Hydrogeology PDF
Hydrogeology PDF
Hydrogeology PDF
ENE – 442
Water Pollution
What is Hydrogeology
Hydrogeology (hydro- meaning water,
and - geology meaning the study of the
Earth) is the area of geology that deals
with the distribution and movement of
groundwater in the soil and rocks of the
Earth's crust (commonly in aquifers).
The Hydrologic Cycle
The hydrologic cycle explains the exchange of water between
the atmosphere,
lithosphere and the hydrosphere.
Surface water also includes the solid forms of water-- snow and
This means that warm, humid air will rise, while cooler air
will flow downward.
Components of the Hydrologic Cycle
Precipitation - is water being released from clouds as
rain, sleet, snow or hail.
it can be absorbed by the plant roots present in the soil
and then re- enter the atmosphere by transpiration and
Zone of Aeration - Vadose
of Aeration, also termed as Vadose zone or
unsaturated zone, is that portion of sub-soil in which
pores are filled partially with air and partially with water.
The soil and rock in the vadose zone are not fully
saturated with water; that is, the pores within them
contain air as well as water.
Non Saturated and Saturated zones
Variations in the Water Table
Thedepth of the water table is highly variable and can
range from zero, when it is at the surface, to hundreds of
meters in some places.
its elevation can be mapped and studied in
detail where wells are numerous, because the water level
Interaction between Groundwater and Streams
The interaction between the groundwater system and streams is a
basic link in the
hydrologic cycle.
For this to occur, the elevation of the water table must be higher
than the level of the surface of the stream.
When this happens, the elevation of the water table is lower than
the surface of
Interaction between Groundwater
and Streams
Origin and age of groundwater
Almost all groundwater is a part of the
hydrologic cylce,
including surface and atmospheric waters.
(half life-12.33 years) is used for estimating
groundwater ages upto 50 years. 19
Water Bearing Formations
An aquifer is often described as a sub-surface
geologic formation(s) that is porous (store water)
as well as permeable (transmit water) and can
yield sufficient quantities of water to wells and
Types of Aquifer
A confined aquifer, on the other hand, is sandwiched
between an
aquitard above and an aquiclude or aquitard below .
Anisotropy is a common
property of fractured rocks
.The hydraulic conductivity in
the direction of the main
fractures is usually significantly
Aquifer Properties
Water in saturated zones and aquifers
does not stay still. It can move further
downward or it can flow horizontally
through the saturated zone.
Aquifer Properties
Porosity depends on the
mixture of grains and particles,
presence of cementing material,
over burden stress and
the presence of vugs
and fractures
present in soil or rocks
• For instance, small particles such as clays are able to compact more
closely together, reducing the amount of porosity.
• However, larger particles such as sand and gravel will have more
spaces available between
Aquifer Properties
Aquifer Properties
In the zone of saturation groundwater fills all the pore space
available between the sediments however only a portion of
this water can be removed by drainage or pumping.
Sr = Wr/Vt
Where Wr is the volume occupied by retained water and Vt is
the bulk volume of the soil or rock.
Aquifer Properties
The specific yield Sy of a soil or rock is the ratio of the volume of
water that
• can be drained by gravity after saturation to its own volume.
• Sy = Wy/Vt
Total porosity (if all pores are connected) is equal to the specific
retention + specific yield
Value of specific yield depends on the grain size, shape and distribution
of pores, compaction of the stratum and time of drainage.
Aquifer Properties
Storage Coefficient (Storativity)
Aquifer Properties
In addition to porosity (the amount of pore space),
permeability is another important factor needed for
groundwater movement to occur.
If the sediments or rock particles are composed of very small grains, such
as in clays and silts, the space through which water can flow is limited.
If sediments are comprised of coarser grains like sand and gravel, more
pore space is available.
These coarser grains also have less surface area, so less water can attach
to them, allowing better fluid movement.
With grains of many sizes, the permeability will be at medium rates. Fine
sediments fill in spaces between larger particles, reducing poor space and
increasing surface areas to which water can adhere.