Water Resource Engineering
Water Resource Engineering
Water Resource Engineering
Sources of water
Water requirements and its conservation
Introduction to Water conveyance
Introduction to storage structures
Drinking water parameters
Introduction and importance of water
Importance of water recharging.
Hydrology is the science which deals with the
occurrence,distribution and movement of water on the
earth,including that in the atmosphere and below the
surface of the earth.
Hydrologic Cycle
The movement or circulatory system of water on the
earth's surface and through the atmosphere is known as
the hydrologic cycle.
The earth’s water circulatory system is known as
hydrologic cycle.
Hydrologic Cycle is the process of transfer of moisture
from the atmosphere to the earth in the form of
precipitation, conveyance of the precipited water by
streams and rivers to ocean and lakes etc , and
evaporation of water back to the atmosphere.
Process Of The Hydrologic Cycle :
Some of the vapour is converted to ice at the peak of the
The ice again melts in summer and flows as rivers meet
the sea or ocean.
These processes of evaporation , precipitation and
melting of ice go on continuously like an endless chain
and thus the balance is maintained in the atmosphere.
This whole process is known as “Hydrologic Cycle”.
Thus, the Hydrologic Cycle may be expressed by
the following simplified equation.
Precipitation = Run off + Evaporation
Important Terms:
It is the process by which water on the ground surface enter the soil.
It is the product of condensation of atmospheric water vapour that falls under
gravity from clouds.Eg.Drizzle,rain,snow,ice,hails.
Run off:
It can be described as a part of water cycle that flows over land as surface water
instead of being absorb in to ground water.
It is the process of a substance in a liquid state changing to a gaseous state due to an
increase in temperature or pressure.
It is a branch of science concern with properties of earth's water and specially its
movement in relation to land.
Application of hydrology
Determination of the capacity of a reservoir from
the rainfall records and yearly discharge
observation of a river.
Determination of peak flow of a river. (peak flood)
Determination of suitable site for hydroelectric
power generation.
Sources of water supply in a town or city.
Methods to be adopted for the flood forecasting
and flood control.
Availability of water for navigation
Sources of water
The primary sources of water include: rainwater, surface
water (stored in lakes, streams, and ponds), and groundwater.
The distribution of water, however, is quite varied; many
locations have plenty of it while others have very little.
Water exists on earth in three forms
1. solid (ice)
3.gas (water vapour).
Oceans, rivers, clouds, and rain, all of which contain water,
are in a frequent state of change (surface water evaporates,
cloud water precipitates, rainfall infiltrates the ground, etc.).
However, the total amount of the earth's water does not
change. Owing to glaciers, rivers and Groundwater flow.
Water is essential to life. Without it, the biosphere that exists
on the surface of the earth would not be possible. The earth
is called as the ‘water’ planet, water's molecular
arrangement of water is very simple, two hydrogenatomsto
each oxygen atom.
One special characteristic of water is its ability to change
state very easily under earth conditions. It can be found
readily on the planet in all of its three forms, solid, liquid,
and gas.
The average annual rainfall in the country is 1170 mm,
which corresponds to annual precipitation, including
snowfall of 4000 Billion Cubic Metres (BCM).
Water resources % total water
Ocean 97.6
Ice and snow 2.07
Ground water 0.28
Lakes and reservoirs 0.009
Saline lakes 0.007
Soil moisture 0.005
Biological moisture in plants and animals 0.005
Atmosphere 0.001
Swamps and marshes 0.0001
Rivers and streams 0.0001
Total 100
Types of water sources
What is Source???
Place or thing from which something
originates or can be obtained.
The available fresh water is continuously collected ,
purified and distributed through the Hydrological
Cycle as explained.
Thus water which is available as fresh water comes
from inland surface water sources (rivers, streams,
lakes and reservoir) and ground water sources.
Surface Sub-Surface
A)Surface water :
Surface water is any body of water above ground, including sea water,
streams, rivers, ponds, lakes and reservoirs.
Most surface water originates directly from precipitation in the form of rainfall
or snow. The various surface water sources are described as under ;
(I) Sea water :
Aquifer and water table??
The water table and an aquifer are terms used when discussing
Ground water.
The major difference between the two terms is that the water
table references a specific portion of groundwater and an aquifer is all
the groundwater present in the area.
(A)Unconfined Aquifer :
An Unconfined Aquifer is one in which a free water surface i.e, a water table
exists. So it also known as water table Aquifer.
In such an aquifer, the water table varies in undulating form and in slope.
Recharge of this aquifer takes place through infiltration of precipition from
the ground surface.
A well driven into an unconfined Aquifer will indicate a static water level
corresponding to the water table level at that location.
a well drilled in this type of aquifer is known as a “WATER TABLE
(B) Confined Aquifer :
Water Wells :
A Water Well is a hole or shaft , usually vertical , excavated in the
earth for bringing ground water to the surface.
(1)Tube Wells :
A tube well is a long pipe sunk into the
ground intercepting one or more water bearing
Diameter : 80mm to 600mm
two types of tube wells :
(i) Shallow tube Wells : Depth - 30 m,
Yield - 20 m3 / hour
(ii)Deep tube Wells : Max Depth - 600m
Yield - 800 m3 / hour
(2)Open wells or Dug Wells :
Water requirements for municipal supply
Use Liters/day/person
Domestic 135
Industrial use 50
Commercial 20
Public utility 10
Water losses 55
total 270
Water requirements for hydropower
Hydroelectric power is generated by running the turbine
blades by the energy of the following water and thus the
generation of electricity from the generator coupled to
the turbine.
Water requirements for navigation
Navigation is important use of water ,which provides
us transport without any consumption of water.
Water requirements for recreation
The basic requirements for recreation is that boating ,
fishing , swimming , and other water sport.
Conservation of water
• The most essential among all the natural resources on earth is
water. Rainwater is a precious gift of nature. A step to conserve
water is the step to secure the future.
• Over the years rising populations , growing industrialization &
expanding agriculture have pushed up the demand for water
• The efforts have been made to collect water by building dams
and reservoirs and digging wells , Some counties have also tried
to recycle water.
So water conservation has become the need of the day.
• Water conservation is the most effective and environmentally
sound methods to fight global warming.
Life on the earth cannot be sustained without water,
weather of human beings, animals.
The demand for fresh water is increasing everyday and
the available source of good quality water is in the
form of precipitation only, which is more or less
So, conservation of fresh water is the prime need.
To improve the efficiency of use of water & reduce
losses and waste.
There are various methods used to conserve water
some of them as follows :
Domestic conservation
Industrial conservation
Agricultural conservation
Rainwater harvesting
Benefits to conserve the water :
Introduction to
A dam is a hydraulic structure of fairly impervious
material built across a river to create a reservoir on its
upstream side for impounding water for various
A dam and a reservoir are complements of each other.
Dams are generally constructed in the mountainous
reach of the river where the valley is narrow and the
foundation is good.
Generally, a hydropower station is also constructed at
or near the dam site to develop hydropower.
Dams are probably the most important hydraulic
structure built on the rivers. These are very huge
structure and require huge money, manpower and time
to construct.
Gravity Dam
• A gravity dam resists the water pressure and other forces
due to its weight (or gravitational forces).
• Usually made of cement concrete and straight in plane are
approx triangular in cross-section, with apex at the top.
• At present, it is second highest after Grand Dixence Dam in
Switzerland (284 m high).
• Koyna Dam (MR), Rihand Dam (UP), Sardar Sarovar Dam,
etc are few examples of concrete gravity dams.
• Nagarjuna Sagar Dam (125 m) is highest masonry dam of
the world. It is also the largest storage capacity dam of India
37 Koyna Dam (MR)
Advantages Gravity Dam
maintenance cost of a gravity dam is very low.
does not fail suddenly. There is enough warning of the
imminent failure and the valuable property and human
life can be saved to some extent.
Gravity dams are quite strong, stable and durable.
can be constructed during all types of climatic
conditions .
40 Hirakund dam (Orissa)
Advantages EARTH DAMS
can be constructed in a relatively short period.
are more earthquake-resistant than gravity dams.
skilled labour is not required in construction of an earth
are usually cheaper than gravity dams if suitable earth for
construction is available near the site.
Advantages Rockfill dams
Are quite inexpensive if rock fragments are easily
Can be constructed quite rapidly.
Can better withstand the shocks due to earthquake
than earth dams.
Can be constructed even in adverse climates
• An arch dam is curved in plan, with its convexity towards the
upstream side.
Transfers the water pressure and other forces mainly to the
abutments by arch action.
Section is triangular and is comparatively thinner.
It may have a single curvature or double curvature in the
vertical plane.
The arch d Only one - Iddukki dam (169 m high) in Kerala.
ƒExamples - Juguri dam (272 m), Russia, Vaiont dam (262 m),
Italy, Manvoisin dam (237 m) Switzerland.
Manvoisin dam (237 m) Switzerland
Advantages ARCH DAMS
An arch dam requires less concrete as compared to a gravity dam
as the section is thinner.
Arch dams are more suited to narrow, V-shaped valley, having
very steep slopes.
An arch dam can be constructed on a relatively less strong
foundation because a small part of load is transferred to base
Check dam
Check dam is a small dam ,which can be either temporary or
permanent ,built across a minor channel or drainage ditch.
They also lower the speed of water flow during storm events.
• A weir is a barrier across a river designed to alter its flow
characteristics .The weir is a solid obstruction put across the
river to raise its water level and divert the water into the canal.
• If a weir also stores water for tiding over small periods of short
supplies ,it is called as “A Storage Weir”.
• The main difference between a storage weirs and dam is only
in height and duration for which the supply is stored.
• During the floods the shutters may be dropped down to allow
51 water to flow over crest of the weirs.
• A barrage is the type of low-head , diversion dam which consists of a
number of large gates that can be opened or closed to control the amount
of water passing through the structure , and thus regulate and stabilize
river water in the upstream for use in irrigation and other systems
• According to world commission on Dams, a key difference between a
barrage and a dam is that a dam is built for water storage in reservoir,
which raises the level of water significantly.
• However, barrages are much more costlier than weirs.
Importance of Water :
Water is an essential commodity to all life Without water,
there can be no life.
Every living thing--plants, animals, and people--must have
water to live.
Water is used in almost all activities of life support systems
Water is a major abiotic factor in the environment.
The endless circulation of water between atmosphere,
lithosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere is known as
hydrologic cycle.
We get water from Precipitation of water vapour in the
Quality determines its Usage:
Water has its own taste, colour, smell and constituents.
Not all water can be used for all purposes.
Eg. Sea water can not be used by us for drinking.
The suitability of water for different purposes is
determined by its quality parameters.
The Quality of water is equally important than
Drinking water parameters
• Temperature
• Colour
• Odour
Physical • Turbidity
properties • Electrical Conductivity
• pH
• Total Dissolved Solids(TDS)
• Major ions
Chemical • Minor or trace elements
• Hardness
• Alkalinity
• Protozoa
• Bacteria (e.g. nitrifying bacteria)
• Fungi
Biological • virus
Properties • worms
water treatment ???
Water treatment removes contaminants and
undesirable components, or reduces their concentration
so that the water becomes fit for its desired end-use.
This treatment is crucial to human health and allows
humans to benefit from both drinking and irrigation
Water treatment is the process of improving the quality
of water by passing it through various processes. It
includes the removal of suspended solids and other
harmful chemicals so that it is safe for applications or
for reintroducing it back to the ecological system.
importance of water treatment
Water treatment is important to earth because the
availability of fresh water is limited in the earth and the
demand is high. It is important to protect the health– The
harmful chemicals, metal and other contaminants present
in water are dangerous for the health of humans and other
organisms living on this planet.
Today, it is not safe to directly use the water from rivers,
reservoirs, and lakes as it contains various micro-
organisms, pathogens, and other contaminants that have an
adverse effect on the health of humans, plants, and animals.
This situation of unhealthy and unsafe surface water has
generated the need for the Water Treatment Plant.
It is important to protect the health– The harmful
chemicals, metal and other contaminants present in water
are dangerous for the health of humans and other organisms
living on this planet. These harmful substances and toxins
lead to various health problems like asthma, cholera,
diarrhea, asthma, cancer, skin disorders and even death.
Hence, this will reduce the annual death rate of people
caused by drinking contaminated water.
It helps to ensure that water is not wasted – The wastewater
treatment plants use water discharged from households and
industries which is purified and discharged back to the
community and natural environment. Thus it reduces the
wastage of water.
It helps to restore the water – With this process, water is
reintroduced back to the cycle of nature.
Water Recharge & Its Importance:
Groundwater recharge or deep drainage or deep
percolation is a hydrologic process
where water moves downward from surface water to
Use of groundwater, especially for irrigation, may also
lower the water tables. Groundwater recharge is
an important process for
sustainable groundwater management, since the
volume-rate abstracted from an aquifer in the long
term should be less than or equal to the volume-rate
that is recharged
2 Marks:
1. What are the applications of hydrology?
2. Write the irrigation use of water.
3. Explain consumptive use of water.
4. Write classification of dams according to structural behavior.
5. What are the different uses of water?
6. Define the term: (1) precipitation (2) runoff
7. Explain domestic use of water.
8. Define the term (1) Dam (2) canal
9. Explain Sources of water.
10. Explain water recharging
4-6 Marks: