

concluded homogeny if the score of Sig. was more than 0,05.

Levene's Test for Equality of Variances

Variabel F Sig.

Pre-test 1,393 0,245

Based on table above it can be seen that the value of sig was 0,245. This score

was higher than 0.05. Thus, it can be concluded that the variant data was

homogeneous and can be proceed to the independent t-test.

1. T-test for the Equality of Means

The hypotheses are as below:

H0: There was no difference between the mean score of the pre-test in X-IPS-I and


Ha: There was a difference between the means score of the pre-test in X-IPS-I and


If the score of sig. was less than 0.05, then there was a difference in both the

mean score of pre-test. The Sig. score was attached in the table below:

T-test for Equality of Means

Variabel T Sig.

Pre-test -9,864 0,000

Based on the above table, it shows that the Sig. score was lower than 0,05. It

means that there was a difference in the mean score of the X-IPS-I and X-IPS-II.

Post-test Data

1. Homogeneity Test

In testing the homogeneity, the hypothesis used was the variant which comes

from two classes that were the same (homogeneity) and the alternative hypothesis was

the variants which come from two classes that were not the same. This data can be

concluded homogeny if the score of Sig. was more than 0,05.

Levene's Test for Equality of Variances

Variabel F Sig.

Post-test 0,150 0,701

Related to the above table, it can be seen that the score of sig was 0.701. This

score was higher than 0.05. Thus, it can be concluded that the variant data was

homogeneous and can be proceed to the independent T-test.

2. T-test for the Equality of Means

The hypotheses are as below.

H0: There was no difference between the mean score of the pre-test in X-IPS-I and


Ha: There was a difference between the means score of the pre-test in X-IPS-I and X-

If the score of Sig. was less than 0.05, then there was a difference in both pre-test

mean score. Thus, the Sig. score was attached in the table below:

T-test for The Equality of Means

Variabel T Sig.

Post-test -3,278 0,002

In line with the above table, it shows that the score of Sig. was less than 0,005

in which it means that there was a difference towards the post-test score of X-IPS-I

and X-IPS-II.

In accordance with the above data, it can be concluded that H0 was rejected and

Ha was accepted. This means that there was a difference between the mean of pre-test

and post-test of both experimental and control group. The mean score of X-IPS-1 was

91,8182 while X-IPS-2 was 81,5. It means that the mean score of X-IPS-I was higher

than the X-IPS-II. Thus, based on the independent sample test above, it can be

concluded that teaching vocabulary through snake and ladder board game could

improve students’ vocabulary mastery.

4.2 Discussion

In accordance with the previous analysis above, the researcher found that

teaching vocabulary through snake and ladder board game could improve students’

vocabulary mastery in the first grade of senior high school. It was proven by the

significant differences toward the average scores of the pre-test and post-test in both

experimental and control group. The mean score of pre-test of experimental group

was 47 while the control group was 73. Otherwise, the score of post-test of

experimental group was increase up to 91,8182 and 11,367 for the control group. In

this case, it can be seen that the experimental group which is X-IPS-I was gained a

higher score than the control group after its class was being treated by using snake
and ladder board game. It means that there was a significant change towards the

vocabulary mastery of the tenth grade of senior high school after the implementation

of snake and ladder board game.

The findings of this research were also in line with the explanation of Astri

(2016:37), snake and ladder board game can be beneficial for language learning in

which they are normally designed in accordance with real life activities. This game

offers the students with an opportunity to exercise real and meaningful language

context while interacting in the game with others involved. For instance: the students

were asked to answer the question card which were they gained from the board of

snake and ladder game, then they have to answer the question inside the question card

which consists of Indonesian vocabulary and they have to answer it by mentioning

what was the English version of that vocabulary. In this case, they researcher takes

“things around school” as the theme in order to give them the real things which exist

around them to be taught, then after answering the question, the students should make

a sentence related to the vocabulary they had been translated. In this case the students

learn to put the vocabulary in the precise sentence in order to make a meaningful

sentence related to the vocabulary itself. Thus, in this game the students have an

opportunity to explore their knowledge to the real life and also express their

knowledge which were they gained from the teacher in the previous meeting to

answer the question card. In this game the students also could interact with others if

they found the difficulty to answer the question. Another supporting research was

conducted by Wright et al. (2006:4), to minimize the difficulty it is essential that the

learners be familiar with the game in their own language. That is why in this research

the researcher teaches snake and ladder board game with “things around school” as

the theme in order to make the students exploring things around them with their own


In accordance with the above explanations, it can be concluded that games

were highly motivate the students to learn the subject because the games itself were

amusing, interesting and also give more opportunity to the students to express and

explore their feelings with their own language. As noted by Halimah (2012:114),

games are often much opportunity for the learner to practice and repeat the sentence

patterns and vocabulary. This means that teaching by using games could help the

teachers to transfer the knowledge to the students easier and create an active

environment through the game. In this case, snake and ladder board game was an

example of game which can be used to teach English especially vocabulary because

this game was served in colorful pictures in which it will attract the students’ interest.

Accordingly, related to the result of this experimental research, the researcher

concludes that snake and ladder board game can improve students’ vocabulary

mastery in the first year students of senior high school.


The experimental group in this research was X-IPS-1 while the control group

was X-IPS-2. Based on the calculation by using independent sample T-test, the Sig.

score was less than 0,05 in which it can be concluded that H0(null hypothesis) was

rejected and Ha(alternativehypothesis)was accepted.

In conclusion, the hypothesis stated that the students who were taught by using

snake and ladder board game reaped better skill in mastering English vocabulary than

those who were not taught by using snake and ladder board game. Accordingly, in

accordance with the above explanation, it can be concluded that snake and ladder

board game could improve students’ vocabulary mastery.


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