07 The Swiss Family Robinson PDF
07 The Swiss Family Robinson PDF
07 The Swiss Family Robinson PDF
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Tite pubiisher wouid iike to thank the foliowingfor kind permission to reproduce photogra phs:
Corbis p.41 Quliane KopckefBettmann); Oxford University Press p.38 (tropical beach/
Author's Image); Shutterstock p.7 (beachfVibrant lmage Studio).
/llustrations by: Peter Cottrill{fhe Bright Agency Text adaptation by Alex Raynham
lllustrated by Peter Cottrill
1 In The Swiss Fa mi/y Robinson, a family lives on an island like the famous eharacter
Robinson Crusoe. Complete the sentenees about them with the words in the box.
Use a dictionary to help you.
terrible very bad raft a little boat made from wood ro pe a very thick,
tool this helps you to make or fix
strong stri ng
boat a little ship
When they moved away from the ship, Franz
said, 'Look! The dogs are in the water behind
us.' Ernst quickly pulled them on to the raft.
'Rocks! ' Father cried suddenly. 'Go left!'
Big waves hit them, and water went over the
raft. But slowly the island carne nearer.
Mother ran to Hans. She put her hands under the water, and quickly pulled
a big blue lobster off his leg.
'Here's our dinner! ' she cried happily. After Mother cooked the lobster, the
family ate it hungrily. They gave lobster and bread to the dogs, too. Franz
thought of names for the two dogs. He called the white dog 'Bello' , and the
darker dog 'Juno'.
safe not bad or dangerous; in no dangerous able to kili you gun a person can fight with this shark a big fish with teeth that eats
fruit you get this sweet th ing from danger of dying
seed fiowers and trees come smaller fish and someti mes people
tie to keep something in one place
trees and can eat it; bananas and apples bird an animal that can fiy; you can from these with rope
are different fruits eat some birds
READING CHECK 2 find seven more new words in chapter 2 to match the definitions.
Correct eight more mistakes in the chapter summary. a to make hot things for people to eat Q Q Q ~
lobster b you can take this cloth house with you ___ _
Mother pulled a b i g ~off Hans's leg, and she cooked it for dinner. Later that night, Father e you eatthis ___ _
put wood between two trees, and made a tent for them. They slept very well that night d not safe _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
e this big fish with teeth sometimes eats people ____ _
beca use they cou ld hear the cries of different island anima ls.
f you can kil i things from far away with this __ _
In the morning, Father and Fritz wanted to look for food and people from their plane. They g to keep something in one place with a rope __ _
found some trees, and monkeys threw apples at them. One monkey fell from the trees, and
Father caught it. Later, they wa lked up a cliff and looked around, but they didn't see
What do you think happens in the next chapter? Read the sentences and
any people. write Yes or No.
The next day, Father, Fritz, and Hans went back to the ship. They took animals from the
ship, and tied them to boxes. Slowly they moved through the water on their raft, and the
animals swam behind them. Suddenly, they saw something dark under the raft. lt was a very
big rock!
1 Find six words from chapter 2 in the coconuts. Then use the words to complete
the sentences.
a Da ngerous island anima ls come near b Father and Fritz find more people from the
the family's tent. .... the sh ip. ...... . ..
When the tree house was ready, Hans asked, 'What can we call it?'
Fritz saw a falcon in the sky. 'How about Falconwood?' he said.
pet an animal that lives with you branch part of a tree floor the place in a room where you falcon a day bird that fiies up in the
attack to start biting or hitting stand and walk sky and kills sma ll animals by suddenly
piece some, but not all, of something
something or someone coming down on them
for their animals under
the tree house. Then
he put his tools in the
beach tent because
there was no room for
them in the house.
forest a place with lots of trees buffalo a big anima l like a cow g row (post grew) to get bigger
READING CHECK 2 Complete the dialogues with these words from chapter 3.
Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. attack fioor ~ pet pieces shoot
a A shark attacks thei r boat, but Fritz catches 19 t.
b Hans 1 Franz catches a baby jacka l with a rope.
e They find some big rocks 1 trees on a hill, and make a house there.
d Hans and Fritz are wa lking in the forest 1 on the beach when they hea r a terrible noise
in front of them.
e In the autu mn, Mother makes clothes 1 a garden.
f Father leaves anima!s 1 tools in their tent on the beach.
1 Use the clues to complete the puzzle with new words from chapter 3.
What is the mystery word in the blue squares?
What happens in the next chapter? Tick three sentences.
plant a small thing with leaves and hole an opening in something that cave a big hale in the side of a cliff swamp a place with low wet land reed a tall thin plant that lives near sin k (post san k) to go down in the
sometimes with Aowers you can loo k th rough or go th rough or hill near the sea ora river or in water water
Hans cut sorne reeds, and made a raft from them. '
He pulled his body up on the raft, but how could
he get out of the swamp?
Just then, his pet jackal arrived. 'Fangs, come
here!' he called. Fangs ran to him. Hans too k the
jackal's tail in his hand. When Fangs ran away,
he pulled Hans out of the swamp.
snake a long animal with no legs horse. But the snake waited
out in the swamp. And now
it saw Fritz. It moved nearer.
Are the sentences true or false? Tick the boxes.
True False
a A lot of the animals died in the winter. D ~
b The tent on the beach is in pieces. D D
e Fangs finds a cave in the cliffs. D D
d Father and the boys cut a door into the cave. D D
e Mother finds sorne reeds in a swamp. D D
e ----- f
f Father pulls Hans out of the swamp. D D
9 They see a shark when they are near the river. D D
h Their horse runs into the swamp. D D
Find new words in chapter 4 to match the pictures.
9 ----
What happens in the next chapter? Tick two boxes to complete ea eh sentence.
a b Q 1 ª b -----
O find s sorne new fruit.
O makes cloth from animal hair.
O makes clothes for everyone.
O thinks a lot about Fritz.
3 O makes a boat with Fritz. 3 O finds a new pet.
e Fritz . . d Hans . . .
1 O explores the island in a boat. O shoots an animal in the swamp.
2 O can't come back to his family. 2 O goes swimming in the river.
3 O finds a message. 3 O comes home with a red fa ce.
e ---- d -----
24 25
Over many years, the Little Franz was twelve now,
family changed their and he liked to explore
garden into a little New Switzerland with his
farm. They grew food older brothers. They often
on the farm, and had went away for days.
lots of animals - and 'I worry about them,'
lots of pets, too! Mother said.
'I worry sometimes, too,'
Father answered, 'but they
must learn to be men.'
'Don't move!' they cried. Then he heard
their guns, and when he looked down, the 'This winter, we can be safe
snake was dead at his feet. from storms and snakes
'Hooray! We killed it!' Hans cried excitedly. in the cave house!' Father
said. That autumn, the
family made the cave ready
for the winter months.
farm a place in the country where worry to be unhappy about honey this is sweet and good to eat;
clothes people wear these
people keep animals and grow plants something and to think about it bees make it after visiting fiowers
all the time
bee a little black and yellow animal
that can fiy and make honey
For many days, Fritz explored
the island by boat. He swam in
the sea, and he hunted in the
forest. At night, he made a tent
from cloth and branches on the
beach. He slept in it.
When the boat was ready, Fritz One afternoon, Fritz caught lots of fish.
wanted to take it out to sea, Suddenly lots of birds carne down from
and to explore the island in it. the sky, and they began to take all the
'All right,' Father told him. fish from his boat.
g He finds a
Write out the sentences with new words from chapter 5 in the correct form.
Use the pictures to help yo u.
30 31
In Jenny's cave home, they talked
about their last night on the ship ...
'I got into a boat, but it sank near
the cliffs,' Jenny said. 'So I swam
into the cave, and found this bay.'
He remembered the Scottish girl Fritz looked for Jenny for two days.
from the ship. 'Her name was In the end, he found a sea cave,
Jenny. I must find her,' he thought. and he took his boat far into it.
After sorne time, he carne out of
the cave into a little bay. There
were tall cliffs all around it. He
from our hills,' Fritz
saw a girl in animal skins on the
beach near these cliffs.
1\nd I couldn't climb
the cliffs, ' Jenny
answered. 'So I wrote
'But why did you run
away from me?' Fritz
asked her.
'Pirates carne here
saw Fritz in his last year,' Jenny said.
boat, she began 'I ran away from
running away. them. When I saw
'Wait! ' he you, I thought, "More
called. 'Jenny pirates are here!" .'
She stopped at
captain the most importan! person pirate someone on a ship who takes
on a ship this, and waited th ings without asking Jenny had sorne books with her.
around all the way round; to all for him. 'They're from the ship,' she said.
the places
The next day, Ernst
ran to the cave house.
'This is an important
'Fritz is coming. And
day,' Father said one
there's somebody
morning. 'We arrived on
with him!' he told
this island seven years
ago - so no work today.'
At once Jenny and the
boys ran up the hill and
shot their guns over
their heads excitedly.
Fritz's brothers were excited when they met Suddenly, they heard the
Jenny. They asked her lots of questions, and took noise of a ship's gun.
her around the farm. 'Somebody heard us, and
Father made a room for Jenny in the cave. She they're answering!' Fritz said.
was happy. Tve got a family again,' she thought. 'Pirates!' Jenny cried. They
ran to the cave house, but no
When the winter pirates carne.
carne, the boys read
books for the first time
in years.
'Fritz's English is very
good now,' Father said
one day. 'Jenny's books
are helping him.'
Mother laughed. 'It's
not the books,' she
Match the words with who says or writes them. Write new words from chapter 6 to match the pictures.
b p ____ _
e m ___ _ d e __ ___ _
. . ........ . What happens after the story finishes? Tick sorne of these ideas, and write ideas
"---~ ~,-~~~?~\: ~ --- •·· ofyourown.
Ocean. Nobody lived on the island, but Selkirk soon How did she survive? 10 days
learnt to survive there. He hunted animals for food, What happened in the end? She saw a canoe, and found an empty hou se.
and he made clothes from their skins. He ate island
plants and fruit, too. Selkirk built a little house, and The girl who fell from the sky
he made tools from pieces of an old barrel. On 24th December 1971, Juliane Koepcke, from Peru, was in a a) . . . p. ) 0Y)~ ... over
Selkirk lived well on the island, but it wasn't easy to live alone. Once, the Amazon rainforest. The plane fiew into a terrible b) ..... . ........... , and it broke into
he fell off a cliff, and he couldn't move for a day beca use there was nobody to help him. pieces. 17-year-old Jul iane fell 3 kilometres to the e) . ... .. . ... . .. .. .. below, but amazingly
There was nobody to talk to, so he found animals and made them into pets. Selkirk stayed she didn't die! She was d) .... . . . . .. ... . .. . in the forest, and she was hurt. What's more,
on the island for four years. In February 1709, some English pirates arrived there. They she didn't have any food with her- only a little bag of e ) ................ . .
found Selkirk, and they took him home to Britain. Juliane needed to find a f ) .. .. .... . ....... , so she wa lked along a river for ten days.
There were g) .......... ...... . an imals in the river, and the water was h) . . . . ............. ,
Na me and nationality Alexander Selkirk, from ..SGQf.I.Q•.'0Q . but she needed to drink it. On the tenth day, she saw a i) . ............. . .. , and then she
Where? an . .. . . . . .. ... . . . in the Pacific Ocean found an empty house. The next day, people visited the house and found her.
So how did you find it? Was she alone? Did it take long to find the su rvivors?
1 Look at the newspaper headline, and answer the questions. Did you like the island? How ge )~U tFeT? Did any islanders live there with them?
a Which tense do we often use for newspaper headlines? Well, thank you for ta lking to us. How did they get th ere7 Where did you find her7
Scottish captain Present Simple 1 Past Simple
finds daughter on b Which words are missing in the newspaper headlin e? Captain talks
island in Pacific about finding
Nouns and verbs 1 Articles and possessive adjectives
2 Loo k at the sentences below and rewrite them to make newspaper headlines.
An English sh ip caught some pirates in the Pacific Ocean. When Captain Montrose
arrived in London, a Daily
News reporter spoke to him.
This is his interview.
A family from Switzerland spent ten years on an island after their ship san k.
Reporter: . J:tGY!.. 09. .~.94 ..f ~~W .....
b ............ ... .. ........................ .. .... .. ........ . . Capta in: Very happy. llooked for my daughter for yea rs, and now she's with me again.
Reporter: . ..... . .. .. .. ............................... .. .
The Swiss family changed an island into a sma ll country. Capta in: We found her on a little island in the Pacific.
Reporter: ..... . . . ... .......... . .. . ..... . .... ... .... ........... ... . .... . ... . ....... ..... . . .
e .. .... Capta in: No, she wasn't. She was with the Zermatts, a Swiss family.
Reporter: ....... . ...... . ... . ...... .
The su rvivors from New Switzerland are going to arri ve in London on Saturday. Capta in: They were on a ship to Austral ia, but it san k near the island.
Reporter: ................... .. ... . . ... ... ....... .. ..... ................ .... .. .. . .. .. . . . .
d .............. ... ............ ........ . ........ .... ..... .. Capta in: No, they didn't. And the island wasn't on any maps.
Reporter: ............... .. . .. . .. ......... . ........ .. .. .. .. .... ....... .. ... .. ... . . ........ .
The Swiss fami ly's journal beca me a very famous book. Captain: Some month s ago, we ca ught some pirates. They told me about a European girl
on an island, so we went there.
e ..... . .... ... .... . .. . .. . ........ .... .. . .. ....... .. . ..
Reporter: . ..... .... . ..... ..
Capta in: No, it didn't, beca use they found us. They heard our guns, and they ca me across
Jenny Montrose and her husband, Fritz, met the Queen of England.
the bay in a boat.
f ... .... ... .... .. .... ... .. .. ..... ...... ....... ... ........ .. ... ...... . .. . Reporter: ...... ..... .............................. . ........ . ............. .. . . ... ..... .
Captain: Yes, 1did. They ca ll it New Switzerland, and it's beautiful.
Reporter: .... . ... ... .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . ....... . .. .... ... .. .. ......... ... . . ... ... .. . . ......... .
4 Read the notes, then complete the newspaper interview with Jenny's words. GRAMMAR CHECK
Jenny Montrose Plural nouns
• Sai li ng to Australia to meet her father when her sh ip hits rocks in a storm. We usua lly add - s to nouns to make them plural.
• Gets into a boat but the boat sinks near cliffs Swims to the island. birds, trees
• Lives in a cave near the beach. Eats fish and cocon uts. When a noun ends in - o or - eh, we add - es.
• Wri tes messages and ties them to birds. buffa/o- buffaloes, watch - watches
• Fritz Zermatt catches a bird and finds her message. Later he finds her. When a no un ends in consonant +y, we change the 'y' to 'i' and add - es.
• Jenny and Fritz marry on the island. country - countries
When a noun ends in - fe, it usua lly changes to - ves.
Survivor's story wife- wives
The Daily News talks to Jenny Montrose. Some nouns have irregu lar plura ls:
fish - fish, man - men, person - people
Reporter: Why we re you in the Pacific?
Jenny: . ..l . yiJM.. 9V) . Y\ ...?hip. .:t9 . A.~$f.~Y\ .Ii0 , . 1 Write the plural form of these nouns. Use a dictionary if necessary.
Reporter: Was you r father on the boat with you7
a buffa lo . pqff01.Q~$ ... .. b seed ... .. .. . ... .... . ..
Jenny: ...... . .. . .. ..... .
e family .. .... ... .. . .. ... . ... .. . . d ch ild ..
Reporter: What happened to your ship7
e knife ... . ... . f foot .. .
g ba rrel h monkey
Reporter: How did you get to the island 7
branch ... fish.
k beach .
Reporter: Where did you live on the island ?
Jenny: .. . . . . . .. . .. . .. ...... . .. . ... .... . ....... . 2 Complete the sentences with the plural forms of the nouns in activity 1.
Reporter: What did you eat?
a There were a lot of young . . Glli \deen .. on the sh ip to Austra lia.
b We can put things in these old water .. .
Reporter: You sent messages. How did you do that?
Jenny: ..... . .. .. .. . . ..... . .. . .
e They loved the yellow . . ...... and blue sea around the island.
d No more .. ... . . ... from the ship ca me with them to the island.
Reporter: So how did Fritz Zermatt find you7
Jenny: . .. .. ..... . .
e From the trees, . . .. ... . . . .... . threw coconuts at Father and Fritz.
f Hundreds of big ..... .. .. .. .. ..... ran through the forest.
Reporter: Now, you and Fritz did somethi ng importa nt befare you left the island - right?
g Fath er and th e boys made a house in the. . . . of a tall tree.
Jenny: Yes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . ... . . .. .. .
Reporter: Wonderful! Well, thanks for talking to us.
h Moth er took the. . .. .. ... .. and made a garden with them.
Father and the boys caught .. . .. .. ... ..... ... in the sea for dinner.
5 A reporter visits New Switzerland and interviews the people there. Choose a j When Hans was in the swamp, he couldn't move his . . ... .. ..... . .. .. . .
different story character and write an interview with him or her. k Fathertook guns and long .... .. .. . .... .. ... from the ship.
44 45
Going to future: affirmative and negative lmperatives
We use going to total k about plans and make predictions about the future. We use imperatives to tell people what todo orto give strong advice.
We make t he go,:ng to future with the correct form of the verb be + going to + th e We make the affirmative imperative with the infinitive without to.
infinitive. Be carefu/1
Father is going to be happy when we take the buffa/o home. We make the negative imperative with don't + th e infinitive without to.
We aren't going to leave this island. Oon'tmove!
3 Complete Father's words with the eorreet form of going to . S Complete the sentenees with the affirmative or negative imperative of the verbs
in braekets.
a The wea ther 1·s ehang ·1ng. w·1nter ..is. . ·v
... ..0 . ..to coMe
. .. .. .. . . . . . . (come ) soon.
b Things ... .. .. .......... . .. . ... ... . . (not be) easy in a tree house all winter. a Fi nd you r brothers and .... .b.r.i.Y\S .... (bring) them to ou r room.
e (ma ke) a room for the an imals under the tree.
1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . b Qu ick. . (catch) itl
d The boys . .. .. .. .. . .. .. ...... . ... .. ... (find) vegeta bies for the winter. e Wait! . ... (eat) it! ls it safe7
e Mother .. . (finish) the garden before the rain comes. d Please . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (go) back to the shi p. lt's dangerous.
f We .. . .. . .... .. . .. (not put) all ou r thi ngs in the tree house beca use there isn't room. e Carefu l - ... . . .. ... . . .. .. . (fal l)l
g We . .. .... . .. . .. . . .. . ... . .. ..... (not have) have mueh food. You ca n't hunt in the rain. f Fangs, . . . (come) here!
h l .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. . .... .. .. .. (leave) a lot of tools in the tent over the wi nter. g . ..... (move), Fritz!
h My name's Jenny. Please .. (find) me!
4 Complete the pages from Father's journal. Use the eorrect going to form of the verbs Hey, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (wa it) l Jenny Montrose!
in braekets - affirmative or negative.
. ... .. .... .. .. (open) it later.
Thursda!f 15th
6 Who says or writes the things in exercise S? Write the letters.
Winter is here. The rain ..i~'0) .g9i.Y\S .t9.. $:1:-Qp. . {stop) for 1 Father and Hans tell Fritz this when they see a snake. [ill
weeks now. Mother and the ho!JS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (sta!J) 2 Jenny writes this in a message. D
in toda!} hecause the weather is f:errih/e, hut 1 mustgo out. 1 3 Father says this to Fritz when a monkey falls from a tree.
. .. . .. .. . .. .. . . ... (look) for some food hecause we haven't 4 Mother says this to Father. D
got much in our barreis. We .. .. .. .. . . .... . ......... . .. . ..... (he} ve'!! S Fritz says this when he sees Jen ny on a beach. D
hungf!j soon! 6 Father says thi s to Jenny and Fritz when he gives them a box. O
So me ofthe animals are di. Ma!Jhe the.!f ................. . 7 Hans says thi s to his pet when he's in the swa mp. D
(/ive) through the winter. Water is comii1!J into our tree house, and 8 Father says this to Fritz when they fin d sorne fruit. O
we are cold al/ the time. Ne;d!Jear, we .. . ... .... ... ................. .. . 9 Father says this to Fritz on the ship before the storm. O
(make) a hetter house- we can't sta!f in the tree house ne;d winter. 1O Father says this to Fritz on the raft. D
46 47
Countable and uncountable nouns Reference words
Countable nouns have a plura l form and un cou nta ble nouns don't. We use reference words when we don't wa nt to repeat t he sa me wo rd aga in in a text.
We use a/an with sin gular countable nouns. Fritz saw a fa/con. ~
Father ron upstairs. When he ca me back, his face was white.
We use sorne, any, lots of, and a lot of wit h un countable nouns and plural co unta ble noun s.
We usually use any in questions and negative sentences.
They saw so me barreis, made a raft with them, and left on that.
1found some honey. Did you find any bees7
We use much with uncountable noun s and many with plural countable noun s. We usually 9 Write reference words to complete the sentences.
use mueh in qu estions and negative se ntences. 1/ooked for Jenny for many years.
a Mother ra n to Hans . .. . .. S.Y\.e..... (Mother) pu lled a lobster off. . ..... . ...... (Hans's) leg .
7 Read the sentences. Are the underlined words countable or uncountable? Write C or U. b The boys gave food to the dogs, and . . . . . . . . (the boys) gave narnes to
. ... .. .. .. (the dogs), too.
a The shi p hit a big rack in the storm . ... C..
e The island was bea utiful. . . ... . .... .. . .... (The island) had forests, and .. .. . . . . .. .... . .. (the
b A lot of water ca me into the ship. . .
forests) had lots of fruit trees in . . . . . .. .. .. (the forests).
e There weren't many boats, and the Swiss fa mily arrived late.
d A shark ca rne nea r the raft, but Fritz took a gun. . . ... .. ..... .... . (Fritz) shot the shark, and
d They used sorne barreis to make a raft ... .... .
. . . (the shark) we nt away.
e They didn't have much ti me. They cou ldn't stay on the ship for long.
e Mother slept badly beca use the island anirna ls rnade lots of noise ... . . .. ... . . . .. .. (Moth er)
f Th at night, Father made a tent with sorne cloth.
could hear . ... .. .... . .. . ... (the anirna ls') cries all night
d Mum's got sorne seeds, so we ca n rnake a garden. D Littl e Franz is twelve now, and .. . ... ~E;. . . . . . likes to explore New Switzerland with
... ..... .. ..... .. older brothers. ... .. . ... .. . .. ... often go away for days, but Mother always
e We ca n grow lots of food next yea r. D worries about ... ... . .. ... .
'This island is big, and . . .. ... . .. .. has dangerous ani rna ls on it, ... . .. .. ... .. . .. says
f Did you catch rnu ch birds when you went hunting? D to Father one day.
'1worry when the boys go away, too,' Father tells . .. . . ...... ... ... New Switzerland isn't a
g The boys saw bees and found sorne honeys in a tree. D safe country for children, but ...... . .. . ..... .. is their horn e now. . .... . ..... .. .. . . rnust learn to
live here.'
48 49
Sequencers and time adverbs Going to future, yes 1no questions and short answers
We use sequencing words like after, after that, at first, at the same time, befare, then, later, To make yes 1 no questions with going to, we use t he auxiliary verb be + going to + the
and in the end to link story events. infinitive. Are our animals going to live? ls Franz going to come with us?
At first, 1saw some birds. La ter, 1caught a fish. Then 1went home. After that, 1cooked the fish. In the For short answers, we use the verb be. Yes, they are. 1 No, he isn't.
end, 1ate it.
12 Captain Montrose's ship is going to leave New Switzerland tomorrow. Write the
We use time adverbs like ago, at once, just then, now, soon, and suddenly, total k about
questions and answer them.
when someth ing happened.
Suddenly, 1heard a terrible noise. At once, Fangs was afro id Just then, lots of buffaloes ca me. We a Jenny/go/to England7
soon caught one. This was hours ago. (ago =befare now) ..J.~ . ~~\~W!~ . t}9i.'0S .t .o.. so ..t.o ..~:09l~DO?.... ... .... ........ .. ... .
.. Y~sJ ..sh~ ..i$ . .. ... .... .
11 Jenny is telling Fritz about her time on the island. Choose the correct words to
b Capta in Montrose/stay/on the island7
complete her story.
d Ernst/leave/New Switzerland?
Read Dominoes for pleasure, orto develop language skills. lt's your choice.
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The Swiss Family Robinson
'There's going to be a storm,' Father told Fritz.
'Find your brothers and bring them to our room.'
A Swiss family are going to Australia when their
ship sinks in a storm. After that, Mother, Father,
Fritz, Hans, Ernst, and little Franz must make their
home on a Pacific lsland. Like Robinson Crusoe,
they have many exciting times on the island, and
they learn a lot about its animals and plants. But
do they always want to stay there, orare they
going to leave one day?
Two 700
One 400
Starter &
Quick Starter 250
9 780194 249805