Supermeditation: Association International
Supermeditation: Association International
Supermeditation: Association International
Published in 2015
Copyright © N R Francey
All rights reserved
Meditation in the Superconscious
B SuperMeditation Contents
“Man can never wisely decide temporal issues
or transcend the selfishness of personal
interests unless he meditates in the presence
of the sovereignty of God and reckons with
the realities of divine meanings and spiritual
values. ”
— The Urantia Book, Paper 99:7.4, page 1093:2
SuperMeditation Overview i
An introduction to SuperMeditation
xplore meditation attempting this liaison we develop in worship, becoming service
in its ultimate form: our ability to more effectively face orientated, all separate yearnings
the demands of living. and yet they all interrelate. So
It is based on the highest revelatory much for the old style of passively
truths of the modern age. We can also come to know the
doing nothing but chanting a
realm of our superconsciousness
SuperMeditation links our day-to- mantra, focusing on an object, or
where we engage in profound
day life with spirit influences. futilely trying to empty the mind.
thinking and personal communion
It is not a quick and easy method. It
with our Creator. The result is The supreme desire for truth,
works in a natural way over time.
the development of our spiritual coupled with the highest values,
It seeks to balance all attributes, awareness, capacity, and receptivity. ensures this practice of searching
powers and components of our
being. This approach to meditation seeks for God within us is the most
the highest ideals, divine goals, natural, safest, and worthwhile
There is no set method or sequence
and worthy insights. It is free from endeavor. It is even our duty.
for the study of these modules.
They need to be studied and applied the constraints of authoritative Is it effective? Does it work? Is it
in practical life circumstances. religions, mysticism, rituals, and the way to a better life? Discover
habitual formulas. for yourself. Live it. It is an exciting
SuperMeditation is the connection
of material reality and our spiritual It is multifaceted: thoughtful adventure that lasts a lifetime.
nature through the thinking problem solving, making contact It is your unique and personal
mechanism we call mind. By with our indwelling spirit, engaging journey.
ii SuperMeditation Introduction
SuperMeditation is based on
the Urantia Papers
Adapted from Urantia Foundation web site
he Urantia Papers describe all thinking of all peoples; they have on service to one’s fellows, and faith
human beings as belonging the potential to make the world a in a personal relationship with a
to one family, the daughters better place. loving God.
and sons of one God, the Universal
For over fifty years, people from
Father. It is the basis for developing a
around the world have discovered
The Papers introduce us to new that the teachings have profoundly universal philosophy of living, by
concepts about our ever-ascending impressed and changed their lives living in harmony with each other
adventure of knowing and finding – inspired and stimulated them to and desiring to do the will of God.
God in our friendly and carefully reach new levels of spiritual growth
We encourage you to consider
administered universe. and enhanced living.
its unifying truths that explain
The writings offer a clear and concise The Urantia Papers do not advocate
life itself. Thankfully we can now
integration of science, philosophy, a new and organized religion. Their
and religion. They have the capacity viewpoint builds upon the religious explore the concepts on which all
to make a significant contribution heritages of the past and present, other meditations, philosophies and
to the religious and philosophical encouraging a living religion based religions are based.
SuperMeditation iii
New terminology is required 1934 second edition of Webster’s themselves transcendent stimuli,
New International Dictionary calling forth the reaction of the very
Those who wish to converse about
defines meditation as: best that is resident in man’s higher
meditation need to be bold in
nature. On every mountaintop of
thought and word. And so to action. ... the act of meditating, thought,
especially close or continued intellectual thought are to be found
It requires the usage of key words: relaxation for the mind, strength
thought, serious contemplation. A
spirit, worship, consciousness levels, for the soul, and communion
form of private devotion or spiritual
truth, our spiritual nature, self- for the spirit. From such vantage
exercise consisting in deep continued
awareness, religious associations, reflection on some religious theme. points of high living, man is able to
prayer, mind. transcend the material irritations
There is no reference to a passive of the lower levels of thinking -
And we might as well include mental state, the focus on a worry, jealousy, envy, revenge, and
higher forces in there, along single object, or an altered state the pride of immature personality.
with other majestic ideas of of consciousness. In fact, the These high-climbing souls deliver
brotherhood, survival, faith, use of the word in The Urantia themselves from a multitude of the
guidance, ethics, decision making… Book corresponds with the above crosscurrent conflicts of the trifles of
The spirit of religion is eternal, but definition: the act of thinking.
living, thus becoming free to attain
the form of its expression must be Meditation is thrilling, it is thinking consciousness of the higher currents
restated every time the dictionary of in action, solution directed and of spirit concept and celestial
human language is revised. [1087.3] insight focused, it is dynamic. communication. [1778.3]
Consider this excerpt from the
Relevant definitions of Living truth is dynamic and can
Urantia Papers:
meditation enjoy only an experiential existence
This new gospel of the kingdom in the human mind. [1949.4]
There is anecdotal evidence that renders a great service to the art of
suggests a second edition of a The spirit can dominate mind; so
living in that it supplies a new and
Webster’s Dictionary, current mind can control energy. [1222.3]
richer incentive for higher living. It
during the time of the sponsoring presents a new and exalted goal of Following the above reasoning and
of the Papers, was the benchmark destiny, a supreme life purpose. And the defining quotations from The
authority for the definition of these new concepts of the eternal Urantia Book, we present this new
words used by the revelators. The and divine goal of existence are in definition about meditation:
iv SuperMeditation
SuperMeditation Courses v
vi SuperMeditation
Section 1. The Universal Framework
Random thinking, daydreaming, contemplation, especially prayer.
e all experience
emotive behavior, innate reflex To think or reflect, especially in
different states of mind
activity, habits, heightened senses, a calm and deliberate manner.
every day. How we
reactions, psychic phenomena. Prayer to a higher realm for
utilize the various states of mind
others. Thinking about the
to deal with life events is what’s Conscious (the level for
important. welfare of others (compassion,
connection for most meditations)
forgiveness). Taking in spiritual
The creative state of mind is the Mindfulness meditation. Moment power in a natural setting. Alter
most intriguing for there we can to moment thinking. (This is used ego (talking to an imaginary
experience being ‘in the zone’, in Western countries, claiming to friend or higher self). Altered
a connectedness difficult to assist psychological and mental mental state (only if seeking the
replicate or explain. Being at one, health.) presence of God).
most natural, most real, are other
ways to express this state. Thinking about facts (logical and
lateral thinking). Basic reflection
We use various forms of about life and events (archiving of Spiritual meditation
meditation to relax, gain a
relatively peaceful state of mind, Thanksgiving
be spiritual, think clearly, or Problem solving at various mental
Experiencing a spiritual state
focus our attention. And we can levels (deliberation, solution
function in a natural way to do all based). Worship of the Creator
that. Imagination for a better day / life Thinking and decisions based on
So what are the various levels of (populist and mostly ego driven). God’s will or the will of God. Faith.
mind that we can work through? Dynamic and active expression
Calm or empty the mind, often
We can function at subconscious, of self
by achieving an altered state
conscious, and superconscious
of mind. (This is Buddhism & Loving service to others
Hinduism related.) Can we really
Can we work through these empty the mind? PART 2
levels with meditation in order to
Concentration on a particular Here is another way to look at the
expand our cosmic consciousness
object or writing, sometimes different forms of consciousness
and enhance our spiritual
using a mantra. Focus of mind. outlined above. Is there a
This can limit the awareness of sequence to the attainment
just being. of the superconscious state?
Sometimes all Paradise becomes son with the Father; time in the We worship God by the aid of the
engulfed in a dominating tide act of striking step with eternity. Father’s indwelling spirit and by
of spiritual and worshipful Worship is the act of the son’s
the illumination of the human
expression. [304.5] personal communion with the
mind through the ministry of
divine Father, the assumption of
Prayer / worship comparisons refreshing, creative, fraternal, and truth. Worship, taught Jesus,
[1616.7 – 10] romantic attitudes by the human makes one increasingly like the
soul-spirit. being who is worshiped. Worship
Worship is intended to anticipate
the better life ahead and then is a transforming experience
Quotes giving further
to reflect these new spiritual whereby the finite gradually
significances back onto the life approaches and ultimately attains
which now is. Prayer is spiritually …only the personality realities
the presence of the Infinite. [1641.1]
sustaining, but worship is of the Father, Son, and Spirit can
divinely creative. be grasped by the personality of
the finite creature in the prayer-
Worship is the technique of
worship attitude. [1165.4]
looking to the One for the
inspiration of service to the many. Worship is a personal communion
Worship is the yardstick which with that which is divinely real,
Revelation as an indicator of
Each dispensation, each mortal
epoch, receives an enlarged
presentation of spiritual truth
and religious ethics. The evolution
of the religious capacity of
receptivity in the inhabitants of
a world largely determines their
rate of spiritual advancement and
the extent of religious revelation.
determined by the depth of import to the human mind when
Revelation is evolutionary but
individual intellectual experience it flows freely in the liberated
always progressive. Down through
and by the evolutionary but controlled channels of
the ages of a world’s history, the
personality level. The spiritual creative imagination. At such
revelations of religion are ever-
presence of Divinity must of times, and sometimes during
expanding and successively more
necessity be differential in the sleep, the Adjuster is able to
enlightening. It is the mission of
universe. It is determined by the arrest the mental currents, to
revelation to sort and censor the
spiritual capacity of receptivity stay the flow, and then to divert
successive religions of evolution.
and by the degree of the the idea procession; and all
But if revelation is to exalt and
upstep the religions of evolution, consecration of the creature’s will this is done in order to effect
then must such divine visitations to the doing of the divine will. [64.4] deep spiritual transformations
portray teachings which are not in the higher recesses of the
The importance of the state of superconsciousness. Thus are
too far removed from the thought
relaxation the forces and energies of mind
and reactions of the age in which
they are presented. Thus must Meditation makes the contact more fully adjusted to the key
and does revelation always keep of mind with spirit; relaxation of the contactual tones of the
in touch with evolution. Always determines the capacity for spiritual level of the present and
must the religion of revelation spiritual receptivity. [1777.2] the future.
be limited by man’s capacity of It is sometimes possible to have
receptivity. [1007.1] Material handicaps to adjuster the mind illuminated, to hear
indwelling [1199.2 - 4] the divine voice that continually
The physical presence of the
Infinite is the reality of the Supreme and self-acting speaks within you, so that you
material universe. The mind Adjusters are often able to may become partially conscious
presence of Deity must be contribute factors of spiritual of the wisdom, truth, goodness,
Supplement of background
Supplement (a) content of experience from
moment to moment, to focus
on all mental events that enter
a) Traditional definitions of TRADITIONAL DEFINITIONS the field of awareness.
meditation OF MEDITATION
Progress on the definition of
As reported in Wikipedia, the
b) A brief history of meditation meditation
word “meditation” and the phrase
c) Meditations in various religions “meditative practice” are often The definition of meditation
used imprecisely to designate requires a new approach, as does
d) Popular meditations broadly similar practices, or sets the practice itself. In the past, the
of practices, that are found across concept of meditation has been
e) Results of ‘scientific’ studies
many cultures and traditions. quite limited in its application
f) What’s in a name? • ‘meditation’, is sometimes the and understanding. And there
translation of meditatio in Latin, has been no definition that has
which is the third of four steps found universal acceptance.
of Lectio Divina, an ancient form
This has been partially due
of Christian prayer.
to poorly defined standards,
• ‘Meditation’ may also refer to measures, and methods. It
the second of the three steps of has been said that there is a
Yoga in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, a
“persistent lack of consensus in
step called dhyana in Sanskrit.
the literature” and a “seeming
• Meditation may refer to a intractability of defining
mental or spiritual state that meditation”.
may be attained by such
practices, and may also refer to One of the main reasons for this
the practice of that state. is the analysis of meditation has
been the province of the scientific
• Focused Attention (FA)
community who attempt to apply
meditation, Concentrative
material limitations.
Meditation, entails the
voluntary focusing of attention A recent endeavor to define
on a chosen object. meditation was attempted by
• Open Monitoring (OM) seven people trained in diverse
meditation, Mindfulness but empirically highly studied
Meditation, involves non- (clinical or Eastern-derived) forms
reactive monitoring of the of meditation.
[M = Meditation]
Peaceful M
God M
Freedom M
Empowerment M
Transition M
Nap M
Relationship M
Abundance M
God’s will M
Decision M
My Personal M
Outreach M
Paradise M
Awareness M
Direct Link M
Rapture M