04 Changing Places
04 Changing Places
04 Changing Places
Cover photograph reproduced with pennission Jrom: OUP (directors chair/Stockdisc). Alan Hines is th e author of Square Dance, a novel t ha t he also
fll ustrations by: Thom as Sperling.
adapted as a f il m st arri ng Win ona Ryder, Jane Alexander, Jason
Tire publisher would like to thank the followingfor pennission to reproduce photographs: C01·bis pp ivc
(Leo na rdo DiCaprio/Kurt Krieger), ivf{Serena WilliamsfDuomo), 25 Ueep in Moj ave Desert/ Ro bards, and Rob Lowe. He has pub li shed fi cti on and artic les
Craig Aurness), 41 Uulia Robeits/M itchell Gerber/AS400 DB); Getty lmages pp39 (Newly-wed in a num be r of magazin es in t he United St ates an d in Great
car/Stuait McClymont), 40 (Pe nelope Cruz/Evan Agostini), 41 (Anna Kournikova/Ma rtyn
Hayhow/AFP), 41 (M ichael Schumacher/jean-Loup Gautreu/AFP), 41 (Brad Pitt & Jennife r Brita in. In additi on to Sq uare Dance, he has wr itten many
Aniston/Kevin Win ter), 41 (Tiger Woods/Scott Halle ran), 41 (Will Smith/Kevin Winte r); oth er scree nplays and mov ies fo r t elevisio n, and hi s fil m The
OUP pp40 (Teenage girl/Photodisc); Rex Features p ive (Robbie William s/Giuseppe Ares u);
Shutterstock pp ivdUe nnifer Lopez/Helga Esteb), 19 (Monument Valley/Sergey Yechikov), ln terragation of Michael Crowe wo n a Peabody Award . He has
32 (Mon ument valley/Julie n Hautcoeur), 33 (tnrckfPaul Matthew Photography). received many awa rds fo r hi s f icti on, inclu din g t he D.H. Lawrence
Fell ows hip. He was born in Dali as, Texas, and now lives in Bu cks
Co unty, Pennsylva ni a.
1 Match the sentences with the pictures and tick the boxes.
2 Would you like to change places with someone tamous tor a day? (They live your
lite and you live their lite tor 24 hours.) Who would you like to be? Why?
Nothing changes
from day to day.
'Nothing exciting
happens in my
life,' thinks Hal.
'I know that man, ' people
think, when they see Tim.
They stare at him in the
street. Sometimes they run
after him. Tim does not have a
normallife and he is unhappy.
zoo a pl ace whe re you can see dream pictures that you see in your marry to ma ke someone your actor so meone who is in a fil m normal usual , not differ ent glasses you wea r t hese in front of
animals from different countr ies head when yo u are sleeping husba nd or wi fe your eyes to help you see better
stare to look at someone or movie a story that is on film
animal a livin g bein g th at moves; a famous when many people know something for a long time recognize to see someone and to
dog or a cat is an an im al about someo ne know who it is
2 3
One morning, Hal gets up. Later, Hal is eating
'Today isn't different from a sandwich when
yesterday or the day befo re thatl' TimHawkins
Hal thinks. Then he remembers walks in. Tim
something. In two days, he must stares at Hal, and
marry Sophie. He feels nervous. Hal stares at Tim.
nervous a little afraid film to use cameras to make a movie idea something that you think place where something is
crew a number of people who are fun someth in g that you like doing clothes people wea r these
all working together and that makes people laugh
4 5
READING CHECK 2 Use the words in the wordsnake to complete
the sentences.
Match the sentences with the pictures and tick
the boxes.
Hal Ti m
a He works in a zoo. [i1' D
b He's a movie star. D D
e Nothing exciting happens in his life. D D a Everybody ~ee:ogY\ i Z-:es . Tim Hawkins when they see him .
d He wants to marry Soph ie. D D b People . . ... at him in the street.
e He's unhappy because he doesn't have a normal life. D D e Every morning Hal .... . . . . . o • ••• • Freddie, his dog.
f He's making a movie at the zoo. D D d Soph ie wants to . . .. Ha l.
g He watches the crew working on a scene. D D e Tim is . . ... . . .. . in Hal's zoo one day.
h He's eating a sandwich when the two men meet. D D f Hal has a very . . life.
He says, 'Let's change places.' D D g Hal has interesting . ...... .. at night.
He says, 'AII right'' D D h In his new film Tim wears . ........ ... .
Hal must marry Sophie in two days and he feels
j Tim has an interesting . . . . when he sees Hal.
Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
k Changing places with somebody can be a lot of . . . o •• • • •
e The White House and Big Ben are . . . o •• o •• • • • • • buildings. b O Hal isn 't á good movie actor.
e Gwyneth Paltrow and Leonardo DiCaprio are .. d O Hal and Ti m change back that evening
Everybody is looking at Hal now. At frrst he feels nervous.
brush to move your ha ir scene a part of a movi e that happens monkey an animal, usually with a
at one time long tail
sure when you feel that something
is true boss a person who te lis workers
what todo
8 9
Tim Hawkins lives an exciting life, Hal thinks. Later, Hal and Tim meet. They must change
their clothes again. Tim has many things to
do that night.
'Yo u are on a TV tall{ show at five o' dock,'
Hal tells him. 'Then you have a party later.'
job work talk show when famous people agree to say 'yes'
answer questions on TV
party when people meet to have fun
10 11
2 Use the words in Activity 1 to complete these sentences.
Put the sentences in the correct order. Number them 1-8.
a Ti m doesn't want to be on a t 01 ~ ~QQ_~ orto go toa P ____ .
a O A zoo worker ca lis Ti m 'Hal'. b Hal's b ___ says to Ti m; 'Go to the monkey hou se 1'
b O Ti m goes to th e monkey house. e Ha l and Ti m b ___ _ th eir ha ir up and down.
e O Hal and Ti m agree to change places for one more day. d Tim likes th e m ______ .
d O Hal t ells Tim ab out a TV t al k show and a party that eve nin g. e Ha l and Tim a _ _ __ to change for one more day.
e [!] Hal and Ti m change their hair. f Hal likes Tim's j __ .
f O Everyone looks at Hal in th e movie. g 'Who is Tim and who is Hai?' says Tim.
g O The crew says nice things to Ha l. 'Our mothers can 't say, l'm s ___ 1' laughs Ha l.
h O Hal's boss com es to spea k to Ti m. h The crew laves th e s ____ with Hal in it.
S B 1 R
a O Freddie likes Tim. b O Ha l doesn't like Tim's girlfriend.
1 X Z G
Being a movie actor helps Tim The people climb down from
with Hal's job. Tim can climb the sky tram. Tim helps them.
very well because he makes a 'I love climbing,' he thinks.
lot of action movies. There ~nd I love helping people.'
is an accident with the sky
tram at the zoo and Tim climbs
up to help the people in it.
climb to go up usin g yo ur hands accident som ethin g bad that desert a place whi ch usually has
and feet happens no water
action where a lot of exc it ing things
sky tram a train that trave ls hi gh up breathe to move air in and out of
first aid givin g help to people before your body
16 a doctor ca n come
READING CHECK 2 Use the words from Activity 1 to complete the sentences.
Match the big, black words with the people or things.
a They are filming in the ....4~-~~r.t .
a '1 don't recognize him.' ~ 1 Tim's house b Help her' She can't ...
f S
b f ____ a __
e br h e
d r
i a ___ _ _
What happens in the next chapter? Tick the boxes. Ves No
Soon, David, Sophie's brother, comes
to get Hal for the wedding practice.
wedding the time when two people cell phone a phone that you can
marry practice when you do something
carry with you
befare it happens because yo u want
todo it we ll
At the wedding practice that evening, Tim must be Hal.
Tim goes to his house. He Usually, Tim runs
climbs over the gate. from people. N ow he is
But the police see him. running from the police!
'Stop!' they shout.
'Oh, no! I don't want
anyone to see Tim Hawkins
in these old clothes!' thinks
Tim, and he runs away.
Use the words from the movie·makmg scene on page 24 to complete
Correct seven more mistakes in this chapter summary. the sentences.
house. But then the poli ce see him there, and he must walk away from them . GUESS WHAT
What happens in the next chapter? Tick the
a Hal . ..
1 D leaves the desert with the film crew.
2 D leaves the film crew in the desert.
3 0 phones Sophie.
e Sudden ly . . ·
1 0 Hal sees Freddie.
2 0 the police stop Hal.
3 0 the Jeep stops.
When nobody is looking, Halleaves.
'I can drive home across the
desert in that,' thinks Hal.
map a picture t hat shows where gas gaso lin e or petrol; cars need th is
Jeep a small car that ca n drive
wher e there ar en't any r oads th ings ar e, like street s, towns, river s, t o work
or countries ring the noise of a bell
disappear t o go away suddenly
lost not knowing where you are
It is Tim on the phone. 'Where 'I want to come bacl<:,' says Hal. 'Oh, no!' thinks Hal. Just then, a trucli: arrives.
are you?' Tim asks Hal. 'Why 'But I'm lost. Where amI? Where 'Today is my wedding.' There are farm workers in it.
aren't you here?' are they filming the desert scene?
Do you know?'
go dead to stop working truck a kind of car for carryin g problem someth ing that makes yo u
th in gs or people feel bad
farm a piece of land for animals or
growing plants
30 31
READING CHECK e Sudden ly the cel l phone . . Hal can't ca ll Tim.
Correct the mistakes in these sentences. f Good friends help you when you have a ...
g 'Can you see the next town on the . . . . . . . . . . . . ? lt's ten kilometres from here.'
filM crew
a When the~run after Hal, he hides.
h There were apple trees and lots of animals on the .
Use the words from the picture to complete these sentences.
What happens in the next chapter? Match the first and second parts of
these sentences.
guest peopl e that yo u as k to a stranger a pe rson you don't kn ow church Christian peo pl e go here music people li ste n or dance to thi s
weddin g ora pa rty to pray
34 35
Everyone stares at Tim. Suddenly, they hear a truck, and then music. It's When Sophie opens her eyes again,
coming from outside. Hal and Tim tell her everything. The
two of them are talking at once.
'Stop!' Sophie says. She gets up and
looks at Hal and Tim. 'Which one of
Sophie sees Hal. She looks Later, at the party, everyone is very excited to see Tim
at Tim, and she looks at Hal Hawkins, the famous actor. Of course, Tim likes that. Hal is happy, too,
again. Then she faints. because he is with Sophie, and he can be Hal Tanner again.
36 37
Write the sentences to make a summary of Chapter 6. Use the words from the picture to complete these sentences.
b ~ is wearing a beautiful ~ .
. .. . .... .. . . . . .. . .. . . . .. . .. ..
e Sudden ly
u says 'Stop everything''
a Lots of .. . .S}Y.es+s . .. come to Ha\ and Sophie's wedding .
b All the people there are . .
e Sophie and Hal marry in a .
. . . . . . to Tim.
. ... ... .
d When the . . . . begins, Sophie comes in.
d Then peop le hear a t hrough the wind ow.
e Soph ie . . . . . . . . . when she sees Tim and Ha\ in front of her.
f The peop le at the wedding sudden ly hear the farm workers' music . . . . . . . . ... . . . . .
~ ~
~and u
Hal stops working at the zoo.
g ln theend marries
goes to the wedding. t D
.. .... . . ... . . .. . . .. . . . . . h D .. .. ... .. ... .... .. .... .. .. . .
2 Now choose a famous person and fill in the table for you and them.
Project A Changing Places
1 Ana García is changing places with Penelope Cruz for a week.
Use the table to complete her 'Changing Places' project
tlsaa/1¡¡, Your life Your famous person's life
My name is Ana García. 1usually live ... .. . .. . . . .
1usually eat .
• • •••• o • •• • • ••••
* • • • • • •
0/umgínp Plates
1 My name is
1 1usual ly live . . . . . . . .. . . . .... . . . . . . .. . . .... .. . . .. . . .
.. .. . .. .. .. . . . .
1 1usua lly eat . 1
1usually go 1 1usua lly go ... . . . . . . . .. ... .. . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . .. . 1
1usually do . o.. . .. ... . . . . .. ... . . 1
. in the evenings. 1 1usua lly ........ . 1
and. 1 ............ · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · . . .. . . . . .. in the evenings. 1
This week l'm changing places with Penelope Cruz. : This week l'm changing places with ... .. . .. 1
l'm living in a hotel in Hollywood. 1 .. ... . .. . .. .. . .. .... ... . . .. .. . . ..... . . . . ..... . . . .. ... . . . .. 1
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • o •• • ••
•••• • • o • • • • • • • o • • • • •• • •
1 ......... . . . . .. . . .. .. . . . .. .. . . . . . 1
..... .. . . . .. . ... . . . . . . .. .. . ... .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. . .. .. ... .. ... . . ... .... . . . ..... . . . . . .. .. . . . . . ... . . . .. 1
• • • o • • ••• • • • • • • o • • •••• • • • • •• ••• • •• •
•••••• •• • •• ••••• • • • o •• •••
2 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with the words in the box.
Project B Describing a scene
across away from behind in in front of
1 Here is a scene from Tim Hawkins' latest movie - Desert Dog. In the movie Tim into next to on over through under
Hawkins is Bron Pearson - a famous policeman. Write the verbs correctly to
complete the description.
In this scene Bron a) .1.S yisitiY\S) . (visit) the zoo with the beautiful Russian a Hal is sittin g _ . ~li s bicycle.
policewoman Raissa Guliyeva. They b) . . . (look) ata desert dog Freddie is __ him.
in the zoo. lt e) . _ (have) a big mouth and lon g legs and it
d) _ _ _ (be) a killer. At the moment it e) _. . (sit)
dogs g) __ . . (be) im portant and expens ive anima ls. There b Hal is sitting . . Tim's jeep_
. _. (not be) more than five in the world today_ Behind Bron He is driving off the road and .
. (can) see the zoo boss - Zach Ponsonby- a the desert
and Raissa we i) _
very bad man He j) _. __ (want) to se ll the desert dog toa Bolivian
zoo. The boss of the Bolivian zoo k) _. . (talk) to Mr Ponsonby on
his cellphone. A littl e girl - Trudy Goodshoes -1) _. . __ (stand) next
(listen) to him. e Sophie is standing ____ _. _ . Tim _
to Mr Ponsonby, and she m)_ .
Hal's brother is _ . _them.
Have: affirmative and negative Modal auxiliary verbs: must
We use have/ has (for he, she, and it) to talk about possession. We use must + infinitive without to total k about strong obligation.
1have an idea. In two days, Ha/ must marry Sophie
Ha! has the ce// phone with him. Later, Ha/ and Ti m meet. They must change c/othes again.
To form the negative, we use don't / doesn't (for he, she, and it) + have.
4 lt's the night before Hal's wedding. Who must do these things? Use sorne of the
Tim doesn 't have a normallife. people more than once.
To make questions, we use do/ does (for he, she, and it) + have. We reuse the
auxiliary verb in the answer. Ti m the farm workers Hal Tim and Sophie
Do you have a girlfriend. Hae Yes, 1do. Tim and Hal Sophie the film crew
2 Write sentences with the correct affirmative or negative form of have. a act in Tim's film
a Ti m 1 a dog ca ll ed Freddie .. T ir.".. Q()f?S.~ ~+. . 1-\0:-t~ ..0. Q()~J <:;.0.\.l~ci . Ir.e.d<:\.i.~... ...\:+0.\. XY'\4S.+. .o.cJ. · '~· . Tir.".'.s..fi.l m.
b Sophie 1 a boyfriend b run from the police
e Ti m 1 a jeep .
d Hal and Sophie 1 famou s friends . e wear a wedding dress
e Tim 1 a beautiful girlfriend
f Hal 1 a job at the zoo d leave the desert
g Sophie 1 glasses
h Hal and Tim 1 dark hair e phone Hal
Hal and Sophie 1 a normallife
j Ti m 1 a brother ca ll ed David ... f change their clothes again
k Hal and Sophie 1 big houses .
d Hal 1 a bicycle?
k drive Hal to the church
Verb + infinitive or - ing form lndefinite pronouns: people and things
We use the gerund {- ing form) after verbs, such as finish, go, and /ove. We use indefinite pronouns to talk about people and things when we don't say who
Let's finish filming this scene. or what exactly. The ending - one means the same as - body.
We use the infinitive with to after these verbs: want, wou/d like, need, forget, people things
remember, and learn. someone/somebody something Somebody recognizes Tim - Freddie'
Ha/ wants to marry her soon. no one/nobody nothing Tim /oves Ha/'s job because nobody recognizes him.
We can use a gerund or infinitive with to after sorne verbs, such as like and begin. everyone/ everybody everything Ha/ te/ls Tim everything about Ha/ Tanner
1/ike helping people. 1/ike to help people.
6 Choose the correct words to complete the texts.
5 Match the parts of the sentences. Who says these things? Write Hal or Tim. Hal wants to leave the desert. He te lis a) _!!Jl-8111!1everybody in
a l like . h~lpiV)g _ .p~_<?pl~ , . [!Q] .Ti.m .. the film crew, '1 must leave.' But b) nobody/someone listens
b 1 lave being .. . 0 .... .... . to him so he takes Tim 's jeep. e) Everyone/Somebody looks
e 1 can go ... 0 .... ..... for Hal, but they can't find him . Later, Hal is driving through the
d 1 want to wear . .. 0 ....... desert. '1 don't recognize a thingt· he thinks. Suddenly the jeep
e 1 need to . .. 0 ........ . stops because it needs gas. Hal is late for his wedding, and
f Sometimes 1 would like 0 .... ..... he can do d) nothing/something about it. But then he sees
g l lave .. . D .. e) nothing/something. lt's a truck. Maybe f) nobody/
h 1 don't want anyone . 0 .. ... ... somebody in the truck can help him?
Don't forget .. . 0 .. .. .....
j 1 like Sophie, but . .. 0 ..... .. .. Normally g) no one/everyone knows Tim because he's a
k 1 can't leave befo re they .. . 0 .. .. ... .. famous movie star. But now he's got Hal's hair and Hal's
1 Remember ... 0 .... .... . glasses, and h) somebody/no one recognizes him. He's
standing in the church and i) everybody/nothing is looking
1 arrive at the church on time . 7 finish filming the scene. at him. He can't marry Sophie: he must say j) something/
2 glasses all the time because people 8 to feed my dog Freddie. everyone quickly. Suddenly he shouts 'Stop k) everything/
don't recognise me. 9 to see me in these old clothes . someonet This can't happent' 1) Everyone/No one stares at
3 living in Tim's house. 10 hel¡;¡ iRg fJefl¡:J ie. him because they don't understand . Suddenly they hear
4 to meet me tomorrow near my house. 11 a famous movie star for a few days. m) everything/something outside the church . n) Someone/
5 to have a norma l life. 12 1don't want to marry her. Nobody opens the door. lt's Hal ... or is it?
6 driving in Tim's jeep
Possessive forms Question words
We use possessive adjectives to talk about possession. We use question words, how, what, when , where, which , who, and why in
information questions.
1 my
Why are you wearing those old clothes.':! Which one ofyou is Ha/ Tanner ':!
yo u your
Where does Hallive':! Wh o does Tim change p/aces with':!
he/she/it his/ her/ its
we our 8 Complete the questions with the question words in the box and match them with
they their the answers. Use sorne question words more than once.
Ha/ brushes his hair up. She is beautifu/ in her wedding dress.
Where Which How What Why When Who
We use 's and ' to talk about possession with nouns and names.
We use 's with singular nouns and plural nouns without -s, and ' for most plural a . \lv'f:IE?Y\ . does Ti m go to the wedding practice? GtJ
monkeys - Tim is working in the monkeys' house.
b .. do Hal and Ti m want to change places? D
Tim - Tim 's house is very big
e . does Hal usually work? D
We can use 's or ' for singular nouns and names ending in -s.
d ... .. does Hal think about Tim's li fe? D
Tim Hawkins - Tim Hawkins' new movie is called Desert Dog V
e ... . recognize s Ti m in Hal's clothes? D
Tim Hawkins - Tim Hawkins 's new movie is called Desert Dog. V
f ... does Hal leave Tim's jeep? D
7 Complete the text with the correct possessive form. g .... . does Hal get to the wedding? D
Sophie can hear the farm workers a) . .... - ~ . .. .. music. When she opens b) .. h . . happens when Sophie sees Hal and Ti m? D
eyes, two men e) ............ faces are staring at her. But which one is d) . .. .. .. ...... person does Sophie marry? D
boyfriend Hal, and who is e) .... .. new friend?
Hal te lis f) .. . . . ... . . . . girlfriend all about Ti m and g) .... adventure together. 1 Hal leaves it in the desert.
'But 1don't understand,' says Sophie. 'Tim Hawkins doesn't wear glasses.' 2 lt's really exciting.
'1know,' says Hal. 'Tim is wearing h) .. . glasses.' 3 She marries Hal.
'But where are i) . ..... . .... . wedding clothes?' 4 Tbe ¡;¡igi::Jt sefepe 11 61'3 vveddi1 1g.
'Tim's wearing j) ..... .. .... . clothes and these are Ti m k) .... clothes,' says Ha l. 5 Beca use they want to have sorne fun.
'But why are you late for 1) . . .. wedding?' 6 She faints .
Hal tel ls Sophie all about m) .. . .. drive through the desert in Ti m n) . . . ..... jeep. 7 In a zoo.
'Wel l, you're here now. That's the important thing,' says Sophie. 'And welcome to 8 Hal's dog, Freddie.
o) ... wedding, Ti m' Come and meet p) .... . ..... . brother David.' 9 Sorne farm workers drive him to the church.
'1know q) ..... .. .... . family,' says Ti m. 'Remember the wedding practice last night.. .1'
Read Dominoes for pleasure, orto develop language skills. lt's your choice.
7 Retold by John Escott
The year is 1717.1t is abad time to be the capta in of a ship in the
Caribbean because of pirates. The most frightening pirate on the
sea is EdwardTeach, or'Biackbeard:
'The Governor ofVirginia wants us all deadt' Blackbeard thinks. 'But
can he kili me- the most fa mous pirate in the Caribbean? No!'
This is his story ..
PET 57-86
YLE Flyers/KET
YLE Movers
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Changing Places
Hal works at the zoo every day and his life isn't
exciting- until he meets Tim.
Tim is a movie star. He has a difficult life, and he
is unhappy - until he meets Hal. ·
But when they meet, and agree to change places,
interesting things start to happen. And, by
changing places, the two men learn what is truly
important in their lives.
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