Classical Physics (Newton - LMG COW, EMCT)

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1. Classical Physics (Newton - LMG COW, EMCT)

a. Isaac Newton
i. Laws of Motion
ii. Law of Universal Gravitation
1. Motion of planets in the sky
2. Falling of objects on the Earth
iii. Calculus – basically mathematics (which is language of Physics)
iv. Optics
1. study of light and how it travels through materials
a. Light does not need a medium to travel and it can travel in
vaccums. However, same rules apply reflection, refraction, and
2. Refractions through lenses – let to Cameras, microscopes and
a. Telescopes helped us in figuring put Astrophysics and
v. Theory of Waves – optics is closely related to theory of waves which tells us
energy can travel through disturbances of mediums
1. Transverse waves
2. Longitudinal waves
b. Electromagnetism – study of magnets and electricity (more specifically magnetic and
electric fields)
i. James Clark Maxwell found out that electric and magnetic fields are two aspects
of the same thing and called it Electromagnetism
1. Maxwell also told us that light is nothing else but an electromagnetic
ii. Electromagnetism also explained all of Electricity
c. Classical Mechanics – is related to Newtons laws and covers properties and motion of
solid objects
d. Fluid Mechanics – is related to flow of liquid and gases.
i. Using fluid mechanics, we can find out the lift generated by an airplane’s wings
or how aerodynamic a car is
e. Chaos Theory – Fluid mechanics is really complicated as movement of small molecules
can get complicated really fast. This leads to chaos theory, which is a description of large
complex systems where small changes in initial conditions can lead to very different final
f. Thermodynamics – description of energy and how it passes from one form to another
i. Entropy – measure of order and disorder, and also tells how useful different
type of energies are
2. Relativity
a. Albert Einstein – special and general theories relativity
i. Special Relativity Theory: Speed of light is constant for all observers. So weird
things happen when you travel fast – time starts slowing down.

It also explains that energy and mass are different aspect of the same thing i.e. E
= mc2
ii. General Relativity Theory: Space and time are part of the same fabric called
spacetime, and gravity comes from objects bending the spacetime, making
other objects fall in towards them

3. Quantum Physics (QA Nu PC)

a. Atomic Theory: Atomic theory probed the nature of Atom and more and more detailed
descriptions of the atoms were developed

From a tiny sphere to an orbit, to energy levels, to electron in wave like charge
b. Condensed Matter Physics: described many atoms together in solids and liquids

and it is a source of latest technologies like computers, lasers, and quantum

information science
c. Nuclear Physics: describes how nucleus of the atoms behave, and describes radiation,
nuclear fission (splitting of atoms in nuclear power plants), nuclear fusion (that takes
place in Sun)
d. Particle physics: probes deeper into sub-atomic particles that everything is made of and
describes the standard model of particle physics

e. Quantum Field Theory: It captures all of quantum physics and combine it with special
theory of relativity, and it is the best description of the universe we have
Unfortunately, quantum field theory does not include gravity and so physicists do not know how to join
quantum physics with general theory of relativity, leading to giant chasm of ignorance:

Hopefully in the future, we will close this gap and build a complete theory of physics which is called
Quantum Gravity. There are many attempts to do this, some examples are
 String Theory
 Loop quantum gravity

Apart from quantum gravity, we also don’t understand

 Dark Energy
 Dark Matter
Which makes 95% of the universe. So, all we know today only represents 5% of the universe and
everything else is a Mistry.

This takes us to Philosophy and raises questions like –

 What is the fundamental nature of reality?
 How come the universe even exists?
 Do we have free will or we are just made of physics?
 How do we know that the way we do physics and science takes us to the fundamentals of this
 Why the physics is the way it is?

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