Section Three

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Section Three: Teacher Candidate Artifacts


Throughout this section of my portfolio you will find nine personal artifacts that I have

created through my educational journey at Medaille College. Through these artifacts, it is evident

that I am prepared to be a well-rounded educated professional. These artifacts display personal

strengths in planning, instructional and assessment processes, use of technology in the

classroom, ability to accommodate/modify for students, culturally responsive teaching,

professional collaboration, and professional development.

The two lesson plans included in this portfolio demonstrate my ability to plan, instruct

and assess my students. The first lesson segment includes three lessons on sequencing the main

events of a story that I was required to use to instruct a class at Hamlin Park Elementary. The

next lesson plan I have included is my guided reading lesson plan. Next, I included a Cultural

Awareness Presentation that I was required to create to illustrate my abilities to research,

analyze, and connect to multicultural instruction. The fourth artifact that I have included in a

report card reflection that had us examine data from final report cards from various years.

Artifacts & Rationales

Artifact #1: EdTPA Unit Plan

This learning segment or unit plan was carefully created with a large amount of planning,

scaffolding, and modelling with the goal of allowing students to broaden their knowledge,

challenge themselves and build on prior knowledge. The use on manipulatives, technology, pre

and post assessment, detailed instruction and engaging activities helped make this an effective

lesson. This lesson was carefully designed with the needs of each student in mind.
This artifact aligns with many teaching standards and practices. Firstly, this artifact aligns

with the INTASC Standard 1a – “the teacher regularly assesses individual and group

performance in order to design and modify instruction to meet learners’ needs in each area of

development (cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical) and scaffolds the next level

of development” because before instruction, I planned and prepared learning extensions and

modifications incase these were required. This artifact also aligns with the INTASC Standard 1b

– “the teacher creates developmentally appropriate instruction that takes into account individual

learners’ strengths, interests, and needs and that enables each learner to advance and accelerate

his/her learning”. Both INTASC standard demonstrate the flexibility of the content of the

learning segment and its efforts to challenge and provide differentiated instruction for each

student. This artifact also aligns with the New York State Code of Ethics Principle 2 for the

broad range of teaching techniques and concepts presented as well as the differentiated

instruction. This artifact is further supported by the use of technology during each lesson,

varying approaches, and a creative application of the content. The Medaille TEAC Claims

connects to this artifact because it demonstrates a detailed knowledge of the content, strong and

creative teaching practices, and includes cultural responsiveness. The use of technology

throughout this artifact connect with the ISTE Standard 2a – “design and develop digital age

learning experiences and assessments including digital tools and resources to promote student

learning and creativity”. CEC Standards are also connected to this artifact by “maintaining

challenging expectations for individuals with exceptionalities to develop the highest possible

learning outcomes and quality of life with respect to the dignity, culture, language, and

Artifact #2: English Language Arts Guided Reading Lesson Plan

This artifact is a lesson plan focusing on guided reading instruction. The central focus of

this lesson plan is finding the main idea of a story using text evidence. This lesson starts off with

a review of the definition of the main idea. We then review what it means to determine the main

idea through the Main Idea Mystery Bag activity and challenge the students to think of additional

ways we could organize the items in the bags. Before we begin the lesson, I will have the

students do a look around the book and challenge the students to determine the main idea of the

story using details observed. I then have the students listen to the details of the story as I read in

order to determine the main idea. Once we have finished reading the book, I ask the students to

turn to their elbow partner to discuss what they believe the main idea is using evidence from the

text. For my English Language Learners, I will accommodate for them by providing key terms

and instruction using symbols/pictures or their own language, as well as pairing them with non-

English Language Learners.

This guided reading lesson plan connects to the INTASC standard one – learner

development, and the New York State Code of Ethics Standards for Educators principle two. In

this lesson I am able to demonstrate that I am conscious of my English Language Learners’

needs and am able to accommodate when needed. This lesson relates to the New York State

Common Core standard RI.3.2 and the Ontario Curriculum Analyzing Text 1.7. The Council for

Exceptional Children standard A connects to this lesson because it is my responsibility

throughout this lesson to model and scaffold how to apply knowledge to complete the task.

Throughout the lesson, I am able to maintain engagement, show compassion, understanding and

interest in students learning process.

Artifact #3: Pecha Kucha Presentation

The Pecha Kucha presentation is a twenty-slide featuring twenty seconds of audio per

slide. The topic choice entails pitfalls and prevention of an intellectual disability call Autism

Spectrum Disorder. This artifact addresses students with disabilities and provides suggestions for

the viewer to implement in their classrooms. This artifact connects to many areas within the

teacher competencies. Planning, instructions, accommodations, classroom management, student

motivation and best teaching practices are the areas of focus throughout this artifact.

This artifact aligns with the INTASC Standard 1d – “the teachers understands how

learning occurs, how learners construct knowledge, acquire skills, and develop disciplined

thinking processes, and knows how to use instructional strategies that promote student learning.

The New York Code of Ethics Principle 1 – educators nurture the intellectual, physical,

emotional, social, and civic potentials of each student, aligns with this artifact because I take into

consideration the dignity and worth of each individual and help students value their own identity.

The Ontario Ethical Teacher Standards connect with this artifact because I show compassion,

acceptance, interest and insight for developing students’ potential, and I honor human dignity,

emotional wellness and cognitive development.

Artifact #4: Report Card Analysis

For this artifact I was required to research previous report card data and reflect on the

importance of knowing how to evaluate report card data. Through this artifact I was able to

analyze how social economic status can affect learning, student proficiency, assessment, meeting

curriculum standards, and the overall school achievements. I obtained the skill of analyzing and

reflection on report card data which will help me succeed during the interview process.
This artifact aligns with INTASC Standards 9c – “independently and in collaboration

with colleagues, the teacher uses a variety of data (i.e. systematic observation, information about

learners, research) to evaluate the outcomes of teaching and learning and to adapt planning and

practice”, and 9d – “the teacher actively seeks professional, community, and technological

resources, within and outside the school, as supports for analysis, reflection, and problem

solving”. The New York State Code of Ethics Principle 3, “educators commit to their own

learning in order to develop their practice. Educators recognize that professional knowledge and

development are the foundations of their practice” aligns with this artifact because I am

expanding my knowledge that will help me succeed during the interview processes and in my


Artifact #5: ELED Assessment

This artifact is a demonstration of my ability to assess a student and actively plan for

student-centered learning and a next-step instructional approach. This assessment examines an

individual student who struggles with reading and provided me with an opportunity to reflect and

create a next-step instruction plan. This assessment started with an interest inventory so I could

have the opportunity to get to know the student and plan my assessments according to her

interests. The assessments throughout this artifact include a few high-frequency word

assessments, the primary spelling inventory, and two running records. With these assessments

and outcomes, I was able to determine the student’s weaknesses and plan my next-steps to help

this student succeed. This is a crucial skill that any teacher should be required to have.

This artifacts aligns with the INTASC Standard 6g – The effectively uses multiple and

appropriate types of assessment data to identify each student’s learning needs and to develop
differentiated learning experiences, and 6i – the teacher knows how to analyze assessment data

to understand patterns and gaps in learning to guide planning and instruction, and to provide

meaningful feedback to all learners. This artifact also aligns with the New York Code of Ethics

Principle 2 as I am able to create, support, and maintain challenging learning environments for

all, I apply my professional knowledge to promote student learning. This artifact also aligns with

CEC Standard 2 – maintaining a high level of professional competence and integrity, exercising

professional judgement to benefit individuals. The New York Code of Ethics Standard 6 is also

connected to this artifact because I use evidence, instructional data, research and professional

knowledge to inform practice.

Artifact #6: Survey Assignment

This artifact demonstrates my ability to collect, analyze, evaluate, and reflect on data. In

this artifact I will demonstrate my ability to apply my knowledge and skills about survey

research and data collection, draw conclusions, and create a plan for improvement. For this

artifact I decided to focus on whether the level of communication between parents and teachers

was satisfactory from the parent’s perspective. Often communication is left out of the spotlight

when assessing students’ performance. Effective communication between parents and teachers

greatly impacts a student’s learning. It is important to get a scope of the communication

techniques that are used to determine the effectiveness.

This artifact reaches the INTASC Standard 10 Leadership and Collaboration. This artifact

required me to take on a leadership role by surveying/collecting data from parents to determine if

their communication needs have been met by the teacher. This artifact also aligns with the New

York State Code of Ethics for Educators Principle 3. This principle states the importance of
teachers committing to their own learning to become more effective teachers. This artifact

required a lot of time and effort that only a passionate, caring, and motivated teacher could pull

off. This also aligns with the TEAC Claim 3 of begin a caring educator. The Council for

Exceptional Children Standard F states that educators should have the ability to use evidence,

data, research and professional knowledge to further their teaching practices – this artifact

required me to follow this standard.

Artifact #7: DASA Certificate

Dignity for All Students Act (DASA) is designed to provide students with an education

environment that is free of discrimination and harassment. The Dignity Act covers the promotion

of a positive school environment that is culturally sensitive and welcomes diversity through

various ways within the curriculum. After successfully navigating through the DASA Certificate

course, I feel as though my culture awareness and understanding has been enhanced and will

allow me to be a professional teacher. I am now equipped with the knowledge of how to prevent

and provide intervention for harassment, bullying, and discrimination. The certificate that was

provided at the end of the course provides evidence that each student under my supervision will

benefit from my ability to reinforce awareness and sensitivity.

This artifact aligns with the INTASC Standard #9 which states that the teacher engaged

in ongoing professional learning and uses evidence to continually evaluate his/her practice,

particularly the effect of his/her choices and actions on others and adapts practice to meet the

needs of each learner. The NYS Code of Ethics for Educators Principle 5 states that educators

collaborate with parents and community, building trust and respecting confidentiality which

aligns with this artifact. Finally, this artifact also aligns with the Ontario Ethical Teacher

Standards of trust. This standard states that trust embodies fairness, openness, and honesty.
Members’ professional relationships with students, colleagues, parents, and the public are based

on trust.

Artifact #8: Child Abuse and Maltreatment Certificates

There is no guarantee that a teacher will never be face with a situation, witness or suspect

wrongdoing. Prevention and intervention strategies are a crucial part of any teacher training. The

safety and wellbeing of our students is of high importance as an educator. I included this artifact

because of the severity of situations that are covered throughout this course and the importance

of knowing how to recognize it. This professional development has helped strengthen me

knowledge and heighten my awareness than before. Before this course I had no knowledge in

ways to recognize maltreatment of children. As part of the Foundation of Special Education

course through Medaille, I was given an opportunity to enhance my knowledge and

understanding through the Violence Prevention and Intervention/ Identification and Reporting of

Child Abuse and Maltreatment.

This artifact aligns with INTASC Standard #9 Professional Learning and Ethical Practice. The

standard states that the teacher engages in ongoing professional learning and uses evidence to

continually evaluate his/her practice, particularly the effect of his/her choices and actions on

others. The NYS Code of Ethics for Educators Principle 5 states that educators collaborate with

parents and community, building trust and respecting confidentiality which aligns with this

artifact. Finally, this artifact also aligns with the Ontario Ethical Teacher Standards of trust. The

standard states that trust embodies fairness, openness, and honesty. Members’ professional

relationships with students, colleagues, parents, and the public are based on trust.

The artifacts included in section three of this portfolio are an important part of the project

because each artifact highlights my ability to be an effective teacher through planning, assessing,

reflecting, technology, research, and professional development qualifications. I included a

learning segment, a guided reading lesson plan, pecha kucha presentation, a report card analysis,

ELED assessment, a survey assignment, and professional development certificates. The skills I

have obtained through each individual artifact have provided me with knowledge that an

effective teacher must possess. These artifacts provide the reader with evidence of my ability to

effectively instruct, assess, plan, research, use technology, accommodate, proper classroom

management, and professional development. In the next section of this portfolio you will see

how I connect my artifacts to the curriculum and professional standards for educators.

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