2.FB - Balkhu Design With Break - 41.5 To Send

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The key takeaways from the document are the design of a footbridge including beam design, load calculations, connection design and construction details.

The design parameters used for the bridge as per IRC 24-2001 include steel grade and properties, permissible stresses, design loads etc. Mild steel of grade 250 Mpa is used.

The load calculations done for the bridge include dead load, live load, bending moment and shear force calculations for intermediate and edge beams.

Detailed Design Report

Design Data
As per IRC 24-2001 : Steel Properties
Steel Grade ( Conforming IS 2062:1992 ) 250 Mpa (Mild Steel)
Modulus of Elasticity 2.11E+05 N/mm2
Shear Modulus 7.70E+04 N/mm2
Poisson's Ration 3.00E-01
Temp. Coeff. of expansion 1.17E-05 per deg. Per meter

Basic Permissible Stress

Axial Tension on net area 150 N/mm2
Axial Compression on effective section 150 N/mm2
Bending Stress 155 N/mm2
Maximum Shear Stress 107.5 N/mm2
Average Shear Stress 95 N/mm2

Design of Beam

Span of Bridge 41.50 m

Width of Bridge 3 m
No. of Beam 6
C-C Spacing of Beams 0.558 m

A) Bending Moment due to Dead Load For Intermediate Beam

Dead Load from 8mm Checkered Deck 0.370 KN/m 20% more for railings
Self Wt. of ISMB 600 1.226 KN/m
Total Wt. 1.60 KN/m
Max. B.M. 344.5 KNm
Max. Shear Force 33.2 KN

B) Bending Moment due to Padestrian Live Load

Load per Sqm of Footbridge 3.4 KN/Sqm
Load per meter 1.9 KN/m

Absolute max BM 409.0 KNm

Max. Shear Force 39.4 KN

Design BM 753.50 KNm

Design Shear Force 72.60 KN

Stringer : Rolled Section ISMB 600

Zxx 3.06E+06 mm3
Ixx 9.18E+08 mm4
tw 12 mm
tf 20.8 mm
bf 210 mm
h 600 mm
h2 45.15 mm
Wt./m 122.6 Kg/m
Required Zxx 4.86E+06 mm3 Extra Plate Needed

Required Area of each cover plate, Ap 3600 mm2

(20% Extra for Bolt hole )

Using 210 x 12 mm Cover plate (Bottom only) 140

Provided Area of each cover plate, Ap 4200 mm2 OK

Check for Shear

Average Shear Stress 10.08 N/mm2 OK

Check for Deflection

Detailed Design Report
Allowable Deflection 127.69 mm
Max. Deflection 53.60 mm OK
Detailed Design Report

Ckeck for Web Buckling

Web Slenderness Ratio 73.6
Web Axial Compression 111.5 N/mm2 (IS:800-1984, Clause 5.5.1)

Load Carring Capacity of Web under

Concentrated Load = 14718 KN OK

Design Output : ISMB 600 + 210 x 12 mm Extra Plate connected with staggered 16mm Bolt

Design of Stringer to Cross Girder Connection

Beam Part i ISMB 600 + 210 x 20 tw 12

Beam Part j ISMB 600 + 210 x 20 tw 12
Plate 500x250x12 thickness 12
Load from Beam i to Beam J 21.00 KN

Strength of Bolted Joint ( 16mm Bolt of Property Class 8.8 )

Strength of Bolts in double shear 38 KN
Strength of Bolts in bearing 12 mm web 53 KN
Rivet/Bolt Value 38 KN
No. of Bolt required 1 @ 100 mm C/C
No of Bolt provided 4
Detailed Design Report

Design of Footpath Bridge:

Design Data
As per IRC 24-2001 : Steel Properties
Steel Grade ( Conforming IS 2062:1992 ) 250 Mpa
Modulus of Elasticity 2.11E+05 N/mm2
Shear Modulus 7.70E+04 N/mm2
Poisson's Ration 3.00E-01
Temp. Coeff. of expansion 1.17E-05 per deg. Per meter

Basic Permissible Stress

Axial Tension on net area 150 N/mm2
Axial Compression on effective section 150 N/mm2
Bending Stress 155 N/mm2
Maximum Shear Stress 107.5 N/mm2
Average Shear Stress 95 N/mm2

Load Calculation:
Load per Sqm of Footbridge 481.51 Kg/Sqm

Steel Stair Beam Design

Clear Ht. from GL to Bridge Bottome 5.000
Column Head depth,m 1.000
Elastomeric bearing depth,m 0.052
Total beam depth,m 0.628

Bridge Top to GL Ht. 6.680

Stair @ 30 deg.
Landing Length,m 11.66
Beam Length 13.4
Width 2 m
Using 100x50x4 / 2 No Welded
Unit Wt. 0.00172 KN/m
Live Load+Dead Load 4.036 KN/m 90% coverage
Bending Moment 90.588 KNm

Required Zxx 5.84E+05 mm3

Zxx provided 6.01E+05 mm3 OK

Step Width = 250mm, Rise Ht. = 140mm No of Step 47 No of Rise 48 @ 139mm

Stair design 4
Detailed Design Report

Deck Level


All Leg for Landing braced by 50x50x6mm

4 Leg for Landing 100x50x4 Pipe

500x500x500mm M10/40 PCC Foundation

Stair design 5
Analysis and Design of Footbridge Ramp
As per IRC 21-2000
Contrete Grade M35
scbc 11.67 N/mm2
Direct Comp. Stress,scd 8.75 N/mm2
Shear Stress,scbc 0.335 N/mm2
Modular ratio, m 10
Modulus of Elasticity 3.50E+07 KN/m2
For Fe500, sst 240 N/mm2
Neutral Axis Factor, k 0.327
j 0.891
Resisting moment coeff., R 1.700 N/mm2

1.0 0.75 Deck Lvl 6.68 m
0.80 0.40

2.00 2.00 6.68

Foot Lvl 0.000m


Total Rise 6.68 m

Width of Ramp 2.00 m
Slope of Ramp 1/14
Ramp Length 50.00 m
Bottom seating 0.75 m
Top seating 0.75 m
Total Ramp length 51.51 m
Beam depth 1.0 m
Beam width 0.40 m
Ramp Slab thickness 0.15 m
No of Beam 3
Spacing of Beam 0.80 m
No of Cross Beam 10.00
Spacing of Cross Beam 5.72 m
Depth of cross beam 0.75 m

Foundation depth 2.20 m

Foundation width 3.6 m
Raft depth 1.2 m
Raft width 3.60 m
Live Load per m 5.14 KN/m
Live Load per m per beam 1.71 KN/m
Dead load per m per beam 12 KN/m

UDL, w 13.71 KN/m

Effective length, l 50.75 m

Maximum Hogging Moment 791.57 KNm

Maximum Sag Moment 570.68 KNm
Fixed end shear 133 KN
Mid support shear 174 KN
Ramp seating shear 113 KN

Design for Beam

Max. + M 570.7 KNm

Min. - M 791.6 KNm
Design BM 570.70 KNm Max. + M
Provided overall depth 1000 mm
Clear Cover 50 mm
Available d eff. of slab
using 32mm dia bar 934 mm

Ast required 2857.4 mm2

No. of 32mm Dia Bar 4 Nos. (Bottom Reinforcement) Throughout length
Ast Provided 3217.1 mm2 0.32% OK

Negative Design BM 791.57 KNm Min. - M
Provided overall depth of slab 1000 mm
Clear Cover 50 mm
Available d eff. of slab
using 32mm dia bar 934 mm

Asc Provided 3217.1 mm2

Ast required 3963.3 mm2
No. of 32mm Dia Bar 6 Nos. (Top Reinforcement)
Ast Provided 4825.7 mm2 0.48% OK

Actual distance between the rib bottom face upto C.G. of reinforcement 90 mm

Revised d 910 mm 60

For n calculation
0.5bn2 + [(mc-1).Asc+m.Ast]+[-dc.(mc-1).Asc-m.Ast.d] = 0 a 500 b 93296.4 c -5E+07
n 228.19 mm (Actual)
nc 297.57 mm (Critical )

Concrete Stress, c 8.03 N/mm2 OK

Compressive Steel Stress, c' 6.27 N/mm2

M.R. of the section,Mr 1138.50 KNm OK

Check for Shear

Design Shear Force 174.00 KN
Shear Stress 0.478 N/mm2 Design Shear reinforcement
Excess Shear 52.060 KN

Spacing required 843.5 mm

Adopted Spacing 200.0 mm

4 Legged 8mm Dia Stirrup @ 200mm 12.9 m from mid support in left and right

Check for Shear

Design Shear Force 133.00 KN
Shear Stress 0.365 N/mm2 Design Shear reinforcement
Excess Shear 11.060 KN

Spacing required 3970.3 mm

Adopted Spacing 200.0 mm

4 Legged 8mm Dia Stirrup @ 200mm 12.86 from bottom end

Cross Girder details Length Bot. Bar Dia Bot.Bar No. Top Bar Dia Top Bar No. Stirrup Dia Spacing 10mm Dia Spacing
Location m mm Nos. mm Nos. mm mm Side Bar No ! mm
Throughout for Intermediate X-Girder 1.85 16 4 16 2 8 300 4 300
Throughout for End X-Girder 1.85 25 4 16 4 12 150 4 300

Design for Ramp Foundation

Total Load from beam 399 KN
Pile cap load 373.2 KN
Total load 772 KN

Nos. of Row of piles in transverse direction 2No

Nos. of Pile in transverse direction 2No
Nos. of Row of piles in lateral direction 2No
Nos. of Pile in lateral direction 2No
Pile Dia 0.8 m
Pile length 7.0 m 0.8 m
Safe pile capacity 282.69 KN
Each pile load 193.00 KN Safe
(Raft bearing capacity is not considered, conservative design)

Pmax 193.00 KN
Pmin 193.00 KN
Horizontal force per pile 34.74 KN (Seismic case)
Elasticity of Concrete, MN/m2 3.15E+04 For M35 Grade concrete 3.15E+04
Moment of Inertia, m4 2.01E-02
SPT Value (conservative value) 6 ave Unconfined Shear Strength 37 KN/m2 1.52
nh or K1 . MN/m3 5.4 (IS :2911/Part1/Sec2-2010/Table 4)
Relative Stiffness Factor, T, cm 14.0
L/T 0.00 Short Pile

R 4.92 m
Embedded length of pile, Le 7.00 m L1 0.00 L1 0.00
Long FlexibShort Pile
L1 0.00 m
L1/R 0.00 Le 7.00 Lf 7.00
Lf/R 2.200
Lf 7.00 m

Fixed End Moment, MF 121.59 KNm

Reduction Factor, m 0.85 (IS :2911/Part1/Sec2-2010/Fig. 3, Fixed Head /Amendent)
Actual maximum moment, M 103 KNm
eccentricity 0.53 m
1/6th Depth 0.13 m
Large Eccentricity

Clear Cover, d' 80 mm

p 1.00 %
Adopted p 1.00 %
Area of Steel 5026.55 mm2
Area of Concrete 502672 mm2
Transformed Sectional Area 573044 mm2
Equivalent MOI 2.371E+10 mm4
Ze 59273060 mm3
Scc=P/Ae 0.34
Scb=M/Ze 1.74
Scc/Sacc+Scb/Sacb 0.19 <1.5, Satsfied

Using Bar of Dia 20

Nos. of Bar 17
Provided steel % 1.06%
Even Spacing 126

Shear Reinforcement
Shear force 34.74 KN
Shear Stres 0.07 N/mm2 Shear Reinforcement as per Code only

As per IRC 78:2000, Shear Reinforcement more than 0.2% of Gross Volume
Dia. 10 mm
Vol. of tie 157914 mm2
Spacing 157 mm
Spacing Provided 100 mm

Output: Pile Longitudinal Reinforcement Shear Reinforcement

Dia., mm Nos. Dia.,mm Nos.
20 17 10 71
Equally Distributed @100mm
Design of Ramp Pile Cap (Beam Theory)

Max B.M. 270.20 KNm

Eff. Depth of Pile Cap required 297 mm

Cover Provided 75 mm
Provided Eff. Depth of Pile Cap 725 mm OK

Ast required per m 968 mm2

Provide steel bar of dia. 20.0 mm
No. of Bar 16 Nos.
C/C Spacing,mm 230
Ast Provided per m 1396 mm2 OK

Stress in Steel 80.90 OK

Top Bar Bothway

% Steel 0.12 of gross area
Area of Steel per m 720.0 mm2
Dia. 16 mm
Nos 16
Spacing 230 mm
Ast Provided per m 893.6 mm2 OK

Output: Bottom Steel Top Steel

Main Bar Distribution Bar Main Bar Distribution Bar
Location Nos. Dia.,mm Nos. Dia.,mm Nos. Dia.,mm Nos. Dia.,mm
Pile Cap 16 20 16 20 16 16 16 16
@230mm @230mm @230mm @230mm

Design of Ramp Slab

Effcetive Width of Panel, B 1.60 m Assuming 1m strip
Effective Length of Panel, L 5.72 m
Thickness of Slab 0.15 m
Load on Slab
Load of Slab 3.60 KN/m2
Pedestrian Load 5.14 KN/m2
8.74 KN/m2
Eff. size of Inner Panel Slab(BxL) =1.6 x 5.5 9.152 Sqm

Total Load on Panel 79.99 KN

u/B 1.00
v/L 1.00
K 0.28
1/K 3.57
From Pigeaud's Curve, ( For UDL)
m1 0.037
m2 0.004

MB 3.01 KNm
ML 0.76 KNm

Due to Contunity effect,

MB 2.41 KNm
ML 0.61 KNm

SF 25.00 KN
Design Moments and Shear Force
MB 2.41 KNm
ML 0.61 KNm
SF 25.00 KN

Effective d required 37.65 mm 30mm cover

Provided depth, d 120.00 mm OK

Main Bar(Short Span)

Available d eff. of slab
using 10mm dia bar 115.00 mm OK

Ast required 98 mm2

C/C Spacing Provided 200 mm
No. of 12mm Dia Bar 6
Ast Provided 471 mm2 OK

Distribution Bar(Long Span)

Eff.d using 8mm Dia Bar 106.00 mm

Ast required 27 mm2

C/C Spacing Provided 250 mm
No. of 10mm Dia Bar 5
Ast Provided 251 mm2 OK
Check for Shear

tv 0.217 N/mm2

Allowable Shear Stress as per code,

K1 1.060
K2 1.000
tco 0.400 N/mm2
tv 0.424 N/mm2 Safe in Shear

Dia.,mm Spacing,mmCover,mm
Main Bar 10 200 30
Distribution Bar 8 250 30
Column Design : Ramp Breaker Pier
As per IRC 21-2000
Grade of Concrete 35 N/mm2
Flexural Comp. Stress,scbc 11.67 N/mm2
Direct Comp. Stress,scd 8.75 N/mm2
Shear Stress,scbc 0.335 N/mm2
Bond Stress,scbc 1 N/mm2
Poisson's Ration, u 0.15
Modular ratio, m 10
k 0.327
j 0.891
R 1.700 N/mm2
For TOR Steel, Fe500
Max. Allow.Tensile stress,sst 240 N/mm2
Max. Allow.Comp. stress,sst 190 N/mm2

Ht. 3.288 m (2m depth added)

Pier width 0.750 m
Pier length 2.000 m
Pier Cap width 0.750 m
Pier Cap length 2.000 m 3.288

Dead Load +LL from Bridge 435.60 KN 0
Dead Load +LL from Stair 47.06 KN
Dead Load +LL from Ramp 399.00 KN
Dead Load of Cap - KN
Dead Load of Column 118.37 KN

Horizontal Force 180.01 KN including sesmic

Moment at Foundation 591.87 KNm
3.60 1.20
Dia. of Column 0.7 m
Clear Cover 75 mm

Nos. of Row of piles in transverse direction 2No

Nos. of Pile in transverse direction 2No
Nos. of Row of piles in lateral direction 2No 10.0
Nos. of Pile in lateral direction 2No
Pile Dia 0.8 m 2.40
Pile spacing 2.40 m
Pile cap depth 1.20 m
Pile Cap width 3.60 m
Pile length 3.60 m
Pile length 10.0 m 2.40
2.40 3.60
Pile cap load 373.2 KN
Total Load 1373.2 KN
Safe pile capacity 374.38 KN
Each pile load 343.30 KN Safe
(Raft bearing capacity is not considered, conservative design)

Pmax 343.30 KN
Pmin 343.30 KN
Horizontal force per pile 61.79 KN (Seismic case)
Elasticity of Concrete, MN/m2 3.15E+04 For M35 Grade concret 3.15E+04
Moment of Inertia, m4 2.01E-02
SPT Value (conservative value) 6 ave Unconfined Shear Strength 37 KN/m2 1.52
nh or K1 . MN/m3 5.4 (IS :2911/Part1/Sec2-2010/Table 4)
Relative Stiffness Factor, T, cm 14.0

R 4.92 m
Embedded length of pile, Le 0.00 m L1 0.00 L1 0.00
Short Pile Short Pile
L1 0.00 m
L1/R 0.00 Le 10.00 Lf 10.82
Lf/R 2.200
Lf 10.82 m

Fixed End Moment, MF 334.28 KNm

Reduction Factor, m 0.85 (IS :2911/Part1/Sec2-2010/Fig. 3, Fixed Head /Amendent)
Actual maximum moment, M 284 KNm
eccentricity 0.83 m
1/6th Depth 1.67 m
No Tension

Clear Cover, d' 80 mm

p 1.00 %
Adopted p 1.00 %
Area of Steel 5026.55 mm2
Area of Concrete 502672 mm2
Transformed Sectional Area 573044 mm2
Equivalent MOI 23709224023 mm4
Ze 59273060.057 mm3
Scc=P/Ae 0.5991
Scb=M/Ze 4.7914
Scc/Sacc+Scb/Sacb 0.60 <1.5, Satsfied

Using Bar of Dia 20

Nos. of Bar 17
Provided steel % 1.06%
Even Spacing 126

Shear Reinforcement
Shear forc 61.79 KN
Shear Stre 0.12 N/mm2 Shear Reinforcement as per Code only

As per IRC 78:2000, Shear Reinforcement more than 0.2% of Gross Volume
Dia. 10 mm
Vol. of tie 157914 mm2
Spacing 157 mm
Spacing Provided 100 mm

Output: Pile Longitudinal Reinforcement Shear Reinforcement

Dia., mm Nos. Dia.,mm Nos.
20 17 10 101
Equally Distributed @100mm

Design of Pier Pile Cap (Beam Theory)

Max B.M. 480.62 KNm

Eff. Depth of Pile Cap required 396 mm

Cover Provided 75 mm
Provided Eff. Depth of Pile Cap 1125 mm OK

Ast required per m 1110 mm2

Provide steel bar of di 20.0 mm
No. of Bar 16 Nos.
C/C Spacing,mm 230
Ast Provided per m 1396 mm2 OK

Stress in Steel 92.74 OK

Top Bar Bothway

% Steel 0.12 of gross area
Area of Steel per m 720.0 mm2
Dia. 20.0 mm
Nos 16
Spacing 230 mm
Ast Provided per m 1396.3 mm2 OK

Output: Bottom Steel Top Steel

Main Bar Distribution Bar Main Bar Distribution Bar
Location Nos. Dia.,mm Nos. Dia.,mm Nos. Dia.,mm Nos. Dia.,mm
Pile Cap 16 20 16 20 16 20 16 20
@230mm @230mm @230mm @230mm

Design of Pier

Pier Stem design

Total V-Load 1,000.03 KN
Total H-Load 180.01 KN
Moment 591.87 KNm

p 1.00 %
Area of Steel 15000 mm2

Area of Concrete 1.50E+06 mm2

Transformed Sectional Area 1.71E+06 mm2
Equivalent MOI 5.00E+11 mm4
Ze 1.33E+09 mm3
Scc=P/Ae 0.58
Scb=M/Ze 0.45
Scc/Sacc+Scb/Sacb 0.10 <1, Satisfied

32mm Dia, No of Bar 20 No @ 194mm

8mm Stirrp @ 120 mm
Column Design
As per IRC 21-2000
Grade of Concrete 35 N/mm2
Flexural Comp. Stress,scbc 11.67 N/mm2
Direct Comp. Stress,scd 3.00
8.75 N/mm2 0.75
Shear Stress,scbc 0.335 N/mm2
Bond Stress,scbc 1 N/mm2
1.00 1.00
Poisson's Ration, u 0.15 0
Modular ratio, m 10
k 0.327
j 0.891 1.00
R 1.700 N/mm2 0
For TOR Steel, Fe500
Max. Allow.Tensile stress,sst 240 N/mm2 Curve
Max. Allow.Comp. stress,sst 190 N/mm2


Ht. 8.628 m (2m depth added)

Pier width 2.000 m
Pier length 2.000 m
Pier Cap width 3.750 m
Pier Cap length 2.000 m 8.628
Pier Cap ave. depth 2.000 m
Cap depth for ramp 1.000 m
Dead Load +LL from Bridge 435.60 KN 0
Dead Load +LL from Stair 47.06 KN
Dead Load +LL from Ramp 399.00 KN
Dead Load of Cap 360.00 KN
Dead Load of Column 636.29 KN

Horizontal Force 338.03 KN including sesmic

Moment at Foundation 2,916.52 KNm
6.00 1.20
Dia. of Column 0.7 m
Clear Cover 75 mm

Nos. of Row of piles in transverse direction 3No

Nos. of Pile in transverse direction 2No
Nos. of Row of piles in lateral direction 2No 19.0
Nos. of Pile in lateral direction 3No
Pile Dia 0.8 m 2.40
Pile spacing 2.40 m 2.40
Pile cap depth 1.20 m
Pile Cap width 6.00 m
Pile length 3.60 m
Pile length 19.0 m 2.40
2.40 3.60
Pile cap load 622.1 KN
Total Load 2500.1 KN
Safe pile capacity 432.95 KN
Each pile load 416.68 KN Safe
(Raft bearing capacity is not considered, conservative design)

Pmax 416.68 KN
Pmin 416.68 KN
Horizontal force per pile 75.00 KN (Seismic case)
Elasticity of Concrete, MN/m2 3.15E+04 For M35 Grade concret 3.15E+04
Moment of Inertia, m4 2.01E-02
SPT Value (conservative value) 6 ave Unconfined Shear Strength 37 KN/m2 1.52
nh or K1 . MN/m3 5.4 (IS :2911/Part1/Sec2-2010/Table 4)
Relative Stiffness Factor, T, cm 14.0

R 4.92 m
Embedded length of pile, Le 0.00 m L1 0.00 L1 0.00
Short Pile Short Pile
L1 0.00 m
L1/R 0.00 Le 19.00 Lf 10.82
Lf/R 2.200
Lf 10.82 m

Fixed End Moment, MF 405.75 KNm

Reduction Factor, m 0.85 (IS :2911/Part1/Sec2-2010/Fig. 3, Fixed Head /Amendent)
Actual maximum moment, M 345 KNm
eccentricity 0.83 m
1/6th Depth 3.17 m
No Tension

Clear Cover, d' 80 mm

p 1.20 %
Adopted p 1.20 %
Area of Steel 6031.86 mm2
Area of Concrete 502672 mm2
Transformed Sectional Area 587118 mm2
Equivalent MOI 24429830231 mm4
Ze 61074575.577 mm3
Scc=P/Ae 0.7097
Scb=M/Ze 5.6488
Scc/Sacc+Scb/Sacb 0.71 <1.5, Satsfied

Using Bar of Dia 20

Nos. of Bar 20
Provided steel % 1.25%
Even Spacing 106

Shear Reinforcement
Shear forc 75.00 KN
Shear Stre 0.15 N/mm2 Shear Reinforcement as per Code only

As per IRC 78:2000, Shear Reinforcement more than 0.2% of Gross Volume
Dia. 10 mm
Vol. of tie 157914 mm2
Spacing 157 mm
Spacing Provided 100 mm

Output: Pile Longitudinal Reinforcement Shear Reinforcement

Dia., mm Nos. Dia.,mm Nos.
20 20 10 191
Equally Distributed @100mm

Design of Pier Pile Cap (Beam Theory)

Max B.M. 1083.37 KNm

Eff. Depth of Pile Cap required 595 mm

Cover Provided 75 mm
Provided Eff. Depth of Pile Cap 1125 mm OK

Ast required per m 2502 mm2

Provide steel bar of di 20.0 mm
No. of Bar 54 Nos.
C/C Spacing,mm 110
Ast Provided per m 2828 mm2 OK

Stress in Steel 103.19 OK

Top Bar Bothway

% Steel 0.12 of gross area
Area of Steel per m 720.0 mm2
Dia. 16.0 mm
Nos 54
Spacing 110 mm
Ast Provided per m 1809.6 mm2 OK

Output: Bottom Steel Top Steel

Main Bar Distribution Bar Main Bar Distribution Bar
Location Nos. Dia.,mm Nos. Dia.,mm Nos. Dia.,mm Nos. Dia.,mm
Pile Cap 54 20 32 20 54 16 32 16
@110mm @110mm @110mm @110mm

Design of Pier

Cap design as Corbel

Vertical Force 399.00 KN

As 5180 mm2 (Detailed design : Separate sheet)

Dia. 25 mm
No. of Bar 11 For 2000 mm width
Spacing 200 mm

Ah 2496
Dia. 25 mm
No. of Bar 6
Spacing 140 mm

Pier Stem design

Total V-Load 1,877.95 KN
Total H-Load 338.03 KN
Moment 2,916.52 KNm

p 1.00 %
Area of Steel 40000 mm2

Area of Concrete 4.00E+06 mm2

Transformed Sectional Area 4.56E+06 mm2
Equivalent MOI 1.33E+12 mm4
Ze 1.33E+09 mm3
Scc=P/Ae 0.41
Scb=M/Ze 2.19
Scc/Sacc+Scb/Sacb 0.23 <1, Satisfied

32mm Dia, No of Bar 51 No @ 154mm

12mm Stirrp @ 120 mm
Corbel Design Spreadsheet

(2/3 Avf +

Design Information
(e = 100 mm)-min.
fc' = 35 Mpa
fy = 500 Mpa
Vf = 399 kN
Nf = 80 kN (Min. 0.2 Vf, Max. 1.0 Vf)

Lp = 750 mm (Corbel Projection) (2/3) Avf =

a= 375 mm (Typ. 0.75 Lp)
h= 1000 mm (Overall Corbel Height)
d= 925 mm
b= 2000 mm (Corbel Width)
Lc = 2000 mm (Column Depth)
c= 40 mm (Cover to back of As bars)
fc = 0.70 e c
ag = 20 mm (Aggregate size, mm)

a/d = 0.405 (Should be < 1.0)


Page 1 of 2
vr,max = 6.13 Mpa Vr,max = 12260 kN (Should be < Vf)


Af = 510 mm2 An = 188 mm2 As = Af+An 698 mm2

As = 5180 mm2

26 15M bars
18 20M bars
11 25M bars
8 30M bars
6 35M bars
- Make sure As bars fit
(See pg. 3 for min spcg)

Avf = -2043 mm2 An = 188 mm2 As = Af+An -1174 mm2

(2/3) Avf = -1362 mm2

As,min = 5180 mm2

Ah = 2496 mm2 (2/3)d = 617 mm

Add 13 10M corbel ties within of the As steel (Equally spaced)

Page 2 of 2
Ramp Pile (1 No.)

Bar Total Kg
Description Bars Sketch Spacing,mm No Dia, mm Length, m Wt kg/m
Upto 8mm Ø 10-16mm Ø >16mmØ

17No., Evenly

PLP1 Pile Main Bar Distributed @ 68 20 8.100 2.47 1,360.5
126mm C/C


PLP2 Pile Stirrup 50 @ 100mm 312 10 2.111 0.62 408.4

PPC1 Pile Cap Bottom Bar 200 3450 200 @ 230mm 16 20 3.850 2.47 152.2

PPC2 Pile Cap Bottom Bar 200 3450 200 @ 230mm 16 20 3.850 2.47 152.2

200 200
PPC3 Pile Cap Top Bar @ 230mm 16 16 3.850 1.58 97.3
200 200
PPC4 Pile Cap Top Bar @ 230mm 16 16 3.850 1.58 97.3
100 100 4 No. on each
PPC5 Pile Cap Side Bar 16 10 3.650 0.62 36.2
3450 side

Total - 639.2 1,664.9

Ramp (1 No)

Bar Total Kg
Description Bars Sketch Position No Dia, mm Length, m Wt kg/m
Upto 8mm Ø 10-16mm Ø >16mmØ

1920 400
R1 Beam Top Main Bar 24000 24000 2 layer 18 32 54.220 6.33 6,177.8


700 400
Beam Bottom Main 1920
R2 2100 24000 1 layer 12 32 53.320 6.33 4,050.2

1100 2100


R3 Beam Stirrup Bar 900 4leged 773 8 2.320 0.39 699.41


S1 Ramp Slab_Main Top & Bottom 259 10 1.940 0.62 311.5

Ramp 1940
S2 Top & Bottom 9 8 50.620 0.39 177.68
Slab_Secondary 24000 24000

Total 877.09 311.50 4,050.20

Ramp Mid_Support Pier & Pile (1 No.)

Bar Total Kg
Description Bars Sketch Spacing,mm No Dia, mm Length, m Wt kg/m
Upto 8mm Ø 10-16mm Ø >16mmØ


P1 Mid Pier Main Bar 4364 4364 @ 194mm 20 32 13.268 6.33 1,679.7
1600 1600


P2 Mid Pier Stirrup 1028 6 leged 82 8 3.596 0.39 115.00


Pier Top Transverse 1920

P3 @ 100mm 8 20 1.920 2.47 37.9


17No., Evenly

PLP1a Pile Main Bar Distributed @ 68 20 11.100 2.47 1,864.4

126mm C/C


PLP2a Pile Stirrup 50 @ 100mm 432 10 2.111 0.62 565.4

PPC1a Pile Cap Bottom Bar 200 3450 200 @ 230mm 16 20 3.850 2.47 152.2

PPC2a Pile Cap Bottom Bar 200 3450 200 @ 230mm 16 20 3.850 2.47 152.2

200 200
PPC3a Pile Cap Top Bar @ 230mm 16 20 3.850 2.47 152.2
200 200
PPC4a Pile Cap Top Bar @ 230mm 16 20 3.850 2.47 152.2
100 100 4 No. on each
PPC5a Pile Cap Side Bar 16 10 3.650 0.62 36.2
3450 side

Total 115.00 601.6 4,190.8


Bar Total Kg
Bars Sketch No Dia, mm Length, m Wt kg/m
Upto 8mm Ø 10-16mm Ø >16mmØ
A1-1 75 1850 75 16 25 2.000 3.86 123.52
A1-2 75 1850 75 32 16 2.000 1.58 101.12

100 250
A2-1 26 12 2.040 0.89 47.21

100 250
A2-2 72 8 2.040 0.39 57.28

A3 60 1850 60 60 10 1.970 0.62 73.28

A6-1 180 1850 180 16 16 3.460 1.58 87.47

A6-2 180 1850 180 12 16 3.460 1.58 65.60

A7 200 144 6 0.200 0.22 6.34

Total 63.62 374.68 123.52
Pier Pile (1 No.)

Bar Total Kg
Description Bars Sketch Spacing,mm No Dia, mm Length, m Wt kg/m
Upto 8mm Ø 10-16mm Ø >16mmØ

20No., Evenly

PPLP1 Pile Main Bar Distributed @ 120 20 20.100 2.47 5,957.6
106mm C/C


PPLP2 Pile Stirrup 50 @ 100mm 1188 10 2.111 0.62 1,554.9

PPPC1 Pile Cap Bottom Bar 200 5850 200 @ 110mm 54 20 6.250 2.47 833.6

PPPC2 Pile Cap Bottom Bar 200 3450 200 @ 110mm 32 20 3.850 2.47 304.3

200 200
PPPC3 Pile Cap Top Bar @ 110mm 54 16 6.250 1.58 533.3
200 200
PPPC4 Pile Cap Top Bar @ 110mm 32 16 3.850 1.58 194.7
4 No. on each
PPPC5 Pile Cap Side Bar 3450 4 10 18.800 0.62 46.6
Total - 2,329.5 7,095.5

Pier (1 No)

Bar Total Kg
Description Bars Sketch Position No Dia, mm Length, m Wt kg/m
Upto 8mm Ø 10-16mm Ø >16mmØ

Ramp Seating Main 3000

C1a Top 11 25 3.800 3.86 161.3

Ramp Seating Main 400 400

C1b 3000 Bottom 11 20 3.800 2.47 103.2

Ramp Seating 3000

C2a Top 6 25 3.550 3.86 82.2
Secondary Bar
400 400

Ramp Seating 400 400

C2b 3000 Bottom 6 20 2.300 2.47 34.1
Secondary Bar

C3 Footbridge Seating 900 Top_Main 11 25 10.700 3.86 454.3

C4 Footbridge Seating Top & Bottom 22 20 1.900 2.47 103.2

C5 Pier Main Bar 2900 Equally spaced 51 32 10.528 6.33 3,398.8


1172 6 leged in both

C6 Pier Stirrup 216 12 4.248 0.89 816.6

Total - 816.60 4,337.10

Government of Nepal
Department of Road
Bridge Project


Project : Saniveri Khola Bridge Construction
Location : Simili 2, Rukum

S.No Description of works Nos Quantity
L (m) B (m) H (m)
1-1 Insurance for the loss of damage to works, plant,
material, equipment property and personnel injury or
death and third party L.S. 1.00
1-2 Providing & Installation of bridge board of size 1.2m x
0.75m with wooden stands including all reinforcement
works & formwork complete (SS/SP-1500)
nos. 2.00
1-3 Conformatory Borehole and Foundation design review
as per special provision PS 1.00

2-1 Excavation for foundation through all types of soil
including relevant lift and disposal up to 20 m lead
- in abutment 2 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!
- in wing wall 2 #REF! #REF! 0.510 avg. 4.18
Total #REF! m³
2-2 Providing and placing machine mixed cement concrete
M10/40 for the foundation and footing etc. including
compaction, curing, testing and lead 30m etc. all
complete (SS/SP-2000)
Left Abutment 1 #REF! #REF! 0.150 #REF!
Right Abutment 1 #REF! #REF! 0.150 #REF!
Total #REF! m³
2-3 Providing and placing machine mixed cement concrete
M15/40 for the foundation and footing etc. including
compaction, curing, testing and lead 30m etc. all
complete (SS/SP-2000)
Left bank wing walls base 2 10.000 #REF! 0.300 #REF!
Right bank wing walls base 2 10.000 #REF! 0.300 #REF!
Total #REF! m³
2-4 Providing and placing machine mixed cement concrete
M20/20 for the abutment, pier, wall etc. including
compaction, curing, testing and lead 30m etc. all
complete (SS/SP-2000)
Abutment stem 2 #REF! #VALUE! #REF! #VALUE!
Abutment Caps 2 #REF! #VALUE! #REF! #VALUE!
Abutment base slab 2 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!
Back walls 2 #REF! 0.300 #VALUE! #REF!
Seats for approach slab 2 #REF! 0.250 0.250 #REF!
Approach slab 2 3.500 #REF! #REF! #REF!
Total #VALUE! m³
2-5 Leveling course over abutments for elastomeric bearing
with M30/20 concrete, and curing including supply of
materials and haulage distance up to 30m (SS/SP-2000) 4 0.700 0.700 0.100 0.20 m³

2-6 Providing, preparing and installing wooden forms for

vertical surface, foundation and footings including
necessary supports and removing after completion

Page 27
Preprared By: Checekd By: Approved By:
Government of Nepal
Department of Road
Bridge Project

A. Providing, preparing and installing wooden forms for

vertical plain surface (height 3-6m), including necessary
supports and removing after completion for walls
Right Abutment stem -
Rear face 2 #REF! #REF! #REF!
Front face 2 #REF! #VALUE! #VALUE!
Side faces 4 ### #REF! #REF!
Abutment Cap 2 #REF! #REF! #REF!
Back wall 2 ### #VALUE! #VALUE!
Total #REF! m²
B Providing, preparing and installing formwork including
necessary supports and removing after completion for
foundation and footings (SS/SP-1800)
Right Base slab
Abutment vertical faces 2 #REF! #REF! #REF!
Left Wing walls base 2 #REF! 0.300 #REF!
Right Wing walls base 2 #REF! 0.300 #REF!
Sides of approach slab 2 ### #REF! #REF!
Total #REF! m²
2-7 Providing and laying reinforcement including cutting,
bending, binding, fixing in position and lead 30m etc. all
complete (SS/SP-2000)
a) Reinforcement upto 8mm dia.
Right Abutment 2 #VALUE! #VALUE!
Leveling course on Abutments 4 - -
Approach slab 2 #REF! #REF!
Total #VALUE! kg
b) Reinforcement 10 - 16mm dia.
Right Abutment 2 #VALUE! #VALUE!
Leveling course on Abutments 4 #VALUE! #VALUE!
Approach slab 2 #VALUE! #VALUE!
Total #VALUE! kg
c) Reinforcement above 16mm dia.
Right Abutment 2 #VALUE! #VALUE!
Leveling course on Abutments 4 - -
Approach slab 2 - -
Total #VALUE! kg
2-8 Providing and laying Random Rubble masonry works in
cement mortar 1:4 including scaffolding, curing,
preparing cement mortar and construction of wall up to
5m height, lead 30m manual mixing mortar 35%
Left bank wing walls 2 10.000 #REF! #REF! #REF!
Right bank wing walls 2 10.000 #REF! #REF! #REF!
Total #REF! m³
2-9 a) Providing , laying and fixing of geotextile (filter
fabrics), lead 30m (SS/SP-2400)
Behind Right abutment 2 #REF! #REF! #REF!
Behind wing walls:
Left bank wing walls 2 10.000 #REF! #REF!
Right bank wing walls 2 10.000 #REF! #REF!
Total #REF! m²
b) Backfilling with graded filter materials in layer with
necessary watering and compaction, lead 30m, lift 1.5m

Page 28
Preprared By: Checekd By: Approved By:
Government of Nepal
Department of Road
Bridge Project

Behind Right abutment 2 #REF! 0.300 #REF! #REF!

Behind wing walls:
Left bank wing walls 2 10.000 0.300 #REF! #REF!
Right bank wing walls 2 10.000 0.300 #REF! #REF!
Total #REF! m³
2-10 Backfilling to structures, foundations pits, side drains,
etc. from excavated materials including compaction, all
complete. (SS/SP - 900)
Right abutment -
Volume excavated 2 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!
Deduct volume occupied by stem 2 #REF! #VALUE! #REF! #REF!
Deduct volume occupied by base slab 2 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!
Foundation extra gravel boulder packing 1 24.000 10.000 5.000 1,200.00
Below wing walls -
Volume Excavated 4.18
Deduct volume occupied by base slab #REF!
Deduct volume occupied by random rubble masonry
in left bank 2 10.000 #REF! #REF!
Deduct volume occupied by random rubble masonry
in right bank 2 10.000 #REF!
Deduct filter material quantity- #REF!
Net total #REF! m³
2-11 Providing and installing elastomeric bearing including
all necessary axillary and incidental works etc. all 4 4.00 nos.
complete (SS/SP-1900)

2-12 Providing and laying 10cm dia HDP (4kgf/cm2)pipe

(SS/SP -3100)
Abutment Weap Hole #VALUE! 1.000 #VALUE! rm
3-1 Providing and placing machine mixed cement concrete
M25/20 for the superstructure, deck slab, girder etc.
including compaction, curing, testing etc. and lead 30m
all complete (SS/SP-2000)

Deck slab , (Truss portion) 2 ### 7.200 0.200 #VALUE!

Foothpath Truss portion 2 ### 0.600 0.250 #VALUE!
Total #VALUE! m³
3-2 Providing, preparing and installing wooden forms for
slab and beam structure and removing after completion
(false work included) (SS/SP-1800)
A. Providing, preparing and installing wooden forms for
slab and beam structure and removing after completion
(false work not included) (SS/SP-1800)

Deck slab 2 ### 7.200 #VALUE!

Total #VALUE! m²
B. Providing and assembling in position false work using The quantities of Kerb and railing
timber for the construction of RCC beam bridges and posts has been deducted from the
removing after completion (SS/SP-1800) 2 total quantity of formwork for super #VALUE! m²
structure work

3-3 Providing and laying reinforcement including cutting,

bending, binding, fixing in position and lead 30m etc. all
complete (SS/SP-2000)
A22 -
0 -
0 -
0 -

Page 29
Preprared By: Checekd By: Approved By:
Government of Nepal
Department of Road
Bridge Project

0 (2.00)
0 -
Total (2.00) kg
3-4 Steel Truss
1) Fabricating and providing Hot-dip Galvanised Coated
structural steel truss components / elements including
nuts, bolts, gusset plates, shop drawings, facilities for
inspection & testing and trial assembling (SS/SP-2200)

Total for 60.8 m span #VALUE! Ton

2) Assembling and erecting fabricated structutal steel
components / elements in place including tying down
bolts, nuts, rivets etc. all complete as per drawing (False #VALUE! Ton
work included) (SS/SP-2200)

3-5 Providing and installing expansion joints including all

necessary axillary and incidental works etc. all complete 3 7.200 21.60 r.m.
3-6 Providing and fixing in position 50mm dia GI pipes
including fixing in position 2 246.000 1.000 492.00 Rm
3-7 Prepared enamel paint application in two coats in
addition to one base coat
Foothpath vertical face (outer 0.25m) 2 ### 0.250 #VALUE!
Total #VALUE! sqm
3-8 Supply and fix in position 100 mm dia medium class GI #VALUE!
drainage pipes (length = 70 cm). including fixing MS #VALUE! no.
Grid in position as shown in drawing (3100)
Total #VALUE! sqm
4-1 Road-way excavation in all type of soils with haulage
and disposal up to 1 km distance, all complete. (SS/SP #REF! m³
- 900)
4-2 Formation of embankment including excavation,
compaction in layers and watering, all complete. (SS/SP #REF! m³
- 900)
4-3 Excavation for foundation through all types of soil
including relevant lift and disposal up to 20 m lead
Making gabion boxes including cutting wire & netting
etc. Hexagonal mesh size 100 mm x 120 mm, mesh
wire-10 SWG, selvedge wire-8 SWG; Gabion
construction works including placing in position, tying
gabion by tightening wire closing from the top, tying
wire-12 SWG; and filling stones in gabion box,
including supply of materials all complete (SS/SP-2400)
Approach Road Retaining Walls 1 60.000 6.000 360.00 m³
Total 360.00 m³
Providing, laying, spreading, watering, levelling and
compaction of natural sand gravel sub-base grading as #REF! m³
per table 12.1 of standard specification with lead up to
10 m (1201) #REF! 7.000 0.200
4-6 Supplying and fixing in place RCC delineator and guard
post including excavation, backfilling, painting and 100.00 no.
erection etc. all complete (SS/SP-1500)
River Protection works
5-1 Excavation for foundation through all types of soil
including relevant lift and disposal up to 20 m lead

Page 30
Preprared By: Checekd By: Approved By:
Government of Nepal
Department of Road
Bridge Project

Beam 2 36.000 2.000 3.000 avg. 432.00

Aprons 2 36.000 12.000 1.000 avg. 864.00
Total 1,296.00 m³
5-2 Providing and laying reinforcement including cutting,
bending, binding, fixing in position and lead 30m etc. all
complete (SS/SP-2000)
For one side
R1 : 20mm dia 6 46.000 2.47Kg/m 681.72 Kg
R2 : 12mm dia 10 46.000 0.89Kg/m 409.40 Kg
R3 : 8mm dia 308 5.800 0.39Kg/m 696.70 Kg
R4a : 8mm dia 82Ave. 24.000 0.39Kg/m 767.52 Kg
R4b : 8mm dia 34Ave. 11.000 0.39Kg/m 145.86 Kg
R5 : 8mm dia 34Ave. 30.000 0.39Kg/m 397.80 Kg
R6 : 32mm dia 46 1.000 6.33Kg/m 291.18 Kg
H1 : 12mm dia 184 0.600 0.89Kg/m 98.26 Kg
H2 : 8mm dia 184 0.400 0.39Kg/m 28.70 Kg
Total 3,488.44 Kg
Total for bothside 7,034.28 Kg
5-3 Providing, preparing and installing formwork including
necessary supports and removing after completion for
foundation and footings (SS/SP-1800)

Beam 4 36.000 2.000 288.00

Lum Sum others 50.00
Total 11,822.52 -
5-4 Providing and placing machine mixed cement concrete
M20/20 for the abutment, pier, wall etc. including
compaction, curing, testing and lead 30m etc. all
complete (SS/SP-2000)
Beam 2 36.000 2.000 1.000 144.00
Slab 2 30.000 8.500 0.200 102.00
Hook 72 0.800 0.200 0.200 2.30
Total 248.30 m³
5-5 Backfilling to structures, foundations pits, side drains,
etc. from excavated materials including compaction, all
complete. (SS/SP - 900)
Below Slab
Below Slab 2 30.000 8.500 1.500 avg. 765.00
Net total 765.00 m³
5-6 Making gabion boxes (box size 3m x 1m x 0.5m)
including cutting wire & netting etc. Hexagonal mesh
size 100 mm x 120 mm, mesh wire-10 SWG, selvedge
wire-8 SWG; Gabion construction works including
placing in position, tying gabion by tightening wire
closing from the top, tying wire-12 SWG; and filling
stones in gabion box, including supply of materials all
complete (SS/SP-2400)

Around Abutments Right 2 36.000 9.000 0.500 324.00 m³

Total 324.00 m³

Page 31
Preprared By: Checekd By: Approved By:
Government of Nepal
Department of Road
EDRO-4, Dhankuta

Project : Saniveri Khola Bridge Construction
Location : Simili 2, Rukum Construction Period : 30 month
Rate Amount
SN Description of Works Unit Quantity
(NRs) (NRs)
1-1 Providing site office as directed by engineer during the
construction period L.S. 1.00 5000.00 5000.00
1-2 Insurance for the loss of damage to works, plant, material,
equipment property and personnel injury or death and third
party L.S. 1.00 150000.00 150000.00
1-3 Providing & Installation of bridge board of size 1.2m x
0.75m with wooden stands including all reinforcement
works & formwork complete (SS/SP-1500)
nos. 2.00 5564.46 11128.92
1-3 Conformatory Borehole and Foundation design review as
per special provision PS 1.00 400000.00 400000.00
Sub total 566128.92
2-1 Excavation for foundation through all types of soil/rock
including relevant lift and safe disposal (SS/SP-900)
cum #REF! 1421.40 #REF!
2-2 Providing and placing machine mixed cement concrete
M10/40 for the foundation and footing etc. including
compaction, curing, testing and all relavent lead etc. all
complete (SS/SP-2000) cum #REF! 7227.50 #REF!
2-3 Providing and placing machine mixed cement concrete
M15/40 for the foundation and footing etc. including
compaction, curing, testing and all relavent lead etc. all
complete (SS/SP-2000) cum #REF! 7960.68 #REF!
2-4 Providing and placing machine mixed cement concrete
M20/20 for the abutment, pier, wall etc. including
compaction, curing, testing and all relavent lead etc. all
complete (SS/SP-2000) cum #VALUE! 12300.83 #VALUE!
2-5 Leveling course over abutments for elastomeric bearing
with M30/20 concrete, and curing including supply of
materials and all relavent haulage (SS/SP-2000) cum 0.20 11790.86 2358.17
2-6 Providing, preparing and installing wooden forms for
vertical surface, foundation and footings including
necessary supports and removing after completion (SS/SP-
1800) sqm #REF! 429.34 #REF!
2-7 Providing and laying reinforcement including cutting,
bending, binding, fixing in position and all relavent lead
etc. all complete (SS/SP-2000) kg #VALUE! 103.55 #VALUE!
2-8 Providing and laying Random Rubble masonry works for
wall ,in cement mortar 1:4 including scaffolding, curing,
preparing cement mortar , all relavent lead manual mixing
mortar 35% (SS/SP-2600)
cum #REF! 6147.49 #REF!
2-9 a) Providing , laying and fixing of geotextile (filter fabrics),
all relavent lead (SS/SP-2400) sqm #REF! 171.47 #REF!
b) Backfilling with graded filter materials in layer with
necessary watering and compaction, all relavent lead and
lift . (SS/SP-2400,3100) cum #REF! 1370.78 #REF!
2-10 Backfilling to abutment with boulder, gravel, soil as per
drawing including normal compaction, all complete.
(SS/SP - 900) cum #REF! 177.68 #REF!
2-11 Providing and installing elastomeric bearing including all
necessary axillary and incidental works etc. all complete
nos. 4.00 31625.00 126500.00

Prepared By: Checekd By: Approved By:

Government of Nepal
Department of Road
EDRO-4, Dhankuta

2-12 Providing and laying 10cm dia HDP (4kgf/cm2)pipe

(SS/SP -3100) rm #VALUE! 324.83 #VALUE!
Sub total #REF!

Prepared By: Checekd By: Approved By:

Government of Nepal
Department of Road
EDRO-4, Dhankuta

3- 1 Providing and placing machine mixed cement concrete
M25/20 for the superstructure, deck slab, girder etc.
including compaction, curing, testing etc. and all relavent
lead all complete (SS/SP-2000)
cum #VALUE! 11274.45 #VALUE!
3- 2 Providing, preparing and installing wooden forms for slab
and beam structure and removing after completion (false
work included) (SS/SP-1800)
sqm #VALUE! 812.59 #VALUE!
3- 3 Providing and laying reinforcement including cutting,
bending, binding, fixing in position and all relavent lead
etc. all complete (SS/SP-2000) Kg -2.00 103.55 -207.10
3- 4 Steel Truss
1) Fabricating , transportation and providing Hot-dip
Galvanised Coated structural steel truss components /
elements including nuts, bolts, gusset plates, shop
drawings, facilities for inspection & testing and trial
assembling (SS/SP-2200)
Ton #VALUE! 192,251.44 #VALUE!
2) Assembling and erecting fabricated structutal steel
components / elements in place including tying down bolts,
nuts, rivets etc. all complete as per drawing (False work
included) (SS/SP-2200) Ton #VALUE! 43,774.29 #VALUE!
3- 5 Providing and installing expansion joints including all
necessary axillary and incidental works etc. all complete
(SS/SP-1900) rm 21.60 18089.50 390733.20
3- 6 Providing and fixing in position 50mm dia GI pipes
including fixing in position rm 492.00 695.75 342309.00
3- 7 Prepared enamel paint application in two coats in addition
to one base coat sqm #VALUE! 123.74 #VALUE!
3- 8 Supply and fix in position 100 mm dia medium class GI
drainage pipes (length = 70 cm). including fixing MS Grid
in position as shown in drawing (3100)
No #VALUE! 5000.00 #VALUE!
Sub total #VALUE!
4-1 Road-way excavation in all type of soils with haulage and
safe disposal all complete. (SS/SP - 900)
m³ #REF! 260.33 #REF!
4-2 Formation of embankment including excavation,
compaction in layers and watering, all complete. (SS/SP -
900) m³ #REF! 485.31 #REF!
4-3 Excavation for foundation through all types of soil
including relevant lift and disposal up to 20 m lead
(SS/SP-900) m³ 360.00 2747.11 988959.60
4-4 Making gabion boxes including cutting wire & netting etc.
Hexagonal mesh size 100 mm x 120 mm, mesh wire-10
SWG, selvedge wire-8 SWG; Gabion construction works
including placing in position, tying gabion by tightening
wire closing from the top, tying wire-12 SWG; and filling
stones in gabion box, including supply of materials all
complete (SS/SP-2400)
m³ 360.00 2747.11 988959.60
4-4 Providing, laying, spreading, watering, levelling and
compaction of natural sand gravel sub-base grading as per
table 12.1 of standard specification with lead up to 10 m
(1201) m³ #REF! 1425.41 #REF!
4-5 Supplying and fixing in place RCC delineator and guard
post including excavation, backfilling, painting and
erection etc. all complete (SS/SP-1500) no. 100.00 901.47 90147.00
Sub total #REF!

Prepared By: Checekd By: Approved By:

Government of Nepal
Department of Road
EDRO-4, Dhankuta


5-1 Excavation for foundation through all types of soil/rock

including relevant lift and safe disposal (SS/SP-900)
cum 1296.00 533.03 690806.88
5-2 Providing and laying reinforcement including cutting,
bending, binding, fixing in position and lead 30m etc. all
complete (SS/SP-2000) Kg 7034.28 103.55 728399.69
5-3 Providing, preparing and installing formwork including
necessary supports and removing after completion for
foundation and footings (SS/SP-1800) Sqm 11822.52 429.34 5075880.74
5-4 Providing and placing machine mixed cement concrete
M20/20 for the abutment, pier, wall etc. including
compaction, curing, testing and lead 30m etc. all complete
(SS/SP-2000) Cum 248.30 12300.83 3054296.09
5-5 Backfilling to structures, foundations pits, side drains, etc.
from excavated materials including compaction, all
complete. (SS/SP - 900) Cum 765.00 177.68 135925.20
5-6 Making gabion boxes (box size 3m x 1m x 0.5m) including
cutting wire & netting etc. Hexagonal mesh size 100 mm x
120 mm, mesh wire-10 SWG, selvedge wire-8 SWG;
Gabion construction works including placing in position,
tying gabion by tightening wire closing from the top, tying
wire-12 SWG; and filling stones in gabion box, including
supply of materials all complete (SS/SP-2400)

Cum 324.00 3295.42 1067716.08

Sub total 10753024.68
Total A #REF!
Add 5%[of A] contingencies [B] #REF!
Add13%[of A] for VAT [C] #REF!
Total [D] #REF!
Provision for price adjustment @ 10% of Total B #REF!
Provision for physical contingency @10% of Table B #REF!

Prepared By: Checekd By: Approved By:

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