This document outlines guidelines for the employment of migratory sugarcane workers (MSWs) in the Philippines. Key points include:
- MSWs have rights to minimum wage, benefits like SS, PhilHealth and Pag-IBIG, occupational safety protections, adequate housing, and 13th month pay.
- Employers are responsible for the welfare and transport of MSWs and must comply with labor laws regarding wages, deductions, prohibitions on child labor and labor-only contracting.
- The Department of Labor and Employment will enforce labor standards and monitor compliance through a management information system and regional office oversight, with penalties for employers who violate the guidelines.
This document outlines guidelines for the employment of migratory sugarcane workers (MSWs) in the Philippines. Key points include:
- MSWs have rights to minimum wage, benefits like SS, PhilHealth and Pag-IBIG, occupational safety protections, adequate housing, and 13th month pay.
- Employers are responsible for the welfare and transport of MSWs and must comply with labor laws regarding wages, deductions, prohibitions on child labor and labor-only contracting.
- The Department of Labor and Employment will enforce labor standards and monitor compliance through a management information system and regional office oversight, with penalties for employers who violate the guidelines.
This document outlines guidelines for the employment of migratory sugarcane workers (MSWs) in the Philippines. Key points include:
- MSWs have rights to minimum wage, benefits like SS, PhilHealth and Pag-IBIG, occupational safety protections, adequate housing, and 13th month pay.
- Employers are responsible for the welfare and transport of MSWs and must comply with labor laws regarding wages, deductions, prohibitions on child labor and labor-only contracting.
- The Department of Labor and Employment will enforce labor standards and monitor compliance through a management information system and regional office oversight, with penalties for employers who violate the guidelines.
This document outlines guidelines for the employment of migratory sugarcane workers (MSWs) in the Philippines. Key points include:
- MSWs have rights to minimum wage, benefits like SS, PhilHealth and Pag-IBIG, occupational safety protections, adequate housing, and 13th month pay.
- Employers are responsible for the welfare and transport of MSWs and must comply with labor laws regarding wages, deductions, prohibitions on child labor and labor-only contracting.
- The Department of Labor and Employment will enforce labor standards and monitor compliance through a management information system and regional office oversight, with penalties for employers who violate the guidelines.
MIGRATORY SUGARCANE WORKERS legal tender, at least weekly or twice a (MSWs) month at interval not exceeding 16 days. d. Social Protection and Welfare Benefits – Reporter: Nikka Antipasado Peligro (1) SS, PhilHealth, and Pag-IBIG benefits, DO No. 159, Series of 2016 (2) applicable labor standards benefits, (3) occupational safety and health A. Objectives protection, (4) adequate temporary dwelling facility, and (5) 13th Month Pay 1. To integrate relevant provisions of DO-7, 7A, pursuant to PD 851. 7-B (series of 1976), DO 18-A (series of 2011), e. Termination – shall be governed by and DO 141-14 (series of 2014) in the Article 282, 283, and 284 of the Labor employment of MSWs Code. If the termination is due to the 2. To ensure the rights of MSWs as mandated expiration of contract or from the by the constitution and other applicable laws, completion of the phase of the job work rules, and regulations or service, MSW shall be paid with 3. To provide protection during employment separation benefits as may be provided both to the employer and workers. by law or employment contract. Termination shall be in accordance with B. Definition: existing law and jurisprudence. f. Security of Tenure – shall be enjoyed for 1. Adequate temporary dwelling facility – the duration of the employment contract. temporary housing for the MSWs which g. Right to Self-Organization – MSWs shall passed the evaluation of the DOLE – RO have the right to self-organization and to based on the evaluation checklist or form Unions or workers’ association. parameters h. Settling of Controversies – shall be 2. Authority to Recruit – document issued by settled in accordance with the existing the Secretary thru RD authorizing a person rules on dispute settlement. to conduct recruitment activities for local employment on behalf of a private C. Responsibilities of the Employer employment agency 3. Authority to Transport – certificate issued by 1. Responsibility – welfare and safe transport the RD after compliance on the of the MSWs from the place of residence. requirements provided under Section 4 of 2. Obligations these guidelines 2.1. Under the law: 4. Cash Bonus Fund or CBF – refers to 80% a. Free transportation share of the lien given as social amelioration b. Free and adequate dwelling bonus to the covered sugar workers, facilities including any and all incomes or interests c. Minimum wage depending on the derived therefrom locality 5. MSWs - sacada or migrant seasonal d. 13th Month pay according to PD sugarcane worker who is employed and 851 transported to another place, from one place e. Emergency allowance pursuant to another to perform agricultural service or to PD 1751 work in sugarcane farms; and cannot return f. Legal holiday pay pursuant to PD to his permanent residence on the same 928 working day due to geographic distance of g. Social amelioration bonus their worksite. pursuant to RA 6982 and RA 6. Terms and Conditions of Employment: 9367 a. Wages – shall be paid not less than the 2.2. Prohibition against Child Labor mandated minimum wage for agriculture 2.3. Liabilities of the Employer under the sector prevailing at place of work or Contracting Agreement RTWPB piece rate. 2.4. Prohibition against Labor-Only b. Deductions – no deductions except those Contracting that are authorized by law. Deductions for advances must be made every pay day D. Enforcement of Labor Standards and but not exceed 20% of wages earned for a Working Conditions – consistent with Article 128 specific period. (Visitorial and Enforcement Power) of the Labor Code, all DOLR Regional Offices shall enforce and monitor compliance with this Order for the protection and welfare of MSWs.
E. Monitoring and Reporting
1. Establishment of Management Information
System 2. Monitoring by DOLE – Regional Office 3. Compliance Monitoring
F. Penal Provisions and Sanctions
1. Sanctions – applicable penal provisions
under Social Benefits Laws 2. 1st Offense, Second Offense, and 3rd Offense