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RoBo Car Controlled Using Bluetooth

Dr. E Sivakumar
Associate Professor
SRM Institute of Science and
Chennai, India
Abhirupa Charakbarty Sitesh Kar
Electronics and Communication Electronics and Communication
Manav Sarkar SRM Institute of Science and SRM Institute of Science and
Electronics and Communication Technology Technology
SRM Institute of Science and Chennai, India Chennai, India
Chennai, India

Abstract— The project's objective is to demonstrate the possibilities of Bluetooth technology and robotics. It
feasibility of controlling a remote-controlled car using Bluetooth showcases the potential of Bluetooth technology in creating
technology. The car's hardware consists of a microcontroller, a low-cost and easy-to-use remote-controlled devices. The
Bluetooth module, a motor driver, and a set of motors. The
project also demonstrates how the use of Bluetooth
microcontroller is responsible for processing the commands
received from the mobile application via Bluetooth and
technology can make robotics more accessible and open to a
controlling the motors' speed and direction through the motor wider audience.
driver. The mobile application is designed to provide a user-
friendly interface for controlling the car. The app uses Bluetooth In this paper, we will provide an overview of the RoBo Car
Low Energy (BLE) protocol to communicate with the car, Controlled Using Bluetooth project, including the hardware
allowing for easy pairing and connectivity. The user can control and software design, the mobile application interface, and
the car's speed, direction, and movement using buttons and the project's potential for future development. We will also
sliders on the app's interface. The car's hardware is designed to discuss the implications of the project and its significance
be flexible and expandable, allowing for easy customization and
for the future of Bluetooth technology and robotics.
upgrades. Additional sensors, such as distance sensors or
cameras, can be added to the car to provide additional II. LITERATURE SURVEY
functionality. Overall, the project demonstrates the potential of
Bluetooth technology in creating low-cost and easy-to-use A. Title - IoT-Based Anti-Poaching Alarm System for Trees
remote-controlled devices. The project's hardware and software in Forest International journal of computer
can be adapted and applied to various other robotics projects, science(IJCSEIT)VOL1 AIRCC Publications August
such as drones or other remote-controlled vehicles. The project 2018
also serves as a starting point for enthusiasts and students to
explore the possibilities of Bluetooth technology and robotics. Author - Mrs.PRATIBHA SINGH
Keywords— microcontroller, mobile application, sensor,
software, hardware(arduino) The Arduino’s Bluetooth-controlled robot car is interfaced
with a Bluetooth module HC-05 or HC-06. We can give
I. INTRODUCTION specific voice commands to the robot through an Android
The use of Bluetooth technology has revolutionized the way app installed on the phone. At the receiving side, a
we interact with electronic devices. With the widespread Bluetooth transceiver module receives the commands and
availability of smartphones, Bluetooth technology has forwards them to the Arduino, and thus the robotic car is
become an integral part of our daily lives. Bluetooth controlled.The robotic car can be controlled wirelessly via a
technology provides a convenient and efficient way to Smartphone. The smartphone has an Android app through
connect and control devices wirelessly. One such application which the user can send commands directly to Robot. The
of Bluetooth technology is in the field of robotics. The robot can move forward, backward, left, and right and can
RoBo Car Controlled Using Bluetooth is a project that also be stopped.
demonstrates the use of Bluetooth technology to control a
remote-controlled car.
B. Title - IoT-Based Anti-Poaching Alarm System for Trees
in Forest International journal of computer
This project showcases the potential of Bluetooth
science(IJCSEIT)VOL1 AIRCC Publications August
technology in robotics. The RoBo Car is equipped with a
microcontroller and a Bluetooth module that enables it to be
controlled wirelessly via a mobile application. The user Author - Mrs.PRATIBHA SINGH
interface on the mobile app is designed to provide an
intuitive and straightforward method to control the car's
speed, direction, and movement. The project's hardware and The Arduino’s Bluetooth-controlled robot car is interfaced
software are flexible, allowing for easy customization and with a Bluetooth module HC-05 or HC-06. We can give
upgrades. specific voice commands to the robot through an Android
The project serves as an excellent starting point for app installed on the phone. At the receiving side, a
enthusiasts and students who want to explore the Bluetooth transceiver module receives the commands and


forwards them to the Arduino, and thus the robotic car is starting point for more complex robotics projects, such as
controlled.The robotic car can be controlled wirelessly via a autonomous drones or robotic vehicles.
Smartphone. The smartphone has an Android app through
which the user can send commands directly to Robot. The
robot can move forward, backward, left, and right and can
also be stopped.
C. Title - IoT-Based Anti-Poaching Alarm System for Trees
in Forest International journal of computer
science(IJCSEIT)VOL1 AIRCC Publications August
The Arduino’s Bluetooth-controlled robot car is interfaced
with a Bluetooth module HC-05 or HC-06. We can give
specific voice commands to the robot through an Android
app installed on the phone. At the receiving side, a
Bluetooth transceiver module receives the commands and
forwards them to the Arduino, and thus the robotic car is
controlled.The robotic car can be controlled wirelessly via a
Smartphone. The smartphone has an Android app through
which the user can send commands directly to Robot. The
robot can move forward, backward, left, and right and can
also be stopped.


The hardware components of the proposed system can be
further optimized and customized to suit the project's
specific requirements. For example, the motors can be
replaced with more powerful ones to increase the car's speed
or with servo motors to enable precise control of the car's
movements. Similarly, the motor driver can be upgraded to
handle higher current and voltage levels or to enable more
advanced control algorithms.
The microcontroller can be programmed using a variety of IV. SYSTEM MODULE
programming languages, such as C or Python, depending on
the user's expertise and preference. The firmware running on A system module for the RoBo Car Controlled Using
the microcontroller can be optimized for speed and Bluetooth project is a set of software and hardware
efficiency, using techniques such as interrupt-based components that work together to provide a specific
programming and low-level optimization. functionality or feature for the system.

The mobile application can be further customized to include One possible system module for the project is a distance
additional features, such as real-time video streaming from a sensing module, which enables the car to detect obstacles
camera mounted on the car, or the ability to control multiple and avoid collisions. The distance sensing module consists
cars simultaneously. The app's interface can also be of the following components:
modified to suit the user's preference, using various UI
design patterns and frameworks. Hardware:
- Ultrasonic sensors: The distance sensing module uses
The proposed system can be integrated with other hardware ultrasonic sensors to measure the distance between the car
and software platforms, such as cloud computing services or and nearby objects. These sensors emit high-frequency
machine learning frameworks, to enable more advanced sound waves and measure the time it takes for the sound
functionality. For example, the car's sensors, such as waves to bounce back from the object.
distance sensors or accelerometers, can be used to collect - Microcontroller: The microcontroller reads the distance
data and send it to a cloud-based machine learning model for measurements from the sensors and sends commands to the
analysis and prediction. motor driver to control the car's movements based on the
detected obstacles.
Finally, the proposed system has the potential for further - Bluetooth module: The microcontroller is connected to a
development and expansion. It can serve as a platform for Bluetooth module that enables wireless communication
students and enthusiasts to explore the possibilities of between the car and the mobile application.
Bluetooth technology and robotics. It can also be used as a - Motor driver: The motor driver is used to control the speed
and direction of the motors that drive the car's wheels. A
suitable motor driver such as L293D can be used for this then integrated into the project as needed, depending on the
purpose. user's requirements and goals.
- Motors: The car is equipped with two or four motors
depending on the design of the car. These motors drive the
wheels and enable the car's movement. REFERENCES

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- Firmware: The firmware running on the microcontroller is .
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then sends commands to the motor driver to adjust the car's datasheet.pdf .
movement based on the detected obstacles.
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- Mobile application: The mobile application is the user
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provide obstacle avoidance functionality. The ultrasonic Physics: Conference Series, 1333:052003, 10 2019. doi:
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Other possible system modules for the RoBo Car Controlled 337732317_Autonomous_
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camera module, or a voice recognition module, each of Board.
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