Teaching English Vocabulary Using Crossword Puzzle Game at The Seventh Grade Students
Teaching English Vocabulary Using Crossword Puzzle Game at The Seventh Grade Students
Teaching English Vocabulary Using Crossword Puzzle Game at The Seventh Grade Students
Teaching English is one of activity in the classroom. A game can use to improve students’
vocabularies mastery in the process of teaching learning, so students do not get bored while studying
English. This research is attempted to verify the effectiveness of the Crossword Puzzle Game in
teaching vocabulary at the seventh grade students of SMPN 10 Cimahi. The main objective is to figure
out whether the crossword puzzle game is effective to improve the students’ vocabularies or not. The
method is used quantitative research and pre-experimental research design conducted in one class. The
populations of this research are the seventh grade students. And the sample is one class of the seventh
grade students, which is class VII.E that consists of 32 students. The data is collected with the pretest
and posttest as an instrument. The data analysis shows the result of mean score of posttest is higher
than mean score of the pretest. The result of computation using Wilcoxon based on the table of test
statistics, asymptotic significance (2-tailed) = 0.000 which is lower than 0.05. It means the alternative
hypothesis is supported. Therefore, teaching English vocabulary using crossword puzzle game is
effective to improve the students’ vocabulary.
Keywords: Teaching, Vocabulary, Crossword Puzzle Game
English can be used for distinct goals so it has a very significant role in Indonesia, like as
teaching, cultural and among others. Vocabulary is one aspects that important in English.
Students will find in difficult to say something in communicating with others when they are
lack of vocabulary even though they have learned the grammar. For example, when someone
ask you "what are you doing this morning?" actually you want to reply that you do sport
"run" this morning, but you don't know the vocabulary, so you answer these questions with
the body movements such as running.
Students can say something even though they only read a text or vocabulary in dictionary, as
stated by Astriyanti & Anwar (2016:41) “Vocabulary is needed to improve the four English
skills; listening, speaking, reading, and writing”. This means that one of the important
elements in learning English is vocabulary. Students will find it difficult to express their ideas
when they do not have sufficient vocabulary as supporter to be able to understand and speak
English. In addition Thornbury & Scott (2002:13) stated “Without grammar very little can be
conveying, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.
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The researcher needs to implementate a method which interested the students in learning. In
improving the student’s achievement in teaching learning process, the teachers have an
important role. Teachers are in constant search of essential activities that allow students to
improve their learning abilities of foreign language. The teachers have to know the situation
of the students and use the suitable technique in order to make students enjoy in learning and
easy to gain the new vocabulary. Besides, a game also can improve students’ vocabulary.
According to Nurhayati (2015:221) “Game is one of method that could render students feel
that certain words are important and necessary”. There are many games which can be used in
teaching learning process. One kind of game is crossword puzzle. By crossword puzzle, the
students can obtain new vocabularies and makes their vocabularies better. In line with
Widyasari (2010:14) “there a several activities that would assist to build up the vocabulary
which apply words in converse and deed the crossword puzzle”. Crossword puzzle could
nurture the brain of students to memory the new words. in addition the students would train to
finish the crossword puzzle by divide with their friends. Therefore, the researcher are
interested to use crossword puzzle games as a tool to teaching vocabulary at the seventh grade
students of SMPN 10 Cimahi.
In accordance with Brown (2000:7) “Teaching is setting the learning condition by guiding
and facilitating learning, allow the students to learn”. And teaching is showing somebody to
study, giving instruction, guiding, providing with knowledge, make to know or grasp (Brown,
2000:7). It signifies that teaching is the way to give some new information by giving
instruction, guiding in the study and deliver new information or understand about something.
Based on the definition, the researcher deduced that teaching is not more than transferring the
knowledge, but the teacher have to be facilitator and guide to shape the students who have
good behavior and can improve their knowledge.
Montgomery (2007:2) stated that there is a list of vocabulary types, where each type of
vocabulary has different purpose and vocabulary development in one facilitates growth in
a. Speaking Vocabulary. It is the words that people use in their speech.
b. Listening Vocabulary. It is the words that people hear and understand.
c. Writing Vocabulary. It is the words which are people use in written either in formal or
informal forms.
d. Reading Vocabulary. It is the words which are people know and understand when reading
From the upon statement, it can be deduced that vocabulary is one aspect of language which is
important in learning language because vocabularies carry meaning which are used in
Volume 01, No. 03, May 2018 237
According to Salen & Zimmerman (2004:14) “A puzzle is a special kind of game in which
there is a single correct answer or set of correct answer”. In addition, Wharton (1995:48) in
Rimbayanti (2016:16) affirmed that “A puzzle is still the most popular word game. It lies in
the ease with which it can be constructed. The words are fun together horizontally and
vertically. That puzzle is very simple to create in order to employ in the language classroom.
By making a list of words which are your students should be familiar. Based on the statement,
the writer concluded, to assist the students build and improve their vocabulary mastery with
the ways students’ can be practice with answer and question which had prepared by teacher to
figure out the correct clues we can use a technique named puzzle.
According to Widyasari (2010:20) there are some kinds of crossword puzzles that can be
performed in the process of teaching and learning vocabulary in the classroom using
crossword puzzle game, those are:
a. Oral Puzzle. It is a puzzle that is giving oral by teachers, and students are given only an
empty crossword puzzles without a clue. Give instructions orally can train hearing
students. Tell students to fill out what they could and then repeat the instructions again
until they understand.
b. Picture Puzzle. It is a puzzle using the picture as a clue. And only give the students the
puzzle without the clues. For each clue, replaced with pictures. It works very well with a
unit which embroiled many new vocabulary.
c. Object Puzzle. It is the crossword where inside the object is written a clue. give a blank
puzzle without a hint to the student. The goods placed around the room, each given a
labeled with the prompts number. Then the students are asked to go around at different
stations; allow them to pick up the objects as they complete the puzzle.
This research is about teaching English vocabulary through crossword puzzle game in the
VII.E class at SMPN 10 Cimahi. the primary purpose of this research is to figure out if the
crossword puzzle game is effective to improve the students’ vocabulary or not. The research
method is quantitative research, and the pre-experimental research design conducted in one
class. The populations of this research are the seventh grade students which consists of nine
238 Anwar, Efransyah, Teaching English Vocabulary using ...
classes. And the sample is class VII.E that consists of 32 students. The data is collected with
the pretest and posttest as an instrument.
From the result of normality test over, it can be sum up that the score of pretest and posttest of
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Normality test had Sig. 0.010 for the pretest and 0.041 for posttest
which is less than 0.05. It means that the data is not normal and the calculation of pretest and
posttest score is not done, therefore the researcher continue the calculation to Non-parametric
Non-parametric test or Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-rank test is used to decide if the scores
from two samples that come from similar cases are significantly dissimilar with one another.
The differences between pairs of scores are ranked in order of size, ignoring the sign or
direction of those differences. The rank of the differences with the same signed are added
together. If there are no differences between the score of two samples, the amount of positive
ranked differences should be similar to the amount of negative ranked difference. The larger
distinction between the positive and negative ranked differences, more likely two sets of
scores differ significantly from each other (Cramer & Howitt, 2004:180 in Kaswan &
Suprijadi, 2016:131) With the folowing hypothsis:
- If the test is (Asymp > .05) then the differences is non-significant
- If the test is (Asymp. < .05) then the differences is significant
Table 3.
Test Statisticsa
posttest - pretest
Z -4,951b
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) ,000
a. Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test
b. Based on negative ranks.
Based on the table above, the results of mean rank score is 16.50, sum of rank score is 528.00
and Z score is -4.951. and we can see the Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) value is 0.000 which less
than 0.05. It means that the dissimilar among pretest and posttest score are significant.
To know the mean and the standard deviation of the score, the researcher used descriptive
statistic on SPSS. And the outcome of Descriptive Statistics can be observed on the following
Based on the table above we can see the improvement statistic of data pretest and posttest, the
mean score of pretest is 29.69, the mean of posttest is 82.50, and the standard deviation
decreased, it means the data is representative.
This part covers the discussion of the teaching English vocabulary through crossword puzzle
game. The finding research proved that crossword puzzle game could increase students’
vocabulary. It can be observed from the improvement of the students score. The students’
mean score of pretest is 29.69. After the implementation of crossword puzzle game, the mean
scores of posttest is 82.50 and it supported by the Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) value is minus than
0.05. The dissimilar among pretest and posttest score are significant. It means the
implementation of the crossword puzzle game improved the students’ vocabulary. Besides,
improving the students’ score, the implementation of crossword puzzle game got positive
responses from students in their teaching learning process of vocabulary and it good to be
applied in the process of teaching learning particularly in improving their vocabulary mastery.
It is able to help teacher and student to achieve the goal in their study activity.
The researcher conducted this research by using pre-experimental design which is intended to
figure out if crossword puzzle game is effective to improve students’ vocabulary or not. Based
on the statistical calculation above, there is a significant distinction among teaching English
vocabulary through crossword puzzle game at the seventh grade students of SMPN 10
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Based on the outcome at the previous table, the result of the students’ English vocabulary test
increased from the pretest to posttest score. The average of the pretest is 29.69 and the
posttest is 82.50. There are a significant distinction among pretest and posttest score. It could
be deduced that the alternative hypothesis of this method is accepted, it means that the
crossword puzzle game is effective and significantly improve the students’ vocabulary
we would like to thank to Allah SWT who has given a strength and health to finish this
journal. And thanks to IKIP Siliwangi especially English Education Study Program, also the
greatest appreciation to Mr. Efransyah, for his advices, supervision, and crucial contribution
in the improvement of the result of this journal.
This research is far from perfect, but it is expected that it will be useful not only for the
researcher, but also for the readers. For this reason, the suggestion and critics are welcomed.
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