Building Construction: Table 3 Seismic-And Wind-Resistant Design Criteria Fig. 5 Floor Plan
Building Construction: Table 3 Seismic-And Wind-Resistant Design Criteria Fig. 5 Floor Plan
Building Construction: Table 3 Seismic-And Wind-Resistant Design Criteria Fig. 5 Floor Plan
5 Floor Plan
Table 3 Seismic- and Wind-resistant Design Criteria
Input level Damage level
Level 1 earthquake (rarely occurring seismic motion) No damage
Level 1 storm (return period of 100 years)
Level 2 earthquake (extremely rarely occurring seismic motion) Nearly no damage
Level 2 storm (return period of 500 years) (members in elastic range)
Level 3 earthquake No collapse EV space
Level 3 storm (return period of 2,000 years)
Maintenance deck
Fig. 4 Framing Drawing
Kanae truss the adoption of welding. Further, due to the
Intermediate tower
heavy weight of each member, it was deter-
mined that the members would be divided
into shorter sizes conforming to the trans-
port and lifting conditions, and that these
members would then be transported to the
Rib truss
Ring truss construction site and joined together by
Plan: Ring story means of on-site welding.
Given such circumstances, it was neces-
Kanae truss sary to adopt steel products that were not
Outer tower
Intermediate only high in strength and toughness but
Inner tower
also excellent in weldability including pre-
heating performance. The steel products
Shimbashira having a yield strength of 400 N/mm2 or
Rib truss more that are used in the construction of
Rib truss
Horizontally-connected truss the Tokyo Sky Tree satisfy the performanc-
Ring truss Ring truss
Kanae truss es thus required, and, at the same time,
Plan: Horizontally-connected truss
have been approved by the Minister of
Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tour-
Kanae truss ism particularly for use in the construction
● Built-up column employing four columns, and horizontal and brace of this tower.
● Arranged in the top of the triangular plane form ● Design of Tubular Joints
● Main member to resist horizontal load
Because kanae trusses and structural mem-
Horizontally-connected trusses bers such as columns, braces and horizon-
● Connecting intermediate tower and ring trusses every two layers tal members for the outer tower are three-
(25 m)
● Working as members to transfer the horizontal load (in-plane), and
dimensionally linked together to form
members to stiffen the buckling of kanae trusses and peripheral connections, steel pipe was adopted in
columns terms of the cross section, and the so-called
Ring truss tubular joint method (Fig. 6) was adopted
● Horizontal members arranged every layer (12.5 m) to join the pipe members. The reason why
● Working as the member to stiffen buckling of peripheral columns the tubular joint method was adopted in-