Preparation of Hydroxyapatite by The Hydrolysis of Brushite

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Preparation of hydroxyapatite by the hydrolysis

of brushite
H. M O N M A
National Institute for Research in Inorganic Materials, Namiki, Sakura-mura, Niihari-gun,
Ibaraki 305, Japan
T. K A M I Y A
TDK Corporation, Higashi-Ohwada, Ichikawa-shi, Chiba 272, Japan

The conversion of brushite (CaHPO4,2HzO; DCPD) into hydroxyapatite (HAp) by hydrolysis

has been studied by separating the conversion process into two stages, i.e. the structural
change of DCPD into HAp (I) and the subsequent compositional increase in Ca/P ratio of the
HAp (11). In Reaction I at 40 ° C, HAp formed most rapidly at around pH 7.5 to 8.0. The com-
plete conversion was observed within 2.5 h at 40 °C, 1 h at 60 °C and only 5min at 80 ° C. The
compositions of HAp thus formed were nonstoichiometric and had a Ca/P ratio below 1.60. It
was difficult to increase the Ca/P ratio up to the stoichiometric value 1.67, because the
adjustment of pH to higher values and/or the addition of Ca2+ ions to accelerate the increase
in Ca/P ratio, retarded the proceeding of Reaction I. On the other hand, in Reaction II, such
pH adjustment and Ca2+ addition were remarkably effective in increasing the Ca/P ratio.
Consequently, two-stage processing was reasonable and convenient for the preparation of
stoichiometric HAp, because it was possible to manage the controlling factors in both
Reactions I and II independently. The resulting HAp powders showed a comparatively low
crystallinity similar to precipitated HAp and large weight losses (above 6%) on heating, and
were composed of dense aggregates of irregular thin microcrystals.

1. Introduction 2. Experimental procedure

Hydroxyapatite (HAp), with compositions of stoichio- Reagent-grade DCPD was used as the starting
metric Cat0(PO4)6(OH)2; Ca/P = 1.67 and nonstoi- material. CaHPO4 (DCPA) and ~-Ca3(PO4)2 (~-TCP)
chiometric Ca10 x(HPO4)x(POe)6_x(OH)2_x" nH20; used for comparison were prepared by heating DCPD
Ca/P < 1.67, is of considerable interest as an excel- at 200 ° C for 1 h, and by heating an equimolar mixture
lent material for artificial bones and teeth, chromato- of ~/-Ca2P207 (thermally synthesized from DCPD at
graphic separation of bio-macromolecules and sus- 550°C for 2h) and reagent CaCO3 at 1200°C for 1 h,
pension polymerization of styrene. HAp powders for respectively. In Reaction I, 1.0 g DCPD was suspended
such applications are normally prepared by precipi- and stirred in 100ml distilled water by bubbling
tation and hydrolysis methods, but characteristics of nitrogen gas and using a magnetic stirrer. The reac-
HAp powder thus prepared show a sensitive depen- tion temperature and pH were kept within the ranges
dence on preparation conditions, e.g. the reaction 40 to 80°C and 6 to 13, respectively, during the
system used, starting materials, pH, temperature, hydrolysis. The reaction pHs were adjusted with
ripening time, calcination temperature, etc. ammonium hydroxide or tetramethylammonium
In this work the preparation of HAp by the hydroly- hydroxide ((CH3)4NOH) solution. Solid products
sis of brushite (CaHPO4 • 2H20; DCPD) was studied were filtered, washed with water and dried at 80° C. In
on the basis of the following two-stage scheme, Reaction II, HAp(Ca/P = 1.50) prepared by the
hydrolysis of 50 g DCPD in 250 rnl water at pH 8 and
DCPD ~ HAp(Ca/P < t.67) ~ HAp(Ca/P = 1.67) 40°C for 4h was used, and the HAp(Ca/P = 1.50) of
1.0 g powder sample was treated at 30 to 50° C for I h
with the purpose of higher simplicity and productivity in 100ml alkaline solutions containing 0.2g CaC12"
than the conventional one-stage processing DCPD -~ 2 H 2 0 as a reaction accelerator. The resulting products
HAp(Ca/P = 1.67). Reaction I corresponds to a were filtered, washed and dried in the same manner as
structural change into the apatite structure and Reac- above. Precipitated HAp was prepared by keeping a
tion II a compositional increase in Ca/P ratio retain- mixture of equivolumes of 0.24M (NH4)2HPO4 sol-
ing the apatite structure. The resulting HAp powders ution and 0.4 M Ca(OH)2 aqueous suspension at 40 ° C
were characterized by Ca/P ratio, X-ray diffraction, for 1 h by stirring and bubbling nitrogen gas, then
thermogravimetric (TG) loss and scanning electron centrifuging and drying at 80° C. The analysis of Ca/P
microscopic (SEM) observation. ratio of HAp was carried out on the following basis:

0022-2461/87 $03.00 + .12 © 1987 Chapman and Hall Ltd. 4247

80F / I 8O
' / J
E 6O

< 40

6 7 8 9 0 @ ~ - m - I. . . . . ~ -
pH 0 1 2 3
Hydrolysis time (h)
Figure 1 Hydrolysis of DCPD into HAp (40° C, 3 h). Product: (o)
HAp(Ca/P = 1.50), (ID) HAp(Ca/P = 1.50) + CasH2(PO4)6 • Figure 3 Conversion of DCPD into HAp (O) with and (O) without
5H20. addition of Ca2+ ions in Reaction I (40°C, pH 8).

H A p ( C a / P < 1.67) decomposes at about 800°C to a

two-phase mixture of H A p ( C a / P = 1.67) and T C P temperatures. In order to accelerate the rate of
corresponding to the Ca/P ratio. Then the Ca/P ratio increase in Ca/P ratio, the addition of Ca 2+ ions to
was estimated from relative amounts of the two hydrolysis system I was attempted, however, the
phases. The relative amounts were determined by coexistence of Ca 2+ ions resulted in extreme retar-
X-ray diffraction. X-ray powder diffraction patterns dation of the conversion of D C P D as shown in Fig. 3,
were measured using a Toshiba diffractometer using probably because of a suppression effect on the dis-
CuKc~ radiation. T G measurements were recorded up solution of D C P D as well as in the hydrolysis of
to 900°C with a heating rate of 10°Cmin l in quies- ~-TCP [1].
cent air using a Shinku Riko TA-1500. SEM obser-
vation was made using a Nippon Denshi JSM-50A. 3.2. R e a c t i o n II
Reaction II consists of the process of increasing the
3. R e s u l t s a n d d i s c u s s i o n Ca/P ratio of H A p ( C a / P = 1.50) through further
3.1. H y d r o l y s i s of D C P D ( R e a c t i o n I) release of PO] ions from the H A p or Ca 2+ uptake
Hydrolysis reactions at 40°C for 3 h were as follows: coupled with O H - uptake and H 2 0 release depending
no conversion at p H 9, conversion into H A p at on the non-addition or addition of Ca 2+ ions to the
p H 8.5 to 7.0 and into octacalcium phosphate system. In practice, Reaction II was carried out in
(CasHz(PO4) 6 • 5H20 ) at p H 6. The conversion into alkaline solutions with the addition of CaC12 • 2 H 2 0
H A p was most rapid at around p H 7.5 to 8.0 as shown as a Ca 2+ source for an increase in the Ca/P ratio.
in Fig. 1. Hydrolysis times for the complete con- Fig. 4 shows relationships between p H and Ca/P ratio
version were within 2.5 h at 40°C, 1 h at 60°C and of H A p as a function of temperature (reaction time:
only 5 rain at 80 ° C. Above 60°C the complete con- I h). The addition of 0.2 g CaC12 • 2 H 2 0 is sufficient to
version was performed within 1 h at p H 7 to 9. Ca/P increase the Ca/P ratio of 1.0 g H A p ( C a / P = 1.50) up
ratios of H A p thus obtained varied with reaction time to 1.67. The stoichiometric ratio was obtained at 40 ° C
as shown in Fig. 2. The higher the p H and temperature after 3h in runs at p H 9 to 10, and after 1 h at p H 13.
were, the more easily was the Ca/P ratio increased up
to about 1.60 (which seemed to be an upper limit in
this reaction system). Such increases in the Ca/P ratio
must be related to ease of release of P O ] - ions from _ ,/.o- ~(~0~_3h [o-
the solid phase to the liquid phase at high pHs and 1.65

p ~ 9 ~ O -
E 1.60

E 1.5!
-- 1.54 .fir,,. ~ ' 4 r -

8 1.52
1.5( I I I 1 I I _1_
1.50 - O---O--40°C(pH8)
I I I I I 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1 2 3 z~ 5 pH
Hydrolysis time (h)
Figure 4 Increases in Ca/P ratio of HAp(Ca/P = 1.50) in solutions
Figure 2 Time-dependence of Ca/P ratio of HAp formed in Reac- containing Ca2+ ions (0.2g CaC122H20/1.0g HAp). pH adjust-
tion I as a function of pH and temperature. ment: (O) with NH4OH, (O) with (CH3)4NOH.


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