Resistivity Testing of Substation

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Testing Substation Yardstone-Lessons Learned


IEEE Standard 80–2000, Section 12.5 suggests
that the resistivity of the surface materials used in
grounding systems should be tested.

IEEE 80-2000, Section 17.3 includes a sample calculation using a value of 3,000 Ωm for the
resistivity of surfacing material. Mistakenly, this value is often utilized as a typical value for
surfacing material when values are unknown.
3,000 Ωm is often cited in specifications as a minimum resistivity for surfacing material.
Table D.1 presents a range of resistivity for a variety of surfacing materials. The information
lacks standard terminology for describing the materials and too general to assign values.
Brief Background and History

2012 to 2013 2014 2015 to Present

 ATC inquired about possibility  Started testing surfacing  PES IEEE Working Group G6
of testing yardstone surfacing. material at substations Task Force 1 formed to address
throughout the ATC footprint. standardized testing and
 “Napkin” sketches of test prepare technical report.
apparatus and “garage”  Presented the proposed test
bench scale tests. procedure and data at  Trafficability over surfacing
professional conferences. material prompts a look at
 Coleman retained to develop
composite surfacing sections.
standard apparatus and test  Acquired significant data on
procedure. various surfacing materials.  Continued testing is being
completed to gather more
 Published findings in IEEE  Started noticing that 3,000 Ω∙m information about surfacing
Transactions October 2013. was elusive and not easily materials.
Existing Recognized Standard
Resistivity Test Procedures

 ASTM G57 – Discusses the 4 pin Wenner array for field determination of soil resistivity.
The procedure extends to laboratory testing using a small test box with 4 pin
 ASTM G187 – Discusses a 2 pin method in a small test box. Generally utilized to
evaluate soils for corrosion potential for embedded steel construction components
(culverts, guy anchors, steel pile, etc.).
 AASHTO T288 – Presents 2 pin and 4 pin methods referring to ASTM methods.
 Other standard test methods, developed by various electrical utilities, are not
universally recognized. Some of these methods were discussed in an informational
report published in IEEE 80-2012.
ASTM G57/AASHTO T288 Revisited

 G57 and T288 provide a reasonable approach to measuring electrical resistivity

in soils. The approach does not consider coarse materials such as yardstone
surfacing materials.
 The standards do not address variables that affect resistivity other than
indicating the minimum resistivity is considered when sample is saturated.
 Conventional test apparatus does not accommodate coarse size particles
generally included in surfacing material.
 Test procedure does not include discussion on variables that will affect resistivity
such as particle geology, grading, compactness and moisture.
 The test could easily be modified to include documentation and control of
variables as well as accommodate larger particles.
 Agencies are reluctant to change test procedures.
Examples of ASTM/AASHTO Test Boxes
What’s Wrong with this Picture?

 Rather than modify the test box,

laboratories have modified the
samples or used existing equipment.
 Top example shows removing or
crushing larger particles to prepare a
sample that can accommodate the
test box.
 Bottom example tries to utilize a test
box that is much too small to
accommodate the maximum particle
Make the Box Fit the Material

 Larger dimensions allow representing

coarse particles in the test procedure.
 Non conductive materials.
 Rigid construction to allow rough service.
 Easily modified to incorporate 2 pin and 4
pin test methods.
 Meets the intent of ASTM and AASHTO.
Gradation alone is not enough

 ASTM Size 57 (Granitic Particles)  ASTM Size 57 (Limestone/Dolomite Particles)

 Resistivity – 2,000 to 3,500 Ω∙m  Resistivity 1,000 to 2,000 Ω∙m
 Saturated Moisture - 0.5 to 1.5%  Saturated Moisture 2.0 to 3.5 %
Geology plays an important role

 The geologic origin of surfacing materials

contribute to the resistive properties of
the particles in surfacing materials.
 Granites, basalts and other
metavolcanic rock are dense and less
likely to absorb water contributing to
high resistivity.
 Limestone, dolomite, shale, sandstone,
and other sedimentary or meta-
sedimentary rock generally absorb more
water contributing to low resistivity.
 Have also tested caliche, coral and
coconut straw.
Geographic Limitations

Bedrock Geology of North America

 Red oldest; yellow youngest.
 Reds generally very dense volcanic and
meta volcanic granite and basalt, very
dense (Canadian Shield).
 Blues and purples are moderately dense
and consist of meta volcanics and
metamorphic rock created from
sediments (shales, dolomites, slates).
 Yellows are sedimentary rock very soft
and absorptive(limestone, sandstone).
Map courtesy of Kate E. Barton, David G. Howell, José F. Vigil on behalf of the U.S.
Geological Survey in collaboration with the Geological Survey of Canada and the
Mexican Consejo Recursos de Minerales.
What Does 3,000 Ω∙m Material Look Like?

Maximum Density: 101.6 pcf

Saturated Moisture: 1.1%

Test Compaction: 100%

Test Method: Wenner 4 Pin and Modified Test Box

Moisture Condition 1/3 Saturated 2/3 Saturated Saturated

Voltage (V) 13.84 15.44 14.90
Current (A) 0.000148 0.00026 0.00048
Resistance (Ω) 93,514 59,385 31,042
Box Factor 0.131 0.131 0.131
Resistivity (Ω∙m) 12,250 7,779 3,104

Particle shape and range of sizes affect the support of traffic. Rounded particles all of uniform shape
and size reduce trafficability. Angular particles with range of sizes improve trafficability. Some designers
are considering composite layers to maintain resistivity and improve trafficability.
What we are seeing to improve

 Dense graded aggregate placed

to enhance traffic support.

 Saturated resistivity 150 to 300 Ω∙m

Current Movements in Testing

 IEEE Working Group G6 Task Force 1 is

currently preparing a technical report to
discuss electrical resistivity of surfacing
material and considers standardized test
methods currently being developed.
 ASTM Standard Guide being considered
which will provide guidance to designer
and testing agencies to consider
variables when measuring the resistive
properties of soil and construction
 Vertical oriented test to allow composite
layers of surfacing material being
considered to evaluate resistivity.
Design and Construction

 Consider a resistivity value that is  Do not rely on gradation alone.

achievable given local constraints of Gradation is only one variable.
materials available. Consider geologic composition and
shape of particles and absorption
 Consider regional limitations of
available surface materials.
 Consider trafficability of surfacing
 Establish submittal process to test
material. Include a minimum crushed
surfacing materials to confirm that
particle content.
minimum resistivity criteria is met or
achievable.  Consider constructing traffic lanes
which can accommodate lower
resistivity materials which will support


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