Higher National Diploma in Engineering: Assessment Brief

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Higher National Diploma in Engineering

Assessment Brief
Student Name/ID Number

Unit Number and Title U54: Further Control Systems Unit code: Y/615/1522

Academic Year 2019 - 2020

Unit Assessor Vu Van Phong

Assignment Title Design and Evaluation for the Automatic Control System

Issue Date 20.03.2020

Submission Date 08.06.2020

Formative Date: Summative Date:

IV Name & Date Tran Vi Do - 19.03.2020

Formative Feedback

Assessor Signature: Date:

Summative Feedback

GRADE (Please tick ) Referral Pass Merit Distinction

First Attempt


Assessor Signature: Date:

Student Declaration
I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the
consequences of plagiarism. I understand that making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.
Student signature: Date:
Submission Format

The submission is in the form of an individual written report. This should be written in a concise,
formal business style, using single spacing and font size 12. You are required to make use of
headings, paragraphs, and subsections, as appropriate, and all work must be supported with
research and referenced using the Harvard or IEEC referencing system. The recommended word
limit is 2000–2500 words. You will not be penalised for exceeding the total word limit.

Unit Learning Outcomes

LO1 Examine the basic concepts of control systems and their contemporary applications

LO2 Explore the elements of a typical, high-level control system and its model development

LO3 Analyse the structure and behaviour of typical control systems

LO4 Explain the application of control parameters to produce optimum performance of a control

Assignment Brief and Guidance

Scenario: Suppose that you are employed to work as automation engineer in a company. Your team,
recently, is in charge of desiging an automatic control system of a project. Therefore, you are
required to figure out knowledge of automatic control and the procedure to synthesis an automatic
control system. After that the leader has asked to apply the this knowedge to design a controller to
control the speed of DC motor that is a part of the project.

In your report, please answer all the questions in the following four tasks.

Task 1: Basic concepts of the Automatic Control System

1.1. Before studying the automatic control system, there are several concepts of control
filed that need to understand clearly. The requirements for this task are that students
have to answer the following questions:

 What is the control and automatic control? Please give a specific example of automatic
 Please list the typical components of an automatic control system. Please draw the
structure of a typical automatic control system. What are the functions of each
 What is the difference between closed-loop and open-loop system? Please provide the
practical examples for closed-loop and open-loop system.

Task 2: Mathematical Models of the Control System

2.1 Find Mathematical Models of the Mechanical and Electrical System
1. For a given a mechanical system in Fig. 1.
Fig.1 Mechanical system
 Find the mathematical model of the above system.
 Simulate this system by Matlab with F=1; M1=1kg; c1=0.1; c2=0.2;k=0.15;

2. For the circuit as follows

Fig. 2 Electrical system

 Find the mathematical model of the above system.

 Simulate this system by Matlab/Simulink with R=10;L=15;C=0.05;

2.2 Block diagram

1. Consider the circuit in Figure

Fig. 3.

The circuit is modeled under block-diagram in Fig. 4

Figure 4.
Please find the transfer function of the above system.

2.3. Using Maltab to find the closed-loop transfer function

Consider a closed-loop system as follows

R(s) C(s)

s+1 1
G ( s )= , H ( s )=
s + s +1 s+ 3
 Find the closed-loop transfer function of the above system.
 Using Matlab software, determine the transfer function of the closed-loop systems.

2.4 State-space equation

Consider a suspension system in Fig. 5
This system is represented by the differential equation as follows

m ÿ+ b ẏ+ ky=u

where u is an external force and y is the displacement of m.

 Please transform the differential equation to state-space equation.
 Please simulate the system using Matlab/Simulink
with input is step signal m=1, b=0.1, k=0.15.

Figure 5.

Task 3: Transient Response and stability Analysis

3.1. Analyse the behaviour and response of the first-order system as follow:

where G ( s )= , a is the last number of your student ID ( if your last number of the student ID is
2 s+ a
zero, please select a=3).
 Determine the settling time with 2% criterion.
 Simulate the system in Matlab with step signal.

3.2 Consider the Servo System with velocity feedback. the The system is modelled in Fig.6. Analyse the
behavior and response of this system.

Fig. 6
where J=1, B=1, K=12.5, Kh=0.178
 Determine the transfer function
 Find the steady state error with input is unity step signal
 Determine the overshoot, settling time with 5% criterion.
 Simulating the system in Matlab with input is unity step signal.

3.3 Taken into account the following system

R(s) C(s)

Fig. 7
 Find the poles and zeros of the closed-loop system in Fig. 7
 Plot the poles and zeros on the complex plan by using Matlab.
 The system is stable or not on the basis of the position of poles on a complex plan.

3.4 Consider the system as follows.

R(s) C(s)

Fig. 8
G ( s )=
2 s +3 s + 4 s3 +3 s2 + s
5 4

G PID ( s )=K p + +K Ds
Assume that K I =0 , and K D=0.
 Please determine conditions of parameters of PID controller such that the system is stable
according to the Routh-Hurwirtz criterion.
 Select two values of Kp, one satisfies the Routh-Hurwirtz condion and another is not, then
using Matlab to simulate above system with two valules of Kp. The input signal is unitiy step
input signal. Based on the obtained the simulation results, please evaluate the stability of the
system with PID controller when the parameter of PID controller is determined based on the
Routh-Hurwirtz criterion.

Task 4: PID controller design

4.1 Please explain
 What is the PID controller?
 The roles of the P, I, D of PID control in the control system

4.2 Let us consider the following system

R(s) C(s)

G ( s )= 2 and input R(s) is the unity step signal
s + s +1
 Let Ki=0, Kd=0, using the Simulink to simulate the system with Kp=1, 5, 10, based on these
simulation results, please give the comments the effects of Kp to the response of the system.
 Let Kp=10, Kd=0, using the Simulink to simulate the system with Ki=0.1, 1, 5, 20, based on
these simulation results, please give the comment the effects of Ki to the response of the
 Let Kp=10, Ki=10, using the Simulink to simulate the system with Ki=0.1, 1, 5, 10, based on
these simulation results, please give the comment the effects of Kd to the response of the

4.2 Consider a system in the following figure

Fig. 9
in which
1 1
G PID ( s )=K p (1+ +T s) is PID controller and G ( s )= is the plant.
TI s D s ( s+1)(s +5)
 Based on the Ziegler-Nichols method, determine the parameter of the PID controller (Kp, TI,
 Simulate the system without and with the PID controller and evaluate these simulation
 If with the PID controller, the overshoot of the system is 40% or more, please carry out the
fine-tuning the parameters of the PID controller to reduce the overshoot is approximately

4.3 The DC motor in Fig. 10 is modelled in the following state-space equation.

Fig.10 Model of the DC motor with the inertial load.


[ ][
dt = −R / L −K b / L i + 1/ L

K m /J −K f /J ω
0 v app
][ ] [
0 −1 /J Mt ][ ]
where i is the current,  is the angular rate of the load, app (t ) is the input voltage, and y is output.
The parameters of the DC motor are R  2.0 [W ] , L  0.5 [H ] , K m  0.015 (torque constant) ,
K b  0.015 (emf constant) , K f  0.2 [Nms ] , J  0.02 [kg.m 2 ] , Mt=0.1 is the moment of load that is considered
as disturbance.
 Develop a block digram for a closed-loop system to control DC motor with PID controller.
 Applying the PID auto-tuning of Matlab/Simulink to design a PID controller to control the
position of the DC motor to track the step signal.
 Simulating the system with and without the PID controller by Matlab/Simulink and comments
on the simulation results.
 Carry out the simulation with three cases: Case 1 without disturbance ( Mt=0 ¿ , Case 2 with
M t=0.1, and Case 3 increase the disturbance ( Mt=1). Evalulate the disturbance rejection of
this PID controller.

*Please access HN Global for additional resources support and reading for this unit. For further guidance and support on
report writing please refer to the Study Skills Unit on HN Global www.highernationals.com

Recommended Resources
[1]. DABNEY, J.B. and HARMAN, T.L. (2003) Mastering Simulink. Prentice Hall.
[2]. DORF, R.C. and BISHOP, R.H. (2014) Modern Control Systems. 12th Ed. Pearson.
[3]. NISE, N.S. (2011) Control Systems Engineering. 6th Ed. John Wiley & Sons.
[4]. OGATA, K. (1997) Modern Control Engineering. 3rd Ed. Prentice Hall
Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

Pass Merit Distinction

LO1 Examine the basic concepts of control systems and their D1 Evaluate the performance
contemporary applications of a PID controller to
P1 Examine the basic M1 Apply advanced modelling demonstrate basic control
concepts of control systems techniques using commercially system techniques
using block diagram available control software
representationz and
M2 Develop the block diagram of a
closed loop system for the speed
P2 Model simple open and control of DC motor using a PID
closed loop control systems
simulation software

LO2 Explore the elements of a typical, high-level control system and D2 Perform high-level self-
its model development tuning control system
techniques using
P3 Explore the main building M3 Analyse Electrical, Mechanical mathematical modelling and
blocks for high- level electrical and Electro- Mechanical control computer simulation
and mechanical control systems using appropriate
systems mathematical models and computer
P4 Apply Laplace transforms
to basic mechanical or
electrical control problems

LO3 Analyse the structure and behaviour of typical control systems D3 Analyse the performance
of an electro-mechanical
P5 Analyse the behaviour and M3 Evaluate using analytical
response of first and second control system when
techniques how the stability of a
order systems subjected to external
dynamic PID control system is
P6 Analyse the external maintained
effects on the stability of PID
control systems and the
techniques used to maintain
stability in these systems

LO4 Explain the application of control parameters to produce D4 D4 Analyse the behaviour
optimum performance of a control system of a control system when P, I,
P7 Examine the role and D terms are changed
M5 Analyse dynamic responses of
implementation of the PID individually and in
PID controllers in terms of speed
controllers in a simple combination using modelling
control, tracking and disturbance
electrical and mechanical and computer simulation
control system techniques
P8 Examine the effects of the
P, I, and D parameters on the
dynamic responses of the
first and second order
Task 1
 The control is the collection of all effects intended to control one or the other according
to a given rule or program.

Automatic control is the process of control or adjustment performed without direct human
Examples include air conditioners, refrigerators, automatic rice cookers, automatic ticketing
machines, etc. An air conditioner, for example, uses a thermostat to detect the temperature
and control the operation of its electrical parts to keep the room temperature at a preset
 A control system consists of these elements and there function:

1. Input: the desired response of a control system.

2. Output: the actual response of a control system.
3. Subsystem: any system that helps controlling the output of the control system
4. Plant: a system where the output is the variable to be controlled.
 The open loop system is called the non-feedback system while the closed loop is the
feedback system.

Examples for open-loop: Automatic Washing Machine – This machine runs according to the
pre-set time irrespective of washing is completed or not.
Examples for closed- loop system: An Air Conditioner – An air conditioner functions
depending upon the temperature of the room.
Task 2
2.1.2 For the circuit as follows

Figure 1
v R=v a−v c
v a ( t )−v c (t )
i.e i 1 ( t )=
t t
d i3 (t) 1 1
v L ( t )=v c ( t )=L ∧i3 = ∫ v L ( t ) dt = ∫ v c ( t ) d t
dt L0 L0
1 d v (t)
v c ( t )= ∫ i 2 ( t ) dt∧i 2=C c
C 0 dt
And, i 1=i 2+ i3
v a ( t )−v c ( t ) d vc ( t ) 1 t
¿> =C + ∫ v c ( t ) dt
R dt L0
Apply Laplace Transform:
V a ( s )−V c ( s ) 1 V ( s)
=Cs V c ( s ) + . c
R L s
1 V c ( s)
V a ( s )−V c ( s )=R Cs V c ( s ) + R . .
L s
1 V c ( s)
V a ( s )=RCs V c ( s ) + R . . +V c ( s )
L s
V a ( s )=V c ( s ) (RCs+ +1)
Apply transfer function:
V c ( s) 1 1 Ls
G ( s )= = = =
V a s RCs+ +1 RLC s + Ls+ R RLC s 2+ Ls + R
( ) R 2

Ls Ls
Simulate this system by Matlab/Simulink with R=10;L=15;C=0.05;
V c ( s) Ls 15 s
G ( s )= = 2
= 2
V a s RLC s + Ls+ R 7.5 s +15 s+10
( )

Figure 2

Figure 3

1 1
1+ R 1 C 1 s 1+ R 2 C 2 s

E0 ( s)

R1 C 2 s

Figure 4

1+ R 1 C 1 s+ R1 C1 R2 C 2 s 2+ R 2 C 2 s E0 ( s)

R1 C 2 s

Figure 5

We have the characteristic equations:
G(s )
1+G ( s ) H (s)
s+ 1 s+1
2 2
s + s+1 s +s +1
i.e 1+ s +1 . 1 (s¿¿ 2+ s+1) ( s+ 3 )+ s +1
(s+1)(s +3)
s + s+1 s +3 (s ¿¿ 2+s +1) ( s +3 ) s2 +4 s +3
(s ¿¿ 2+s +1) ( s+3 ) + s+1= 3 ¿
s + 4 s2 +5 s +4=0

Figure 6
ẋ= Ax+ By ↔ y=x 1
ẏ=x 2
ÿ= ẋ 2
m ÿ+ b ẏ+ ky=u
i.e m ẋ 2 +b x 2 +k x 1=u
−k b 1
i.e ẋ 2= x 1− x 2+ u
m m m
In a vector-matrix form, with m=1, b=0.1, k=0.15
0 1 0
[ ][
ẋ1 ( t ) =
ẋ2 ( t )
−k −b
m m ][ ] [
x1 (t ) +
x2 (t ) ]
1 u(t) y ( t ) =[ 1 0 ]
x 1( t)
[ ]
x 2( t)

0 1 B= 0
A= [−0.15 −0.1 ] [ 1] C=[ 1 0] D=0
Figure 7

Figure 8

Task 3
The last ID of my number is 6 so we have G ( s )= 2 s+ 6 .

First we convert the equation to the correct formula: G ( s )= Ts+ 1
1 6
so G ( s )= 2 s+ 6 = 1
The settling time with 2% criterion:
t 1 1 1
s=¿t ln = . ln =1.304 ¿
ε 3 0.02

The system in Matlab with step signal:

Figure 9

Figure 10


where J=1, B=1, K=12.5, Kh=0.178

Transfer function:
Figure 11

We have formula:

Js+ B Js+ B K
G 1 ( s )= = =
K Js+ B+ K . K h Js+ B+ K . K h
1+ . Kh
Js+ B Js+ B

Figure 12
We have formula:
K 1 K
G 2 ( s )= . =
Js+ B+ K . K h s s( Js+ B+ K . K h )

Figure 13

G2 ( s )
G 3 ( s )= with H (s)=1
1+ G 2 ( s ) H (s )
s (Js +B+ K . K h ) s (Js +B + K . K h ) K
i.e ¿ K
= =
1+ .1 s ( Js +B+ K . K h ) + K s ( Js +B+ K . K h ) + K
s(Js+ B+ K . K h ) s (Js +B + K . K ) h

Steady state error with input is unity step signal:

where J=1, B=1, K=12.5, Kh=0.178
We have:
1 K 12.5
e ss = with K p =lim = =1
1+ K p s →0 s ( Js +B+ K . K h ) + K 12.5
1 1 1
Ie. e ss= 1+ K = 1+1 = 2
K 12.5
G 3 ( s )= = 2
s ( Js+ B+ K . K h ) + K s +3.225 s +12.5

The transfer function of the second-order oscillating system:

G ( s )= 2 2
T s + 2 ξTs+1
1 1
G 3 ( s )= =
1 2
12.5 s + 0.258 s+ 1
i.e 3.225
12.5 s 2 + s +1
1 2
T 2= →T = √
12.5 5
1 1 5
ω n= = =
T √2 √2
0.258 0.258
2 ξT =0.258 →ξ= = =0.456
2T √ 2
−ξπ −0.456. π
Overshoot: POT =exp −ξπ 2 .100 %=e √1−ξ
2 ) .100 %
( 2
).100 % =0.1999

√1−ξ ( ) =e √

3 3 25 √2
t qd= = =
Settling time with 5% criterion: ξ ωn
0.456 .
5 19 .
the system in Matlab with input is unity step signal:

Figure 14
s+5 s +5
2 2
s +3 s +1 s + 3 s+1
G ( s )= =
s+ 5 1 (s ¿¿ 2+3 s +1)(s+1)+(s+ 5) (s +5)(s +1)
1+ 2 . = ¿¿
s +3 s+1 s+ 1 (s¿¿ 2+3 s +1)(s +1) (s¿ ¿2+3 s+1)( s+1)+( s+5)¿
s 2+6 s+5
¿ 3
s + 4 s2 +5 s+6
Zeros: s +6 s+5=0 ↔ s=−5 {
Poles: s3
+ 4 s 2
+ 5 s+ 6=0↔
s=−0.5+ 1.322875i

Plot the poles and zeros on the complex plan by using Matlab:

Figure 15
R(s) C(s)

Figure 16
KI 0
With K I =0, and K D=0 we have: G PID ( s )=K p + + K D s=K p + + 0 s=K p
s s
Characteristic equation:
1+G PID ( s ) G ( s )=0
i. e 1+ K p . =0
2 s +3 s + 4 s3 +3 s2 + s
5 4

2 s 5 +3 s 4 + 4 s 3 +3 s 2+ s+ K p
i. e =0
2 s 5 +3 s 4 + 4 s 3 +3 s 2+ s

i. e 2 s5 +3 s4 + 4 s3 +3 s2 + s+ K p =0
Routh-Hawirt Criterion:
s5 2 4 1
s4 3 3 Kp
2 s3 2 2
α 3= 4− .3=2 1− . K p
3 3 3
3 s2 3 2 3 Kp
α 4=
2 2 (3 2)
3− . 1− . K p = + K p
2 s1 2
−4 K p −12 K p + 9 0
α 5=
3 9+6 K p
+K p
s0 Kp
Table 1

+ K p >0
−4 K p2−12 K p +9 ∧9+6 K p ≠ 0
9+ 6 K p
K p >0


K p>
i.e −4 K p −12 K p +9 3
>0∧K p ≠−
9+ 6 K p 2
K p >0


K p>
i.e −3+3 √ 2 −3−3 √ 2 3
K p> , K p> K p ≠−
2 2 2
K p> 0

−3+3 √ 2
i.e K p>
With K p =0.8 one satisfies the Routh-Hurwirtz condion:
Figure 17

With K p =0.5 one not satisfies the Routh-Hurwirtz condion:

Figure 18
Task 4
- PID controller is a control loop feedback mechanism (controller) widely used in industrial
control systems.
- A PID controller calculates an error value as the difference between a measured process
variable and a desired setpoint.
The P-controller provides output proportional to the current error e (t). It compares the
desired point or set point with the actual value or feedback process value. The resulting error
is multiplied by the rate constant to get the output. If the error value is 0, then this controller
output is zero.

Chapter 2 – Mathematical Model – Lecturer: Vũ Văn Phong
Chapter 3 – Stability Of Control System – Lecturer: Vũ Văn Phong
Chapter 4 – Performance of Feedback Control System – Lecturer Vũ Văn
Chapter 5 – Design Controller – Lecturer: Vũ Văn Phong

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