Words From The Secretary

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Volume 7, Issue 4 9 May 2018

Words from the Secretary

Craig Colombel [email protected]
The newsletter needs you. I need articles and news events written by you. You do not have to be a member
of the club to send articles to be publish. Send me emails([email protected]) on what you would like
to see in the newsletter and what you like or don’t about the newsletter. Visit our Facebook page and post.
Come to the meetings and lectures.
It is time to pay your dues. Dues helps the club bring lectures to the area.
We are now meeting at the Kenmore Library at 6531 NE 181st Street Kenmore WA 98028

1. Table of Contents
1. Words from the Secretary
2. Ring of Smoke Report
3. April Meeting Report
4. President’s Message by Evan Shuster
5. Magic Happening and Magic Shops
6. Notes to Self by Phil Reda
7. 3 of Clubs
8. Patrick Redford Lecture
August 2017 MEETING

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[email protected]
Ring of Smoke Report
The May 6 Ring of Smoke event was a fun event at Shawn O'Donnell's. JR and Ralph hosted the youth and
discussed many different ideas for performance tips and how they could fit each individual's persona to make
the performances appear as natural as possible. All of the kids jammed together and had a great time. The
planning for Mystic Pasta will be postponed, because Bruce is on the Big Island and is hosting guests until the
volcanic activity subsides.

Theo and Ben

The Ring of Smoke meets the first Sunday of the Month at Shawn O’Donnell’s in Everett.

[email protected]

April’s Meeting Report

April’s Theme was "Chaos" - Perform or discuss something where things seem to go wrong but turn out right”
The web site for the “3 of Clubs” convention should be up by the time you read this.

Jeff Dial had a video of an old TV commercial for us to see. It was an old cigarette commercial and one of the actors
was Tom Mullica.
Evan Shuster had a video by Johnny Brown performing Dog in a Box.
Ralph Huntzinger demo his Abbotts made rabbit hand puppet.
Craig Colombel show his rework of trick he showed at a previous meeting. Six jumbo size cards were brought out.
Five of them had flowers on them and the sixth had a picture of a bee. The cards were placed face down and the
volunteer mixed the cards. The object was to pick cards and only get the flowers, losing if the bee card appears. At
the end there was only 5 cards and the “bee card” had disappeared.
Payne had 4 metal rods with 4 numbers inscribe on each side of the rods. I.e. one side would have 1,2,3,4 inscribe
on it and on the next side 5,6,7,8 and so on. The volunteer picked two of the rods and pick a side from each and
added the numbers together, Payne wrote a number on a card and the numbers matched, this was repeated with
two rods again, repeated with three rods and finally with 4 rods. He then had the rods turned over and the
numbers added together matched a prediction card in Payne’s wallet.
Rich Waters told us about cleaning out his garage and he found and old finger chopper. It was a design with a hole
for the finger and a lower hole to place a toothpick. The blade would go through the finger and chop in half the
Evan Shuster performed CAAN. He had the first person think of a number between one and 52. Evan had the
second person cut a mixed deck and remember the card cut to. The deck was reassembled and shuffled. The
first person takes the deck and deals down to the number they thought of, and the card at that location is the
same as the card that the second person cut to.
Jeff Dial performed a card trick using a Sherlock Holmes theme. One card is removed and shown to the audience
and is Holmes, this is repeated for a card to be Watson. The volunteer picks a card and shows to the audience
before replacing. The volunteer places the Holmes card face up into a face down deck and does the same with the
Watson card. The two cards find one card in between them that is not the chosen card, but its value is use to count
down to the proper card.
David Calalhan brought in some old Linking Rings magazines to give away to any who wanted some.

After the meeting some of us went to a pizza shop for refreshments and more talk about magic.

Come to a meeting a talk, see magic and show off your magic.

Remember, to visit the club’s website, http://www.nwringoffire.com and also visit the clubs Facebook page:

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[email protected]

President’s Message -
Evan Shuster
May 2018

The May meeting will include a broken wand ceremony for our friend, Tom Payne. I’ve been thinking about
it a lot, as we get closer to the date. Payne provided me with some solid direction and a comfortable
format and joining me in the ceremony will be Tim Flynn and Brian Cook. I hope than many of you will be
available to join us at the Kenmore Library on May 10th, at 7:00 PM.

A quick note about the next few meetings:

I wanted you to know that May and June meetings will be at the Kenmore Library, but the July meeting will
be at the Shoreline Library, due to a scheduling conflict with an annual meeting.

As I mentioned last month, we have some exciting events in store over the rest of 2018. Patrick Redford
lectures for us on Saturday, June 2nd, and Shane Cobalt lectures for us on July 21st. Both lectures will be at
Shawn O’Donnell’s, at 2:00 PM.

October 19 – 21 we will be co-hosting the 2018 version of The 3 of Clubs convention, featuring:
• Rob Zabrecky
• Mike Pisciotta
• Carisa Hendrix
• Christopher Barnes
• Jonathan Friedman

The link to make hotel reservations at the convention price (and to ensure that we meet our minimum
room stays) is now live on our club website, and I should have an event registration page link very soon.
Keep an eye out for more details in the coming weeks, and PLEASE… show your support and register

Our year winds down with the final lecture of the 2018 season of The Can-Am Conjuring Lecture Series.
This time it is Rudy Coby, who will be at Shawn O’Donnell’s on Saturday, November 10th, at 2:00 PM.
That’s about it for this month. It has been a busy one, which accounts for the somewhat scattered feel of
this month’s message. I’ll end by simply thanking each of you for your continued support as a member of
the club, and for your attendance at our lectures and events. It really does make a difference.

Best regards,

Haec aut bene aut male cedent
“This may, or may not work.”

[email protected]

Magic Shops in the Area

Magical happenings
Below is a list of the Magic shops in the Area. None
have paid for this listing and if anybody knows of others Magic Monday! Magic Monday is an hour of magic,
let me know and I will list them. conjuring, & prestidigitation which stars magicians from
Seattle’s Market Magic Shop the Northwest region on the second Monday of each
Pikes Place Market month. Location: Ravenna Third Place Books in the
1501 Pike Place #427 Ravenna neighborhood of Seattle. 6504 20th Ave. NE,
Seattle, WA 98101 Seattle, WA. Time: 7-8pm Magic Monday is not only a
www.marketmagicshop.com great place to see local magicians doing what they do
(A store that many know about. In existence for 30
best; it is also a great place for YOU to perform. It
happens the second Monday of each month. If you want
Terjung’s Studio of Gifts to hone your magic skills, get in touch with Mark Paulson,
4547 Calif. Ave SW the producer of this venue ([email protected]). It is
Seattle, WA 98116 a wonderful chance to perform for an appreciative
(This is a gift store with a counter in the back where audience. It’s been standing room only all year.
they sell magic)
If you wish to perform contact Mark at:
Lakewood Costumes [email protected] or on Facebook at
5932 Lake Grove ST SW http://www.facebook.com/thirdplacebooksmagicmonday
Lakewood, WA 98499 ?fref=ts
(Mainly Costumes and Clown items, they have a
counter where they sell magic)
“That’s Impossible Presents” (Seattle’s Best Magicians)
Dave’s Killer Magic Shop That's Impossible Presents a Night of Magic, Mystery, and
1707 Main Street
Comedy, with your host: Tim Flynn Magic.
Vancouver, WA 98665
360-448-9022 2nd Saturday of Every Month. Hosted at Delancey's on
3rd in Renton. Doors open at 7:45, Stage Show begins at
9pm. Food & Drinks are available. Table-side magic
Brian Cook’s before the show from real magicians!

FunkyFun Magic Shop- Is Now

Twisted Monkey-Magic Shop
1101 Outlet collection Way
Auburn WA 98001

[email protected]

Notes To Self.........How to Talk to Anyone

By Phil Reda

As I mentioned I am making suggestions for your summer reading list that lay outside traditional
magic books. We all have enough tricks. The real magic is how we connect with the people we
are performing for.

Many years ago I read Dale Carnegie’s classic “How to Win Friends and Influence”. This was a
classic in the field of personal relationships and still read by millions today. But even tough the
material covered is relevant it’s basic flaw is there are no instructions on how to apply the
concepts. For example the book tells you to smile but then there are no guide lines like when to
smile, what kind of smile or how long to smile.

Since we are basically performing for the general public we need to make a connection and warm
them up to us instead of scarring them off. This month I would like to recommend a great read:

“How to Talk to Anyone: 92 Little Tricks for Big Success in Relationships “. By Leil Lowndes.

As the title says there are 92 tricks that you can apply to any social situations and are easy to
understand and each tip is a self contained chapter so you can pick and chose. The advice not only
will help you in a performing situation but all areas in your life.

Here is to a better you, until next time!

[email protected]

October 19 - 21, 2018

3 of Clubs Convention: SEATTLE

The 3 of Clubs returns for another spectacular weekend of magic! This year will be co-hosted by the
Northwest Ring of Fire (I.B.M. Ring #339) and The Fraser Valley Magic Circle (I.B.M. Ring #387)

Featuring Special Guest: Rob Zabrecky

Other Guests include:

• Mike Pisciotta
• Carisa Hendrix
• Christopher Barnes
• Jonathan Friedman

Lectures, shows, vendors, contests, flea market, and GOOD TIMES!

Double Tree by Hilton - Seattle Airport

18740 International Blvd.
Seattle (Sea-Tac), WA 98188
Early bird registration: (soon!)

Full website info coming soon!!

[email protected]

June 2nd, 2018, at 2:00 PM

Patrick Redford Lecture

"Patrick G. Redford" was born out of necessity in 2004 as a pen name of a Michigan based performer after
being asked to lecture to a group of performers. While it is no secret as to his real identity, Patrick prefers his
publications to be kept well away from the Google Monster when clients and the mere curious google after a
show. "Patrick" is "Redford's" real name, in fact his middle. The surname "Redford" stems from the town he
spent his first thirteen years of life. The "G." is better left alone.

Redford has made a career with his unique Mentalism and has caught the ears and minds of such notable
folks as Banachek, Derren Brown, Keith Barry, Marc Salem, Andrew Mayne and many others. He has
advised and created custom projects for some of the top names in our field and continues to produce a wide
array of material that is considered to be among of the "best of the best."

He has appeared at a variety of conventions around the world from IMX and Mindvention in Las Vegas to
South Tynside's International Magic Festival in England. He's been seen on Finnish and American television
and performed on stages throughout the USA, Canada, South America, South East Asia, and Europe. He
toured with Masters of Illusion Live with highlighting his "Mind Tapped Art" and also worked behind the
scenes helping to design one of the illusions on the world-renowned show The Illusionists.

Please join us in welcoming Patrick to the 2018 season of The Can-Am Conjuring Lecture Series!

Shawn O'Donnell's (lower level)

122 128th St. SE
Everett, WA 98208
NWRF Members: $25
General Admission: $30

[email protected]

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