Specifi C Energy For Cutting Stems of The Basket Willow (Salix Viminalis L.)
Specifi C Energy For Cutting Stems of The Basket Willow (Salix Viminalis L.)
Specifi C Energy For Cutting Stems of The Basket Willow (Salix Viminalis L.)
Specic energy for cutting stems of the basket willow (Salix viminalis L.)
Department of Agricultural and Forest Machinery, Warsaw University of Life Science SGGW Abstract: Specic energy for cutting stems of the basket willow (Salix viminalis L.). In the process of willow biomass harvesting, the stems are subjected to many loads connected to bending, cutting and crushing. Obtaining of possibly the lowest process energy inputs calls for the knowledge of plant properties. This knowledge enables to understand the material behaviour in various operations. Therefore, this work aimed at determination of the effect of moisture content and place of sampling on specic energy of willow stem cutting. The obtained results were subjected to statistical analysis, which showed the signicant effect of moisture and place of sampling on the specic energy of cutting. At the working height of cutting units of harvesting machines (0.1 m) there were found the highest cutting energy values, equal on the average to 141.85 mJmm2. The carried out investigations enabled to nd that it was possible to reduce this value by harvesting at high moisture content of plants. Basing on the obtained measurement results there was developed a model for changes in specic cutting energy for the willow stems, depending on the place of sampling and moisture content. The proposed model enables to nd optimal conditions for execution of cutting process in consideration of the least energy inputs. Key words: specic energy of cutting, basket willow, moisture content of plants.
The quickly growing shrubby varieties of willow became a serious source of renewable energy. They are cultivated on arable lands and they become an ecological fuel that can be utilized in local
or industrial power engineering [Szczukowski and Tworkowski 2000, 2001; Tworkowski et al. 2010; Golec et al. 2010]. The willow cultivated in optimal soil and weather conditions yields big growths that assure protability of cultivation [Juliszewski et al. 2006]. To obtain the willow biomass, the stems are subjected to many processes depending on the selected harvesting technology. As a result of these processes, the stems are subjected to loads connected to bending, cutting and crushing. Obtaining of appropriate operation of the machines used in harvesting and post-harvest processing at possibly the lowest energy inputs calls for the knowledge of physical and mechanical properties of willow stems. This knowledge is essential also in consideration of material behaviour understanding with regard to various operations. Physical properties depend on the investigated cellular material. The size is inuenced by: variety, stem diameter, maturity, moisture content and cell structure [Persson 1987; Tavakoli et al. 2010]. These properties vary and depend on the height of sampling place [Nazari Galedar et al. 2008; Yilmaz et al. 2009]. One of the main direct factors during harvest is moisture content of plants. It determines many processes and is a species-related property of harvested plants [ODogherty et al. 1995; Nazari Galedar et al. 2008]. The
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loads during cutting are also inuenced by arrangement of stems being cut. In alfalfa the longitudinal arrangement during cutting requires 10 times less energy than the lateral arrangement [Shinners et al. 1987]. It is evident from review of references that the main factors affecting physical properties of plants (thus, the plant resistance to be overcome by machine working units) include: kind of harvested plants, direction of working elements operation in relation to stem, plant moisture content and the height of sampling place. Therefore, this work aimed at investigating the effect of moisture content and place of sampling on the specic energy of willow shoot cross-cutting. The obtained results would enable to develop a model for the cutting energy changes depending on investigated parameters. This model will point out optimal conditions for execution of cutting process in consideration of the least energy inputs.
PN-EN 13183-1 Standard with accuracy 1%. Cutting force measurements (with accuracy 1 N) as a function of stem strain were performed on the all-purpose testing machine of TRIAtest type. The cutting process was executed with the use of a steel knife of width 60 mm, thickness 10 mm and tool angle 30, across the willow shoot. The cutting measurements were performed at speed 5 mmmin1. The course of sample loading force as a function of sample strain was taken as the basis for further calculations of strength parameters (Fig. 1). The similar courses were presented by Chen et al. [2004] for cutting of hemp stems and by Mahmoodi and Jafari [2010] for caraway. Basing on performed measurements there was calculated the specic cutting energy Ejt as a quotient of the total strain energy and the willow shoot cross-section area [Chattopadhyay and Pandey 1999; Skubisz et al. 2001; Chen et al. 2004; Tavakoli et al. 2009]:
Ejt 1 Ft dx St
where: Ejt specic cutting energy, mJmm2, Ft cutting force, N, St cross-section of sample at place of cutting, mm2, x strain (travel of knife), mm. The samples for investigations were collected at random. Five repetitions were executed for each variable combination: moisture content and place of sampling. Experimental data were analyzed with the use of variance analysis (ANOVA), while division and distinguishing the homogeneous groups of the specic energy
Specic energy for cutting stems of the basket willow (Salix viminalis L.)
700 600
Force [N]
FIGURE 1. Changes in force values depending on strain during willow stem cutting
values were performed with the use of Duncan. The package STATISTICA version 10 was used in the analysis.
The applied detailed analysis performed by Duncan test allowed for division and distinguishing of homogeneous groups of the specic cutting energy depending on the level of sampling and plant moisture content (Tab. 2) [Grecki 2011]. Detailed comparison between mean values of specic cutting energy enabled to distinguish the two homogeneous groups for sampling level and plant moisture content. The part of willow stem nearest to stem base has the highest diameter and is most lignied; therefore, it requires the highest cutting energy (141.85 mJmm2) and is included into a separate homogeneous group.
TABLE 1. Results of variance analysis on factors inuencing mean specic cutting energy value for willow stems Ejt Factor p: Level w: Moisture content Residual Total Sum of square 25 743.3 29 579.2 119 762.0 175 084.0 Degree of freedom 2 2 40 44 Coefcient Femp 4.30 4.94 Critical signicance level p-Value 0.0204 0.0121
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TABLE 2. Results of detailed statistical analysis on mean specic cutting energy for willow stems, with division into homogeneous groups according to sampling level and moisture content Level of factor Count Mean mJmm2 Level, m 88.572 94.116 141.85 Moisture content, % 31.76 47.00 16.61 15 15 15 85.889 94.562 144.09 14.1281 14.1281 14.1281 Standard error mJmm2 14.1281 14.1281 14.1281 Homogeneous groups
15 15 15
This hypothesis has been conrmed by ndings of Rode [2008], who investigated the percent share of brous, parenchymal and covering tissues for various willow stem diameters. The brous tissue of stem diameter 12 mm takes 75% of the stem surface, while at diameters 8 and 6 mm 62 and 66%, respectively. The energy requirement for brous tissue cutting depends on stem diameter and can exceed by 37 times the respective values for parenchymal and covering tissues. Similar conclusions were drawn by Taghijarah et al. [2011], who investigated sugar cane stems and found that the specic cutting energy was higher for lower internodes due to accumulation of
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more mature bres at this zone of stem. Mean specic cutting energy ranged from 64.25 to 37.42 mJmm2. Lisowski et al. [2009] investigated the maize stems and came to the similar conclusions. At the lowest internode, they found the specic cutting energy of 22.80 mJmm2; it decreased to 10.93 mJmm2 at fourth internode. The change in sampling level from 0.6 to 1.1 m was insignicant, since the mean values of specic cutting energy included into particular groups did not differ signicantly and amounted to (91.34 mJmm2) (Fig. 2a). However, one can nd that change in the sampling level from 0.1 to 0.6 and 1.1 m, that were
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Ejt [mJmm2]
Ejt [mJmm2]
p [m]
w [%]
FIGURE 2. Mean values of specic cutting energy with 95% Tukey condence interval, depending on sampling level a and willow stem moisture content b
Specic energy for cutting stems of the basket willow (Salix viminalis L.)
included into a separate homogeneous group, caused a decrease in the requirement of specic cutting energy of willow stems by about 35.6%. Similar effect was found by Tavakoli et al. [2009] for wheat stalks. At zone nearest to the ground, specic cutting energy values were the highest and amounted to 25.74 36.26 mJmm2, and then it decreased towards ear to 21.85 mJmm2. Analogical changes from 256.02 to 101.31 mJmm2 were found for rice stalks by Zareiforoush et al. [2010]. The detailed analysis of specic cutting energy with division into groups according to moisture content enabled to prove the lack of differences for the changes in specic cutting energy for moisture content of 31.7 and 47.0%, at which the mean energy value amounted to 90.22 mJmm2 (Fig. 2b). For moisture content 16.61% the detailed analysis yielded a separate homogeneous group with the highest value of specic cutting energy equal to 144.09 mJmm2. At lower moisture content the specic energy values were higher. The lower wood moisture content, the higher its density and hardness [Kozakiewicz 2005, 2006]; it results in the increased specic cutting energy requirement. However, it should be noted that not all plants are similar in this respect. For example, Prasad and Gupta [1975] and Lisowski [2009] found the contrary effects for maize stems. It was conrmed for wheat stalks by Annoussamy et al. [2000] and Esehaghbeygi et al. [2009], for hemp stems by Chen et al. [2004], for alfalfa stems by Nazari Galedar et al. [2008] and for safower by Shahbazi and Nazari Galedar [2012]. The similar results of energy require-
ment were found by nce et al. [2005] for sunower stems. The cutting energy requirement increased exponentially with an increase in moisture content apart from the sampling level and ranged from 2 to 11 mJmm2. The higher values of specic cutting energy for the stems of higher moisture content were probably connected with the effect of viscous damping of moisture content and the plant stem properties that was found by Persson [1987]. The results of these investigations are useful in designing and optimization of the equipment for harvesting, processing of willow stems as well as in modeling of these processes. Using the obtained set of measuring results and the conclusions of variance analysis there was carried out the search for multiple regression by stepwise method. The nal form of regression equation was assumed for the maximal value of multiple correlation coefcient, with simultaneous consideration of regression coefcient signicant values. The analysis of signicance for particular coefcients based on Student-t test and signicance level is presented in Table 3. There was obtained an empirical model for specic cutting energy of willow stems, depending on moisture content and sampling level, in the form of polynomial: Ejt = 313.82 7.4567w 245.51p + + 0.076287w2 + 1.8076wp + 120.55p2 where: Ejt specic cutting energy, mJmm2, w moisture content, %, p sampling level, m, of multiple correlation coefcient amounts to 0.9891.
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TABLE 3. Analysis of regression coefcient signicance for specic cutting energy model for willow stems Parameter Constant w p w2 wp pp Regression coefcient 313.82 7.4567 245.51 0.076287 1.8076 120.55 Standard error 25.9269 1.65626 33.5817 0.0252758 0.543116 23.3422 Student-t value 12.104 4.50216 7.31096 3.01818 3.32818 5.1646 Signicance level 0.0012 0.0205 0.0053 0.0568 0.0448 0.0141
The course of changes in specic cutting energy Ejt depending on the level (p) and moisture content (w) for willow stems, based on the proposed model, is presented in Figure 3. Considering the obtained results one can nd that the formulated empirical model well describes the measured values of dependent variable. The maximal relative error amounted to 7.96%. Therefore, with the use of this model one can describe
dependence of specic cutting energy in the range of: level of willow stem cutting p0.11.1 m and plant moisture content w16.6147.00%. The analysis of the proposed model enables to nd that in consideration of the lowest energy requirement at high moisture content values, the direct standing willow harvesting would be advantageous. The lowest values of harvesting inputs would be then achieved. However,
Ejt [mJmm2]
p [m]
w [%]
FIGURE 3. Changes in specic cutting energy (Ejt) depending on sampling level (p) and moisture content (w) for willow stems
Specic energy for cutting stems of the basket willow (Salix viminalis L.)
in cumulated energy inputs one should take into consideration the need for repeated drying of the harvested plants; it is a very energy-consuming process [Dubas 2003; Szczukowski et al. 2006]. In the case of willow harvesting in rotation cycles of 24 years, one should take into account the increased harvesting inputs, since the stems of big diameter will generate higher specic cutting energy requirements [Rode 2008].
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1. In working zone of cutting unit operation in the harvesting machines for energetic plants (about 0.1 m above the ground), the willow stems require the highest cutting energy of 141.85 mJmm2. In carried out investigations the least energy requirement was found at high moisture content and in the upper zones of stem, of least lignied shoots. 2. The statistical analysis showed a signicant effect of sampling level and moisture content on the specic cutting energy of basket willow stems. 3. The developed empirical model allows for evaluation of existing relations between the sampling level, moisture content and specic energy of willow stems cutting. 4. Analysis of the obtained results from empirical model enables to determine most favourable conditions for harvesting process execution (cutting) of willow in consideration of the least specic energy requirement.
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Specic energy for cutting stems of the basket willow (Salix viminalis L.)
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Streszczenie: Energia jednostkowa cicia odyg wierzby wiciowej (Salix viminalis L.) .Celem pracy byo zbadanie wpywu wilgotnoci i miejsca pobrania prbki do bada na wielko energii jednostkowej cicia dla odyg wierzby. Otrzymane wyniki pozwoliy na opracowanie modelu zmian energii jednostkowej cicia w zalenoci od badanych parametrw. Materiaem badawczym byy odcinki odyg wierzby wiciowej, pobrane z trzech wysokoci odygi (0,1 m od podoa i dwa
kolejne oddalone co 0,5 m). Badania prowadzono dla trzech wilgotnoci odyg: 47,00 0,70%, 31,76 0,78% i 16,61 0,85%. Zmiana wysokoci pobrania prbki do bada powodowaa zmiany energii jednostkowej cicia w zakresie od 141,85 do 88,57 mJmm2. Dla badanych wilgotnoci najwiksze wartoci energii obserwowano dla wilgotnoci 16,61 0,85% (144,09 mJmm2). Dla otrzymanych wynikw opracowano model zmian energii jednostkowej cicia odyg wierzby w zalenoci od wilgotnoci i poziomu pobrania prbki do bada w postaci wielomianu. Opracowany model empiryczny umoliwia ocen zwizkw wystpujcych midzy poziomem pobrania prbki do bada, wilgotnoci a energi jednostkow cicia odyg wierzby.