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China Japan Korea: of The Floating World". It Is The

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Name:______________________________Grade &Section:_____________________Date:_______

Topic: Arts of East Asia

Learning Competencies & Code:
1. Analyze elements and principles of art in the production of arts
and crafts inspired by the cultures of East Asia- A8EL-IIb-1
2. Appreciate the artifacts and art objects in terms of their utilization
and their distinct use of art elements and principles- A8EL-IIb-2
The region of East Asia encompasses China, Mongolia, Japan,Taiwan and Korea. These countries
have been noted for their numerous similarities and commonalities in their art production, artistic
traditions and principles of arts as influenced by their history, beliefs, religion, location, culture and
Face and mask painting

Jingju lianpu is a traditional Ukiyo-e which means “Picture Tal or t’al is a Korean mask
special way of make-up in of the floating world”. It is the originated with religious
Chinese operas in pursuit of the most popular style of Japanese meaning sometimes used in
expected effect of performance.
art that shows scenes of theater back in prehistoric age
Lianpu is called the false mask
harmony and carefree everyday and also during funeral
Meaning of colors in face painting living. services to help vanish evil
Guan Ju - Red indicates
devotion, courage, bravery,
uprightness and loyalty. Meaning of colors in face Roles of color in Korean mask
Huang Pang - Yellow signifies painting 1. Black, Red and White –
fierceness, ambition and cool- -dark red = passion or anger Bright and vibrant colors that
headedness - dark blue = depression or help establish the age and race
Zhu Wen - A green face tells the sadness of the figure
audience that the character is not -pink = youth 2. Half Red and Half White
only impulsive and violent, he also -light green = calm mask - symbolize the idea that
lacks self-restraint. -black = fear the wearer has two fathers, Mr.
Zhang Fei - Black symbolizes - purple = nobility Red and Mr. White
roughness and fierceness. 3. Dark-faced mask - indicates
Lian Po - Purple stands for that the character was born of an
uprightness and cool-headedness. adulterous mother

Performers of China and Japan uses their face in painting while Korea use mask.
Peking Opera is the theatrical form of China while Kabuki in Japan.
Elements of
Activity 1: What’s in me? Arts
1. Line
Examine the artworks of each country and interpret the elements of arts being used.
2. Shape and
3. Value
4. Color
6. Space
Principles of
1. Rhythm,
2. Balance
3. Emphasis
4. Harmony,
Unity, Variety
5. Proportion
Line Shape and Form Value
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Texture Space Color
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Performance Work 1: Draw me out!

You will be given a sheet of paper with a blank mask to paint or to enhance based on your desired
design with an influence of how China, Japan and Korea make their face paint/mask. Describe your
output through analyzing the principles of art being applied.




Prepared by:
Cherry Ann P. Orbita
MAPEH-8 Teacher

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