Preparation of Hydroxyapatite by The Hydrolysis of Brushite
Preparation of Hydroxyapatite by The Hydrolysis of Brushite
Preparation of Hydroxyapatite by The Hydrolysis of Brushite
< 40
6 7 8 9 0 @ ~ - m - I. . . . . ~ -
pH 0 1 2 3
Hydrolysis time (h)
Figure 1 Hydrolysis of DCPD into HAp (40° C, 3 h). Product: (o)
HAp(Ca/P = 1.50), (ID) HAp(Ca/P = 1.50) + CasH2(PO4)6 • Figure 3 Conversion of DCPD into HAp (O) with and (O) without
5H20. addition of Ca2+ ions in Reaction I (40°C, pH 8).
p ~ 9 ~ O -
E 1.60
E 1.5!
-- 1.54 .fir,,. ~ ' 4 r -
8 1.52
1.5( I I I 1 I I _1_
1.50 - O---O--40°C(pH8)
I I I I I 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1 2 3 z~ 5 pH
Hydrolysis time (h)
Figure 4 Increases in Ca/P ratio of HAp(Ca/P = 1.50) in solutions
Figure 2 Time-dependence of Ca/P ratio of HAp formed in Reac- containing Ca2+ ions (0.2g CaC122H20/1.0g HAp). pH adjust-
tion I as a function of pH and temperature. ment: (O) with NH4OH, (O) with (CH3)4NOH.