A Message From Your President Master Payne
A Message From Your President Master Payne
A Message From Your President Master Payne
Secretary's Message
Magic portion: Jim performed a trick by Tommy James with a jumbo card. Talked about what he liked about
Halloween. He showed 5 jumbo cards 4 of them had a picture of a jack-o-lantern on them and one had a
picture of a spider. He said he was afraid of spiders and toss that card away. He then showed the 4 cards and
again one had a picture of a spider. This continue until there was one card left and this one ended up with the
spider picture.
Danny Dragon performed a reworked of a trick he did at a previous meeting. He had ask before help and
hints and incorporated them into the rework. He told a story about a inventor he knew who was able to turn
everything in your pocket into flat cards and with some magic made the flash drive picture on one card
become a real flash drive. He then change the color of the drive and with magic made the drive larger. He
again accepted ideas and suggestions from the group. A great example of how you can become better at
magic by coming to the club and getting help.
Craig had five spectators come to the front and gave four of them small bags to put a small personal item into
them. He had them place the bags into a large bag held by the fifth spectator. Had him mix the bags and then
had the bags one at a time to Craig who then look at each item and matched them to the owner.
Jens Henriksen our Canadian visitor took a packet of nine cards and had a volunteer pick one card of the nine
and then by spelling out the card or even a different card, found the chosen card.
Ray Roch our other Canadian visitor performed a tear and restore with a signed card. Then bent a spoon and
restored it.
Mark Paulson took from his pocket a toy fireman, performed and Pete and RePete routine with the fireman
going to his pocket and returning to his hand.
Vaclavha visiting from California performed a funny routine that ended with a card stab in a bag.
Jeff Dial handed out business cards to five spectators and had them write on the back a Halloween costume
that they wore that was most memorable to them. A six person collected the cards, mixed them then Jeff
proceeded to match the costume to the person who wrote it down.
Magic Mondays
What is Magic Mondays. It is a venue where you can perform in front of real people(not other magicians) and
find out in the real world how your act is received. It is held once a month on Monday(surprise) and you will
perform on a small stage in front of a family audience. It is a free performance but a great chance to hone your
skills in front of a appreciative audience. It is reported that there is usually a full house It is held at Third Place
Books in Ravenna in Seattle. They are always looking for Magicians to perform, if interested send a email to
[email protected] or call Fred at 206-304-1088. You be glad you did.