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1 ‘‘(2) be eligible for, or hold, an appointment as
2 a commissioned officer in the Regular or Reserve
3 Corps of the Service or be eligible for selection for
4 civilian service in the Corps;
5 ‘‘(3) if applicable, complete a residency or in-
6 ternship; and
7 ‘‘(4) sign and submit to the Secretary a written
8 contract (described in subsection (c)) to serve full-
9 time as a public health professional for the period of
10 obligated service described in subsection (c)(2).
11 ‘‘(c) CONTRACT.—The written contract between the
12 Secretary and an individual under subsection (b)(4) shall
13 contain—
14 ‘‘(1) an agreement by the Secretary to repay on
15 behalf of the individual loans incurred by the indi-
16 vidual in the pursuit of the relevant public health
17 workforce educational degree in accordance with the
18 terms of the contract;
19 ‘‘(2) an agreement by the individual to serve
20 full-time as a public health professional for a period
21 of time equal to 2 years or such longer period as the
22 individual may agree to; and
23 ‘‘(3) in the case of an individual described in
24 subsection (b)(1)(C) who is in the final year of study
25 and who has accepted employment as a public health

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1 professional, in accordance with subsection 340L(c),
2 an agreement on the part of the individual to com-
3 plete the education or training, maintain an accept-
4 able level of academic standing (as determined by
5 the educational institution offering the course of
6 study or training), and serve the period of obligated
7 service described in paragraph (2).
8 ‘‘(d) PAYMENTS.—
9 ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—A loan repayment provided
10 for an individual under a written contract under the
11 Program shall consist of payment, in accordance
12 with paragraph (2), on behalf of the individual of
13 the principal, interest, and related expenses on gov-
14 ernment and commercial loans received by the indi-
15 vidual regarding the undergraduate or graduate edu-
16 cation of the individual (or both), which loans were
17 made for reasonable educational expenses, including
18 tuition, fees, books, equipment, and laboratory ex-
19 penses, incurred by the individual.

21 ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—For each year of obli-

22 gated service that an individual contracts to
23 serve under subsection (c), the Secretary may
24 pay up to $35,000 (plus, beginning with fiscal
25 year 2012, an amount determined by the Sec-

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1 retary on an annual basis to reflect inflation)
2 on behalf of the individual for loans described
3 in paragraph (1).
5 rangement made by the Secretary for the mak-
6 ing of loan repayments in accordance with this
7 subsection shall provide that any repayments
8 for a year of obligated service shall be made no
9 later than the end of the fiscal year in which
10 the individual completes such year of service.
12 provisions of subpart III shall, except as inconsistent with
13 this subpart, apply to the loan repayment program under
14 this section in the same manner and to the same extent
15 as such provisions apply to the National Health Service
16 Corps Loan Repayment Program established under sec-
17 tion 338B.’’.

19 Section 765 (42 U.S.C. 295) is amended to read as

20 follows:

22 ‘‘(a) PROGRAM.—The Secretary, acting through the

23 Administrator of the Health Resources and Services Ad-
24 ministration and in consultation with the Director of the
25 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, shall estab-

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1 lish a public health workforce training and enhancement
2 program consisting of awarding grants and contracts
3 under subsection (b).
4 ‘‘(b) GRANTS AND CONTRACTS.—The Secretary shall
5 award grants and contracts to eligible entities—
6 ‘‘(1) to plan, develop, operate, or participate in,
7 an accredited professional training program in the
8 field of public health (including such a program in
9 nursing; health administration, management, or pol-
10 icy; preventive medicine; laboratory science; veteri-
11 nary medicine; or dental medicine) for members of
12 the public health workforce including mid-career
13 professionals;
14 ‘‘(2) to provide financial assistance in the form
15 of traineeships and fellowships to students who are
16 participants in any such program and who plan to
17 specialize or work in the field of public health;
18 ‘‘(3) to plan, develop, operate, or participate in
19 a program for the training of public health profes-
20 sionals who plan to teach in any program described
21 in paragraph (1); and
22 ‘‘(4) to provide financial assistance in the form
23 of traineeships and fellowships to public health pro-
24 fessionals who are participants in any program de-
25 scribed in paragraph (1) and who plan to teach in

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1 the field of public health, including nursing; health
2 administration, management, or policy; preventive
3 medicine; laboratory science; veterinary medicine; or
4 dental medicine.
5 ‘‘(c) ELIGIBILITY.—To be eligible for a grant or con-
6 tract under subsection (a), an entity shall be—
7 ‘‘(1) an accredited health professions school, in-
8 cluding an accredited graduate school or program of
9 public health; nursing; health administration, man-
10 agement, or policy; preventive medicine; laboratory
11 science; veterinary medicine; or dental medicine;
12 ‘‘(2) a State, local, or tribal health department;
13 ‘‘(3) a public or private nonprofit entity; or
14 ‘‘(4) a consortium of 2 or more entities de-
15 scribed in paragraphs (1) through (3).
16 ‘‘(d) PREFERENCE.—In awarding grants or contracts
17 under this section, the Secretary shall give preference to
18 entities that have a demonstrated record of the following:
19 ‘‘(1) Training the greatest percentage, or sig-
20 nificantly improving the percentage, of public health
21 professionals who serve in underserved communities.
22 ‘‘(2) Training individuals who are from under-
23 represented minority groups or disadvantaged back-
24 grounds.

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1 ‘‘(3) Training individuals in public health spe-
2 cialties experiencing a significant shortage of public
3 health professionals (as determined by the Sec-
4 retary).
5 ‘‘(4) Training the greatest percentage, or sig-
6 nificantly improving the percentage, of public health
7 professionals serving in the Federal Government or
8 a State, local, or tribal government.
9 ‘‘(e) REPORT.—The Secretary shall submit to the
10 Congress an annual report on the program carried out
11 under this section.’’.

13 Section 766 (42 U.S.C. 295a) is amended—

14 (1) in subsection (b)(1), by striking ‘‘in further-
15 ance of the goals established by the Secretary for
16 the year 2000’’ and inserting ‘‘in furtherance of the
17 goals established by the Secretary in the national
18 prevention and wellness strategy under section
19 3121’’; and
20 (2) by adding at the end the following:
21 ‘‘(d) REPORT.—The Secretary shall submit to the
22 Congress an annual report on the program carried out
23 under this section.’’.

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3 Section 768 (42 U.S.C. 295c) is amended to read as

4 follows:


7 ‘‘(a) GRANTS.—The Secretary, acting through the

8 Administrator of the Health Resources and Services Ad-
9 ministration and in consultation with the Director of the
10 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, shall award
11 grants to, or enter into contracts with, eligible entities to
12 provide training to graduate medical residents in preven-
13 tive medicine specialties.
14 ‘‘(b) ELIGIBILITY.—To be eligible for a grant or con-
15 tract under subsection (a), an entity shall be—
16 ‘‘(1) an accredited school of public health or
17 school of medicine or osteopathic medicine;
18 ‘‘(2) an accredited public or private hospital;
19 ‘‘(3) a State, local, or tribal health department;
20 or
21 ‘‘(4) a consortium of 2 or more entities de-
22 scribed in paragraphs (1) through (3).
23 ‘‘(c) USE OF FUNDS.—Amounts received under a
24 grant or contract under this section shall be used to—
25 ‘‘(1) plan, develop (including the development of
26 curricula), operate, or participate in an accredited
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1 residency or internship program in preventive medi-
2 cine or public health;
3 ‘‘(2) defray the costs of practicum experiences,
4 as required in such a program; and
5 ‘‘(3) establish, maintain, or improve—
6 ‘‘(A) academic administrative units (in-
7 cluding departments, divisions, or other appro-
8 priate units) in preventive medicine and public
9 health; or
10 ‘‘(B) programs that improve clinical teach-
11 ing in preventive medicine and public health.
12 ‘‘(d) REPORT.—The Secretary shall submit to the
13 Congress an annual report on the program carried out
14 under this section.’’.

16 (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 799C, as added by section

17 2216 of this Act, is amended by adding at the end the
18 following:
19 ‘‘(b) PUBLIC HEALTH WORKFORCE.—For the pur-
20 pose of carrying out subpart XII of part D of title III
21 and sections 765, 766, and 768, in addition to any other
22 amounts authorized to be appropriated for such purpose,
23 there are authorized to be appropriated, out of any monies
24 in the Public Health Investment Fund, the following:
25 ‘‘(1) $51,000,000 for fiscal year 2010.

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