Andi 2018 IOP Conf. Ser. Mater. Sci. Eng. 453 012067
Andi 2018 IOP Conf. Ser. Mater. Sci. Eng. 453 012067
Andi 2018 IOP Conf. Ser. Mater. Sci. Eng. 453 012067
1. Introduction
The development of robotics at this time the robot can be used for heavy-duty, dangerous, repetitive
and dirty work. The use of other robots includes cleaning of toxic waste, underwater exploration and
outer space, mining, rescue mission work. In the past, robots were not an option because of the high
cost and required trained people to operate it. However, in its development, robots are used in
situations and locations that were unthinkable in the past [1]. In recent years, wirelessly controlled
robots have been used in search and rescue missions. This robot must be controlled deep into the ruins
to search for possible casualties and to transfer important data along with a video to the savior [2].
Telerobotic in recent years have increased use of wireless communications and demand for systems
that can easily connect devices for wireless long-distance data transfers worldwide. The software
system can be built in three different programming languages and controlled over the internet by using
web pages that are protected with username and password to ensure it cannot be hacked. Web pages
designed to control robots remotely via the internet by web browsers such as Mozilla Firefox. Robots
can be controlled using any device, laptop, mobile or tablet. The main problem in this telerobotic
discussion is speed and accuracy.
The problem with communication media is still a significant obstacle to this telerobotic robot where
the robotic area of the field can become an obstacle. The problem of distance will significantly affect
the speed and accuracy of the robot, the issue of time delay speed and accuracy will be hazardous if
doing medical work and rescue mission in dangerous situations. Telerobotic can go into locations that
humans cannot, and robots can be strong enough even to lift the car [1]. The problem of inaccurate
robot movement is also a constraint resulting from the failure of communication. So that the action of
controlled robots from a distance with wireless is not as expected.
Kind of research about telerobotic one of them learns remote control using a remote controller through
WLAN. Extinguishing Fire, avoiding obstacles by viewing video display, Robot has a network camera
that sends video directly to the remote control. With the robot method can be controlled remotely, can
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International Conference on Design, Engineering and Computer Sciences 2018 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 453 (2018) 012067 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/453/1/012067
walk and move autonomously from a certain distance can see the video display on the robot. With data
of delay time measurement, screenshot image, connection result, video streaming and useful distance
test. To improve security to access robots and data generated by robots, passwords are used in LAN
(Local Area Network) and passwords with OTP (One Time Password) for WAN (Wide Area
Robot design, the robot can be operated via Android Smartphone phone. Robot control is done
wirelessly with Android Smartphone communication using Bluetooth feature even though the distance
is close but more stable. This robot is a camera that connects with Android smartphone to facilitate
monitors from a range or in different rooms and locations. To control the device of the whole system
by using an Arduino UNO Microcontroller. Bluetooth Module, Smart Phone IP Camera, Module Diver
Motor that aims to move the motor. In achieving the task of Arduino Microcontroller is uploaded with
a program written using programming language.
2. Method
The design of the required hardware and software will be described in this section by showing the
block diagram of the streetlight automation system that will be created and the program flow chart of
the method.
International Conference on Design, Engineering and Computer Sciences 2018 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 453 (2018) 012067 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/453/1/012067
This robot uses a DC motor for driving. DC motor is controlled directly by the microcontroller. The
microcontroller voltage is only 5 volts, while the dc motor used in this robot requires 12-volt voltage
to work optimally. This motor control circuit called the motor driver (L298 Shield) and two batteries 9
v combined in series with the aim of 9 volts, but the ampere is up.
This motor driver comes with a shield that the output pins are adjusted to the Arduino UNO. So, this
circuit can be mounted easily on Arduino UNO without needing soldering and more jumper on IC 298
output pins.
Seen in Figure 2 shows that the base robot is made using plastic acrylic with 1 mm thick for strong
from vibration and load of battery, smartphone, and microcontroller.
2.2. Flowchart
Making this control application cannot be separated from the making of flowchart system where the
author hopes by making this flowchart, can simplify and precisely target for making robot, program,
and testing to get a result as expected.
As seen in Figure 3 this application starts with Bluetooth connection smartphone with Bluetooth
module HC-05 make connection and pairing process by entering password and Wi-Fi connection with
LAN or with Peer to peer for IP camera connection. So next can open the inventor application that has
been installed on a smartphone, then start to screen to 2 main views.
In the process of opening this application Bluetooth connection into the form so that the link appears
green and IP address that has been in the appropriate input IP camera that is on camera web of cam
application that can be downloaded in the app store android. If the Bluetooth and IP camera
connection is active then the video display will appear according to the view in front of the robot and
dc motor control to advance, backward, right, and left can be done by viewing the picture in front of
International Conference on Design, Engineering and Computer Sciences 2018 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 453 (2018) 012067 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/453/1/012067
the robot, if the application and robot running hope can exit the app or close the app by pressing the
exit button.
Figure 4. Devices
In testing the mechanical device as in Figure 4 base plate entirely using 1mm plastic acrylic that can
withstand the weight of dc Motor, Arduino, Driver l298, Battery and Smart Phone camera. For the
main material, wheels use plastic PVC and coated rubber so that one of the wheels does not happen
slip that resulted not run straight, for smartphone camera placed in front of a robot with inbox which
has been hollow for a smartphone can be installed. For Arduino installation, L298 and HC-05 drivers
use the spacer that is positioned on a base plate, and there is jumper cable to connect HC-05 with
Arduino and power cable from 9 VDC battery. Smart Phone can configure your phone into a camera
or Viewer unit can enter IP address displayed on the camera device to a web browser so that it can see
a video display.
In Figure 5 the web app display of this camera after downloaded in the App Store and installed on the
Android smartphone that will be a viewer or camera. After opening the application, it will show a step
1 and step 2 where the choice Viewer or camera in the design of this application robot into the camera
after selecting the camera and the next and the camera with IP Address.
International Conference on Design, Engineering and Computer Sciences 2018 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 453 (2018) 012067 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/453/1/012067
The results obtained from Bluetooth testing with Bluetooth control distance testing open area and
testing in the enclosed space as follows.
International Conference on Design, Engineering and Computer Sciences 2018 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 453 (2018) 012067 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/453/1/012067
From Table 2 test the movement of the robot forward, backward, turn left, turn right and stop by
paying attention to the direction of the motor rotation and the right motor. With the result of
forwarding direction forward motor rotation direction and forward direction motor rotate forward,
backward, reverse direction reverse motor direction and reverse direction motor right backward,
command turn left reverse direction motor left and backward direction of motor rotation right forward,
command turn right direction turn left motor forward and reverse direction motor right backward, stop
command we do experiment with run-first robot then dismiss it with result of rotation direction left
motor stop and right motor rotation direction stop, with experiment several times this is taken result
overall that robot successfully walk command.
Based on Table 3 results obtained from camera testing, wifi communications connect IP camera with
smartphone control and make a connection with LAN & P2P. But from the results of this test, the
camera can be connected by showing images around the robot.
Based on Table 4 the results obtained in 10 times camera testing in this closed area using LAN modem
bolt with separated between the robot outside the room and smartphone control in the room, Wi-Fi
camera communications can only reach approximately 20 m. But from the results of this test, more
than 20 m camera connection disconnected and the camera off.
International Conference on Design, Engineering and Computer Sciences 2018 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 453 (2018) 012067 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/453/1/012067
From the screenshot on the camera control or camera user seen in Figure 6 visible display on the
Bluetooth, a button has been connected. For previous camera connections activate the camera on the
existing smartphone on the robot by using apps that can be downloaded in the Appstore, on the
smartphone control or user enter the camera IP address in the Inventor MIT2 application URL after it
is reinstalled on the smartphone control or user and shown in the application with the results of the
camera shows the video display in front of the robot clearly.
From the screenshot on the camera control or camera user seen in Figure 6 visible display on the
Bluetooth, a button has been connected. For the camera, connection shows the video display in front of
the robot suffered a blur and the video stopped with blur display due to delay disturbance. This delay
disruption impacted the video display and not real-time video caused the robot to hit the front of the
object because it is not visible, the screenshot in Figure 6 testing the happening of this delay is done in
the closed area.
From the screenshot on the camera control or camera user seen in Figure 6 visible display on the
Bluetooth, a button has been connected. For the camera does not appear on the display because the IP
address that has been input on the application inventor MIT is not connected with the camera
smartphone. Screenshot in Figure 6 testing occurs the problem of not combined smartphone control
with a modem and smartphone that resulted in not showing the video only show the IP address that is
input to the URL of MIT inventor application.
4. Conclusion
This robot can move well to the left, right, forward, back and stop. Robot control can be done using an
Android smartphone. Communication between Android and Arduino UNO using Bluetooth with HC-
05 with Bluetooth control result in an open area, Bluetooth communication can only reach 30 m, while
Bluetooth control in a closed area is separated between an outdoor robot and smartphone control
indoors, can just reach approximately 10 m. The camera uses Wi-Fi communications connecting the IP
camera with the control smartphone and making connections with LAN & P2P cameras can be
connected by showing images around the robot. The camera in this open area uses LAN modem bolt,
and Wi-Fi communication camera can only reach 40 m. While the camera in a closed area separated
between the robot outside the room and smartphone control in the room, Wi-Fi camera
communications can only reach 20 m. All smart android testing is successful and iPhone only uses iOS
version, upgradable to iOS 9.2 does not work with iPhone iOS control smartphone iOS version
upgradable to iOS 9.2 can just be camera just. For camera web of cam application that can be
downloaded from Appstore can connect more than 1 smartphone. A device on a smartphone Bluetooth
connection can connect more than one smartphone, while Bluetooth application MIT Inventor
Bluetooth connection already installed on a smartphone cannot connect with more than one
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International Conference on Design, Engineering and Computer Sciences 2018 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 453 (2018) 012067 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/453/1/012067