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........ Moradpour, Scholz, Doosthoseini, Tarmian: Measurement of Wood Cutting Forces...

Payam Moradpour1, Frieder Scholz 2, Kazem Doosthoseini1, Asghar Tarmian1

Measurement of Wood
Cutting Forces during
Bandsawing Using
Piezoelectric Dynamometer
Mjerenje sila rezanja piezoelektričnim
dinamometrom tijekom piljenja drva
tračnom pilom

Original scientific paper • Izvorni znanstveni rad

Received – prispjelo: 13. 5. 2014.
Accepted – prihvaćeno: 29. 1. 2016.
UDK: 630*822.02; 630*822.341.4

ABSTRACT • Optimization of wood cutting conditions can decrease the cutting forces, which directly relates to
the energy consumption. The aim of this study was to measure cutting force components in bandsaw processing of
green oak and beech wood at 90°-90° cutting direction (mode A). For this purpose, a piezoelectric dynamometer
(KISTLER type 9257A) mounted on the log carriage of vertical bandsaw machine (ESTERER model EB 1400)
was used to measure the parallel, normal and lateral cutting forces for different cutting speeds (20, 30 and 40 m
s-1) and feed rates (20, 30 and 40 m min-1 ). Results showed that all cutting force components change by increasing
the cutting speed and feed rate over the analysed range. However, little changes were observed for lateral force.
Overall, oak wood required greater cutting forces compared to beech wood. Conclusively, in the studied range,
with increasing cutting speed ratio to feed rate, main cutting force and normal force were decreased.
Key words: bandsawing, cutting forces, cutting speed, feed rate, piezoelectric dynamometer

SAŽETAK • Optimizacijom uvjeta rezanja drva mogu se smanjiti sile rezanja čija veličina izravno utječe na
potrošnju energije tijekom piljenja. Cilj istraživanja bio je odrediti sastavnice sile rezanja tijekom piljenja svježe
hrastovine i bukovine tračnom pilom, uz smjer rezanja 90° - 90° (mod A). U tu svrhu piezoelektrični je dinamom-
etar (Kistler tip 9257A) montiran na posmična kolica za trupce vertikalne tračne pile (ESTERER model EB 1400)
i upotrijebljen za mjerenje paralelne, okomite i bočne sile rezanja pri različitim brzinama rezanja (20, 30 i 40
m·s-1) i posmičnim brzinama (20, 30 i 40 m·min-1). Rezultati su pokazali da se sve sastavnice sile rezanja mijenjaju
s povećanjem brzine rezanja i posmične brzine u istraživanom rasponu. Male promjene zabilježene su za bočnu
silu. Rezultati su pokazali da su za piljenje hrastovine potrebne veće sile rezanja nego pri piljenju bukovine.
Zaključno, u promatranom se rasponu brzina s povećanjem omjera brzine rezanja i posmične brzine smanjuju
glavna i okomita sastavnica sile rezanja.
Ključne riječi: piljenje tračnom pilom, sile rezanja, brzina rezanja, posmična brzina, piezoelektrični dinamometar

Authors are assistant professor, professor and associate professor at Department of Wood and Paper Science & Technology, Faculty of Natu-
ral Resources, University of Tehran, Karaj, I.R. Iran. 2Author is professor at Faculty of Wood Technology, University of Applied Sciences
Rosenheim, FH-Rosenheim, Rosenheim, Germany.
Autori su docent, profesor i izvanredni profesor Odjela za znanost i tehnologiju drva i papira, Fakultet prirodnih resursa, Sveučilište u Tehe-
ranu, Karaj, Iran. 2Autor je profesor Fakulteta drvne tehnologije, Sveučilište primjenjenih znanosti u Rosenheimu, FH-Rosenheim, Rosen-
heim, Njemačka.

DRVNA INDUSTRIJA 67 (1) 79-84 (2016) 79

Moradpour, Scholz, Doosthoseini, Tarmian: Measurement of Wood Cutting Forces... ........
1 INTRODUCTION sure the cutting force components during bandsawing
1. UVOD of oak and beech wood at different cutting speeds and
feed rates using piezoelectric dynamometer.
Optimization of wood cutting conditions can de-
crease the cutting forces, which directly relates to the en-
ergy consumption. The cutting speed and feed rate are 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS
the main machining parameters affecting the cutting 2. MATERIJAL I METODE
forces. The effect of cutting speed was well reviewed by 2.1 Specimen preparation
Lubkin (1957). There are some contradictory reports re- 2.1. Priprema uzoraka
garding the cutting speed and cutting force relations.
Beech (Fagus sylvatica L.), a diffuse porous spe-
Some studies indicated that the cutting speed had practi-
cies and oak (Quercus robur L.), a ring porous species,
cally no effect on cutting forces (Franz, 1958; McKenzie,
with mean specific gravity of 0.53 and 0.59, respec-
1961; Eyma et al., 2005), while others showed a cutting
tively, were selected for the study. For each species, 3
force curve with a minimum at some speeds, or a linear
trees with the age range of 75 to 85 years old were
change of cutting force by increasing the speed (Pahl-
randomly cut from the southern forests near Rosenhe-
itzsch and Dziobek, 1959; Porankiewicz et al., 2007).
im in Germany. Then, straight grain lumbers with di-
Davim (2011) mentioned that the parallel force increases
mensions of 5000×150×150 mm were prepared. Final-
with increasing cutting speed from 30 m s-1 to 60 m s-1 for
ly, defect free samples with dimensions of 150×150×150
five different coated carbide tools in wood cement board
mm were cut from the straight grain lumbers using
machining. Porankiewicz et al. (2007) reported that dur-
circular saw (OptiCut S50). After drying of wood sam-
ing milling of laurel blanco wood (Cordia alliodora), the
ples inside the kiln (LAUBER TROCKNUNGSTECH-
parallel force increases by increasing of cutting speed
NIK) to the target moisture content of about 30 %, a
over the analysed range (10 m·s-1 < vc < 40 m·s-1). Eyma
et al. (2005) measured the cutting speed in beech (Fagus conditioning box was used to homogenize the wood
sylvatica) and Ipe (Tabebuia sp.) wood in the cutting moisture content through the specimen thickness.
speed range of 0.1 to 8 m·s-1. Their results showed that Three different feed rates (20, 30 and 40 m·min-1) and
the cutting speed had no effect on cutting forces. Similar cutting speeds (20, 30 and 40 m·s-1) were considered
to the cutting speed, the feed rate can impact the cutting for the experiments. A total of 108 specimens were pre-
forces. Lucic et al. (2004) showed that the cutting force pared with 6 replications for each treatment.
during circular rip-sawing of oak wood (Quercus robur 2.2 Measuring cutting forces
L.) in transversal cutting direction (90º-90º) increases by 2.2. Mjerenje sila rezanja
increasing the feed rate. Heisel et al. (2007) indicated
Cutting operation for each wood species was car-
that parallel and normal force increases with increasing
ried out in the sawmill laboratory of the University of
of feed rate from 20 mmin-1 to 55 mmin-1.
Applied Sciences in Rosenheim, Germany using a ver-
According to the literature, the contradictory re-
tical band saw machine (ESTERER model EB 1400)
sults reported about the cutting speed impact on cutting
with log carriage (ESTERER model EW 1000) at 90°-
forces can be attributed to the use of different cutting
90° cutting direction (Figure 1).
speed range, wood species and machining process.
A new blade (ALBER SÄGEBLÄTTER) was
However, the method of cutting force measurement
used for cutting tests. Technical characteristics and ge-
cannot be neglected. The measuring of cutting forces
ometry of the used bandsaw are shown in Table1.
can be carried out using various methods such as pen-
A Piezoelectric dynamometer (KISTLER type
dulum (Eyma et al., 2005), strain gauge (Porankiewicz
9257A) attached to the steel plate was firmly mounted
et al., 2008) and piezoelectric dynamometer. The pen-
dulum dynamometer is a good tool to measure the cut-
ting energy, but it cannot measure the cutting force
components. The strain gauge dynamometer is not
suitable for high dynamic loads and high cutting speeds
and its applicability is extremely limited and the results
are difficult to apply to the real situation. Piezoelectric
dynamometer is characterized by high sensitivity and a
good response to large stresses and thus the accurate
date acquisition. Up to now, the piezoelectric dyna-
mometer has been applied to measure the cutting forc-
es in different wood machining processes, such as rout-
ing (McKenzie, 2001; Eyma et al., 2004; Goli and et
al., 2010), horizontal bandsawing using a single band-
Figure 1 (a) Definition of cutting directions: mode A=
saw tooth (Loehnertz and Cooz, 1998; Ko and Kim,
cutting direction 90°-90°(Kivimma, 1950); (b) Angle of
1999; Cooz and Mayer, 2006) and shaping (Aguilera inclination between cutting direction and grain orientation
and Martin, 2001). However, there is no information during band sawing
about using the piezoelectric dynamometer for measur- Slika 1. a) Definicija smjera rezanja: mod A – smjer rezanja
ing the cutting force components in an industrial verti- 90°-90°(Kivimma, 1950.); b) kut između smjera rezanja i
cal bandsaw. Hence, the aim of this study was to mea- smjera drvnih vlakanaca tijekom piljenja tračnom pilom

80 DRVNA INDUSTRIJA 67 (1) 79-84 (2016)

........ Moradpour, Scholz, Doosthoseini, Tarmian: Measurement of Wood Cutting Forces...
Table 1 Technical characteristics of the used saw blade
Tablica 1. Tehnička obilježja upotrijebljene tračne pile
Value Value
Properties / Obilježje Properties / Obilježje
Vrijednost Vrijednost
Blade length, mm /duljina lista pile, mm 10035 Sharpness angle, ° /kut oštrenja, ° 33
Blade width, mm / širina lista pile, mm 175 Rake angle, ° / prsni kut, ° 36
Blade thickness, mm / debljina lista pile, mm 1.5 Clearance angle, ° / leđni kut, ° 21
Kerf, mm / širina propiljka, mm 3.1 Tangential clearance angle, ° 4
tangencijalni kut, °
Tooth pitch, mm / korak zuba, mm 45 Radial clearance angle, ° / radijalni kut, ° 2
Number of teeth / broj zubi 223 Gullet depth, mm / visina pazuha, mm 15
Tooth form / oblik zuba Swage set / stlačeni Wheel diameter, mm / promjer kotača pile, 1400
Tooth alloy / legura zuba Stellite / stelit Saw power, kW / snaga motora, kW 55-90

Figure 3 Experimental set-up;1 – band saw; 2 – saw blade;

3 – wood specimen; 4 – clamp; 5 – piezoelectric gauge; 6
Figure 2 Cutting force components for the applied – steel plate; 7 – feed table; 8 – amplifier; 9 – A/D convert-
bandsawing er; 10 – computer
Slika 2. Sastavnice sile rezanja pri piljenju tračnom pilom Slika 3. Shema eksperimenta: 1 – tračna pila; 2 – list pile; 3
– uzorak drva; 4 – držači; 5 –piezoelektrični mjerač; 6 –
on the carriage of the saw machine to measure the cut- čelična ploča; 7 – posmični stol; 8 – pojačalo; 9 – A/D
ting forces in the three principal axis, including the pa- konverter; 10 – računalo
rallel, normal and lateral forces. The position of the
analysed cutting force components in the parallel (FP),
normal (FN), and lateral (FL) directions in the bandsa- 3. REZULTATI I RASPRAVA
wing are defined in Figure 2.
The wood samples were fixed on the dynamome- Based on statistical analysis, the effect of cutting
ter by a fixture and then calibrated. The signal from the speed and feed rate on the orthogonal cutting forces at
dynamometer was amplified through the charge ampli- the 90°-90° cutting direction was significant. In con-
fier (KISTLER type 5007). The amplified signals were trast to the lateral force, it was established that the par-
collected by means of A/D converter. Finally, the acqu- allel and normal forces depended on wood species.
ired data were presented on the monitor screen. For Table 2 shows the Pearson correlation coefficients for
better data analysis, 10 percent of the obtained data at cutting speed, feed rate and cutting forces. According
the beginning and end of cutting were eliminated, due to Table 2, it can be noted that 60 % (r2 = 0.77) of the
to high saw balde vibration in these situations. General variation in the parallel and normal forces is explained
scheme of experimantal set up is shown in Figure 3. by the cutting speed and 51 % (r2 = 0.71) by the feed
The teeth number involved during bandsawing rate. The cutting speed and feed rate had little effect on
(Ze) is given by: the lateral force and there was no correlation between
(1) the cutting speed and feed rate.
3.1 Effects of cutting speed on cutting forces
Where h is specimen thickness (mm) and p is to- 3.1. Utjecaj brzine rezanja na sile rezanja
oth pitch (mm). Then, cutting force components (F) for
Results showed that the parallel and normal forc-
one tooth and one millimeter of tooth thickness were
es decreased when the cutting speed increased (Figures
determined using the following equation:
5-7). Overall, the parallel force for the cutting speed of
(2) 20 ms-1 was about 50 % greater than that for the cutting
speeds of 30 and 40 ms-1(Figure 5). These results can
Where Fave are the mean cutting forces (N) obtained probably be explained by the decreased friction be-
in three directions and w is tooth thickness (mm). Figure tween the tool and work-piece due to the increase of
4 shows the cycles of the cutting forces signal obtained the cutting speed. Another positive effect of the cutting
during bandsawing by piezoelectric dynamometer. speed on the parallel force reduction can be attributed

DRVNA INDUSTRIJA 67 (1) 79-84 (2016) 81

Moradpour, Scholz, Doosthoseini, Tarmian: Measurement of Wood Cutting Forces... ........

parallel force / paralelna sila

Cutting forces / sile rezanja, Nmm-1


lateral force / ERþQDVLOD

normal force / okomita sila

50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
Cutting length / duljina rezanja, mm

Figure 4 The cycles of cutting forces signal obtained during bandsawing by piezoelectric dynamometer
Slika 4. Ciklusi signala sila rezanja dobivenih piezoelektričnim dinamometrom tijekom piljenja tračnom pilom

Table 2 The Pearson correlation coefficients between cutting speed, feed rate and cutting forces
Tablica 2. Pearsonov koeficijent korelacije između brzine rezanja, posmične brzine i sila rezanja
Variable Cutting speed Feed rate Parallel force Normal force Lateral force
Varijabla Brzina rezanja Posmična brzina Paralelna sila Okomita sila Bočna sila
Cutting speed / brzina rezanja 1 0.0 -0.77** 0.78** -0.42*
Feed rate / posmična brzina 1 0.71** -0.71** 0.40*
Parallel force / paralelna sila 1 -0.90** 0.55**
Normal force / okomita sila 1 -0.63**
Lateral force / bočna sila 1
** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level / korelacija je signifikantna pri 0.01; * Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level / korelacija je
signifikantna pri 0,05

to the temperature increase in the cutting zone up to rake angles (Koch, 1964). Negative normal force can
700 °C and wood strength reduction due to softening of also be attributed to wood machining defect, such as
wood lignin (Blackwell and Walker, 2006; Iskra et al., raised grains that could increase friction force and the
2005). According to the results, with increasing ratio of ratio of tool cutting edge radius to chip thickness, push-
the cutting speed to feed rate, parallel force decreases ing the tool out (Palmqvist, 2003). Our finding is in
gradually (Figure 6). The value of normal force at dif- agreement with some previous researches (Pahlitzsch
ferent cutting speeds for both wood species was nega- and Dziobek, 1959) and in contrast to other researches
tive (Figure 7). Negative normal force occurs at larger (Porankiewicz et al., 2007; Eyma et al., 2005).
beech / bukva oak / hrast
Parallel force / paralelna sila, N/mm

Parallel force / paralelna sila, N/mm

80 100

oak / hrast
40 beech / bukva
40 R² = 0.9889
R² = 0.9792

0 0
20 30 40 0.5 0.66 0.75 1 1.3 1.5 2
Cutting speed / brzina rezanja, m/s Cutting speed/feed rate / EU]LQDUH]DQMDSRVPLþQDEU]LQD

Figure 5 Relationship between parallel force and cutting Figure 6 Relationship between ratios of cutting speed /feed
speed rate on parallel force
Slika 5. Odnos između paralelne sile rezanja i brzine Slika 6. Odnos između paralelne sile rezanja i omjera brzine
rezanja rezanja i posmične brzine

82 DRVNA INDUSTRIJA 67 (1) 79-84 (2016)

........ Moradpour, Scholz, Doosthoseini, Tarmian: Measurement of Wood Cutting Forces...
6 Results indicated that the lateral force for beech
beech / bukva oak / hrast wood was a little higher than that of oak wood (Figure
8). Due to the symmetric shape of the teeth, the lateral
Normal force / okomita sila, N/mm

0 force was expected to be zero. This means that read-

-3 ings deviating from zero can be attributed to irregular
disturbances as a result of inhomogeneity, increasing
-6 of friction between saw tooth and chips, poor ground
-9 teeth or blade vibrations as indicated by Loehnertz and
Cooz (1998). The greatest lateral force value was ob-
served for beech wood at the cutting speed of 40 ms-1,
-15 and the lowest one was observed for oak wood at the
cutting speed of 20 ms-1
20 30 40
Cutting speed / brzina rezanja, m/s 3.2 Effects of feed rate on cutting forces
3.2. Utjecaj posmične brzine na sile rezanja
Figure 7 Relationship between normal force and cutting
speed Results showed that parallel force increased by
Slika 7. Odnos između okomite sile i brzine rezanja more than 65 % as a result of feed rate increasing from
20 to 40 m·min-1 (Figure 9). A greater cutting force is
required for pulling thicker chips. Normal forces were
beech / EXNYD oak / KUDVW negative with an increasing trend in the studied condi-
1 tions (Figure 10). The effect of feed rate on lateral
Lateral force / ERþQDVLOD, N/mm

force was insignificant (Figure 11). Our results are in

0.8 agreement with some previous findings (Pahlitzsch and
Dziobek, 1959; Lucic et al., 2004). The greatest and
0.6 lowest cutting forces were observed for oak wood with
the feed rate of 40 mmin-1 and for beech wood with the
0.4 feed rate of 40 mmin-1, respectively.

0.2 6
beech / EXNYD oak / KUDVW
Normal force / okomita sila, N/mm

20 30 40 0
Cutting speed / EU]LQDUH]DQMD, m/s
Figure 8 Relationship between lateral force and cutting
Slika 8. Odnos između bočne sile i brzine rezanja -9

Result also revealed that oak wood required more
cutting force than beech wood, which can be due to the -15
higher specific gravity of oak wood (SG ≈ 0.53 for -18
20 30 40
beech wood and SG ≈ 0.59 for oak wood). The greatest Feed rate / SRVPLþQDEU]LQD, m/min
and lowest parallel and normal forces were observed Figure 10 Behaviour of normal force during bandsawing at
for oak wood with the cutting speed of 20 ms-1 and for different feed rates
beech wood with the cutting speed of 40 ms-1, respec- Slika 10. Promjene okomite sile tijekom piljenja tračnom
tively. pilom pri razičitim posmičnim brzinama

100 1.2
beech / EXNYD oak / KUDVW
Lateral force / ERþQDVLOD, N/mm
Parallel force / paralelna sila, N/mm

beech / EXNYD oak / hrast


20 0.2

0 0
20 30 40 20 30 40
Feed rate / SRVPLþQDEU]LQD, m/min Feed rate / SRVPLþQDEU]LQD, m/min

Figure 9 Behaviour of parallel force during bandsawing at Figure 11 Behaviour of lateral force during bandsawing at
different feed rates different feed rates
Slika 9. Promjene paralelne sile tijekom piljenja tračnom Slika 11. Promjene bočne sile tijekom piljenja tračnom
pilom pri razičitim posmičnim brzinama pilom pri razičitim posmičnim brzinama

DRVNA INDUSTRIJA 67 (1) 79-84 (2016) 83

Moradpour, Scholz, Doosthoseini, Tarmian: Measurement of Wood Cutting Forces... ........
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