Western Blot
Western Blot
Western Blot
Immunoblotting . Principles
Article Contents
. Specificity Problems
Niels HH Heegaard, Statens Serum Institut, Copenhagen, Denmark . Applications
. Limitations
Western blotting is a method by which proteins that have been physically separated and Online posting date: 15th March 2009
subsequently immobilized on the surface of a membrane are probed for reactivity with
different types of affinity reagents, such as antibodies, receptors, are tested for the
presence of interacting proteins in pure preparations or complex mixtures.
Immunoblotting and the major steps of the procedure are described. It concerns the
most commonly applied separation technique: sodium dodecyl sulfate–polyacrylamide
gel electrophoresis (SDSPAGE); the major transfer techniques: semidry or tank blotting;
the many protein stains where the choice is depending on the sensitivity wanted and
selection of the right blocking procedure. Visualization of bound probes represents a
major issue as the variations are legio, but where the use of enzyme conjugated
antibodies for colorimetric, chemo- and bioluminiscence is the most applied ones. The
limits for quantitative use of the technique, the specificity problem crucial for a proper
interpretation and various application, are described.
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Western Blotting: Immunoblotting
Figure 1 General principle of electroimmunoblotting. Protein bands in a gel are electrotransferred to a membrane and subsequently probed with primary
antibodies. After washing, the bound primary antibodies are detected by means of enzyme-conjugated secondary antibodies that cause the development of
precipitating colour after addition of the appropriate substrate. Modified from Bjerrum OJ and Heegaard NHH (eds) (1988) Handbook of Immunoblotting of
Proteins, vol. I, p. 3. Copyright CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1988.
(microfiltration) or capillary action, or most often used by quantitatively and qualitatively faithful image of the orig-
electrotransfer where charged molecules are transferred to inal separation pattern with only minute amounts of pro-
the membrane by electrophoresis. tein remaining in the original gel. To ensure efficient
Diffusion is simple but too inefficient to apply for most transfer a good control is to always stain the gel for protein
transfers. From agarose gels transfer is easily achieved by a after the transfer step. For thin-layer chromatography
buffer flow, but precipitated proteins in immunoelectro- (TLC) blotting the transfer takes place by placing a 2008C
phoresis patterns must be dissociated prior to mobilization hot iron on a wetted PVDF membrane placed on the TLC
(Bjerrum et al., 1987). Proteins from isoelectric focusing plate (Taki et al., 1994). See also: Proteins: Fundamental
gels may be electrotransferred after addition of SDS (Stott, Chemical Properties
1989). Proteins separated in polyacrylamide gels are most The two types of membranes most often used are nitro-
often electroblotted. This usually works very well and takes cellulose and PVDF, which display only small differences
place either in solution or wet transfer (tank blotting) or in with respect to binding capacity and staining compatibility
a semidry buffer system using wetted filter papers sand- (Egger and Bienz, 1994). Their protein-binding capacity
wiched between planar electrodes. In the first case gradient appears to be around 100–200 mg cm22 and both may be
electric fields may make elution rates more uniform along stored dry at 2208C or 48C in sealed plastic bags for a
the gel (Gershoni, 1988). However, the semidry approach is prolonged period (a year) after transfer. The strength of
now widely used. protein binding to the membrane is an important variable
As transfer buffers, diluted SDS-PAGE running buffers in different applications. The use of membranes that binds
will often suffice (Heegaard and Bjerrum, 1988). Proteins less tightly is warranted for preparative applications and
are transferred toward the anode because of the anionic also gives a lower background in immunoblotting. PVDF
SDS and the slightly alkaline pH of the usual transfer membranes exist in different pore size versions designed for
buffers. Too much SDS may block membrane binding these applications (LeGendre, 1990). They have to be wet-
of proteins but 0.01% facilitates the transfer, especially of ted before use, e.g. in methanol, but are otherwise easy to
larger proteins. Addition of methanol up to 20% counter- handle and have a high chemical resistance. The main dis-
acts swelling of the gel and increases the binding of proteins advantage of nitrocellulose is its low mechanical strength
(especially small ones) to nitrocellulose; however, it when dry (reinforced versions do exist), less binding
also impedes transfer and concentrations should therefore of small proteins and peptides than PVDF and incompat-
be balanced for this. Highly crosslinked and thick polya- ibility with many organic solvents. However, nitrocellulose
crylamide gels and hydrophobic and large molecules membranes are relatively cheap, protein binding is less
take longer to elute whereas, conversely, small molecules sensitive to the presence of SDS than is the case for PVDF
transferred to large pore size blotting membranes may and background staining in immunodetection is less than
pass through the membrane if there is a local saturation of when using high-retention PVDF membranes (Ursitti
the protein-binding capacity. For these reasons current et al., 1995). Nitrocellulose also comes in different pore
density and transfer time should be balanced. After sizes and the larger pore size generally retains small pro-
adjusting parameters the ideal replica should be a teins less well. Fixation of the blotted proteins to
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Western Blotting: Immunoblotting
nitrocellulose may in special cases lead to improved reten- recommended for routine use. Dichromatic and trichro-
tion and detection. Special membranes like Paal FluoroT- matic approaches combine general protein detection with
rans have been developed with fluorescent-based detection specific (e.g. antibody-mediated) detection and are
(Koticha et al., 2006). described below.
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Western Blotting: Immunoblotting
reagents show reactivity in these cases and alternative antibody makes trichromatic detection possible using ul-
amplification systems, e.g. based on polymeric enzyme traviolet (UV)-illuminators, laser-based gel scanners or
conjugates with secondary antibodies on dextran back- charge-coupled device (CDD)-cameras. Fluorescent stains
bones may be applicable (Banks et al., 2003). See also: provide greater linear dynamic range for quantification
Antigen–Antibody Complexes; pH and Buffers (Koticha et al., 2006). Recently, use of fluorescent semi-
Many antibody-based detection systems have been conductor nano crystals or quantum dots have also been
developed to identify specific proteins, i.e. by colori- applied (McDonald et al., 2006).
metric, colloidal gold, chemiluminiscence, autoradigraph-
ic, luminiscence and fluorescent detection. The enzymes Quantitation
conjugated with the secondary reagents used for colori-
metric detection are most often alkaline phosphatase (AP) Immunoblotting is at best a semiquantitative technique
or horseradish peroxidase (HRP). The ensuing staining because of the numerous steps involved in the procedure
reaction for enzyme activity is based on precipitating before an antigen meets its antibody. Recovery of antigenic
stains. With HRP the 4-chloronaphthol or 3-amino-9-ethyl material can be highly variable at each of the steps involved
carbazole coupling salts with hydrogen peroxide are widely in the blotting procedure. In addition to quantitative
used, whereas AP staining often uses 5-bromo-4-chloro-3- losses, some or all of the antibody reactivity of the antigen
indolyl phosphate and Nitroblue tetrazolium to effect may be lost during the process. Thus, for quantitation in
staining. The AP-based stains appear to be a little more different blotting systems one must always take the vul-
sensitive and durable than the HRP stains. When a blot is nerability of the specific reagent for alterations of the an-
sealed behind plastic and kept in a binder, the AP staining tigen into consideration. In spite of this, direct visually
appears unchanged after 25 years of storage. The chromo- observed differences reflect quantitative differences of blot-
gens also differ with respect to their health hazards. En- ted antigens and blots visualized on photographic film can
zyme-based staining of bound antibodies has detection be quantitated by scanning with transmission densitome-
limits in the range 0.01–1 ng protein with the lower limits ters, whereas coloured bands must be scanned by reflect-
obtainable with AP-based methods and the higher limits ance densitometry or after making the membrane
seen with HRP. transparent in oil or other compatible organic solvent
Colloidal gold-labelled antibodies give a detection limit (Stott, 1989). Dot blots visualized by chemiluminescence
in the same range as HRP-based systems, but this can be can be densitometrically scanned and the linear range
improved with a silver enhancement step to get to the range identified. In the case of immunoglobulins a detection limit
of AP stains. In chemiluminescence methods enzymatic of 0.05 ng spot21 and a linear response covering two orders
activity is converted to light, which is recorded on a pho- of magnitude were demonstrated (Sulimenko and Draber,
tographic film (Durrant, 1990). Radioactive detection and 2004). Also, it has been shown that common flat bed scan-
chemiluminescence methods offer the most sensitive visu- ners may be used in combination with simple image anal-
alization by being 100–500 times more sensitive than ysis programs to achieve quantitative pixel analysis in both
colorimetric stains (Dakessio and Ashley, 1992). Chemi- dot blots and immunoblots (Vierck et al., 2000). Useful
luminescence from HRP- or AP-based systems emits hints and the superiority of using the reflectance mode of
enough light to secure results in extremely short times (ex- scanning over the transmission mode can be found in
posure times of seconds to minutes). Since light persists for (Tarlton and Knight, 1996).
hours, multiple exposures are possible. Substituted 1,2-di-
oxetane phosphates or firefly luciferase-O-phosphate (bio- Reprobing
luminescence) are used for AP systems (Olesen et al., 2000),
whereas HRP systems commonly use Luminol/H2O2/p- Multiple replicas can be made in the same blotting session
iodophenol (Durrant, 1990). These reagents are all avail- by replacing the blotting membrane at intervals during the
able as commercial kits. Some brands of nitrocellulose, transfer step. However, the blots will inevitably vary in
however, contain impurities that may interfere with firefly protein content. It is also possible to reuse a developed
luciferase. Instead of photographic films the use of photon- immunoblot or probe the same blot with sets of differently
counting camera systems may increase sensitivity in chemi- visualized antibodies (Kaufmann et al., 2000). Lumines-
luminescence further. Owing to their high sensitivity, cent blots are easier to reprobe because the enzyme reaction
chemiluminescence detection methods work with more di- products do not precipitate on the membrane and two film
lute antibody and secondary reagent solutions. See also: images may be overlayed (Patel et al., 1997). A covalent
Luciferases and Light-emitting Accessory Proteins: Struc- fixation step using glutaraldehyde, divinyl sulfone or other
tural Biology crosslinking agents may make it possible to use a reacted
In multiplexing approaches using di- or trichromatic blotting membrane for a number of reprobings, but may
detection systems (Top et al., 2001; Martin et al., 2003) on lead to loss of epitopes, i.e. less antibody reactivity. Alter-
PVDF membranes a fluorescently labelled amine-reactive natively, membranes that bind proteins covalently may
chemical is combined with a fluorogenic enzyme substrate be used for such applications (Bjerrum et al., 1987;
activated by enzyme-labelled immunoreagents (dichro- Pemawansa et al., 1990). Reprobing cannot be generally
matic system). Addition of a fluorochrome-conjugated recommended.
4 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LIFE SCIENCES # 2009, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. www.els.net
Western Blotting: Immunoblotting
Other probes interfering impurities in sample buffers and gels; (2) pri-
mary antibody, to control for the presence of immuno-
The focus of this chapter is on immunodetection on blots. globulin in the antigen preparation and/or direct binding of
However, numerous other types of probes may be utilized the second antibody to components in the antigen prepa-
on transferred and immobilized protein separation pat- ration; (3) secondary antibody, to control for enzyme
terns to identify, e.g. glycoproteins, enzymes, receptors and activities in the antigen preparation and (4) the linking an-
ligands. Some of these approaches have earned their own tibodies (in multilayer techniques), to control for cross-
names, such as far-western (or ligand) blotting which is reactions between antigens on blots and second or third
used for applications where protein–protein interactions layer antibodies or nonimmunological interactions
are identified and where none of the proteins is an antibody. between the detecting system and primary antibodies.
The subsequent detection systems usually then depend on The nature of the detecting antibodies (xeno-, allo- or
antibody detection. Sometimes, the blotted protein located auto-antibodies) also implicates different controls
on the membrane is called the prey protein and the protein (Bjerrum et al., 1988). The emergence on blotted proteins
probes the bait protein (Edmondson and Roth, 2001; of new epitopes that are not present in the native molecule
Schechtman et al., 2003; Hall, 2004; Wu et al., 2007). In (neoepitopes) is also a specificity issue depending on the
contrast to immunoblotting which benefits from the uni- applications, but problems with low-affinity interactions
formity of antibody reagents these important methods re- and loss of reactivity with denatured proteins (cf. below)
quire optimization on a case-by-case basis. Additionally, as are much more prevalent. See also: Affinity of Antigen–
in any blotting method, the proper negative controls are Antibody Interactions
crucial (Howell et al., 2006).
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Western Blotting: Immunoblotting
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Western Blotting: Immunoblotting
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