Secret of World
Secret of World
Secret of World
Measurement of Wood
Cutting Forces during
Bandsawing Using
Piezoelectric Dynamometer
Mjerenje sila rezanja piezoelektričnim
dinamometrom tijekom piljenja drva
tračnom pilom
ABSTRACT • Optimization of wood cutting conditions can decrease the cutting forces, which directly relates to
the energy consumption. The aim of this study was to measure cutting force components in bandsaw processing of
green oak and beech wood at 90°-90° cutting direction (mode A). For this purpose, a piezoelectric dynamometer
(KISTLER type 9257A) mounted on the log carriage of vertical bandsaw machine (ESTERER model EB 1400)
was used to measure the parallel, normal and lateral cutting forces for different cutting speeds (20, 30 and 40 m
s-1) and feed rates (20, 30 and 40 m min-1 ). Results showed that all cutting force components change by increasing
the cutting speed and feed rate over the analysed range. However, little changes were observed for lateral force.
Overall, oak wood required greater cutting forces compared to beech wood. Conclusively, in the studied range,
with increasing cutting speed ratio to feed rate, main cutting force and normal force were decreased.
Key words: bandsawing, cutting forces, cutting speed, feed rate, piezoelectric dynamometer
SAŽETAK • Optimizacijom uvjeta rezanja drva mogu se smanjiti sile rezanja čija veličina izravno utječe na
potrošnju energije tijekom piljenja. Cilj istraživanja bio je odrediti sastavnice sile rezanja tijekom piljenja svježe
hrastovine i bukovine tračnom pilom, uz smjer rezanja 90° - 90° (mod A). U tu svrhu piezoelektrični je dinamom-
etar (Kistler tip 9257A) montiran na posmična kolica za trupce vertikalne tračne pile (ESTERER model EB 1400)
i upotrijebljen za mjerenje paralelne, okomite i bočne sile rezanja pri različitim brzinama rezanja (20, 30 i 40
m·s-1) i posmičnim brzinama (20, 30 i 40 m·min-1). Rezultati su pokazali da se sve sastavnice sile rezanja mijenjaju
s povećanjem brzine rezanja i posmične brzine u istraživanom rasponu. Male promjene zabilježene su za bočnu
silu. Rezultati su pokazali da su za piljenje hrastovine potrebne veće sile rezanja nego pri piljenju bukovine.
Zaključno, u promatranom se rasponu brzina s povećanjem omjera brzine rezanja i posmične brzine smanjuju
glavna i okomita sastavnica sile rezanja.
Ključne riječi: piljenje tračnom pilom, sile rezanja, brzina rezanja, posmična brzina, piezoelektrični dinamometar
Authors are assistant professor, professor and associate professor at Department of Wood and Paper Science & Technology, Faculty of Natu-
ral Resources, University of Tehran, Karaj, I.R. Iran. 2Author is professor at Faculty of Wood Technology, University of Applied Sciences
Rosenheim, FH-Rosenheim, Rosenheim, Germany.
Autori su docent, profesor i izvanredni profesor Odjela za znanost i tehnologiju drva i papira, Fakultet prirodnih resursa, Sveučilište u Tehe-
ranu, Karaj, Iran. 2Autor je profesor Fakulteta drvne tehnologije, Sveučilište primjenjenih znanosti u Rosenheimu, FH-Rosenheim, Rosen-
heim, Njemačka.
lateral force / ERþQDVLOD
normal force / okomita sila
50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
Cutting length / duljina rezanja, mm
Figure 4 The cycles of cutting forces signal obtained during bandsawing by piezoelectric dynamometer
Slika 4. Ciklusi signala sila rezanja dobivenih piezoelektričnim dinamometrom tijekom piljenja tračnom pilom
Table 2 The Pearson correlation coefficients between cutting speed, feed rate and cutting forces
Tablica 2. Pearsonov koeficijent korelacije između brzine rezanja, posmične brzine i sila rezanja
Variable Cutting speed Feed rate Parallel force Normal force Lateral force
Varijabla Brzina rezanja Posmična brzina Paralelna sila Okomita sila Bočna sila
Cutting speed / brzina rezanja 1 0.0 -0.77** 0.78** -0.42*
Feed rate / posmična brzina 1 0.71** -0.71** 0.40*
Parallel force / paralelna sila 1 -0.90** 0.55**
Normal force / okomita sila 1 -0.63**
Lateral force / bočna sila 1
** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level / korelacija je signifikantna pri 0.01; * Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level / korelacija je
signifikantna pri 0,05
to the temperature increase in the cutting zone up to rake angles (Koch, 1964). Negative normal force can
700 °C and wood strength reduction due to softening of also be attributed to wood machining defect, such as
wood lignin (Blackwell and Walker, 2006; Iskra et al., raised grains that could increase friction force and the
2005). According to the results, with increasing ratio of ratio of tool cutting edge radius to chip thickness, push-
the cutting speed to feed rate, parallel force decreases ing the tool out (Palmqvist, 2003). Our finding is in
gradually (Figure 6). The value of normal force at dif- agreement with some previous researches (Pahlitzsch
ferent cutting speeds for both wood species was nega- and Dziobek, 1959) and in contrast to other researches
tive (Figure 7). Negative normal force occurs at larger (Porankiewicz et al., 2007; Eyma et al., 2005).
beech / bukva oak / hrast
Parallel force / paralelna sila, N/mm
80 100
oak / hrast
40 beech / bukva
40 R² = 0.9889
R² = 0.9792
0 0
20 30 40 0.5 0.66 0.75 1 1.3 1.5 2
Cutting speed / brzina rezanja, m/s Cutting speed/feed rate / EU]LQDUH]DQMDSRVPLþQDEU]LQD
Figure 5 Relationship between parallel force and cutting Figure 6 Relationship between ratios of cutting speed /feed
speed rate on parallel force
Slika 5. Odnos između paralelne sile rezanja i brzine Slika 6. Odnos između paralelne sile rezanja i omjera brzine
rezanja rezanja i posmične brzine
0.2 6
beech / EXNYD oak / KUDVW
Normal force / okomita sila, N/mm
20 30 40 0
Cutting speed / EU]LQDUH]DQMD, m/s
Figure 8 Relationship between lateral force and cutting
Slika 8. Odnos između bočne sile i brzine rezanja -9
Result also revealed that oak wood required more
cutting force than beech wood, which can be due to the -15
higher specific gravity of oak wood (SG ≈ 0.53 for -18
20 30 40
beech wood and SG ≈ 0.59 for oak wood). The greatest Feed rate / SRVPLþQDEU]LQD, m/min
and lowest parallel and normal forces were observed Figure 10 Behaviour of normal force during bandsawing at
for oak wood with the cutting speed of 20 ms-1 and for different feed rates
beech wood with the cutting speed of 40 ms-1, respec- Slika 10. Promjene okomite sile tijekom piljenja tračnom
tively. pilom pri razičitim posmičnim brzinama
100 1.2
beech / EXNYD oak / KUDVW
Lateral force / ERþQDVLOD, N/mm
Parallel force / paralelna sila, N/mm
20 0.2
0 0
20 30 40 20 30 40
Feed rate / SRVPLþQDEU]LQD, m/min Feed rate / SRVPLþQDEU]LQD, m/min
Figure 9 Behaviour of parallel force during bandsawing at Figure 11 Behaviour of lateral force during bandsawing at
different feed rates different feed rates
Slika 9. Promjene paralelne sile tijekom piljenja tračnom Slika 11. Promjene bočne sile tijekom piljenja tračnom
pilom pri razičitim posmičnim brzinama pilom pri razičitim posmičnim brzinama