MSDS Gasoline by Shell (2013)

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SDS# 7957
Version 5.2
Material Safety Data Sheet Effective Date 01/24/2013
According to OSHA Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR


Material Name : Gasoline

Uses : Motor Gasoline.
Product Code : X2871
Company : Shell Chemical LP
PO Box 2463
HOUSTON TX 77252-2463
SDS Request : 1-800-240-6737
Customer Service : 1-855-697-4355

Emergency Telephone Number

Chemtrec Domestic : 1-800-424-9300
(24 hr)
Chemtrec : 1-703-527-3887
International (24 hr)


Chemical Name CAS No. Concentration

Straight Run Gasoline 68606-11-1 0.00 - 100.00 %
Petroleum Products, 68514-79-4 0.00 - 100.00 %

Contains Alkanes, Cycloalkanes, Alkenes and Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Mixture.

Contains Xylene (Mixed Isomers), CAS # 1330-20-7.
Contains Toluene, CAS # 108-88-3.
Contains 1,2,4 Tri-methyl-benzene, CAS# 95-63-6
Contains Benzene, CAS # 71-43-2.
Contains n-Hexane, CAS # 110-54-3.
Contains Cyclo-hexane, CAS# 110-82-7
Contains Ethylbenzene, CAS # 100-41-4.
Contains Naphthalene, CAS # 91-20-3.
Contains Styrene, CAS # 100-42-5.


Emergency Overview
Appearance and Odour : Bronze. Clear, bright liquid. Hydrocarbon.

Health Hazards : Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed. Vapours may
cause drowsiness and dizziness. Irritating to skin. May cause
cancer. May cause leukaemia (AML - acute myelogenous
leukaemia). May cause MDS (Myelodysplastic Syndrome).
Safety Hazards : Extremely flammable. The vapour is heavier than air, spreads
along the ground and distant ignition is possible. Will float and
can be reignited on surface water. This material is a static
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SDS# 7957
Version 5.2
Material Safety Data Sheet Effective Date 01/24/2013
According to OSHA Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR

accumulator. Even with proper grounding and bonding, this

material can still accumulate an electrostatic charge. If sufficient
charge is allowed to accumulate, electrostatic discharge and
ignition of flammable air-vapour mixtures can occur.
Environmental Hazards : Toxic to aquatic organisms; may cause long-term adverse
effects in the aquatic environment. Ether oxygenates are
significantly more water soluble and less biodegradable than
benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene and xylenes (BTEX).
Consequently ether oxygenates have the potential to migrate
relatively longer distances than BTEX in groundwater.

Health Hazards
Inhalation : Slightly irritating to respiratory system. Vapours may cause
drowsiness and dizziness.
Skin Contact : Irritating to skin.
Ingestion : Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed.
Signs and Symptoms : Skin irritation signs and symptoms may include a burning
sensation, redness, swelling, and/or blisters. If material enters
lungs, signs and symptoms may include coughing, choking,
wheezing, difficulty in breathing, chest congestion, shortness of
breath, and/or fever. Breathing of high vapour concentrations
may cause central nervous system (CNS) depression resulting in
dizziness, light-headedness, headache, nausea and loss of
coordination. Continued inhalation may result in
unconsciousness and death.
Aggravated Medical : Pre-existing medical conditions of the following organ(s) or organ
Condition system(s) may be aggravated by exposure to this material: Skin.


Inhalation : Remove to fresh air. Do not attempt to rescue the victim unless
proper respiratory protection is worn. If the victim has difficulty
breathing or tightness of the chest, is dizzy, vomiting, or
unresponsive, give 100% oxygen with rescue breathing or CPR
as required and transport to the nearest medical facility.
Skin Contact : Remove contaminated clothing. Immediately flush skin with
large amounts of water for at least 15 minutes, and follow by
washing with soap and water if available. If redness, swelling,
pain and/or blisters occur, transport to the nearest medical
facility for additional treatment.
Eye Contact : Immediately flush eyes with large amounts of water for at least
15 minutes while holding eyelids open. Transport to the nearest
medical facility for additional treatment.
Ingestion : If swallowed, do not induce vomiting: transport to nearest
medical facility for additional treatment. If vomiting occurs
spontaneously, keep head below hips to prevent aspiration. If
any of the following delayed signs and symptoms appear within
the next 6 hours, transport to the nearest medical facility: fever
greater than 101° F (38.3° C), shortness of breath, chest
congestion or continued coughing or wheezing. Give nothing by
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SDS# 7957
Version 5.2
Material Safety Data Sheet Effective Date 01/24/2013
According to OSHA Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR

Advice to Physician : Potential for chemical pneumonitis. Call a doctor or poison

control center for guidance.


Clear fire area of all non-emergency personnel.

Flash point : -40 °C / -40 °F (Tagliabue Closed Cup)

Explosion / Flammability : 1.3 - 7.6 %(V)
limits in air
Specific Hazards : Carbon monoxide may be evolved if incomplete combustion
occurs. Will float and can be reignited on surface water. The
vapour is heavier than air, spreads along the ground and distant
ignition is possible.
Extinguishing Media : Foam, water spray or fog. Dry chemical powder, carbon dioxide,
sand or earth may be used for small fires only.
Unsuitable Extinguishing : Do not use water in a jet.
Protective Equipment for : Wear full protective clothing and self-contained breathing
Firefighters apparatus.
Additional Advice : Keep adjacent containers cool by spraying with water.


Observe all relevant local and international regulations.

Protective measures : Avoid contact with spilled or released material. Immediately

remove all contaminated clothing. For guidance on selection of
personal protective equipment see Chapter 8 of this Material
Safety Data Sheet. For guidance on disposal of spilled material
see Chapter 13 of this Material Safety Data Sheet. Be ready for
fire or possible exposure. Stay upwind and keep out of low
areas. Shut off leaks, if possible without personal risks. Remove
all possible sources of ignition in the surrounding area. Use
appropriate containment (of product and fire fighting water) to
avoid environmental contamination. Prevent from spreading or
entering drains, ditches or rivers by using sand, earth, or other
appropriate barriers. Attempt to disperse the vapour or to direct
its flow to a safe location for example by using fog sprays. Take
precautionary measures against static discharge. Ensure
electrical continuity by bonding and grounding (earthing) all
Clean Up Methods : For small liquid spills (< 1 drum), transfer by mechanical means
to a labelled, sealable container for product recovery or safe
disposal. Allow residues to evaporate or soak up with an
appropriate absorbent material and dispose of safely. Remove
contaminated soil and dispose of safely.
For large liquid spills (> 1 drum), transfer by mechanical means
such as vacuum truck to a salvage tank for recovery or safe
disposal. Do not flush away residues with water. Retain as
contaminated waste. Allow residues to evaporate or soak up

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SDS# 7957
Version 5.2
Material Safety Data Sheet Effective Date 01/24/2013
According to OSHA Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR

with an appropriate absorbent material and dispose of safely.

Remove contaminated soil and dispose of safely.
Additional Advice : Risk of explosion. Inform the emergency services if liquid enters
surface water drains. Vapour may form an explosive mixture
with air. Notify authorities if any exposure to the general public or
the environment occurs or is likely to occur. Under Section 311
of the Clean Water Act (CWA) this material is considered an oil.
As such, spills into surface waters must be reported to the
National Response Center at (800) 424-8802. This material is
covered by EPA's Comprehensive Environmental Response,
Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) Petroleum Exclusion.
Therefore, releases to the environment may not be reportable
under CERCLA.


General Precautions : Avoid breathing vapours or contact with material. Only use in
well ventilated areas. Wash thoroughly after handling. On
guidance on selection of personal protective equipment see
Chapter 8 of this Material Safety Data Sheet.
Handling : Avoid inhaling vapour and/or mists. Avoid contact with skin,
eyes and clothing. Even with proper grounding and bonding, this
material can still accumulate an electrostatic charge. If sufficient
charge is allowed to accumulate, electrostatic discharge and
ignition of flammable air-vapour mixtures can occur. Be aware of
handling operations that may give rise to additional hazards that
result from the accumulation of static charges. These include but
are not limited to pumping (especially turbulent flow), mixing,
filtering, splash filling, cleaning and filling of tanks and
containers, sampling, switch loading, gauging, vacuum truck
operations, and mechanical movements. These activities may
lead to static discharge e.g. spark formation. Restrict line
velocity during pumping in order to avoid generation of
electrostatic discharge (<= 1 m/s until fill pipe submerged to
twice its diameter, then <= 7 m/s). Avoid splash filling. Do NOT
use compressed air for filling, discharging, or handling
operations. The vapour is heavier than air. Beware of
accumulation in pits and confined spaces. Extinguish any naked
flames. Do not smoke. Remove ignition sources. Avoid sparks.
Handling Temperature: Ambient.
Storage : Keep away from aerosols, flammables, oxidizing agents,
corrosives and from other flammable products which are not
harmful or toxic to man or to the environment. Keep container
tightly closed. Must be stored in a diked (bunded) well-ventilated
area, away from sunlight, ignition sources and other sources of
heat. Vapours from tanks should not be released to atmosphere.
Breathing losses during storage should be controlled by a
suitable vapour treatment system. Electrostatic charges will be
generated during pumping. Electrostatic discharge may cause
fire. Ensure electrical continuity by bonding and grounding
(earthing) all equipment to reduce the risk. The vapours in the

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SDS# 7957
Version 5.2
Material Safety Data Sheet Effective Date 01/24/2013
According to OSHA Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR

head space of the storage vessel may lie in the

flammable/explosive range and hence may be flammable.
Storage Temperature: Ambient.
Product Transfer : Refer to guidance under Handling section.
Container Advice : Containers, even those that have been emptied, can contain
explosive vapours. Do not cut, drill, grind, weld or perform
similar operations on or near containers.
Additional Information : Ensure that all local regulations regarding handling and storage
facilities are followed.
See additional references that provide safe handling practices
for liquids that are determined to be static accumulators:
American Petroleum Institute 2003 (Protection Against Ignitions
Arising out of Static, Lightning and Stray Currents) or National
Fire Protection Agency 77 (Recommended Practices on Static
Electricity). CENELEC CLC/TR 50404 (Electrostatics – Code of
practice for the avoidance of hazards due to static electricity).


Occupational Exposure Limits

Material Source Type ppm mg/m3 Notation

Xylene, Mixed Isomers ACGIH TWA 100 ppm
ACGIH STEL 150 ppm
OSHA Z1 PEL 100 ppm 435 mg/m3
OSHA Z1 Listed.
Toluene SHELL IS TWA 50 ppm
ACGIH TWA 20 ppm
OSHA Z2 TWA 200 ppm
OSHA Z2 Ceiling 300 ppm
OSHA Z2 MAX. CONC 500 ppm
1,2,4-Trimethyl ACGIH TWA 25 ppm
Benzene SHELL IS TWA (8 h) 0.5 ppm 1.6 mg/m3
SHELL IS STEL 2.5 ppm 8 mg/m3
ACGIH SKIN_DES Can be absorbed
through the skin.
ACGIH STEL 2.5 ppm
ACGIH TWA 0.5 ppm
OSHA TWA 1 ppm
OSHA Z2 MAX. CONC 50 ppm
OSHA Z2 TWA 10 ppm
OSHA Z2 Ceiling 25 ppm
n-Hexane ACGIH SKIN_DES Can be absorbed
through the skin.

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SDS# 7957
Version 5.2
Material Safety Data Sheet Effective Date 01/24/2013
According to OSHA Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR

ACGIH TWA 50 ppm

OSHA Z1 PEL 500 ppm 1,800
OSHA Z1 Listed.
Cyclohexane ACGIH TWA 100 ppm
OSHA Z1 PEL 300 ppm 1,050
OSHA Z1 Listed.
Ethylbenzene ACGIH TWA 20 ppm
OSHA Z1 PEL 100 ppm 435 mg/m3
OSHA Z1 Listed.
Naphthalene ACGIH STEL 15 ppm
ACGIH SKIN_DES Can be absorbed
through the skin.
ACGIH TWA 10 ppm
OSHA Z1 PEL 10 ppm 50 mg/m3
Styrene ACGIH STEL 40 ppm
ACGIH TWA 20 ppm
OSHA Z2 TWA 100 ppm
OSHA Z2 Ceiling 200 ppm
OSHA Z2 MAX. CONC 600 ppm

Biological Exposure Index (BEI)

Biological Limit Values (BLV) have not been established for this material.

Additional Information : The ACGIH-values are adopted by the local authorities and
have to be adhered to.
SHELL IS is the Shell Internal Standard. Shell has adopted as
Interim Standards the OSHA Z1A values that were established
in 1989 and later rescinded. Skin notation means that significant
exposure can also occur by absorption of liquid through the skin
and of vapour through the eyes or mucous membranes.

Exposure Controls : The level of protection and types of controls necessary will vary
depending upon potential exposure conditions. Select controls
based on a risk assessment of local circumstances. Appropriate
measures include: Adequate explosion-proof ventilation to
control airborne concentrations below the exposure
Personal Protective : Personal protective equipment (PPE) should meet
Equipment recommended national standards. Check with PPE suppliers.
Respiratory Protection : If engineering controls do not maintain airborne concentrations
to a level which is adequate to protect worker health, select
respiratory protection equipment suitable for the specific
conditions of use and meeting relevant legislation. Check with
respiratory protective equipment suppliers. Where air-filtering
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SDS# 7957
Version 5.2
Material Safety Data Sheet Effective Date 01/24/2013
According to OSHA Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR

respirators are unsuitable (e.g., airborne concentrations are

high, risk of oxygen deficiency, confined space) use appropriate
positive pressure breathing apparatus. If air-filtering respirators
are suitable for conditions of use:
Select a filter suitable for combined particulate/organic gases
and vapours [boiling point <65 °C (149 °F)]
Hand Protection : Where hand contact with the product may occur the use of
gloves approved to relevant standards (e.g. Europe: EN374,
US: F739, AS/NZS:2161) made from the following materials
may provide suitable chemical protection: Suitability and
durability of a glove is dependent on usage, e.g. frequency and
duration of contact, chemical resistance of glove material, glove
thickness, dexterity. Always seek advice from glove suppliers.
Contaminated gloves should be replaced. Longer term
protection - Viton. Incidental contact/Splash protection - Nitrile
Personal hygiene is a key element of effective hand care.
Gloves must only be worn on clean hands. After using gloves,
hands should be washed and dried thoroughly. Application of a
non-perfumed moisturizer is recommended.
Eye Protection : Chemical splash goggles (chemical monogoggles).
Protective Clothing : Chemical resistant gloves/gauntlets, boots, and apron (where
risk of splashing). Wear antistatic and flame retardant clothing.
Monitoring Methods : Monitoring of the concentration of substances in the breathing
zone of workers or in the general workplace may be required to
confirm compliance with an OEL and adequacy of exposure
controls. For some substances biological monitoring may also
be appropriate. Examples of sources of recommended exposure
measurement methods are given below or contact the supplier.
Further national methods may be available. National Institute of
Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), USA: Manual of
Analytical Methods Occupational
Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), USA: Sampling and
Analytical Methods


The physical and chemical property data are typical values and do not constitute a specification.

Appearance : Bronze. Clear, bright liquid.

Odour : Hydrocarbon.
Flash point : -40 °C / -40 °F (Tagliabue Closed Cup)
Explosion / Flammability : 1.3 - 7.6 %(V)
limits in air
Vapour pressure : 7.0 - 14.5 psi (Reid vapour pressure)
Specific gravity : 0.72 - 0.76
Water solubility : 0.05 g/l Negligible.
Vapour density (air=1) : 3.5
Electrical conductivity : Low conductivity: < 100 pS/m, The conductivity of this material
makes it a static accumulator., A liquid is typically considered
nonconductive if its conductivity is below 100 pS/m and is

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SDS# 7957
Version 5.2
Material Safety Data Sheet Effective Date 01/24/2013
According to OSHA Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR

considered semi-conductive if its conductivity is below 10 000

pS/m., Whether a liquid is nonconductive or semi-conductive, the
precautions are the same., A number of factors, for example
liquid temperature, presence of contaminants, and anti-static
additives can greatly influence the conductivity of a liquid.
Volatility : 100.0 % vol at 212.8 °C / 415.0 °F
Stability Stable.


Stability : Stable under normal conditions of use.

Conditions to Avoid : Heat, flames, and sparks.
Materials to Avoid : Strong oxidising agents.
Hazardous Decomposition : Thermal decomposition is highly dependent on conditions. A
Products complex mixture of airborne solids, liquids and gases, including
carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and other organic compounds
will be evolved when this material undergoes combustion or
thermal or oxidative degradation.


Basis for Assessment : Information given is based on product testing, and/or similar
products, and/or components.
Acute Oral Toxicity : Low toxicity: LD50 >2000 mg/kg , Rat
Aspiration into the lungs when swallowed or vomited may cause
chemical pneumonitis which can be fatal.
Acute Dermal Toxicity : Low toxicity: LD50 >2000 mg/kg , Rabbit
Acute Inhalation Toxicity : Low toxicity: LC50 >20 mg/l / 1 hours, Rat
High concentrations may cause central nervous system
depression resulting in headaches, dizziness and nausea;
continued inhalation may result in unconsciousness and/or
Skin corrosion/irritation : Irritating to skin.
Serious eye : Essentially non-irritating to eyes.
Respiratory Irritation : Inhalation of vapours or mists may cause irritation to the
respiratory system.
Repeated Dose Toxicity : Kidney: caused kidney effects in male rats which are not
considered relevant to humans
Germ cell mutagenicity : Not mutagenic.
Carcinogenicity : Known human carcinogen. (Benzene)
May cause leukaemia (AML - acute myelogenous leukaemia).

Material : Carcinogenicity Classification

Alkanes, Cycloalkanes, : GHS / CLP: No carcinogenicity classification
Alkenes and Aromatic
Xylene, Mixed Isomers : ACGIH Group A4: Not classifiable as a human carcinogen.
Xylene, Mixed Isomers : IARC 3: Not classifiable as to carcinogenicity to humans.
Xylene, Mixed Isomers : GHS / CLP: No carcinogenicity classification
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SDS# 7957
Version 5.2
Material Safety Data Sheet Effective Date 01/24/2013
According to OSHA Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR

Toluene : ACGIH Group A4: Not classifiable as a human carcinogen.

Toluene : IARC 3: Not classifiable as to carcinogenicity to humans.
Toluene : GHS / CLP: No carcinogenicity classification
1,2,4-Trimethyl benzene : GHS / CLP: No carcinogenicity classification
Benzene : ACGIH Group A1: Confirmed human carcinogen.
Benzene : NTP: Known To Be Human Carcinogen.
Benzene : IARC 1: Carcinogenic to humans.
Benzene : OSHA: Cancer hazard.
Benzene : GHS / CLP: Carcinogenicity Category 1A
n-Hexane : GHS / CLP: No carcinogenicity classification
Cyclohexane : GHS / CLP: No carcinogenicity classification
Ethylbenzene : ACGIH Group A3: Confirmed animal carcinogen with unknown
relevance to humans.
Ethylbenzene : IARC 2B: Possibly carcinogenic to humans.
Ethylbenzene : GHS / CLP: No carcinogenicity classification
Naphthalene : ACGIH Group A4: Not classifiable as a human carcinogen.
Naphthalene : NTP: Reasonably Anticipated to be a Human Carcinogen.
Naphthalene : IARC 2B: Possibly carcinogenic to humans.
Naphthalene : GHS / CLP: Carcinogenicity Category 2
Styrene : ACGIH Group A4: Not classifiable as a human carcinogen.
Styrene : NTP: Reasonably Anticipated to be a Human Carcinogen.
Styrene : IARC 2B: Possibly carcinogenic to humans.
Styrene : GHS / CLP: No carcinogenicity classification

Reproductive and : Does not impair fertility. The relevance of these data to humans
Developmental Toxicity is unknown.
Additional Information : May cause MDS (Myelodysplastic Syndrome). (Benzene)


Acute Toxicity
Fish : Expected to be toxic: LL/EL/IL50 1-10 mg/l
Aquatic crustacea : Expected to be toxic: LL/EL/IL50 1-10 mg/l
Algae/aquatic plants : Expected to be toxic: LL/EL/IL50 1-10 mg/l

Mobility : If product enters soil, one or more constituents will be mobile

and may contaminate groundwater. Toxic to aquatic organisms;
may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic
environment. Ether oxygenates are significantly more water
soluble and less biodegradable than benzene, toluene, ethyl
benzene and xylenes (BTEX). Consequently ether oxygenates
have the potential to migrate relatively longer distances than
BTEX in groundwater. Floats on water.
Persistence/degradability : Oxidises rapidly by photo-chemical reactions in air. Expected to
be inherently biodegradable.
Bioaccumulation : Contains components with the potential to bioaccumulate.


Material Disposal : Recover or recycle if possible. It is the responsibility of the waste

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SDS# 7957
Version 5.2
Material Safety Data Sheet Effective Date 01/24/2013
According to OSHA Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR

generator to determine the toxicity and physical properties of the

material generated to determine the proper waste classification
and disposal methods in compliance with applicable
Do not dispose into the environment, in drains or in water
courses. Waste product should not be allowed to contaminate
soil or water.
Local Legislation : Disposal should be in accordance with applicable regional,
national, and local laws and regulations. Local regulations may
be more stringent than regional or national requirements and
must be in compliance.


US Department of Transportation Classification (49CFR)

Identification number UN 1203
UN proper shipping name Gasoline
Class / Division 3
Packing group II
Contains OIL
Emergency Response Guide 128
No. .
Additional Information This material is an 'OIL' under 49 CFR Part 130 when
transported in a container of 3500 gallon capacity or greater.

Identification number UN 1203
UN proper shipping name GASOLINE
Class / Division 3
Packing group II
Marine Pollutant: Yes

IATA (Country variations may apply)

Identification number UN 1203
UN proper shipping name Gasoline
Class / Division 3
Packing group II


The regulatory information is not intended to be comprehensive. Other regulations may apply to this

Federal Regulatory Status

Notification Status

TSCA All components are listed on the TSCA


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SDS# 7957
Version 5.2
Material Safety Data Sheet Effective Date 01/24/2013
According to OSHA Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR

Comprehensive Environmental Release, Compensation & Liability Act (CERCLA)

Gasoline () Reportable quantity: 100 lbs

Xylene, Mixed Isomers (1330-20-7)

Toluene (108-88-3)
Benzene (71-43-2)
n-Hexane (110-54-3)
Cyclohexane (110-82-7)
Naphthalene (91-20-3)
Styrene (100-42-5)
Gasoline (8006-61-9)

Shell classifies this material as an "oil" under the CERCLA Petroleum Exclusion, therefore
releases to the environment are not reportable under CERCLA. The components with RQs are
given for information.

Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 311

Xylene, Mixed Isomers (1330-20-7) Reportable quantity: 100 lbs

Toluene (108-88-3) Reportable quantity: 1,000 lbs
Benzene (71-43-2) Reportable quantity: 10 lbs
Cyclohexane (110-82-7) Reportable quantity: 1,000 lbs
Naphthalene (91-20-3) Reportable quantity: 100 lbs
Styrene (100-42-5) Reportable quantity: 1,000 lbs

Under Section 311 of the Clean Water Act (CWA) this material is considered an oil. As such, spills
into surface waters must be reported to the National Response Center at (800) 424-8802. The
components with RQs are given for information.

SARA Hazard Categories (311/312)

Immediate (Acute) Health Hazard. Delayed (Chronic) Health Hazard. Fire Hazard.

SARA Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) (313)

Xylene, Mixed Isomers (1330-20-7)

Toluene (108-88-3)
1,2,4-Trimethyl benzene (95-63-6)
Benzene (71-43-2)
n-Hexane (110-54-3)
Cyclohexane (110-82-7)
Naphthalene (91-20-3)
Styrene (100-42-5)

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SDS# 7957
Version 5.2
Material Safety Data Sheet Effective Date 01/24/2013
According to OSHA Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR

State Regulatory Status

California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act (Proposition 65)

Known to the State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm.
Known to the state of California to cause cancer.

Toluene (108-88-3) 25.00% Developmental toxin.

Female reproductive toxin.
Benzene (71-43-2) 4.00% Carcinogenic.
Developmental toxin.
Male reproductive toxin.
Naphthalene (91-20-3) 1.00% Carcinogenic.
Gasoline Engine Exhaust () 0.11% Carcinogenic.

New Jersey Right-To-Know Chemical List

Xylene, Mixed Isomers (1330-20-7) Listed.

Toluene (108-88-3) Listed.
Special hazard.
1,2,4-Trimethyl benzene (95-63-6)
Benzene (71-43-2) Listed.
Special hazard.
n-Hexane (110-54-3) Special hazard.
Cyclohexane (110-82-7) Listed.
Naphthalene (91-20-3) Listed.
Styrene (100-42-5) Special hazard.
Gasoline (8006-61-9) Listed.
Isopropyl Ether (108-20-3) Listed.

Pennsylvania Right-To-Know Chemical List

Xylene, Mixed Isomers (1330-20-7) Listed.

Environmental hazard.
Toluene (108-88-3) Listed.
Environmental hazard.
1,2,4-Trimethyl benzene (95-63-6) Environmental hazard.
Benzene (71-43-2) Environmental hazard.
Special hazard.
n-Hexane (110-54-3) Listed.
Cyclohexane (110-82-7) Environmental hazard.
Naphthalene (91-20-3) Environmental hazard.
Styrene (100-42-5) Environmental hazard.
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SDS# 7957
Version 5.2
Material Safety Data Sheet Effective Date 01/24/2013
According to OSHA Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR

Isopropyl Ether (108-20-3) Listed.


HMIS Rating (Health, Fire, : 1, 3, 0

NFPA Rating (Health, Fire, : 1, 3, 0
SDS Version Number : 5.2

SDS Effective Date : 01/24/2013

SDS Revisions : A vertical bar (|) in the left margin indicates an amendment from
the previous version.
SDS Regulation : The content and format of this MSDS is in accordance with the
OSHA Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200.
Uses and Restrictions : Fuel industry.

SDS Distribution : The information in this document should be made available to all
who may handle the product

Disclaimer : The information contained herein is based on our current

knowledge of the underlying data and is intended to describe the
product for the purpose of health, safety and environmental
requirements only. No warranty or guarantee is expressed or
implied regarding the accuracy of these data or the results to be
obtained from the use of the product.

Print Date 12/16/2014 000000004706

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