Of Northern Luzon: ND RD
Of Northern Luzon: ND RD
Of Northern Luzon: ND RD
Topic: Objectives:
Chapter One At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
Title of the Study 1. discuss the purpose and content of the background of the study using a structural framework;
Background of the Study 2. explain some tips in making for the background of the study;
3. illustrate in a concept diagram the proper arrangement of the sample research in deductive method;
4. enumerate the guidelines in listing the words or phrases under the definition of terms; and
5. create a title of the intended study.
Schedule: Schedule:
Allotted Time: Allotted Time:
Discover Discuss Deepen Demonstrate
Online Content / Self-Paced The students will read about the
Learning scope of Chapter 1 in Research.
The teacher will present the The teacher will discuss the
diagram. following formats and purpose of:
Background of the Study
Deductive method
Live Conferences structure
The students will try to formulate Discuss the purpose and content Explain some tips in making for the
research titles. of the background of the study background of the study.
Collaboration using a structural framework. Social/ Institutional contexts
Historical significance
Assessment Enumerate the guidelines in listing the Create the title of the intended study.
words or phrases under the definition Then, illustrate in a concept diagram
of terms. the proper arrangement of the
sample research in deductive
Refer to the link/s for enrichment
Enrichment Work using https://www.google.com/amp/s/
Supplementary Materials www.editage.com/insights/how-to-
Checked by:
Program Head