Feeling Alive - Shinkiko A-B-C

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Feeling Alive with

Ki Energy
Masato W. Nakagawa

(c)2011 Masato W. Nakagawa

All rights reserved. Printed in Japan. No part of this publication may be reproduced,stored
in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher.
Shinkiko A-B-C
Preface But partly due to the fact that my grandfather was a
therapist, his son developed an apparatus called the
Words like "Ki" and "Chinese Qigong" are now being High Genki, which transfers Ki in about 1986, and he
quite commonly used. I have read an interview in which began treating sick people with it. According to him, in
an athlete was saying "Ki is important," in a magazine. the night of December 23rd, 1988, a white bearded old
Not to mention Tai Chi Chuan classes, culture centers oracle appeared in his dream and said to him "From now
(*1) are offering a variety of Qigong classes, attracting on, treat people by emitting Ki from your hands." Up
many health-conscious people. until then, the old man often appeared in his dream
In the medical world, the number of doctors who are whenever my father had troubles in treating people and
adopting Ki and Chinese Qigong for treatment is told him how to deal with them. And because what he
increasing every year. told him to do always turned out successful, he believed
I suppose that there are now less people who feel in the old man. The High Genki too was developed with
uncomfortable with words Chinese Qigong and Ki. the help of the old man.
My involvement with Ki started in 1992 though I was A psychic may say that the old man should be my
not all that active in it. The story behind it is detailed in father's guardian spirit, or a psychologist may regard it
the text. as his subconscious appeared in the shape of a man.
I surely knew that my father was treating diseases Nobody knows who or what this old oracle is, but from
with Ki. But due in part to the fact that I was working as the next day, my father began emitting Ki from his hands
an engineer at an electronics manufacturer, I never and started out as a Qigong therapist to treat all kinds of
really felt the necessity for Ki. My father's stories were sick people.
foreign to me and I did not take them seriously. After He named the treatment with a High Genki, a Ki
nearly ten years with the company, I began to suffer transferring apparatus, as "Shin-Atsu-Shin-Ryoudou,"
from chronic fatigue caused by stress and hurt my and opened a clinic called the Shin-Atsu-Shin Clinic Inc.
stomach. So I attended the Shinkiko retreat seminar, in Tokyo, setting branch offices all over the country to
run by my father, held in Shimoda (Izu), Shizuoka and offer customers the High Genki experience. Then he
everything started then. named the Ki from a High Genki as "Shinkiko".
In the seminar, I experienced many things which Then he started saying that "In a week you can be a
made me keenly feel how narrow-minded I had been. Ki therapist too" and opened a camp-based retreat
When my stomach got much better, I began to wonder seminar in Shimoda, Shizuoka in 1990. As mentioned
my way of living and values; eventually I ended up above, I participated in the seminar too and got to know
quitting the company and began helping my father's about Ki.
work. At that time, it was believed that a along and arduous
My father was originally a repairer of wrist watches. training was required to be a Ki therapist who treats

51 月刊ハイゲンキ 2006 June No.193

people by emitting Ki from his or her hands. That was a are happening. Also there are many problems like
common belief among people involved with Qigong various natural disasters, aging of the population amid
which was spreading little by little. So his saying "It can extremely low birthrates, rapid restructuring in
be accomplished in a week," seemed to have drawn companies due to the low economic growth and so on.
criticism from many people concerned with Ki. In exhaustion, many people are at a loss how to make
The location of the retreat seminar was moved from things better and are nearly losing hope now.
Shimoda to Mt. Ikoma in Nara in 1994. And in the However, that is why I think it is a good chance to
course of running the seminar, my father's point of view change our consciousness. Shinkiko makes people to
gradually changed. He became aware that Ki has have a positive mind comfortably. In any area in which
much larger possibilities than just treating people: the people are involved, that is, as my father said, Ki would
possibilities to lead people to change themselves and be be a major pillar and a solution to all areas.
happier. I am still a trainee, but I have experienced many
"Shinkiko is not aimed at curing diseases. It is things which made me feel how much my point of views
aimed at heightening spirituality and purifying can change by just taking Ki into my life. I am so
environments and making it possible to make everything different from what I used to be when I was a salaried
live in a good energy. I think that, the time will come worker.
when Ki will be a pillar in many areas, such as Undoubtedly my heart has become lighter. I am now
commerce, industries, science and medicine in the 21st living with a pleasant smile on my face without furrowing
century. So let us make a good use of Ki, and lead a my brow or taking stress as stress; I now have more
happy life." exciting opportunities to meet wonderful people and
The words above are what my father, who died in encounter things that make me feel joy.
1995, used to say and are some of the ones that I I have written this book in hope that Shinkiko can be
remember most clearly. of some help to you to lead a happy life.
After my father passed away, his eldest son, I took In the original book written in Japanese, the letter "氣
over the Shinkiko he had been doing together with his " frequently appears (though in English it is simply
name. I was almost a beginner from the start, but being written as "Ki"). "氣" and "気" are pronounced exactly
supported by many people who admired my father and the same and have almost the same meaning. Then
believed in Shinkiko, ten years passed by like a flash. why using this "氣" instead of using the more popular
During those years, I had great opportunities to send and familiar letter "気" ? Detailed explanations are
Ki to many people all over the country from Hokkaido in provided in the text.
the north to Okinawa in the south, centering around It would be my great pleasure if you could enjoy
each office; sometimes to people in overseas centering reading this book to the last.
around the U.S. I also managed to run the retreat 2005 early summer, Masato Nakagawa

seminar in Ikoma every month without fail. I was so

lucky to have many chances to witness many people (*1) culture centers are private-sector facilities which provide a variety of
lifelong learning activities to the general public in Japan.
becoming happier by receiving Ki, Shinkiko, and to know
the beauty of it. And it also made me happy.
Recently many tragic and unprecedented incidents

Shinkiko A-B-C
We are living in Ki are kept alive by the Ki energy.
What image comes to your mind when you hear Ki can be largely divided into two types: the one
the words Ki and Qigong? Many people may think that affects in a positive way and the other that
of a phrase like "incurable diseases can be cured affects in a negative way. In Japanese, to get sick
miraculously by Ki" because Ki has a deep (病気になる, read as byouki ni naru) literally
involvement in disease treatment. means Ki gets sick, and it means to be affected by
In fact, cases in which people overcame terminal the negative Ki and become short of energy.
cancer or people's allergic symptoms improved or The view of Qigong is that when Ki gets sick one
people who had difficulty in walking became able gets sick, so providing the sick with the healthy
to walk, have been reported on TV or in magazines. positive Ki energy that is in the universe and
And for those who are suffering from incurable making them regain the same energy they had
diseases Ki is a ray of hope. before, would make them recover. That is why we
I am acting as a Qigong therapist, so I myself call the active Ki that one had before as 元気 (read
have seen many people getting better and being as genki, meaning fine or fit), literally meaning the
relieved from pain and some of them recovered original Ki.
completely with Ki. By receiving the positive Ki, we can change the
And every time I experience such incredible condition of the Ki in our bodies from 病気 (sick)
things, I can not help feeling keenly that Ki really to 元気 (fit).
has a huge possibility. The more I get involved
with Ki the more I feel that Ki can be used more The letter 氣 has high energy
widely rather than just curing disease. In this book (in the original book in Japanese),
What exactly is Ki? I have studied about it in the letter 氣 (Ki) is being used instead of 気 (also
my own way, and as a result, I found out that Ki is means Ki). Now this letter is not popularly used,
not something special. It is deeply related to our so it may be making some of the readers feel
daily lives. uneasy.
In Japanese, there are many words that include There is a reason why I am using the letter 氣
the letter 気 (Ki): 気分 (read as kibun, meaning instead of 気.
feeling), 陰気 (read as inki, meaning gloom), 陽気 There are various stories about the origin of the
(read as youki, meaning gaiety), 勇気 (read as letter 氣. 氣 consists of the 米 (literally means
yuuki, meaning courage), 気持ち (read as kimochi, rice) part and the 气 (an ideogram which represents
meaning feeling), 天気 (read as tenki, meaning fine smoke or vapor) part. And there is a theory that
weather), 気楽 (read as kiraku, meaning comfort), the气part represents the energy (I would say that is
気が重い (read as ki ga omoi, meaning feeling the aura of rice) coming out like smoke from rice,
heavy), 気になる (read as ki ni naru, meaning which I find interesting. According to the theory,
feeling uneasy) and etc. We are using them quite this letter was used to represent something vague
casually, but from these words we can see how but exists for sure like energy.
close Ki is to our daily lives. Letters have energy.
Ki is a wide variety of energies that are There is a test that measures the force of energy
permeating the universe. It is also permeating by using muscular power, which is called the O-ring
around us and inside our bodies. I would say we test. A testee makes an "O"shape or a circle with

51 月刊ハイゲンキ 2006 July No.194

his or her index and thumb, and let a tester separate How Ki works
the fingers to break the O by applying pressure Ki is the primordial energy in the universe. It
from inside the circle to outside and measure how is not only in the human body or animals or plants
much force is being applied to maintain the circle. but also in stones or cars or aircraft--- everything
If the testee holds a tobacco, which is said to be that exists in the universe.
unhealthy, in one hand and makes the circle with And there are different types of Ki. As
the other, the muscular power markedly decreases mentioned above, the sick Ki (病気) is sickness,
compared to not holding a tobacco. On the and the original Ki (元気) is spark or vigor. Ki is
contrary, if the testee holds something that is said the root of all things, and there are numerous kinds
to be good for health, the muscular power of Ki.
increases. Words like spirit or soul, I interpret them as
This shows that the body feels the energy from a expressing Ki as well.
substance and the muscle reacts either strongly or We humans are consisted of the visible part and
weakly. the invisible part.
We see many athletes using special necklaces or When we look at the human body
tapes, but they are not just accessories. They are microscopically, we can see that it is made up of
designed by making use of the theory that the cells. It is made up of some sixty trillion cells and
energy which substances have affects the human each cell has a gene, and this gene is said to be the
body, and are aimed at increasing energy and blueprint for the body. The information in the
muscular force. They must be effective because gene makes the protein that makes up the human
many athletes are using them. organism.
Now let us go back to the story of the letter 氣. But the physical body and the mind or soul are
Please prepare two sheets of paper and write the different things. Identical twins are born from the
letter 氣 on one sheet and 気 on the other. And same egg which splits in two, so they have the same
fold these papers in two or four so that the written gene combination. Although they look exactly the
side cannot be seen and pick one of them with one same, their personalities and tastes are often pretty
hand and make an O-ring with the other. See how different. That is, the part made by genes is the
the muscle strength of the fingers differs when physical body, the visible part, and the part that can
holding the paper with the letter 氣 and when not be made by genes, like spirit or life energy or
holding the 気 paper. You will be surprised to see feeling, is the invisible part.
that more force is being applied with the 氣 paper. Dying is the death of the visible part. It is
These letters almost look alike but the energies they only the body that stops working.
have are quite different. The invisible part, that is, the human's Ki, or life
So whenever there is a need to put in the energy, lives on. This part is expressed as ghost or
original meaning of Ki, the letter 氣 is used instead spirit, and as in the human, consciousness and mind
of 気 in this book, although it is not a popular also exists in it.
letter. Words like 氣功 (read as Kikou, meaning There are as many as six billion people on earth,
Qigong) and 氣づき (read as kizuki, meaning and there are also various kinds of animals, plants,
spiritual awakening) are both deeply related with minerals, and substances. Moreover, there are
氣, that is why the letter 氣 is used. many spirits or souls who already lost their
physical bodies. And each of them has Ki with a
particular wavelength. Their waves affect many
things around us.
We are living in such a relationship with Ki.

The letter 氣 used as the Shinkiko's logo

Shinkiko A-B-C
Ups and downs of life are caused by Ki heart, you will catch a "smiling Ki" and the more you
I have explained that Ki can be divided into two catch it the happier you will become.
types: the positive Ki and the negative Ki. Please keep in mind that this is the rule on how the
When you are affected by a positive Ki you can positive and the negative Ki works.
feel good. You feel filled with happiness and feel the
desire to be thoughtful of others. For example, when
you are listening to a comfortable music, or having What kind of Ki is Shinkiko?
your favorite meal, or talking to someone you love, As I mentioned above, Shinkiko is the Ki which
your mind is full of a positive Ki. Conversely, when comes out of (or is transferred by), an apparatus called
you met someone you dislike, or when you are putting High Genki (will be mentioned later) and a person's
up with noise or nasty smell, or when you are too hand, and named so by my father, the late chairman,
busy, you tend to become angry or feel irritated. That Masato Nakagawa.
is when a negative Ki is accumulated within you. Ki sometimes appears in a photo. It appears as
It must be everyone's hope to be always wrapped in light in a various forms such as a straight line or in
a positive Ki. But in the universe, the positive and spiral but undoubtedly it is the light. Of course, it is
the negative Ki are mixed together and we attract invisible in the eye but appears visible only after a
either one of them depending on a slight change in our photo is developed. My father had seen many photos
state of mind. of Ki, and he thought that the Ki must be a kind of
Figuratively speaking, it works just like a TV light. So he combined the letter 光 (read as ko,
receiver. meaning light) and the letter 真 (read as shin,
Around us, there are many airwaves flying from meaning true) to imply that it is the true Ki and named
TV stations. A TV receiver catches airwaves of a it as Shinkiko (literally means true Ki light).
certain frequency when you switch channels. If you The Shinkiko is also a kind of Ki that is pervading
tune in to NHK (Japan's national broadcaster), the TV the universe but it has features like healing diseases,
receiver receives airwaves from NHK station and the making people feel better and people's life easier.
images appear on the TV screen. The late Dr. Hideo Seki (a Doctor of Engineering
Similarly, when we are irritated, we catch Ki with and a former head of The PSI Science Institute of
"irritating frequencies", when we are happy, "happy Japan), a friend of my father's and whom I owe so
frequencies." Our state of mind changes so much, wrote about Shinkiko in his own books
constantly that many kinds of Ki come in and go out. (Koujigen-Kagaku and Koujigen-Kagaku 2, Chuo Art
It is all right if they keep coming in and out but if you Publishing Co., Ltd.) According to the books, there
are looking annoyed all the time, an "annoyed Ki" are six types in the form of wave in the universe.
stays. This is a negative Ki, so it may make you feel They say that the three waves, microwave, magnetic
much worse and attract more negative Ki and may wave and electromagnetic wave have been identified
make you ill. by modern science but the other three are still
Reversely, if you are always smiling from your unidentified. The doctor said that not only

51 月刊ハイゲンキ 2006 August No.195

microwave, magnetic wave and electromagnetic wave, suffer chronic exhaustion, stiff shoulder and etc. In
but also unknown energies like GIMANEH wave and Japanese, there is an expression kiryoku ga nakunaru
FIEGHOK wave are included in Shinkiko. He (literally meaning the strength of Ki is lost), which
considered it as a very advanced type of energy and means to become lack of vigor, and when you become
put a high value on it. so, you will feel low and spend your days slobbing
There have been attempts to do a scientific around. In the worst case you may become sick both
research on Qigong, but it still remains unexplained. mentally and physically. I suppose that mental illness
I figure that it must be an assembly of energy waves is a typical type of disease caused by lack of Ki.
which have microscopic wavelength that cannot be The lack of Ki does not only affect your health but
detected with the level of modern science. may also affect your life in a bad way.
I have already explained that Shinkiko has the There must be times when nothing goes right: what
wave that heals disease, makes people feel better and you did for somebody as a favor worked negative,
makes people's life better, but it has the following cause headaches by slip of the tongue, get involved
features as well: with annoying people and so on.
*Shinkiko is the energy that is pervading the These are all caused by the influenced of Ki.
universe and it can be received by tuning yourself When a negative Ki flocks around you, it attracts
in to it. more negative ones just like the saying goes "like
*Anyone will be able to transfer this energy by attracts like." If you are surrounded by people with a
attending the Shinkiko Retreat Seminar. negative Ki, whatever you do, things will not go right
*It can be memorized onto various things. as a matter of course.
*It works on people's conscious mind and brings When things go wrong, you get irritated more and
about spiritual awakenings that are needed for attract more negative Ki and fall into a vicious circle
them. beyond help.
Putting these features together, I explain to people When you cannot get to sleep, the more you try to
that the Shinkiko is the energy that has a healing and a sleep the more sleepless and worried you become.
spiritual awakening wave. At times like this, things sometimes go better with
I will explain these features one by one. the help of a positive Ki. Shinkiko, the positive Ki,
neutralizes the negative wave and blocks harmful
effect from it.
Heals disease and makes your life go well It stops the flow of things going in a bad direction
I have explained that the there are the positive and and lets it go gradually in a better direction.
the negative Ki. For example, when you are sick and get better,
By being wrapped in a positive Ki, you can lead a your daily life becomes easier and you become less
happy life, but things do not always work out as you worried and so does your relationships with others.
expect. Because every one of us is exposed to some This is the shift from a vicious to a virtuous circle.
kinds of stresses: stress at home, at work and of Some say that when you hit the lowest point in
relationships with friends. Also, there may be some your life you can only go upward but you need energy
spirits (or souls) of your dead families or ancestors or to do so. The Shinkiko energy slows down the speed
friends who are still in deep sorrow and crying out for of your falling and gives you a break to look around.
help. They are likely to be negative Ki. When a lot It is not unusual that some people turn about at one go
of negative Ki flocks to you, you become short of and start going upward.
energy and you will feel down or irritated or will

Shinkiko A-B-C
Not storing and emitting but transferring: anyone your long persisting pain heals. Or you sometimes
can do with ease witness a person with severe symptoms getting
A lot of Qigong therapists in China master Kikou (or incredibly well. It will also be of great help to you to
Qigong) through various kinds of trainings. They are hear about others' Shinkiko experiences in order to
doing the Naikikou technique (a training to take in Ki understand Shinkiko.
within the body by doing exercises and controlling one's As you repeat experiencing all this, you will be able
breathing, as typified by Tai Chi and breathing to understand deeper that the Ki really exists and that it
techniques) everyday to store Ki at the tanden (a spot a is deeply related to your frame of mind. You will
little bit below the navel) and then treat sick people by realize how important it is to change your mind-set,
giving them the Ki. This was the beginning of the without reasons.
Gaikikou technique (a technique to heal sick people by Furthermore, during the seminar, you will have a
emitting Ki from the healer's hands). To master this number of times to receive Shinkiko everyday, so the
technique, decades of Naikikou training is required. wave of Shinkiko will be memorized in the Ki that each
Shinkiko could be considered as a type of Gaikikou individual has. My father used to tell me that it is just
in that it also sends out Ki to others. However, the like when a nail is attached to a strong magnet, it will
point which is totally different from the traditional become magnetized.
Gaikikou is that Shinkiko can be mastered in a few When the wave of Shinkiko is memorized, Shinkiko
days. comes flowing into you naturally by just becoming
Because in Shinkiko, you do not store Ki within you conscious of it and you will be able to emit Ki. In five
as in Chinese Kikou but you transfer it. days, all the attendants of the seminar can practice
I have explained how we attract negative Ki by transferring Shinkiko. People who did not believe in
comparing a person to a TV receiver. If you can tune Ki nor did feel like emitting Ki will all be amazed and
yourself to receive positive Ki and stay tuned in, you excited, when Ki comes out of their hands on the last
can always receive positive Ki in the universe. You do day of the seminar.
not have to dare to store it. It takes a great effort to store Ki within you, but to
Then, what exactly do you have to do to transfer it? transfer it, you only have to receive Ki intensively and
First of all, you will have to know that there exists try to tune in to positive Ki.
such an invisible energy as Ki. Then understand Ki by When my father started healing people with
hearing about peoples' experiences and experiencing Ki Shinkiko, because the nature of Shinkiko overturned the
yourself, and learn how to be in an appropriate frame of conventional common sense about Ki, though it drew
mind to emit positive Ki yourself. attention, some people involved in Kikou criticized him
I am now running a five days retreat seminar at Mt. one time. But now there are more people who say that
Ikoma in Nara prefecture. The main subject of the Ki is to transfer. I cannot help feeling that things have
seminar is to let people experience Shinkiko intensively. changed a lot.
When you receive Shinkiko, your body moves or

51 月刊ハイゲンキ 2006 September No.196

The wave of Shinkiko can be memorized onto emitting the wave with no change in its quality, in any
various things environment, any time.
I will explain in detail later but SAS Inc. started with My father found two major things. The first one is
the development of an apparatus called the High Genki that if the word 真氣光 (Shinkiko) and the name 中川
which transfers Ki. In addition, my company is 雅仁 (Masato Nakagawa) are incused or embroidered
developing various kinds of goods which gather Ki. on things, the wave of Shinkiko hardly changes. The
It was my father's wish to make Ki as something that second one is that as for liquids like cosmetics, Ki is
everyone can use in everyday life, not as something that very likely to change, but by including some flakes of
only people who have special abilities and skills can use. gold leaf with the wave of Shinkiko memorized in them,
If a long and harsh ascetic training is required to use the wave of Shinkiko does not change easily.
Ki, it must be really difficult to fulfill his wish. He All the Ki goods are designed with some ideas in
also thought it would be even better if there was a way order to maintain the wave of Shinkiko. The discovery
to receive Ki without a Qigong therapist. of the way to make the wave of Shinkiko to be
The High Genki apparatus is so easy to use that even memorized allowed many kinds of Ki goods to be
children can handle it. It allows anyone to receive a produced.
strong Ki easily at anytime. With the Ki goods, you can always receive Shinkiko
Furthermore, he thought it must be even better if by just putting them around you without being conscious
people could receive Shinkiko on a daily basis. of it. This is one of the main features of Shinkiko.
What if Shinkiko is included in cosmetics? You can
receive Shinkiko by just apply them on your skin. If it
is included in a towel, while using the towel, you can
replenish (or "charge" ) Ki, in a mat, while you are
sleeping on it, and in accessories, while you are working
or shopping. If it is in the water, you can take a
comfort bath, drink healthy and harmless water, and
cook delicious meals. If it is included in music, your
home will be full of positive Ki and be purified by just
playing it.
The Shinkiko Retreat Seminar Center at Mt. Ikoma in Nara prefecture
With all this in his mind, my father developed lots of
Ki goods. He also made a charging-Ki room (Ki-
ireshitsu, meaning a room for charging Ki), and there he
used to charge Ki into High Genkis and other goods one
by one. After he died, I took over what had been doing
and am developing new products. This is one of my
important jobs.
The important thing here is that the wave of Shinkiko
can be memorized onto things. However, depending on
the material of things, the wave of Shinkiko is
sometimes altered by other strong Ki, or sometimes The Shinkiko harmonizing time is held four times a day
Lots of people from Japan and overseas with different living habits and life experiences
Shinkiko disappears. I hope that the Ki goods can keep come to attend the seminar

Shinkiko A-B-C
It works on the conscious mind and brings about so probably his body was reaching its limit.
awakening He was in critical condition but came back to work
Shinkiko originally spread as a type of Kikou (or three months later. He was crippled a little but became
Qigong) treatment which cures diseases. In 1990, in a cleverer speaker, and the Ki he transferred seemed to
Izu-Shimoda, Shizuoka prefecture, my father started have become more effective than before.
running the Medical Qigong Therapist Training Seminar My father was thinking about a lot of thing during
(shifted its location to Ikoma, Nara prefecture, in 1994) his recuperation and when he was released from a
with the catch phrase "You can be a Qigong therapist in hospital, he told me, "it is better not to cure diseases."
a week" and the name of Shinkiko spread widely. The There was a reason for this.
first seminar had started with forty-two participants and That is, there is always a reason why things happen.
it spread like wildfire by word of mouth, and a year Having been seriously sick himself, my father became
later, the yoga center which we had been using for the aware that every negative thing and disease that befalls
seminar every month, became full of participants. people is a message from the author of all beings (or the
Among the participants, there were not only people existence which is beyond human understanding).
who wanted to become a Qigong therapist but also If the diseases are the messages from the author of
many sick people who heard that they could get better all beings, it is meaningless to cure them before
by attending the seminar for a week. Moreover, there understanding the meaning of the messages. You can
were people with so many kinds of incurable diseases not overcome your disease in a true sense unless you
that it was not too much to say that you could see all have the attitude to ask yourself why you became sick,
kinds of sicknesses in the world. and ask if there is anything you should be aware of from
Also there were lots of amazing things happened in the disease. However, people who keep having the
the seminar. same mind-sets and behaviors even after they
It was not unusual to see a person who could not dramatically overcame their illnesses, are likely to keep
walk and came to attend the seminar being supported by being sick again and again. Even if they do not
someone, became able to walk up stairs and walked become sick, they may meet an accident or suffer
home briskly a week later. financially and may become unhappy.
A girl who overcame food allergy was so thrilled If you become sick, you should listen to the message
when she had a train lunch for the first time on the from the author of all beings. Shinkiko can help you
bullet train home. when you do this. If you can awaken to the reason why
As the saying goes, "fact is stranger than fiction," the you became sick with the help of Shinkiko, your disease
seminar was really a mine of impressive dramas. will be cured naturally. The disease is a message for
My father used to love helping people, so whenever you to be awaken to something, so if you become
there were people in need of his help, he rushed off to awaken, there is no need for you to be sick anymore and
them no matter how busy he was and how far it was. the disease will gradually disappear.
Since his treatment had an immediate effect and This was what my father had found, one of his
people often thanked him in tears, he thought that awakenings. I will explain about it in detail later, but
healing diseases was the purpose in his life. by not thinking much about curing disease, the wave of
However, he collapsed from cerebral hemorrhage in the Shinkiko which my father transferred had changed
March 1995. He was traveling all over Japan as well as dramatically and became more effective in a true sense.
other countries in the world sacrificing hours of sleep, When my father became awaken to it, he went from

51 月刊ハイゲンキ 2006 October No.197

Hokkaido in the north to Okinawa in the south to share In order to eliminate disease, we all need to think
what he found with people. After he finished sharing, sincerely about why we became sick.
he collapsed again in December 1995 and set off for Shinkiko gives us an important chance to awaken to
another world. the fundamental cause of the sickness.
The energy of Shinkiko drastically changed due to When we become sick, we tend to think negatively.
my father's awakening. The conventional Shinkiko It is rather difficult to ask ourselves why we have
energy was just taking away negative Ki which is become sick when we are in a negative mood. It is
attached to a spirit. When you receive Shinkiko, almost impossible to think positively when our sickness
negative Ki is taken away from your spirit and it is getting worse. However, if the pain is relived with the
temporarily regains luster. However, if you do not help of Shinkiko, you can have room to breathe and
change yourself, your spirit soon attracts other negative think about yourself. Furthermore, by receiving
Ki and it dims again. Shinkiko, the positive energy within you gets stronger
The Shinkiko energy became much more permeable and you will be able to think positively and to think
due to my father's awakening. Not by working on the about your family and others. Then you will gradually
negative Ki that is gathered around a spirit, but on the be able to be aware of the problems you are having, the
Ki receiver's spirit, Shinkiko gives light to the spirit and reason why you became sick and the meaning of it, in
lets it shine. The negative Ki which was attached to a the form of awakening.
spirit is now purified by the spark of the spirit. Ki Things like people with various diseases are getting
receivers' attitudes also changed. They used to rely on better with Shinkiko are frequently happening.
the power of Ki from outside and tended to want Ki to However, strictly speaking, it is not that the Shinkiko
get rid of negative Ki. However, because the spark of directly works on diseases. Shinkiko shines on our
the spirit became much stronger, the receivers' minds spirits deep inside us, beyond the human body. It allows
naturally became positive, and now they are able to us not to worry about superficial things like sicknesses,
awaken to things more easily. Therefore, now souls and to fundamentally rethink the nature of ourselves and
shine even brighter and they do not attract negative Ki our diseases and get back the healthy Ki which we used
so easily, and even if a negative Ki comes near by, they to have, before we get sick (that is, to get well again).
are able to purify it into positive Ki. The aim of Shinkiko is not to cure diseases. The
important thing is to be able to awaken to something
through sicknesses, and by leading people do that,
Gradually awaken to the meaning of illness with Shinkiko leads people to become happy. It goes beyond
Shinkiko the question of whether or not a disease can be cured,
What my father had awakened to was a great asset to Shinkiko can make people happier.
I definitely do not mean to make light of curing
disease, but the idea of demonizing diseases and getting
rid of them, will not be a solution to diseases. I could
profoundly agree on this, which was one of my father's
By studying the human body at the micro level, we
are now able to cure diseases on a genetic level.
However, even how the gene works is clarified, the
number of incurable diseases, including cancers, has not
yet decreased. The contradictory fact that the incurable
diseases are not decreasing although the analysis of the
The participants of the seminar are having a pleasant talk. This seminar is
human body has advanced, has now come to the front. aimed at letting people rethink their lives and find a new self.

Shinkiko A-B-C
What is "awakening"? your past will come back and if you have been
We often use the word "awakening", but what holding a grudge against someone for a long time,
exactly does it mean in terms of Shinkiko? you will be able to coolly take a close look at
For example, suppose you are walking on a whether you have been right.
street. There is a bump and you fell over it; you hit Suppose there is a person whom you really hate
your knee and it is killing you. at work. Whatever he says just irritates you or
Everyone must think, "What is this bump doing makes you feel down and bothers you a lot. You
here?" and gets angry but is the bump responsible? may think that he is the one who is bad and feel like
Looking around, you notice that most people are changing him or getting away from him.
aware of the bump and they do not fall over However, if you keep receiving Shinkiko, you
because they are walking with care. will not be bothered by him as much. This is
The bump is surely one of the reasons why you because the negative Ki which is sympathizing with
fell over. However, if you had been a little more the Ki being emitted from him will disappear.
careful, you might have got away with it. Wasn't Although the things around you do not change
there anything wrong with your attitude? much, you will have a room to breathe and become
When something inconvenient happens, people stronger. It will turn out that the person you hate is
tend to think that it is not their fault and someone the one who will make you stronger as a result. If
or something else is to blame. However, it is you awaken to such a thing, your negative feeling
actually ourselves who are causing troubles. towards the one you hate will change into
This is where awakening starts. gratefulness.
In terms of Ki, you can see that it is actually the If you have reached this level, things will be fine.
state of your Ki that is creating things to happen. However, it is difficult to think that negative
For example, you go to work by car in the morning; things will be of great help to your spiritual growth
you got rear-ended as soon as you braked for the when things are not going well. Shinkiko is the
red light. It happened because of the carelessness energy which helps you to understand deeper what
of the car behind you, but it could be because of you have already understood logically. It will lead
your negative Ki which was generated by you being you to awaken in the real sense of the term, from
pressed for time, sympathized with the negative Ki many angles. If you read further, I am sure you
hiding at the intersection, involving the car behind. will understand it.
In such a case, if you just blame the other driver Here, I am going to talk about "Senshin"(Mind
you will not become aware of the negative Ki Purification) which the above mentioned Dr. Hideo
within you, and it may sometimes appear as a great Seki told me and which is a very useful guideline
misfortune to awaken you later on. for awakening.
To think about yourself putting other things
aside for a while is not to blame yourself. It is to Guideline of Senshin (Mind Purification)
develop the ability to lead yourself to be happier. We attract positive and negative Ki depending
When you receive Shinkiko, this power will on the state of our mind. The guideline of Senshin
gradually develop within you. The memories of clearly tells the kinds of situations in which we
51 月刊ハイゲンキ 2006 November No.198
attract either the positive or negative Ki: the us and gives light to it. Also it gives us the power
positive Ki gathers if we keep positive mind-heart to coolly figure out the cause of our anger or irritation.
in daily life, and the negative Ki gathers when we When you receive Shinkiko, something that has
have the negative feelings which should be been bothering you will be something like "I guess
eliminated from our minds. it is OK." You will no longer be bothered by the
negative Ki.
If you can keep this up, you will be able to face
Mind Purification
negative things positively. You will understand that
● Keep this mind-heart in daily life the negative things were needed for yourself and
be strong will feel better. This is the awakening.
be cheerful The awakening has an amazing effectiveness.
be righteous The energy which encourages us to awaken is
be humble Shinkiko.
abandon avarice
maintain harmonious friendship
Live in gratefulness

● Abandon these emotions

hartred discontent
jealousy doubt
jaundice bewilderment
envy anxiety
curse reproach
anger irritation At Mt. Ikoma, everything participants experience is "the awakening time".
Exchanging with the nature of Mt. Ikoma.
dissatisfaction restlessness

When the negative Ki gathers around us, it is

difficult to be aware of it. It is not until something
bad happens that we become able to take a close
look at ourselves. It is also difficult to know
immediately what things we should awaken to, but
the guideline gives us a hint.
We should be careful when we do not have the
mind in the list of "Keep this mind-heart in daily Enriching mind with songs and music

life" and when negative feelings arise in our mind.

It is better to consider that the negative energy is
accumulated with in you and you are being filled
with the negative Ki.
In such a case, you will need a thorough cleaning.
Try and look into your daily life. Aren't you full
of stress or irritated?
I strongly recommend you to make a good use
of Shinkiko on such an occasion. Shinkiko
reaches as far as where spirit or soul is deep inside Well thought-out meals made from natural ingredients

Shinkiko A-B-C
The increase of negative Ki will trigger a people in those days must have felt that "when
vicious circle people have negative feelings for some reasons,
If you have "the negative feelings we should negative Ki will gather from outside. " Things
eliminate from our minds" that are in the guideline become worse because negative Ki comes from
of Senshin, negative Ki gathers around you. outside and it attract another negative Ki again and
However, we are likely to have those forbidden create a vicious circle. When something bad
feelings as long as we are alive with the physical happens one after another, it is difficult to make
body. Nobody is perfect. The negative Ki may things better on your own.
sometimes be accumulated within us insidiously.
We consciously need to do something to be always "Iitoko sagashi" works effectively on
positive without accumulating the negative Ki, and negative Ki
if it did, we need to get rid of it and purify it. There is a good way to change this vicious or
Depending on how we do it, our lives become negative circle into a good one. I recommend you
either happier or worse. to make good use of it not as an annual cleanup, but
When we have the negative Ki within us, it will as a daily cleanup of the mind.
create a vicious circle. As the saying goes I am running the Shinkiko Retreat Seminar at
"yowarime ni tatarime"(meaning misfortunes never Ikoma once a month, and in the seminar I am doing
come singly), whenever you are busy, things you the "Iitoko sagashi" (meaning looking for good
should absolutely do come up one after another. things) together with the participants every
In such a situation, you may think, "Why is it morning.
always me who has to do everything?" or "I am out Please consider the Iitoko sagashi as an effective
of luck," and your mind becomes full of complaints way to decrease negative Ki and increase positive
and stresses making your body tired; in the Ki. If you do it while receiving the Shinkiko
meantime, you may become sick and things may energy, the effect will be several times higher.
keep getting worse. This occurs when a similar Ki As you keep receiving Shinkiko, you will no
gathers. That is, the more negative feelings you longer be bothered by seemingly bad things. And if
have, the more you attract negative Ki which has you try to be positive to look for good things
the same wavelength as the one you have, and happened to you, a good Ki (an invisible light) will
makes life more and more difficult for you. be emitted from you. It will tune to the positive Ki
The interpretation of the above mentioned around you, and it rapidly flows into you as if being
proverb "yowarime ni tatarime," is that in time of called; you will be even more enfolded by the
weakness, there is an evil eye. According to the positive Ki, Shinkiko.
Iwanami Kotowaza Dictionary (a Japanese proverb Every morning in the seminar, after receiving
dictionary), there is an old proverb which says Shinkiko, the participants sit in a circle and tell
"yowame no ryouge" (literally meaning evil spirits each other the good things happened to them. In
haunt sick people), which is considered to have the course of looking for good things happened to
been used earlier than the above, and it had been us and verbally telling others about them, the
used commonly since the early Edo period (1600- energy in the room will heighten. To tell others
1868). about the good things happened to you is to emit
The word evil may sound a little scary, but it is positive Ki. The positive Ki you emit will be
only a negative Ki which is everywhere. The attuned to the positive Ki around you and gathers it,

51 月刊ハイゲンキ 2006 December No.199

and it also spread among the people around you. happinesses is when she makes an iced coffee and
It does not matter how small the thing is, I let the take the first sip of it. Even though we have been
participants recall the good things happened to living together, I had never dreamt of it and was
them, and as the seminar progresses, everyone surprised to hear it. I was trying to fix a dead PC
becomes able to look for something and tell others when talking with the staffs; so I told them one of
about it. At first it is difficult to look for good mine is when I managed to fix a dead PC on the
things, but as you keep trying, you will learn the first attempt. But the staffs said it belongs to a big
ropes. You start with looking for good things which happiness.
happened recently. As you keep doing this, you Taking a jolt of nice cold beer tends to belong to
will gradually be able to take notice of the good a big happiness as well.
things happened to the people around you. The This "smallness" seems to be the beauty of it. It
important point here is that it does not matter if is so small that others do not understand.
what you think is good is not so for others. Telling The important thing is that, it is of course all
others about them will bring the positive Ki to right to look for things that are happy or lucky for
others too, and as a result, the energy of everyone everyone but also it does not matter if it is
in the seminar will heighten. something that others do not think so. What is
Previously, I watched a TV program featuring happiness for you is not so for others. This is quite
how to look ten years younger than your age and interesting.
there was a story about a rejuvenating substance A celebrity said her own happiness is when she
called the DHEA which I thought especially opens a new lipstick. Looking for your own
interesting. The theme of the program was, "The happiness like this and telling it to others seems to
DHEA is produced by the brain and adrenal gland be the shortest cut to increase positive Ki.
and it repairs damaged tissues which cause aging.
It is also a raw material for sex hormones and Increase your own small happinesses
rejuvenates skin and muscles. However, the without bothering others
amount of DHEA decreases after peaking at the Now, try and actually look for your own
age of twenty, and this is one of the causes of happinesses and write them down on a piece of
aging. Now, is there any way to increase it?" paper if possible; you will see that it is not that easy
In the program, "recalling good memories" was to think of them.
cited as one of the ways to increase DHEA. A man Conversely, try and write down unpleasant
who reunited the band which he became involved in things; a lot of things must come to your mind.
the old days and tried to perform live for the first This proves that most of us are focusing on
time in eighteen years, and a couple who revisited unpleasant things before we know it. That is why
the place where they once went on a date appeared, we accumulate negative energy and get irritated.
and a test was performed to ascertain that doing Please try and start looking for good things and
this kind of things would increase DHEA. When small happinesses from today.
the mind changes, the body changes too.
Looking for good things in the past will not only
rejuvenate the body but also heighten the immune

Look for your own small happiness and tell

The knack of the Iitoko sagashi (looking for
good things) is being able to spot small happiness.
Previously, I was talking with my staffs about
what our small happinesses were and every one had
their own "small happinesses" that were very
interesting. My wife told me that one of her small daily "Iitoko sagashi" in the morning

Shinkiko A-B-C
No longer be bothered by bad things with mind and it is filled with feelings like grievance or
the Iitoko sagashi anger.
In order to do the Iitoko sagashi (looking for Shinkiko works very effectively if you lapse into
good things) effectively, the important point is such a state. It gradually wipes out negative Ki
whether or not you can be aware that every single and you will not be bothered by bad things as
thing that happens has meaning. much. By receiving Shinkiko you will be able to
However, it is easy to say for an onlooker but learn something from bad things and to find
hard to actually do. When I was working for a meaning behind them and be thankful to things
company, I was full of grievance. Whenever I was happened to you. If you can work positively to be
told about a new policy by my boss, I used to argue positive while receiving Shinkiko everyday, and
with my colleagues on the things we felt negative become able to do things like saying good words or
about it from our views. No matter how much we doing things with which you feel happy or joy, the
groaned or moaned, we knew that the policy would effect of Shinkiko becomes even better.
not change but could not help doing so. If a strong negative energy becomes aware of the
If you are in such a state, you can not possibly right direction and turns into a positive one, it will
attract a good Ki. It is bad for you and may drag be your strong ally.
your workplace and the whole company down.
However, while I was in the middle of the trouble, I The lesser negative Ki goes away first
might have had the false feeling that I could Ki influences us both mentally and physically
improve the company by complaining. and our lives largely depend on it as well, but we
However, after attending the seminar which was can not really feel the existence of Ki, because it is
then held in Izu-Shimoda, Shizuoka prefecture, I invisible. The fact is that this is why it had not
realized what I had been doing was not looking for been valued much.
good things but bad things, and awakened to the I myself do not feel Ki that well. Those who
fact that without being positive, nothing can received Ki often tell me what it was like and some
progress. Since then, I tried to put bad things aside say that they saw some kind of light or that they felt
for a while and look for good things first, although their bodies lighter as if they could float in the air.
they still bothered me. As I got used to doing it, I I am very interested in what it is like when
became able to look for a lot of good things, and receiving Ki, but I have never felt nothing more
bad things did not bother me anymore. I came to than feeling sleepy and warmth. I have more times
be able to afford to think that if things would to emit Ki from my hands rather than receiving it,
improve next time, everything would be all right. but even at the time of emitting I do not especially
The Iitoko sagashi which is offered every feel something is coming out of my hands. I only
morning in the seminar, allows you to think vaguely feel that something is coming out.
habitually that there is meaning behind things that However, you can not say that Ki does not exist
happen, no matter how bad they are. There is a because you can not feel it.
saying to the effect that things could be worse, and We learn that Ki exists and its nature in various
the ultimate Iitoko sagashi is to look for good ways.
things among seemingly bad things. But in reality, My father went all over the world to treat people
whenever bad things happen, they dominate our as a Qigong therapist. He was taught many things

51 月刊ハイゲンキ 2007 January No.200

by an old oracle in a dream and by doing as he was negative Ki that is everywhere. Every one of us
told he learned many things from it. must have had a time when we got tired while
As for me, I tried to send and receive Ki in walking in a crowd city.
various ways and observed the reactions and This is caused because the negative Ki around
effects. As a result, I felt strongly that the Ki you was attracted by the negative Ki within you and
definitely exists, and gradually came to understand caused tiredness in your body and mind. This kind
how to make use of it effectively. of tiredness will go away by taking a bath or getting
When people receive Ki, often their bodies react a full night's sleep, for this kind of negative Ki is
to it. There are many who say that their bodies much lighter energy.
became lighter or their pains disappeared. We all live attracting the negative Ki. It should
Sickness is caused when negative Ki is be purified quickly because if it is accumulated
accumulated and so are pains. within you, it will be difficult to get rid of it.
When the light, Shinkiko, reaches to the The way to purify it is easy. Taking a bath or
negative Ki and turn it into positive, illness will sleep is effective too but the most effective way is
improve and pain will be relieved. to charge a purifying energy before you sleep. I
Those who are suffering from long standing will explain in detail later, but if you use the High
diseases have accumulated negative Ki within Genki, you can purify the negative Ki. Also, I am
them. The lesser negative Ki gradually goes away routinely sending the positive Ki, Shinkiko, to the
first. There are cases in which sick people world for about fifteen minutes every morning and
dramatically get well within a short period of time night and if you can receive it calmly with your eye
and in which they do not. closed, that is fine too. If you use some Ki goods
This depends on how negative Ki is accumulated to receive it, they will work as antennas to gather
how much. Shinkiko and allow you to receive it more
If negative Ki is accumulated lightly, it is effectively. Moreover, the eight branches of SAS
surprisingly easier to get rid of it. However, it is Inc., all over Japan provide many kinds of Ki
not the case with the one accumulated tightly like goods, including the High Genki, for you to receive
continuous snow cover. Shinkiko there.
However, in any case, you can not cure your
disease in a true sense if you do not do something
about the negative Ki. Now there are more people
who say that medicines cannot cure diseases and it
is certainly true that medicines do not act on
negative Ki. Your pain may disappear with a
medicine temporarily but it may return, and if you
keep using it, it may bring about some side effects
or its effectiveness may decrease.
It may be good to use medicines to relieve pains
temporarily but it is not possible to fully cure
diseases in terms of Ki.
Enzyme bathing
The bath is filled with Japanese cypress sawdust and specialty
Purify the attracted negative Ki quickly enzyme with the wave of Shinkiko memorized in it, which had
been naturally fermented. The natural heat warms the body and
The negative Ki brings a lot of troubles. enhances metabolism and circulation and a gentle Ki permeates
However, we cannot live fully away from it. We both the body and mind. This bath is only available at the Tokyo
and the Osaka branch.
have to more or less live with the negative Ki.
The negative Ki within us sometimes tune to the

Shinkiko A-B-C
Things that occur when the negative Ki is purified Senshin. Also, please try to do the things you are not
When the negative Ki energy that has been living good at or you dislike.
within a person is purified, various things will occur. The Such deeds will lead to the purifying of negative
thing that occurs most often is a "favorable reaction" (a energies.
reaction similar to healing crisis). People cannot thrive with only positive energies.
The negative Ki which is accumulated like a When negative energies increase, our minds and bodies
continuous snow cover within a person affects the respond to them in various ways, and then we make a
characteristic of the person. For example, many people turnaround in our lives and develop ourselves more. I
think that nervousness and bad-temperedness are inherent guess we all go through such a cycle again and again.
in people but nobody is so from babyhood. The negative According to the Chinese concept of Ying and Yang,
Ki which has accumulated through many experiences lacking either Ying or Yang will not do. It is only when
within us has been greatly affecting our personality. we try to keep a good balance between the negative and
When people have negative or bad attitudes, that is when the positive things that we can grow.
negative Ki is living within them.
There are many people who say that they became less Light up the shadow part of your spirit
worried and felt less angry about things after they started There is an invisible Ki energy, spirit or soul,
receiving Shinkiko. It is not so much that their somewhere inside our body.
personalities have changed but that their inherent There is a light in everyone's spirit but not all over it.
generosity and geniality showed up because their negative There is a part where the energy is low like a shadow.
Ki has disappeared. That is the part which has been affected by the
However, while the negative Ki like a continuous snow negative Ki. There are many kinds of negative Ki: the
cover is melting away, it causes various things to happen negative minds of ours, of people around and also of dead
to you. ancestors or animals. They affect our spirits.
The negative Ki will melt away if your mind becomes We need positive energy to change this shadow part.
positive by receiving positive Ki but when this happens, Please consider Shinkiko as a powerful light. It directly
reactions occur as if to rebel against the positive Ki. In goes into your spirit and lights up the shadow part.
most cases, they are seemingly bad things. For example, When it does that, the shadow part reacts in a negative
when the snow melts, roads get muddy and the dirt that way at fist, since the light and the shadow are alien to
has been hiding below the snow appears everywhere. each other. This is the favorable reaction: the shadow
Spring only comes after that. Thus, I call this the part tries to keep the light away and to resist it.
"favorable reaction", the reaction essential for things to It may be easier to think that negative Ki which makes
get better. a shadow part also has a conscious mind.
Your spirit shines brighter and brighter every time you When the light comes near, the shadow feels that it can
attract negative Ki and purify it. It is like years go by no longer stay there. It feels as if it is being forced out;
along with the changing seasons. so it tries to keep the light away. In order to do so, the
Also just like people tend to get sick when the seasons shadow causes pains and so on and tries to distance the
change, people go through favorable reactions at each light from it. However, as the light penetrates into the
turning point of spiritual growth. shadow, the shadow will gradually fade away.
The favorable reactions may occur like as follows: Also it is considered that, just like when the light gets
when a person suffering from a longstanding back brighter the shadow stands out against it, the hidden
problem received Ki, his back suddenly started to hurt so shadow is activated by the light and it becomes unable to
much that he became unable to move. hide itself any more. The "shadow" I am talking about
However, if he keeps on receiving Ki without being here is pain or agony or sadness. It comes out as it is. It
panic, the pain will be relieved and year of agony will will soon go away, but during that process, it comes out as
unbelievably disappear. In some cases, favorable feelings like pains and agonies.
reactions appear as fever, or a continuous cough, or However, as the light penetrates, the shadow turns into
uneasiness in the mind, or short-temperedness. light. This is the process which is needed for things to
The favorable reaction occurs differently for each get better. Please bear in mind that this kind of thing
individual. It will not occur to everyone, and sometimes happens whenever you are involved with Ki or whenever
occurs to people around you like your family or friends. you want to change the negative Ki into the positive Ki.
When something bad happens after you started
receiving Shinkiko, please take it positively as a hurdle Overcome the favorable reaction easier with
you need to jump over for your spiritual growth and check awakening
if the way you are living is in line with the guideline of The favorable reaction is an important reaction which

51 月刊ハイゲンキ 2007 February No.201

occurs when the negative Ki turns into positive. When overcome one. Your spirit gets temporarily influenced by
your longstanding sickness starts to heal or when you are the negative Ki then, but if you can awaken to something
about to get out of your slump, seemingly bad things and overcome bad things, the positive Ki within you will
often occur. become even stronger.
They are barriers which we all have to pass through in The positive energy within you keeps decreasing and
order to make things better, but it must be everyone's wish increasing but it will eventually and gradually increase.
that the barriers are not so difficult to overcome. The purpose of life is the growth of the spirit. In
Some people go through a heavier favorable reaction, order to grow, we certainly need some negative things.
some lighter, and some go through it for a long time, That is, we keep on receiving negative Ki and awakening
some for a short time. One of the important factors that to something and grow spiritually for the rest of our lives.
cause differences is "awakening." Those who overcame a lot of difficulties are matured
However, it is likely that you may have no idea as to as a person and mentally well balanced, and will not tune
what to awaken; for the awakening is a little confusing. It to a negative Ki. That is because their spirits are fully
is not just a matter of trying to like someone you hate or grown and are shining much brighter.
of listening to someone who has already awakened to People in the old days spoke highly of people whose
something spirit was shining as "they have halo." I guess there were
Whenever bad things happened to you, try and some people who could visually see the shining light of
consider them as a favorable reaction and think what you their spirit as an aura.
have to awaken to. If there is anything that makes you However, when we are actually facing bad things we
feel uneasy, or that rings the bell, take actions. For some cannot always stay calm although we know that they make
people it may be saying "thank you" to their parents every our spirits grow. Encouragement from our family or
morning, for some, may be picking up trash around the friends sometimes help, but it only works temporarily and
house or trying to find time to spend time leisurely with you may feel down again.
their family without working too much. Doing this kind Shinkiko gives strong positive energy to the spirit. It
of things may lead to an important awakening. Whatever turns negative spirits into positive, and allows you not
the thing is, if you awaken to something, you will be able bothered by troubles and sorrows.
to overcome favorable reaction more quickly. However, Borrowing strength from Shinkiko while getting warm
thing will not get better easily if you miss the point. encouragement from people around you, allows you to
Those who are participating in the Shinkiko Retreat charge (Shinkiko is not electricity, but I dare to use the
Seminar experience lots of spiritual awakenings during word "charge") positive energy within you more and
the seminar period, including during the Iitoko sagashi more.
mentioned above. Also some become full of gratitude Nevertheless, it is not to say that if you keep receiving
towards many things with their eyes swimming with tears. Shinkiko, bad things will no longer occur. They certainly
Some sick people get dramatically better depending on occur because they are indispensable to the growth of the
the degree of awakening. spirit. Shinkiko allows you to go through them without
Looking at the participants of the seminar, I can see feeling much pains and get over them comparatively
that their faces light up while they are receiving Shinkiko. easier and within a shorter time.
The glow of their spirits shows up on their faces. Small bad things keep coming back over a short cycle:
A mother and father whose child is sick came to the they do not come in a clump at a time once a year. You
seminar to do something about their child's sickness and, get spiritual awakenings every time they come. As you
not only the child but also the parents went home getting keep going through them you will be able to get over
a significant awakening. When both the parents were them without seeing them as heavy burdens and your
only thinking about their child's disease, they had no spirit will keep on growing day by day.
room to think about themselves. However, when they
received Shinkiko, and their Ki inside started to change,
they became able to look around them and to look at not The growth of the spirit is
only their child but also the insides of themselves. encouraged by
It often happens that when a mother and a father receiving Shinkiko
awakened to something and changed the way they think The brightness
and live, their sick children will get better. of the spirit
The awakening is an effective process for overcoming
favorable reaction easily and it has a positive effect on not
only you but also on your family.

Shinkiko encourages the growth of the spirit

There are always sad things and things that we feel
excessively stressful in life. When we are facing these Birth Death
things, many of us are possessed by negative energies like
worries and pains, and accumulate negative Ki within us.
However, when we can overcome these seemingly bad
tings without losing sight of hope, we will be able to
awaken to something and our spirits will grow even more.
Bad things will keep coming back even after you have

Shinkiko A-B-C
We are all linked to each other by a curious kinds of environments with a view to spiritual
fate growth; so, if you are unable to wipe out negative
We are under various stresses in our daily lives. feelings and change your environment, you will face
Most of the stresses must have come from the similar problems as you had before. In a different
relationship with others. They are the ones that we environment, you will actually have a relationship
have been unconsciously feeling since our infancy with different people but will be assailed by similar
in our home environments or that we are presently negative thoughts.
feeling in our marital or family relationships or at Since spirits are growing in a group, sometimes
school or work. there are cases in which both parent and children
The negative feelings that are described in the have to suffer from a similar problem. In such a
guideline of Senshin※ and that are factors of case, someone in a family needs to solve the
lowering spiritual energy, arise in the relationships problem, and based on that experience, needs to
with others. If you become aware of them and try change the negative things into positive with the
not to have them and to change yourself, your spirit help of other family members.
(or soul) will shine even brighter and will fully grow. Moreover, there are cases that your own
Generally, it is easy to spot the negative feelings ancestors had the same problem and were suffering
of others but not the ones that are hidden inside us. from it. That is, they could not get rid of their
However, thanks to various people around us, who stresses and they were passed down to generation to
highlight our various kinds of negative feelings, we generation.
can become aware of our faults. For example, suppose you are having a parent-
We are living in the system which makes us train child relationship problem. It may be that your
our spirits through association with various people. parents were brought up in a similar environment
The Shinkiko energy brings light to the negative and were facing the same sort of problem, and it
part of our spirits and helps us to improve them may have started from your grand parents’ parents’
effectively. That means, people who are close and generation.
who we always see are very important for our spirits Even if the body is gone, the spirit never
to grow. We can exchange positive Ki with them, disappears. Suffering minds will never vanish away
and additionally, overcome negative feelings that until something leads them to be healed.
arise from a relationship with them. When one of a family member, a descendant,
Life is a sequence of continuous events that all awakens to something out of problems befell him or
have meanings but we are just not aware of it. We her, and by resolving them, the negative things
have not come to live in our environment by chance: which have been continuing for generations will go
we should consider that we have been given it away.
because it is needed for our spiritual growth. If we Also, when a spirit which has grudge or jealousy
try to change ourselves we can change the against you comes near, a person in front of you
environment as well. Therefore, we should all learn sometimes be affected by the spirit, and being
and be aware of lots of things in the environment sparked by something, may start cursing you.
before trying to change it and people around, and To mention a simple example, it could be like a
should try to improve ourselves to a level where we tit-for-tat fight. Your negative Ki may affect people
do not be bothered by negative feelings. around you and may often cause seemingly bad
things: like making them say or do something bad to
Those who awakened have a role to change you.
negative into positive Whenever a bad thing happens, we tend to
As I already mentioned, we are given various assume that it is someone else’s fault and get angry

53 月刊ハイゲンキ 2007 March No.202

or hold a grudge against him or her. However, the could only accept them as something irrelevant to
root of the cause may be the negative Ki you are me.
emitting, and we all should keep in mind that, the Because this was the way I was, I would not have
one against whom you hold a grudge might be the involved with Ki if I had not got sick. Looking
victim of it. back, it seemed that the stomach trouble and the
Thinking this way, people around you including persistent tiredness came as a message to me who
yourself are affected by an invisible Ki before they was ignoring Ki.
know it. Therefore, it is important to always have a I went to the training center in Izu-Shimoda to
mind-set to understand the pains and the grief of the see what on earth was going on there. I had no
one who you perceive as not good for you. It is prior information on it. I was only curious what my
definitely not only you who is suffering. father was doing and was only hoping that my
Bad things might have happened repeatedly sickness would heal and, participated in the seminar
because of Ki which nobody can visually see but try taking seven days off from work which was so
not to think about whose negative Ki actually difficult to do for a salaried worker.
affected you and who is to blame. The important The seminar was just unbelievable.
thing is that whoever becomes aware of the negative My own value of life changed drastically in a
Ki, he or she should change it into positive. few days. The participants of the seminar had time
The Shinkiko energy is effective in such a case. to receive Ki four times a day. My father
Those who are involved with Shinkiko, can purify transferred Ki to them with the Onki music
themselves and give light to people around and their (Shinkiko healing music) on. He stretched his arms
ancestors by receiving Shinkiko while having out as if to enfold all the participants with Ki with
awareness of their problems in order to get along his usual smile on his face.
well with the people around. Less than two hundred participants were
It seems to me that those who are given such a receiving Ki from my father at a time and each one
role get involved with Shinkiko. of them responded to it differently.
Some were rolling around on the floor, some
The Ki transferring apparatus, the High Genki started crying, and some started shouting aloud. A
My first Ki experience drastically changed charming lady suddenly started talking in the tone
my values of the Bushi (Samurai or the knight in western).
As I have already explained, I took over my I was receiving Ki too with my eyes closed but I
father’s post, the chairman of SAS Inc., as my was so concerned about people around that I could
father, Masato Nakagawa, died in December 1995. not focus attention on myself.
For me it came out of the blue. Thinking what on earth was going on, I tried
I was then helping my father’s work, developing desperately to understand why all this was
Ki goods and studying Ki, but was uncertain if I happening. But the sight of my father making
could do things like making a speech in front of people rolling around on the floor and shouting
many people, let alone sending Ki. aloud by just stretching out his arms was just
To begin with, I got involved with Shinkiko in beyond my knowledge and understanding.
the year of 1992, when I got sick from stress at Many instructors of the seminar explained that
work. I was then working at a research lavatory of man has not only the body but also an invisible
an electronics manufacturer, but was always tired energy, Ki, and that the consciousness and the mind
from work. Saturdays and Sundays off did not help are very important. As I listened to what they said
me to recover from my fatigue and eventually I got a while receiving Ki four times a day, I was able to
stomach upset. feel that I was feeling better.
My father was always away from home. When I
saw him once in a while at home, he talked a lot ※Senshin : Mind Purification
about Ki to me but everything he said was just
unbelievable. He talked about miraculous events
humorously, but I, being only a salaried worker,

Shinkiko A-B-C
Understanding and feeling the importance of to the world through the practice of Ki treatment.
the intangible world with body and mind However, my father suddenly passed away three
I realized that I had been living being bound by the years later. Then I found myself taking over his post,
idea that the body and the tangible world were all. I although I was still a newcomer to the Ki world.
have also learnt how significant the things I lightly Nobody knows what will happen in life. I was
overlooked as coincidences were. planning to spend my whole life as an office worker,
Man has so called Ki and spirit that are invisible but all of a sudden, I found myself in a leader-like
other than a body. These invisible things have a great position in an unknown world of Ki. To be honest, I
influence on the body and the way we think and live, had no idea what to do at first. However, thanks to
and it is our conscious mind that changes things. the support from many people, more than ten years
Having learnt and understood all this greatly have passed since my career started in this world. I
influenced my own way of living later on. have experienced a lot of things and have been able to
Having been able to feel that I am being protected deepen my understanding on the Ki.
and led has enabled me to live feeling greater peace of
mind. The tangible world is no more than a tip of the
What I thought interesting was a communication iceberg
with spiritual entities. My father was endearingly My father's main work was healing diseases. A lot
calling them obake (meaning ghost), which I do not. of people who had helpless incurable diseases still
There was a woman who started speaking in an old thank my father today for treating them. Before he
man's voice which was clearly different from hers, died, he had started saying frequently that Shinkiko
while she was receiving Ki. My father explained to was not only for treating diseases and that more
her (him), "You are dead; you can no longer stay here." important thing is to change one's conscious mind.
Most obakes are not aware that they are dead at I had a great deal of empathy for this idea. There
first, but before long they understand their situations were many people who recovered from their diseases,
and get away from the bodies they are haunting and but experienced a relapse after a short time. They
will take off for the world of light (which is commonly came back to receive Ki again, but this time their
called heaven) saying "Now I can see the light; I am diseases became harder to cure.
going there." Suppose a man had a car accident and got seriously
I was looking on some of the participants of the injured. If he is bleeding badly and has his bones
seminar wondering if such a thing would really broken, first of all, the bleeding must be stopped and
happen, but after some exchanges of words, like the the broken bones must be mended by an emergency
above, their faces became fresh-faced. It was not medical care.
unnatural to see a person who had pains in his body However, if he assumes the trouble is gone after all
and could not walk, became delighted when the pains this is done, he may fall victim to similar troubles. If
were relieved and started walking briskly. he does not figure out why he met the car accident and
In a week, I felt totally better. There were many get rid of the causes, the same thing may occur
seriously sick people among the participants, but they continuously.
surprisingly got better and went home. In most cases, causes lie in invisible things like
I realized the meaning of what my father was doing, conscious mind and spirit. At the time of the
and really felt that the Ki is essential to more and more accident, the man may have been fidgety or feeling
people. angry and irritated towards someone. It could be that
After that, I spent about a year to organize my such negative feelings sympathized with the negative
work, had someone take over it, and went to work in energy around him and caused the accident.
my father's company. At that time, I just wanted to That is, when you have an accident, unless you take
assist my father who was sending important messages care of your conscious mind and spirit together with

55 月刊ハイゲンキ 2007 April No.203

the physically damaged part of your body, you will not his dream and gave him plenty of pointed advice
be able to solve the problem behind the accident, in a whenever he was in trouble; my father had faith in
real sense. him.
My father taught me such an importance of The old man told him the structure of a new healing
conscious mind. The seminar in Izu-Shimoda shifted apparatus. Because my father was originally a
its location to Mt. Ikoma in Nara prefecture and is still clockmaker, he was used to making machines. He
being run every month after my father's death in 1995. made the apparatus as he was told.
There are a lot of sick people among the The structure of the main part of the apparatus was:
participants but now there are also many healthy inside a round-shaped tip of about one centimeter in
people who come to the seminar hoping to change the diameter, pyramid-shaped projections were arranged,
way they think and live. and underneath them, a ceramic and a permanent
A lot of people are spending their lives thinking the magnet were put; the magnet part was designed to
tangible world is everything. So was I when I was an vibrate up and down.
office worker. But the visible world is no more than a The apparatus hardly stimulated the skin and its
tip of the iceberg. We are living in the world that is magnetic force was not so strong as to affect the
deeply connected with the broader, intangible world, or human body. My father thought such an apparatus
spiritual world. We call it Ki or god or ghost or spirit. could not heal disease.
The world of Ki or god or ghost or spirit is not easy However, when he had finished making it and tried
to grasp by simply listening to an explanation. It is using it for healing, incredible effects were achieved.
not until when we experience and understand the Later, he found out that the structure of the apparatus
intangible world with our soul that we become able to was suitable for emitting Ki. As mentioned
live with it. previously, a distinguished Doctor of Engineering, the
Please consider Shinkiko as a tool to offer you a late Dr. Hideo Seki, also known as a researcher of the
chance to do so. The Retreat Seminar is suitable to intangible world, had introduced the structure of a
experience the intangible world most effectively. machine that emits Ki in his book called Sai Kagaku
no zenbou (meaning the whole picture of PSI
Shinkiko started from the development of the Science). It was pretty much similar to the one that
High Genki my father had made.
The basis of Shinkiko healing is an apparatus called He did not develop the High Genki with the
High Genki, which transfers Ki. intention of producing a machine that emits Ki. When
My father had started out as a clockmaker and he meekly did what he was told in his dream, the
experienced a lot of jobs including a headmaster of a unexpected effects were obtained.
watchmaker school and a manager of a shopfitting Shinkiko has a history of about twenty years.
company. However, my father did not know much about it from
It was in the year of 1986 when the High Genki was the start. He did not intend to develop such a thing
born. Being influenced by my grandfather who was a like the High Genki, but by using what he was given
healer, my father was interested in the Oriental from a spiritual entity, he gradually understood a lot of
medicine. He was then healing people with a healing things about it. Shinkiko is a high dimensional wave
device which had a bundle of needles that vibrated and (or energy) from the universe and there are so many
stimulated acupuncture points. things still remain unknown. But as we kept on using
However, when he held a seminar in the U.S., he it, although we had less knowledge of it, we gradually
was pointed out that using the needles was not safe got to know the various usages and effects of it. I
because it might damage the skin and cause bleeding suppose this is quite natural since the universe and the
and might involve the risk of AIDS or hepatitis nature are beyond human understanding. Shinkiko is
infection. Around that time AIDS was a serious an energy being sent from such a broad and deep
concern of the society. world that it is not easy to grasp. That is to say, if Ki
It seemed that my father was at a loss what to do. receivers' conscious mind, or our conscious mind,
After all, his only tool needed for his work was no changes, the range of usages of Shinkiko may expand
longer usable. more.
That was when my father saw a dream. According
to him, a white bearded old man appeared in it.
Before that time, the old man had often appeared in

Shinkiko A-B-C
A doctor who overcame ulcerative colitis with At the time of the presentation, although I was
Shinkiko talking about my own experience, I thought it would
So far there have been many doctors who came to be problematic if it sounded as if I did an “experiment
participate in the seminar to learn about Shinkiko. on a human body.” I talked as if it was someone
Western medicine has extremely developed but it else’s experience. Some doctors at the meeting said
cannot solve all the troubles. It is a medical they were impressed by the careful data I obtained.
treatment that treats the disease of the visible part of (Brief summary from the August 2002 issue of the
the body. It does not work for invisible things like Ki monthly magazine, “Hi Genki”)
or spirit. (Refer to the graph)
The doctors who became aware of it started
180 16
studying Shinkiko.
Dr. Shinji Nishimoto, who runs a pain clinic in 14

Wakayama City, Wakayama prefecture, was one of 140 Hb

them. He suffered from an incurable disease called 120
ulcerative colitis once and overcame it with Shinkiko. 10
blood sedimentation
From this experience, he is actively making use of Ki avarage rate
in his medical treatment. 80
At medical related academic meetings, he had 60
presented case in which the High Genki worked 4
40 CRP
20 2
He first reported his own case of ulcerative colitis
as follows: (mm) 0 0 (mg/dl)
0 5 11 24 29 44 49 56 58 63 71 79 105 142

the number of days

“A case of ulcerative colitis”
At the 8th Meeting of Japanese Society for The changes in Dr. Nishimoto’s Hb, Hemoglobin (normal values:
14∼15g/dl); CRP, C-reactive protein, (normal values: 0mg/dl); and
Therapeutics and Engineering, I presented my own hematocrit (normal values: less or equal to 20mm). The graph
“Experience of recovering from pancolitis with shows that after he was released from the hospital, his disease
worsened again, but finally recovered with Ki treatment.
I was previously working at the Department of Ulcerative colitis is a disease which causes
Anesthesiology, Kumamoto Sekijuuji Hospital. Due inflammation and sores, called ulcers, in the lining of
to the stresses and fatigue of daily life, I repeatedly the rectum and colon. It is considered as an
had diarrhea, stomach-ache, and bloody stool, and incurable disease for it is specified as an intractable
eventually had pancolitis. I took a medicine called disease by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.
sulphasalazine, eight tablets a day. As I exposed the The symptoms are severe diarrhea and stomach-ache,
tablets to a High Genki and gradually decreased the and sometimes bloody stool as well. Dr. Nishimoto
number of them, my symptoms improved two weeks had pancolitis which affects the entire colon, and
later and was able manage without the medicine. But which is the most serious type of ulcerative colitis.
after I went back to the previous busy routine, I had a He told me laughingly he once had to stay in a toilet
relapse and was hospitalized again. After I left the all day, but it must have been a tough time for him.
hospital I had a severe anemia and my hematocrit Many of the doctors who studied the Western
unnaturally increased. I kept using the High Genki, medicine hardly face the invisible world regarding it
listening to Onki music, doing autogenic training, and as “nonsense.” But Dr. Nishimoto knew that his own
the “laughing exercises” which was being carried out common sense was no more than common sense of
in the Shinkiko Retreat Seminar held in Ikoma City, Western medicine. Doctors are not omnipotent. He
in Nara prefecture; eventually I managed to fully took it for granted that there are ways of treatment
recover. that are unknown to him.

51 月刊ハイゲンキ 2007 May No.204

That is why he could accept Shinkiko. 72-year-old woman with chronic rheumatism by using
He is now providing new medication adopting the High Genki and Onki healing music, at the 86th
various treatments, in Wakayama prefecture. Meeting of Kumamoto Society of Anesthesiology.
The woman had been under an orthopedist’s care
Shinkiko worked for 70 percent of 60 people; for years, but because her symptoms did not improve,
also worked for rheumatism she wanted to stop taking the medicine which made
I introduce some of Dr. Nishimoto’s medical her feel sick in her stomach. When she started
papers which he had presented. receiving Shinkiko treatment, her pain gradually
Dr. Nishimoto was once working at a public relieved, but about two months later, her rheumatoid
hospital, and based on his experience of overcoming factor tripled compared to when she started the
ulcerative colitis, he started adopting Shinkiko in the treatment.
treatment at the hospital. He bought a High Genki But as she kept receiving the Shinkiko treatment
apparatus with the hospital’s budget. the rheumatoid factor suddenly started decreasing,
I was so glad that he did so even though Shinkiko and in a year or so, it declined to almost normal. The
treatment was not yet recognized at that time. He swelling in her knee joint also went away. In Oriental
must have wanted to use something effective, medicine, a transient worsening of condition is called
precisely because he gives first priority to patients. “favorable turn reaction” (or healing crisis), and this
In the medical world, data is very important. It is case drew attention as a rare case in that the data
a little difficult to collect data on Shinkiko treatment, proved the existence of the reaction, as it is done in
but Dr. Nishimoto consistently collected data and Western medicine.
presented medical papers at academic meetings. I (Brief summary from the May 2002 issue of the
believe such an attitude will be of greatest help to monthly magazine, “Hi Genki”)
make Shinkiko steadily spread to the medical world.
This Dr. Nishimoto’s report, which says that the
“Cases of Shinkiko treatment” Shinkiko treatment worked for more than 70 percent
The following is my presentation at the 12th of 60 patients, greatly encourages those who are
Meeting of The Japan Society for Clinical Anesthesia: involved in Shinkiko. They, including I, know that
When I was working at the Yamaga City Hospital in Ki works because we have seen many seriously sick
Kumamoto prefecture, I provided Shinkiko treatment people getting better, but when it is backed up by
for 60 patients, who were suffering from chronic numeric data like this, we can be more sure of it.
intractable aching. They did not fully recover The presence of such a doctor is really
although they received various pain clinic treatments. encouraging and grateful for us. In the above case of
There were ten patients with muscle-contraction rheumatism patient, the result was not just supported
headache; eight with postherpetic neuralgia; six with by the patient’s testimony that she felt the pain
knee osteoarthritis; five with cervical spondylosis, improved and felt she could move around easier, but
spondylosis deformans and lumbar discopathy, was also shown in figures. This allowed me to
respectively; two with chronic rheumatism, radicular realize anew that Ki is really effective for recovery
sciatica, trigeminal neuralgia, vascular headache, from illness.
cervicobrachial syndrome, and post-gastrectomy and The favorable turn reaction is pretty common in
post-mastectomy syndrome, respectively; and one Oriental medicine. By overcoming it, we will be able
with other eight diseases including congenital hip to recover at once. But everyone gets anxious when
dislocation, respectively. symptoms get worse. There are people who stop
Although I strictly assessed the effect of the receiving Shinkiko, who I think will get better if they
treatment, it turned out that it worked effectively on keep doing it, disliking the favorable turn reaction.
more than 70 percent of the patients. This result The data of the above case is valuable in that it
must have been a great encouragement for people numerically showed the existence of the favorable
who are suffering from long-term chronic diseases. turn reaction and the dramatic recovery after
(Brief summary from the April 2002 issue of the overcoming it, which were no more than testimonies
monthly magazine, “Hi Genki”) of those who experienced them.

“Shinkiko treatment and favorable turn

reaction (or healing crisis)”
I did my presentation on the case in which I treated

Shinkiko A-B-C
The effect of Ki is not just an imagination Ki will gain more and more popularity by
When one says he recovered from an illness with collecting such data.
Kikou, most often he is told that it is just his
imagination. Dr. Nishimoto went out of his way to The High Genki is a relay station of Shinkiko
use a fake High Genki without the wave of Shinkiko I think that the report of Dr. Nishimoto must have
energy memorized, (which looks exactly the same as convinced you that Shinkiko, which is transferred by
the real one), in order to see if there would be a the High Genki, makes one recover from illness.
difference in effect between the real High Genki. But as I have said many times, the aim of Shinkiko
The experiment was carried out using a method is not treating diseases. Shinkiko is for leading
called a double blind method: it was conducted people to awaken to things and making their souls
without informing both the examiner and the subject grow, which is the most important thing. As our
which one was the real one. The method is meant to souls grow, our disease will get better. Shinkiko is
be performed eliminating bias or prejudice. the energy of healing and awakening.
As you keep receiving Shinkiko energy all the
“The effect of putting in Ki to the High Genki” time, it will bring awakenings to you. The High
The following is my presentation at the symposium Genki can transfer Ki most efficiently among the Ki
held at the 8th Meeting of Japanese Society for products. But it is not possible to always carry
Therapeutics and Engineering. I announced the around the High Genki. Our company developed
result of the double blind test using the High Genki. various Ki goods and products in order to let people
I treated some patients with the real High Genki and use them and charge Ki in their daily lives.
with the placebo (fake one) with no Ki put in, without For example, you can unknowingly charge the
informing them which one was real. Shinkiko energy by putting a Ki sticker on your
The patients were: some with ossification of belongings, or wearing a Ki pendant, or hanging a
posterior longitudinal ligament; some with pain in Shinkiko pyramid in your room, or using Ki
one half of the body after cerebral infarction; some cosmetics or a Ki water activator.
with pain after a uterus cancer surgery; and some There are a lot of people who say that it is
with osteoarthritis; ages between 50 s and 70 s. The unbelievable that object emits Ki. In fact, such a
real High Genki worked for 74 percent of the patients, thing has been familiar for us from a long time ago.
and the placebo(fake), 42 percent. Of special note For example, you can get good luck charms and
was that patients with pain in one half of the body talismans at a shrine; and these goods transfer the
after cerebral infarction and patients with shrine s Ki.
osteoarthritis, who had asthma, eventually recovered With the combination of the High Genki and Ki
from it as well, although they were supposed to have goods, the energy of Shinkiko has become much
their pains treated. more common for us. We can all receive benefits of
(Brief summary from the June 2002 issue of the Ki, without doing ascetic trainings locking ourselves
monthly magazine, Hi Genki ) up in a mountain.

There is a clear difference in the result between the Let the soul shine with the Ki transferred from
real High Genki with the wave of Shinkiko energy the High Genki
memorized and the fake one without it. If a The High Genki apparatus is always emitting a
scientific test is done on a High Genki, any substance strong Shinkiko energy. By just having it at home,
that affects the body will not be detected. Despite we can receive the energy. In the last chapter, I said
this, the large difference in the result forces us to that it is important to change negative things to
think that Ki, which can not be detected by modern positive, but it is hard to do so with only your mind.
science, is involved. It is fair to say that this is a Shinkiko energy will be a great help to change your
result that suggests the existence of Ki. conscious mind. Having a High Genki at home will

51 月刊ハイゲンキ 2007 June No.205

activate your whole family and improve the Each spirit has a unique energy
relationships of your family. When a man dies and loses his body, he becomes a
Also, the light of Shinkiko will reach to the spirits kind of energy called the spirit which is invisible. I
who have connections with a High Genki holder am not the first one to say such a thing; it has been
through him or her. By having a High Genki, a lot of said since ancient times. The great scientists like
spirits will start shining. And the shining spirits will Edison and Newton are also said to have been
give us back their powers gained by shining. studying life after death. People say that when a man
The word spirit (or soul) has a religious-like sound, dies he returns to the soil, but I think it is more
but we have been using it from a long time ago. For natural to think that even a man s body perishes,
example, expressions such as katana wa bushi no something remains as energy.
tamashii (literally meaning, the sword is the soul of Even those who only believe in tangible world
Bushi (or Samurai): the sword was the most important build a grave when their families die. They hold
weapon for Japanese warriors), yamato damasii memorial services to pay respect to the spirit of the
(meaning the soul or spirit of Old Japan), and deceased. (Such as sijuukunichi or sankaiki; the
shoukon ga takumashii (literally meaning, having a former meaning the 49 days after death; in Buddhism,
strong commercial spirit: being commercially- ceremonies are held by the family once every seven
minded) have been used without having any relation days during this period. The latter meaning the
with religion. second anniversary of the deceased s death; further
In the Koujien dictionary (the authoritative ceremonies are held once every several years after
Japanese dictionary), it says that the spirit (or soul) death.) If death is the end of a person, then we do
is considered to reside in human s body and control not need graves, let alone visit graves during the
the activities of the mind. In ancient times, it was Obon festival (Buddhist festival for the spirits of the
thought to be an entity separated from the body. The deceased, which takes place in mid August in Japan).
spirit must be very important since it is stated Deep in their minds, people believe that something
controls the activities of the mind. But as you can remains after death; and that is why it is the custom to
see from the words considered to , the existence clasp their hands in prayer towards the deceased.
of the spirit still remains mysterious in the modern Each spirit or soul has a unique energy.
world of advanced medicine and science. Depending on what kind of energy each one has,
The existence of the spirit has not been proved yet. some go to the world of light (so called heaven) and some
It has not been proved that it does not exist either. wander about between this world and another world.
There must be a lot of people who think that it does It is very important to send the wandering spirits to
exist somewhere. the world of light. By doing so, they will be happy,
Also, there must be some who had the experience and the lives of their descendants and of those who
of the dead appearing to them in a dream, or had the have relationships with the spirits, will improve.
out-of-body experience by chance. These things Building graves, performing memorial services,
happen because the spirit and the body are two and clasping hands in prayer towards home altars are
separate things. It must be that the body is being all being done because people have thought for their
controlled by the brain whereas the mind is being ancestors. Such thought emits light. The custom of
controlled by the spirit, and that the mind is made holding memorial services and clasping hands in
by the spirit, and in order to express the mind, the prayer towards home altars, have been playing an
brain works. On the contrary, the information from important role in letting the light help ancestors go to
the body will go to the mind through the brain and the world of light.
also will go to the spirit. There are several ways of delivering the light to
I had never thought about the spirit before. Now, ancestors; I am using the Shinkiko energy to do it.
whenever I talk to people here and there, I never do it The most effective and simplest way to receive the
without mentioning the spirit. I talk to people and Shinkiko energy is to use the Ki transferring
live my everyday life on the basis that the spirit does apparatus, the High Genki. By receiving the Ki from
exist. High Genki, the light reaches to the Ki receivers
There is no logical reason for it, but I am not ancestors through their souls.
saying things on the spur of the moment either. (氣で生きる力が湧いてくる 106-115P 英訳)
I have my own grounds for it.
I will explain about it in the following chapters.

Shinkiko A-B-C
Two ways of charging your spirit with light Unique ideas about the acupressure point:
using High Genki the ishouketsu and the mobile
There are two ways of charging spirits with light, acupressure points
or Ki, with High Genki. It is fair to say that the High Genki apparatus is the
There are two parts in the spirit; the light part and heart of Shinkiko healing. There are many kinds of
the shadow part. The light part is the positive energy Kiko and healing systems, but what is so unique
and the shadow part, the negative energy. One way is about Shinkiko is that the Shinkiko energy is always
to charge the shadow part with light, and the other provided by the High Genki apparatus.
way is to charge the light part with light. The use and the structure of the High Genki have
Imagine that the Ki transferred by the High Genki been changing little by little. After entering the 21st
consists of particles of light. century, the High Genki apparatus has largely been
In the first way, you put the particles of light into upgraded. From here, I will explain briefly how the
the shadow part. If you have a High Genki apparatus High Genki has changed.
at home, the Ki will gradually sink through your spirit The High Genki apparatus consists of an attaché-case
without you being conscious of it. The way how the like body, and a Ki-emitting applicator shaped like a hair
Ki sinks through your spirit is how the particles of dryer. It is the tip of the applicator that has a structure
light go into the shadow part. to emit Ki, which is almost the heart of the High Genki.
The particles of light slowly sink through the The body has the two following functions: it supplies
shadow part. Then, each particle of light sticks to power for the magnet part of the tip of the applicator to
each other and grows into a large block of light inside move up and down, and detects acupressure points with
the shadow part. When it becomes large to a certain an acupressure point sensor attached to the applicator.
degree, it rapidly tunes itself to the light from outside; The acupressure point sensor detects a faint electrical
and it grows, and then the shadow turns into the light. current on the skin. The sensor is designed to emit a
Always having a High Genki apparatus with you clear sound like pi-pi-pi when it detects a spot where
will help the shadow to turn into the light faster. a resistance value is low on the skin. The spot where
Some of the High Genki users always carry around the resistance value is low is an acupressure point.
the Ki-emitting High Genki applicator; and recently, The concept of the acupressure point has become
there are more people dangling the portable Stick acceptable by the public as the acupuncture and
Head or the Mini Stick Head from their necks. moxibustion, the massage, and the acupressure
The other way is to charge the light part with light. became common among people. It is considered that
This way is more effective than the other; it uses when there is something wrong with one s body,
conscious mind and image to charge Ki. acupressure points respond to it. The acupressure
Split your spirit into the shadow part and the light point provides a basis for diagnosis and treatments in
part in your image. And then imagine that the light Oriental medicine.
of Shinkiko go into the light part. Imaging is so a It requires a long years of experience and knowledge
large energy that it is even used for a cancer treatment to spot acupressure points and to judge which
in an image therapy. By using this energy, you make acupressure points need to be treated. But the High
the light and light, or the positive and positive, stick Genki allows you to spot acupressure points by just
to each other. stroking the sensor on the skin. You do not need to be
When they stick together, they immediately merge skilled as an acupuncturist or moxibustion therapist
with each other since they have the same wavelength: since it scientifically detects acupressure points.
they resonate with each other. When this happens, My father had two unique ideas about the
the light increases fast and a huge amount of light acupressure point.
will be generated; and it reaches to the surrounding One is the acupressure point, ishouketsu , which
shadows. works for placing the stomach to the right position.
This is also what he was told from a white bearded

51 月刊ハイゲンキ 2007 July No.206

old oracle appeared in his dream. Ki easily goes into Genki. But because the patient s pain was still there,
the body through this point, and in using High Genki, he kept on using it; then the pain went away. When
the High Genki applicator is mainly applied here. my father learned this, he thought it might be possible
There are many people who suffer many kinds of to use only High Genki apparatus for patients without
disease caused by the downward displacement of the power. He actually tried it, and the result was the same
stomach due to the influence of negative Ki, especially as when it was used with power.
among Japanese people. The ishouketsu is a suitable The High Genki apparatus is made to be used while
acupressure point for anyone to charge Ki; by plugged in, but my father found out that it is a
stimulating ishouketsu, the stomach goes back to the marvelous apparatus which emits Ki and works quite
right position within a short time. It is located between effectively without power.
the knee and the ankle, around the Achilles heel. When people heard about it, there have been some
The other idea is, acupressure points change its who removed the High Genki applicator from the body
positions. As my father checked the positions of and started to carry it around. But it makes no
acupressure points with the acupressure point sensor, difference compared to when plugged in.
he found out that the positions which respond to the Then, what is the body for? The body also has an
sensor change, depending on each day and also on the important role. The relationship between the body and
state of disease. the applicator of the High Genki are similar to that of
In the Oriental medicine, the acupressure points are the main phone and the cordless handset.
supposed to be located at fixed positions. But my Firstly, Ki is gathered to the body, the main phone,
father had doubt about it and thought that they were not and the Ki is sent to the head, the cordless handset.
always at the same positions; and whenever he used In Ki treatment, only the head is directly used; but it
High Genki apparatus for patients, he first checked the is not enough to fully get Ki. The body, which does
positions of acupressure points on their bodies. not seem to work, makes the head work effectively.
The High Genki apparatus is a machine, which the Then, why does it have a twofold construction?
amount of Ki that can be put into a user differs This is actually a very important point; the High
depending on the user s conscious mind. If a user Genki is not just a healing apparatus, but it is an
thinks, Such a thing cannot emit Ki, then the apparatus that sends light to an individual, and to his
amount of Ki that can be absorbed will decrease. It family, and also to his ancestors.
seems that because there are more and more people The High Genki applicator sends light to an
who understand that Ki can be put into the body individual. When one has a pain in his arm, he can
through an acupressure point, the effect of High intensively send Ki to the affected area by just putting
Genki dramatically increased. the applicator over it. The High Genki body sends
Now I am instructing those who can understand light to your family and ancestors. Having a High
and feel Ki to apply the High Genki applicator to the Genki apparatus at home, will purify your whole
area where there is a pain, or to an uncomfortable family. Many of the High Genki users reported to me
area, and conversely, to the area where a user feels that things had gone better without using the applicator.
good, other than acupressure points. It also sends light to your ancestors. My father used to
The area where you feel uncomfortable is where say that a High Genki apparatus is like a household altar.
negative Ki is accumulated. By purifying the area Not all the ancestors can go to a satisfying world.
with the Shinkiko energy, the healing power will There are some spirits of ancestors who are still in
increase. The area where you feel comfortable is agony and are wondering about. Such spirits need a
where the positive Ki easily goes in. Both areas will purifying light to go to a place where they should go.
be of help to purify the energy in the body. The High Genki apparatus sends the light to them.

Various ways of using High Genki Sprit

As the number of High Genki users increased, there (light)
have been some people who use it in a unique way. (light) Shinkiko
Or, some found a new way of using it by chance. Shinkiko
What is interesting was that, the High Genki emits
Ki even when the power is off. This was also found
out by a mere accident. One day, the power went out
when a healer was appling a patient using a High

Shinkiko A-B-C
From the 20th to 21st century --- an anecdote lady put her hand up and asked him a question,“I
about the birth of the 10-times more powerful understood how great your power is, but you are
Power Unit leaving for Japan tomorrow. What should we do
In the year 2000, after you leave? We feel like we were offered a
the Power Unit, which delicious cake, and the cake was taken away before
boosts the amount of we got to eat it.”
Ki energy transferred My father told me that her words made him aware
from the High Genki of what the High Genki was developed for, and the
apparatus, was meaning of it. The High Genki could replace my
developed. By father; it could send Ki to people on behalf of him.
attaching it to the He donated High Genki apparatuses to the area where
High Genki applicator, you can increase the amount he held a seminar, and was much appreciated by the
of Ki 10-times, 50-times, and 250-times. people there.
The following is a story behind the development of The High Genki apparatus has enabled me, who
the Power Unit, which is very interesting. was new to the world of Ki, to continue my father’ s
I will explain about it in detail in the 5th chapter, work even after his death. It has always worked on
but it often happens that, when one is receiving behalf of my father and me.
Shinkiko, he or she suddenly starts to speak. It But I had never really thought about improving or
seems that it is the voice of the spirit who exists remodeling the High Genki until I heard that voice. It
within the person. When a man dies, the spirit was developed by my father who was told to make it in
remains. It does not matter if a spirit goes to another his dream, but I do not see the dream of the white
world, or the world of light; but if the spirit is still bearded old man. I actually have thought about it once,
attached to this world, it cannot go to another world, but did not have a clue, and eventually forgot about it.
and wanders. Such spirits are sometimes magnetized About three months later, at another place, I heard
to whoever has the same wavelength as theirs. a voice saying,“Get down to it,”again. It again told
When one receives Shinkiko, a spirit which does me,“Make the High Genki much more powerful.”
not belong to the Shinkiko receiver’ s body, sometimes The voice went on:“Now I can go to the world of
appears and says many things. What spirits say are light since I was given light, but there are many other
sometimes very enlightening; I even get a hint for spirits who are still in pain and cannot go there.
new activities. Have you ever thought about them? Make the High
One day, when I was sending Shinkiko to people, I Genki more powerful; otherwise they will not be
heard an angry voice saying,“Get down to it!” It saved.”Since the same thing happened twice, I
seemed that a spirit was crying out through one of the became concerned about it and I asked,“How
Ki receivers; I decided to listen attentively to the powerful should it be?” “Make it 10-times more
voice. Because from my experience, I knew that powerful,”it said. I seriously thought about what I
spirits’stories often include important messages. could do to make it 10-times more powerful, and
The spirit said to me,“Have you thought about making explored several possibilities for it.
the High Genki apparatus more powerful? I can now The most important part of the High Genki
go to the world of light, but there are still many others apparatus is the tip of the Ki emitting head. There is
who cannot. If you are gone, the light of Shinkiko a set of a permanent magnet, a ceramic, and a plate
will be weaker. Have you ever thought about that?” with many tiny pyramid-shaped projections inside the
What the spirit said reminded me of what my father tip. The conventional High Genki applicator has one
told me long time ago. set of this. I thought, what would happen if ten sets
Soon after my father started emitting Ki from his of this were set inside the tip; and I made a prototype
hands, he held a seminar in Europe. In the seminar, a of it. Doing this did not require a remodeling of the

51 月刊ハイゲンキ 2007 August No.207

whole apparatus from scratch. This was very the universe is creating a balance by expansion and
advantageous for High Genki users because they did not contraction.
have to buy a new one; they only had to change the tip Then I thought, if the energy from the High Genki
part of the applicator in order to get a 10-times greater apparatus can be diffused, something could be done to
energy. I named this attachable part as Power Unit. concentrate it to enhance its quality; and it would
When the prototype of the Power Unit was flow more effectively.
completed, I learned that one of the High Genki users What I mean is, I began to strongly think that
was suffering from a tumor in her head and was in a something that could send Ki only to an individual was
very serious condition. The tumor behind one of her needed, not just circulating Ki among the whole family.
eyes was getting larger and the eyeball was almost With this in my mind, the Personal HG (PHG) was
protruded. The only treatment left for her was to developed. It may be easier to understand how it
have a surgery, but it would not be a minor one since works if you imagine many actors lining up on a
she needed to have her head cut open and tumor stage. Stage lights over the stage are the High Genki
removed. It might be fatal, and had a high risk of applicator. The light gets brighter by the Power Unit,
aftereffects. and lights up the whole actors, or the whole family.
I asked one of my staffs to send her the High Genki But because the light got brighter, shadows are easily
applicator with the prototype of Power Unit attached. created; and a spot light that emits light from the side
After she received the applicator, she heartily applied is needed. This spot light corresponds to the PHG.
it to her head. Then gradually, the tumor got smaller; It is a suitable device for those who quickly want to
and eventually she recovered without a surgery. overcome favorable turn reactions, or who want to
Consequently, I convinced myself that the idea of concentrate the light (or Ki) on his or her loved ones
stacking ten sets of the three components (a and significant others.
permanent magnet, a ceramic, and a plate with many The Power Unit has enabled us to change the
tiny pyramids-shaped projections) inside the tip of the amount of energy. Moreover, the PHG has allowed
High Genki head, was not wrong. us to receive Shinkiko energy which has the same
I think that there is a meaning to the upgrading of wavelength as the normal one but has a different
the High Genki apparatus at the turn of the century. function.
Those who passed away in the 20th century must The conventional High Genki head can be attached
have had the desire to enter the 21st century in the to the PHG. If the applicator is attached to the High
world of light. The Power Unit must have been Genki body, the Ki will widely spread to the user and
born to help them. his or her whole family, and if attached to the PHG,
Later, I developed a 50-times and a 250-times more Ki will be transferred to the user intensively.
powerful Power Units as well. The Ki that High Genki transfers will be charged to
I hope that, by using the High Genki apparatus, the user and then spread to his or her family or
people can receive the light of Shinkiko anywhere at anyone related to him or her. Because it spreads to
anytime without me being with them. several people, the amount of Ki which can be sent to
each individual will decrease. On the other hand, the
Personal HG was developed for individual use PHG is designed for individual use. It concentrates
The High Genki on one person; and the Ki transferred from it will not
apparatus influences spread much to others.
not only the user and But having said that, the Ki receiver’ s spirit will
his or her family, but shine brightly by charging Ki; and the positive Ki will
also relatives living naturally spread to others around.
apart. It widely Consequently, whichever you use, the High Genki
diffuses the light of or the PHG, if a user’ s spirit shines adequately, the
Shinkiko. It is a light, the positive Ki, will be sent to the people around.
convenient machine At the moment, the PHG is only available to the
that allows you to send light, or Ki, to yourself and to full members of the SAS Inc. who have a High Genki
anyone who are related to you, if you own one. apparatus.
There is the principle of ying and yang. All things (氣で生きる力が湧いてくる 124-132P 英訳)
in the universe have two opposing but complementary
forces that strive to achieve a balance between them:

Shinkiko A-B-C
Always purify daily negative Ki with High Genki Then, I thought that this series of happenings might
I would like all the High Genki users to do all kinds have some meanings behind it. Then suddenly
of things to use the apparatus depending on their something came up to my mind.
situations. “Nobody’ s perfect,”I thought. That is, I became
I always try using it myself in ways which High aware that, even if there is nothing wrong with our
Genki users tried. High Genki users allow me to health or other things, each one of us always has a
experience various ways of using it. shadow part, and negative Ki comes to us attracted by
At the time when I started out as a chairman, I was it. The negative Ki builds up inside us before we
not using the High Genki as earnestly as I am now. know it, and causes various troubles.
Though I used to tell the members of the SAS Negative Ki must have started gathering at me since
(Shinkiko Assistance and Support) to use it daily, I I was not charging light (positive energy) with High
thought I did not have to use it everyday since there Genki. Then, it affected my family, my wife, first.
was nothing wrong with my health. My wife’ s rash was caused not only because there
But the thing happened which forced me to think was something wrong with her but also there was a
that the High Genki is not used only when you are sick. big problem with me. And because I could not
First of all, my wife got sick. She had an atopic become aware of it, something went wrong with my
dermatitis-like rash. I blamed her by saying,“That’ s health as well.
because you are not using the High Genki seriously Since then, I have always been charging light with
and not trying hard enough to follow the guideline of the High Genki.
Senshin (Mind Purification),”as if it was her I am spending busy days touring around Japan, but
problem. I was reproaching her, which is a must-not- thanks to High Genki, I do not fall sick. I am under a
do thing stated in the guideline. lot of stress like anyone else is, but I can instantly
For a while, I thought her condition had nothing to move on by charging Ki with High Genki.
do with me, but then my right hand went numb. I If you always purify daily negative energy with a
could not raise it up, so I had to use the High Genki. High Genki, you will hardly get into big troubles.
The numbness went away after I seriously applied it Even if anything wrong happens, you will have
to my hand everyday. enough energy to shrug it off as if it were nothing.

Various Ki goods for receiving Ki

51 月刊ハイゲンキ 2007 September No.208

This is a precious lesson I learned from my own receivers, that is, the voices of many spirits who lost
experience. their bodies. Then I convinced myself that, many
tragic things happening in the world are caused by
The tool High Genki people’ s ignorance of the existence of the spirit which
Man has been evolving inventing various tools. controls the mind.
The invention of automobiles and electronic goods is I have talked to many spirits so far, and I will
what made modern civilization possible. As Ki explain about it in detail in the 5th chapter.
spreads more in the future, you will need some tools Spirits enormously differ from one spirit to another.
to take in Ki into your daily life. Please consider that It is just like we are all different in character, and have
the High Genki is one of them. a different state of mind.
Some people say that relying only on machines and The dead are all in various states of mind. There
tools is not good, but High Genki can be used with a are spirits who hold a grudge against someone, who
sense of using a car. I hope you can take advantage are thankful to someone, who do not know that they
of its benefits. Such as it allows you to get to a place are dead, and who are mourning their deaths.
within ten minutes or so whereas it takes an hour by The spirit is a kind of energy. Energy can be high
walk, and allows you to carry luggage which is too or low. If an energy, or a spirit is controlled by a
heavy to carry with hands. By using the tool, High strong negative Ki, it will become low and suffer.
Genki, you will not be bothered much by negative Ki Conversely, if it can attract positive Ki, its pain will
which is usually difficult to cope with and will be go away and it will eventually go to another world.
able to change it into light. The spirits that are possessed by negative energy
If I had not used High Genki and always charged enormously suffers, and if we do not dot something
Ki, it would not have been possible to go all around about it, both the spirits and the people with whom
the country and share Ki with people like I am doing they are staying, will suffer.
now. I am able to meet various kinds of people and I tried sorting out the feelings of the suffering
learn great lessons here and there since I could make spirits who appeared while I was sending Ki to
use of the High Genki. people. Our minds do not change much even after
I hope all the High Genki users make a good use of we lost our bodies.
it in order to let their spirits grow in each of their It is not too much to say that our state of mind or
environments. feeling continues even after death.
Nobody knows when we lose our bodies. The
Send light to invisible spirits voices of spirits give us a hint as to what we should
Listening to the voices of spirits through Ki do when we lost our bodies.
By sending Shinkiko to people, I have been hearing They make us aware of many things.
many voices of people who speak through Ki (氣で生きる力が湧いてくる P132-141 英訳)

Shinkiko A-B-C
The three negative feelings spirits have to feel a little better.
I classified the feelings of spirits into three We will have pains in our bodies and will get sick
categories. since we receive such negative energies from spirits.
1) Negative feelings towards others The energies also make us think more negatively, and
Some spirits have a mind to hate, envy, curse, and as a result, we will meet accidents and get into
berate others. Their targets are sometimes their troubles.
family members or relatives who are closely related If we still do not become aware of their existence,
to them and sometimes utter strangers. The reasons they sometimes start affecting our families.
vary: ranging from a trifling case such as a child is The spirits who are suffering from their wrong
holding a grudge against his parents for not doing perceptions (3) have a desire to dwell within living
him what he wanted, to a serious case in which a people’ s bodies and use them at will, and if possible,
spirit’s grudge is so strong that it affects not only the without being found forever. When our energy
target but also his or her children, grandchildren, and heightens, we begin to think and act positive, which
further generations. makes the spirits hard to dwell within us. In order to
2) Negative feelings towards themselves avoid it, they sometimes try to hinder the energy to
Some spirits are obsessed with pain and suffering heighten.
they had in their bodies and with feelings of remorse When people receive Shinkiko, sometimes some
about what they did. If people experience people experience a favorable turn reaction. It is
indescribable pain in their bodies and minds, they often caused by the spirits who do not want their
will be obsessed by the pain and the obsession energies to heighten. Some High Genki users
continues even after they died. sometimes stop using the High Genki apparatus
3) Wrong perception because they felt their pains increased, but this is the
If people do not acknowledge the existence of the negative spirit’ s intention.
spirit (life after death), they will not be able to
understand that their conscious minds remain even Spirits grow with the Shinkiko energy
after they lost their physical bodies. Sometimes The unifying of a suffering spirit and a living
some spirits dwell within living people’ s bodies person temporarily provides a shelter for the spirit.
before they know it, and get the wrong idea that the It is not a big deal for the person, but if it continues,
bodies are theirs. Also, they are often attached to things will not go right for him.
this world and try to live just as they used to live It would be best to separate the two at an early
when they were alive. stage and let the spirit go where he should go.
Spirits without physical bodies can not help
These spirits sympathize with the minds of living themselves. They can only gain energies from living
people and unite with them. That is, a spirit holding people. Generally, we have no idea as to how to give
a grudge becomes unified with a living person energies to them.
holding a grudge. A grouchy spirit tries to be friend Learning about Shinkiko helps.
with a grouchy person. When you receive Shinkiko through High Genki,
What will happen to us if we unite with many Ki is charged into your soul and the soul shines.
suffering spirits? The light from the shining soul reaches to the
Spirits who have negative feelings towards negative spirit which is united with the soul and gives
themselves and others(1 and 2) try to make others light to it, and changes it into positive.
understand their pains. Because by doing so and by How does a spirit react in this process?
letting others know that they exist, they will be able Suppose you are in the darkness, and suddenly

51 月刊ハイゲンキ 2007 October No.209

light comes close to you. How would you feel? If to unite with living people. They just do not know
you do not know the reason why it is coming to you, what to do. Please consider Shinkiko as a light
you will be full of fear and anxiety. So will be house for negative spirits. Shinkiko is like a light
negative spirits. from a lighthouse in darkness. If the spirits head
They first reject an alien vibrating energy, the towards the light, they will naturally get to a
light. This reaction corresponds to the favorable wonderful world.
turn reaction which I have mentioned many times. We should bear in mind that spirits are bringing
As the spirits get used to the light, they will begin many benefits to us with physical bodies. I will
to feel comfortable with it. Because their pain, explain that not all of them are scary, trouble makers,
agony, and sorrow will naturally go away. and nuisances.
Then, the spirits who are full of their own affairs When you unite with a spirit who lost his or her
will have room to look around them. physical body, your energy temporarily lowers.
They will start to realize that they are bothering Then you may become sick or get into troubles.
others for being in this world although they lost their This is not a bad thing since it allows us to awake to
bodies and that they should thank others around many things.
them. They will also understand in what situations Your energy increases by this awakening. For
they are in, and begin to think positive. example, when we jump, we always bend our knees
Then they will eventually come to think what they and squat once. It appears that the energy within
should do and what their roles are. They are not your body has lowered, but you are actually pooling
being told to do so by someone. When the strong your energy by bending your knees. And with this
light of Shinkiko reaches them, they will naturally energy you will be able to grow spiritually by leaps
grow and wake up to things. At the same time, and bounds.
living people will awake to things, have their When your energy within you increases, many
problems solved, and lead a happier life. good things will happen around you, and the energy
will heighten more. The heightened energy gives
Living people have a give-and-take good influences to spirits who lost their bodies and
relationship with spirits helps them to go to the world of light.
I wonder how you feel about my stories so far. In order to heighten energy, living people needs
I think there are many people who do not believe spirits who lost their bodies and in order to let the
that a living person and a spirit which does not spirits go to the world of light, living people need to
belong to the person unite. Of course, I do not raise awareness. They are interdependent with
mean to state that it is true. Unfortunately, we do each other.
not have a mean to prove it. To“jump”(to awake) effectively, Shinkiko helps.
By contacting with many people through Ki, I Taking in the Shinkiko energy from outside the
have got the feeling that this is how it seems to work. body is pouring energy directly into living people.
And it is also quite true that as a negative spirit When the energy is poured, we can experience many
united with a person gets purified with Shinkiko, the awakenings through troubles. This will lead to the
person’ s sickness, family rift, problems at work, and heightening of our energies.
relationship with others immediately improves. Not By taking in the Shinkiko energy, the cycle of
only his circumstances change, but also he awakes to turning negative things into positive things speeds up
many things during the purification of a spirit. This dramatically. Then, both the living people and the
awakening is often what the person needs most, and spirits can grow effectively.
people will be happier by gaining awakening.
When I talk about spirit, many people think, (氣で生きる力が湧いてくる P142-150 2 英訳)
“what if I become haunted?”and become worried.
But the spirit is not a scary presence which drags you
into hell.
Spirits are warm hearted just like living people.
The only difference is that they do not have physical
bodies. And in most cases, they do not have a desire

Shinkiko A-B-C
We and our ancestors are always circulating after meeting a nice person. These things happen
energies because someone watching over you is sending
Since early times, there has been a custom of positive energy, which prevents you from hitting the
paying respect to ancestors by doing things such as lowest point.
visiting their graves during the Obon and the Ohigan Suppose you had a serious car accident while you
periods (equinoctial weeks in spring and autumn) in were driving. Although your car was all smashed up,
Japan. The people establish memorial days and build you survived without a scratch. At times like this,
cenotaphs in memory of people who died in wars and you can realize that you are being protected by
catastrophes to console and respect their spirits. something. Accidents themselves are caused by the
These doings are dismissed mostly as religious negative Ki. On the other hand, the positive Ki
ceremonies, but when we, living people, think about heartily supports people. That is why you
the dead, we are sending positive energy to them. miraculously survived.
The dead will shine by the positive energy sent If we look at it in a broader perspective, it is the
from the living people, and will support them. They energy that supports us, that has allowed us to be born
protect their offspring like guardians do. and to live in peace. There have been a lot of wars in
We living people are always exchanging energies the past and many lost their lives in them. They have
with dead ancestors. become spirits and have been sending light to living
We have a chance to send our energies to our people. They are sending energy in order not to
ancestors in Buddhist memorial services and in cause the tragedy of war again, and that is why we are
visiting family graves, which have been done since living in a peaceful society.
olden days. We also send energies to them whenever That means, we living people have many supports
we think of them on a whim. But that is not enough of light behind us; and it is important to live life
to brighten the spirits of ancestors who have become always keeping that in mind.
very negative-minded. We need to send them more
and more amount of energy. I will explain about it Create a virtuous circle of energy with Shinkiko
later on. Now, we are not just being protected. Conversely,
The energies from our ancestors always reach us as we also have a valuable role to send light to the spirits
well. of our ancestors and people who are closely related to
There are times when we are happy and when we us, who lack energy.
are sad and desperate. Life is a repeat of this. When The spirits who lack energy sometimes heavily
you feel down, that is when you have leant toward depends up on us rather than help us. They try to
negative thinking. This is when negative energies make people understand their pain and agony and
sympathize with your mind and come to gather cling to them for help. Consequently, they end up
around you. In theory, you will be more and more sucking living people’ s energies.
negative-minded, and your energy will lower, which If this continues, there will be no good relationship
will eventually lead you to death. between the living people and the spirits. It will be
But in reality, your mind will not be endlessly more like both of them scrambling for limited energies.
and more negative. In order to prevent it, ancestors Normally, this vicious circle can be avoided, if as
who have a high energy (spirits who are closely many living people as possible try to live in line with
connected to you) share energy with you. the guideline of Senshin so that the light emitted from
There must have been times when you were able to their souls becomes stronger. But in reality, it is
get over troubles faster; when you felt lighter by hard to do so when we are in trouble. Everyone
awakening to something; and when you felt happy would think they want to escape from the vicious

51 月刊ハイゲンキ 2007 November No.210

circle effectively. In order to do so, we should take in The way to receive Shinkiko to send light to
an enormous amount of energy from outside. By ancestors
taking in lots of energy, charging it into our souls, and I will introduce how to receive Shinkiko in order to
sharing it with spirits, we will both be able to let light reach to ancestors.
heighten our energies. Since early times, Japanese are accustomed to
The Shinkiko energy is very powerful. By respect their ancestors. Ki, light, will reach to their
receiving Shinkiko, its light will reach to the spirits ancestors by respecting them, and then the ancestors
who are closely related to you, and they will shine will be able to send light to their offspring like
brighter and become much more“flexible”with guardians do.
increasing speed. The difference between the more Shinkiko is a useful“tool.” Both the people who
flexible and the less flexible spirit is like a difference could and who could not visit their ancestors’graves
between the one who can swim and the one who during the Obon and the Ohigan periods, will be able
cannot in the ocean. The one who cannot swim has to send them light with Shinkiko. Now, when you
to cling to an inner tube and he cannot swim at his receive Shinkiko, please think back on your
disposal. But the one who can swim very well can grandparents or great-grandparents. First, think
swim around in the water like a dolphin. The spirits about who were close to you and who you can
whose energy is low can barely cling to an inner tube remember well. If you can think of their faces and
and they cannot enjoy swimming in the ocean. It is atmospheres, light will reach them without fail.
hardly possible for such spirits to help their offspring After you have done that, try sending light to your
who have become negative-minded. remote ancestors. They are the people who you have
When the living people replenish energy with not met and who you do not know their names and
Shinkiko, its light reaches to the spirits of people who faces, but it does not matter. If you just vaguely
are connected to them, such as their ancestors. Then, imagine them in your mind, light will reach them.
the spirits will gradually become positive-minded. We feel familiar to grandparents or great-
Their negative feelings such as pain and agony will grandparents who were close to us, and we can recall
go away, and they will be filled with relief and their memories while visiting their graves or
satisfaction. worshipping before family altars, but we need to
Then, they will become grateful for having been direct our attention to further back generations too.
able to become positive-minded. And they will start In earlier times people lived in difficult times of
to think and care about others. goods scarcity, compared to now. There was no
They will naturally feel like helping others who are electricity to cook rice automatically. People
suffering, because they have become so happy after suffered scarcity of food and clothing.
enormous suffering and pain. Their living environment must have been difficult
Some spirits will come to a further stage where too; they had to tolerate hot and cold weather. They
they realize that they went through many hardships to also had less freedom than we do now. In such an
be able to understand the feeling of those who are environment, our ancestors lived every moment with
suffering the same hardships and to be able to help all their energies. That is why we exist now and why
them, and that they have a role to lead them to the our living environments are much better and more
world of light. They will also realize that the death is prosperous. Try and imagine these things in your
not the end; and awake to the true meaning of being mind and sincerely thank your ancestors while you
born and dying after experiencing many things. receive Shinkiko, then you will be able to send a
The more heightened energy you can send to strong light to your remote ancestors who you have
spirits, the more the spirits of people who are closely never met.
related to you including your ancestors can receive it.
You get more support from them by just that much, (氣で生きる力が湧いてくる P150-157 英訳)
and you will also be happier. The Shinkiko energy
has enough quality and quantity of energy to make
such a virtuous circle.

Shinkiko A-B-C
Light reaches to ancestors via living apparatus.
people as gateway If there are many dead people who are still in
Earlier, I mentioned that we and our ancestors pain in your family, your family and relatives will
are connected to each other; I will specifically be affected by them before they know it, and they
explain that. When I am sending Ki to people, sometimes have many misfortunes and be on the
sometimes their ancestors appear. outs with each other. The spirits of dead people
There was a spirit who came out of a lady. At may be sending various signals to let us know
first the spirit (the lady) looked as if she was in that they are suffering. If any one person
great pain; groaning, straining her whole body, becomes aware of it and send them light, things
and bending backward. As she received will get better gradually and steadily. To receive
Shinkiko, her face looked more and more Shinkiko is to send light to the world of spirits
distorted and coughed violently several times. through living people as gateway.
But the look on her face softened a little as the
Shinkiko energy gradually penetrated into her. The Ki we emit affects our ancestors
She (the spirit) said to me, “We finally feel One day when I was sending Ki to a person, a
better. Everyone is suffering. Thanks to her, spirit who was not blood-related with the person
light has finally reached us. We owe everything appeared. The spirit seemed to be very
to her. We thank her, thank her so much.” In dissatisfied with living people and was grouching
the end, she went to the world of light saying, many things. I will introduce some of his stories
“Everyone is waiting. Now I can be of help to since they may be informative to you.
someone.” He said:“Many people say,‘my ancestors,
The lady and some of her family members had please help us,’but we have no room for that.
been sick, and that was what brought her to Ki. We can not do anything even if we are told
The family members were never interested in Ki; ‘please watch over us,’and‘please help us,’
she was the only one who heartily did Shinkiko. while we are not able to do things at our disposal.
She participated in the seminar in Ikoma as well, It makes us suffer even more.... It is hardly
and around that time, she was worried about possible to be a strong light except those who
being on the outs with her relatives concerning accumulated substantial good deeds while they
succession of property. were alive. When people die, many are assailed
When the spirit had appeared, the lady was by various pains and anxieties, which makes them
very surprised and wondered why she suddenly lose light. But the light of Shinkiko is great.
started saying such things, although she was all We rarely have such a thing as Shinkiko that
awake. It seemed that the spirit was her great- sends light to the spirits of people. There is
grandmother, and by knowing that the light is nothing as strong light as this, so, please keep
reaching to her ancestors she further realized the that in mind and work hard. And please let
meaning of receiving Shinkiko with a High Genki everyone know that this is the only way we can

51 月刊ハイゲンキ 2007 December No.211

feel better....” transfers Ki, we can send Ki to our souls and also
Spirits can take in light only from living to the spirits of our ancestors.
people except the spirits who are shining really Those who could not go to the world of light
strong. Just as when your family is gloomy you because of the lack of energy will feel better and
too become gloomy, so do the living people and be able to go where they should go by our
the dead people. When the living people are receiving Ki. Then, when they are refreshed,
feeling sad, the dead will sympathize with them they will send energy to us, the living people.
and become sad, and when your family is having In this way, the world we are living and the
a fight, the spirits around them become worried. other world where spirits go have a close
That is, the Ki which is emitted from us, the relationship with each other.
living people, is transmitted to spirits. If you want your ancestors to help you with
Therefore, to make our ancestors shine brighter, your various troubles or to help you with your
we, the offspring, should always try hard to be dreams in the future, joining your hands in prayer
cheerful. in front of your family altar is one of the good
Everyone wants to spend everyday happily, but ways to send them energy. But if you just
in reality, things do not work the way they want concentrate on asking for help, you cannot send
to. There are just too many factors that make enough energy to make their spirits to do things
people feel negative, such as stresses at work and at their disposal. Although they really want to
at home and bad news in the world. No matter help you, they are helpless themselves.
how careful they try to be, these things strongly If we want help, we should not only ask them
affect them. That is why people cannot always for it but also should heighten our energies.
send a certain amount of light to our ancestors. The more seriously we receive Ki, the better
On the other hand, the Shinkiko light that the our ancestors will feel. Then, they will be able
High Genki apparatus emits, is always emitting a to help us.
certain amount of energy. When pieced together The High Genki apparatus is a machine which
what spirits told me so far, the Shinkiko reaches is indispensable to stably replenish energy in
to the spirits of our ancestors via our souls. order to make our ancestors feel better.
Practicing both Senshin and Shinkiko in your
daily life will make you feel happiness much (氣で生きる力が湧いてくる 158p―163p10行目 英訳)

easier. As a result of it, the strong light from us

will reach our ancestors and make their spirits
strongly shine, and it makes our lives cheerful.

Charge ancestors’spirits with energy by

using a High Genki
What we can do for our ancestors is to charge
our souls with positive energy and send it to
By having the High Genki apparatus which

Shinkiko A-B-C
An energy cycle is created by the change your mind-set into thinking that your
awakening and behavior of a single person doing something will encourage others to do the
Men have been trying hard to create systems same.
that make everyone’ s living better, such as The High Genki apparatus continuously emits
adopting democracies and basic human rights a fixed steady light. It sends light to the users
using negative incidents occurred in the past as and also to the spirits around them at the same
springboards. They are still working hard on it; time, without a break. Each High Genki user
men are gradually progressing. charges his or her soul with a strong light with it,
But it should never be forgotten that the and is always emitting the light outward. And
progress extracted a price from many people. then his or her family and ancestors will shine
The further we go into the past, the more spirits brighter. The light spreads like this wider and
there are who became shadows due to their agony wider.
and sorrow. There must be some spirits who are suffering
Anyone who is alive is always sending energy in a jet-black darkness. Such spirits are eagerly
to the spirits who have become shadows. The waiting for the light to come someday.
amount of light emitted from a single soul is We and our ancestors will remain inseparable no
limited. But when a spirit which received light matter how many centuries or millennia pass by.
starts shining and starts emitting light, and when We, with physical bodies, are expected to
the light spreads spirit to spirit, an enormous liberate them from centuries or millennia of
amount of light will be created. As in fission, suffering as the last resort.
the light is passed on from spirit to spirit emitting I would like everyone to become aware of it
an unimaginable amount of energy. and to know more about Ki.
Then, the light from each shining spirit forms a
group and creates another light. The light will be The story of the spirit
passed on to other groups creating greater and Even if our body is gone, our conscious
greater amount of light. mind remains
It is probably for this reason that, although the Our body is consists of a visible body and an
power of a single person is small, when small invisible“Ki body.”
powers group together, they will create a The“Ki body”is a clump of life energy which
tremendous power. has been called“spirit”or“ghost”through the
First, a single person needs to make a move. ages. It is this Ki body that controls our
You tend to think that even if only you work conscious mind. Our emotions are evoked by
hard, it will not be of help, but it is important to this spirit or ghost part.

51 月刊ハイゲンキ 2008 January No.212

The cessation of body function means death. presence of their conscious mind makes them
A dead body is burnt or decays and returns to the unable to realize their death. There are many
earth. But the spirit or ghost part does not spirits who can not realize that they are dead:
disappear. It leaves the body, becomes some spirits take trains to go to work as they used
independent, and embarks on a new journey. to do when they were alive, which sounds
Spirits who lost their bodies are still conscious. incredible. You can not reset the whole thing
The feelings and emotions that had been with death. Your conscious mind remains even if
cultivated while they were alive stay on. your body is gone.
We tend to think that if we become spirits, our Some say that funerals and memorial services
conscious minds will completely change. But in are events to let spirits know that they are dead.
reality, no change will occur. Some spirits realize for the first time that they
For example, a person who was suffering from are dead by seeing their own funerals. The
a disease will have a sense of the pain after death. borderline between life and dead is that vague.
The idea that people can get away from pains and Death begins as an extension of life.
sufferings after death seems to be wrong. When a spirit realizes that he is dead and
A person who was always hungry feels always decides to go to the world of light, he can move
hungry after death. to a plane where spirits should go.
It may sound strange that spirits without bodies The problem is the spirits who do not
still feel pains and hunger, but the feelings and understand their situations and are not able to
sensations rooted in their conscious minds while make up their minds to go to the world of light.
they were alive will linger. Such spirits lack light and there are several
There is a report that people who lost their types of them. Most of them are obsessed with
arms or legs through accidents or diseases still their pain. They have no room to coolly look
feel pain or itchiness in them although they are around and are in a state of some kind of panic.
gone. This is called phantom pain and it has to On the contrary, some spirits are clear-headed
do with the conscious mind as well. Although and see what is going on. Some are hiding
the hands and legs are gone, the sensation of somewhere and hardly appear before people.
them remains in the conscious mind, and this I call such spirits who are negative-minded as
seems to be why pains and itchiness are felt. “shadows.”
Likewise, when people die and lose their Shedding light on the shadows is one of the
bodies, their conscious minds remain. A short- large roles that Shinkiko plays.
tempered person remains short-tempered, and a
worrier remains a worrier even after death.
It must be tough for people who do not believe (氣で生きる力が湧いてくる 163p―170p 英訳)

in life after death. Because they think

everything will vanish in smoke after death, the

Shinkiko A-B-C
Attunement that occurs between the living What the spirit was saying is actually true.
people and the spirits There are a lot of spirits without bodies hiding
There are eight Shinkiko centers in Japan deep inside the bodies of living people avoiding
(Sapporo, Sendai, Tokyo, Nagoya, Oosaka, being detected. In such a case as this, if many
Fukuoka, Kumamoto, Okinawa). I go to each spirits come into a body of a living person, he or
center once a month and send Ki to people who she may become sick, or at worst, die. But for
come to the center. This is called “Chairman’ s spirits, losing the physical body which they
Shinkiko Session.” During the session, managed to get is the same as spoiling it, and it is
sometimes another personality appears from Ki also inconvenient for them. It seems wiser to hide
receivers. Not only do the participants of the within a body without being detected as much as
session, but also I learn a lot during the session. possible.
A woman’ s spirit who died from disease Moreover, it seems that not all the bodies that
appeared from a woman who was receiving are available are good for spirits to live in. They
Shinkiko. prefer younger people to older people because
As the woman received Ki, the look on her face younger bodies are suitable for enjoying another
gradually softened. It meant that the spirit was life for a longer period to some extent.
feeling better. Feeling happy with it, I said to the But please keep in mind that the spirit of a living
spirit, “You are not finished yet, although your person is stronger than a spirit no matter how
body is gone.” Then suddenly, the look on the Ki extremely negative-minded a spirit is. You are
receiver’ s face changed. The woman’ s spirit certainly able to overcome any negative influence
seemed to have gone to the world of light already, from negative-minded spirits by having a strong
and another spirit appeared and said to me, “I mind which will not be swayed by negative
already know such a thing”in a man’ s voice. I influences.
put together briefly what he said after that.
He knew that he lost his physical body and had Let spirits know the splendor of the world of
become a spirit, and also knew that there is a light
world of light. He did realize that the spirits who All the spirits that are hiding deep inside living
lost their bodies should go to the world of light, people on their own say, “We want to stay here;
but he wanted to stay in this world and lead further we don’ t want to go elsewhere, so leave us alone.”
life using the woman’ s body. He also said he was Their words “leave us alone”reflect that they
happy because he could do whatever he wanted. are under some kind of influence of Ki.
Unlike the woman’ s spirit who was here a moment Summarizing the stories of the many spirits who I
ago he was not suffering, and he wanted to carry met so far, it seems that when light, the energy of
on forever living borrowing the woman’ s body Shinkiko, reaches the spirits of Ki receivers, a
since he did not have to feel any better. difference will occur between the energy vibration
According to him, there are so many spirits like of the receivers and of the hiding spirits, and it
him, and he disappeared saying, “So, leave me makes the spirits feel uncomfortable. As the
alone.” I kept on sending Shinkiko to the woman spirits try to make themselves feel better, the light
for a while but nothing seemed to change. I left gradually reaches them as well, and they will
the session at that determining that the time had naturally become aware of the beauty of the world
not come for the spirit and that the woman needed of light.
to be charged with Ki more. The way to get rid of the obsession with this

51 月刊ハイゲンキ 2008 February No.213

world is to know the splendor of the world of light. and ghost and speak about them.
I am bringing the attention of hiding spirits to the Since the dawn of the time, there have been
beauty of the world of light in order to let them many wars on earth, including in Japan. People
become aware of it as early as possible. Some rebuilt buildings and strove towards recovery after
spirits sometimes go for the jugular. a war, and people with broken heart tried living
“You tell us that the world of light is a great positively and heartily. Then a century later,
place, but how do you know that? You have never people forget about the war as if nothing
been there,”a spirit told me one day. He was happened. It has been 60 years since the World
absolutely right. Nobody knows what the world War Ⅱ, and the memories of it are almost fading
of light is like until you really go there. But away.
remaining ignorant of it will get you nowhere. The influence of a single person’ s death on the
Then I hit upon the idea of asking my father who people around him or her varies depending on
had already lost his body and who was still whether he or she will be the light or the shadow
working in the world of light. after death. When a great amount of people die in
I could not ask him directly because he was sorrow or terror or anger due to war, their negative
dead. What I did was, I received Ki while trying influences on the world are immeasurable.
to get in tune to my father, thinking I could We living people never understood this, and this
somehow make it because I am his son. As I is why men have been repeatedly making the same
tried several times, at first I did not know what mistakes. When I am sending Shinkiko to people,
was happening, but gradually, I began to feel sometimes spirits who died in war appear and
certain feelings (or the feelings occurred in my speak through the Ki receivers. Such spirits are
mind). It was such a refreshing sensation which highly responsive to anything that is connected to
made me feel free from everything as well as my war. Then, they tell us what war is like from
own body. another point of view which is difficult to
The reason why the spirits who lost their bodies understand for living people.
do not feel like going to the world of light is So was the spirit who appeared the other day.
because they feel as if they will be shoved out and One day, when I was sending Shinkiko, one of
deprived of good times in this world. But in the Ki receivers, a woman, suddenly started
another world, there are their ancestors who died crying. By the look of her, I got the impression
before them and also people with full of light, that the spirit inside her was suffering with
waiting for them. It may be easier to understand patience in sorrow and pain.
by referring to the guideline of Senshin, but the Before long, she (the spirit) complained to me,
spirits in another world do not give out negative Ki “What did I do to deserve such a death?” She
because they do not need to have negative feelings. seemed she did not know where she should direct
All of them have love for others and a will to her sorrow and anger. I intently kept on sending
develop others. The happiness of others is their Shinkiko to her because I wanted her to feel better
happiness, and they are learning and growing more immediately. Then gradually, the look on her face
by looking over us with physical bodies. I think softened.
that such a world is full of happiness which is a I asked her what happened and she said she was
little different from that of this world. There must killed by an atomic bomb. She repeatedly told
be many more wonderful points about the world of me, “Why did I have to die?” “Why did I have
light. I would like all the spirits who lost their to die the terrible death?” But as she kept on
bodies to know about it. receiving Shinkiko, the light gradually reached her
and her face began to look more relaxed.
Spirits who tell us what war is
People may have an image that a spirit who lives
within a living person is wicked, but there are (氣で生きる力が湧いてくる 171p―178p6行目 英訳)
spirits who sincerely wish for peace. I was made
acutely aware that it is wrong to bracket all spirits

Shinkiko A-B-C
The spirit who learned that“accepting”is the us to do so.
true strength Treat spirits with awe and respect
The spirit looked as if he (or she) did not know where I have encountered numerous situations in which
to direct his pain, but after he calmed down, he told me, spirits who were suffering in pain at first, set off for the
“I found out that there is not only the strength to attack, world of light after they got better fast with the
but there is also the strength to accept what happened, Shinkiko energy. About a year after I had traveled
which is much stronger.” across the country as a chairman, it became an everyday
Then he disappeared saying,“Please value the strong occurrence for me before I knew it.
mind of the Japanese people who accepted the war And I found myself with no room left for thinking
defeat and worked hard for the reconstruction of the about spirits because my mind was preoccupied with
country. I will send light to people too.” making Ki receivers feel better and letting spirits set off
He (it might have been she) must have never thought for the world of light immediately. Then, a spirit of a
that such an enormously lethal bomb, an atomic bomb, bushi (samurai) appeared one day, and taught me the
would fall over him. After he was exposed to the importance of considering spirits.
radiation, he must have suffered a lot and cried over his When I was transferring Ki to a woman, she suddenly
misfortune that had fell on him. He had been placed her hand over her shoulder and began to
agonizing for a long time. His words sounded all the complain of pain. I kept on sending Ki to her thinking,
more impressive because of that. “What is wrong with her?”Then she complained,“I
The word“strength”usually refers to a physical lost my arm, lost my arm.”
strength, in our common sense. Most people tend to I asked her,“What is the matter with you?”and
think that whoever has the weapons to kill many people is according to her, one of her arms had been chopped off
stronger, and that is why the United States who dropped by someone. But I just kept on sending Ki without
atomic bombs on Japan was thought to be stronger. caring much about her condition thinking that if her pain
But it is not so in terms of spirit. The strength to disappeared, she would be able to go to the world of light.
accept various situations at different times depends on After a while, her pain seemed to have gone, but she
the brightness of your soul. If your soul is not bright started to complain relentlessly how much she missed
enough, you will not be able to accept bad or negative her arm. I asked her why she missed her arm so much
things, and you will just have to grieve and direct your because I could not understand her feelings.
anger to others. Then she (the spirit) said,“I can no longer hold a
As the spirit I mentioned above received Shinkiko, he sword.” I thought it was so inscrutable that the spirit
became aware of that, and accepted the fact that he was who existed in the world where there are no physical
exposed to radiation from an atomic bomb blast and bodies missed his lost arm. I told him,“You don’ t
died. And at the same time, he made me think anew need a sword anymore in this world. You are dead and
about what he became aware of. your body is gone, so forget about it and go to the world
In the Retreat Seminar which is run in Ikoma (now of light.”
run in Ibaragi prefecture), all the participants practice “You never know what it is like when the bushi
transferring Ki, Shinkiko. The way to do it is to charge (samurai) can no longer hold a sword.” The spirit
your soul with a plenty of energy and awaken to things, started to talk firmly in a calm tone.
and then send light to others and encourage them to At first I thought he started grouching, but I
awaken. gradually became aware of the importance of what he
We are often unable to accept not only wars, but also was telling me.
other people and seemingly bad things that do not go as In his time, the lives of the families of the bushi
we planned, for we do not have enough room for them. (samurai) were rest on the shoulders of the bushi. The
But if we can accept them, our souls will shine much lives of their wives, children and grandchildren yet to be
brighter, and we will be able to send light to others. born, depended solely on their prowess as a bushi.
Shinkiko may be the light which strongly encourages Being unable to hold a sword, he was deprived of

51 月刊ハイゲンキ 2008 March No.214

expectations of his family members and ancestors, and putting forth her strength, I could not say a word, and I
also of dreams and hopes for the future. heartily kept on sending Ki to her. Then gradually, she
Come to think of it, his time must have been very loosened up her body and looked calmer, and in the end,
tough. The people in those days did not have as many she set off for the world of light with a look of relief on
choices of occupation as we do now. We have no idea her face.
how desperate it was to lose a job as a bushi. We owe this I have heard of an old story called“Ubasuteyama”
free and peaceful world without swords to those people (meaning granny dumping) before. It is a story about
who struggled to live, which is, above all, important. dumping old parents deep in a mountain in order to save
I had forgotten that any spirit had an invaluable life, more food for other family members, due to poverty.
and it is the accumulation of the lives of each spirit that At that time, I did not even know about Shinkiko, and
has built up our life. If we all become aware of it, we just thought that such things must have happened in the
will be able to treat spirits with awe. past in Japan and did not care much about it
We were luckily born and raised in a time of peace. After that, when I went around telling people that I
We owe this to those who struggled to live during was not good at history, one of my acquaintances lent me
various wars in the past. We should never forget about a book called Kiga to Sensou no Sengoku wo iku
it. The spirit who lost his arm and who was still feeling (literally meaning starvation and wars in warlike ages,
sorry for his family and offspring for that reason, is written by Hisashi Fujiki, published by Asahi Sensho).
actually one of the benefactors of ours. The book covers the period from 11th century to 16th
If we treat spirits with this in our minds, we will be century, and during this period, there were famine and
able to awaken to more important things. epidemics caused by natural disasters such as drought
and flood and also there were many wars year after year
The spirit of a dumped old person who taught me somewhere in Japan. It describes how difficult the
the importance of gratitude times were for our ancestors who lived during the period.
Japanese people nowadays have become materially Since my involvement with Shinkiko, I have come to
rich, but on the other hand, they are spiritually becoming meet many spirits and gradually learned about various
more and more decadent. There must be various people’ s pain and sorrow.
reasons for it, but I think the main reason is the lack of Times have changed, and Japan is now one of the top
gratitude for the wealth that Japan has achieved so far. economic powers. We now have full of goods and no
We owe the wealth to the people who worked really hard one dies of hunger. We truly owe it to invaluable lives
in poverty not so long ago. We must have forgotten of so many people.
about it, for we now take the wealth for granted. These days, the number of diabetic people is
If you look at the world, there are people dying of increasing. From a spiritual point of view, this
huger, whereas food still good enough to eat is being tendency must be a warning from the spirits who died of
dumped in Japan. It was only some decades ago that hunger. They are worried about people spoiling food
people were suffering scarcity of food, but now that they and probably feeling anger or chagrined at them. Such
live in luxury, they take it for granted that they have food feelings affect the Ki of modern people and cause
to eat. When food is left over, it is all dumped fast. diabetes which people cannot eat as they like. If the
Some spirits give us a warning against our life that energy, Shinkiko, reaches the spirits, our lives may
lacks gratitude. improve, and it may be possible to get away from the
One day, a woman receiving Ki from me, started to world full of diabetes.
suffer. I approached her thinking that a negative spirit Even though our lives have become richer, hard times
must have appeared, and sent Ki to her. She was and negative Ki come endlessly. Painful feelings of
groaning in pain and was struggling to move her body. those who did not want to be born in a time of poverty,
She looked as if she was trying to get on her feet, so I still remain around us as negative Ki attracting other
asked her,“What is wrong with you?” “Where is my negative Ki. But conversely, the support from the
stick? I have to go home,”she managed to reply, spirits who lived their lives vigorously becomes light,
gasping, groping for something. I intuitively thought and it is streaming down on us, together with the light
that it must be an old woman or man who was dumped of Shinkiko.
in a mountain, and asked,“Were you left alone in a
mountain?” “Yes,”she replied. (氣で生きる力が湧いてくる 178p 7行目―186p 英訳)
Looking at her desperately trying to move her body,

Shinkiko A-B-C
The spirit who became negative-minded for fear being blamed.
of being criticized I intently sent Ki to him. After a while, the look on
In the article I read in the newspaper before, it said the woman’ s face got softer.
that according to a survey conducted by the Japan I said to the spirit, “Do you see the light around
Productivity Center for Socio-Economic Development you? It must be somehow lighter than before.” He
on the attitudes of the new recruits of that year, the nodded.
percentage of the recruits who agreed to observe the I went on, “Look towards the direction of the light,
directions of the company even if they are repugnant to there are many people waiting for you over there. You
their conscience was 43.4%, which exceeded 40% for did a great job, everyone is saying so.”
the first time, and which exceeded the percentage of For a while he (she) looked confused, but gradually
those who disagreed (40.8%), and that the result seemed his (her) face turned into a smile. I said to him, “Now,
to reflect that the difficult state of employment can you go there?” “Yes,”he replied. I saw him off.
opportunities is affecting the attitudes of the new The things he did that he thought were right, were not
recruits. This result and also the Japanese hostage accepted in this world. But from the cosmic point of
issues in Iraq of that time, made me inevitably think that view, they were right, and that must be why he was able
people have no room left to think about others and I felt to get many supports from the world of light and was
no warmth from them. able to be peaceful in the end.
There are some spirits who make me realize such As the spirit said, I would be afraid too if people
things. stopped doing good things. And as the article
When I was sending Ki to a woman one day, she mentioned above showed, there is such a sign of
suddenly started saying repeatedly, “I will not do it decadence nowadays.
anymore,”with a frightened look on her face. It was
not her who was saying it; it was a spirit inside her. The spirit who had been in a vindictive mood
The spirit said, “I will no longer do things even if I and holding a grudge through many generations
thought they are right.” Japanese people used to have a custom of revenge.
Piecing together what the spirit told me, it seemed But I wonder if the people felt better by taking revenge.
that he did what he thought was right, but it antagonized Did they felt happy? Were they able to escape from
the people around him, and he died hopelessly, in fear their agony?
of blame. His negative feelings have lingered since There was a spirit who one day appeared while I was
then. sending Ki, and taught me about it.
But as he received Ki, he seemed to have felt a little Mr. and Mrs. A always come to attend my session
better, and started saying repeatedly, “I thought I was together.
doing good things for people...” Mrs. A is spiritually sensitive, and thanks to her, I
“What would the world be like if you became unable awaken to many things through her reactions towards Ki.
to do the things that you think are right..., if everyone On that day too, when Mrs. A started receiving Ki as
stopped doing good things...,” usual, she started groaning in a low voice and grabbed
“I’ m so scared, everyone is blaming me.” her husband, who was lying down on the floor next to
The spirit seemed to have become totally negative- her, by the collar.
minded and he must have been attracting other negative I intuitively thought there must be a spirit who holds
Ki and have been in a situation in which he was always a grudge against someone inside her. As I kept sending

51 月刊ハイゲンキ 2008 April No.215

Ki to her, she (the spirit) started shouting, “Do you became aware of their mistake.
understand our agony? DO YOU UNDERSTAND?” They learned that the descendant, Mr. A, had nothing
According to the spirit, an ancestor of Mr. A was a to do with the past events, and on the contrary, they
powerful farmer who owned a large field and he was realized that it was actually Mr. A’ s family who made
lending money to small farm families in the them feel so better. They set off for the world of light
neighborhood. feeling sorry for the family and thanking them for
The farmer pressed the small farm families, who making them aware.
became unable to pay off their debts due to bad harvest, In this spirit’
s case, the small grudge which had
to repay loans, and deprived of the fields of those who seemed the right thing at first, had been attracting other
could not pay off. The small farm families who lost negative Ki through the centuries, and eventually
their fields must have died of hunger and in pain, became a more strongly negative shadow. The reason
holding a grudge against the A family. why Ki reached to the spirit which had been suffering
After a repetition of such things, the A family deep inside Mrs. A, was because both Mr. and Mrs. A
flourished. had been heartily charging themselves with Shinkiko on
It is a matter of course that borrowed money should a daily basis.
be paid back, but may be, the A family went too far. Times have changed, and there may not be as many
The spirit who appeared told me that he had been opportunities to hold a grudge or to invite someone’ s
holding a grudge against the A clan over many rancor as there used to be, but similar things always
generations, for hundreds of years. happen around us. For example, there must be times
And because there were so many spirits like him, when you tenaciously blame someone, become angry at
many bad things happened to the A clan. someone, and direct negative emotions towards
The spirits thought that what they were doing to Mr. someone, although your intention is just to point out
A’ s family was reasonable, and that they were doing the someone’ s defect to make him or her aware of it, which
right thing. It seemed that they would continue to hold seems like the right thing to do.
a grudge against the family. Sometimes, the positive Ki you give out by caring for
I could not say anything because I did understand the someone is actually a shadow that accumulates negative
spirits’disastrous feelings of anger and pain. I intently Ki within you and him or her.
prayed hoping that Shinkiko would reach them and that We all have bodies in order to let our souls grow.
they would shine. Thinking about it the other way around, nobody is
After a while, although the spirit and other spirits had perfect, and anyone with a shining soul has some kind of
been holding a grudge against the A clan over many a shadow part. And the more a soul shines brighter, the
generations, they found themselves suffering even more, clearer the shadow part comes up, as if it is illuminated
never having felt better. And as they kept on receiving by a bright light.
Ki, they became aware that what they had been doing The shadow part sometimes pretends to be light, and
turned out to be a big mistake, although they had it is hard to find it at first. But if you become aware of
thought it was the right thing to do. it and able to reflect on yourself without neglecting your
problem, the shadow part will separate from your soul
Anyone with shining soul has a shadow part and prepare to turn into light. As you charge yourself
A long time ago, in our ancestors’time, retaliating with Shinkiko, your soul will gradually grow, and you
may have been taken for granted. But although it seems will be able to do something to encourage others to
a matter of course, you will emit negative energy by become naturally aware of it in the same way.
holding a grudge and attract other negative Ki. If the
negative Ki comes to you one after another, you will (氣で生きる力が湧いてくる 187p―194p 1行目 英訳)
suffer more, making your soul duller.
The spirits mentioned above were not aware of it, but
as the Shinkiko light rapidly penetrated them, they

The spirit who became aware that he had had an do anything for anyone. I am of no value. There is
important role no hope.”
Japan has become so rich a country. But the I inadvertently imagined his life when he was alive.
number of people who commit suicide is increasing Being bedridden, he must have lost track of what he
every year; more than 30,000 people are ending could do and lost all hope in his life.
their own lives per year. The country is rich, but To thank someone for something is to shine your
there are so many suicides. How can this happen? soul, but the intense feeling of despair that he was
I think many people who commit suicide are not valuable deprived his soul of light.
crushed by a sense of helplessness. They commit When I thought about what I would do if I were
suicide thinking they are not worth living, they are so him, I did not know what to say to solace him. All I
hopeless, and they cannot be of any help to others. could do was to send Ki to him hoping that the light
In terms of Ki, they are in a situation in which they would reach him.
have accumulated so much strong negative Ki that After a while of silence, the spirit suddenly spoke
they are in total despair being unable to see any light. loud,“Ah, there was one thing that I could do to
But everyone is valuable. There is a point in living. others.”
Everyone has an important role. There was a time The light of Shinkiko must have reached him.
when a spirit taught me about it. “Although I could not move my arm nor leg, I could
One day, I was sending Ki to Miss. B who was listen to the stories of those who were suffering
saying that her left arm and leg hurt. They began sadness. I could not give them good advice but
to hurt a little more by receiving Ki, and after a they thanked me for listening to them,”he said.
while, there was a painful look on her face and she He seemed to have remembered an event in the
suddenly started sobbing. past. The Shinkiko must have brought the awakening
I intuitively thought that it was not Miss. B who to him from the past event which he had forgotten.
was sobbing; a spirit related to Miss. B must have “Everyone can do something for others if they
appeared. are alive. I want all the people not to lose hope as
As I had thought, the spirit started saying,“My arms long as they are alive,”said the spirit in the end, and
and legs do not move any more. I don’ t worth went away.
living,”crying. I had no idea whether it was due
to an accident or a disease, but he seemed to have The spirit who set off for the world of light
died after being totally crippled. changing grudge into gratitude
I kept sending Ki to Miss. B. Then the spirit told I have said that the Shinkiko energy brings spiritual
me,“I did not know when I was able to move my awakening to people. Our conscious mind seems
arms and legs, but I learned that being able to move to remember grudge and hatred, and tends to forget
them at will, which is taken for granted, is actually the good things that someone did for us.
what we should all be thankful for.” No matter how deep your grudge against someone
He went on:“Because I became crippled, is, if you turn your attention to the small things in life
many people did many things for me. I became as well, there must be one or two good things that
overwhelmed with gratitude and have been thanking he or she has done for you.
them a lot for it everyday. But I cannot get my arm Searching for things that you should be thankful
and leg back. They will no longer move. I cannot for and facing them, not just clinging to the wicked

51 月刊ハイゲンキ 2008 May No.216

things that others did to you, will lead you to a great session he participated, that there must be a reason
awakening. When you can achieve this, your soul for his being assigned to that work.
will dramatically grow. One day when I was sending Ki to him remembering
One day a spirit of a fisherman, who seemed such a thing, Mr. K suddenly started saying,“No, no,
younger, appeared. When he was on someone I don’ t want to….” I thought it was not Mr. K, and
else’ s fishing boat (may be he was on it as a hired listened to the voice of the speaker.
fisherman), the boat was overtaken by a severe After a while, the speaker said,“I hope nobody will
storm and capsized, and he drowned. go to that school,”with a painful look on his (her) face.
The fisherman had had a strong negative feeling It seemed that it was a child of a spirit who became a
towards the captain of the boat and after he died he truant and died in agony worrying about her situation.
regretted not having got rid of the captain earlier. She was holding a grudge against the school and
He had long been thinking,“If I was not on that teachers who tormented her. It was later found
boat, I would not have died,”and could not get the out that the school which Mr. K works for is a
thought out of his mind. There must have been long-established girls’school, and there are strict
so many things he still wanted to do. I just kept school rules that are making many of the students
sending Ki to him intently, not knowing what to say. feel cramped. Probably, the spirit must have been
After a while, as he received Shinkiko, the fisherman one of such students who could not go along with
remembered a certain thing. When he was sinking school rules and hated school.
to the bottom of the sea, it was actually the captain Since she suffered so much, she was seeking
who was trying to push him up to the surface. ways to make the relationship between teachers
The moment he became aware of it, he set off for and students worse, hoping every student would
the world of light. hate school and stop going there.
There was another spirit like him; he was a farmer. I sent Ki to her for a while, but she did not feel
He was growing rice on a field which he rent from better; only gloomy and negative words came out
a landlord, but one year, there had been a severe of her mouth. It was only her who was speaking
famine. Despite this, the landowner pressed him through Mr. K, but I could not help feeling that there
to pay an annual tribute and eventually he and his were many other children behind her, who died in
family were forced to commit suicide. But they distress.
could not get away from the torment. They held As I continued concentrating more on sending Ki,
a grudge against the landlord thinking it was all the light seemed to have reached her. Gradually, she
because of him. But their torment just grew worse, started to talk positively. “Ah, there is a teacher like
and they kept holding a grudge against the landlord’ s him. He was heartily listening to one of his students,”
family over many generations. I did not know what she said. It was Mr. K whom she was talking about.
to say to the spirit; all I could do was to send Ki to Mr. K empathically listened to one of his students
him. Then, he recalled an event when he was alive. spending all day, the day before the session.
When there was a similar hard time, the landlord What he did triggered light to reach her shadow part.
shared his rice with him. He set off for the world “I now feel much better. Since I suffered so much,
of light, saying that the landlord might have had I was leading many students to hate school, but it
reasons for what he did to him and his family. was a wrong thing to do. I will be light too and will
help students who are suffering like I was,”she said.
Send light to the future through the spirit of a truant I am sure she will be of great help to many children
Spirits of children sometimes appear as well. who are suffering because she went through a
There are a mountain of problems in children’ s world, tough time.
such as, truant children, withdrawal, and violence. “The school I work for is a girls’school and most
The future of the world lies in the hands of children. of the students will be mothers in the future. Their
The earth will have no future if the children would children will be the bearers of the next generation,”
not be brought up properly. To send light to said Mr. K, casually. His words made me realize
children is to let the future shine. anew that we, adults, are sending light to the future
Mr. K, a frequent participant of a seminar, is a through children.
school teacher. He was assigned to do student
counseling and guidance one year, and told me in a (氣で生きる力が湧いてくる 194p̶202p9 行目 英訳)

Kawashima “Yes, there are patients who want to use hands would not work. But to my surprise, the pain in
it at their own home, so, I suggest that they buy it if his knees vanished at once. I thought, this couldn’ t be
they can accept two conditions. happening (laughter). Then I found it really interesting,
One is, buy it only if they can afford it. If they have to and thought that the High Genki would also work; and
force themselves to be indigent people with no food left I began to use it actively in my treatments. It was an
for tomorrow by buying it, I don’ t advise them to buy it. event that I cannot forget.”
しんきこう えぃびぃしぃ The other is, don’ t blame anyone if it didn’ t work. Nakagawa “I personally think that the quality of the
It is important not to have accusing feelings towards the Shinkiko energy has changed since around that time.
manufacturer who sells it and whoever suggested using A healing effect was more prominent in the Shinkiko
it. I always tell them not to buy it if they think they have energy until then, but when the late chairman got
been sold a bill of goods. Because it is obvious that sick, an energy to encourage people to awaken was
Know the existence of the spirit and gain true let our souls shine more in each of our own positions, such negative feelings will make their diseases worse. added to it. It’ s important to cure diseases, but what
happiness the world will improve little by little. There is nothing So, the patients to whom I have suggested that they you learn from being sick is more important.
There are still countless of stories like the ones I futile in life. Thinking this way, I can not help feeling buy it have never complained. They must be satisfied If it was just an energy to cure diseases, I guess you
have told so far. I myself did not believe in spiritual that all creations were given lives for a reason by with it, not only because the High Genki works but wouldn’ t have valued Shinkiko this much. But it also
entities from the start. If anything, I had been something or someone great that exists in the universe. also because they can use it as much as they want to. has an element of encouraging people to awaken to
holding a negative view on them. I would like everyone to know that, although we exist The High Genki is such a wonderful apparatus, and something; I presume that’ s what hit you in your mind.”
But whenever I send Ki, many unbelievable things happen individually, we are all connected by something invisible. it will be a great loss to the society if it was eliminated Kawashima “Absolutely. I do think that there are
and many spirits appear and tell me various stories, A talk due to a misunderstanding caused by trivial things.” certainly reasons for getting sick. For example,
regardless of my intention. The people to whom I sent The excerpt from the July 2005 issue of the High Genki Nakagawa “I’ ve heard that your awareness has there are so many people suffering cancer these
Ki are just ordinary people who are leading normal lives. Magazine drastically changed since you participated in the days, and I think we all should look seriously for the
When such people receive Ki, some of them start Guest: Dr. Akira Kawashima, the head of Tokyo Women’ seminar held in Ikoma.” reason why people have a cancer, and see whether
talking about incredible stories, and I can not help s Medical University Hospital Women’s Healthcare and Kawashima “Yes, it has, really (laughter). Soon after I it is due to stress at work or family affairs.”
thinking that there must be something beyond the world Natural Medicine Research Institute Clinic came back from America where I was studying, my right All the diseases including cancer will heal on their
we perceive. I do not know whether it is called a ghost Nakagawa “I haven’ t seen you for so long. ear suddenly became deaf. I went to see an otologist, own; they are not to be cured. We, doctors, only
or a spirit as in religion or whether it is scientifically These days, it seems that the world of medicine is and was diagnosed as having sudden deafness. The help the diseases to heal on their own. We cannot
called sub-consciousness, but the people often become dramatically changing with the prevalence of integrative doctor prescribed some steroids, but my symptoms “cure”them. Sick people get better by the power
another personality, which makes me think that there and alternative medicine, and I often read about you as didn’ t get better at all. It was at that time when I was that springs up within them. It may correspond to
must be some others who are affecting them. a standard-bearer of those in magazine interviews or introduced Shinkiko by Professor Tetsuzou Agishi, the the awakening which you are mentioning.”
I assume that they are life energies called spirits who the like. It’ s very encouraging, reassuring, and great head of a kidney center. He told me to go to a seminar Nakagawa “When people receive Shinkiko their
lost their bodies, because some spirits were from a for me to see a doctor who understands Shinkiko which was going to be held in Ikoma for nine days minds become naturally positive. Shinkiko used to
time in which granny dumping was widespread, and working at the forefront of medicine.” (currently it is held in Ibaragi prefecture for three nights have an image of an energy which heals disease but
some were from the Warring States Period. Kawashima “It’ s very sweet of you to say so. and four days). It was in 1995, and I think it was in now I feel that it is something like a catalyst which
And it often happens that, when a negative-minded Since it is Shinkiko which brought me to natural the month in which the late chairman came back to encourages people to quickly gain awakening from
spirit who is inside a person becomes positive, the medicine, I appreciate it very much.” work after collapsing from cerebral apoplexy. Well, the various things. If you have something particular in
person awaken to many things, and his or her life Nakagawa “You are positively using the High Genki seminar was so incredible (laughter). The moment Dr. mind now, would you mind telling me about it?”
starts to improve dramatically. apparatus in your treatments and you have also Nakagawa said,‘Now we’ re going to do Kikou. Please Kawashima “May be next year, I’ m planning to open a
I suspect that there must be a key to gain written a paper on it. I appreciate that too. I have close your eyes, many unbelievable things happened. school of integrated medicine. The school will provide
happiness here. always thought that, the way you treat the High Genki Some people started dancing, some started shouting, and doctors who have more than five years of clinical
So far I have talked about the stories told by the as a Western doctor, is very nice. You say that, for some who were unable to stand on their own suddenly experience with a place to study integrated medicine.
spirits who spoke through the Ki receivers who car accidents, you will need Western medicine, but for stood up. I even thought it was one of those new cults It is obvious that the integrated medicine will attract
happened to be spiritually sensitive, but everyone is chronic diseases, the High Genki will help you a lot.” (laughter). But the chairman’ s lecture was wonderful, more attentions. Patients will ask for it as well. So,
under the influence of spiritual existences. In many Kawashima “For acute diseases, Western medicine and I was not asked for an offering. It was like, my mind we will need doctors who are acquainted with it and
cases, the influence appears as seemingly bad things works very effectively, but for chronic illness, it often and body were gradually being purified before I knew it; it who can practice it. When the day comes, please
such as diseases, accidents and bad lucks, but they has no solutions. I sometimes use the High Genki was a great feeling. That seminar was really a wonder. help me with it.”
are some kind of messages that make you become for chronic health problems. I have had the High I also learned many things, like how to have a feeling of Nakagawa “I’ d be glad to, and I would appreciate
aware of something. If you try to listen to the Genki apparatus at my clinic since I got permission gratitude and the way of looking at things. your support as well. Thank you so much for
messages, then things will improve. Even if they will that if the apparatus would not interfere with my I myself did not believe in the effect of the High Genki making time in your busy schedule today.”
not, the way your mind treats those will change. treatment and if it helps patients, I can use it. But from the start, but I bought it in return for the great
● Akira Kawashima
I have no intention of emphasizing ghosts or spirits, but I don’ t use it on all the patients; I carefully choose time I had during the seminar, thinking it wouldn’ t hurt Born in 1957 in Tokyo. After graduating from the Faculty of
I inevitably feel that if we do not consider the standpoint on whom I use it. And I assess the right time to even if it didn’ t work. Medicine, University of Hokkaido, became a resident at Tokyo
of an invisible Ki, we will not be able to achieve suggest that patients try it although its effect is not But when I came back from the seminar, I had a Women’ s Medical University. From 1993 to 1995, studied at
happiness. That is, we, the living people, can send guaranteed. Most patients have agreed to try it.” Harvard University. In 2003, assumed the position of the head of
patient who claimed that his knees hurt. I firstly put
Tokyo Women’ s Medical University Hospital Women’s Healthcare
plenty of light to many of our dead ancestors by living, Nakagawa “Some patients of yours actually bought my hands over his knees. Although I was certified as and Natural Medicine Research Institute, Natural Healthcare Unit.  
and at the same time, we can get many supports from the High Genki. And there are some conditions for a Kikou therapist by fully participating in the seminar, Also an assistant professor at Tokyo Women’ s Medical University
them by living life. With this in mind, if we work hard to buying it, aren’ t there?” to be honest, I half believed it, and I thought putting my (氣で生きる力が湧いてくる 202p̶213p 英訳)

51 月刊ハイゲンキ 2008 June No.217 50

Kawashima “Yes, there are patients who want to use hands would not work. But to my surprise, the pain in
it at their own home, so, I suggest that they buy it if his knees vanished at once. I thought, this couldn’ t be
they can accept two conditions. happening (laughter). Then I found it really interesting,
One is, buy it only if they can afford it. If they have to and thought that the High Genki would also work; and
force themselves to be indigent people with no food left I began to use it actively in my treatments. It was an
for tomorrow by buying it, I don’ t advise them to buy it. event that I cannot forget.”
しんきこう えぃびぃしぃ The other is, don’ t blame anyone if it didn’ t work. Nakagawa “I personally think that the quality of the
It is important not to have accusing feelings towards the Shinkiko energy has changed since around that time.
manufacturer who sells it and whoever suggested using A healing effect was more prominent in the Shinkiko
it. I always tell them not to buy it if they think they have energy until then, but when the late chairman got
been sold a bill of goods. Because it is obvious that sick, an energy to encourage people to awaken was
Know the existence of the spirit and gain true let our souls shine more in each of our own positions, such negative feelings will make their diseases worse. added to it. It’ s important to cure diseases, but what
happiness the world will improve little by little. There is nothing So, the patients to whom I have suggested that they you learn from being sick is more important.
There are still countless of stories like the ones I futile in life. Thinking this way, I can not help feeling buy it have never complained. They must be satisfied If it was just an energy to cure diseases, I guess you
have told so far. I myself did not believe in spiritual that all creations were given lives for a reason by with it, not only because the High Genki works but wouldn’ t have valued Shinkiko this much. But it also
entities from the start. If anything, I had been something or someone great that exists in the universe. also because they can use it as much as they want to. has an element of encouraging people to awaken to
holding a negative view on them. I would like everyone to know that, although we exist The High Genki is such a wonderful apparatus, and something; I presume that’ s what hit you in your mind.”
But whenever I send Ki, many unbelievable things happen individually, we are all connected by something invisible. it will be a great loss to the society if it was eliminated Kawashima “Absolutely. I do think that there are
and many spirits appear and tell me various stories, A talk due to a misunderstanding caused by trivial things.” certainly reasons for getting sick. For example,
regardless of my intention. The people to whom I sent The excerpt from the July 2005 issue of the High Genki Nakagawa “I’ ve heard that your awareness has there are so many people suffering cancer these
Ki are just ordinary people who are leading normal lives. Magazine drastically changed since you participated in the days, and I think we all should look seriously for the
When such people receive Ki, some of them start Guest: Dr. Akira Kawashima, the head of Tokyo Women’ seminar held in Ikoma.” reason why people have a cancer, and see whether
talking about incredible stories, and I can not help s Medical University Hospital Women’s Healthcare and Kawashima “Yes, it has, really (laughter). Soon after I it is due to stress at work or family affairs.”
thinking that there must be something beyond the world Natural Medicine Research Institute Clinic came back from America where I was studying, my right All the diseases including cancer will heal on their
we perceive. I do not know whether it is called a ghost Nakagawa “I haven’ t seen you for so long. ear suddenly became deaf. I went to see an otologist, own; they are not to be cured. We, doctors, only
or a spirit as in religion or whether it is scientifically These days, it seems that the world of medicine is and was diagnosed as having sudden deafness. The help the diseases to heal on their own. We cannot
called sub-consciousness, but the people often become dramatically changing with the prevalence of integrative doctor prescribed some steroids, but my symptoms “cure”them. Sick people get better by the power
another personality, which makes me think that there and alternative medicine, and I often read about you as didn’ t get better at all. It was at that time when I was that springs up within them. It may correspond to
must be some others who are affecting them. a standard-bearer of those in magazine interviews or introduced Shinkiko by Professor Tetsuzou Agishi, the the awakening which you are mentioning.”
I assume that they are life energies called spirits who the like. It’ s very encouraging, reassuring, and great head of a kidney center. He told me to go to a seminar Nakagawa “When people receive Shinkiko their
lost their bodies, because some spirits were from a for me to see a doctor who understands Shinkiko which was going to be held in Ikoma for nine days minds become naturally positive. Shinkiko used to
time in which granny dumping was widespread, and working at the forefront of medicine.” (currently it is held in Ibaragi prefecture for three nights have an image of an energy which heals disease but
some were from the Warring States Period. Kawashima “It’ s very sweet of you to say so. and four days). It was in 1995, and I think it was in now I feel that it is something like a catalyst which
And it often happens that, when a negative-minded Since it is Shinkiko which brought me to natural the month in which the late chairman came back to encourages people to quickly gain awakening from
spirit who is inside a person becomes positive, the medicine, I appreciate it very much.” work after collapsing from cerebral apoplexy. Well, the various things. If you have something particular in
person awaken to many things, and his or her life Nakagawa “You are positively using the High Genki seminar was so incredible (laughter). The moment Dr. mind now, would you mind telling me about it?”
starts to improve dramatically. apparatus in your treatments and you have also Nakagawa said,‘Now we’ re going to do Kikou. Please Kawashima “May be next year, I’ m planning to open a
I suspect that there must be a key to gain written a paper on it. I appreciate that too. I have close your eyes, many unbelievable things happened. school of integrated medicine. The school will provide
happiness here. always thought that, the way you treat the High Genki Some people started dancing, some started shouting, and doctors who have more than five years of clinical
So far I have talked about the stories told by the as a Western doctor, is very nice. You say that, for some who were unable to stand on their own suddenly experience with a place to study integrated medicine.
spirits who spoke through the Ki receivers who car accidents, you will need Western medicine, but for stood up. I even thought it was one of those new cults It is obvious that the integrated medicine will attract
happened to be spiritually sensitive, but everyone is chronic diseases, the High Genki will help you a lot.” (laughter). But the chairman’ s lecture was wonderful, more attentions. Patients will ask for it as well. So,
under the influence of spiritual existences. In many Kawashima “For acute diseases, Western medicine and I was not asked for an offering. It was like, my mind we will need doctors who are acquainted with it and
cases, the influence appears as seemingly bad things works very effectively, but for chronic illness, it often and body were gradually being purified before I knew it; it who can practice it. When the day comes, please
such as diseases, accidents and bad lucks, but they has no solutions. I sometimes use the High Genki was a great feeling. That seminar was really a wonder. help me with it.”
are some kind of messages that make you become for chronic health problems. I have had the High I also learned many things, like how to have a feeling of Nakagawa “I’ d be glad to, and I would appreciate
aware of something. If you try to listen to the Genki apparatus at my clinic since I got permission gratitude and the way of looking at things. your support as well. Thank you so much for
messages, then things will improve. Even if they will that if the apparatus would not interfere with my I myself did not believe in the effect of the High Genki making time in your busy schedule today.”
not, the way your mind treats those will change. treatment and if it helps patients, I can use it. But from the start, but I bought it in return for the great
● Akira Kawashima
I have no intention of emphasizing ghosts or spirits, but I don’ t use it on all the patients; I carefully choose time I had during the seminar, thinking it wouldn’ t hurt Born in 1957 in Tokyo. After graduating from the Faculty of
I inevitably feel that if we do not consider the standpoint on whom I use it. And I assess the right time to even if it didn’ t work. Medicine, University of Hokkaido, became a resident at Tokyo
of an invisible Ki, we will not be able to achieve suggest that patients try it although its effect is not But when I came back from the seminar, I had a Women’ s Medical University. From 1993 to 1995, studied at
happiness. That is, we, the living people, can send guaranteed. Most patients have agreed to try it.” Harvard University. In 2003, assumed the position of the head of
patient who claimed that his knees hurt. I firstly put
Tokyo Women’ s Medical University Hospital Women’s Healthcare
plenty of light to many of our dead ancestors by living, Nakagawa “Some patients of yours actually bought my hands over his knees. Although I was certified as and Natural Medicine Research Institute, Natural Healthcare Unit.  
and at the same time, we can get many supports from the High Genki. And there are some conditions for a Kikou therapist by fully participating in the seminar, Also an assistant professor at Tokyo Women’ s Medical University
them by living life. With this in mind, if we work hard to buying it, aren’ t there?” to be honest, I half believed it, and I thought putting my (氣で生きる力が湧いてくる 202p̶213p 英訳)

51 月刊ハイゲンキ 2008 June No.217 50

 Thanks to this change, not only sick people but members receive Ki at those hours.
also healthy people, irrespective of age or sex,  In a soccer game, the reason why a home team
come to visit and utilize the centers set up around wins an outright victory or a come-from-behind
the country. victory with the enthusiastic support of the fans
is because of Ki. The Ki energy becomes a much
しんきこう えぃびぃしぃ The member-only system that naturally boosts Ki stronger power when many people come together
energy for a common goal.
 We have an organization called the SAS Shinkiko  In America, it was reported that, in a medical
Assosication for those who are interested in experiment in which many people wished for a
Shinkiko. This association is targeting people who patient who had an incurable disease to recover, in
To know more about Shinkiko my father did with the dolphins was an attempt have some kind of connection with Shinkiko, such some cases, the patient actually improved.
The transition of Shinkiko, Shinkiko which might have led to that. as, those who bought the High Genki apparatus, or  Similarly, when many people focus their attentions
testimonials, and FAQs  He flew around the world hoping that all the lives who participated in the Shinkiko Retreat Seminar, on Shinkiko simultaneously at a set time, an
could live in happiness and joy as much as possible, including their families. incredible amount of energy will be gathered.
Changed the name of the company to expand the extending the range of his activities beyond just  There are three types of members: the full  That is why even those who have never received
range of activities healing diseases: he went to the Dominican Republic member, the quasi member, and the adviser. The Ki, sometimes feel their bodies getting warmer and
 Until 1998, SAS Inc. that runs Ki relaxation to treat people with AIDS, went to see American full member and the adviser, who pay a yearly moving, and feel better when they receive it.
centers used to be called Shin-Atsu-Shin Clinic Inc. Indian Hopi, and to see baby seals live in the Arctic membership of ¥7,350, gain privileges such as  I would like those who have stiff shoulders and
My father, the late chairman, developed the that are overhunted for Chinese medicine. being able to utilize each center around the country back pains to try it and see what sort of changes
High Genki apparatus and spread the High Genki  I followed in my great father’ s footsteps and have for free, to buy Ki goods at a discounted price, and will occur in your bodies.
treatment throughout the country. He named been running the company groping for what I should to receive the monthly magazine and the weekly Also, we came up with an idea to let you receive
the treatment“Konoko-Shin-Atsu-Shin-Ryoudou,” do. I have been focusing on discerning what things Shinkiko news. We, the SAS Inc., responsively Shinkiko from our website when you visit there.
and the Shin-Atsu-Shin Clinic Inc. was controlling are needed seeing the trend of the times. serve and help the members as much as possible. If you become interested in Ki through these
the Ki treatment as a company. He set up clinics Changing the name of the company was one of  The members are free to use the High Genki experiences, please come and visit one of our
throughout the country including Tokyo, and was them. The former company’ s name, Shin-Atsu- apparatuses and Ki goods that are provided at centers near you.
treating mainly incurable diseases. Shin Clinic Inc. became common due to my father’ s each center. Some members apply the High Genki
My father was not only interested in treatment activities. I thought that changing the name of the to each other whom they happened to meet at a Ki is still yet to be defined scientifically, and when
but also was interested in various things. With his company would be a waste, but when I reviewed center; they become acquainted with each other. I say Ki is radiated from Ki goods, there are many
inherent ability to take action, he went all over the what my father had been doing and thought about  By the member’ s applying the High Genki to each people who think that I must be selling a bill of
world taking time out in between the treatments the role of Shinkiko in the future, I felt that the other, the vibration of the Shinkiko energy will raise goods. Of course, that is not true, but I do realize
and Shinkiko Retreat Seminar within the country. word“clinic”was no longer appropriate. more. If the members promote friendship among that it is difficult to convince people just by words.
He might be the one who most felt the potential Shinkiko is an energy to encourage people to themselves, the energy also heightens. Also, Also, it is sometimes difficult to feel the effect of Ki
of Ki. He must have been thinking that, in order to awaken. It is a tool to allow people to awaken to talking with other members about various things will unless you receive it for a certain period of time.
make an easy-to-live world free from war, disease, things and can be used by both healthy and sick bring awakenings. For this reason, we offer you a free pass which
and poverty, Ki must spread more. He was a people. In order to get rid of the image as a clinic  I think I have succeeded in building up a system costs ¥12,000 and is valid for a month. If you buy
practitioner of Ki, and was also the one who spread or a medical center, I took the initial letters from the which naturally heightens Ki energy at each center. the pass, you can utilize our centers as many times
Ki around the world. former company’ s name, Shin-Atsu-Shin, and named  We also provide those who are non-members with as you want and receive Ki for a month. Our staff
In 1991, he was invited to the Republic of Belarus it as SAS Inc., hoping that anyone would feel free to a chance to experience Shinkiko. At seven o’ clock will serve you individually, so if you are interested,
of the former Soviet Union, and treated the victims visit our centers. It is sometimes commonly called in the morning and at ten o’ clock in the evening I suggest that you firstly use the free pass and
of Chernobyl accident. He formed a medical “SAS.” (Japan time), please sit quietly and close your eyes, experience what Shinkiko is like, until you are
service group and visited there many times, and  The name SAS does not only represent the initials and feel that you will receive Ki and relax, for about satisfied.
invited the children victims to Japan and intensively of the former name; it has various meanings. For 15 minutes. If you are unable to do it at both of We are looking forward to meeting as many of you
treated them with Ki. example, it has a meaning such as, a company these hours, please try and receive it as much as as possible.
In the same year, he tried interacting with wild which works to help and assist as many people possible; only in the morning or in the evening is There are many people whose lives have
dolphins, and conveyed heartwarming messages as possible to use the Shinkiko energy. That is fine. At these hours, I always send Ki to the world. wonderfully improved by making use of Ki.
from the dolphins to many people. The dolphin to say, SAS also stands for“Shinkiko Assistance I have been doing it since my father’ s time without The followings are some testimonials and FAQs.
is now treated as a symbol of healing and and Support.” To put it more shortly, it means“a fail. A power to extract energy from the universe
environmental conservation; I personally think what company which supports life with Ki.” becomes much stronger because many of the (氣で生きる力が湧いてくる 216p̶222p 英訳)

51 月刊ハイゲンキ 2008 July No.218 50

 Thanks to this change, not only sick people but members receive Ki at those hours.
also healthy people, irrespective of age or sex,  In a soccer game, the reason why a home team
come to visit and utilize the centers set up around wins an outright victory or a come-from-behind
the country. victory with the enthusiastic support of the fans
is because of Ki. The Ki energy becomes a much
しんきこう えぃびぃしぃ The member-only system that naturally boosts Ki stronger power when many people come together
energy for a common goal.
 We have an organization called the SAS Shinkiko  In America, it was reported that, in a medical
Assosication for those who are interested in experiment in which many people wished for a
Shinkiko. This association is targeting people who patient who had an incurable disease to recover, in
To know more about Shinkiko my father did with the dolphins was an attempt have some kind of connection with Shinkiko, such some cases, the patient actually improved.
The transition of Shinkiko, Shinkiko which might have led to that. as, those who bought the High Genki apparatus, or  Similarly, when many people focus their attentions
testimonials, and FAQs  He flew around the world hoping that all the lives who participated in the Shinkiko Retreat Seminar, on Shinkiko simultaneously at a set time, an
could live in happiness and joy as much as possible, including their families. incredible amount of energy will be gathered.
Changed the name of the company to expand the extending the range of his activities beyond just  There are three types of members: the full  That is why even those who have never received
range of activities healing diseases: he went to the Dominican Republic member, the quasi member, and the adviser. The Ki, sometimes feel their bodies getting warmer and
 Until 1998, SAS Inc. that runs Ki relaxation to treat people with AIDS, went to see American full member and the adviser, who pay a yearly moving, and feel better when they receive it.
centers used to be called Shin-Atsu-Shin Clinic Inc. Indian Hopi, and to see baby seals live in the Arctic membership of ¥7,350, gain privileges such as  I would like those who have stiff shoulders and
My father, the late chairman, developed the that are overhunted for Chinese medicine. being able to utilize each center around the country back pains to try it and see what sort of changes
High Genki apparatus and spread the High Genki  I followed in my great father’ s footsteps and have for free, to buy Ki goods at a discounted price, and will occur in your bodies.
treatment throughout the country. He named been running the company groping for what I should to receive the monthly magazine and the weekly Also, we came up with an idea to let you receive
the treatment“Konoko-Shin-Atsu-Shin-Ryoudou,” do. I have been focusing on discerning what things Shinkiko news. We, the SAS Inc., responsively Shinkiko from our website when you visit there.
and the Shin-Atsu-Shin Clinic Inc. was controlling are needed seeing the trend of the times. serve and help the members as much as possible. If you become interested in Ki through these
the Ki treatment as a company. He set up clinics Changing the name of the company was one of  The members are free to use the High Genki experiences, please come and visit one of our
throughout the country including Tokyo, and was them. The former company’ s name, Shin-Atsu- apparatuses and Ki goods that are provided at centers near you.
treating mainly incurable diseases. Shin Clinic Inc. became common due to my father’ s each center. Some members apply the High Genki
My father was not only interested in treatment activities. I thought that changing the name of the to each other whom they happened to meet at a Ki is still yet to be defined scientifically, and when
but also was interested in various things. With his company would be a waste, but when I reviewed center; they become acquainted with each other. I say Ki is radiated from Ki goods, there are many
inherent ability to take action, he went all over the what my father had been doing and thought about  By the member’ s applying the High Genki to each people who think that I must be selling a bill of
world taking time out in between the treatments the role of Shinkiko in the future, I felt that the other, the vibration of the Shinkiko energy will raise goods. Of course, that is not true, but I do realize
and Shinkiko Retreat Seminar within the country. word“clinic”was no longer appropriate. more. If the members promote friendship among that it is difficult to convince people just by words.
He might be the one who most felt the potential Shinkiko is an energy to encourage people to themselves, the energy also heightens. Also, Also, it is sometimes difficult to feel the effect of Ki
of Ki. He must have been thinking that, in order to awaken. It is a tool to allow people to awaken to talking with other members about various things will unless you receive it for a certain period of time.
make an easy-to-live world free from war, disease, things and can be used by both healthy and sick bring awakenings. For this reason, we offer you a free pass which
and poverty, Ki must spread more. He was a people. In order to get rid of the image as a clinic  I think I have succeeded in building up a system costs ¥12,000 and is valid for a month. If you buy
practitioner of Ki, and was also the one who spread or a medical center, I took the initial letters from the which naturally heightens Ki energy at each center. the pass, you can utilize our centers as many times
Ki around the world. former company’ s name, Shin-Atsu-Shin, and named  We also provide those who are non-members with as you want and receive Ki for a month. Our staff
In 1991, he was invited to the Republic of Belarus it as SAS Inc., hoping that anyone would feel free to a chance to experience Shinkiko. At seven o’ clock will serve you individually, so if you are interested,
of the former Soviet Union, and treated the victims visit our centers. It is sometimes commonly called in the morning and at ten o’ clock in the evening I suggest that you firstly use the free pass and
of Chernobyl accident. He formed a medical “SAS.” (Japan time), please sit quietly and close your eyes, experience what Shinkiko is like, until you are
service group and visited there many times, and  The name SAS does not only represent the initials and feel that you will receive Ki and relax, for about satisfied.
invited the children victims to Japan and intensively of the former name; it has various meanings. For 15 minutes. If you are unable to do it at both of We are looking forward to meeting as many of you
treated them with Ki. example, it has a meaning such as, a company these hours, please try and receive it as much as as possible.
In the same year, he tried interacting with wild which works to help and assist as many people possible; only in the morning or in the evening is There are many people whose lives have
dolphins, and conveyed heartwarming messages as possible to use the Shinkiko energy. That is fine. At these hours, I always send Ki to the world. wonderfully improved by making use of Ki.
from the dolphins to many people. The dolphin to say, SAS also stands for“Shinkiko Assistance I have been doing it since my father’ s time without The followings are some testimonials and FAQs.
is now treated as a symbol of healing and and Support.” To put it more shortly, it means“a fail. A power to extract energy from the universe
environmental conservation; I personally think what company which supports life with Ki.” becomes much stronger because many of the (氣で生きる力が湧いてくる 216p̶222p 英訳)

51 月刊ハイゲンキ 2008 July No.218 50

Later, I learned through practice. I used to suffer from understand about spirits properly.
severe anxiety, experienced strange things and went through At first, when our family encountered Shinkiko, we seemed
tough times, but now I am able to control myself mentally and to significantly lack Ki. I am fully thankful for all the bad
to feel that I should live cherishing my life, my one and only things that made me aware that disease is not to be cured by
life, while receiving Ki. someone but is something that you cure on your own, and of
I now feel my husband’ s gentle concern over me, and also what things are really important as a person.
しんきこう えぃびぃしぃ have the same feeling towards him as I did 20 years ago
when we first met. My family became happy and a sense of community at
work strengthened(Mr. H.Y. from Tokyo)
Recovered from autonomic ataxia and now living in I never was good at dealing with people since I was
laughter (Mrs. E.K. from Kagoshima) small, and have been worrying about it thinking I should do
I was diagnosed as having autonomic ataxia before. But something about it
 People who have got a wonderful life away from the burden of my asthma, it was the only way out since I started applying the High Genki apparatus to myself And then I found an article on an energy (Shinkiko) which
for me. three times a day, in the morning, afternoon and evening, my works on the negative part of mind in a magazine. I thought
● Recovering from disease I met the current chairman in his session and had him sent me stomach got better before I knew it and also my palpitation it might be a way out, and visited the Tokyo center. When I
Shinkiko relieved the pain of my rheumatism Ki. I somehow felt better, and felt fine all the way home. subsided. Since then, I no longer had to go and see a doctor. experienced Ki there, I somehow felt like my head was floating
(Mr. S.S. from Okinawa) I immediately bought a High Genki apparatus and applied My husband said,“Shinkiko made my wife feel better,”and in the air, and I could feel that Shinkiko was certainly working.
I had been having a slight fever for 18 years and was it to myself with my wife for more than 30 minutes by was very pleased and thankful. He now receives Ki with me. Several days later, I met the chairman, Mr. Nakagawa. He
diagnosed as having rheumatism six years ago. Since I turns. After a while, I had an asthma attack which is called At Shinkiko time (at seven a.m. and ten p.m.), I play Onki music was just an ordinary person and there was nothing odd about
suffered the pain in my limbs and also from the fever, I tried favorable turn reaction. I called a center and was given a (Shinkiko healing music) and pray,“Please send Ki to my him; I thought I could rely on the company if he was the head
many kinds of treatment and therapy but none of them proper advice, and had a staff member sent me Ki; the attack children and grand children too,”while receiving Ki. of it.
worked so well; I also suffered poor circulation in my body for stopped in a matter of time. My children realize the effect of Ki and say,“This is why we I went to the center for about a month, bought a High Genki
the time being. Since then, I have never had another attack. I had been are all in the pink.” apparatus and participated in the Shinkiko Retreat Seminar.
But since I started receiving Shinkiko energy, my poor suffering many diseases for a long time, but thanks to I owe my everyday life full of laughter with my husband to Since I got to know Shinkiko, I have changed a lot.
circulation has improved and I have become able to go up and Shinkiko, I will start a different life. I will continue doing Shinkiko, and am very thankful for it. Although I used to be shy, I am now joining in a chorus,
down stairs with ease. Also, my swollen fingers healed and Shinkiko with patience. sometimes help organize events and volunteer.
the fever disappeared gradually, and the strength of my hands I and my child owe our happiness to Shinkiko My family has become happy as well. At work, I became
has come back. The other day, I could get out of my bed on ● Recovering from emotional disorders (Mrs. I. T. from Sapporo) aware how narrow-minded I had been, and now I am working
my own without any support from others for the first time in My heart lightened by Shinkiko (Ms. E.O. from Hokkaido) My ten-year-old girl always had a cold since she was small, together with the people feeling a sense of community.
years; my heart was really leaping for joy. I was born shy, and my heart was so full of loneliness and and went to see a doctor so many times that she made For me, this is bliss. I can now feel that, if you change, the
alienation that I used to think about killing myself many friends with the nurses there. people around you and your environment will change as well.
Healed my friend’s low back pain (Mr. T. T. from Tokyo) times during my junior school days. Although I found work, She is now very healthy; I think it is because she sleeps with
Since I got to know Shinkiko, I have been so into it: I have I suffered a setback and secluded myself in my house for a High Genki applicator beside her every night. ● Effect on animals
bought a High Genki apparatus and participate in seminars. three years. And that was when I encountered Shinkiko. I The other day, when we came close to the hospital, my My unconscious cat regained consciousness with Ki
One day, one of my friends told me that he felt a cramp from struggled many times to change my personality but could daughter said she wanted to see the nurses, so we dropped (Mrs. K. M. from Kagoshima)
his waist to the bottom of his legs, and that he could not never make it. But to my surprise, by just receiving lots of in. The nurses were happy to know that my daughter One of our two cats, named Taro, suffered from urethral
sleep well at night. So, I applied the High Genki to him. I Shinkiko, my heart felt so light. returned to health. calculus last week, and became uremic; a vet told us that he
did it only for about 15 minutes, but after that, his symptoms I was so impressed with this change, and have been thankful Also, they told me that I myself had changed. I don’ t know might have only several hours left to live.
disappeared, and he could sleep well for three nights. Since for Shinkiko. I keenly feel that, being able to live everyday what part of me changed, but recently, whenever I receive All of my family was desperate to do something for Taro; my
then, he has been coming to my place once a week to have peacefully and with gratitude is, although it seems nothing, the Ki, I feel more and more happy. I’ ve also become able to feel husband put his hand over Taro who was on a drip in a cage
the High Genki applied. Now, he feels much better; he almost best thing in the world. deep gratitude towards nature. I think that, when your inner and sent Ki to him.
does not feel the cramp and numbness. The effect of the Shinkiko taught me this, and it has made me live with such being changes, your aura and impression change too, and After two hours of continuously sending Ki, the vet took his
High Genki is so surprising. feelings. probably they are pretty obvious to the people who have not body temperature; it rose by about five degrees C, and six
The Shinkiko Retreat Seminar which is held in Ikoma is like seen you for a while. hours later, Taro recovered consciousness. The vet was so
Severe asthma attacks ceased (Mr. T.S. from Yamanashi) a paradise for me. I would love to participate again. When surprised and said,“I can’ t believe his temperature rose so
Since I was a child, I had been poor in health and had spent my younger brother was having ulcerative colitis, one of the ● Relaxation and awakening quickly.”
some time in hospitals and underwent many operations many incurable diseases, he fully recovered from it in a month and a I am full of gratitude towards bad luck as well Since Taro got better, he recuperated at home. But he
times; most of my life had been very tough. After I turned 60 half, by having Ki sent remotely to him and by using a Shinkiko (Mrs. H.O. from Nara) suddenly ran away from home before he completely got
years old, I began to suffer asthma and its attacks. crystal. Everyone was amazed at the speed of the recovery. My son who was doing postgraduate studies and was better. In the third afternoon, one of our neighbors found
I struggled to be healthy as much as possible and tried suffering atopy brought me to Shinkiko. him, but he was almost unconscious. We took him to the
many things that people advised me to try, but none of them My anxiety disappeared and became able to control myself In a mobile Shinkiko experience session, I received Ki through vet and were told,“He is quite beyond recovery.” My family
worked. (Mrs. K.S. from Osaka) a Shinkiko video, and was startled to see a white smoke-like started sending Ki to him by turns. And three hours later,
When I was feeling despair, I came across a book called I had been suffering from dissociative disorder. Hospital care thing came out of the screen! And the next day, I somehow his body temperature rose again, and six hours later, his eyes
Naoranu byouki wa ikasui wo utagae (literally means when did not work, so I had been mentally unstable for many years. felt so good and thought Shinkiko was promising, so I bought slightly opened and he even tried to get on his feet.
suffering incurable disease, suspect gastroptosis), which fell But Shinkiko worked. the High Genki apparatus. The effect of it on my son’ s atopy “This is a miracle. This can’ t be happening,”said the vet,
at my feet when my wife opened a bookcase in my house. At first I thought the High Genki apparatus was so expensive was remarkable. once again being amazed at his incredible recovery.
It was a book written by the late chairman, but strangely, it that I would not buy it, but as I received Ki several times, I Later, we thought that being healthy in mind and body is the After that, Taro is steadily getting better. Thanks to
was a brand new book which none of my family remembered began to feel that I should buy one, and I did. best thing, so all my family participated in the Shinkiko Retreat knowing Shinkiko, I had such a wonderful experience.
buying it or being given it by someone. The encounter with I feel that, by becoming involved with Shinkiko, I learned more Seminar and bought Ki goods such as an Aqua Refresher (a Ki
the book was really a strange one. meaningful things than you can learn from philosophy books water activator) and pyramids. Thanks to Shinkiko, (氣で生きる力が湧いてくる 223p̶233p 英訳)
I repeatedly read the book and became convinced that to get written by great men --- and for me, they are the truths. we’ ve become able to change our awareness and to

51 月刊ハイゲンキ 2008 Aug No.219 50

Later, I learned through practice. I used to suffer from understand about spirits properly.
severe anxiety, experienced strange things and went through At first, when our family encountered Shinkiko, we seemed
tough times, but now I am able to control myself mentally and to significantly lack Ki. I am fully thankful for all the bad
to feel that I should live cherishing my life, my one and only things that made me aware that disease is not to be cured by
life, while receiving Ki. someone but is something that you cure on your own, and of
I now feel my husband’ s gentle concern over me, and also what things are really important as a person.
しんきこう えぃびぃしぃ have the same feeling towards him as I did 20 years ago
when we first met. My family became happy and a sense of community at
work strengthened(Mr. H.Y. from Tokyo)
Recovered from autonomic ataxia and now living in I never was good at dealing with people since I was
laughter (Mrs. E.K. from Kagoshima) small, and have been worrying about it thinking I should do
I was diagnosed as having autonomic ataxia before. But something about it
 People who have got a wonderful life away from the burden of my asthma, it was the only way out since I started applying the High Genki apparatus to myself And then I found an article on an energy (Shinkiko) which
for me. three times a day, in the morning, afternoon and evening, my works on the negative part of mind in a magazine. I thought
● Recovering from disease I met the current chairman in his session and had him sent me stomach got better before I knew it and also my palpitation it might be a way out, and visited the Tokyo center. When I
Shinkiko relieved the pain of my rheumatism Ki. I somehow felt better, and felt fine all the way home. subsided. Since then, I no longer had to go and see a doctor. experienced Ki there, I somehow felt like my head was floating
(Mr. S.S. from Okinawa) I immediately bought a High Genki apparatus and applied My husband said,“Shinkiko made my wife feel better,”and in the air, and I could feel that Shinkiko was certainly working.
I had been having a slight fever for 18 years and was it to myself with my wife for more than 30 minutes by was very pleased and thankful. He now receives Ki with me. Several days later, I met the chairman, Mr. Nakagawa. He
diagnosed as having rheumatism six years ago. Since I turns. After a while, I had an asthma attack which is called At Shinkiko time (at seven a.m. and ten p.m.), I play Onki music was just an ordinary person and there was nothing odd about
suffered the pain in my limbs and also from the fever, I tried favorable turn reaction. I called a center and was given a (Shinkiko healing music) and pray,“Please send Ki to my him; I thought I could rely on the company if he was the head
many kinds of treatment and therapy but none of them proper advice, and had a staff member sent me Ki; the attack children and grand children too,”while receiving Ki. of it.
worked so well; I also suffered poor circulation in my body for stopped in a matter of time. My children realize the effect of Ki and say,“This is why we I went to the center for about a month, bought a High Genki
the time being. Since then, I have never had another attack. I had been are all in the pink.” apparatus and participated in the Shinkiko Retreat Seminar.
But since I started receiving Shinkiko energy, my poor suffering many diseases for a long time, but thanks to I owe my everyday life full of laughter with my husband to Since I got to know Shinkiko, I have changed a lot.
circulation has improved and I have become able to go up and Shinkiko, I will start a different life. I will continue doing Shinkiko, and am very thankful for it. Although I used to be shy, I am now joining in a chorus,
down stairs with ease. Also, my swollen fingers healed and Shinkiko with patience. sometimes help organize events and volunteer.
the fever disappeared gradually, and the strength of my hands I and my child owe our happiness to Shinkiko My family has become happy as well. At work, I became
has come back. The other day, I could get out of my bed on ● Recovering from emotional disorders (Mrs. I. T. from Sapporo) aware how narrow-minded I had been, and now I am working
my own without any support from others for the first time in My heart lightened by Shinkiko (Ms. E.O. from Hokkaido) My ten-year-old girl always had a cold since she was small, together with the people feeling a sense of community.
years; my heart was really leaping for joy. I was born shy, and my heart was so full of loneliness and and went to see a doctor so many times that she made For me, this is bliss. I can now feel that, if you change, the
alienation that I used to think about killing myself many friends with the nurses there. people around you and your environment will change as well.
Healed my friend’s low back pain (Mr. T. T. from Tokyo) times during my junior school days. Although I found work, She is now very healthy; I think it is because she sleeps with
Since I got to know Shinkiko, I have been so into it: I have I suffered a setback and secluded myself in my house for a High Genki applicator beside her every night. ● Effect on animals
bought a High Genki apparatus and participate in seminars. three years. And that was when I encountered Shinkiko. I The other day, when we came close to the hospital, my My unconscious cat regained consciousness with Ki
One day, one of my friends told me that he felt a cramp from struggled many times to change my personality but could daughter said she wanted to see the nurses, so we dropped (Mrs. K. M. from Kagoshima)
his waist to the bottom of his legs, and that he could not never make it. But to my surprise, by just receiving lots of in. The nurses were happy to know that my daughter One of our two cats, named Taro, suffered from urethral
sleep well at night. So, I applied the High Genki to him. I Shinkiko, my heart felt so light. returned to health. calculus last week, and became uremic; a vet told us that he
did it only for about 15 minutes, but after that, his symptoms I was so impressed with this change, and have been thankful Also, they told me that I myself had changed. I don’ t know might have only several hours left to live.
disappeared, and he could sleep well for three nights. Since for Shinkiko. I keenly feel that, being able to live everyday what part of me changed, but recently, whenever I receive All of my family was desperate to do something for Taro; my
then, he has been coming to my place once a week to have peacefully and with gratitude is, although it seems nothing, the Ki, I feel more and more happy. I’ ve also become able to feel husband put his hand over Taro who was on a drip in a cage
the High Genki applied. Now, he feels much better; he almost best thing in the world. deep gratitude towards nature. I think that, when your inner and sent Ki to him.
does not feel the cramp and numbness. The effect of the Shinkiko taught me this, and it has made me live with such being changes, your aura and impression change too, and After two hours of continuously sending Ki, the vet took his
High Genki is so surprising. feelings. probably they are pretty obvious to the people who have not body temperature; it rose by about five degrees C, and six
The Shinkiko Retreat Seminar which is held in Ikoma is like seen you for a while. hours later, Taro recovered consciousness. The vet was so
Severe asthma attacks ceased (Mr. T.S. from Yamanashi) a paradise for me. I would love to participate again. When surprised and said,“I can’ t believe his temperature rose so
Since I was a child, I had been poor in health and had spent my younger brother was having ulcerative colitis, one of the ● Relaxation and awakening quickly.”
some time in hospitals and underwent many operations many incurable diseases, he fully recovered from it in a month and a I am full of gratitude towards bad luck as well Since Taro got better, he recuperated at home. But he
times; most of my life had been very tough. After I turned 60 half, by having Ki sent remotely to him and by using a Shinkiko (Mrs. H.O. from Nara) suddenly ran away from home before he completely got
years old, I began to suffer asthma and its attacks. crystal. Everyone was amazed at the speed of the recovery. My son who was doing postgraduate studies and was better. In the third afternoon, one of our neighbors found
I struggled to be healthy as much as possible and tried suffering atopy brought me to Shinkiko. him, but he was almost unconscious. We took him to the
many things that people advised me to try, but none of them My anxiety disappeared and became able to control myself In a mobile Shinkiko experience session, I received Ki through vet and were told,“He is quite beyond recovery.” My family
worked. (Mrs. K.S. from Osaka) a Shinkiko video, and was startled to see a white smoke-like started sending Ki to him by turns. And three hours later,
When I was feeling despair, I came across a book called I had been suffering from dissociative disorder. Hospital care thing came out of the screen! And the next day, I somehow his body temperature rose again, and six hours later, his eyes
Naoranu byouki wa ikasui wo utagae (literally means when did not work, so I had been mentally unstable for many years. felt so good and thought Shinkiko was promising, so I bought slightly opened and he even tried to get on his feet.
suffering incurable disease, suspect gastroptosis), which fell But Shinkiko worked. the High Genki apparatus. The effect of it on my son’ s atopy “This is a miracle. This can’ t be happening,”said the vet,
at my feet when my wife opened a bookcase in my house. At first I thought the High Genki apparatus was so expensive was remarkable. once again being amazed at his incredible recovery.
It was a book written by the late chairman, but strangely, it that I would not buy it, but as I received Ki several times, I Later, we thought that being healthy in mind and body is the After that, Taro is steadily getting better. Thanks to
was a brand new book which none of my family remembered began to feel that I should buy one, and I did. best thing, so all my family participated in the Shinkiko Retreat knowing Shinkiko, I had such a wonderful experience.
buying it or being given it by someone. The encounter with I feel that, by becoming involved with Shinkiko, I learned more Seminar and bought Ki goods such as an Aqua Refresher (a Ki
the book was really a strange one. meaningful things than you can learn from philosophy books water activator) and pyramids. Thanks to Shinkiko, (氣で生きる力が湧いてくる 223p̶233p 英訳)
I repeatedly read the book and became convinced that to get written by great men --- and for me, they are the truths. we’ ve become able to change our awareness and to

51 月刊ハイゲンキ 2008 Aug No.219 50

Q&As on Shinkiko electricity, but Ki is not emitted with the help
of electricity. It becomes able to emit Ki after
Q:How did Shinkiko start? Is there any Ki is put into it. So, it emits Ki almost semi-
difference between the conventional Kikou permanently. There may be many people who
(Chinese Qigong)and the Shinkiko? are doubtful about it, but in Japan, things that
A:Shinkiko started when the late chairman, emit Ki have been used among people since the
Masahito Nakagawa, was told how to make the old times. Things like an amulet and a charm
High Genki apparatus in his dream by a white- sold at shrines and a Buddhist statue made by a
bearded old man. At first, he applied it to the mighty master are good examples. With such
people who had lower back pains and stiff things, many people have been healed. So,
shoulders, without knowing what the apparatus they are quite similar to Ki goods. Ki goods are
was supposed to be used for. Then he found especially adjusted to exclusively emit a more
out that Ki-like thing was coming out of it, since powerful energy, Shinkiko.
it relieved pains. Later, he was not only told
how to put Ki into objects but was also told,“Ki Q: Is it difficult to use the High Genki apparatus
will be emitted from your hands,”“Anyone will and Ki goods? Do you need to have any
be able to emit Ki, so you should train people knowledge of acupressure point or Oriental
how to do it.” The Shinkiko energy, which medicine to use them?
comes from the universe, can be received by A:No, it is not particularly difficult. Basically,
anyone without an intense training. Just like a no matter how you use it, you can receive Ki
TV can receive a certain airwave from various from them. The High Genki apparatus has an
kinds of airwaves in the air, Ki goods receive the acupressure point sensor, so you don’ t
energy from the universe and transfer it, and have to look for acupressure points yourself
allow anyone to receive it at anytime they want. (no knowledge of an acupressure point is
needed). The High Genki does not produce Ki
Q:I don’ t feel uncomfortable with Qigong with electricity, so please apply the High Genki
therapists emitting Ki, but I do with objects. It applicator to the affected areas on your body
sounds suspicious. How are the High Genki without connecting the head to the body of
apparatus and the Ki goods made? Why can the apparatus. Also, you can receive Ki, by
they transfer Ki? just sitting down with the High Genki applicator
A:The High Genki apparatus and the Ki goods on your lap or lying down with the applicator
emit Ki only after Ki is put into them --- the on your abdomen. These days, many people
late chairman was told how to do it by an old are having busy times and there are some
man in his dream --- after they are made by a who receive Ki by sleeping with the High Genki
manufacturer. The High Genki apparatus spots applicator on their abdomen or with the head
acupressure points on the body and vibrates by beside their pillow; they fall asleep before they

53 月刊ハイゲンキ 2008 Sep No.220

knew it. In this way too, Ki penetrates into remain. So, Shinkiko plays an important role for
you and you can charge yourself with enough Ki receivers and their families, no matter what
Shinkiko energy. It is best to use them kinds of situation they are in.
Q:What do you mean by“Shinkiko is effective for
Q:I am suffering from a disease which is things other than disease?” Isn’ t Kikou for
designated as an intractable disease in Japan. curing diseases?
What are the odds that I will recover from it? A:Around us, there are many things caused by
Also, on what kind of disease does Shinkiko the influence of negative Ki, such as being
work? unable to grasp the meaning of life; being unable
A:We never say to anyone that any disease will to have motivation; bad lucks like accidents
be cured for sure, for legal reasons. Also, happening to you and the people around you;
even within the same disease symptoms vary and experiencing psychic phenomena. Shinkiko
with each individual, and it is difficult to judge is an energy which will be stored in the soul
whether it is curable or not. But we believe of a Ki receiver, and by receiving Ki, the Ki or
that, anyone has a power to heal on their the vibrating life energy which the Ki receiver
own, and that if a treatment suits you, you emits will change, and this will affect the people
will not have to give up. You can read many around. You will feel less stress and good
testimonials of the people who tried Shinkiko at things will start to happen to you, and happiness
our centers around the country, so I would like will arise in your mind. This may be the part
you to go through them first. We also offer you that differs from Kikou in general.
an intensive trial course (one month free pass)
for ¥12,000. You will be able to experience the Q:I am thinking about doing Shinkiko; what sort
effect of Shinkiko much easier if you receive of things do I have to bear in mind before
the energy continuously with minimum break in starting?
between. So, in this course, the frequency of A:Diseases and bad lucks have to do with the
receiving Shikiko is unlimited: you can receive it influence of negative Ki. And in most cases,
as many times as you want. We would like you there isn’ t just one negative Ki involving: many
to fully try it and see the effect of it, and judge negative Kis are intricately interrelated with each
on your own. other, and it varies depending on each individual.
Some people are very Ki-sensitive, but some are
Q:Aren’ t there people who did not get better not. When people receive Ki, the negative Ki
and also who died although they were doing in anyone will disappear gradually, but the time
Shinkiko? when the effect becomes apparent varies in
A:Not all the diseases will be cured completely by each person. So, from an early stage, I would
doing Shinkiko. But it often happens that some like you to receive Ki continuously whether you
sick people who have received Shinkiko become feel doubtful or not. Especially at first, some
able to have hope, and that the hearts of sick people may experience a favorable turn reaction:
people and of his or her family become light. they may feel sluggish or sick. In such a case,
The Shinkiko energy works on the life energy continue receiving Ki; if you receive it more
(the part that has been called aura or spirit intensively by using our centers, the reaction will
from old times) inside the body and heightens disappear quicker.
it. And as a result, sometimes your awareness
and feeling will change, and your body will feel (氣で生きる力が湧いてくる 234p̶240p 英訳)
relaxed. Also, we think that the body and the
spirit are two separate things and that even
if the body is gone, the spirit continues to

Believing in“god”and loving people you get sick you blame god. You cannot truly
Ki and spirits might have been a difficult subject to believe in god like this.
follow but I strived to make it easily understood. I It would be great if you could feel that a great
wonder what you think about it. power in the universe is letting you to live, even if
We, the SAS, run seminars, publish books like you were told by a doctor that you only had several
this and sell Ki goods including the High Genki months left to live. If you can feel this way, that
apparatus, hoping that the spirits of all the people, means you are living life believing in god.
dead or alive, will shine with Shinkiko energy. I think the modern society has been negligent in
My father always used to say,“There will be a developing such a feeling.
time when this Ki will be a pillar in the field of both To love others is not an easy thing to do either.
commerce and industry.” There are not only people who are good for you but
In recent decades, both the commerce and also who speak ill of you, blame you, hurt you and
industry have rapidly developed. But have people your family, and bring bad lucks to you. Can you
become spiritually rich? No, not really. I think love such people as well?
that real“richness”is all about people being happy. My father left a really difficult theme.
Not only people but all lives should play their part You may find it difficult to immediately“believe
and die satisfactorily; this is the world we should in god and love people.” But as you practice
achieve. Shinkiko, you will have a power to spring back
Why are people not happy even though commerce stronger from various difficulties. If you learn that
and industry have developed? I think that is bad lucks and difficulties will give you the power,
because people are so busy with everyday life that you will no longer be afraid of them. And if you
their mentality cannot keep up with the development are not afraid of them, that means you have made
in the material world. a great progress in changing your consciousness.
My father’ s words to live by were:“believe in Your way of living and life change, and your soul
‘god’and love people.” I followed his footsteps, will grow immensely.
and they are now my personal motto. By each of us gradually committing ourselves
The term“god”used here does not mean a to care about souls and spirits of ourselves and
special god. Please take it as a great power that others, dead or alive, our society will change. We
exists in the universe. To believe in the god is then will be able to realize a society which we can
to realize that you are given a life by this great all live happily.
existence. The environment surrounding Ki is now so
This may sound simple, but it really is not. different compared to ten years ago. Ki will
Because the god brings us not only good things but be accepted more at an increasing rate, and
also seemingly bad things such as disease, poverty, our society will change. The ghostly stories
worry and agony. I have introduced in this book will not be that
When you win a lottery you thank god, but once extraordinary.

51 月刊ハイゲンキ 2008 Oct No.221

I earnestly hope that such a time will come as
soon as possible. Nothing would make me happier 1994 May The Shinkiko Retreat Center was set up
if this book could be of any help to the readers and in Ikoma, Nara.
lead them to make a new society.
I sincerely appreciate your reading the book to the 1994 August Nakagawa went to see American
end. Indian, Hopi, in Arizona, US with Dr.
Masato Nakagawa Ryouichi Obitsu, a doctor of medical
science (hospital director of the
History of SAS Inc. Obitsu Sankei Hospital in Kawagoe
1975 July Hajime Nakagawa set up a company. City, Saitama), provided treatment
to patients who were exposed to
1983 July Shin-Atsu-Shin Clinic Inc. was radiation due to a uranium mining.
established in Tokyo.
1995 December The founder, Masato Nakagawa
1986 Nakagawa changed his name to Masato (or Hajime Nakagawa) passed
Nakagawa and held two posts as head away and his eldest son, Wataru
of Konoko-Shin-Atsu-Shin-Ryoudou and Nakagawa, took over everything
chairman of the Shin-Atsu-Shin Clinic Inc. together with his name.
Later, also became the chairman of the SAS
International Ki Science Association. 1997 March Additional Shinkiko centers were
set up in Fukuoka, Kumamoto and
1988 July The monthly journal“Hi Genki”was first Okinawa; current centers were all set
published. up at this point.

1990 March “Shinkiko Retreat Seminar”was 1998 August The name of the company was
held in Shimoda city, Shizuoka, for changed from Shin-Atsu-Shin Clinic
restoring health and training Qigong Inc. to SAS Inc. Konoko-Shin-
therapists. Atus-Shin-Ryouodu and the SAS
International Ki Science Association
1991 April Nakagawa went to the Republic of were integrated to form the SAS
Belarus of the former Soviet Union and Shinkiko Association.
provided Shinkiko (Kikou) treatment
to victims of Chernobyl accident at 2000 July The head office and the Tokyo Center
a hospital attached to a radiology were moved and were integrated.
research institute and was given a
certificate of appreciation from many 2005 June The number of the participants of
organizations and groups including the Shinkiko Retreated Seminar (the
Russian Ministry of Health. Since number of times the seminar was held
then, until 1992, he formed a Shinkiko totaled 176) reached about 13,000.
medical service group and visited there The number of the members of the SAS
three times. Shinkiko Association reached about
1991 September Nakagawa interacted with wild
dolphins through Ki together with (氣で生きる力が湧いてくる 241p̶245p 英訳)
an English authority on dolphins,
Mr. Horace E. Dobbs, off the
Australian coast.


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