Desktop Surveillance: National Accreditation Board For Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL)
Desktop Surveillance: National Accreditation Board For Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL)
Desktop Surveillance: National Accreditation Board For Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL)
Desktop Surveillance
For an accredited Conformity Assessment Body (CAB) to maintain its accreditation status, it is mandatory that the
CAB continues to comply with the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025:2005 or2017 or ISO: 15189: 2012or ISO/IEC
17043:2010 or ISO 17034:2016 (whichever is relevant) and NABL policies, for which NABL conducts annual
surveillance. Once a CAB has been accredited, NABL may conduct onsite surveillance visit to verify the continued
For the purpose of desktop surveillance, the CAB should provide the information as per this document and the same
will be considered to verify the continued compliance for maintaining accreditation. The information provided by the
CAB is evaluated at NABL secretariat and if the information is conforming to the requirements; the CAB is allowed to
continue its accreditation status based on desktop surveillance. However; if the information provided is insufficient to
establish the continued compliance; an onsite assessment may be conducted.
The CABs are therefore advised to provide the desired information accurately as per the format. The
informationprovided is subject to verification at onsite surveillance (if conducted) or in subsequent reassessment visit.
Any wrong information provided may lead to adverse decision by NABL.
1. Status of implementation and monitoring the effectiveness of corrective actions(s) taken on non-conformities raised
during last on-site assessment: (please provide details in tabular format)
Non-conformities raised during last on- Brief Summary of corrective actions Evidence of continued compliance
site assessment taken of corrective actions (as on date)
2. Summary of last internal audit findings and corrective actions taken on non-conformities raised during the audit
a) Availability of audit scope and plan/schedule Yes/No
b) Frequency of internal audit as per procedure for internal audit._____________________________________
c) Dates of last two internal audit conducted _____________________________________________________
d) Particulars of persons who have conducted last internal audit
Name(s) ofQualification Affiliation Training status Details of training organization & duration
auditors(s) & (Internal/ External) (whether trained as of training
designation per ISO/IEC 17025
/ ISO 15189 /
ISO /IEC 17043 /
ISO 17034)
5. Details of internal quality control (IQC) checks practiced by the CAB (wherever applicable)
a) Which of the following quality control measures are used by the CAB, please tick appropriate column(s).
i. Use of Certified reference material/reference material.
ii. Use of internal quality control material
iii. Replicate testing using same or different method.
iv. Retesting of retained item
v. Replicate calibration using same or different method
vi. Recalibration of retained items.
vii. Use of control charts using control samples
viii. Use of control charts using check standards
ix. Correlation of results for different characteristics of an item
x. Any other technique(s); Please specify......
b) Details of IQC plans of the CAB as per accredited scope mentioning frequency of IQC checks
(Annexure: _______________)
c) Whether the compliance criterion isdefined, met and corrective actions taken if required Yes/ No
EQAS/ PT providers PT programme No. Parameter Z Score/ En Details of root cause analysis
(or) ILC/ Value / SDI in case of unsatisfactory
coordinatingCAB performance
7. Please furnish detail of the reference standards,CRM, equipments, held by the CAB
S.No. Reference standard/ CRM/ equipments (Make Date of calibration (reference Metrological
&Model No. if applicable) standard/ equipments)/ Date of traceability/ calibration
validity (CRM) agency
Note: Equipments, CRM, Reference standards details shall be given separately wherever applicable
9.Has there been a change in the following aspects of the CAB operations since last assessment?
a) Legal Status : Yes/No (If yes, give details thereof)
b) Ownership : Yes/No (If yes, give details thereof)
c) Top Management : Yes/No (If yes, give details thereof)
d) Key CABPersonnel : Yes/No (If yes, give details thereof)
e) Policies : Yes/No (If yes, give details thereof)
f) Resources : Yes/No (If yes, give details thereof)
g) CABPremises : Yes/No (If yes, give details thereof)
h) Major Test/ Calibration equipment : Yes/ No (If yes, give details thereof)
i) Personnel declared for report, review and : Yes/ No (If yes, give details thereof)
authorize the results
Note: For any of above stated changes; CABshould have informed NABL within 15 days of its change as defined in NABL
131. The above declarations cannot be considered as an application for change
Note: Provide the DD number/ bank details along with the amount paid. All payments shall be payable at New Delhi
12.Self declarations
12.1 (a) Please give a self declaration confirming the valid calibration status of various equipments and reference
standards held by the CAB. The declaration should also focus on compliance to metrological traceability policy as
given in NABL 142.Annexure.....
(b) Incase the CABhas enhanced the periodicity of calibration of any equipment(s), please give detailed technical
justification for the same.Annexure....
Note: The self declaration to be given by a competent authority on CAB’sletter head
12.2Please furnish a self declaration by the head of the CAB / CAB director for continued compliance of the CAB to
ISO/IEC 17025: 2005 or 2017/ ISO15189: 2012/ ISO/IEC17043:2010 or ISO17034:2016(whichever is applicable)
and relevant NABL specific criteria (s) (wherever applicable) since last on site assessment. Annexure...
Note: The self declaration to be given on CAB’s letter head
13. All information provided above is true and I am aware that any wrong information / declaration given therein may lead
to adverse actions by NABL